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Old 07-17-2012, 03:29 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by gin View Post
And thank you for the very good answer!
Even if, honestly, it seems a bit... how can I say... paranoid? No birth prevention method is 100% safe, as you said, but, well, also driving your car is not 100% safe, nor it is just walking outdoor without an helmet, or eating food that you haven't prepared on your own, etc. etc.

Just one more question: if you and you fiancé love each other (as well as sex!!!) so much, don't you miss the feeling of his cock inside your body? What if he should ask you to get penetrated by him, just for a few seconds, just to feel how it is?)
Yes, I know it's paranoia. As for the other things such as driving a car, walking, eating and stuff, yea, its not 100% safe, but things that happen then are instant. As in, not much you can do about the. If I get hit, I'm screwed, if I get food poisoning, I get sick, etc. Those aren't really preventable unless you live as a hermit, and even food poisoning isn't preventable. Pregnancy however, is.

As for the question you asked me, how can I "miss" the feeling of his cock inside my body if I haven't ever tried it before? Do I want to know the feeling, sure. But since I don't want to actually have coitus until marriage, why not wait. It can be that one, "special," new thing to do once we're married, and it will start a new form of communication to help figure out and teach each other what we find enjoyable and what we don't. It will be a way to keep our sex life fresh. Don't get me wrong, we still look for new things to do. We just tried ice play for the first time (not yet sure how I feel about it) two nights ago at our hotel room, and again last night with bigger pieces. I'm sure we'll always find new things to try to keep our sex life fresh, but I'm kinda looking forward to having something to look forward to on our wedding day.

So no, if he asked to enter me just for a few seconds, I would decline. I can't ever see him asking though.
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Old 07-18-2012, 11:53 AM   #77
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Which famous person is your role model? Why?

Which non famous person is your role model? Why?

What phrase do you say the most?

Favourite quote? Why?

Do you have any pets?

Which celebrity irritates you? Why?
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Old 07-19-2012, 04:45 AM   #78
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I had to seriously take time to think about these, regarding celebrities, as I've never bothered to "keep up" on them. In fact, I was in class a couple Saturdays ago, and the teacher made a reference to "Tomcat" getting divorced. My classmates were stunned when I had to ask who the heck is Tomcat? I'm probably spelling that incorrectly, but whatever.

Which famous person is your role model? Why?

I'm going to have to go with Oprah Winfrey. Her actions and contributions to helping the world seem very genuine. She uses her celebrity status to help others not just around the world in 3rd-world countries, but also here in the states.

Which non famous person is your role model? Why?

I have so many, its really hard to pick just "one." So, to avoid thinking forever on this, I will pick three, as they are for various reasons.

My main role model in life has been my aunt. She was always there for me when I was younger. I just loved being with her whenever I could. She sacrificed so much of her adult life, in order to take care of her father (my grandfather), as no one else would. She is now in an extremely difficult financial situation with her husband and two kids, but she makes the most of it. She found a job as a lunch lady, that she could do while her kids are in school. Both of her kids (my cousins) have been sick since birth, but my aunt keeps going. She is an absolutely amazing individual.

A second role model I have is my former English teacher from 8th grade (secondary school). As I (think I) have mentioned before, I was suicidal during this period. She let me, and other students, stay in her room on most days after school, as we didn't like going home. When she couldn't stay, she found another teacher to let us go to. She was there to talk to and confide in. She challenged us academically too. She didn't let us use our problems as an excuse not to do well in her class. She pushed me to become active in an extra-curricular activity, and I ended up doing theatre for the next few years. Had it not have been for her, along with some others in my life at the time, I don't think I'd be alive today.

A third role model I have is actually my fiance. While we're the same age... He is always looking for more things to learn. He always thinks about things rationally, and generally has a calm demeanor. He is so intelligent and capable, and I just love that about him. He makes me want to educate myself more about the world, and keep up with current issues. He motivates me to be a better person.

What phrase do you say the most?

Ever since some stupid commercial came out, I admit I say "I know, right?" way too often now.

Favourite quote? Why?

"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional."

It is my favorite quote because not only is it funny, it is true. I never want to lose sight of my playfulness and (when appropriate) immaturity.

Do you have any pets?

I have a pit bull mix, but I'm not sure what she is mixed with.

Which celebrity irritates you? Why?

It really isn't the celebrities that irritate me at all. It is the people and media, that give them so much hype. I don't care if Celebrity A cheated on Celebrity B, or whatever. They're no different than the rest of us.

However, after typing that bit up there, there is one celebrity that irritates the living hell out of me; Gilbert Gottfried

His voice is the most irritating thing to listen to in the world. Whenever I hear his voice on a program, I turn the channel.

