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Old 05-21-2012, 06:26 PM   #16
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Getting good

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Likes:masturbating gay getting controlled controlling people
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Pm me dares or truths or if u wanna b my slave or u want me 2 b ur slave
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Old 05-24-2012, 12:48 AM   #17
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Very well-written kitten - good character development and erotic and exciting - the teasing of the blackmail and some darker stuff to cum is tantilising - it will be interesting to see how you handle it - good luck and well done - James x
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Old 05-25-2012, 03:28 PM   #18
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very good kitten cant wait for chapter 3
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Old 05-25-2012, 04:26 PM   #19
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* twitch twitch * :P
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Old 06-03-2012, 03:34 AM   #20
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Chapter 3

The contrast between the good-natured Jonathan and his older brother Luc never failed to surprise me. I parked the car sloppily, and walked up to the pair of 'em.
Jon held up a hand as a greeting, but Luc was tapping his feet impatiently.
I looked down on my watch; I was two minutes early. I opened my mouth to comment on it but then I remembered what kind of person Luc was.

Luc started rambling about me making him wait, but I just gave Jon a nod and walked on to the store.
“You don't even know what we need to get!” Luc yelled behind me.
Hmm. He had a point there.
I turned around, saw the list in his hand, and snatched it from him. The indignent look on his face almost made me burst out in laughter, I could barely keep a straight face. He looked like he was about ready to attack me.
I think I got lucky when Jon called out to him.
“Do we need these?”

Jon had taken a big pack of tie-rips, and I realised we forgot to grab a cart.
I checked the list real quick. “Yeah, we actually do need those, could you get us a cart please?”
“Of course, no problem.” he said, already on his way.

Silently, I watched the look on Lucs face. No matter what an unpleasant man he was usually, you could never accuse him of not caring for his brother.
Suddenly I wondered how deep these feelings really ran. But before I got to study him any further Jon had come back with the cart, and Luc was back to his old self.

“Well guys, I'm gonna go look for paint.” Luc said, and wandered off. I almost snapped at him, he wasn't gonna look for paint at all. The lazy bastard was just going for a stroll, leaving the two of us gathering the things we needed.
Then again, this gave me a good opportunity to talk to Jon, who was watching his brother walk off.
“We need paint?” Jon asked, a quizzical look on his face. A bit confused by the question I looked down on the list. Tie-rips, nails, sandpaper... Some 20 items later I reached the end of the list, and paint hadn't been on there.
What was even more frustrating was that half of the list seemed to be absolute rubbish and didn't fit in with the building plans we had at all.
“What do we need showerheads for?” I exclaimed, a bit louder than intended.

Startled by my sudden reaction, he leaned over to check the list as well.
“Showerheads? Do they even sell those here?”
We looked at each other for a second, before we decided it wasn't even worth questioning. We'd just get whatever was on the list.

Pushing the cart lazily, I fondled the tie-rips.
“Say Jon... You really care for Luc, don't you?”
A smile immediately unfolded on his face, and he looked as innocent as a puppy when he answered.
“Yes! He's always so nice to me, and so smart too. He's a perfect rolemodel, don't you think? And...”
I interrupted him by grabbing his wrist, it quieted him down completely. The look on his face told me I must have looked quite mischievous, and I leaned in a bit. With a lowered voice, I tried again; “No, I mean... You -really- care for Luc. Don't you?”

He twitched a bit, suddenly nervous.
“Y-yes... I really care for him.” he answered, but suddenly his reply sounded more like a question than a statement. He was unsure of what was going on now.
I had to repress the sudden urge to giggle; For some reason this was much too entertaining!

“I wonder if he knows.”
I was getting a definate reaction now, he turned paler as I watched.
“Are you alright?” I couldn't hold back my smile right now.
He nodded, and pulled his hand back. He rubbed his wrist like I had somehow hurt him, although I hadn't been that rough. He didn't smile back, and it was a little odd to see the always cheerfull Jon with such a worrisome look on his face.
“Mm, come on now, we still have some things to get.” I said, and checked the list for what we had and what we still needed.

After finishing up at the store, Jon and I went out to find Luc. And sure, there he was, smoking a cigarette while enjoying the sun.
“How did I know I'd find you here?” I asked, quite grumpy. He thought he could do anything he wanted, and let others do whatever he didn't feel like.
He didn't answer, and threw his cig on the ground. Still slightly annoyed, I stepped on it, grinding it into the gravel like I wanted to do with him. Now, that would be nice.
How long would it take for him to cry if I were to step on his face, my heel digging down in his cheeks, the rough gravel scratching up the face he was so protective of?
Vain bastard.

