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Old 08-23-2019, 01:16 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 43
Book The Love and Evils of My Twin Sister

(note: Tyler and Hannah are both 18 and in high school. Any other characters the have sexual interactions are also 18)

1- My Little Soldier
It is early on a Saturday morning. I streach my body out, letting my... little soldier... show all of its morning glory as my blanket slides off me.

I was not to know that my twin sister was about to walk in.

My name is Tyler, I'm a shy kinda guy but my body is pretty nice, if I do say so myself. I'm slim and blonde with mid length hair, and I'm packing a good six inches down there.

My sister Hannah is very different in personality. She is confident and outgoing, and often a bit cocky. She has long blonde hair down to her big butt. Her boobs are pretty damn big and they bounce about when she runs. This makes her very popular with boys at out high school, but as far as I can tell, she's still a virgin. I don't understand it, she could pretty much take her pick of boys. What's stopping her? We are twins, but not identical ones.

As she comes into the room looking at her phone, it takes me a moment to realise that I am... exposed.

"Ahhh!" I scream and quickly cover myself up.
I watch Hannah's face. For a second it is embarrassed, but after a moment it spreads into a smile.

Angry, I say "What are you grinning at?"

She says in a fake-innocent voice "Nothing. Just the blackmail material I have now."

"The fuck do you mean?" I snap.

"Well it's just that my phone was recording when I walked in. It saw everything."

"Bitch, delete it!" I shout. I can't stand up; I'm still naked.

She grins. "Listen up, here's how it's gonna work now. Unless you want everyone at school to see your cock, you are gonna be my slave boy for a week, understand?"

I consider my options a moment. It looks as if I don't have much choice...

2- Wedgies from Master
After I get dressed, Hannah assembles me in the living room. Our parents are away for a month, so I can't tell anyone.

"Now you must call me 'master'." She tells me.

"No bloody way Hannah."

She turns her phone screen to face me and shows me the video. She's right, my cock and balls are fully visible.

"Okay... master." I say, choking on the word.

"Stand with your back to me, slave."

I mumble "Yes master" and do so.

I have no idea what she is doing. After a second, though, I feel her grab the waistband of my boxers and pull them up so they jam in my boy's bubble butt.

I scream in pain and go "Hannahputmethefuckdownnowpleasepleasepleaseithurt s!" She let's me go and I flop to the floor, laying face up. My ass is on fire, I thought she'd start soft, but apparently not. She stands over me, and I can see up her tight skirt, seeing her white panties amid the shadow of her skirt. And.. Is that a little camel toe I see?

I don't have long to get distracted though. Hannah reaches down and grabs my waistband again, this time by the front. I realise what is about to happen a second before it does, and what happens next is a sharp pain in my balls.

I am dragged along the floor as the wedgie pushes by balls into my body and cuts into my shaft. My sisters face is strange, a mix of euphoria and love. I can see her eyes shine with fondness, with no coldness nor contempt. Yet there is something else. A spark of joy, of a sexual euphoric passion. It's as if she has drempt of this for a long time.

My eyes start to cloud with tears of pain, made worse when she pulls down my trousers, seeing my crown jewels for a second time.

Hannah finally stops and lets me get up.
"How was that, slave?" she asks me, hands on hips.

"It hurt..." I mutter.

She laughs in an almost psychotic way. "I said how was it, and you are going to tell me you liked it."

"It was good, master..." I say this time.

"Good boy," she says, and walks away.

3- A Swirly of Emotions
I don't see Hannah for the rest of the day.

She hides in her room, only coming out to use the toilet, which gives me time to think. Why is she doing this? Is it possible that she is sexually attracted to me? The more I think about this, the more likely it seems. But if that is the case, she has a strange way of showing it.

I go to bed that night in a flurry of confusion. I jerk off a little in bed. At first my thoughts are the usual jerking stuff, hot girls from school, sexy actresses, things like that. But then my mind turns to Hannah. If feels wrong, doing this while thinking of my actual, fully blood related sister. But it feels to good to stop.

The next day, I get up and leave my room to find Hannah already up and dressed.

"Err.. morning Hann... I mean morning master." I stutter.

"Slave, today I have another task for you. Follow me."

Bleary eyed, I follow her to the bathroom. She points to the toilet bowl.

"What's in there, slave?" she asks me.

I look into the toilet. The water is a deep yellow. Even from here it smells like hell.

"I think it's your piss, master." I say, heart beating as I wonder what bearing this has on my task.

"Correct. Your task is to put your head in there while I flush the toilet."

I shake my head. "No Hannah, that's too far!"

She holds her phone and types something out. Then she shows me what it is. It's a message to all her WhatsApp contacts (which is pretty much the whole school) that says 'This is Tyler's cock. Torture him.' Attached is the video. She hasn't sent it yet, but it's clear what the threat is.

I look from the phone to the toilet and back. Eventually, I walk over to the toilet and look into it. Jesus fuck, the smell! I steel myself and plunge my head into the yellow water. There is movement from above and I realise Hannah is now sitting bare-arsed over the bowl. Is she gonna shit on me, I think in panic.

