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Old 08-22-2015, 10:04 PM   #91
getDare Succubus
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Default Meanwhile Consequences III - Justine, Tina and Gael

"Just a blow, this time," Justine told the pizza delivery man.
"I'll take what I can get... just the you or is your friend also... um... paying?"

His name was Phil, bald, slight gut, black mustache. He had met Justine on a previous delivery run to August Rand. He had not seen her since then. Tonight, she had ordered a pizza to her own apartment. He had come without expectations. He had found two gorgeous women, Justine and another as of yet unnamed older cougar, ready to get on their knees for him. Well, Justine at least.

"Just watching," Gael told him. "Like the other girl, if she wants to join us."
"Other girl?"
"She's resting in the other room..."

Justine started undoing his pants; a moment later, she had wrapped her lips around his shaft and he was indulging in the warmth of her mouth. Gael watched with intent; Justine had spilled the beans about everything. Gael hadn't judged. She had asked if she was comfortable living like this, to which Justine was surprised to say she was (except the for her current infection, which was why she had refused pussy access to Phil). The pizza man didn't even try to hold out; since it was merely about his pleasure, he allowed every sensation to drive him upwards. Justine swallowed all of him, his creamy load down her throat as he held back his moans of pleasure (mindful of not waking the other girl).

"I'd say that clears the air..." he mumbled, after she pulled away.
"Same deal?"
"Oh yeah, baby... no charge for you."

A satisfied Phil was out the door and almost in the street when he noticed the vehicle parked in front. There was someone in the front seat, driver's side, a woman. She was there when he had arrived; the encounter with Justine and the other woman had lasted no more than fifteen minutes. She hadn't moved. At this time of night, it seemed suspicious. It also made him think of some bad stories August had told him about some of the women who lived here.

He turned back up the stairs, knocking on the door once more. Justine was extremely surprised to see him, but it was Gael who was more interested by what he had to say about the suspicious vehicle and its driver.

Once Phil was gone, Gael seemed to consider her options.

"This is getting... convoluted," she told Justine.
"How so?"
"Your story, your daughter's story, how you both got sick, the extreme sexuality you have both been submitting yourselves to... and that story with the drug gang? And this place?"
"What about this place?"
"You don't know who August Rand is..." Gael stated.
"I know he used to a porn star..."
"Oh! my dear Justine, he's a lot more than that. He may be the last true gentleman of this world."
"What? I don't understand."

Gael decided she needed to take action.

"Listen up, Justine, because I really don't want anything bad to happen to you and your daughter. I think... what you have is unique, quite refreshing in its unconventionality... but it's gonna fall apart if we don't do anything about it."
"Fall apart?"

Gael gave a strong kiss to Justine.

"I'm gonna get dressed and go. When I'm gone, you're probably going to get some visit... turn on the camera, record at least all the conversations."
"The drug gang?"
"Maybe... maybe not... they may... try to rape you, like they did before."

Justine trembled, but not for herself.

"What about Tina?"
"Your deal with them should stand, so hopefully, they won't touch her. Look, they won't show their hand while I'm here. I'll... be close."

Whatever Gael had in mind, it was happening now.
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Old 08-26-2015, 07:41 PM   #92
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Default It all falls down... 1

There was a knock at the door. Justine quickly checked up on her daughter, still resting in their bedroom. She closed the door there and made a detour by the computer room before heading to answer from the hall. She didn't even bother checking through the spyhole.

Samson was standing outside the door, flanked with his two favorite bodyguards, the same ones that had accompanied him the first time he had come. He pushed his way in.

"Hello again, Justine."
"Sir," she replied in her most stoic tone.
"I'm here for some loving..."
"I'm sorry," she replied. "That's not possible."

He was surprised by her reply.

"I thought we had an understanding," he replied, his eyes harboring a threatening glance.
"You had one. I started working at the Dragon Lounge, dancing. They own me now."
"...well tough luck for you. I'm still going to get what I want."

He looked past her at the bedroom door.

"If not from you, then from your daughter..."
"Don't you dare!" Justine replied.
"So our understanding stands, then..."
"...you need to leave."

Samson was bewildered by her reaction. The slap across her face echoed across the room, and Justine fell backwards to the floor.

"You ungrateful bitch!"

He had one of his goons pick her up and sit her on the table.

"We made a deal... if you don't do it, then your daughter will, and I won't be kind about it..."
"She's not here."
"Is that so?"

He motioned one of his henchman towards the bedroom.

"She's with her friends..."
"You're lying."
"What? Are you spying on us?"
"I look after my investments."

The thug opened the door, confirming the girl was indeed in the room. Samson's tone was mean.

