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Old 10-29-2009, 06:37 AM   #31
getDare Succubus
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Default Answers are forthcoming

Dear Danielle,

I stopped typing. My mind was blank. I moved away from the computer, leaving everything as it was.

I had come back from Laurie and Jacob's place after completing the dare. Laurie had uploaded the pictures to me in a zip file and had promised to delete them on her end. I trusted her, well, at least more than I trusted Gilbert. I had checked the pictures and they had reminded me more of what we had done prior to the shower. I was still somewhat in shock. I didn't really know how it had happened, only that it had, and even though I enjoyed it, I still felt somewhat guilty.

As I logged into my facebook page, the chat popped up. It was Jacob.

Jacob: Hey bro, wattup?

I didn't answer yet.

Jacob: You okay? Laurie ask me to checkup on you. You cool?

Frank: Yeah good...
Jacob: Hope we didnt scar you.
Jacob: scare
Frank: Nope. Just surprised.
Jacob: Was cool, man. I enjoyed it.

I had a hard time accepting that Jacob did not mind what had happened, perhaps because I was projecting my own possible feelings on him. How could he not be bothered by the fact that his girlfriend had jerked me off, then sucked on me until I came? It made no sense to me. But at the same time, I did not want to ask the question.

Frank: Whatever.

I looked away from the computer. My phone rang. I answered.

"Hi Frank."

It was Laurie.

"Hi Laurie."
"Are you okay?"
"S-sure. Why?"
"When you left, you seemed... disturbed, and Jacob just told me you acted funny on facebook, so... what's wrong?"
"uh... I don't know..."
"It's about what happened, right?"
"I'm just a bit... well... don't get me wrong, I liked it a lot but..."
"But you're wondering why I did it? Why Jacob let me?"
"Something like that. I mean, I know you two haven't been as close as in the past, but, I didn't expect..."
"Frank, we haven't been a couple for months now."

Laurie's comment stunned me.

"Don't get me wrong, I still like him, and he likes me. We still have sex, just... not as a couple. Just as friends."

I remained quiet. I looked back at the screen. Jacob had typed something.

Jacob: It's true man. We're just FFs now.

I spoke up.

"Why didn't you say so before?"
"I don't know. We just didn't. Anyway, we still live together, so we make the best of it."
"I'm sorry, Laurie. I have to think about this. It's pretty shocking, well... not really, but, it makes me think."
"Do you want to talk about something? You seem... different."
"I didn't expect what happened...."
"No I mean, generally... there's something going on beyond the truth or dare, right?"
"I can't talk about it."
"Well, if you ever need to, we're here. I'm here. Can I be honest with you on something?"
"I wanted to do something like that with you for a while now. I'm glad I did. And if you ever want to do more, I'm game."

I said nothing. Strange thoughts filled my mind.

"Thanks, I guess... I have to go."
"Okay. Bye. Take care."
"You too."

She hung up. I put the phone back on its stand then typed one last thing for Jacob.

Frank: Gotta go. Take care.
Jacob: Sures. C ya.

I closed my facebook page. It brought me back to the email I had barely started writing.

First off, Saturday would be great for me. Where do you want to meet? For lunch? Before or after? Pick a specific place/time and I'll be there. I miss you too.
Something weird happened today, while I was doing your dare. I think... I'll wait until we meet to talk to you about it. It was puzzling, at best.
I'm including the pictures of the dare I did in the shower with my friend in a zip file. The pics are as you requested. Basically, the two of us in the shower, washing each other's bodies. We were naked, but the shots don't necessarily show it that much. It's mostly chests, stomachs, arms and legs. I hope you like them. I'll be honest: they look kind of funny to me, but I didn't have any stress doing the dare... but that's part of the story I'm keeping for Saturday.
Another truth for you : Where do you see yourself five years from now? Ten years? Twenty years?
I enjoyed reading your fantasy, by the way.
Anyway, I can't wait to hear from you again. Take care.

I finished the email and hit the send button. I then realized that I forgot to include the zipped file, so I clicked on the new message icon.

Absent-minded, I am.
Here are the pics. Enjoy!

I uploaded the zip file, which seemed to take forever, and then finally sent it on its way. We were now Thursday. My mind was already jumping forward to the next Saturday.

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Old 10-31-2009, 04:42 AM   #32
getDare Succubus
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Default Saturday is All Right for Something

When I got up on Saturday morning, around nine AM, I woke up to an email from Danielle. I read it naked. I had anxiously been awaiting it: after all, it would confirm if we were to meet that day.

