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Old 06-01-2011, 07:57 PM   #61
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I like it please give me more and to read
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Old 06-02-2011, 04:31 PM   #62
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Rocket Yummy carrots ;)

I am loving the story still, keeping it an interesting yet unique story to getDare. Please continue the great work, and I can sense a even greater plot coming soon.
Appreciate each getDare storytellers, as without them where would we enjoy ourselves so much? And without getDare itself there would be nowhere for these artists to be appreciated for their work.

My likes Would do if I have the time
- Cross-dressing
- Light-torture

My dislikes Would not do
- Extreme
- Involving family & friends
- Public
- Messy (low income)

Although I generally like TorD, please don't just ask to play it online, as I
normally don't have the time to do so, thanks.
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Old 06-04-2011, 10:05 PM   #63
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Color Wheel The Red Rover Project: Chapter 16, Round One, Ding!

...so after several days of writing, Chapter 16 is now really long. So I'm breaking it up into multiple parts. I'm sorry that the breaks won't necessarily be as logical as the usual chapter breaks. I figured you guys were ready for an update, though, so here's what I can offer for now. Also, if anybody else wants their name on my list of people to PM when I update, lemme know.

Stayin' stiff,

The Red Rover Project
Chapter 16: Round One, Ding!

“Oh, man!” James sighed, leaning back against the three foot concrete wall of the heat exchange reservoir chamber and sliding down to sit between Oliver and Hannah in the shallow water at the edge of the glass chamber.

“Yeah,” Oliver agreed, leaning his head back. “How often do you guys come here? Cuz this is great.”

“Oh, this is only the second time,” Taylor said, on the other side of him. “This might even be better than last time, though. I think the water is hotter, and we certainly didn’t play chicken like that before.”

“No,” Hannah agreed, “We didn’t. That was a lot of fun, actually.”

“I’m going to come up here a lot now,” Cassie concluded, sitting next to Hannah. “I’m going to try to remember how to get back here. Aaron, you gotta help me remember.”

“I’ll try,” Aaron agreed, lounging next to her.

“That was fun,” James agreed, “But I don’t think my neck enjoyed having you on my shoulders very much.” He gently elbowed Hannah next to him, and rubbed his neck. Hannah suddenly felt guilty, and gave him a really apologetic look.

“Hannah,” Cassie said on the other side of her, “You better massage it for him. It’s best if you massage it right away, probably. So he won’t be as stiff and sore tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah,” Hannah agreed. “Scoot forward, James, so I can sit behind you.”

“You know how to give a massage?” Taylor asked, surprised.

Hannah hadn’t even thought about it. She’d just assumed that she knew. “I guess we’ll find out,” she said, positioning herself behind her black-haired cutie, and sliding her hands up his scar-laced back. She deftly maneuvered her fingers up the back of his neck and up into his short wet hair, pressing into the muscles, and dragging her fingertips back down, following the longer stabilizing muscles down to his shoulders, and applying pressure on two rather prominent knots of tissue.

“Oh God,” James breathed relaxing under her touch, “That feels amazing, please don’t stop. Where did you learn to do that?”

“I dunno,” she said, using the heels of her hands to press outward from his spine. “I guess I must have already known how before I came here.”

“You knew how to give a massage before you were even ten?” Aaron asked. “I thought that was something you usually went to school for. Like when you’re twenty or something.”

“She knows how to cook, too,” Taylor commented, looking begrudgingly impressed.

“Well you guys must have some sorts of talents, too,” Hannah said, not used to being admired like that.

The others just kind of looked at each other and shrugged. “Not really.”

“I don’t care how you know this,” James muttered, slurring his words a little bit, “This is almost better than one of those kisses…” Cassie heard, and giggled. Hannah had to think about it for a moment, but she decided to take it as a compliment rather than being offended.

“A kiss really feels that good?” Oliver asked.

“Kiss feels amazing,” James slurred.

“Kissing does feel quite nice,” Hannah agreed, sliding the sides of her thumbs down James’ back on either side of his spine between his shoulder blades and down to his middle back. He leaned farther forward to accommodate her. His muscles were really tense all over, not just in his neck.

