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Old 09-03-2012, 11:09 AM   #76
getDare Sweetheart
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We walked down the path, listening intently for signs of anyone else, reaching a large pond where I could see a few ducks on the other side. We started walking around it towards an observation hut, and the ducks suddenly flew off, flapping and quacking.

"Come on," Karen hissed, pulling me into the undergrowth

We stayed there for a few minutes, crouched uncomfortably in the thicket, a holly leaf digging into my back through my shirt. I looked over at Karen, who also looked quite ill at ease. We waited what seemed like an age, but then I heard footsteps. Softly at first; a rustling in the distance, then actual steps as someone walked through the leaves and grass. Then they were past us, a figure not six feet from where we were crouched. We waited until they had passed completely before Karen got up and beckoned me on. I could see three parallel scratches down her back from the holly, but it was certainly better than the alternative.

"Have you done this before?" I whispered, as we neared the bird observation hut

She looked at me. "What did you think he was making me do? Star jumps and singing 'I'm a little teapot'?"

I winced, but we carried on into the hut, which was mercifully empty. Karen looked around and quickly found a pen and a note.

"I've no idea how he thinks I'd do this by myself," she said. "Can you write 'whore' on my left ass cheek?"

I took the pen from her and bent down, laying my hand on the warm skin of her ass, feeling the lace of her knickers and wrote it as best I could

"Don't enjoy yourself too much!" she said
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:28 AM   #77
getDare Sweetheart
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I apologised, and she stormed out of the hut. I caught up and we carried on walking, pausing only to wait until a gardener on a drive-along lawnmower had passed us. He wasn't really looking out, more intent on enjoying a few last minutes of peace and quiet and an old cigarette. It was just as well, because I could see Karen starting to shiver and the pink lingerie was kind of eye-catching.

She was storming up ahead and I started to worry that we were making too much noise. I caught up with her and listened - I couldn't hear anything else. In a park, that was a bit weird. I ran ahead and stood in front of her, putting my finger to my lips and gently lowering us down into a crouch. She got off the path and into the bushes and I slowly, ever so slowly, scouted ahead.

I could distantly see another clearing up ahead, with a picnic table on it and something on it. I skirted the clearing, making my way slowly through the undergrowth. Then I almost walked into the guy ahead of me. Pressing up against a tree, watching the clearing intently, he had a cameraphone and was holding it up.

Quietly, ever so quietly, I backtracked. Pausing when I thought I was out of sight, I looked again and saw no fewer than five cameraphones aimed at the clearing.

The plot wasn't just thickening, I could feel it solidifying around me. I was terrified.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:36 AM   #78
getDare Sweetheart
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I worked my way back to Karen and explained.

"Bastard!" She breathed. "Bastard, bastard, bastard. That's not the first time he's done something like this!"

"Any ideas?" I asked

"I could run through, but then he'd know something had tipped them off."

I thought frantically and had an idea

"Do we have to do these in order? If not, we could just come back to this one. You know what the attention span of guys is like. Pretty low."

She hugged me, her boobs pressing against me.

"Thanks Dave," she said. "I'm already glad I brought you along. Let's go to the treehouse instead."

Slowly, ever so slowly, we edged away from our hiding spot and walked alongside a stream until another clearing. I had a quick look around and couldn't see anything, so we entered it gingerly.
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Old 09-03-2012, 11:49 AM   #79
getDare Sweetheart
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I couldn't see anything out of place, so I walked into the clearing and went sprawling. My feet went out from under me and I landed on my hands and knees in the dirt. Then I was covered in a gush of something wet and sticky.

I pushed myself up and stood. Karen was at the edge of the woods staring at me. I was covered in custard, a bucket swinging from a rope above me and a tripwire broken on either side. It was cold and sticky. It was in my hair and all over my shirt, although below the waist I'd got off lightly.

"Now I'm doubly glad I invited you along," said Karen. I scowled at her. "Oh, no, sorry Dave, I didn't mean like that. But I'm cold already."

I peeled off my shirt and turned it inside out, using it to wipe off the worst bits in my hair, on my face and on my jeans, then threw it into a nearby bin.

"Come on," I said. "Let's get this over with."
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Old 09-05-2012, 10:42 AM   #80
getDare Sweetheart
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Somewhat disillusioned with the idea of walking around in the park with a girl in her lingerie, we went up to the treehouse. All I could smell was custard, and bits of it would occasionally drip down my chest from my hair, or through my trousers. It was a bit cold and a bit uncomfortable.

But I suppose I'd agreed to it. That'd been the deal - to look after Karen. I needed to agree something better in return, next time, I reminded myself, although I was due for a share of the reward at the end of the month.

