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Old 12-27-2014, 12:24 PM   #31
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Sorry about the break, but i decided to take a few days off for christmas. Hopefully i can finish this now without any more long delays.

Chapter 30

Several cups of water into the competition, both of the girls seemed to be feeling the urge to pee, clutching their legs together and constantly changing the way they sat on their chairs. Both of their team mates seemed just as nervous considering the penalty they would have to do if their team lost.
"Time for another drink" The host said once it had been five minutes since their last cup.
  Isabelle and Christa both lifted their cups to drink them, but before any of them managed to take a sip you could hear the sound of a beam hitting the bottom of one of their buckets.
  "No!" Isabelle screamed. Her face was turning red with embarrassment as the camera teams rushed into position to capture the beam of urine that kept pouring out of her.
"And it looks like we have a winner!" The host shouted out once Isabelle had finished peeing. "Congratulations Christa, you can now let yourself go without worrying about losing.
  Christa didn't care about being watched as she sat there on her chair, eyes closed and just let it all out. Once she finished, Christa released a deep breath of relief and got up and ran over to Elisabeth to give her a hug to celebrate them moving on to the next round.
  "Isabelle... Your team mate doesn't look very happy with you losing this round. Do you have anything you want to say to her?" The host asked.
  Judith looked like she was crying, she just stood behind Isabelle with her hands covering her face.
  "Sorry Judith." Isabelle said looking towards Judith. "I tried my best, but i just couldn't hold it in anymore."
"Isabelle." The host said directing everyone’s attention back to her. "Please pour your pee into one of the cups."
  Isabelle stood up and pulled the bucked out from underneath her chair. Once she had filled a cup there were still more pee left in the bucket. "What do i do about the rest?" She asked the host.
  "You pour it into another cup." The host said.
  She kinda knew the answer, but she felt she had to ask before doing so. Isabelle filled a new cup to the halfway point before the bucket was empty.

Judith then hesitantly walked forward to take a seat where Isabelle had been sitting earlier. Once she was in the chair she just sat there looking at the two cups sitting on the table in front of her that were filled with the yellowish liquid.
  "Go on Judith." the host said. "We can't move on until you finish the drinks."
  Taking a deep breath, Judith covered her nose with one hand and lifted up the half filled cup first. She took a sip and swallowed it quickly before making a face that clearly showed her disgust for the taste. She put the cup back down for a second and leaned her head back to take a few deep breaths before picking it back up again. Judith just stared at the cup for a few seconds, turning it slowly with her hand before taking it to her mouth again, this time chugging the cup as fast as she could before putting it back down, this time the cup was empty.
  "Good job Judith, now you only have one full cup left." The host said as he gave a smirk to the cameras.
  Judith looked like she wanted to throw up after only a half cup but she didn't wait long before starting on the last cup, quickly chugging it down as fast as she could, only taking one short break for air before it was empty. Right after putting it down she covered her mouth with her hands, clearly trying to hold herself from having the urine come back up again the wrong way.
  "Now, let's have a guard quickly escort Isabelle and Judith back to the prison before she makes a mess in here." The host signaled for the guards to come over to the girls. "And Isabelle and Christa! Congratulations again. Please follow the guard to the waiting room while we get our next contestants ready."
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Old 12-29-2014, 07:01 AM   #32
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Chapter 31

After waiting for two rounds, Ruby and Kate had been called out for the third round along with Erica and Lauren, two girls who you could barely tell the difference on, as if they were twins. Both of them were tall blondes with long hair. Erica had slightly larger breasts than Lauren which was the biggest difference between them.

Back on the stage, the two teams had lined up and were watching as the wheel slowly decreased it's speed until it finally stopped.
  "Time for some horse riding!" The host shouted as the wheel stopped.
  Time for what now? Ruby thought to herself as she heard it.
  From the side of the room, a few guards came in with what looked like two wooden horses, on the horses they had placed a saddle and had mounted what looked to be a dildo on top of the saddles.
  "Now in this challenge, all you have to do is stay on the horse with the dildo inside of you. The first to get off the horse loses. Got that?”
  Both teams nodded back.
  "Good, now pick your contestant and get up on the horse."
After a short discussion Ruby volunteered for the challenge as she was the one who got Kate to join her in this after all. Erica was the girl from the other team who volunteered.
  Ruby climbed on to the horse and got a better look at the penis shaped thing that was right in front of her. It wasn't too big, so getting it in wouldn't be a problem. Looking over to her left, she got eye contact with Erica who was also sitting on her horse looking back at her.
  "Okay girls." The host said looking at them. "Put them inside of you and we can get this round started."
  Ruby lifted herself over it and slowly let herself down, she felt the tip of it enter her and slowly sliding it deeper and deeper inside of her until she had it all in. This isn't that bad. She thought and looked over to Erica who was also done putting it in.
"Alright." The host said. "Starting in 3...2...1!"
  Slightly surprised, Ruby felt the dildo inside of her starting to vibrate. As soon as she felt it she quickly moved a hand to her face to stop herself from releasing a moan.
  Only seconds later the speed increased and it started to feel better and better. Ruby felt herself getting wetter by the second and she had to bite her lip to avoid making any sounds. She placed her hands in front of her on the saddle and closed her eyes, trying to keep calm as best she could.
  Erica was already giving out several moans of pleasure as she most likely reached her first orgasm. Ruby spared a moment to look over at Erica and could see her sitting with her hands firmly gripping her boobs as she sat there, eyes closed and her mouth wide open.
  As Erica kept giving out her moans of absolute pleasure, Ruby was starting to feel her own orgasm creep up on her, the vibrator increased it’s speed yet again and she felt herself getting warmer and warmer inside until she finally hit her climax. She could not stop herself from screaming out as she felt her whole body starting to shake in waves of pleasure. There was nothing she wanted more than to jump off the saddle to be able to regain control of herself again but she had to stay on, for herself and for Kate.
  “Oh my god. Oh my god!” Erica shouted out. At this point she was leaning forward, hands placed firmly in front of her just trying to keep herself on her saddle. She kept screaming out the same line again and again.
Then right before Ruby reached her limit and almost jumped off, Erica jumped off instead and fell down on the floor not being able to keep herself on her feet. She was just laying on the floor shaking as she tried to catch her breath. Ruby followed quickly and barely able to stand properly herself, went down on her knees and placed her hands on them to catch her breath.
  Kate came running towards her and sat down in front of her with a big smile. “You did it!” And then leaned forward and gave her a warm hug. “You fucking did it!”
“That was quite a round! And it seems like we have our winners!” The host said. “Congratulations Ruby and Kate! Please follow the guard back to the viewing room and get some rest until the next round!”
  Kate helped Ruby up on her feet, still shaky and covered in sweat. They walked over to the guard who then excorted them back out.
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Old 01-01-2015, 08:19 AM   #33
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Chapter 32

Back in their waiting room, Ruby had just finished cleaning herself up after their contest and got back into the couch next to Kate to watch the last competition of this round unfold.

