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Old 01-04-2020, 05:14 PM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Sweden
Posts: 47
Default Demonology

DISCLAIMER: This story is weird. I have no idea if people will like it or if I should continue writing it. The first chapter is all I have written so far and I figured I should post it somewhere to see if people want me to keep it going.

It will probably contain a bunch of spelling errors and grammatical errors because I'm swedish but I'll try my hardest to fix them before posting.

Please let me know here or in PM's if you want me to keep writing it! Without comments it will probably stop because then I assume no one is reading it.


“Are you ready? Now think before you answer. There is no going back if you say yes.”
I took a deep breath. Sure, in a way this was suicide. I wasn’t going to be alive tomorrow if I said yes. Well not in the normal sense anyways. Whatever that meant. But doing this, even if it meant giving up my soul to the demonic overlord, had to be better than continue living like this right? Ever since the accident five years ago I’ve been paralyzed from the neck down. Depressed doesn’t even begin to describe my current mental state. Sure, granted, I realize if I say no I might… might, be grateful for that decision a bunch of years from now if I’m ever in a better mental state, but on the other hand I might also really really regret it. Suicide isn’t something that’s easy to do if you can’t move… This might be my only chance I’ll ever get. I took another deep breath. “Fuck it. Let’s do it!” I exhaled as I looked upon the demon in front of me. He was so tall he had to bend his neck and bend his knees slightly do fit in my apartment. His skin was bright red and his muscles were bigger than anything I had ever even imagined before. Each of his fingers had long, razor sharp, black claws. “I need to hear you say it.” He insisted with a dark, booming voice and I cleared my throat “I, Jack harper, hereby surrender my body and soul to the demonic overlord Vanmor.” As soon as I finished that sentence, one of Vanmor’s clawed hands, shot out and pierced my chest. One benefit of my injury was that I could no longer feel anything from the neck down. So I felt nothing as he grabbed my heart and ripped it out of my chest. He didn’t hesitate as he shoved it into his mouth and began chewing. The last thing I saw before the world faded to black was Vanmor, the demonic overlord, swallowing my heart down and the last thing I heard before I died was his dark grumbling laugh.

Shortly after being claimed by the void, extreme brightness took its place. At first I assumed it was just my eyes being shocked by, well, extreme brightness but there was no pain in my eyes. Not like when someone suddenly turns on a bright light just after you’ve woken up. I tried to close my eyes but nothing happened. I couldn’t blink, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t do anything. My non existent pulse felt as if it was raising as panic started welling up within me.

Suddenly a red skinned, overweight, demoness, sporting a long slender tail with an arrowhead tip and pointy glasses popped into existence in front of me. She narrowed her eyes and looked directly at me. “So impure…” She hissed through her teeth in a high pitched nasal tone, emphasising the word impure. She looked down on a clipboard in her hands and spoke up. “Even though, you’re impure…” She paused for a second with a disgusted look on her face, “I’m forced to treat you as an equal until you’ve gotten yourself a body…” she sighed “...as per Lord Vanmor’s orders.” I tried saying something but no sound came out of my… mouth? “So… come with me so we can get this over with”. The demoness turned around and began walking away from me and, without knowing how, I followed her. It was almost like she had me on a leash. A door popped into existence in front of her and she opened it as if that was completely normal. “Welcome to the underworld” she sighed as we walked through.

The door brought us to a large lounge which could have belonged to a luxurious hotel. It was filled with demons and demonesses in various shapes, sizes and colours. “You need to have one thing absolutely clear....” She began as you walked through the lounge. “You’re impure. Because you were not born by a demoness. This means you are ranked below everybody else in the underworld, with the exception of maybe a few other impure ones. That means if that… thing” She said and pointed at a four legged thing… looking like it was a mix between an angry gremlin and a hairless dog “...tells you to lick its asshole, you get on your knees and lick it.” she paused. “Not that a purebred demon would ask an impure to touch it in any way.” she continued and wrinkled her nose. She stepped up to the front desk of the lounge and her disgusted facial expression was immediately switched out for a wide smile. “Hi Tesa! Could you hand me the required forms for this impure?” The other demoness, who was tall and slender with big perfect breasts and purple skin looked at me for a split second and dry heaved as she grabbed a stack of papers from underneath her desk and put it on the counter. “I sure as hell don’t envy you having to deal with those ones. I don’t think I could handle it.” Tesa said and nodded towards me. “Tell me about it.” my demoness guide said dryly as she grabbed the stack of papers and began walking away, motioning for me to follow her. Not having much of a choice, I began floating after her. She led me into a plain, rather empty, small room with only a table and two chairs in it. She sat down on one of the chairs and began flicking through the stack of forms in her hands. She pulled one of the forms out and began filling it out for me. “Since you’ve got no way of communicating your wishes and can’t fill this out yourself I’m forced to do it for you. This form decides what kind of demon you will be and what you shall look like.”

