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Old 08-05-2012, 10:40 PM   #361
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David and Melissa are walking down the hallway of the hotel that frog is in when they walk pass a door where they her a moan coming from the room they see that door is open a crack for the lady forgot to shut it the hold way. Melissa peek through the crack with David and says "He was with group of peope we saw in the barn up the road from here right" David nods his head , Just as they are stand there someone guy run up the hallway and bumps in to Melissa causing her to fell into the door.

Which push the door wide open causing Melissa to fall on the floor of frogs room. Melissa look up and room service lady standing there get more red in the face from emberassed at almost be caught by a guest of the hotel. the room service lady leaves the room. Melissa get up and dust herself off. She look at the guy and the young lady sees that the young lady has a bandage on her head and that the guy has a cast on his leg and say " Sorry didn't mean to interrupt you." She then start back to the doorway where David is waiting. When frog says " wait a moment where do you think you are going?"

Melissa says" back to my friend who is waiting for me." Frog says " You are not going anywhere until you do some stuff for me." Melissa then asks " What do you want me to do? Frog says " Take off all you clothes. " Melissa remove all her clothes of her body and now standing in the room naked. frog then says "Remove all of Jess clothes from her body and put your clothes on her." Melissa carefully remove jess clothes from her body for she didn't want to cause her any pain carefully put her clothes on Jess body. Frog says " Now Put jess thong and bra on." Melissa put Jess bra on she feel them squeezing her breast for they are tighter then her bra. she notice the Jess thong is wet but she put them on. Frog then says " Play with yourself." Melissa rub her fringers on the virgina area of the thong were the wet spot is from jess juice which was bring her closer to the edge sudenly melissa let out a soft moan fell to the floor from be exhausted after play with herself. she also notice that the wet spot is l larger. Melissa then realize that now her juices is mix with jess's juice in the thong. she can also feel the juice running down her legs. " Frog then says " You can go now."

Melissa was going ask if could put the rest on but decide not to ask. So she walk toward David wear ownly bra that is to tight for her breast and thong full of her's and Jess" juice she look toward frog's bed see that his dick is hard she then look toward David and see the he has a bulge in his jean short.
As she reaches David. She says "Lets go back to our room where we can have are own fun. then tomorrow we can start look for are friend Jessica again.?" forgetting to shut the door of frog 's room and runs up the hallway to their room. Frog turns his head to jess who is laying on the other bed still pass out wear Melissa clothes that are a little to big for her

Meanwhile PI is at the hospital with Carrie wait for the doctor to decide weather to release Carrie or keep her overnight. little does Pi Know that someone else is waiting to make him pay what he did to her at the pool. She then say " I can wait unit girl out of the hospital." the female figures then walk out of the hospital waiting to strike when the time is right.

Last edited by djsnila28; 08-09-2012 at 09:04 PM.
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Old 08-09-2012, 08:46 PM   #362
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(has everyone forgot about Carrie?? Even though I haven't)
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Old 08-15-2012, 11:01 AM   #363
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Pi, Carrie, and the doctor didn't notice that there was female figure stand in the doorway for the doctor was to busy talkig to Pi and said " We are just surprised that she is still alive when all the exams we did on her says that she should be dead, but we would like to keep her over night.

Pi then ask "Is there a reason you want to keep her over night." Doctor said " we like to keep eye on before we release her." Pi said "No she can't stay over night we have leave here right away." The doctor leave to get the paper to release her, but all of a sudden another doctor comes in who has evil look on his face and says" Yous aren't going any where." the pull out a syringe with a needle on it. he sticks in Pi's arm. All of suddem Pi start feel sleeply all of a sudden he then fall to sleep his head land on Carrie's lap, Carrie is scared of this doctor she Pi cell phone of if his pocket dials frogs number she here the hears the phone ringing, frog answer and says "Hello", just as Carrie was going to answer frog the doctor put the syringe with needle on it causing her to fell a sleep an fell back into the hospital bed.
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Old 08-15-2012, 12:04 PM   #364
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Frog can tell something is wrong.
Looking down at Jess he kicks her untill she wakes up
Tasting all the cum in her mouth and feeling it all over her face
"What the Hell?" She says starting to wipe it off
"Jess the others are in danger. Help me up"
She looks to her side and sees Frogs dick.
"Did you do this?"
"No, You did it to me in your sleep, Now come one we have to go now!"
Jess helps up Frog.
They limp down to the truck.
Frog looks at Jess.
"You ever driven before?"
"Well lets see if I can drive stick with one foot"

