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Old 11-07-2017, 12:26 PM   #46
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The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 14 Kiss, kiss

There I was, lying naked on the floor in Abi’s room with Bethany licking strawberry jam off of my stomach, my senses working overtime and my mind fighting to remain in control of the situation.

I watched Bethany for a moment, then looked up at Abi and Paige. They were sat together watching us, both now cleaned of jam by Bethany’s tongue. I studied them, trying to give my mind something to focus on other than the sensations Bethany was creating in me. Both of them still looked flushed, especially Paige, and I could see that her nipples had become more prominent.

I knew without looking that mine would be in a similar state. It was taking a great deal of effort on my part to resist the urge to run my fingers over my nipples and play with them. That’s what Paige had done and that’s what my body was crying out for me to do, but my brain was telling me to get a grip and keep myself under control. For the moment, at least, my brain was winning – just. But I knew that the longer our game of Spin the Bottle went on the less chance my brain had, and the more likely it would be that my body and its urges would win out. In my flustered state, that both scared and excited me.

Suddenly I was aware of Bethany’s tongue having left my body. I looked down: the jam was all gone and Bethany was crawling back to her place in the circle. I did the same.

“Bloody hell, I’m knackered after that!” she exclaimed.

The three of us congratulated her on doing such a fantastic job and then we all took a few moments to calm down a bit while Bethany took some swigs from her bottle of water.

Then she picked up the bottle and gave it a hefty spin. We watched as it whirled around, gradually slowing, before coming to a halt pointing at Paige. Bethany sat quietly for a while, trying to think of a dare for Paige.

I didn’t envy her that. I mean, how did you follow that epic jam dare?

After a while, she announced, “Okay, I’ve got one. Paige, I dare you to choose someone and spoon with them for one minute.”

“I don’t know how to do that,” said Paige, “what’s spooning?”

Yes, what was spooning? I’d never heard of it, and when I looked questioningly at Abi she gave me a shrug in reply.

“So,” explained Bethany, “what you do is choose someone, and they lie on their side and then you lie behind them pressed tightly against them. You know, like when you put two spoons together.”

“Oh, okay, I get it,” said Paige. “So, Megan, I choose you. You’re closer to my height than Abi, so we should fit together better.”

I crawled into the middle of the circle once more, and lay down on my side. Pretty soon I felt Paige press herself up against me and put her arms around my waist to hold herself in position. As we lay there, I could feel her nipples poking into my back and her hot breath on the back of my neck, and I became aware of a damp feeling on my bum.

When the minute was up, we ‘de-spooned’ and I noticed that Paige was once again looking really flushed. From the heat running through my body, I imagined I looked the same.

Abi spun next and the bottle landed on me. She had her dare lined up and ready to go.

“I think you’ll like this one, Megs,” she said.


“I dare you to lie on the floor, on your back, with your eyes closed, and let everyone kiss you wherever they want for 30 seconds.”

I did like the sound of it, except for the way she’d said “wherever they want”. Why had she said that? Where was she thinking of kissing me?

I lay down once more and closed my eyes. The next 30 seconds sent my senses into overdrive. I tried to keep track of where I was being kissed and who I thought was kissing where, but it all became a blur.

Someone started on my neck and worked their way down towards my chest; someone else was planting kisses randomly all over my middle; and the other one was steadily kissing their way up both my thighs. Just as the time was coming to an end, I felt the thigh-kisser plant a single light kiss on my slit.

Oh my God!

It started the same bolt of electricity surging through my body that I’d felt when Ryan had tweaked my nipples. I squirmed a little as my nerve-ends tingled. I was torn between wanting to open my eyes to see who it was and not wanting to know who it was. I kept my eyes closed as the tingling began to subside.

“You can open your eyes now, Megs,” I heard Abi say.

I looked around and saw that all three were sat in their places in the circle. The mystery kisser would remain anonymous for now. My first instinct was to think it was most likely Paige, but those words “wherever you want” that Abi had put into the dare made me wonder if it was her. For some reason that I couldn’t explain, I really hoped it wasn’t Abi.

I needed a moment to compose myself, so I grabbed hold of my water and slowly drank a little. Then, feeling ready to continue, I reached for the bottle and gave it a spin. It pointed at Paige.

What on earth could I dare her to do?

I struggled just as much as Bethany had to come up with something, partly because I couldn’t stop my mind from going back to that kiss. I was on the verge of asking the others for help when an idea came to me, and I knew that Paige would love it.

I couldn’t begin to imagine what had made me think of it! [heavy sarcasm]

“Paige,” I began, “I dare you to choose someone and let them play with your nipples for 30 seconds.”

Paige immediately chose Bethany and then thrust her chest forward in anticipation. Bethany rubbed, tweaked and pulled Paige’s nipples, and her (no, our) young friend began to pant and moan. The 30 seconds was over much too soon for Paige’s liking – maybe I should have said one minute.

After a short pause to recover, Paige spun the bottle and got herself.

“That means your uncle, doesn’t it?” she said, looking at Abi.

God, yes, it did! It had been so long since anyone had landed on themselves that I’d forgotten about that rule.

Poor Paige!

No, actually, scrap that thought, because I’d got the perfect dare. I knew that Paige had already gone naked in front of Abi’s uncle when she’d fetched the jam, because she’d told me as much, so that wouldn’t bother her at all; and it was clear to me that she liked doing touchy-feely dares.

