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Old 01-26-2010, 07:50 AM   #46
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Part 21

Tears leaked from Kate’s eyes and she wiped them away with her hand. She had no more fight left. There was nothing she could do but face up to the situation she found herself in. What was the point in resisting? This was going to happen here and now, for real, and she was helpless to prevent it. She cried for the innocence that was about to be plucked from her and for her tattered dreams. She had never had sex with a man before; her only sexual experience of any sort had been with Amy. She was a Catholic girl, she didn’t believe in sex before marriage. Her experience with Amy was shocking enough but it was an experiment, wasn’t that what people did at college? They explored, they found out who they were. Her confused feelings for Amy didn’t mean she wouldn’t one day be married in a beautiful white dress in a church with her family around her. She was to stand on the verge of a new life with her new husband and together they would learn to physically love one another. It was just as the kindly woman at the beauty salon had said; her first time was going to be magic.

And now that dream was about to be torn apart. She had recently thought that Sal could do what she wanted to her but could never take away her dreams. How wrong she had been. And what right did they have to do this to her? What man would want to marry a woman who had been taken to the depths of depravity and soiled over and over again by countless strangers in another country?

She looked at the floor in desperation. And then she noticed the open drawer in Tony’s desk and the little black handle of the revolver pocking out from beneath some papers. It seemed to be calling to her, beckoning her to help herself.

She looked at Tony who had his back to her and she swallowed. Suddenly there was a chance, a slim chance that she could get out of this with her dignity in tact. Kate felt empowered; she would show this horrible little man. Did he really think that she, Kate Martin, daughter of the chairman of a prestigious Boston law firm, could be treated like a whore?

She took a deep breath and stepped forward. She looked up at Tony but he hadn’t noticed. She stepped forward again. Her right hand was just inches from the drawer now. She took a final breath and then silently hooked her fingers around the top of the drawer and pulled. The drawer squeaked as it moved forward.

Tony frowned and turned around slowly and his mouth opened.
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Old 01-26-2010, 07:51 AM   #47
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Part 22

Kate stood holding the gun in both hands, her feet shoulder width apart. She had taken private self-defence classes in Paris a couple of years earlier and she had been shown how to handle a gun. Her aim in the firing range hadn’t been good but at least she knew how to hold the thing.

“Now,” she said in barely a whisper. “I want you to sit down in the chair slowly.” She was shaking but she could do this, she told herself, she could handle this situation. The gun was the key. Just like in the movies, it gave her power. He would listen to her now, he would have to.

Tony stared at her and then he smirked. “Gimme the fucking gun sweetheart, before you pop yourself.” He stepped towards her but then he saw the look on her face and stopped and his smirk disappeared. He saw the desperation in the little girl’s face. Just maybe she was crazy enough to actually do it, he thought.

“Sit down in the chair,” she said.

Tony pulled over the wheeled office chair and slowly sat down. The vein in his forehead was visible again and his breathing had become quick. She could see his eyes flicking around the room looking desperately for something, anything. She knew the feeling.

Kate told herself to keep her distance from him; that was the key. If he lunged for her and took the gun it would all be over.

“Come on, sweetheart,” said Tony. He was trying to smile, to look indifferent but it wasn’t working. She could see how much this mattered to him. “Just gimme the fucking gun already.”

Kate shook her head. “No,” she said and she was surprised at how strong her voice sounded.

The smile dropped from Tony’s face and he looked dangerous.

Kate pulled open the drawers of his desk with one hand and kept the gun aimed at him with the other. She found a reel of ducked tape and took it out. She threw the reel at him. “Now tape your ankles to the chair,” she said. Tony caught the role and smirked.

“I don’t think so,” he said.

Kate came around the desk and stood over him with her finger on the trigger. So much for keeping her distance. She lowered the gun to his head and pushed the muzzle into his forehead. “Do it,” she said.

Tony swallowed and stared disbelievingly at the young girl standing over him. Was this how he was gonna go? He daren’t not move in case she took it as an attempt to jump her and pulled the trigger. He kept his head very still. He was aware of saliva dribbling out the corner of his mouth but he ignored it.

“Alright,” he whispered. Kate took a couple of paces back and watched as he found the end of the tape and slowly began running the tape around his ankles and around the chair. She watched carefully, satisfied that he was secure.

Slowly Tony sat back up. His face was red from leaning over and flushed with anger.

“Alright,” she said. “Now stay still,” again she was surprised at the strength of conviction coming from within her.

She reached out her hand and he lifted up the tape and very carefully she took the role and walked behind him. Using her teeth she found the end of the tape. She pressed the muzzle against the back of his head and heard him gasp. “Put your hands behind your back,” she said.

His hands came around behind him with the wrists pressed together. This was a man who had been arrested before. He knew how handcuffs worked.

Silently Kate put the gun down on the desk next to her, out of his view. If he saw then he might make a jump for it. Using both hands because it was quicker she began wrapping the thick tape around his wrists. She used far more than was necessary to make sure he couldn’t move.

When she was finished she turned him around in the swivel chair and looked down at him. Then she cut a length of tape and placed it firmly over his mouth.

From somewhere deep within her she felt a new anger well up inside her for the man who had planned to disrespect her so thoroughly. She knew she should just get out now but she couldn’t. She didn’t plan to see him ever again so this was her only opportunity to make things right. A little voice in her head was telling her to run but no, she though, not just yet.

She toyed with the idea of calling the police but she had no idea of how long it would take them to appear; she might not get away from the street in time and might be arrested herself. No, she couldn’t risk that.

She needed to think. She sat on the desk opposite him and looked into his eyes. What mattered to this man, she thought. That was easy, money. She looked around the room. There was no safe that she could see. She stood up; she had seen a lock box in the bottom desk drawer. She went around the desk and lifted it out and put it on the desk and looked at Tony. She could see the growing tension in his face. This was the nerve to press, she thought. The box needed a key. She looked about and finally saw a bunch of keys on his belt. She walked around and unclipped it and took it to the box. The second key she tried opened the box. Tony tried to speak through his gag but his words were incomprehensible. He tried to wriggled violently out of his binds and for a moment Kate thought he might succeed. She grabbed for the gun and pointed it at him but needn’t have worried. He wasn’t going anywhere.

She lifted the lid and looked in the box. It was full of notes of various sizes. There was hundreds of dollars in there. This morning’s takings, she realised. She lifted the money out and held it in her hands. So this was what her body, her innocence, her life was worth to these people.

