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Old 05-10-2013, 12:35 AM   #16
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Good as ever. Must have more please!

Loves - role playing, pet play, age play, orgasm denial, edging

Likes - Just about everything, don't be afraid to suggest. If I don't like something I'll let you know simple as that.

Dislikes - clothes control

Limits - Public nudity, scat, blood, anal, cum eating. The first is bendable to an extent. Anything else is fair game, though some things may take a bit of convincing.
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Old 05-10-2013, 09:49 PM   #17
Pepper Ridge
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Fabulous. As good as "The New Girl" that I've been following closely.
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Old 05-12-2013, 07:25 PM   #18
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I too await a continuation!
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Old 05-14-2013, 02:12 PM   #19
getDare Sweetheart
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Target Chapter 6

Their first game of truth and dare

Chapter 6

Ruth is about to shuffle the names, as Linda interrupts her: “Okay, we all know what is going to happen this round.”
Many confusing eyes are looking at Linda, as no one is following her.
Linda: “Come on, we all know that everyone is going to pick truth in this round – right?”
The others seem to get the message now, but still no one is saying anything.
Linda is looking around at the others: “Anyone seriously considering picking dare?”
Everyone is shaking their heads, and Michael is answering: “Not me…”
Kelly: “But what do we do then?”
Linda: “I have an idea. Let’s just give truths for this round, but we do not pick anyone for the truth – it will be for all others.”
Eric: “All others?”
Linda: “Yes. If I give the question, you all have to answer it. Then the next person asks a truth, and all us others are answering, and so on.”
Michael: “Sounds like a good idea. Let’s draw the order.”
Susan: “What happens to us that has to dare until our next turn?”
Linda: “It must be until you have given your question and everyone has answered.”
After a little silent, Michael answers: “Sounds fair.”
Kelly: “What about the max two in a row truths, and you have to pick dare?”
Linda: “Let’s take that after the round – okay?”
Kelly: “Okay.”
Ruth is putting Tina’s, Susan’s and Linda’s names in the bowl and shuffles: “Ruth, Tina, Eric, David, Susan, Linda, Joe, Michael and Kelly.”
Eric: “Do we answer in the same order?”
Linda: “That will be the easiest.”

Ruth begins this special round: “I am first. Which celebrity do you have a crush on?”
Tina is happy with the question, it is an easy one. She really fears this round. Tina will not just have to answer one truth. No - there will be eight: “If I should choose one, it will be the vampire - Robert Patterson.”
Eric has his answer ready: “I go for - Angelina Jolie.”
David: “Megan Fox is so hot.”
Susan: “Johnny Depp is my man!”
Linda: “My hero is still the Titanic man - Leonardo DiCaprio. I know it is old, be I love it.”
Joe: “Katy Perry”
Michael: “Sandra Bullock is so beautiful.”
Kelly: “I still remember to first concert with Justin Timberlake.”

Tina has used the time to find a good question: “When was the last time you got spanked?”
Ruth thinks back at her last spanking: “It is some months ago. I cannot remember exactly.”
Eric has an easy one and smiles: “Just a moment ago.”
David remembers too well his last spanking. He looks into the ground when he answers: “2 weeks ago.” Everyone looks at David in surprise, and more than one would like to hear more details about this.
Susan breaks the silent after a moment: “My last spanking was a year ago.”
Linda: “It is at least 5 years since my last spanking.”
Joe blushes and whispers: “Last year…”
Michael is a little proud, when he gives his answer: “I have never been spanked.”
Kelly: “Me neither.”
Tina: “And now my dare ends – right?”
Joe: “Yes.”
Linda: “Please hurry up - we will be waiting for you.”
Tina gets up, and for a moment she considers to just take the underwear off and stay without it. But then she realizes that she might have to do dares involving her clothes, so that might not be such a good idea. Tina hurries into the tent to change again, and within a few minutes she comes back out.

Eric has his question ready, as he has had plenty of time to think about a good one, while Tina has changed: “How often do you masturbate?”
Many concerned eyes are looking at Eric. This is a very embarrassing question for most of the friends in the game.
Ruth hates that she is the first to answer every question, but she made the draw herself, so she can’t really complain about it: “I have never done… it…”
Tina is not very comfortable talking about sex, but she is happy that Ruth had to answer before her, and have not done it either: “I have not tried it either…”
David is both confused and embarrassed, as he does not know what masturbation is: “What does masturbation mean?”
Everyone is looking closely at David and there is completely silence. After a moment people start to look at Eric instead.
Linda smiles at Eric: “Eric you have to tell him…”
Eric did not expect this: “Uhhh… OOhhh… How do you explain it…” Eric looks at Michael for help, but he is just smiling back at Eric, with and expression saying that he has put himself into this mess: “You know… It is when you… Touch your penis… so it feels good…”
David is looking more confused: “I don’t think I have not done it then…”
Susan is blushing. She is the first girl to admit that she is doing it. She considers lying, but she is a terrible liar, so she sticks with the truth: “Once a week… I think…” This gets a lot of especially the boys’ attention – and the staring now goes to Susan.
Linda comes to her savior: “Maybe once a month…”
Joe is for once answering without any issues. He has already answered this previously: “You already know, I have not done it.”
Michael tries to take it cool: “A couple of times a week - I guess…”
Kelly is waiting a little while before asking: “I do not have a… penis… How do I do it then??”
Eric’s jaw drops, as everyone once more turns their attention to him. After a moments silence: “How should I know?? Help me out here girls.” He looks at Linda and Susan.
Linda feels sorry for Eric and mostly for her close friend Kelly: “You rub your slit down there until it feels good.”
Kelly is as confused as David was: “I do not touch myself… down there… So I guess the answer is – No?”

