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Old 10-21-2012, 08:49 AM   #121
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This is one interesting story! Keep it up.
~ Bite me!

Also, feel free to pm me with any questions, NOT dares. I'll answer asap.
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Old 10-21-2012, 05:14 PM   #122
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I like the way you continued it. its fantastic. not sure how often you r able to post but I check everyday. thanks
Still working on these

Feel free to KIK me if you are female KIK: ethan2cu

Likes: masturbation, voyeurism, phonesex, sexual banter,
Limits: anal, pain
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Old 10-27-2012, 09:15 AM   #123
getDare Sweetheart
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I resolved to lay low for a bit while I figured things out. I'd gotten carried away, there was no doubt about that. This'd all just started out as some harmless streaking around and somehow I'd gotten involved in something more ... intense, more serious. Getting naked in the office and in town had been risky, and seeing Karen naked on the video had been a rush, but the events in the park had been a lot for me.

Having a slave, being humiliated naked in public, pissing on someone; it'd all been amazing, like something out of a porn film and I wouldn't take it back, but I wasn't sure I Was ready to do it again just yet. Especially not somewhere like London, where isolated places were few and far between. In the cold light of day, the risks of getting caught were just too high. And I didn't want to think about the consequences after that: leaving my job, newspapers, the police.

I went into the office the next week and tried to go back to normal. I said hi to Karen and occasionally saw Lilly in reception, but barely spoke to them. Things were awkward with Karen for a while, but then she left an envelope on my desk with £100 in it and a thank you card. I guess she'd passed the month.

When I watched the videos I'd collected again, saw the pictures, sometimes my blood rose and I wanted to do it all again. Then when I came, I reminded myself that it was far safer this way. I wasn't ready to get back into that world.

But that world wasn't ready to let me go just yet.
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Old 10-27-2012, 09:41 AM   #124
getDare Sweetheart
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Two weeks passed and I'd been working pretty hard. It was a Friday night and I'd come home without going out for drinks. I logged on to check my email. I had an email from Jamie - I'd almost forgotten about her.

"Hi Dave! Remember me? It took a while to plan our route and the perfect time to do this dare, but we finally did it. You can find the video here,"

She'd given a link - I looked at it. It wasn't a private dropbox link. It was a link to a public porn site. My jaw dropped and I clicked on the link.

The page loaded - it'd already had five thousand views. I hit play and watched as two girls appeared onscreen, fully clothed but in masquerade masks. There was a distant sound of traffic and one of them picked up the camera and filmed the other walking along. There was a burst of light and they walked onto a dimly-lit bridge over a motorway where cars were roaring past. The camera holder, who I identified as Jamie, put it down on the bridge railing so that it could film both of them.

They stripped down to underwear, putting their clothes in a rucksack. Now it was getting interesting.
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Old 10-27-2012, 10:07 AM   #125
getDare Sweetheart
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Laura hurried out of hers first, her large boobs springing out of her bra. She tossed the bra onto the motorway, quickly pulling down her knickers to reveal a bare pussy. The knickers quickly followed the bra.

"Come on," she chivvied Jamie impatiently

Jamie languidly unfastened her bra, letting it fall to the ground before slowly pulling down her knickers, smiling at Laura. She left her knickers on the ground slowly walking off camera, leaving Laura to pick it up and film her receding ass.

They walked along the road for about twenty seconds, Laura keeping it focused on Jamie's ass. Jamie stepped into the woods and the camera went dark. Laura whispered to the microphone "it's very dark, sorry folks" and the film carried on for about three minutes with the sounds of the girls brushing past foliage, occasionally squealing and distant traffic.

Then the scene lightened and the girls emerged by the pub, quickly moving the camera away from the pub sign. Jamie turned around

"Give me the camera,"

It focused on her round, smooth looking breasts, nipples fully erect. She looked quite cold, shivering slightly, taking the camera and focusing it on Laura's curves, her pussy gleaming slightly and her large boobs shaking as she shivered.
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Old 10-27-2012, 10:24 AM   #126
getDare Sweetheart
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They both crouched just before the road, waiting. A car went past, its headlights momentarily dazzling the camera.

"Go, go," Laura hissed, and they emerged onto the road

Laura skipped along it, her ass bouncing around. She turned to face the camera, biting her lip slightly and pushing her hands down her body to her pussy, rubbing it before giggling and turning away.

"Shit!" she said, as a motorcyclist whizzed by, but didn't stop. The clock was at 1:30

They kept walking down the road, the camera shaking slightly as Jamie shivered. It panned up and down Laura's body, showing off her long slender legs and tight ass. As it passed two minutes, Jamie ran ahead and into a dark field.

