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Old 10-28-2014, 02:40 PM   #1
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Post Prison Island

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Hello. Before i start the first chapter i just want to say a few things about it.

I did write a story on here a few years ago but never finished it. I didn't want to write another one that i might end up not finishing so i have been thinking for a while if i should do it or not. But for this story i already have the basics of the story ready in my head.

It might seem like a slow starter but i just want to build it up that way. I have 9 chapters ready as a backlog so i hope i can keep a steady schedule with 1-2 days between each chapter so that i have time to add more before i run out. I wanted to finish it before i started posting it but i found myself spending too much time thinking about it rather than writing, so i decided to just go ahead and start. Anyway I'll post the first chapter right under this post to get going.

And please if you have any feedback on it, either leave a comment or send me a PM. I would greatly appreciate both positive and negative feedback.

Last edited by Leopard; 03-12-2015 at 06:20 PM.
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Old 10-28-2014, 02:47 PM   #2
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Chapter 1

Guilty? She thought to herself, Guilty of what? Every memory before today seemed to have disappeared, she didn’t even remember her name. They said it as they read her verdict but was it really her name?

Ruby, as they called her, had been sentenced to 5 years on a prison located out in international waters this morning. This was the earliest memory she had, and she had no knowledge of any crimes they said she had committed.
  Confused and scared she had been taken away stripped down to only a red jumpsuit and placed in a bus along with four other girls and two boys who seemed just as confused as she was. They were not allowed to speak to one another and nobody told them how long the ride was going to be.
After what must have been a few hours they arrived at the docks where a large ship that looked like an old cargo ship was waiting for them.
  On the ship Ruby and the other prisoners had been locked in their own cells while being transported out to the sea. Her mind was spinning as she sat in the corner of her cell, not a single piece of furniture was placed in the cell, just a perfectly square room with white walls and a door. What did we do? What did i do? She thought to herself sitting there. Not being able to figure anything out she just closed her eyes trying to wait out the ride and hope she got her memories back eventually.

“Wake up!” A man shouted, she slowly opened her eyes and tried to get a look at the guard standing in front of her, he was wearing a black coat with matching black pants and he had short dark hair. “Get up missy! Time to get off this ship.”
  With no sense of time for how long she had been out or even what time of day it was she stood up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, the light hitting the bright white walls in the hallways was hard to adjust to.
  Once Ruby arrived at the deck with the guard she could see others aswell, she thought she recognized a few of the ones from the bus earlier but there were a few new ones that had arrived on the ship aswell, five guys in total and six other girls.
And then, in front of the ship she saw it. The big fences looked like they circled the entire island, probably ten meter high with barbed wire all across it. Watch towers all around with guards manning them and spotlights shining across the prison.
  Where the hell am i? Was all Ruby could think looking at her new home.
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Old 10-29-2014, 03:00 AM   #3
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Chapter 2

Once the ship that was carrying them had docked at the port they were escorted off in a single line, each of them handcuffed with links holding them all together. The sky was dark and the only sounds coming from the island was the waves hitting the shores. No sounds at all came from inside the prison, you could just see the lights that shone across the courtyard back and forth as the guards kept watch.
  At the gates they were met by two armed guards who opened the big gate to let them in, after everyone had stepped inside, the gate shut close behind them again.
  “Don’t stop here, keep moving!” The guard shouted at them as they all stood and watched their surroundings. “Step inside this building and you will get your cell numbers and go through the information briefing.”
  They just followed him without anyone daring to say anything.
Inside the building they got let loose from the chain that held them all together and they only had their handcuffs left on. They got seated down inside what looked like an old classroom and a woman came in and went to the front of the room, she was tall and had short dark hair pulled behind her head. She wore a tight white shirt along with a long black skirt, she seemed very different from the rest of the guards.

“Thanks officer” She started and the guard raised his hand to his head for a salute and stepped towards the door to keep guard.
  “Welcome to your new home. I’m going to keep this briefing simple to give you the basic overview of this place. Your first week will be a week of learning, so any questions you still have after this briefing you will get answered within this first week. Understood?”
  Everyone nodded without speaking.
  “Good!” She continued with her firm voice. “Now let me introduce myself. I’m Amy, warden of this prison, unless any of you become a problem you won’t see me much, and that would be a good thing for all of us. Each of you will be placed in a cell with another prisoner who have been here for at least a week at minimum, they will be able to answer most of the questions you have at this point. The prison cells are located in two different buildings, one for the men and one for the women.” She looked at everyone to make sure they were still following her.
  “Starting tomorrow you will be placed in different jobs, a new one everyday for the first week and then we decide along with each of you what to do next, there are some other options available later on but ask your new cellmates for more details on that. Wake up is at 06:00 and from that time you have one hour to eat in the cafeteria. At 07:00 you will be at your cells again until you are picked up by someone responsible for your job that day.” She looked around at everyone before continuing.
  “Now you will be escorted one by one to your cells, so just sit tight and we will call each of your up and escort you into the cell block”
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Old 10-30-2014, 03:57 AM   #4
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Chapter 3

