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Old 11-23-2009, 11:00 PM   #91
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yay. longer though lol
i was like wait.. thats it?
just bein me =)

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Old 11-24-2009, 10:23 AM   #92
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Absolutley amazing!
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Old 11-24-2009, 10:01 PM   #93
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Post Jessica Continues to Extrapolate

"What? Oh, yes. Gajoya Juice: clear, odorless, tasteless. It gives one the feeling of being drunk."

"What's so bad about being drunk?"

"Ask a glass of water."

Jennings imagined it, and cringed. "Use that one."

"Then there's Flubbric Base-"

"The painful one."


"That'll do."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
It looked easy. It all looked so simple, at first. I mean, before I had to produce something to push a board down. Now I just had to drink some water- and believe me, I was thirsty. I read the instructions calmly. They read:

In order to escape this cell you must simply drink the liquids inside the bowls. Once the bowls become light enough, the board will flip over and press down the lever on the other side of the cell. Do not, under any circumstances, let the liquid spill onto the floor surrounding the three bowls. This floor is infused with many sensors that, if they pick up liquid, will move the walls closer together. Unless you were planning on getting crushed, we highly suggest you drink the fluid instead of attempting to cheat.
I didn't understand why anyone would try "cheating". I was thirsty- I hadn't drank very much for the past three days. I needed as much fluid as I could get. The bowls were clear. The ones on the right and left appeared to be water. The one in the middle I wasn't so happy about- it was everything that I had produced in order to escape from the last chamber.

I decided to get that one over the first. I bent over next to it and swallowed as much as I could. It was revolting- a mixture of piss, vomit, tears, water, pussy juice, and of course orange pulp. It was to eat it without vomiting all over again. But when I was done I was proud. The board flipped over, pushing the middle lever down. "This," I told myself, "would be the 'easy part'. I just had to drink some water- which I already want- and I'll be free."

I knelt besides the left one. I drank the whole mass of water in the bowl and instantly wished I hadn't. It was Flubbric Base, though I didn't know it. Ten seconds after it touched my lips, a ripple of pain went through my body. I collapsed on the ground. I started having a horrible seizure- the pain was so immense, so gripping. I passed out. I remember the feeling of falling... falling onto a needle stack. Not a hay stack, a needle stack. I felt like my whole body was being cut, then healed rapidly, burned, and then cut again. Over and over again, in waves, the pain seized me. My skin was hot. My forehead was cold. I felt pins and needles. I felt as though each and every one of my bones was simultaneously breaking. My back felt like it did when Master whipped me. And worst of all, my feet itched.

And I passed out. I don't know how long it was until I woke up again. My sole consolation, when my eyes opened, was that I had indeed raised the left plank. Two gone, one to go. I shudderred to think what was in the last bowl. Would it be more Flubbric Base? I knew now that it simply couldn't be water. It had to be something else, some other horrible substance. But what?

I knew that there was only one way to find out. I didn't expect that the contents would kill me. Thy'd test me for perseverence, but I knew that they wouldn't try to kill me. I thought it would be horrible. I was right.

I prepared myself mentally, knelt by the bowl, and lapped up the water in one gulp. It was ten seconds later that I let out a sneeze. After that I let out fourty-two more sneezes. In a row. Then my nose started to run. My face flet tingly, and soon my whole body was tingling. My eyes teared up, I swelled up. Involuntrily, I started pissing. And once I started pissing, I couldn't stop. Like seriously, a large stream for ten minutes straight. I threw up five times. Pretty soon I had dierrhea all over the cell floor. I looked at my skin- it was getting many rashes on it. I soon fell to the ground in the pool of my own piss and shit. I lay there for five hours, shaking.

I was freezing. Freezing and weak. I felt like all the hope had left my body. Like all my warmth, all my life had left my body. I was shivering, shaking, chattering away. For a while I thought I was dead. I thought that my soul had flown away, out of this awful place, to meet up with the Flying Speghetti Monster in heaven. Maybe that's why I was so damn cold!