So not ‘poor Paige’ at all. More like ‘lucky Paige’!

I went over to Abi and Bethany, and told them the dare I had in mind. They were more than happy to go with my idea.

So I turned to Paige and said, “Paige, we dare you to sit on Abi’s uncle’s lap for one minute.”

She was up like a shot and out of the door!

Whilst she was gone, Abi edged closer to me and whispered, “Are you still okay with what we’re doing?”

I told her I was, and then added, “Abs, can I ask you something?”

“Always, Megs, you know that. You can always ask me anything you want.”

“Yeah, I know. It’s just, when I was doing the dare you gave me, you know being kissed by everyone, … well, someone kissed me there. You didn’t happen to see who it was, did you?”

Abi giggled. “Who did you think it was?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I half-lied.

“I bet you’d only need one guess! It’s pretty obvious who it was!”

“Paige?” It was partly a question and partly a statement.

“You’ve got it!” Abi confirmed.

Thank God for that!

“How d’you think Paige is going to keep herself covered up when she’s sat on my uncle’s lap?” Abi asked both of us.

I knew the answer to that question, but didn’t want to reveal Paige’s secret. As it turned out, I needn’t have been worried about that.

“Knowing her, she probably won’t bother,” said Bethany.

“Really?” said Abi.

“Yeah,” replied Bethany, “she doesn’t mind who sees her naked. It’s the one thing about her that even freaks me out a bit.”

“She’s already done it tonight,” I told the others, “when she fetched the jam. She told me.”

“God!” said Abi.

We sat quietly for a while, each immersed in our own thoughts, until Paige came back. We let her sit down and then waited to hear her tale.

“Thanks guys,” she began. “that was so-oo good! I loved it! It was so nice! I wish I had an uncle like that! Abi, you’re so lucky!”

“It was Megs’ idea,” Abi told her. “Now tell us what happened.”

As Paige told her tale, she took hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze as a way of saying “thank-you” for giving her that dare.

“So, I went in and told him what the dare was and then jumped on his lap. I snuggled in close and asked him to cuddle me, so he did and we just sat there like that till the time was up.”

“How did you keep yourself covered?” asked Abi.

“I didn’t bother about that,” Paige told her, “I was only interested in getting my cuddle!”

“Told you!” said Bethany.

Bethany picked up the bottle ready to take her turn. She looked pleased when it landed on Abi. She’d been itching to get Abi back for the toe-sucking, and she’d had to wait a long time.

I knew Abi was about to get a difficult dare and I was a bit apprehensive about what it might be. But even in my worst imaginings, I wouldn’t have got close to what Bethany dared Abi to do.

“Abi,” she said, “I dare you to show us how you masturbate.”

Bloody hell, Bethany!

There was a stunned silence: Abi’s jaw nearly hit the floor; Paige looked at Bethany with raised eyebrows; I couldn’t believe what I’d heard.

So many thoughts were racing through my mind. Did Abi do that? We’d never talked about anything like that, but then we wouldn’t, would we? Or would we? Did girls our age do that? I could imagine Bethany might well. But Abi? Or was I the only one who didn’t do it? Was it me who wasn’t normal?

“Fuck, Beth, you can’t dare me to do that!” I heard Abi say.

“Why not?” came the reply.

“Because you can’t!”

“You can always back out and end the game!”

Abi was between a rock and a hard place. Her competitiveness would make it nearly impossible for her to back out, but that would mean only one thing.

I desperately wanted to help my BFF out of this situation. Maybe if I told everyone that I was really uncomfortable with this dare, I could get the game stopped and it wouldn’t be counted as Abi backing out.

I caught Abi’s eye and, with a few subtle facial expressions, tried to ask if she wanted me to step in and help her out. She shook her head slightly, which I took to mean that she didn’t want my help yet.

I hoped to God I’d read the signals right.
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Old 11-07-2017, 08:24 PM   #47
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that's getting better and better.

keep going
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Old 11-09-2017, 03:07 AM   #48
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Default Love it

This story is awesome , I’m checking like everyday in the hope the next part is out
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Old 11-09-2017, 01:42 PM   #49
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Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I hope you're enjoying reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

JJCar (and everyone else), check again tomorrow evening, because that's when I'll be posting Chapter 15 Welcome to the pleasure zone.
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Old 11-10-2017, 12:56 PM   #50
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The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 15 Welcome to the pleasure zone

“Abi, I dare you to show us how you masturbate.”

Bethany’s words were still reverberating around my head. She and Abi had been pushing each other further and further all the time we had been playing, each trying to out-dare the other.

After I’d become the last person to get totally naked, we’d agreed to stop the game “before things go too far”. Surely Bethany’s dare had crossed that line, hadn’t it?

The dares had been getting more and more touchy-feely with lots of skin-to-skin contact, and Paige had even planted a gentle kiss on my slit at one point. But this was taking things to a whole different level!

It had also made me question myself. I didn’t masturbate – I’d never had the urge. But it was becoming clear that everyone else did. So what was wrong with me? Why didn’t I get the urge? Was I somehow not normal?

The sound of Bethany’s voice burst in on my thoughts.

“So, are you going to back out or are you going to do it?” she asked Abi.