“Taylor,” Hannah said, using her knuckles on a particularly stubborn knot under James’ left shoulder blade. “Truth or Dare?” James tensed slightly when he heard that, but went limp again almost immediately.

“Oh,” Taylor said. “Sure. Um… Truth, I guess.”

“Is this that game you guys were talking about,” Aaron asked.

“Yeah,” Hannah said, “Taylor, who here would you want to try kissing the most?”

“Who would I most want to try it with?” She confirmed. “Hm. Um… Hm. Probably James, I guess, since he already knows how.” Hannah felt James tense up again, and she shot Taylor a subtle warning glance. “But since he’s currently occupied with something that apparently feels at least as good as kissing,” she rolled her eyes, probably mostly out of habit, “I guess maybe Cassie?”

“Really?” everybody echoed at the same time. Taylor, you’re bicurious? You should have told me that before… huh. Interesting.

“Why me?” Cassie asked.

Taylor blushed uncharacteristically, and Hannah could see her mentally back wheeling. “Well just, you know. Just cuz. To see what it’s like, maybe.”

“With a girl?” Hannah prompted, feeling just a touch evil and not the least bit remorseful for putting her friend on the spot like that.

“Well… Yeah, I guess,” Taylor said, blushing even harder and slouching down into the water a little.

“Haha. Okay,” Hannah said, rubbing it in a little maliciously before letting her off the hook. James winced, and she realized that maybe she was literally rubbing a little too hard, and eased off the pressure a little. “Your turn, then.”

“Um, okay, Oliver. Truth or Dare?” Taylor asked, still sounding a little uncharacteristically small.

“Oh,” Oliver said, “Do I pick one?”

“Yeah,” Hannah confirmed. “If you pick Truth, you have to answer a question. If you pick Dare, you have to do whatever she dares you to do.”

“Oh, okay. Well, um… I think Truth sounds easier. Is that okay?”

“Yeah,” Taylor said. “Lemme think… um… What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?”

“Oh,” he said, and thought for a while. Hannah moved her hands back up to James’ shoulders and neck, and he squeezed her foot appreciatively underwater, and stroked her calf and shin idly. “Well one time we had rhubarb applesauce at dinner, and Terrence got accidentally kicked between the legs. I laughed and ended up spraying the applesauce across the table on Robyn and Mandy.”

“I remember that,” Aaron grinned. “That was really funny! You had applesauce coming out your nose! Robyn and Mandy had to take showers after that.”

“Yeah, turns out that stuff really burns when you snort it out of your sinuses,” Oliver said. “And those two haven’t sat near me at a meal since then.”

“That’s really your most embarrassing moment?” Cassie said. “I thought you were gonna say that time when the whole group had to explain to you what a hymen was in class.” Hannah tried not to giggle.

“Yes,” Oliver said a little meekly, “That was also embarrassing. Thanks for reminding me.”

“You’re welcome!” she said brightly.

“Okay, Oliver,” Taylor said. “Your turn to pick on somebody.”

“Oh, okay. How about James? Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” James said. “I don’t want to move.” Hannah smirked, and massaged the base of his skull.

“How’d you get all those scars?” Oliver asked, referring to James’ hundreds of scars, all over his body. James tensed under Hannah’s touch, and she quit massaging, sensing that something was wrong.

“I don’t know,” James said. Hannah could feel how he was trying not to sound upset or modest about it. “I’ve had them as long as I can remember. Since before we came here. I didn’t get them all at once, some are older than others. They’re different types of scars, too. Incisions, lacerations, abrasions, burns. They’re all superficial, though, as far as I can tell.”

“You haven’t found any evidence of deeper tissue damage?” Oliver clarified.

“Not that I’m able to tell, no.”

“Huh. That’s weird. I think they’re kinda cool, though. They’re different. Interesting. My skin’s just boring. I don’t think I have a single good scar. Anyway, it’s your turn, I guess.”

Hannah felt James slowly relax again, and he leaned back against her chest, pulling her hands down from his shoulders to hold them affectionately. She pulled them free, though, choosing to continue the massage, starting by rubbing the heels of her hands into his pecs.