David obviously feels sorry for Kelly, as he has just been in the same situation, so he is keen to go on with the game: “Pick one here of the opposite sex that you would share a sleeping bag with?”
Ruth is looking at David: “I would probably choose you… David…”
David is smiling at Ruth’s answer. It was what he had hoped to get out of the question.
Tina does not want to share a sleeping bag with any boys: “Do I have to pick one?”
David: “Yes!”
Tina tries to hide her face in her hands. She has no idea why she is saying this name: “Michael…”
This time it is Michael’s turn to smile, Joe notice this and gives him a dirty smile back.
Eric has no idea who to choose. Only thing sure is that he is not going to pick Ruth – his best friend’s crush: “I don’t know… I would maybe choose Susan…”
Susan is not that happy with this, she does not want to share her sleeping bag with Eric. She looks at Kelly, to check her reaction, as she makes her selection – only to irritate her: “Joe!”
The reaction is clear to Susan. She can see that Kelly is clearly annoyed by this. Unfortunately she seems to be the only one noticing it.
Linda is in deep trouble. She still does not fancy any of the boys here. But she comes to the same conclusion as last time: “Eric…”
Joe has absolutely no interest in sharing a sleeping bag with anyone, but he knows that he has to choose someone, to not face a punishment dare. He just picks a random name, without knowing that this makes a girl pretty happy: “Kelly”
Michael is so happy that Tina has picked her, so he does not consider his answer twice: “I will choose Tina.”
Tina is blushing a lot, and starts to regret her own selection.
Kelly feels so happy inside. After Susan’s little tease, she is so happy that Joe has picked her, so she is in no doubt about her own selection: “Joe!”

After a little giggling and small talk, the game is ready to continue.
Susan only has one thing in her mind right now. To get this question done with, so she can get redressed. Susan is however happy that she has had a relative easy round. She has not been doing anything else than sit in her seat, and no one has been overly staring at her: “How many of the opposite sex have you kissed?”
Ruth looks at David: “Only one… David…”
Tina still not comfortable talking about the subject, looking away and whispers: “Also only tried it once…”
Eric the one already answered this question, has no issue repeating: “As said earlier… none…”
David has been looking at Ruth since her answer: “Ruth…”
Linda feels a little weird, being the first one to answer something else than zero or one. However she answers truthfully: “5-6 boys, maybe 7.”
Joe is like Tina uncomfortable about the subject, so he also whispers his answer: “None”
Michael: “3 girls.”
Kelly is thinking for a moment, before she speaks: “Have not tried to kiss anyone…”
Susan almost jumps up in joy: “Finally I can get dressed!!”
What she has not considered is that by doing it this way, a lot of curious eyes starts to look intense on her body.
Susan discovers this, and to make it all worse, she throws her hands to cover herself, making especially the boys even more interesting. She moves to her clothes and hurries to get her shirt on, to cover her small tits pushing against her bra. Then she puts on her pants, before she takes her shoes and socks to her seat, to put them on there.

Linda looks around her friends, before she ask her question: “Do you have any hair down there? If so, describe it.”
Ruth is looking at Linda with killer eyes as she thinks: “This is extremely humiliating. She wants us all to describe on of our most intimate and private body part.”
She slowly opens her mouth to answer: “I have a little… triangle on top… and few hairs between my legs…”
Tina is repeating her answer from before, but she is still not comfortable: “I still only have a little on top of my slit.”
Eric looks into the ground: “I have a few hairs on top of mine too…”
Joe cannot stop himself: “On top of you slit??”
Eric has a great desire to throw something at Joe: “No you fool - my dick!”
Giggles and small laugher comes from around the circle, and even Eric cannot stop himself from smiling.
David swallows and does everything he can to avoid eye contacts with anyone: “I have no hair.”
Susan is so happy that David had just answered as he did: “Me neither…”
Joe is not so tough now that it is his turn, but he manages to answer: “I have a few on top of my dick… and a little on my balls…”
Michael is not that tough either, this is embarrassed even for him to answer: “I have dark hair around it…”
Kelly is not very proud of her body in this moment and thinks: “Is it really only me that have not have started to develop yet?” This is of cause not true, but this is how she feels.
She takes a deep breath: “No hair neither…”

After the very embarrassing question from Linda, Joe has doubts about his question, eventually he goes for: “Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?”
Ruth smiles bashfully: “Yes”
Joe: “Who?”
Ruth: “You only asked if, not who!”
Joe is annoyed on himself: “Bummer… you are right…”
Tina: “No”
Eric whispers, he is not proud of this: “Yes…”
David: “No way!”
Susan: “No chance…”
Linda: “Nope – not me.”
Michael: “Yes.” He gets a lot of looks on this one, not many had expected this.
Kelly is the last to answer: “No, I have not.”

Michael has learned a little from Joe, so he is more explicit with his question: “Have you ever watched porn? If so what kind?”
Ruth looks disgusted at Michael: “No – of cause not…”
Tina shyly looks around at the others and hopes that they do not think she is a little freak, when they hear her answer: “I have seen a little on the net...”
Eric: “I have browsed the net, seen a little of everything.”
David: “No.”
Susan is not proud to admit it, but she actually has seen some porn: “My brother once showed me a porn magazine.”
Linda: “Watched a few movies on the net.”
Joe is aware that others know that he has been seen porn, he is so curious. So he decides to admit: “I have also seen a few porn magazines… and a few girls on the net...”
Kelly not having any sexual experience has not seen any porn: “No.”
Just in the moment Kelly has answered, Michael is rips his boxers of his head: “Finally it came to an end!” Almost everyone laugh at Michael and his comment.
Michael throws the boxers into the tent, not bothering to get up.

Kelly is completely blank. She has no idea at all on what to ask. She thinks: “What to ask for? Hmmm…” Then she gets it: “Yes, that is a good one. Maybe it will reveal something about the others that I can use later…”
She looks at the others with an evil smile on her face: “What is your biggest fear?”
Ruth for once does not have any issues being the first to answer: “Thunder, so I am happy that the weather forecast says sun, sun and sun for the next weeks.”
Tina: “I hate dentists…”
Eric: “Heights.”
David: “Bees!”
Kelly: “Bees???”
David: “Yes – I were stung by a bee, when I was five!! Stupid animal!”
Susan gets goose bumps just by thinking of this: “Spiders…”
Linda is more philosophical: “Grow old. I like being a child – we can do what we want!”
Joe: “Spiders too…”
Michael tries to sound brave: “Lose you all.”
Linda blinks at Michael: “Uhhhh… nice one!”
Kelly is disappointed by the answers. Her plan has not worked well. There is not much to work on.