The more I looked at him, the angrier I got. It all just took me back to the event that kickstarted my hatred for him. I'd get him back, in time.
If only he knew half the things I did then... A simple plan sprouted up in my head. Rudimentary as it was, there was some revenge, some pay back.
Jon tapped me on the shoulder, and I suddenly realised I'd been staring for a while now.

“Are you alright?”
I nodded as response.
“I'm fine yeah.” I said with a grimace. “I'm just a little tired, is all.”
Jon looked a bit worried, and I gave him a slap on the shoulder.
“I think I should go back now, get some rest.”
“Yes of course, take care of yourself, will ya?”
Jons genuine concern for my wellbeing was touching, and I felt quite guilty about the plans I started making. But not bad enough not to go through with them.

After a quick wave to the both of them I walked off. I wasn't too sure how they'd get all the stuff to the studio, but I'm sure Luc would find a way. He was inventive like that.
I hopped in the car and drove back home.

After making myself a cup of tea, I went to the study. The blue colours always calmed me and allowed me to focuss on my train of thought more than any other room in the house.
With a deep sigh, I leaned back into the chair.
Even though it was all still vague, I knew I could definately pull at least some of it off.
The video was the key ingredient.
Even though Jon was a great guy, I couldn't help but love the possibilities... If I played my cards right, I could have a LOT of fun with Luc.

A soft knock on the door.
“Are you in here?”
“Come in!”
Without looking up I held my arm out and Vivi naturally moved in for a hug.
“Are you up to anything exciting?” she asked as she started putting my stray hairs back in place. I wrapped the other arm around her too now.
“Not really, just thinking.” I rested my head on her chest, and closed my eyes.
“You know... That video I shot? I think I know what I wanna do with it.”
I pulled her down a bit to sit on my knee.
“Hmm, what about it, what do you wanna do with it?” she said as she sat down on my lap.

“I think it's time for some payback.”
“Payback?” She was surprised. “What did he ever do to you?”
I opened my mouth to explain I was talking about Luc, not Jon, when she caught on to it herself.
“Or do you mean... Payback for Luc?”
I nodded.
“How is that video gonna help you do that? He's not even in it, is he?”
“You'll see, I'll make it work for me. Don't you worry about that.”
I knew how much Vivi disliked things like grudges and revenge, but she still hugged me and planted a sloppy kiss right on my forehead.
“Just don't get too wrapped up in it, please.”
“I won't. And if I do... you'll be there to stop me, won't you?”
The indignified look on her face made me giggle, and she slapped me on the wrist playfully.
“How dare you! I'm not here to mother you, you cook!” Even though that's what she said, she couldn't help smiling herself, and leaned in for a kiss.

I kissed her gently, but my mind already had wandered off, thinking of all the possibilities. He would get what was coming to him, even if I had to be the one to make it happen.
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Old 06-03-2012, 03:42 AM   #21
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I know I have threatened with rape and murder, but if you don't stop writing this awesome story any slower, I'm going to be forced to rape you, murder you, make you possess a body and write it, then rape you again and exorcise you, and finally read this awesome story from beginning to end.

So hurry up.(Innocent smiley face)
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:34 PM   #22
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Chapter 4

Ding! Lazily I stood infront of the door. It was unexpectedly warm for so late at night. I hoped it would have cooled down, but no such luck.
I could see a shady figure pass the window, and a few seconds later, Luc opened with a bored expression. It didn't change, even when he realised it was me.
“Hm, what are you doing here?” he asked, as he walked off again, leaving the door open. I took that as an invitation, and followed him inside to the livingroom.
With a sigh, he dropped himself on the huge sofa, his stare fixated on the TV screen.
“Well I...” For a second I considered waiting untill he had the decency to look up at least, but it wouldn't really be of much use.

