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Old 10-19-2008, 06:54 PM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Dares At The Reunion

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A bit more than eighteen years ago, three brothers, more
importantly their wives, managed to present their
parents with three grandchildren. Since that year, more
grandchildren were added to the family tree, but never
again was there a year where the tree was increased by
three. The first newborns, three girls, grew into
pre-teens, and began to refer to themselves as the
original cousins, finding any and every way to
separate themselves from their younger siblings. While
they only were able to visit with each other a few times
each year, it was soon obvious that they developed a
unique bond between them.

Every two or three years the brothers, and their
families, pick a spot for a week long reunion. All of
the reunions have been memoriable; one in particular,
the one that occurred the summer following the
originals' first year away at university, proved
to be the most unforgetable week for the three eldest
girls. The folowing is the cronicle of the
originals' adventures during that week of family

My dad and his brothers had spent several months organising,
planning, designing, and sometimes scheming, to make this
year's reunion the best one ever. They found a lake tucked
off in the woods, with small cottages scattered round the
South shore, and had booked three of the cottages for our
summer reunion. Unlike most teens just back from their first
year at university, my cousins (Jen and Cindy), and I were
very eager to go off with our families for a week. It seemed
like it had been forever since we, the original cousins, had
spent any time together, and we were looking forward to a
week of catching up.

Each of the cottages were pretty much the same, a couple of
bedrooms with double beds, a fold-out sofa in the main room,
and a small kitchen with a table and chairs. Outside, the
cottages had a small deck with a picnic table, chairs and
(most importantly) a hot tub. Down the lane there was a small
park with a basketball court and what looked like a pretty
elaborate set of playground equipment. There was also a small
pool available to share by all who were renting the cottages;
it too was down by the ball court and playground. I had to
hand it to dad and my uncles, this was indeed a wonderful
spot to get away to.

I am an only child, and as such we would have more room in
our cottage, so I managed to convince my dad to let Jen and
Cindy stay with me; given that we could all share the same
bedroom they could hardly argue against it. I was looking
forward to what was going to amount to a week long slumber
party with my cousins, and they were looking forward to not
have to share space with their brothers.

Tradition at our past reunions, is to gather each evening for
a big pot-luck dinner, and it seems that dinner on the first
evening is louder, and filled with more laughter than any
other. This time round was no exception and there seemed to
be so much more to chat about with the first born of each
family having been off to university for the last 9 months or
so. After dinner was over, and things were pretty much
cleaned up, Cindy and Jen brought their stuff round to our
cottage and we settled in; unpacking and going on and on with
various stories about our first year away from home.

Settled into our room, it was time to head out and explore
the area. We could hear the boys, several years younger than
us, playing with the canoes down at the water's edge, so we
decided to go in the opposite direction and headed for the
park. Jen had snatched her brother's basketball and, once we
reached the park, we settled in on the ball court. We
continued telling university stories as we took turns
pretending that we were pretty good ball players (we must
have looked pretty silly as we were all wearing skirts, tank
tops and flip-flops).

I think it was Jen who suggested that we play a game of
H-O-R-S-E rather than just shooting the ball with no real
purpose. The first game went without much ado and I think
that Cindy won; I just remember that I lost. We decided on
another, but I suggested that we make it a bit more exciting.
I started to reminisce about when we were 14 or 15 how the
three of us used to play some kind of dare games up in one of
our rooms. We always had a lot of fun, and I suggested that
it might be fun to rekindle those games this week. From the
smiles on the faces of the other two, I wasn't alone in those

The shadows were getting long, but there was plenty of light
left in the day for us to play. It was decided that we'd play
two games and the loser of each would have to remove their
panties right in the middle of the court. The loser of the
first would be unlucky enough to have to play the second game
without, and the one who managed not to lose either would get
to keep her panties for the rest of the evening. This was a
tame start, but as none of our previous games ever left the
house, something like taking one's panties off in the middle
of the ball court was a bit of a stretch.

Jen had a run of bad luck and lost the first game in near
record time. I could see the lots of trepidation in her face
as she shot me a look that said "remove my panties, here,
now?" Cindy and I prodded her a bit, and after a small amount
of fidiging, Jen performed her dare. Jen nervously looked
round to see who might be watching, and then quickly reached
up under her skirt, pulled down a pair of baby blue string
bikini panties, and awkwardly stepped out of them. Her skirt
didn't have any pockets, so she stuffed her panties into the
waistband of her skirt and we quickly moved onto the next

When ever it was my turn, I tried to add some kind of jumping
to the shot in an attempt to make Jen's skirt fly up as she
made the move. She couldn't lose the game, but she did have
to play and she was less than comfortable jumpping round in a
shortish skirt with nothing on underneath. I had a good time
making her squirm.

Soon enough, karma came spinning right back at me and I
failed to make an easy shot landing me with an all of the
letters in H-O-R-S-E, and more importantly to Cindy the loss
of the game. Suddenly I could feel my face flush and knew
just how Jen had felt after her loss. Unlike when Jen lost, a
couple of moms with some toddler aged kids had overtaken the
playground, and while the ball court and play equipment were
far enough separated that the mom's probably wouldn't realise
what I was doing, I knew that we weren't alone; I think Jen
was taking some satisfaction in this.

My panties were pink that day; lacy things that I like to
wear under skirts secretly hoping that someone might get a
glimpse of if I'm not careful. Not wanting Cindy or Jen to
have to prod me to do my dare, I reached up, and tugged them
down. Trying to hurry, so as not to be spotted by the moms on
the playground, I nearly tripped as I caught my panties on
one of my flip-flops. Tumbling over and flashing at least the
other girls would have been very embarassing; I felt very
lucky that I managed to catch my balance and remain upright.

No sooner had I shoved my panties into the back pocket of my
skirt did the floodlights pop on. I guess we hadn't noticed
that the ball court was lit, and when we looked over to the
far end we saw Jen and Cindy's brothers coming our way. They
apparently had figured out that there were lights, and I was
now a bit nervous about what exactly they had seen, but since
they focused more on giving Jen some grief for stealing the
ball, I had to guess that they didn't see much. We turned to
go, and as I did so I could feel a bit of air rush up and
tickle my nakedness that was now covered only by my skirt;
what a rush!

We headed in the direction of our cottage and ended up
stopping along the way to sit on the small dock that jutted a
few meters out into the lake. Hanging out on the dock was
Cindy's idea and I think she knew that sitting there could be
fairly compromising for Jen and I; it was somewhat difficult
to "maintain my dignity" while we sat there. Jen's skirt was
a bit longer than mine so I don't think she had as much of a
problem as I did. Even if I had been wearing my panties it
would have been tough, but I was very much more aware of how
short my skirt was being naked underneath. After a bit we
deiced to move back to the cottage; fortunately, not a single
person had come out on the dock, so it turned out to be less
of an issue than Cindy had hoped.