“Cassie,” he said, making Hannah smile at how she could feel his voice vibrate through her chest and hands. “Truth or Dare?”

“I wanna try a dare,” she said, perky as ever.

“Okay,” James said, “I dare you to kiss Taylor.”

Hannah couldn’t help but laugh at the dark girl’s look of mixed trepidation and excitement. A glance in the other direction told her that Taylor was experiencing similar conflicted emotions. James smiled, too, despite the fact that Hannah’s laughter was making his head bounce on her sternum between her small breasts.

“But… I don’t know how,” Cassie said, worried.

“That’s okay,” James insisted. “Neither does she. Just try it. You’ll figure out how it works.”

“Okay…” Cassie pushed herself off the wall and stood up. The shallow water near the edge of the chamber barely came up to the short girl’s navel, and Hannah could tell that James’ eyes were following her as she stepped around them to meet Taylor, who had also stood up. The two girls stood awkwardly facing each other, not sure what to do.

Wow. They’re both really attractive. The two other boys who were here last time probably would have died to see this. James… Oh, fine, you might as well watch and enjoy. It’s not like I haven’t enjoyed sneaking peeks at Aaron. I wonder if Aaron and Oliver will enjoy this at all? I mean, they see naked girls every day, and they don’t seem to care. Maybe that’s not bad, though. It’s starting to rub off – I kinda like being naked and not worrying about it. Come on girls, quit looking at each other and just kiss already.

Still awkward, Cassie stepped closer to Taylor, and tipped her head up, eyes squeezed shut, to kiss the taller girl. Taylor leaned over slightly and their lips connected. One, two, three, four… The two separated, looking confused.

“That was boring!” Cassie whined.

James chuckled. “You have to hug each other,” he said.

“And move your lips against each other,” Hannah added. “Don’t just keep ‘em still and wait for something to happen. Try again.”

“Oh,” Taylor and Cassie said. They tentatively stepped closer, and Cassie put her arms around the taller girl’s neck. Taylor wasn’t tall, Cassie was just really short. Taylor hesitated, then put her arms around Cassie’s waist, and they pressed their bodies together. Hannah felt James’ pulse quicken a little, and she put a little more effort into her massage.

Cassie and Taylor looked at each other for a moment before closing their eyes again. This time when their lips connected, they let their lips envelop each other, and Hannah could tell that they suddenly understood. Taylor started kissing a little harder, and Cassie pressed herself harder against the taller girl’s body.

Wow, they’re really going for it now. That’s… wow. Impressive. How did Taylor’s hand get on Cassie’s ass? Hannah didn’t want to admit it, but watching the two girls kissing like that was pretty… arousing.

Abruptly the two girls ended their kiss, and shuffled back from each other.

“Okay,” Cassie said, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. “That one wasn’t boring.”

“Wow,” Taylor agreed.

“Hey guys,” Aaroon chuckled. “That must have been at least a little better than just ‘not boring’. Both of you have hard nipples, and I’m pretty sure it’s not because it’s cold in here.”

“Shut up, Aaron,” Taylor snapped, crossing her arms over her chest and trying not to look embarrassed.

Cassie, however, looked down at herself. “You’re right,” she said, poking her erect nipples in surprise. “I don’t think I’m lesbian, still, but that was really fun. Thanks, Taylor!”

Taylor rolled her eyes, as usual, but Hannah noticed she was blushing a little, too. “Yeah, sure. Thanks,” the stubborn girl said.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” James said, also chuckling, pleased with himself. “Your turn, Cassie.”

“Oh, right. Okay,” she said, as they both sat back down in the spots they’d vacated. “Aaron, you haven’t gone yet. Truth or Dare?”

“Hmm. Well… How about you pick? I don’t really care.”

“You should kiss Oliver!” Cassie said immediately, almost blurting it out.

“Ew, no!” he said, “I can’t kiss him, I’m not gay.”

“And just because I don’t have pubic hair yet,” Oliver said, sounding a little exasperated, “doesn’t mean that I AM gay. We’ve been through this before.”

“Oh, right. Sorry.” Argument settled? Just like that? These guys really are different. “Does that mean kissing you won’t make me gay?” Hannah didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She settled for just giving the muscular boy a dumbfounded look.

