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Old 11-15-2020, 08:09 PM   #1
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Default My Diapered Nights, a Report Thread

Hi there Getdare! I dont know if you've seen my thread, but I'll link it in a mo. This is just the introduciton post. So in case you haven't seen my thread, here's a quick summary. I started a thread to allow people to add nights I'll sleep diapered. Silly me made it so people could add 3 nights a post (when their post counted) and so I got rather a lot more than I bargained for. So here we are! I post my reports on the thread, but I thought it might be better to keep it here. I can also make regular posts updating the rules or mentioning dares that have been added to the list. Generally just as much a place for me to talk about things as well as writing reports.

So far, I keep an updated count going of how many nights I have left in my signature, but I'll always post the count when I make a post. The current count is 85. Which is rather a lot! And I have rules I have to follow, and dares to do to keep things interesting. But for now I'll stick to the important links.

This is the link to the thread itself, if you would like to add to it, give me some dares or just have a bit of a read of how things have been going! Have fun!

Here are my likes, dislikes and limits if you decide to have a peek!

Most links needed are found in my sig, and I keep it up to date every time I log in!
Kik me: percithebeanflicker


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Old 11-15-2020, 08:35 PM   #2
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Default The Latest Rules I Follow

To go with this dare, of course, comes rules. Depending on what works best, I'll either keep this post edited as the easiest way to see my current rules, or I'll do regular updates throughout the thread. At the moment though, here are the rules I follow during these diapered nights.

  1. Every night I am able to I will wear a diaper
  2. I will be diapered from 10pm until 10am as a standard, but I can wear for longer.
  3. Once I am diapered the toilet is off limits for pee. I will only use the toilet for poop (pooping in my diaper is a limit)
  4. I will keep a running total of the nights left in my sig at all times
  5. I will keep the thread open and the rules running until the days/nights left reaches 0
  6. I will check the thread regularlly and make sure I keep track of the dares I have to do
  7. If I put a diaper on I can't remove it until it's wet, that includes if I'm wearing several layers. The out most layer must be wet before I can change.
  8. I can only cum wearing a wet diaper. Not while dry or unpadded.
  9. I must always suck either my paci or my thumb at bedtime
  10. I will always use baby powder when changing

Now on top of that, of course there's punishments if I skip nights. Let's say I get lazy or decide I can go without while I'm at home. So far I've managed to keep on track, but I need incentive (And I could always use more). So if I don't follow this dare I set myself, or the rules you lovely people help me come up with:

If I skip one night I get TWO nights added to my total as penalty.

When I do skip a night I will get a spanking and corner time punishment. For the first night it is 10 spanks and 5 minutes. For the second it's 20 spanks and 10 mins, increasing for each night skipped non consecutive (so behaving doesnt make the punishment go easy again)

I think I'm enjoying this too much, its up to you lot to make me change that! Next will be the reports I've written so far on the thread
Kik me: percithebeanflicker


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Old 11-15-2020, 08:58 PM   #3
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Default My Tasks So Far

So these aren't the rules I have to follow, as seen above and updated as neeeded. But throughout this I have and hope to continue to get dares which are for one time, unless someone dares me again or I think its fun of course! I dont have to complete them in the order I list them, this is just me keeping track. I'd had more but I've actually worked through a few!

Diaper addition nights:

Tripple diaper nights = 3 nights

Small dares:

- Sleep with a see through teddy outfit with my diaper. I have the outfit and I'll share pics when I complete it

- Add your sexiest Nightwear = 3 nights

More challenging dares:

- Wear a rope tied securely under my breasts (not restrictive or harmful) for 24hrs straight

- I will do a small oil enema before bed one night. I've been warned to make sure I have an open day the next day.

- For one night every time I pee I will hump a pillow until orgasm. And each time I wake up during the night, or at least once before changing in the morning.

Thats all of my dares for now as far as I can tell. If I missed yours or forgot, just let me know and I'll happily add it! I have a couple more complicated dares that take prep, planning and the right timing. Of course, you'll hear about them when I can.
Kik me: percithebeanflicker


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Old 11-15-2020, 09:01 PM   #4
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My first report from the thread. The initial ones will just be copy-pasted for the sake of having them all in one place.

"Hopefully this will be a bit of a revival, but regardless I'm back. Last week got a little busy at work so I didnt have time to post any reports, but I have been checking the thread and wearing diapers on the nights I can!

