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Old 07-05-2016, 09:18 PM   #181
Master Rayne
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Well a lot of things happened during the last few weeks.

There were my vacations with my girls and Shame's case...

I'll tell you about her case first, and in a next post I'll talk to you about our vacations. I've never had such a great time in a long time and its worth telling it all accordingly.

As you all know, Master Sade gave Shame a very bad beating and despite that, Shame didn't want to press charges. Well Master Kyle did. He also managed to get a restraining order from the court forbidding Sade to get close to his former slave.

Good thing: Sade moved out of the town and none of the members of you circle has seen or heard of him since.

After his second visit to her in the hospital, Kyle told her he was taking her with him. Kimiko was pretty excited too: when Shame came to Kyle's home, she is the one who took care of her and mended her bruises until she was back on her feet.

One important thing I should have mentionned before I got started is that Shame isnt named Shame anymore. Her name is now Jallicya. Kyle took upon himself to give her a total makeover. When she was Sade's slave, he had her dye her hair an indescribable colour. She now has red hair. He had her undergo laser epilation, and she just got breasts implants. He also got her teeth implants to replace those Sade broke when he hit her.

Kyle says she still is a bit apprehensive and timid, but after what she went through, its understandable. She also put on a few pounds, which makes her look healthy since she is now well nourrished. One thing I can assure you, Kyle isnt the kind of guy to make his slaves drink piss.

Kimiko and Jallicya get along really well, which is another great thing. They also both work at the same place and Kyle is still thanking me for letting him take in his new slave.

What can I say to that? I've got three amazing girls for me (one is lying at my feet with her teddy between her paws, waiting for her Master to go to bed, while my two others are sound asleep in my bed.

One thing I've found out the other day with Cattleya, whom I renamed Katt after considering she has nothing in common with the flower of the same name...

She has a lot of nightmares.
The situation improved over the course of the last few days, but before that, she would wake up shouting as if she had seen a ghost (waking us in the mean time, which angerred Tira who blenched and hit her head at the top of her cage), completely out of breath and covered in sweat.

She wouldn't tell us the cause of those bad dreams, only that they were very scary to her. She would have alot of difficulties to go back to sleep, tossing and turning frequently, until she decided by herself to sleep directly on the floor. I allowed her to do so, but ordered her to get a mat so she would get some comfort.

One night, she had a dream so bad I had to wake her up myself after I heard her cry, scream and moan frightfully, as she struggled violently in her sleep. After I called her name and shook her a few times, to no avail, I had to slap her to wake her up.

Sophitia was very concerned, but Tira was so intimidated by all the screaming and struggling that Sophitia had to take her out of her cage and bring her in the dungeon, where it was peaceful and quiet.

After she calmed down, I ordered Katt to tell me what was the reason behind all those nightmares. It so happens that during her childhood she whitnessed a terrible road accident where she saw a friend of hers being hit by a car. The impact, according to her, was so violent that the kid's head cracked open like an egg when the kid landed on the road. She was so traumatised by this that she spent two years without speaking at all. And during the time she was institutionalised, one of the nurse sexually abused her. Its not often you hear about a female pedophile, but they exist.

I will spare the details on that out of respect for her, but she had to rebuild herself completely after it was discovered the nurse was abusing her. A lot of thing can be fixed but others take more time to mend.

Day after day she tells us that she feels better, that the dreams a going away, and all we can do for her is to comfort her and be patient.

On a lighter note, the next part will be about our vacations
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-07-2016, 09:18 PM   #182
Master Rayne
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The vacations take 2

why take two?
because yesterday I wrote down my first part of that part of my story and when it was time to save, my godforsaken computer crashed an I lost all I wrote!!!!!!

so here goes:

__________________________________________________ ______________

As you may recall, I told you, shortly before the begining of my vacations that my girls had surprise in store for me. Well when I found out what kind of surprise they were speaking of, it felt like a balm on the huge pain in the ass that day was.

It was Friday, one week before the start of our vacation. I'll remember that day for a long, long time. As soon as it began, everything went to shits.