"I'm gonna bend you over the table, and I'm gonna stuff your ass. Then, Tony here is gonna to the same, and then Jorge. And you're gonna like it."
"So you're going to rape me then..." she replied, tears in her eyes.
"What is it with this chick today?" Samson laughed, pulling her off the table.

He pushed her face front on the table.

"If your daughter knows what's good for her, she'll stay quietly in her room while we go about our business."

Of course, Tina was hearing everything from the other room. She actually called out to her mother.

"Stay in the other room, Tina..."
"Good call," Samson said, "because is she comes in here, she becomes fair game... Better scream though. I want to make sure she knows I'm not faking it when I dump my load in your ass..."

It didn't take long for Samson to get going...
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Old 08-28-2015, 07:57 PM   #93
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Default It all falls down... 2

It wasn't long after Samson and his goons left that Tina walked out of her room to check in on her mother in the kitchen. It wasn't a pretty sight. Beyond raping her ass, leaving her extremely sore from the violence of their actions, they had also manhandled her considerably. She was naked, leaning on the table, her costume torn, her skin bruised all over, her muscles aching.

The sight tore Tina's heart.


She raced up to her.

"I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I did this to you... I..."

Justine looked up. There were tears in her eyes, rolling down her cheeks, but her lips formed a smile.

"...the important thing is that you're safe..."
"But... I..."

Justine straightened herself as best as she could.

"Come on... follow me. Lock the door, please."

Tina hurried to the front room door, left unlocked by the departing men. She returned to her mother who had headed into the computer room.

"Mom... what are you doing?"
"Following Gael's advice, honey..."

Tina helped Justine into the room; she didn't sit down because of the pain in her ass, so she knelt in front of the camera. It was still recording. Justine was pleased. She didn't explain her look at Tina.

"Honey," Justine spoke, "we've really screwed up a lot of things in our lives, haven't we...?"
"Mom... I..."
"Relax. I love you too. I love you more than... myself. Than life itself."

Justine caressed Tina's chin, then planted a kiss on her lips. Tina was crying, so Justine tried to dry away her tears.

"You and I, Tina, are going to have... a great life together."
"We are? How? I'm a prostitute now... I got you sick and other people too and..."
"Gael is going to help us, but I have to do a few things too..."
"Like what?"

Justine didn't answer.

"I need to call... I need to call our landlord."
"Why? What is he going to do?"
"He needs to know what just happened in his home... he needs to know."

It was about something Gael had told her, a simple question, about August Rand, about how he had made his fortune. It hadn't been from his pornography.

"Trust me, Tina. I love you and... I want to be with you."
"You love me, despite...?"
"I love you too mom..."

Tina kissed her mother passionately. Justine pushed her away after a few seconds.

"A few more days, Tina, and then... and then we win."
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Old 08-30-2015, 07:21 AM   #94
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Default It all falls down... 3

Jayna stirred awake with a migraine, soreness all over her body. Her mouth was pasty and dry. As she attempted to roll to her side, a pain in her gut shot up and she coughed. As she tried to curl up in a ball, the wetness from between her legs drew her attention; her hand wandered down there, and she touched a wet substance. She brought her fingers to her nose: the unmistakable smell of semen assaulted her nostrils.

There was more. Wetness in the bed under her felt all too familiar; even the back of her throat, now that she realized it, tasted salty.

"...fuck happened...?"

She managed to roll herself to her sides, then tried to stand. She succeeded on the third try. She couldn't find her clothes, so she grabbed the blanket off the bed, wrapping it around herself.

There was a toilet connected to the room she was in; she stumbled into it, leaning her head over the bowl, as if she would vomit, except she didn't. She simply spat out saliva - whatever she could, given her dry mouth.

As she rose, she suddenly faced the mirror. Her eyes were sullen, her nose was red, and her lips were swollen. She pulled the blanket away to see her naked body: she saw the dried stains across her entire flesh.

"oh my fucking god..."

There was a small window in the bathroom; abandoning all pretense at modesty, she dropped the blanket and opened the window. She knew what had happened. She knew where she was. She even remembered the odd-tasting drink her boyfriend had given her.

In the nude, she clumsily crawled out of the window; once outside, she unceremoniously dropped to the ground. She crept along the wall, towards the parking lot. She spotted, from the corner of her eye, a couple having sex on top of the Ferrari. Her eyes wandered a moment to their half-naked bodies, but she needed to press on.

Aware of how exposed she was, she walked out into the parking lot. The woman having sex, seeing her, yelled out to her. She was obviously quite drunk.

"You go streaker!"

The young man pounding into her turned around.

