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Old 10-31-2009, 02:12 AM   #76
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Yes I love it! i do enjoy a good story.
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Old 11-01-2009, 07:33 AM   #77
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Wow oh my goodness amazing writing and so original too!



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Old 11-02-2009, 07:03 PM   #78
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somebody's getting more cage time...
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Old 11-10-2009, 09:15 PM   #79
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Post The Story of Jessica goes on

After that night, Master wasn't to be seen much around the house. He took off my collar first, though. He told me how good a slave I had been and "how high his expectations" of me now were. "You deserve to have your collar taken off." He said cheerfully. "Don't make me regret it." He added darkly.

I was completely, totally, irrevocably crushed. There was nothing left... not a single shred of appreciation for his ownership of me. I resented everything about him, about my position, about life in general. And not only did I resent life- I loathed it. Why shouldn't I have? I was being forced to be a sex slave of a cruel and wicked man, who would commonly encourage others to rape me. This seems like a pretty deplorable life, wouldn't you say?

Every last part of me that wanted to remain in his house was destroyed that night. I had taken comfort in some of the baubles Master had given me for obeying- but I could never be free. I needed to run away; I needed to escape his horrible regime. But how?


* * * * * * *
Master was on business, on a different Island. I was told that there were several islands, all different. There was the large, large continent-like island of Stoica. This is where I spent my childhood- it's where the normal cities are, where Kindertown is, where Government City is. Then there is Hedonia, where I was then. The "pleasure island" ruled by masters and mistresses. Besides this, though, there were many other islands. Several were owned by private millionaires. But many of the islands were undiscovered, unexplored. No one cared much to search for other islands; the population was small enough to mostly fit on the main islands. There was one other one- Hawaii (a coincedence, we're sure) which was a common vacation spot (again- coincidental.)

This is where Master was. He and a few friends were attempting to travel there. They thought it would be cheaper to leave their slaves at home. When we were alone, Madelyn and I talked. She told me of a secret tunnel underneath the fountain at the center of the town. If you made it through, you could make it to a tunnel. It was made as a back-up tunnel, in case the first one caved in.

There was a secret organization for slaves, called SLUT (Slaves Leaving via Underground Tunnel) which was supposedly created to assist slaves to leave. She had heard about it from her friend, Diana. She asked me if I really wanted to go.

"Yes," I answered, confident and certain, "I am sure I want to leave."

"You know the risks?"

I sighed. "Yes."

"You know what will happen to you if you get caught."

I looked into her eyes- I answered a sincere 'Yes' again.

She said, "I guess I'll schedule a meeting."
* * * * * * *
Master would only be gone for a week or so, so I had to act as quickly as possible. I met with a girl, Diana, the night before I was to leave. She handed me a cloth map of the tunnels, some instructions, a flashlight, a knapsack with some food and a heavy canteen.

She left me with a warning, "The tunnels are... dangerous places. You've got to watch your back in there."

I had no clue what she meant.

The following day I acted perfectly normal. I went through all my chores, and acted as though today was a perfectly normal day. No one would have expected my plans to escape. No one but me, Diana, and Madelyn had even heard of my plan. Or so I thought.

However, once nightfall fell, I snuck out into the city. I ran through the woods; darting through the brush underneath the two moons. I came to a clearing, to catch my breath, stopping only briefly. I then ran again, makign my way to the city. Unfortunately, seeing how sex-powered our culture was, night was when our city started really coming alive. This was unfortunate. However, there was a side of town; one of the five quadrants, which was asleep.

Our city was pentagonal in shape. It was divided into five quadrants, which were all extremely different. They were Business, Culture, Government, Loud Domestic, and Quiet Domestic.

Business was restricted for shops and stores. All sorts of businesses were held here.

Culture was for restaurants, museums, the College, etc... Also the two religious institutions on the island were here.

Government was obviously government offices and residancies for their officers.

