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Old 05-17-2009, 03:39 AM   #31
molten man
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wow!! awesome.......

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Old 05-18-2009, 09:45 PM   #32
getDare Succubus
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Default The Road Most Travelled...

Francis stared at the naked form of his girlfriend, standing in the hallway to Laurie's apartment, in the middle of the night leading into Monday. He was frozen in place - she stood defiant, facing him with no shame or no restraint. If someone had happened to come along, it seemed to Francis that she wouldn't have flinched an inch.


She placed her hands on her hips and tilted her legs. She looked so beautiful; notions of regret made their way into Francis' mind but he decided to keep them to himself - at least for the moment.

"Uh... okay, come in."

She smiled and pushed him aside, making her way into the apartment. Laurie raced to her, to give her a hug, but froze at the sight of her naked best friend. But Belle just pushed forward and gave a huge hug and a kiss to Laurie, before letting her go and turning to Francis.

"You should close the door."
"Uh... right."

And he did so, careful to lock it before heading back into the living room. Belle set down her purse on the floor but remained standing, still defiant, as Francis returned to his side of the room. Laurie sat on her knees in her chair, right beside Belle.

Belle was pleased with the idea. Her presence at the door, naked, had been enough to destabilize her husband. She needed it that way. She needed to take control of her life back. She had abandoned it to him for his games - to some pain and some delight on her part - but now was the time for her to be strong and confront him. She knew about his affair. He knew about hers. They were on a level field. She knew she had her share of responsibility in what had transpired; she also knew that she needed him to acknowledge his own guilt, or they wouldn't have a chance to get back together.

"First off, Laurie, I'm sorry you got dragged into all this."
"It's... okay. I'm sort of involved."
"You are... but that's no reason to be an ass about it."

She looked at Francis as she spoke the last sentence. Francis didn't know what to think of this. He had expected Belle to come back apologetic. She had regained some confidence.

"Now, Francis... we don't need to involve Laurie in our discussion."
"I think we do."
"If you see it like that... Laurie?"
"I'm okay. I'll stay."

Belle had wanted some time alone with her husband; it would have been easier to say what was on her mind without worrying about the repercussions.

"I met Barbara."

Francis knew she had told her everything. It was too obvious. He understood better his wife's reaction now.

"And we had sex."

Francis was shocked.

"Well, to be specific, I did her... she didn't do me. Not that we didn't think about it, but I wanted to come here more."
"You had sex with her?"
"So did you."

Laurie was having a hard time following them.

"What? What are you talking about? Did Francis have an affair? I thought..."
"See, Francis, that's why I didn't want Laurie here."

Francis looked to the ground, ashamed. Laurie recovered.

"It's okay. I get that things are complicated."

Belle moved towards Francis and knelt in front of him to catch his gaze.

"Honey... we do need to talk. And we need to apologize to each other."

Francis didn't answer. His entire plan had backfired on him. It was one thing for him to know that he had cheated; he could handle that. But knowing that this girlfriend knew was beyond the scope of his imagination. He could not fathom her reaction. Belle insisted.

"Francis, look at me."

He looked into her eyes.

"I messed up bad. With Laurie. I had an impulse and I acted on it, and it was wrong."
"Look, Belle... if you didn't want to marry me, you didn't have to."
"But I did. I do. Honey, look at me."

Francis had shifted his gaze away again.

"Please don't look away."
"I'm sorry..."
"You're feeling guilty? Well, so was I... we had our honeymoon, and then... when we got back... I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I couldn't."
"I didn't want to have sex with her, but I just..."
"I'm not saying it's entirely my fault, Frank, but I take my responsibility. I mean.. we went from having sex everyday... sometimes more than once... to no sex at all. And you held out... for three months."
"But I gave in..."

Belle got up.

"Francis, I've already forgiven you for it."

He looked up at her.

"But if you won't forgive yourself, there's not a damn thing I can do about it."

Francis wanted not to feel guilty; he wanted to be happy that things were turning out this way, but he still felt like he had failed her miserably. He had given up hope of things getting better.

"What about Laurie?"
"What about her?"
"Do you love her?"

Belle had anticipated that question.

"I do. But not like I love you. She's my best friend, my confident... do I regret what happened? No."

Laurie blushed. Belle continued.

"I regret not coming clean about it. I regret that it caused me to fall into such a rut that it lead you into the arms of another. I've met Barbara. I know you didn't go to her for love. You went for sex. To be honest, I can see why."
"You had sex with her?"
"Yes. Well, she put a strap-on on me and... why am I telling you this?"

Francis smiled a little. Belle was pleased.