The camera shook as she ran and the screen went dark. There were a few giggles and screeches, but I couldn't see anything.

The clip ended.
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Old 10-27-2012, 10:30 AM   #127
getDare Sweetheart
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I turned back to the email

"So there you are Dave! We did it! One motorcyclist saw us, but that was it. I don't want to excite you too much, but Laura and I kissed on the haybale, just to try it. We were both pretty wet, and ended up masturbating each other, which was AMAZING. I guess this makes me bi?

We've got a weekend booked to come down and I'm going to post you tickets for your next dare - which co-incides with our visit. Don't worry, you'll recognise us."

There were no more details.
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:04 AM   #128
getDare Sweetheart
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A few days later a letter arrived for me in the post. In a black envelope, my address on the front written in a curly font in silver pen, I wondered what Jamie and Laura had signed me up for. I extracted a letter, printed on thick white paper from it. There was a portcullis logo printed in the top right-hand corner, and it began

"Welcome to the Ghostly Manor Experience. This ticket admits you to a night of elegant, mysterious, gothic erotica at Audley House. Your arrival time is 8pm at the following address. Please sign and return the waiver before coming. We look forward to receiving you. Dress code (men): Suit / tie. No underwear please"

I'd never heard of this before, but a thrill of anticipation went up my spine. I filled out the enclosed waiver, promising that I did not have any heart conditions or similar illnesses, that I would not disclose any goings on within the house, and that I waived the company of all consequences of any harm I might experience during the night.

I googled the company and found a single web page, which included a tour of an old house, but very little further. Intriguing.
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:27 AM   #129
getDare Sweetheart
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The weekend arrived quickly and before I knew it, I was dressed in a suit catching a train for a stop not too far from the site of Audley House. I got a taxi from the station, feeling vaguely exposed as I sat on the leather seat, the fabric of my trousers rubbing against my bare ass.

I'd asked the driver to stop at the village before the house, as I was feeling a bit self-conscious, but he'd asked if I was going to Audley House. I'd said I was and he encouraged me to take the cab a little bit further. Apparently the driveway was quite long, although I wondered if he just wanted a bit of extra cash.

Either way, I agreed and we drove through a sleepy, misty little village in Kent with a few scattered houses, a post office and a pub, which was almost the only source of light in the area. We carried on down a long, dark, tree-lined road before turning off down a track and coming to an impressive iron set of gates. The driver wound down the window and spoke a few words to someone in a booth and the gate slowly opened.

As we passed by, I caught a glimpse of a top hat, and dark tails flying in the breeze. We drove up the driveway, a long road, with green, well-tended grass on either side before stopping outside an ornate manor house. I paid the cab driver, took a card and got out.

The cab receded into the distance and I looked back at the manor. I was all alone in the night.
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Old 10-28-2012, 08:44 AM   #130
getDare Sweetheart
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Shivering slightly, I walked up the stone steps to the front door and opened it. It creaked ominously as I entered into a wood-panelled reception, a wide hallway running at 90 degrees to my entrance, providing a T-junction.

A high desk lay immediately to my left, with a man in a top hat and morning suit behind it.

"Good evening sir," he intoned. "Welcome to Audley House."

"Thank you," I said. "I'm David - I have a ticket for 8pm"

"Very good sir," he said. "That will be £100"

My jaw dropped a little and I was glad I'd not spent Karen's money yet. I presented my card and he took out a modern-looking card machine which I tapped my PIN into.

"Thank you sir. Please explore the mansion and follow the guides wherever indicated."

I thanked him and, a little confused, turned down the main corridor to the right. As I turned, I could see two women in the distance. I hurried towards them and noticed that they were clad only in lingerie and were wearing very high heels. Their bodies were a very pale white and their long, slender legs and tight asses made my mouth go dry. They passed through a set of double doors and I almost ran to catch up with them. When I opened the doors, they were nowhere to be seen.
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Old 10-28-2012, 09:22 AM   #131
getDare Sweetheart
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The corridor stretched in front of me for quite some way, and there were doors off it. Thinking that the two ... models ... might have taken one of the first ones, I turned to the one nearest me and opened it, quickly stepping inside.

The room was large and warm, heated by a large open fire to my right and with comfortable chairs dotted around. A large golden retriever lay in front of the fire and a few glasses of wine, half drunk, were dotted around. The dog looked sleepily up at me.

