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Old 12-18-2018, 11:19 AM   #1
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Key Max's Computer Lockdown

Hey guys.

So, I think this is the first story I've posted here. I wanted to write the computer lockdown experience from a submissive's point of view. Keep in mind, the story will feature the following:

* Semi-Consentual Computer Lockdown / Parental Controls
* Diapers
* Furries (Yes, the main character is a fox, no...you won't notice it in chapter 1.)

Hope you enjoy, feel free to post feedback, I may continue this story sometime when I'm feeling inspired to write on it. If you recognize who I am, I'm under a different name here: message me if you want confirmation it's me.

Max's Computer Lockdown

Max sat in front of his computer, looking through a web forum as he leaned back and thought through what he was about to do. He’d never really had experience with this kind of thing, while he used computers all the time he’d never really thought through what it would be like if he ever actually got hacked. Yet, the page in front of him was full of posts of absolute strangers putting up info to allow others to get into their computer.

Max reached down and groped his cock through the silk shorts he was wearing. He could feel it quickening against his fingers, it pulsed as his mind went over what he saw again and again. He saw posts of people absolutely begging to be taken over, he could see that they usually posted several times a day. It seemed apparent that actually having it happen was something that didn’t typically occur.

It was tempting, he could put his info up and see what happened. If the number of posts was any indication, there was a good chance he’d merely be left waiting for someone to connect. Yet, the thrill that somebody might just join and do something with his computer while he sat by, too horny to do anything about it, thrilled Max. His hands quivered as he opened a new tab and downloaded Teamviewer: the very program he’d use to allow someone else into his computer.

He set up Teamviewer rather easily and saw the id and password show up on his screen. They both seemed to be completely random, so he felt pretty confident they’d change if he were to close the program and then open it back up. He clicked on the forum, navigating to the post section at the bottom, where he paused for a second to consider whether he should really go through with this. He used this computer to do his work: he was a freelancer, and his income depended on everything continuing to work.

Yet, the horny thoughts flowing through his mind overrode his sense of precaution. He’d post his info only long enough to get off to the idea of getting taken over, and if nobody had appeared by that point, he’d just delete the post. He had a hard time punching in the numbers as the excitement rushed through him, but he managed to type the codes in as well as a short message saying, “I’m new to this, please come show me what it's all about.”

He hit the post button and leaned back in his desk chair. He slowly started to slip his shorts down, revealing the dark blue briefs clinging to his crotch, as he groped his engorged member and began to stroke it through the fabric. He had a feeling he could make this extremely quick, the way his dick tingled with every stroke told him he was ready to spunk any moment, but he groped slowly, so he could savor this feeling and build to a better orgasm.

Max watched the screen as he looked at the post he’d written. He wondered what would happen if someone actually used the code to connect to his computer. He blinked as he saw the TeamViewer box suddenly change, the small green circle at the bottom turned to yellow, then he saw that the words next to it read “connecting…”. He felt a surge of excitement mixed with nervousness course through him, it was happening, and much quicker than he’d ever imagined given the number of posts in the computer control thread he’d posted in.

Max watched as a box appeared in the bottom right corner of the computer. Had a list of connections on it. Within another few seconds his start menu opened, and whoever had connected started notepad.

Max watched in fascination, slowing down his masturbation, as words started to appear on the notepad. “Hello, I saw you were new to this. I’ll show you exactly what it's about, just watch.” the notepad said. Max saw his mouse fly up to the top of the screen, it stopped moving for a moment, then whoever had connected to his computer moved down and minimized the connections panel as a small black box appeared on it. Next, they clicked the browser window that was still on the forum page he’d posted his info on.

Max also noticed that a small light on the top of his laptop screen had turned on. He wondered if that was a built-in feature to show him when someone connected. He leaned back in his chair, stroking his cock through his briefs as he watched whoever had connected go to work. They started by opening a new tab and typing in a website called Qustodio and clicking a download button for a program that seemed to be designed to be parental control software.

Next, they clicked on the TeamViewer window and clicked the button for options. Max watched as the stranger clicked on the security tab and set a personal password. Apparently, that was there to make it so it wouldn’t be a random password every time. Next, they clicked a box next to Windows Logon and clicked "Allowed for all users." Max watched as they clicked on the advanced tab next, then quickly checked three boxes that made his face redden. The first said, “Disable Teamviewer shutdown”. The second read, “Changes require administrator rights on this computer.” The third said, “Options password”.

