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Old 08-22-2012, 02:10 PM   #1
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Default REVENGE IS SWEET - Naked at night in the grounds of an all girls school

Hey everyone

This is the first story I've written, hope you all like it

This entire story is based on a real dare I received 3 years ago during the 2009 summer holidays when I was 17 years old.


Me (Adam) – A 17 year old at the time. Bisexual. At the time I was slim and toned.

Jason – A 17 year old at the time. Straight. At the time he was muscular and toned.

Jason and I were really close friends. In the summer holidays of 2009, we used to go for runs together in the evenings and then stay up late playing Counter Strike (for those of you who aren’t familiar with this game, it’s a first-person shooter game similar to Call of Duty which can be played online). We used to sometimes play as a team against others, and at times we would play 1-on-1.

Towards the end of summer, Jason texted me saying; “Want to make today’s 1-on-1 game more interesting and say the last one to 20 kills has to do a dare?”

I replied back with; “Lol, sounds interesting. What sort of dares?”

Jason replied with “Like small dares, like today shall we say whoever loses has got to give themselves a wedgie?”

I always knew I liked guys, but never told anyone or done anything with them. When I was with a bunch of guys I liked it when they randomly took their tops off or messed around and gave each other nipple cripples and wedgies. The idea of doing these sort of dares sounded amazing, and I agreed!

I wrote back, “Yeah okay, sounds good”

Over the next week, each night a different dare would be decided. We both took turns each day thinking of suggestions for the next dare. The dares agreed upon were quite straight forward, easy to do and were done alone. This game started off as a little bit of fun but turned into more of a competition. Each day we both wanted to win in order to get revenge for the previous dares. As a result, the dares started to get more and more challenging. The dares ranged from wedgies, nipple cripples, spanking, wearing an old small pair of briefs the next day, sleeping the night naked and gradually the limits agreed upon started to be ignored.

A few days before school started, we decided we would stop playing Counter-Strike late at night and so would stop doing the dares. On the last day, Jason suggested the final dare to be a big one. It was Jason’s turn to decide the dare and he wrote
“What do you think of this – we both go to the school after the match and the losers got to hand their clothes over to the winner and they hide their clothes around the school and the losers got to go and find them? The loser will have their underwear on still though”

We both lived beside a private, all girls’ school at the top of our street. We would go there during the holidays to play tennis in their tennis courts, collect conquers from the trees during conquer-season and to play hide and seek as kids.

My instant reaction to this dare was a sudden chill up my spine, a strange thirst in my mouth and my dick getting hard and rubbing against my cotton boxer briefs. I thought this dare was a dream come true, and I immediately felt the urge to agree but I thought I better use caution in my response; “Don’t you think this is a bit too hard? I would hate to be the loser :/”

Jason replied back with, “Hahaa it is hard, but it’ll be a great dare to end this. And you’ve just got to hope you win lol. And it’s true we originally decided limits, but they’ve been broken before. Come on man, just for the last dare. The loser on this dare is going to get raped!!”

I sent, “I guess you’re right. And this will be perfect for me to get my revenge from you!! I’m in :P”

Jason’s reply was, “YOU WISH!! First one to 20 yeah? Prepare to get destroyed”

The game was pretty intensive, and the scores were incredibly close. I was in the lead, the score being 18 – 15 to me. I texted him with cocky messages, and got no response from Jason. The thought of making Jason walking around the school yard in his underwear and making him pay seemed appealing, and the erection from this put me off. Over the next 5 goes I got defeated with the final scores being 20 – 18 to Jason.

Jason texted me instantly with “Thank FUCK!! Got a bit too cheeky there towards the end didn’t you, you’ll pay for that!”

I stared at the screen and the reality of the dare hit me – I would be almost naked, going through the school yards looking for my clothes. Jason continued messaging like “YOU CAN’T CHICKEN OUT” as I thought about it. I breathed in and typed, “Right, let’s get this over with; what do I need to do?”

Jason wrote “Wear a t-shirt, vest, briefs and shorts with flip flops and come over to mine now. Hahaaa this is going to be epic”.

I quickly got changed and found clothes which would be easy to find in the dark. I put on my orange t-shirt, white wife-beater vest, red shorts and white briefs and quickly headed over to Jason’s. Jason was already waiting for me and he had a small gym bag with him. On the walk there I ignored all the joking around Jason was doing and actually thought this dare would be such a hot experience. I kept an annoyed expression with my arms folded, and I tried not to look pleased with losing.

The walk there was quiet apart from Jason’s pestering, and I was glad the area we lived in wasn’t busy at night. We checked it was all clear before jumping over the gates at the front entrance. As soon as we both were over the fence, Jason grabbed my arm and whispered “Follow me, I know where to take you”.