She looked to her left and saw an electric shredder on a low table against the wall. She looked at him and shrugged. No, she thought, I want to hear this. She walked around and removed the tape from his mouth and he jumped up and down violently in his chair, making her jump. Still his binds held strong.

“Don’t you fucking even think of it!” he shouted. His eyes were wide with fear and his mouth was open. He watched her intently.

Kate felt a tug in the middle of her stomach. She swallowed. Was she really going to do this? She thought of what Tony had had planned for her. This was justice, she thought.

With a shaking hand she put the first notes through the shredder. The machine buzzed and then they were gone. She fed more through and turned to look at him.

“Stop!” he shouted. “You fucking stop you fucking hear me?” his face was red with anger. For a moment she thought about the photos they had of her. Were her actions guaranteeing retribution? But this had gone far beyond photos. Let them send them to whoever they want. They wouldn’t have her body.

Kate smiled and walked around the desk, pleased to see him squirm. She felt the weight of the gun in her hand and she brought it to his face and put the muzzle against his pressed lips. “Open wide,” she said.

Tony opened his mouth and she pushed the muzzle as far as it would go into his mouth, her finger playfully touching the trigger. She didn’t know what had got into her. It was Sal and the Bandstand, the frustration of her false start at the college. But it was more than that. It was a lifetime of being ignored, pushed around and forgotten by parents and friends and it had all come to this moment. She swallowed and backed away, frightened but her own actions.

She returned to the desk then she shrugged and, with a snarl on her face, shoved the remaining notes into the shredder until the box lay empty.

Tony slumped in the chair, his mouth open as he tried to come to terms with what she had done. He would now be unable to give refunds if he wanted to. He simply didn’t have the money.He looked down at the floor, a broken man but then his eyes set furiously and he looked up at her. He spoke slowly but his voice was like gravel, “You better pray I never get out of this chair, you hear me? You better pray I never get my hands on you, you little fucking bitch!” His voice grew louder. “Your life won’t be worth shit. You better make sure I’m taped in here good. Go on, do it! Put some more fucking tape on my hands before I brake outta here and make you pay the old fashioned way! You owe me! You unnerstan’! Nobody comes into my fucking office and destroys my fucking money and puts a gun in my fucking face, you hear me!” he bellowed.

Kate swallowed and stepped back. She had never seen anyone so angry before and instantly regretted what she had done. Her anger had subsided now, it had been done in the heat of the moment, what had she been thinking of? She should have just left quietly.

She would have to leave the country, that was her only hope, to be back in France tomorrow, far away from this nightmare. She had to leave right now and not look back. There was no time to say goodbye to Amy, she couldn’t risk going back to the campus for anything. She had her purse with her, that was all she needed. She could buy clothes later. She stood up and walked towards the door. She felt so sorry that she would never see Amy again but that was how it would have to be.

Her hand reached for the bolt on the door and then she heard a ping announcing the arrival of a new email.

She turned and looked around. An old laptop lay on the desk under some papers. She lifted the lid and looked at the email. She didn’t know why, but she was suddenly curious. The email was, as far as she could see, spam. She turned away but then she turned back. A few emails lower in the Inbox was one from Sal. She double-clicked the icon and opened it. She squinted as she read the small font and gasped. The email contained a form to be filled out and a list of all the items Sal wanted Tony to get from Kate, or Frenchy as Sal had called her. They included her visa documents, her passport, return plane ticket, keys, credit cards, pin numbers, account details, social security, ID cards, cheque book, bank balance, available credit, everything, her entire life. Kate was taken aback. This would give them access to her entire identity, all of her money. She would be left stranded in a foreign country with no means of leaving, utterly at their mercy.

Kate felt afraid. How had things escalated from embarrassing her on the band stand to this? She backed away, determined to leave the country that day by any means possible.

She turned back to the door and pulled the bolt free.

“Go ahead,” Tony sneered. “Run away. I don’t fucking need you anyway.”

Kate turned around and looked at him. “What do you mean?” she said, suddenly fearful.

Tony smirked and looked away. Kate gritted her teeth and walked over to him. She took hold of his greasy hair and said, “Open wide!” and put the gun in his mouth again. Well it had worked the first time...

He gurgled and coughed and she withdrew the weapon and waited until he had stopped coughing. He nodded towards the security monitor and laughed. He was suddenly reckless. “Go ahead. Press the button on the left.”

Kate approached the monitor and looked down. To the left was an electronic box with a little black button on top. She pressed it. The grainy picture on the monitor changed from showing the corridor outside to showing a different room. It was the inside of a van. There was a naked girl tied up on the floor. It was Amy.
Kate gasped and put her hand to her mouth.

“That’s right, you dumb fucking bitch, you walk and she takes your place, every fucking day.” Tony sneered at her, all humour suddenly gone from his face.

Kate closed her eyes tight and sat down in a spare chair. Tears welled in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. She leant forward and sobbed.

Tony smirked at the site. He knew he had said the right thing so he kept pushing. “You walk away and the boys get that bitch instead. Only fucking way I could stop them tearing the place apart, showing them that broad tied up there. Told ‘em they get one or the other. No problem.”

Kate looked up, her cheeks were wet; she made no attempt to hide it. “And if you had got me in…there,” she said and gestured towards the spa.

Tony shrugged. “Sal was what’s the word, reluctant, to use one of her own, you unnerstan’? The spa jobs for Frenchy, she said. But,” he shrugged as much as his binds would allow, “You leave and we got Plan B. No one likes it be that’s what we gotta do. You force our hand.” He tried to smile, to look relaxed but it was obvious that the rage he felt was barely contained beneath the surface.

Kate stood up and walked to the door and reached for the handle. Then she stopped.

Slowly she reached up and pushed the bolt across, re-locking the door.
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Old 01-26-2010, 08:13 AM   #48
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awesome story most likely the best on this site
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Old 01-26-2010, 10:09 AM   #49
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holy shit this is intense! please tell me things all work out in the end...
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Old 02-02-2010, 04:13 AM   #50
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Part 23

Kate stood with her head lowered and closed her eyes tight. There was no way out of this. Not now. Not with Amy at risk. She didn’t know what she felt for Amy but she knew she had to protect her at all costs. She could no longer just walk away from this nightmare, not like this.

She swallowed and turned and faced Tony. She raised the gun and pointed it at him and he flinched.