I gestured to Karen to wait and started climbing up the ladder of the treehouse. It was quite a large, wooden structure, built to give a good view of the park and woods. It was basically a large hut in a tree, with a wide horizontal slit for a window along three sides and a doorway in the other. It had some graffiti on it, but not a lot.

I reached the top, shivering slightly. Pulling myself up to the top and into the treehouse, I looked around cautiously. It wasn't quite what I expected - in the corner of the room, a girl sat handcuffed (and footcuffed) to a wooden chair, blindfolded and with noise-cancelling headphones over her ears. She was absolutely stark naked, nipples standing up on her small breasts, tan lines showing where she'd sunbathed with a bikini on. Her lower half showed similar tanlines, her pussy shaved into an elevated 'v' like Karen's. In front of her was a card sign saying "Park Slave. How May I Service You?"
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Old 09-05-2012, 08:19 PM   #81
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Awsome story! Can't wait for the rest!
Im waiting till she (Karen) Discovers more about him !
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Old 09-06-2012, 10:59 AM   #82
getDare Sweetheart
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"Holy shit!" I breathed. Judging by her pubic topiary, I'd guess this was another one of Karen's master's slaves - but this was something else!

I just stood for a moment, taking it all in, my penis growing hard under my trousers.

Then I was interrupted by Karen hissing up the ladder at me

"Is it safe?"

I beckoned for her to come up but keep quiet and waited until she reached the top. The naked girl looked around as she felt Karen's feet on the ladder - I'm not sure why she'd not felt mine - but obviously, couldn't see (or hear) anything

"Hello?" the girl whispered as Karen reached the top. I had to hold onto Karen as she came up; she caught sight of the girl instantly and looked like she was about to fall off

"What the hell is this?" I said to Karen "Another one of your master's slaves?"

Karen looked uncomfortable.
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Old 09-06-2012, 11:14 AM   #83
getDare Sweetheart
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"Her name is Lilly," she said. "I've seen her play poker a few times. She works for the company on the ground floor."

Karen didn't seem to be processing what was going on

"We can't just leave her like this," I said, trying to ignore my erection. "What if those guys come up here?"

"Hello?" Lilly whispered again, straining her head to look or hear anything - but I suspect that her master had done his job well. "Is there someone there?"

"He isn't pleased when you disrupt his games," Karen said. "The first time I failed a dare at the end of the month, he set me horrible things to do the next month - which is why I failed again. She must have known the risks. We're wasting too much time."

She looked around the treehouse and found the pen, finding the note, uncapping it and writing "slave" on her left boob, awkwardly

"Dave, I don't feel any better about this than you, but please, we have to hurry or we could both lose."

I looked at Lilly, shivering, still craning her neck, nipples as hard as bullets on her small breasts, hips gently curving inwards, long, slender legs slightly tanned.

"Wait!" I said, as Karen started down the ladder. "What if I commanded her to come with us? She's the park slave. She'll do what I say."
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Old 09-06-2012, 11:28 AM   #84
getDare Sweetheart
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"Ok, that is not what I thought you were going to say," said Karen. "Are you gay? You have more self restraint than most guys I've met. You don't want to have a little fun first?"

"Seriously, come on now, she could get raped," I said.

"Ok," Karen said. "Do what you have to do."

She climbed back up the ladder and I walked over to Lilly.

"Hello?" she said again, plaintively. "Please don't hurt me. I'm the park slave. I do your bidding but please don't hurt me."

I took the headphones, blaring loud music off her

"It's ok Lilly," I said. "My name is Dave and I command you to get out of here with us."

I pulled the blindfold off her and she blinked, squinted and looked at me, blushing furiously. Karen stepped out from behind me and handed me a key

"Here, it was wedged into the ceiling. Hi Lilly - guess he got to you too somehow."

Lilly's jaw dropped and she blushed, looking away, trying to cover herself as I freed her hands, curling up away from us.

"Oh crap," she said meekly. "Please just leave me alone"

"Lilly," Karen said. "There is a group of guys in the park. They were waiting for me with cameraphones in a clearing. If I hadn't had Dave with me, my photos would be all over the internet. I wouldn't be surprised if they're coming here next."

"Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap," she said. "My family. My friends. My gran! But ... but ..."

"Come on," Karen said, pulling her up. "We can talk about the rest later."

I pulled off my trousers so that she was only topless, trying not to stare - but it was hard, and so was I. The trousers were too big for her, but at least we were all clothed in some way now. We left the treehouse and I couldn't shake the sense there was more going on here that I needed to know about.
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Old 09-10-2012, 06:51 AM   #85
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Really Good Please continue
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Old 09-10-2012, 11:02 AM   #86
getDare Sweetheart
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We paused a way down the path from the treehouse. Lilly was wincing as she walked, and so was Karen, so I offered one of them my socks and one my trainers and took a turn barefoot in the park. I couldn't quite believe that I was walking around in the park, half naked with one utterly hot girl in pink underwear and another topless. Just thinking about it, even without looking, made me hard. Which was a problem, because I was just wearing boxers and my excitement was incredibly obvious.

