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Old 11-15-2010, 07:41 PM   #16
Cookie Dough
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This a great story. It has a great plot, character development, and the setting is completely developed with no gapping holes in the description. Please continue, you are doing a great job.
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Old 11-17-2010, 11:52 AM   #17
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Cool Thanks :)

I appreciate the encouragement.
Work on chapter 5 is going slow, but I hope to post soon.

I am strict, harsh and demanding. I unfairly punish you with pain and humiliation. My goal is to make you strong and powerful while you maintain your role as my sex toy. So if you are prepared to turn over your rights, send me a message.

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Old 11-20-2010, 10:12 PM   #18
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This is genius. Ill be eagerly waiting

No, I won't

Me as in Today
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Old 12-24-2010, 02:27 PM   #19
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Cool Still Working On It

Circumstances have interfered, but I have every intention of finishing this story.

Hopefully next chapter in the next week.
I am strict, harsh and demanding. I unfairly punish you with pain and humiliation. My goal is to make you strong and powerful while you maintain your role as my sex toy. So if you are prepared to turn over your rights, send me a message.

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Old 01-16-2011, 10:58 PM   #20
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Cool Finally, Chapter 5

Chapter 5: training

She awoke first, with him in her arms. Habit. She wondered if she should wake him. She considered waking him with the whip. After all, he…
A whip flew from the shelf and into her hand, hard. It stung. “Owwww!”
Her exclamation woke him. “Good morning to you too.”
“Why did you do that?” She tapped his chest with the handle of the whip.
“Looks to me like you’re the one about to do something.
She looked at him taken somewhat aback, and relieved herself of the whip. “Well. I was going to, but then you flew the whip into my hand.” She shook it. “That hurt!”
He chuckled.
“It’s not funny!”
“The funny thing is I didn’t do it!” he said, laughing again.
“No,” he said. “You did. You must have!”
“Me?” She looked at him incredulously. “But… how?”
“I told you there was a point to all of this.” He smiled at her. “It worked. I knew yesterday morning.”
“You knew…” She tried to reframe. “What? How?”
“Yesterday morning. You woke me.”
“How could I have woke you?” I had your dick in my mouth. “Unless I had bitten it.”
“Yesterday you might have been able to. Before that, no.”
There was a momentary silence.
“I clearly heard you say wake up! I’m tired of waiting!”
“But I had your dick in my mouth.”
“Yes,” he said. “Get it?”
The light turned on. “I don’t feel a thing.”
“Well, I do. I feel it very strongly now, and growing stronger. That’s why I was at the foot of the bed last night.”
“I forced you awake?”
“Ha ha! No, you woke me. You couldn’t force me to do anything. Like a loud noise. I could have gone back to sleep.”
Christine took it all in, smiling, her hair blowing back in the windless room.
“Interesting gesture, but you’re going to have to learn to avoid doing things like that.”
She became aware of what she was doing, and it stopped. “I have no idea how I did that, but it felt like it really fit with my smile.”
“You have to start training.”
Her face fell. “I thought I was done with training!”
He laughed. “That wasn’t really training. That was mostly to integrate your cellular awareness with your psychological awareness.”
She looked at her hands, then at the whip, which flew back to its place on the shelf. She supposed she had done that. What she was thinking was clear to him.
“Don’t worry; it’s not what you think.” He smiled at her and darkness seemed to engulf him. She thought that was a pretty cool gesture. “You have to learn how to control your intentions.” He returned to normal. “And then you have to learn how to dom. You’ll have to maintain complete control. At least for a while.” He looked at with guilt in his eyes. “And there’s something I neglected to tell you.”
She felt cold fear run through her veins. He laughed, feeling her fear tangibly fill the room. “It’s nothing like that, deary. The problem is you can’t have children.”
“I can’t get pregnant? You sterilized me?”
“That’s not the problem. You could more easily get pregnant than any other woman at this point. But you can’t have any offspring.”
“I don’t understand?”
“You’re body has been modified. The artificial modification could have dangerous evolutionary repercussions. Me either. I can’t have kids either.”
“But your evolution was natural.”
“Yes.” He looked seriously at her. “But it was the wrong evolution. I could dirty the timeline.”
Christine began to realize what this meant for Yajaw. “You can never go home.”
“There is no longer the home that I once knew.” He sighed. “And I am not adapted for this time, or for any future time, now. I’m going to have to adapt as much as anyone.”
“Now I feel sorry for you.”
“Don’t. I won’t talk about the immortality of the soul, or the joys I will feel evolving properly, but take my word for it this is for the best.”
“Okay.” She sighed. “So what’s next?”
“First we run you through some paces to make sure you maintain conscious control. Then we kill two birds with one stone.”
She looked worried. “What kind of paces?”
“Don’t worry about that. We’ll just focus on three areas. Telepathy, telekinesis, and emotional projection. It’s not a problem. I’ll just make sure you have conscious control.”
“Okay, so what birds?”
“That’s where the fun begins.
“Once you can go out and not broadcast yourself, you’ll need to practice your talents. At the same time, you can try to recruit some slaves. 6 ought to be a good start.”
“How is recruiting slaves going to aid in evolution?”