I sat down in one of the chairs, that matched the sofa, and pulled out my cellphone.
“You might be surprised when you find out what I came by for.”
I looked through the videos on my phone, untill I saw a still of their bathroom.
“Is Jon home, by any chance?”
Luc looked up for a split second.
“No, he isn't. Why?”
He was still looking in the TVs general direction, but I had his attention now.
“Oh no, just wondering.”
I played around with a lock of hair, waiting for him to give in to his curiosity.
“No, go on now. Should I pass a message or something?” he asked quite casually.
“Hmm, well, I kind of wanted to discuss a serious matter with him. But, I don't know if I should tell you. I mean, if the wrong people found out, I'm sure it would cause a lot of fuss.”
Luc sat up a bit.
“It can't be that bad, the guy wouldn't hurt a fly.”
I nearly smiled. “Oh, it's not that. The problem is a lot more complicated, really.”
My voice trailed off a little. “He's such a loving person, isn't he?”

I was getting on his nerves now. He didn't want me to have the satisfaction of getting him to ask me about it directly, but I wanted to toy around with him some more.
“Weird that he's never had a girlfriend actually.” I continued. “You'd think he'd get one easily. I mean, he's well-built, friendly... Handsome. Don't you think?”
Lucs lips were pursed together in two strict lines.
“What is this about?”
He was a bit more defensive than I anticipated, and it threw me off a little.
“Ah, well you see... I kind of caught him doing something odd. Very odd, and, I happened to have recorded it. On my phone, you see.”

A look of complete confusion washed over his face, and he sat up properly now.
“Doing something odd? What do you mean, doing something odd?”
Worry was setting in now, it showed clearly in the way he rubbed his hands together without even noticing. I stayed quiet longer than what would be considered polite.
“Well. Would you like to see?”
He gave me a slow nod, and I got up from the chair and passed him the cellphone. Without hesitation, he pressed the play button.
It was priceless to see him digress from being unsure, to being in distress. He put the phone down next to me, and got ready to say something.

“No no, you haven't seen the best part yet.” I interrupted him. Now I -really- caught him off guard. His hands were shaking a bit when he brought the phone up again.
When the last cries of his brothers playtime ended, he let out a long held breath.
With a sudden realisation, he rewinded it a few seconds, and played it again.
“Ahh, Luc!”
His hands were shaking so hard, he put them down in his lap. Not sure if he was still aware of me standing right infront of him, I snapped my fingers.
I could tell he was processing it all as fast as he could, and his hand clutched my cellphone tightly.
“Mmm. I still want that back you know.” I said, pointing at the cellphone. He moved it away.
Ahw, how cute. Did he think he found a quick fix?
“Honestly, you underestimate me. I've already made some copies of it. It's 2012 you know, it's as easy as 1 – 2 – 3 with todays technology.” I sighed.

Another quick look of despair.
“Come on, hand it over now.” I held my hand up, and he gave it back without too much fuss.
“Now. It would be a shame if someone saw this, wouldn't it?” I paced back to the chair, and sat down in it. The roles were reversed now; I was the one sitting back relaxed, and he was the one sitting on the edge, tense.
“What is this? If this is a joke, it isn't very funny.” Anger. I expected that.
“I can assure you, it's not a joke! Why, I was as surprised as you are now!” I giggled a bit , it was taunting him. “Seriously now, it's not like I camped in your bathroom the entire night just to get this you know.” I said a bit more stern.
“It's not my fault your baby brother is a perv-”
“Don't you dare say anything about him!” Luc jumped up from the sofa, pointing his finger at me. How I loathed that man.
“You'd better sit down, if you don't want me to accidentally send this to everybody on my contact list.”
That hit home.

He sat down again. “What do you want?”
I crossed my legs and leaned forward to him a bit. “Hmm... What do I want?”
I could see he was angry, very very angry. Without much of a warning, he ran off and flew up the stairs.
Disbelief. I expected that.
I could hear his heavy footsteps, a bit of noise, and then dead silence. He found the dildo.
Giggling, I covered my mouth with my hand, muffling the sound, I was cracking up.
When he finally came down again, I had tears in my eyes.
“What, did you think I photoshopped it or something?”
“A retard like you couldn't even do that if you tried.” he replied, obviously upset.
“Ah, sassy are we? Well, you were the one that -had- to check.” I didn't even take his insult to heart, because it was clear who was in charge now.