“I’ll do it!” replied Abi, her competitiveness again getting the better of her.

She grabbed a pillow from off her bed and placed it in the middle of our circle. Then she lay down and spread her legs apart.

“So, I start by rubbing myself like this.” She began to rub her fingers up and down her slit, making her lips part. “Then I put a couple of fingers in my pussy,” she continued, as she pushed two fingers in, “and finger myself until I cum.” Her demonstration complete, she removed her fingers and sat back in her place.

“Is that it?” complained Bethany.

“Yes, I did what you dared me!” replied Abi, defiantly. “I showed you how I masturbate! You didn’t dare me to actually do it, only to show you how I did it!”

Well played, Abi!

Bethany had to admit that the dare had been properly done, however disappointed she might have been.

I, though, was seeing my BFF in a whole new light. It had never occurred to me that Abi did that, and I realised that I didn’t actually know her quite as well as I thought.

It was Abi’s turn to spin the bottle next, so she whirled it round. The bloody bottle was determined to cause mischief and came to a halt pointing straight at Bethany. Abi clapped her hands in delight at the chance to deliver immediate retribution.

Oh God, brace yourselves everyone!

“Beth,” Abi said, with the closest thing to an evil gleam in her eye that I had ever seen in her, “I dare you to masturbate until you cum.”

Woah, that was definitely “too far”!

I knew I should say something, but I didn’t want to rob my BFF of the satisfaction of seeing Bethany squirm. Plus, part of me, a part that was now over-ruling the normal me, really wanted to watch Bethany do her dare. So I kept quiet. Paige also said nothing.

The pillow was still in the middle of the circle, so Bethany lay down with her head resting on it. Just like Abi before her, she spread her legs wide apart. Her hand went down to her pussy and she closed her eyes as she began to rub herself, her hand making a circular motion. The movement caused her lips to be spread apart, and the pinkness of her pussy became more apparent against her coffee-coloured skin. From time to time her hand moved to the top of her slit and she rubbed two fingers around one particular place for a bit. That was clearly a sensitive place, because her body tensed when she did it. After a while she pushed a finger inside her pussy as she continued to rub.

I was watching every little movement she made, captivated by what I was seeing, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed that Paige was quietly rubbing her pussy as well.

Bethany put a second finger inside and began to raise her hips up and down, pushing her pussy against her hand. She let out a quiet moan and the movement of her hand became faster and more exaggerated.

Bloody hell, this was really sexy!

All of a sudden, the moans became more frequent and she bucked her pelvis up and down as her hand worked furiously. She kept this up for maybe ten or twenty seconds and then removed her hand, lay back down and relaxed completely. She stayed like that for half a minute or so, with a look of total satisfaction on her face, and then opened her eyes and sat up.

That was the sexiest thing I had ever seen!

I glanced at Paige just in time to see her suck her finger, then looked at Abi. She appeared to be as flushed as I knew I was.

“Fucking hell, Beth,” Abi said, “I hope that felt as good as it looked!”

Bethany smiled at her and said, “Mmm-hmm, it was a nice one, thanks!”

It was now my turn to spin the bottle, which gave me a chance to call the game to a halt. There was absolutely no way in hell that I was going to do that! I grabbed the bottle and spun it. It landed on Abi.

What could I dare my BFF to do? In my over-stimulated state all sorts of possibilities flashed through my mind, but I didn’t want to make Abi do anything I wasn’t sure she would be comfortable doing. Only now I wasn’t so sure I knew what her limits might be. In the end I took inspiration from the one image that kept coming back to me: the image of Paige sucking her finger.

“Abs, I dare you to put your finger in your pussy and then suck your finger.”

I think it took her by surprise that I’d given her that sort of dare, but her hesitation didn’t last long. She thrust a finger into her pussy, pushing it in beyond the second knuckle, and wiggled it around for a bit. Then she pulled it back out, stuck it in her mouth, and sucked on it as if it were a lollipop. After taking her finger out, she looked me in the eye, licked her lips, and gave a long “mmmmm”, before she burst out laughing.

“Oh my God, Megs!” she cried, in hysterics. “Your face!”

Paige, meanwhile, had grabbed the bottle and spun it the instant Abi had finished her dare. She was clearly eager to keep the game going! It landed on Bethany, but in hindsight I don’t think it would have mattered who it landed on, the dare would have been the same: and it was a bloody good job it hadn’t landed on me!

“B, I dare you to make me cum,” Paige told her and crawled into the middle of the circle. She took up the same position as the others had: head on pillow, legs spread wide.

Bethany sat by Paige’s middle and began to work her fingers over the younger girl’s pussy. “Shit, Paige,” she said, “you’re really wet!”

Paige was much more vocal than Bethany had been and we were treated to lots of moans and sighs and cries of “Oh yes!” as Bethany worked her magic. She seemed to deliberately slow the movement of her fingers every so often as if she was teasing Paige and making the whole thing take longer. When she plunged two fingers into Paige’s pussy, the moaning increased in intensity and the language became filthy.

“Oh fuck, yes, just there,” cried Paige and she began squirming against Bethany’s hand. “Fuck … fuck, yes … oh … fuck!” She gave a huge sigh, followed by a quiet “fuck!” and collapsed back flat on the floor. It took her a minute or so to recover. When she had, she leant over to Bethany and gave her a big hug. “Thanks, B, that was amazing!”

