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Old 01-31-2010, 02:08 PM   #16
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I'm against anyone who is for the limitation of liberality.

Religion is a way to force morals onto the weak minded. But most people nowadays have learned to walk on their own two feet, and don't need to be force-fed anymore. And those that do aren't religious anyway.

I'm not saying there's no such thing as God, or Gods - not at all. But to say "being gay is wrong because the man who gave you such feelings says so!" is... well, down-right hypocritical, is it not?

Some say you're born gay, but I'm a firm believer in nurture. That, or being gay is a genetic mutation in order to keep the population at a certain level. Natural selection, if you may.

But, as far as it goes, those feelings are still true. And, as such, should be respected like the feelings of any other human.

But the people of the world today are too niave, or just ignorant, to do accept that which is different.

Pity, really.
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Old 01-31-2010, 02:37 PM   #17
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I believe marriage is a committment made by two people before God. Problem has been solved in NZ by creating civil unions, entirely non religious legal arrangement that offers the same protections to a couple as marriage does in law, with inheritence, custody, entitlements etc recognised by law and government institutions. CU are for anyone who wants to legalise a committment but doen't want to get into a religious side of marriage.

The Bible says a man shouldn't lie with a man as with a woman, about the only passage in the major piece of work against such activity, and in the OT. It says nothing about a person having feelings for another person of the same sex. Taking this out of context to ban homosexually, one could also take the next verse to counter it, love thy neighbour as oneself, so maybe mutual masterbation is okay. The act of sexual penetration is thought to be a spiritual act that joins two people into one, so shouldn't be comtemplated lightly, but other forms of sexual union are not mentioned. Sodom and Gomorrah are used as an example, but look at the description of the two cities. They were evil, they would rape travelers passing through, they engaged in mass orgies with each other, almost certainly they did so to some pagan god, and it was the worship of such gods that God hated. They probably had sex with children, animals, parents, dead people, even though this is not mentioned, and their influence could have spread to other cities if left unchecked, they were a cancer so the area was sterilised by God, to serve as a warning, and probably to protect the other cities from being drawn into the same behavior.

If you read the Bible, you see there are a number of areas in the OT that were just as bad in Gods eyes, generally with good reason, but ignored today as it is convenient to do so. Some are mentioned in the NT as well. Gossip, lieing, glutony, sex with anothers partner, love of money (behind the financial meltdown), sex with a woman in period, joining fabric of different kinds together, having mould in ones house, having ones hair cut in a cetain way (generally as a sign of one's committment to a pagan god) etc. If your going to pounce on gay people, then do so on those that lie, cheat, steal, spread rumours, are greedy, etc as well, or your a hypocrite.
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Old 01-31-2010, 02:48 PM   #18
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I love the religious reasons as they seem to be so very selective with everything else. There are various passages in many of the major regions that accept things like slavery as acceptable and 'interesting' ways in which you can treat women. Yet if you tried to bring any of that back I bet most of those same people wouldn't be cheering quite so loud.
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Old 01-31-2010, 03:46 PM   #19
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I'm going to keep it short because I'm lazy: I think if any couple want to get married, they should be able to do so. It's terrible people protest against it, no one protested against their marriage, it's unfair. Also, to the gay people who think it's shouldn't be legalized because they don't want to get married, some other gay couples do. I say let them, let everyone. I like weddings.

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Old 01-31-2010, 03:50 PM   #20
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I don't really care for gay marriage, dunno if I would get married, but I think you should be able to if you want to. I don't need any fancy title to unite me with my boyfriend.

I guess its good for the benefits heterosexual couples would recieve.
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Old 01-31-2010, 04:08 PM   #21
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Old 01-31-2010, 04:33 PM   #22
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Default Let me put a different slant on this

Marriage was invented in prehistory, so inherited by almost all human societies, regardless of their religion. The religious aspect was not relevant then. Marriage was too valuable to abandon, so it stayed around. Here's why: All societies were dominated largely or entirely by men. The most important commodity was women. Being the most important, they caused the most conflict. Marriage greatly lessens the problem by allowing each man exactly one woman. So, marriage is a collective agreement amongst men to share the women.
In that case, one could argue that gay marriage is absurd.
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Old 01-31-2010, 05:17 PM   #23
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I am a Catholic. I am for gay marriage. Saying you are against it because your Church says so makes no sense. Unless you are in a cult, you are allowed to have your own views. Open up your conscious every now and then have your own opinion. If your religion's views factor into, fine. But use your own my mind every once in awhile and figure out why YOU AND NOT YOUR CHURCH'S VIEWS BELIEVE IT IS WRONG!!!!!!!!

/end rant
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Old 01-31-2010, 06:31 PM   #24
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Thanks MBP

While having your beliefs influenced by the world around you (parents, friends, religion, etc.) is largely inevitable, I believe that simply taking the beliefs of another person or group and doing a rather large copy/paste on to your "List of stuff I believe in" without first thinking critically about what those beliefs are, what they mean, etc. is an intellectually irresponsible practice.