The host had just finished introducing the two teams, the first was the team with Caitlyn. The tall, dark haired girl with the huge boobs that Ruby had worked under the week before and Chelsea, a complete opposite of her teammate. Chelsea was very short and had short blonde hair and very small boobs, around the same as Ruby’s size.
  The other team were made out of Veronica and Annie. Both of them were about the same short height as Chelsea, only Annie was a little bit taller, and they both had about the same average sized pair of breasts. Veronica however had long dark brown hair with matching colored pubes, and Annie was a blonde with hair reaching just past her shoulders and completely shaven down between her legs.
The host had spun the wheel and once it stopped he announced the result before even the cameras got adjusted to the wheel. “Looks like our last team for this round will compete in some cum drinking! Hope you like the taste girls. For this round you can both work together. The winners are the first team to empty their mug completely. Please take your seats at your tables.”

Two tables had been placed in the room with a chair on each side. On the center of the table they had placed a fairly big glass mug filled with semen, all the way to the top of it.

“Oh my god that looks disgusting!” Ruby said to Kate as they sat watching.
  “Yeah, glad we avoided that one.” Kate replied back.
The two teams both sat at their tables ready to start. Neither of them appeared to be looking forward to what they were about to do.

The host started the countdown for them to begin. “Three! Two! One! Go!”

Annie was the first from her team to pick up their mug and she took a little taste of the cup. She wiped away some of the cum she got on her lips after the sip with her hand as it started running down her cheek. As she placed the mug back, her face openly showed her disgust for the taste she had just experienced.
  To everyone’s surprise Caitlyn from the other team were already chugging down their mug in a incredible speed. Her teammate Chelsea, looked just as surprised as everyone else.
"Geez..." Kate said looking at Ruby. "She's insane!"
  "Yeah..." Ruby replied back. “She is...”
Caitlyn slammed the mug back down on the table once it was empty. She took her hand to her mouth and had to pause a few seconds before she managed to swallow the last bit. She took her tongue out to prove she didn't have anything left in her mouth and the host didn’t wait long to confirm their victory.
  "Uh... I guess we already have a winner here! Congratulations Caitlyn and Chelsea! You are through to the next round. I have to say, that's the fastest i've ever seen anyone drink such a large amount of semen. Guards, please escort Caitlyn and Chelsea to their waiting room and Veronica and Annie back to their cells. Once we come back! We are ready for the third round!"
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Old 01-04-2015, 03:55 PM   #34
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Chapter 33

A few minutes went by in silence before the host started talking over the speakers in Ruby and Kate's room again.
  "Congratulations to the four teams who have reached the third round, this will also be the semi finals and will decide the two teams that will meet in the final round to fight for their freedom. This round will be a race that all teams will do simultaneously. Each team is now in a different area of this building. Outside your rooms is a hallway with eight available doors for you to enter. In each of those rooms you can get a key, the challenges to get them can be anything from very easy, to very hard. But once you enter a room, you have to get that rooms key before you can leave again. Once you have two keys, return to your current room where a guard will wait for you. Best of luck to all four teams, the round will start once the guards comes and opens your doors, so be ready. And remember! Only two teams will go through!"
Around a minute went by after the host’s speech had ended before a guard opened their door. Ruby and Kate looked at each other for a second before walking out the door and past the guard who stayed behind in their room to wait for their return with the keys.

“So, which door should we take first?” Ruby asked.
  Kate walked past a few doors, inspecting the number sign on each of them before responding. “I dunno. There isn’t any markings on them that sais whats behind them. We better just pick one i guess.”
  Ruby came over to the door Kate was standing at and opened it. “Fine, this one’s as good as any then.”
Kate followed Ruby inside the room. The room was almost empty except for a desk at the end with a man sitting behind it in a cat costume.

“What the fuck are you supposed to be?” Kate asked the man, not thinking she would see anything like that in here.
  “Got quite the mouth on you there young lady.” The man responded calmly. He stood up and put his arms, which looked more like big paws, on the desk in front of him. “This room is one of the easier ones, so you better apologize now if you don’t want to make it harder for yourself.”
  “Are you kidding me?” Kate said looking over at Ruby. “I can’t take this guy seriously at all.”
  “Kate...” Ruby said.
  “What? Come on, just look at him!”
  “Just apologize... You want to win this right?”
  “Fine...” Kate said as she started walking over to the man in the cat suit. “Hey man, i’m sorry. That was kinda rude of me, i guess i overreacted a bit.” Kate reached out her hand to shake his.
  “Cat’s don’t shake hands. Pet me behind the ears.” He responded and leaned his head forward.
  Kate turned her head back to Ruby and shook her head in frustration.
  Ruby nodded back, hinting to Kate that she should just do it.
  Kate turned back around towards the man and placed her hand on his head, then she carefully started to scratch him behind the cat ears he had put on his head.
“Good, was that really so hard?” He said as he lifted his head back up once Kate was done scratching him. “Now, i have the key you need. And to get it, one of you must put this on.” He lifted up another cat suit and put it on the desk in front of him.
  “I’ll do it.” Ruby said, knowing Kate was completely against everything this man was doing. She stood up and started walking towards him.
  “I don’t think so young lady.” The man said. “I think we should let the rude girl do it, since she seems to think this is all just a big joke.”
  “Whatever...” Kate said with an angry tone, she took the suit and walked back to Ruby to put it on.
Once she had it on and stood back up she turned towards Ruby. “How do i look? Pretty stupid right?”
  Ruby could see how the suit had holes cut out where Kate’s boobs stuck out. It also had a cut out between her legs. “Nah, you look cute.” Ruby answered back with a smile.
  Kate sighed before turning back to towards the man. “Happy?”
  “Not quite.” He responded and pulled up a cat tail that was connected to a butt plug. “Put this on aswell.”
  Ruby could see how frustrated Kate was, but Kate held herself together and walked over to the man and took the tail with her back to Ruby.
  “Can you help me put it in?” Kate asked. “These paw hands are useless.”
  Ruby had to hold herself back from laughing, Kate looked so ridiculous in the cat suit, combined with her disapproving face and the cat tail she was holding up in front of her with her new paws. “Sure Kate, i’ll help.”
Ruby took the tail from her and Kate went down on her knees and leaned forward to spread her butt to make it easier to insert the plug. “Do it slowly please, and spit on it or something first, it’s quite big.”
  “Yeah i can see that.” Ruby replied back before she put the plug inside her mouth to lube it up so that it was easier to slide inside of Kate. Ruby went down on her knees aswell and placed her left hand on Kate’s lower back, before using her right hand to slowly insert the plug into her. She had to use a bit of force in the start and Kate made a few sounds indicating that she was quite uncomfortable with it, but once she got it deep enough it slid in nicely and stayed there.
“Good.” The man said walking out from behind his desk. “Now you look more like a proper cat.”
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Old 01-06-2015, 02:01 PM   #35
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Chapter 34