Max reached out for his mouse as they typed into that last box. He was starting to feel more nervous about this and decided he wanted to figure out how to stop them from continuing. Max tried to click away from the window but watched as his cursor moved to the box to okay the options and clicked it right away. He looked in confusion, had something they’d done made it so their controls would override his own?

The mouse moved down and clicked on the notepad box again. “Enjoying the show so far?” was typed in by the stranger who was controlling everything. Max reached out and started trying to type in that he was getting nervous about this whole thing. He noticed right away that nothing he was typing in was showing up on the screen, and he wondered again if whoever was on the other side was stopping him from doing anything somehow.

The cursor moved to the next line on the notepad, and Max watched as the following message was typed out. Whoever was on the other side was rather meticulous, taking their time to correct spelling mistakes as they wrote out, “Heh, well, the next part’s the fun bit. You just enjoy masturbating, I’ll take care of everything little guy.”

Max blushed at being called little guy. He wondered if this was somebody he’d talked to online before. He had a diaper fetish, though he wondered if the stranger knew about it or whether the nickname had been an utter coincidence. He watched the stranger open a new tab on his browser, and groaned aloud as he realized the first result on the new tab screen read, “Cuties In Diapers”: he’d forgotten to clear his browser history, and the person on the other side had obviously spotted it to know that calling him ‘little guy’ would get to him.

Max watched as the stranger opened the Qustodio setup program from the download bar at the bottom of his page. He whined as he considered if he should do anything, but realized that though part of him told him to hold the power button and disconnect this guy, another part of him was genuinely curious what would happen if he let him keep working. The Qustodio program opened immediately, and the person on the other side typed in an email address and password.

Max blushed as he saw the email address he’d used was [email protected]. He started to fantasize a little bit as he realized the stranger was installing this program to control what he’d be able to do on his own computer. As the program installed, he saw the stranger open the start menu again, and pull up the user accounts screen. He saw his own account on there, as well as the one he used for work, then saw the stranger tab over to the notepad and type out, “Ohh, this is your work machine huh? Well, don’t worry, I’ll make sure you can still work. After I’m all done, I’ll need to get the hours you work.”

Max whined aloud as he continued groping his cock. He slowly threaded his length through the hole in his briefs as the stranger tabbed back to the user account page. Max watched as he clicked to add an account, and created an account named Daddy Wolf. The stranger immediately clicked on the new profile, and then gave it administrator privileges. Right after, Max watched as the mouse clicked on his own account, and changed him from an administrator to a standard user.

Max groaned, he’d made his other user account a standard user because that’s what the computer had suggested when he’d created it. He wondered what the difference between a standard user and an administrator really was. Would this make a big difference? He started to stroke his cock harder as he saw the stranger flip back to the Qustodio program, then watched as he clicked a drop-down next to each of the account names, and assigned them to a ‘kid.’

He blushed as he realized the ‘kid’ his main account had been assigned was called “pupper,” the one his work account had been assigned to was called “busy babby pupper,” and the new account hadn’t been assigned a kid account at all. The stranger quickly continued through the rest of the installation and closed a tab that automatically opened at the end.

The notepad window opened up, and Max watched as the stranger typed yet another message to him. “Almost done little one, then we’ll talk a bit. Hope you’re enjoying fapping to watching me work on your computer. ;)”

Max blushed, he knew for a fact the stranger was talking to him like this to play off his fetish. He wondered for a moment how a person who was so plainly into the same things he was found him so quickly. Maybe they were on some of the same sites as him? Perhaps they recognized his username in that way? He wasn’t sure, but he watched as the stranger opened a program called “Registry Editor” and started clicking through it.

Max had no idea what the stranger was doing now. He saw him drag two things onto his desktop from off screen, a picture of a thick diaper with a paw print pattern all over it captioned “Your butt belongs in these”, and one he couldn’t quite make out before the wolf had covered it back up with the Registry Editor where he continued changing things. A minute later, and he saw the stranger right click his background, go to personalize, and change the background to the image of the diaper.

Max had never felt so simultaneously excited, nervous, and embarrassed. He started to stroke his cock even more furiously as a massive orgasm built up inside him. He wondered if he would want to continue with this once the spunk was all out of his balls, yet slowly started to realize he most likely didn’t have a choice now. He’d given this stranger plenty of time to do whatever he was doing to his computer, he had no idea what most of these changes in the Registry Editor were doing, and he’d most likely have to ask this stranger to undo all these things when he was done playing.