It certainly was! I was tingling all over, and my pussy seemed to be throbbing – and all I’d done was watch!

Bethany spun the bottle and got Abi again. But the mood of the game had changed totally now, and Bethany was no longer trying to get one over on Abi.

“Abi,” she said, “looks like it’s your turn now! If you want.” She looked questioningly at Abi.

Abi nodded her head to affirm that she did want.

“Okay then, Abi, I dare you to let Paige make you cum.”

Abi moved into position, spreading her legs, ready for her turn.

But before Paige could start, Bethany beckoned her over and whispered something to her.

She nodded and said, “Yeah, okay.”

“Abi,” Bethany said, “I’ve asked Paige to give you a special treat which I think you’ll like. But just tell her to stop if you don’t want it and she’ll just get you off normally.”

What on earth was this special treat?

Paige began by feeling Abi’s pussy and exclaiming, “Ooh, you’re nice and wet, good.” Then she took her hand away, and moved so that she was kneeling between Abi’s legs. She put her face next to Abi’s pussy, stuck out her tongue, and began to lick cautiously up and down Abi’s slit. When it was clear that Abi wasn’t going to ask her to stop, she began to swirl her tongue on one spot. The reaction she got from Abi was instant.

“Oh yes, Paige, right there, on my clit!”

I don’t know how good it felt to Abi, but it felt bloody amazing to me just sat watching as Paige began sucking on Abi’s clit. Abi was writhing around under the influence of Paige’s tongue, and no sooner had Paige pushed her tongue inside Abi’s pussy than Abi was crying out “I’m cumming!”. Paige kept her tongue in place as we watched Abi’s orgasm surge through her, and then, when Abi had relaxed, she withdrew it and gave Abi a light kiss on her pussy. She looked at me with a huge grin on her face.

We waited while Abi recovered, which allowed me time to regain my composure too. Watching that had been really intense, and my pussy was throbbing like crazy. I was torn in two. My body craved the same pleasure I had seen the others get, but my mind was terrified at the prospect.

Abi picked up the bottle but she didn’t spin it. Instead she said, “I think we’ve probably gone far enough! Maybe we should stop the game!”

“Good idea, let’s stop now!” said my brain.

“No-ooo! You can’t do that!” cried my body.

Abi looked at me. Knowing me as well as she did, it was obvious to her that the last few dares had taken me so far out of my comfort zone that I’d need a sat-nav to get back, and she thought I needed rescuing.

My brain agreed with her … but my body didn’t.

“You can’t stop now!” Paige argued. “You can’t leave Megan high and dry!”

“Yeah,” I said, my body now completely controlling me, “I might want to!”

Abi looked at me, with a mixture of shock and concern. “Are you sure, Megs?”

“Fairly sure,” I replied, my brain regaining a toehold, “you have your go and then I’ll probably be ready.”

“Okay, if that’s what you want,” she said, “and then after Megs has had her turn we’ll stop. Agreed?”

We all agreed, so Abi spun the bottle.

I just hoped it didn’t land on me. I really wanted to have the same pleasure the others had got, and I was very close to being almost certain that I was going to go ahead and take the dare. But I wasn’t quite there yet, so I didn’t want the bottle getting ahead of itself.

Thankfully, it didn’t. It pointed at Abi.

“Wahey, Uncle Ryan!” cried Bethany.

God, yeah, I’d forgotten that again! My relief vanished instantly. I turned to Abi. She was shaking her head and looked close to tears.

“Please don’t make me do anything in front of him,” she pleaded.

I moved over and hugged her. “Abi, I’m sorry! Oh God, it’s all my fault!”

She held on tightly to me.

“Don’t worry,” I whispered, “I’ve got this!”

“Go easy on her!” I said to Paige and Bethany as we conferred to decide what to dare Abi to do. “Let’s not spoilt the game now!”

“You know her best,” said Paige. “What do you suggest?”

“How about we just get her to let him see her naked?” I said. “That would be embarrassing enough for her. But I think she’ll be able to do it.”

“Okay,” Paige replied, “I know how to do that.”

We sat back in the circle and Abi looked anxiously at us.

“So, Abi,” Paige said, “we dare you to take the stuff back to the kitchen.”

I gripped Abi’s hand and said quietly, “You can do this, Abs, I know you can.”

She smiled at me and mouthed, “Thank you,” then picked up the bowls and the jam and the few grapes that were left. We followed her out of the room and watched her go down the stairs. She paused for a bit at the bottom, and rearranged her arms to try to cover herself as much as she could without dropping anything. Then she leant her shoulder against the door to open it and went in.

Thirty seconds or so later she was back, her face bright red.

“That was so embarrassing!” she said as we went back into her room. “Every time I see him now I’m going to remember he’s seen me like this!”

I felt sorry for her and wanted to comfort her, so I reached across and put my hand on her knee, I gave it a gentle rub as my way of showing her I cared. She smiled at me and placed her hand on top of mine.

“So, Megs,” she said, “it’s your go with the bottle. It’s completely up to you. If you want to stop, just say and we’ll stop. Otherwise let’s say whoever the bottle points to gets to bring you off. You decide what you want to do.”

I had decided!

