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Old 07-14-2017, 07:44 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Day at The Gym

So, I’ve not been active. Part of the reason, some of my writing time has had to stay hidden for awhile now (about a year and a half). This series, ‘The Day at the Gym’ has been something I sort of wanted to try. Stories that take place simultaneously. It took awhile though, as I wanted to wait till they were all done. You perhaps saw I did a few stories in-between, in the mean time. Yet now, all four stories are finally done!

Read them in any order. I sadly can't split them up, so they'll all be grouped her. Which order they are in will be random. Skip some if you’re not into those characters. I did my best to try and write each story in the style of their main characters, and even in the slight hopes they could even be standalone. No story is meant to be read first or anything. I don’t think they all give the same amount of context necessarily, some may explain more than others. Yet they should work on their own still.

So please, have a read. I would love thoughts and things, either as you go through and finish them one a time, or also once it’s all done. Ever since I finished the first of the four, I’ve hated having to sit on stories and not get to post them, but now finally I get to again!

That all said, not sure I’ll be doing anything quite this overzealous again! Heheh!

Perhaps this can work as a bit of a Table of Contents for those who want to jump to specific ones first:
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Bad Luck at the Gym
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Megan and Jessie #6
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Ashley at Work
Originally Posted by Jappio View Post
Mary Works Out

Last edited by Jappio; 07-14-2017 at 08:09 PM.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:45 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Day at the Gym:

Bad Luck at the Gym
By Jappio

Part 1

“I’ve got my membership card… wait… where is it…?” Suzie mumbled as she started to search her bag. She saw her wallet, car keys, and everything but the card she needed! Suzie wondered if perhaps it fell out when she was packing.

The brunette at the counter asked, “Can’t find it?”

“Just one of those days,” Suzie complained with a nervous giggle. Suzie mulled over how the missing card was just another notch in how her day was going. The blonde knew it was bad news for the day when the first thing she does is poor a bowl of cereal, only to find out moments after she was out of milk. After that, her friend she was going to hang out with had a sudden event come up, so Suzie had the day off. With no plans, it seemed a day at the gym could do her some good, some exercise to get her mind off the troubles so far.

Her search wasn’t yielding anything, but the receptionist was already looking up Suzie’s membership electronically. Suzie was glad that at least one of them had their head in the game.

“Enjoy your time here!” the gym worker said after having finally gotten Suzie signed in properly. Suzie hoped it was a sign of good things to come now that things were straighten out. Suzie moved on to the locker room so she could get on with the rest of her day.

The locker room was empty. Suzie was probably the only person there at such a time. Most people probably had things to do! Suzie though preferred to exercise with some privacy, so it would work out she felt.

Her jeans and sweater all found their way into her gym bag. She grumbled while looking down at herself. Another victim of her string of misfortune that morning was her wardrobe while dressing. A sports bra was a must, but her panties hardly matched the look. The dainty and thin cotton panties stuck out, but were the only realistic option. Suzie’s laundry was backed up due to the machine at her place being on the fritz. The pink and black design was strikingly cuter than the simple gray sports bra, but she wasn’t looking for that sort of attention. Really, the two items just clashed a lot. Luckily the locker room was empty, so Suzie got shorts on to cover the fashion-shame.

Holding her shirt up, Suzie realized she was forgetting to put some deodorant on. She hooked the shirt on the open door of the locker and turned back to her bag. She dug around, reaching down to get into it.

By the time she had her deodorant applied and had her eyes set on her shirt, it had moved… along with the door into the closed position! Suzie probably bumped the door with her hip when she’d been bent over. She lightly pulled on the shirt, but the door had it pinched now that it was shut and had its locked engaged.

Taking her assigned key for the lock, Suzie tried to get the thing to un-jam. Turning did nothing though. Was the lock broken? She checked to make sure the key was the right one. Both said “G06” she was sure. After another turn, it made a menacing scraping noise. Suzie knew something had to be wrong.

Suzie wasn’t about to be beat by a cheap locker, so she tugged on the handle as hard as she could. Doors don’t just get stuck shut so easily! She pulled and tugged, and she’d been right, the door was never THAT stuck. With so much strength put into her pull, the door flung right open! As it opened, Suzie also caused her shirt’s downfall . One end of the shirt stayed wedged in the slot for the lock, while the other stayed attached to the door. A huge gash was made right across the front of the fabric!

“Noooo!” Suzie called out, frustrated at the sound alone. She quickly examined her shirt. Her face turned red; she felt so foolish to let something like this happen. The blonde put the shirt on, hoping it wouldn’t be so bad. However, the tear was tacky; it went from her bra to her belly button in a diagonal. It wasn’t going to work.

They day seemed further ruined. She couldn’t exercise in rags. Suzie didn’t want to admit that another set of plans fell through. That’s when Suzie realized there was a way to rebel against her fate. She took the shirt, and jammed it into the locker with her bag. “No reason I can’t go out like this. I’ve shown more on the beach! Some girls work out with just a sports bra all the time, right?” Suzie only had herself to convince and that argument was enough.

She was about to close the door, and thought better of it. She didn’t have any valuables she needed hidden, and the key to the lock did seem a bit banged up. Suzie kept the door open, and walked out, intending to start with some yoga! Suzie was going to make sure the day went her way from that point forth!

The bra-clad girl ignored her situation all the way to the yoga room. Suzie didn’t see a soul, and was ready to start right with her initial stretching once finding her own mat. She was doing her best to find peace in the situation, and let that mood carry her through some calm and mindless stretching. It was having the right effect.

Even at first the appearance of two more girls didn’t shake her at all. Suzie let them be, not even giving them much more than a glance as they entered. She just continued to stretch and balance. Why should she care about her state of dress?

Suzie was nearly working up a sweat when she noticed something odd. She could hear what was light chatter between the girls, but couldn’t make out what it was about. She stole a peek, and realized the two were staring her way!

Suzie avoided keeping eye contact. Why were they looking? Suzie worried some sort of mistake had been made. Were her shorts intact? Had her bra let a breast slip out? No, her clothing was quite in place she found when she did a pat down. That’s when wondered if it was her sports bra.

Was it as decent as she assumed? Maybe it did show more than some she’d seen girls wear. Though firm, the garment did offer a bit of a few of cleavage. Suzie could see herself in the mirror in front of her. Was it perhaps a bit too much?

Another look back and Suzie was sure she had to be the subject of some gossiping! Her face grew redder. She wanted to defend herself, but admitting to the mistake in the locker room wouldn’t be her proudest of moments. Then if her bra was indecent, it would be like admitting to second mistake, leaving the locker room with it as her only upper cover.

Removing herself from the room was her best option she thought. “Just don’t let them know it bothers you,” Suzie coached herself. Her path was set to the door back to the hall.

While strolling with just a bra up top, she again caught the girls staring. She was going to act like everything was normal, try and appear without guilt. “Be sure to not work too hard ladies!” She quipped with the most genuine smile she could manage.

“You too! Best of luck,” the black haired girl responded. It didn’t seem catty. Was Suzie incorrect and the girls didn’t find her attire odd? Perhaps they were just good at acting like it. The second girl was avoiding eye contact.

Suzie was out in the hall, and wandering down it, unsure what to do next. She was feeling silly for being so intimidated by just the two girls. It had to be in her head! Suzie felt the rough start was still affecting her. She had to stay positive! The staring was probably just in her head, and her bra really couldn’t be too bad! Suzie knew she was second guessing herself with the new found worries.

Using the exercise machines seemed like the next logical step after her warm up. Suzie headed right inside the room once she reached it. Again, the room was just to her, and she was able to find her seat and begin the more serious part of her work out.

Taking on a few different machines, Suzie was making head way into her exercise for the day. The distraction was well suited for making her forget about her worries. After a few minutes though, her peace was interrupted again, this time by a group of three. They were slow to start doing anything, instead chatting to among themselves. Their gaze didn’t drift to Suzie though, so she paid them no heed.

The other girls were rotating about their own machines once they got started, and so Suzie felt just as alone as she did before. She was now determined to not let her missing shirt bother her.

After her most recent conquest, a few reps on the lateral pull down machine, Suzie moved to get up. She stopped dead in her tracks though, and not because she pulled a muscle. It wasn't horribly audible, but she had heard it… a snapping noise! It wasn't just any noise either; it was one Suzie felt she knew too well.

Glancing backwards and down, Suzie's vision trailed what it could of her bare lower back. Near the top, she saw a few black and pink stripes… her panties! Just a couple of inches below the waistband of her panties was the waistband of her shorts!

Suzie tried tugging on them. They felt loose. She followed the shorts waistband around, seeing if they had indeed torn like she feared. She didn't find any breakage in the weaves though, so perhaps it was her imagination and they just had lowered on their own?

Suzie was worried if the other girls noticed, who still seemed busy. None were looking her way, and hopefully didn't notice how she was examining her clothing. Suzie sighed relief when she was able to stand, and keep her shorts up with a hand. She was twice as relieved when she noticed they weren’t even sagging on their own.

Suzie let go of the shorts… and they stayed in place. Pretending to do some stretching, Suzie twisted and turned while no eyes were on her. The shorts weren't moving. She was trying to determine if something did tear. With nothing being out of the ordinary, Suzie was sure the noise had to be something else, or something more minor like one of the leg holes. Suzie couldn't find anything had gone wrong with her bra either.

The girls still weren't looking towards the blonde, so she decided to just move on. She couldn't believe a non-incident had spooked her out of the routine again. Suzie told herself she'd have to stop worrying too much. She skipped over to the treadmills, ready to do some light jogging.

Though only a single layer, the sports bra was enough to contain Suzie's breasts from bobbing around. The round mounds were held firm to her chest, and she was able to jog away in place thanks to the spinning belt below her. Suzie was focusing as best she could, running was always a challenge part of her workouts, and she wanted to push a bit further than usual endurance wise. She tried to not let her tiredness slow her down or stop her.

Suzie kept her pace fairly even till she felt her shorts slipping down! The feeling was minor, but Suzie was lucky enough to tell what was happening sooner rather than later. She took a hand from one of the side bars so she could reach down. The shorts hadn't lowered too much, but a quarter of her butt was starting to hang out! Maybe it was the elastic that snapped earlier!

Suzie tried to tug them up, but finding them so loose rattled her some. She tried to twist and investigate, but the treadmill was still moving. The clumsy girl was already risking she'd tumble down hard, so she threw both her hands back to side bars and quicken her leg movement to catch back up!

Her shorts lowered again, just barely past the half way point of her butt. Suzie quickly slapped the stop button on the machine with one hand, and tried to rescue her shorts with the other. The slowed motion on the machine made her stumble though, and she did little more than hold her shorts in place.

"Ugg!" Suzie gasped in frustration, trying to find her footing again. That's when she heard a loud gasp! Suzie stood straight at attention and turned around, looking for the source. While twisting, she lost grip of her shorts which found themselves pooled at her thighs.

The sound was from around one of the columns, it was probably the other girls using the machines. The sound was thankfully not anyone discovering her mooning her pantied-butt! Suzie was happy she wasn’t being started at. She hovered her hands behind her to find something to help her find stabilize her stance, still off balanced from being half turned and with her shorts lowered. Instead, her hand found the dial that turned the machine on.

Whirring into action, the belt under Suzie's feet began to feed out again. She felt herself get jerked forward, her hands only able to grip at the side bars to slow her decent as her feet were dragged out from underneath her. With a light and gentle thud, Suzie's pantied-butt landed on the treadmill.

Suzie twisted, trying to get back up. The machine wasn't moving fast, instead slowly trying to suck her away from the console. She managed to get on her knees, but it was tough to stand now that her shorts were getting tangled in that same spot! Suzie dragged herself up, but felt the fabric of the shorts lower to her ankles!

Suzie was in a panic. She wasn't at any risk of harm, but she was half dressed and practically tumbling on the slow running treadmill. She wasn't sure what would be more embarrassing, her state of dress or total lack of grace!

Suzie made the call to just ignore the shorts and try to get up onto her feet. One foot actually already slipped from the garment. The blonde finally was high up enough to see and even reach parts of the console. The off button wasn't in range, but she could at least try to slow the machine down even more from its crawl! She twisted the dial and soon found it was a bit easier to fight the pull.

Being able to step forward though was made easier by the fact that she lost the bit of tugging weight on her right foot. The cotton shorts that had been dangling from them were half wedged under the belt during Suzie's climb forward. With the machine still pulling them, the freed article of clothing was pulled further under the belt!

Suzie placed both her feet on the stable sides of the machine. She grimaced at the look of her body. She was in just bra and panties now, and her bare midriff and thighs made the cutesy underwear stick out even more. Suzie felt she'd die of embarrassment if she were being watched, especially since the cotton stripes were stretched so thin against her spread legs! The shape of her butt surely was obvious through them from behind too!

Suzie didn't notice what had happened to her shorts yet. She took the time to look for the clothing. She saw them sticking out from the side of the barely moving belt. She learned long ago to not questions the odds of something going wrong like that. She shut off the machine, finally safe to move about on it without making any more silly mistakes.

One gripping her shorts, Suzie realized that lady luck was not smiling upon her today. Somehow, just like her shirt, the shorts were stuck! They were half beneath the belt, and possibly wedged in some sort of tread or gear! No sort of angle of pull seemed able to free them!

Suzie was huffing and puffing as she tried to free her lower wear. Her shorts couldn't be gone! A sports bra was one thing to be working out in public… panties would not be acceptable! She didn't want to let things get this out of hand!

It was no use. She only risked ruining the clothing itself if she continued, and it wouldn't do her any good like that. Suzie recoiled away from the edge of the machine, stepping off it and away from where she'd remembered the girls being. They had become quiet, and Suzie had to hope they weren't spying on her from some corner somewhere.

Suzie splayed both her hands in front of her panties as she backed up to a wall. She tried to think how she'd get out of this mess.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:46 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 420

Bad Luck at the Gym
By Jappio

Part 2

Suzie felt the back of her legs press on the cool wall. She tried to stay near the side of the room, away from being out in the open. She knew she didn't have much clothing anymore. Legs, arms, midriff… it was all exposed!

She could almost hear the sound of the other girls talking. She wasn't being spied on at least by them it seemed. Yet all they would have to do was go to another set of machines, and Suzie in just her underwear would be in their line of sight!

Suzie began to side step, looking for a place to hide The supply closet on the other side of the room wouldn't be the wisest to get to, she'd be caught before she would make it in. Underneath a bench press wouldn't really be well hidden. None of the other machines were solid enough to totally hide her. Suzie would probably just raise suspicion if seen crouching behind something anyways.

The sound of the main door closing was the last thing Suzie heard before the silence. Did someone enter or did someone leave? The blonde couldn't hear the sound of anyone working out or chatting, so maybe the group of three had left!

It was risky to check, but Suzie left her wall and approached the area she had last seen the girls. She had to know. And with a few careful steps, she soon could see the rest of the equipment room that was hidden by the pillar.

Suzie was alone now, but being alone didn't make her any more covered. She had a time limit now. She had to find cover before she was caught.

The closest clothing to her was the shorts that were trapped in the treadmill. She had no way to fix the problem, but perhaps the staff did? She didn't want to just stand trying to cover her shame though while someone retrieved them for her.

Getting to her locker would be a chore too. She had to risk crossing almost the whole building to get back there. She wasn't sure she could pull off that much travel without being caught. The odds of pulling something like that off were rarely good for Suzie.

It took her quite a few minutes to start formulating a plan. She spent a lot of her time fretting, wondering how she'd get away with any of this. There were no towels, clothing, or cover she could find in the room. Once or twice the girl tried to see if there was any help in the hall, but surveying from the door never yielded any results. She was too scared to blindly check any nearby rooms.

"What if I got someone to come fix the machine… and maybe they'd leave the shorts out for me to grab? Or worst case… I tell them what happened and just own up to it. It'll be embarrassing, but better explain the accident than be caught trying to sneak around in my underwear," Suzie thought out loud.

She hated the idea of telling someone she lost her shorts to a machine. She didn't want to stand around with her underwear out in the open either. Yet she had to be mature about it, and do things the proper way.

After a few minutes of psyching herself up, Suzie picked up the phone in the room. She dialed the extension for the front desk and waited.

It took awhile for anyone to pick up. Each moment, Suzie felt the nerve drain from her body. She had wanted to get it over with, but every ring gave her more time to dread the coming conversation! Suzie was trying to plan what she would say, but it all sounded as ridiculous as, "Hello, I lost my pants, could you help?"

Suzie was startled when she heard the phone finally connect, she could just barely hear there was someone on the other end. Hesitantly, Suzie asked into the receive, “Hello?” Seeing if someone were actually listening.

“Sorry, this is the front desk, how can I help?” The voice on the other end responded. The woman sounded a bit distracted, and out of breath. It sounded like she’d just got done working out too.

Suzie wasn't able to do it. She couldn't describe everything about the situation over the phone. She was going to wait to go over it all. “Yeah, um, in the exercise machine room… the treadmill isn’t working well, something seems to be jammed in it, I’m heading out to another room, but if you could come here and fix that?” Suzie's nerve was all gone. Mid-run-on-sentence she changed plans. Her new plan was to hide and then she'd be able to just come in after it was fixed!

“It’ll just be a moment, I’ll be down there soon,” the girl on the other end responded. With a click, the phone was hung up.

Suzie looked about. She knew it was a bad idea to just go with a plan she hadn't thought through, but she couldn't help it now! She was wondering if she should wait there and explain, or run and hide like she wanted.

A look down at her panties, Suzie tried to picture what it would be like to find her. Her face was burning hot. Scenarios of her standing without any clothes ran through her head, being teased for her missing clothing as the staff worked on the treadmill. She pictured every employee being called to "help" with the problem, all seeing the unlucky girl in just her underwear. What if other guests arrived too, and each were told of how Suzie ended up like this?!

Suzie wasn't sure if anyone would be so cruel to make her sit through that. Yet the possibility was enough to frighten her, and she knew she had to get to a hiding spot! The supply closet wouldn't work if it had any needed tools for the treadmill. Suzie's only option would be to leave the room!

Suzie scurried to the door any moment; the person at the desk would be coming or whoever she might send to do the repairs. Suzie had to get out, and into another room!

The hall was empty as Suzie got out. She didn’t' see anyone in either direction. She had to find a nearby room, but that seemed tough. Down the hall one way, there was the lobby, the exercise room past there, and the locker room even further down. She wasn't sure what was the other way, besides the pool.

Decisions had to be made quickly. She then heard the footsteps of someone coming from the lobby! The desk girl was probably on her way!

Suzie turned on a dime and tried to run towards the pool room. It was too far she worried, her pantied-butt jiggling would be seen! Suzie closed her eyes, hoping that something could go right and she'd somehow make it out without staff finding her running the halls undressed!

"In here!" came a void as Suzie felt a grip on her forearm. She was tugged to the side, and through an open door way! Soon she was out of the hall, and not a moment too soon as she was sure she had seen someone exit the lobby, but thankfully head the other direction.