Hiya you
I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Sorry if I didn't answer sooner but my time was so hectic, plus I didn't have access to the computer. I apologize also for not sending you a new picture in response to your successful dare. I'll make it up to you as soon as I can, and those pictures did deserve an extra. I still can't believe you actually did it, but I'm sure you'll tell me more when we meet. You didn't mention if you wanted a truth or dare to follow, so think about it and get back to me when we meet tomorrow.
I was thinking we could meet downtown, and go to the coffee place on the corner of King and Wellington, you know the one. I'll drop by there around noon to have lunch anyway. I need to get out of the apartment.
Where do I see myself in the future? Right now, nowhere. I suppose I'll be working somewhere. I don't see kids or a husband in any near future. Truth be told, I'm looking a lot less at the future right now than I am at the past.
Anyway, that's on my end. Truth me again...
Better yet, let's play when we meet. I have the whole afternoon off so we might as well take advantage of it, if you don't have anything planned, of course.
Take care, see you at the café,

I almost jumped from my chair, but then recollected myself and my thoughts. The meeting was on - and she wanted to play live. I wasn't sure what excited me more between the two. I knew I had to get ready, so I hit the showers and scrubbed myself in a way I hadn't done in a long time. This felt like a first date. As I was washing myself, I kept thinking of her, those pictures she had sent me, and then the image of her by the swimming pool. The images stimulated me and I decided not to go out with a loaded gun, so I took care of myself in the shower.

I then chose a nice clean pair of jeans, a red tee with a Superman logo, matching socks and underwear. I was primed and ready, but it was still early. I decided not to have breakfast so I just drank a glass of chocolate milk. And then, I waited. It seemed like forever, watching the minutes go by. I lived three blocks from the coffee shop. Around 11:45 AM, I couldn't stand it any longer. I picked up my jacket (it was late autumn after all) and headed outside.

I got to the coffee shop ten minutes before noon. I entered. She wasn't there. I hovered about the door, with the waitress smiling at me. I wanted to wait for her to know where she would want to sit: near the door, at the end of the room, near the window. I looked outside, trying to signify to the waitress that I was waiting for someone. There was a small counter so I made my way there.

"What'll it be?"
"Nothing yet. I'm waiting for someone."

I stood there, impatient, counting down the minutes. When she entered the place, my smile returned. She immediately noticed me and walked over. There was both happiness and sadness in her face.

I stared at her for a moment. She wore her hair in a pony tail. As she stared back, she unzipped a blue jacket, revealing a blue blouse. She wore a long matching blue skirt as well. She spoke first.


There was a tenderness in her voice which I did not expect.

"Hi back. Where do you wanna sit?"
"Back there."

We made our way to the end of the coffee shop. She sat on the long bench, near the window - I sat facing her, on a chair. For a while, nothing more was said. The waitress came over and took our orders, then left. I managed to break the silence.

"So... it's nice to see you again."
"It is..."

She lowered her head.

"What's... what happened? Do you wanna talk about it?"
"You first. You said you had something to tell me."
"Are you sure? My story's pretty... well, I don't think it's as involved as yours. More light-hearted."
"I could use some light-heartedness right now..."
"Well, I did your dare..."

I lowered my voice, but stopped. The waitress was coming back with our glasses of water and Danielle's iced tea. Before I could speak again, however, Danielle spoke up.

"It's done. I'm done."
"What's done?"
"Stan and me. We're... over."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"Are you really?"

Her tone was accusatory, but then she became soft again.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... a bit overwhelmed. It's not like I was expecting to spend the rest of my life with him, but I've had plenty of time to cry over it."
"What happened? Is it all right if I ask?"
"Yes... basically, he was... cheating on me."

What do you say after such a revelation? I just stared away for a moment.

"I suspected it... frankly, I'm glad it's out in the open."
"So you broke it off?"
"I did. Well, we both did. But now, I still have a lease on the apartment with him, and his... significant other... came by this week. I want to kill that bitch!"

She put her hands to her mouth, as if she had said something wrong, but I could understand what she was feeling.

"When is your lease due?"
"Next July... that's 8 months. I'm thinking of moving out before, though, if he agrees to let me go."
"Yeah. Not sure he's going to. He's... well, he's a jerk. Not like you... oh... that didn't come out right."

She laughed, but it felt hollow.

"It's okay."
"You know what the worst part is? I kinda knew it. It's been going on since... well, at least not before we moved in together. That was last July. I met him at school... he was charming, we hit it off. And then, he suckered me into moving in with him. Even got me to sign the lease with him... I feel like I was... used."

It was hard for me to find words to comfort her. She wasn't crying, so I imagined she had already dealt with the worst of her feelings. She just wanted to chat. I let her continue.

"I did like him. I mean, I knew it wasn't forever, at my age... but, I still... believed we would last longer. I certainly didn't think he'd sleep out on me! I feel so stupid."
"You're not stupid. He's stupid."

Danielle smiled back.

"Thanks... for just being here."
"My pleasure."

She dried her eyes a little, the smile returning more to her face.

"Anywho, I'm here now, I'm with a friend... someone I like a lot..."

She lowered her head. I understood how she felt. Six years ago, our feelings had brought us close but our age difference had kept us apart. We hadn't been able to, in all good conscience, go further with our relationship, and I must admit I had been the one holding it back. But six years was a long time to be apart, and even though those feelings were still there, they were unfamiliar. Plus, she was just getting out of a relationship, and I was personally confused about something else. The circumstances kept us at arm's length.

"I like you too..."

The food came and we started eating slowly, chatting the time away between bites, talking of less intense matters. I finished my plate first, so she told me to tell her about my own adventure, the one I had hinted at in the email. It occured to me that she might construe what had happened as a form of cheating - but really, would it be, since we weren't involved in a clear relationship. My mind pondered that thought as I tried to find the words. I spoke in a low tone, because I didn't want others to hear.