A few minutes later, with a smug grin on her face and a light chuckle, she put the pen down on the table and stood up from the chair with the filled out form in her hands. “Allright, I’m all done with this. I’ll go and get it filed in right away so you can fill out those other forms by yourself.” She walked out through the door and a few minutes later I felt as if I was falling down. A split second later I felt pain in my ass-cheeks as I landed on them. That’s literally the first thing I’ve felt in five years and even though it hurt some, it felt good. Real good.

I stood back up and gasped when I noticed how big everything had gotten. How did this happen? The table and chairs were normal size a second ago but now it would be a struggle to climb up on one of the chairs. It took an embarrassingly long time for me to finally realise the room hadn’t gotten bigger all of a sudden, I was the one that got smaller. I looked down at my new body and was met by purple. Purple skin and a tiny, tiny body. I held my hands out in front of me and noticed my nails were perfectly smooth. Not like all other demons and demonesses I had met so far who all had rather large claws. My nails and hands could belong to a normal human female. I noticed a strange tattoo of a weird symbol on my left wrist. Wondering what the symbol meant I reached down to my crotch to scratch it, and discovered something even worse than my nails being feminine. My penis was absolutely tiny. It was basically just foreskin. As small as a prepubescent boy. “What the fucking hell!” I exclaimed as I tugged gently at my penis, as if that would make it longer. I stormed off to the door slowly stopped as I got closer. There was no way I could reach that door handle. Not even if I jumped. However, I didn’t have to open the door, because just as I realised it would be impossible for me, the door opened by itself and in stepped my demoness guide. As soon as she spotted me her hands covered her mouth and she stifled a laugh. “Oh my god you are so cute!” She exclaimed overjoyed. “I didn’t think it would go through but it did! I didn’t think it was possible!” She began laughing hysterically. She stabilized herself against the doorframe and eventually regained her composure. “Oh that’s so hilarious….” she said to herself as she stepped inside. She grabbed me by the upper arm and lifted me effortlessly onto one of the chairs. Remembering that I was able to talk again I shouted out “What the hell did you do to me? What is this body!?” The demoness chuckled lightly at your squeaky voice before her face became stern. “You are impure. You do not talk to me, or any other purebred for that matter, that way.” She slapped my cheek, making me almost fall back down from the chair. “Listen. You’re going to stay in this room until you’ve filled all these forms out. Once you’re done I’m coming back to get you so I can take you to your dorm. Be quick about it, my shift is almost over and don’t forget to sign each sheet at the bottom of the page.” Still a bit shook up and surprised more than anything, from the slap, I couldn’t come up with anything else to say. The demoness walked back out of the room but before she closed the door she exclaimed “Oh right! I almost forgot. All demons, impure or otherwise, needs a demonic name. You can’t use your old human name anymore so I gave you one. Your new demonic name is Dira” She barely kept herself from laughing as she shut the door once again and left me all alone. Looking at the stack of papers, I sighed, thinking to myself, this is going to take forever to finish. I steeled myself and grabbed the top sheet. No better time to start than right away, I thought to myself and read the first line. Well, I tried to at least. The forms were not written in english. It was all just gibberish symbols and hieroglyphs that meant nothing to me. Each question had three tick-boxes next to it. I assumed I had to tick one of the boxes for each question. Being without much of a choice, I started ticking them at random. Every question that had a line and no tick-boxes I just left blank. What was I supposed to write? Can these demons even read english?