Seven hours later, I got the strength to stand up. I instantly lost it again, and sat against the wall. I saw the one thing that made it worth it: the door was open. I was free to go. I tried to get up- I felt like I had forgotten how to walk. Like my legs were made of jelly. Like the feelign you have when you've had a really long car ride and all of a sudden you get up. Like that except times 10,000,000,000.

Nevertheless, I put my foot out. I took it one step at a time. I came to the fountain, my stuff in hand. I drank from it, cautiously at first. Nothing awful happened. I didn't feel like I was sick or like I was in pain. The water was sweet and refreshing. I refilled my canteen.

I slept by that fountain.

I slept for fifteen hours.
* * * * * * *
When I finally woke up, I drank a huge quantity of water from the fountain. My instructions said to do so; the next refilling station would be a day's walk away. The tunnel was a straight shot now- I was finally in the section that had been the back-up tunnel for the train. It would be a long walk; there would be a series of five rest stops, each ten miles apart.

Each would have food, water, a place to rest, even some luxuries I had forgotten. Motivated by this and the promise of freedom, I pushed on. That day I walked to the rest stop. The walk had been long and harsh. I felt exhausted by the time I had gotten to the stop.

It was beautiful. I stepped inside and I saw this beautiful lobby. Somehow, there were plants blooming inside. Flowers everywhere. Even a small potted tree in the center. There must had been some mechanical system for watering the plants. Here, a tinny voice asked me to enter my name into the electronic log. There was a computer, and I put my name into the computer's data bank. Only now do I realize that by doing this I totally gave away my position.

But once I did this I could enter the rest stop. Inside there was a conveyor belt. People from an above island put food on certain aboveground stops which came down to me. I feasted on Roast Farnababel, Gradentrast, and Dengados the size of your fist. There was a well inside which I took advantage of, drinking like it was the only water to be found on Solinox. My room had some amazing features. Not only did it have a virtual television (it puts you inside the screen: I know, low-tech, but still cool), a map, and the softest bed I'd ever slept in, but it also had what it called simply, "The Sex Machine."

Basically you take a dildo, put it in your pussy, and by remote control it will follow a specific set of instructions. All you have to do is code in specific instructions.

I chose the following pattern:

~Do not allow cum~
Rotate clockwise
Rotate counterclockwise
Vibrate + Rotate
Vibrate + Rotate (2x)
Vibrate 2x
Vibrate 4x
Vibrate 16x
Penetrate 2x
Penetrate + Vibrate
Penetrate 2x + Vibrate
Penetrate 2x + Vibrate 2x
Penetrate 2x + Vibrate 4x
~Allow cum~
|Stop once cum|
Vibrate 2x
Vibrate 4x
Vibrate 16x
Vibrate 64x
Vibrate 128x
Vibrate 256x
Electroshock if necc.
|once cum, stop, go to tacet|
TACET: Shoot 2 Teebles of HOT WATER

It was, understandably, one of the best orgasms of my life.

But after all this luxury, all this rest, all this pleasure, it was time to head off the next day. I walked about six miles, and I was feeling tired, I noticed something odd; the tunnel was curving. It hadn't curved all this time. And now it was. I shrugged it off and kept walking. But all of a sudden, I was face to face with a huge brick wall.

I had no clue what was going on here. I didn't know why there was a brick wall where there was supposed to be passage. I didn't know what to do- this definately wasn't on the map. I decided I must had missed something. I would turn back.

Just as I rounded the corner again, I saw two ugly men dressed in suits. One said, "Hello, dear." The other shot a tranquilizer gun at me.

That's all I remember from that day.
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 11-25-2009, 12:41 AM   #94
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yay! they got her. keep going
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Old 11-27-2009, 02:22 PM   #95
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This is truly fantastic ^^ really please carry on =D
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Old 11-28-2009, 10:31 PM   #96
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Post Jessica Continues Her Sob Story

It is a terrible thing for a human being to pass out, and wake up to something they really don't want to wake up to. It was horrible when it happened to me. My last memory had been two large men and a tranquilizer gun. Then there was a period of black... not really sleep, just black. Like I had forgotten what happened in this time. Like I hadn't cared about what was happening to me, and pretended not to be listening.