"I went to my friend's place to do the dare... well, I challenged him and he said yes. So, we talked about how we would do it, and his girlfriend... well, his roommate, said we shouldn't just rush into things."

I saw that Danielle noticed my slip of the tongue but I kept going.

"So we played a strip game, to get ourselves comfortable being naked together... she played too 'cause she wanted. So we all ended up naked."

Danielle was smiling. She was probably remembering our time at the pool together.

"Then... hmmm... well, both my friend and I were really stimulated by the fact that we were all naked, and that she was naked with us... so she..."
"Yeah... well, she just gave us... hand..."
"I see."

It was hard for me to tell what Danielle was thinking.

"Did you enjoy it?"
"Well, yes... though it was kind of confusing because up until that point, they hadn't told me they weren't together anymore."

This time, I could tell that Danielle understood the uncertainty in my words.

"That's why... when we hit showers and I started washing up my friend, it didn't seem that extreme... I had a lot on my mind... can I be honest?"
"Sure, of course."
"When she was... blowing me..."
"I was thinking of you."

I couldn't believe I had just said that. Was I trying to justify my infidelity by placing her at the scene, in my mind? Even if was true, why did I feel the need to say it. I felt like I had said something wrong. And Danielle's lack of expression did not help me feel better about myself.

"Well... I'm glad."
"You are?"
"Of course. Frank, I don't own you. Well, not yet..."

She smiled and laughed.


She became serious again.

"Don't ask it. Not yet."
"Because you know the answer. I know it. We just... need some time. Sorry, I'm being all serious here. We're here to have fun. We're here to play, right?"

It was hard not to think of her in those terms, but I would do my best, at least for today.

"I had you do a lot of things... so, I was thinking... I would be... I would do what you want today."
"What I want?"
"You can dare me... and I'll try to comply."
"Anything you don't want to do?"
"Not with you."

Her openness reminded me of how she had taken control of our encounter those years ago. She was still good at pushing my buttons and taking charge, even if by that it meant giving control over to me. It made me laugh.

"What's so funny?"
"You... you're just wonderful. Anything?"
"Well, within reason. I have to be home before five, but other than that, I'm at your disposal for the afternoon."

Her eyes told me that she wanted to play, that she wanted to have fun and forget about her troubles. I could do that. We would have fun. I did not have anything planned yet, but I would come up with something.

"I do have a question first... let's call it a truth."
"Did you want to sleep with me six years ago?"
"I did."
"And do you still want to sleep with me?"

She hesitated.

"I do."

Her words were clear.

"But not today."
"Don't worry. I just... needed to ask. I... want to sleep with you too."
"Well, duh!"

We both laughed. This was going to be a very nice Saturday afternoon.

Last edited by interesting; 10-31-2009 at 09:58 AM.
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Old 11-03-2009, 06:17 AM   #33
getDare Succubus
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Default Afternoon Delights - Bus Ride

We paid our bills and headed outside. It was a bit chilly so we tucked in our coasts as we hit the sidewalk.

"No outside nudity today, okay?"

Her comment made me smile.

"Wasn't at the top of my list."
"So you have a list?"

We both laughed.

"What do you want to do?"

It was a bit after one PM. I wanted to fit as much fun as I could during the afternoon. But I was finding it hard to find anything specific I wanted to do, or have her do. I paused for a moment. Again, she took the initiative.

"Let's take the bus."
"To the Carrefour?"

We headed to the bus stop, about fifty metres down the street and waited for the right bus. While we were waiting, we chatted about school, friends, the weather, anything that came up. As the bus stopped and we climbed in, the talk came back to friends.

"Rita says hi."
"I told her I had seen you again and we were playing. She was jealous."
"I bet she was."
"I forwarded the picture of you you sent me. Is that all right?"
"Sure... oh dang!"
"I forgot my camera."

She smiled and reached into her purse.

"I have mine."

She put it back in. The bus started moving. She had a wicked grin on which made me think of naughty things I could have her do. But one of them came to mind. I kneeled forward.

"Take off your underwear here..."

We were at the back of the bus, alone in that section. I wouldn't have asked her to do so if there had been other people, or if she had been wearing pants, but it seemed easy enough to do with her long skirt. She smiled as she reached under her skirt, wiggling out of her underwear without standing up.

"What do I do with it?"

She was about to pull it from under her skirt. I told her to hand it to me. She did. I shivered at the thought of her panties. I was almost tempted to smell them, but that would have seemed gross. Instead, I unbuttonned my pants, folded the underwear as best I could and slid it into my own, making a slight bulge. I almost laughed while doing it: Danielle also seemed amused.

"So your boxers are going to party with my panties?"
"Something like that..."

I buttonned back my pants.

"How does it feel?"
"Nice... a bit cold, but we'll be inside the mall. To be honest, I'm a little excited right now."