"All right!" he exclaimed, laughing, obviously inebriated too. "You want some more dick?"
"...more?" Jayna hazarded, still groggy.
"Yeah... we saw you earlier... get humped good..."
"...mmm... which one?"
"Don't know... didn't know that guy..."
"You look so hot," the girl said. "Are you sure you don't wanna threesome? I'd like some poo-say!"

She giggled all the way through that comment.

"Um... no..."

Jayna was mortified. She walked away from them, hearing them resume their lewd almost public sex act. She needed to escape. She needed to... do something about it.
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Old 09-04-2015, 07:50 PM   #95
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Default It all falls down... 4

It had been a while since Haley had heard of Tina. In fact, he hadn't seen her since he had handed her to Samson. He had decided not to dwell on it. His ribs were still bruised, and he hadn't sold anything since.

In hindsight, sex for drugs had been the stupidest decision of his life. Or perhaps the issue really was that he had skipped on paying his supplier. He would have needed to take it out of his cut, and he simply hadn't thought of that. It was all in the past now.

A harmless knock on the door got him up from playing GTA; he pulled it open and stood face-to-face with Tina. He froze. She was wearing short shorts, a tank top (with no bra). She looked like she had been crying.

"Haley," she whispered.
"Can I come in?"
"...but uh..."

He had sold her out. She was out for revenge. Haley, despite being four years older than her, didn't feel a match for anyone in his current condition. He was topless, in boxers that looked like shorts. He was still injured.

"Look," she replied, "I'm not here to cause you any pain."
"Ok... come in."

He still wasn't certain, but he decided she wasn't here to kill him. Maybe she was looking for more drugs: he didn't have any anymore. Or maybe she was looking for sex. Again, he was in no shape to assist.

As the door closed behind her, Tina moved to sit on the edge of the table. Haley moved back to his couch, anxious to get back to his game, but not wanting to be unfriendly.

"...so... why are you here?" he asked.

She hesitated.

"I got an infection..."
"In my pussy... infection. Disease."
"Oh shit!"
"Had it for a few weeks... maybe... you gave it to me."
"No fucking way!"

He rose up, angry. She stared him down: she wasn't so innocent and carefree anymore. He could tell she had been hurt, and he knew it was his fault somehow. It made him back down. He had never been confrontational.

"...do you have... it's like small white dots on your... dick?"
"um... no. Not at all."

He actually wondered. He pulled his shorts away and checked his manhood; it seemed fine to him.

"So it's not you... that's a relief."
"...it couldn't be me. I mean... I haven't had sex since you and I... last time... and..."

He didn't to admit it but she had been his only partner. He had always pretended to be an experienced lover, but he only had three partners behind his belt, and nothing recent. Tina sighed.

"I have to put this cream on my crotch every day for three weeks... it's not as fun as it sounds."
"...um... sorry."
"Otherwise... I'd let you fuck me for good measure."

He stared at her and suddenly became truly concerned. He realized how much trust this girl had put in him, how he abused that trust... he wanted to feel bad about it, but it wasn't in him. Still, he was concerned about her current state.

"...what are yo gonna do?"
"Run up the chain. After we stopped, I... went into some... heavy shit. I needed money to pay off my... debt. So..."

It was as sincere as he could make it.

"Anyway, I gotta track all my sexual partners. My mom's busy with stuff so I decided to start tonight."

Haley hesitated before asking the question.

"...how many?"
"I don't know. I lost track at fifty... maybe."

She sighed, and she got up to leave. He didn't try to stop her. She was damaged goods now. It was best they never saw each other again.
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Old 09-05-2015, 08:08 PM   #96
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Default It all falls down... 5

[It's not strange you want characters to go in any direction. It's normal. I just hope you're enjoying the story.]

Samson could barely understand all that had transpired during the night between Saturday and Sunday. That is, he understood it, but it still made no sense to him.

Around 4AM, the police had crashed into his house to take him into custody under multiple charges. They had arrested his bodyguards too. The list of the crimes he was accused with was staggering: multiple counts possession of drugs with intent to sell (and they had found quite a stash in his home, along with the profits from his sales), assault charges, sexual assault charges, a few misdemeanors and resisting arrest (he had actually tried to strike an officer in his confusion).

By 6AM, he was in the interrogation room. By 7AM, his lawyer was in, and it looked bleak. The most damning piece of evidence came from his own voice - a confession of criminal deeds recorded on tape. They played a portion of it for him. In it, he recognized the female voice.

"...you like it in the butt, don't you..."
"Stop... please... you're hurting me."
"Serves you right for trying to back out of our deal."
"It's... blackmail!"

All the while the dialogue was playing, the sound captured the sounds of sex and a table rocking.

"So what? Bitch, you ain't... fucking done with me... I own your ass, like I owned your daughter's..."
"...please don't force yourself on my daughter again..."
"I'll do what I goddamn well please, you slut!"