Turns out even she isn't that cruel. There is a fart sound and she then stands back up. The gasses reach me and make me gag, which makes my swallow a little piss. It's just enough to give me the vile, salty taste.

After what seems like a year, Hannah flushes the toilet. I remove my piss-soaked head just in time to see a camera flash.

"That's more blackmail material, slave. You did a good job though, perhaps I should reward you."

I don't say anything, mostly to prevent myself from throwing up.

In front of me, right there, Hannah turns around and flashes me her bare ass. It's big, two round and perfect cheeks. It's the same pale white as the rest of her skin, and has a deep dark crack. I get the urge to spank and kis and play with this beautiful thing, but she covers it up again.

By now I have recovered. "Master , why are you doing this?"

"I like watching you suffer!" She says and kicks me playfully in the balls. Luckily she kinda misses and pain is minimal.

"No, Hannah, I saw your eyes yesterday. There was no mistaking the lust there. And you just showed me your bare ass. Hannah, you love me. You love me more than a brother."

She suddenly looks angry. "Shut up! No I don't!" She runs out of the room.

I stay a while longer. She loves me, I'm sure of it. But do I love her? I don't know.

4- Hannah, Naked
Later that same day, I approach Hannah's room with a plan. She just said that she is going to change clothes. I hold my phone up before me on record. There, two, one, and I bust into her room.

I expect to film her naked. What happens is more than that. There she is, sat on her bed, with a toy, masturbating like mad.

In the moment she sees me, the screams and throws her toy across the room, and covers up her fully visible pussy lips.

"Tyler! You bastard!"

I notice she is loosely holding her phone, and I see my chance. I grab it. On the screen is the video of my cock. I can't believe it; she was masturbating to me! I quickly delete the video, as well of the picture of me covered in piss.

At that moment Hannah grabs her phone back, having managed to struggle into a pair of pyjamas.

She looks up at me. "So you deleted the video."


"And you recorded me?"


"What happens now?"

I know what I want to do now. I look at my little sister with lust, but it's a different lust to that which I have felt before. It's a lust that makes me want to hurt her.

5- Tables Turned
I pause a moment and then say "You are to call me master."

Hannah looks at the floor and then mutters "Yes master."

I inspect her carefully. I pull open her underwear draw and look inside. I find a slutty thong, and throw it at her.

"Put that on," I say.

She takes off her trousers, but then pauses.

"Carry on," I prompt.

She blushes and slowly pulls her panties down her long, pale legs. She reveals that beautiful ass that inspires so much lust in my veins, and her thin, tight pussy lips that are surrounded by a small, brown bush.

I look for a moment, mesmerised by her body. Then I watch her slide on the thong. Once it's on, I stand at her side, grasp the front with one hand and the back with the other. Then I pull.

The thin strip of black fabric disappears into Hannah's deep crack, and the front carves into her pussy. She emits a great screech and pants heavily as I force the thong into her vagina. I tug in the front more, which makes Hannah's screams louder. My cock gets harder than it's ever been before.

I don't know what this feeling is, I only know that I don't want it to end.

6- School Torture
That wedgie is all I do for that day.

The next day is a school day. I sit in Hannah's room as she gets ready. She picks a pleated skirt from her cupboard, but I stop her before she can put it on.

"Actually slave, I think you should wear this." I produce from behind me a skirt that I found at the bottom of her wardrobe. It's from years ago, it's way to small now.

"But that'll hardly cover me!" she protests. I just smile and force it into her hands. I don't really know what I'm doing, this is so unlike me, but all this master stuff is just coming to me naturally.

She puts it on. She's right, it just about covers her panties, and leaves some ass cleavage on display.

We get to school together. As we walk though the grounds, I see eyes following Hannah's butt. Girls laugh and boys wolf whistle, making her blush harder. Eventually, though, we have to head off to our separate classes.

In my history class, I can hardly concentrate. I keep thinking about her. Do I actually love her? If I do, what is this desire to see her suffer pain and embarrassment?

Lunch comes slower than normal, but it does come eventually. I stand with Hannah on the balcony that overlooks the main stairs.

"What is this for?" she says after a while.

I turn to look at her. Her eyes stare into mine, and I take a moment before I say "What was it with you?"

No response.

"Well it's the same thing with me."

Minutes pass.

Finally I speak again. "Your next task. The next boy that comes up there stairs, you are to flash him your tits."

I expect rebellion, but none comes. It does not take long before some hockey jock comes up the stairs. Hannah raises her shirt, and shows them off. Two big, soft pillows that makes my cock ping to attention. Those slightly puffy pink nipples...

The jock gives some gormless thumbs up and walks away. That asshole will be rolling in pussy, two more tits won't make a difference. Its strange though, I get less euphoria out of this than I did before. I lay my hand on Hannah's slightly exposed butt. That makes me happier.

7- Love
That evening, there's a bit of a party going on. It's organised by a dude who has a few parties, called Nick. We kinda know him, so we got invited. Problem is, another attendee is Claire.

Claire is the biggest name in school. She's hot, popular and cool. She has the most shiny brown hair, massive tits (which she's had since she was like eleven) and a supermodel face. She's always going out with at least three jocks at a time.