For starters, there was a power failure in our sector, because the night before, we had a huge thunderstorm, with strong winds. A few trees were knocked down and they ripped electric cables. A transformer was even hit by a lightning and exploded.

Sophitia, being affraid of that kind of weather, had very little sleep as she was clinging to my as if the world was going to end. She kept me awake a good part of the night with all her whimpering and shaking. Katt and Tira tried to help me calm her down, but Sophitia didin't want anyone's protection and reassuring but her Master's.

Since there was no power, the alarm on Sophitia's clock didn't go off. So Katt and her woke up late, got ready in a rush to go to their respective jobs, and left without waking me up. Which means that instead of getting up at 8h30 am as I usually do, I woke up at 11... well Tira woke me up at 11, because she was as sound asleep as I was.

She woke me up like the puppy she is, licking my face, pressing her nose against my head and squealing like she was hurt. Since she started to work at noon, she also had to get ready for work in a jiffy.

I drove her to her work, hungry as a giant, and after I dropped her, I stoped by the nearest drive thru got grab a bite. I thought it would go swiftly. After all, even if it was the rush hour, that restaurant is usually fast in its service. Usually. But not that day.. nooooooooooo.

Some knucklehead placed an order so complicated and so big, the hole line up had to wait for 20 minutes before he left. I couldn't even back out because some jerkoff was so close behind me I didn't have enough room to move. At one point, I got so impatient that I almost got out of my car to punch the hell out of the guy. I literally squeezed my steering wheel with both hands to stay put. Once the guy in front of me finally left, I got my stuff then went back to my appartment... only to find out I got the wrong order!

I was so starved at that point that I would have eaten a rat so I ate, then took a shower.

If you think it got better at my job, you've got something else comin'!

First, my supervisor gave me more job to do than I could handle in 8 hours of work ON TOP of what I normally do. Second, she got on my back because I told her slow down on the extra stuff, for I only have 2 hands, not eight. We kinda got into an argument, and, eventhough I am not racist, ne N-word crossed my mind a few times and almost crossed my lips once or twice...

Finally, the store manager took my side and told her that she was exagerating and that if she didnt stop, he would get on HER case. When she left, she didnt even look at me. That fat bitch.

Still, my misfortunes were far from being over:

1- the smart phone I need to do my job kept freezing and bugging because of the store's crappy wi-fi network.

2-The customers were so annoying on that cursed day! I mean some are annoying, but that day, I dont know what was wrong with them, if there was anything wrong with them, or if they all got together and agreed on pissing me off, but lemme tell ya, I was really on the edge of blowing up a gasket.

I almost rammed on guy head first in the light bulbs display because I was pushing all the wrong buttons...

3-Some twitt used the electric lift and didnt replace the battery. Guess what happened? The fuck lift stoped working because the battery ran out of power, while I had the forks 12 feet in the air, as I was taking down a skid full of BBQ's.

I guess the guy in charge of spotting me saw that I was about to explode. He told me to go get some air while I called someone for help.

I got out, and sat in my car... where a fuck bird droped a big crap in the middle of my windshield.

At that point I really was wondering why God hated me so much. I swear, if I had a gun then, I would have shot the bird, skinned it, cooked it, and fed it to my supervisor in hopes that she would get the runs.

After supper, things kinda got better. Customers ignored me (which I welcomed), I wasn't asked to use the lift again and I didnt have to do the extra stuff my supervisor wanted me to do, by my store manager's decision.

At the end of my shift, I litterally ran out of the store to my car, started the engine and put pedal to the metal. I usually takes me 5-10 minutes in mild traffic to get home. I got there in four minutes.

Once I came in, I was greeted by my three girls wearing their resective uniforms (body harnesses for Sophitia and Tira, leather apron for Katt). As Katt took my lunch box to empty it, I sat on the sofa and Sophitia took my shoes off while Tira began to massage my shoulders and neck. All the tension form that day just slipped away in five minutes.

-Are you hungry, Master? asked Sophitia while massaging my feet.
-Yeah a lot. I answered.
-Katt prepared pastas, if you desire.
-Anything will do. I'm exhausted.