There was a sound of a slap.

"Oh! fuck! I'm gonna fill your ass up so nice..."
"...no... please..."
"I'm coming in your ass slut... fuckk!!"

It was enough to indict him. His lawyer didn't see it good and wanted a plea; if Samson gave away his suppliers, he might get a deal. The cops refused.

Even after he was arraigned, later in the day, a Sunday of all days, Samson still didn't believe it, and how he had screwed himself up so bad. If he ratted out his bosses, he was dead. The only option to survive was to take it like a man and own up... that way, he might actually survive in jail.

In the courtroom, before being taken away, he spotted a man looking at him, casting an angry glance. It took him a moment to realize who it was, and suddenly, it all made sense. There were some people you just didn't cross, and he had crossed the line.

August Rand watched him walk away. He smiled, knowing that a punk like Samson would get his in prison. He would make sure of it. After all, what good was all this dirty money for if it didn't serve his interests. Keeping Justine and Tina safe was paramount. He had made a promise, and someone had encroached on his territory. That someone had to pay.
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Old 09-06-2015, 06:26 PM   #97
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Default It all falls down... 6

(You may or may not have guessed it but this story is slowly drawing to a close. That being said, I'll most probably write another story afterwards. And there's still a few parts to go before we wrap it up).

"Money," the detective said to the young man. "You think it makes you invincible. Just because your father has a lot of it, you thought you could get away with it. You didn't... that girl you raped, she's gonna testify against you!"
"That's bullshit!" the young man replied.

The detective sneered.

"See... she was smart. Smarter than you. You drugged her yes, so she can't remember who it was that did it but... there's a camera at the entrance. We know everybody that came in and out of the home that night. And she made it straight to the nearest cop... didn't even bother dressing up, see... she knew not to wash away the evidence you left all over her body."

The young man stared, completely bewildered.

"Look, I... didn't give her the drug."
"Well, you sure didn't stop when you realized she wasn't exactly aware of what you were doing now, were you?"

The detective stared out the door.

"We got your two conspirators in other rooms, talking to other detectives. How many girls did you do this to? It's rape, fuckhead. You're going to jail... and then, it's gonna be you on the receiving end. Unless you like that sort of thing... I'm not judging."

Peter Lamont couldn't believe it. Jayna had told on them. The police had picked them up around 6AM on Sunday. Apparently, Jayna had made a full deposition: being drugged, waking up covered with sweat and semen. The bitch had ratted them out. He had fucked her too - along with about ten other guys. He was going to jail.

It was all Tina's fault. She was cooperative. If she hadn't missed her deadline, if she hadn't gotten ill, if she had been been there.

Although Peter had admitted to nothing, his lawyer still not present in the room, it was obvious his father's power and influence wouldn't protect him. But it was more than that: his father would disown him for the shame he had brought upon the Lamont name. Peter's life was over, and all because that stupid Tommy had convinced them to make a deal with Tina.

The detective knew that this young man and his friends were all guilty. Drugs had been found on site: GHB, cannabis, cocaine, meth... none for resale, but enough for strong convictions. These kids had wasted their money in illegal activities, had even gone so far as to gangrape a girl. No one in the department would let this slide. An example would be made of these three: privilege had its advantages, true, but the fall from grace was only steeper because of it.
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Old 09-09-2015, 06:13 AM   #98
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Default Aftermath 1

It was all over the news by the end of Sunday evening. No amount of money would prevent this from airing, although most of the details were kept secret (namely, the names of the victims - Justine, Tina, and Jayna). Tina, watching the television feed on their home computer, was in complete and utter disbelief. Her mother and Gael were in the other room. Justine was still bewildered, even if she had played her hand in it.

"So you're saying," she asked Gael, "that the tape I recorded of them talking while they were... was enough to convict them?"
"Not at all," the psychologist replied, "but it was enough for a search warrant. All I had to do was get the tape in the hands of the police. You know, people like Samson... the police know all about them. They have files. It`s just a matter of connecting the dots. He didn't have time to hide anything. Even if they can't convict him for the rapes, they have enough else to send him to jail... possibly forever."

From the other room, Tina called out.

"I can't believe they arrested the Rat Pack!"

Gael had gotten the information about them from her friend at the precinct, the one she had anonymously handed the tape to; she called to Tina.

"Come over here..."

Tina left the computer room and joined the others at the kitchen table.

"What they did was wrong... not necessarily what they did to you... you... volunteered. But from what I heard, they drugged a young woman and raped her... she wasn't willing."
"...because I wasn't there?"
"Tina," Justine replied, caressing her hair, "you can't blame yourself for what happened to that girl."
"Your mother is right," Gael replied.
"I know but... do we know who the girl is?"
"The police do. It's all that matters."