It was nearly 11 o'clock, the sun had set long ago, and the
long drive, basketball, and other excitement of being
reunited with family had hit us originals like a bunch of
bricks. When we got back to our cottage we found our parents
gathered in the main room sipping on glasses of beer and
wine. We made polite conversation for a few minutes, and then
headed off to bed.

Last edited by Leopard; 01-04-2011 at 02:37 PM.
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Old 10-19-2008, 06:56 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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The morning dawned bright and sunny; but it was at least 9:00
before the three of us were awake enough to crawl out of bed.
Dad and my uncles had gone off for an early round of golf,
the boys were either at the dock playing with the canoes or
back on the ball court, and our moms were all sitting out on
the little bit of beach, enjoying a bit of family gossip. We
three spent the day alternately sunning ourselves at the
beach and cooling off in the pool. I think we were secretly
hoping that there might be some guys our age staying in one
of the other cottages and that we'd encounter them at the
pool. Sadly, the families staying in the other six cottages
had only younger boys; I think one was 15, but as we were
almost 19, and most importantly university students, he was
way too young to even consider hanging out with.

Our families collected for dinner and afterwards we originals
split off to go do our own thing. We sat out on the cottage
deck for a while, sipping beer that we snuck from the fridge;
my parents were over in one of the other cottages, so for now
we were alone. While enjoying our illegal brews, we decided
that another dare game would be fun. We certainly were much
older than than the last time we played dare as kids, and
last night's game was more exciting than any previous game
because we were outside where there was a bigger risk of
getting caught. Again we'd play outside and after some ideas
were tossed about, we came up with a twist on our usual games
of dare.

Tonight we'd play follow the leader. The rules were simple:
the leader would do one thing (which she would announce
before doing it), and the other's had to do exactly what she
had done. Anybody who failed to follow the leader would have
to sneak into one of the boy's rooms, steal a pair of their
underwear, and wear it for the rest of the night. That wasn't
a bad punishment, but it would make us think twice about not
following along.

The boys had gone over to the ball court and with some of the
other boys staying in the other cottages they were engrossed
in a game of basketball. After loading my backpack with
another beer for each of us, and some soda, we initially
parked ourselves on the benches near enough to the court to
watch the boys without being close enough to make it look
like we were checking out the guys from the other cottages
(still no boys our age, cute or otherwise).

On the way over, we had played a couple of rounds of rock,
paper, scissors, which selected Cindy as the first leader.

Quietly she announced: "Follow the leader! I am unbuttoning
two buttons on my shirt. If you don't have two buttons on
your shirt then you can follow the lead by unbuttoning or
unfastining two things on whatever you are wearing."

I looked at Jen after we had each done a mental inventory of
our clothing, and saw that she was nearly in the same boat as
I was. She had a single button on her polo shirt, and I was
wearing a fairly snug T-shirt which, as would be expected,
had no buttons. My eyes met up with Jen's and without
exchanging any words we both knew the other was thinking
"bitch!" Cindy had lead off with a zinger, as her top had a
button on each sleeve which, while were purely for
decoration, could be unfastened. Jen undid the button at the
waist of her shorts in addition to the button on her shirt. I
was forced to undo the button at my waist, and to unclasp my

We chatted for a bit longer on the bench, but wanting to have
the other beer we had brought, and needing to be a bit more
covert about it, we wandered over to the playground to sit on
the swings. It was too late for the toddlers to be out, so we
figured that we'd be left alone enough to enjoy our
contraband. Jen's turn to be the leader now, and before we
could settle in on the swings, she climbed to the top of the
tallest slide, and cried "follow the leader!" With that, she
lifted the front of her shirt to expose her bra and slid down
the slide.

I was convinced that she and Cindy were teaming up against me
as it was going to be a bit dicy for me to follow that lead
having had to unfasten my bra for the last task. The boys
were far enough away that they'd not get a good shot of me,
or my tits loosely covered by an unstrapped bra, but if any
one of them were looking the sight would not go unnoticed,
and there'd be questions to answer later.

Cindy bounced up the ladder, lifted her shirt to show off her
lacy cami, and quickly slid to the bottom. I wasn't too far
behind her, lifted my shirt and began to slide down. It
seemed that eons were passing as I was slowly moving toward
the safety of the slide's bottom. Something I hadn't counted
on made the trip seem much longer: the bit of breeze that was
created by my motion down the slide was enough to move my bra
away from my tits and give a good show.

As casually as I could, I tugged my shirt back down and
didn't bother to try to adjust my bra. I took a deep breath,
maybe it was more a sigh of relief, returned to the swings,
and cracked the lid on my beer. We sat for a few minutes
laughing about what had just happened, and at the first lull
in the conversation I took my turn to be the leader.

"I'm going to stand up, and remove my panties. Follow the
leader!" I declared. And I did just that: reached up under my
skirt, pulled my panties down and then stepped out of the a
bit more gracefully than I had done the night before. I waved
them round for the others to see before stuffing them into my
backpack and smiling boldly. For the second evening I had
dared to take my panties off in a public place, and was
loving the rush of both doing it and feeling just a bit more

I was chuckling to myself because both Jen and Cindy had worn
shorts for the evening. Removing my panties was a snap, but
for the other two it was going to mean that they would be
completely exposed from the waist down at least for a few
seconds. If they were in league against me this had been
suitable payback.

Cindy was first to go and moved so fast that she was a blur
as she wrenched both shorts and panties off in one motion. It
took her a second or two to untangle the two pieces of
clothing, but her shorts were back up quickly enough that
even the sharpest of bystander would probably not have

Jen unzipped her shorts, and let them drop to her ankles. She
then slowly stepped out of them before she slid her panties
down and began to replace her shorts. She clearly was in no
hurry, seemed to enjoy putting on a show for us, making sure
that we got a good look at her neatly trimmed bush. Intended,
or not, her casualness sent me the message "nice try!"

Sometime during our last bit of shenanigans the boys had
finshed up their game and wandered off. None of us had seen
them pass, and none of us could be sure exactly which path
they used to head back to the cottages, nor what they might
have seen if they took the path near the playground.
Surprisingly, thinking about that, and wondering if there'd
be questions later, was a big turn on.

We ditched our empties in the playground rubbish bin, and
wandered down toward the lake. It looked like at least one of
the cannoes was being paddled round in the dark; we could see
some sort of torch light out a ways from shore. We toyed with
the idea of taking a canoe out ourselves, but decided that
might seem an invitation to the guys to join us and we didn't
want that. Our beach chairs were still out on the small bit
of sand at the water's edge, so we went over there and
plunked down to see if the moving lights on the water might
be of some entertainment.