Sophitia stood up and went to the kitchen. Tira layed on the sofa, her head on my lap. As I was petting her, she kissed my hand.
My two slaves came back with a portable table and a plate of spaghettis and a bottle of coca cola. I ate in silence, while my slaves told me about their respective days at work.

Some guy tried to make a pass at Katt during lunch time and Sophitia learned that she could get promoted, which translated in a higher paycheck. Tira got scolded because of her goth looks by the new department manager at the grocery store, but she had enough wits to tell the girl off. The store manager, in turn, scolded the dept. manager. Tira was laughing while she told us that, and we all laughed.

After I was done eating, Sophitia took away the plate and Katt took care of the table. When the came back, all three of them knelt in front of me and Sophitia took the initiative to unveil the surprise.

Since last year, Tira and her took a hundred bucks of each of their paychecks and deposited the amount in a special account for our vacations. Since her arrival in the appartment, Katt also contributed. I was totally in the dark about this.

For not telling me the truth, Sophitia declared that they all deserved to be punished. Lying to their Master made them bad girls, she said.

I decided to be indulgent: after all, only by themselves, over the course of one year, Tira and Sophitia put aside 2400$, and with Katt's contribution added to mine, we almost had 4 grands to spend during our vacations.

So why should I punish them? I instead congratulated them for this great Idea. we had spoken about packing our bags and go on a roadtrip, stop when and where we wanted and get crazy. With that amount of money, we were going to be able to do just that!

As a reward, we all went to the dungeon. After an intense session during which all my slaves were double penetrated, (it was great to see Katt wear Sophitia's strap-on to fuck her), well all took turns in the shower, me being first, then we all went to bed, bare naked and exhausted as a person can be.

__________________________________________________ ____________

In the next part, its going to get a lot more fun.
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 08-02-2016, 09:44 PM   #183
Master Rayne
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I know.

Been a while.

I was busy with work, slaves and stuff so be indulgent. And also Katt bought me a new game and I couldn't put down the remote...

Well I'm still gonna tell you about my vacations with my slaves.

Friday night, when I left my workplace, I made sure I didn't bring home anything from work. When I arrived home, I was satisfied to see that my slaves did everything I ordered them to do. All our luggages were packed up and placed next to the entrance door. The whole appartment smelled good and clean: I wanted to leave a clean place for our vacations, so when we came back, we woulnd't have to do anything but the laundry.

My girls greeted me as usual, wearing their slave uniforms. I undressed then took a hot steamy shower to relax before we all went to bed.

I wanted to go to sleep early because we were going to leave early.

We agreed we would go west. We wouldn't stop to stupid Montreal because I hate that dumb they call a city. We would stop in St-Timothée, a place I lived when I was a kid. My slaves were very excited to see the school I attended, the church where I was baptised, etc.

We all slept well, and around five in the morning we got up. As we got dressed, Tira asked permission to wear her harness in the car. I refused, not only because neighbours could have seen her, but also because it would be a distraction for me, since I was the driver...

Dissapointed, she put on a black bustier adorned with red veins and a matching mini-skirt. Sophitia begged me to allow her to wear the costume she mad, the one that her name sake wears in the Soulcalibur 4 game.

I agreed, since it was not BDSM stuff, though it would attract a lot of attention...

Katt, on the other hand, wasnt much of a problem... with her figure, everything she wore was revealing, eventough she didn't show cleavage. Though she was highly tempted to wear her leather apron, she opted for a short backless black dress with a plunging cleavage, with straps tied around her neck.

They or course all wore their collars.

As I took our luggage in the truck of my car, Sophitia and Katt took care of closing the appartement while Tira already took place on the backseat of the car, her teddies in her arms. She was pouting a little bit because of the harness thing, but again, she is always a bit moody in the morning. Needless to say, we didnt bring her cage; its a Honda Civic I own, not a goddamn mini-van! The trunk was full with our luggages.

Its with high spirits that we left the appartment behind and moved forward into the begining of our vacations. The sunroof and all four windows were opened and fresh air was caressing our faces as we rolled west. We took our time, not going over the speed limit (the fucking cops are hungry for those who dare go over the limit!, especially in the summer)
relaxing, cuising and enjoying the ride.