Suzie sighed in relief. "Oh wow, thanks. That was close!" Suzie breathed in gratitude. She looked up, and looked to her saviors. The black and brown haired girls before her seemed very amused. Suzie also recognized she was in some sort of racquetball room.

Suzie remembered her state of dress, but all a second too late. She fixed her posture and got an arm across her breast and a hand between her legs to try and hide the striped cotton. She didn't think of it, but covering her breasts was probably a mistake, since it only implied the sports bra wasn’t decent.

"Hehe, wow, just trying to find ways to beat the heat, huh?" The shorter of the two girls asked. Suzie's face was red, trying to find the words to make up an excuse.

"You could have gotten in trouble. Lucky enough we saw you before anyone else did. Unless you're trying to get seen?" The curvier of the two added.

Suzie shuffled her feet a bit. "I'm not like this on purpose… it was an accident."

The two girls giggled. They didn't seem mean spirited, but they were definitely finding the situation interesting. Suzie was just glad they didn't seem the type to make a comment to the staff.

Suzie felt she owed them more of an explanation. "It's just not been my day. I'm trying to get some clothing back before anyone sees me… well I guess before anyone else sees me! I just… I didn't know where to go and I panicked when I thought I saw someone."

"Well, maybe we can help. Jenny and I would love to, right?" The black haired girl asked. The one named Jenny nodded. "I'm Julie by the way. And don’t' be so embarrassed. I think those are really cute panties!" Suzie couldn't keep eye contact, and stared at the polished floor instead. She'd have felt a lot less on show if the panties were something plainer and less "cute."

"You could help? I really could use that! I knew I couldn't get out of this mess on my own, but I didn't want to risk getting in trouble with the staff!" Suzie started to recognized the two. They were two of the girls from the exercise room earlier.

The one named Julie stepped forward. Her eyes looked up and down Suzie's body. "You know, our help won't be free. We might have something like a shirt that should help cover you up, but we'd have to get something in return."

Suzie gulped. That didn't sound good to her at all. "Um… what sort of something?" she asked.

Jenny answered, as if knowing exactly what Julie had in mind. "You give us your bra, and we go get a shirt." The offer was on the table, and Suzie was shocked by it. Why did they want her bra? Did they want to see her topless?

"I can't do that! I'd be almost naked!" Suzie proclaimed.

"Right, we don't want to ask for too much and take your panties too! We figured we'd be nice, just take a bit. You know, insurance sort of, just in case this is some sort of trick against us," the brunette explained. Suzie wasn't even sure how her own exposure could be a trick against the two clothed women.

Suzie didn't have many options though. She'd have to gamble on these two probably. Going to anyone else for help just meant more people seeing her without any clothing on. Suzie didn't like it, but giving up her bra was her best option it seemed.

"So, you two will bring me a shirt?" Suzie was thinking if that would work. "I guess… I could hide here till you get back," she thought out loud.

"That might not work," the raven haired girl commented. "The room is actually reserved I think. It won't be long till they're here. You probably don't want to stick with us either, we have to go see someone first."

Suzie's mouth hung open. "So you want me to get topless and leave me stranded to be caught?!" Suzie was less sure about this deal than ever.

"No, we don’t' want to get you in any trouble like that. I have an idea about that. You can meet us at the sauna. It's private, and I think you can get there without going through the halls. There's a door from the pool room out to the alley. This door is right next to the sauna! So if you take the exit door here, it's just a short little walk in the back alley!" Julie offered.

Suzie lifted an eyebrow. The idea seemed a bit fishy. She did see there was an exit door at the back of the racquet ball room. She stepped over to it, and pulled its handle. It did lead to the empty back alley. She looked to the left towards the pool half of the building. She did see what seemed to be a door in that direction, though it was hard to see from that angle. The fresh air on her skin though reminded her she was sticking her half naked body outside into a public area!

After snapping back inside and letting the door shut, Suzie could swear the two women with her had just been staring at her butt unabated! They must have looked away at the last second, but Suzie had a hunch. She was really unsure if she could trust them.

"And you really will have a shirt for me?" Suzie reaffirmed.

"We're going to get our friends extra shirt. We'll be happy to give it to you. First we need your bra though," Jenny replied. Suzie gave it some serious thought. He breasts would be exposed… but she'd have a shirt to cover up with. If it was worth relinquishing her bra, that hopefully meant it was long enough to hide her panties. Her other options were to just expose her underwear to even more people.

"In for a penny, in for a pound," Suzie said. The blonde reached back, finding the clasp on her simple sports bra. She had the item loosened and hanging in no time, but she couldn't help but hold it her body. She wasn't ready to just outright flash her two possible saviors.

Suzie turned around, not happy they got another look at her butt through the cotton. Yet this let her lower the bra and take it the rest of the way off. She slung an arm across her breasts the best she could, and handed her sports bra over.

The taller girl took it, and the other just stared for a moment. Suzie felt silly, standing in so little in front of them. She was starting to wonder if she made a mistake, that maybe staff would have been a better choice!

"We better hurry; don't want to make you wait! You better think about leaving soon too, cause that game is probably going to be starting in here soon!" Suzie wasn't exactly filled with confidence that the two girls were saying all this as they were nearly out the door! She really hoped she hadn't been swindled!

Their insistence on haste though was probably right. In just her panties, Suzie was a sight to behold, and it was a sight she wanted no one to actually see! She scampered to the back door of the room.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:47 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 420

Bad Luck at the Gym
By Jappio

Part 3

The back alley was still clear when underwear clad blonde checked. She would have to only run for about a few seconds to get to the other door. She had to hope the pool room would be empty then too. The racquet ball room would for sure not be empty though, so it was the worse of the two options.

Suzie took off finally. She turned left, and ran down the alley in just her panties. Both her arms crossed over her chest, doing their best to keep her breasts from bouncing all over the place. She hated how besides her shoes and panties, her body was so exposed. The building blocked the angle of the sun just barely, but she still felt very outdoors.

Ahead of Suzie, she could see the back of the couple of businesses down the way that were neighboring the gym. She hoped no one would come out for any reason. She’d be very embarrassed to be caught essentially streaking the back alley!

The door to the pool was finally reached, and Suzie pawed at it to find the handle. The only problem was… there was no handle! Some color drained from Suzie's face as she didn't see any sign of how to open the door. Pushing wasn't the answer for sure, but there was nothing to grip to open it!

"Oh my gosh, is it one way only? Like a fire escape or something?" Suzie wondered. The two girls probably didn't know that, since they wouldn't have seen the doors from the alley. She really couldn’t get any sort of grip on the door. It made sense; they probably didn’t want people just sneaking into the gym from the back!

Suzie wracked her brain. Solutions weren’t coming up. She was down another piece of clothing, and her deal she set up required she got back inside and into the sauna. “Maybe if I’m fast… I can get back in the way I came before the people who had the room reserved show up,” Suzie thought out loud. Her hands wrapped around her chest again as she jogged back to the door she came from.

Following the same beat that other events in the day had taken, Suzie wasn’t actually all that shocked to see the door to the racquet ball room was also without any sort of handle or knob. Of course none of them would back there. She truly wouldn’t be getting back in this way.

What was Suzie going to do? She was outside in just her shoes and panties. Her bare breasts had not a stitch to hide them. She looked all around her, and solutions were slim. Her only bet would be to maybe search the trash near the other businesses. It wasn’t an appealing option, but the only other place to go was the front of the building, and back through the main doors. That was of course not going to work out very well in her mind.

While thinking though, Suzie had more trouble brew. From the direction of the other businesses she heard a noise! The sound was clearly of some sort of truck. Suzie even heard the sound of a couple people. If she had to guess, those other businesses had shipments coming in! She couldn’t see the truck, and had to assume it was in the small alley between the gym and the next business down the strip!

Once they would get the product off the truck, the people would be sure to walk into the back alley to enter the store form the back! Suzie could see it now, her in just her panties as a few people carrying boxes would stare at her, with jaws agape! Suzie’s face was red just thinking about it.

There was nowhere to hide. The back wall of the alley was too tall to climb up, and she didn’t know where it would lead. The doors all along the back of the gym were assumingly unable to be entered. Heading towards the sound of the truck and other businesses would only make things work. Suzie did the only remaining option, run away from the building and towards the opposite back corner of the gym!

Suzie faced her butt towards the sounds and began to run. She pushed more than she had during any of her exercises, needing to move faster so to not be caught. She could feel the way the tight cotton material stretched against her lower cheeks. She needed to not be caught undressed outside!

As she got close to the corner, Suzie worried partially about all the things she was heading towards. Though the side of the gym did have a fairly tall fence, on the other side of it was the freeway, and it was where it began to rise above ground so to be able to overpass the street it was perpendicular to. The cars on it were zooming by fast and hopefully too far away to notice a running girl like Suzie was in just her panties!

Suzie reached the fence, and felt at least hidden from the highway. She turned sharply around the corner, and was removed from sight of the back alley. She spared only a moment to look back once, happy to see no delivery people staring and gawking from the other side of the gym!

Now Suzie sat on the path that was between the parking lot and the back alley. The street running in front of the gym was just past the parking lot too, but Suzie felt it was at least too far to see her while she was this far back.

“Gosh… I really am stuck now. I can’t get back inside unless I go up front. How am I going to manage that? The desk girl isn’t going to just let me go inside!” Suzie thought. She considered checking her car, but she had just cleaned it out, it offered no solutions.

She had no solutions in the back of the building though, so she started to at least slowly approach the front of the building. The walk from one end to the next was nerve wracking. She could see the street come into focus more and more. Anyone at the lot would probably be able to see her too. Her crossed arms over her chest probably didn’t’ really help her look any more clothed than she actually was. They might not be able to tell her panties were striped, but anyone looking would at least be able to assume that Suzie was without pants or a skirt.

Suzie gulped nearing the end. The front entrance really was probably her last hope? No cars pulled into the lot, but a few did whiz by. She had to hurry with any plan she might have. Did she just go in and explain her predicament? Maybe the staff would be understanding.

Suzie had to trust that she would luckily meet someone nice and helpful. She braved the dash from the alley, and now ran in full view of the street as she continued along the perimeter of the gym and towards the front doors!

Shining light shone down on the half naked woman. Her breasts jiggled about in the cage her arms created for them. Her bare thighs rubbed against each other as a reminder of her lack of dress. Her skin felt every movement of air as she zipped down her chosen path.

Suzie was now standing in front of the glass doors of the building. She couldn’t see inside due to the bright glare of the sun. She shook and reached for the handle. She was debating if she should just rush in or sneak in. She continued to stand, despite knowing her butt was on show behind her.

Then Suzie realized her other mistake. She couldn’t see in the door, but there was risk that the inside could see her! Hesitation wasn’t going to help, so Suzie opened the door and stepped inside.

Suzie held her breath. She was almost shaking, ready to apologize to the surely surprised people all around her. When her eyes adjusted to the dimmer lobby though, it looked like she was alone!

Thinking about it, Suzie realized she was probably alone because the desk girl was off fixing the treadmill! Her window was probably going to be small, but that just meant that she had to hurry. She might actually succeed in sneaking into the gym in just her panties!

She wanted to stay and see if she could find a new solution to her problem, but she knew Jenny and Julie might be waiting with a shirt! Suzie again did her best to hide her bared chest and took off towards the hall.

She was alone it seemed, and so Suzie kept a brisk pace. She tried to pass by the exercise room and the racquet ball room to avoid any detection from the people she was sure in each. At the end of the hall was the pool room, and that would house the sauna. Suzie hoped all would be over.

Opening the door just a crack, the near naked girl listened for sound. It seemed the pool was quiet, not a single splash of water could be heard. She eased further in the room, and was happy to see she was lucky enough to have the pool room to herself! If all went well now, Jenny and Julie would be waiting for her in the sauna.

Suzie made it to the little room at the side, and took one final breath. Her misfortunes would finally be stopped. She grabbed the handle, and pulled it. She felt the steam seep out and warm her exposed skin. She stepped inside; having a hard time seeing exactly what was all there.

When her eyes adjusted to see through all the water vapor, she noticed something she didn’t expect… five other girls! And not only five other girls, but it seemed most of them were naked! Four were just totally, brazenly exposed, and one was in a towel.

Suzie wasn’t even sure what to do or say as she crossed her arms over her chest. All of them could see her topless and her cute, striped panties! One of the dark haired girls got up and grabbed her wrist though. “Ooo, another! Come, sit with us here!” she said, happy and bubbly. Suzie was still a bit confused. Was this the girl who was supposed to have her bra and shirt? Suzie followed along, and sat down.

She was starting to better tell what was going on. She was now next to the black haired girl who she had seen in the yoga room. Her blonde friend was with her as well. On Suzie’s other side on a different bench were the three girls from the exercise room, and two of them were supposed to have her clothes! She didn’t feel she could bring that up now with so many other people around her.

“So, I was telling Megan that she should loosen up a bit like the rest of us! She is a bit too shy, wouldn’t you agree?” The bubbly one who invited her to sit down asked.

Suzie didn’t really have an answer. She was honestly jealous that she didn’t have as much cover as the fellow blonde had! “Oh, you know, we’re all the same in a way really. So no big deal,” Suzie played along. She wasn’t sure what was going on, but clearly it was clothing optional in the sauna. Her only hope was to play off she did it on purpose.

“Exactly, no better way to relax than totally naked. Like, it’s way more nice freeing like this!” The girl said. Her round breasts bobbed as she emoted, and she seemed totally without any modesty! Her legs were slightly parted, showing off her shaved-clean pussy. Suzie tried not to stare too much, but it was hard to with such a spectacle. She’d never known someone so unashamed.

“Yep, suppose you’re right. I was a bit worried at first, but a lot better seeing you all like this too,” Suzie was trying to think what a nudist might say. She never once put thought into nudism though, so she wasn’t sure what they were like. She still had her arms crossed, and felt that was probably not a proper act either. She could continue to try and hide her breasts, but that might give away how much of accident everything up to this point was.

Suzie weighed what was more embarrassing… nudist women seeing her breasts, or admitting how silly and incompetent she’d been all morning. One seemed more likely to have her laughed at, so Suzie braved having her breasts uncovered. Her arms went to her sides, nipples and all now exposed to each woman there. Her face was red, but hopefully the heat of the room would mask the cause!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:49 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Day at the Gym:

Megan and Jessie #6
By Jappio

Part 1

“You really don’t think I could use a bit of slimming up? I don’t know, I think I could use a little work. This ass is far from perfect!” Jessie exclaims, her hips cocked to a side as she looks over her shoulder to me. She even groped one of her own cheeks as she inspected herself. I just don’t know some days. At times, I think it would be impossible for Jessie to do anything intentionally cruel. Yet days like this, I wonder if she understands how much she tortures me.

I bit my lip and looked away. I fought back saying something too obvious like “it’s the most perfect butt I’ve ever seen.” It’s how I felt, and I wish I could stare more. Yet I had to at least pretend to be nonchalant. My tongue was tied entirely, not sure what to do. Why was she standing around in JUST her pink bra anyways? Why did she come to the gym without wearing panties?

Though she was very fit, Jessie tried to convince me she needed to make coming to a gym a regular thing. She enlisted my help in this task. She hoped someone as punctual as me could keep make it a habit. I will admit, she can have problems keeping to a schedule.

I tried telling her it wasn’t all that necessary. That’s how I’ve ended up with her flashing her gorgeous charms at me I guess. I wish I could comfortably point out how she was discrediting her own argument with all the sexy posing, that she was perfect, but there was no way I could. I really didn’t want our relationship to become weird because she found out how much I was into her.

Ever try not looking at your crush’s butt when she was showing it off though? It’s not easy! I tried to change the subject a bit, “I really don’t think you need it as much as you say, but I do think you could do with some underwear! You wouldn’t even wear panties here?”

“Gotta keep cool when exercising Megan! When I do some at home, I usually stretch, do my yoga, and all that naked!” That was too much info for me! My face was getting redder by the second as images crossed my mind of her doing that! “Wouldn’t wear anything here if I could!” she added.

“Jessie, please, control yourself at least a little?” I begged. There really was a risk she wouldn’t put her clothes on if she thought she could get away with it! I closed my locker. I again looked at Jessie, seeing her in just that bra of hers. It was probably too small for her. Maybe she wouldn’t want to get undressed so often if she wore clothes that were comfortable!! Or maybe she just filled it out too well. Maybe I had to control myself instead!

Jessie did finally put her shorts on. She was staring at her shirt. “Jessie, come on. Hurry it along already!” I urged her. With a gruff, she put it on. She started to pout, and part of me wished I could let her keep it off, but I didn’t want to see her get in trouble!

We left the little locker room, and we made our way to the yoga room. I was hoping I’d be able to keep up with Jessie today. She really was better than me at the physical type stuff; last thing I needed was to make myself look foolish in front of her. I know it’s silly to hope that she’ll somehow notice me, but perhaps if I used these little exercise days to get a bit more fit … well maybe in my dreams at least she’d be into me!

A blonde woman was working away at some stretches when we got to the yoga room. She seemed focused, so I didn’t want to bother her. Jessie was already limbering up as I set some of our stuff down. I joined Jessie in her warm ups.

After a bit, I noticed something had caught Jessie’s attention. She was staring at the blonde a lot. I was actually sort of worried, as the blonde was pretty. I really didn’t want to be jealous. “Megan… she’s not wearing a shirt,” Jessie remarked, revealing the real reason for her staring!

I looked too. It really hadn’t clicked before, but the girl didn’t have a proper shirt on. Yet the sports bra was plenty decent. I knew what Jessie was angling at.

“Look, I know, but it’s a bit different, ok?” I tried to argue. Again, Jessie was pouting! “Seriously, it’s different.”

“How so?” She asked. She tapped her foot. I can’t believe I was having this argument! I got plenty good of a look at her bra… the pink fabric was too revealing. How do I explain that to her though? I can’t just out myself and tell her that her cleavage was too noticeable in it; that would be admitting I’d been looking!

Trying not to blurt out something like, “You’re too sexy,” I calmly tried to make my case. “You’ll just look suspicious if you take it off now.”

“But I’m so hot Megan! I need a bit of relief!” I quickly looked away, trying to hide my red face. She was so bad with her words! Either I couldn’t think what to say, or she was saying the wrong thing!

“Be sure to not work too hard ladies!” we both heard. The blonde had gotten up, and was set to leave.

“You too! Best of luck,” Jessie responded. Jessie gave me some sort of sly smile once the woman was gone. My excuse of looking suspicious was gone! Jessie didn’t even wait for the door to close to whip her shirt off and toss it to the side!

I put my palm to my face, sighing heavily. I wanted to get her to put it back on, but it was no use. It didn’t help that she looked great dressing in those tiny shorts and bra! I just had to hope she didn’t look too out of place; the last thing I wanted was for her to get in trouble or someone to think less of her!