The friends talks for a little while, before they continue the game.
Kelly: “So what do we do now?”
Linda: “Good question? What do you want?” She looks around at her friends.
Michael: “Dares for those who took truth in round 3?”
Kelly: “No, that is not fair…”
Linda: “What about try a round, where the asking person can choose?”
Many worried eyes glance at Linda, but no one says anything.
Ruth - as one of the persons that should have a dare, if Michael’s suggestion is used - is breaking the silence: “Okay… I am on…”
Linda: “Okay then. And let’s try not to select persons that we have already given a truth or dare. That way it gets more fun.”
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Old 05-22-2013, 10:12 AM   #20
getDare Sweetheart
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Target Chapter 7

Their first game of truth and dare

Chapter 7

Ruth mixes the names in the bowl and draws a name: “Round five is ready to start with… David!”
Everyone is looking at David, all anxious about what this round will bring. This round they will not only be picked for a truth or a dare, the one picking can also decide freely if a dare or a truth should be given.
David takes his time, before he decides: “I have a dare for…” He lets his eyes wander from one person to the next: “… Tina!”
Tina: “Nooo…”
David: “Don’t worry. It will be easy… at least right now.”
Tina is confused: “What do you mean?”
David: “You will see. I dare you to drink 3 large cups of water. Do not go for a pee until after the game ends tonight.”
Tina: “Okay…” She goes and finds the water bottle and a little cup.
David: “No, not that cup, I said large cups!”
Tina is sad that she could not use the small cup, and takes a much larger one: “Better?”
David: “Yes.”
Tina pours water into her cup and drinks it. She repeats this, but the third time she has some issues empty the cup. Tina has a little break, before she with some difficulties manages to empty the last cup.
Linda: “What happens if she needs to pee?”
David: “She will fail the dare.”
Linda: “That is hard…”
Tina has not even got back to her seat, before she feels the first urge to pee: “How am I going to hold until the game ends…”

Tina is not going to wait anymore: “Eric - Truth.”
Eric is happy that he avoids a dare: “Okay…”
Tina: “Did you like your spanking? Rate from 1-10, 1 is bad, 10 is good.”
Eric thinks for a moment before he answers: “No I did not like it. I will give it 3, as it was bad, but could also have been worse.”
Linda: “So I did a good job?”
Eric looks at Linda: “Yes…”
Tina is pleased with her question, and she hopes that Linda is too.

Eric is considering a bold plan: “This could be so cool, but I know this could also backfire later… Should I do it? Or find a safer one? No – we should try to evolve the game… Yes - I will do it!”
Eric looks straight at Susan: “Susan the next truth is for you.”
Susan: “Okay – it could be worse. At least it is a truth and not a dare.”
She might not have said this, if she knew the question.
Eric clears his throat: “You said last round that you masturbates once a week.”
Susan is getting very worried, and everyone else is listing intense to Eric now – he has their full attention.
Eric continues: “Describe in detail the last time you masturbated.”
Absolute completely silence has hit the group – this is by far the most personal question so far in the game. Other questions have asked for small details or minor embarrassments. But this needs Susan to detailed describe a hugely personal experience to everyone here. And worse still – she has to tell it to boys, not only girls.
Susan thinks: “NO!! I cannot tell them… this is my own private thing… I have to get him to give me another one. But what if they vote against me? Then I have to do a punishment dare that is even worse than this – It will be very bad then… I have to tell them… oh no…”
Susan swallows a couple of times, before she starts to tell: “It was last Saturday, I was home alone. I was in my room and I lay naked on my bed.”
Susan tries not to get eye contact with anyone: “I put my hands down there… spread it and started to rub.”
Eric: “That was not very detailed…”
Susan: “Pleeaaasseee…”
Eric: “Sorry… but you have to tell much more…”
Susan is not happy: “One of my hands goes to one of my nipples, where it plays with it. The other hand stays between my legs, where it plays with my button… it feels so good, I am going on for several minutes, before I stop and go to take a shower…”
Susan looks at Eric: “Happy?”
Eric has hoped for more, but is also realistic. He is well aware that he will probably not get any more, without getting picked on by the others: “Yes… It is okay…”
Susan is relieved that it is over: “Thanks…”

Susan knows that she should not let her anger on others. But she has just been so humiliated, and she has not forgotten Kelly’s dare for her: “Kelly – I have a dare for you.”
Kelly begs: “Pleassee be nice…” but to no use.
Susan does not hesitate with her dare: “I dare you to stay topless until your next turn. And do not cover up.”
Kelly: “Ohhhh… please not that…”
Susan is teasing her: “Why not? You have anything to hide?”
Kelly looking into the ground: “Noo…”
She slowly mores her hands to the side of her shirt, and very slowly and calmly she lifts it up over her head. Kelly’s undeveloped nipples stand out from her now naked upper body. All the boys look at her, even Joe – which Kelly hopes is not scared away by her undeveloped body.

Before her embarrassing dare, Kelly had a plan, for what she was going to do. But now she has doubts. Should she still do it or not? Will Joe accept this, or will he hate her forever for doing it? Kelly decides that it is now or never. She does not want her and Joe to be the few left, who has still not tried it.
Kelly looks at Joe: “Joe - Dare…”
Joe swallows, but he does not say anything.
Kelly hesitates, but then she gives the dare: “I dare you to… Kiss me on the mouth for 30 seconds.”
Joe is not happy, he has no desire to kiss anyone. He looks away from Kelly, who has risen from her seat and is approaching him.
When Kelly is standing right in front of him, she asks him: “Stand up Joe… and kiss… me…”
Joe has turned his head, and is now looking at Kelly’s naked stomach. His eyes are moving upwards to her exposed nipples and finally to her face.
Kelly takes Joes hands in hers, and helps him get up. They now face each other, and Kelly is ready for their kiss – Joe is not, but he has no choice.
Michael can see that his friend is not comfortable, so he does not want to make it worst for him, but he is the one sitting with the stopwatch. He tries to do this a gently as possible: “I will start the time… when you are ready…”
Kelly moves her mouth to Joe’s and kiss him. Joe is not making much effort to kiss back, so it is more Kelly kissing Joe, than Kelly and Joe kissing. Joe’s hands are hanging to his sides, and Kelly’s are holding Joe’s head.
Joe feels that the time is going extremely slow, and half way, he is just about to lose his balance. So instantly he moves his hands around Kelly’s body to regain his balance. In the process he unintentionally pulls Kelly’s body to his, and Kelly’s naked undeveloped breast and nipples are toughing Joe’s upper body.
Kelly takes this as a sign of Joe liking him, so she moves her hands to Joe’s back, and completes the hug. Joe has frozen, he has just realized what has happened, but does not dare to move, in fear of it getting worse.
The others are looking closely, as the young couple are not just kissing, but also hugging closely. Joe will have a hard time explaining to anyone that he does not like Kelly like this…
Michael: “Stop…”
Joe quickly loosens his hung and moves his face away from Kelly. She is also loosen her grip in Joe, and moves to her seat.
Kelly thinks: “Wow… he hugged me…”
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Old 05-22-2013, 11:18 AM   #21
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yay!!! great update.... can't wait for more
Still working on these