“I think I'll have a lot of fun with this.” I mumbled.
“Why are you doing this? Jon will be really upset if other people see this you know. Just delete it.” This was probably the closes Luc had ever gotten to pleading.
“Well, what's in it for me?”
“What's in it for you? Heck if I know, what do you want from him?”
Now I looked up. “From him? Oh, you mean, I should ask him maybe? But I'd have to tell him you saw it.”
Luc twitched a bit. “N-no, why would you need to tell him that? That would just be awkward. Uncomfortable.”
“You already look uncomfortable though.”
Luc clenched his teeth together, it made me smile.
“That's fine, I can't unsee it now, obviously. But that doesn't mean you need to tell him.”
I pulled out my best surprised face. “Ah, you're right, I don't!”
For a moment, I saw relief on his face. Followed by distrust. I went back to a small smile.
“I don't see why I wouldn't though. Unless...”
“Unless WHAT?” Luc said, genuinly getting upset now. “Jesus, what do you want?”
“I mean, I could keep it secret. From Jon, and his friends. And your parents.”
Luc visibly swallowed; He hadn't thought of their parents yet, apparently.

After a deep breath, he sat down on the sofa again.
“Is this payback for lasts years... ?”
I nodded. Now he understood.
“What do I need to do?” he said. And he hated himself for saying it.
I had him right where I wanted him.
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Old 06-09-2012, 12:21 AM   #23
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that was a pretty good chapter
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Old 06-09-2012, 01:23 AM   #24
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Kittennnn, why must you tease me so? I love this story, I'd go as far as saying it's my favourite thing on getDare right now <3 Can't wait until the next update.

~ Blondie x

The most fun dare I've ever read: Click me!
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I do not take dares.
I am not looking for an Owner.
And, seriously, what part of my username suggests that I'm a Domme?!

Any questions? (My 'ask me anything' thread).

Originally Posted by Philosophical
<spice girls> If ya wanna be my master, gotta get in my chat, being a wannabe is easy but I think you're quite a tw... </spice girls>
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Old 06-09-2012, 10:07 AM   #25
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every installment of your chapters are great. like you can read one, not be bored and be like where the action? it's all funny interesting and perfect. Love you. (and of course I want more but you know that.)
27/M/ -8 hrs

Limits: Family/Friends, Permanent, Blood, Public, Too painful, vomit, scat, pee, too messy, male, Hand Writing, Tooth Paste.

I have Mad Respect for Ice20 The boy who came up with "Loser has to.." All other variations are Fake as all Hell. Ice20 I got your back.

"Looking for a female to care about"
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Old 06-11-2012, 07:13 AM   #26
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I hate you. This story is getting too good. You forced my hand. I now have to come and rape you in your sleep while trying to get the rest of the story out of your screams. You asked for this.
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Old 07-13-2012, 10:03 AM   #27
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Chapter 5

I got up, and adjusted my hair a bit. He was staring at me, but at the same time, I was staring at him as well. I leaned over and slowly petted him on the head.
“You'll see. Just make sure to be a good boy, so I won't have to do bad things to your brother.”
His eyes widened, and he flushed out of pure anger.
“D-don't talk to me like that.” he stuttered, his hands clenched into fists so tight that his knuckles got pale. He was trying to hold back so badly, and it delighted me.
Slowly, I brought one heeled foot up, put it on his chest, and pushed him into the sofa.
“You're so noisy...”
Slowly, my foot moved up from his chest, over his neck, until I was pushing his chin up as far as it would go. He gulped, uneasy.

“This is absolutely absurd. Don't you think you're taking this too far?” There was a snippet of panic in his voice, as he slipped out of his controlling ways for just a second.
“No.” The way he looked away let me know that just for this moment, he accepted the position I was in. And I enjoyed it; There would be plenty more times where he'd defy me.
After some silence, I saw him look back to me, his eyes wandering over my legs.
Now that was something interesting. I put down my foot, and slapped him across the face before he even knew what was happening.
Stunned, he looked me in the eye. Caught off guard like that, he was too flabbergasted to even react.
“You don't get to look up my skirt, you sick perverted dog.” The corner of his mouth twitched and pulled up in an awkward smirk.
“M-me? Perverted? How am I, I mean... You...” He stumbled over his words. I smiled and backhandedly slapped him across the face again, hard enough to leave his cheek somewhat more pink. He wasn't as surprised this time, and with his hand covering the sore spot, I saw it sink in.