My next memory was being handcuffed and tied to a chair. It was awful... waking up to that. To going from binnocent sleep to being a prisoner. I was totally defenseles, totally vulnerable. I didn't know what was happening, what was going on. I didn't even know how long I'd passed out for.

"Where am I?" I thought "And why am I tied to a chair? What happened? All I remember was... I walked... the brick wall... those men... they shot me with something. I thought... they told me I'd be safe in the tunnel. How'd they get me? Am I going to make it? Will they... will they kill me?!"

My thoughts were quickly interrupted by the strong man who had been standing in back of me the whole time. I felt him slap my face as cruelly as possible. My cheek stung from his palm. "Good, bitch! You're up!" He boomed.

I asked him, "Wha- who are you?"

"My name is not important, bitch." He answered, indignantly.

He started pacing in front of me. I took a good look at him. He looked to be in his mid-fourties. He looked strong, and actually pretty good for a guy more than twice my age. He had a lot of muscles, and brown hair. He looked extremely dominant, and seemed to like slapping me in the face because he did that five times.

"I work for the Department of Slaves." He told me. "I know what you did, bitch. You ran away from your Master. From this report here, I see that he trusted you enough to leave you alone for... a week. He trusted you. And you betrayed that trust. You ran away- or at least, you thought you were running away. You see, the Government started 'SLUT'. It really stands for 'Slaves Luring, Undertaking, and Teaching'. That's what they do- they get undercover agents, like your 'Diana' and they convince you that we're trying to help you. That way we find the sluts who seriously want to leave their Master. Then we bring 'em to our Tunnel.

"That's right. We're behind all of it. The sewer bursting? All those snakes? The jail cells with the piss and the... the Gajoya juice? You didn't realize we were behind those things? Oh they were our doing. And guess what, sweetheart? We have them all on film. But besides that, the tunnel is a great way to capture disobediant whores who try to leave their Masters. We cornered ya, and then we knocked ya out. And here you are. Make more sense yet?

I was stunned. I hadn't expected any of this. How could this be? I'd gone through all that work to be captured and given an even worse life? It couldn't be. It just couldn't be. I felt like the tables had turned. I felt lke I had been set up. I was humiliated. As I was there, handcuffed and tied to a chair, I started to cry. The man actually smiled at my tears, and looked aroused. I took a quick look at his pants- there was a small bulge. What the fuck kind of freak was this; my crying made him horny?!

He cleared his throat, seemingly snapping out of it. He said, "Well, now. You've been passed out for a while now, for twenty hours or so. That was enough time for the courts to make a ruling on your case."

"A ruling?! But I haven't even had my trial yet!"

"Slaves don't have trials, do they?"

"But, but-"

"I don't want to hear anything else out of you. Your secret agent suggested the severity bracket, hardest. Your Judge, The Honorable Nathan Harrfast, decided a good punishment system for you. And your Master consented to it. That's all we need."

"What'd the judge decide on?"

"Actually, bitch, he made an itinerary. Here it is." He read off a sheet of paper. "One month of community service, one month of hard labor, and four months minimum at the reinstitution center."

A man appeared at the door. "Mr. Mattlack?"


"The vehicle is ready to take her to her Community Service location."


He untied me, and I was off.
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 12-03-2009, 01:44 PM   #97
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*claps* very gppd
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Old 12-20-2009, 09:41 PM   #98
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Post Jessica, after more than two weeks, finally decides to start up again.

I was dragged by a very large, burly man through the door. I screamed for him to get off me, but he would not listen. I couldn't believe all this. It was all a set-up. I had been lured into a trap. The bait had been set- the elusive, hanging promise of freedom. And I ate it right out of their hands. I mean, they had me convinced to go into some torturous tunnel where I almost drowned in piss, and stayed in cells... I couldn't believe how stupid I'd been. There had been so many signs... I still can't believe how stupid I was.