Just then, a side door opened and a crowd of people flowed in. All clad in smart suits, mostly with tails, the gentlemen carried pipes, cigars or silver hip-flasks. All of them were very, very pale. The ladies in the group seemed almost unreal, moving slowly in diaphanous gowns, some of them masked, others wearing white make-up. I had no idea if these were other guests or if it was part of the experience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, if I can have your attention," one of the gentleman, an older guy wearing a monocle. "I have gathered you here to witness my latest experiment. Many of you have benefitted from my previous innovations, but I would now like you to see my newest. Please, form a semi circle around the fire and I will demonstrate my cure for hysteria."

We assembled around the hearth and a pair of manservants pulled a long table in front of it. The speaker momentarily left the room, re-appearing with a girl clad in a thin white shift, laying her down on the table. She murmured to herself, but aside from the crackling of the fire and the occasional chuntering of the dog, that was the only sound in the room.
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Old 10-28-2012, 09:39 AM   #132
getDare Sweetheart
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The girl on the table was skinny. Not entirely flat chested, and despite the warm room, her nipples were stood upright. She wore no underwear and I could see the dark mark of her pubic hair towards the bottom of the shift, which came up to mid-thigh

"Anna here has been suffering from bouts of hysteria," the gentleman continued. "Unseemly displays of emotion, often in public."

There was a collective gasp of disapproval from the group and a few murmurs

"I have developed a technique to relieve this, which James here will demonstrate."

One of the previous manservants brought in an apparatus much like a telephone handset attached to a large box and laid it beside the girl. He flicked a cumbersome-looking switch and the handset began vibrate. He pushed the handset against the cloth where her pussy was and she gave a small gasp.

"The device moves very slightly but very quickly," he continued. "It stimulates key nerves in the female body and when applied for long enough, acts effectively as an inhibitor of stress. It must be re-administered after a few days, and is generally more effective if administered directly to the human body. Please, if you are of a delicate nature, this next part may be a little overwhelming."

A couple of the ladies left the room, and James directed the handset up underneath her clothes, pushing it directly against her clit. She gasped with pleasure, starting to writhe on the table, breathing heavily.
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Old 10-28-2012, 10:04 AM   #133
getDare Sweetheart
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"It can often take a short while to find the correct spot," he continued, as James moved the device around, riding the shift higher up her body, revealing more of her white thighs.

"A little electrolytic jelly can often help the process and there are a number of settings depending on the level of anxiety."

He clicked a heavy-looking dial and the buzzing intensified. The audience leaned in as Anna began to wriggle and push her hands over her body, rubbing her hard nipples and pushing the handset against her.

"As you can see, the device draws out the base instincts as if it is sucking poison from a snakebite. These will be exorcised after the device has finished. I am not sure if the process is painless, as subjects can occasionally cry out during it. However, there is no long-term damage, only beneficial effects."

Anna came long and hard, crying out and pushing the device against her, shaking and gulping air.

"There, it is now finished," he said. "As you can see, the subject is now docile and can easily be directed."

There was clapping from around the room. "Now, if you will join me for a sherry, cordial or cigar, any unpleasant effects of watching can be mitigated"

The guests faded from the room and I made to follow, but was stopped by a cough. Standing up beside the table, having left a smear of fluid across it, was Anna.
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Old 10-28-2012, 10:17 AM   #134
getDare Sweetheart
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"Please sir, follow me for the next part," she said, turning to the other door. Her shift was stuck to her back with sweat, and I couldn't help but notice the fluids on the table as I walked past.

We entered another room, full of old medical apparatus and a large, heavy oak table.

"Please, let me take your jacket," she said, and I passed it to her then sat down at the head of the table. She hung it up on an old hatstand and poured me a glass of red wine. I took a drink - it was full and rich.

Anna paused by the side of the table

"Please stay here."

She swayed to one side and left me alone in the room, the door closing behind her.
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Old 11-03-2012, 08:47 AM   #135
getDare Sweetheart
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A cold breeze blew through the room, making me shiver. The door behind me creaked open, making me turn quickly, but it was nothing. I got up to close it, pushing the heavy oak frame closed and pushing it to make sure it wouldn't open again.

I turned around to return to my seat and saw two naked zombies. Both female, both slim, one with torn black stockings reaching up all the way up her legs, highlighting the dark cleft of her pubic hair. The other, completely nude. Both covered in blood, splashed in gore, it covered their pussies, their breasts, nipples and bodies, some still wet and running down them.

The nude zombie wore a ragged masquerade mask, as if to emulate the other guests, patches and tears all over it. The other had large, black eyes, with purple bruises all over her face, as if she'd been battered to death. Both of them had long, black, matted hair.

I held onto the back of the chair, not knowing what to do. They shuddered towards me. I was half-scared, half aroused.
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