It was strange at first but Frog managed to get them down the the hospital.
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Old 09-21-2012, 09:29 PM   #365
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Just as frog and Jess made to the hospital little did they know that they were follow by David and Melissa who is still wearing the Jess's bra and thong. Melissa run toward the hospital door with her breast bouncing in the tight bra she is wearing just as she reach the hospital the door the bra rips falls of of Melissa's body, She screams and cover her chest hides in a bush until David come near.

Frog hears scream outside the hospital door he even see the nurses and the doctors look at the door,but he is more worried about PI and Carrie t even think about the nosie, but Jess is wondering what the noise is and head to the hospital doors As frog hops down the hallway on one foot looking for Pi and Carrie.

Just as Jess reach the door the the doctor with evil look come up behind her in inject her with same stuff he use on PI and Carrie causing her to pass out. the evil looking doctor then carried her to a different her to to a room in the other direction from way frog went.

Outside the hospital Mell saw that she was hidding behind rose bush, but what she didn't know was the thong that she was wearing got caught on a thorn, Just as she stood up want David came near the thong was ripped of her body leaving her naked in front of David. David then said "Well is seem like fate want you to be naked." Melissa then says " Yeah, but I'm not going in there like this."

In hospital frog is still looking for PI and Carrie when he notice that Jess was not with him. So he begins to wonder if should look for jess or continue looking PI and Carrie.
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Old 09-22-2012, 06:16 PM   #366
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Frog still limping around the hospital. everybody is disappearing. Limping between rooms he finds a crutch.
"Thank GOD!'
Frog grabs it and really starts to pick up some speed.
He notices that a doctor is following him.
"Shit... I don't got any thing right now... no gun, I can't even throw a good punch...." He whispers to himself.
"Wait... I got a 45 in the truck."
Frog tries his best to get to the truck as fast as possible nearly falling over a couple of times.

As he leaves the hospital Frog struggles to get the keys out of his pocket.
Melissa and David see that he is in a rush and seem panicked.

Frog finally gets the keys out of his pocket, then drops them on the ground feeling a sharp pain in his back.

He blacks out.
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Old 09-23-2012, 10:00 PM   #367
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Melissa and David see guy come rushing out on the a crutch with a panic look on his face as he search for something in his pocket just as he got his keys out of his pocket the notice a doctor come up behind him just as they were about to warn the guy The doctor Jammed a needle in the guys back. They then saw him drop his key key on the ground. the he fall on the ground at the doctor feet.

Before the doctor can pick up the guy David pick up a hard rock an yells" Hey doc." the doctor turn around just as David throw the rock it hits the doctor on the the head and knocks him out. David and Melissa walk over to where the is laying and says to Melissa "There was something strange about that doctor." Melissa says " Yeah he gave me the creep, but what are we going to do with him for we can't take him in there." David then said "We can take him to are other friend's house she not to far way." Melissa then says " Ok, but let me get something that will help us get him there" Melissa then walk up to the side of the door take one of the hospital wheelchairs push it toward David. Just as she reach David she pick the guy up and sits him gently in the wheelchair she then gets behind the wheelchair look at David and says " Let's go."

David take them around the corner and down the street to a mansion like house. David then rings the doorbell he hears a voice say " I'll be right there." The door opens up there stand and eighteen years old girl with brown hair. and blue eyes she is wear a white tank top that show off her big breast, and jean shorts. David then says " Hi Vamp." The girl yell don't call me that you know my name is Lauren." She then see Melissa naked pushing a wheelchair that has guy in that is out cold. Lauren then look at David and ask "What has happen here? " David tells Lauren what happen. She then says to them " Come inside we will put him in one of guestrooms and Melissa go up to my room put something on so you are no walking around naked. Melissa then runs into the house upstairs to Lauren's room. David then push the wheelchair inside the mansion like house behind Lauren.