Just then, there was a knock on the door. It was Gael who got up to answer. August Rand was standing just outside the door.

"August!" Gael said, giving him a big hug.
"Gael... so nice to see you again."

He looked past her.

"Justine. And this is your daughter Tina."

Tina and August actually hadn't met at all since mother and daughter had moved in. Tina stood up and bowed. Justine went over to Rand and also gave him a big hug, leaning into his ear.

"...thank you," she whispered.
"Nonsense. No need to thank me anymore than you already do," he replied with a wink.

He turned to everyone in the room, closing the door behind him.

"The good news is that Samson will be denied bail. He's not getting out."
"That's wonderful!" Gael replied.
"I'll make sure he's never head from again."

Justine was overwhelmed with emotion. She kissed August Rand on the mouth. He thanked her for the gesture.

"Tina," she turned to her daughter, "this man is... a godsend. I know... you know how I've been paying the rent..."
"I know. I don't care. Thank you, Mr. Rand."
"Call me August."

He stared down the younger girl, finding her as attractive as her mother. He had avoided meeting her so far because he knew himself. Gael spoke up.

"I was thinking that, since we're all here, we might discuss some compensation."
"Now's really not the time," August replied, looking towards Tina.
"I think it is. I've actually been talking to Justine about it."

August turned to his tenant.

"I'm not asking for anything more," he told her.
"But I'm offering because... because you have been so kind and understanding, and respectful."

Justine looked back to Tina before speaking.

"Last night, I was raped anally by three monsters... today, because I did it, because I... played my part... they're in jail. You made it happen too... and I want to thank you more."

She placed her hand on his crotch; he was, as she suspected, already at half-mast under his pants.

"...hmmm... Justine, your daughter is here..."
"Tina," Justine asked, "can I take care of our landlord here?"

Tina's reaction shocked August.

"Yes. I think I want to see it," she spoke, a smile on her lips.

Gael leaned into August's ear.

"For once, in your life, August... bend the rules a little."

He said nothing. Perhaps Gael was right about this.
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Old 09-13-2015, 07:43 AM   #99
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Moments before he was about to come, August Rand wondered why he hadn't indulged in this earlier. Despite his criminal connections, he was a good man. He had made his gains illegally, perhaps, but never on the misery of others. He had chosen to get out while he still could, before he would lose it all to his sexual addiction. Living as a recluse now, he could quietly fulfill his needs with whatever tenants needed his help. At the moment, there were only two: Pinky, which he met and fucked on Mondays, and Justine, which he usually serviced on Fridays.

This was Sunday. It had started with an innocent blowjob from Justine in the kitchen, with her daughter and Tina and the psychologist Gael looking on. Justine had stripped her top, exposing her breasts; she had wrapped them around his cock. All the while, August had stared down at her, unbothered by what was happening in the room. When he had looked up, he had been shocked to see that Tina's hands was inside her shorts, teasing between her legs.

"You like watching me suck cock, Tina?" Justine had asked.
"You're so hot mom!"

August had cast a disturbed glance to Gael, who had just smiled and whispered in his ear to let things happen.

A moment later, Justine was undressing and laying herself down on the sturdy kitchen table.

"Yesterday," she whimpered a little bit, "I was... raped... on this table. They bent me over it and..."
"...do you want me to stop?" August asked.

Despite his need to fuck her, he was considerate enough. But that was not her intent, and she stated it plainly.

"Actually, August... I want you to take away those memories and replace them... with your cock, inside me, right now."
"All right," he whispered.

He didn't look up at Tina or Gael as he inserted himself into Justine; she moaned with delight. As he began thrusting inside her, he was shocked to see Tina pulling off her top, exposing her breasts, leaning forward so they would be in her mother's face. Justine began to suckle on her daughter's nipples. The scene was so intense August had to stop pounding in order to prevent from coming right now. Still deep inside Justine, immobile, he started at the lewd display. Gael moved behind him, caressing his buttocks.

"That's true love," the psychologist whispered.
"Amazing," he whispered.
"Admit it... you just want to fuck her more."
"I do."
"Then do it..."

The pounding resumed; Tina was looking down at August's cock, vanishing in her mother's womb.

"Fuck my mom, you stud! Make her come hard."

There was no answer from August as he kept pounding rhythmically, unable to stop. Justine was moaning with complete abandon; mother and daughter were now trading kisses in-between Tina playing with her mother's nipples and belly button; Tina's hand even reached down the to the edge of her mother's pussy, teasing her clitoris just above where August was ramming himself inside her.