We arrived at St-Timothée at around 9 in the morning. We elected totake a light breakfast in the first restaurant we encountered and Lo and Behold: it was the same place I ate when I had my first communion (which was a big deal for my parents, especially for my father, may he rest in peace)!

As expected, my girls attracted a lot of attention due to their clothing; although Katt had put on a light jacket on her shoulders, her.... hem... huge assets got an old man in trouble with his wife.

Tira had put on a short blue denim coat to hide some skinand untied her pigtails (to my demand so she wouldn't look too childish), but her goth looks attracted also alot of stares... or was it the word SLUT writen in black spray paint on the back of her coat? None the less the one who attracted the most attention was Sophitia, with her ''fantasy'' dress. Though revealing, it wasn't indecent enough to have us all expelled. Only I, with my black shirt and my blue jean, looking ''regularly boring'' didnt attract much attention.

We sat at the back of the dinning room where there was almost no body, just the old couple we could hear argue because of the old man staring at Katt got him in trouble with the old hag he had as a wife... To my amusement, I saw the hag in question hit her husband hard behind his head with her purse.

The waitress who took our orders gave us a strange look, as if she was wondering from what planet we came from, then she came back with our drinks.
Used to drink from a bowl most of the time, Tira started to lap up her soft drink, but she quickly realised where she was and drank up normally.

Though my girls got their dishes first, they didnt start eating until I got my plate and started to dig in. We ate silently, knowing that from the bar, the restaurant's staff was staring at us, commenting and wondering while the customers came in and left the place, looking at us.

All of a sudden, a little girl, aroud six or seven, ran towards us and stood next to Tira, looking at her with a shy smile. Tira noticed her, but chose not to pay attention to her, but after a little while, she couldn't pretend anymore; looking at the little girl, Tira asked what she wanted.

Turned out that the kiddo was highly intrigued by Tira's looks and asked her a ton of questions about her purple eyes (lenses, must I recall), her hair, her makeup, why she wanted to look like that, etc.

The kid's mother noticed her child talking to Tira and promptly picked her up. She didnt mean to be rude, but her expression clearly said to my pet to keep away from her daughter. In a provocative gesture, Tira hissed like a cat, then gave the mother a sly grin before turning her focus on her plate.

And there was this twerp with more pimple on his face than buttons on a calculator who wanted to take a selfie with Sophitia, which she refused politely, but seeing that the geek was getting to insisting, I took control of the situation by grabbing the guy by the back of his sweaty shirt and walking him to his table.

After we ate, we decided not to stick around any longer. We paid then we left. We decided to roll to Ottawa and spend the night there. I called a motel to book a room for four, so we ended up with a two beds room with a bathroom. I confirmed that we would be there, and did all the stadard procedures to make sure the room would be available upon our arrival, then we got into the car and stepped on it.

Hugging her teddies, Tira fell asleep on Katt's lap. Katt followed shortly after, but Sophitia, who didnt like to sleep on the road, stayed awakened.

Of her own free will, she decided to give me a blowjob as I was driving. I wasnt against the idea, though I knew it was risky, but I let her do her job.

Tira and Katt slept the whole time, despite my moaning and Sophitia's. The hardest part wasnt to enjoy the pumping my slave did to my cock, but driving straight was a lot more arduous that one might think!

From time to time, I got those outbursts of pleasure that would prompt me to step on the gas abruptly, to Sophitia's amusement. That was when I realised that I had the cruise Control fonction in my car... I guess the guy who invented that fonction did so after he got a blowjob on the road.

I set the speed, turned on the Cruise Control, then all that was left for me was to enjoy and try to drive straight!

When I came, I bit my lips to make sure I wouldnt wake up my two sleeping sluts. Sophitia swallowed every last drops of jizz my cock spewed out in her mouth.

After she was done cleaning, I allowed her to finger herself until she came. Fortunately, when she came, she managed not to spray the whole dashboard. Once she was done and calmed down, she took some napkins and cleaned her mess.