Max watched as the theme editor came back up, and blushed brilliantly as the color scheme was changed to hot pink. He groaned as he saw the stranger close the registry editor, and his cock erupted out a massive orgasm as he watched the stranger open the notepad open back up. He was panting in the afterglow of the biggest orgasm he could remember having as he saw the stranger type out a few more words in the notepad. “Log back in, and we’ll talk.”

The stranger closed the notepad, not saving what he’d typed so far, moved his mouse to the top of the screen, and moments later moved it back to the bottom left corner, clicked the start menu, and logged him out. Max leaned forward in his desk chair. He could see the little light at the top of his screen was still on, and assumed that meant the stranger was still connected. Max felt a sudden chill as he saw his login screen: there was a picture of him plastered on it, wearing his blue briefs and obviously tugging his cock furiously, with a caption added on the bottom that said “Good Puppy.”

Max wondered how the stranger had gotten that picture. It was apparently taken just minutes earlier, but had it been something he’d been doing in the Registry Editor that had let him get it. He wondered what was going to happen when he logged in, and couldn’t help but feel nervous about what the stranger would do with the picture other than put it on his login screen.

Max typed his password in and watched as the welcome screen changed over to his new desktop: the thick diaper with the caption below it. He saw the connection box show up at the bottom right and saw his mouse move down again to minimize it right away. The stranger opened the notepad and immediately typed in, “There we go pupper~.”

Max blushed furiously as he leaned forward in his seat. He had questions, and he wanted answers to them right away now that his horniness wasn’t clouding his judgment anymore. “How did you get that picture?” was the very first thing he typed into the box.

The stranger moved the cursor to the next line then typed in, “I turned on the video call thing on TeamViewer. I watched the whole time while you were masturbating to what I was doing, and figured I’d give you a nice little memento for the occasion.”

Max’s blush of humiliation intensified to the point it covered his whole face. So the stranger had seen him trying to take control back and typed in the notepad to get him to give it up? He’d watched him masturbate the whole time? Was he still watching? He looked up at the light at the top of the screen, remembered when it had come on, and realized that it was for the webcam, not some kind of light meant to show when someone was connected to his computer. It was still lit, the stranger was watching him again.

The stranger continued to type as Max sat in his desk chair, dumbfounded by the fact the stranger had not only seen his face but outright watched him masturbate. “Aww, don’t feel too bad pup, I promise I’ll keep the video to myself. You’re a cutie, you know that? I bet you look adorable in diapers. Have you ever actually worn them, or do you just go to sites to look at others in them?”

Max blushed, his diaper fetish had always been a rather personal thing, and he’d never really discussed it with anyone else. He didn’t know if he really wanted to talk about it in depth, but he knew one thing: he didn’t want to risk pissing off the guy who had a video of him furiously fapping to getting his computer taken over. So, he leaned forward, and slowly typed out, “No, I’ve never really been able to afford them, I considered getting depends from the store once, but couldn’t bring myself to bring them to the checkout counter.”

The stranger started typing back much more quickly than Max had. He was apparently far more confident in this situation, which showed in his ability to reply immediately, “Well, you’ve officially experienced what its like to get your computer controlled. You really seemed to enjoy it, but I’m not done with you yet. What hours do you work so I can set up internet access during those times on your other account?”

Max’s face was about as red as it could get. He felt like he was a little kid, getting asked when he’d have to work on his homework. He felt a knot in his stomach as he answered back without thinking that he usually liked to work from noon to five.

“Ooh, you must be a freelancer huh? Bet its nice setting your own hours. I’ll get that set up for you, I’ll even give you a half an hour extra on either side just in case you decide to work early or late. Now, the thing is, I find it a complete shame that a pup like you hasn’t ever had diapers, so you and I are going to solve that right now.” The stranger typed back with the same quick rhythm.

Max felt a small surge of excitement through the foreboding that had pretty much taken over the situation after he’d spunked. He’d wanted to wear a diaper again since he was ten years old and had stolen a pull up from his little cousin to try on. He’d done that occasionally until she’d grown out of them, always careful to hide the wet ones deep in the garbage at home so nobody would realize he was doing it. Maybe this wasn’t going to be as bad as the knot in his stomach kept telling him it was going to be.

He saw the stranger open his browser, and type in a diaper selling website. He watched in fascination as the stranger scrolled down the page, letting him see the various cute designs, and then flipped over to the notepad and typed out, “Choose the ones you like the most.”

Max blushed as he started to scroll through all the cute designs on the website. As he went along though, one, in particular, caught his eye. The paw print design that was on the diaper on his background. He clicked on it, knowing then and there that was the one he wanted if this was going to result in him getting some diapers. He saw the stranger retake control, watched as he selected that he wished to order a case, and then went to the check out page.