“Ruby was it?” The man in the cat suit asked her.
  “Yeah?” Ruby responded.
  “Can you go behind my desk and bring the can of whipped cream with you?”
  Ruby looked over at Kate before going over to the desk, she was still sitting down on her knees in her complete cat outfit. Ruby got the cream and held it out in front of her to give it to him.
  “You’re gonna be in charge of the cream. Just use it when i tell you to and this challenge will be over quickly, it’s all up to the cat lady here.” He said looking down at Kate who still looked miserable.
The man undid a zipper in his crotch area and opened up his suit to let his cock hang out, it looked small as it was released from the suit, but it was still soft. The man then went down on all four and started circling Kate slowly, as if he was inspecting her, before finally stopping in front of her again, still on his hands and knees. “Now cat, i want you to lay down on your back for me.”
  Kate did as she was told and followed the instructions he gave her.
  “Good.” The man said, before turning his head back to Ruby. “Now, take the can and put some cream on her pussy, make sure to get some deep inside it aswell so that she gets it everywhere.”
Ruby placed her hand on the top of the can so that she was ready to press it, before going down in front of Kate. Ruby met her eyes for a second and Kate gave a short nod back as an approval before Ruby started. She placed her thumb and finger on each side of her pussy and spread it slightly before applying the cream. She could see Kate’s legs give a slight twitch as the cold cream hit her, but she remained calm after that.

“Good, that’s your job done.” The man said to Ruby, hinting for her to step to the side. “Now it’s my time to get all this cream off of her, so that she can get all nice and clean again.”

Ruby walked over to the wall and sat down, leaning her back against it with her knees up to her chest and holding her arms around them. Sitting to the side of them she could see him lower his head and disappear between Kate’s legs and start to lick her.
  Kate could not stop herself from moaning with pleasure, as he kept licking her, she seemed to get more and more into it. Kate placed her paw hands on the top of his head to make him stay there, but as she did that he pulled back.
  “Bad cat!” He said, as Kate just lied there on her back with a surprised look on her face. “I’m cleaning you, not pleasuring you! Now that you clearly showed that you can’t follow simple orders to easily win you key, you need to be punished. Get back on all four!”
Kate turned herself around on all four, facing him.
  “Turn around!” He said with an angry voice.
  Kate did as she was told and gave Ruby a nervous look back as she made her turn.
  The man then lifted up Kate’s tail and layed it across her back before moving closer to her. He placed his paws on both sides of her butt and started forcing himself into her from behind.
  Ruby could do nothing but sit back and watch as Kate was taken by this man in the cat suit, pushing himself into her again and again with slow but hard thrusts. Kate let out a few screams as he kept going, harder and faster each time before finally pulling out and shooting his load across the floor.

“Now be a good cat and clean that up.” He said as he walked back to the desk he sat on earlier.
  Ruby stood up and started to walk over to Kate to comfort her, she could see the tears filling up in her eyes.
  “You! Sit back down! You just wait until she is done.” He said with a clear and angry tone.
  Ruby sat back down against her will, not wanting to make this any worse.
  Kate then slowly walked over to the spot where he had shot his load, still on all four, before lowering her head down to lick it up. The thick and fresh load of semen was hard to lick up by just using her tongue, so Kate had to lick the same spots several times to get it all cleaned up as it kept moving along the floor with her tongue. After finishing, Kate looked back up to the man to see if he approved.
  “Good cat.” He said and pulled a key out and threw it down in front of Kate. “Had you not behaved so poorly, you would have gotten that key by just letting me clean you. Now, take off the suit and leave. Both of you!”
Kate didn’t take long to remove the outfit and grabbed the key from the floor. She rushed over to Ruby and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the room with her, not saying a word.
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Old 01-09-2015, 03:28 PM   #36
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Chapter 35

“Are you okay?” Ruby asked Kate as they got back out in the hallway.
  “I’m fine now.” Kate answered as she wiped the tears that was left in her eyes away. “He was just so rough.”
  Ruby moved closer to Kate to give her a comforting hug. But before she got close enough, Kate stopped her.
  “Not now.” Kate said. “Let’s just get the second key so that we can move on to the finals. Okay?”
  “You’re right. Sorry.” Ruby said. “I’ll take the next challenge, whatever it is. I promise."
Ruby then took charge and picked a new door and opened it, Kate following right behind her. The first thing that met them was an open room with a table in the center that had a note on it, along the walls where several stands that looked like changing rooms, each with a curtain covering the entrance to it. She walked over to the note and read it out loud, so that Kate could hear it aswell.

"In one of these stalls you will find your key. You can either be lucky and get it on your first tries, or be unlucky and open all ten before you find it. Behind each curtain, inside the stalls, you will find a man with a challenge or a key. Once you enter a stall, you can not leave until you either finish the task, or get the key. Only one of you can enter a stall at any time."

Ruby put down the note and looked back at Kate. "I promised you i'd do this one, no matter how many stalls i have to do before i get the key. Wish me luck." Ruby said and ended with a fake smile before going over to her first stall.
  Kate nodded back. "Good luck." Was all she said before she lifted herself up in a sitting position on top of the table in the center of the room.
Ruby pulled back the curtain of the first stall and was met by a big naked and hairy man sitting on a chair inside, she turned around and gave a nod back to Kate before closing the curtain again behind her. Now facing the naked man who didn't say a word, looked like he was quite old, overweight and had a raging erection poking up from his lap as he sat in his chair, she asked him the only thing she could think of. "Hi... So, do you maybe have the key for me? Or a challenge?" She felt herself getting nervous, which was weird after all the things she had been through up until now, but something about this man not saying anything and just staring at her body made her uncomfortable.
  The man pulled his right hand out from behind the chair, holding an envelope.
  Ruby took the envelope and opened it up, reading the content inside of it.
"You did not choose the right stall for the key. Please finish this task before leaving.
- Blowjob until orgasm, finish with swallowing."

Ruby felt a chill going down her spine. She put the note down and went down on her knees close to him. She could smell the stench of sweat coming from the man in front of her, he was clearly nervous aswell and he avoided all eye contact with her. But on the positive side, he couldn't possibly last long in the state he was in. Ruby then leaned forward and placed her left hand on his thigh and use her right hand to get a hold of his cock, guiding it into her mouth. The size of his cock was quite small as she had no problem taking it all inside of her mouth. After getting it all wet, she pulled her head back up a bit and used her right hand to help stroking it, while still sucking on the tip.