"Fuck yes! Fuck me!" Justine screamed. "I'm so close... fuck...."
"You're gonna come on my dick..."

Justine's climax was overwhelming, knocking the air out of her; August was certain he was done, but his own upcoming climax rescinded somehow; he merely slowed down his pace but kept going.

"Oh! fuck Tina... he's so big and good..."
"Oh! Mom! You're so fucking lucky..."

At that point, Gael whispered in August's ear.

"...I know you want the girl too..."
"...but... she's not... she's still a minor..." August replied as he kept thrusting.
"A minor who wants it... Tina... would you like August to fuck you?"
"Fuck yes!"
"Justine, you want August to give your daughter the same he gave to you?"
"More!" Justine begged. "Give her more."

August could not deny his need; still, his hard-earned conscience was preventing him from taking the next step. Gael moved about, staring into August's eyes.

"You know you want it, they both want it... we're all in this together... if this is a crime, then so be it... we'll all face the consequences together. Think about it. Mother and daughter, at the same time. With me, looking on... tempted too..."

Gael moved her fingers to her pussy, lapping up some of her own juices, putting her fingers in August's mouth.

"You got everyone all wet, August... why don't you give us all what we want...?"
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Old 09-13-2015, 06:36 PM   #100
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It had gone on for quite a while, with August now committing whole-heartedly to the scene. In his entire sexual history, he had never once deviated into anything remotely suspicious. As a porn star, he had done so many things, but never had he crossed that line... and yet, today...

Pulling out of a very satisfied Justine, he had dragged her daughter to her knees in front of him. His rod was at the ready; she grabbed it and he trembled as her young hand began to stroke him.

"...we should stop..." he mumbled.

Of course, Tina didn't. She expertly glided her hand on his cock, moving her lips that much closer to it.

"...please..." he whispered.

She swallowed him up. To watch her young face with her full lips wrap themselves around his shaft was heaven; it didn't matter anymore that she was not of age. Only his gratification mattered. While that was happening, Gael started to strip, bending over to kiss Justine on the mouth.

"How does it feel to watch your daughter do this to a man?"
"...amazing," Justine whispered.
"You'd do anything for her..."

Gael and Justine kissed passionately, then they looked back at the scene.

"Do you want more?" Tina asked, pulling her mouth away from August.
"If you want to, Tina..."

Tina got up, dragging herself to the computer room where a bed was set up. As she walked, she undid her pants buckle and dropped them, showing off her ass in her tight panties. August pulled his top off, walking after her. Gael and Justine followed.

Tina reached the bed and bent down over it, exposing her ass.

"...can you eat me, please?" she asked August.
"I'd like that," he whispered.

He bent down behind her, bringing his mouth to her sex. He guided his tongue into her snatch. Tina trembled.

"...oh wow..."

Gael and Justine looked on, gently teasing each other. Gael whispered to Justine.

"He is such an attentive lover..."
"Yes he is... and so are you."

Justine turned and kissed Gael.

"...we should keep ourselves busy."
"What did you have in mind?"

As Justine went in search of the sex toys, Tina moaned considerably thanks to August's powerful tongue on her sex.

"Fuck... wow... you lick me so good... I'm so close to cumming..."

August took that as incentive to take it further.

"Mmm.... ooh my... you got a magic tongue... oh my!"

Justine retrieved the strapless strap-on, which one of the partners could insert in their own vagina to fuck the other with. Gael steadied it inside herself. Justine moved to the bed; she climbed on it, getting her face very near to her daughter's, watching the orgasm slowly build on her face.

"Oh mom... he's gonna make me come..."
"Let it happen, sweetie..."

Gael moved in behind Justine, ready to proceed. Just then, the climax hit Tina; she mouthed it silently, and her head bent to kiss her mother, as if she could transfer the sensation to her through the lip lock.

Gael pushed herself inside Justine; August himself pulled away. He wasn't close to being done.
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Old 09-19-2015, 06:59 AM   #101
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August Rand was on the verge of a final moment of bliss, but he wanted more, so he attempted to pace himself. He had done it, many minutes earlier - climbing on top of Tina, pushing his rod into her moist sex and riding her as he had her mother Justine minutes before. Justine herself was on all fours on the bed, her head buried near her daughter's face as Gael was pounding her with the strap-on. Every so often, August would lean in to lock lips with Tina before pulling back up; he would also sometimes be able to kiss Justine as she pulled her head up, himself still deep in her daughter. Gael contemplated the scene with delight; she wasn't as consumed by it as the others were, even though she was being pleasured by the strap-on end inside her.

At some point, after another climax, Tina finally opened her eyes, contemplating the scene with abandon, lost to the moment.

"Mom.... mom!"