Maybe things would have turned out differently, if... if...

Well, in any event, I was being carried to his car. I was tossed in the trunk, and he closed the door. It was all so dark. I couldn't see hardly anything. I waited for the familiar sound of the car starting... I waited. Finally, after a long time, there was that familiar whirring noise. He punched in the directions, and the Automatic In-Car Driver (AID) moved the car along its path.

When we arrived about an hour afterwards, all I could think about was my butt aching. I didn't know why. The ride had made it sore. Soon the trunk was thrust open. I gasped- I hadn't expected the bright sunlight. The man put a handcuff on my right wrist. The other cuff he put on his own. He led me into the building- a drab, gray, MiriCrete structure. On the side, in cheap white letters was written, "Department of Community Service".

The man led me gruffly inside the building. I was no match for his strength- I couldn't even put up a fight. Not that it would have mattered if I had tried.

Inside, the door closed behind me. The man said in a deep voice that matched his exterior, "I got a deposit here."

"Mmm-hmm." Said the receptionist, "Name?"

"Uh..." He looked at my neck. Only later did I realize that there was a collar on me with a tag. It had my name and information printed on it. "Jessica Spindle".

"Jess- yep, checks out. Escapee?"

"Uh-huh. Caught her about 2 days ago."

"Mmm-hmm. Well, bring her to Mr. Stub will you?"

"Sure thing."

I was pushed through a thick wooden door. We walked down a boring, gray corridor until the man stopped. He knocked on a door. Another man came to the door. He answered it, "Yes?"

"Mr. Stub, I've got a escapee here to see you."

"Excellent. Bring her in."

The man did so and promptly left. "My name," said the man who obviously inhabited this wasteland of an office "is Stanley Stub. But you'll address me as 'Sir'. Clear?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Now, you probably won't be seeing me too much, unless you've been bad. And we definitely wouldn't want that to happen." He picked up a manila file folder, and looked it over. "It says here, that you are 21 years old. Is that true?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Hmm... you escaped a week and three days ago. And is it true that you're limits are as follows: public, scat, watersports, and needles?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Well," he said, drumming his fingers on his cold desk, "judging by this information, I think I have the best plan for your community service requirement. You see there are three plans; Roadside, State-Farm, and Sanitation. I think... Sanitation is best for you."

"Sanitation? What's that?"

"No asking questions! Now, I believe that about wraps things up. Sanitation is in the Government Region. I think... I think you'll do well in City Hall."

This was all very confusing. I had no clue what he was talking about. Sanitation? City Hall? Hell, I didn't even know what the three community service plans were. I was once again 'escorted' by the burly man to his car, where I was once again 'transported' via the trunk. Like I was cargo.

* * * * * * *
City Hall was better than the Department of Community Service at least. At least it had better architecture. It was made out of Whitestone, so it was nice. I was turned over to a Miss Abigail Hogg. She was, as her name suggests, very fat. And also very mean.

She basically shoved me down some stairs, and pointed out a room. I'd be sharing it with nine other girls. It was about the size of a walk-in closet. I was informed that I'd get two meals a day; one was at 5 in the morning, and the other at 10 at night. I'd work from 6 AM to 9:30 PM. Every day. I'd start tomorrow.

And so, the next day, I woke up with all the other girls. They weren't very friendly with me. Most of them were concentrating on getting out, not making friends. They weren't, like, unfriendly to me, but they didn't make much of an effort to warm me to the building.

Breakfast was a slice of bread, some water, and whatever the day's rations were.

20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 12-21-2009, 02:22 AM   #99
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Great that your continuing the story its one of my favourites
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Old 12-22-2009, 06:32 AM   #100
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I was led by Ms. Hogg down a tiled corridor. She told me, “This is the east wing of the building. Hurry up- don’t lag behind!” I followed her. She eventually stopped, in front of a room. She told me, “This is a men’s bathroom. You’ll be stationed here today. We have a cycle here- MP, FP, MS, FS.”