"I'm sorry, Belle. I... did a bad thing and... I just don't know how to deal with it."
"Did you have fun?"

He was stunned by the question. She had to repeat it.

"Well... yes."
"Why aren't you mad?"
"Maybe because I can relate... maybe because it's better not to be mad but to be understanding. Look, I can get mad all I want, it doesn't change anything. I still love you. I may not like what you did, but I can grasp why... can you understand why I did what I did?"
"I'm not sure. I mean... I never imagined..."
"Well, okay, maybe I fantasized, but to actually know that you two... did it?"

Belle moved towards Laurie and sat on the edge of the couch. Laurie turned her head towards Belle.

"Did what, Francis? This?"

Belle kissed Laurie on the mouth. Francis was as shocked as Laurie was, but she didn't pull back. The kiss didn't last long.

"Was that it?"
"Well... yeah and..."
"That we had sex?"
"What are you more angry at? That I did it, or that you weren't there?"

The question struck Francis like a wall. The notion had never even entered his mind, but now that Belle was voicing it, he was wondering if it rang true.

"Because I know you've thought about it. Remember?"
"Yeah, I remember."

Early on in their relationship, they had talked about their own sexual preferences, desires, needs and ambitions. They had talked about experimentation, threesomes, and other such things, but only as talk, never as introduction to anything further. Belle continued.

"I know you had your own experimentations in college... well, I didn't have that many, really."
"Belle... I'm sorry I cheated on you. I swear, it will never happen again."
"Don't swear too fast, honey."
"What? Why?"

Belle got up and walked back towards Francis.

"I don't think we should make any grand decisions tonight."
"Why not?"
"Well, first of all, because it's late; second, right now, we're both highly emotional and high-strung - I think we need to sleep on it; and third, well, I'm not sure I want to make the same promise."
"Come again?"
"I'm just saying... this happened, and we can't deny it did, and some of it, well... was pleasant. The only part that got to me was the lying and the deception..."
"I'm not sure I follow."
"I'm not sure of what I'm saying either, all I'm saying really is... let's think on it. Sleep on it."

Belle turned to Laurie.

"Do you have any clothes I can borrow?"

Laurie got up and went to her room. Francis was still uncertain as to what exactly was happening with his wife. She motioned for him to remain quiet, as Laurie came back with a skirt, panties and a sweater.

"Thanks, love. We'll talk tomorrow."
"Francis, you and I should be heading home."

Belle and Francis left Laurie's apartment, much to her delight. She loved them both, Belle somewhat more than Francis, but she had her fill of their argument. She hoped they would continue patching things up.

As she went back to bed, she pursed her lips. She could still taste Belle's lips on her own.
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Old 05-19-2009, 01:49 PM   #33
molten man
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Excellent, keep it goinG!!

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Old 05-20-2009, 10:09 PM   #34
getDare Succubus
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Default Opportunity #3 - Evening the Odds

The drive back from Laurie's place to Belle and Francis' apartment was uneventful and quiet. It wasn't a long ride anyway.

The couple entered the building and started to move towards the stairs. Belle stopped Francis at the bottom. They had to climb several floors to get to their apartment.

"Let's talk."
"Yes here. It didn't bother you to have me running around town right before midnight in the drenching cold and rain, did it?"
"No... I guess not. Okay. What do you want to talk about?"
"Makes sense. But what?"
"Well... here's the thing. I love you."
"I love you too."
"Yes, but is it enough?"
"I'm not following you."

Belle sat on the bottom stairs, while Francis leaned against the railing.

"Francis, you cheated on me."
"You cheated first."
"Yes. And I paid for it. I jumped through your hoops and... well, I even exposed myself to strangers in the club."
"What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it. I'm sure your friend... Lou... can tell you all about it."
"But I played along. I wore your clothes, got the drinks, exposed myself to get the info from Lou and nearly made a fool of myself in front of everyone... braved the elements, got to the motel, got naked as ordered and even let... Barbara... take pictures of me."
"Do you have them?"
"Yes I do. But my point is this : I've atoned for my transgression with Laurie... Barbara, you set her on my path, so I don't feel guilty about that."
"But you haven't atoned for what you did with... Barbara."

Francis was finally understanding where she was going.

"I don't necessarily agree but I can see how you could see it like that... but what do you want to do about it? Do you want me to... be punished?"
"As a matter of fact, yes."
"Okay. How?"

Belle looked up the stairs.

"I've been racking my brains around that one, and I do have a few ideas... ideas that you might actually enjoy. Francis, I need some kind of... justice, let's call it that. I played your games. You play mine now."
"For how long..."
"Until the night is over. Until morning."