He then follow Lauren down a long hallway to the last room. Lauren then say you can put him it there. David push the wheelchair into the room and see that the paintings on the walls are painting of naked women. Just as David is staring at the that paintings Lauren pick the guy up out of the wheel chair lays him gently down on the bed she then grabs David by the arm head out to the hallway and shut the door to the room the guy is in. She then let go of David's arm he then says " Thanks Vamp. Lauren then Yells " I told you not to called me that not let head to the dinning room and wait for Melissa to come down.

Meanwhile in the hospital Jess wake up find herself strap to a hospital bed not even sure how she got here and wondering where frog is. in another room of the hospital Pi and carrie wake up and find that they are strap to a hospital bed.

Last edited by djsnila28; 09-24-2012 at 04:36 PM.
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Old 09-24-2012, 09:43 PM   #368
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(((Sorry this one is going to be short I am getting sick and as tired as hell)))

Jess lays there staring at the ceiling.
Luckily with the mad doctor gone for now the regular doctors have been treating her as a in-patient
They run a few tests on her and run an IV with a blood thinner to prevent the clots in her brain.
Her head begins to clear and trys to tell the doctors what happened but they don't believe her.

*Nikki and Kitty walk past the door and see her*
"Jess what are you doing here? Where is Frog?!" Nikki says concerned
"I don't know... We were looking for PI and Carrie when I got knocked out by some doctor...." Jess responds

Kitty goes down the hall to check Carrie's Room
and immediately tells the doctor who begin to scan the hospital looking for them.

|Mean while Frog is not waking up. The shot the Mad Doctor gave him is reacting with his pain killers.|
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Old 09-26-2012, 10:37 PM   #369
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As the doctor checking every room in the hospital until get to one door and fines that it is lock . He asks one of the nurse " Who locked this door. Nurse then said it was one of the new that she never saw before." Doctor then said "we didn't get any new doctors on staff." The doctor then looks in the little window of the door and a guy strapped to one bed and young lady strapped to the other. the doctor then goes find the the told him not realize the she had follow him he bump into her cause her to fall to the floor on her butt. The doctor look down at her and saY " I think we found the two people you are looking for, but problems is the door is locked and I don't know who has the key to that room."

Kitty has a worried look on her face, and ask " Is the another Key to open that door?" The doctor says " Yes the master can do it, but only the head doctor has that key and he won't be in for a while." Nikki stay with Jess talk with her for while, until doctor come in tell nick she has to leave the room, but when she is in the hallways she has a feeling that someone is watch her, but thought it was her mind playing trick on her. Little did she know that it was the mad doctor watch her and he said to himself she will be next target as he was rubbing the spot on his head where the rock hit him..

Now in the mansion like house Lauren and David are in the dinning room wait for Melissa to come down She then look at her clock on the wall and say that strange I thought that guy would be up by now, David then said yeah, but we don't know what the doctor inject into him Vamp. She then grabbed glass vase off table and throw it in David's direction. He duck his head so that it flew by and hit the wall causing to break in to million pieces. David then look at Lauren who said " I told you not to call me that" Just as that happen Melissa was come down wearing a sundress that show off her figure. She then walk to the table where Lauren and David were sitting she was careful not to step on the glass pieces, and then sat down next to David,

Melissa ask how is that guy doing?" Lauren Said He still the same as he was before, but I'm going to call my doctor and see if she can help us." Lauren called her doctor, but no one was in the office at that time. she then ask Melissa and David Who like get in the hot tub, may he will cime to when he hears us." They both said at the same time " we don't have any bathing suit with us. " Lauren then said That will make it even more fun." Melissa and David realize they weren't getting out of it so they decide to go to the hot tub with Lauren. As they reached the hot tub they removed all there clothes laid then on the bench then they got in the hot tub with the water at 98 degrees and each sitting at a different corner. Melissa then said "This is weird." David then said " Yeah we are sitting naked in a hot tub." Lauren then said " Yous want to know something interesting." They then both shook the head yes. Lauren then said " The room the guy is in is right up there and that is the only way to get back into the house from here. Melissa and David could see that there is a window in the the room that would give the guy in the room a nice view of the hot tub.