Last week I wore for three nights, and this week has been too. So currently I have 18 nights left, if my math is right. Considering I started at 10, I'm not doing a very good job at keeping up this might be a while! But that was part of the plan. But here's my report!

So far, every night since getting the rules I've gone to bed after drinking a glass of water and a glass of milk. If milk wasn't available I swapped it with tea, another glass of water or something (occasionally I need to do groceries at the worst times!) This has definately meant by the time I'm in bed, I'm either already needing to pee or have wet my night time diaper.

My night time routine has become this. A 9pm I clean up, prep my diaper for the night and get all of my drinks ready. Then I diaper up for 10pm and settle down to do whatever I do for the rest of the evening.

At about 1pm I start getting ready for bed. If I need to, I change into my diaper(s) for the night. If I can, I sleep in a onesie, which does a very good job of keeping the diaper snug and stopping me being naughty during the night when I should be sleeping! Once After this I dont change again until my alarm goes off in the morning. I make sure I sleep with a bottle or glass of water near me, and drink the water and milk in my rules (At a safe pace, of course) while I go through my night time routine and wind down before bed.

If I go to sleep dry, I usually wake up wet or bursting. I've woken up a few times in the middle of the night and had the relaxing feeling of wetting my diaper and falling back to sleep in the warmth. And I always make sure my first pee of the day is in the diaper before I change out of it.

Usually on my days off I sleep past my alarm, so I actually spend a couple of hours longer in my diapers than required, not that I mind. But one day I woke up early by a few hours and I made sure I spent that time in the same diaper I'd spent the night in until my alarm went off. I was so glad to get out of it at the end, but I've started looking forward to the nights when I can spend them snuggly diapered!

After a few suggestions in PM and Kik, I decided to add a 10th rule to round out the list, which is that if I put on a diaper I have to wet it before I'm allowed to change. So if I change early because of a dare, or have to layer up, then I have to wet all the diapers before I can take them off. Like last night, where I double diapered and spent hours after waking up waiting for the outer diaper to be wet enough to change!

Keep the days and dares coming!"
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Old 11-15-2020, 09:02 PM   #5
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My second report from the thread. Copied as is

"So I'm back. With new rules being implimented where I live, work got a little busy so I didn't have time for Getdare, but I haven't forgotten my tasks and rules! I kept wearing diapers every night I was able. I started bringing my pacci or sucking on my thumb as suggested, and I've had enough suggestions to sleep with a plug in via PM or on here that I've had that hole filled at least half of the nights.

I haven't had time for dares other than things to wear during the night. But I have been keeping track and I plan on starting a proper plan in order to work through them. But as I have over 2 months worth of nights to sleep diapered, I will have plenty of time to get through them! For now I'll keep reports on here, which helps keep the thread active but also all of you lovely people entertained!

Updates for the moment include that I've ordered a couple of things suggested to wear, such as a see through teddy and other little style clothing that would fit the headspace.
I've also noticed that my opening post can't be edited, so I've edited my rules blog post to keep track of all of the ones I intend on following during this. You can see the link in my sig.
I've got a document, too, where I'm keeping track of all the dares and tasks I've been given on top of them during this time so I can make sure I dont miss any. But I certainly have some catching up to do! I'll think of a good way to make this visible to anyone interested in keeping track. Suggestions welcome.

Tonight I've already drank my water and milk as my rules, and today I plan on going to sleep in nothing but a diaper with my pacci and stuffie. I have PMs to catch up on tomorrow and dares to plan and prep for!

Thank you to everyone so far! I'm starting to miss my diapers when I can't wear them. I have a feeling some interesting things. I've also had some fun dares for during my days off, which may also appear in reports if they fit! Dont forget to check the new rules updates in my sig!"
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Old 11-15-2020, 09:04 PM   #6
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Latest report copied from the main thread. Full, detailed reports will be written here from now on.

"It’s time for my report, you’ll have to forgive me if I forget a few details because it’s been a while. I’f I’ve forgotten something you dared me, or I missed something out feel free to remind me!