She also hates our guts.

On the way to the party, I talk about her to Hannah.

"D'you think she'll bully us?" I say.

Hannah looks thoughtful. "Possibly. I wonder if she'll hook on to my skirt and flashing today at school. I mean, that was your objective," she turns to me, "would you like it if she did?"

I take a moment before answering. "Previously, the idea of making you flash boys made me very happy indeed. Now, though, it seems as if its worn off."

"You are still my master," she points out, "you could make me do anything. You could make me get naked and masturbate here and now. You could make me put bulldog clamps on my nipples. Anything."

"Kiss me," I say suddenly.

"What?" She looks shocked.

"Kiss me. Hannah, I lov..."

Before I can finish the sentence, Hannah presses her lips into mine. It's the best feeling ever. It's like a thousand dreams come true.

When she pulls away, I say "I love you."

She looks into my eyes and says "I love you too."

"What were we doing? Hurting and embarrassing each other? What was it about?"

"Tyler, we have fetishes, you and I. Similar ones, it seems. We just didn't know how to indulge them properly. But now we can. I mean look, now we are honest about our love, I can indulge your exhibitionism fetish, not because of a threat but because I love you and want to make you happy. " She stops and lowers her leggings, showing her ass off.

I start to pick up on the idea. These things we were doing to each other were our kinks, we just didn't know how to express our love, so we had to find other ways to make them happen.

"And we can both indulge our wedgie fetish," I say.

"Right," she says, and pulls by boxers up into my ass. This time, though, whole it does hurt, I enjoy it.

"What about by piss fetish?" She asks, "You said that was too far."

I think. "I'm sure we can find a way to do it. I wouldn't object you being pissed on."

We keep talking about this all the way to the party.

8- Hell for us Both
The party is in full swing when we get there, and it's not like we expected.

Claire has taken over. It's pretty much her party now, filled with her jock boyfriends. We wonder if we should just leave, but as we consider it, Claire approaches us.

"Hey look! It's the incest ones!"

The whole room jeers. How the fuck did she know?

"What are you talking about?" says Hannah.

"Don't play dumb. Jason saw you on the way here. He saw you kissing. And he saw your ass, Hannah. He says it was excellent. Incest! Incect! Incest!" she chants, and other people join in.

I don't know what to do. The chanting goes on for a solid minute.

Finally it stops at the command of Claire. She then looks the pair of us up and down.

"Well," she says, "seeing as Hannah apparently has such a nice butt, I say she proves it."

"Don't do this," I beg.

Claire smirks. More people are coming into this room now to see what all the fuss is about.

"Do it now Hannah, lower those leggings. Come on, you did it outside."

Looking around at the football jocks at Claire's command, Hannah decides it would be wise to do as she says. She shows the room her butt, and the room is filled with wolf whistles and jeers.

Claire waits for the noise to die down, and then says "Now I want you, Tyler, to spank that ass."

"Why are you doing this Claire?" I say.


I know exactly why she's doing this. She has always liked making people suffer. This isn't a sexual thing for her, but she knows this is the best way to embarrass us in front of this mostly male crowd.

The more I hesitate, the closer the muscular and violent jocks get. I quickly spank Hannah's ass, which makes it wobble. God this makes me hard, I just wish it wasn't here.

"Again!" shouts Claire.

I do it again. I do it slightly harder by accident, which makes Hannah yelp.


I do it again.


This goes on until Hannah's ass is bright red.

"Okay, stop now," says Claire.

9- The Kiss
Hannah pulls up her leggings amid the jeering, taunting crowd. It seems Claire has got them on side.

"Now you two," she says, "I think you should kiss."

The room really reacts to that. Cheers go up and chants start of "incest!" and "do it!".

We both know we can't avoid it, not if we want to leave with all our knees in the right place.

I lean in to Hannah. Her soft lips touch mine and we lock together. At first we just do it to please Claire. But we both get into it, and it becomes deeper and more passionate. When we finally pull apart, I make a speech, and it's the most importent thing I've ever said.

"This is my sister Hannah. She and I are deeply and truly in love. At first we didn't know how to handle it. And, I'll be honest, we did it wrong. But now we are strong enough to say it loud and proud. We are in an emotional, strong, sexual and passionate love!"

I hope. I cross my fingers. The room mutters. And then the cheering starts. Not the mocking cheers of the spanking, but the sort of cheering that happens when characters kiss on a sitcom. Claire looks devistated. The room is ours now, and it's our side they are on.

10- The End
It's not instantly obvious much has changed.

Claire is still popular, I'm still shy and a geeky, and the world keeps turning.

But there are changes. When we get home from school, Hannah and I kiss and embrace. We engage our fetishes. Wedgies are given, spanking happens and sometimes we flash. But when we flash, neither of us is the slave. We flash together.

One evening, Hannah comes into my room, and I pull down my pants.

She approaches me, naked, and puts her soft lips around my rock hard cock.

And we do what lovers to.

My lover.

My sister.

The end.
LIKES: Pee, spanking, wedgies, CBT
PUNISHMENTS: Scat (eating, touching), public
LIMIT: Anal, permanent, family
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