I don't think we were there for very long, and just as I was
ready to suggest that we go, Cindy took the leader reins once
again. This time she pulled hard, and as she explained what
she was going to do, and what we'd have to follow. As she was
going on, I was seriously thinking that I might be going to
sneak and swipe a pair of one of the boys' undershorts.

"I've got to pee," Cindy started, and with that short
sentance I knew where she was going with it. I could feel my
muscles tense up a bit. She continued: "I'm not going to move
from my seat, so you may not move until you've peed, or you
are getting up to go fetch a pair of the boys' underwear."

I couldn't believe that she was really going to pee her
pants, though I wouldn't put it past her either, and before I
knew it I didn't have to wonder any more. She had waited just
long enough to enjoy the shock on our faces, and then we
could very clearly hear the tell-tale hiss of a woman peeing.
She really had wet herself, and now Jen and I had to decide
whether we'd follow the leader or not.

"Ahhh, that is so much better" Cindy exclaimed, then looked
at each of us and asked: "well who is going to be the first
to follow my lead?"

I quickly ran all of the possibilities in my head. Cindy's
shorts were navy and their being wet, especially in the dark,
would probably not be noticed. My skirt was washed denim, so
its being wet would be obvious, but in the end I really
wanted no part in having to steal underpants from one of my
cousins. I closed my eyes, tried to relax as much as I could,
and after what seemed to be eons I was the one hissing as my
pee gushed forth.

I could feel it pool inside of my skirt until it finally
soaked in enough to start dripping through the straps of the
chair and onto the sand. The relief was wonderful, and I was
feeling quite naughty. I spread my legs a bit, shifted some
in my chair, and as the liquid cooled a bit I was very aware
of the mess that I had made.

It was Jen's turn and both Cindy and my eyes focused on her.
I cannot say where Cindy was looking, but I have to admit I
was staring straight at her crotch. When Cindy announced the
dare, and told us that we were not allowed to move, Jen had
been slouched in her chair with one foot on the ground and
her other leg dangling over the chair's arm. Cindy's timing
couldn't have been any better.

But Jen couldn't do it. I don't know if it was the fact that
she had tan shorts on and that there'd be no hope of hiding
the fact that she had wet herself, or if she just couldn't
bring herself to wet her pants. She stood and in a small
voice asked if it mattered whose undershorts she should
steal. It was Cindy's call, it was after all her lead, and I
was hoping that she'd make it tough.

Cindy told Jen that she'd have to take a pair of Mike's
underwear, and that she'd have to put them on where she found
them. Mike is Cindy's brother and that meant that she'd have
to sneak into another family's cottage which would make this
a lot tougher than peeing her pants. We really had no idea
where anybody was, the occupants of the canoe were still not
known, and I was wondering if Jen was now wishing that she
had peed.

Jen took off into the darkness leaving Cindy and I to
exchange disbeliefs that we really had wet ourselves in the
middle of the beach where anybody, especially our parents,
might come wandering by with out warning. My stomach was
doing flip flops, either because of the nerves, or the new
thought that this dare really wasn't over until I had changed
into something not so wet. Even though I had just peed, I
suddenly had to go again.

"What the hell," I thought to myself. I was already wet, and
figuring it really didn't make any difference, I relaxed and
peed a second time. Not nearly the torrent as before, but a
strange mingling of hot liquid with what had become quite
cold areas of my legs and butt. Cindy caught my eyes and she
just smiled a very satisified smile. I was feeling very
naughty and it felt very good.

We then heard some noises in the bushes at the edge of the
beach. I nearly screamed when Jen popped out from behind us;
not the direction she had gone, and certainly not where we
were expecting to come from.

She told us that everybody, our parents that is, were playing
cards in the living room of her family's cottage, and that
Cindy's family's cottage was empty. The lights had all been
out, and fearing that someone might notice, she had to leave
them out while she went searching. She couldn't see all that
well, but found a pair of undershorts and after a few minutes
of listening to convince herself that nobody was coming, she
dropped her shorts and wiggled into the boy's underthings.
She decided to sneak out the back, via the deck, which turned
out to be a good move as the boys plowed in through the front
door as she was making her way down the deck steps. The smug
Jen, who had slowly removed her panties on the playground,
was a bit rattled now.

For various reasons we were now a bit on edge, a good edge,
but a bit tense nonetheless. Jen suggested that we go back to
our cottage and get into the hot tub. For Cindy and I that
was a great idea as we were sitting in wet clothes, and at
least I was starting to get chilled. As we got up to leave, I
became even more aware of how wet I was. The whole backside
of my skirt was soaked and as I walked I could feel the cold
hem brush against the back of my thighs. We wasted little
time getting back to the cottage hoping that nobody would
notice my skirt.

Wet clothes into the shower for cleanup later, we'd find some
excuse to do laundry the next morning, bikini's on, we were
soon imersed to the shoulders in a warm bath with lots of
jets providing a liquid massage. To Jen's disliking, we had
insisted that she wear Mike's underwear (rather plain,
boring, white briefs) instead of her bikini bottoms. The
penality was to wear them for the rest of the evening and she
hadn't been uncomfortable for long enough.

I could feel my body slowly start to relax as I let the water
play across my back and I gazed up into the sky taking in the
beauty and emptiness that is space. From the corner where Jen
was sitting came, in a more confident voice than just a while
ago, "time to follow the leader." It was Jen's turn, and
after wiggling just a bit she produced her 'bikini bottoms'
and plopped them on the side of the tub. Even though the
light in the hot tub was on, it was nearly impossible to see
anything through the bubbles, and before more than a few
seconds had passed, Cindy plopped her bottoms up on the side

This, compared to peeing myself, was easy and I reached under
the water and squirmmed out of my bottoms. Instead of
plopping mine on the side with the others, I said "follow the
leader" and tossed my bottoms across the deck and into a
chair. It wasn't a far throw, but it did mean that I'd have
to cross the deck bottomless in order to get to something to
cover up with. Before the other girls had a chance to think
about it, I added "and if you miss, you have to get out, pick
them up and walk them over to the chair."

Cindy, the more athletic of the three of us, wadded her
bottoms up, and with little effort tossed them the length of
the deck and right into the waiting chair. Jen, on the other
hand, isn't quite as talented in the trowing department and
put a bit too much juice into her toss. She had her aim dead
on, but Mike's briefs went sailing over the chair and over
the railing landing a few feet into the yard. "Shit," I heard
Jen mumble under her breath and she didn't even glance over
at me with a "do I have to look;" she just climbed out of the
tub and made her way round to the stairs. She was making her
way along toward the wayward underwear when all of a sudden
the deck flood lights popped on scaring us half to death.
Cindy and I stifled small screams and jumpped a bit when the
sliding glass deck doors opened and out stepped my dad.