“Where is she?” she demanded

Tony smirked. “Not here. Sal’s got her. She didn’t want her left where those fucking hooligans could find her. Like I said she didn’t want to use her unless she had to.” Tony’s eyes were bright.

Kate lowered the gun and sat down in a chair opposite Tony. Amy was the only one who had shown her any kindness. But it was more than kindness, it was…. well, love. She had shown her love and what it meant to love someone with all your heart. And now Kate knew that love was possible and somewhere at the back of her mind that gave her comfort, to know that someone felt that way – about her.

Why had the girl locked the door, Tony was thinking. Did that tall skinny broad mean that much to her? Why wasn’t the bitch just running?

Kate lowered her head and tears fell down her smooth cheeks.

Tony was watching the girl curiously. This really fucking mattered to the bitch, he thought. Un-fucking-believable. His eyes fell to the girl’s bust. Even through the rain coat he could see the swell of the material rise and fall with the faltering rhythm of her breathing. What was she thinking? Suddenly a thought crossed his mind. What if they had gone to far? What if she shot him in the head and then turned the gun on herself. Oh shit! The more he considered it the more this seemed likely. He thought frantically what he could say to undo some of the damage. Fuck, let the silly bitch go if it meant that fucking much to her. He would call the whole thing off, convince Sal just to let her go and pick another bitch. He felt sure she would listen to him. He opened his mouth to speak, to tell her not to worry, that they wouldn’t do nothing to her or the skinny broad, that she could return to fucking college or wherever and that they would leave her alone…

The girl lifted her head and looked at him. His eyes fixed on the muzzle of the gun. Oh, shit. He had to stop this now.

Kate wiped her eyes and then turned back to the laptop and re-read the email from Sal. Then she seemed to nod to herself and she lifted her purse onto the table and opened it.

She spoke softly and her eyes were set as though she was in a daze. Her face showed no expression, except sadness. “What did Sal want done with all this stuff?” she asked.

Tony closed his mouth and frowned. What was going on here, he thought? He tried to sound indifferent. “From the email? I guess I hang on to it for her. Put it in the lockbox, you know.”

The girl nodded and stood up. She walked towards him and he felt his breathing quicken but told himself to remain calm. She wasn’t gonna pop him, he was sure of it. No, something else was going down here. Just watch, he told himself. Just sit and watch.

Kate stopped at the edge of the desk and picked up the empty lock box and placed the keys next to it. She sat back down in her chair.

She knocked all of the cluttered papers from the desk onto the floor. The crash made Tony jump. She opened her purse and took out her credit cards, the three she used most and placed them on the desk.

She took a piece of paper from the printer and took a pen off the desk and started to write down the account numbers and pin numbers for her most-often used card, its approximate balance and remaining credit.

She repeated the procedure for the next two cards and sat back and looked at them on the desk.

It was the damnest thing Tony had ever seen. She was following Sal’s email, he was sure of it, giving them what they want. He strained to see what she was writing He could see numbers. Account numbers. Fuck me, he thought. He slumped back in his chair and fort a cruel grin. If the girl gave them all that then she would be fucking, stranded with no means of leaving the country. They could do whatever they fucking wanted to her, for as long as they wished. They would fucking own her.

Without a passport she couldn’t leave the country and without a Visa or any other money or ID she couldn’t go to an embassy. She had no way to prove who she was. Of course Sal knew that, that was why she wanted it all. Oh, that Sal was a nasty piece of work, he thought with amusement.

Kate took a deep breath and took out an envelope from her purse that contained her Visa and open-ended return plane ticket and her passport.

She looked at Tony. “What is to be done with these?” she asked quietly.

Tony shrugged, eager not to do or say anything that might influence the girl. He just had to be quiet and neutral. “Er, put the cards in the lock box, the passport and Visa too.” he said.

Kate looked long and hard at her passport and placed it carefully in the lock box followed by her Visa and her three credit cards. She looked over the piece of paper. She had written down the account numbers, pin numbers, approximate balance, everything she could think of. Everything someone needed to gain complete access to the accounts was there.

Tony didn’t know why but he had an erection. Watching this little girl screw herself was more than he could take. Although desperate to stay quiet he couldn’t resist testing her. “Yea, erm, better shred that plane ticket,” he said.

Kate looked up. She seemed to be light-headed, drunk even. But she understood. She swallowed and took the plane ticket out of the box and took it over to the shredder. She held it over the machine and looked back at him. Tony nodded. Kate looked at the ticket for a moment. It was her life line, her means of a quick escape from this place. She sighed and fed it into the machine which buzzed for a moment as the ticket was destroyed.

Tony licked his lips, he couldn’t believe what was fucking happening here. He was still tied to the chair and the kid still had the gun, but fuck me if she wasn’t going for it.

“You er, got any more cards in that purse? Money?” he asked.

Kate returned to her chair and pulled every remaining card from her purse and laid them on the table in front of her.

“Same deal,” said Tony, with new found confidence. “Account numbers, pin numbers, balance, whole nine yards.”

Kate nodded and took another piece of paper from the printer and began writing.

Tony was uncomfortable. The material of his trousers needed adjusting to free his erect penis but it was a discomfort he could tolerate, as was being tied up. He had a feeling it wouldn’t be for too much longer.
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Old 02-02-2010, 04:14 AM   #51
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Part 24

There were no more cards in Kate’s purse. She pulled out her cash, notes and coins, some Euros and some dollars, and dropped it all into the lock box, save for thirty dollars she kept back for taxis.

She flicked through the various compartments of her purse. There were some photographs of her family. She knew what they were but she didn’t look at them. She couldn’t.

She held them up for Tony to see along with some stamps. He shrugged, “Chuck em in,” he said.

Kate swallowed and placed them face down in the lock box.

“Say, er, do me a favour. Write down ya email address. All of them if you have more than one. And ya passwords too. Er, full name, date of birth, social security, stuff like that. You got any security passwords, you know internet banking, that shit. Write it down, will ya?”

Kate nodded and did as she was told. She put the piece of paper in the lock box. She could see her familiar cards inside and at the bottom was her passport and visa, her return plane ticket had already gone. She closed the lid. She could no longer see her things, they were gone and so had her identity, she knew. Kate Martin was gone, or in the process of going. She was aware of the implications of her actions but she had kept something back, something she had told them about. She had Amy, she had her in her heart.

She locked the box with the small key and got up and put the box back in the cupboard. She approached Tony and clipped the set of keys back on his belt.