“Uhh… what does that mean, Miss?”

“Why should I tell you?” She asked blankly. I was pushed into the room. Ms. Hogg said, “Lisa here will explain your task.”

With that, she was gone. Lisa was, by the looks of it, another slave. She was naked too. But she looked more weathered than I was. She was probably… mid-thirties. I smiled and asked her politely, “Hi… um, I’m Jessica. What should I do here? Clean the toilets?”

Lisa laughed. She said, “Look around, honey, do you see any toilets?” I took a look around the room. There were no toilets to be found. Only weird machinery.

“Say” I asked her, “What kind of bathroom is this?”

“A human one.”

“Oh no,” I thought, “She can’t mean… she couldn’t mean that.” I asked her, “But… but… what you mean by that?”

“Let me show you.” she said, “You’re starting out with… MP? Do you know what that stands for, Jess?” I shook my head, “It stands for Men’s Piss. That’s your job today. It’ll probably be the easiest job, for a slut like you.” She walked over to a particularly interesting piece. “This” she said, “Is a men’s urinal. You’ll kneel behind the wooden plate. Then, you’ll fit your mouth around the metal tube. Like so.”

She knelt on the hard concrete ground behind the thick wooden plate, as Pam watched. She was using a Proper Posture- ass on heels, back straight up. She wrapped her mouth around a metal tube that protruded from the wall.

“The man,” she explained, “goes into a stall. Hopefully, he closes the door. Then, he puts his member through the metal tube, and pisses.”

“But…” I stammered, “My mouth is on the other end. What do… no! You can’t be implying that-“

“Yes, yes I am. I do it. And you’ll do it. Believe me when I say that this is the easiest job you’ll have. Someday, you’ll wind up wishing you were doing this job instead. Oh, and another thing. If you take your mouth off of that tube for more than fifteen seconds you’ll receive a nasty shock from that collar you’re wearing.”

I was terrified and disgusted. Both at the same time. I had never even considered I’d have to do anything so disgusting. But, I knew that I'd be forced to do it. I knelt down on the cold concrete, the way Lisa had shown me. I put my mouth on the cold metal tube. And now I waited. Waited for... something to happen, even if that thing was piss to come streaming into my mouth.

There were four other slavegirls around. Each of them was doing the exact same thing as I was. One of them was visibly, obviously receiving some piss. I was focusing on her pain, her disgust, her humiliation when it happened. My mouth began to swell with digsusting, liquid. I moved back at first and spit it out, but then I recieved a terrible electric shock. So I put my mouth back around the tube, and the man's cock pissed into my mouth. I swallowed.

Now, once was bad enough. But in my 10 hour workday, it happened 67 times. My mouth was forever haunted by that first day's piss.

P.S.- here is a layout of the bathroom

20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 12-31-2009, 01:59 PM   #101
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Smile Jessica Continues Continuing

By the way, I haven't posted any new parts because no one has commented. But I wouldn't want this story to go to waste, just because you guys won't be responding to it. So, in my infinite mercy, I've decided to give you another chance, and post another section. But, please, please, PLEASE comment.



(And yes I meant to say "tanks"


It was my second day of "community service". I decided that I really wasn't serving my community much. More like doing a job an object could more easily do. It was revolting- being treated like a thing. But I was still quite the rebellious one. True, I obeyed. I never openly complained- that way, I'd avoid more frustration and embarrassment. But I wasn't submitting. Not in spirit. I was strong those days- I had spirit. I never even thought of the possibility that they could break me. So what? I was forced to drink a guy’s piss for a month. I was tough. I could... I could handle it. I'd never submit. I was too strong.

I can't imagine now how wrong I was.