Really pumped up, I reached for the bottle and gave it an almighty spin. I watched as it went around and around. It was vitally important that it ended up pointing in the right direction!

I didn’t want it to land on Abi – my BFF doing that to me would be just too weird. But there was one person it was even more important that it didn’t land on: me! I had never masturbated and, even though I’d watched what the others had done, I didn’t want to have my first attempt in front of anyone. I needed the bottle to point at either Bethany or, better still, Paige!

It began to slow, and I held my breath as it came to a stop.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

It was pointing at me!
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Old 11-10-2017, 03:19 PM   #51
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Soo good !! Please continue soon

18 Year Old Male, Bi
Likes & Limits:

  • Scat
  • Blood
  • permanent
  • Family

  • Sissyfy
  • Denial
  • Humiliation
  • Secret tasks though the day
  • Anal
  • Hidden Public
  • Chasity
  • LOVES Bladder Control

Teach this new sissy a good lesson on being a good girl

Denied by Girls fool check pm dares
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Old 11-10-2017, 06:49 PM   #52
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Awesome update thank you!!
Kik is sydney.sub182

Send me a message if you'd like a sub to obey your commands, ladies only.

Likes: Spanks, chastity, nipple clamps, CEI, JOI, CFNM
Limits: Public, CBT, poop, blood etc...
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Old 11-11-2017, 11:45 AM   #53
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The next part, Chapter 16 Me, just me will be posted tomorrow, as soon as I have finished proof-reading it.

I must confess, of all the chapters in this story, this is the one I'm most nervous about posting! I don't want to give any spoilers, so I'll say no more for the moment, but ...
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Old 11-12-2017, 09:34 AM   #54
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The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 16 Me, just me

I sat staring at the bottle.

“Oh Megs,” I heard Abi say, “shit!”

That about summed it up!

Our game of Spin the Bottle had almost ended. We’d agreed that mine would be the last dare.

Once Bethany had introduced masturbation to the dares being given out, it hadn’t taken long for the game to escalate from sensual to out-and-out sexual. Bethany, Paige and Abi had all had an orgasm, one way or another, and my last spin of the bottle had simply been a way of determining how I was going to get mine.

Only I’d never had one before, because I’d never masturbated. Call me strange, but I’d never had the urge. So, although I’d watched the others in action, I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do. That’s why I had been desperate for the bottle to point to someone else, so they could do it for me.

So much for that idea!

“Of all the times to get yourself!” Abi continued. “Shit!”

Abi stood up, took hold of my hands, and half-pulled half-helped me up. She led me over to the bed and we sat on it.

“Can you give us a moment, please?” she said to the others. They nodded.

She turned to me and took hold of my hands again.

“You don’t have to do this if you don’t want,” she began. “No-one is going to mind.”

“I know,” I replied quietly. “I want to, it’s just …”

“Yeah, my uncle,” she said, second-guessing what the problem was. “Well, you can just do it up here, instead. The others will understand. We’re all your friends. None of us wants to make you do something you aren’t completely comfortable with. Shit, none of us would have wanted to do it like that, either!”

“It’s not that,” I began.

“Or you could just spin again and take that as your go.”

That was tempting!

However, I put my finger to her lips to silence her for a moment.

“Abs,” I said, “I want to do it properly. I don’t want to be the only one who had to spin again or change the dare. I know none of you would care if I did, but I would care. I’m going to do it, Abi, I am.”

Abi pushed my finger away and hugged me.

“Good for you, Megs!”

“Just, when I get down there, it might take me a bit of time to pluck up the courage. So don’t all come down if you think I’ve been gone too long. Let me do it in my own time! Please?”

“Yeah, of course. You take as much time as you need!”

I moved to the edge of the bed and was about to put my feet on the floor when I felt Abi’s hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to face her.

“And don’t forget, Megs,” she said, “you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. We don’t need to know if you can’t go through with it. I just don’t want you getting hurt, okay?”


“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

With that, I got off the bed and walked across the room to the door. Paige and Bethany got up to follow, but Abi stopped them.

“No! Not this time! We’ll wait for her in here.”

I made my way down the stairs. All the time I was trying to summon up enough courage to do this. I gently pushed the door open and went in. Remembering Paige, I didn’t bother to cover myself at all.

As before, Ryan looked up when he noticed the door opening.

“Hello, Megan,” he said once more. “Are you lot still playing?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Blimey,” he exclaimed, “that’s a very long game!”

“Yes,” I said again.

There was an awkward silence, which Ryan eventually broke.

“So, I take it you’ve been given another dare!?”


“Am I allowed to know what it is?” he asked.

“Yes, sorry, it’s just a bit … well, it’s a bit, um.” I stumbled for the right way to tell him what the dare was.

He patted the sofa next to him and said, “Sit down, take your time and tell me slowly what those monkeys have got you doing.”

I sat next to him, as close to him as I thought I could get away with. I told him about the rule for landing on yourself, and how our dares had got more sexual.

“So, basically, everyone has ended up cumming, and it was my turn to see how I was going to do it, and I got myself, and, well, now you know what that means,” I finished, before hurriedly adding, “and you can’t let the others find out that I told you any of this!”

“My lips are sealed,” he promised, and smiled, “but I kind of half-expected your game to end up something like this!”

“I didn’t,” I admitted, “but I’m kind of glad it did!”

He smiled again.