Feel free to KIK me if you are female KIK: ethan2cu

Likes: masturbation, voyeurism, phonesex, sexual banter,
Limits: anal, pain
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Old 05-30-2013, 02:38 PM   #22
getDare Sweetheart
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Target Chapter 8

Their first game of truth and dare

Chapter 8

Joe is recovering, and tries to think of a dare that can take the attention away from him. He can choose between Michael, Linda and Ruth: “Linda - Your turn for a dare.”
Linda is slowly looking over at Joe and thinks: “Please let this be easier than the last ones. Describe masturbation, stay topless and kiss… The game has definitely changed character…”
Joe looks back at Linda: “I dare you to, find a rope and use it as a jumping robe. Do it 10 times – one jump at a time.”
For everyone else than Linda, this would have been the easiest dare in the whole world. But for Linda in her state of clothes - it is certainly not.
Several of the boys are getting smiles on their faces and their dicks are start moving – on just the thought of what is going to happen.
The girls however get butterflies in their stomachs and tickling between their legs, thinking of how it must be for Linda in this moment.
Linda thinks: “My god… Nooo… My tits will be in full display in this shirt…”
She looks down on her tits, and she feels her nipples grow harder from the attention. “Okay Linda, pull yourself together. Don’t make this worse than it already is. If I start to make a fuss of this, it will not make it any better… Just get it over with…”
Linda gets up and starts to search for a rope. After a couple of minutes she finds a suitable one and goes back to the others. She takes a deep breath and makes herself ready to jump.
Everyone is staring at Linda, and mostly on her tits.
Linda makes her first jump: “1…”
Her tits are moving a little, not much, but more than enough for the inexperienced boys to start drooling.
Linda: “2…”
Once more the tits are jumping a little with Linda’s jump.
Linda: “3…”
She looks at Joe, and she can see that he is enjoying his dare.
Linda: “4…”
Her nipples have started to grow even more from the friction against the shirt. They are now pressing hard against the thin fabric.
Linda: “5…”
Tina feels sorry for her friend, but also a little jealous. Her tits are so much larger than Tina’s.
Linda: “6…”
Michael is sitting uneasily as his cock has started to get erect. He hopes that no one will notice.
Linda: “7…”
Ruth is so happy that she is not the one jumping the rope. She looks around the others, and can see how the boys are staring.
Linda: “8…”
Her nipples start to hurt from rubbing against the shirt: “Only two to go…” She thinks.
Linda: “9…”
Joe is a little sad that he did only ask for ten jumps. He could watch this all night. But he is also very happy that his dare has done its purpose – all attention is away from him and Kelly.
Linda: “10… last one…”
She leaves the rope and quickly sits down, so happy that her torment is over. Linda looks at her tits and nipples, feeling an urge to touch them, to ease the pain, but restraint herself from doing so, not wanting more attention than she already has.

Linda wants the game to slow down a little: “I have a truth for… Ruth.”
Ruth thinks: “I hope she will be nice to me…”
Linda: “If you could choose someone here to be your slave, who would it be?”
Ruth pretends that she is considering her answer, but she has already decided: “Who would like to be my slave?”
Everyone is avoiding eye contact with Ruth, to not tempt her to select them.
Ruth: “I think that Kelly would be an excellent slave.”
Many relieved friends look at Kelly - to see her reaction.
Kelly is about to protest, but decides to keep her anger inside herself: “Slave??? I do not want to be her slave… never!!”

Ruth looks at Michael: “I do not have any options Michael, I have to pick you.”
Michael: “That is true.”
Ruth: “Yes, but you will not get a truth – you will get a dare.”
Michael holds his breath for a moment, waiting for his dare.
Ruth: “I dare you to, let a random girl put a hand in your panties, and let her feel you butt for 30 sec.”
Michael is first angry and worried, until he hears the last part. He thinks: “Pyyyhhh… I though, she wanted someone to touch my dick… The other is bad enough, but my dick would have been much worse.”
Ruth has the bowl with names, and she gives it to Michael, after she has added the five girl’s names.
Michael draws a name, looks at it and reads it: “Kelly.”
Kelly is not that keen on this task. Firstly she does not want to show off her naked upper body more than she has to, secondly she would rather touch Joe than Michael: “What if I do not want to do this?”
Ruth: “Come on – don’t be so boring. Everyone else has done their part up until now.”
Kelly seriously wants to skip this part, but she also does not want to ruin the game: “Okay okay… I will do it…”
Michael still has a bit of a hard-on from Linda’s show, and he does not want the others to know. So it gets up and turns his back to them. This way he can hide his dick.
Kelly has also risen and now stands next to Michael, with her hand on his butt.
Ruth: “Kelly – the hand should go inside the pants and panties.”
Kelly looks at Ruth: “I know!”
She moves the hand upwards and slowly puts it inside Michael’s pants.
Michael is trying not to move, but it is hard, as it is the first time a girl is touching him there.
Kelly’s hand is now inside the panties and touches the bare skin of Michael’s butt.
Joe: “Time has started!”
At first Kelly does not move her hand, but soon she is getting curious, and starts to move it a little around.
Michael secretly likes this, his cock has no longer a semi-hard-on, it is now fully erect. He is so happy no one is aware of this.
Just before the time is up, Kelly squishes Michael’s butt, to the amusement of the viewers.
Joe: “Time!”
Kelly quickly removes her hand and goes to her seat. Michael also sits down as quickly as possible.