She pulled open a drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors and stood in front of him. He looked up at her. She could see him fighting to look in control of the situation. She held the gun in her left hand and the scissors in her right.

She didn’t know why but she sneered and gritted her teeth and lifted the gun and pointed at him in a last gesture of defiance. He squirmed back in his seat and she pressed the muzzle hard into his forehead. His eyes were wide and his breathing became rapid. And then she reduced the pressure and lowered the gun to his crotch and kept it there. Tony gasped and tried to move away but he couldn’t.

She placed the gun and the scissors down on the table and suddenly turned and slapped him hard across the face. Tears cascaded down her cheeks and she slapped him repeatedly and cried out in frustration. It wasn’t anger it was pity; she was like a small wounded animal which a bigger stronger creature was tormenting.

She stopped and he looked up at her. He was scared, she could see it in his eyes and she spat in his face. Her spittle landed on his cheek. Kate lowered her head and took a couple of big breaths and then she picked up the gun and scissors and squatted in front of him and cut through the duct tape around his ankles. It was hard work, that stuff was strong. He kept still while she worked but when she stood up he stretched his legs a little. Kate moved behind him and started work on his wrists. She had to be careful not to cut into his skin. She cut through it all and then he moved his hands and peeled the sticky grey tape from his wrists painfully as it caught on the little black hairs.

Tony stayed in his seat but his hands were in front of him now. He had a look of renewed confidence on his face as he rubbed his wrists. She came around in front of him and stood a few feet away and pointed the gun at him with both hands. Her hands were trembling.

Slowly she lowered the gun and turned it around in her hand so that she was holding it by the muzzle. Then she held the gun out towards him and he took it.
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Old 02-02-2010, 04:36 AM   #52
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This is amazing!!!
Please write more!!
My Master disappeared before he could start training me .....
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Old 02-02-2010, 06:42 AM   #53
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oh shit she is screwed! :'(
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Old 02-09-2010, 05:08 AM   #54
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Part 25

Tony stood up from the chair at the same time that he took hold of the gun. He wiped the spit from his face and stood looking down at the young girl. The young helpless girl who had somehow managed to get a hold of his gun and tie him to a chair. The same girl who had escaped once and fed his money into the fucking shredder. No, she wasn’t all that helpless in his view.

He took a deep breath and told himself to remain calm but his wrists hurt and his legs ached from being tied up. He could feel the anger brewing within him and was aware of it as it spread out along his shoulders and into his arms. He hit her across the face with his open hand and she gasped and went down. She stayed on the floor holding her cheek and crying. Fucking little bitch.

He opened the lock box and put the gun inside and he flicked through the girls cards and saw the passport at the bottom and smirked; Sal would be pleased. He re-locked the box and put it away in the cupboard. Then he walked over to the window and looked out, glad to be back in control. The customers were restless, he could tell. They glanced occasionally up at his window and chatted to one another animatedly.

He would have to make an announcement, buy some time. He went over to the console and pressed a button and put his mouth close to the microphone and spoke quickly. “Yea, er, attention everybody,” he said. “My, er, staff have got the girl and are bringing her back to the spa.” He looked at his watch. “She will be here within the hour.” He released the button and heard shouts of joy from the men outside.

He turned around and looked at the girl lying on the floor; she was trembling, partly due to being hit and partly due to what she had just heard. “‘Open wide’,” he said. “That’s what you said to me when you put my fucking gun in my mouth. “‘Open wide’.” He shook his head in disbelief, his anger barely contained, and stepped forward so he was standing over her. Her legs were curled up and the materials of the rain coat and T-shirt had risen up revealing a large expanse of toned thigh. Tony felt his erection growing once again but his anger remained. He squatted down next to her and took hold of the T-shirt and gently lifted it up revealing her smooth hip and buttocks. Kate flinched and lifted her head and looked at him but the look on his face kept her still. “Open wide,” he repeated under his breath. “That’s, what-do-ya-call-it, ironic. Fucking ironic, you know that, sweetheart,” and he spoke softly, “Coz that’s what you’re gonna fucking do, you know that? You’re gonna open fucking wide for Tony. And you’re your gonna open fucking wide for all them morons out there. You unnerstan’ me kid? You’re gonna spread them legs wide as can be and every fucking moron who wants it is gonna have a ride, you get me? No one points a gun at me in my own fucking office, sweetheart.”

Tony took a deep breath; he was having trouble controlling his urges, and he stood up.

“Now, get up.”

Kate lifted her head and slowly started to move.

“Today!” he shouted.

Kate got to her feet and slowly stood; she was slightly dazed but mostly she was scared.

“Good,” he said. “Now take off that fucking coat.”

Kate looked down. She had forgotten she was still wearing it. She wasn’t surprised her first instruction involved undressing; that was what these people were all about. That’s what she would soon be about.

She unzipped the rain coat and laid it on the chair to her left and stood there in the long T-shirt, her large breasts jutting out impossibly in front of her like an offering, their every curve on prominent display. She felt embarrassed and crossed her arms in front of her. But then she saw the look on his face and put her arms back to her sides before he had to tell her to.

Tony stood looking at the young girl. His breathing was heavy as he looked at her slender legs and followed the T-shirt up from just above her knee. The T-shirt had been her choice and she had made herself look like a high-class whore. But she wasn’t a high-class whore, she was low-class, the lowest, and it was up to him to teach her that fact repeatedly until she knew it every time she looked in the mirror.

Tony stepped towards her and she flinched but held her ground. His feet were almost touching hers now and she could hear his breathing and smelt his foul breath. She looked up at him, up into that revolting smirking face.

Never before had she felt so vulnerable in front of a man before, not even in the spa earlier because at first she had been blind to the men’s intensions. But now she knew and she knew she was powerless to stop it. She had in effect agreed to it, she had helped set it up to protect Amy and to do that she had knowingly backed herself into a corner from which there could be no escape, not this time.

Tony put his hands around the girl’s waist and held her close as though they were lovers. His hands met behind her back and he lifted the material of the T-shirt up high enough that her toned buttocks were bare and then his fingers spread down around her naked cheeks. The girl’s eyes widened at the feel of his flesh on hers and she stood rigid. Never in her life had she felt so vulnerable.

She wanted to pull away, to run but she stayed where she was. Already she was learning what she could and could not do and what was expected of her.
Kate could feel a pressure against her stomach from Tony’s trousers and she looked down and saw a bulge and gasped.