“Yes,” Oliver sighed, as if they’d been through this kind of conversation before, too. “That’s exactly what that means.” Not quite, Hannah thought, but I suppose that’s easier than trying to explain Sexual Orientation Theory to him again, if he didn’t get it the first time in class.

“Do I have to hug him, too?”

“Yes,” Hannah answered for Cassie.

“But… What if our balls touch?!” Aaron looked genuinely worried at this thought, and Hannah had to try really hard to keep from bursting out in laughter.

“Again,” Oliver said, “Won’t make you gay.”

“Oh… Are you sure?”

“Yes,” all five of them chorused in a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

“Besides,” Cassie pointed out, “I dared you, so you have to do it anyway.”

“I guess…” Aaron said with trepidation, pushing off the wall, and standing up.

“I really have to kiss him, too?” Oliver asked, leaning over and muttering quietly in Hannah’s ear.

“Yes. Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” she reassured him. He sighed again, and also stood up, meeting the taller boy directly in front of Hannah and James. Front row seats, Hannah thought to herself, admiring both of the boys – but mostly Aaron. He may be dumb as rocks, but DAMN he’s got a sexy body.

The boys were standing in shallower water than the girls had been moments before, and the water only reached their thighs. I shouldn’t be staring… Aaron was probably almost fully developed, like James, and had quite the thicket of pubic hair under his excellent abs. Oliver, on the other hand, had probably only just begun puberty, had no pubic hair, was exceptionally skinny, and was almost half a head shorter than his group mate. These boys are really the same age? They sure don’t look like it.

Quite awkwardly, the two boys stepped closer. Oliver hesitated, and put his hands on Aaron’s hips, and Aaron stiffly wrapped his arms around the smaller boy’s shoulders. They both looked like they were trying to touch each other as little as possible.

“What the hell kind of a hug is that?” Taylor laughed, scooting closer to Hannah for a better view, and better non-verbal communication. “Come on, guys, hug each other!”

Grudgingly, the two naked boys pressed their bodies together, and wrapped their arms tighter around each other.

“Don’t forget to move your lips, really put some effort into it,” Hannah added, enjoying their tortured looks as Oliver craned his neck back, and got up on his toes to get closer.

Already looking thoroughly disgusted, Aaron dipped his head down, and their lips connected, both of them frowning with their eyes open. One… Two… Oliver started moving his lips tentatively, almost in an odd chewing motion. Three… Finally, Aaron unlocked his jaw and started kissing back. Four… Five… Oh, I think they’re starting to get the hang of it… Seven… Eight… Was that Oliver’s tongue? I think – Yep. It was. Twelve… Thirteen… Fourteen… Hey, there you go, Aaron. That’s a better hug. Seventeen… Don’t forget to breathe, boys…

Oliver dropped back to his heels and loosened his hug, breaking the kiss. He stood looking breathlessly up at Aaron. They both looked a little confused about what had just happened.

“Woohoo!” Cassie whooped, clapping her hands enthusiastically. Hannah, James and Taylor joined in the applause, and boys stepped apart, both of them blushing and flush. And erect! Oh my god!

“Careful, boys. Somebody might see those erections and think that you actually enjoyed kissing each other. We wouldn’t want them thinking you’re gay, now, would we?”

“Shut up, Cassie,” they said together, dropping down in the water.

“What’s this, are you two feeling modest?” James laughed.

“Shut up,” They both jsaid again, shuffling on their knees back to their spots against the wall. Taylor was still sitting next to Hannah, so Oliver sat down on Taylor’s other side.

Cassie nudged Aaron as he was settling back in, saying “Nice job, stud. Your turn, now.”

He sat, still looking pretty grudging, and thought. “Hannah, you haven’t been picked, yet, have you? Since you started, and all.”

“No I haven’t,” she admitted.

“Good. Truth or Dare?”

“Yeah, figures. How about a truth?”

“That means I’m supposed to ask you a question?”


“Okay. You said earlier that it’s weird seeing naked boys and being seen naked by boys, since you’re in an all-girls group. Why?”