There are many giggles around the circle for the next minute, before Michael talks: “David lets end this round. I have a dare for you to finish on.”
David: “Okay…”
Michael: “It is a little complicated, but here it is. I dare you to take off your shirt. Then have a random girl give you a bra, wear it until your next turn.”
David: “What???”
Michael: “You heard it.” He looks at Ruth: “Ruth give him the bowl please.”
Ruth has already made the bowl ready.
David takes the bowl and draws a name: “Ruth.”
Ruth looks at Michael: “We agree that I can fetch one from the tent – right?”
Michael does not want to be cruel, so he agrees: “Sure.”
Ruth goes to the tent to find a bra for her love.
David feels bad about the dare. He knows the others will be rolling by laughter in a moment.
Ruth comes back and gives a plain white training bra to David: “Here…”
David takes it without saying a word. He then takes off his shirt and sits with the bra in his hands. He looks around at the others for a moment.
Michael: “Go on – I am sure it will suit you perfectly!”
Everyone except David laughs at this.
David takes the bra and puts it over his head. It is quite small, so he has to pull a lot to get it down, but he manages.
As expected everyone else are either laughing or giggling as David removes his hands from the bra. Even Ruth thinks her bra looks funny on David.

Tina is sitting restlessly, she has a huge urge to pee, the water is pushing against her bladder. She thinks: “There is still way too much time until this game ends… I am not sure I will make it…”
Kelly and David both hopes that they will soon have their next action, so they can get dressed again.
Susan hopes that she will have a much easier next round, she fears that someone wants her to go further.
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Old 06-04-2013, 02:39 PM   #23
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I love this update! I can't wait to see what comes up next!
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Old 06-05-2013, 06:30 AM   #24
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need more... must have more.....
Still working on these

Feel free to KIK me if you are female KIK: ethan2cu

Likes: masturbation, voyeurism, phonesex, sexual banter,
Limits: anal, pain
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Old 06-08-2013, 10:00 AM   #25
getDare Sweetheart
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Sorry for the long wait, here is the next chapter - hope you like it
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Old 06-08-2013, 10:01 AM   #26
getDare Sweetheart
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Target Chapter 9

Their first game of truth and dare

Chapter 9

There is a break after the last round. The group is chatting about the previous dares and truths.
The time is parsing and especially Tina is often checking her watch: “Please go faster…” She thinks.
The chatting is continuing and for a moment, they have all forgotten about the game. Even Kelly and David have gotten used to their state of dressing.
Suddenly Michael realizes what time it is: “Wow!! It is almost midnight.”
Linda: “You are kidding?”
Michael: “Nope…”
Ruth looks at David with teasing eyes: “So I can get my bra back soon?”
Linda: “Maybe – Unless we should have a last round?”
Michael: “Good idea.”
Tina is really crossing her legs, when she hears that: “Noooo…”
David: “What is the matter Tina? Need something?” He cannot stop himself from laughing.
Tina does not say anything, she is well aware that she cannot make them change their mine.
Ruth makes herself ready to make the draw, before she asks: “Same rules as last round?”
Linda: “They seemed to work fine, so why not?”
Everyone agrees to take one final round with the same rules, before going to bed.
Ruth makes the draw: “Joe”

Joe: “I will start with Kelly - Truth.”
Kelly is somewhat happy to be the first, then it is over with, and she will get her clothes back on soon. Now she just hopes that her dear Joe will be genital with her: “Okay.”
Joe looks at Kelly: “If you could spank someone here, who would it be?”
Kelly does not even have to think about her answer, and she immediately answers: “Susan”
Susan looks at Kelly with disturbing eyes and thinks: “She really wants this…”

Kelly is keen to let the game continue, just one more action and her shirt is back on: “Eric - Dare.”
Eric: “Okay…”
Kelly knows like many of the others that Eric does a lot of sports. So this should be easy for him: “I dare you to do 10 pushups.”
Eric smiles, he sees no issues in that dare: “Okay.”
He gets up, goes to the middle and makes himself ready.
Eric gets down on the ground and does his pushups: “1…2…3…4…5…”
He has a short break, before he does the last five: “6…7…8…9…10…”
Eric gets up again and goes back to his seat.
David is very happy that he is not the one doing this dare. He would have embarrassed himself in front of everyone, not being able to do a single one.
Kelly already has her shirt in her hand: “YES!! Now I can put my shirt back on!!” And so she does.

Eric for some reason has a huge interest in Linda’s tits. Maybe the rope jumping from last round got his interest: “Linda I have a truth ready just for you.”
Linda does not like the tone in Eric’s voice, and just looks at him with worried eyes.
Eric holds the question for a moment, to check the reaction from Linda: “When did you tits start to grow?”
Again again Linda looks down at her own tits. Her nipples are still erect, and she still hates the focus, they have in this game. She then looks at Eric and answers with a short sentence: “A couple of years ago…”

Linda wants especially the boys to focus on something else for a moment: “Susan – I dare you to, show us your naked butt for 30 seconds.”
Susan knows that she was the one asking Kelly, to show her naked undeveloped tits, so she somehow also knows that this would happen. Still it is a shock for her: “Nooo… please not that…”
Linda want to tease Susan a little, like she teased Kelly: “You have anything to hide?” She smiles at Susan, so does Kelly and some of the others.
Susan knows that she owed that one, so she gets up with no further argumentation and turns around.
She unzips her pants and lets then fall to her ankles. Susan’s shirt covers most of the white panties that they have already seen.
Linda: “Your shirt covers.”
Susan tries to roll the bottom up, but it keeps falling down again. In the end she gives up and takes off the shirt to. It starts to get quite embarrassed to stand here for Susan, so she wants it to end as soon as possible. Even if it means that she has to show her bra again.
Linda smiles, she had not thought that Susan would go so far: “Much better.”
Susan puts her fingers in the waistband of the panties and turns her head to look at her friends. Everyone is leaning forward and is staring directly at her and her butt. She is the center of all focus at this very moment: “Who takes time??”
Michael is waken and fumbles with the stop watch located next to him. After a moment he is ready: “I am!”
Susan looks away from everyone again, and slowly she pulls down her panties to reveal her smooth butt. She gathers her legs closely together, to make sure no one can get a glimpse of her most private body part, as she lowers her panties to just below her buttocks.
Michael: “Start…”
Susan has in the process lowered the panties on both sides, showing her butt to her friends on the back and showing her hairless slit on her front. No one is able to see it, but it is still enormously embarrassed for Susan, as she thinks: “Why did I also lower my panties in my front? If someone got up from their seat, they will only have to take a few steps around me, and they will easily see my pussy… Should I pull them back up again? No I will risk showing more or hiding my butt again, so they will restart the time…”
Everyone is looking very intense on they friends standing in front of them. Susan is almost naked on her back, from her head and all the way to her ankles. Only her bra hides a little of her back and her rolled panties hiding a little below her butt.
Susan’s fingers are still in the waistband, ready to pull her panties back up as soon as the time is up.
For everyone else than Susan, the 30 seconds are passing fast, they just feel that Michael has started to time, when he stops it again. But for Susan is has been feeling like an eternity.
Michael: “Time is up…”
Susan hurries to put her panties back on. The panties slip up into her slit and she quickly pulls it out again, with one of her hands. As she does, she has a strange tickling feeling between her legs and she thinks: “What is that? It is the same feeling as I have when I do… it…” She gets worried for a moment: “Noooo… I do not like this. What is wrong with me?”
She tries to ignore the feeling, as she pulls her pants up and her shirt back on, before sitting down again.
No one is saying anything for a moment.