I had handled the panties so I knew what she meant. I avoided any commentary on the matter. We were silent for most of the twenty minutes it took to get from downtown to the mall. As she stood up to get out, I couldn't help but stare at her behind, naked under the skirt cloth.
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Old 11-03-2009, 05:32 PM   #34
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Wooohooo please post again interesting. This story is amazing
just bein me =)

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Old 11-04-2009, 08:50 AM   #35
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Default Afternoon Delights - At The Mall

We entered the mall and stopped near the entrance.

"Where are we going?"
"I don't have a clue."

She smiled.

"I do have a few places I wanted to visit... few things I needed, so, why don't we go about my business... and you can decide yours along the way?"
"Sounds good. Let's go."

We made it past the pet shop and convenience store on the right. She entered the pharmacy. I followed.

"I need pads."

I said nothing. I had always found Danielle to be so forward with me, it made me feel somewhat insecure. I didn't feel I could be as frank as she was. She was more frank than me. That sentence made me smile.

"Something on your mind?"
"Nothing much."
"If you see anything... or want me to do anything special... just say so."

We looked around at feminine protection products. Actually, she looked around: I just followed and looked everywhere, as if I was ashamed of being there. It just felt awkward: I had never been in that section of the pharmacy before. She picked up pads and we moved to a different section.

"Oooh... candy!"

She looked at me pleadingly.

"Would you buy me a lollipop?"

How could I say no? She picked one from the stand. We headed for the counter, paid, and were on our way. She put the lollipop in her handbag. She took the lead; we made it to the central area where the corridor went left and right.

"Want to check the music store?"
"I mean, if you want to do something else. I could go try on a few pieces of clothing for you..."
"That would be nice too."

She seemed upset for a moment. She lowered her tone.

"Frank, please... I want to play. I need to play."
"I'm sorry. Okay... I'll try harder."
"Harder is good."

She made me blush. She laughed.

"Come on, give me something to do."
"Why don't you start by holding my hand?"

She grabbed it without hesitation.

"Where to, boyfriend?"

I froze, and she noticed. She let go of my hand, but I grabbed it back. She spoke first.

"Are you okay? Too early?"
"Maybe... are you sure... I don't want to ask the question..."

I lowered my head.

"Are you here for the right reasons? I mean, with Stan... and..."
"I'm here because I want to have fun, with a friend. Someone whom I really, really care about. Someone who means a lot to me."

I smiled. She came back with a question.

"Why are you so insecure?"
"I'm scared."

She looked to the ceiling for a moment.

"I won't lie to you. I don't know where I'm going with this. I am still confused... but... when I'm with you... when I read your emails... I feel the confusion slip away. I want... to feel that. Don't you?"
"Yes... Yes I do."

I squeezed her hand, then pulled her along as we turned right.

"You're going to try on clothes for me."

We made our way to a large clothing store. As we entered, she asked what kind of clothes I had in mind.

"Anything you like. You don't need to buy anything."
"No shoe shopping, though."

I was stunned, but maybe it was stereotypes playing tricks on me. We made our way to the general clothing section: there were pants, skirts, sweaters, t-shirts and camisoles. We started looking around, she spotted a few she liked, asking for my opinion. Once she had chosen six pieces, we went towards the changing booths. There was a clerk there, so there wasn't that much we could do. It wasn't like I could follow her inside: it would have been strange. She disappeared into the booth. The entrance was covered with a drape that was pulled sideways, so I tried to find an angle in which I would see her if she made herself visible. It wasn't much, but I managed to find a reasonable angle. I waited.
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Old 11-04-2009, 04:37 PM   #36
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Excellent!!!!! These are the best by far! Can't wait for the next part of the case to come out
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Old 11-06-2009, 07:33 AM   #37
getDare Succubus
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Default Afternoon Delights - Tripping and Stripping

I looked around the store. It was a busy Saturday afternoon, and everybody went about their business, unmindful of what everyone else was doing. I looked back towards the booth - the drape was still closed over the curtain.

I looked back to the store clerk, smiling at her, and I noticed she turned her head away, almost blushing. It took me a moment to understand what she was blushing about. I remembered I had put Danielle's folded underwear in my boxers, and it had created a slight bulge. I had to prevent myself from both looking and laughing. I must have looked like I was in full erection, and only the pants held it in check. I'd have to look in a mirror a bit later.

I glanced back at the changing booth, and saw the drape had slid open. Danielle was coming out, wearing a tight white camisole with a logo that said: I'm a good girl. She had obviously taken off her bra, because I could make out the shape of her nipples through the cloth. I bit my lower lip.

"What do you think?"
"It's not quite you..."
"I know... but I liked the color. I'll try something else."
"Maybe that top with the matching skirt?"

She disappeared into the changing booth. I saw her looking my way, but I realized she was looking behind me. There was so much traffic, she didn't want to take too many chances with being caught doing our dares. I waited a moment more and she came out, in the same camisole, but this time with a mini-skirt of the same color. The skirt hung low on her hips, exposing her navel and some very nice skin. The skirt barely went past her sex - I knew she had no panties on. I felt a real erection coming on.

"You think?"
"Still not quite you."

She went back in, only this time, she didn't fully close the drape. She left just enough open so I could see part of her undressing and some expose skin. She took everything off - she was naked in the booth, except for her socks. I could very well see her feet. For a moment, my hand wandered towards my crotch and I forgot where I was, but I recomposed myself. The store clerk was looking oddly at me: she was a young woman, no older than myself. I wondered if she knew what was going on. If she did, she said nothing.