“You can't treat me like this.” I brought up my hand again, just to see him flinch. He turned his face away, and with my hand still up I started laughing.
“You! Hahaha, look at yourself!” This was genuinly entertaining, I felt energized. What a rush!
I stepped a bit closer, close enough for him to lean on me. I ran my hands through his hair, randomly playing around with it. I traced his earshells and slid my hands down the back of his neck.
“Mmm, now how does this make you feel?”
Subdued, he looked away. Staring down on him, he looked much cuter than he did when I had to look up to him.
“I don't... feel like talking.” he said. My hands clasped together behind his head and I pulled him off the couch. He tried getting up, but I pushed him down, until he stumbled off the couch, onto his knees. Bewildered he looked up, and I smiled.
“There's a good boy!” I said, and patted him on the head.
He pursed his lips together, in silent anger. He folded his hands together in his lap.
“Now, does this boy know how to do any tricks as well?”

Sullen, he looked down to the floor, and didn't answer. I squatted down, and raised his chin with one finger, until he looked me in the eyes. Up close, his eyes were surprisingly vibrant, and extremely defiant.
“You don't wanna talk? Fine then. I'll make sure you won't talk.” I grabbed him by the ear and pulled his head to the ground hard, making him whince. I stood up, rested my heeled foot on his head, and pushed down. He held his breath, and let it out with a relieved sigh when I took my foot off. Unsure of what to do, he stayed down. I hooked my foot under his waist, and pulled his lower body up.
“Come on, let's see that cute bum up like a whore.”
He complied, and turned his face away.
“No no, I wanna see you, and I want you to see me.”
Slowly he turned his head back.

I walked around, checking him from every angle. His breathing got more relaxed. I positioned myself behind him, on my knees.
With slow movements, I pushed his shirt up and pulled it over his head and arms without taking it off completely. My hands ran down his sides, until I saw the goosebumps on his skin.
“How does that feel?” I asked. I grabbed his hips, my fingers digging into the flesh.
There was no answer, and I chuckled.
I pulled his hips into mine before running my hands back up his sides again. Slowly I slid them over his chest, traced some lines on his tummy.
“Isn't that adorable...” I started toying around with his nipples. “You tremble and arch your back just like a girl. Maybe you're enjoying this a bit too much.”
A frustrated and muffled grunt was the response.
I got back on my feet again, and kicked him over on his side. It wasn't too hard to do, his balance was off, most likely by the things I did to him.
He scrambled to sit up again, on his knees.
“You're a fast learner, aren't you?”
Flustered and blushing slightly, he nodded.
“And we don't want Jon to get in any trouble right?”
He slowly shook his head.
“Good, good. That's more like it. Now come along, I have some shopping to do, and you're giving me a ride.” I said, and walked to the door.
I could hear him stumbling behind me.
“Shaky legs?”

In the car, I stared out of the window a bit. Despite what had happened, his driving was still good and he didn't mention any of it.
Bored, I laid my hand on his knee. Immediately, he tensed up. I moved my hand up, bit by bit. Seemed like he was in more of a hurry to get to the store now.
We reached the store right as I worked my way up to his crotch, to his relief. I wasn't too bothered; I had much more in store.

When we got out of the car, he walked ahead of me to the shopping district.
“No no no...” I said. “You walk right here.” I said, and pointed behind me, on the left side.
He did so without further arguing, standing about an arms length behind me.
“Make that the right, actually.”
He paused for a bit, he knew I was taunting him. But he did so anyway, and switched to the other side.
“That's a good boy.”

We walked in, and after checking out a few store windows, I walked into a pet store. I grabbed some bags of cat and dog food, and gave it to him to carry. The pet shelter was always short on donations, and I figured I could help a little.
I giggled. “You'll be my little donkey today, I really don't feel like carrying any of this.”
We walked around in an agonizingly slow pace. His arms must have hurt terribly by the time we got to the stand with collars and leashes. I looked at some of them, and eventually grabbed one with a nice sturdy buckle and a ton of sparkly gems on it.
“Let's see...” I placed it around his neck, and luckily it would fit him perfectly.
Looking up to him, his face was twisted in a silent anger.
“Fuck you. I'm not wearing that.” he said in an extremely cool and collected tone of voice.
I kicked his shin, hard. So hard that he dropped the items he was holding and he crouched over, his hands on the sore spot.
“You fucking bitch, you... “ His teeth clenched together.
“I think you'll find that you're the bitch.” I smiled and squatted down to his level. “Are you eager to find out, hmm? Well, pussyboy?”
I patted him on the cheek a few times, and I saw his eyes growing wet.
Someone just walked into the isle we were in, and he looked back over his shoulder.
Quickly he recomposed himself, grabbed the things and stood up right again.