That woman had told me the cycle. I just didn't really know what it meant- MP, FP, MS, FS. I was pretty sure M was Male and F was Female. I couldn't prove it, but I thought so. I wondered what awaited me that day. After breakfast, I was led to a different room. Similar, true, but this one was more effeminate. I guessed that it was a woman's bathroom.

I was told once again to go down the hall. There weren't the tubes. Instead there were four small stalls. The stalls only had one thing in them- a glass bench. It wasn't for me to sit on. My head went underneath it, right underneath a medium sized hole. My guess was that a woman would come sit on the glass bench (attached to her side of the room) and piss into the hole. I'd then swallow the piss.

I lied down on the ground. My mouth was directly under the hole. The suspense was killing me- I knew what was going to happen; I just didn't know when. And then, it happened. As I looked up, I saw a woman enter my view. She gave me a little wave and dropped her skirt. I couldn't be sure but by the glimpse of her I had, she looked early thirties. Then, all I could see was her ass. Yep, I thought, that's the ass of a thirty year old woman.

Then, disgusting water entered my mouth. I nearly choked on it. I don't know why. It's not like I didn't expect it or anything. Cause I did. I knew it was coming. I just... I don't know. While I was lying there, looking at the ass of a woman who's peeing on me through plate glass, I wondered why she had waved at me. Wasn't she used to this? Did she know this was my first time? Or was she... was she enjoying this? It was then that it dawned on me- this was all to teach us a lesson.

It would be way easier and way cheaper just to use toilets. But this was to lower us. Not even typical BDSM households on Hedonia used human toilets. I'd never heard of one in the entire time that I'd been here. But I realized something else- that woman was early thirties. That meant she couldn't be a government officer. She had to be a Domine here on the island. Or, not even a Domine at all. Even slaves had to use the bathroom in city hall. It occurred to me that I was below EVERYONE ELSE. I was an object, a piece of furniture, a toilet. I could be used by government officials, by domines, even by other slaves. I was treated as if I was worthless.

I spent that day looking up at all different kinds of asses. I saw young and old- unfortunately, more old wrinkly asses than fresh, firm ones. I counted this time- I swallowed exactly 87 women's piss in that one day.

And there was worse to come.

By my third day I still didn't know what "MS and FS" stood for. Male something and female something. Looking back, I feel like such an idiot. Now it's obvious what it stood for.

But that day, I was oblivious. I was preparing to accept more piss even though I knew that didn't make any sense. I started making rationalizations like "S means special". This theory, which I enjoyed, was that they stood for Male Public, Female Public, Male Special, Female Special. Those were for the general public, the other (I hoped) would be just officials. Therefore, there'd be less.

I was wrong.

Once again I was led into a bathroom. If I have neglected to tell you that these past days I've basically been naked the entire time, let me remind you again. I knew today would be a men's day. But I was led far past the tubes for the stalls. I was led into a dark, dark room. There were two small black things that looked like boxes against the wall a board was removed from each of them was removed. Me and a sober looking girl were pushed into the narrow boxes and told to lie down. A man pushed a tube into my mouth and put a gag around it to make sure it stayed on. I heard the telltale clicks of locks being closed. Three of them, in all.

I was scared. I had no clue what the fuck was going to happen. I mean, the other ones, it was pretty obvious what was going on. But with this one- I had no clue what was happening. I was triple-locked in a pitch black box; for seemingly no reason. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. For all I knew, a man could be waiting to use poison gas on me. Or I could be brainwashed in here. I didn't know. It was all blurry. All I knew was this box smelled awful.

And then, all of a sudden, I see a bright, bright light. And then, as quick as it appeared it went away. Suddenly, my mouth was filled with the proverbial piss. It came out of the tube. My guess was that this was a different type of urinal where the man pisses into a funnel. That's attached to a tube which is attached to my mouth.

I was right about that but I still hadn't even considered why that was necessary. Then, it pretty much occurred to me like a lightning bolt. I realized that this box was a toilet. A toilet for shit. I was lying here to accept the piss he made and to catch the shit itself. That was why it smelled so awful in here. That's what the light and darkness had been- a guy opening up a toilet seat, and sitting on it. The light had been blocked by his ass.