Danielle came out in another matching outfit: light blue short shorts and a tight blue t-shirt of the same tint. I could make out each of her features through the fabric. I said nothing as she paraded in front of me.

"Light blue?" she hazarded.

I nodded, as if it wasn't what I had in mind.

"All right..."

She went back in, this time fully closing the drapes. I looked at the store clerk. She was busy with customers, but once in a while she looked my way, and I could where her gaze was aimed. I felt somewhat excited and flattered, even if some of that bulge was artificial. Danielle was taking her time in the changing booth, so when the register was clear, the clerk - whose name was Sandra, according to her name tag - came over to me.

"Can I help you?"
"Nope. Just waiting for my girl..."

For a moment, I was tempted to ask for her number. But somehow, that seemed wrong. Perhaps she had a boyfriend. More likely she wasn't interested. And anyway, there was Danielle in the other room. I was wondering how these thoughts were entering my mind when Danielle came out: this time, she was sporting another mini-skirt, a red one, and a black sports top. She was so hot and beautiful. I was stunned.

"You like?"
"I do."
"Okay, I'll get these..."

I whispered to her, leaning forward.

"You don't have to."
"I want to."

Danielle lowered her gaze towards my crotch.

"Oh my! Did I do that?"
"What do you think?"

She giggled as she returned to the changing room. Again, my mind wandered to the store clerk. I stared at her for a moment. She was very pretty, with long black hair, a simple smile and a gorgeous figure. She turned to me, smiling, and I looked away.

Danielle came out of the booth, dressed in her original clothing. She set the other items aside, but kept the red skirt and black top as she made her way to the register where Sandra was waiting to proceed with the purchase. Danielle and Sandra were courteous as they spoke, commenting on the allure of the skirt. Sandra said she had one just like it but in dark green. Danielle thought it was a nice color. Then, she paid, and we headed out. My mind was still lost in thought, so Danielle interrupted my reverie with a punch to my shoulder.

"Ouch! What?"
"What are you thinking?"
"It's not nothing... please tell me. My turn to impose a truth on you!"

I didn't want to tell her, but I didn't want to disappoint her either, and we were still playing the game. After all, she was also so forward with me: why not be forward with her?

"I was thinking how pretty the clerk - Sandra, I believe - looked. Don't get me wrong, you were hot, but while I was waiting for you to come out, she glanced at my... well..."
"And I had the weidest thought..."
"What thought?"
"Well... I thought - I could ask for her number."

Danielle laughed.

"That's not weird. She was pretty."
"But I'm with you."
"So?... Dare me."
"Dare me to get her number for you."
"Do it..."

I paused for a moment.

"Okay... Danielle, I dare you to get her number for me."
"I'll be right back. Stay here."

She went back into the store. I was somewhat shocked but I waited for about two minutes. Then, I saw Danielle coming back, a smile on her face. She handed me her bill: I looked at it and saw that there was a phone number written on it.

"What? How did you...?"
"Secret. Come on, let's go somewhere else."

Danielle just grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the store.

"She said you could call her as soon as tonight."

I was too stunned to react. Danielle took the lead, and we headed in the opposite direction, my mind still unable to comprehend exactly what had happened.
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Old 11-06-2009, 08:27 AM   #38
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So I was feeling a little blue this morning, and I opened up the stories forum to see if something in there could perk me up. Nope, none of my favorite threads had any updates. I got side-tracked for a bit, then came back and hit refresh. Ah ha! A something interesting to read!

I'll have to say that this brightened my day. Well, it was either that or my caffeine finally kicked in, but I'll credit to your writing. Keep up the good work.
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Old 11-06-2009, 11:50 AM   #39
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I'm sure the coffee helped too.

Won't be able to post anything more than this quick post until Monday.

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Old 11-06-2009, 04:15 PM   #40
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just bein me =)

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Old 11-09-2009, 06:48 AM   #41
getDare Succubus
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Default Afternoon Delights - Something in the way...

We crossed the entire mall, Danielle dragging me by the hand the whole team, until we made it near the food court. Danielle's pleasant teasing had put me in the right mood to play with her. I had tucked the clerk's - Sandra's - number in my pocket, unsure what to do with it. Better to let it rest and reflect on it at a later time.

I bought a drink at the concession stand, and shared it with Danielle as we sat down on a bench.

"I saw so many beautiful things getting here."
"Did you want to stop somewhere?"
"No. Just browsing."

She looked over to the food court. There were a lot of people, and we could make out several couples together. Danielle's gaze went dreamy for a moment, then she turned to me.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live together with someone, married, kids, you know, the whole package?"
"Sure. I mean, I think everyone does."
"I didn't... not for a long while. When I first moved in with Stan, well... I started having those thoughts, I must admit."
"And... that's it. I just... it's funny how things happen in our lives."
"That's true."
"I mean, I've been with Stan for less than six months, and he's already... well, it's already over. And you've never been with someone for very long either."
"I haven't, yeah..."
"Maybe... we aren't meant for long-term..."
"Or maybe we haven't found the right person."