As the warden left after her speech, a female guard walked in to the room.
  "Ruby?" She asked, looking at the prisoners sitting in front of her.
  Ruby looked at the others before answering. "Here." Still confused about the whole situation.
  "Come with me."
  Ruby stood up and followed the guard out of the room.
The guard escorted Ruby out of the old school building, once outside she removed her handcuffs.
  "Thanks." Ruby said, giving a smile to the guard, trying to make the situation a bit more friendly. "They started to hurt a bit on the wrists."
  "Next stop is cell block A where you will be placed with the other girls, that's the big building to the left over there, the one to the right is cell block B, where the boys are placed." The guard replied back to Ruby, still with a firm and almost angry tone in her voice.
Ruby walked slowly in front of the guard taking a look at her surroundings as she walked towards the cell block, the courtyard looked almost like a park, it had a basketball court, a running track along the fences, lots of tables to sit at but there was no vegetation except for the grass.

They arrived at cell block A and the guard opened the door and let Ruby inside. Then pointed her to a room just to the right of the entrance.
  "Step in here so i can register you and get you into your new outfit."
  Ruby stepped inside and the guard followed and locked the door again behind them.
  "Stand in the circle at the center of the room there" The guard said before moving to the computer at the end of the room. "Now remove that red jumpsuit and everything else you may have on you and throw it in the basket in the corner, then get back in the circle."
  Slightly nervous and a bit confused she followed the order, not wanting to get in any trouble. She removed her shoes and unzipped the jumpsuit and stepped out of it leaving her completely naked. Once she had thrown the outfit away she stepped back into the ring, covering herself up the best she could with her hands and looking back at the guard who was busy typing at the computer.
  "Good." The guard said looking back up at Ruby. "Now state your name please."
  "Uhm... Ruby, you even said it when you picked me up." She told the guard, still not completely certain that was her real name.
  "I don't..." Ruby started before a number suddenly popped in her head. "19 i think."
  "Don't worry, most of the prisoners who come here don't remember anything. Just tell me what you do remember and this will be quick. Most of the important memories will return in the next few days, and we can fill in any empty information if needed for those who can't give us everything on day one." The guard answered back.
  "Why don't we remember anything?" Ruby asked curiously, seeing as the guard seemed to know more of the memory loss she was experiencing.
  The guard gave no answer to that. "Breast size?" The guard looked at Ruby before adding "Remove your hands so i can see please, keep them straight down your sides."
  Ruby did as the guard commanded.
"Quite small ones. No need to know the exact size then." The guard said after getting a look at Ruby's chest while she kept typing stuff into the computer.
  Ruby was embarrassed just having to stand there naked getting eyed on by the guard who kept typing in information about her.
  "Alright, i think we got most information needed typed in." The guard said as she stood back up. "Please just wait here while i go pick up your stuff."
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Old 10-31-2014, 05:17 AM   #5
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Wow, these chapters look so much shorter on this site than in my writing program. Guess i'll post a double with this one and try to make them longer in the future ^_^

Chapter 4

The guard came back in the room after a few minutes and sat back down behind her desk. She opened up the bag she brought in and started taking out some clothing.
  "Here." The guard said holding out a pair of white panties for Ruby. "Put these on."
  Ruby walked over and did as she was told.
  "This is your underwear."
  "What about a bra?" Ruby asked.
  "Your breast size don't qualify for that in here." She answered back before handing her more. "And this is your everyday shirt and shoes."
  Ruby took the white t-shirt the guard held out and put it on, it was a large size and way too big for her, reaching almost down to her knees. Then she put on the shoes to complete her new outfit.
  "Now you have everything you need for normal days here. This final item is used only for special occasions." The guard said handing out a white jumpsuit that had a logo on its chest, wich was probably the prisoner logo.
Ruby took the jumpsuit and held it to her chest as she followed the guard back out, she felt oddly exposed walking around like she did. The cell block was dark as all the lights in the cells were off, the only light source was a weak light in the ceiling.
  The room was big and there was at least 10 cells on each side and there was two more sets of cells just like it up a pair of stairs to each side. Ruby and the guard walked up the stairs on the left side of the room and stopped at the last cell at the end of the top floor. The guard then gave a signal to a camera over the cell and the door opened, turning the light inside on.
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Old 10-31-2014, 05:34 AM   #6
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Chapter 5