This was indeed a sticky spot to be in. Jen had no bottoms on
and was somewhere along the edge of the deck in the yard.
While Cindy and I were in the tub, mostly hidden by the
bubbles, we were still not in any shape to hop out of the tub
bottoms up, and with little effort tossed them the length of
the deck and right into the waiting chair. Jen, on the other
hand, isn't quite as talented in the trowing department and
put a bit too much juice into her toss. She had her aim dead
on, but Mike's briefs went sailing over the chair and over
the railing landing a few feet into the yard. "Shit," I heard
Jen mumble under her breath and she didn't even glance over
at me with a "do I have to look;" she just climbed out of the
tub and made her way round to the stairs. She was making her
way along toward the wayward underwear when all of a sudden
the deck flood lights popped on scaring us half to death.
Cindy and I stifled small screams and jumpped a bit when the
sliding glass deck doors opened and out stepped my dad.

This was indeed a sticky spot to be in. Jen had no bottoms on
and was somewhere along the edge of the deck in the yard.
While Cindy and I were in the tub, mostly hidden by the
bubbles, we were still not in any shape to hop out of the tub
if that is what dad needed. Our bottoms were far enough away,
and enough in the shadows that he might not notice them, but
there was no telling why he was there, nor how long he might
stay. I could feel my heart rate climb through the roof.

I heard Cindy squeek out "hi uncle Bob," and I heard myself
say "hello daddy," in a voice that I hoped didn't suggest
that we were up to something. He returned our hellos and
asked where Jen was. Smartly, she had come up to the edge of
the deck, and while peering through the vertical rails, she
explained that we'd been tossing a foam ball back and forth
and her toss had gone wild, so she was down chasing after it.
I really couldn't believe that Jen, still bottomless, was
having a conversation with my dad while we watched. She was
pressed right up to the deck, and was safe from being
discovered unless he went over to the edge and looked down.
We were so close to being caught, and if he did discover our
current state of undress, albeit in a fairly private setting,
I couldn't guess what his reaction might be.

To our relief, dad had come up to grab some beer from the
fridge and decided to pop his head out when he heard the hot
tub motor going. We said our good-byes and the lights went
out shortly after he closed the door. I decided to turn off
the blowers so that I could check on Jen without having to
yell, but before I could make any words leave my mouth, that
tale-tell hissing sound of Jen's fright was clearly audible.

Not taking her time this time, Jen raced back up onto the
deck, tossed Mike's shorts into the chair and splashed her
bare-assed body back into the tub. She had thought quickly to
move as close to the edge of the deck, the foam ball story
was good too, and now that it was over she was shaking;
partly from being cold and partly from having the piss scared
out of her. We sat in silence for a few minutes and then all
burst out in that nervous kind of laughter that seems
uncontrolled after disaster has been avoided.

It had gotten late, so we declared the follow the leader game
a success and shut the hot tub down for the evening. We each
had to scurry across to where we had left our towels, but in
the grand scheme of things the short jaunt to the railing was
nothing when compared to Jen's exposure experience. It was a
good thing that dad had probably tossed back a few pints
before he walked out that door.
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Old 10-19-2008, 06:57 PM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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The next morning we were all jolted awake by a very large
crack of thunder following what must have been a spectacular
bolt of lightening. Apparently it had been storming for quite
some time, but all of a sudden the thunder and lightening
part was turned up a few notches and that was enough to bring
us back to the living. I peeked at the clock and was shocked;
it was nearly noon, but the clouds were so thick that it
seemed barely after dawn. There is nothing worse than being
off on holiday and having nasty weather keep you inside for
much of the day.

The rain continued into the evening, and after dinner we
broke down and put a film on via the DVD player. It wasn't
something that I was particularly interested in, and before
long my mind began to wander. I closed my eyes, tuned out the
sound from the film, and began to think about the first time
Jen, Cindy and I had played any kind of truth or dare game.

We had been thirteen or fourteen at the time; Cindy's and my
families had decended on Jen's family's house. The boys were
all wedged in the basement playing video games, our parents
were out on the back patio laughing and tossing down wine
like it was going out of style. We three original cousins
were secluded up in Jen's room; door closed and somewhat
bored. Jen got out a marble race board game, Aggravation I
think it was called, and that is when all of the fun began.

Being as it was her house, Jen was feeling a bit bossy and
laid out the rules for us. We'd play with one marble each,
and would roll two die on each turn. Last one round the
board, and back into the home base, would be the loser. The
two winners would decide on a dare for the loser to do, or
they could make the loser take off a piece of clothing. I
remember looking at Cindy and thinking "is she really

Cindy, I think, was still a bit in shock, and so as not to
let Jen get one up on me, I grabbed up the dice and declared
that I got to go first. My roll did not match my enthusiasm,
and in the end I lost the first game and my shirt; I couldn't
have been so lucky as to get to do a dare fully dressed.

The games went quickly, and after a few silly dares, and more
lost clothes, we were all in about the same shape (each still
wearing our panties and cami or bra). This is when Cindy
mustered a bit of courage and suggested that the stakes be
upped such that the loser would have to take something off
and do a dare. Jen and I agreed; I was secretly hoping to not
lose the next game.

I had butterflies in my stomach, and as luck would have it I
also lost. With the loss came the internal debate: panties,
or cami. We could hear the adults laughing on the patio, so
there was little risk of us being walked in on, but the
thought did cross my mind and ultimately I decided that I'd
take off my panties. I was just starting to sprout pubic
hair, and not even my mother had seen me naked in a few
years, so to say that I was a bit nervous as I pulled my
panties off was an understatement. And, I still had a dare to

To this point, the dares had been pretty tame. The most risky
was that we sent Jen downstairs to get us drinks after she
lost her shirt. Now, I was naked from the waist down, and the
other girls were feeling a bit frisky and they sent me to the
bathroom. My dare was to go pee, and I could not close the

The bath was down at the end of the hall and if anybody came
up the stairs they'd be staring straight at me as they turned
the corner at the top of the stairs. Fortunately the lights
were off and wasting no time I hurried in and plopped down on
the toilet. It seemed like forever before I could make my pee
start to flow, and when it did the hiss and splashing noise
sounded so loud in the quiet of the upstairs that I was sure
that anybody that was on the ground floor would hear. Looking
down the hall, as I wiped myself dry, I could see the
sillouetted heads of my cousins peering round the door frame.
My heart was racing full speed when I got back into Jen's
room and swore that I'd not lose again.