As soon as the words jumped ouf of my mouth, I felt bad. The intent behind them was too obvious, but Danielle didn't chide me for them. Instead, she just ignored them.

"What do you wanna do now?"
"Well... let's see."

I looked over at the food court.

"Are you... disgusted easily?"
"Not really, no."
"I was thinking... you might want to stroll around the food court... and ask for... fries, let's say."
"Yeah. Just find people who have french fries, and ask for one... but don't eat them. Thank them, and walk away."
"And just get as many fries as you can."
"All right."

She seemed puzzled, but she got up. I saw her hesitate for a moment: walking up to total strangers was hard enough, but asking for fries, and then not eating them would definitely be construed as aberrant behaviour. As I watched her make her way towards the table, I went to get a napkin from a concessions stand.

I watched as Danielle made her way across the crowd, asking for french fries. At first, it didn't seem to work that much. I saw her lean in, and kiss a guy on the cheek, and he gave her a french fry. Moving to the next table, she kissed another guy on the cheek, then his girlfriend, and they both gave her a french fry. The process was repeated several times. She was lucky: many of the people here were younger and therefore a bit more willing to participate in whatever stunt was going on.

At some point, I saw Danielle pointing at me, and three guys stared in my direction. I just waved at them, unsure of what was going on.

It took about two minutes, but Danielle came back with roughly twenty french fries.

"Okay... now what?"

I wrapped the french fries into the napkin.

"Come on. Follow me."

We left the food court and headed towards the back parking lot, where there was much left traffic. Danielle zipped her coat as we exited.

"Ever play seagull?" I asked.

I motioned her to move some distance from me, then I took out a french fry and waved it in the air. She understood. I tossed the first french fry: she snatched it out of the air with her mouth, and wolfed it down.

"If they fall on the ground, don't eat them."
"Don't worry, Frank. I wasn't planning to."

I started tossing her the fries. It was either my tossing or her catching ability, but she actually managed to clamp down into half of them. Perhaps it was a combination of both. I had her running left to right, back and forth. A few customers walking by seemed amused by the spectacle. When I had tossed all the fries, she ran back towards me, arms flailing, laughing. She tackled me, wrapping her arms around my waist; instinctively, my arms wrapped above her shoulders. We remained there, hugging, for a long moment, but she pulled away. The embrace had been so sudden it had destabilized her.

"Let's go back in. My legs are cold."

We headed back inside the mall.

"That was fun... I didn't know I was that good."
"I didn't either."

As we returned to the main area of the mall, she smiled at me.

"My pleasure."

We still had plenty of time in front of us for playfulness, but I didn't want to plan ahead too much. After all, it was better to make it up as we went along.
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Old 11-12-2009, 12:24 PM   #42
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Default Afternoon Delights - Game Lovers

We made our way back slowly towards the main area. I checked my watch. It was a little after two.

"What do we do now?"

I pondered the question.

"I'd like to stop at the gaming shop."

We made our way into the store and browsed a little for the titles. A friend of mine was working the counter, Cedric.

"Hi Frank! What's up?"
"Shopping around..."
"This your friend?"

I introduced them. They shook hands.

"Looking for anything in particular?"

With Cedric's help, I browsed around the store. I was looking for another role-playing game for my PS2. He gave me several suggestions, but I ended up buying nothing. Meanwhile, I watched what Danielle was doing. She was picking up games. I walked over to her.

"Do you play videogames?"
"Not by myself."
"What have you played?"
"Stuff like Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive... Stan played a lot so I ended up going against him, but I always lost. We had a party once, lot of friends came over and we took turns. It was okay."

We made our way out of the store, waving to Cedric as we left. We started walking, but I was fresh out of things to have Danielle do. Danielle must have sensed it because she took the initiative.

"Let's play a game."
"I thought we were already playing a game."
"I mean, a specific game."
"Okay... what do you have in mind?"

Danielle seemed to be pondering the details so I let her think. Quickly, she came back.

"Let's do a virtual strip game."
"Virtual strip game?"
"Sure... we don't really strip, since we're in public... but we say we lose an item when the condition arises."
"Okay... what's the condition?"
"Haven't figured that one out yet?"

I laughed. I figured I should at least come up with something, but what could we play upon in a mall? The question lingered in the air for another long moment.

"How about... we just sit in the main area and watch people go by?"
"And... you take the left, I take the right, and we count people holding hands?"
"Yeah... that's something."

Danielle didn't seem that satisfied with my suggestion, but she didn't have any better idea. As we sat down on a bench to watch the passers-by, she spoke up.

"Maybe we can play more than one game?"
"Well... two-out-of-three?"
"And if we come up with a new rule, we change between games?"

She smiled at me. She grabbed my own hand. I looked to the right side of the mall - she peered left. The game was on.

Last edited by interesting; 11-14-2009 at 10:41 AM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 09:47 PM   #43
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Apologies for my recent lack of updates.

Work, work work...

Fap, fap, fap... (that's just gross on my part!)

I'll update as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience.