Just as Ruby stepped into the cell, the door closed up behind her. The cell was small and didn't have much in it. There was a toilet in the corner and a sink next to it, a bunk bed for two persons and finally, a small locker to put clothes in.
  "What's your name?" The girl lying in the top part of the bunk bed asked.
  Ruby quickly turned her attention to the girl, not knowing if she had been asleep or not until she spoke just now. "I'm Ruby, and you?" She asked back.
  The girl sat up in the bed and put the pillow behind her for comfort, she had short blonde hair and a cute face. From the look of it she seemed about the same age as Ruby.
  "I'm Kate, i guess i should properly welcome you to this place." Kate said as she jumped out of the bed down to Ruby.
  To Ruby's surprise, the girl didn't have anything on other than her panties and her boobs that were way bigger than Ruby's came into full view as she landed on the floor.
  "They will leave our light on for about half an hour for me to introduce you to whatever you need to know, so don't be shy with the questions." The girl started. "As you probably can see there ain't much to show inside the cell, but the top bed is mine and the right side of the locker aswell. Also please don't stare at my chest, i'm sure you've seen boobs before."
  Slightly blushing Ruby changed her stare to Kate's face. "Sorry you just surprised me a little jumping out like that, didn't they give you a bra for your size? They said mine was too small, but you on the other hand should qualify for a pair?"
  "They did, but they are too uncomfortable to wear, specially while sleeping. So i mostly use them only when we have to go in our uniforms, and only sometimes when wearing the normal outfit. Is this really what you want to spend our first meeting talking about?"
Ruby took her uniform and put it in the locker and sat down in her bed inviting Kate to sit next to her. "Do you have your memories from before arriving here?" Ruby wanted to know.
  "I don't." Kate answered before sitting down next to Ruby and continued her answer. "But i do know some facts about me. I can for example remember how old i am, my name and the town i came from. But i don't know my last name or who my family is or if i even have one. Neither have they actually told me my crime other than the punishment i got wich now is six years.
  "I see, pretty much the same as myself then." Ruby said letting out a sigh. "However my sentence was only five years."
  "Well, here's the thing about this place Ruby." Kate started. "There is a way of getting out of here and receiving your memories back, but only a very few get that chance. Once a month, as long as you have been through the first week, you can participate in a tournament called 'Path to Freedom', stupid name if i may say so myself. It is apparently sent on television or a web stream or something for the public to enjoy. It is quite a unique tournament that i doubt you could even imagine and i'm not allowed to talk about it to you or anyone who haven't signed up for it. But if you win you get out of this prison and they say you get your memories back. But if you lose, wich everyone except the winner does, you get one year added to your sentence. That is why i'm at six years now, or rather five years and six months."
Ruby took a minute to process all that, after losing her memories, thinking she was going to spend years in this prison there finally was a way to get out.

"I wanna do it" Ruby said out loud.
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Old 11-01-2014, 03:16 AM   #7
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Again sorry about the length. This is still one of the chapters i had ready before i started posting. I'll probably add one more in a few hours to make up for it. And i really want to thank everyone who read it and commented. Gives me a lot more motivation seeing that someone likes it ^^

Chapter 6

"I wanna try the tournament. What's there to lose? If i have to stay here for five years and get out with no memories, then what good is it, at least i should keep trying till i actually get out?" Ruby asked, looking back at Kate.

Kate leaned her back to the wall and looked up. "I can't say much about it, but it's not as black and white as you think. I won't stop you from entering, and you can do that next Monday, after you've been here for a week. Your timing is pretty lucky if you actually want to participate in it, as the monthly tournament happens exactly a week after tomorrow."