Tony brought his hands round in front of the girl, letting the material of the T-shirt fall. He swallowed and gazed down at the swell at the front of the T-shirt and he knew she belonged to him completely, for now at least. This gorgeous teenager was his property, his play thing.

Tentatively he brought his hands up and his fingers touched the outer edges of her breasts through the T-shirt. The girl bit her lower lip and looked away and he smiled showing his bad teeth. Gradually his fingers worked their way below her virgin breasts and then he took them both in his hands and lifted them slightly as though feeling their weight. He was surprisingly gentle.

Kate kept her gaze fixed down on the floor as the grubby little man caressed her.

“How many men you been with?” he said suddenly. His voice was a little hoarse. His hands stayed on her. His fingertips brushed past her nipples and he took hold of them very gently and held them.

Kate swallowed. She looked up at him and shook her head.

His eyes widened. “You a fucking virgin?” he asked.

Kate blushed. “No,” she said, thinking of Amy. At least Amy had been a part of that experience.

Tony smirked. “Fucking lesbo,” he said. Then he looked her up and down. “So you never been with a man.” He shook his head. “Un-fucking-believable.”

Their eyes met for a moment, his in amusement, hers in horror and they both knew her first time would be today, and it would be with him.

He let go of the girl and walked to the door and un-locked it. He pulled open the door and said, “Wait here.” Then he walked away leaving her standing there alone and afraid.

She knew this was a test, of sorts. Would she turn and run? He was probably waiting for her outside the door. And even if she did that, where would she go? They had her things, and what of Amy. Poor, sweet Amy.

Kate stayed where she was. She knew she wasn’t going to run. Not now.

Tony burst into the room a minute later and stared at her, half expecting her to have run. But he saw she hadn’t moved and nodded to himself.

He was carrying a heavy cardboard box. He put the box on the desk then he closed the door and locked it. He walked to the desk and opened the box and removed four studded wrist and ankle bracelets. Attached to each was a metal D-ring. Kate looked at them and swallowed.

He approached her without word and took hold of her right wrist and lifted it up. She held it out for him as he wrapped the first bracelet around her wrist tightly. The girl winced and then lowered her arm. He glared at her and she obediently lifted up her left wrist. She was learning, he thought. He attached the next bracelet, again it was too tight and then he squatted down in front of her and attached the remaining two to her ankles.

She saw him glance up the T-shirt as he came up and she blushed and looked away. She saw the smirk on his face but she had no idea how much he had seen, probably just her thighs, she thought and then she felt foolish for even worrying. She was glad she was still wearing the T-shirt.

Tony looked at his watch again and stepped towards her. He didn’t have as long as he would have liked but it was enough. Kate looked down and saw the bulge in his trousers again but this time she didn’t look away, she couldn’t. She squirmed with the thought of what was about to happen to her.

Tony unzipped his trousers and looked up at Kate who looked from his crotch to his face and back again. She gasped as he pulled out his erect penis. It was slightly bent at the end and looked unclean.

Kate closed her eyes and turned her face away and then she felt his hands around her waist pulling her gently, guiding her to the floor. She allowed her knees to bend and opened her eyes as he lay her back. He had placed a small hard cushion on the floor and now it sat beneath her bottom, lifting her hips six inches off the ground. Other than the strange positioning of the pillow she was laying flat with her arms down by her sides and subconsciously squeezing her knees together.

Then he turned his back to her and went back to the box and returned with a handful of chains. She watched helplessly as he fixed the first to her right ankle and the second to her left ankle. He took hold of her right ankle and tried to move it but she held it fast. Tony sighed. “Come on, sweetheart, be a good little whore for Tony.”

She swallowed and reluctantly allowed him to move her leg to the right. Then he did the same with her left and repositioned them further apart until they would go no further and then she watched as he fixed one of the chains to an anchor point on the wall and the other firmly around one of the legs of the desk – he had done this before.

She was still covered by the T-shirt but now her legs were pulled uncomfortably wide apart and she wondered why she had thought he was going to be gentle just because he had started that way. She thought suddenly of what one of the girls had said to her about spreading her legs for Tony and tears welled up in her eyes.

He walked around her and took hold of her right wrist and lifted her arm up and secured it and when he let go she couldn’t move her arm at all, it was pulled taut at an angle over her head. Then his hands had taken her left wrist and again she offered no resistance. He secured that one to so that she lay now in an X-shape on the dirty floor of his office.

Kate couldn’t move, her arms and legs were being pulled by a steady pressure in different directions.

Because of the cushion and her elevated hips it was difficult for her to see what he has doing. And then he was in front of her, his hands on her thighs pushing the material of the T-shirt up higher and higher up. She could feel now that the T-shirt was no longer over her thighs and she realised with horror that she was utterly exposed to the stranger, and now she understood the elevating purpose of the cushion.

She tried to see what he was doing but he had his back to her looking in the box. Then he turned around with two small devices in his hand, devices she only saw briefly. He knelt down between her legs and attached the first clamp onto her right outer labia. He released the clamp and Kate gasped in pain and squealed.

He looked down at her and their eyes met and in that moment she knew she belonged to him and that she had no rights. Once again tears welled in her eyes and she forced herself to remain quiet.

Tony attached the second clamp and saw the girl’s body jump as he released it. The clamps were attached to very fine chains which he secured to anchor points either side of her which she could not see. She felt her vaginal lips being pulled apart as he secured them and she frowned and moaned in discomfort.

The effect of the clamps and the chains was to pull the outer labia wide apart. Tony thought of it as wedging open two double-doors. There was only one reason to do it, to make the girl as open as she could be, practically inviting him inside. Physically it was unnecessary but he loved the control it gave him.

Kate’s pulse was racing now and her chest rose and fell with the panic rising within her.

And then she saw him on all fours between her legs and then felt the pressure as he clambered on top of her.

He could feel the girl’s rapid breaths and he smirked and lowered his head so that his mouth was beside her ear and whispered, “I told you you’d open wide, sweetheart, open fucking wide for Tony.”

Then his hands were on her breasts, holding them gently at first, and then more firmly until she cried out in pain as he took her helplessly erect nipples between his thumb and forefingers.

Something touched her intimately and her eyes widened. She thought at first that it was his finger, that he was going to prepare her with his finger before he started, as Amy had done so skilfully, but she was mistaken, his hands remained on her breasts. She felt something pressing against the inside of her vaginal lips and she swallowed and tried pointlessly to resist. She tried to concentrate on resisting him as though she could close herself off to him as easily as she could hold her eyes shut, but she could not.