“Now, come help me out,” she requested. She sat down. “Hold onto my feet, would you?” I obliged, ok with taking a break from stretching anyways. I kneeled in front of her, grabbing her feet and holding them to the ground. I watched as she did a sit up; bring herself up to her raised knees.

Up and down Jessie went. My eyes followed her each time, her beauty and swaying was practically hypnotizing me. I leaned in a smidge, hoping her to not notice. I started to have odd thoughts, picturing her kissing me on her up rise. I watched the way her bra clad breasts pressed to her legs too.

I wondered how it would look if she was naked, like she claimed she did. How would her bare breasts look, pressed and squishing against her legs? Even now I could see a lot of the bare thigh up the legs of her shorts. How sweet a sight it could be to see between her knees and thighs at her little treasure…

“You know, I’m still a bit hot and bothered,” Jessie lamented. I nearly fainted. I had to assume she didn’t mean it the way I heard it. How does a girl who wants to take her clothes off so often be this innocent?

I had to put a stop to her doing anything illegal of course, “You can’t go stripping naked at the gym you know.” I wished she could though.

She kept doing her sit-ups as she continued her thought, “yeah, but I guess I just worry a bit. It’s easier to move around without normally. I think it would be a bit of a turn off too for a girl to be dressed in gross and sweaty clothes. Doing it naked would avoid that!”

I wanted to tell her she could never smell bad, but that’s probably a quick way to make your best friend think you’re a total creep! I was a bit worried though… did she really think sweaty gym clothes was a turn off? I hadn’t worked out too hard yet, but what if I did get to that point?

“Your turn. You sure you don’t want to take a bit off first though? I really do think you’ll have an easier time with a bit less on!”

I couldn’t undress too… but what if I did end up gross because of my modesty? The other girl did get away with a bra showing, and mine was more decent than Jessie’s. I gripped the hem of my shirt. Could I do it?

I gulped… then started to lift my shirt. I had my eyes closed, but as I got the shirt towards my bra, I peeked. I saw Jessie staring right at my chest! I was glad to hide my face with my shirt, cause my cheeks were turning bright red! I get so self conscious when she looks at me!

“Much better!” Jessie said. She was staring right at my navy blue sports bra as I held my top to my side. I went and picked up her shirt, bothered by it sitting around messily. That’s when she commented “Keeping the shorts on too? Come on, you don’t need to double layer when working out!”

“I can’t take them off Jessie! People don’t work out in only underwear,” I babbled back! What was she even suggesting?

She seemed genuine confused. “They look enough like shorts. What’s the big deal?” Was Jessie looking at me when I changed before?! I was too caught off guard, realizing she took note of what underwear I chose. She was able to somehow get up right next to me, and her hands on the waistband of my shorts!

“What are… are you… doing?” I asked in a stutter. Jessie pushes my shorts down a bit, revealing part of my navy blue boyshorts. I took a few steps backwards, unable to say more. My breathing turned sharp. I’ve had some dreams like this…

The shorts got lowered. I don’t know if I could keep resisting her. “They look good on you Megan! Don’t be shy!” She maybe didn’t know it, but she was too good at making me practically melt. She got the shorts to my thighs, and after another step back, she helped them the rest of the way. I don’t’ think I was thinking straight. We felt alone enough, but maybe I was trusting Jessie too much.

I took the discarded clothing, and set it on a nearby pile of towels. I crossed my arms in front of my body, feeling basfhul. Not only was Jessie staring at me in my underwear, but I was starting to worry my need for the gym was showing. That’s when she said the sweetest thing, “See, you’re the one who doesn’t need to tone much! You’re just cute as you are I think. Surprised you bothered to come with me.”

“Jessie! I… I mean… no… I’m not… you are…” I couldn’t get my words out again.

Jessie giggled and walked us back to our mat. “Fine, then stretch up and get to it. We’ll put a bit of muscle on your petite self.” I started to stretch per her instruction. Being in my underwear was very embarrassing though, I was showing a lot of my body with every movement!

She had me sitting on the floor. It was a powerful view, seeing her get on her knees and put her hands on my knees. Again, it reminded me of some dreams I’ve had about her! I had to actively try to mentally cool down a bit!

I really wasn’t as good as Jessie; my frail body was having a tough time even after a few sit-ups. I didn’t want to disappoint Jessie. Every time I made it up, she gave this incredible warm smile! So I started to think about that little kissing scenario, but this time was Jessie who was rewarding me with them every time I made it to the top. After another set, I was starting to feel the burn, and also worried I may have actually puckered my lips once or twice! Gosh, she’d have me so in shape if that was my prize for real.

She grew satisfied with my work, and said it was time for some cool down stretching. I agreed, and was sort of noticing she was a bit right; working out in just a single layer was a bit more cooling. I couldn’t believe we were doing it at a public gym though! I was actually, in a way, less decent than her too.

I also couldn’t help but marvel at her as she moved. She was very flexible I have to say! Seeing her body bend in such ways was almost like a work of art in motion. I tried to only watch from the corner of my eye, so not to make it obvious.

My heart almost stopped when I heard the door! I froze, not sure what to do. Jessie didn’t even bat an eye lash though. Bless her ability to always remain so unworried; I was jealous! The three women who joined us in the room seemed pre occupied with their own plan, which was relieving since they didn’t seem to notice me in just my underwear!

Jessie nudged me, and got me back to my exercising. It was hard to get in rhythm though, and my heart was pounding more than it had during the more strenuous stretching. I kept looking back, worried we were being watched!

When we were finally done with our cool down stretches, Jessie without concern got up to leave. I had to follow along. I hoped the girls hadn’t noticed just how inadequately dressed we were. “We’re in usual work out gear, we’re in usual workout gear,” I chanted like a mantra in my head. If I could convince myself, maybe that would somehow convince them!

“Wait just a second! We have to at least put our clothes back on! Anyone could be out there!” I warned Jessie in a hushed tone, as we got near the door. She was just about to walk out as she was! When I turned to where the towel stack was though, I was horrified to see it and our clothes were gone! “Where are they?”

Jessie giggled. “Hm, I didn’t see anyone else come by. Looks like the towels are on wheel-able racks. Maybe someone just took them by mistake?” Of course Jessie was less panicked than I, and able to think a bit more rationally. I was just wondering what I was supposed to do without any of my outerwear!

Jessie again headed to the door. I hissed, “Jessie! Wait! We can’t!”

“Sure we can. We were like this just fine; no one said anything, including the staff who came to get the towels, “Jessie was too innocent. I was a little worried it could have been done on purpose! Though, I suppose if they wanted to leave us exposed, they wouldn’t have left other racks of towels either. I picked up the bag of stuff we had, sad to know it had little more than our own towels and bottled water. I self consciously tugged my panties up a bit, wondering if they were enough to sneak through the hall with.

Jessie was again about to leave, so I had to quickly jog up to her to catch up! I wasn’t given much of a chance to hesitate, and soon I was out in the hall! I looked every which way, hoping to find no one. Only Jessie was around. She briskly picked up her pace, and I wasn’t going to leave her side! What if staff did care, and just didn’t notice how I was dressed? Could my boyshorts actually pass as regular shorts?

Jessie’s path led us in the wrong direction. I was sure we weren’t heading to the locker room. “Jessie, where are we going?” I whined. I didn’t think we’d actually continue!

“Swimming! There’s a pool here, and you know I love swimming. Happens to be good for exercise as well!” I wasn’t even sure what to say. It’s true; I knew Jessie adored time in the water. Yet we weren’t prepared for it!

“Jessie, you know we don’t have suits!” I tried to point out. I nervously kept my eyes on the doors we passed as we headed to the other end of the building.

Jessie turned to look at me, “So?” I wasn’t even sure I was supposed to respond. What was her plan? Then I recalled one of Jessie’s common practices… skinny dipping! On more than a couple of occasions, Jessie would like to swim naked! It’s not something I like to complain about, as her body dripping wet was an incredible sight, but it also made me so worried! Secluded rivers and lakes were one thing… but we were in a public building with others around!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:50 PM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Megan and Jessie #6
By Jappio

Part 2

I was too lost in thought, and in no time we were in the pool room! I finally stopped, trying to get my bearings. I was still without any outerwear. We were still alone, but that just gave Jessie less reason to stop. She was already unclipping her bra half way to the side of the pool. I didn’t get to even raise my voice as she dropped the pink thing to the floor. At the pool’s edge, she hopped from foot to foot as she shimmied her shorts down and off her feet.

It was totally mesmerizing. She never once hesitated. She was so free, and so beautiful. I could hear her giggling as she dove in. When she surfaces, the bright smile on her face had me unable to get mad. I slowly stepped over, gathering her discarded clothing into our bag. She was officially skinny dipping in the gym pool.

She began with some laps from one end of the pool and back. I just watched. The clear water was a lot easier to see through than the typical lakes and rivers I’ve seen her swim in. It was incredible to see her dart through the water naked. She made it seem so effortless. She seemed so free, in more than just one way.

I looked back to the door, and didn’t see anyone still. I sighed, and took off my shoes and socks. I sat on the pool’s edge. I dipped my feet in, and just continued to watch her. Jessie… she’s so beautiful. I could sit here for hours and watch this honestly. The effect she has on me… it’s crazy. I should be trying to redress her, redress myself even. Yet here I was, just happy to see her happy. There was also lust too I’ll admit. I… I just couldn’t not look at her and want her.

“Going to join me?” She asked. “Wouldn’t hurt ya to get a bit wet!” She called out. I nervously giggled. If only she knew I was already wet! I nervously closed my legs, wondering if it would start to show at this rate.

“I’m good here on land for now,” I explained. She accepted my answer, and continues with her swim. I sort of wondered where she even got all that energy.

I kicked my feet, thinking about it all. Maybe I should be honest with her. Maybe I had to stop hiding my feelings. Watching from afar, it was tough at times. Yet, I didn’t have that courage I admired her so much for. I bet if she were in my shoes, she’d have made me hers in no time. Well, I mean, I pretty much already was, but she didn’t know it.

Jessie, after another lap, swam back to the pool edge near me. She looked expectedly at me. That made me almost melt. I wasn’t sure what she wanted at first, but then her smile turned to a menacing one in a flash. Her hands reached out, took mine, and then pulled me right into the pool!

It was all a blur, but suddenly my body hit the water and I was totally submerged. I didn’t know which way was up for a few moments. I felt her hands still clasped to mine, and she helped my upright. I gasped for breath. It was all only a few seconds, but it was quite a shock!

“Jessie!” I called out. I looked to her, and she was there in front of me, still holding my hands as she helped me stabilize. Soon we were swimming in place. Her eyes locked with mine. She had this little smug smile on her face.

She got a bit closer as we kicked there. I felt her legs pass against mine. I was starting to breathe heavier from the extra exertion, and from her being so close. “Sorry, but I wanted you to have some fun with me!” I really did appreciate that she wanted that.

She was so close I was starting to feel her breasts press to mine. This would have been incredibly romantic if we were a couple, but to Jessie this was just a thing that friends would do, I guess. I could have effortlessly leaned forward and kissed her. Do I tell her? Do I admit how I feel?

“Jessie… it’s ok… just you surprised me. Um… though, speaking of surprises, I wanted to tell you that… that I…” I wasn’t sure I could do it. I saw her waiting for the answer, but I don’t’ think I could have done it. I was already losing my nerve!

Then the sound of doors swinging open saved me from having to continue down that path! It then hit me I wasn’t saved, as now I was going to be caught swimming with my naked, best friend!

I pulled Jessie close, wanting to hide her. I saw at least two girls, I think I recognized them from the yoga room, looking out at the pool. I don’t know if they had seen anything yet. Jessie giggled “Hey now, be a bit gentle!” Jessie had no idea what I was worried about I’m pretty sure!

“Jessie, shh, we’re going to be caught!” I tried to explain. It’s sad that the puzzled look she gave me I still found to be adorable. The two girls discussed something, but I wasn’t sure what. I had pulled Jessie too close maybe, it was a bit distracting! Jessie then splashed me! I gave her my most evil glare, but she wasn’t the least bit intimidated by it. “How are you not worried?”

“Worried about what?”

I looked again; no one was calling out “Skinny dipper!” yet, so I suppose Jessie hadn’t been noticed. “You can’t be naked her Jessie. You’ll be thrown out!”

Jessie wasn’t fazed, “Pfft, it’s no big deal Megan. People don’t really mind that much. I read once that places like this had nude swimming all the time. Heck, kids are all in school, so if it’s just us adults, no one will mind!”

I think I knew what Jessie had meant, but it was a weak excuse. I didn’t want her to get in trouble, for her to be hurt. Yet that’s when she got free from my grip and swam away! I wanted to call to her, but more attention wasn’t something I need to draw! I tried to swim after her to catch her, but I knew it wouldn’t work. I was stuck without a plan, and things got worse as one of the other girls called out, “Hello!”

I tried to ignore them, maybe they’d go away. Yet I heard them call again, they approached the pool.

I wasn’t sure if they saw Jessie yet, but perhaps I could distract the other girls. I turned, and pulled myself out of the pool. I walked my dripping body over to them, trying not to look guilty or too nervous.

“Oh, hey! Heheh, I think we saw each other before?” I tried to start some small talk. The shorter girl started to already bob on her feet, trying to look past me! I then thought I could perhaps get the focus put on them. I noticed they weren’t in swimming suits. “Get lost? You don’t seem dressed for a swim.”

The taller of the two responded. “Your friend doesn’t’ either!” A pit grew in my stomach. They did see Jessie skinny dipping!

“I can explain!” I blurted out. Probably not the best idea to say that, made us look even worse! I was bad being on the spot, so I went with the only excuse I could think of. “You haven’t heard? Places like this do nude swimming all the time!”

The shorter one giggled. “Um, not since like the 70’s I thought,” she said. My face was red, I felt foolish to suggest that was still a thing. Yet I had nothing else to go with.

I had to keep going. “Honest. It’s just a thing they do here, I guess. Only during school days like today of course,” I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t look confident by using the excuses I myself didn’t buy earlier.

Both girls seemed to ponder for a moment. “You know, you act like someone who did something wrong,” one pondered.

“Yeah, those don’t’ even look like they’re a real bikini! You see how they’re clinging to her body?” My face turned totally crimson in an instant! I covered up quickly, realizing I was in just my soaking wet underwear, not a real swimsuit!

My brain reached for the best suggestion. I didn’t like it, but I had to protect Jessie. “I… I was going to join my friend… cause it really isn’t wrong… I just was too shy.” It was true, Jessie did want me to join her and I was too afraid. A bit of truth would help my story hopefully!

The girls didn’t relent though. The black haired one quipped, “Too shy, or too afraid to be caught and thrown out? Just not as much of a thrill seeker as her I take it?”

“Yeah, where’s the shame in enjoying sanctioned nude swims?” The other added on. I was really at a crossroad now.

The accusative women weren’t giving up. Were they going to turn us in? I had to think of something. The only thought though was to at least eliminate one of their points… my shame! Though, I couldn’t stop from blushing… I could ‘prove’ that I didn’t think it was against the rules to be naked…

My heart almost stopped. I knew what I had to do, but my body couldn’t do it. I was actually considering undressing in front of the two strangers! I knew it would be impossible; there was no way I could reveal myself like that.

Then I heard Jessie giggle and splash about. She didn’t know a thing of the risk going on. I didn’t want to ruin her fun. I didn’t want to scare her or get her in trouble. I had to do something… and only one thing was left.

“Maybe you’re right. It really isn’t so a big deal,” I tried to laugh it off, but it probably still sounded nervous. I averted my gaze, not wanting them to see the fear in my eyes. I reached behind my back, and started to undo the latch on my bra.

“You… you both don’t have to stare!” I say, noticing they were indeed watching me undress. This was making it tougher! “Do it for Jessie, do it for Jessie” I chanted in my head. I got the bra down my arms, and my breasts were exposed in the pool room!

Without letting myself show too much doubt, I kept going, and started to take off my soaking boyshorts. The navy garment was down and off, and I was naked in front of two strangers! I tried to will up any courage I still had. I decided to really insist it was fine. “So, were you two going to join? I assume that’s why you’re not in suits, wanted to save time by undressing here?”

I was hoping I’d leave them speechless, but they both giggled. Their eyes were all over me. Nervously I covered my chest. They could have called my bluff, and I think I had no more steam to keep going at that point.

Fortune favored me though, and they shrugged. “Nope, we were heading the sauna actually. We were only teasing you. It’s funny how some girls don’t know about the naked swimming hours here. We just thought you were one of them. Well, toodles,” the brunette responded. I was so relieved to hear them say that.

Actually, wait, was Jessie right? Did they allow naked swimming this whole time?! The two girls got one last good look in before they walked off. I felt totally embarrassed, but at least they weren’t running to the front desk to tell on us!

I almost died from shock when arms were around me! A slick wet body was pressed to me. I arched my back, and felt the cushioning of incredible breasts. The arms around my waste were dangerously close to hugging my breasts; I could feel my boobs sitting atop the arm like it was a shelf.

“Jesssieee!” I knew who it had to be of course. I would have probably fallen if not for her holding me. This was way too much! Why was I suddenly in a naked embrace with her?

“What were you up to? I saw you getting naked for these two. What was so special about them and not me?” she asked. Was she jealous?! Did she actually want me to undress for her?!

“Um, no! I just, I was!” I didn’t know what to say.

“Well, no biggie, up for a swim again now that you’re more comfortable?” I wasn’t comfortable being naked, but I also didn’t want to end the embrace. Yet I knew I couldn’t trust myself for much longer, so I reluctantly agreed.

She let go, and I was able to follower her back to the water. I was nervous, not sure if the other girls were telling the truth. Now both of us could get in trouble!

She dove right in, and I was left to carefully step in. I froze when she looked back, me reaching a toe into the water. I’ve never skinny dipped in a gym pool before after all, so I wasn’t so sure about just jumping in. With my leg out though, I worried how much of a view she got. I covered up again, even though I’d need my arms out to actually swim. “Stop waiting and get in!” She shouted to me.

I rolled my eyes, and then started to sit down. I dipped my shins in, and then scooted forward till I could just slip into the water slowly. I was finally neck deep, and had to uncover myself. I hated how I could look down and see myself through the water’s surface. Clean chlorine water was not ideal for hiding a naked body!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:51 PM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Megan and Jessie #6
By Jappio

Part 3

“See, isn’t it nice?” Jessie asked me. I was still staying in just one place. I felt so trapped, being naked in the water. Jessie really was the total opposite of me. I wish I could enjoy stuff as much as she does.

“It’s alright I guess. Don’t worry about me so much,” I tried to let her just have her fun.

Jessie then put on her serious face, a rare sight. She swam up to me. I tried to turn my body, knowing my bare breasts would be right in her line of sight. Yet she turned me right back towards her, but her eyes met mine instead. “I will worry about you all I like! I care about you Megan, and I want to make sure you’re having the time of your life!”