Loud Domestic was for people to live in. However this quadrant allowed strip clubs, brothels, and party venues (which can also be found in business) to be in the same zone.

Quiet domestic was another place for people to live, but only houses were allowed- no businesses.

I was running through the silent streets of the Quiet Domestic Quadrant. It was eerie- running through them, silently. Like everyone was gone. It gave me the chills, but I had to press on. As I ran through the street I saw hardly anyone.

At the center of the pentagon there was a beautiful ornate fountain. It was white marble, and most people assumed it was simply decorative. It was far from it-

I followed the instructions. I climbed inside the fountain, getting drenched. The water soaked me to the skin, but I didn't care. I couldn't care- I had to focus on escaping.

There it was- on each side of the five sides of the fountain, there was a small dial. I turned the first one to 1. Then the next one to 2. The third 3, the fourth 4, and the fifth (of course) to 5.

I heard a clicking noise. I scaled the large fountain. At the top, there was a small knob. Hearth thumping, I turned it. A small trap door opened up. Under the cover of darkness, I shimmied in the hole, landing on a hard concrete base. I reached up and replaced the concrete door. Instantly though, water began pouring in. There was only a narrow passage. I had to move quickly- with such small space the water level was rising. I'd drown unless I could get to that door.

I squeezed down the passage, and pushed open the door.

I sighed a sigh of relief. I thought my problems were over. They were only just beginning.
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 11-11-2009, 12:34 AM   #80
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This story is seriously amazing and original well done
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Old 11-13-2009, 04:46 AM   #81
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So, just to let you know, I'll be working on Jess's story for a while. It should be longer than the previous ones. That's because there's so much that I want to with her to condense it down into such small segments. So, don't mind that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

I took a moment to catch my breath. That had been exciting- escaping near death by drowning. I took a swig from my canteen, and I opened up my map. I found that I was in the opening shaft. This shaft was narrow, inclined, and had a very thin ceiling. This meant that I had to be as quiet as possible, or else the residents in the above area, would hear me. That would be very, very bad.

After catching my breath I replaced my canteen and folded up my map again. I crept through the tunnel. One of the spookiest things about it was probably it's lighting. It had several flourecent bulbs that flickered on and off, humming softly. They cast... otherworldly shadows upon the walls that danced and danced.

This shaft was short. I reached the end soon- at least I could no longer walk. I took out my 'handy-dandy' map once more, and read the instructions on the back. "First" it said, "before going through this first door, youshould remove all of your clothing." This made sense, i had to admit. The outfit hat I was wearing was one of Master's highly erotic outfits. It didn't do me much good, and was probably more of a hassle than it was helpful. And the heels wouldn't be useful at all. So I gladly stripped naked, and dropped the clothes next to the door.

The instructions went on, "Next, you should be at a door. Here, you are to open the door by using the combination that best answers this riddle:

Thirty-five multiplied by four,
Then to that add seven more,
Subtract twelve from that,
And add a zero at the end of that."

I did all the math in my head, and figured out that the combination was 1350. I used the four appropriate dials, and I heard a clicking noise. The door immediately, automatically swung open.

I proceeded through. The door automatically shut behind me. There was pitch black. Darkness, all around me. It was scary, staring out into the soulless black. Luckily, I remembered my flashlight. I fished around in my knapsack for it, and pulled it out. I used it to illumilnate the ground in front of me, and to my horror I saw that there were stairs in front of me. Many, many of them.

I realized that if I had not taken out my flashlight, and I had tried to simply walk through, I would have fallen down the stairs, and I would have probably died. I was so thankful, so lucky that I didn't. In my panic, I searched around for a handrail. There was one, on the side of the stairs. I inched my way over there, and grabbed on to the cool metal handrail.

I heard a beeping sound, and then thought nothing of it.

If I was a more rational person, I might have wondered what made that noise. It was, in fact, the metal analyzingmy hands. It told by the oils on my hands, by my fingerprints. The metal analyzedexactly who I was, and sent that information to it's headquarters- to the Department of Slaves. Every misfortune that I had henceforth, while in these tunnels, was directly caused by them and my stupidity.