Her whole body was rigid with the futile effort of resisting him, her eyes clenched shut in concentration.

Then she turned her head and looked up into his eyes which were wide and excited. His mouth was open and he looked terribly serious as though he couldn’t believe this was happening.

Her body rocked slightly as he surged into her and then pulled back in an unsteady rhythm. A little while later she heard his breathing escalate and felt his body tremble until at last she felt a squirt of something deep within her and she closed her eyes to what had happened.

Tony leant forward and when she looked up his face was inches from hers and then she felt his whiskers on her lips and he tried to kiss her. She resisted at first by pressing her lips together but he took hold of her hair and applied some pressure until she opened her mouth and felt his wet tongue on hers. She tried to kiss him back as she imagined she would a lover, fearful of the consequences if she did not.

And then he sat up and climbed off her and stood looking down at her smugly. “You feel wide open, sweetheart, eh?” he said.

Kate ignored the brute until he knelt down in front of her and took hold of the fine chains attached to the clamps and pulled ever so slightly.

Kate gasped and lifted her head off the floor. “Yes!” she said, “Yes!”

“Say it!” he scowled.

Kate tried to think what she was supposed to say. “Er, I am wide apart, wide apart for Tony!” she said, and she realised it was the first words she had spoken for hours.

The pressure on her labia eased and her shoulders relaxed, as far as they could.

“Good,” he said. Then he walked around her and without warning knelt down so that he was sitting astride her neck, his deflated penis hanging an inch from her mouth. She turned her head away and moaned and clamped her lips shut once more.

Tony shook his head and clambered off her and she looked up to see him standing behind his desk a moment later and then he was walking back towards her with the gun. He squatted down between her legs and she felt cold metal on her inner thigh and tensed as he pushed the muzzle inside her. Kate whimpered.

“When you’re ready to take care of business you let me know,” he said. “You got me trembling all over, sweetheart, not sure how steady my trigger finger is, you unnerstan’?”

Kate swallowed and tried to think and then she nodded. “Okay, please, I am here for you,” she said. She squirmed as the muzzle was pulled back and she felt her own fluids dripping down her and she felt more embarrassed than she could possibly have imagined at being unable to close her legs and pictured with horror what the little man could see.

She saw him wiping the gun clean and then it went back into the lock box and then he was beside her again and then he resumed his position astride her. The penis had erected once more and she lifted her head up and opened her mouth towards it like a young bird taking a worm from its mother.

“You watch them fucking teeth,” he instructed and then he gasped and his head rolled back with pleasure as he pushed his penis down into her mouth.

Kate felt the hot flesh on her lip and recoiled at first but then she moved back towards it and concentrated on getting her teeth out the way. She tried to clamp her lips around the penis.

“Suck it,” came Tony’s shaky voice and Kate closed her eyes and tried to suck it clean. Her eyes opened wide as she tasted the salty liquid and then she re-closed her eyes and grunted in displeasure and then she used her tongue until she felt sure the man’s fluids had been wiped off.

He pulled his penis away and tucked it back in his trousers and looked down to the girl who had not swallowed. Her lips were pressed tenderly together as she carried the liquid in her mouth, clearly repulsed and unsure what to do.

A cruel smile formed on Tony’s face. “Swallow it!” he said and his eyes lit up and she knew this mattered to him, that he enjoyed debasing her.

Kate grimaced and forced herself to swallow it all down and then it was gone and she lay her head back and closed her eyes and wept.

Last edited by 5wirly; 02-09-2010 at 05:11 AM.
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Old 02-09-2010, 06:35 AM   #55
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Poor Kate... can't wait to see what happens next!
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:18 AM   #56
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Part 26

Kate blinked her tears away for she could not wipe them with her hands, spread-eagle as she was. She didn’t know how long it had been since it had happened, ten minutes, perhaps. Tony had walked out of the office leaving her with the revolting taste still in her mouth, desperate for a drink.

He had taken the lock-box with him, having muttered something about Sal wanting it. So that was it; the lock-box containing her entire identity had left the building. Any dim hope Kate might have held of re-claiming her affects had now vanished.

She had just had unprotected sex with the little man. She could have caught anything, she could be pregnant, she thought! She heard voices close by and tilted her head towards the door and was horrified to see that he had left the door wide open so that anyone passing along the corridor could see her.

Someone stopped in the doorway and she looked again and saw four or five girls standing looking down at her. They were quiet at first and then they sniggered. The girls walked around the desk and stood at her feet so that they could see what Tony had seen. Kate felt her face redden but she held their gaze defiantly.

Sal was not amongst them.

“Ya see, Frenchy, told ya you’d like spreading your legs for Tony,” said one of the girls and they laughed. Tony came in the room behind them and watched with a combination of pride at what he had done and amusement.

One of the girls pulled out a tiny camera and snapped ten or so photographs of the Kate.

Another girl held an unopened Twix chocolate bar in her hand. She squatted down in between Kate’s legs and then looked back up at the other girls and held up the bar.

“Go on,” said one of the girls with a grin. “I dare ya.”

“Hey, don’t do nuthin’,” said Tony. “This kid’s gotta get cleaned up and get in the spa before they fucking well kill me.”

Kate watched quizzically as the girl with the Twix started to unwrap it; she didn’t understand what she was doing.

“Hey, you, what would Sal say, huh?” pleaded Tony.
“Sal’s not here,” said a pretty girl at the back. Kate recognised her from the band stand; she was the only one she did recognise, she didn’t know the others but they knew her.

The girl in front of Kate pulled out the first of the two chocolate bars and then looked at Tony. “What was it she said? Oh, yes!” Then she turned back to Kate and said, “Open wide!”

Kate began to panic as she realised the girl’s intensions and felt the bar being eased into her exposed vagina. The bar slid in with only a little pressure required from the girl who giggled and said, “Now this one might be a little more difficult.” Then she repositioned herself on her knees and Kate looked desperately to see what she was doing and then she felt something touch her anus and she jumped and squealed. The girls laughed.

“No, please don’t,” said Kate.

The girl in front of her looked at her, “Well who gave you permission to speak?” she said reasonably and she felt the girl pull on the chains attached to the clamps and Kate gasped. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she said.

“Better,” said the girl and she bent down again.