We made our way to the counter, where he paid for the supplies. We walked back to the car, he loaded the stuff in the trunk and drove back to my house. He carried it all in, and put it down in the livingroom.
I caught him looking around, a bit surprised.
“Oh yeah, this is the first time you've seen my place, huh?”
He didn't answer.
I beckoned him to come closer and bend down a bit so I could whisper in his ear.
I gave him a small peck on the cheek.
“Off you go now, I've had enough of you today.”
And with that, he was excused. And I was already thinking up more things to do with him when he closed the door behind him.
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Old 07-15-2012, 03:55 AM   #28
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epic epic story, my favourite story <3, please continue
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Old 08-08-2012, 02:34 PM   #29
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I must say this is probably one of the most well written stories ive seen on getdare in a long time, The story is great so far and I look forward to reading the rest.
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Old 09-04-2012, 05:17 AM   #30
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Chapter 6

My fingers walked over his chest, up his neck. He moved his head back, closing his eyes.
“Do you like it?” I whispered in his ear. From his neck they ran down again, and over his shoulder I looked into the mirror he was facing.
“I want you to look at it.”

Since he found out the info I had on Jon, he'd been more careful around me. It didn't seem like he wanted to cause more trouble than necesary for him or his brother. I'd invited him over at nights that Vivi was away. I didn't know how she'd react to the whole situation yet. He'd spent countless hours on his knees by now, with my feet resting on his back as I watched TV.
Even today, after entering and hanging away his coat, he had walked up infront of the couch and gone down on all fours. It took him by surprise when I yanked him up by his hair.

Vivi and I had a fight last night. It was so stupid too, about something completely unimportant. I think in the end neither of us knew too much what it was about but I didn't give in and she didnt either. I'm so pissed. We went to bed with our backs to each other, for the first time. I texted Luc that night, to come over the next day.
When I woke up, Vivi was already gone. There was still coffee in the coffee pot when I went down into the kitchen, but it was already cold. Nonetheless I took a cup and nuked it in the microwave. It tasted horrible but it gave me a solid kick up the butt. After another hour of watching some Oprah reruns on TV, my guest had arrived.

And here he was, stark naked in my bathroom. His hair was still messy as I had just dragged him from the livingroom down here. I'd undressed him, taking my time. He was more at ease with me; apart from having him serve as my footstool, and the occasional foot massage, I hadn't done anything to him. He'd even dared joking around a bit the last time.
Taking out my eyeliner again, I added to the writing on his body.
“Let's see what we have here... Cuntboy... Whore... Slut... Pig... “ I started reading all of it to him. “Pencildick, fuckhole.. Did I miss anything?”
He slowly shook his head, his face turned away from the mirror. My hand slipped over his abs, down to his thighs and slowly, I gripped the soft orbs hanging under his shaft.
“I said, I want you to see.” Squishing them together, I stared at him in the mirror. It was a pathetic sight. I wasn't that tall or muscular, and he easily towered over me. Even so, he was naked while I was fully clothed, his balls at my mercy and his body covered with my handwriting.

Stubborn as he was, he didn't turn his head until I increased the pressure. I saw a blotchy blush in his neck, a tell-tale sign of his distress. It was hurting bad, but he didn't make a sound. Finally, he was faced with the man in the mirror. His face went a bit pale at first, but after that a deep blush stained his cheeks. “F-fuck...” he grumbled. Snap. A little sound came from my phone when I saved this moment in time. With a dismayed scowl, he pushed me away from him, but that didn't stop me from smiling when I reviewed the product. It had me with a big wide grin, and him, looking like a schoolgirl that had just gotten sex-ed for the first time.
Without even looking up from my phonescreen, I stomped him in the stomach with my fist. It knocked a bit of his breath out, although it wouldn't have had much impact if he had expected the blow. He grunted softly, slightly hunched over.

“Tut tut tut, no pushing...” I said. I turned the phonescreen to him so he could see. He looked at it for a short moment, before staring at me angrily.
“Now, I think because that push made me feel really bad... You'll have to make me feel really good now, to make up for it.”