"Karen?" Lilly said hesitantly. "I have some more things I need to do."

Karen scowled at her

"Will you shut up for a moment?" she said angrily. "I'm trying to think about how we get out of all this. Why are you into all this anyway? I mean, I need the cash, but you don't."

Lilly looked upset for a moment then rallied

"I didn't think it was going to be like this. I like being subordinate, but this is ... new. It'd always been in his house or a hotel, never outside and never with strangers. It's just something I like - it's not all of me. I like books too, and make up and running. Don't you judge me."

Karen's shoulders sagged

"I'm sorry, I'm just upset. At least we're not in serious trouble yet - and we have support. We just need to get to a few more pens, sort out your orders and we can get out of here. My place backs onto the park, so we can sneak out and get clothes no trouble. Come on."

We carried on down the track.
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Old 09-11-2012, 11:47 AM   #87
getDare Sweetheart
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We walked down the path for a few minutes, the light growing dimmer and dimmer. I strained my ears to hear better and tried to peer into the dim park ahead. We silently approached another pond, where I could just about make out geese nested on an island in the middle. I saw something move, and heard something and gestured for the girls to stop.

I crept closer, making out a couple on a bench kissing each other - they'd clearly lost track of time in a fairly major way. I crept back and outlined the situation to Karen and Lilly.

"My next pen is by that bench!" Karen hissed. "We can't keep detouring around them - we could be here all night!"

Lilly looked at her awkwardly

"And Lilly still needs to ... well, Lil', what do you need to do?"

Lilly looked at her feet

"I need to serve my master in at least three ways. Or three masters one way," she said. "You get the idea. I'm the park slave."

I grinned - I could have fun with that, but for the time being, I was content to solve the problem. I leaned close to her.

"Ok Lilly," I said. "Here's what your master commands"

Last edited by John332; 09-11-2012 at 11:57 AM.
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Old 09-11-2012, 12:04 PM   #88
getDare Sweetheart
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Lilly stripped out of my jeans and shoes, shivering naked in the woods. She looked both afraid and slightly aroused, licking her bottom lip and eyes dilated - although that could have just been the dark.

Karen and I retreated a bit and she approached the couple. They heard her approaching and turned suddenly, looking guilty, then staring at her, mouths open

"I'm very sorry," she said in a calm voice. I noticed a slight quaver but she was doing well at masking how scared she was. "The park is now closed and it is nudist night. If you'd like to stay longer, you are very welcome but I must insist that you remove any clothes."

The girls looked at her

"Really?" one of them said. "I didn't see any signs or anything. Isn't it a bit cold?"

"It's not something we publicise," Lilly said. "As you can probably imagine, we get quite a lot of voyeurs and perverts."

"Oh ok," she said. "Well Emily, what do you think?"

The other girl looked at her and gave a grin

"Ok, let's do it!"

They stood up and started stripping. My jaw dropped and I could feel my eyeballs expanding. I hadn't actually expected it to work.

"Thank you and have a nice night," Lilly said, walking away, pausing to quickly pick up the pen sellotaped to the seat and came back to us
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Old 09-11-2012, 12:17 PM   #89
getDare Sweetheart
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"You were incredible!"

When we'd got a fair way away, I lavished praise on Lilly, who blushed furiously, whilst Karen wrote "Pervert" on her own stomach

"I *loved* that," she said. "I felt so controlled, so alive, so sexy. The way those girls saw me completely naked but I had chosen to have no choice in the matter. Karen, you can say what you like, but that was an incredible experience."

I smiled at her. I wished we hadn't had to go. The idea of watching a lesbian couple get undressed and then ... well, who knew what they would do next ... made my breath catch in my throat, but I had options here as well, I suppose.

"I suppose it did look fun," Karen said. "Fooling those girls like that."

"You should try it!" Lilly said, but Karen shook her head

We raced through the park to the next stop, with me scouting ahead quickly and finding the picnic area on the edge of the carpark empty, although two cars still had their lights on. I found a way that we could avoid detection and we all crept to the picnic table. Karen looked around for the pen, finally finding it underneath the table. There was a note with it, which she whispered to us

"Karen, this should be your last pen if you have followed the route. Write the words on either side of my mark and leave all your underwear in the bin. I know you live nearby but I am your master and you will do my bidding."

"Oh crap," she said. "We still have one to do."
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Old 09-11-2012, 06:33 PM   #90
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Okay, you've got me hooked.
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