We walked along the school field. In the night-light the white running lanes were barely visible. He took me over to the junior school play area. It was a grass playing ground surrounded by dense bushes at either side with passageways through them and 2 oak trees in the middle. In the grass area there were swings, slides and a picnic table.

Jason lets go of my arm, smiles and says “Go into the bushes, take off your clothes and throw them over. Keep your mobile, and I’ll text you once I’ve hidden them. Go out and find your clothes, and if you need any assistance, ring me and I’ll give you help in exchange for a dare. I’ll still be around here hidden keeping a watch”.

I nervously reply “Shouldn’t we check the school grounds first to check no-ones here?”

Jason laughs and says “You scared? No-one will be here, its 1am. As I hide your clothes I’ll check, and if I see anything I’ll come back, okay?”

I say as I shiver at the thought of taking my clothes off “Okay then, you better not run away though”

Jason grins “That depends on whether you listen to what I say”

I start heading over into the passageway and look through the bush to see if I can see Jason. I can just make him out sitting at the picnic table. I take off my shirt, vest and shorts and throw them at the side and see Jason run towards them. I quickly realise the bulge in my briefs will be seen if he decides to come over, so I quickly press the front of my body against bush as if I’m hugging it.

Jason collects the clothes and shouts “Cheers, you sure you don’t want to pass me your undies as well? I”ll give you a good offer?”

I think this dare couldn’t get any hotter. I quickly shout back “What sort of an offer do you want?”

Jason says “I’ll let you get a chance to get me. Tomorrow we’ll play again and the loser has to do this dare? You interested?”

The thought of me being butt naked, and also getting the chance of doing the same to Jason tomorrow made me even harder. I reply “Only if I get immunity so that if I do lose I won’t have to do it again?”

Jason says “Yeah alright, throw them over and we’ll call it a deal”

I slide my briefs off and feel my hard dick rub against the smooth, silky leaves and shout “And you can’t perve on me whilst you’re hiding!” and throw it over

Jason quickly adds them to his pile and shouts “Hahaa, don’t worry mate, and nice tighty whities” laughs and runs off.

I stand in the same position, watching my phone waiting for it to vibrate. I stroke my cock with my hand and decide to stop in case Jason is watching.

After 15 minutes I hear footsteps and quickly push myself into the bush. My heart rate and breathing increase and I sigh with relief when I hear Jason shout “Adam, you there?”

I quickly shout, “Yeah I’m here” and realise if he continues he’ll see me butt naked.

Jason stops walking and says “Good, just checking you didn’t wander off and cheat. I’ve hidden them; I’ll text you once I’ve hidden myself and you can go looking.”

I say back “Okay, bye”

Jason laughs and says as he runs off “I’m never going to forget this, and good luck with the dares, you’re not going to find them without doing any!”

Soon later I receive a message from Jason saying “You can go, good luck!”

I reply back with a simple “K” and start walking around the main school building, being self-conscious of my nakedness as I see my reflection through the windows. I keep one hand over my balls and the other holds my phone.

After walking around with no luck I receive a message from Jason saying, “You want your first dare?”

I reply back saying “Yeah okay”

He replies back saying “I want you to go the Junior School playground where we started off and go to the picnic desk I was at. When you’re there ring me”.

I walk there and wonder what he’s up to, and I hope he’s not there watching otherwise he’ll see me hard. As I arrive there, I decide to check through the bushes to make sure he’s not there before telling him. As I approach the table, I see a bottle filled with clear liquid, and as I get nearer I realise its Johnsons baby oil. I ring Jason and say “Yeah I’m here”

Jason says, “You see the baby oil on the table?”

I say “Yeah” and now understand why he had the small gym bag with him and think that he came prepared!

Jason replies “I dare you to use the whole bottle on yourself, rub all the oil all over your body so you’re all shiny”

I agree, put the phone down and start rubbing myself all over and keep a close watch to see he’s not approaching. The oil makes my skin really smooth and soft to touch and makes me even hornier. I pick up the phone and say “Yeah I’m all done”

Jason replies “You used it all?”

I say “Yeah, every drop. Now what’s my clue?”

Jason laughs and says “Around the corner opposite the Junior School you’ll see the garage. Beside the garage there’s a massive box full of grass. You’ll find your vest in there, but right at the bottom. You’re going to have to go inside and dig for it”.

I agree, disconnect the call and head over, and make sure to check Jason isn’t watching anywhere close.

I find the container, open it and smell warm, damp grass. The container is full of grass, and I think of a way to find my vest without going inside. I try moving the container but it doesn’t move. I eventually give up, leave my phone outside and jump in and start digging through the grass clippings. The warm grass tickles me. After a good few minutes I find my vest at the bottom. As I get out the container I realise the grass clippings have stuck to all the oil on my body. I laugh at myself and think that Jason’s given this all a lot of thought.