Justine looked up, her eyes glazed over, staring at her daughter.

"...yes... dear?"

Gael actually slowed down her pace to give mother and daughter a chance to speak. She also motioned for August to do the same; he complied, following her advice.

"I have... our landlord's big fucking dick in my cunt, mom..."
"Yes... how does it feel?"
"Fucking amazing... he's made me come twice..."
"What about you mom? How does it feel with Gael?"
"Her cock is deep in me too... and I love it..."

August stared at the scene, still bewildered. Gael gave him the go ahead to resume, and he returned to drilling Tina. Mother and daughter stopped chatting, locking lips to feel their connection stronger than before.
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Old 09-20-2015, 05:36 PM   #102
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After the fact, none of the participants could deny what they had done - or how much they had enjoyed it.

Taking a page out of his porn career, August Rand had ended the scene with a cumshot on mother and daughter, covering their faces and chest with his plentiful semen. He was still bewildered by the fact that he had broken his rule to never be with a minor, but mostly by the fact that it seemed Justine and Tina were - to his dismay - in a sexual relationship. He had heard stories about it; he had played in a few scenes where the motif of incest was central (even though the actors were never actually related). Watching them kiss and make out, touch each other in their private places, coax each other into more daring activities had truly opened his eyes to the fact that, contrary to what he had thought, he had not seen everything there was about sex. Less surprising was Gael's encouragement of all this: he knew the therapist on a professional level and from her reputation in dealing with porn actors and actresses for the past twenty-five years. This was right up her alley.

Both mother and daughter were spent, lying next to each other, faces locked onto one another, smiling. They were oblivious to anything else, lost in their passion for each other, their shared desires and their newly found freedom. The price had been steep, but there would be nothing more to intervene in their affair. They had earned this.

Gael took August apart in the other room.

"I think Justine is ready to move out," she told him.
"She can stay as long as she likes but... this is..."
"Yes. I... don't regret it at all but this might complicate things in the long run."
"I can get her a place to stay. She has a job now, dancing at the club, running her show live... and her daughter is safe now that everyone who had a hold on her is in jail."
"Will they stay in jail though?"
"Maybe not... but they won't come looking for her," Gael replied.

The two hadn't actually been together during the foursome; Gael had worked solely on Justine while August had indulged in both mother and daughter. It was best to keep their relation professional.

"Will they be all right, though?" August asked, truly concerned.
"They have each other. They will."
"You are one unlikely therapist, Gael."
"And you are one unlikely porn star criminal, August."

The two remained quiet, staring at mother and daughter, Justine and Tina, now locked into their own private world, safe from everyone who might try to tear them apart, protected by their love as much as the prison that had confined them to this fate.

[I will have a few epilogues for this, and then, I'll be moving on to a new story.]

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Old 09-25-2015, 07:18 PM   #103
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Default Epilogue I - Overall satisfaction

If anything, Gael was extremely happy. Her intervention in both Justine and Tina's life had probably saved them for a terrible fate at the hands of the drug cartels. After all, once they got their hooks into you, they never let you go.

In the weeks following the arrests, Gael followed with interest the situations. There would be no trial for Samson. He had simply plead guilty to some of the charges (those that were drug-related, not to anything relevant to the sexual assaults). The Crown actually dropped those charges. Samson's goons were equally charged, though their sentencing was delayed by other unrelated issues. Of course, Gael kept her distance from the entire proceeding. No one knew how she had engineered the charges by asking Justine to suffer one last injury. She didn't feel bad about it, considering the end result, and Justine was better for it, stronger and more confident.

After about three weeks of on-and-off fucking, Justine and Gael made their relationship official (at least to themselves and their very close friends). Gael offered that Justine and Tina could move in with her, but Justine said she wanted to keep her independence for a few more months. This meant that Justine would still have sex with August, but that didn't really matter. After all, Gael was a very modern woman, and she didn't buy into the culture of monogamy. Although she herself currently felt no need to look elsewhere, she allowed Justine to continue exploring her sexuality. Justine thus maintained her porn site, exposing herself to strangers and regulars on the internet for money.

Justine, on her side, was twice in love. With Gael, of course, but also with her daughter. Their sexual play wasn't common, not even once a week, but their passion for each other's well-being extended far beyond their need for sex. Nudity became the standard in their home. The only time Tina was asked to leave the room was when Justine had guests over for her camera shows (not very often, no more than twice a month).