I think I could have drowned. My face felt so hot, and I was totally paralyzed. To hear words like that from her had me totally stunned! Jessie was such a fantastic friend. I know she can be a bit oblivious, but she did seem to earnestly want what was best for me. How I wish though I could hear those words in a slightly different context, one that wasn’t her just being a great friend.

“Um… but, I just mean… you shouldn’t,” I was stammering again. It probably drove her nuts how her friend had such issues talking to her.

“No butts here, well, besides our cute pair of butts!” Jessie then swiveled in the water and bumped her hip to mine. My jaw dropped. She thought my butt was cute?!

“No! I’m not! It’s not! Only yours is like that! Yours is like perfect!” I blurted out. I ‘eeped’ and turned away again. I said it out loud!

“Heh, we went over it before. I need some work. I don’t have that like natural petite look you do. Yet the bits of roundness you do have are in just the right spots, and it just all accumulates into that adorable cute look of yours. I think you don’t look in the mirror enough,” I gave her a shove in the shoulder as I refused to make any eye contact. My face felt so hot that I was worried the water would start to evaporate around me.

I couldn’t keep quiet much more. “Jess, you do not need to work out more! What you do already has you looking so perfect as is! I… I just, I don’t know how anyone could not look at you and think perfection!” I was feeling too flustered to think straight. Do friends say something like that to each other?

“Aww, Megan! You know just how to make a girl feel better about herself!” She seemed quite happy at the comment! I could barely tell though, because I was still having troubles looking her way. Though she loves to emote with her hands and arms, and when they wrapped around me, it was clear she was happy. She then swam past me. “Ok, maybe you’re right that neither of us have to work too hard. I still had fun here today. How about we finish up and go out to get a treat?”

I nodded in agreement, turning to follow her. I still couldn’t get over what she said. Though my mind went blank when she started to get out of the pool! Her body was stretched out, one foot up on the side of the pool, the other still in the water. My eyes nearly bulged out. That perfect butt of hers I just complimented looked incredible of course with this front row seat I was getting. Her bare and shaved pussy didn’t look half bad either the way it was clearly revealed with her spread legs.

I’m so glad she didn’t notice how totally dazed I was when she turned to help me out. I tried to get up on the ledge, but it was of course tough to lift myself up using a slipper edge. Jessie though reached down, and grabbed my wrists and pulled.

I now was looking up at her. She was so gorgeous. Her wet hair hung down. Her breasts were swaying. Her back war arched as she was bent down to reach me. Our faces were so close for a few moments as I got a knee onto the ground. I was nearly out. Yet I started to close my eyes, thinking for just a moment that it would be so romantic for her to just kiss me.

Jessie was fit though and she had even my totally wet body pulled out of the water and onto the ground in no time. I really wasn’t’ prepared for being brought to my feet, and on wobbly legs, I was about to fall. Really, the risk was minimal though, as I was still in front of Jessie. I tumbled forward some, but she was there to catch me.

That’s when it all started to go in slow motion for me. Our bare and wet bodies slapped together in that first instance. I slowly was cushioned against her. The feeling of her soft breasts slowing my impact was incredible. Her arms moved to the side and wrapped around me to hold me steady. I had no balance, so all my weight was on her.

Jessie giggled. “Whoops, watch your step!” And she straightened me out. She didn’t fully let me go, she let a hand drift and hold my wrist again. “Before any more accidents, let’s go wind down!” I think I nodded, but that could have just been me dizzy from the sudden contact between us.

I was nearly floating. That brief moment, on top of all the others, was insane. Her skin… it was so soft.

“I am sorry for being so silly. I guess I was just feeling a bit down, you know? Yet you still put up with it, I appreciate it. You’re such a great friend,” I nodded again I think. Her skin, it was so smooth.

“Yet a bit of steam should clear my head a bit more. Maybe we should still make this a thing. It was nice having company. Or maybe you could just come to my house when I want to exercise, to keep me company, you know?” I was listening to her; I’m pretty sure at least. Her skin, it was so warm.

“Well, let’s let ourselves in, ok?” Her skin, it was just so perfect. I wanted to touch it again… Wait, let ourselves in?

Jessie was still naked, and now had her other hand on the handle of a door. I looked around; we’d made it to the side of the pool room. She was about to walk us into the sauna!

“WAIT! Woah, where are we going? I mean, you can’t just… there’s people, and we’re not dressed!” I remembered to cover my quite naked body in that moment. My underwear was over by the pool!

Jessie seemed puzzled. “After a workout, the sauna can help your skin re-breathe. It’s very relaxing. Why let anything get in the way? And nothing wrong with a bit of extra company.” I saw a towel with the gym’s logo nearby, and I quickly grabbed it.

“No, we need to at least… Jessie!” I hissed, seeing her open the door. I only had the towel half around me. I was hoping to at least get her into one!

“Come on Megan, get in, the steam is getting out!” I sighed, and tried to scurry to her. I was barely covered, but what was she thinking? I made it to her side, and as I worried, we weren’t alone in the room. More surprisingly though, we weren’t the only ones naked!

The now naked brunette I had talked to a bit ago called out, “Oh my gosh! I’m so glad we’re not the only naked ones!” I nervously got next to Jessie. I tried not to stare, but it was so confusing. The brunette and black haired girl were very naked. The brunette had her legs crossed and breasts covered. “I was so scared we were going to get in trouble. I really couldn’t be sure if this was a clothing optional place or not!”

Did I actually convince them? There’s no way. There was also a second brunette with them that was also totally naked. I think I saw her with them before.

“See, it’s perfectly fine to be au natural. I told you it was fine,” the raven haired girl of their trio commented. I guess I did give them enough doubt! I didn’t intend to actually have more girls strip naked! If this went bad, I could get some perfectly innocent girls in trouble!

I wasn’t about to admit to it being a lie though. I was totally naked, Jessie was totally naked… they’d think I was trying to play some trick on them. I stripped in front of them too, I don’t’ know what they’d think of me for doing that!

Jessie of course didn’t bat an eye at all the nudity. She seemed happy even. “Don’t mind if we join you, right?” my own dark haired friend asked.

“Sure, go right ahead. Nice and warm, really relaxing in here. You feel so at ease and free.” For someone who had been so critical of Jessie’s nudity earlier, she sure seemed friendly now! I just didn’t know what I could even say. I joined Jessie, sitting down on one of the benches. I sat to Jessie’s right, so I was at least half hidden. I couldn’t believe I was now in a steam room, in just a towel, and four other girls totally naked around me!

“You know, I said it was best without anything. Why keep that thing on?” Jessie asked. I was so glad she was at least keeping quiet; as I hoped no one would hear that.

I pouted, “Jessie, you know I can’t. They’d see me!” I hoped at least a little bit of Jessie would understand I was much more modest than she was.

“But didn’t you get naked in front of them before?” She had me there! I was blushing intensely again. Earlier it was to protect her, but I thought it was unwise to bring that up. I tried dropping the subject.

Then, our group of five turned to six! A girl, not quite as naked the others, but close, joined us! It was the blonde who was wearing the sports bra earlier, but now all she had on were little striped bikini bottoms! Her breasts didn’t stay exposed long though, and they were soon cradled under the woman’s arms.

Jessie was up on her feet in an instant. She seemed far too happy to find the nearly naked woman joining us! “Ooo, another! Come, sit with us here!” She said. Then, Jessie was down on the bench again, a blonde on each of her sides.

“So, I was telling Megan that she should loosen up a bit, like the rest of us! She is a bit too shy, wouldn’t you agree?” I couldn’t believe Jessie was just inviting this stranger in on what had just been a private conversation! I was hoping she’d keep her mouth shut about at least some of it!

“Oh, you know, we’re all the same in a way really. So no big deal,” the woman explained. I wanted to disagree. I was not so comfortable with just flaunting my body. We all hardly were the same. Though all the girls here did look really nice in their own ways, no one even compared to Jessie!

“Exactly, no better way to relax than totally naked. Like, it’s way more nice freeing like this!” Jessie had found a new friend I guess. She connected to people so easily. Not a care in the world as her breasts bounced in timing with her giggling. The odds Jessie would end up with 4 other nudists at once is astounding.

The other group was quiet as this new girl continued to talk with Jessie. “Yep, suppose you’re right. I was a bit worried at first, but a lot better seeing you all like this too.” She even let her arms drop back down. How do they all handle being naked with others looking? I couldn’t even be this comfortable if naked alone! I was thankful for my towel.

Jessie continued to socialize, “My name’s Jessie, how about yours?”

“Suzie, nice to meet you,” Suzie responded.

Jessie’s attention returned to me. “So, going to join us? Nothing wrong with getting naked too.”

I tried to keep my voice down; I didn’t want this to be public among everyone here. “Jessie, I’m just not sure I’m up for it. It’s a bit embarrassing, to let everyone see me, you know? I mean, you don’t but…”

“I guess I don’t know why you’d want to hide your body. Didn’t we just agree that we have nothing to be ashamed of?” Jessie horribly paraphrased.

“I never agreed to anything like that. I said you were fine!” I argued.

“Hm, but I don’t’ think anyone would mind if you were undressed. Maybe a bit jealous!” I really wished she wouldn’t do this in front of everyone! Even if I were fully dressed I’d want to bury my head in the ground. These compliments were going to kill me!

I wasn’t giving up my towel though. I couldn’t go that far. “I’m comfy as is, ok?”

Jessie turned again, and looked at the other blonde. She set a hand on the girl’s bare leg even! “Suzie here isn’t shy. You wouldn’t mind taking off her your bikini, right?”

Did Jessie grow bored with me and decided she had to strip a different blonde?! I wasn’t sure if I should feel jealous, but I worried how few boundaries Jessie had! I didn’t think stranger would appreciate the suggestion she get naked very much!

Just Jessie’s luck though, the other woman went, “It wouldn’t bother me at all. The human body is a… natural thing. Right? I mean, of course I’m right!” Jessie patted Suzie’s bare leg.

Jessie clapped. “Excellent, show Megan it’s no big deal at all. If four girls can’t prove it, surely five can!” This couldn’t be real! The girl actually did push her panties down! She wiggled in her seat, and managed to stand up. Pushing the striped garment to the ground, she was just as naked as everyone else! Jessie watched the whole thing enthusiastically too.

She picked up her panties and set them down. Suzie was courageous to undress with everyone watching her like that! I always considered Jessie the overly immodest one, but maybe I was the odd one?

“See, wasn’t she brave? She knows that there is nothing wrong with this. Don’t’ be so stubborn. I know you can do it, I’d be so proud of you!” Jessie cheered me on. I started to almost shake, because Jessie got even closer to me. She was leaning in, a hand right on my leg as support. Her fingers were wrapped around a thigh and bit down between them. Oh my god, she could not get this touchy-feely in front of others! Did she have to try and lock eyes with me too? I was turning to putty for her again with the look she gave me.

I don’t know if it was the look she gave me. I don’t know if I’d just given up at this point in the day. I don’t know if I was jealous of the other blonde who got some appreciation from Jessie. I don’t know if I was feeling brave. Yet, I started to try and loosen the top of my towel.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:52 PM   #8
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Day at the Gym:

Ashley at Work
By Jappio

Part 1

Ashley twirled a lock of auburn hair around her index finger as she sat behind the welcome-desk of the gym. The days were slow. The weather was far too nice for people to show up at the gym at this time of day. Work, school, and the great outdoors kept the place the opposite of busy. After the early risers had been and gone, the only other employee scheduled to work for that day left, knowing they'd only need one person working during what was affectionately called the “no-sweat hours.”

Leaning over the top of the counter, Ashley contemplated her options. She’d go entire shifts without seeing a single person. She regretted not remembering to bring a book to read during this time. She tapped her foot on the ground behind her, trying to keep a rhythm to at least busy herself in any sort of way.

That tapping of her feet though eventually caused the shoe to work its way loose. The ties weren’t well done, which destined the foot to pop out! The action was minor, and something easily fixed, but not for Ashley. Something about that action sparked a thought inside her head. Suddenly the boredom vanished and a shiver rocketed down her spine. She was no longer truly in her work appropriate clothes; she was now missing a shoe.

Instead of slipping her foot back in, she raised it more and let the shoe flop to the ground. She then placed her sock covered foot to the ground next to it. She wiggled her toes and rubbed the foot against the smooth tiled floor.

“Oh Ashley, that’s hardly appropriate! I’m afraid we can’t let you help customers when you’re sooo indecent!” Ashley said in a mocking voice to herself. She then lifted her other foot up, and pressed the back of the heel against the floor. “Yeah, well this is what I think of your rules Boss!” and she popped the other shoe off.

Ashley felt positively naughty to be without her shoes at work. Such an innocent thing, but it was terribly taboo a feeling to Ashley. She though also knew where it could lead.

A loud “Ding!” echoed the lobby along with a quick yelp from Ashley! In that moment, a customer appeared and Ashley felt as if she was caught doing a horrible crime!

“Hello. How are you today?” The short haired blond woman asked Ashley. Ashley seized up a bit but realized her state of undress was a secret. The counter easily blocked her feet from view.

“I’m doing well. How about you?” she replied. She couldn’t keep from nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot. This was only making it harder to forget that she was without her shoes though, feeling only a thin layer of white cotton separating her skin from the floor!

“I’ve got my membership card… wait… where is it…?” the woman said as she started to search her bag.

“Can’t find it?” Ashley asked.

“Just one of those days,” the woman said with a nervous giggle. After a bit of searching, Ashley realized she should probably start searching for the customer information. She also began to bring a toe up to the top of one of her socks and start to push at the garment. Something felt naughty about actually trying to undress herself in front of a customer!

After a few questions, Ashley was able to help the lady out of her predicament. Ashley verified that she was a member. She also got one of her socks down enough so it hung only on the toe. She could feel it about to fall off; it would even fall if she moved her foot just a little. “Enjoy your time here!” Ashley said to the guest. Just as the blond turned, Ashley let the sock fall to the floor. A shiver ran back up her spine at the thought of successfully removing a piece of clothing while having a conversation with someone!

Ashley wasn’t sure if she was more shocked by the fact that she had a person come in to work out, or by how bold she felt she had been by taking off the spare sock. She now had a totally bare foot exposed, contrasting with the covered one. She shook the bare one around, just relishing in the freedom.

When she set the uncovered foot down, she loved just how bare it felt, specially compared to the other one. Actually, she was a bit bothered by the difference; she wanted the same feeling of freedom on both feet.

Ashley turned, hopped, and sat her bottom onto the counter. She lifted both feet and stared inquisitively at them. Even visually, the asymmetrical nature bothered her. Her shorts left most of her legs bare, and the tiny sock on just one of her feet seemed off. She wanted to see both her feet uncovered in the workplace.

She drew her feet further upwards and towards herself, rubbing both ankles tenderly under the soft pads of her fingertips. She then snapped the top end of the remaining sock. A finger sneaked its way in and pulled the material taught. It began to tug and wiggle the elastic from side to side, slowly lowering the sock as it did.

To Ashley, something like this action was surely a thing you only do in private. Something you do alone in your room so you could prepare for bed or a shower. Now though, she was doing it right in the open lobby of the place she worked!

When she got to the heel, she pushed the cotton over it. Something about getting clothes past their toughest to past spot always made Ashley gasp out loud. In anticipation for the moment she held her breath. The sudden feeling of being past the toughest point was relieving as well. So without much effort, she took the sock from her foot, and let both bare feet dangle over the side of the counter.

Ashley was feeling really good. Her act of rebellion wasn’t just in what she wore, but what she was doing. Sitting on the desk, her back to the front door was not something a proper employee did. Ashley was sure she’d be alone. After a few more minutes of this, she felt very confident that she was going to be alone till the afternoon.

A bit of guilt struck Ashley. She was enjoying herself far too much while 'not working'. Deep down inside, she knew she should at least try to earn her paycheck properly. So when she noticed she was running low on a few supplies at the front desk, she decided she should go hunt some extras down.

She grabbed hold of her socks, and raised a foot to slip into one. She was going to get redressed, but then thought of how devilishly fun it could be to make the journey barefoot. She reasoned it was unlikely she’d run into the girl from before so she tucked her socks into her shoes instead, and stored them away in a cabinet under the counter.

Padding across the floor and down the hall, Ashley was making her way to the storage room. She took careful steps, both as if she was sneaking, but also to savor every step. Her body was so sensitive when exposed, even if minutely. The same trip she made daily was suddenly new and different.

In the store room, she began to gather her supplies. A few odd items like receipt paper were grabbed to help get her through the day, or if she were being honest, for the next few weeks considering how slow business was.

As she was reaching up to get something from a high shelf, Ashley found her stretched out body was slipping from her clothes, though in the slightest of ways. Though slight, it still made her heart race. Her soft cotton shirt rose up, the hem tickling her stomach slightly. She could also feel her shorts slip partially. When she looked down, she saw the hints of her black panties peeking out from the blue shorts. Her heart thumped ever greater when she considered the possibility of being like this while someone were around.

No one was around. She was the only one working, and she was in an 'Employee Only' room. She swayed her hips in that moment of realization, letting her shirt hem tease waist back and forth. Ashley leaned forward some, allowing the gap under the shirt grow larger, thus letting air in that tickled her torso.

She grabbed the item on the high shelf and stepped back. She looked down, and found her shorts still a bit lowered, of course not having been able to lift themselves up. Her shirt wasn’t quite long enough to hide her shorts, and that meant that sliver of skin and black cotton was still on show between the two pieces of outerwear.

“Don’t want to come back up? I’ll admit, I’d rather you stayed there or lower too,” Ashley said, talking to her shorts. She giggled at the thought of talking to her clothing; the loneliness of the shift was starting to show.

Yet that feeling of being alone made her think some more. Did she really have to pull her shorts back up? The halls would be empty still; only one guest was around...

Ashley turned to the door and opened it. She was right, the halls looked empty. It was a short walk back to her desk. She dared herself to keep her shorts where they were till she was there.

She had supplies in hands, her shorts were just barely letting anyone get a peek of her underwear-color choice of the day, and she felt ready to go. She stepped out into the hall, still very aware that her feet were bare. She closed the door behind her and made her way back to the desk.

Ashley’s bare midriff was experiencing a tantalizing feeling. She’d seen many of the people using the gym show more skin, but it still seemed to mean so much more to her. She delighted in the feeling, and was giddy the whole way back, although a tad nervous as well.

When she got back, she felt triumphant. She had completed her self-dare, and she rubbed the upper band of her panties just to make sure they really were there. The lobby was as empty as when she left it too. She slipped some fingers between the panties and shorts, and ran them around her body. In a way, they felt useless as she felt them be lifted away from her body in different areas.