Meanwhile frog started to move around in bed like he was about come to. In one hospital room Pi looked at Carrie and Carrie looked at Pi both wondering if they would ever get out of this room. Kitty start head back to the room Jess was in as she got near the room she notice a doctor watching Nikki and thought that was strange.

Last edited by djsnila28; 09-27-2012 at 09:14 PM.
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Old 09-27-2012, 09:43 PM   #370
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The mad doctor sneaks up behind Nikki as she begins to walk down the hall.
He leans in and stabs the needle into her back.
Little did he know she was still wearing the armor Bending the needle in half and not even the slightest penetration.
Nikki turns and decks the mad doctor in a single punch.
He hits the ground making a loud thud catching a couple other doctors attention.
They see the needle on the ground and dive at the mad doctor restraining him.
Security comes is called up and is there within minutes putting some handcuffs on him.
One of the doctors picks up the needle and sniffs the substance inside carefully.
"Its chloral hydrate... perfect for knocking people out... Check his pockets for the key for the room."

The guard reaches into his pockets and pulls out the key, as well as some more injections.

Frog stirring on the bed trying to come to but finds himself un-able to move or speak.
His breathing is deep and slow.
His vision losing and regaining focus slightly spinning everything seeming vivid in color.
Trying to look around at the room he is in he quickly realizes this in not the hospital but a house.
Some ones guest room...
He tries to move again but can't...
His hearing seems acute and can hear over great distances.
A old clock that is ticking down the hall.
A leaky faucet down stairs.
Slightly recognizable voices outside and some splashing.
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Old 09-28-2012, 11:38 PM   #371
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In the hospital the guard hand the doctor the key the runs down the hallway to the door that is locked and use the key to unlocks it. He then walk over to the beds and unstraps them Doctor tell them the room where the friend Jess is and then he leave the room. Carrie try to get of the bed, but as soon as her feet touch the floor she falls and realize that there is something wrong with her legs. Pi see this get the wheelchair that is in the room with them he pick carrie up off the floor and sit her gently into wheelchair.

He get behind the wheelchair push into the hallway toward the room that Jess is in. He see Kitty and Nikki and are glad that they are ok. Kitty and Nikki run to them hugs them for they are happy to see them. Nikki then says " Kitty and I going to go for a walk so you and Carrie can visit Jess plus we need some fresh air. They then walk to the hospital door as Pi and Carrie going into Jess room.

Kitty and Nikki walk around the around the corner and down the until that come to mansion like house where they hear splashing. they follow the sound to the noise and see two young ladies and a guy in a hot tub. Lauren then look out of the tub and see two young ladies looking them. She then says " Yous can join us it you like." Kitty then said " We don't have any bathing suit with us." Lauren then says " That's ok never of us or wear bathing suit in here." Kitty and Nikki realize that it looks and they haven't had fun for a while so they take of their clothes lay it on the bench with rest and then the get in the hot tub with Melissa, Lauren and David.

Meanwhile Pi is wondering what is taking Kitty and Nikki so long on their walk. the doctor come in says that they are free to go for Jess head is better and there nothing they can do for Carrie legs. Jess walk beside Pi as he push the wheelchair with Carrie in it outside. he then see frogs truck , but he also notice that the key are no where to be found he figure that frog must have them. He then push the wheelchair with Carrie in it round the corner and down street with Jess right beside him. until he come to a mansion like house
where he here splashing he follow the sound and see that Kitty and Nikki are in the hot tub with to other young ladies and a guy as notice that Jess and Carrie would like to join Kitty and Nikki in the hot tub.

Lauren then looks outside hot tub and see a young lady in wheel and guy behind her with a young lady stand beside him. Lauren then says " If yous like you can join us and down worrier about a bathing suit for no one is wear any in hear and plus it might help the young lady in the wheel chair." Jess looks at Pi who nods his head his yes. Jess then removes her clothes and lays the on the bench with the rest. Jess then joins Kitty and Nikki in the hot tub with Lauren, Melissa and David. Pi then helps Carrie take of her clothes lays them on the bench he then carries Carrie to the hot tum sit next to Jess. He then at them that talk to him first and ask " Before I get in there with you have seen the guy that own the truck outside the hospital." Melissa and David nod the head to say yes. Lauren then says " He is in that room." Point to a door that is up from the the hot. Pi then asks " Is it ok if I go in and see him."
She nod her head yes and says." If he need a drink the kitchen is down the hall from there."