I was hoping to find my shorts or undies, but realised it was clever of him to give me my vest. I decide on wearing my vest as my underwear and use one hand to keep it in place and the other holding my phone. I decide to leave the grass clippings on my body as they’re at least covering up some of my nakedness. I send out a text saying “What’s the next dare?”

I get a call from Jason. I answer and Jason says “You find the vest?”

I reply “Yeah”

Jason says, “Okay, and I’m guessing you must be needing a shower now. Head over to the main school and beside the dining hall entrance you’ll see a hose pipe. Come over and wash yourself with it, and don’t worry I’m not there to watch”

I run over and check to see he’s not there. I put my phone and vest down and begin to have the shower. The cold water makes my nipples really hard and small and I start shivering. I use my hands and try my best to get the oil and grass off. Whilst taking the shower Jason rings, I quickly stop the hose, put on my vest and answer it whilst dripping wet and shivering. Jason asks “How was it?”

I ignore the question and reply “What’s my clue”.

Jason laughs again and says “Answer my question first!”

I reply, “Worst shower in the world, wouldn’t recommend it!’.

Jason laughs again and says “Go to the twirling stairs in the building in the middle. Go to the top and ring me when you’re there “.

I make my way over still dripping and I reach the stairs. As I go up I count the stairs and realise there’s 53. As I reach the top I hope no one is looking through their windows. I expect to see my t-shirt, shorts or briefs but instead see something pink and pick it up. I inspect it and realise it’s the thong I got Jason for secret santa this year. I ring Jason and he asks “You see the thong you got me?”

I reply “Yeah...”

Jason says “Put it on”

I take off my vest and slide it on and I tell him “Done”

Jason replies “Look down!”

I look over the banister and see Jason waving to me and replies “Hand me the vest”

I reply, “That’s unfair!”

Jason disconnects the call and shouts “It’ll be unfair when I leave you like this and go off!”

Without replying I throw down my vest and sit down so he can just see my head. Jason catches it. He then grabs it by both ends and pulls it until it tears and drops it to the floor. I stare at him in shock and Jason looks up, laughs and runs off.

I stay where I am for a good 10 minutes to make sure Jason isn’t close by and then ring him as I set off. He answers and says “Your next dare is to give yourself a wedgie in the thong until they rip off, and then leave the thong by the stairs and I’ll come by later to inspect”

I put the phone down, and pull the front and back up and feel it rip apart whilst it pushes against my ball sack and butt crack. I leave the torn thong, walk past the tattered vest and ask for the clue. Jason says ‘You’ll find something in the big tree beside the front entrance; just watch out no one can see you through the gates. Also, stay away from the stairs as I’ll be going to check the thong”

I run to the front entrance and see the tree over to the side. I quickly make a dash for the tree and see my briefs hanging from the first branch. I attempt 3 jumps and finally pull it down. I put it on quickly and feel relieved to be partially clothed again. I give Jason a call asking him for the next dare and he says, “Stay where you are, I’m coming”

I stay hidden behind the tree and peek out to look outside the gate to check no car drives past and hope I get away from being so near the entrance soon. After a few minutes I here Jason call my name and I look and see him on the other side of the gates. He sees me and calls me over.

When I reach the gates I whisper “Yeah Jason?”

Jason smiles and I give Jason a worried look. He extends his arm over to me and I move back. Jason nods and says “No now, come here and don’t move”

I walk forward and he grabs my hand and says “I’ll give you your t-shirt, but only if you let me tie it to your hand, or I’ll rip it like I did with your vest”

I nod and he gets my t-shirt from his bag and starts tying my hand to the gate. As he ties it I keep looking over him to look for any headlights or movement. He ties my hand and I quickly use my other hand to untie it. He pushes it back and says “Not so fast!”

He keeps a hold of my hand and uses his other hand to give me 2 hard nipple cripples and whispers “This is for that one time the others piled on me and you gave me those deadly nipple cripples”.

I feel my cock beginning to extend and hope it’s not visible. Jason then gets out a pen from his pocket and puts his arm around my back to hold me in place. My bare chest touches the cold ironed gate and he writes ‘GAY’ across my chest.

He then reaches in his bag for something but doesn’t let go of me and before I know it I feel something against my wrist which is tied to my shirt. He lets go of me and realise he’s cuffed me to the gates. I try pulling free and Jason says “I’ll open them if you agree that tomorrow we won’t play this dare, and we won’t play dares like this from now on. Deal?”

I quickly say “DEAL!”

Jason laughs and says “Good” and walks away.

I quickly say “Where are you going?”