“Useless clothing… shouldn’t be worn, right?” Ashley asked herself. She then tugged the shorts down further. “A little of my panties, or all of my panties, it’s all the same really,” she reasoned with herself as she got the shorts to her hips. “No one can see me from the other side of the desk… so what would be the difference?” she wondered aloud. Then with another push, gravity did the rest of the work and her shorts found her ankles! She then knew the difference, that the thrill was multiple levels greater!

She nervously moved closer to the counter, feeling she needed to fix her sudden increase in exposure. Besides her ankles now, her legs were bare. The bikini cut on her panties in no way offered them any protection. The black material was far from looking like any sort of clothing; it was clearly a cute pair of panties!

Shorts around her ankles wouldn’t really make her look in anyway dressed, if anything, somehow more undressed. That was at least Ashley’s reasoning as she slipped her feet from the garment. Her shorts were lying on the ground of her workplace! She stepped on the shorts and slid the pair around the floor. She watched herself do this, her outstretched bare leg pushing her very own shorts around!

As she got into the motions, she turned and rested her backside against the side of the counter. Her shortless state was very well hidden from the world, and so she was happy to keep playing. Her bottom wiggled and rubbed her pantied butt against the surface behind her. She loved all the feelings. Air conditioning on her legs, her foot on her shorts gliding across the ground, and her barely covered butt rubbing against company property!

With a playful flick, she kicked her shorts away from the counter and towards the back wall. She felt like time was flying, that is until her heart sank and everything seemed to stop. A loud ringing noise filled her ears and she felt she was really in for it!

Luckily, it was just the phone, the eternal line was ringing. A moment of shock and panic made it so Ashley was slow to answer the device. She realized she was at least safe for the moment, and finally picked up the receiver.

“Umm… this is… I mean… the main desk,” Ashley said. She was so nervous. Though it was a conversation over the phone, she had some kind of feeling as if she had to hide the fact she had her panties on show.

“Oh yes, I was wondering if maybe we could get some extra towels in the changing room? We’re good for now, but before hitting the exercise room I thought I might warn you. Seem to be low on them back here. Later that could be a problem,” a woman said from the other side of the line. Ashley figured it was the blond from earlier. Ashley was almost surprised she would still be in the locker room.

“Sure, right away Miss, I’ll get on that,” she said, never one to turn down a request from a guest. The two hung up, and Ashley again made a motion to reach for her shorts.

“The extra towels are in the yoga room… that’s a bit of a ways away from the locker room… I could grab them first, and then come back for my shorts after…” Ashley said. She was starting to think about making the trip sans-shorts. The idea was nuts, but she felt it would be fun too.

She started to rethink the idea though. She could easily be caught on the way there or back. Somewhere, the guest was in the building. She could even have someone else arrive. Could she get behind the counter again before someone saw?

Ashley crouched down, wanting to hide as she was distracted by her thoughts. She was feeling very exposed, this was where she worked after all. It’s one thing to be undressed in public, but she had to uphold a certain level of professionalism.

On the other hand, Ashley hadn’t had this much fun during “no sweat hours” ever. Her blood was racing and heart beating faster than probably half the people who used this gym. The feelings were always far too intoxicating for poor Ashley. She wanted to control herself, but she found herself looking away from her shorts, and instead towards the hall.

She turned a left, heading towards the west wing. She walked, knowing that she had only panties on from the waist down. Her shirt didn’t hide them, her hands at her sides didn’t hide them, and surely the shorts, socks, and shoes she left behind didn’t hide her panties either!

Every step she was farther from the cover that could make her decent. She felt the way her body moved, the way that her panties hugged her shape. She was so much more aware of them now that they were exposed. She was so distracted she didn’t pay much attention as she walked into the yoga room, and was quickly surprised to see a blonde!

The blonde in the sports bra hadn’t seen Ashley come in; Ashley didn’t even get a good look at her. Ashley was sure no one else was at the gym though, so it had to be the same girl. Ashley was able to quickly side step out of sight. It seemed that somehow the guest had beaten her to the yoga room. Didn’t she say she was going to the exercise room? Ashley quickly got to a pile of towels on a cart nearby. She held the pile in front of her panties, hoping it would be enough cover. She hadn’t been noticed yet, so she was happy to step away unseen with the towels. She didn’t even take time to think or observe.

Ashley sighed with relief. She was again in the hallway, not much more covered, but she dodged what was one of her worst worries. She now was again alone, and at least knew that the risk was all behind her. The only guest was in the room, and she had the rest of the building to herself. So once more, she walked down the hall, constantly checking over her shoulder to make sure the guest wouldn’t see her.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:53 PM   #9
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Ashley at Work
By Jappio

Part 2

The pile of towels she held in front of her waist did little to really hide her current clothing state. They only covered her lap. Bare legs and the hem of her t-shirt were exposed on either side. From the side or behind, her panties were clear as day. Even her feet were bare as she stepped down the tiled hall.

She approached the lobby area, spotting her desk. That was where her shorts, socks, and shoes were. She was about ready to grab them, put them on, and be decent again. Thinking about it, Ashley knew that the only guest was behind her. They wouldn’t need the locker room again for awhile either. It was a totally safe trip. Being in the locker room would be a safe enough place to be without shorts too, so there would be little harm if the guest did visit the room.

The temptation was strong for some reason. Getting herself back into the clothing seemed like a chore, as if it would be like shackling herself and restricting herself of freedom and fun. Why do such a thing if she could safely enjoy her freedom just a little longer?

Ashley no longer stared towards the counter she normally sat. Instead, she began to walk again. She was going to continue to walk down the hall with her panties on show! Ashley even held the pile of towels higher, more against her abdomen. She left her lower half as exposed as possible in her short jaunt towards the locker room.

With every step, Ashley could feel the cotton of her panties shift. She marveled at what it felt like to have her legs totally bare. Somehow, it still felt new, even though she had her legs bare many times in her life. Perhaps it was because of where she was, or how strongly the contrast of being covered and uncovered was for her. Yet she savored that feeling greatly, and was a bundle of smiles as she opened the door the women’s locker room.

Ashley was alone in the room, as expected. She quickly set the towels down where they needed to be. She could have sworn there had been more there earlier. She didn’t mind though, a bit of extra work was fine to help keep the mind off how boring the day was.

It was a nice way to make herself do something extremely risky and exciting. Though she was in a locker room, a room where many women have been more undressed than she was, she still enjoyed the thought of how she was dressed. She was an employee, not there to change, and yet she was without her shorts. Her shorts weren’t even with her, they were down the hall!

She walked around the room. Ashley pretended like she was inspecting it, but really she was just mentally checking off a list of different areas that she was wandering without more than half her work uniform. It felt like a sort of accomplishment. She was here, there, and everywhere in that room, and she did it with bare feet and her black cotton on show.

Stopping in front of the locker, Ashley thought about times in the past. Locker rooms were tough for her, especially after a workout or gym class. She remembered how much she hated to actually redress. She was always too shy to take off too much or stay undressed with the other girls around. However, when her body was sweaty and tired, the last thing she ever wanted to do was keeping anything on or putting anything on. She always wished she could toss her bra across the room, and take off her tiny panties.

Now, alone in the room, Ashley pretended she was able to do as she wished she could back in the day. She slipped her thumbs under the waistband of the panties. She wiggled her hips and arched her back. She hummed to herself, complaining of the heat and how tired she was from working out. The panties rounded the surface of her bottom first, the smooth skin tickled by the downward moving fabric.

Ashley giggled. The feeling was too wonderful for her to describe. The panties had started to feel restrictive the more she kept thinking about them. Having them off now only seemed natural. So with a few more shakes of her hips, she finished dropping the tiny piece of cotton to her feet. She shivered with delight as she felt the material go past her toes as she removed a foot one at time from them.

She reached down and dangled the tiny black material over her toes. Ashley wondered how something that looked so harmless was always so nice to get rid of. She moved her hips left and right exaggeratingly, just feeling the air swish past them. She was now completely bottomless!

She moved her feet apart, and looked around the room. She then looked down at herself. Even visually she loved how naked her lower half was. Her shirt was a reminder of what it was like to be covered. Her lower half didn’t envy her upper half.

She checked around herself again. Though she was in a locker room, it still wasn’t normal to be standing totally bottomless like that. Most women were business like about it, quickly getting to what they had to do. On such a slow work day though, Ashley was going to let herself have some time. The only guest had only just started exercising, so Ashley should have the place to herself.

Ashley sat down on the bench next to her. The cool wooden bench was a new feeling for sure to her, and she always loved that when she undressed. Some sort of flame of adventure burned bright in her when she could experience new things while exposed. Something like that bench, so smooth and different against the bare skin of bottom was a wondrous feeling. She couldn’t help but wiggle in her seat to really cement the feeling.

The ground itself was also a new feeling. She had noticed it with every step she took around the room. Even now while sitting she shifted weight from each foot just to get a better feeling for it all.

“I wish I didn’t have to put these panties back on…” Ashley thought, gazing at them again. They looked somehow ever smaller now, and therefore even more of a pain to put on.

Yet why should she put them back on? She didn’t really need them. If she got her shorts back on, no one would know. No one was there to catch her not putting her panties back on. Having them on or not for her trip back wouldn’t help really. If someone saw her in the panties, she’d be in just as much trouble.

The thoughts built on each other. They gathered and formed together into what seemed like an unbeatable argument. Ashley couldn’t possibly see a reason to put the panties on anymore. So much so, she was sure she could practically get rid of them.

In front of her was a locker, the door open. She knew if she closed it, it would automatically lock, and it would be some work for her to get the combination for that particular one. Anything inside it would be unreachable without some extra work…

With a flick of her wrist, the pair of black panties flew through the air and into the small compartment. Ashley didn’t’ even hesitate to reach up and shut it closed. She took mental note of the number, “G06,” and just got up and walked way! Ashley didn’t care at all that she no longer had to deal with the obnoxious garment any longer.

On her feet, and walking away, her being truly bottomless and locked from any sort of bottom wear hit her hard. Yet it wasn’t a bad feeling. Sure, there was a slight level of worry, but there were also other feelings. The contrast between feeling so free but also trapped was a strong mix.

She figured she would look silly if anyone else were around. Other girls would be changing into something, or undress more and heading towards the showers. None of them would be walking bottomless to the door!

Ashley was ready to get back to the front desk. Not so much to get her shorts, but rather to be bottomless somewhere as risk as that. She wanted that very badly, and so she had to get out of the locker room. She tugged the door open, and moved her half naked body into the hall!

There, Ashley stood proudly. She saw she was alone, no one in either direction. Her hands still shook with excitement as she patted her hips and thighs, feeling that they were indeed unclothed. She rubbed the back of her ankle with the other foot to make sure she was without shoes. She didn’t need to do anything to see if she was exposed between the legs; the air-conditioned breeze of the hall was enough to let her know that.

“No big deal, I’m just practically naked at work,” Ashley joked with herself. Though she was acting confident, her legs were stiff as she started to walk. Her pace was slow as she headed towards the unknown. She remembered there was of course no stopping anyone from being there. They could come in the front door, or the guest who was already there could be going to a new room.

Yet with that worry, Ashley kept her hands away from her body. Ashley let herself be bare and exposed. She was resolved to do what she wanted. She made her bed; she was going to lie in it.

Ashley hadn’t even thought about using something like a towel from the locker room for cover. No, walking with her butt and sex exposed was the only option available to someone like her. Ashley was someone who stubbornly went with the flow. She could never get away from an idea she had. Any little thing she thought was something she’d go all in on, 100%.

As she drew closer to the lobby, Ashley slowed even more. She couldn’t hear anyone thankfully, and approached the corner as carefully as could be. She got close to the wall, keeping her lower half out of sight as much as possible. She had never had to sneak up on her own work spot before.

As she peered around the corner, the coast appeared clear. She checked down the hall both ways as she dashed out towards the counter!

In a brief moment, in the middle of the run, Ashley became very self-aware of being totally bottomless in the center of the room. She was exposed at every angle with no way to hide herself. The doors could open, someone could come from down the hall… it all was potential risks. Yet Ashley still felt incredible, deep inside. The adrenaline was delicious to her, and she was very thankful she decided to take a risk she would also admit was far too insane at the same time.

Time ticked forward again as Ashley’s run continued. She bounded towards the side of her desk, swung waist high door open, and was once more where she was supposed to be. Ashley was still very indecently dressed for work, but she was at least back to where her shoes, socks, and shorts were waiting for her to arrive.

Putting on the clothing was the last thing on her mind though. Ashley was shivering with excitement over her truly bottomless streak down the hall. Ashley was tingling with both adrenaline and arousal in that moment. She felt more alive than ever. Her accomplishment would surely be one that she’d never forget.

Ashley spun in place, letting her shirt hem twirl. She kept looking down. Ashley loved the contrast, everything from her shirt; to her lower, and naked, half; and to the floor below. She again brought her hands to her hips, lap, and thighs. Ashley even rounded them to the back, squeezing her bare cheeks. Bare flesh on her hands, a feeling she also loved. With another couple of squeezes, she was absolutely certain she was bottomless!

If it weren’t for the muddled sound of someone down the hall, Ashley probably would have kept feeling herself up. However, the noise did sound just barely, and Ashley was fortunate to catch it.

Her eyes sprung wide, and her head swiveled towards the source. She wasn’t sure who it was, but someone was coming towards the lobby! Her first instinct was to duck down, hide her lower half the best she could.

The shorts were still up against the wall, away from the counter, and Ashley wasn’t sure she’d be able to reach them. For a moment she thought about quickly stepping over to them, but the action would take her away from the counter. She hesitated, and she hesitated again. Her heart felt as if in a vice, her body was paralyzed and unable to move, and the hairs on the back of her neck stuck up.

It was too late. Though she maybe had time to get the shorts, the gym guests who had first spurred her to hide were now no longer around the corner, but in full view of her receptionist desk. They would surely be able to see over it, and at her if she dared moved!

“Oh, she’s here now! Good, we can sign in properly!” one of them called. Ashley only stuck her head up from the counter. She felt silly, but wasn’t sure how well the counter could hide her from the approaching guests!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:54 PM   #10
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
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Ashley at Work
By Jappio

Part 3

She couldn’t stay crouched, it would look foolish. Ashley nervously and shakily began to stand. Her thighs rubbed as she tried to stand up, and it just reminded her of her half naked state. Eventually was able to appear as if standing, though she hardly could do so fully straight not with how bad her nerves were hitting her. Ashley pressed forward, the bottom part of the hem of her shirt pinched tightly between the counter and the upper part of her pelvis.

Ashley couldn’t fight the instinct to look down. She saw that she would appear to be covered in her current position but would have to hope none of the girls tried to look at her from the sides. For the first time Ashley really looked up at the new guests.

The three girls seemed mostly ordinary. She didn’t recognize them as regulars. The most notable was the brunette in the center. She seemed oddly nervous, and Ashley feared this was because she was spotted. The girl seemed a tad timid though, so she hoped it was just due to being shy. It did seem odd that a girl who looked pretty shy and reserved wore such a tight fitting top. The taller brunette and shorter black haired girl stood on either side of her.

“Um… welcome… I didn’t see you come in,” Ashley said. She was surprised there were any more guests to have arrived. How long had they been there? When she was streaking earlier, she actually avoided a total of four people?!

“Oh, we talked earlier, I had called about the lack of towels,” one of them explained. Ashley must have wrongly assumed the first guest was the one on the line earlier.

The black haired girl spoke up, “so, we forgot our cards, but we wanted to see if you could look us up? We’re members at a sister location out of town. We signed in there if you’re wondering when we didn’t see you up here.” The girl gestured to a pad of paper a few feet down the counter.

Ashley wanted to look over at the sign in sheet, but realized she couldn’t move too much. Doing so would surely let them see her bare hips! “I… ok… um I’ll just look you up,” she tried to say. She twisted her upper body towards the computer near her, and logged in. Ashley felt the movement was a bit awkward, but wasn’t sure what to do about it.

The three girls seemed to be waiting patiently as she loaded up the registry, but the girl in the center was fidgeting. Ashley too was feeling a bit wobbly. She had to do something to shift her body just a bit, but as she did, her shirt popped out from between her and the counter. The event was probably very unnoticeable to anyone, but to Ashley, it was very overt! She could feel the cloth slip away and her bare skin come into contact with the cool desk!

She suppressed a gasp, and tried to concentrate on the computer end of things. At that time, the nervous girl leaned forward. Ashley blushed on instinct, very worried of how close someone was to her half naked body! If the girl came too close, she might be able to see over the counter!

Ashley doubled her effort to hug the counter as well, and soon she was just a foot or so from the other girl. She had tried to concentrate on her computer, but she now had to get information from the girls. Facing the nervous one, Ashley felt incredibly rude. Ashley figured the shy one probably wanted a bit more space, but giving anymore would let the brunette see too much. Instead, the two were now close to each other as Ashley began to ask the necessary questions.

As she got their phone numbers and names, Ashley’s nervous feet fidgeted. She drew one up and began to rub the back of her ankle. The sensation was enough to send another shiver up her body. Ashley was just a foot away from other people and she was totally bottomless! Though she didn’t want to draw attention to her state, she couldn’t help but turn her head to look over her shoulder. Ashley could look one way to see the three girls, and behind her she could see her own naked butt! She was at least hopeful that the three girls couldn’t see it from their angle!

Mary, Jenny, and Julie were the names of the girls, and things seemed to match up. Normally, she would have to check for ID’s, but Ashley wanted the conversation to end as soon as possible. Hopefully the girls would go work out more, and she’d be able to get her shorts back on!

However, after letting them know they were set, Mary, the nervous girl, didn’t move! Mary just stood there, as if trying to think of something to say. Ashley wanted to excuse herself, but she couldn’t! She was stuck where she was… she was essentially trapped bottomless with people around!

“So um… when do you guys close?” Mary asked.

Ashley was caught off guard. The silence had started to build and the girl squeaking out the question nearly made Ashley jump! A good thing she didn’t though, otherwise Ashley would have flashed her tuft of her auburn curls! “Uh, not till 6, you have plenty of time!” Ashley managed to answer. Honestly, she wished she could have given an answer that would have hurried her along.

As if there to save her, the two girls then talked to Mary. “Hey, we’re going to get going now. You coming?”

Ashley was happy to finally have this end, but Mary seemed to want to make things tough! “Um… no… not yet guys. I have a few more questions…”

She couldn’t believe it! This Mary girl was going to stick around? Why? She wished the two women could have convinced their friend more, but they just turned and left! Without much more fanfare, Mary and Ashley were now the only two in the lobby.

Silence again grew. Neither girl seemed to know what to say. Ashley was now very worried that this girl did know her secret! Her hands drifted to her hips again, rubbing them… she was so exposed, and she had no way out of it. The only good news was at least if something went bad now, she would only have one witness!

“Sorry that we didn’t wait here longer for you. We sort of wanted to get to working out as soon as possible,” Mary explained. Ashley was glad the first words from the girl’s mouth weren’t something like “I know you’re naked back there!”