We looked at the clock and decided that we probably had time
for one more game before our parents would decide to call it
an evening and take themselves off to bed. With this we
decided that the first person able to get her marble round
the board would get to give a dare to the other two. I
thought to myself how screwed I'd be if I didn't win. At this
point the excitement had kicked in and, to be honest, I
wasn't sure if I wanted to win or to lose.

Turns out that I did have a run of bad luck to start, but
managed a fantastic comeback and won the last game. Jen
decided to keep her panties on and took off her bra, while
Cindy opted to let her panties join mine on the floor. My
dare was for both of them to go Jen's parents' room and nick
a tube of her mom's lipstick. Once back in Jen's room, they
each had to put some on their own lips, and "brand" the other
girl. The "brand," a kiss leaving some of the lipstick
behind, had to be placed on skin that was exposed by the
clothing that they had just removed.

As I spoke, I saw the shock on their faces as what I was
saying registered, and I wasn't really sure if they'd go
through with this or not. Through the open window we could
tell that there was a difference in the noises drifting up
from the patio, and all came to the realisation that very
soon our parents would be headed upstairs and to their rooms.
This seemed to light a fire under Jen and Cindy as they took
off for Jen's parents' room.

I'm sure it seemed longer to them, but they were back in the
room, and panting, after not more than a minute or two. I
waited for each to daub a fair bit of the waxy stuff on each
of their mouths, and then asked who would be branding the
other first. They both looked pretty sheepish, and for some
unknown reason, Cindy stepped up to Jen and pressed her lips
just above her left nipple which was very much standing at
attention when Cindy pulled away.

Cindy then bent over, presenting her naked bum for Jen to
kiss, and said: "Ok Jen, looks like you need to kiss my ass."

Jen, always the biggest risk taker of our group, told Cindy
to lie down on her back. She then squatted down onto Cindy's
legs, bent over, and placed a big kiss just above the small
bits of hair that were starting to show above Cindy's
privates. Jen held the kiss for a long time, and we all
nearly screamed when my dad knocked at the door.

Jen called out that we were changing as we all quickly
scamppered into night clothes praying that my dad wouldn't
just throw open the door. I was still trying to fumble into a
pair of pajama pants as Jen opened the door a crack to ensure
my dad that we were headed for bed and would not be up to all
hours of the night again.
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Old 10-19-2008, 07:00 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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I must have fallen asleep daydreaming about our first dare
adventure as I woke the next morning still sprawled out on
the livingroom floor. The next two days passed without much
to take notice of. We originals spent one of the days
shopping with our moms, and had spent the better part of the
other day alternating between lying in the sun on the beach,
and cooling off in the pool. Our parents had insisted on some
group activities in the evenings, so we didn't have a whole
lot of time to get ourselves into trouble until Thursday when
we packed everybody into a few vans and cars and headed for.
a day at the near-by amusement park.

Our dads had sprung the news that we were going on us the
night before at dinner; as we three laid in bed later that
evening trying to fall asleep, we decided on a game that we
could play while at the park. We didn't know much about the
park, other than that it was one of the older, more charming,
parks with lots of small rides and only a couple of roller
coasters. We contrived a game we called "chicken," kind of
like two drivers racing head on, and as it turned out, it
would be closely related to our game of "follow the leader."
Each of us would take turns selecting something to do, we'd
all have to do it at the same time, and the first to chicken
out would get a point. The one with the most points by the
time we got back to the cottage would be punished. I don't
know about Jen and Cindy, but I had a tough time falling
asleep that night trying to think of things to do with the
game, and wondering what they'd come up with.

The day dawned bright, clear, and promissed to be fairly
warm. To make things as even as possible, we decided that we
would dress as alike as we could; our chosen outfits turned
out to be: a t-shirt, bra (sports bras not allowed), panties
and a skirt. Before long it was time to go, and as many of us
as was possible possible loaded into Uncle John's van. We
girls claimed the bench seat in the very back of the van; we
were clearly as excited as our younger cousins for whom the
trip to an amusement park still was a grand treat.

It seemed to take forever to get there, buy our admission,
bid our parents good-bye (until at least lunch), and to get
to a point where we could let the game begin. The rides were
organised along two parallel midways, with a 'sky ride' that
ran the length of one of them. We decided that we'd start
down one side and ride each ride that wasn't considered a
baby ride. The first one was called "Earth-Quake," one of
those rides where a car moves you through a darkened
warehouse with black light lit scenes of an earthquake in
progress; designed to scare those under the age of 10 and to
provide some makeout time for teenage couples. It was Jen who
got to go first in the chicken game, and as our car jerked
away towards the the double doors separating the real world
from the pretend, she announced the task.

"Pull your panties down to your knees and leave them there."
she said.

We did and as our car moved through the various intensities
of black light we watched our panties light up like they were
on fire. Sharp turns, sudden stops, and loud rumbling could
not distract me from realising that if we popped out into the
light that those in the queue would be treated to quite a
sight of three girls with their panties pulled way down. I
was trying to be calm, but unfortunately we went crashing
through what I thought was the first of the double exit doors
and I quickly reached down and pulled my panties up under my
skirt. Rats, I had lost that one. Jen and Cindy started
laughing, and as it turns out the ride wasn't even half done.
As there was no penalty for the second one to bail, they both
pulled up their panties and we held on for the rest of the

The next few rides didn't lend themselves to the game, but
then we came upon a log flume ride. Cars, shaped like
hollowed out logs, allowed us to sit one behind the other and
wandered through a trough of slow moving water for about
three minutes before carying the log up to the top of a hill
and letting it race down toward a big pool of water and a
huge splash. We had played rock-paper-scissors to select the
order that we'd sit and Jen was unlucky and won the front
seat. As gracefully as we could in skirts, we stepped into
the log, straddled the padded bench, and sat down; the damp
bench giving us a bit of a hint of just how wet things might
actually get.

As the log started on its way, I took my turn and declared
the next chicken task: "take off your bra before we get to
the top of the hill, and the loser is the first who goes to
put theirs back on after we exit the ride. I fgured that Jen
would end up soaked, and as she was wearing a snug, pink,
tank top, that she'd bee-line for the women's room so as not
to be a roaming wet t-shirt contestant for very long. I was
feeling pretty safe sitting way in the back.