“So, basically, what you have to do while you’re down here is masturbate,” he clarified.

“Yes,” I said, “till I cum.”

“Well, I don’t need to see you doing that!” he said. “I’ll wait in the kitchen and you just let me know when you’re done.”

He got up and went into the kitchen, leaving me to my own devices.

I got up off the sofa and lay down on the floor, spreading my legs.

Here goes nothing!

I put my hand on my pussy and noticed that I was wet down there. I began to rub gently up and down and round and round. It felt nice, and the familiar tingle began to reappear. I don’t know how long I kept rubbing for – I wasn’t keeping track of time! – but it felt like quite a long while. The tingling sensation got stronger, so after a bit I thought it was time to stick a finger inside. I held my breath as I slowly pushed my index finger into my pussy. My finger felt hot and wet, but I couldn’t really work out what feeling I was getting from my pussy. I gently wiggled my finger about a bit, and that got me tingling even more. I was trying really hard to make myself cum, willing myself to do it, but it just didn’t seem to be happening like I had seen with the others.

Why couldn’t I do it? What was wrong with me? All I wanted was to be like everyone else, and now I couldn’t even do this!

It all got too much for me, and I burst into tears.

“Megan, what’s the matter?” I heard Ryan say as I felt a hand on my arm. I held out my arms for him to lift me into a sitting position, and then threw my arms around him and sobbed into his chest.

“I can’t do it!” I blubbed, “I can’t make myself cum! What if I can’t ever do it? Why can’t I be normal?”

“Oh, Megan, silly,” he said gently, as he held me in his arms, “I told you before, everyone’s different. There’s no such thing as normal, you’re just you.”

“But, I don’t know how to, I’ve never done it before,” I began.

“No buts,” he told me, and put a hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “Now, let’s dry those eyes and then we’ll see.”

I wiped the tears from my eyes as he looked at me. He seemed to be trying to make a really difficult decision. As my sobs subsided, he appeared to have made up his mind.

He took a couple of cushions from the sofa and put them on the floor.

“Lay back down,” he told me. “Put your head on a cushion. And just relax!”

I did what he said, and then he lifted me up enough to put the other cushion under the bottom of my back and the top of my bum, putting my pussy into a more prominent position.

“Remember, relax! Don’t try to do anything, or think anything,” he said, “just let your body lead you!”

He wasn’t, was he?

He eased my legs apart, and I felt him place a finger gently on my pussy.

He was!

Slowly he began to move his finger up and down. I remembered what he’d told me and I tried to relax and to focus on the feelings coming from my pussy. He added a second finger, and began to move them in more of a circular motion. My nerve endings were really tingling now. His fingers made their way along the lips of my pussy and then touched my clit. Immediately I felt a tremendous surge rush through my pussy, and I let out an involuntary moan. He continued to play with my clit, rubbing it, pressing it and occasionally giving it a tweak like he had my nipples earlier that evening. I felt myself tensing up and my breathing becoming more ragged. His fingers left my clit and I felt them push inside my pussy. They seemed to be feeling for something and then oh my God! There was a sudden intense feeling surging through my pussy. My clit felt like it was on fire, and my pussy clenched and pulsed. I felt my toes curl as the surging energy from my pussy engulfed my whole body.

“Oh my God! Fuck! Yes! Fuck! Oh fuck, yes!” I cried loudly – much too loudly, as it turned out.

I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good!

After maybe ten or fifteen seconds the surge eased in intensity and started to go away. Ryan removed his fingers, as I collapsed back on the floor.

The next thing I remember, Ryan was sat on the sofa, and the door flew open as Abi burst in, followed by Paige and Bethany.

“Are you okay, Megs?” Abi asked.

I was still too out of it to answer.

“She’s fine,” Ryan said, “just give her a moment!”

“What happened?” Abi asked her uncle.

“She’s just had her first orgasm,” he told her.

I just lay there, savouring the moment, not wanting to move. It felt like I’d been to heaven and back! Gradually my breathing became more normal, and I began to return to the real world.

I held out my hands for someone to help me off the floor. Paige grabbed one and Abi the other, and between them they hauled me up. As we made our way to the door, they supported me as my legs were still a bit wobbly.

“Abigail,” Ryan called out as we reached the door, “I think you should stop your game now, alright?”

“Yeah, alright,” Abi replied, “we were going to anyway. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight girls.”

“Goodnight,” we chorused, and stumbled back up the stairs to Abi’s room.

This time we all sat, or in my case flopped, on the bed.

“Well, Megs?” asked Abi. “Obviously we heard how it ended! I think the whole street heard that!” Three of us giggled; I blushed.

There was absolutely no way in heaven or on earth that I could tell my BFF that her uncle had just fingered me and given me the most amazing orgasm. That was just way too screwed-up!

So, what was I going to say?
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Old 11-12-2017, 11:43 AM   #55
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Well, no need to be that anxious.

That was really good. Waiting for more, I want to see how you'll manage to continue this great story.
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Old 11-12-2017, 01:40 PM   #56
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Thanks Dragoneau.

I suppose it was the fact that this chapter included some obviously very-illegal activity that made me uncomfortable about posting it.

To tell the truth, I agonised about it for ages when I wrote it, wondering whether I should re-write the story. But in many ways that scene is kind of the glue that holds the whole story together, and without it the impact that the sleepover has on Megan's life doesn't really make sense.