But I didn't know that I had sent them my information. I didn't know how remarkably stupid that was. I didn't even expect that they would decide to have a little fun with me, down in these tunnels.

So I just continued on. I held on to the guardrail, and walked down the stairs, holding the flashlight in my left hand. When I finally saw there was a landing, and that there was another door ahead, I rushed to that door. I took out my map again. It said on it, "For the next door, you are to touch only the key you've seen before. Turn that one, but don't so much as touch the others, lest you shall perish."

I saw in the door three beautiful keys. One of them was gold and glinted when I shined my flashlight on it. Another was silver, and it too reflected when my flashlight was shone on it. The third was covered in ornate jewels and diamonds.

But something was amiss. I had never seen any of them. Then I looked at the bottom of the door. There was one more key. Nothing exciting, in fact really more of a mediocre key. But I had definately seen it before. Where? Oh, it didn't matter. I gulped, took a breath, and turned that key.

There was no instant death. I took that to be a good sign. I took the opening of the door to be a better one.

If the prior room had been dark, then this one was bright. Like really really really bright. Blindingly bright. Funny, one room pitch black and another pure white, and I still can't see. So, I did a trick that I used to do when I was a little child and couldn't see the stairs. I sat down on the ground, and moved forward. Sure enough my legs reached a stair. I sat down, and shifted my weight over so that I just kept sitting on each individual step. This way there was no chance of me falling. It did, however, hurt my ass.

After I had reached the ground, I stood on something cool and metalic. Instantly the light dimmed, and I could actually see. I saw the door. I strained to read the instructions. They said something like, "Open the door by pushing the button."

I moved over to the door, and felt around for a button. Finally I fund one, and the nightmare ended. The door opened, and I ran through, headfirst into a wall. The door to the bright room closed, leaving me in this new tunnel. I had crashed because the door opened perpendicular to the wall, like the diagram below will explain:

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I caught my breath. I sat down on the bare floor, panting heavily. I took out my canteen and took another swig of water. Then, I opened up the map once more. It told me that I was to turn and walk to my right. I followed it's instructions, and walked for a while.
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 11-13-2009, 09:45 PM   #82
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Smile Jessica goes on

This tunnel, I'd been told, was much deeper down than the previous shaft I'd been walkign through. It was thicker, and was soundproof. The odds of anyone finding me down here were so unbelievably slim that I wasn't really nervous at all. I was whistling a happy tune to myself as I walked through the tunnel. Soon, however, I was met with a new challenge; a thick glass airlock prevented me from walking through.

After consulting my map, I learned that in order to open it, I have to use the keypad nearby. I was to type in the password "PASSWORD". It was hard to locate- the keypad had been painted in a color that camoflouged with the cement color. But when I found it, I had no problem entering the password. With a press of s button I was in- but the airlock would only be open for six seconds. I darted through it, and then it closed again.

* * * * * * *
The narrator (no, not Jessica. The narrator, the editor, the compiler. Whatever you'll call me- the one who put all these stories together) would like to interject a brief account of some of the things that had been happening.

Unbeknownst to our poor Jessica, she had been set up. Ever since she had met with Diana from SLUT, she had been set up. You see, SLUT does not exist. Or, rather, it's not an organization to help slaves escape. It's an organization to catch fugitive slaves and weed out those who were about to be. SLUT actually stands for Slaves Luring, Undertaking, and Teaching. It was a division of the Department of Slaves.

The woman who we had been introduced to as Diana was sitting comfortably at a desk with two other women. Her actual name was Valerie Scott; or, more appropriately, Agent 136. She was a field agent, responsible for finding slaves who were thinking about escaping, giving them false hope, and leading them into a trap where they could obtain them. She did this by pretending to be their friend, helping them out. It was a beautiful twist, of literary proportions.