We three unclasped and slid our bras out from under our
shirts, and even managed to tuck them into our purses before
the log started its jerky ride up the conveyer belt to the
top of the hill. My stomach did a small flip as the log
flumpped over the top and shot down the hill toward the small
pond. Suddenly splash, and a small screech from Jen as the
water sprayed back onto her. The water also sprayed up onto
the pedestrian bridge that allowed the previous riders to
exit, and as we passed under Cindy and I were treated to a
pretty heavy shower as the water drained off of the bridge.
Three girls, three pretty wet t-shirts; and an interesting
game of chicken.

The ride operators, all had to be 16 yearold males, seemed
quite eager to help us out of the log; each had very large
smiles and seemed not to be able to do anything but stare at
our chests. When we got back out onto the midway I finally
noticed exactly the damage that was done. I think Cindy was
in the worst shape as her shirt was white and clearly her
nipples were easily seen through the wet material. We started
walking toward the next ride, and it was just too much for
Cindy as she turned round and made a pretty quick march to
the women's room.

Jen and I hung round outside, trying to hide our assets as
much as possible, until we were sure that Cindy had earned a
chicken point by putting her bra back on. I'm glad that she
did; I didn't want a second point, and was pretty
uncomfortable as well, but I had vowed to myself that I'd
last at least through the next ride. Cindy and I were now
tied at one point each.

We continued to work from ride to ride until we reached the
end of the midway and were face to face with a two story
structure that looked a bit like an old haunted house. The
sign above the front door read "Fun House -- If you Dare" Not
any line to speak of, and between us and the door was a small
description of the maze of mirrors and glass that was inside.
We waited our turn to be let in and as we stepped into one of
the hallways off of the "parlor," we were greated with
nothing but walls that were floor to ceiling mirrors. Worse
than a bad outfit in one of those three way dressing room
mirrors, there must have been eight of each of us; this was
going to be tough.

Cindy said: "ok, take off your shirt. First to put it back on
gets a chicken point."

Not wondering about any hidden cameras, or one-way mirrors,
we all pulled off our shirts and tucked them into the waist
of our skirts. I'm sure we were an interesting sight, and it
was going to take lots of patients on my part not to get
another point given that at any time someone could walk up
behind us.

It seemed like we had been in the fun house forever as we
felt our way deeper into the winding maze of mirrors. At one
point, a group of pree-teen boys came bustling through,
showing off the fact that they'd been there before, but
hardly taking any notice of three 18 yearold girls wearing
only their bras. They gave my heart a jump, but I remained
cool, shirtless, and continued to make my way.

Eventually we reached what must have been a centre room in
the house. There were no mirrors, and several hallways exited
into the room. The room contained a staircase and a sign that
said simply "go up!"

I could feel the hairs on my neck bristle as I read the sign
and wondered what exactly we'd find when we did go up. I
think the same thoughts were going through Jen and Cindy's
minds as they were suddenly quiet. We each mumbled something
along the lines of "here we go," took deep breaths, and
started up the stairs which lead to another square room with
hallways and a sign that read "choose carefully!"

The biggest difference between downstairs and up was that all
of the walls upstairs were glass; suddenly I realised that I
could make out the shapes of others moving through the maze
ahead of us. Good grief, I thought, and resisted the suddenly
growing urge to put my shirt back on. I could see the look of
panic on Cindy and Jen's faces, as they too seemed the need
to push down the urge to not pick up a chicken point.

We started into the maze, and found that it was not a simple
task. I think that Cindy became just a bit too parinoid about
being visible, though not as clearly as might be thought, and
she quietly slid her t-shirt on over her head; two points for
her now and some satisfaction for Jen and I as it had been
her challenge. Jen and I followed suit, Jen gloating as she
was now easily in the lead, and me breathing a sigh of relief
that I could be covered again.

We finally reached the end of the fun house and were
surprised that it had taken nearly two hours; it was after
1pm. We were starving and as we stood about trying to decide
what to do for lunch we turned to see several of our
brothers/cousins exiting the fun-house clearly in the middle
of a heated discussion. They saw us and came bouncing over to
where we were standing. I looked at Jen, as she looked at her
two brothers; she turned as white as a ghost. We exchanged
hellos at which point the boys started up with their
discussion: the youngest swore that he saw a girl running
round in the upstairs maze without her shirt on. The other
two were trying to convince him that he was just seeing
things. I could feel the sweat bead up on the back of my neck
as I waited for him to realise that the girl he saw was one
of us.

Jen jumpped into the conversation and squelched the boy by
saying "yea, right. What girl in their right mind would take
their clothes off in the amusement park?"

Being older, and wiser, Jen managed to stop the discussion
and Cindy asked if they thought the fun house was something
that we might enjoy. I could see Jen relax a bit after
Cindy's comment; having been nearly caught by my dad earlier
in the week with her bottoms down, and now being caught with
her top off, I was wondering if she'd be jumpy for the rest
of the game.

The boys decided to do the fun house again, we said that we'd
pass and decided to take the "sky lift" back to the other end
of the midway and find something to eat. The sky lift was a
long cable from which 'buckets' were hung and they slowly
carried people too lazy to walk from one end of the midway to
another. The buckets were square with a bench seat that
spanned three sides. They also had a roof, and the sides of
each bucket came up to about shoulder height when seated.
With bars round the open space between the sides and the roof
was no need to strap the riders in. We got in the queue and
soon enough were locked in a bright green one, dangling from
the cable and slowly being hauled to the front of the park.

It was Jen's turn to set the chicken task and much to our
surprise she said: "take off all of your clothes. First one
to put anything back on gets a point."

Our rules mandated that we had only 30 seconds to begin and I
think I used every last second contemplating the sanity of
this one. I guess I shouldn't have worried about Jen being
jumpy during the rest of the game. I pulled off my shirt,
unhooked my bra, and slid out of the rest of my clothes as
did the others. Soon we were three naked girls watching the
midway move beneath us. I began to wonder how long it would
take me to get dressed, how long before the ride would reach
the other end and we'd have to get off, and how long I could
last before panicking and putting at least my shirt and skirt
back on.

I was just about to snap up my panties when Jen gave in and
pulled her shirt over her head. She had the same idea that I
did: outer layers first, panties if there was time, and my
bra went into my purse. Once Jen started it was a mad
scramble and I'm sure that our bucket rocked back and forth a
bit more than the others as we hustled to get dressed before
we were being helped out by yet another 16 yearold male ride

Cindy managed to even get her bra on, and was somewhat
delighted that Jen ate the point on that one. She was still
losing, but it must have seemed like by a lot less after Jen
claimed her point. The fact that she did get her bra on also
gave her a bit of an advantage, but it was my turn to call
the task, so she'd have to wait a bit to see if she could use

Not far from the exit of the sky lift was a set of food
stalls all sharing a common seating area. Perfect for us
three who seemed never to agree on what to eat; we all headed
for different windows with the plan to meet back up at one of
the tables to munch our lunch. I was the last to return,
finding both Jen and Cindy just sitting down, and as I
approached the next chicken task literally hit me between the

The common seating area was situated up a few stairs and
somewhat overlooking the midway. As I approached I realised
that the table the other two had selected was nearly at eye
level, and thus would provide a great bit for our chicken
game. I bounced up the stairs and sat next to Cindy, rather
than across from her, and explained the next task.