You can visit my erotic stories website at:

This link can get you to all of my stories on this site as well:
Blog for my GD stories

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Old 12-20-2009, 07:51 PM   #44
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Cool Afternoon Delights - It Was A Dumb Idea

[Early Christmas present to all my readers. Enjoy!]

I had already stripped completely twice. Virtually, that was.

It was a nice idea for a game, but practically, it sucked. Danielle had felt it too, because after the second game, she turned to me and smiled, being polite.

"Well, that was nice... but I'd rather play the real thing."
"Me too."

We both laughed. Our game had lasted a little under thirty minutes, so it was now 2:30, and we still had time to spare, but we were fresh out of ideas on what to do. Danielle lowered her head.

"Maybe I should just go home?"
"Well, I like this, but it's not what I expected."

I was down, but her smile brought me back up.

"Hey, smile back. I'm having a wonderful time."
"But... well, this place is too crowded. Let's go somewhere."

So we did. We returned to the bus stop and headed back downtown. I asked her if she wanted to go back to my place, but she declined.

"I don't think it would be right..."

She lowered her head towards me.

"I don't think I could keep myself off you..."

She shied away, surprised at what she had just said.

"I think I'll go back home."
"If you want to..."
"That's not what I really want, but I want to hold out a little... a little more... is that all right?"
"If it's all right with you, then yes... I don't want to pressure you."
"I do have a dare for you, though. Was it my turn?"

I had completely forgotten whose turn it was.

"Let's just start over."
"Deal. Now, my dare..."
"I dare you to call her tonight."
"Call who?"

The clerk from the store? I had gotten her number.

"I want you to call her, and ask her on a date. And have fun on that date..."

Danielle smiled.

"You're shocked?"
"A little... I mean... what if...?"
"If it happens... go for it."
"But you..."
"I can manage on my own, and I do... want you to... well, it's hard to explain, but I don't want to... be jealous or anything, and we're not really an item anyway."
"If you say so..."
"Are you sure you're up for it?"
"I can be... Yes, I am, I think."

Danielle hugged me.

"I wish you a wonderful time... you write me back and tell me how your date went. Every single detail. Understood?"
"Understood... you're so puzzling, Danielle."
"Thank you... I... I'll see you soon."

She hugged me one more time and then made her way back to the bus stop. I watched her leave, and only when she went out-of-view did I turn back.

Calling Sandra. The clerk from the store. What had I gotten myself into?

[Expect another update tomorrow.]
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Old 12-21-2009, 02:12 PM   #45
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Drink Ready for the Night

When I got home, I went directly to the bathroom. And that's when I realized that Danielle's panties were still in my underwear.

I laughed. She had gone home without any panties. We had both completely forgotten about that one. For a moment, I wondered what to do with it. I tossed it aside while I went about my business in the bathroom, then I took it to my bedroom and laid it on my bed. It wasn't the most erotic piece of underwear I had seen, but it belonged to Danielle. I thought about hanging it on the wall, but I decided to leave it there for the moment.

I was horny. The activities of the afternoon had taken their toll, and I needed my release. But I didn't want to just sit down in front of some pornography and masturbate. I stared at Danielle's panties, and several ideas came to mind. I decided to ignore them: it didn't feel right using them in any fashion, at least not without her prior consent.

I moved to my computer and decided to think of something else. I checked my facebook page and my email. Nothing immediately caught my eye, but I scrolled down the page and noticed Laurie's updated status from thirty minutes ago: SO BORED!... someone put me out of my misery. I checked and she was online, so I typed something in the chat box, hoping she would answer.

Frank: Bang!

She answered almost immediately.

Laurie: Come again?
Frank: I shot you. You're no longer miserable.
Laurie: lol

There was a pause.

Frank: What's going on? Why so bored?
Laurie: Nothing on TV... don't want to play games...
Frank: Want to hang?
Laurie: Mebbe? U?
Frank: Mebbe...

For some reason, I really needed to open up to someone about my afternoon. I also remembered that I had promised to call Sandra up. Talking to Laurie and getting her to do something was not the smartest move ever. Unless I could play it both ways.

Frank: I need backup.
Laurie: Backup? Going commando style?
Frank: Nope. Date.
Laurie: You got a date and you need backup?
Frank: I got maybe a date.
Laurie: ?????
Frank: Got to call her first.
Laurie: Call her, not me (duh!)
Frank: But I'd rather double...
Laurie: Double date?
Frank: Is Jacob available?

I didn't know if my last question was appropriate, given their current relationship.

Laurie: I'll ask him... but YOU call HER NOW!
Frank: Yes ma'am!

I picked up the phone and retrieved the paper where Sandra's number was written. Wait... wouldn't she still be at work at this time? Damned. I couldn't call her... or had she given me her cellphone? I decided to call, and I would leave a message if necessary.

The phone rang twice, and a female voice answered, live. For a moment, I didn't answer, taken by a sudden shyness.

"Hello?... Hello?"
"Hi... It's Frank... Hi!"
"We... met at the store... I was..."

I was with my the girl I want to become my girlfriend and I'm asking you out. What kind of a lame idea was that?

"Well, the girl I was with... Danielle... she got your number for me, because..."
"Oh, that guy. Frank, you say?"
"Yeah. You're Sandra."
"Yes I am. Says so on my shirt. Well, name tag."