Tina herself rediscovered herself in high school. With the Rat Pack gone - and potentially going to jail - rumors abounded. Most of the students of her school knew that she had been working for them as she was servicing whomever at their parties or in the toilet stalls. People started to either avoid her (for fear of her influence) or respecting her (because they couldn't believe how cool she had become, despite it all). The strange mixed fear and adulation made Tina very popular; however, whereas her sexual appetites had been explored quite a lot in school, she stopped servicing anyone altogether. Going cold turkey was hard; still, it helped Tina clear her infection much more quickly. In the meantime, she masturbated at home while watching her mother's videos (and sometimes her mother herself).

Justine, wanting to keep the money going, kept her stripping job at the Dragon lounge. Her new employer there was impressed by her professionalism; she never agreed to become part of the servicing staff, keeping that sexual side of herself to her apartment and camera. Still, the hours she was doing allowed her to start putting some money aside (since she was still paying her landlord August in flesh).

August never commented on anything. He came in, got serviced and enjoyed it alongside her, making sure all parties were satisfied. Even after the foursome in the computer room, he never once made a pass at Tina, even if she was sometimes there while he was fucking her mom. She never tried to intervene. They all understood that one time was enough, that they had broken the taboo once and that, ultimately, while all had enjoyed it, there would be no repeat.

It took Justine another eight months to finally move out of the apartment and into Gael's home; oddly enough, it was Tina who remained in the apartment. Because August would not sleep with her again until she was of majority, an arrangement was made for Justine to come by and pay rent for her - at least, until Tina could pay for herself. The anticipation of the act certainly became a recurring theme in their lives, to be fulfilled only on Tina's eighteenth birthday, two years from then.

Eventually, with Samson out-of-the-way, Tina hooked up her former supplier Haley. He was out of the drug business (having suffered considerably because of it) and trying to go back to school to learn a trade. Tina encouraged him with sexual favors. They never made it official, but they became a couple. Eventually, Tina would have to tell him about the agreement with August. Either that, or she would have to move out, but she didn't want to leave. She had made friends with the other tenant, Pinky, and adored watching her in front of the camera as well. Justine too kept in touch with Pinky, even shooting a few shows with her along the way.

All the while, life continued around them, the world oblivious to all that had transpired. Mother and daughter had finally found their equilibrium, through hardship and friendship, and love without restrictions. Things would never be normal, but normal was overrated anyway. They preferred it like this, with a hint of madness and a dash of desire.
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Old 09-29-2015, 09:25 PM   #104
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Default Epilogue II - And then...

Justine finished her set, picking up her clothes, and she moved to the backroom under the applause of the crowd. She had stripped completely this time, so she pranced back naked towards the mirrors. It was a Tuesday evening; there were only two dancers, quite enough for the small crowd out there. Justine had met the new girl only yesterday; she was barely nineteen, but already her face was showing signs of wear. Heavy makeup covered the bruises around her eyes.

Justine stopped to stare for a moment.

"What?" the other girl asked.
"...nothing. Just looking at how pretty you are."

The girl was taken aback by the compliment.

"Cecilia, right?"
"Yeah. You're Justine... watched you dance. You looked hot."
"Not bad for a 32 year old woman."
"You're 32? I would have said 25!"
"Thanks, doll."

It was obvious that Cecilia was distraught. She wasn't due on stage for another fifteen minutes, so Justine figured she had time to chat with her.

"...are you ok?"

Cecilia stared blankly at herself in the mirror.

"No... I... I need this job but... I'm scared."
"Scared of what?"

There was a level of confidence found between dancers - when they weren't competing - that was akin to camaraderie or friendship. Justine was just good at drawing it out because she wasn't competitive at all. Cecilia answered.

"I threw the bum out last week... he... after he..."
"It's all right. You're safe. They take care of us here..."
"Except... I don't have any money left... and my name's not on the lease so... I can't go back."

Justine paused, and her mind raced.

"How desperate are you, Cecilia?"
"It's bad, I tell you..."
"You need a place to stay?"
"I do... why... are you offering?"
"Not exactly."

It had been six months since Justine had moved in; she was considering moving out to spend more time with Gael and leaving the flat to her daughter. But the deed wasn't done yet. And Cecilia...

"Look, it's not perfect but... depending on how you feel... My landlord has free apartments."
"That's wonderful, but I don't have any money at the moment... and I just need it, maybe for a week or two."
"Maybe we can arrange something," Justine started.

How the wheel turns, Justine told herself, thinking back on her own life these past six months.

--- THE END ---

A writer is nothing without his readers. Thanks to everyone who commented, I hope you enjoyed this one, and I certainly hope you enjoy all my other stories. As long as I get some feedback every now and then, I'll keep pumping out the stories.

Don't forget to check my other story thread, in the basic story section: A Bundle of Trials, at http://www.getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=192083

And please stay tuned for my next R-18 story...[/I]

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Last edited by Leopard; 04-23-2016 at 04:06 AM.
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