The rest of the trip to Ottawa went quietly. Katt and Tira slept for an our or so then when we felt hungy we stopped at a road restaurant and we got some take out food.

Next part soon....

The Motel room was interresting...
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 08-04-2016, 09:29 PM   #184
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We decided to spend 2-3 days in Ottawa, which meant we would need the room for longer.

When we arrived at the motel, the clerk was very accomodating with us. I requested a bedroom on ground floor with a patio door, but none were availlable for three days, so we had to take a room on the second floor. In turn, it had a nice view on the city. Problem is, being claustrophibic, I couldn't use the elevators. My slaves took care of the luggages in the elevator, while I took care of paying in advance for the room.

After while my slaves settled us in, I took a shower. When I got out of the bathroom, I ordered Katt and Tira to go shopping for some food and drinks. They obeyed and left promptly as I laid on the bed closer to the window. One good side of being on the second floor was that no one would be able to peek while we would be there.

Sophitia was kinda pleased to be alone with me. I told her to hang the ''donot disturb'' sign on the door knob and to undress, which she did in a blink of an eye. With a gesture of the hand I told her to lay next to me. As I held her in my arms, she clung to me and said:

-Thank you for keeping me here with you first, Master.
-It's quite appropriate, since you are the first one. I replied.

She kissed my hand and asked:

-Will you allow us to wear our harnesses while we are here of will we remain naked?
-Naked, I said. You'll all take a shower. We're on vacaton, that doesn't mean you call be all filthy. Tonight, we will stay here and take it easy. Tomorrow, we will visit the city. Would be nice to see the Museum of Civilisation and the parliament.
-We will do as you order, Master.

To hear her say that with her sweet little voice gave me a boner. I gave the stare she knows I mean business and she got on all fours. Kneeling behind her, I grabbed a handfull of her blonde hair and I shoved her face in the pillow before I rammed my stiff cock in her ass.

The sound of her moaning and her ass hitting my skin as I assfucked her intensively got me harder and harder. Squeezing her big breasts with my fingers, I continued fucking her as I held her in my arms. Before I knew it, she squirted her juice on the bed.

-FOrgive me, MAster, she begged as I rammed my cock in her ass more frantically. I couldn't hold back.

I slapped her as as strong as I could several times, prompting her to thank me repeatedly before I felt the urge to spray my cum all over her ass.

Out of breath, she collapsed ont the bed and I collapsed on her. We kissed again and again, then after a short while, we took another shower together.

When Tira and Katt came back, with her hands full of grocery bags, I sent them both to take a shower while Sophitia put all the drinks and the foods in the fridge.

When Tira came out of the bathroom, she walked towards me on all fours and laid at my feet. I was sitting by the window and was looking at the sunset. Katt sat on the floor after she picked a ball in one of the trunks and she showed it to Tira who shook her head and closed her eyes.

Usually, Tira loves playing fetch, but the bedroom wasnt that spacious and she couldn't really run after it. Needless to say playing fetch in the corridors was out of the question!, COnsidering my girls were all naked, except for their collars. I turned on the Tv and looked for something interresting when Katt said:

-I've been here a few times, Master. If you wish to see something interesting, just let me know and I will be glad to be your guide.

-You dare speak to Master without his permission? asked Sophitia sternly.

Katt bowed her head in penance and said:

-Please, forgive me for my insolence. Punish me at your convenience.

-You will sleep on the floor tonight, without a sheet or a blanket, I said.
-May I have a pillow, Master? Katt asked.
-Yes, but if you speak again without being adressed, you'll loose the pillow.
-Thank you Master. I will not disobey again. said Katt humbly.

Tira got on all fours and walked towards Sophitia and begged for water.
-May I give drink to our pet, Master? Sophitia asked politely.

I looked at Tira who turned to me and begged, faintly whimpering, and I nodded.

Sophitia poured some fresh water in Tira's drinking bowl and my pet stuck her nose in.
Once the good little puppy drank her fill, she laid at my feet, but licked Katt's hand. My huge breasted slave caressed my pet's head with kindness and we spent a few minutes in silence, watching the tv, when I asked Katt to make herself useful and prepare the supper.