Susan then realizes that it is her turn, and she picks the next person: “Ruth - Dare.”
Ruth is wondering, what her best friend has in store for her.
Susan is thinking: “Ruth likes David a lot, let me give her a change, to get to know him even better…”
She looks at Ruth: “I dare you to - Pick a boy, find your sleeping bag and both stay in it for 10 minutes”
Tina raises and interrupts Susan: “10 minutes?? I cannot hold it anymore… Please I need to pee – NOW!!”
Everyone is alternately looking at Tina and David - All wondering what is going to happen now?
David is smiling, as he thinks: “Yes! I did it!”
Linda: “David it seem that Tina has failed your dare. What is her punishment?”
Tina: “Please can I pee first?!? PLLEeeeasssssee!!”
David: “No need to Tina, you can do it as part of your punishment…”
Everyone is puzzled – What does he mean?
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Old 06-12-2013, 12:49 PM   #27
getDare Sweetheart
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Target Chapter 10

Their first game of truth and dare

Chapter 10

David: “Tina – I dare you to stand and pee here in front of us all.”
Tina’s jaw is falling to the ground and everyone else is completely silent: “NO I cannot do that!!”
David: “We can vote…”
Tina is considering it: “I need to pee NOW, so I do not have time to argue… And it is already a punishment dare, so it is supposed to be bad… If I lose the vote, I will have to do a punishment dare to a punishment dare… nooo…”
David is trying to help Tina a little: “You can cover up with your hands, if you want to? But no one else or nothing else can be used…”
Tina is surrendering, she needs to pee immediately, or else she will pee her pants: “Okay… I will do it…”
David is happy inside: “Maybe we will all get a view of a girl… down there…” But he is getting in doubt, if it was wise, to let her cover up: “Would she have done it, even if she could not have covered…”
Tina does only think of peeing at the very moment, so she steps a few steps away from the group and turns to face them. She then takes off her pants and but realizes that she has to take off her shoes too.
She now stands in her socks and panties, but just before she reaches for her panties, she changes her mind. Tina thinks: “I need to take off me socks too, so they will not get wet… of my own pee…”
Tina’s shirt is not as long as Susan’s. It ends an inch above of her panties, so it will not cover anything.
She put her left hand into the front of her panties to cover up. It feels strange for Tina to touch her own pussy in front of so many people, but she will do a lot to cover it. Tina’s right hand is trying to pull down her panties, but it is very hard, when she also has to keep her balance.
Michael is having a mix feeling inside himself. Like any boy his age he is longing for the sight of his first pussy. But he also feels sorry for Tina. It is hard for him to see her suffer so much.
Tina has managed to get her panties down below her pussy, and she has to hold tight with her left hand, to keep it covered. She has to hurry now, to prevent herself from peeing into her own hand and panties.
She bends forward to get the panties further down her legs, and is extremely close to lose her balance, but she saves it in the last moment.
Tina shakes her body to get the panties to fall down, and after a few attempts she succeeds. She now has both hands in front of her pussy and she kicks her panties to the side, and is finally ready to pee.
She squats but is interrupted by Susan: “David – Did you not say stand?”
David has forgotten all about that detail. He had not intentionally added that, but now he remembers and sees the advance of adding it: “Yes I did – Thanks Susan.”
Tina does not like this and thinks: “I need to pee – NOW… But how do I do this standing, without peeing on myself?”
She spreads her legs wide, still shielding her pussy with both her hands. Tina cannot hold it anymore, so she lets go.
A stream of pee is flowing down Tina’s leg. She tries to control it, but because she is afraid to let go, she pees too slowly, to get it to flow between her legs.
Joe: “Ewww…”
Tina manages to stop herself again, and uses her right hand to spread her pussy lips a little, and hopes it will do it. She once more lets go, and this time the pee is flowing nicely down between her legs: “MMmmmmm… What a relief…”
Michael is looking intense at Tina and her crotch, and he thinks that he sees a little of her pubic hair, as she moves her hand a little.
Tina pees for a long time and finally stops. She is so relieved, even if it is so embarrassed to stand there almost nude, it was nice to get it over with.
Linda gets up and finds some toilet paper for Tina, so she can wipe her pussy, leg and hand clear for the pee.
Tina: “Please David, can I please go to the tent to get dressed? Please!!”
Michael starts to speak before David has the opportunity to answer: “I think it sounds fair!” Of course Michael pity Tina, but he also hopes that he can get a few cheap point from her – after all he likes her.
David is very tempted to say no, but he decides to give in to Michael’s request: “Okay… we also need to move on.”
No on protests, so Tina gathers her clothes with one hand, while she still covers her pussy with the other. On her way to the tent: “Thank you David … Thank you…”
Tina gets dressed and returns to the circle.