Francis was reluctant to abandon himself. Belle became insistent.

"No questions asked. I did all you asked and didn't even flinch. You'll be able to check for yourself, since you had all these witnesses around me."
"Francis... would you deny me the satisfaction of getting a bit even with you?"

To be truthful, Francis still felt shame, not only over his adventure with Barbara but with his entire planning of her night. Things were going better; he was trying to be understanding and kind. He didn't want to aggravate his case. She had forgiven him. She had gone to great lengths, in fact, to achieve that goal. It seemed only fitting that he would do the same to regain her trust.

"I'll do it. For us."

She smiled.

"That's all I need. Do you trust me, Francis?"
"I do."
"Good. You gave me three tasks to do. I'm going to give you an equal amount. And, as I said, you might even enjoy them. I must admit to some... satisfaction during my evening, and not just when I met Barbara."

He nodded his consent. If this was needed to cement his relationship further, to erase the errors of the past and move on, he would comply with her demands. Besides, he knew she wouldn't ask him to do something too extreme. At least, that's what his conscious mind told him.

"Your first task. Get naked and give me your clothes. I'll go up the stairs first; you count to thirty then you follow me. No running."
"Can I keep my shoes on?"
"Sure. No problem."

He didn't fancy walking barefoot on the dirty stairs.

"Can I have an idea of what else you're going to have me do."
"Well, you didn't give me forewarning about anything, so no."
"Wait a minute. My first card had your first two tasks."
"Really? I guess that's true. All right, here's what I want you to do. As you're walking up the stairs, start stroking yourself; if you're good and hard when you reach the top floor, I'll give you a surprise."

Francis' eyes popped up.

"After all, there's a certain situation we need to remedy ASAP."

Francis didn't need any other form of motivation. He started removing his clothes. His pants and shirt didn't bother him at all. His underwear, however, took some doing. The excitation and the thrill of what he was about to do already made him half hard. She picked up his clothes and started walking up the stairs.

"Remember, nice, slow steps. And keep yourself hard."

He watched her climb away as he started counting the seconds in his mind. He timed it with the movements on his shaft. A cold draft was striking his ass. He didn't even wonder if someone was going to come around. It was Sunday night, after two in the morning. Who in their right mind would be up at this time?

The countdown got to thirty and his legs started darting up the stairs. He could picture his wife waiting for him up all those stairs. Six floors. Fourteen steps each. He counted each step in tune with the stroking of his hardening cock. The notion of his wife waiting for him up the stairs was driving him on. No amount of fatigue was going to thwart his ascent. He cleared a floor, then another; it was hard not to hasten his pace but he managed it. Three floors. His excitation was getting the better of him; he forced himself to slow down, both his steps and his stroking, as he made his way towards the top floor, the sixth floor, his floor, his wife's floor.

As he rounded the corner, he saw her on all fours, presenting her behind to him at the top of the stairs. She had removed her panties (Laurie's panties) and lifted her skirt, exposing the wet portion of her pussy to him. He shivered from the image. The sight finished hardening his cock without any assistance from his hand.

"Here's your present, love. If you can take me in one movement, no playing around and no wobbling about, you can fuck me. Here and now."

Francis' heart skipped a beat; he felt it start again in his groin. He had longed for this moment for so long now - he wanted to fell her pussy wrapped around his cock. But there was a challenge, and he knew what it was. First try had to make it. He knew she wasn't bluffing. He knew she would hold out on him. And he knew he didn't want that.

It had to work. It just had to.
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Old 05-21-2009, 04:05 PM   #35
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Nice Writing..

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Old 05-23-2009, 09:39 AM   #36
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Excelent story man, you should be making people pay for this stuff.
Pen mightier than the sword eh? Well, here's your pen, wait here and I'll go get my sword.

Limits: Anything. I don't do dares. I only enjoy reading creative ideas.
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Old 05-23-2009, 10:49 AM   #37
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Excellent story. You`ve done a great job
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Old 05-25-2009, 08:33 PM   #38
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Default Opportunity #3 - Failure and Success

Perhaps it was because Francis was too anxious. There could have been other reasons. It didn't matter anymore. Francis had failed.

Belle had been on all fours, her ass and pussy exposed to him; he was naked in the stairwell, a few steps down, his erection hard as he stared at her. He had walked up the stairs gently and had positionned himself as best as he could to enter her in one swoop. He couldn't be better positioned. And yet... he had failed. His cock had just rested against her bottom, and he had failed.

His first reflex had been to try again, but she had told him to stop.

"Sorry, honey."

Francis shivered from the moment. Belle got up and turned to him; the dress fell back into place, covering her nudity.