The pressure around Kate’s anus intensified and she felt her skin stretching to accept the bar. She had the overwhelming feeling of needing to use the toilet and of having no control as the chocolate bar was inserted further within her. She was amazed at how her anus stretched; she would never have thought it would have been possible. Her chest rose and fell as the bar was pushed further up inside her and she arched her back as the pain intensified.

The girl in front of her was giggling. She shook her head and looked at Kate. “I’m sorry,” she said smiling. “I just couldn’t resist. No hard feelings.” Then she stood up. She stopped and looked down at Kate and no trace of amusement remained on her pretty face. “Hey, Frenchy,” she said. “You owe me a chocolate bar.”

“Get her up,” said one of the girls to Tony. Tony was unsure why he was taking orders from them but they represented Sal and so he complied.

He knelt down in front of Kate and removed the clamps. Kate gasped as they were removed and her mouth opened as feeling returned to the area and a wave of pain followed it.

Then she felt the pressure on her legs ease and she was able to close her legs fractionally, and then her arms were released. It took her a moment to retake control of her limbs – she had a pins and needles sensation in her arms and legs and she sat up.

Then he removed the wrist and ankle bracelets and took hold of her arm and lifted her forcibly to her feet and she stood a little dazed in front of the girls. Kate could feel something trickle down her leg and she didn’t know whether it was Tony’s juices, hers or melting chocolate. Her vagina ached but more than that her anus felt as though it were being pulled apart by the chocolate bar which she knew must be melting within her.

She stood uncomfortably and looked up at the girls and then she felt something around her bust and hands came under her arms from behind. She looked down to see a tape measure being held around her. She frowned, wondering what hey were doing, but also wondering why she was still wearing the T-shirt and more importantly when she could have a drink - she had a revolting taste in her mouth.

The girl behind her measured again, this time beneath Kate’s bust; the other girls watched, as did Tony who readjusted his trousers.

“30, double-D,” said the girl behind. “What do ya think?”

The leggy dark haired girl in front of her, the one who had put the chocolate bars in her, scratched her cheek thoughtfully as they stared at Kate’s bosom. She seemed to be Sal’s second in command. “Surgery will put her out of action for five weeks minimum but I think it’ll be worth it.” She shrugged. “At the end of the day it’s up to Sal,” she said.

Kate felt a new panic rise within her. Surgery? She looked down at her chest and then she looked up and the words came out of her mouth before she could think. “Surgery?”

The girl smiled which revealed dimples in both of her cheeks. “Yea, surgery. What do you say, Frenchy?” and she lent forward and squeezed Kate’s boobs.

Kate swallowed. “You mean breast reduction surgery?” she said quietly. This was what she had wanted for most of her adult life, so that she would no longer feel like a freak.

The girl looked at her and then they all laughed. “Er, no, Frenchy,” she said. And then she smiled. “We’re gonna make ‘em bigger. What do you say to that?”

Kate gasped. “Bigger? No, you can’t!”

“What do you think?” she said to the girl with the tape measure.

“I don’t know, we don’t want anything too big – the guys like big but not massive. We could comfortably go to a double-J, I think.”

The girl in front of Kate smiled. “This is all thanks to you, Frenchy. Where do ya think we’ll get the money for the op?” Kate thought of the account information she had handed over and of her life savings. She looked away closed her eyes.

The girl laughed. “Come on girls, let’s leave these two love birds alone.” She went to leave. “Oh, I almost forgot.” She stood in front of Kate and smirked and then knelt down in front of her and Kate felt her hand beneath the T-shirt. Her eyes widened as the girl took hold of the chocolate bar in her vagina and pulled it easily out. Kate felt more of something trickle down her thigh; her breathing had speeded up.

The girl stood and held the partially-melted chocolate bar between two fingers. “Eat up,” she said.

Kate shook her head. “No, you can’t…”

“Excuse me?” said the girl, clearly wanting her to refuse so she could shoe off in front of her friends.

Kate didn’t bother looking around for help; she knew she would find none. Slowly she reached up and took the bar and brought it to her mouth. She heard the girls laughing and very slowly she bit the end off and began to chew.

The girl clapped her hands together with glee. “You see how far you’ve come already?” Then she turned to Tony. “Make sure she eats it; and the other one. Do you understand?”

“What, er, yea, sure. She’ll eat it all. No problem,” said Tony.

The girl winked at Kate and walked out followed by the other girls. Tony watched them leave the spa on the monitor. “Shit,” he said.

He looked back at Kate. “Fucking immature fucking bitches,” he said under his breath. They had delayed him further and to Tony time meant money. He held up the bin. “Drop it in.”

Kate gratefully dropped the chocolate bar in and wondered why he had spared her the task. It came down to time, of course, but still she felt as though he felt things had gone too far and in some small way he had protected her. In a world where no one showed her any kindness she noticed it when she saw it.

“Alright, now you gotta get cleaned up. Can’t send you out there like this, for crying out loud.”

He walked to the door. “Come on, will ya.” Kate swallowed the last piece of chocolate in her mouth and followed him down the corridor, aware of something wet on her inner thigh.

She followed him into the woman’s toilet and he shut the door behind them and walked over to the shower cubicle and ran the water. “There, stand in there, will ya.”

Kate stood in the cubicle, just away from the jet of water. Tony shook his head. “Er, bend over will ya so I can get this thing out.”

Kate turned so that her back was to him and bent forward at the waist and thought for a moment that Tony had been embarrassed to ask her. She could hear him swearing and then her eyes widened as the bar was pulled out of her anus and felt sweet relief that it was gone.

“Er, look, stay like that, will ya, I gotta clean you up here.”

Kate lent against the wall as Tony took down the shower hoze and removed the head. She felt the end of the nozzle being pushed into her anus and she winced as he turned the water back on and brown liquid dripped down from her leg, splashing the T-shirt in places.

Then he pulled the nozzle out of her and washed her bottom thoroughly. “Alright, stand up will ya.” Kate straightened up and turned towards him. He looked uncomfortable but knelt down in front of her. She knew what he was doing so she widened her stance slightly as he squirted water around her vagina and finally eased the end of the hose inside her. The routine was repeated, Tony making sure she was thoroughly clean again. She wondered why he hadn’t let her do it and then she knew he was simply making sure the job was done to his satisfaction.

She felt a wave of pleasure come over her as the hose was moved around and she trembled and then, as if sensing this, he removed the hose from her and began washing down her smooth thighs.

When he had finished he shut off the water and stood up. They looked at each other and without thinking Kate heard herself say “Thank you.”