Ruby was very curious now on just what kind of tournament this was, seeing how Kate was acting. But she realized she had to let it go seeing as she couldn't talk about it anyway.
  "So about tomorrow then, what sort of jobs do we do here?"
  "I won’t say specifics before tomorrow since it’s easier for me to explain to everyone at the same time, you are placed in my group for your first day so i'll be there for questions and stuff and i will give a quick briefing to all the new ones before we start. But it's not like anything you would think of. Just make sure to follow instructions and don't refuse to do your tasks and everything should be fine."
  "I see..." Ruby said still trying to figure out what it could be.
Ruby kept asking Kate a bunch of other small questions about the place until the lights went out and they had to call it a night. Kate told Ruby that talking was not allowed after the lights was out as she climbed back up in her bed. Ruby then laid down in her own bed trying to get some sleep before starting her first day in her new life in prison the next morning.
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Old 11-01-2014, 08:39 AM   #8
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Chapter 7

The next morning Kate took Ruby to the cafeteria to eat their breakfast, the cafeteria was in the same building as their cells, they just had to step through the door on the first floor. It was weird seeing all these other girls wearing the same revealing prison outfit as she had gotten last night from the guard.
  The cafeteria itself was quite big, clear white walls and barred windows like the rest of the building, tables all around with three sets of chairs locked to the floor on each side of them, probably to avoid anyone using them as weapons, seeing as they got no knives or forks to eat with either. All the food had to be eaten by hand.
As the breakfast was finished they stepped outside the cellblock. Kate guided her and some other girls she picked up at their cells towards the old school building she had arrived at last night. Once inside they went up a pair of stairs and into the first room to the right. The room was a classroom, or at least used to be. It had a big chalkboard at the front to write on and several desks placed in the room. Kate stepped to the front and asked the other girls to sit down.

Ruby looked around to see if she recognized anyone else from last night, but only one of the six other girls than her seemed to be new, at least from what she could remember, they all looked so different now in their new clothes compared to the red jumpsuits.

“Hello!” Kate started, looking at everyone. “For most, if not all of you, this will be the start of a new life in here. How you want your time in here to be is up to each of you, follow orders and you’ll get it easy enough, make it hard on me and everyone and you won’t be having a good time. Understood?” Kate seemed like a completely different person now as she was standing in front of everyone being an instructor, not the same innocent looking girl Ruby had been with up until now.
  Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
  “Good.” She continued. “Now, some of the work we do around here is traditional labor with washing toilets, scrubbing floors and things like that, but the majority of work here is more of a service to the thousands upon thousands of paying visitors that come here every year. The service we provide them varies from job to job, everything from massages and talking with them to... Well, i’m not going to sugar coat anything, it can go pretty much to a level of prostitution.”
  Ruby was surprised by that last statement, and she wasn’t alone. It seemed like the other girls aswell were all new here, and they all reacted the same way as her upon hearing the news Kate brought them. They exchanged looks to each other, all of them looking as nervous as the next one.
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Old 11-02-2014, 05:48 AM   #9
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Chapter 8

“Please calm down.” Kate started again after dropping the news on them just a few seconds ago. “most likely none of you will go to the extreme end on your first week, that kind of work usually goes to those who prefers that once the trial week is over and you get placed into different temporary or permanent jobs, but there can be exceptions, just know that. Today however is not that extreme.” She took a small break and continued.
  “Our job today is short and simple, we work as a service team to guests arriving here. Those who decide to come to this place usually do that for an experience they can’t get anywhere else, wich apparently only this place provides. We get a list of requests from the visitors and we complete those lists. Now today we are pretty lucky and we don’t have many guests, eight to be exact. That means one for each of us and one person gets two. I’m going to take those two today since all of you are new here. Any questions regarding that?” She looked at everyone before ending her look on Ruby, giving her a comforting smile. The girl next to Ruby raised her hand. “Go ahead.” Kate said pointing at her.
  “What if they force themself on us or something like that?” The girl said with a nervous voice.
  “They won’t.” Kate said with a clear voice. “The rooms do get recorded and they are in a prison, it would be very stupid of them to do so. And also, they can’t possibly do it in this exact job since they get chained up.” Kate took a small break again before continuing her explanation.
  “I should have probably specified more, let me explain. Our job involves the guests being locked up, they are taking the roles as prisoners and we have to do a task they requested to experience. The requests can be almost anything you can imagine, so it’s hard for me to tell you what to do before you actually receive your own. Each request given has a set amount of requirements that has to be checked off before your job is complete. Once you are done with your client, you just press the button at the wall next to the door you entered from, you will see that when you go in after this meeting. That button tells the guards that you are done and they can go in and release the client. After that, your work is done and we meet back here for a quick briefing once everyone is finished. Usually everyone does more than one task, but today is apparently a short day for all of you. Any more questions?”
  “Just one.” Another girl said. “If they are taking the roles as prisoners, do we decide how we do their requests, or can they still give commands?”
  “They can still decide how they want their requests to be done. The only real way they are considered prisoners is that they are chained up so that they can’t move.” Kate answered. “Any more questions or should we just get started?”
Everybody seemed like they just wanted to get it over with so Kate brought up a box with the requests inside of it and read up the first girls name.
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Old 11-02-2014, 03:36 PM   #10
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Chapter 9