The stranger opened the notepad again and typed out, “Do you have a post office box?”

Max reached out and typed back “Yes,” and saw the stranger move back to the checkout page where he clicked the post office box button. Max started to type in his post office box information, ending with the city and the state. He actually had his post office in another town, a smaller town nearby he had to drive through occasionally for his work, so he had no problem listing the city even though he knew the stranger was watching.

“Heh, there’s a good pup, I’ll take care of the payment, just going to black your screen for a minute, stay right there,” the stranger typed out as he moved to the payment section. Max watched as the stranger slid his mouse back to the top of the screen, then grunted out loud as the screen went completely blank, precisely as the stranger said.

Max sat in his chair, waiting for the screen to come back. He wondered if the wolf would do anything else while the screen was hidden, and realized that he might very well decide to do something while he wasn’t being watched. Max waited, growing slightly more anxious as time went on, and much to his chagrin he realized his cock was hardening despite having only recently shot a load.

Eventually, the screen came back, and Scott saw a payment confirmation screen verifying that his order would be sent out in a few days. He saw the stranger move back to the notepad and start to type again, this time leaving a much longer response than he had so far.

“Alright, so there’s a couple things you need to know. One, I’m keeping that video of you fapping part of my own personal collection for now. That doesn’t mean I can’t release it later if you decide to be naughty, so for now here are some things to keep in mind.

1. I want you to get in white briefs by tomorrow. You’re going to wear nothing but white briefs whenever you don’t have a diaper on.
2. You’re going to prove to me that you’re in white briefs or diapers whenever I want. I want you to get on your phone and send me an email at [email protected], so I know your email address. Then, when I send you a message asking for a diaper check, you’re to stop whatever you’re doing, get to a bathroom, and take a picture of your crotch or whatever I ask for. You’ll have fifteen minutes every time I do this until I post your fap video online, and I’ll only take it down once I have your check in hand.
3. If you mess with anything I set up on your computer, I will post your video online until I’ve set it back up.
4. I’ll give you a few chances to earn yourself more privileges as we go further into this. That means if you do the tasks I assign you that you’ll have more freedom, and if you refuse I’ll start to take away freedom.
5. You have the option to be free of this any time you’re ready. All you have to do is reimburse me for the diapers I’ve bought for you, and I’ll undo all the changes on your computer. I’ll even delete the video I took of you. I want this to be a fun experience for you and me, and I’ll only stay your daddy as long as you want me to.”

Max couldn’t help but blush at that last part. His daddy? He’d seen other places on the forum he’d posted on where people sought out relationships like this, and while he’d been curious about it in the past, he’d never seriously considered he might get into something like that. Yet, here he was, at some stranger’s mercy, being offered an out in the form of sending enough money to cover the cost of a case of diapers.

Max wondered if he should just pay for the diapers. After all, he didn’t really like the idea of the fap video getting out online. Yet, as he thought about it, he realized his cock was at full attention again. Something about the possibility of getting exposed online if he didn’t obey this person who’d effectively turned him into a kid on his own computer made him feel equal measures horny and trapped. He decided then and there that he’d give this all a shot. He’d play along with the stranger for now, and he’d send the money if he didn’t end up enjoying this all.

He shakily reached for his keyboard, the nervousness and the excitement mixed together made it difficult to type, but he slowly pecked out “ok” on the keyboard.

He saw a smiley face appear on the notepad. Then, watched as the stranger typed out, “Good boy. Well, I have to head out for the night, but I have one task for you to do already. You see, you have almost every website blocked right now on this account, and you’re only allowed to use the internet for an hour a day before Qustodio will kick you out. I want you to watch some kiddy cartoons, and if I see a report that you did for long enough in the morning, I’ll give you an extra hour a day and unblock one website and one category of your choice.”

Max watched as his browser was pulled up, and blushed as he saw the stranger search, “Watch Paw Patrol Online.” He watched as his mouse clicked on the first video result, and then saw the notepad come up one last time, “See ya later puppers.” was typed in, before a box came up telling him that this was a free session sponsored by TeamViewer.

The webcam light went off, and Max sighed. He felt equal parts excited and humiliated about this whole thing. He looked back at the notepad and read the instructions there as the kiddy cartoon started to play in the background on his computer. He saved the document to the desktop so he could remember it was there. He wondered if the stranger would be faithful to his word if he decided to pay up for the case of diapers, or if he’d end up with his embarrassing video all over the internet either way.