The other two women were Elaine Franz, who was taking notes, and Alice A. Jennings, the head of the Department of Slaves. The three were discussing Diana's most recent "clients", when they were suddenly interrupted. This was the second time that this had happened.

The first was then they learned of Jessica's arrival in the tunnel- when she touched the metal railing. Now, over a loudspeaker, the three women heard, "Subject 3251 is now through the airlock. I repeat, Subject 3251 is now through the airlock. Over."

The three turned to the video monitor. Ms. Jennigns smiled and said to Valerie, "Well, I'll let you handle this."

"Thanks. Please stay if you like. I'll have fun with this one."

"Don't mind if I do. Ms. Franz, you're welcome to stay if you'd like."

"Uhm... that's okay, Miss. I'll just get back to work." Said the secratary.

"Well," started a startled Jennings, "suit yourself."

She left. Meanwhile, Alice and Valerie were poring over the video monitor and the numerous buttons and dials in front of them. "My," said Alice, "Isn't she a cute one." She looked at the naked body in front of her.

Valerie scarcely looked up, "Hmm? Yes, I suppose she is." There was a pause as Valerie adjusted some switches and dials. Finally, she said, "What is she doing now?"

"She's... she's sitting down."

"Sitting down?"

"Yes- eating her dinner, it looks like. And looking at her map."

"This is almost too easy."

They both laughed.

"Get ready, slut."
* * * * * * *
Once again, the narrator feels the need to interject, in order to let the readers in on what is happening. You see, the tunnel was built just so that it ran directly underneath and parallel to the sewer main. This collected all of the waste of the city, and compiled it all together. Now, the tunnel and the sewer main are connected by various pipes, all within the distance of two airlocks. This ensures that if sewage is released into the tunnel it will stay between those two airlocks. There's about two miles in between the two airlocks.

Unfortunately, after explaining this, I'm pretty much guaranteeing you'll expect what comes next.
* * * * * * *

I was feeling pretty good about myself. I'd avoided drowning, falling down stairs, "instant death", and being crushed in an airlock. Add eternal sex slavery to that list, and you'll get a clear picture of how happy I was. I was eating some very good food when it started. I felt a tiny drip on my head. I wiped it off with my arm, and smelled it. It smelled bad, like urine.

Soon I heard another drip, further down. Then, I saw one in front of me. I looked up at the ceiling and saw there were many, evenly placed pipes ahead of me. Some of them had a diameter of roughly 3 inches. Others had diameters of a foot, at least. From the very back one of them, there was a small trickle of a yellow substance, like if one was to turn a sink on to it's lowest setting. Soon it increased and increased.

I put my hand underneath it. It was urine all right. Disgusting. I had no clue what was going on. I didn't know what was happening. Maybe... maybe this was also used as a release shaft for excess waste. My solution was to move down a bit. No use. The leaking started to spread. Within five minutes, all of the small pipes were bursting piss at their max.

It was only the first, I don't know, tenth of the length of the walk that had pipes. But that was a lot of pipes all spurting piss at the same time. I was still calm. I moved towards the end of the long, long tunnel. It must have been... I don't know. A mile? Two miles, long. Three tops.

I was almost at the end when I heard a greater roaring sound. Those large pipes- they too had been set off. Though I couldn't see it, there was not only piss streaming in now. Also shit. Tons and tons of shit. I finally reached the end of this enclosed tunnel. I tried to open the airlock- it wouldn't budge. There was no keypad. I didn't know what to do so I fished out the map from my knapsack.

It read, simply, "Wait."

It was cool. I could wait. I was... I was fine. It had maybe taken me twenty minutes to get from one end to the other. Shockingly, after ten more minutes of waiting, a thin trickle of piss came over. Within twenty more minutes, I was up to my ankles in piss and shit.

Oh yes. I had seen the shit by now. There was plenty of it floating by me at this point.

Twenty minutes after that and my knees were covered in the vile substance. I had no clue what to do. All I had been instructed to do was simply, "Wait."