Tony looked as if he would speak but he didn’t for a moment and then he said, “Come on, better get you started.”

Still wet she followed him back up the corridor to his office. Once inside he closed and locked the door behind them and she stood along side him looking out at the spa through the two-way mirror.

“Now here’s what I want you to do,” he said at last. “I want you to go out there and walk right to the end of that corridor. You got it, right to the end. You can’t see it from here but there’s a little white hook on the wall there. I want you to take off this T-shirt and put it on the hook. Then you walk all the way back down the corridor naked, nice and slow, let ‘em see ya, then you get started – back in the sauna you was in this morning. You unnerstan’?”

Kate nodded.

“Alright, now here’s the rules. Those guys have all paid good money, money you fucking shredded,” he said and then she could see him fight to control his temper again, but he did. “They paid god money to fuck you, as many times as they want. You unnerstan’? So that’s what you let ‘em do. They wanna fuck your fanny, your arse, your mouth, you let ‘em. Got it? Now wherever they fuck you, you suck their cocks afterwards, you got it, even if its up the arse you suck it. Guys like that, shows the right attitude, you know? Oh, and if they wanna snog you, obviously you snog ‘em, just like you did me, like their your fella, you unnerstan’?”

Kate swallowed.

Tony turned to look at her questioningly.

“Yes,” she said quietly.

“Good. Now remember what I tell ya. When you come tomorrow, you wear the rain coat, nothing else, you got it?”

Kate nodded. “Yes.”

“Alright, any questions?”

Kate thought and then she asked, “Are they really going to make me have boob job?”

Tony frowned. “Yea, I guess. Just go with it, ya know. Sa knows what she’s doing.”

“She hates me,” said Kate.

Tony shrugged. “Naw, Sal’s a little more complex than that, you’ll see. It’s more like she sees what-do-ya-call-it, potential, yea, she sees potential in you.”

“Potential for what?” asked Kate indignantly.

“To whore I guess. To be a good whore. Probably make a lot of money doing it.”

“Money for her.”

“Yea, at first, but later it’ll be different. Sal looks after her girls, ya know. But she has to brake you down you know, kinda like the army. Brake you down and rebuild you stronger and better. Look, kid, you got a world class body, you know that, but you gotta learn how to use it. That’ll give you, what do ya call it, power. Power over men for the rest of your life, you know how to use it right.

Tony glanced up at the clock. “Shit,” he said. “These fucking morons gonna start tearing the place apart, they don’t get some soon.”

Tony unlocked the door to the spa pulled it open. “Remember what I told you, alright, get going, will ya?”

Outside the men had become quiet. They could see her standing in the doorway, they knew their wait was nearly over and those in Jacuzzis put their hands beneath the water and began to pleasure themselves slowly, getting their bodies ready for what they had come for.

Kate looked up at Tony and nodded. Suddenly she wanted to please him, suddenly things didn’t seem quite so black and white.

She turned and walked out of the door and stopped. She heard a click behind her and when she looked the door was closed. The air was hot and sticky, the steam made it difficult to see. She saw the men’s faces looking out at her and slowly she put her right foot forward and began the slow walk to the end of the corridor just as she had been instructed.

What if Tony was right, she thought? What if Sal wasn’t her enemy but her friend? Friend – some friend. But what if she was being broken down for a purpose, to be rebuilt a strong woman like Sal’s girls who were all pretty, strong women, who all knew how to move their bodies, what if they had all started out like her, hand-picked by Sal who had seen a glimmer of potential in the way they carried themselves, in the way they dressed, in their eyes, saw a glimmer of what they could become.

Kate was lost in her thoughts and then suddenly she was aware that she had reached the end of the corridor. There in front of her on the wall was a little white hook, just as Tony had promised; she almost smiled. She lowered her head, and suddenly she was aware of the silence around her, and of all the pairs of eyes watching her intently; she could see the men in her peripheral vision and they all wanted her. Tony was right she was powerful in a way, she had a power over all these men, they wanted her – that was her power and one day in the future she would use this power to her own advantage and she would decide when she would give into the men, and when she would not, and she would tease them everyday.

Today was a day to give in, to let them take her so that she knew what it felt like and so that she could see the lust in their eyes. It was their weakness and it was her strength; they gave her power; supply and demand – she had it and they wanted it.

She would be a strong woman, as strong as Sal, stronger. Nobody would tell or what to do, she would need no one, but everyone would want her. Perhaps she would satisfy her own needs with Amy or others like her, the men would be her business, the girls her pleasure.

Very slowly Kate’s hands came up and seized the ends of the T-shirt and started to lift the material until she felt it pass the bottom of her buttocks. Immediately she heard the men shout and whistle. This was the power she had, she would have them eating out of her hand. She pulled the material further until most of her cheeks were on display to all. She turned her head to the left and looked at the men. They were like drug addicts, they needed what she had, not wanted – needed.

She lifted the material further so that her slender lower back was on show now and she looked to her right. It was a pitiful sight, every one of them with their eyes wide, practically drooling at her, some were playing with themselves, unable to wait.

Kate pulled the material up over her head and hung it on the hook in front of her. She stood there naked, with her back to the men and with her arms clamped around her breasts.

And then she swallowed and took a deep breath. She lifted her head up high and very slowly lowered her arms so that they were by her sides.

She wouldn’t cower away this time, she would use her body, and observe its effects on the men, discover her power. That was why she was here.

Slowly she began to turn around and the men on that side of the spa went wild as her naked body came into view.

Then she was there, with her back against the wall, hands by her sides, breathing steadily. She listened to the wolf-whistles and heard the shouts that were all for her.

And slowly, very slowly she began to walk back down the corridor towards the first sauna, her magnificent bare breasts on prominent display, leading the way before her like an offering to any that wanted them.

A sly smile formed at the corners of Kate’s mouth as she stopped outside the first sauna and pulled open the door.
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Old 02-16-2010, 06:38 AM   #57
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My favourite part yet - the change in Kate's perspective is really great, and adds a lot to her character without going too overboard.
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Old 02-16-2010, 06:39 AM   #58
getDare Sweetheart
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whoot.big big change in personality here.i LIKE~
I enjoy interesting conversations.
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Old 04-27-2010, 02:57 AM   #59
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I hope this gets finished, it's a great story.
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Old 07-20-2010, 03:11 PM   #60
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please please please finish this story!!!!!you are so talented and need to finish!!!I think this is the best story I've read in the longest time!
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