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Old 11-27-2009, 01:15 AM   #31
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Brilliant, I love it
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Old 12-01-2009, 10:19 AM   #32
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great story please keep it going
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Old 12-04-2009, 01:28 AM   #33
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i think this story is not going to be continued!!

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Old 01-08-2010, 07:18 AM   #34
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Hello all,
Thank you for your kind comments. I do intend to write more but have been very busy.
I have also been locked out of my account and numerous emails to the administrator have fallen upon deaf ears and so I have reinvented myself as 5wirly (alas Swirly is no more.)
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Old 01-12-2010, 04:55 AM   #35
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Part 14

The first thing Kate noticed was the heat; it took her eyes a moment to adjust to the light as a faint mist hung in the air. There was a long corridor in the centre of the room leading to the back wall and either side of it were saunas, steam rooms and jacuzzis; everything led off the central corridor.

The second thing Kate noticed was the number of faces looking back at her across the room. Where there had been just a handful of sad old men on her last visit, now she saw dozens of men of all ages. She swallowed and let go of the door which closed behind her with a clang, announcing her arrival for any that hadn't noticed her.

The men were smiling, laughing, nudging one another; she saw absolutely no women. She told herself to look confident and, holding tightly onto the top of her towel, strode calmly to the nearest sauna and opened the door and stepped inside.

From his vantage point behind the two-way mirror Tony was grinning. He wasn’t surprised to see the girl was clinging onto the towel like a safety blanket but he could be patient; all in good time, he thought, all in good time.
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Old 01-12-2010, 05:04 AM   #36
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Part 15

Kate looked around the small tightly-packed sauna at all the half-naked men, for they all wore towels around their waists. Immediately to her right, on the highest bench, was the only free space and she climbed quickly up and wedged herself in the corner and looked back at the ten or so men that shared the sweaty little wooden room with her.

The man to her right, a tall hairy man in his thirties smiled at her, it was a leery smile which showed his bad teeth. Kate swallowed and moved slightly further back into the corner. She could do this, she told herself, she could sit here and let her mind wander for a few hours and then she would leave.

She tried to relax, to switch off but she saw movement to her right and glanced at the man; he was nodding to himself and after a moment he shifted up the bench towards her and put his hand on the towel where it covered her right thigh. Kate’s pulse started to race; this was not going how she had wanted. She wanted to be left alone, to do her time and get out. The man pulled back his towel revealing his naked crotch; he had an erection.

Kate gasped and stared back at him. Another older man down in front of her opened his towel as well and she glanced automatically down at his slowly erecting penis.

“Come on, sugar, what’s with the towel?” the man to her right asked and he grapsed it playfully between his thumb and forefinger and gave a quick tug.

Kate could feel the fabric begin to slip through her fingers. “How dare you!” she said and she pulled the material from his hand. What did they think they were doing?

The smile went from the man’s face and he moved closer and leaned towards her threateningly. “I don’t know what you’re playing at, sugar,” he said in a low gravely voice, “But you owe me a fuck. What say we get on with it?”

Kate’s eyes widened and she swallowed and made a quick decision; she stood up and climbed down off the bench. Someone grabbed at her towel but she didn’t turn around. She pulled harder and whoever it was let go. She pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped out into the corridor, per pulse racing. Her eyes were wide with shock and her hands were shaking. She had to get out of this place, immediately. What a nightmare! This whole thing was some sort of sick mistake. She just had to get out!

She looked furtively to her left at the questioning faces of the men in the Jacuzzis. Why were they looking at her like that? She glanced towards the door of the girl’s changing room and walked briskly towards it thinking of how much change she had for a taxi and wondering where the nearest taxi rank was, planning her escape.

She pushed at the door but it didn’t open. Curse these ridiculously heavy doors, she thought. She pushed again, with both hands this time (the first time she had let go of her towel since her arrival) but it was clearly locked. She stood staring at it for a moment wondering how it could be locked. How could she get to her clothes? She felt a fresh panic begin to creep up along her spine and she turned and looked back at the many expectant faces.
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Old 01-13-2010, 02:56 AM   #37
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This story is brilliant
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Old 01-13-2010, 07:23 AM   #38
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OMG cant wait for the next part im DYING to find out wat happens
Hahahahaha (: xxxx
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Old 01-19-2010, 07:19 AM   #39
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Part 16

Tony was standing in his office looking out through the two-way mirror with his hands on his hips. He smirked, pleased with himself for having the foresight to lock the door. Predictable little bitch, isn’t she.