Susan: “I think is it time to continue the actual dare.” She looks at Ruth.
Ruth has forgotten all about the dare: “Yes…Uhhh… I have to pick someone…”
Susan: “Yes.”
Ruth can only think of one person she will share a sleeping bag with: “I choose David.”
David is not that surprised, and in fact he does not want anyone else to do this dare. So despite the fact that he is not that keen on doing this, he is happy that she chose him.
Ruth goes to her tent to get her sleeping bag. In the meantime David has left his seat and waits for Ruth between the tent and the others.
As soon as Ruth returns, Linda speaks: “It is so hot tonight. Glad I am not going to be in a sleeping bag - That is going to be hot…”
Ruth and David looks at each other, with looks saying that Linda is right.
They take off their shoes, and Ruth unfolds the sleeping bag on the ground. It is already unzipped, so Ruth just opens it and whispers: “David… Should we take off some of our clothes before we enter? Or…”
David whispers back: “Maybe…”
Without further questions, they both take off their pants. David now stands in his panties and Ruth’s bra. He lies down into the sleeping bag, and Ruth follows and lies on top of him.
David puts his arm around Ruth, and she does the same to him. They both start to sweat – it is going to be long 10 minutes.
Susan goes to them and helps them zip the sleeping bag.
Michael starts the time, in the moment Susan has closed the sleeping bag: “Time has started!”
Ruth feels that her small tits are pressing hard against David’s chest. It is strange for her. Part of her thinks it feels lovely to have the tits and especially nipples stimulated by the contact of her love. Another part feels it is very embarrassed to let him feel them with his chest.
David feels his cock start to grow and thinks: “Not now… please not now…” But David’s prayer is not heard. Ruth leg has slipped between David’s legs, touching and slightly rubbing against his dick.
Ruth feels that her crotch is touching against David’s leg. Her panties start to climb into her slit and stimulating her a bit.
Michael: “5 minutes left – halfway through…”
David now focuses more on Ruth and not his own body. He feels her tits and tiny nipples against his body. Her first contact with a girl…
Ruth also feels David’s cock against her leg and she thinks: “Wow it big…” Despite the fact that he has the smallest cock of all the boys in the group, Ruth’s inexperience makes her feel so.
No one in the group is saying anything. It is quite strange, since it looks pretty funny with two persons in one sleeping bag. But for unknown reasons no one is commenting on them.
David tries to move his hands, but it is of no use. The sleeping bag is too tight for him to move.
Ruth tries to move her hips, to get the panties out of her slit, but it does not help at all.
Michael: “Time!”
Susan goes to the sleeping bag and unzips it. She helps Ruth up and she faces the group. She is pretty wet from the sweat and her panties are giving her a nice camel toe. It is not until Ruth sees that everyone is staring at her crotch that she notices it.
Ruth panics and throws her hands to her panties to cover up, and runs to her pants and puts them on in a hurry.
In the meantime David is happy that Ruth has everyone’s attention. He can then hide his hard-on and get his own pants on without anyone noticing his erection.
Everyone sits down again and the game goes on.

Ruth looks at David. She is longing to ask him this one question, but does she dare to do it? Ruth decides to go all in: “David - Truth.”
David’s heart is beating faster. What will Ruth ask him about?
Ruth breaths out and ask: “Did you like sharing the sleeping bag with me?”
David does not know what to say. The experience sweating in a sleeping bag with another person - would probably not be categorized as something you like. On the other hand he like being with Ruth, and to be close to her even better: “Yes… I liked to share your sleeping bag… with you…”
Some giggling among the group makes both David and Ruth bright red in their faces.
Ruth is however very pleased with David’s answer.

David sitting in Ruth’s bra is eager to get this round done, so he can get rid of it: “Michael your turn!”
Michael: “Yes…”
David: “It will be a truth.”
Michael: “Okay…”
David does not know why this question has got to his head. He just has a feeling that it would be very embarrassing for Michael, if he has to answer yes to it – So that is what he hopes for: “Have you ever been caught… masturbating?”
Michael is considering his answer, but he can only recall one episode, where it was very close: “Nope - but it was close once…”
David quickly accepts her answer, so he can take off Ruth’s bra and put his own clothes back on. He gives the bra to Ruth: “Thanks for letting me borrow it…”
Ruth smiles and takes it.

Michael only has Tina to pick, but he does not know what to do. He still feels sorry for her after the punishment dare from David, so he wants to give her an easy one. The issue is just that he cannot be too soft, he has to find a good one.
Linda: “Michael you do not have so many people to choose from, so what is the issue.”
Michael smiles at Linda: “Easy now. Correct I will choose Tina.”
Tina is quite scared. It has gone from bad to worse all night. She does not dare to think of something worse than her last one: “Yes…”
Michael: “I dare you to create a nice breakfast for me tomorrow morning”
Tina is smiling, it was a good one. Not that she likes to be a servant and cook for other. But it could have been far worse: “Okay… But I guess that I will have to wait for tomorrow with the dare?”
Multiple laughs around the group make it easy for Michael to answer: “Of course!”

Tina wants one of the boys to pay for David’s evil dare: “Joe it is dare time.”
Joe is not cocky in this very moment: “Okay…”
Tina: “It is very simple. I dare you to sleep nude tonight!”
Joe: “I cannot do that… Please…”
Tina is ice cold, and just announces: “I believe it was the end of the round, and the game for today.”
Linda: “I agree, and it also means that I can have my bra back!”
Eric cannot stop himself: “Have you missed it?”
Linda chooses to ignore Eric, and gets up like the rest of the group.
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Old 06-12-2013, 12:53 PM   #28
getDare Sweetheart
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The truths and dares so on their first night have been fairly easy. But hold on - I promise that there will be more challenging dares on their next day.

Remember all that if you have any suggestions for this story, please comment
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Old 06-13-2013, 10:55 AM   #29
getDare Sweetheart
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I cant wait for more keep going
likes:Being slave for a week,anal,spanks,cum eating,cum in face,dice dares, and person above dares,will do pics, slight public,masterbaiting where i could get caught but not likely,swirlies
limits:family,ice,illegal,cross dress,poo if directly eating it,cbt,bondage,messy,wedgies,

i have a smaller dick then paaltjepaal and i want to suck his Cock!!!
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Old 06-19-2013, 02:00 PM   #30
getDare Sweetheart
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Target Chapter 11

Their first game of truth and dare

Chapter 11

Everyone has made themselves ready for bed, and the girls are in their tent and the boys in the other.
Tina is shouting from her tent: “Joe – remember your dress code for the night!!”
A lot of laughter is followed by this announcement from the girl’s tent.
Joe: “Yes… yes…”
Eric: “We will make sure he completes the dare!!”
Tina: “Good!!”

