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Old 06-26-2013, 08:52 PM   #1
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Default High Intensity Workout Dice

I have seen a lot of various workout dice challenges, but I like fairly long and complex games, so I decided to write up one I've been thinking about and share it.

I recently found a new high intensity workout routine online and am using it as the basis of this dice dare. It is quite a challenging routine (done as conceived, you go through the 8-minute circuit three times resting 3 minutes between each circuit), so if you are not in semi-decent shape, you may not want to try this until you can at least get through 2 normal circuits of the routine. Nonetheless, you'll also want to take necessary precautions to make sure you stay safe, as the workout will be long and draining.

This dice dare challenge version can also take a long time to complete. I tried it for the first time the other day and it took around 1hr 45min. So, make sure to leave enough time to finish it completely. It could take longer if you're not in great shape or you get bad rolls.

As with any dare on this site, you can change the numbers to fit your desired level of fitness. The numbers I set up are ones that I felt would be challenging for myself, and they were (I'm quite sore after my first time through). You can also feel free to spice it up (to your liking) by adding your own additional games to select workout clothing, etc.

I hope you enjoy it, as it is my first contribution to this site.


High Intensity Workout Dice


Do ONE complete 8-minute circuit as intended. If you're in excellent shape, do two circuits to warm-up.

A circuit consists of the 12 exercises listed below (which alternate through full body, lower body, upper body, and ab exercises). Each exercise is done for 30 seconds. Do as many reps of the exercise as you can in 30 seconds. Then, take ONLY a 10 second break to switch to the next exercise. Continue in the fashion through the entire routine. You'll complete the circuit in exactly 7min 50sec (+10sec for the last "break" which isn't really relevant). All exercises are body weight exercise and require only a chair and table (or pull-up bar). Look them up if you don't know what they are. If you want to substitute exercises throughout this dare, just keep to the alternating routine so you don't exercise the same muscle group twice in a row.

  • Jumping jacks
  • Wall-sit
  • Pushups
  • Situps
  • Step-ups (onto a chair)
  • Squats
  • Tricep dips (on a chair)
  • Plank
  • Running in place (knees high)
  • Lunges
  • Bicep pullups (if you don't have a pull up bar, lay under a table and use it)
  • Side plank (15 seconds on each side)


Now that you're warmed up, we're going to let the dice decide your next circuit. This time around, you are just going to go through each of the 12 exercises completing the specified number of reps in as much time as you want. However, to keep you moving along as quickly as possible, you will be punished for taking more than an acceptable amount of time to complete each exercise, AND you will be punished if you do the exercises in more than one set.

Here's what to do:
  1. Start a stopwatch - this will record the total time it takes for you to do this workout. It should not be stopped until you are complete.
  2. Go through each of the 12 exercises in the circuit & for each exercise:
    1. Roll 1D6: record this roll (R) somewhere for each exercise. You will need to remember it later to calculate the maximum ideal time.
    2. Multiply exercise's rep# listed below (X) * roll (R) = how many reps of that exercise you need to do (Y)
    3. Complete (Y) reps of the given exercise: Again, do this as quickly as possible to avoid penalty. If you can't do the reps in one set, count the additional sets it takes and keep a running total (A)
    4. repeat a-c for each exercise
      • Jumping jacks: X = 15
      • Wall-sit: X = 20 secs
      • Pushups: X = 10
      • Situps: X = 15
      • Step-ups: X = 6 (or 3 per first foot to step up)
      • Squats: X = 10
      • Tricep dips: X = 6
      • Plank: X = 15 secs
      • Running in place: X = 20 secs
      • Lunges: X = 6 (or 3 per first foot forward)
      • Bicep pullups: X = 6
      • Side plank: X = 10 seconds each side
  3. Stop the stopwatch - this is how long it took you to complete the circuit (T)
  4. Find the ideal time it should have taken you to complete the circuit if you did everything in one set and didn't rest too long between reps/exercises:
    1. For each exercise, use the chart below to locate your ideal time.
      1. find the roll (R) you had for each exercise.
      2. the chart gives you the ideal # of seconds it should have taken to complete the reps you had to do