Last edited by Rose_Angel; 07-19-2012 at 04:54 AM.
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Old 07-19-2012, 04:51 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by RoseBrat89 View Post

What phrase do you say the most?

Ever since some stupid commercial came out, I admit I say "I know, right?" way too often now.
Hahahahaha. Me too.
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Old 07-19-2012, 05:17 AM   #80
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Do you think there is a possibility you could/would ever feel how you did in secondary school again?

Dog or cat?

Favourite breed of both? Why?

Did you take any sports growing up? (or now) Which ones?
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Old 07-19-2012, 01:41 PM   #81
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Do you think there is a possibility you could/would ever feel how you did in secondary school again?

Absolutely not. I am such a different person. I love the world and enjoy my life. I know I always have friends I can turn to. Don't get me wrong, I do get depressed every now and again, but when I do, I talk to someone. The depression never stays for long.

Dog or cat?

I personally don't ever want pets. I'm allergic to most animal saliva, and allergic to several hair types of animals. However, given the choice of which I would prefer as a pet, I'd have to go with a cat. They take less maintenance.

Favourite breed of both? Why?

For dogs: Labrador/ Golden Retrievers, because they're energetic, and great family pets. I must say, I really love Black Lab/ German Shepard mixes.

For cats, the only two breeds I know offhand are Persian and Siamese.... never been knowledgeable about cat breeds. I'd just prefer short hair in general for pets, but long hair looks really pretty.

As for favorite color of cat, I love black cats. I always have, perhaps because I had one when I was younger, and he was a sweetheart as well as my protector.

Did you take any sports growing up? (or now) Which ones?

nope =[ Tried basketball, but I went to one hour of practice and gave up. The practice was too hard, haha. I really wish I would have done swimming though.

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Old 07-19-2012, 01:49 PM   #82
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Do you find it hard to wait until marriage for sex?

Are you actually into BDSM an S/M?

If yes, does your partner know?
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Old 07-19-2012, 02:13 PM   #83
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Do you find it hard to wait until marriage for sex?

Not really. I know my fiance wants it, and its hard for me in the sense to deny him, but it isn't personally hard for me. And with "sex," I mean coitus. I think I've made it clear enough I do other types of "sex."

Are you actually into BDSM an S/M?

The idea of bondage excites me, although outside of handcuffs, I've never been in any. Pain excites me, when its my fiance/Master giving it to me, or I'm giving it to myself.

If yes, does your partner know?

Considering I call my fiance, "Master," I would say he most certainly knows. I've mentioned this to some, and stated it in my blog. Even though I call him "Master," I am really just a submissive. I would like to do more slave-like activities with him, but that just most likely isn't going to happen. He would never feel comfortable actually ordering me around. He is okay with punishing me though (got punished today in fact =[ ) But, I deserved it.
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Old 07-19-2012, 02:29 PM   #84
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Why were you punished?
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Old 07-19-2012, 03:28 PM   #85
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How did he punish you?
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Old 07-19-2012, 07:52 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by frosty View Post
Why were you punished?
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How did he punish you?
Well, I was punished for a dual reason. The first, was that he did not enjoy the blowjob I gave him this morning, as that is a "requirement." The reason he did not enjoy it, is because I failed to properly communicate with him.

I was doing fine, and having fun, until he had me take my hands away, and he started to f*** my mouth with his cock. This wouldn't normally be a problem, but the position we were in hurt my neck, a lot. I didn't want to tell him this though. I just wanted to keep going and please him. This would have been okay with him, if I didn't show obvious signs of discomfort and pain.

He gave me an opportunity to "confess" so to speak. He tested me by asking me to put my arms behind my back. Instead of doing this, I asked if I could just place my hands on his balls and just use my mouth on his cock. He said that it was "okay" to do so, so that is what I tried. Then I asked him to switch positions twice, and I didn't tell him because my neck was hurting, even though he obviously knew.

I finally gave in and asked to use my hands. He agreed, and he did go ahead and get off, but he didn't enjoy it because I was in pain. He gave me a long lecture about how I need to communicate any problems with him, because he doesn't want me getting hurt. The lecture was my punishment for the lack of communication. This itself made me feel awful and brought me to tears, as well as an apology.

After I had time to calm down, as well as become excited, my punishment for him not enjoying the blowjob began.