We would each have to hike our skirts up as far as they'd go.
Then, each would place a fist between their knees as a
measure; knees would have to stay apart, and with our skirts
up high we'd be clearly showing off our panties to anybody
who happened to approach. I could feel my nipples tighten as
I explained this, and looked down to see that they were
clearly showing off through my t-shirt.

"Oh, and no napkins in the lap" I added as I pulled my skirt
up and measured the gap with my fist.

We ate for a bit in silence, staring out at the people coming
and going in front of us. It seemed like we might never be
noticed, until this guy and his girlfriend rounded the corner
with their food and headed the exact same route that I had
taken when I had the idea. It was obvious that he had seen
the show, his sudden grin had given him away, and it was even
more obvious when he went back for more napkins not too long
after sitting down.

There were others that seemed to notice, but given the
penality that the loser would have to endure, I think we were
all pretty reluctant to close up and cover up. I liked the
feeling of being exposed in this way, but given that my
parents, uncles, aunts and cousins were all roaming the park,
I was also feeling a bit uneasy about letting my panties show
off like that.

"I'm going for another drink," Jen announced as she stood up
and trotted away quickly.

When she got back, Cindy declared that Jen had lost that
round and now, like she, had two chicken points. Jen claimed
that it was not fair, but Cindy pointed out that Jen was the
first to cover up, and that she and I had remained exposed
while Jen was gone, that it was her point. I was now in the
lead as both of the other girls had two points.

Jen was still grumbling about her point as we tossed our
wrappers and cups into the rubbish bin and headed off to
explore the other midway. I was pretty psyched being in the

We rode the dodgem cars, an old fashioned wooden coaster, and
a few 'twirly' rides, but nothing that we could play chicken
on. It was also getting more difficult to think of new tasks
to have to perform. Jen was getting a bit impatient and kept
nagging at Cindy to decide on a task, but Cindy waited for
what she thought was the perfect moment: the double ferris

We were all loaded into the same car, and when our wheel
rotated to the top, Cindy announced: "tops off!"

"Oh shit" I thought as I had never put my bra back on after
the strip on the sky lift. Jen too was without her bra thus
Cindy was the only one who would not be showing her nipples
to the world as the top wheel circled high in the sky. We
knew that the top wheel would continue to turn as the bottom
wheel was unloaded and reloaded with riders. We just didn't
really know when the bottom wheel would be done, and the big
machine would loop our wheel back toward the bottom. Cindy
was just beaming as she knew that neither of us would out
last her on this one.

The mechanism that locked the upper wheel in place was
released with a jolt and the top wheel started to circle down
making a large arc in space, and sending my stomach for a bit
of a loop. That was enough; as the bottom wheel passed
through the bottom for one last circle to the highest point
it could reach, I scrambled back into my t-shirt. I heard Jen
let out a victory whoop as she and Cindy frantically slid
their shirts over their heads and down across their chests --
barely before the bottom wheel was locked into place and
readied for unloading.

Cindy was laughing like a school girl all the way down the
exit ramp, and seemed tickled that we were now all tied with
two points each. Thoughts of what was going to happen to the
loser were dancing through my head, and I assume those same
thoughts were running through Jen and Cindy's minds too. I
know I didn't want to lose, and can't imagine that either of
them did either.

Jen's mobile began to chirp; her parents, and mine, wanting
all of us to meet for dinner. We wandered to the indicated
spot in the park and all went off to a surprisingly nice
restaurant for our evening meal. On our way in, Jen and I
ducked into the loo to replace our bras -- no need to receive
the wrath of our mom's should they notice that we'd removed
them at some point during the day. We laughed, ate, told
stories about some of our adventures so far, and even had a
few sips of ale on the sly. Fortunately, Jen's brothers had
forgotten about the 'topless girl' they saw in the funhouse;
I think Jen was pretty worried about that still.

After dinner we rode more rides until it was well past dark
and the appointed time to meet up for the ride home had
arrived. It had been Jen's turn for a chicken task since
before dinner, but there wasn't anything that came along that
we hadn't already done. We piled back into the van, and
joined the long line of cars that were trying to make their
way out of the parking lot. The three boys in the middle seat
seemed pretty beat and were asleep pretty much before we were
on the highway for the hour ride home.

When we entered the highway, Jen leaned over and whispered
"here's the last chicken task, and since we are all tied this
is kind of like sudden death! You have one minute to take off
all but one piece of clothing, and the loser is the first one
who puts anything back on."

The three boys were clearly asleep in the next seat up, but
uncle John and aunt Kate were chatting in the two front seats
so it was clear that they'd both be awake for the trip home.
It was dark, and I doubt that uncle John could really see
anything in his mirror, but as we rolled through any area
with overhead lights we'd be momentarily lit.

We only had a minute to decide what to keep on, and to start
to undress, and I was really having trouble. I cannot believe
that I actually considered leaving my skirt on and being
totally naked from the waist up, but in the end we all three
opted to take everything off except our t-shirts.

I slid my skirt down, then my panties, and wresteled my bra
out from under my shirt for yet another time that day. Jen
must have been planning this for a while as she didn't seem
to pause at all and did the same. Cindy slid her panties off,
and then her bra, and I think she also wrestled with whether
or not to go topless and keep her lower half covered.

We three were pretty quiet and were jolted into a state of
near panic when uncle John steered the van down the exit ramp
and pulled into a filling station. Compared to the dimly lit
highway, the station was lit as bright as day, and I could
feel the other girls tense up a bit as the van came to a halt
and Uncle John turned round in his seat to ask if any of us
needed to pee, or wanted something to drink.

Yes, I had to pee, and nearly wet the seat right there, but
like hell was I going to cover up and lose the game, not to
mention trotting off for a wee without putting any more
clothes on. Jen quietly replied, trying not to wake the boys
who seemed to be stirring in the bright lights, that we were
all good and didn't need anything.

The stop seemed to take forever as uncle John went in, I
presume to pee, and then returned to fill the tank with fuel.
I was glad that the fuel tank opening was more towards the
middle of the van, and not such that he'd be standing outside
of the window next to us and looking in. Before he was
finished though, one of Jen's brothers woke up enough to ask
where we were, and then decided that he did need to go in for
a wee. It was all I could do to keep calm.