Not long after she started doing this she could feel him move a lot more in his chair. A beam of warm liquid then suddenly hit the back of her mouth in several short bursts. A lot of it came out, and the pressure of it hitting the back of her throat made her swallow most of it instantly, which might have been for the best. Ruby pulled her head back and looked back up at him. He gave a nod back at her and she didn't hesitate to leave the stall.
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Old 01-14-2015, 01:26 PM   #37
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Chapter 36

When Ruby got back out from the stall, she shook her head to Kate signaling that she didn't get the key. Ruby didn't stop to take a break, but instead rushed over and entered the next one. Again it was a naked man in a chair, only this man was much better looking than the last guy. He looked like he was in his twenties, a slim but muscular body and with a soft cock hanging between his legs as he sat there with his legs slightly spread.

"Hi." Ruby said once she had closed the curtain behind her. "Do you have a key or a challenge for me?" Expecting the same routine, she waited for him to take out the envelope from behind the chair. Looking down where his hands where, Ruby could also see his cock growing ever larger and harder as he had his eyes locked onto her naked body, this guy didn’t say anything either.
  He did as she thought and held out an envelope for her.
  Ruby reached out for it, but it was a lot heavier that the old one so she accidentally dropped it from her hand and it fell to the floor. She quickly bent over to pick it up and opened it. To her big surprise she could see a key inside of it. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" She screamed at the man in the chair before rushing back out to Kate. "I got it! I got the key!"
  Kate jumped down from the table she was sitting on and held the other key up, now with a big smile on her face. "Good fucking job!” She shouted back. "Let's hurry the fuck back, and see if we still got a chance for the final!"
They returned to the room they started in, and was met by the guard waiting inside. Ruby handed over the keys and waited to hear their results as the guard checked in over her radio.
  "It seems the two of you are the first to deliver your keys, congratulations for reaching the finals! Now come with me so that we can get you ready for the finals." The guard didn't give them any time to celebrate together before escorting them out of the room.
They arrived back at the main stage and both of them got told to stand to the right side of the host until the other team arrived.

Around ten minutes later, the second team arrived. Caitlyn and Chelsea walked into the room behind their guard, happy and cheerful, just like Ruby and Kate for reaching the final round. They lined up on the other side of the host and the lights turned off all around the room, except for the light that shone on the host on his podium.

The host gave a quick cough before adjusting the microphone closer to himself. “Welcome back everyone! We are finally ready to begin the final round of the twenty-fifth edition of Path to Freedom. To my right, we have our first finalists. You have already voted them as your favorite team on our online poll. Please welcome, Ruby and Kate!”
  The lights suddenly turned on again and hit both of them head on. They had to squint their eyes to get used to the lights again. The host came down before them and handed them both a necklace with a key hanging from it. They both put it on while the host got back up on his podium.
  “And to my left side, as the third place winners of the fan favorite poll, we have the second finalists. Please welcome, Caitlyn and Chelsea!”
  The host gave the two of them a necklace aswell, and once he got back up on the podium again he continued his speech. “Now, please let me introduce the the final round of this tournament!”
The lights went out again, before turning on all the way at the back of the stage. The wall started to rise up, and a set of four doors was revealed behind it.

“For this final round, each contestant will choose her own door, and each team will have two doors to choose from. Both of the doors for each team will have the same challenges, so that there is no difference in difficulty. The first door will have the slowest tasks, but they will also be the easiest. The second door will be a lot faster, but only if you manage to complete the much harder tasks.” He took a pause to let everyone understand the rules before continuing.

“Once a contestant have entered a door, she will have to do three tasks. Once those are completed, she will end up in a final room with a door with two locks. This is where their keys will come into play. Once both members of a team reaches this room, they can unlock the final door and finish the competition. The first team to exit this final door will be the winners of this tournament!” He paused again and pointed both his arms towards the two teams. “Now i want both teams to go to your own sets of doors and decide between yourself, which member that will go through which door.”

Ruby and Kate got to their doors and Ruby didn’t hesitate to volunteer for the hardest door. “I’ll do the hard door Kate, unless you want it?”
  “Sure, i'll do the easy one, just make sure you manage to do your tasks, i’ll do mine as quickly as i can. I just want to get out of this fucking place.” Kate said and reached out her hand. "See you on the other side!"
  Ruby accepted the handshake. “Let’s win this!”
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Old 01-18-2015, 01:20 PM   #38
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Chapter 37

“Get ready!” The host said. He looked at both teams to see that they were ready to start. “Three. Two. One. Go!” As soon as he finished, both of the teams opened up their doors.

The first thing Ruby could see as she got in was a table with handcuffs in all of it's four corners, a envelope was placed in the center of it. Nobody else was in the room. She went over to the table, picked up the envelope and opened it. Inside of it there was a blindfold and a note.

"Welcome to your first challenge. This challenge will test you in several different ways. All you need to know is that you have to place your hands and your feet at each corner of the table, then put your blindfold on and yell out that you are ready. If you want it to end before you complete it, just yell out the two words “I quit.” Best of luck.”

Not wanting to waste any time, Ruby placed herself on the table, she put the blindfold on before placing her hands and feet at each of the corners. "I'm ready!" She yelled out, not sure if anyone could hear her.

After a few seconds, Ruby could head a door opening and closing before someone started walking towards her. Not being able to see anything, she decided to just wait in silence for somehting to happen.
  "Hello Ruby." A man's voice said. "I was hoping you would be the one to enter my room. I've been cheering for you since the tournament started."
  Ruby didn't want to answer back, she felt nervous as she heard him walking in circles around her. Suddenly he grabbed her right hand and locked in into the cuffs, then right after he did the same with her left hand. Seconds later she felt her feet being locked up one by one aswell. Now she was stuck. Unable to move, or see, she was now completely under his control.
  "Let's begin." He said in a whisper, right next to her ear.
  Ruby felt shivers go down her spine as the breath from his whisper hit her directly in the ear. Again he started walking in circles around her. Once he got down to her feet, he started sliding his hand all the way from her toes, up her leg and across her stomach, before finally stopping at her chest. He stopped walking, and placed both of his hands on her boobs as he started to massage them softly. The feeling of not knowing who this guy was made it more exciting, and against her will, she started to enjoy it. One of his hands left her boob and before she knew it, she felt his hand laying flat across her pussy, completely covering it. His hand was warm to the touch and he held it there for a few seconds before he lifted it up again. Shortly after, she felt one of his fingers slowly slide across her slit before stopping at her clit, he started rubbing it, and Ruby could feel herself getting warmer and warmer inside. This didn't feel like a challenge anymore, she was very much enjoying herself.
Around a minute later, he pulled both his hands off of her. Being touched like that had made her extremely turned on, she was already breathing way faster than she realized before it had all stopped. She tried to control her breathing to get it back to normal, but before she got time to calm herself down, he started speaking again.
  "All warmed up?" He asked. "You're completely soaking wet down there."
  The reality then hit her. She was still in a competition, and this was some stranger who she had no idea who was, or what he even looked like, touching her and feeling her up, while hundreds or thousands of viewers was watching them on some creepy website. She felt embarrassed for enjoying herself. Not knowing how to answer his question, she just said the only thing she could think of. "Yes."
  "Let's finally begin then." He said, laughing.
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Old 01-26-2015, 08:41 AM   #39
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Chapter 38