A couple of hours later I signed the final form with my new demonic name, Dira. As soon as I did, the door opened and the demoness from before stepped back in. “Took you long enough…” She muttered and grabbed the stack of filled out forms. “Fuck you.” I muttered back under my breath. Without even a second's hesitation, she slapped me once again. This time it was way harder. The slap sent me flying off the chair, into the wall behind us. “I told you impure. You don’t speak to a purebred that way.” she hissed as she walked through the door. Dazed, I scrambled to my feet and followed her. Okay, I thought to myself, she is clearly not fucking around. Fine, lesson learnt. Let’s try to not get killed my first day here… actually, could I even get killed? I pondered this as I followed the demoness closely behind. As the other demons and demonesses around me saw me, most of them gasped but some burst out laughing. Frowning, I wondered what the hell was so damn funny? I looked just as much as a demon as the other ones here. Sure, I didn’t have horns and my… claws, were not exactly long or terrifying in any sense, but was that so funny? Feeling a bit flustered from being watched by everyone we passed, I did my best to cover my… well, manhood was a bit of a stretch, but you get the gist.

Tesa laughed openly and pointed at me once she saw me. “Oh my god you weren’t kidding! He’s sooo cute!” She exclaimed as we stopped in front of the desk. “Right! I told you! I’m a freaking genius aren't I?” Both of the demonesses began laughing out loud. “Anyways, here’s the rest of Dira’s forms.” they both had to try very hard to stifle another laugh as she said my name. “Allright, I’ll file those in for you!” Tesa replied and accepted the stack of papers.

We continued down a long corridor and, once we reached the end, stepped inside a large elevator. One of the elevator’s walls were almost completely covered with buttons, each leading to a different floor. At the top of the wall of buttons there were a label with the words: floor 666 on it, but its button was missing. The demoness hesitated and steeled herself before pressing the button labeled -665 which was the lowest numbered label with a button. There was also a label for floor -666 but its button, just like floor 666’s button was missing. The demoness turned towards you and hissed “Let me just set something straight for you. You’re impure. You’re impure because you were not born a demon but rather turned into one by the demonic overlord named Vanmor. You let him eat your heart and therefore pledged to serve him for the rest of eternity. Being an impure demon means you are literally the bottom of the scrap. You are not worth jack shit to anyone here in the Underworld and no one cares what happens to you or how you are treated. You no doubt believe Vanmor did you a favour, turning you into a demon, but make no mistake. Demons don’t do favours. Vanmor made you a demon sorely because more souls directly tied to him, makes him more powerful and that is what all demons ultimately is after. Power. Do you understand?” Taken aback by the harsh but honest words I meekly nodded and lower my head. “Good!” The demoness spat just as the elevator dinged and the doors slid open. Before I had time to react, a hard kick, sent me flying out of the elevator, head first. As I eventually rolled to a stop the demoness shouted out of the elevator just as the doors slid back shut “Your dorm number 12444. Bye forever!” And then I was all alone. All alone in a place no one knows I was. Not even I know where I am. Not really. And as the demoness made very clear to me, the only thing I was certain of, was that absolutely no one cared even the slightest about me in this place.

With a deep sigh I began walking down the seemingly endless corridor. Both walls of the corridor had doors, evenly spaced out. The first door was labeled 000000001. It took almost two hours of continuous walking with my new short demonic legs, to get to room number 12444. The door belonging to my rom was pretty much identical to all other doors I passed so far. It appeared to be made of very old, cracked wood. Cautiously I grabbed the handle and pushed it open. I was not really sure exactly what to expect on the other side of that door, but is sure as hell was not this. What caught my eye first, was a human sized, bright red demon with four, very muscular, arms attached to an equally muscular body, currently balls deep inside another bright red demon who was more equal to my size. The big demon was using the smaller demon more as a masturbatory toy rather than a sexual partner. At first I assumed the smaller demon was female but it didn’t require much detective work to spot the rather long penis swinging rhythmically below his body. As I opened the door both demons turned to look at me. “Oh hey! Fresh meat!” the four armed demon exclaimed as he pulled the smaller demon off his penis and tossed him to the side like a used tissue. “Nope” I said to myself “Hell no.” and slammed the door back shut. As I heard the heavy footsteps, rushing towards the door, I told myself I had to think of something fast as fuck. That’s what I told myself but that’s about as far as I got before the door swung back open, with an incredible speed. Having not had enough time to get out of the door’s way, it hit me, making me fly straight into the opposite wall of the corridor. There was nothing I could do as the big demon grabbed one of my legs with one of its four hands and carried me, upside down, back into his room. Our room.
27/bisexual/f from Sweden :3

Check out my finally finished story: My new life as a girl

I don't do dares and I won't send you pictures.

Kik: AnnaWestin93
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