“Originally you were to start a political movement. That won’t work anymore. Now you have to start an underground.”
“An underground of slaves?”
“No, an underground of woman who want to enslave all men. The slaves are to make you seem believable.” Yajaw’s presence seemed to diminish, and his voice sounded quite meek. “I am your first.”
“So how do I start?”
“First things first. A few exercises. Can you hover?”
“Excuse me?”
“Try to float.”
“You’re kidding.” But then she did. She lifted 2 feet from the bed and sat there.
“Ok, now back down.”
She floated down to rest on the bed.
“How about the gestures? Gonna happen without you knowing?”
She glowed red, blue and then green. Laughing, she said, “I don’t think so.”
“Ok, then the only thing left is the emotional broadcasting.”
“Yes. Not that anyone would notice consciously. But it is something you need to control. It could really mess you up.”
“What could?”
“Let’s put it this way, you have to learn how to manipulate people somewhat. You’re vulnerable if you don’t.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“If you lose it, you’ll have to give up control. It may be hard to get free.”
“So train me!”
“There are 2 things you need to learn. First, how to control your random projections, then how to influence people’s emotions.”
“I think I’m pretty good at influencing people.”
“I was thinking of something more direct. And it’s not a choice. You project. It’s natural.” He smiled. “Now you have to control it.” He t6ook her shoulders.
“Let me show you. Relax and try to be aware of your feelings and sensations.”
Christine closed her eyes and tried to feel about herself. She began to notice influences not originating from herself. It was Yajaw she was feeling, she realized. “I feel you…”
“Yes. Now concentrate. Try to feel how your emotions are affecting me.” He added, “And of course be aware of how your own emotions are working.”
She felt herself reach out and pull at Yajaws emotions. She tried to make him want her more than anything else.
“Very good,” he said. “But in order to make that work you have to make sure the emotion you elicit comes from your target, not from you.”
Christine changed her tactic. She tried to feel what would attract him to her. She felt a much stronger response. “I like that,” he told her.
“What’s this all for? She asked blankly.
“You have to collect some slaves, he said. “And train some Mistresses.”
“For what?”
“To build the underground.”
“Why do I have to build it?”
“That’s a little difficult to explain right now, but let me assure you you have to.”
“So I have to make men do what I had to do? And how do I train a Mistress?”
“You have to start a movement that will make men susceptible to female influence. And train women to exert that influence strongly.”
“That fixes evolution?”
“That’s the plan.” He grabbed his clothes. “Get dressed. We’re going to the bar.”
At the bar, Yajaw trained Christine to sense the creative centers surrounding them without influencing them in any way. Christine found she could feel the influence she was having, and soon learned to control herself so that her influence felt no different than the influence of those around her. Then Yajaw trained her to carefully lead people to simple acts, such as sipping a drink or puffing a cigarette, and then speaking a simple phrase of using a particular gesture. Christine found that after not very long she could slip into and out of people’s experience, and exert subtle influences they could not detect.
“Okay,” Yajaw said suddenly. Time to test the waters. Pick up a subject and take your first slave.”
“Now? Already? But how?”
“You have to create a bond. Keep in mind the kind of bond you’re trying to build. Reach for base instincts toward being made to feel safe and obeying authority. But be careful. If you lose control, your slave will be able to take control of you. He won’t even know it, but you will. Anything that crosses his mind will echo through you, and you will be unable to control yourself until you can free yourself or regain control.”
“Sounds dangerous.”
“It’s a skill. You’ll do fine. Go. Choose carefully. You’ll know when the bond is established. You can feel a bridge. Just make sure to keep control.”
Christine looked and felt around the bar. She already knew her mark. A man around 20, looking lonely and surrounded by an air of horny desire. She carefully felt his response to images of being spanked by her. He responded positively. She made her decision. She walked passed his table and had him stand in her way just as she passed. “I’m sorry,” he said, embarrassed.
She smiled sweetly. “No problem. I’m Chris.”
“Ted,” he said. She felt him slide into what was obviously a pickup mode. “Buy you a drink?”
“Sure,” she said. She felt Yajaw wince, and wondered why. She reached out to touch Ted’s passion, suggesting a spanking seductively. She felt him respond, knew his cock was rising. She sipped her drink. “What are you up to?”
She tried to put him of balance by making him say, “Cruising for a chick, actually.” But he just smiled and went on smoothly, ”You her?”
“Maybe.” Christine smiled, sipping at her drink. She knew his cock was throbbing from her subtle influence. Time to make her move, she thought. She formed an image of him raising his ass in the air for her, having him say, “Come to my place?”
“Sure, why not?” She replied.
She went with him to his car. She tried to reinforce the idea that he was going to get punished with vague imagery of him asking for it. She could feel his passions pulsing. He bwanted her, wanted her to take him…
She saw an image of him snapping his belt before her. It was so out of place at that moment that it took her aback. She felt memories of him with a girl, him wanting very much to take her and spank her and fuck her asshole. She felt herself get wet and got a sinking feeling. She wanted him to treat her like he wanted to his old girlfriend. She knew instantly that she had lost control, but could not have predicted the result. She manifest his fantasy for him. It felt like he forced her to say,”I want you to have your way with me. I’ll do anything.”