Hannah thought a moment. “Well I’m just not used to it, you know? It’s strange. Boys look so different with their clothes off, and I don’t know if I’m supposed to look or not, or whatever. I mean I know in the outside world everybody wears clothes all the time, and you’re not supposed to see somebody of the opposite gender naked unless you’re dating or having sex or something. But boys are so intriguing to look at. I mean I see girls every day. You boys look completely different, and fascinating… and exciting. It’s strange to put in to words, but … I mean you guys have muscles, and testicles, and penises, and they’re funny looking, but at the same time they’re really cool, and …”

“Arousing?” Taylor offered.

“Well…” Hannah blushed, and squirmed a little, “Yeah, I guess. I mean, yeah. Really arousing, actually. And I’m not sure I can say exactly why. And it’s weird being seen naked by boys, too. I mean I know you two see girls every day, but you don’t see ME, and James here NEVER sees naked girls, and I know he gets aroused when he sees me. Which is flattering, of course, but still. I’m not used to it, and it makes me nervous. I am getting a little more comfortable being naked, though. It’s starting to be kinda fun, I mean you guys don’t care, but it’s a little liberating for me, and I know James likes it. And it’s really easy to distract him this way.”

“Yes. Yes it is,” he said, emphatically, craning his neck to look at her while she talked behind him.

“Huh,” Aaron grunted. “I guess that makes sense. Still seems strange to me, though.”

“Oliver,” Hannah said, assuming she’d answered the question. She didn’t know what more she could say, anyway. “Truth or Dare?”

I am a maker. A creator. A craftsman. A Jack-of-All-Trades, apprentice of many; master of none.

I live my life the way I want. I've tried it other ways, but it just doesn't work.

Live your life the way you want, not the way you think you should want. It's cliche, but it really is the truth.

Clear Skies,

The Red Rover Project: A getDare Sci-Fi

Dratini, my very own pet dragon worm. Jealous?
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:10 AM   #64
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This. Is. Awesome. Completely. Totally. Awesome. Please. Continue. This. Story.
"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death"
- Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775


Justin Bieber sucks (not what I really wanted to say).


Justin Bieber's voice -> my ears get raped


me: "make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop"
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:11 AM   #65
daremaster 1
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Great story! Pleas continue! <3 nick
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:06 PM   #66
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Color Wheel

Hey, I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK! Is breaking chapters up into multiple sections like this acceptable to y'all, or not? Less wait between updates vs. more coherent section breaks? Lemme know, folk.

I am a maker. A creator. A craftsman. A Jack-of-All-Trades, apprentice of many; master of none.

I live my life the way I want. I've tried it other ways, but it just doesn't work.

Live your life the way you want, not the way you think you should want. It's cliche, but it really is the truth.

Clear Skies,

The Red Rover Project: A getDare Sci-Fi

Dratini, my very own pet dragon worm. Jealous?
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:12 PM   #67
daremaster 1
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I like it just the way it is.
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:46 PM   #68
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I think that if you breathe chapters up at logical spots it will work wonderfully. Personally I did not find anything around with how you broke up this chapter.
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Old 06-13-2011, 08:01 PM   #69
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IM IN HAWAII, BITCHES! Having a hell of a time. So, no update for at least a week. Sorry. If its any consolation, though, I got quite a bit written on the plane ride here, and I have a few more plane rides to go. Hope you all can survive that long.

Aloha, and hang loose,

I am a maker. A creator. A craftsman. A Jack-of-All-Trades, apprentice of many; master of none.

I live my life the way I want. I've tried it other ways, but it just doesn't work.

Live your life the way you want, not the way you think you should want. It's cliche, but it really is the truth.

Clear Skies,

The Red Rover Project: A getDare Sci-Fi

Dratini, my very own pet dragon worm. Jealous?
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Old 06-23-2011, 08:57 PM   #70
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Color Wheel The Red Rover Project: Chapter 16, Round Two, *Gasp!*

The Red Rover Project
Chapter 16: Round 2, *Gasp!*

“How about another truth?” Oliver said. “I don’t wanna kiss Aaron again.”

“Hah,” Hannah said. “We wouldn’t make you do the same dare twice.”

“Oh, okay.”