Pi walks up to the door open it and head in side and see that Frog is a wake, notice that he can't move his body or even speak Pi then heads to the kitchen look for a drink but all he can find is herb tea bags and coffee that you make in the microwave. He decide to make coffee for he didn't think frog like herbal tea. Frog was happy to see Pi, but he wish that he could speak or move his sudden he started get the smell of coffee being maded

Meanwhile in the hot Jess asked are the Jets in this hot tub " Lauren then said "Yes there is" She then push a button the jets on causing the hot to bubble, and the Jet felt so good on their bodies. Carrie hope this would help her with her legs for she didn't want to be in a wheelchair for the rest her life. They didn't notice that the maid took the clothes off bench for she saw how dirty they were decide to take them to the Laundry Mat along with towels and wash rags for wash machine and dry in the mansion like house wouldn't be fix until next week or longer for the repair man is on vacation with his family, But no one even saw the maid leave for they were enjoying the hot tub. The maid drop the laundry off then want to start her vacation which is to see her mother you live in another country she would be back to work until next month or two.

Last edited by djsnila28; 09-29-2012 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 09-29-2012, 05:57 PM   #372
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In the hot tub
Jess stands up to line up the jet so it hits her in the middle of her back.
As she begins to sit back down The jet shoots the hot water between her butt cheeks and over her pussy. Forcing an un expected Moan
Jess Turning bright red sits down quickly.

This moan did not go un-noticed by David who has gotten quite as he is trying to hide a massive erection from the six beautiful girls

Little did he know Kitty had already noticed it.
She wanted to see how far she could go just by teasing him.
Kitty made sure to keep her breasts above the water and made them bounce with every expression.

Mean while PI has been carefully giving Frog the coffee in hopes to return his voice.
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Old 09-29-2012, 10:02 PM   #373
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In the hot tub David didn't know how long he could keep himself from Cumming into the hot tub for the sight of Kittys breast bouncing in the water was making his Penis throb and bring him closer to the edge. Lauren also took notice of the Jess's moan and what kitty was doing. She then pushed two other buttons one was another jet shot water out of the sides and the water running down the girls breast. The other one increased the speed of the the jets she did this for she want to see if another one of the ladies would let out a moan. Carrie start to get the feeling back in her legs. which she was glad. Melissa was looking at Jess and decide to move closer to her.

Pi was now trying to figure out how he could get frog's muscles to working again. he sat down on the the chair at bottom of the bed to wait and see if frog would speak for had to ask frog about the keys to the truck and he want to move it before it got towed away. As he was sitting there think you took notice of the paint on the wall and how the person in the painting look like the young lady who live here.

In the hot but Carrie get on her feet and notice that are leg are shaking she thought about to where Jess sitting, but wasn't sure if she be able to make it with out falling she then decides to sit back down. Lauren pushed another button that turn on some more jets which sprayed water that go over all the young ladies pussies at the area they were sitting at. for she was curious to see what would happen next.

At front of hospital female figure came out of the shadow you into the and happen to be Jessica. Melissa and David's friend's friend that they haven seen since the earthquake. In her her is the key to to the guy's truck she remember see that guy in the barn with the one that embarrassed her at the pool. she also know where they all were at. She then put the keys in her jean pockets. she walk around corner and down street until she came to the mansion like house where she heard splashing. She follow the noise saw Melissa, David and Lauren in the hot tub with the girls from the barn she also notice that one of the girl from barn had a red face. Lauren then saw Jessica and said said Come more in and join us. Melissa and Daid turn their heads to see who lauren was talking, when they did they were help to see the friend Jessica again and she was happy to see them. She then took of her clothes and took the keys out then laid them on the bench. she then throw them in the trash can for they were ripped by the rose bush near the hospital and she saw that there were no clothes around. She then walk into the then walk into the hot tub to join Melissa, Lauren, and David along with three young ladies from the barn.