Now he was taken aback. She felt his indecision. She was inexplicably filled with what she recognized as an uncontrollable response to his desires. She reached, and his passions began to rise. At her unconscious suggestion, he said, “I’m gonna beat your naughty ass, baby. You’re going to worship my power.” He was momentarily surprised at his own words, but Christine covered it with the feeling that it was natural. He turned and smiled at her.
She blushed obviously, “You are my Master and I will do anything you wish.”
He pulled into a driveway. “My roommate won’t be home for 2 days.” He led her inside.
Once inside, her insides exploded. Vaguely, she knew that he really wanted her to take control. But she was unable to free herself from that deep, unconscious desire he had hidden, and she made him slap her hard. “Get undressed and on your knees, you stupid bitch,” she had him order her. She obeyed uncontrollably.
He still hadn’t quite caught on. He was really into it, but she could feel his hesitation. Stripping obediently, she felt a tide rise inside her, screaming This will never do! She had to make him take control, had to make him ready to hurt her. She reached in and enflamed his passion with images of her being controlled and punished, completely overcome by his power. She reached to unzip his fly. She knew that it felt to him as if she was responding to his unspoken will, as indeed she was, and to her it felt as if he were completely controlling her. She tried to understand what had gone wrong, but couldn’t focus. She put his cock into her mouth.
She fucked his cock with her mouth. She was completely overcome with passion. All she could think about was his cock, and the joy of having it explode into her mouth. Vaguely, she realized this was his fantasy, and she was making it as real for him as she could. She made certain he was well aware that his cock was her universe, and that her entire focus was on pleasing him. She continued to fuck her face with his cock, tickling it with her tongue, sucking uncontrollably. She looked up at him longingly and respectfully, not quite seeing him for her concentration on his cock.
His conscious mind was catching up. He grabbed her by the back of the neck and forced his cock into and out of her. She received him gratefully, submissively. All she could think about was his cock and his power. He came explosively, and she swallowed as if she was a part of his body designed for the purpose. She knew he felt that. It was a part of his fantasy.
He was still being a bit skittish. He wanted to beat her, but hesitated momentarily. She made him reach for his belt. He got the idea. He grabbed her by her hair and threw her face to the floor. Pulling off his belt, he said, “Stick your disgusting ass up, cunt.” She did so immediately, making sure he was certain she had no choice. He struck her vulnerable assn hard with his belt. “Oww!” she cried, recoiling. “Stick that ass out and keep, it out!” he ordered. She obediently stuck her ass out for him, further than before. He beat it several times, and she cried out with each blow. She desperately wanted to move her ass back, but was completely unable. She made sure he knew.
He beat her ass mercilessly, covering it with rising welts. He told her to stick her ass up further and further, and she did so helplessly, until she was reaching up for the belt. In his fantasy, she was hot with desire, and completely overwhelmed by his power, and so she was. Each time he struck her, she felt more and more submissive to him, more and more a physical extension of him. She made sure he knew what was happening, emphasizing his fantasy for him. He continued to beat her helpless ass, until she began to cry, as he expected her to. He dropped the belt.
She knew what was coming. Her butt was still raised high in the air, and he knew she could not lower it. He mounted her and shoved his unlubricated cock into her sweaty asshole. The friction burned, as did each time he made contact with her sore ass. Again she was overcome with passion, again his cock consumed all her concentration. She also felt like a disgusting thing, whose highest possible aspiration was to receive her Majestic Master’s cock in her completely rude and otherwise useless asshole. All she could feel was his cock in her ass, and she knew herself as the part of him he buttfucked. She made sure he could feel his affect on her. She felt him stirring her passion, and knew he would make her cum.
That was way wrong, she was sure. She was sure she would lose ground if she let him make her cum. She concentrated what little she could of her will to wrench from his control, failing almost completely. She would not cum. The will grew in her. She must not. Physically, she still felt more and more like an extension of him, but emotionally, she was pulling free. She could feel him trying to engulf her as his psyche reverberated with his desire to make her respond. She could not keep herself from thrusting back at him, but her resolve was gaining strength. She believed that if she could avoid cumming, as she should to fulfill his fantasy, she could break free from this weird feedback loop. She felt his grip trying to force her body to respond, as she desperately tried to pull her emotions from his. She felt his passion rise, and knew he was about to cum. His passion gripped her, and for a moment they were locked in step and she knew they would both cum in an instant. All at once, she broke free, just as he came and she felt his grip loosen.
She immediately took control, leading him with the illusion that nothing unusual had happened. It wasn’t long before she had him convinced, and she left quietly as he slept.
I am strict, harsh and demanding. I unfairly punish you with pain and humiliation. My goal is to make you strong and powerful while you maintain your role as my sex toy. So if you are prepared to turn over your rights, send me a message.

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