She obeyed immediately.

For the rest of the evening, we chilled out in front of the tv, in the fresh bedroom we were in. When the time to go to sleep arrived, Katt, who remembered her punishment, Took her pillow, begged to kiss us all goodnight, and laid on the carpet floor, next to the door. As Sophitia cuddled against me under the thin sheet, Tira tried to forcefully insert herself between us, but I ordered her to sleep on the other bed. At first, she whimpered and pouted, but seeing she wouldn't get her way that night, she took both her teddies in her arms and curled on the mattress.

Amused, I looked at her fall asleep, then I closed my eyes.

Next part soon
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 09-08-2016, 08:54 PM   #185
Master Rayne
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been a while since I wrote something...

there has been a lot of stuff going on lately and havent got the time to write all the stories I want to.

I'll get back to it soon.
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 09-09-2016, 09:36 PM   #186
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When I woke up the next day, Sophitia was already preparing her breakfast; Tira was watching some cartoons and Katt was still asleep on the floor, laying on her back, her legs wide opened, her right hand behind her head resting on her pillow, her left hand resting on her belly. Even then her huge breasts prominently peaked. She seemed to have had a peaceful night, which was new, given her history of nightmares, and was breathing calmly.

Noticing my awakening, Tira jumped from her bed to mine and happily kissed me, panting with happiness. As I sat in the bed, she cuddled on me, rubbing her fronthead on my chin, just like a cat. I carressed her hair and Sophitia offered me a cup of coffee.

-Did you sleep well, Master? she asked.
-Like a baby, I replied. Did you sleep well?
-I did Master. Are you hungry?
-Not yet. Did Tira eat?
-Yes, Master. She behaved like a good puppy and ate all her bowl of cereals. She didnt even make a mess.
-Good girl, I said proudly, patting Tira's head.

Looking Katt with contempt, Sophitia added:
-On the other hand, this lazy unworthy bitch is still asleep.
-Let her sleep. She doesnt often, so be understanding. Anyways, I'll wake her up myself.

Noticing my boner, Sophitia nodded and Tira jumped off the bed, walking on all fours towards the bathroom. I got out of the bed and I stood next to Katt. Sophitia took her breakfast and sat on the bed, knowing that she wasn't needed for the time being. I had my own idea on how to wake up my lazy whore and I wanted to do that alone.

I kneeled between Katt's opened legs, took her left hand from her belly and put it up next to her right hand. The tip of my cock was already dripping with precum, so all I had to do was to push my rod into Katt's snatch. This sudden intrusion caused her to to open wide her eyes in surprise, moaning softly as my balls touched her smooth pussy.

As I went back and forth into her, Katt moaned heavily, her eyes locked into mine. Goosebumbs covered her body as I hardened my movements. Have you men felt that urge to cum, but nothing was happening? That's what happened. The feeling is great, but no matter what you do, you want to cum, but you dont.

Tira got out of the bathroom and as she approached us, probably to join the game, I sent her on the bed, ordering her to please her Mistress.

-Master, Master, am I forgiven for my misbehaving yesterday? Katt asked, out of breath.
-Yeah, you are, now get on all fours and show me your ass, bitch!

Katt obeyed prompty and waited for the next part. I slid my greasy cock in her ass and grabbed her by her breasts. She stood still as I fucked her roughly then I took it out so spray her boobs with my jizz. She ate it all up, then I sent her to take a shower.

Sitting on the carpet, I looked on as Tira was sucking Sophitia's pussy. Still hard, I decided to fuck Tira. After all, she deserved it: she behaved well and was entitled to a little reward.

I rammed my cock in her pussy and fucked her too. The fuck was short though, for I came in a matter of a few minutes. Still inside Tira's pussy, I looked outside: a blue sky with no clouds, and the sun was already warming the weather...

Once Katt got out of the shower, I sent Sophitia and Tira to take a shower and ordered Katt to prepare breakfast to both of us. She sat at my feet to eat in silence while we watched the news.