When he’d first seen the photos of this girl he’d have never believed she would enter his spa but here she was. He shook his head; she had no business being here. She belonged in that posh college on the other side of town with all them other posh sorts. She belonged to a different world. The barmaids were just plain girls who didn’t mind getting their knockers out. But this girl was the real thing. A stunner. She a bit short for his liking, though, what was she, five foot - he preferred long legs. But this girl had a pair of tits that made your eyes water and the cutest little face and those big trusting eyes… Man oh man.

The plan had worked a treat until now. Until she had come hurrying out of the sauna still wearing her fucking towel. Stupid little bitch. Why couldn’t she be a good little whore like she was supposed to?

He spat out the gum he was chewing and shook his head. What the fuck was she doing now? He watched as Kate made her way along the wall towards the door to the men’s changing room and pulled desperately at the handle.

“Oh fuck,” he said and he picked up the phone and dialled. It rang three times and then he said, “Yea, Sal. It’s me. I’m gonna need some help and fast. This fucking broad of yours is causing me grief like you wouldn’t believe. Little tarts trying to escape and I’m short staffed here, you know what I mean.”
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Old 01-19-2010, 07:24 AM   #40
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Part 17

The door gave and Kate squeezed herself inside. She turned quickly and looked up and down the long room which mercifully was empty. The men’s changing room was like the women’s but much bigger and dirtier. There was graffiti on the walls and many of the lockers had had their doors broken off.

Kate swallowed, unsure of what she was doing. She stopped for a moment to consider her options. She could leave the changing room, walk down the corridor and hope the outer door to the woman’s changing room was unlocked and retrieve her clothes. But what if the door was locked? No, that wouldn’t do. That horrible little man had probably taken her clothes anyway.

She felt cold and vulnerable. How she longed to be back on the leafy campus. She wanted to find Amy and cuddle up to her, to see a smiling face, someone who cared about her. And to think just hours earlier she had been unhappy with her solitude! She would take solitude any day over this nightmare. What would her parents say if they could see the predicament she had got herself into… They would be ashamed, she knew.

She heard voices outside and realised that a man could come through the door at any moment. She looked around quickly and opened the first sports bag on the bench and pulled out the clothes. There was an enormous pair of jeans and a huge T-shirt. She moved onto the next bag and found a baggy pair of leisure trousers and a smelly sweat-shirt. She moved to the next bag and the next until she found a white T-shirt which she could wear. She glanced at the door and let her towel drop and quickly pulled the T-shirt up over her head and pulled the material down over her backside.

The T-shirt was so long that it fitted like a short dress coming half way down her slender thighs. It was a too wide across her narrow shoulders and much too tight around her large bust where the fabric pulled taught creating horizontal lines in the centre where the material was strained from being pulled in two directions. Kate turned and caught sight of herself in the broken mirror; she looked like a prostitute. She went back to the bags and found a black rain coat which she hurriedly put on. It was supposed to be waist length but came down to her knees.

The voices outside the door were getting louder. She froze and stared at the door as the handle slowly began to turn. Without a second glance she hurried barefoot across the changing room and out the other door that led to the damp grotty corridor.

She looked to her left, towards the exit and hesitated. She turned right instead and ran down to the women’s changing room and pushed the door. To her surprise it was unlocked and her clothes were still there exactly as she had left them in a neat little pile, and more importantly her purse was still there. Her whole life was in that purse and she suddenly felt foolish for bringing it with her.

There was no time to change her clothes now; she scooped everything up and backed out the door again. Thankfully the corridor was still empty. She hurried along it towards the exit, towards safety.
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Old 01-19-2010, 07:27 AM   #41
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Part 18

Tony stood in his office looking at the black and white security monitor which showed the long corridor just outside his office. He watched the grainy image of the girl pulling frantically at the door that led to the foyer. To her left was a small green button which electronically unlocked the door but the girl seemed not to realise. She just pulled at the big door which had been installed to contain the pissed off male customers who had realised the seedy unisex naturist spa was full only of men and demanded a refund. Tony didn’t do refunds.

But that was all some years earlier before he had hired the two topless barmaids – that had been enough to pacify the violent customers. Instead of violent protest the many dissatisfied patrons had simply stopped turning up, until today of course when Tony had managed to get dozens of them to hand over hundreds of dollars between them and this girl was the key to it all. If she left now no security door would save him from the angry mob waiting at this moment for their money’s worth. This was not the day to let them down.

He nodded, satisfied that the girl was trapped and was about to stride out into the corridor towards her when he saw her look down. He watched intently and waited until at last her hand rose up and she pressed the button. He watched open mouthed as the big security door swung open. The girl ran across the foyer and disappeared from the monitor, out into the street, out into the daylight.