I watch him climb over the wall. He comes over behind me and pulls my briefs up from the back and says “This is going to be fun for you, two wedgies in a day” and reaches for the front of my briefs and the next second I realise he’s ripped off my briefs. Jason laughs and I quickly use the hand with my phone to cover up my balls.

After Jason finishes laughing, he says “Nice ass. I wonder what the neighbours will say when they find you like this tomorrow morning?” and starts laughing again.

I start pleading to Jason, and he says “Alright, I’ll un-cuff you, you pussy!”

He comes over, unlocks the cuff and unties the orange t-shirt and hands it over to me and says “You’ve got to go back to the Junior School and cum all over your shirt. Call me when you’re done and I’ll come to check”

I quickly cover my balls with it and run over to the playground and hide behind the bushes and start jerking off. Once I’m about to cum I place my t-shirt on top and feel really relieved. I call Jason up and he comes over. I see him approach and walk over with the t-shirt placed on my balls.

Jason asks “I just want to see some evidence” and I reveal the wet patches.

Jason laughs and says “The shorts are at the back entrance underneath the first car. I’m going home now.”

I run to the back entrance, check no car is coming and no one is looking through their windows and jump over. I look under the first car and find the shorts. I reach for them and as I grab them and stand up and look over the car I see someone standing across the road. I suddenly think ‘SHIT, someone’s seen me!’ but then I realise it’s just Jason standing across the road with a grin on his face.

I quickly slip on my shorts and wet t-shirt whilst I’m hidden behind the car. I can feel the cum patches on my shirt stick to me. When I’m done Jason is still standing in the same place and asks “You done, shall we go?”

We walk back and Jason says 'I hope they don't watch their CCTV' and keeps laughing.

I tell him to “Shut up and fuck off!” as I enter through the front door.

I run straight to my room hoping no one sees me looking wet with grass in my hair and wet patches over my t-shirt. I enter my room with no interruptions, get changed and head to bed when I receive a text from Jason saying “REVENGE IS SWEET! Good night man”.
Add me guys and gals!

Up for a laugh, having fun and love performing/exchanging dares

I love getting naked

Kik - AdamHunt12345
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Old 08-22-2012, 03:25 PM   #2
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wow really great story! Well written with great detail.....a really good horny story....hehehe.....that sounds like a really awsome experience....I wish that happened to me.....
owned by underweardude22
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Old 08-22-2012, 08:15 PM   #3
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That was epic definetly One of the best written stories ever
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Old 08-22-2012, 08:30 PM   #4
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Hands down A+ , please write more!

Like: Beer, 420, Biking, Spanking, Crying, Pain, Bondage, Pleading, Mercy, Blackmail, Semi-Public, Risky

Looking for long term slave. Both gender apply. I will be a slave to older women, who are mean bitches. I will be a master to younger women, and a master to men my age.

Limits: Cross dressing, Anal, Blood, Messy, Broken Bones, Cutoff Penis,
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:21 AM   #5
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Default awesome

great job, I was hard the whole way through. I think we need a sequel or something
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Old 08-23-2012, 09:39 AM   #6
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Default good job

i made up a similar game that went something like that except it was played in hte woods or some other semi-public place . i called it slave hide-and-seek. the slave had to strip nude , be tied and blindfolded , while his/her clothes were hidden anywhere. when released , the slave had to find ther clothes in a particclar order . if they found 1 item in the wrong order , then they had to find the rest of them , and start all over .
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Old 08-23-2012, 02:14 PM   #7
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Awesome story and lucky to be in that situation. Hope you get the opportunity to do something similar again and post another story :-P
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Old 08-23-2012, 04:24 PM   #8
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That's a great story. The only thing worse would be if some girls showed up.
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Old 08-24-2012, 06:35 AM   #9
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Wow fantastic story, got any more?
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This is a basic likes and dislikes, I will try somethings just ask
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Old 08-24-2012, 12:48 PM   #10
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The title is interesting, I will read this later when I have time.

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Old 08-25-2012, 03:30 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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ops, totally forgot to comment yesterday

I really liked it ^^

But usually I prefer chapters (about a thousand words) to this long posts... but it's still good

Only missed the sexual content... like more sexual.... well let's say "sex" ^^

When I read the title I expected more when it comes to fucking ^^

But I like it.
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Old 09-11-2012, 12:01 AM   #12
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Default Loved it

I loved it. It was great I wish there was a part two could you make one that would be so sweet please
i serve on man and his name is Matman
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Old 09-16-2012, 05:08 AM   #13
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amazing story man! Please continue it....definitely one of the best on here for sure
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Old 07-15-2013, 05:38 AM   #14
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Hey guys I'm back on GetDare!!
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Old 07-15-2013, 06:05 AM   #15
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Did you ever get any revenge on Jason for that little bout, that's what I would like to know.

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