I had a good idea of the fun I intended to have during the day and if I felt like it, the kind of fun I intended to have during the night.

I'll spare you the ''boring stuff'' during the day: as I stated, I wanted to visit the parliament, the museum of civilisation and the wax museum, and so we did. In the afternoon, I allowed Sophitia and Katt go for some shopping while I kept Tira with me.

The housekeeper had come during our absence; the beds were made, the bathroom was clean with new towels, and the carpet had been vacuumed. While I kept my boxers on, Tira stripped naked and layed down beside me.
Fact was I was exhausted and wanted to rest, but didnt want to be alone.

We dozed off in a matter of minutes.

When Katt and Sophitia came back, they woke us up, but I didnt scold them. They made supper, we ate, chilled the rest of the evening and when it was time to go to bed, I kept Tira with me and Sophitia and Katt shared the other bed.
Tira happily cuddled on me, her teddies between her paws, and fell asleep rapidly.

I'll try to write the next part tomorrow.
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-15-2017, 08:42 AM   #187
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over the last couple of months, a lot has happened... I'll try to put myself back together and tell you about it
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-17-2017, 08:11 AM   #188
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I'm excited to follow the story more I love hearing about the adventures that you guys have at home and on vacation
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Old 07-18-2017, 05:54 AM   #189
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as I said a lot has happened lately so I'll get my things together and come back as soon as I can
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-18-2017, 08:24 PM   #190
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As I said I will come back from time to time.

First, I will round up the end of last year's vacations.

then I'll tell you about what happened after... and it isnt all fun. Some may even be shocked.

see ya all soon
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-23-2017, 07:20 PM   #191
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Here we go.

As you know my slaves, my pet and I were on a trip in Ottawa. The first few days were entertaining and as promised, Katt guided us to some interesting places.

Four days after our arrival in Ottawa, we decided to go to Canada Wonderland, then the Niagara falls. We took the boat and let me tell you: the falls arent a quiet place to be. Not a dry one either. I would have installed wipers on my glasses if I could have.

The days were sunny and warm, the nights were hot and full of sex. Katt had her first anal fist fuck in an hotel room in Toronto and though it was painful for her, she submitted to this treatment willingly. While I was pumping her ass with my fist, Tira was busy sucking my hard cock while Sophitia slapped intensely Katt's enormous breasts. To make sure my puppet wouldn't try to push any of us away, I handcuffed her with her hands behind her head.

Tira acted like a bad puppy though because although I told her my jizz was destined to be shot in Katt's ass, she kept my dick in her mouth and she swallowed every last drop of my cum.

For her punishment, once she was done cleaning my boner, I dragged her by her collar to the closet where I shut her in, placing a chain in front of the door, preventing her from getting out.

Katt thought I was done with her... big mistake.
I ordered Sophitia to make me hard again and one she fulfilled her task, I rammed my cock in Katt's pussy. No sweetness from me. Katt whipered, bit the pillow to muffle her screams, but I didnt give her a chance. It took me over twenty minutes of hard fuck until I came again. This time, Sophitia was ready to spread Katt's ass wide open to allow me to spew all my hot sticky cum in my slave's ass.

Then I ordered Sophitia to slip her fist into Katt's ass, which she did immediately.

-NO MORE! NO MORE PLEASE MASTER!! Katt begged, turning her face towards me. IT HURTS!! IT HURTS SO BAD!

-You should say it hurts so good, bitch, I replied. Besides, if you want to stop, you know what to say.

She was visibly torn: her face said she wanted to stop, as pain was all over her face, but her posture said otherwise. Her eyes widened as Sophitia pushed her fist further in, up until she had half her forearm in.

-CODEREDCODEREDCODERED!!!! yelled Katt at a fast pace.

Sophitia stopped immediately and carefully pulled out her hand out of Katt's ass. Aside from a few blood smears, there was nothing, but I didn't like blood. Katt fell flat on the mattress, out of breath, and for a minute, I thought she had fainted. Fortunately, she didn't. She was only exhausted.

I took off her handcuffs and I told Sophitia to help her up and to clean her.