Hearing him laugh only made Ruby feel worse. She thought she was well underway in the first challenge, but according to him, she had only just been warmed up. His laugh ended shortly after it began and Ruby could hear a bottle being opened, followed by something cold dripping down onto her stomach.
  "What is that?" Ruby asked.
  "Just a bottle with some lubricant." He answered back.
  Ruby could hear the man close the bottle back up and then he started using his hand to spread the liquid all over her pussy, before sliding two of his fingers deep inside of her, to make sure he got it everywhere. “My god, you're tight!” He said, again laughing to himself. "I guess they should have chosen someone with smaller hands for the next part then."
  Ruby just stayed quiet, not wanting to say anything to make him angry.
  Once he was done with her pussy, he moved his fingers further down, circling them around her ass hole to spread the lube all around it. Then suddenly and to Ruby’s surprise, he quickly slid one of his fingers inside.
  Ruby couldn't stop herself from releasing a gasp just as he stuck his finger inside of her. She was expecting him to go slowly, so this took her by surprise. She tried to move her arms to cover her mouth, but they where locked up tight.
  "Calm down. You won't get out of those cuff yet. Better not try and resist." He said, before slowly sliding his finger back out from her butt. "Let's see if we can get this thing to fit inside now."
  Ruby felt her heart beat faster, Just what did he want to put inside of her? How big was it? She could hear him opening the bottle again, but nothing hit her body this time.
After a bit of waiting for whatever came next, Ruby suddenly felt something pushing against her butt, and it felt quite big. He kept pushing it harder and she started to feel the pain of this object, trying to force itself inside of her. "That fucking hurts!" She screamed out. Her ass hole kept widening as the object slowly went in deeper.
  "Almost there, just try and relax. It’ll go easier that way." He answered back.
  Right after he said that he gave it one last hard push, and it was finally all the way inside of her. The end of it was a lot smaller, but there was still something sticking out. It had to be some sort of butt plug from the way the shape felt.
Before Ruby even got time to catch her breath, he surprised her and stuck two of his fingers inside of her pussy again.
  "Ah yes, i can feel the plug inside of you. But, this might become a problem for the next part, seeing how tight you already are." He said with a calm voice. "Time to see how much you can take inside of you.”
  Ruby felt a chill go down her spine just as he said that. "What? What do you mean?"
  Before she got to hear his answer, she felt him take the two fingers he had inside of her back out, before he started to push three fingers inside of her this time. Then four fingers, shortly after he took the three back out. She was really starting to hurt now, and he didn't even seem to care as he kept forcing his four fingers deeper inside of her. Ruby kept screaming out and trying to move her arms and legs, but to no success. She was completely locked down and under his control.
  "All you gotta do is say the words and i'll stop." He said with a sigh.
  Ruby refused to give up. Letting Kate down was not an option, they had come too far to quit at this point. How much more pain could he possible make her feel than what she was already going through? She bit her teeth together as she felt tears running down her face, out from underneath the blindfold. It was all or nothing now.
  "Not giving up? Alright then."

She could feel him move his four fingers inside of her, before he started to force his thumb in aswell. He barely had any of them inside of her now, but he slowly started pushing them all deeper inside of her again, stretching her more and more the deeper he went in. Ruby had never felt such pain before, it felt like she was going to rip open. She kept screaming and crying as he kept forcing his hand deeper inside of her.
  The man let out a deep sigh as he stopped moving his hand. "Doesn't look like it will fit any more than this, at least not without causing some injuries. If only you had had a bit more experience with bigger things before you came here, this might've been a lot easier for you."
  Ruby gave him no reply. And shortly after, she felt him withdrawing his hand back out from her, still hurting. Then the butt plug followed right after, at least that thing went out easier than when it came in.
  "Good job, i guess. You passed your first challenge. I'm going to unlock your cuffs now, but don't remove your blindfold, or get up, until you hear me leave the room."
The man left, and the door closed behind him. Ruby sat herself back up in a sitting position on the table, removed the blindfold and looked around her. Everything was the same as when she got in. The room was completely empty again. She still felt the aching pain that he had inflicted on her, but she got back on her feet and wiped her tears from her face. Taking a deep breath, Ruby walked over to the door leading to her second challenge, hoping that the next one was a lot less painful. Almost anything would be better than this.
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Old 02-02-2015, 04:58 PM   #40
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Chapter 39

Going through the door to the second room, Ruby again ended up in a room without anyone else present. She could see several stalls along the walls, similar to the room she had been in earlier in the tournament with Kate, except these stalls had proper doors instead of curtains. She walked over to the door leading to the third and final challenge room, a note had been carefully placed on the door handle.

"Your second challenge is simple, find the key to this door. It's in one of the stalls in this room. Each stall will have a circle you need to stand in, once you are inside of the circle, you find out if you get the key or not."

"That's it?" Ruby said out loud. She looked around the room and counted ten stalls in total. She picked the one furthest away from her current position, close to the door she just came in from and looked inside. Empty. The walls were just plain white walls with nothing on them and the floor had a circle painted on it. She stepped out from the first stall and peeked into the one next to it, same design in that one aswell. Hopefully i’m just as lucky as last time i needed a key. She thought to herself before she stepped into the circle of the first stall.