Here we were, all three of us without skirts, bras or
panties, in a brightly lit petrol station, and now one of the
boys was awake. I was petrified that when he climbed back
into his seat he'd peek over the seat and in the light notice
that our skirts were missing. Jen had insisted that all the
discarded clothing be placed onto the floor so it would be
very obvious who was the first to do any sort of covering up.
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Old 10-19-2008, 07:01 PM   #5
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: earth>us>midwest
Posts: 255

After what seemed an hour, we were back on the highway, the
back seat was very much dark again, and Jen's brother had
climbed back in without taking notice over the seat he was
sitting in. He did stay up for nearly all of the remainder of
the trip which made me quite uneasy, and I'm sure was cooking
Jen a bit too.

We exited the highway at about midnight and I knew that
within ten minutes we'd be pulling up at the cottages. My
hands began to sweat and I could feel my heart rate climb as
I resisted the urge to get dressed. We all knew that as soon
as the van came to a halt, Aunt Kate would turn round wake
the boys, and probably put on the inside light. The question
was: how long could I hold out, and what was going through
the other's minds. It was all I could do to keep calm.

We turned off of the paved road and onto the gravel path that
served as the driveway up to the cottages. We were close, and
neither Jen nor Cindy has flinched yet. We all knew what was
at stake, and none of us wanted the punishment, but none of
us really wanted to be caught in the back of the van naked
from the waist down. Uncle John had slowed to a crawl, and
the gravel crunching under the tyres was more maddening than
the ticking of a clock in a slient room.

Cindy's brother began to stir in the middle seat, and that
seemed to do it for poor Cindy. In a flash she reached down
and fumbled to get into her skirt before her brother came to
any more of a conscious state than he was. Jen and I were not
far behind trying to cover up without making too much of a
scene and attracting attention to ourselves. Skirts were on,
panties and bras hastily stuffed into purses, just barely
before the van stopped outside of uncle John's cottage. I'm
sure glad that nobody was really paying attention as we three
girls climbed down from the van. My skirt was on nearly
backwards, and poor Jen had managed to get her skirt on right
side in (easily done when your skirt has an elasticised

We quickly said our good nights and headed up to our cottage.
We passed my parents on the way and learned that they were
going to stop by John and Kate's cottage for a nightcap. That
meant that the cottage would be empty allowing Jen and I to
deliver Cindy's punishment with relative ease. Cindy,
realising that she'd lost, slowed her pace to nearly a stand
still and prompted Jen to threaten her to step it up, or we'd
deliver her prize right there.

I think Cindy thought we wouldn't, or figured that it might
be somewhat of revenge to make us deliver out in public, so
she said "not here, but on the basketball court."

That took me by surprise, and I think that Cindy was betting
that Jen would not be up to the task out in the middle of the
ball court given Jen's balk at the dare on the beach the
other night.

Our agreement was that the winners would squat over the loser
and pee. The thought had been that we'd do it in the bathtub
at the cottage and save for the momentary humiliation of
being the target of two hot streams of pee, the loser would
not suffer for very long as they could shower off and be done
with it quickly. Offering to subject herself to the
humiliation on the ball court, and then having to walk back
to the cottage, was gutsy, but Cindy was the one who dared us
to wet ourselves and Jen was the one who couldn't.

Cindy, seeming to be gloating a bit, skipped off toward the
ball court and left Jen and I to trail behind. I had to pee,
since before we pulled off for fuel, and was about to pop.
Jen had to as well, but she wasn't sure that she could do it.
I had to quickly convince her that we'd both deliver Cindy's
punishment and knock her down a bit as I was sure she was
counting on Jen's reluctance.

As we approached the court we could clearly see Cindy
standing in the middle circle watching our approach. The
lights were not on, but there was enough ambient light from
round the compound to feel just a bit exposed. Cindy had a
broad grin on her face, but I could see that she was a bit
worried that her plan had backfired and that she maybe should
have opted for her punishment in the safety of the cottage. I
felt a bit like an executioner come to deliver a fatal blow.

Even though Jen and I hadn't discussed it, I said that we had
decided that we'd go one at a time rather than both peeing on
her simultaneously. I could see Cindy wince, and I gave her
the option to strip down first and avoid having to walk back
to the cottage completely soaked. I don't think she had
considered that option at all, or maybe hadn't thought about
the walk back, and after a moment of serious pondering she
undid her skirt and let it fall to the ground, then pulled
her t-shirt off and dropped it next to her skirt.

Naked, and no longer the defiant Cindy who had dared us to
punish her outside, she laid down on the court and as ordered
streched her arms out wide from her body. I kicked off my
shoes, figuring this was going to be somewhat messy, and
demanded that she close her eyes; I finally had to insist
that she cover her eyes with her forearm as I wanted the
first blast of pee to be a surprise.

By now I could hardly hold my pee. I was excited that I
hadn't lost, that Cindy's plan had backfired, and that we
were going to punish her out in the open. I straddled her
body, raised my skirt slightly, and squatted down over her
stomach. Slowly I relaxed my muscles and let my pee just
dribble out onto her stomach. She jumpped a bit, and then got
a bit cocky asking if that was all I had.

I replied no, moved up just a bit and let a full torrent of
pee stream out on her chest. Pee spashed off her body and
back on to my legs, and ran like rivers over her breasts and
down onto the court. I could feel the hot liquid brush the
edges of my feet as it ran past and the expression on Cindy's
face was a mixture of humiliation and enjoyment.

Finally, my bladder was depleated and it was Jen's turn. I
think Jen was still feeling a bit shy, but having watched me
gave her the confidence to deliver her bit of the punishment
to Cindy. Jen squatted over Cindy's thighs and started her
own stream. I think Jen started to enjoy this and as she peed
she slowly was able to move towards Cindy's head until she
was peeing directly on Cindy's crotch.

Cindy was covered, her body glistened, and as Jen stood up
Cindy spread her legs a bit and let her own stream flow. She
said later that like me, she needed to pee at the petrol
station, and when Jen's pee had hit her crotch it put her
over the edge and there was no holding back. Once she was
done, she stood, managed to pull her clothes on over her
still wet body, and we three returned to the cottage for a
quick shower and a night of deep sleep.

That was the last of our escapades for that reunion. Jen,
Cindy and I still keep up with each other, but as we finished
out our years at university, moved into the work force, and
started families of our own, we never had another reunion
quite like that. We have discussed the idea of getting our
three families together for a summer reunion of our own and
as I think about what fun that might be, it never did occur
to me what our parents might have been off doing while we
three were having our fun.

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Last edited by Leopard; 01-04-2011 at 02:41 PM.
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