Max knew he had a pair of white briefs in his drawer still, though he didn’t wear them unless he got desperate usually. He knew he’d better send an email out soon, he didn’t want to risk getting exposed just because he didn’t want to follow simple instructions. In the back of his mind, Max was curious what it would be like to get to wear diapers. Yet, as he thought about it, he realized the stranger instructed him on how often he was going to be actually wearing them. He felt his cock twitch in his undies as he thought about the possibility of being forced to wear them twenty-four seven.

Yet, in the end, it didn’t matter how often he’d be wearing them. He didn’t have any control over that, not unless he wanted to pay his way out of the situation, and he knew already he wanted to see where this went before he did.

He opened another tab and separated it from the paw patrol one. He wanted to masturbate again and wondered if he could find anything on his diaper porn site that was anything like the situation he was in. As he clicked on the quick link to the site, however, he saw something odd pop up rather than his usual porn. “For your safety, this site has been blocked.”

He blushed brilliantly, fully aware of what the stranger had meant by most sites being blocked. He gritted his teeth, somehow being denied like this was actually adding to the hotness of the situation, mainly because he knew that if he sat down and watched the kiddy show he’d get a chance to ask for this site back tomorrow. He closed the tab, restarted the paw patrol episode so he could actually pay attention, and started slowly stroking his cock as he couldn’t stop thinking about everything the stranger had done.
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Old 12-18-2018, 04:46 PM   #2
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This is so good, can’t wait for more.

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Old 12-19-2018, 08:10 AM   #3
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Amaaaaaaaazing story! Can’t wait to see what else happens to the cute diaper fox.

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Old 12-20-2018, 01:08 AM   #4
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this nearly happened to me once! you feel so horny yet so scared of what the doms gonna do! i still cant stop thinking about it
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I am OwnerofBabes whore!
My face always looks better covered in cum!
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PM me WRITE,a phrase or word, a body part, and time and I'll write it there and for that long[/SIZE]
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Old 12-20-2018, 09:31 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by kdon View Post
this nearly happened to me once! you feel so horny yet so scared of what the doms gonna do! i still cant stop thinking about it
Depending on how recent it was it might have been me. Haven't done a proper lockdown in a long time though.
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Old 12-20-2018, 04:59 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by lunar View Post
Depending on how recent it was it might have been me. Haven't done a proper lockdown in a long time though.
if you ever wanna do a complete lockdown message me! i might be interested
20/Male/wannabe sissy/Gay
I am OwnerofBabes whore!
My face always looks better covered in cum!
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PM me WRITE,a phrase or word, a body part, and time and I'll write it there and for that long[/SIZE]
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Old 12-23-2018, 01:37 AM   #7
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this was great, if only i had the same to turn me into a sissy *blush
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Old 12-30-2018, 07:21 PM   #8
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Just wondering, how often are you planning on updating?

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Please send me a dare and I will send one in return

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Old 12-30-2018, 10:36 PM   #9
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No pressure, but I am looking forward to reading more of this story.
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Old 12-31-2018, 01:03 PM   #10
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Juicy story. Could be fun being forced to become a little pup!
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Old 12-31-2018, 04:53 PM   #11
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Can't wait for the next part. I'd absolutely love if this happened to me
Increase my time in diapers, and gimme your best

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Message me "diaper check" on Kik and I'll send a pic of my diaper.

My Kik: Calfyn

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Old 12-31-2018, 05:33 PM   #12
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yup unique and hot story. please keep it going

I'd be willing to discuss something similar too :P

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Curious likes: profile control, parental control software, bladder control

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Old 12-31-2018, 11:39 PM   #13
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fun story! can't wait to see what happens!~
Love to chat - kik/discord/telegram: cieirn

likes: pics (no face), tasks w/pics, body writing, sph, humiliation, chastity, anal, underwear, ice
dislikes: spanking, light cbt, pee, begging
limits: face, blackmail, public, crossdressing, bladder control, social suicide, diapers, scat, findom

Do you have my pics? Send them to me with a degrading caption and share it
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Old 01-04-2019, 04:08 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ChastisedBaby View Post
Just wondering, how often are you planning on updating?
I plan on updating this whenever a part gets completed. As I'm a commissioned writer it may be some time between parts, or I may use this as a way to break writer's block on other stories that I'm working on.

On another note, I'm glad to see all the positive reception for part one
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Old 02-15-2019, 09:15 PM   #15
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Is this story dead?

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Please send me a dare and I will send one in return

Kik: littlemendel
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