“It’s fine, it’s no problem. Just nice to have people around, you know?” Ashley tried saying. Though normally a few guests would be a welcomed thing during the usually boring time of day, at that moment there was nothing worse!

An odd thought crossed Ashley’s mind. What if Mary was trying to hit on her? Was that why she was so nervous? She wasn’t sure if that would make her situation better or not. Would she get in trouble if someone who fancied her saw her half dressed?

“Ashley, she’s not trying to hit on you! The idea alone is crazy. You’re just not thinking straight,” she chastised herself. What was keeping Mary there though? Every moment that passed just meant greater risk of being caught.

Both girls yelped as the phone rang! Ashley looked to her side and at the phone just barely out of reach. She wanted to pick it up, but couldn’t with Mary there. Ashley hoped though that Mary would take this as a hint to leave.

Mary didn’t move though. She looked towards the ringing, than towards Ashley, and then to the phone again. It was like she waiting for Ashley to make the first move!

“Come on, just get out of here. If I go get that, I’ll probably moon you! Do you really want to see my butt that bad?” Ashley thought to herself.

“Um… do you need to maybe get that?” Ashley asked. The two were still close. Ashley was worried her heavier breathing could be felt on the girl! Budging away seemed risky… but it also seemed to be her only option. She just barely let her body move away from the desk. The action was small, an inch or two at most, but it felt like so much more. In a way, the desk was clothing her. Now that Ashley was away from it, it was as if she was opening the front of her pants to let someone just stare down into them!

Ashley saw how Mary kept looking at her. Thankfully, it didn’t’ seem she was trying to look down behind the counter, but she did keep an eye on her. Ashley continued to watch the brunette, making sure her secret remained.

With small side steps, Ashley made her way the phone. It was an odd feeling. It was like she was sneaking naked past someone while they stared at her! Ashley was nearly about to break out into a sweat, but the phone was thankfully getting closer. Mary didn’t relent her staring either.

Once the phone was in reach, Ashley felt like she was home free. “I’ll just get this then… I’ll only be a moment,” she said as politely as possible. She quickly ducked down behind the counter. She was crouched, half naked now, reaching for the phone. She picked up the receiver and announced that it was the front desk.

“Oh, well, I should be going, see ya!” Mary exclaimed. Ashley looked over her shoulder, happy to see that Mary didn’t try to do anything like look over the counter. Ashley slowly stood to try and keep an eye on the exiting girl, but by the time she stood again, the girl had already vanished!

Sighing in relief, Ashley was happy that the close call was finally over!

“Hello?” came from the other line. Ashley completely forgot she was on the phone!

“Sorry, this is the front desk, how can I help?” Ashley responded, a tad breathlessly.

The voice did seem familiar. She wondered if it was the first guest, but now couldn’t be sure. “Yeah, um, in the exercise machine room… the treadmill isn’t working well. Something seems to be jammed in it? I’m heading out to another room, but if you could come here and fix that?”

“It’ll just be a moment, I’ll be down there soon,” Ashley announced. Hanging up, Ashley took little time to fetch her shorts. She was ready to be covered and get back to work now that she knew being alone was no longer likely!

Crouching at the shorts Ashley took one last moment to give her thighs a rub. She even petted her soaked lips. Even being in a risky situation, her body still had responded positively to it all. How her body felt so alive still was beyond her. She’d have been so embarrassed if she had been discovered. Yet at the same time, the thrill of being so undressed had never really faded either. As she slid the shorts up her legs, they felt somewhat wrong, but it was a necessary evil for the time being.

However, she paused as she was about to open the cabinet door to where she kept her socks and shoes. Though they were meant to be worn… they weren’t absolutely necessary. If she could hide her naked tush behind the counter, than her bare feet wouldn’t be hard? She could make a quick trip to fix the machine and back and probably still not see anyone. The two parties of guests seemed like they’d be busy anyways.

So, though she figured she’d have been sated well enough by that point, Ashley decided to remain undressed in some small way. Honestly though, to her it was still pretty big. Again, her bare feet led her out from behind the counter and towards the exercise machine room once more.

If her bare feet weren’t enough to remind her of her immodest deeds of the day, the lack of panties cemented it! It felt so obvious to her that she didn’t have them. Ashley couldn’t have put her panties back on quickly if she wanted to; they were locked away on the other side of the building.

Ashley’s bareness beneath her shorts wasn’t perfect. As she walked into the exercise room, she was very much missing what she had before Mary and her friends interrupted her. She was free, and being back in her shorts so soon seemed an utter shame. She wasn’t sure if the shorts were itchy or too tight, or if she put them on wrong, but they were uncomfortable now. Perhaps she needed her panties? The thought of such extra restrictions didn’t sound swell though.

The room was empty, and she knew that the three girls from the front desk would be busy elsewhere. She also started to think about how the girl requesting her help wasn’t there either, probably also busy in another room. The safety of feeling alone allowed Ashley to run her hands over her body. They started at the top of her shoulders, feeling her shirt, and grimacing as she passed it over her bra, feeling it through the fabric.

Ashley’s hands continued to go down, pressing the shirt against her skin; she noted how the cotton felt against her smooth stomach, and became more “aware” of it. Ashley was sure she’d never be able to explain it to someone, but it was like thinking, “under my clothes, I’m naked.” It separated her body from the clothing over it, and it gave Ashley a delightful chill down her spine. It is what usually fueled the invisible strings that guided her clothes off. The contrast was always hard to ignore once she was aware of it.

Her fingers snapped the waistband of her shorts. She nearly pushed them off her hips in that moment, seeing as how easy it would be to do. Yet the scare with Mary kept Ashley from doing something so sudden. Instead, her hands wrapped around behind her, patting the shorts down against her rump. She had her bottom bared not long ago, but she already missed the freedom.

Ashley’s hands were starting to jitter. Tugging at the leg holes of her shorts, she tried to stretch them away from the skin. This would always lead to one end rubbing against hip or thigh, and this agitated Ashley in a weird way. The loose fabric might as well have been like uncomfortable bindings.

Sighing in relief, Ashley’s digits finally found her legs. She was delighted to no longer find any clothing as they made the trip down, even all the way to her toes. That was what Ashley wanted and she liked it.

Her body was tingling again. It was crying out to return to what she was doing. She had been getting so warm and tingly; so many good feelings had built up. Yet before she could properly feel satisfied by bubbling over, she had constricted and locked tight those feelings. They still wanted to burst, and all the more so now that she had frazzled herself up.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:55 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Ashley at Work
By Jappio

Part 4

“Focus!” Ashley’s brain screamed. Ashley looked up, and around, and tried to remember what she was doing. A machine needed fixing, and she had to fix it. She spotted the treadmills and went over to them. After inspecting them a bit, she did notice one of them had an odd piece of cloth sticking out of it. She wondered if someone had gotten a towel stuck in it. A quick attempt to turn the machine on resulted with the belt not moving at all.

While crouched to tug at the cloth pinched under the belt, Ashley could feel the very top of her butt crack peek out of the shorts. The little pocket of air between waistband and skin tickled her in such a delicate way; Ashley was probably one of the few who could notice a feeling like it. Ashley wanted to be undressed again. In a huff, she stood up, planning to unplug the machine next.

Ashley’s sudden jerk upward caused her breasts to bobble. Her secure bra held them in place, but this too just frustrated the girl. Ashley groaned and looked around. She knew she had to do something. Thinking about it, Ashley wondered how much she could get away with. Being more indecent didn’t seem to be a safe method as proven, but her lack of shoes, socks, and panties had seemed to be safe enough.

So she felt a compromise could be reached. Ashley’s bra was probably the tightest piece of clothing on her body, and she might be able to get away with not having it on… not like anyone could see under her shirt. Ashley gripped the bottom of her shirt as she walked towards the wall behind the treadmills. She was far back enough that she couldn’t even see the door thanks to how the room was shaped. She was private enough for a quick change of clothes!

Ashley’s shirt rose high, and soon she was pulling it up past her head. Her hair pushed through, and fluttered outward, eventually all daintily landing against her nearly-bare back. The feeling was exquisite, and Ashley happily sighed. She bundled the shirt up under her arm, reaching her hands back and undid the clasp on her bra.

Her bra loosened, and wearing just shorts was, again, a new level for Ashley. She’d been behind the treadmills before, but never like this! Ashley did a twirl as she pushed the bra straps down off her shoulders. She thrust her chest out as she took the bra from her arms, and she laid it down on one of the treadmill control consoles.

Hard nipples welcomed the air of the room. For the first time since she got dressed that morning, her breasts were bare. She dropped her shirt and quickly began to massage the newly exposed skin. That familiar bubbling of warmth quickly released all across her body, but most concentrated on her chest. The soothing warmth intensified as she let her fingers squeeze and grope her modest mounds. Each time, she could only think of how good it felt to have nothing in her hand’s way.

After a few accidental flicks of her nipples, Ashley was starting to think how she didn’t want to return to working. Yet, that thought did remind her she did have things to do. She reached for her shirt, but feeling the weight of her own breasts hang from her chest was enough to make her hesitate. Instead of grabbing her top, she turned and reached for the plug instead. Her haphazard reasoning was she could unplug the machine, and then put her shirt on.

With a quick tug, Ashley released the plug from the wall. The machine was off, and she’d be able to safely work on it. She stood up, and as if to waste time, surveyed the cord from where she stood, making sure it was to the right machine. She looked at her shirt next, but that’s all she did with it. She felt she could have dealt with wearing it, that she shouldn’t mind something as loose as it, but she gave up on that thought. She would give it some more time at least, while her body still reveled in the feeling of being without the shirt.

Skipping back around the machine, and in just her shorts, Ashley was on the top of the world again. Alone in the exercise room, she was again free to be undressed. Worries faded away as she could only think about how nice things felt. Again, she played with her nipples, happy to have such little pick-me-ups so readily available. The jolt of pleasure they’d give her as she played with them was addictive.

Ashley began to do what she could with the machine. She opened a hatch or two, and pulled some levers. Normally such work would have been considered annoying, but Ashley no longer thought so. At that moment, it was incredibly thrilling to think how she was doing it. She was topless, very nearly naked in fact. She was crouched next to a machine, her breasts bobbing and swaying with each movement. Her bare feet planted on the ground, toes wiggling as she adjusted one thing or another. Ashley was doing such a normal thing in such an abnormal way!

Ashley freed up the control on the belt, allowing her to let it move by hand. She pushed and tugged, but couldn’t manage to get it to go. She tried shifting around, getting on her knees and pulling it from another angle. It budged, but only slightly. Ashley giggled and spoke aloud to the machine, “Yeah, I know how you feel. Just wishing you could take off your belt!” Ashley began to fondle her bosom once more as she followed up her joke, “It feels so nice when you do finally get rid of stuff like that, I promise.”

“Totally bare though, is the best,” Ashley began to explain. “It just feels good, you know? To suddenly let it all out. You wouldn’t want anyone to see, but like, just for you? Your own little private fun,” Ashley tried explaining. She honestly wasn’t sure how to put it herself. Really, talking about it to a hunk of metal and plastic was more so a way to convince herself.

It was working, too. The idea of total nudity was appealing as always, and being so close meant it wasn’t out of reach for Ashley. She grabbed the waistband of the shorts, ready to show the treadmill what she meant. She honestly wasn’t being bothered by the shorts, Ashley was sort of fine with how she was. Her little speech though spurred her to go further.

Ashley lowered the shorts down her legs for a second time that day, and this time it was somehow even more thrilling! Instead of exposing her underwear, her bare body was being displayed. She was totally and completely naked besides the bunched up cotton going down towards her feet. When she finally got them there, she took out just one foot. She stood there, looking at the treadmill “See, it’s really great, just being able to get out of all your clothes!” Ashley stepped out of the shorts, and stood naked in the exercise room!

Ashley left her arms out, away from her body. She felt too sensitive to touch herself in that moment. She took in every little feeling, and her body felt as if it was quaking with pleasure. She was totally naked at work!

Her body was tense, and she tried to relax, but it was like she couldn’t. Every moment, blood pumped through Ashley’s veins. The constant, coursing flow of adrenaline had her nearly shaking. No single spot felt more or less exposed than another to her.

Ashley took tiny steps. She tried to keep calm, and to let it all soak in. She was worried if she moved too much, it would be too much for her sensitive body at that moment. She took in the feelings slowly.

As she began to better grasp her situation, she began to crave that same overwhelming rush of emotions that just had her paralyzed. Her steps became lighter. She was bouncing, feeling the full force of her weight with each step. Her body began to make more exaggerated movements, letting it bound with momentum. Her hair swished and brushed her skin, her breasts sprang and the nipples atop buzzed, her bottom was as buoyant as her pace, and her thighs rubbing made the special spot between them practically throb!

Without thinking, Ashley moved away from her clothes and was now exploring the exercise room. She let her right hand touch the equipment, walls, and anything in reach. The other hand rubbed circles over hips, sides, stomach, and ribs. Devilishly Ashley smiled and turned and bumped her bottom to the wall. Soon, she couldn’t help but throw her hands up and press her whole body to the wall and roll along it.

Popping away from the wall, Ashley gleefully twirled towards the machines again. With little thought she plopped down on the seat of a leg press. It felt like the cool leather enveloped her and it made Ashley coo. Her feet pressed towards the machine, not to exercise, but just to increase the number of stimuli on her body.

“Out of control” was a thought that crossed Ashley’s mind. She felt she had to gain some control of herself. She could feel her body cry out for sexual release amongst her torrent of thrills, and she thought perhaps she’d attend to that, to try and sate her desires.

Dipping a hand between her legs, she wasn’t surprised to find her tender lips were wet. She had felt droplets slide down her thighs already. She sharply drew in a breath as her finger explored the heated region. She was trying to tell herself to regain control. Being naked at work was a bad enough offense, actually sexually gratifying herself pushed it to an even higher level.

Ashley swayed her legs to the side, shutting her thighs. The warm pulsing feeling begged her to return her hand, but Ashley did no such thing. Not so much to keep herself from doing something wrong, but instead she no longer wanted to end things quickly. Ashley’s self-inspection was best halted for other reasons too; the door to the room was being opened!

She had meandered from the treadmills. Ashley could see the handle of the door turning! Ashley’s instincts had her to her feet in no time. Ashley wouldn’t be able to make it to her clothes in time, and the first thing she saw that would provide appropriate hiding was the utility closet nearby!

Ashley zigzagged around equipment till she made it to the door. She flung it open, and practically dove into the small compartment. She closed the door, but with a gentle touch at the end, so to not alert anyone with the sound. She couldn’t see in the darkened room, and things were silent for a moment.

Ashley’s heart was like a caged animal, nearly thrashing about in her ribcage. Ashley strained to listen, to see what was going on. She wondered what would possibly happen. She was nearly caught naked, but she now perhaps had to remain naked in that closet for however long the guests in the exercise room would want to use the equipment.

Ashley’s shaky ankles made it so she stumbled into some items. A broom lost balance and fell against her. Her foot bumped into a bucket probably meant for a mop. She had very little space to move around.

She began to wonder what she’d do if the gym got busier. Perhaps these guests in the room wouldn’t leave till someone else had entered. Could she be stuck naked till close time?

She again shifted her weight too much, bumping into another item or two. The handle of the broom that had fallen had now rested between her butt cheeks. Even in this worrisome time, Ashley’s body felt on fire with the constant sensations that were ever increased by her naked state. Perhaps she was affected by such feelings because she felt so much more vulnerable.
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:55 PM   #12
getDare Sweetheart
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Ashley at Work
By Jappio

Part 5

Ashley finally heard the guests, but it did not ease her worries at all. She heard a few muffled sounds, but made out a few words, “What should we do with this?” and “We should take it to the lost and found. They’ll be looking for it I bet!”

Ashley’s first worry was obvious. The room had been empty besides her clothing!

Ashley tried to hope it was something else, anything else. She desperately wished she could look out, but she couldn’t risk being caught. She instead shifted around till her ear was to the door, her feet knocking into more items, her body shaking with more than just fear.

She heard the door open again. “Guys! Where were you?!” came the voice. It did sound somewhat familiar to Ashley. Things were again muffled for a bit, but then she heard, “Wait, what’s with the bra?”

Ashley knew it, it really was happening. Her bra was found! The only hope she had left was that maybe it was just the bra, as the shorts and shirt weren’t laid on top of the machine after all.

“Hand the shirt over…” she partially heard. She knew now for sure all her clothes had been scooped up by these guests. Ashley tried to wonderful what she’d be able to do.

“…go to the lost and found first. Then the sauna…” was the next thing Ashley could make out. Though she was in trouble, a brief ray of hope did shine. She would perhaps be able to get out of this before others could enter the exercise room.

Again Ashley couldn’t hear the girls outside her little box, but after a short time, she did hear what sounded like a door. Ashley had a 50/50 shot that she was either left alone or more people came in. The gym was slow; Ashley should still have time before things picked up. She carefully opened the door.

Scanning the room, Ashley could see she was alone again. She let herself slip free from her tiny compartment. Ashley looked back only to see if maybe something could provide cover, but nothing would really help hide her exposure in a meaningful way.

She nearly cursed out loud when she thought about how just earlier she’d been in this room and took all the spare towels. Ashley really wished she had one of them. The room would be vacant of any possible cover, so already Ashley had to trudge to the door exiting the exercise room.

She stalled for a few moments. She wasn’t sure if the guests who had taken her clothes would be gone. She didn’t need to walk out naked in front of them. After a few more moments passed, Ashley slowly looked out into the hallway.

Everything seemed clear. Ashley slowly slipped out of the room. She knew that down the hall three girls could be standing around. If she wasn’t careful, she’d be caught as a streaker at her own place of business.

Ashley’s feet slapping against the floor sent tremors of intense, vulnerable feelings through her body as she trekked over towards the lobby. Every step Ashley took made her breasts bobble. She tried to bring an arm up to them, to cover and hold them, but she could still feel the difference between her arm and the support a bra would normally supply.

Ashley’s thighs rubbing weren’t ignorable either. Ashley had grown wet and that wetness was evident. She couldn’t believe she’d become so slick, but at the same time a little relieved. In some weird way, Ashley was happy she was at least getting something out of it. If she were only scared, the situation would probably felt worse. Though perhaps that was the problem, the reason she kept getting herself into situations; she didn’t hate them enough.

She neared the end of the hall, and she tried to stay close to the wall that would turn into the lobby. Ashley’s heart pounded. More and more she could see the lobby, seeing how it was empty. However, she couldn’t’ see the whole thing, and if she just turned the corner suddenly, she’d have no way to hide herself.

Eventually she ran out of hall though. Over a fourth of the lobby would be out of sight for her, including the main door. If the girls from before were quick about dropping things off in the lost and found bucket at the far edge of the counter, they’d be gone. Yet if they lingered at all… they were probably still there.