So I had to bite the bullet and keep it in! Now, I'm just relieved that we've got past that point and I can relax!
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Old 11-12-2017, 03:16 PM   #57
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Really nice update, thanks, and handled mighty well
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Old 11-13-2017, 01:37 PM   #58
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Okay, now we've got that chapter out of the way (phew!), we can push on with the story. Chapter 17 The morning after will be ready for posting tomorrow evening.
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Old 11-14-2017, 01:06 PM   #59
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The sleepover that changed my life

Chapter 17 The morning after

It was very late, and the adrenaline that had been coursing through all of us whilst we’d been playing Spin the Bottle was now starting to ebb away.

I realised that I felt really tired, exhausted almost. The fact that I had recently experienced my first orgasm might have had something to do with that!

The other three all wanted to hear about my last dare, but there was no way I could tell them what had actually happened: how I had tried to masturbate myself to orgasm but failed and broken down, crying; how Abi’s Uncle Ryan had comforted me and reassured me that there was nothing “not normal” about me; how he had then fingered me and given me such an amazing orgasm that I’d felt like I’d been to heaven and back! That had to stay just between me and him! If Abi ever found out about that, it could really mess with her head!

I didn’t know what to tell them, so instead of lying and making something up, I took the easy way out.

“Sorry, everyone,” I said, “but I’m really, really tired. I just want to go to bed and get some sleep.”

If they were disappointed, then they did their very best to hide it.

“That’s okay, Megs,” Abi said, “it is getting late.”

“Yeah,” Paige agreed, “I think I might go to bed as well, if you don’t mind.”

Bethany and Abi weren’t ready to turn in just yet, so we agreed to change the sleeping arrangements. Originally Abi and I were going to share Abi’s room, whilst Bethany and Paige would sleep in her sister’s room. Since me and Paige both wanted to go to sleep, it made sense that we went to her sister’s room and left the other two to stay up and do whatever. So we said our goodnights and walked across the landing to the other small bedroom.

When we got there, I realised that neither of us had brought our bags with us. The bags that contained our nightwear.

“I’ll go back and get them,” I told Paige.

“Let’s not bother,” she replied, “we can just go to bed as we are.”

“What, sleep naked?” I asked.

“Why not? It’s no big deal! We’ve been naked for ages already now.”

She had a point. I’d got so used to it that it was starting to almost feel normal.

“Okay,” I agreed.

I turned the bedside lamp on and Paige turned off the main light. Then I pulled back the duvet and slid in next to the wall. Paige followed me in, and after saying “Night, Megan” she turned the lamp off. In no time at all I was fast asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sensation of warm breath on my face. I opened my eyes and saw Paige sleeping peacefully, her face a few inches from mine. During the night she had obviously snuggled right in to me, because her arm was draped over me and her body was pressed up against mine.

I lay there for a while, studying her. She looked so peaceful, so lovely, that it made me wish that I had a little sister. One who would look to me for hugs and cuddles, and who would snuggle up next to me.

I watched Paige’s chest gently rise and fall with each breath. My mind went back to the previous night. It seemed amazing that this sweet, innocent girl lying next to me was the same person who had been so confident and brazen with the dares.

There was a gentle knock on the door and Abi stuck her head in. She saw that I was awake and came in. I nodded towards Paige to make Abi aware that she was still asleep.

“Looks like you’re stuck there for a while!” Abi whispered.

I smiled and replied, “I don’t mind.”

“You left your bags in my room,” Abi told me.

“I know,” I said.

“So you’re both still naked under there?” she asked, knowing full well that we were. Abi was wearing her pyjamas.


“Do you want me bring your stuff in here for you?”

“Please,” I replied. “And bring Paige’s stuff too, please.”

Abi said, “Okay,” and went back out.

Shortly after, Abi and Bethany brought our bags in. Abi pointed at me and Paige.

“See, told you!” she said to Bethany.

“Awww,” said Bethany, “doesn’t she look cute! It seems a shame to wake her!”

“Well then, don’t!” I said.

“Have to,” Bethany replied. “Her mum’s picking her up at nine. They’re going to visit relatives today.”

“Okay,” I said, “but let me do it, alright?”

The others agreed and went back out again.

I began to gently stroke Paige’s cheek. She flinched a little and sighed. I kept stroking. Slowly she opened her eyes.

“Morning, sleepy-head!” I said.

She smiled. “Morning!” she replied, still not really awake. A yawn overtook her and she looked ready to go back to sleep.

“You’ve got to get up!” I told her. “Your mum’s picking you up, remember?”

She went to stretch her arms and realised she was draped all across me.

“Oh, sorry Megan,” she began, “I didn’t mean to squish into you like that.”

“That’s alright,” I said, “it feels nice to have you close to me.”

Paige gave me another of her lovely smiles.

“Now, let’s get you up!” I said and threw the duvet as far down the bed as I could, exposing both of us. Paige squealed as the cold air hit her naked body, but I showed no mercy and put my arms under her and rolled her towards the edge of the bed. She tried to hold on to me, but succeeded only in dragging me out as well. We both ended up in a tangle of bodies on the floor, giggling.

Bethany and Abi came in to see what all the noise was. Seeing us on the floor like that they burst out laughing.