As Sophitia took care of Katt, I heard Tira whimpering in the closet, scratching on the door. I opened the door to let her out and she pitifully licked my face to beg for forgiveness. Taking her again by the collar, I took her to the other end of the room and tied her to the bed rails with her leash.

She slept on the floor without her teddies nor her pillow.

Katt and Sophitia came back and I took Katt in my bed, while Sophitia slept alone in the other bed. Katt cuddled against me and I could feel her huge soft breast pressing against my body. I gave her a long french kiss then we fell to sleep.

************************************************** *********

The rest of the vacation went easily, and we got a lot of great memories. As all good things must come to an end, we had obviously to come back. After our last stop to fuel and eat, my girls decided to strip naked and remain this way for the remainder of the trip. I dont think many people noticed, but I think at least one couldn't help but to see that Tira was naked... since she showed him her bosoms...
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-23-2017, 07:46 PM   #192
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Thank you so much for the update. I just love hearing about your slaves and pet.
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Old 07-23-2017, 08:07 PM   #193
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The hard part comes.

Well hard...
The reason why I didn't come here for almost a year was ... big.

A lot of things also happened recently and not all of them are fun.

If you read my story thoroughly, you must remember that as slave formerly named Shame was adopted by a fellow master who named her Jallicya. Well Jallicya passed away in the beginning of May.

At the end of February 2017, she was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. We all know that this decease isnt a forgiving one... She stayed home as long as she could, but then she was admitted in the hospital where she died. In her final days, she was half her normal weight... and she wasnt very big to begin with.

Kyle and his first slave Kimiko were very saddened by her passing. She was cremated and her ashes were spread over the Saint-Laurent because she loved the sea.

Our little group were all present for Jallicya's funerals and we all agreed to wait until Kyle was ready to reunite again.

All the while and though I dont mention it in my stories, I fuck my girls wearing a condom, except for Sophitia. She was the first, she deserves that. And I was once told by a doctor that I was sterile....

Fuck that guy was sooooo wrong....

It happened in mid january. Sophitia was frequently sick in the morning. At first, I thought it was because of the stress of her new job... but no. She went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test... which came out positive.

Just like that, our world was turned upside down.

Part of me was excited, but another part of me wasn't. Dont get me wrong, I love children, but the thought of being a parent wasn't appealing to me. Raising a kid is a huge responsability, and giving our lifestyle, we would have to rethink our lives....

Sophitia was feeling the same. When we broke the news to Katt and Tira, my little pet started to cry. After I asked her what was wrong, she said she was scared to have to stop being a petgirl and to have to leave. Katt, as worried as Tira, asked me if I would cast them out. I said no, and I assured them that our little family wouldn't be broken.


As you all know, our family is often victim of the fate.
Three weeks after we received confirmation of her pregnancy, Sophitia started to experience abdominal pain. At first, we thought it was only cramps associated with morning sickness, but boy were we wrong!

Sophitia suffered a miscarriage and the doctor explained to us that it was due to a severely cordiform uterus, which means her uterus is too thin and too elongated to allow a fetus to develop normally.

My slave was deeply affected by this, and for a while, she pondered with the idea of getting sterilized and I told her that it was her decision, that I would give her my support.

She's going ahead with the surgery and it is scheduled for the end of September.

Following this loss, Tira and Katt have been so sweet with us.

That's why I havent been visiting lately.

See ya again
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-23-2017, 09:34 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by lexisnowgirl View Post
Thank you so much for the update. I just love hearing about your slaves and pet.

goodnight and sleep tight
I am the Master of my own Universe.

Sophitia and Katt are my slaves.
Tira is our pet.

They only live, breath and exist for me.
everything else is emptiness.

NEVER send them messages stating you want to own them! If you do, you're in for trouble! I mean it. Seriously. They are mine. No Kidding.

Allowed: I dom my slaves and my pet in any ways I see fit.

Forbidden: Scat, piss, blood, illegal, zoophilia, public, extreme, interracial.
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Old 07-24-2017, 04:19 PM   #195
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This is hot, I'm not normally one for stories but this is a good one
My Likes And Limits
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