      ROLL (R):	1	2	3	4	5	6	*assumed rep speed
      Jumping jacks:	15	30	45	60	75	90	1 rep/sec
      Wall-sit:	20	40	60	80	100	120	completed in 1 set
      Pushups:	20	40	60	80	100	120	1 rep/2 secs	
      Situps:		30	60	90	120	150	180	1 rep/2 secs
      Step-ups:	18	36	54	72	90	108	1 stepup/3 secs
      Squats:		20	40	60	80	100	120	1 rep/2 secs	
      Tricep dips:	15	30	45	60	75	90	2 reps/5 secs	
      Plank:		15	30	45	60	75	90	completed in 1 set
      Running:	20	40	60	80	100	120	completed in 1 set
      Lunges:		15	30	45	60	75	90	2 reps/5 secs
      Bicep pullups:	15	30	45	60	75	90	2 reps/5 secs
      Side plank:	20	40	60	80	100	120 	completed in 1 set
      *this ideal time chart assumes the rep speed listed to the right;
       I calculated this for myself based on how many reps I generally do in the normal
       30-second rountine.  Use it as a guide, but adjust for yourself, if needed, and
       recalculate the chart.  Recalculate, as well, if you do different exercises.
       But remember, it's not supposed to be easy!
    2. Add up the total seconds "ideal time"
    3. Add 110 seconds (the ideal 10 second break time between exercises for the circuit routine)
    4. This gives you the IDEAL TIME you should have copmleted the circuit (T-ideal)


If you completed the Dice Game within the ideal time (ie. T <= T-ideal), and you did every exercise in only one set, you are done.

Odds are, though, that you didn't. You probably had additional sets and your time (T) was far greater than (T-ideal). In that case, it's time to be punished for your failures.

Determine how much extra time you took than the ideal time (T-extra). In the highly unlikely event you had additional sets but no additional time, go to step 8, below.

To make up for the extra time you spent on your circuit, you're going to have to wait that exact amount of time before you can relax and change out of your sweaty, smelly workout clothes (or put clothes on, depending on how you did this dare), and take a shower.

You are going to do this waiting while holding a nickel against a wall with your nose. However, to make it less monotonous (and more of a workout) you're going to do the following:
  1. Set a timer/alarm for 3 minutes.
  2. Roll 1D22:

    1 =	up high		down	together
    2 =	behind head	down	together
    3 =	at side		up	spread wide
    4 =	behind back	up	together
    5 =	|| floor	up	together	
    6 =	behind head	up	spread wide
    7 = 	up high		down	spread wide
    8 =	at side		down	together
    9 =	|| floor	up	spread wide   
    10 =	at side		down	spread wide
    11 =	at side		up	together
    12 = 	behind head	down	spread wide
    13 = 	|| floor	down	spread wide
    14 =	behind back	down	spread wide
    15 =	at side		down	together
    16 =	up high		up	spread wide
    17 =	at side		down	spread wide
    18 =	behind head	up	together	
    19 =	up high		up	together	
    20 = 	behind back	up	spread wide
    21 =	|| floor	down	together
    22 =	behind back	down	together
     Hands - at side (obvious)
           - behind back (obvious)
           - || floor = parallel to floor (ie. arms out from your side)
           - behind head (obvious, but NO interlocking fingers)
           - up high = reach for the ceiling
     Heels - down = full foot may rest on the floor
           - up = only toes may touch the floor
     Feet  - together = standing at attention
           - spread wide = feet at least double shoulder width apart
  3. Get in position (based on dice roll) holding a nickel to the wall with your nose and start the timer.
  4. IF you drop the coin or leave the assigned position (arms fall down, heels touch the floor, you move your hands to wipe sweat dripping into your eyes, etc.):
    1. stop the timer
    2. Roll 1D6:
      1 = 50 jumping jacks
      2 = 15 burpees & 25 jumping jacks
      3 = 5 pushups, 10 situps, & 25 jumping jacks
      4 = #1 & 2
      5 = #1 & 3
      6 = #2 & 3
    3. complete this extra punishment for failure of your punishment
    4. get back into position and restart timer (from where you left off, not the full 3 minutes)
  5. When the timer rings, it's time to pay for any additional sets you needed.
    1. add up the total number of additional sets you required (A); if ZERO then skip this section
    2. Roll 1D24:
      any odd # = burpees
      2 = Jumping jacks
      4 = Wall-sit (secs)
      6 = Pushups
      8 = Situps
      10 = Step-ups (per leg)
      12 = Squats
      14 = Tricep dips
      16 = Plank (secs)
      18 = Running in place (secs)
      20 = Lunges (per leg)
      22 = Bicep pullups
      24 = Side plank (sec/side)
    3. Complete (A) reps of the exercise you rolled
  6. REPEAT steps 1-5 until you have completed (T-extra) minutes of holding a nickel to a wall.
  7. Odds are that your extra time will not be an exact multiple of 3 minutes. If that's the case, start the last set of the punishment, and guess when you've completed the remaining amount of time.
    1. If you waited long enough, YOU ARE DONE.
    2. If you stopped too soon, go step 5 and then try again.
    3. If you waited too long and the timer rings off, complete step 5 and then YOU ARE DONE.