Ruby could hear the door click behind her and she immediately checked it to confirm her suspicion. There was no way she could get it open again. All of a sudden she could hear something move above her. The roof panel was lifted up and she could see several naked men standing above her in a circle. All of them where too high up for her to reach them in any way, so she couldn't do anything but stand there and look at them.
  One of the guys started speaking. "This stall has no key. In order for you to get back out, you're gonna have to let us piss on you. And you don't really have much of a choice either." He said with a big smile on his face. He grabbed a hold of his cock and aimed it down towards Ruby.
  Ruby was taken by surprise and didn't know what she could do. There was no way out of this room and it was too little of a room to hide in, there wasn't anything to take cover behind either. As the first man's beam of urine hit her, she covered up her face with her hands and turned away from him. The beam now hit her in the back of her head, she could feel her hair getting soaked in it.
  Not long after the first guy started, another stream of urine came down on her from the front, hitting her hands which she held in front of her face before it started running down the rest of her body. Then several more beams started hitting her from different angles.
  Ruby tried her best to cover herself up, focusing mostly on her mouth and eyes. She was completely covered in their pee at this point and she could very clearly smell the stench of urine that filled the stall.
Once the last man had finished, Ruby removed her hands from her face again and looked up. They had already covered up the roof, and almost everything was back to how it was when she entered, except for the big pool of pee that had gathered on the floor, and the fact that she was covered in it from head to toe. She slid her hands through her hair backwards to get it all away from her face, she heard the door make a click sound again. She tried the door and it opened up again. Stepping outside of the stall felt great, away from the wet and smelly floor, but she was still stuck with herself giving of the same stench for a while. "Fuck!" Ruby yelled out to no one in particular. She just felt the need to let some steam out at this point. She looked at one of the cameras pointing at her from the wall, holding up her middle finger directed towards it. “Fuck you guys! Now i’m stuck with this fucking smell all day!”

She took a short breather before entering her second stall. Again, she stepped into the circle and the door locked behind her. What now? She thought to herself through a deep sigh. She started looking around for any movement of the walls or the roof.
  The roof lifted again and she was met by a new man standing above her looking down. This guy was fully dressed up as opposed to the others who had been naked, and he held a bucket in his arms. “Sorry, no key here either.” Just as he finished speaking, he turned the bucket upside down, dropping it’s content down on Ruby.
  “Aaaaahh!” Ruby screamed as the icy cold water hit her. She stood paralyzed for a few seconds staring down as the chill raced through her body. She slid her hand through her hair to get it behind her ears again, as the impact of the water had messed it all up. “Fuck that was cold!” She said, before looking back up at the man.
  He just smiled back down at her before closing the roof panel back up.
Having washed out the worst of the urine smell with the ice water, but now shaking from coldness, Ruby stood outside the third door. She opened the door and stepped inside, what would await her this time?
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Old 02-04-2015, 04:15 PM   #41
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Chapter 40

Inside the third stall, Ruby stood and waited for the roof panel to lift up again. But this time it didn’t. A small circle opened up on one of the walls and a soft cock came poking through it. “Suck it!” A voice commanded her.
  “What about a key?” She asked back.
  “Suck it! And hold my load in your mouth for a while after i finish, don’t even think about spitting it out or swallowing.” He said back, ignoring her question.
  Ruby didn’t want to get in any trouble, so she knelt down on her knees and took the limp cock in her hand and guided it into her mouth. She could feel it growing quickly inside her mouth as she kept going, but it was far from the largest cock she had experienced.
Not long after she started, she could feel him get more unsteady on his legs and he started twitching more. She felt several short bursts of cum hit the back of her throat as he released himself inside of her mouth. She wanted nothing more than to get rid of it, but he had told her to keep it in her mouth, so she did exactly that.
  The man behind the wall retracted his cock from the hole and placed his face in the hole instead to look at her. His face was that of an old man. Gray beard, almost no hair, wrinkles and a pair of big glasses. “Now let me see, open your mouth for me.”
  Ruby felt herself getting uneasy, holding the cum in her mouth for this long started to gross her out. She opened her mouth, barely, not wanting anything to fall out.
  “Ahhh, good girl. Now you can swallow it.” He said. He kept staring without as much as a blink.
  Ruby closed her eyes and swallowed everything in one go, instantly getting a sick feeling inside of her as she could still feel the taste of it from holding it in her mouth for so long. “So... Did you have a key for me or not?” She forced herself to say.
  “Oh yes, yes i do.” He put the key out through the hole for Ruby to take. “Here, take it.”
  “Thanks.” Ruby said and grabbed it, suddenly feeling much better. Only one room left to do now. Hopefully Kate was doing some good progress on her own side.
Ruby got back out of the stall and walked over to the door, inserting the key and twisting it. The door opened up and she walked through.
  In the next room she was met by five men, all in their boxers, standing in a line the middle of the room. They all looked to be between twenty to thirty years old, and they were all fairly fit. She could see some of them had clear bulks from their hard cocks underneath, and some were still soft, or maybe they just had very small cocks underneath, she couldn't really know. The men all had a big smile on their face, Ruby got the feeling that she might not like what she was going to have to do in here. “Well?” She asked, looking at them. She was way past the point of caring that she was naked, so she didn’t even bother covering herself up, even though these five men were eyeing her up and down, giving of whispers between themselves. “What do i need to do here?”
  The man in the middle was the one who answered her. “You have to do all of us at the same time, and once you have made every single one of us cum, you may pass.”
  “All at once?” Ruby asked, slightly surprised. “How?”
  “One of us will do you anally, one gets your pussy, one gets a blowjob from you, and the two unluckiest gets the hand jobs. That’s the only way i can think of at least, unless you got some more hands or holes that i don’t know about.” He answered with a calm voice, as if it was second nature to him.
  Ruby felt a chill go through her entire body, she was still hurting from the first challenge, and the thought of having to make all of them cum at the same time, made her more nervous than she had ever been before. “Uh. Okay i guess.” She answered back in a low voice.
  “Now you get to pick, which one of us do you want to go where.”
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Old 02-08-2015, 06:35 AM   #42
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Chapter 41