The boys are all changing into their nightwear – or all except for Joe.
David: “Joe why are you not making yourself ready for bed?”
Joe whispers: “Can’t we make a deal? Please…”
The other three boys all shake their heads, and Eric responses: “Sorry Joe… You know the rules…”
Joe reluctantly takes off all his clothes except for his underwear. He then climbs into his sleeping bag and takes off his last piece of clothes. He brings the underwear out of the sleeping bag and shows it to the others: “Happy??”
The others are laughing, and David loudly announces to the girls: “He is naked!!!”
A lot of giggles are coming from the girl’s tent, and Joe tries to hide in shame.
Michael tries to comfort his friend a little: “Joe it could be much worse – you could have been asked to sleep in the girl’s tent, without your sleeping bag.”
Joe half laughs: “Shut up…”

In the other tent, the girls have changed into their nightdresses and lies in their sleeping bags chatting.
Linda: “What do you think of the game? Haven’t been great?!?”
Ruth: “It has been much different than any other game, we have been playing.”
Kelly: “It’s more a grownup game, than a kids game. We have never been talking about… sex… and been undressing in front of each other…”
Tina: “I have never thought that I would be peeing in front of anyone and especially not boys…”
The other girls are laughing at Tina, and so is she.
Susan: “It was so shameful to describe my masturbation… I hope I do not have to do anything like that again…”
After a little silent Ruth is asking: “Susan… How does it feel, to do… it??”
Susan: “It feels great – right Linda?”
Linda: “Yes… it is a nice feeling to touch yourself down there...”

At the boys the talk is also about the day’s events and the game.
Michael: “So – Are you ready for another game of truth and dare tomorrow?”
David is thinking of Ruth and answers Michael: “Definitely…”
Eric: “As long as you can be with Ruth, you will be ready for any game!”
David blushes in the dark, while the others are laughing at him.
Joe: “As long as I do not have to be nude, I am in for another game tomorrow!”
Michael: “I am not sure there will be any guaranties in this game…”

Back in the girl’s tent, Tina is asking: “Are we sure no one will come and see us? It is bad enough to do humiliating things in front of all of you – but what if a stranger was here…”
Kelly: “We have been camping here for years, and we have never had anyone visiting”
Susan agrees with Kelly for once: “I don’t think anyone else then us and our family knows about this place…”
Tina is still not convinced, but is a little more calm: “Okay…”
Linda: “Why are all the boys so focused on my tits?”
Ruth: “Why do you think so Linda – could it be that you are the only one having actual tits?”
Kelly: “Yeah – it might be so.”
Linda: “Yes yes I know… But why are they so focused on them?”
Susan: “They are boys… they cannot help it…”
Linda is smiling: “You are probably right…”

David: “Eric – How did it feels to be spanked… by a girl?”
Eric: “Hahaha… you really think it is funny?”
David: “No – really??”
Eric: “She did not slap me that hard, it could have been worse.”
Joe: “I might be nude right now, but at least I am not dressed in girl’s clothes… David…” and he start to laugh, and Michael and Eric quickly follows.
David tries to play it cool: “You did not think it suited me???”
Even more laughter for all the boys…

Linda: “What is so funny over there?!?”
Joe manages to shout back to the girls between his laughs: “David think Ruth’s bra suited him well…” And he collapses in another wave of laughter.
The girls also start to laugh – even Ruth cannot stop herself.
David tries to protest, but all his words a caught by his laughs, so it is of absolutely no use.

The girls get their breath back and Kelly asks: “Tina… How was it to stand there… and pee…?”
Tina: “So humiliating… the worst I have ever done…”
Kelly: “Why did you do it then? We could have voted.”
Tina: “And if I had lost the vote? It would then have been even worse… I don’t even dare thinking of what, he would have made me do then…”
Kelly: “I understand…”
Susan tries to tease Kelly: “How was it for you to be topless?”
Kelly is too tired to start an argument: “It could have been worse.”
Linda: “Ruth – Do you miss David in your sleeping bag?”
Ruth does not know what to answer. Should she be honest with the other girls about her feelings for David? Or should she shrug it off? She chooses the latest: “Noo… it is not big enough for two…”
Linda: “Too bad!”
Everyone is tired, and soon the chat becomes to whisper, the whisper becomes to silent and silent becomes to snoring.

The next morning they wake up all together.
Joe is happy that he can now get dressed again – even if it has been an easy night, where he has been sleeping very well, not even noticed that he has not been dressed at all.
Linda had a few bad dreams during the night, where she has been showing her tits to the boys – an awful thought for Linda.
Eric and Susan have just been sleeping, both just looking forward to the next days of fun with their friends.
Michael has been dreaming all night, about the breakfast Tina is going to make for him. In his dream only he and Tina exists, so he is a little disappointed when he woke up, and found out the others were still there.
Kelly has been thinking about Joe most of the night: “I wonder how he looks like… naked…”
David and Ruth both had sweet dreams about each other, hoping they will be more together the next day.
Tina had to get up twice during the night to pee, the water she had to drink the night before, needed to get out again.
Everyone is finally dressed and out of the tent.

Michael is the first to speak: “Mmmm… I can almost taste the breakfast I am getting served soon.”
Tina has the dare from yesterday coming to mind: “Yes yes yes… You will get your breakfast…”
Many tired smiles appear around the group, but no one says anything.
Everyone except Michael prepare their breakfast. Tina is in no hurry, she just has to make a nice breakfast, not a fast one.
Michael starts to get impatient, as everyone except him and Tina has started to eat: “The dare was a breakfast today – not tomorrow.”
He smiles at Tina, and she teases him with a smile back, but she does not say a word.
Lastly Tina has completed the breakfast, and she gives a plate to Michael: “Here, enjoy your meal.”
Michael: “Thanks!”
The group eats in silent, and after a quick cleanup, the friends sit in the circle again.

Linda hesitates and is in doubt if she should start the game again. In the end she decides to do so: “Anyone wants to continue the game?”
There is a strange and tense atmosphere in the group. Everyone is keen on continuing this new game, but the all fear what it will bring along.
Eric is the first to say something: “I am in!”
David soon follows his friend: “Me too!”
Short after everyone has agreed to take another round.
Michael: “When do we end today?”
Linda: “Midnight again? With a lunch and dinner break?”
Michael: “Sounds like a plan!”
As no one is objecting, Linda’s suggestion is approved.
Kelly: “Same rules?”
Susan: “I suggest a little change.”
Kelly: “Okay…”
Susan: “It should not be optional to participate in a dare.”
Eric: “That is not fair – it is not your dare…”
Susan: “Then at least the one where you have been drawn.”
Linda interferes: “Sounds like a good idea. So far no one has objected a dare, but it is good to have agreed beforehand.”
Eric: “Okay then…”
Kelly: “With exception of that change, we have the same rules as last round yesterday?”
Everyone nod and the game is ready to start again.
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