Twenty more minutes and I was up to my midthighs in sewage.

Then, that's where the real horror happened. About ten yards away, I saw two huge pipes come out of the wall. These pipes were like three feet in diameter. And they started spewing piss and shit too. Now the piss and shit were reaching my poor, exposed pussy.

"Wait." it had told me! How can I wait when I might just die from drowing in urine?!

Another monstorous tube came out of the cieling. Fifteen minutes later and my breasts were covered.

Fifteen more minutes and I was up to my neck.

"So this is how I will die?!" I cried out to God, before my mouth would be covered in piss and shit. "Ironic, is't it? I survived thing after thing, and I die drowning in shit?!!"

So, there I was. The bottom half of my face was covered. I was ready to meet my maker when suddenly THE AIRLOCK OPENED!

The force of the current knocked me through it. The shit was now at a comfortable level of thigh. I climbed up the slight incline, sputtering and coughing. I was so thankful. I'd survived this challenge! What was next? I... I thought I was gonna die. But... thank God! I survied! I survied!!!

I was so radiantly happy, that I began to dance around in the shit. Then, I realized that I should probably climb up the hill. I did, and waded my way out of the sewage. I was drenched in foul-smelling piss, but never more happy.

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Old 11-14-2009, 09:42 PM   #83
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Is anyone still actually reading this?

Cause I just typed out three huge segments and I haven't gotten so much as one reply. So, please, please comment.

Thanks a million,

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Old 11-14-2009, 10:37 PM   #84
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and um. beg u to keep writing?
um yeah. grr
LOL we luvs ur writing OL dont forget it
just bein me =)

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Old 11-15-2009, 06:21 PM   #85
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Ueah just read it then

It's still very very good
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Old 11-19-2009, 08:42 PM   #86
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YES we're reading it and the ppl who don't have accounts love it (i'm their mind)

3 comments for 3 segmnets. Now keep writing *whip*
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Old 11-22-2009, 04:23 PM   #87
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Post Jessica's Sad Sad Story Continues

I climbed up the hill. When I reached it's summit, I collapsed. I was drenched, exhausted, and smelly. I passed out for a brief while- probably an hour or two. When I woke up I was feeling happy. I took a bit of food from my knapsack. I munched it happily while looking at the map. It appeared that there was just a short shaft, and then some sort of elevator. I took a swig of precious water from my canteen, and confidently set out down the tunnel.

Sure enough, there was an elevator. I climbed onto it, and it instantly went pitch black. I heard the door close, and the car start to move. I had no idea which way it was going. I had no clue what was happening. And... I was scared. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, that I was scared in this labrynth. I took a deep breath, and the car stopped. For a while all was silent. Everything... was quiet.

Then the door opposite me swung open. I saw some dim light ahead of me, and I stepped out. The door instantly swung shut. Soon the lights of the room were turned on. I stared around me in horror as I saw a wriggling mass of snakes all around the ground of this room. The knot of them were hissing, and looked dangerous. I panicked. I was terrified of snakes- always had been, always would be. And this was the scariest moment of my life up until now.

I saw another thing that scared me even more: A skeleton, lying in the middle of the ground.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

The narrator would once again like to return to the peaceful control room. This room was filled with laughter; they thought 'the sluts' trials hilarious. Of course, it'd be easier to find the humor if you knew that the snakes were not poisonous in the slightest. They had been brought in especially as props. Also, the skeleton was fake.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
I let out a piercing scream. I froze. What the hell was I supposed to do? I didn't know! I was so scared. I thought I was going to die. After a while, I mustered up all of the courage left in me, and I ran through the snakes. The room wasn't too big. Probably about fifteen meters wide. I made it through easily and quickly. But for someone with a phobia of snakes, this was like three miles.

When I made it to the other side, I was breathign heavily. I ran through the tunnel all the way I could before I had to stop to catch my breath. I was safe. The snakes were a long way back. I panted, and laid down next to the wall.