Now, since my last count I gained 24 more nights, and I used up five (if you include tonight) in the time I’ve been inactive. That puts my current total at 85! This isn’t a surprise, but to my math that takes me until mid-January if I were to wear a diaper every night. But that’s okay, because I had prepared for this to be long. I’m slightly regretting allowing three nights per post but it’s my own fault! With that in mind I have decided that once I hit 100 (which could take time if I do things right) I will reduce it down to one night addition per post, but dares staying the same. For now it’s still three!

I have to admit that in the past few weeks when I haven’t been able to wear them I’ve missed them. I’ve not had a late night accident, but I have noticed that I feel the urge to use the bathroom more often later at night, which might be how used to wearing them I got. I think I’m far from incontinence yet though! I’ve still to date not managed to wet the bed without a diaper, which is good at the moment because I don’t spend every night in my own bed (I sleep on the work premises sometimes)

But really I should go back a bit. Its a few weeks now since I gave a good report, and there was some fun things I did before I got cut off for a while. I had planned to tell you lovely people but never got chance.

First off, I invested in some orbeez/water beads. I’ve done the appropriate research for safety and stuff, don’t worry. Besides, they take a long time to absorb. So after waking up in a wet diaper (and ticking off another night in the process), I cleaned up, shaved and everything I should do in the morning. It had been a while since I’d given myself an enema, and I’d had lots of challenges to do just that, so I thought I would spend the day (with nothing else planned but a few chores) making sure I was clean inside and out so I could test out my tunnel plugs. Most of my housemates were going to be other places that day/evening anyway.

My first enema was just a small one with a short hold for cleansing, my second one most of one liter I held for a while (after a break between of course). The first a saline solution and the second warm water with a little soap. After a break, a few more chores and waiting for more privacy again, I did a third one that was a full enema bag. I took it rather well, considering the last time was probably a few months ago. But I couldn’t retain it for longer than 10 minutes, if that. But it felt good to be properly clean after.

Once nice and relaxed again I decided to play with the plugs. I started with a smaller dildo to warm me up, then the larger one for a little while. I tried the large tunnel gape plug first, but its actually a little thicker than my largest dildo so I wasn’t too surprised. Then I tried to expanding one, the kind thats like a silicon pear of anguish/ass locker with a tunnel. This was honestly the first time I’d tried this plug and I’m not entirely sure how to start. It would almost go in then pop right out! Its rather hard to keep all parts together when lubed up, so I’ve decided to try again in the future. I did use my smaller tunnel plug though and tucked that in me nicely. But I cant wait to get used to the bigger ones because this one feels tiny!
On this particular night I’d planned to just try sleeping with a tunnel plug in for the first time, but I also got a dare to sleep with a random object inside of me. Something I wouldnt use. I had trouble finding things that would fit comfortably, so I had a genius idea. With a bit of work I shoved a load of now-expanded orbeez and some water into a condom, then spent a good portion of time making sure it was firmly stuffed deep in my pussy before tightly putting on a tripple diaper and my tennis skirt just to keep everything snug.

During the night at some point the condom popped, which I sort of expected. It soaked the inside of my diaper. But that tunnel plug is just about big enough for a finger so I didn’t actually expect many beads to go in, but the thought was hot. But when I woke up there were a lot less beads than I thought there should be. I had a shower and made sure my pussy was clean (for obvious reasons) and gave myself a small enema, then out came a whole more beads than I expected. Not what I planned, but a fun feeling I’d love to experiment more with!

As for any final updates, I’ve ticked off all the dares to wear plugs at night (not that it stops me wearing one anyway sometimes). I’ve learned that I think I need to put some more practice into my ass play, so that may be the thought towards the next thread. And now I have a few days off I’m going to check off a few more dares, hopefully!"
Kik me: percithebeanflicker


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Old 11-20-2020, 06:14 PM   #7
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Hi again! Time for an update that isn't just a copy-paste of the reports in my thread. Not long has passed since my last report, and unfortunately nothing quite as interesting as my last post. This is going to be more of a record of new rules, dares and I did hit a marker after all.

Thanks to all the people posting on my request thread, I've reached over 100 nights owed cosy in a diaper. My current count I believe is 104. I also did the math and that means that (as of this post) I have been given a total of 138 nights in diapers. And I've completed 34 of those so far. Considering I started myself at 10, I really have put myself in for the long haul here! So now posts on my thread only add one night, but people can still add all the dares and additions they want for more than just one night!