She laughed over the phone and it lightened the mood. I noticed that the icon was flashing on the screen to tell me that Laurie had replied to my last message, but I kept focused on Sandra.

"I'm sorry to call you at work..."
"No bother... I can't talk long though. What if I call you later?"
"After your shift?"
"Okay, well... huh... are you doing anything tonight?"
"Well, if I read you right, spending the evening with you?"

I almost choked on her words, but I managed to keep my composure; I was glad she couldn't see my astonishment over the phone.

"Yeah... well, sure. I mean, call me when you're done."
"Great. We'll get a bite to eat first. Your treat, of course."
"Of course..."
"All right then. I'll call you around five. Bye!"

She hung up. I kept the phone to my ear for a moment, before hanging it up and turning back towards my computer. I checked Laurie's answer.

Laurie: He's up for it.
Frank: Are you?
Laurie: Sure. Could be fun. What do you have in mind?
Frank: Not sure. She'll call me back when she gets off work. Five.
Laurie: Call us then.
Frank: Okay.

Her status went idle, meaning she was away from the computer. I was somewhat stunned at the turn of events. I hoped I could integrate Laurie and Jacob into whatever Sandra had planned for us tonight. She seemed to have all the answers, given I'd only talked to her once at the store and once now, over the phone. I was still wondering how Danielle had managed to get her number. Could she have known her? It didn't seem so. Sandra was more my age, so they wouldn't have been in school together, technically.

The mystery lingered for a moment. I moved back to my bedroom, stripped naked, and decided that I was due for some serious release now. When I sat back down, I noticed I had a new email. It was from Danielle. She must have gotten home in the meantime. I quickly opened it, seeing there were attachments to it. I decided to read the content first; the attachments seemed to be pictures.

My wonderful little soldier,

I had a great time this afternoon. I know we got bored a little, but I guess not everything can always be at the top. By the way, you can keep the panties. Souvenir, for now. It was pretty cold for my bum getting back; I had to keep my skirt down so the wind wouldn't lift it up. It was fun.

Since I already gave you a dare today, out-of-turn (I checked our correspondance), you can dare me back, this once. I'll do anything short of illegal and painful.

Also include a truth, since that's what I initially asked for.

I spoke to Rita again. I forgot to mention it. Expect some email from her very soon. She would definitely like to see you again, and her boyfriend also seems eager to meet you. She spoke highly of you - even though she only met you once. And even if she's pregnant, she would still be up for some fun and games. And so would Jacques. Who knows? As I told you, we usually hang out around the holidays, I could try to convince them to pay me a visit here?

As for tonight... I'm serious when I tell you to go for it, and have fun. From what I understood from Sandra, you've got a fairly good chance of sex tonight. I want you to take it. I want you to, if you have the opportunity, fuck her like you would fuck me. I'm sincere. That's part of your dare.

When I got home, I took the liberty of snapping three shots... the continued saga of me undressing. Enjoy!

Have a wonderful time, and I'll see you soon. I love you.

There, I wrote it. And didn't erase it.


I reread the part where she was telling me to fuck Sandra like I would fuck her; and then the part where she said she loved me. I was harder than I had been in a long time, and I still hadn't checked the pictures. I wondered again if Danielle knew what I had planned to do while watching the pictures, but it didn't matter.

These were pictures three to five. It only seemed fitting that I watch them in sequence again, so I saved them all. She had entitled them Danielle 1 thru 5. I opened my image browser to the first image she had sent me.

She was santing some distance from the webcam, in a beautiful green dress, her upper body wrapped in a white short-sleeved blouse. Her hair was tied behind her heard. She stood defiant but smiling.

The second picture I had already masturbated to once. Still facing the webcam, she had undone all the buttons of her blouse, revealing the bare skin and no bra, suggesting an easy access to her breasts. Her right hand was facing forward, palm first, and she had written I love you in graphics, with a heart in place of the word love.

I clicked on the third image. She was facing away from the camera, and the blouse was lowered so it would expose her shoulders. Her hair was still tied in a bow, and she had gently perked up her behind to give it more emphasis. The bottom of the shirt was also rolled so I could see the skin on her lower back. Her head was also tilted sideways, looking absently to her left.

The fourth image got me even hotter. She was facing front again, the blouse was gone, and her hands were cupping her breasts. Her smile was artifically shy, hinting at the bad girl that hid behind those innocent looking eyes. I noticed that she had lowered her dress as much as she could, exposing the better part of her stomach.

One last image. It blew me away. She was naked. The naughty parts were covered; her right arm across her breasts and her left hand over her sex, but she was for all intents and purposes naked.

I was already stroking myself like crazy, and without realizing it, without being able to prevent it, I came - all across my keyboard!


I quickly tried to pick up the mess, laughing all the way. Her naked picture seemed to be laughing with me.

The release brought me peace, and I decided that I needed to lie down for a moment, so I did just that. I expected a call around five. But I was in no rush. I was content, satisfied, and turned on. I didn't even bother removing the image from my screen: I was alone in my apartment after all. And I wanted to come back to the image of a naked Danielle waiting for me.
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