“What are you two like?” Bethany teased, and we giggled some more.

Abi knelt down and said, “Everyone, what happened at this sleepover stays just between the four of us, yeah?” She put her hand out in front of her, palm down.

I placed my hand on top of hers and said, “Absolutely!” I didn’t want my flat chest being talked about all over school.

Paige put her hand on top of mine. “One hundred percent,” she affirmed.

“Of course,” Bethany said, adding her hand to the pile.

I knew I could trust Abi, and was certain Paige would keep her word too. I wasn’t so sure about Bethany.

We’d just about finished breakfast when Paige’s Mum arrived. Paige hugged each of us as we said goodbye, and shortly afterwards Bethany left to walk home as well.

I was staying on till lunchtime, since me and Abi had some homework we wanted to do together. It took us longer than we thought, largely because neither of us really understood it. By the time we’d done as much as we were ever going to manage, it was getting close to lunchtime, so I would have to go soon.

Whilst Abi popped to the loo, I went downstairs on the pretext of getting a drink of water. Ryan was sat on the sofa, reading a newspaper. I sat down beside him. The movement of the sofa was enough to get his attention.

“Hello, Megan,” he said, looking up from his paper.

“Hi!” I said.

“How’s the homework going?”

“I think we’ve just about done it,” I replied.

“Good!” he said.

“I’m going to be going soon,” I told him, “but I wanted to say ‘thank-you’ for last night. What you said, and how you helped me with those dares, I’m really grateful. And when you …, well, you know …, that was …, well, I’ll never ever forget it.”

“I don’t doubt it,” he said, “and even though I shouldn’t have done anything like that, it means a lot that you’ve come and said thank you like you have.”

“I’m really glad you did do it,” I said, “and I won’t tell anyone, ever, I promise.”

“I know,” he smiled in reply. “You’re a lovely girl, Megan, you just need to believe in yourself a bit more. Keep telling yourself, ‘I’m me and I’m wonderful!’. I’ve seen enough to know that you’re tough when you have to be, so stand up to anyone who tries to undermine or hurt you and show them how tough you are.”

“I will,” I said.

He smiled at me again, and added, “Look at me talking at you like I’m some sort of teacher! I’ve said more than enough! Now, how would you like one last hug?”

“I’d really like that!” I answered, and leant into him for another cuddle. As I snuggled into him, I said, “Ryan?”

“Yes?” he said.

“Abi really wants you to hug her and give her cuddles like you used to when she was younger. She told us last night that she really misses that. She said she was going to tell you, but knowing her she probably won’t. So I thought I’d tell you, to make sure you know.”

“Thank you for telling me, Megan. You’re a lovely, sweet girl, and Abigail is very lucky to have you for a friend. And I’ll make sure she gets a cuddle whenever she wants one.”

He gave me one last squeeze and then said, “Now, off you go!”

I returned upstairs to find Abi holding a pair of pink flowery knickers. “Look what Paige left behind!” she grinned. I giggled.

“I’m going to go now,” I told Abi. “Thanks so much for having me. It was the best sleepover ever!”

“Yeah, it was really good, wasn’t it!?” she agreed.

After a quick check to make sure I’d got everything, I grabbed my bag and we went down the stairs to the front door. We hugged our goodbyes and I made the short walk home. As I sauntered along, I reflected on the craziest night I’d ever had. Little did I know then just how much that sleepover would change my life, or just how soon the first of those changes would begin to take place.

Later that afternoon, after I’d finished the rest of my homework, I was sat in my room, chilling. On impulse, I got up and peered into the mirror to see what colour my eyes were. Nearly green today. Although it was weird, and it freaked out some of my friends when they first knew me, I loved the way my eyes changed colour slightly from day to day. Now, after last night and what Ryan had said, I knew why I loved it: because it was something that made me who I was. Not for the first time that afternoon my mind went back to the previous night. If I hadn’t been there I would never have believed I could have done half those dares, and certainly not been naked in front of everyone like that.

I had a sudden urge to do what I used to love doing when I was like 8 or 9, but that I hadn’t done for years. I wanted to dance naked in front of the mirror. I pulled my t-shirt over my head, peeled off my skinny jeans, whipped off my knickers, and unhooked my training bra. I put on my favourite song, turned the volume up a bit, and started to throw some shapes! I got really into it and by the end of the song I was knackered and out of breath. I stood in front of the mirror, watching my chest rise and fall as my breathing gradually returned to normal. I looked at my nipples and put a finger on each one.

“My little bullets!” I said to myself and smiled.

Ryan’s words came flooding back into my mind: “there’s nothing about your body that you should be unhappy with … everyone’s different … you have a slender frame and your breasts are in perfect proportion with that … there’s no such thing as normal, you’re just you …”

I looked into the mirror and studied my body, like he had last night, and for the first time in ages I didn’t just focus on my tiny tits. I saw the slender frame he’d talked about and I kind of liked it. Yes, I desperately wanted my breasts to grow – and he had said they would – but I could see what he meant that big tits wouldn’t suit my body type.

I made a mental note to find out if Abi was free next Saturday. There was something I wanted to do, but I would need her help.
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Old 11-14-2017, 01:40 PM   #60
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Is it gonna continue

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Teach this new sissy a good lesson on being a good girl

Denied by Girls fool check pm dares
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