It also got pointed out to me recently that since this is such a long dare, I basically mean I suffer a penalty if I did any other dares at night, which narrows down my options a bit. So here is a new rule to be added. On top of that, I compared my rules on this thread to the ones in my blog and I'd missed a few. The blog is always the more accurate but for an up to date list, here are my current rules!
  1. Every night I'm able to I must wear a diaper.
  2. I will be diapered from 10pm to 10am unless told otherwise.
  3. Once I am in bed I can't change until my morning alarm. (Or until ever diaper I'm wearing has gotten wet). I can change before then.
  4. Once I am diapered the toilet is off limits for pee. I will only use the toilet for poop (pooping in my diaper is a limit)
  5. I will keep a running total of how many nights I have left and a link to this thread the whole time.
  6. I will keep the thread open until I reduce the days owed to zero.
  7. I will check the thread and update my totals and dares as often as possible.
  8. I will keep a thread open for my reports, for anyone to read for their own enjoyment.
  9. If I put on a diaper during this I cant take it off until it's gotten wet at least once. That includes multiple layers. The outermost layer must be wet before I can change.
  10. I can only cum while in a wet diaper. Not when unpadded or dry.
  11. I must suck my pacci or my thumb at bedtime
  12. Always use babypoweder when changing.
  13. I can skip a night without penalty only if I am completing a dare instead. If I fail the dare I get double my usual penalty on top of whatever comes from the dare.

The next step is to decide what I get for hitting 100 nights. I'd love to say I should be rewarded, but I have a feeling I'll have a protest on my hands. Instead I've decided I'm going to launch a poll of what my forefeit should be, and I'll be posting that at some point this weekend!

The only other additions are a couple of new tasks to be added to my simple to-do list. I've been told to wear my new plastic pants, which shouldnt be a problem because I love them!.

I've also been tasked that 3 of my diapered nights I sleep with a pair of panties under them and I have to stay wet until 8am the next day. The panties are there to prove weather or not I stay dry if anyone wants to check. I'll set an alarm on my phone just to make sure, but I may enjoy the release after quite a lot! The punishment for not making it till 8am is to wear diapers two hours earlier than my set time the next night, then another two the next if I fail again. I think I am actually going to try this one tonight!

Thanks for reading guys!
Kik me: percithebeanflicker


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Old 11-22-2020, 07:22 PM   #8
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Default The Dry Challenge

I’m back with another report. Other than the last updates to the rules, I haven’t actually written a report on what I’ve done for about a week. So I figured it was time for a catch up.

While things were busy I just sort of ticked over. I kept wearing diapers whenever I could but I have to start by saying that most has been fairly boring.

I’m getting very attached to wearing the diapers and miss them if I cant wear them, plus there’s something just sort of cosy. I definitely want to explore more to do with this.

I’ve practiced a couple of times with my tunnel plugs when I’ve had chance, and I’ve decided I need to include some anal training in my life. That’s possibly the next goal, because a good diaper baby should enjoy all kinds of fun. After the orbeez experiment I’ve been curious. I’ve not tried more, but I’m planning on it. I’ve got a stockpile ready that I keep sanitary and hydrated in case I get an unexpected dare. I’ve also decided to invest in more things to go with my diapers, and try ABDL brands for the first time. But since Xmas and the holidays are coming up, that might have to wait until I can afford my own present.

As for what I’ve been up to! It’s frustrating as hell not being able to cum unless I’m in a wet diaper, because during the day if I fancied a quick something, or I get side tracked by getdare, porn or something similar I just end up teasing myself over and over. It’s kept me super horny, but it’s so hard to cum with a wet diaper on that I usually end up giving up frustrated. This has been an unexpected test in tease and denial, and I hate to say that I’m loving it!

I also decided that I was going to do one of the longer challenges, and one that fit quite nicely with things that have been going on in my life

“These nights, you are NOT to wet your diapers before 8am in the morning. To prove that, you are to wear underwear under your diapers. If you do wet yourself before that time, you have to diaper up 2 hours earlier on the next day. Enjoy!”
I have to be honest, I failed at this pretty miserably. I have the rule stating that I have to go to bed either in a wet diaper or with a full bladder. More often than not, it’s ended up being a wet diaper by the time I fall asleep usually. So when I got ready for bed on the first night I was already squirming. I got through my nightly routine but once I was in bed I had trouble keeping the pee in! I was finding it so hard to get comfortable. Eventually I managed to start drifting off, and then felt the slow warmth as my bladder relaxed involuntarily. If I didn’t have a diaper on that would have been the first time I’d wet the bed, so I’m kinda glad of my rules!