Since he did not enjoy his blowjob, I received no relief for an entire play session. For me, my G spot basically is a way to make me auto-orgasm without much stimulation needed (all he has to do is rub it with one finger). So this is what he used. He didn't rub my clit, or put his mouth on it. He didn't squeeze my nipples, or suckle my nipples. He just stroked my g spot until I had started to orgasm, and then he would stop, causing me to fail. He did this about 10 times in a small period of time.

After this, I had to give him another blowjob to either redeem myself, or I would be in for further punishment. I had him sit in the chair to better support my neck, but it still hurt. However I didn't show the pain in my neck, or my back for that matter, and he was very satisfied.

My punishment was over, other than I was not able to receive any sexual pleasure for the rest of the day. This has been hard, as I've been so excited all day every day since I've been here after not seeing him for over 10 months. But, it is fair, and I understand what I did wrong, and I know not to try to hide any physical problems from him now.

Also, even though I was not allowed to orgasm for the day, he did do something very nice. After I gave him the second, redeeming blow job, he told me to get on my stomach on the bed. He then proceeded to give me a very nice, long, firm neck and back massage. Ah, I hate being punished, but he never lets me lose sight of the fact that he loves me and cares for me.
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Old 07-19-2012, 09:27 PM   #87
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ME and my boyfriend are very much into BDSM and S/M I want to have a relationship like yours because I also want to wait until marriage. I am not a virgin, but due to a past experience I would just like to wait now. We do online things as we do not live together and we get a little intimate in person. Can you give me any advice on how we should start out that process? How to make sure we successfully communicate with each other? And how to not lose sight of the actual loving intimate relationship in the proceedings of a S/M relationship?
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Old 07-20-2012, 02:41 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by fullofsecrets View Post
ME and my boyfriend are very much into BDSM and S/M I want to have a relationship like yours because I also want to wait until marriage. I am not a virgin, but due to a past experience I would just like to wait now. We do online things as we do not live together and we get a little intimate in person. Can you give me any advice on how we should start out that process? How to make sure we successfully communicate with each other? And how to not lose sight of the actual loving intimate relationship in the proceedings of a S/M relationship?

I feel that no one person can give advice on your personal relationship. But on a general advice note, start small and communicate often. Make sure you set aside time to be intimate and loving. For my fiance and I, just about everything we do is intimate and loving. Even though I was punished yesterday, he still took time to show me he cares. We probably say "I love you" a bazillion times a day. We have a vanilla life too. Whether physically together, or on Skype (We hadn't seen each other in 10 months until recently), we take time to just talk about our lives. In person, we do things like go swimming, or take walks. Sometimes we get into conversations about BDSM related things, but often times, it stays vanilla outside of the bedroom. He just occasionally asks me to do things for him, and the most important thing between the two of us is respect.

Another thing I can't stress enough, is to do research as well. There are plenty of good sites out there, as well as some good forum posts on here.

Here are a few posts from getDare I think all couples of any BDSM relationship should read before starting out.




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Old 07-20-2012, 05:54 AM   #89
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How would you live your life if you had a week to live? 5 years? And if you could live forever?

Is it truly worth it to die for a family member or friend?

What’s more important to a relationship: common values or other commonalities (like tastes in music, interests, etc.)?

Are there different types of love? Can we separate love from infatuation?

Can we ever be sure that our perception of things is right – without consulting other people? If we do consult others, how are we to know whether theirs is true or if we’re both deluded?

Would your life be better or worse if you knew the day, time, and place that you were going to die?

Is it reasonable to have a sense of delusional confidence in your abilities, or would you rather build confidence by performing well in the past? If you choose the latter, doesn’t that mean that a single bad performance can shatter your confidence in yourself?

Would you rather be insane in a functional society, or one of the people running a profoundly dysfunctional society?

Could you be persuaded to kill? If your answer is no, then how much money would it take to get you to change your mind?

If saving the human race required the sacrifice of yourself and everyone you love, who would you choose to save – you and your loved ones or humanity at large?

What is true strength?

Some say that striving for perfection is unhealthy. What if striving for perfection made you improve faster than you would have if you had lower expectations for yourself? Which way would be better?

Is the worst identity to have not the villain, but the person who is powerless?

Who are you? Names, nationalities, and virtually any other socially-defined attributes do not count. Deep down, who are you?

Is there something in your life right now that must be rooted out?
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Old 07-20-2012, 06:13 AM   #90
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I will eventually tackle these questions from Frosty 1-2 at a time... too focused on homework (even though I took the time to look at these) at the moment to answer. Also, considering they all require a lot of thought, I imagine most will be pretty lengthy, and well, I obviously have a tendency to put in a lot of detail to simple posts already, I think any more than 1-2 questions at a time would take forever to respond too.

Thanks Frosty
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