I thanked God that I made it out alive.

I consulted the trusty map. It showed me that there was a fairly short passage up ahead. It was oddly narrow too. Unlike all the other ones which had been very wide. This passage was only wide enough for one person. I sensed I was in danger as I walked through the passage. Theother odd thing was that there was no end. It seemed like there was a dead en-

All of a sudden I fell. I let out a scream. There had been a trap door! I was falling down a slide. I was screaming and sliding for a good minute when I feel through another trap door. I landed with a heavy thud on heavy concrete. The pain was immense. I shut my eyes.

All I know is that I woke up a day later.

* * * * * * *
When I woke up I saw that there was only one buzzing flourescent light abive me. I was in some sort of cell. I knew I was in the same spot as I had landed in, because I saw the trap door above me. It was very far up- I couldn't reach it. I closer examined my surroundings. I was locked up in a cell.

I was wondering why this organization that was trying to help me escape had so many tricks and traps. I read the instructions, which seemed to answer my question. They read:

We know that it may seem odd that there seem to be so many "booby-traps" and secrets. We apologize for all of these. We apologize that we neglected to tell you about them. They were not of our making. They were pre-existing. We would also like to saty, that in our defense, the traps do teach the slaves to be resourceful and act as deterrants for searching law enforcement agents. For these reasons we have allowed the traps to still exist. Once again, we apologize for any inconveniences these might cause.
I was fairly convinced. It seemed like a plausible enough reason to have them. But that didn't mean that I approved of them. The instructions went on to tell me something useful- how to escape from the cell.

As I had noticed, there was a funnel near on the side of the cell with the bars. It filled up a cup. The cup was on a latch. I sae that if enough liquid was poured through the tunnel into the cup, it would push the level down, and open the cell. It seemed like a pretty good mechanism. The instructions said, "The reccomended technique for this is to NOT pour your precious water into the funnel. Instead, you will find another cup nearby. It shouldalready have a little water in it, left by a courteous fellow slave. Pour that in the funnel, to start."

I looked around. Sure enough there was a cup with a little water in it. I took that water and poured it into the cup. It didn't even budge.

(to be continued)
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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Old 11-22-2009, 05:25 PM   #88
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Smile Sorry... I had to go

Undeterred I read the next set of instructions. It said, "Take all of your piss and pour it into the cup. Do not pour your water in- use it to drink. But don't pour all of it out."

I did what it said, and tried to piss as hard as I could into the cup. I didn't do too well. I got about two Beebles (* Officelover's note: Kind of forgot this took place on another planet didn't you?) of piss out. I had wished that they had done this to me when I was at the snake room- I'd have easily pissed myself there. Or better yet in the sewer.

But it wasn't enough.

I decided that I should just go to bed, and deal with it tommorw. Before I went to sleep I took a large drink out of my canteen- it was a fairly large canteen. I didn't want to be dehydrated, and I certainly wanted to piss a lot tommorow.

When I woke up the next day I remembered where I was and instantly regretted it. I was happy that I felt the urge to urinate though. I gladly squatted over the cup, being careful to not spill any of the precious piss. I filled up the cup all the way, and I was extremely proud. I poured the cup into the funnel as carefully as possible.

Annoyingly, it still wasn't enough.

No longer distracted by the issue of pissing, I felt another problem come over me. I was incredibly thirsty, and there was very little water left. The worst thing was ten feet away there was a huge waterfall. I had been hearing it this whole time, wishing I just had some of that water. But all I had was one tiny canteen. I had used a lot of it up already, from drinking. I decided to ration my water, only drink a little bit at a time.

It was a long, boring five hours before I had to piss again. I had taken three small sips of the precious water. I didn't produce that much, but what I did produce was fine. It went directly into the funnel. I was distraught that it wouldn't budge.