After being used purely as furniture for such a long time, the sexual implications went right over his head. He'd turned around, rummaging through one of the cabinets. He was probably looking for the massage oil. I chuckled; that was amusing. As he had his back to me, I took a few steps back, and lowered myself on the edge of the bathtub. It wasn't extremely comfortable, but I knew that it wouldn't matter a few minutes from now.

With a sullen expression on his face, he turned back, the bottle of massage oil in his hands. Seeing my expectant face, he went down on his knees, and started undoing the straps of my heels. I didn't bother surpressing my smile as I let him go ahead. Not until he applied the oil to his hands, I lifted my skirt.
He almost seemed annoyed at first, confused. It took a second for him to look up. His lips were parted, as if he was about to say something, but nothing came out. I hadn't bothered wearing panties today, and it'd completely caught him off guard.

“You're gonna make me feel -real- fucking good.” I told him. He gulped, moving closer. He hesitated, and I could feel his warm breath on my smooth slit, irrate and laboured. Finally he poked his tongue out, running it over the entire length, exciting a soft sigh from me. He gingerly ran his tongue up and down, parting the lips as he did.
I grabbed his shoulders for support, and pushed myself against his face more.
“That's right, that's a good little boy...” I said. My steady breathing had gotten deeper. The way he was teasing me definately had its effects, making my nipples harden, rubbing up against the fabric of my blouse. They were jutting out visibly, but he had his gaze cast down, focussed on something else entirely.

His careful licking had changed, and he had closed his warm mouth over my cunt now, as his tongue worked my clit. The pointy tip flicking over it was too much for me, and it made me moan. I leaned back as best as I could without falling into the bathtub, and draped my legs over his shoulders, his face tightly tucked between my thighs.
“Are you gonna make me cum, you little whore?” I asked, pulling his head closer into me. He nodded with more enthusiasm than I thought. I firmly took his head in my hands, and rubbed his face all over myself, covering him with a sticky clear layer of my juices. His eyes had glazed over and there wasn't much left of his stand-off ish demeanor. The second I let his head go, he dove back in, poking his tongue into me and messing around with my swollen little bump.
“Fucking whore.” I said. “Your stupid dirty mouth can't even lick my cunt right.”
The way he looked up without ever breaking contact had my pussy throbbing and aching for more.
“Maybe you can put a finger or two in. You'll need to learn some tricks, so you can replace that useless dicklette of yours.”
He obediently rubbed two of his fingers over my glistening lips, wettening them before he slipped them in.
The way he prodded them in was a bit clumsy but it sent me right over the edge. I hadn't even realised how close I was, and the intensity of my orgasm took my by surprise. Sticky clear cum dripped out of me, clinging to his lips and his chin and his fingers. The tiled bathroom echo'd back my moans and whimpers, and they were louder than expected.
Finally, after waves and waves of pleasure crashing over me, I came down from my high.

Looking down I found him, his mouth still fixed to my cunt. He seemed quite taken in with himself, after had made me cum so hard.
“What a good boy!” I praised him, and even then he let slide without a frown or scowl.
I started to catch my breath slowly, my hand on his head. After a little while, he tried pulling his head away, to get up. My juices had cooled down, they felt cold and gross.
“No no, you're not done yet.”
He started licking me clean, his tongue bathing away the waste. His tongue slipped through every nook and cranny the fluids had gathered, and I closed my eyes as I relaxed. Without a second thought, I let go of the natural urge I always had after cumming. The pressure on my bladder was uncomfortable, but that was not my problem anymore. I had a little cuntslave now to take care of it.

His eyes were wide as saucers, and he barely even reacted when he first felt this new warm fluid gushing out. It took a moment before he frantically tried to pull away from me, as I let my piss out on his face and in his mouth. I planted my feet on his thighs as he was still kneeled, my hands wrapped behind his head tightly as I refused to let him go. I shifted my weight more, from the bathtub to my legs so he couldnt get up, but even so he still squirmed for a little while. When the stream of pee finally died down he had calmed a bit, a drained expression on his face. It was running out of his mouth when I released him from me. He hadn't swallowed but I was amused nonetheless, grinning happily.
I grabbed a nearly towel and wiped off some of the excess liquid, feeling refreshed and energized. I got up on the floor and threw the towel in his face.

Before closing the door behind me when I left, I turned to him one final time.
“Clean up and head home, will ya? I'm done with you for today.”

Last edited by Kitten; 09-05-2012 at 02:36 AM. Reason: Typo ^^
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