You may wonder- how did I know all this? It was probably because of the giant shit that fell on me.

It was truly nauseating. Worse than all I'd suffered before. Worse than both the pissings. It was so revolting, so gross. And demeaning too. Even more than simply accepting the piss. This was… this was infinitely worse. It was like I didn’t even really need to be there. Like they were just doing this to humiliate me. To torture me. To crush me.

And it only got worse. After the mystery man had shit all over my stomach, there was a significant pause. Then I heard a muffled “Fuck.” Suddenly I felt a huge electric shock on my nipples. Sore and panting, I had no idea what was happening. Finally he said, “Why do I always have to get the greenhorns?!” He went on, but now he was addressing me. “Now, you fucking little ass slave, I’m gonna tell you what to do. It’s quite simple, cunt. You’re going to take your hands, bitch, and wipe my ass. You’re a dirty little slut and you have to pay the full punishment.”

I followed his instructions. I took my delicate hands and wiped his stinking, disgusting butt with them. “Good slut.” Came his reply. He then farted on me, got up, and spit into the hole. The utter disgust… it was too much. It was torture.

But I was not done yet. By the end of the day, my body had a huge pile of stinking shit on it. This was the worse one so far, I’d decided. It could simply not get any worse than this. But, still, I was wrong.

The following day I was again brought to a bathroom. It was a women’s bathroom. I finally put the pieces of the puzzle together; MP, FP, MS, FS meant Male Piss, Female Piss, Male Shit - I gulped – Female Shit. My fears were confirmed when I was led past the urinals. “No!” I screamed. I couldn’t go through this torture again. I couldn’t bear it. Two large men picked me up and started physically dragging me across the room. I was brought to another box. A third guy already had it open. I was shoved in. Once again, the box was closed and locked. But this time, no tube and gag was shoved down my throat. I guessed this was because women piss and shit the same way.

And, soon enough, the telltale light came on. But it wasn’t down near my stomach. No, this time it was almost directly above my head. I saw a female ass descend. Soon, a steady stream of piss was headed my way. This was, in ways, worse. Before I was drinking piss. Now I was just being pissed on. But the worst was still to come. I sensed the huge shit coming out of her ass. It landed right on the top of my chest. It was about 20 times worse than the day before.

Even that, though, wasn’t the worst part. The woman who was enjoying her morning shit seemed patient enough. She probably had guessed it was my first time. “Excuse me, love, I know this is your first time, but you’ve still got a job to do. Lick my ass clean, bitch.” I shuddered with disgust. I soon shuddered again, but this time from electrocution. “Hurry, please.” I didn’t have to be told again. I started licking the pure crap from her ass. It was the single most disgusting, demeaning, humiliating, and overall embarrassing thing I ever had to do, up unto this point.

It didn’t help that I had to do it 52 more times.
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails

Last edited by Officelover; 12-31-2009 at 11:30 PM. Reason: Finishing it up, fixing a few errors.
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Old 12-31-2009, 08:40 PM   #102
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Fantastic Update! Need More ASAP!
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Old 01-01-2010, 12:15 AM   #103
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I love this story!
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Old 01-02-2010, 05:40 AM   #104
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Smile Jessica's Continuing Continues

It had been a terrible month. It was a month full of pain and humiliation. They had been right- compared to the shittery job's I'd loved being the piss slut. It was so much easier and less disgusting. But all four jobs started to get to me. I was amazed I was so healthy during all this- I expected that, because of my situation, I would have at least gotten sick. They had us on a very powerful drug which let us have contact with piss and shit without getting sick. I guess it was so that all their toilets didn't call in sick every other day. But those thirty days were some of the most treacherous of my life, en if I was immune from sickness. It was still disgusting, humiliating, and extremely degrading.