The other option Ashley had was to wait there till someone came across her. The barren hall provided no cover, and she wasn’t near any doors to hide behind either. She had to go forward; Ashley at least had a chance no one would see her if she continued. So she took one final look. She probably looked silly, peeking her head and bare shoulders around the corner, but it was safer than flashing her entire naked self to whoever may be there.

No one was there though! Ashley was relieved. She already started to promise herself she’d never do something as silly as strip naked at work again! Ashley triumphantly rounded the corner and quickly behind her desk.

“You did it Ashley, you were naked here at work! I know I shouldn’t have, but at least I can say I did it. Not many other people can,” she mused to herself. The sense of relief was so intense. Sort of like shedding her clothing, the lack of worry was always so emboldening.

Looking back, she saw that she was alone. She moved a hand between her legs and ran a finger between her soaking lips. “Heh, really let myself get carried away. Maybe I should find somewhere a bit more private…” she wondered aloud. She shivered when her finger graced her sensitive clit.

“Get dressed!” a voice rang out in her head. She giggled and pulled her hand away. She was going to do it; she was going to do as she knew she should. “No more fun!” Ashley said, giving her nipples one last tease. That was nearly a mistake, as her new resolve to better herself almost wavered in that moment. She ignored the tingling in her body though and finally walked over to the bin.

The first thing Ashley did was look down into the bin. She pushed and prodded away the things that weren’t hers. Forgotten clothes, shoes, and other items were there, but she was starting to realize her clothes weren’t! Ashley’s shirt, shorts, and bra were nowhere to be seen!

She tried to flip a few things over, but it didn’t make sense for it to be buried. The girls wouldn’t have taken them elsewhere, would they? Ashley was now realizing she was perhaps actually stuck naked!

Ashley shook her head. She wasn’t stuck naked, she was riffling through a few items of clothing! After pushing a shoe to the side to try and grab a shirt though, she heard the chime of the front door!

The sound of air filling the room was all Ashley heard as she ducked down behind the counter. She couldn’t believe there’d be another guest! The day was turning out to be the busiest it ever had been during those no-sweat-hours!

Ashley tried to listen for sounds of the new guest. There were a couple of steps. Would the person try to check in at the counter? Ashley curled up into a tight ball and against the desk. She figured she’d be safe as long as the new guest didn’t peer over the edge.

There was silence. Ashley was so close to having clothes on again. She still didn’t know where her actual clothes were. She wondered if those who found her clothes were looking for a streaker. Would they have recognized them as the clothes the desk girl was wearing?

The new guest began to walk away. The fading footsteps signaled Ashley to quietly sigh with relief. She again narrowly dodged detection. Ashley wasn’t sure if she was lucky or what.

Ashley stood and this time didn’t play around. Her body actually now ached for release more than ever, but Ashley was done. It wasn’t her own clothes, but she had to have something. Ashley got up off the ground and went right back into the bin.

She pulled out a stretchy tank top, and slithered it down her body. The material was a bit tight, and her hard nipples showed through it. It wasn’t so bad though, and she figured it wouldn’t look out of place amongst the people there. She then managed to find a pair of jeans that she would be able to fit into, though a bit loosely.

Ashley was covered, though in unfamiliar clothing. She then began to wonder what could have possibly happened to her clothes. She was sure that the girls in the gym mentioned bringing them to the lost and found.

That’s when it hit her. Ashley again scrounged through the lost and found. It had been lying on the top before, but now it made sense. There was a bra in the lost and found, and that wasn’t really a normal occurrence. Ashley was sure she hadn’t seen it before either. She was now wondering if she had heard about the wrong bra. Was there a chance there had been two bras?

Ashley knew what this meant. Now clothed, she could more easily make her way back to the exercise room. In no time, she was able to go through the empty room to where she left her clothes. And just as Ashley had started to suspect, her clothes were where she left them!

The borrowed items were quickly removed. Ashley couldn’t believe it, had she just checked that corner of the room first, she’d have seen the other girls had not touched her stuff. She risked a total naked streak to the front for nothing!

Ashley wasn’t feeling too regretful about that, though. More regretful was putting her proper clothes back on. She wasn’t even able to convince herself to bother with the bra. Perhaps it had been a mistake to strip totally naked to change? She hadn’t even given much thought to the fact she had done it right in the exercise room!

However, Ashley still did believe she’d done enough for that day. She got her pants and shirt back on, and was once more a nearly decent employee! She was ready to put things behind her finally.

Back at the front desk though, it’s all that could occupy her mind. Things had quieted down again. She was so dazed she didn’t even pay any notice to any of the guests that were heading out. She could swear a few sounded in a hurry based on the hurried steps she heard, but she didn’t look up in time to see what was going on. Ashley just continued to tap her bare feet to the ground, thinking about how naked she had been, how naked she still was under her clothes with no underwear on.

“Howdy Ash!” Came a voice! Ashley quickly turned and saw that her coworker had finally come in!

Ashley quickly looked down and saw how her shoes and socks were still off. Her face began to turn red. “So, how was your day? I’m sure things just dragged as usual. Anything exciting happen?” Ashley nearly winced at the comment. If only her coworker knew!

“Busier than usual actually,” Ashley explained. She tried to shuffle away a bit. Her face was red. Not only was she thinking about her adventures, but now also thinking about how she was trapped barefoot in front of her coworker. Shoes were of course required by the dress code.

Ashley’s heart stopped when her coworker did look down, and did notice her shoeless and sockless state! “Hey, Ash, were the shoes just uncomfy?”

Ashley was about ready to panic. Would her friend think she was weird? “Um… well… yeah… I guess… I mean…” Ashley didn’t know how to explain it at all.

“Yeah, I know what you mean. After a long shift I’ll do that sometimes. They can get so cramped,” she explained. Ashley couldn’t believe it. Was it really no big deal? Could she could make it a usual thing… No, probably wouldn’t be for the best. She didn’t need another day like this happening!

The End
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:56 PM   #13
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Day at the Gym:

Mary Works Out
By Jappio

Part 1

“Hello?” Julie called out as she looked around the lobby. Jenny and Mary joined in the surveying, but they were sure they were alone.

“I guess we should just go home,” Mary suggested with a forced chuckle. She knew it was a long shot, but maybe she could get out of the game they had planned.

Julie turned around and faced Mary. “Pfft, it’s fine. We’ll just go change and come back later. It’s no big deal, we’re members. Not like we’ll get in trouble,” she reasoned.

“Not signing in isn’t exactly what I’m worried about getting in trouble for,” Mary muttered under her breath. She pulled the strap of her bag closer to her body, not fully knowing what was all in store for her on this day.

The three were taking a day off from school. Jenny and Julie (informally referred to as 'the J’s') had again concocted a plan for Mary. It was a new game for them to play and it was going to take place at the gym. They were kind enough to select a location not in their college town, but that only helped Mary from being recognized. The only thing Mary knew was that they selected an outfit that would be revealing, and that things would probably escalate from there!

Trudging down the hall, the girls made their way to the locker room. Mary had hoped the place would be empty but they passed two girls who had just finished changing by the looks of it. Once inside the locker room, Mary was happy to see they were at least alone in there!

Sadly for Mary, being alone just emboldened the J’s. “Ok Mary, off with your clothes.”

Mary sighed. “Can’t I at least see what I’m stuck with first?” she requested.

“Oh Mary, we’re in the locker room, no reason you can’t get naked here, just got for it,” Julie cheered. Mary knew it wasn’t against the rules, but it wasn’t exactly normal for a girl to just get naked upon command, and not immediately change into something or shower.

Piece by piece, Mary shed her regular street clothes. Her simple blouse was done away with, button by button. She kicked her shoes off, but was at least assured she could keep her socks on. Her jean shorts were shoved down her smooth legs. Mary’s undershirt joined the growing pile of clothes on the bench. Mary hesitated once about to remove her bra. She wasn’t sure it was a good sign she’d gone this far without much of a fight. She trusted her friends, but she shouldn’t be so complacent in them commanding her to strip, it would send the wrong message.

She eventually eased the bra off, resulting in her modest breasts being freed from them. She cradled them in folded arms, giving one lasting look to the J’s. She was left in only her tiny pink panties. She hadn’t heard anyone come in, but handing over her last shred of decency would leave her very vulnerable if that were to change.

Noticing neither girl was going to relent, she finally brought her panties down to her ankles. The naked Mary stood awkwardly in front of both girls. Neither did anything besides watch. That alone had her face glowing bright with embarrassment.

“My clothes, please?” Mary requested.

She wished she was surprised when Jenny took Mary’s street clothes and Julie explained, “Just wait like that. We’ll change first so we can put everything in a locker.” The J’s began to disrobe too, but that didn’t help Mary feel any more secure. She was naked, and not being given any clothing to cover up with. The other two still had every single article.

Julie had been going commando under her skirt, something Mary had gotten a peek at before. Julie never seemed to like wearing underwear. She liked her bare and smooth lower half to be free of such restrictions. Julie pulled up a pair of shorts, and moved to take off her shirt. Again, no bra was worn. Julie didn’t seem care much for those either. She actually rubbed and played with her bare breasts as she exposed them to the room. Mary blushed, not sure if she should be watching so intently and tried to look elsewhere.

Jenny caught her eye next. She was already topless, and fitting her larger breasts into a snug sports bra. She then put on a loose crop top. Once her jeans were lowered, her butt was practically naked for Mary; the tiny white thong didn’t hide much in the back. The thong seemed to be chosen on purpose, as it would work better with the yoga pants Jenny shimmied in to.

Both girls were packing things into the locker now. Mary was still left naked. She was about to say something when Julie turned back around. Her tank top really showed off her lithe form. “Let’s explore a little. I bet it’s fun being naked in a new place, right?”

Mary tried to grumble about how she wanted to get dressed, but she was dragged away. “I really don’t know about this, guys. If someone sees us… this looks a bit strange,” Mary said as she was pulled down the row of lockers. Julie was somewhat right though, being naked in a new place was a different kind of sensation. Being naked in one’s own bedroom was different than a public locker room.

Meanwhile, Jenny seemed to move to the service line and called the front desk. Mary could overhear some conversation about bringing towels to the locker room. She knew the J’s were probably just stalling to keep her naked longer.

After seeing lockers, the showers, and not a whole lot more, Julie had no more reasons to tour the locker room. “Can we get on with this already?” Mary begged.

Julie brought Mary back. “If you want to have our fun finally, then definitely.”

Mary was made to stand and wait as Jenny fished something out of their belongings. Julie began to go over some rules, “We’re going to have some fun. You’re going to wear our outfit we picked out for you, and you’re going to also let us make changes as we like and in general follow any dares we give you today.”

Jenny handed Mary a basic looking white tank top. She pulled the stretchy material around, trying to see which way to put it on. Soon, she had her head through it, but it took some work to really stretch it over her body. It seemed to be a few sizes too small.

“You’re probably wondering why you have to. Simple, we now have your clothes. You don’t comply, and we simply let you have to get back into the dorms however you happen to be, even if it’s like that,” Julie explained, staring obviously at Mary’s bare lower half.

Mary groaned as she covered up. The shirt didn’t come anywhere close to covering anything on the lower half. “Would you mind not staring so much? And… I don’t think you can get away with having me like this here. No way I’m trying to sneak past Lindsey like this, either!”

“I think our RA would just love to see you dressed like this! Who wouldn’t?” Jenny giggled. She finally handed Mary another piece of clothing. This time, it was a smaller piece of black material. Mary finally was able to untangle the mess and find out they were indeed shorts. She worked them up her legs. They were spandex, and very form fitting. If the tank top was like a second skin, the shorts were more akin to body paint!

Mary poked and prodded at her outfit. Once it was on, every curve could be seen. The top was conforming around the swell of her breasts, squeezing them lightly. She could actually feel the crease of her butt through the shorts. She touched the front a bit, to try and see if she could feel her lips through the black material. She stopped as soon she realized what that looked like, the J’s of course watching every moment!

“This is nuts. I almost might as well be naked in this! I can’t work out in front of people like this!” Mary complained.

“You’re decent, if only just barely. You’ll be fine,”

Mary could tell her nipples’ shapes were showing thanks to them getting harder. “I don’t know… I mean I really should have a bra if I’m going to work out,” Mary said with concern, though more so because she wanted the second layer of protection.

“Though we’ll want you moving around, not enough you actually need a bra. Your stuff is now,” Julie began to say, before pausing to lock the door on the locker with all their clothes, “unreachable.”

Jenny followed up, “Trust us Mary. You’ll be fine. Now, let’s go hit the gym, shall we?” Mary didn’t have anything to follow up with. She could maybe stand to get into the dorms in just her tiny outfit, as embarrassing as it would be in front of people who know her. So she was sure she could probably avoid any of the J’s games that did seem too risky.

In the hall again, Mary felt like everything was different. Now, she had to worry about anyone showing up and seeing her. Lack of decency could no longer be excused due to the privacy of the locker room. She followed Jenny and Julie followed her. Looking back, Mary could see Julie checking out her butt. Mary wanted to chastise her, but she was too nervous to speak.

The first stop that the girls made was at the exercise room. Mary was happy to see no one in the hall, but a short haired blond woman was using the exercise machines already! Mary hesitated to follow into the room, but had little else where she could go. She slowly stepped inside, glancing occasionally at the busy woman. Mary hoped she wouldn’t be noticed.

She tried to convince herself the outfit was fine, that it would look normal. Looking down, Mary wasn’t sure what to think. On one hand, she wasn’t technically showing too much skin. The shorts weren’t long, so a lot of her legs were exposed, but it’s not like it was worse than a swimsuit. The tank top was tight, showed her still hard nipples, but technically was doing its job besides that.

At first, Mary just awkwardly stood around and watched as Jenny and Julie started to get on their own machines. Yet after a bit of time, Jenny ushered Mary onto a rowing machine to get her started.

Mary sat on the seat of it, and reached forward to grab the handle of it. She pulled the handle, the coil of course resisting her effort as she pulled back. Mary was worried what working out in such tight clothing would do and her fears were realized. The constant motion and pulling made it so she had to puff out her chest. Her breasts pushed even more into the thin white fabric over her chest. She felt like she was thrusting them out as if to show off. Mary definitely didn’t consider herself the type of girl who tries to show off at the gym to get a date!

Mary never caught the stranger eyeing her; the other guest seemed too be busy with her own things. Mary couldn’t be sure she totally got away with it though. The stupid smiles on Jenny and Julie’s faces were enough to confirm that her revealing outfit was just that, revealing. They had no shame when it came to ogling her.

Not wanting to be satisfied with just one type of show, the girls got Mary up off the machine and onto another. This time, it was the thigh abductor. She was situated in the seat, facing towards the other girl. Of all the machines, of course the J’s had put her in that one.

Mary then had to open and closer her thighs, each time stretching the shorts more and more. She dared to look down once, and saw the material was pulled quite taught against her lips! Mary felt so on show. She was starting to wonder if exercise machines were made to expose girls dressed like her.

“I think it’s time for your glutes,” Julie announced after a few reps. Mary was happy to at least be done with that machine, but was instantly worried again once guided to the stair walker. The machine had her up standing on its pedals, making long and tall strides as if climbing stairs. Mary could just feel the way her butt moved, knowing the shorts hid none of the movements! She never saw the blond looking, but couldn’t be sure, as she was behind her. Looking back would only make it look like Mary was trying to have someone catch her!

Mary was starting to get a bit fatigued. Working out was getting a bit tough, but so was being shown off so much. Her adrenaline was running. She wasn’t sure if she’d have been able to handle anyone else entering the room.

“I think I need a break guys,” Mary announced, getting off the stair walker. Neither stopped her, and Julie even grabbed a bottle of water for Mary. Julie opened it, and was about to offer it to Mary. Mary was going to grab hold, but Julie kept her hand moving till the bottle was right above Mary’s chest. Mary’s eyes widened as a simple turn of Julie’s wrist let the water all spill out and down onto her shirt!

Mary shrieked when the cold liquid hit her chest. It poured all the way down, soaking her tank top! The splotches of wet material didn’t just cling, but they also turned transparent! The thin woven cotton top didn’t hide Mary’s breasts any longer!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:57 PM   #14
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Mary Works Out
By Jappio

Part 2

Mary turned away from where the blond woman had been working out, hoping to hide her chest. She saw the damage, and saw how everything could be seen. The shape and color of Mary’s breasts and nipples were visible. Even the shadow of her belly button could be easily spotted!

Her face was starting to really burn again, as she pleadingly looked to Jenny and Julie. Of course they couldn’t do anything, the damage was already done.

Mary didn’t think her outfit could get any worse. Thoughts of walking into the dorm lobby, her top wet again, flooded her mind. She realized just how devious this game really was. The J’s really could leave her in an embarrassing situation. She had no choice but to play along.

Playing along didn’t mean she couldn’t try to look for some mercy. “Ok, we have to get out of here. She’ll see me! I’m pretty much topless!”

“If you actually work out topless, maybe we’ll go easy on you,” Julie teased.

Mary scoured at Julie, “That's not making it any easier! Can’t we go somewhere else?”

“We could work something out with that,” Jenny chimed in. “We'll move to another room, but you can’t try to hide at all. You have to stay with arms at your sides till we say so."

Mary uncrossed her arms and looked down again. Her nipples were hard from the chill. She felt very exposed up top. Yet staying in the exercise room, being made to do anything would expose her to the blonde. If she refused, may have to be like this while sneaking back into the dorm. The only option that had a chance of not exposing her body was to change rooms.

“Let’s go,” Mary said, in a defeated tone. The J’s grinned at each other and tugged Mary’s arms more by her sides. They each got an eye full of her practically bare chest. Mary avoided eye contact; their appreciation of her body was getting her flustered.

Mary kept her back to the room as she left. She didn’t even look back to see the blonde. Hopefully, the stranger hadn’t really noticed the three of them and wouldn’t have thought ill of Mary’s barely-there outfit.

The door to the hall was opened for Mary, and she was made to be the first to go out. Her arms shivered, wanting to spring up and hide her chest. Mary braved it though, and walked out into the hall. The J’s joined her and they all made their way down.

“So, how about some yoga? That would be good. Limber ourselves up a bit,” Jenny suggested.

Julie giggled, “I think maybe we should stop by the front desk again. See if we can properly sign in. Would you like that Mary?”

Mary actually wondered how someone at the desk would react. Would she be thrown out for indecent exposure? Would the desk girl tease her for showing off her boobs?

“Yoga sounds fine,” Mary agreed, though she knew she didn’t have many other options. Yoga poses would be embarrassing in her get up, but she had to endure.

When they got to the yoga room, Mary was able to at least peek into the room. She saw the girls that they passed at the start of their time at the gym. Mary could tell they were keeping to themselves, and thankfully didn’t look her way. She hesitated to enter the room; her shirt was still very wet after all.

A push at her back though made her stumble in. “There’s people here,” Mary hissed quietly.