    For example: in the trial run I did, I had 16min 47sec extra time. I did 5 complete times through steps 1-5 for 15 minutes total. I then rolled again and started my sixth time through and counted enough for the extra 1min 47sec, so I was done. Had I miscounted and only used 1min 30sec, I would have gone to step 5 and then rolled again and tried to count to 1min 47sec. Had I just waited for the timer to ring a full 3 minutes, I would have gone to step 5 and then been finished. By counting correctly, I avoided trying again and avoided an extra sets of exercises.
  8. SHOULD you have additional sets (A) but not have taken any additional time (which is almost mathmatically impossible given how this is set up), you still need to be punished for your additional sets. In that case, simply do (A)*2 reps (or secs) of each of the 12 exercises as well as (A)*(roll 1D6) burpees. You can't escape too easy. (I had to write this contingency in case it should ever happen -- I like to be thorough in my planning and leave no case unspecified.)

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Old 06-26-2013, 09:36 PM   #2
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Great dare. I can tell you spent a lot of time thinking this through. Too bad I am so far out of shape I could never even complete the warmup
Like: moderate pain (spanking, cbt, nipple torture)

Maybe: hidden public, spanking with a belt, private humiliation

No way: edging, family, scat, drinking pee, enemas, cum eating, diapers, wedgies, permanent, too public, illegal

If it isn't listed, ask and I will consider it

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Old 06-27-2013, 04:37 PM   #3
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It really is a very well thought out dare, and not overly sexual, for which I applaud you.
At this time I am not involved in BDSM, but I may still get on the site occasionally to check in with friends and read some posts. Please do not PM me with dares or requests for being your slave etc. I am not interested.
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Old 10-21-2013, 01:45 PM   #4
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Love this workout dare! Just finished it and feels great . Did only small modification of swapping in one more ab exercise (leg raises) instead lunges.

But ehhh, feels like it would be much easier if I didn't roll 6 on pushups LOL. That took me waaaaaay too much time and I did it in 6 aditional sets (same number of (A) sets as for all other exercises combined). And had bad form last 20-ish (didn't go all the way down)... You forgot punishment for bad form.

My ideal time was 17.3 min, and T-extra 13.2 min. Would be much better if I wasn't stuck on pushups for maybe half of extra hehe.

Punishment phase was fun, dropped coin only once, it was mostly stuck to my nose haha...

I wonder did I do everything correctly, its little strange that I had only 13.2min extra (and that with terrible pushups dice), as I'm not in really good shape (I rarely workout, don't go to gym or do sports), and fratpledgeboy says he had almost 17min extra. I guess he was slacking much .

Some exercises are quite easy (jumping jacks, situps, planks, running... who would do those in more then one set?) so I guess exercises could use some more tuning/balancing to be truly intense... but overall great dare!!
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Old 10-22-2013, 01:25 AM   #5
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Might start using this alot :P

Male / Switch(leaning sub) / Bi / 29 / UK
Always love chatting to people, throw me a pm <3
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Old 11-16-2013, 10:37 AM   #6
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This might be the dare to actually get me into shape
sissy slut UK pansexual

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Limits: Family, severe pain, poo and piss

I lost to Nicole.
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Old 06-15-2014, 08:56 AM   #7
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I just got an app called "Seven" that has the exact same workout
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Old 11-07-2014, 12:25 AM   #8
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I can run about a seven minute mile, workout almost daily, play lacrosse for my college, and this really put me through my paces, especially because I kept screwing up the punishment routines which resulted in more forced workouts. Definately making this a regular thing.
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Old 11-07-2014, 12:50 AM   #9
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Glad you liked it, LaxBro, and that you took your punishment like a man. I am going to further dare you to do this again some time immediately following your lacrosse practice (or other sports practice) while remaining in FULL GEAR. Tough enough for that challenge, bro?
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Old 06-09-2015, 04:32 AM   #10
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I'll give this a go
19M sub

Edging, Denial, degrading, humiliation, breath play, sensory deprivation, socks, underwear, pet play, predicament bondage, pee, loss of control, games
CBT, wedgies, spanking, long dares

Limits: family, public, scat, permanent, extreme pain, cross dressing, messy, money, Friends, Pics/Vids, diapers, writing

PM Dares
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Old 10-25-2015, 11:38 PM   #11
getDare Sweetheart
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Wow this is a very good Workout routine dare!! I will do this definitely even if it wasn't included in my Calendar
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Old 10-26-2015, 06:59 AM   #12
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This looks really well done. Good job!

I'm probably going to try this soon.
Likes: Orgasm Control, Ruined Orgasm, Edging, Denial, Light Bondage, CBT, Girls Feet

Neutral: Anal Insertion, Cum Eating, Humiliation, Semi Public

Limits: Scat, Full Public, Friends, Family, Scars, Cuts,

PM me dares, I will please you.

I will send picture proof, NO FACE.
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