I turned to the directions for hope. They said, and I quote:

So, if you need more liquid besides the little water you've used and your piss we have a couple other suggestions. There should be an orange in your bag. If you haven't already eaten it, then we suggest squeezing three fifths of it into the funnel, and eating the rest. Not in one night of course, but over time.
I eagerly took out the orange. I thanked the Flying Speghetti Monster that I hadn't eaten it. (Yes, in the future we all believe in Pastafarianism.) I squeezed all the liquid in the orange down the funnel. I mashed it to utter pulp, but it simply wasn't enough.

I looked at the next suggestion: try to make yourself throw up. I had never tried to do this before, and I didn't exactly feel like it now. But I had no choice. I stuck my finger down my throat and I started to gag. To my utter disgust, a little (keep in mind not a lot, just a little) vomit came up. I made sure that it went directly into the cup.

I poured this in, but to no avail.

There was just one suggestion left; I'd come back to it. I was thirsty, and I had to piss. I drank a bit, and I pissed into the cup. As normal, I put it into the funnel. Nothing.

Undettered, I read the suggestion: Masturbate into the cup.

I was determined to try. I'd just spent a year being a sex slave, a Fuckslut. I'd been taught a thing or two about my own juices. I imagined the hottest thing I could think of. I began to massage my pussy. I was extremely thankful that I had been a squirter. I squirted my juices directly into the cup. I then poured the small amount of liquid I had into the funnel.

Sadly, it didn't work. But, I thought to myself, it was the funnest way I'd tried so far.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Back in the control room, they were still enjoying the show. "This will be excellent footage to blackmail her with." Said Jennings.

"Oh yes," Said the secret agent, "Excellent."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Two days later, I still hadn't been able to move the cup. I was running out of both time and water. I was so terribly weak. I... I thought I was going to die. I was so, so upset that I began to cry.

And I know it sounds unbelievable. But it was true. I cried a lot. You would too if you thought you were about to die. And I know it sounds ridiculous, but I cried a lot. And I cried into the cup.

I cried for a good half an hour or so.

And guess what?

It was enough.
20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails

Last edited by Officelover; 11-22-2009 at 05:56 PM.
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Old 11-22-2009, 08:57 PM   #89
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Nice keep it up we all love this ol
just bein me =)

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Old 11-23-2009, 04:33 AM   #90
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Smile Jessica Extrapolates...

The cup grew heavy enough, and the board was pushed down. It hit a latch the cell wall began to open. I remember what the instructions had said- leave a little water in your canteen so you can pour it back into the cup and the next person can have some help. The first thing I did was head directly over to that waterfall. I was so excited... I would get some water after all this.

Then it happened again.

Another trap door.


Once again I wassliding and screaming, and once again I landed with a thud in another cell. Once again there was a fountain way off in the distance, and once again there seemed to be some torturous way to open the cell. There were bowls again on boards, except this time the bowls were on my side of the cell. It looked as thoughif enough liquid was removed, the board on the other side would go down, and unlock the prison cell.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

In the control room, they were making another choice. "Which liquids do you want to put in the bowls?" Secret Agent Valerie Scott asked Alice A. Jennings.

Ms. Jennings replied, "I don't know. Which are there to choose from? And how many bowls are there?"

"Well there are three. One of them, of course, is what she just produced. You know, the piss and her vomit, and her pussy juice. But the other two are up to us."

"Well, uh, what are the choices?"

"We have... um, pure urine, cum, Gajoya Juice-"

Jennings interrupted her. "Gajoya Juice? What's that? Is that the psin-inducing drink?"

"What? Oh, yes. Gajoya Juice: clear, odorless, tasteless. It gives one the feeling of being drunk."

"What's so bad about being drunk?"

"Ask a glass of water."*

*Yes, I did just steal this line from the HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy.

I have to go. I'll be back in a second.

20 Trans Femme Nonbinary Ass Collector Writes Poetry On Aluminum Foil with Gold Gel Pens Fills Mason Jar with Vodka I'm Doing A Cleanse White Kid with Black Nails
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