“I’d probably just make you kiss Cassie instead.” Hannah almost laughed when he perked up a little at the suggestion. “But since you wanted a truth…” He frowned and seemed to deflate a little. “Let’s see… we already know not to sit across from you at the lunch table…”

“Yeah, sure, rub it in. Fine.”

“…Oh, I know! What was the best part about kissing Aaron? Cuz obviously you can’t deny that you enjoyed it.”

“Shut up! Okay, fine. I enjoyed it. Are you happy?”

“Oh, yes, but you didn’t answer my question: What was the best part?” Oh how the kid squirmed!

“Ugh! I don’t know, okay? His tongue, I guess. Felt good. I don’t want to talk about it.”

“His tongue?” Taylor asked.

“Yes, his tongue. There. Am I done now?”

“Yes,” Hannah said, laughing at his discomfort. “Your turn.”

“Thank you,” he sighed. “Taylor, Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” Taylor said immediately.

“Okay. Lemme think. Umm…” He thought for a while, but he didn’t look like he was coming up with any ideas. “I don’t know. Sit on somebody’s lap and give them a hug? Or is that kind of lame? I’m not very creative, I guess.”

“That doesn’t sound very embarrassing,” Cassie said, confused. Hannah didn’t say anything, but she kind of agreed. That wasn’t a very good dare.

“No,” Taylor said, “I don’t think that’s lame. I’ll do it.”

“Okay,” He said as she pushed off the wall onto her knees, “Great, cuz I don’t think I could come up with anything bett- wait, I didn’t mean me!” Taylor had turned to face him, and swung one leg over, to straddle his lap.

“You didn’t say who,” Taylor grinned, scooting in close and settling down on his lap. Taylor, what the hell are you doing?

“I know, but I didn’t- I mean I thought,” the poor young boy was inadvertently staring directly at the older girl’s chest, positioned directly in front of his face. Then he looked down, and back up at her face, swallowing. TAYLOR!

“Well you did dare me to sit on somebody’s lap,” she explained. “And so that’s what I’m doing. You also dared me to give that person a hug.”

“Oh, oh- … -kay.”

Taylor wrapped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed him to her, implanting his face between her breasts. Looking rather squashed, he reached around her and awkwardly patted her on the back. Hannah kept expecting the hug to end, but Taylor just kept squeezing the poor boy.

“Taylor, at least let him breath,” James said, wide-eyed.

Finally, Taylor giggled and released Oliver from her embrace. She grinned, and Oliver blushed even harder. He was still staring straight forward – at her breasts. If she didn’t know better, Hannah would have thought he was looking for an imprint of his face on her chest.

“Okay,” Oliver said, weakly, “Your turn.”

“Oh, right,” Taylor said, and climbed back off of him, resuming her seat, as if nothing had just happened. Taylor, what is wrong with you? “Cassie, Truth or Dare?”

“Oh, me? Okay. Um… I’ll take a truth this time.”

Taylor gave her a small pout, like that might have been the wrong answer, but she didn’t comment. Instead, she just asked a question. “Are you going to tell anybody about what we’re doing tonight?”

“Oh,” Cassie thought a moment. “Probably, yeah. I mean, this place is so cool, and it feels great. I want to show other people, I mean why keep it a secret? Our group is gonna have so much fun up here!”

“If we can remember how to get back here,” Oliver added (he still looked a little dazed, poor kid).

“Well it all looks the same to me out there,” Cassie told him, “so you’ll have to help me, okay?”

“I’ll certainly try,” he agreed. “James, you’ll have to help, too, I wasn’t exactly paying attention on the way here. How do you know your way around so well, anyway?”

“I’ve been places like this before,” James told him, frowning. Hannah turned next to him, and gave him a confused look. He saw it, and quickly continued, “Before, I mean. Before we came to the Project.”

“Wait, you remember something from before?” Aaron asked.

“No,” James said, “Not remember. Well, not really at least. I just … know. It’s weird. I’m pretty sure I spent a lot of time in mechanical places, full of pumps and pipes and heaters and electrical boxes and stuff. Except…”

“What?” Hannah prompted him. She was astonished that he even ‘remembered’ that much.