"You'll get another chance."

She could read the disappointed in Francis' face. He had been anticipating this for so long and now... now... he was almost sobbing from the accumulated stress.

"Come on. Let's get to the apartment."

She didn't bother handing him back his clothes; they just walked into the corridor. She took out his keys from his pants and unlocked the door, letting him in. He had not said a word so far.


It was all he could do to muster the strength to utter these words. Belle grabbed his attention once she closed the door.

"Do you want to do me?"
"God yes, please!"

She smiled at him.

"I want to do you too... but there's something we need to settle first. I'll ask you a very simple question."
"What are you willing to do to for me to allow you to have sex with me right now?"
"Watch out. I'll hold you to that."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean... this is my third trial for you. I'm asking you - how far are you willing to go, right now and from here on, if I let you make love to me?"
"How far...?"
"Let's put it this way, honey. I own you. I can have you do anything I want... no matter what..."
"Hang on now... I'm not doing anything with another guy..."
"See, that's my point. I want a contract, not in writing, between you and me, right now... so we can set our limits."

Francis was in no shape to discuss this with Belle at the moment; his erection wasn't going away. Still, he managed to find a compromise.

"Well... okay Belle... I say I agree to your contract... but we fill it out tomorrow. I'll be... I'll do what you ask of me, provided I get to say no if it's too extreme."
"Sounds fair. Here's how I see it: every time you say 'no' to me, you're giving me permission to do something on my own."
"Something wild. We can settle on the details tomorrow."
"So you accept?"
"Then fuck me..."

It didn't take any more for Francis. He lifted Belle up against the wall and slid his hard cock into her, this time on the first try. Belle almost screamed.

"Oh God! Your dick inside me... so good!"

Francis started to pump into her, lifting her up and down as he proceeded to finally get what he had been craving for all these months.

"Put my panties into your mouth..."
"Do it!"

Francis had to drop her to reach for the panties, now lying on the table. He picked them up and put them into his mouth. As he was doing so, Belle pulled off of him and removed her skirt, racing towards their bed. Biting into the panties, Francis caught up with her, pushed her on the bed on all fours and proceeded to enter her from behind. As he did so, he reached for the shirt she was wearing and helped her undo it.

"Oh Fuck!"

Francis was like an animal, indefatigable. He kept on riding her hard, and she moaned in return. They were so loud the neighbours might hear them, but neither of them cared. Francis was certain that his release would come fast, but it didn't. He tossed Belle on her back and slid into her as easily as before. Pumping with all his might, pushing her into the throes of ecstasy like he hadn't done since their honeymoon, he finally released into her, in a loud cry of pleasure and triumph, as her scream echoed his.

Finally, he collapsed on top of her.

Within minutes, both Belle and Francis were deep in sleep, dreaming of sexual adventures of many kinds, both unaware that they had set upon a new path in their relationship, one they would only start exploring the following day.
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Old 05-27-2009, 08:28 AM   #39
molten man
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your story has a nice twist!!

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Old 05-27-2009, 08:12 PM   #40
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Thanks molten_man (and all others). I'm putting this story on indefinite hold; this is a nice temporary conclusion anyway. My ideas ran out on this, but they'll be back, so don't worry about it. I'm going to work on other projects (not necessarily on the site but possibly for some).

In the meantime, you can always read the other stories I have put up elsewhere on the site. Check my Blog for the details.

Thanks for reading.

You can visit my erotic stories website at:

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Old 05-30-2009, 05:14 PM   #41
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hmm. I would have loved it if u could continue but anyways this ending is pretty nice!!

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Old 05-30-2009, 05:48 PM   #42
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As I said, I may get back to it eventually. A temporary conclusion is nice - at least it doesn't leave you too much in suspense.

Expect more from me elsewhere as ideas pop in and out.

You can visit my erotic stories website at:

This link can get you to all of my stories on this site as well:
Blog for my GD stories

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Old 08-03-2009, 11:34 PM   #43
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Post The Contract

When Francis woke up in the morning, he was alone in bed. It took him a moment to stir into consciousness. As he made his way out of the bedroom, he noticed it was already light outside. He was late for work. He didn't care. Belle was sitting on the couch, naked, her legs spread apart. She was gently teasing herself with one hand and talking on the phone she held in the other. It took a moment for Francis to react and realize she was talking to Laurie.

Belle turned to Francis for a moment.

"I called in sick for you and for me. We need today."