That meant the next night was diapered up two hours earlier. I was home all evening, like I have been today, so I started wearing and using them from 8pm. Which probably didn’t help me keep the idea of holding in place. The same routine of following my rules, drinking what I need to and trying to settle into bed with a full bladder. I was even more desperate than before. I had gone to bed pretty late, but there was no way I was going to make it until 8am so I gave in and just wet. I accepted I was going to lose and it felt so good to have that relief!

So tonight I got diapered at 6pm, and I’ve been cosy since. I’m wearing the panties under my diaper again, but I have also been given the PM dare to be trapped in diapers for 24 hours. I’ll be in them until Tuesday morning, and I have errands tomorrow too!

The final thing I’ll say, is I’ve added a poll to decide what happens to me for hitting over 100 nights owed! Link below!

Kik me: percithebeanflicker


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Old 11-22-2020, 11:01 PM   #9
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Keep these coming I love reading your adventures
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Old 11-30-2020, 04:53 PM   #10
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Default End of the Month? I'm overdue an update!!

Welcome back me! It’s been a few weeks since I made my last report. Since then, like in my last update, I had a poll. The vote ended on Thursday and it was voted as a forfeit for having reached over 100 nights due in diapers that I will be a new rule added. From now on I have the rule that one day a week I have to spend 24 hours in diapers, not including when I have to start wearing the night before. So one day a week instead of getting to escape, I get to change into a fresh diaper for the start of my day! For a bit of an update, here’s a full list of my current rules
  1. Every night I'm able to I must wear a diaper.
  2. I will be diapered from 10pm to 10am unless told otherwise.
  3. Once I am in bed I can't change until my morning alarm. (Or until ever diaper I'm wearing has gotten wet) But I can change before bed.
  4. Once I am diapered the toilet is off limits for pee. I will only use the toilet for poop (pooping in my diaper is a limit)
  5. I will keep a running total of how many nights I have left and a link to the thread the whole time.
  6. I will keep the thread open until I reduce the days owed to zero.
  7. I will check the thread and update my totals and dares as often as I can.
  8. I will keep a thread open for my reports, for anyone to read for their own enjoyment.
  9. If I put on a diaper during this I cant take it off until it's gotten wet at least once. That includes multiple layers. The outermost layer must be wet before I can change.
  10. I can only cum while in a wet diaper. Not when unpadded or dry.
  11. I must suck my pacci or my thumb at bedtime
  12. Always use babypoweder when changing.
  13. One day a week (it can be any day) I must be diapered all day, from the night before until the morning the next day. I'm allowed to change freely during the daytime unless given tasks or rules otherwise.

My days have been busy because of life being life, but I’ve kept up my diaper nights. In fact I finally reached a whole week in a row, which usually doesn’t happen. Personally, I’ve noticed I miss them at night when I can’t wear them. I haven’t skipped yet because I’ve had no desire to. In fact I kind of like the idea of fitting a full day of diapers into my schedule. Now once I wear them I use them without thinking, most nights are spent with my plastic pants over the top too (I’m already planning on buying more colours). I wake up soaking wet every day and its become so much a part of my routine I’ve started prepping my diaper and other equipment as part of my evening routine. It’s become something very soothing to me, but I cant deny it gets me turned on as hell sometimes too. The rule to not cum until I’m wet can be frustrating sometimes. I’ve even found myself releasing into a fresh diaper as soon as I can if there aren’t other plans.

Another new thing i’ve added now and then are enemas. Or I suppose I should say re-added. After getting a dare (yet to complete) involving one, I decided I should probably get myself adjusted to them again. It’s been a while and I didn’t know what my base line would be. So a few evenings before my shower I took an enema. I’m proud to say I can still take my full bag, but anything above half of that and I struggle to hold. I guess I need practice! I plan to give myself a good clean out so I can play with my tunnel plugs and diapers. Ideas always welcome!

I still haven’t done very well at keeping up with the larger dares, but they are fewer to be honest. And some take a bit of planning and timing! But I’ve worked through all of the smaller tasks I had so far. I have a couple of new ones, but below is what I have left to complete on my additional task lists. I’ll post pic proof of what I can when I do it, of course!