He smiled wryly at her and rubbed his head. “Except I think I was shorted back then.” Taylor rolled her eyes, and Cassie and Oliver both laughed.

“You were,” Hannah agreed, shaking her head at him. “I remember when we first came here. You were tiny. We would see you in the other group, and you were definitely the shortest one. We couldn’t believe you were the same age as the rest of us.”

“You did?” he asked, looking like he wasn’t sure whether to laugh or pout.

“Yes,” Taylor confirmed curtly.

“Obviously,” Hannah continued, before he had a chose to pout, “that’s no longer the case.” She smiled at him and patted his knee underwater for emphasis. She left her hand resting there.

“Sounds familiar,” Oliver muttered, crossing his arms.

“Hey,” James told him encouragingly, “We can’t all look like Beefcake,” he motioned to Aaron, who just looked confused. Oliver nodded grudgingly.

“Don’t worry,” Taylor added, next to him. “Testosterone rots your brain cells, anyway, just ask Beefcake. You’re better off putting off the poisoning as long as possible. Besides, there’s plenty of time to grow some pubes later.”

“Gee thanks,” he said, rolling his eyes and not looking the least bit encouraged.

“Wait, ask me what?” Aaron said, still confused.

“Don’t worry about it, hun,” Taylor cooed, and patted the big boy’s muscular shoulder. “We know you’ve had a little more than your share of testosterone. Just… don’t think to hard.”

“He doesn’t,” Cassie assured her. “This lazy numbskull doesn’t do anything hard. The only times I’ve ever really seen him put forth a little extra effort is when he’s eating or masturbating.”

“Hey, I like eating!” Aaron defended, while Hannah did a mental face-plant in the middle of her thought train.

“Yeah,” Cassie agreed. “And you like masturbating, too.”

“Wait, you’ve seen him masturbating?” Hannah asked.

Cassie rolled her eyes. “All the time. He does it even more often than he eats, like five times a day!”

“So? It’s not like you never shake the bed either,” Aaron said.

“You guys… you’re discrete about it, aren’t you?” Oliver said, catching on to Hannah’s surprise. “Just like how you always wear clothes in bed, and aren’t used to being seen naked, huh? You guys never see each other masturbating?”

“Never,” Taylor and Hannah said together. Aaron screwed his face up, as if trying to imagine how that was even possible.

“Well I wouldn’t say never,” James said, “But yeah, my group’s at least discrete about it. You mean you guys aren’t? You just… watch each other?”

“Not watch each other,” Cassie said. “Well, not most of the time. But we live together, you know? Besides, what’s the point of being discrete about it? Everybody does it. Does that mean you guys have never had Sperm Wars?”

Hannah gave the girl a blank look. James and Taylor were giving her pretty much the same blank look.

“Sperm Wars? No? They’re pretty stupid. Kinda disgusting, really.” Aaron and Oliver rolled their eyes, like they’d heard this complaint several times before. “But if you can get over the sanitation issues, it’s actually kind of amusing to watch. All the boys line up with their backs on the wall, and they have three minutes to ejaculate. Whoever ejaculates the farthest is declared the winner. The girls judge, of course, and mark the time. The looks on their faces, all standing in the shower, trying to outdo each other? We get a good laugh out of it. Aaron never wins, of course. Practically impossible when you masturbate five times a day.”

“What?! I like masturbating, okay?” Aaron cried, sounding like he had to defend his honor because he’d never won the contest. “I mean, really, who doesn’t like masturbating?” Hannah blushed. Thankfully Taylor and James both decided not to say anything. Taylor probably still didn’t know that Hannah had actually tried it a few days ago. That would be awkward to have to explain. Again.

“Yes, yes, everybody likes to, masturbate. Just not as often as you. Hey, what happened to our game?” Cassie asked. “Wasn’t it supposed to be my turn to ask somebody?”

“Yeah,” Taylor confirmed, “Cuz I asked you if you were going to tell anybody else. I guess we got a wee bit sidetracked, didn’t we?”

“Just a little,” Oliver agreed.