So, when the month was up, I was overjoyed. I felt empowered- as if I could brag "I survived life as a toilet". I thought that most people would have gone crazy after their first day, but not me. I was still sane and safe. Plus, I had beaten the first part of my punishment. One down, two to go. If I could beat the other two I'd be back home within, say, six months. I'd be home and happy. At least there I'd be given the life I had before, which was far more agreeable than this. There I wouldn't be used as a toilet or be fed only two small meals a day. There I'd be treated better, at least, even though I'd still wish I could escape. It'd buy me time, if I was home. True, it would take a long, long time to get Master to trust me completely again, but I might make my escape some other way- just, this time, without "SLUT". Oh yes, I still did want to escape. And I felt strongly that I would. I was once again confident in myself- I had spent a month as a human toilet and managed to keep my goal of escaping in mind.

After I had finished my duties on my last day there, I went to dinner as usual. As always, the food was a bare improvement from what had been going in my mouth all day. A young man appeared and called my name. I rushed up to him. He said, "Jessica Spindle?"

"Yes," I replied, "What is it?"

He said, "I'm here to take you to your next stop on your punishment trip, slut." He handcuffed me, and pulled me by a rope connected to the cuffs. I stumbled along, but didn't turn back to take a last look at the god-awful place. I was beyond ready to leave it. I was beyond wanting to leave it. I was beyond that place. But I could only wonder where this man was leading me. I went outside the doors and breathed in night air for the first time in a month. It was the first time in a month I saw any natural lighting- two of the suns, Frordai and D'doolej were setting in the east. (Keep forgetting this is on a different planet, don't you?)

He pushed me into his car, and we drove around for a little while. We were driving for probably an hour or two. I could tell we were probably on the very other end of the island. He opened his trunk and I popped up. He took me out of his car, and led me to another ugly building. The sign on this one read "Department of Hard Labor". They have so many 'departments' here, I thought, why don't they just combine Community Service and Hard Labor?

To be honest I had no clue what the hell the Department of Hard Labor was. I knew they'd have some kind of terrible punishment for me. However, what could be worse than my previous punishment, the human toilet thing? I didn't think anything could be worse. I think I kind of imagined myself working on a chain gang. In retrospect, I kind of wish it had been a chain gang.

I was pulled through the building into an office. This one had a nameplate that said, "Theodore Freeman". The man who'd been pulling me this entire time knocked on the door. After a couple seconds an old man came to the door. You would think that he would be startled to see a naked 21-year-old woman in handcuffs being pulled into his office. He was not- on the contrary; it looked as though he was expecting it. I mean, I guess it was his job. The man introduced himself, "Hello. I am Mr. Freeman, but you may call me sir. Is that clear?"

I answered, "Yes, sir."

"Excellent. Now, let's take a look at your file." He opened up a folder and then read back to me, "Ohh... so, you're a Fuckslut, correct?"

"That is true, sir."

"Good, good... 21... Hmm. Tried to escape. One month of... mmm-hmm... yes, well there are only three possible routes in hard labor. Let's try to pick one for you. I see that you're a very pretty 21-year-old Fuckslut. Did your Master ever try to use you as a prostitute?"

"What?" I replied, "No, never. Why, sir?"

"Hmmm... did he ever force you to do hard labor... like physical work?"

"Uh... not really, sir."

"What about pain?"

"Yes, sir, he used pain on me often."

"Hmmm... and, I see you just came from Community Service. What division were you in?"

"I was in the Sanitation division, sir."

"Ah. I'm sorry, sweetheart. Now, um, let me think for a moment... yes. I know what to do with you." Now he was talking to the man, "Mr. Henry, please escort this young woman to... to Location Number 701. But please, she was just in Sanitation. Take her to the Cleaning Facility for three days or so."

"Will do, sir."

"Excellent. Goodbye, Ms. Spindle."
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 01-02-2010, 05:43 AM   #105
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 22

Dude! This story is getting more and more intense with each instalment!!!
Keep it up!!
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