Lauren then said " We told each others are name to let you knows my name is Lauren." Point to Melissa and said "That is Melissa and the one that just came in the hot tub her Name is Jessica." The Jess for barn look at them and said "Yous can call me Jess." Kitty then said "My name is kitty." Kitty made sure not to mention any about the pool that her, Pi, and Jessica want to for she didn't want to get in trouble with Pi. Nikki then said "my name is Nikki." Carrie then said "My name is Carrie. Jessica look at lady with red face and thought it was interest that they had the same, but she want make sure so she asked " Your full name is Jessica right?" Jess then look at Jessica and said yeah you and I both have the same name, but, I like going by the name Jess." Jessica smile at Jess nodded her head to say that she understood."

in frog room room Pi get up out of the chair over to frog and start massaging frog muscles to get the blood to flowing into them. but he still couldn't get the painting out of his head. he then saw another painting and saw that the same young lady was in this paint too? and thought to himself " This young lady must like being paint in nude."

In the hot tub David knew that if of the young ladies moan like Jess or started bouncing the boobs. the water like like Kitty that he would not be to hold the seamen in his cock and that he would cum in the hot and now that Jessica join he could feel more seamen in his cock making it even harder for him to hold it in.

Last edited by djsnila28; 10-03-2012 at 10:20 PM.
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Old 10-05-2012, 08:19 PM   #374
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In the hot tub Lauren was enjoy watching David try to hold his seamen in, but she have some more trick to use since she had to hot tub custom made for fun. she the push another button the cause something very small two go up all the you ladies pussies and as it when up it put arousal gel on the pussies. the young Melissa look at the at lauren and asked even know that the arousal gel was making it harder for hard to speak "What....was....that....?" Lauren then said " Yous will find out soon enough." Jess then asked even know the the arousal gel make it hear for her to speak "Why....isn't....it....effecting....you....?" Lauren then said cause I this seat is turn off and this is the only seat with on and off button and now for the next step." She then turn a knob on the side of the hot tub which turn on the little devices and they start vibrating in the young ladies pussies. Make then more arousal causing the young to become wet in the pussy area they even feel their juices run down their legs with vibrating continuing it cause them all to let out loud moan.

The was too much for David to handle that he end up cumming in the hot tub in sight of all these beautiful young ladies. Lauren enjoy what had happen end she hope that Pi and frog heard the from were they were at.

In frogs room off the mansion like house Pi and Frog heard the moan from the young ladies outside. h then left the room and ran outside to see was happening. As he reach outside he saw that all the bodies of the young ladies were shaking expect for Lauren you was just sitting there with a smile on her face. Pi asked "What is going on out here?" Lauren then said "All of the young ladies have a vibrator in their Pussies that I control and it also add arousal gel to their pussies as it went in them." After she answer Pi question she then said" Yous will all now stay in this mansion like house with me if your try to leave I will increase the speed of the vibrators." She then turn the vibrators off to let the young ladies rest and sat there waited for Pi answers.

Last edited by djsnila28; 10-05-2012 at 08:22 PM.
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Old 10-05-2012, 10:03 PM   #375
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((( Sorry I haven't replied I have been ridiculously busy lately with school...)))

PI looks at the girls trying to catch their breath from the unexpected pleasure and thinks to himself.
"Well Frog can't move at the moment anyway and we need some time before we can get out of here anyway..."
Looking at Lauren "I can only speak for Carrie, Kitty, Nikki, and Jess... but we will stay under a few conditions.
1. If I can leave to take Frog or Carrie to the hospital if need be. I have a feeling his back is hurt or there is a medication problem. And there is nerve damage to Carrie.
2. If I can get our stuff from the hotel.

Lauren. Having a plan for PI and Frog later says
"I agree"

Walking back inside PI is thinking to himself...
"How exactly is what she is doing a threat?... Well for now no chances... Once Frog can talk I will need to ask him if he finished working on his EMP Cannon Project..."

As PI walks into the room that Frog is in he sees that Frog is holding a very serious, almost strained face.
Before he can ask if he is okay PI sees that Frogs right arm is tightening up trying to lift it. This is a huge relief seeing that his spine is not broken.

Lauren has begun to inspect her new "Guests"
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