Ruby’s mind went blank, she didn’t know what to say in her current situation.
  What do i do? She thought. Staring back at them, all five of them waiting for her reply.
  “Well?” The guy in the middle asked again. “Who get’s to go where?”
  “I... Uh, i need to see your cocks first.” Was all she could think to say. She had to know who had the smallest one, so that she could make it easier for herself.
  “Okay.” The same guy answered back, looking at the other men next to him. They all pulled their boxers down, revealing their cocks to her.
  Ruby stared back at them as they stood there, naked, and with everyone’s now fully erect cocks of various sizes on display. “You, to the left.” She said.
  “Eric” He responded.
  I don’t care about your name... I just want the smallest guy to do my ass. She thought, but instead said “I would prefer to have you do me anally.” This is so fucked up, i can’t believe i just said that.
  Eric walked over to the couch and sat himself down. Ruby didn’t even realize that there was any furniture in the room, she had been too distracted with the men in front of her to notice.
  Ruby looked to the guy in the middle, who was the one she had already spoken to. His eyes met hers. “I want...” She sighed as she said those words. “I would like to have you do my pussy...” She rolled her eyes as she saw his reaction. Flashing a big smile, nudging the guy next to him with his elbow before going over to the couch to wait.
  She sighed again as she stared at the three men left, all of them had around the same sized large cocks. It didn’t really matter who she had to give a blow job to at this point, she had already gotten the two smallest ones out of the way. “You.” She said, pointing to the guy to the right. “You get the blowjob, and the two others get the hand jobs.”
  “Sure.” He responded. He seemed happy enough, but the two other guys who was left seemed slightly disappointed.
  Now how the fuck am i gonna do all five at the same time. She thought looking over at the couch, the first guy, Eric, was already waiting for her. I guess i’ll have to start with him. She said to herself as she walked towards them.
The guy who she had spoken to from the start was already applying lube to his cock, once he had finished, he handed the bottle over to Eric, who sat comfortably in the couch. He grabbed the bottle and squeezed some out in his hand before applying it to his cock.
  At least they are making it easier for me. She thought, standing next to the couch, just staring at them. She had no idea how she would proceed. She met Eric’s eyes as he gave the bottle to one of the other men who took it away. Eric sat all the way to the left on the couch, slightly leaning backwards with his legs spread out to the sides, holding his cock in his hand.
  “Now come sit down on me.” He said, confidently.
  Ruby walked up to him and took a deep breath before climbing up on his lap, facing him. But he interrupted her before she could do anything else.
  “You gotta turn around, how else is John gonna do your pussy? Maybe your brain is not completely functional today? I’m not having him sit on my lap aswell.” Eric said, trying to hold back a laugh.
  Ruby felt embarrassed, not only was she going to be fucked by five guys, but now she was being humiliated aswell. She turned around, her face already turning red, and stood between Eric’s legs. She started lowering herself over him until she could feel his cock hitting her butt.
  “Spread your ass for me will you?” Eric said.
  Ruby placed her hands on her butt and spread it. She tried to relax as much as she could to make it go in easier. She closed her eyes and held her breath as his cock forced it’s way inside of her. Once it finally entered, she let her breath back out. Ruby opened her eyes again, and she could see John smiling back at her.
  “My turn!” he said.
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Old 02-08-2015, 07:55 AM   #43
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Chapter 42

John came closer to her, he placed a couple of the couch pillows in front of the couch and went down on his knees so that he could get his cock at the same height as her pussy. He lifted both of Ruby’s legs up over Eric’s legs to spread them out to make room for himself. He teased her with his cock, sliding it up and down across her slit. Ruby could already see pre-cum coming out of the tip of John’s cock as she looked down, waiting for him to enter her.
  Eric, who was already inside of her, had his hands firmly placed on her chest. Fondling her boobs, massaging them and slightly twisting her nipples, as he waited for it all to start.
  John finally decided to go in. He started pushing himself inside of her, slowly. Ruby could feel herself getting filled up by his cock, inch by inch. She had to bite herself in the lip to stop herself from releasing any sounds, she didn't want to let them think that she enjoyed it in any way.
  Ruby now had both of them inside of her. Luckily, none of them were moving yet, but she knew that would happen soon aswell. Despite hating it, she could feel her heart start to beat faster, and she started getting a warm feeling inside of her. Her body was enjoying it way more than she wanted it to.
Ruby looked to the left. The guy she was going to give a blowjob stood ready with his cock in his hand, just next to the edge of the couch. The two last men had also placed themselves into position. One guy was behind the couch, and the other on the opposite side, next to John. She had to slightly twist her upper body to the left to be able to get to all of them, while still sitting on Eric, having both his and John’s cocks inside of her.
  Ruby took a deep breath as she grabbed hold of the two cocks with her hands, before taking her mouth over the last man’s cock, the same guy then placed his hands on her head. She was now ready to start her last challenge.
“Let’s do this then.” John said. “And remember, we are not done until all five of us have finished, got that?”
  Ruby was unable to speak, so she just tried nodding her head as best she could.
  Eric placed his hands underneath her to help lift her up and down on his cock, John then also started moving his hips back and forth, almost exiting her pussy with his cock, before sliding it back in as deep as he could. As soon as they began she started to hurt again. The pain was almost as bad as from the first round, and she could feel tears building up in her eyes. She was hoping her body had had some time to heal, but she could tell by the pain that it had not.
  “Come on bitch. Move your fucking hands!” One of the men yelled out.
  Ruby was so focused on managing the pain from the two guys fucking her, that she completely forgot to stroke the other guys. She started to move her hands back and forth, and the man in front of her started to push his cock into her mouth as he held her head firmly in place with his hands. She tried to give it just enough pressure with her tongue and lips to make it feel good enough for him, and she just hoped that he would not get too carried away and start to force himself deep inside of her mouth.
Ruby could hear all of them breathing heavily as they kept going. Eric kept lifting her up and down in the same slow motion, while John had slightly increased his own speed. The initial pain had slightly gone away. If it was just her getting more used to the pain, or if it just naturally disappeared, she could not say.
  The man who was doing her face kept going faster and faster, he had to be close to cumming at this point. She felt his grip on her head tighten, almost to the point of hurting. From time to time he started hitting her deeper with his cock, forcing her to release a cough, and she started to feel slightly uneasy.
“Come on! Faster!” One of the guys she was giving a hand job to yelled out.
  She could feel tears start to run down her face, but she kept going the best she could, increasing the speed in which her hands moved back and forth along their cocks.
  It was getting harder to breath with the man in front of her forcing his cock in between her lips, while having the other two guys continually fucking her in both of her holes, lifting her body up and down, repeatedly.
  Ruby’s own speed of breathing increased as her body started to reach it’s climax. She felt her mind start to fog up, she started to feel dizzy, while a warm feeling rushed through her. She felt her whole body starting to shake, and she had to stop stroking the two men for a few seconds as the orgasm rushed through her.
  “Don’t fucking stop!” One of the men yelled.
  As soon as her body stopped shaking, she gasped for some air the best she could with a cock in her mouth, before she started to stroke them again, increasing the speed of her hands. She felt embarrassed and guilty. She hated this, but her body apparently enjoyed it. All she wanted to do was to get this over with. To get out from this place.
Eric then suddenly stopped moving her, and she could feel something hot coming out of his cock inside of her ass. Her eyes widened as the realization hit her. Shortly after, John stopped aswell, holding his cock as deep inside of her as he could, while several waves of cum shot out inside of her. She started to feel sick, two strangers had just shot their loads inside of her. She focused on the three guys remaining, while still having both of John and Eric’s cocks inside of her.