A loud knocking behind Tony made him jump and he looked up to see six men standing on the other side of the two-way mirror. They cupped their hands around their eyes and tried to see inside. They couldn’t see him of course but they knew he was there and they were pissed off. Tony gritted his teeth. His plans were going to shit. He grabbed his old baseball bat and gripped it tight between his fingers as though the handle were the girl’s neck.

One of the men tried the door to his office. It was only a matter of time before more men joined the revolt as word spread that the girl had left the building and only a matter of time before the men followed the path the girl had taken out of the changing room and down the corridor and back towards Tony’s office from the corridor.

As he watched a man held a towel up to the glass mirror to protect himself from flying glass. This was followed by a battery of hard thumps as the reinforced glass was either elbowed or kicked from the other side. Tony could hear the angry shouts and although he could no longer see what was happening, he could hear the protests clearly. He tightened the grip on his baseball bat and spat into the corner of the room. “Dumb fucking bastards,” he uttered and he sneered and backed away from the window and waited for them to come through.
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Old 01-19-2010, 07:33 AM   #42
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Part 19

Kate squinted as she stepped out onto the pavement carrying her clothes. She was barefoot but daren’t stop to put on her shoes; they had buckles and were fiddly. Besides she wasn’t prepared to stop for anything. She just had to get as far from this place as she could.

Although still shaking she felt hopeful. Somehow she had escaped that awful building, now if she could just find a taxi… But she didn’t see any taxis and this street was filled with new threats and dangers. There were young people sitting on top of a beaten-up car, people sitting in the doorways of boarded up shops. Everywhere people watched her. They knew she didn’t belong here and the men knew she was vulnerable, they could smell it.

She quickened her pace, unsure of where she was going. She past an alleyway to her right and out of the corner of her eye saw a group of young men standing around a fire even though it wasn’t cold. She heard laughter and then felt them looking, watching her in her strange ill-fitting clothes.

She hurried. Two men were walking slowly towards her on the pavement. They stopped talking and looked at her as she approached. They too knew she didn’t belong here. Like vultures circling a wounded animal in the wild, they knew how vulnerable she was and they knew if she stayed out here it wasn’t a matter of whether she was attacked; it was a matter of when. She knew it too.

Kate slowed down as the men approached. One was smirking, the other looked aggressive.
She turned and hurried quickly across the road. She turned right along the street and looked back. The two men were crossing the street at an angle in front of her to head her off. She turned on the spot and walked back down the road as quickly as she was able in the other direction. She allowed herself a glance over her shoulder; the men had changed direction and were coming after her. They didn’t run, but they walked quickly, as though to run would be too easy and would spoil the chase.

Kate wanted to jog but barefooted she had to watch the ground carefully for the smallest rise in the broken pavement was painful. The men seemed to understand this and adjusted their pace to match hers. She looked back over her shoulder; the men were still coming. Kate let out a cry of panic and frustration. Why wouldn’t they just leave her alone!

As she turned back around a black van pulled up along side her and the sliding door opened. Six girls jumped out and stood in her path. She recognised one of them from the bandstand and was surprised at the relief she felt at seeing them. Instantly she searched the faces for one of the twins but they weren’t here.

She turned back around; the men behind her had stopped. One of them spoke to the girls. “This bitch is ours,” he said in a low unhurried voice.

Kate froze; she searched the girl’s faces pleadingly. They couldn’t let these men take her.

One of the girls answered him. “When we’re done with her, not before.” The girl tried to speak confidently but Kate heard a slight crack in her voice as though she was scared.

The man considered this. “And when will that be.”

The girl stepped forward and spoke quietly to the men. One of them laughed and shook his head and then nodded as the other spoke. Suddenly one of the men slapped the girl across the face and grabbed her and pulled her close to him and kissed her hard on the mouth. Then he let go and they turned and walked away. One of them turned back and said, “We got a deal. Make sure you stick to it.” Both the men laughed and they walked away.

The girl turned back to the group. She had a red mark on her left cheek and she looked shaken but her voice was strong. “Let’s go,” she said. “After you, Frenchy.”

The relief Kate had felt was short lived. The girls bundled her into the van and the door was shut. She dropped her small pile of clothes and they were lost in the van somewhere but she held on desperately to her purse. She managed to pull the rain coat across her chest and she fastened the zip.