It was fine by Francis. Belle returned to her conversation with Laurie and her fingers kept playing with herself. Francis hurried to the bathroom before morning wood (and the sight of his naked wife teasing herself) made it impossible for him to pee. He returned to the living room; she was still at it. A sneaky idea came into his mind. He walked up to her, got down on his knees and buried his head between her legs.

"Francis, what are you?... oh..."

She placed one head on the back of his head and pulled him in. Francis could only hear her side of the conversation but it was sufficient to get an idea of what was going on.

"No, we did it last night... it was intense... Francis? He's eating me out right now... I'm not kidding... no, don't hang up. I like this. It's like you're both in here with me... ooh... slow down cowboy... not you Laurie!..."

She was laughing a lot as he proceeded to lick her up. Eventually, she pushed him back, and they swapped places. She handed him the phone as she pushed him back onto the couch, and she swallowed his hard shaft. Laurie's voice came to his ears.

"Yeah... ooh..."
"What's going on?"
"Belle's... blowing me..."
"You like that, dirty boy..."
"Yeah, I bet you like her sucking up on your hard prick... you do, right?"
"I bet you just want to blow that load all across her chest, don't you?"

Within mere moments, Francis was on the edge of releasing. He heard Laurie laugh on the phone. Belle stopped what she was doing.

"Oh! Come on! Didn't you have enough last night?"

Belle stole the phone from him.

"Yeah, Laurie, I'll call you later."

She hung up and turned to her husband. She smiled, but the attitude was severe.

"Francis, let's sit down."

She moved to the table and sat on its edge. He got up from the couch and walked over to her.

"You cheated on me."
"You cheated on me."

She had brought it up; he returned the argument, but continued.

"Does it cancel out? Does it start over?"
"No. But it does raise a valid point. Why did you cheat on me?"
"Because... I wasn't getting any, we weren't talking, I was lonely and completely... well... understimulated."
"Why didn't you insist?"
"I don't know. You seemed so distant... at some point, I imagined... you didn't love me anymore."

She became silent, so he turned the question on her.

"Why did it happen with Laurie? Really?"
"Like I said yesterday night... look, Francis... I still love you. I'm hurt... but I understand. I don't blame you. I'm just... hurt."
"I'm so sorry."
"I know you are. If you weren't, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I want our life together to work. I really do. But there are some things... some things I want to do."
"Like what?"

She looked around the room.

"How many people have you slept with?"
"Maybe... twenty... thirty at most."
"I've slept with three. My first boyfriend, you, Laurie."
"I'm not saying that's bad, I'm not comparing, I'm just saying... you were wild in college."
"Did you ever... do anything weird?"
"Sexually I mean... threesomes... bondage... that kind of stuff."

Francis took his time before answering.

"I guess I did... well a few things..."
"How did it feel?"
"Liberating, I guess..."
"I want to do those things."

She looked away. Some of what she was feeling was shame.

"Last night, I... fucked Barbara. With a strap-on. I fucked her good, in all sorts of positions. She... was so hot... so... like Laurie."
"Are you saying you like girls?"
"No... I like some girls... and I like sex."

She paused before continuing.

"I like boys too."

This made Francis smirk, but he could understand where she was coming from.

"Remember last night, you promised me something..."
"Something?... a contract, right?"

She pushed him away and went to get pen and paper.

"I want us to write it down."
"I want us to come up with rules. Something simple, yet elaborate. Honey, I want to try other stuff. If if offends you, I'm sorry. I love you, but what happened recently... made me think of all that I've missed out on. All those... opportunities..."
"You spoke to Barbara."
"I did. She was... very insightful."
"Yes, she was... she is."

Silence crept into the room.

"Let's make a contract. Let's... do something about it. You want to try things, well... I want to try things too. Maybe... we can share?"
"Not all of it. But most of it, sure..."

She felt bad for saying that and it showed, but he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Honey, I understand."

She smiled back and they kissed.

"We'll... take it one step at a time."
"Sure... sounds good."

Things were returning to normal - not the normalcy they were used to but a new kind of standard, one which they would help each other redefine. It would be something exciting and new, and hopefully, it would allow them to reinvent their relationship, after the difficult turn they had just returned from.

In the end, they hoped they would be all right.

I hope you all enjoyed this little addition. I felt it was necessary to put it here. It's either a conclusion or a possible lead into another direction. I must admit my ideas are somewhat limited as to what happens next. We can leave it to your imaginations, or if you have any suggestions as to what their contract should look like, and how their relationship and experiences should proceed, feel free to drop me a line, here or in a PM.

That is all, for now.
Your 'interesting' storyller.

Last edited by interesting; 08-04-2009 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 08-08-2009, 04:36 PM   #44
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Great job done, interesting story teller!!

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