Sleep with a see through teddy x1

Sexiest nightwear x3

Triple diaper x2

Both holes filled x3

3 nights you will be wearing for the whole night a combo consisting of:
-a towel made into a diaper with safety pins
-1 diaper stuffer
-your plastic pants

So that means so far I have 116 nights left, and I just did the math. Tonight is actually my 70th diapered night total. I might have to think of another poll when I get to 100, or maybe I should make it 75. I had origionally planned that to be when I hit 50 but I apparently didnt even notice it had been that long!

I'm loving this experience, if I'm perfectly honest. I want more fun things to do in my diapers!
Kik me: percithebeanflicker


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Old 12-10-2020, 05:17 AM   #11
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Default Cosy diaper time!

I think it’s about time for a new, fuller update. With the holidays coming up I’m going to be busy and free in bursts.

So I started my first 24hr diaper day last week. I’d planned it to be something a bit more fun, but life kept me busy in my diaper. I started the night before at 10pm like my usual dare rules. Since I planned to have a more fun day before my nightly change I finished off with a nice, cleansing enema. I did it a fun and relaxing way I’ve done it before. I ran myself a bath, prepped the enema, inserted the nozzle and then got in the tub. When I was ready and all clean on the outside, I lay back to relax and opened the enema. Feeling the warmth of the water both inside and out. Once I took it all, obviously laying down on my back and reasonably slowly, I lay and relaxed for as long as I could. Then after about 10 min I got out of the bath, carefully dried off while looking at my full belly in the mirror and then released. I cleaned up, put on a fresh diaper and went to bed. I had another small enema, much quicker, in the morning just to make sure I was still clean and fresh. I’d planned to spend some time that day testing out my tunnel plugs, but plans changed. So I spent the day with a diaper on doing errands and chores around the house, constantly paranoid someone or my housemates would notice. I changed as needed, and kept in diapers until the next morning. Have to admit, it was good to feel the air on my skin!

In between then and yesterday was pretty quiet. I’ve had lots of nights to wear diapers, since I’ve been on less night shifts for a while, but my days have still been busy. Every day I can now I look forward to getting padded for the night!

Two days ago I did my next diaper day. I followed the same rules as last time starting the night before, but I didn’t do an enema. This day was my day off and I had a little day planned. I stocked up on snacks, drinks, and anything else I might need and spent the day in little mode. Comfy, cute clothes. My stuffies always close and my paci in a lot of the time. I spent the day wrapped up in bed, chatted to people online and showed off my diaper whenever I could. I napped and wet without thinking all day. Each diaper was leaking by the time I took it off because I just got so used to doing it without thinking. It was the perfect plan for a relaxing day of cartoons and disney!

Last night I finished the last night of a challenge to wear triple diapers overnight. And this time it’s with thicker diapers, since i accidentally bought ones with a higher capacity than my previous ones. Pics are in my gallery, but even dry it was already at least 3 fingers thick off of my thigh and I couldnt close my legs. I was already waddling before I even wet! I’m actually typing this still wearing the full layers, sevel hours later. I went to bed after wetting a couple of times and finished the drinks in my rules before bed. I certainly woke up wetter! I had to waddle to the kitchen for my morning coffee with a blanket around me to hide in case my (thankfully not present) housemates saw and then back to my room with a fresh supply of fluids. I’ve checked, the first two diapers are wet but the third is still dry, outside of some a bit of dampness from the length of time and osmosis.. And according to my rules I have to stay in it until its wet at least once, and I have nowhere to go for a few hours so here I am typing this! I can barely close my legs and walking is hard. Lord knows what it would be like fully soaked!

And a bonus, I ticked off a new addition to my task list which was to edge twice humping a pillow before bed and I didnt even intend it. I was just so turned on in all those layers I found myself grinding against the body pillow, but it was just so thick I only managed to reach the edge twice before I ended up falling asleep exhausted.

So to sum up, I’ve got 144 nights left and I’ve completed 81 diapered nights so far and two diaper days (I really should have tried to get it so the days could come off my total too!) This has gone on a lot longer than expected, and I have to admit I don’t usually keep to things for this long. I’m actually starting to get accustomed to this! More reports soon, hopefully!
Kik me: percithebeanflicker


Last edited by nayaths; 12-10-2020 at 05:57 AM.
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