The van turned around in the road and pulled up outside the spa. The girl in the front passenger seat turned around. It was Sal. She looked at Kate and made a kissing motion with her lips and then turned back to the front. Kate was ushered out of the van and taken back towards the entrance by the bigger girls and soon they were walking back through the front doors of the spa and standing in the foyer. Kate had stepped on something sharp and felt a pain beneath her left foot but it was soon forgotten. Her pulse was racing and she tried to think desperately how to escape for a second time.
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:20 AM   #43
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great story well done!!
Please continue
Princess xXx
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Old 01-21-2010, 08:24 AM   #44
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same amazing, NOW GET HER TO WORK
lol jk just keep writing i luv it lol
just bein me =)

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Old 01-26-2010, 07:07 AM   #45
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Part 20

The five girls standing around Kate ignored her as they waited for the security door to be opened. Kate was breathing deeply, her eyes wide. She swallowed and slowly started shaking her head as the panic and frustration became too much to bare. One of the girls next to her, a heavy girl wearing black leggings looked at her and smirked then she took hold of Kate’s hair and pulled it sharply.

“Come on, Frenchy, she whispered, I know you’re gonna enjoy spreading your legs for Tony.”

The door clicked and swung slowly open and the girls stepped through. Kate hesitated but someone shoved her in the small of the back and a moment later they were walking back down the damp corridor and she felt a terrible sense of déjà vu and realised the futility of her effort to escape. It was as though this was the destiny the girls had chosen for her and nothing she could do could alter that. Sal was too powerful, a puppeteer.

Tony stepped out of his office holding a baseball bat. His face was taught with anger and he looked up and down the corridor nervously.

“I think this belongs to you,” said one of the girls.

Tony nodded but didn’t smile. He looked at the girls in turn and then lastly his eyes fell upon the short girl with the tits. He sneered at her and grabbed her forearm and pulled her forward and shoved her into the office where she fell on the floor. Then he turned to the other girls. “Any of you girls fancy helping us out anytime you know my number, you know what I’m saying,” he said and he smiled a leery smile. “Maybe some other time,” said the girl with the leggings and the five girls turned and walked back down the corridor.

Tony walked into his office, at first ignoring Kate. He closed the door behind him and locked it and then leaned over the security monitor and watched the girls leave. From where they stood they could hear the security door close and he nodded to himself and finally turned to face her.

Kate got up. Her hands were shaking she realised, and she watched the grubby little man wide eyed. She had never seen him look so angry before. He seemed to be fighting to control himself. At last he put down the baseball bat and stood in front of the two-way mirror.

He spoke quietly with his back to her. “Eight years I been running this place. Eight fucking years. And today I nearly lost it all because of you.” He turned slowly and looked at her and his face was fierce. “I promised those boys out there a good time and that’s what you’re gonna fucking well give them, you unnerstan’ me?”

Kate swallowed. “You don’t expect me to…”

Tony banged his fist down on his desk hard and made her jump. “To fuck ‘em? That what you was gonna say?”

Kate tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come out. She nodded quickly.

“Of course you gonna fuck ‘em, you stupid little whore! You gonna fuck every single one of them, as many times as they fucking well want. You know why? Because they fucking well paid for it, that’s why! You’re bought and paid for, you unnerstan’ me?” he shouted. A vein had appeared in his left temple and he was almost shaking with rage. It was as though he wanted to hit her but didn’t want to damage the merchandise that was his key to turning the spa around once and for all.

Kate backed away.

Tony stepped closer. “And I’ll tell you something else, when you come in here tomorrow morning I don’t wanna see you in fucking clothes. You travel here in one fucking coat and one pair of slip-on shoes, that’s it. I’m not having you wasting my fucking time getting changed outta your little fucking top and your little fucking trousers and your fucking frilly underwear. Not on my time. You come here you be ready for work and your work is on your back with ya legs spread wide. You unnerstan’ me?” he bellowed. “You think your one of them fucking college girls deciding what career you want for yourselves. Well yours has been decided for you, sweetheart, you’re a dirty little whore. You unnerstan’ what I’m saying to you?”

Kate’s back touched the wall. She had nowhere else to go.

“I asked you a fucking question,” he said, daring her to disobey him, looking for a reason, any reason to snap.

Kate nodded quickly.

“You have any idea how close I came to having those fucking hooligans out there smashing into my fucking office today? Do you?”

Kate swallowed.

“Lucky for me your friend Sal got me some leverage just in time.” A shadow of a smile appeared on his twisted face and Kate wondered what he meant. “Now,” he said, “It’s time you got to fucking work.” He looked at the clock and gritted his teeth as a new wave of rage swept over him at the thought of the morning’s lost time, at how long his customers had been kept waiting, at promises not delivered, at a business on the verge of collapse.

Tony walked over to the window and looked out at the dozens of men; taking the time to compose himself. He was a business man, or so he thought, and resented having to act like a yob to get ahead. Those days were supposed to be behind him.
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