“Yes,” James said, patting Hannah’s hand on his knee underwater. “You know what, though? I just remembered that our group is scheduled for agricultural Duties tomorrow, and I think there’s quite a bit for us to do, so I think I probably need to sleep.”

“We’re paired with you tomorrow,” Taylor confirmed. Hannah had completely forgotten about that. She was going to be very tired.

“Alright,” Cassie sighed, bracing herself on Oliver’s shoulder and pushing herself up to standing. “But it’s my turn first next time!” She grabbed Oliver’s outstretched hand and pulled him to his feet. Hannah did her very best not to notice that the young boy was still very erect. Then Aaron heaved himself up as well, and she simply had to look down at the water. She was sure her face was once again bright red.

James pushed himself off the wall, electing to remain kneeling in the water for a moment, and Cassie pulled Taylor up, the same as she’d helped Oliver. James, like Hannah, was making a valiant effort to avert his gaze.

Hannah finally stood, and feeling at once self-conscious, reckless and playful, she grabbed James by his upper arm and dragged him up out of the water as well. She couldn’t help but smile at his long glance down her body, and she noted with interest and appreciation that he, like the other two boys, was very erect. His foreskin had slid back, disguising the fact that he was uncircumcised. I guess that’s one way to avoid a few questions. She winked at him, and reached up on her tippy toes to give him a quick, playful kiss. He grinned at her, and she grinned back. The other four were already climbing through the chamber’s doorway.

With a sigh, and another meaningful glance to each other, Hannah and James exited the chamber as well.

… … … … … … …

Rita twitched and gasped, and she let the sensation wash over her.

Finally, she let her head fall back against the chair’s headrest, and relaxed her legs back open, after they’d spasmed shut around her hand.

The wet subjects were carrying their dusty dry clothes, rather than putting them back on for the walk back the way they’d come. “James” kept pointing at various things, and saying something to “Oliver.”

After another moment, she slid the thick, long carrot out of herself.

“Ah shit,” she muttered as the carrot dripped a little on her flower print skirt, bunched up beneath her. “Oh well.” It wasn’t like it wasn’t already stained from her other various pursuits earlier that day. Soil from her garden, and ketchup from her breakfast eggs regularly decorated her thrift-store wardrobe.

Still, to avoid further staining, she quickly licked the rest of the juices off of the vegetable. The carrot had served her well. She’d gnawed off the narrow end, making it nicely rounded. And the ridges all up and down it’s beautiful length…

Feeling quite satisfied with her gardening accomplishments, she finished eating her carrot, enjoying the earthy taste, and crisp crunch.

The Subjects said their goodnights on her viewscreen, and returned down their respective ladders and into their beds.

“I love carrots,” she smiled to herself. She couldn’t wait for her crop of cucumbers to ripen.

Back from Hawaii. Thanks for your patience, all, and sorry to keep you waiting.


P.S. Feedback makes me write faster. Just sayin.

I am a maker. A creator. A craftsman. A Jack-of-All-Trades, apprentice of many; master of none.

I live my life the way I want. I've tried it other ways, but it just doesn't work.

Live your life the way you want, not the way you think you should want. It's cliche, but it really is the truth.

Clear Skies,

The Red Rover Project: A getDare Sci-Fi

Dratini, my very own pet dragon worm. Jealous?
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Old 06-24-2011, 07:58 AM   #71
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Simply amazing!
Keep up the good work!
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Old 06-24-2011, 09:18 PM   #72
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Nice job mate.Keep it hot
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Old 06-25-2011, 04:36 PM   #73
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Really good! I'm liking it.
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Old 06-26-2011, 04:12 PM   #74
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Can't wait for more!
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Old 06-26-2011, 05:30 PM   #75
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I'm writing more as we speak. Chapter 17 will be veeery different, but I think you guys are gonna like it. Stay tuned.

I am a maker. A creator. A craftsman. A Jack-of-All-Trades, apprentice of many; master of none.

I live my life the way I want. I've tried it other ways, but it just doesn't work.

Live your life the way you want, not the way you think you should want. It's cliche, but it really is the truth.

Clear Skies,

The Red Rover Project: A getDare Sci-Fi

Dratini, my very own pet dragon worm. Jealous?
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