As other people have stated, people that usually cite religious reasons for why they don't like gay marriage are usually just using religion to back up their own personal prejudices, because there are far more things in the bible that we shouldn't allow. Most of them are actually quite strange, (Apparently, wearing 2 different types of fabric at the same time is a sin. As is cutting your hair a certain way. Additionally, should a child curse their parent, (I've done this lots of times, and have yet to meet a single child who has not.) they should be put to death.) and should we put all those practices from the bible in place today, not even the most hardcore Christians would be happy about it.

Furthermore, if you do have the belief that we are all God's creatures, and he created us, then I can't reconcile that belief with the one that says "God doesn't think that gays should be able to marry." Why would an all loving, all powerful god intentionally create people who would be second-class citizens? I mean sure, by your beliefs, God's not always a big fan of our actions and choices, but I have yet to meet a single gay person who's said "Yeah, I just do this for fun on the weekends, see I just flip this switch here, and I'm totally straight, with no desire for the same sex anymore." At that point, God has stopped judging our actions, and started judging us, which would be silly, because if you believe he exists, then you probably believe he created us.

Intentionally making something inferior and then disliking it because it's inferior seems irrational, and like a bit of a dick move. The only way to reconcile that is if god doesn't believe gay people are inferior, that's just something we made up. At that point, if they aren't inferior, don't they deserve the same rights as everyone else?
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Last edited by Dicedarefan666; 01-31-2010 at 06:33 PM.
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Old 01-31-2010, 07:29 PM   #25
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I think there is no reason why gay people cant get married
i think if gay people cant marry than niether can assholes and losers
they cant marry either

the only reason you people SAY gays shouldnt marry is because you dislike gay people for somereason and any chance you can get to put them down you take its just normal

id do the same thing to piss off someone i dislike there is not a truely decnt reason they shouldnt marry most of your reasons are very stereotypical it doesnt make sense to ACTUALLY think that if you legalize gay marriage than people will TURN gay if the percentage of gay people wanting marriage went up is because people "came out of the closet" and finaly are now willing to embrace there true feelings and i hope your reasons dont only preside to gay men
there are women who would like to marry that are intrested in same sex marriage this topic in my mind is just retarded and it is one of the reasons i HATE law and feel anarchy is the only solution
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Old 01-31-2010, 07:32 PM   #26
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wedgeboil, I don't dislike gay people, it is just my beliefs. And you really can't say much to that.
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Old 01-31-2010, 07:54 PM   #27
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Before I make my statement, I would like to make a few things clear. Some may sound redundant, and some are redundant. Nonetheless here it goes.
1. I am an athiest.
2. I do not believe in your god(s) or any other god(s) or godesses(s).
3. I am completely against the bible and view it as a work that may have a little truth, but most of it has been over-exaggerated beyond belief.
4. If you really feel like debating with me, then do so over pm so nothing heated goes on in the thread.
5. If you feel like debating, know that using the bible as a sole reference, or any reference to support an arguement of yours, does nothing to sway my opinion. The only thing it will make me think is that you are an uneducated, brainwashed mass of flesh that is unable to think for themselves.
6. I don't care what religion you believe in. Everyone believes in something else and that is what makes us human. Just don't try to get me to believe in your religion or "say I'm going to hell" for not believing it, which is ridiculous anyways since I don't believe in it.

Now that all of that brief introduction is out of the way, and that I am sure I have offended people when I did not mean to(hey I like to be blunt. If you cant take it then grow up), I will get to my post on the matter. Hopefully with better sentence structure.

My opinion is that gay marriage should be 100% legal no matter the religion. Humans have lived far more than religion, and christianity is not the oldest religion either. To think either of these statements is incorrect shows me how uneducated some of you are.
Marriage comes down to a basic right of people in my view. You deny someone a basic right, then you are against the constitution of the united states(key word being united states, but I do think it should be the constitution of the world in terms rights and everything.).
Before you tell me that the forefathers of the united states were christian and wanted it to be the dominant religion, you should know that this is a giant falsehood. It is a fact that only one founding father wanted it that way, and that the rest felt that our country should be based on all religions, not just one.
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Old 01-31-2010, 07:59 PM   #28
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I would debate you via PM, however, I am not in a debating mood tonight.

I just want to say this, if you don't want people say to you, that you will go to hell, then I think you shouldn't say to anyone of any belief that they are brainwashed.
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Old 01-31-2010, 08:08 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by lokelake View Post
I just want to say this, if you don't want people say to you, that you will go to hell, then I think you shouldn't say to anyone of any belief that they are brainwashed.
I also agree with this. Conversations like this always end with, "Yeah! Well YOU'RE STUPIDER!"

Don't be a child in a grown ups body.

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Old 01-31-2010, 08:14 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by lokelake View Post

I would debate you via PM, however, I am not in a debating mood tonight.

I just want to say this, if you don't want people say to you, that you will go to hell, then I think you shouldn't say to anyone of any belief that they are brainwashed.
You clearly did not read my post very well. It said first that if you wish to debate, then you should pm me. Yet you start here debating my post on the thread. *shakes head*

People shouldn't say I should go to hell because I think they are brainwashed fools. Just shows how much more immature they are and how they lack confidence in their opinions.
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