Mary’s complaint fell on deaf ears as she was ushered a few more steps into the room. “Just keep your back to them. We’ll do some yoga poses. Remember, you have to do as we say!” Jenny whispered authoritatively. Mary did as she was told, and scampered to stand on a mat.

She stood facing a mirror, her back to the other girls. Mary saw her nearly topless self in the mirror. The mirror meant she couldn’t even hide by facing away, her reflection could show to anyone looking from behind her. She had to hope they were both too far away to really pick out any details.

Mary subconsciously brought her hands to her chest, and squeezed. She just was looking for some comfort, but the action nearly made her moan. She was getting sensitive already.

“Legs spread, and bend down. They can’t see your chest well if you do things like bend at the waist,” Mary was told. She sighed, knowing what the J’s were up to. The theme of the day was making her settle for the lesser of evils. Bending would be more than obscuring her chest, especially in her tight, tiny shorts.

Mary couldn’t deny that it was better to hide her definitively indecent exposure though. So with a huff and puff, she began to spread her feet. She bent down, and began to reach for a foot.

Each drop and every rise would stretch the spandex shorts. Her entire bottom very accurately outlined, especially when thrust out behind her. Mary could feel the material tight against her lips… their shape might possibly be showing behind her. She tried to use the mirror to tell if anyone was looking. The black haired girl seemed to glance over on occasion. Once or twice the more timid blond seemed to also glance. Mary couldn’t keep from blushing. She hoped she really wasn’t being noticed. She hoped that somehow she looked normal to them. They were dressed in some small bits of clothing, but Mary still felt out of place.

After some time, her shirt began to dry. Her nipples were no longer visibly clear as day. The front of her shirt was instead just opaque enough to allow darker shadows show through. It seemed the J’s were waiting for this, because suddenly Mary was spun around.

She faced the two strangers, and the J’s were on each side of her, not offering any shielding. Mary was now being made to do different yoga poses. Each pose seemed to be chosen specifically to expose something new. If her chest wasn’t pushed forward, her legs were spread wide. Mary felt very on display.

Mary avoided total eye contact with the two women when they got up and left. She was seated on the matt, and her she was stretching to her toes. Mary was feeling very embarrassed, knowing most of the shape of her body wasn’t hidden. It was worrisome when the girls stopped, to talk about something. Mary just hoped they would leave. She hoped she’d have at least a slight break now that the three were finally alone.

“Hey, Jenny, seems that Mary is liking this!” Julie announced. Julie had taken a stance in front of Mary, her eyes locked onto her chest! Jenny came around to look as well, finding that Mary’s nipples were still hard and poking out. The two didn’t waste a moment of the alone time to start being direct with their teasing. Mary covered up with her hands. She could easily feel her nipples’ form through the thin shirt. Her face went a deeper shade of red.

Julie reached her hands out. “Up you get!” she commanded. Mary took the shorter girl’s hands and let herself be pulled to her feet. Either the two had discussed a plan, or they had a psychic linked, because Jenny didn’t miss a beat as she grabbed hold of Mary’s shorts! She tugged the tight garment down to Mary’s mid-thighs.

“JENNY!” Mary snapped, looking around. Her hands were still being held, and she knew she had to let the J’s have their fun. However, she squirmed still, seeing how she was half exposed in a new way now. She couldn’t believe just how bold these two could get when somewhere so public.

“Wow! They’re a little sticky, Julie! I didn’t think she’d be THIS turned on yet!” Jenny observed.

Mary didn’t believe it. She had to hunch over and look down, and she could just barely see a string of glistening moisture coming from between her lips and down to the shorts! The fabric had been so tightly pulled against her that it had gotten wet! Mary was so embarrassed she couldn’t help but struggle free from Julie and pull her shorts up.

“Hey, did you want to walk back into the dorms like that… or worse?” Jenny warned an evil grin on her face.

Mary decided to call her bluff for the time being. “Come on you pervs, I can’t just let you to strip me here in the yoga room! Anyone could come in here at any second,” Mary said, dodging the topic of Jenny’s discovery.

Julie was next, “Oh, we’re the pervs? Only one we know who is dripping wet is you!” Mary’s face felt like it was going to burn up. She hated how her body seemed to be a worst enemy than her teasing friends!

“You really don’t want to be stripped in here though? I suppose since we can do what we want, that means we can also listen to your desires every now and again. No naked yoga, for now at least,” Julie offered. Mary was almost shocked to hear that.

“Ooo, does that mean it’s time to go to the next room?” Jenny asked, not able to hide her excitement. Julie nodded. Mary was now worried. She was possibly going to wind up in a worse situation!

Mary readjusted her shorts. She could actually feel how wet she’d become. Her puffy lips were pushed up against the material, and she worried how much they may show like that. She was about to look in the mirror, but decided not to. She didn’t know how bad it was, and perhaps a bit of ignorance may be bliss.

Mary tried to get her heart under control. Though she honestly hadn’t been working out much, she was still nearly sweating. A few strangers had already seen her in some embarrassing workout gear, maybe worse, and she knew that Jenny and Julie would surely just keep upping the stakes.

In the hall, Mary wasn’t sure where they were headed but at least they weren’t seeing anyone. Would it be the exercise room again? The three noticed something as they got to the lobby; the desk girl was there finally! She seemed to be attending to something under the desk, but her head stuck up above it.

“Oh, she’s here now! Good, we can sign in properly!” Julie called out. She took Mary by the hand. Mary didn’t feel she was able to start relaxing yet, her heart rate continued to climb! Her unrestricted breasts below the top were bouncing plenty from the quick jaunt. She also still didn’t know just how obvious her pantiless state may be with the skin tight shorts!

When they finally came to a halt at the desk, Mary was very much worried she was showing too much. The desk girl’s eyes looked pretty wide while checking each of them out. Covering up though would only be admitting to her embarrassing lack of clothing, so Mary tried to look nonchalant.

The girl eventually rose. Mary feared her slowness was due to shock. It probably wasn’t every day that people exercised in such thin layers! Mary glanced down and saw her nipples were still very hard. The desk girl didn’t seem to focus on her, so maybe she didn’t notice anything too out of the ordinary!

“Um… welcome… I didn’t see you come in,” the desk finally said.

“Oh, we talked earlier, I had called about the lack of towels,” Jenny explain. The girl seemed confused, but accepted the fact.

Julie was next, “so, we forgot our cards, but we wanted to see if you could look us up? We’re members at a sister location out of town. We signed in there if you’re wondering when we didn’t see you up here.” Julie was pointing to the sign in sheet. Mary continued to try and pretend she was invisible.

“I… ok… um I’ll just look you up,” the girl responded. Mary hoped the girl was nervous because it was something like her first day. Mary didn’t want the problem to be her tight tank top making the innocent girl uncomfortable; she didn’t really want to make things any more awkward than necessary.

As the girl typed away at the computer, Julie momentarily disappeared. Mary saw it out of the corner of her eye, Julie crouching down. She looked down to follow her friend, but instead saw fingers gripping into the sides of her shorts! She tried to shake her head, to try and ward Julie away, but it was no use! Her tight shorts were slowly peeled down her legs!

Mary wanted to scream, but the desk girl would surely catch her then! Mary was already dressed in a way she feared that would possibly get the kicked out. If they were caught stripping each other though, it would surely be the end to the work out! Though staying at the gym longer did risk other embarrassments, she wasn’t about to let the desk girl catch her bottomless! So Mary bit her tongue and shifted forward. She pressed herself against the front of the counter, hiding her now naked lower half.

Julie spent the time needed to get the shorts off of Mary’s feet. She rose back up, and her action didn’t catch the attention of the desk girl. Mary would have been relieved, but she was still totally bottomless in the gym lobby!

Mary frantically looked around. She had to worry about the desk girl, and any other guests. Her bare butt was not at all hidden, especially since her friends weren’t helping shield her. They stood at her sides, meaning most of the lobby and part of the hallway would be able to see she had nothing below her tank top!

Hearing the desk girl start to ask questions made Mary tense up. Being as close to the counter as she could be, Mary was very close to the desk girl. The two had little space between them, nothing more than the width of the desk. Mary thought it insane, that she could be so nearly naked, and so nearly close to another person. She just had to hope the desk girl didn’t try looking around and seeing her bare hips!
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Old 07-14-2017, 07:58 PM   #15
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 420

Mary Works Out
By Jappio

Part 3

Mary had to find her voice every time she had to answer a question. The first couple times, Julie and Jenny had to nudge her to get her to pay attention. Mary was lost in thought. She was nervous and trying to think how she could even explain herself if she was caught. It was also very tough to do something as simple as talking to another person when so exposed. She worried she’d somehow give it away, as if there was a tone for “I’m totally without pants right now!”

They were finally signed in, but Mary wasn’t sure what to do. She couldn’t just walk away; she’d be mooning the desk girl after a step or two! Jenny and Julie didn’t seem to offer any help either. Mary looked at them pleadingly. She needed her shorts back!

Mary had to try and stall. “So um… when do you guys close?” she asked.

The desk girl looked off guard. “Uh, not till 6, you have plenty of time!”

“Hey, we’re going to get going now. You coming?” Jenny asked. Mary shot daggers back at her. They wouldn’t dare drag her away without letting her get dressed first! Yet Jenny’s evil smile told Mary that Jenny knew exactly what sort of bind she was trying to put Mary in!

Mary had to think fast. She couldn’t leave yet. “Um… no… not yet guys. I have a few more questions…” she was trying to stall. Hopefully they were just playing around. Julie had to eventually put Mary’s shorts back on!

Mary was instead left alone! The J’s up and started to walk away, saying they’d meet up later! They whispered they’d have her shorts with them in the exercise room!

Mary hadn’t been ready for this. She knew things could have gotten bad but she’d thought they’d have gotten to another room first. She was now on her own and very exposed!

The silence wasn’t good for Mary. She had to try and not draw attention to the fact something was wrong. “Sorry that we didn’t wait here longer for you. We sort of wanted to get to working out as soon as possible,” Mary explained.

“It’s fine, it’s no problem. Just nice to have people around, you know?” the girl explained. Mary had hoped the place would have been dead considering the time of day. Though regardless of how many people were there, the desk girl probably would have always been a risk, no matter what. Mary sort of wondered if the J’s planned for this sort of thing, or if it was spur of the moment.

Mary crossed her ankles, trying to think what else to say. It was so unnatural to just stand and chat. She should be with her friends exercising! Or rather, she should be properly dressed and exercising! Every second that passed just meant more risk she’d be seen totally bottomless!

Mary yelped when a loud ringing echoed throughout the room! The desk girl seemed shocked by it as well! Mary was glad she didn’t jump too much, her pussy may have peeked into view if she had!

Mary realized it was the desk phone. She wondered if this was maybe her chance to leave. If the call distracted the girl, she’d have a chance to flee! The timing would have to be careful though. Maybe Jenny or Julie had called it to give Mary this chance to leave. Mary hoped the two would have let her have some sort of escape method at least!

The desk girl stood still though. She looked at the phone, but back to Mary. Mary wondered if she was keeping an eye on her for some specific reason! Did she suspect Mary was bottomless? Did she hope to catch her in the act?

Mary tried to shake the thought. She really hoped she hadn’t been found out. Perhaps she was just being nice, waiting for Mary to be satisfied with her service before answering the phone. Mary would have much preferred if she were totally ignored in this case!

“Um… do you need to maybe get that?” Ashley asked. She was hoping to let her know it was ok to answer it. The two didn’t budge yet, and continued to stand just a little over a foot from each other. Mary shivered a little, noting how the woman would rarely take her eyes off her.

The desk girl did start to side step though, and she approached the source of the ringing.

“I’ll just get this then… I’ll only be a moment,” the desk girl said politely. She then started to kneel down to reach it from its spot behind the desk!

Mary saw her chance. “Oh, well, I should be going, see ya!”She called out. She was already turned and quickly running to the other side of the lobby, wanting to escape to the hall. She kept her head turned back, keeping an eye out. She wanted to know if caught, so she would know if she had to keep running!

The whole dash felt like an eternity. Her bottom especially felt free to bounce with every stride. She was streaking bottomless in the lobby, and the other girl in the room just had to stand straight to catch her! Yet she didn’t once see the auburn haired head pop up from behind the counter!

Mary was around the corner and had successfully avoided being caught! She breathed a sigh of relief as she leaned against the wall. She could hear the desk girl greet herself over the phone.

The next step wasn’t going to be easy. Mary wasn’t in the immediate sights of anyone, but she wasn’t hidden either. Her shorts were also in the opposite direction. It would have been too risky to run towards the exercise room from the lobby, so she’d ducked into the hall opposite the one she needed to be in. She was going to have to turn around and streak past the lobby if she wanted to get to the exercise room. Mary knew either she’d have to hope the J’s would come and find her, or she’d get a chance to cross the lobby.

The phone call was about to wrap up, so Mary knew she should move, in case the girl came her way. Crossing at that point wouldn’t work out.

The yoga room was available to her but that was hardly a private place. The locker room was an option but she feared she didn’t have the time or luck to risk getting to it before the desk girl would in the hall. The immediate door near her, what seemed to be an employee only room, was perhaps her best shot! Desk girl being on the phone hopefully meant she’d be heading elsewhere!

She threw the door opened and dashed inside. It was dark, but she didn’t care for the moment as she quietly shut the door. She then took her time to find a light switch.

The room became brightly lit. It was full of supplies and a small table that was probably meant for lunch breaks. Mary gazed around, and considered her options for cover. A few items did seem like they’d be useful for covering herself with temporarily.

Mary then thought how her friends may react. She could see them trying to justify that as breaking some sort of rule. Would the temporary cover be worth having to walk bottomless into the dorms?

Mary stood more in the center of the room. Her hands roamed her bare hips. They passed over her lap. She even let them rub her thighs. She could feel trails of wetness with her fingers tips. Each path led up to her sensitive lips. She stroked each gently, still wondering what to do. The motion was so absentminded. She took note of just how turned on she still was. She didn’t stop, or really consider she shouldn’t be touching herself.

She let more time pass, gently teasing her body. She was in such an unfamiliar place. Even if dressed well, she wouldn’t have been allowed in the small room. She would be told to leave. Mary thought what that might be like, even if dressed as she was. Being escorted to the lobby, the other gym goers watching her bare butt and exposed pussy. She’d be let out into the parking lot, not able to get her street clothes back.

Mary played with the hem of her tank top. The stretchy material pulled, but not enough to really reach past her lips when pulled down. The motion did let the white cotton scrape against her hardened nipples. After letting go of the shirt, it sprung right back up. Mary tweaked her nipples through the shirt; she softly cooed. Mary hated it, but she also loved it. She was trapped, exposed but also feeling that same thrill that she couldn’t seem to outright say no to.

Mary also wondered how to feel about the J’s. Usually they seemed to have a plan. Would they have fixed the problem if she were caught? Were they just hoping Mary would get lucky, or were they hoping she got caught?

After enough time passed, Mary turned back towards the door. Luckily she’d never been walked in on. She gripped the door’s handle, and looked into the hallway. It was clear, and she heard no noise. She had to get to the exercise room. Didn’t seem like the J’s were coming to find her, nor would they probably find her where she was.

First thing first, she had to check the lobby. Taking things slow, Mary hoped she’d be able to see the desk girl, before the desk girl could see her lower half!

Mary’s slow approach to the corner let her see into the lobby, and see it was thankfully empty. The gym’s employee was off being busy somewhere once again, and this meant Mary had some more freedom. She just had to hope that the desk girl wasn’t between her and the exercise room. She also had to hope the desk girl wasn’t in the exercise room either!

Mary held a hand down below, covering her bare groin. She held a hand behind her, covering as much of her butt as she could. It didn’t hide the fact Mary was bottomless but it at least hid details! If she was going to be caught, she could at least retain as much modesty as she could!

Trudging down the hallway, Mary was of course worried. It was always tougher when she didn’t have her friends with her. She had to move on with only her own courage. It was scary to know she didn’t have any access to the clothes stored away in the locker.

Mary couldn’t be sure she knew where her friends were, the people who had her shorts. Anyone who caught her would get quite an eye full as well. The barren halls didn’t give any sort of cover either. A year ago, Mary wouldn’t have known what to do. The current Mary at least knew she had to push forward.

The short walk, that felt longer to Mary, came to an end. She stood in front of the door to the exercise room. She needed to take her time and make sure no one was on the other side. She also had to hurry, before someone walked out into the hall to see her standing around bottomless.

As typical, Mary slowly opened the door. She took a long look around the inside of the room. She spotted Jenny and Julie, and there really didn’t seem to be anyone else. Mary stepped inside and let the door shut. Again, she made sure they were alone, then spoke up, Guys! Where were you?!” she called out, quickly stepping up to them.

She berated the two, “I could have been caught with no pants! I’d be totally embarrassed and kicked out!” Mary lowered her voice down, not exactly comfortable with speaking too loudly whilst still exposed.

Jenny and Julie didn’t seem fazed though. “You’re fine though, right? Don’t worry too much,” Julie said, clearly trying to deflect any of Mary’s worries.

Mary sighed. Nothing did go wrong, so of course they wouldn’t think what they did was wrong. Mary also knew if she pushed the matter, they’d just turn it around and make it about her getting turned on. That’s when she spotted something odd. Jenny was holding a bra. “Wait, what’s with the bra?” Mary asked in shock. She was sure it wasn’t either of the J’s. Mary wasn’t used to seeing the two carry extra clothing around after all!

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Julie said with a wink.

Jenny followed up with a sigh and an actual explanation, “We found it. Now, I think we’re set for the next activity. Time for you to get naked!”

Mary narrowed her brow. “You can’t be serious,” she asked. She had just managed to sneak half naked to the room. She felt she was deserving of a break, not to let things get worse!

“Totally serious, or didn’t you hear me?” Jenny asked, a grin on her face. “Hand the shirt over,” she repeated, with even more command in her tone.

Julie was next to Mary. She added, “You know, we can go home now if you like instead, if it’s too much for you to shed just one bit of clothing?”

Mary knew she had no way out. “One more bit of clothing is 100% of my clothing, but fine. Make this quick though, we don’t know how much longer we’ll be alone.” Mary’s heart had shot back up to its quicker pace. Part of her felt it was easier to undress when the two gave her no choice. She was pretty sure she wouldn’t have done it, if not for the game she had somewhat agreed upon. Perhaps that fact eased the guilt a little for doing something so naughty, not that it would have been a good enough excuse to lessen any trouble they may get in.

Mary gripped the tight shirt. The shirt had finally dried, no longer easily showing her bare skin, but she was going to be without that newly reclaimed cover. She pulled and stretched the hem of the shirt, dragging it upwards. The expanse of exposed skin grew. It crawled upwards, leaving so much barren. So much is exposed, one bit a time: her smooth stomach, tiny belly button, the feint sign of her ribs, the bottom swelling of her breasts, the pert and hard nipples that quickly flick into the air, and finally her collarbone.
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