The man to her left then shot his load without her even realizing it, hitting her across the side of her face and on her chest. She still held on to his cock after he was done, as she was told to do.
  Only two to go. She thought.
  The guy on the right came shortly after, only he had a much bigger load than the man to her left. Five quick bursts shot out from his cock, hitting her face mostly before it started running down the rest of her body. She could hear him breathe heavily as he finished shooting off his load.
Now it was only the guy she was giving a blow job left, she was surprised that he was the one remaining in the end. He still held a firm grip of her head as he pumped his cock back and forth between her lips, faster and faster. Then all of a sudden he stopped aswell. She felt his cum shoot out inside of her mouth and she swallowed it instantly, not wanting it in her mouth any longer than she needed to.
  “Damn, you're pretty good at this after all. Looks like you enjoyed it almost as much as we did.” The man in front of her said, and patted her on the head. He pulled his cock out from her mouth before speaking to the others. “Okay, let’s get the fuck out of here.”
  They all started to leave without saying anything else. John pulled out of her and stood up. Eric then lifted her up from him and slid out from underneath her. Ruby felt paralyzed, she didn’t resist, or move, or say anything. She just let them do their thing as they left the room.

As soon as they had all left, she stood up. But after walking only a few steps, she fell down on her knees. She broke down in tears. Ruby had never felt so used before, so humiliated. She gave herself a minute to calm down before standing back up.
  As she wiped her tears away, she could see her hands had gotten covered in their cum from wiping her face. She could feel some of John’s cum coming back out from her pussy, trickling slowly down her leg. At this point she did not care that she was covered with it, in front of her was the only thing that mattered. The door leading to the room where she might find Kate.
  She walked over to the door and opened it. Hoping to be able to get out of this place, to go back home and put everything that had happened here behind her.
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Old 02-09-2015, 09:50 AM   #44
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Chapter 43

As Ruby entered the room, she was met by Caitlyn from the other team, already waiting inside.
  “You look messed up.” Caitlyn said as Ruby walked inside.
  Ruby met her eyes, but said nothing. She leaned back towards a wall and slid down into a sitting position, placing her knees to her chest and folding her hands around them.
  “Hey, i took the same path as you, i did the exact same things as you, remember?” Caitlyn said, in a slightly annoyed tone. “I get that it might not be easy, but you signed up for this.”
  Ruby stayed quiet.
  Caitlyn released a long sigh as she walked over towards Ruby. “Here, if you’re not gonna say anything, at least read this. It said that i had to share it with you.” She held out a letter.
  Ruby looked up, reached out her hand and grabbed it. She unfolded the letter and read it’s content.
“Congratulations on being the first contestant to reach the final room. If it’s not your other team member that walks into this room first, show this note to her. If it is your team member however, throw it away.
The two of you now have the option to get out of here by taking a selfish decision. You can leave your original team member and walk out of here. The only thing the two of you need to do, is open up the door together. If you decide not to, the competition continues as normal, where the first team that get’s both of it's members to this room will be victorious. Make your choice.”

“Are they serious?” Ruby said, looking up at Caitlyn.
  “So she can speak.” Caitlyn responded. “But yeah, i knew you would make the same choice as me. I’m not going to abandon Chelsea either, just to get myself out. No matter how tempting that might sound, i would not be able to live with myself.”
  “Yeah...” Ruby said in a low voice.
They waited in silence for around a half hour before Ruby finally stood back up. “Hey Caitlyn.”
  “What?” She responded.
  Ruby took a deep breath before continuing. “I just wanted to say that, if i win... If me and Kate wins. I promise to get help. I’ll find a way some-”
  Caitlyn rushed over and placed her hand over her mouth. “Shh. Don’t talk so loud. Keep your voice low if you’re gonna say something that stupid.” Caitlyn nodded her head towards a camera above them on the wall.
  Ruby sat back down once Caitlyn released her grip on her. She talked in a whisper this time. “Sorry. But i’m serious. I’ll find a way. Will you do the same if you win?”
  Caitlyn started to laugh and sat down next to Ruby. “Do you think we’d still be here if it was that easy?”
  “I...” Ruby started, but she didn’t find any other words.
  “I don’t know what happens when you get out of here, but none of the twenty-four other winners have ever sent help. Sure... If it makes you feel better, i promise to do my best to send help. But don’t hang onto that hope.” Caitlyn said.
  Ruby was about to say something back to Caitlyn, but she got interrupted by the sound of a door opening.
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Old 02-10-2015, 05:57 AM   #45
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Chapter 44

The door swung open, and Kate was the one who walked through.
  Ruby jumped up on to her feet and rushed over to her, she jumped in for a hug and Kate fell backwards from the impact, with Ruby landing of top of her.
  “I knew it would be you!” Ruby said. She had a big smile on her face looking down towards Kate, who were now lying underneath her.
  Kate just smiled back and placed her arms around Ruby, returning the hug.
They got back on their feet before anyone said anything else.
  “So. Wanna go through the door?” Kate said. “I’m so fucking ready to get out of this hell hole.”
  “Yeah, just give me a sec.” Ruby said and looked back at Caitlyn. Caitlyn looked sad, and to be fair, she had every reason to be so. “Sorry. I don’t really know what to say. I’ll keep my promise, i’ll do it, somehow.”
  Caitlyn nodded back and put on a fake smile. “The best team won i guess.”
  “Well, i guess this is goodbye then, for now atleast.” Ruby said.
  Caitlyn didn't say anything back, but nodded her head again.
Ruby turned back towards Kate and they walked over to the door. They put each of their keys in and turned them, unlocking the door. Ruby gave one final look back at Caitlyn before stepping through, but she had already turned away from them.

The two of them were met by the host on the other side of the door, clapping his hands at them as they entered the room. It was completely dark behind him, and the only ones there was the host, and two camera men standing next to him.
  “Congratulations!” He said. “How do you feel being the twenty-fifth winners of the tournament?”
  “Tired.” Kate said.
  “Exhausted.” Ruby said.
  “Well, don’t let me hold you back. Please come with me outside so that we can get you on your way home.”
  Ruby and Kate exchanged looks. Both smiling, they were finally going home. After all the challenges and struggles they had faced on the island, it had all come to an end now.
Outside, they were met by a man wearing a pilot outfit, they could also see a helicopter standing off in the distance. Two guards were there aswell, handing them both a warm blanket to cover themselves up with. They accepted the blankets, and held them around their bodies to keep warm.

“Now, there is one final thing we must do.” The host said. He looked over to the guards and gave a quick nod.
  The two guards each grabbed Ruby and Kate, they held them still as the host walked up to Ruby.
  “In order to keep our little operation here functional, we can’t have you share what you know with the world. I promise this won’t hurt, and you will be home before you know it. All i need to do is inject you with this needle, so that all your memories from this place will disappear.” He stuck the needle into Ruby’s neck, before walking over to Kate and doing the same to her.
  Ruby had no chance to resist. The guard held her too tight, and soon after, she felt herself getting tired. Her eyes started to feel heavier with each blink. Until finally, they shut down completely.
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