"Laura?" Kate said holding up the first note that was inside the box.
  "Here!" The girl who sat next to Ruby said and stood up and got the note from Kate. She was a tall and skinny girl, she had dark hair that hung loosely down to her shoulders and was wearing a pair of glasses.
  "You will find the wardrobe in the door on the opposite side of the hall from this room, open your note there and you will figure out the rest, the room number you have to go to after is written in the note in your hand. We have all of this floor to our disposal so you will find your designated rooms by walking through the hallway."
  Laura left the room with her note and Kate picked up the next one from the box.
  "Ruby." Kate said looking at her.
  Ruby stood up and walked over to Kate to get her note. As she received it Kate wished her good luck in a whisper and then she walked out the door to find the wardrobe.
The wardrobe was a small room with a few benches and lockers on each side, it also had a secondary area with showers, which Laura was apparently using.
  "Laura?" Ruby asked as she sat down at a bench.
  "Yes?" Laura replied back from the shower room.
  "Why are you in the shower now?"
  "Because my note wanted me to be freshly showered. Maybe my client is some cleanliness freak or something, i dunno."
  "Okay, i was just curious if i got the wrong room somehow, sorry."
Ruby opened up her own note and read it:
"Job description:
Room number: 105
Client name: Jacob
Age: 43
Client wish: The client has requested to get a full body massage.
Checklist to complete for this job is:
  • 15 Minutes lying face down, hands and feet tied up.
  • End with a happy ending (Hand job) after the 15 minute timer.
  • Remember to use massage oil.
  • The client will continually request which area to work on during the massage.
  • The girl giving the massage must do it naked.
  • The client will rate the work with a 1-5 (5 is the best rating.)
- NOTE: All jobs are being recorded for safety reasons, as well as evidence keeping."

Age 43... That’s over twice my age. Ruby thought to herself staring at the note in her hand. And i’m supposed to give him a hand job aswell?!
  She took off the clothes she had on and put them in a locker where she also found a bathrobe to wear until she got to the room she had her job in.

As Ruby left the wardrobe, another girl was on her way in, she didn’t know her name but it was definitely one of the girls she recognized from the trip to the prison, mostly due to her long red hair.
  102... 103... 104... 105. She stopped outside the room to quickly read her note again. Naked... Remember to use oil, 15 minutes of massage with a happy ending to finish it off... The thought of it creeped her out, for all she knew it could be her dad in there.
  Ruby took a deep breath and put on a fake smile and opened the door.
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Old 11-03-2014, 06:16 AM   #11
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Chapter 10

Ruby opened the door and entered. The room was small, maybe twice the size of her cell. On the right side there was a table with different lotions and oils on it, and to the left there were towels hanging on the wall together with some clothes wich had to be the client's. In the center of the room there was a massage bench with a man on it lying face down, both his hands and feet were tied to each corner of the massage bench and he had a towel covering him from the waist down.
  Just as Ruby closed the door behind her, the man lying on the bench raised his head and looked behind him towards her. He looked quite good for his age and he didn't look 43 at all. "Hello miss." He said, giving Ruby a smile as she came a bit closer to him. "I'd shake your hand but... I'm kinda stuck." He gave off a laugh.
  "Hello." Ruby answered back in a shy voice, focusing on keeping her smile on. "Sorry if i seem nervous, it's my first day here."
  "No problem, just hang your robe up and remove my towel when you are ready to start."
She took a deep breath and went for it. She slipped out of the robe wich left her naked and hung it up on the wall before removing the towel covering the naked man lying on the bench. He had a slim but muscular body and Ruby surprised herself by wanting to see the rest of him.
  "Have you been here before?" She asked him while walking over to get a bottle of massage oil, the nervousness was going away, but she still had the hand job left in the back of her mind, and she was not looking forward to that part.
  He raised his head again to check her out as he gave her his answer. "I try to come here once a year, it's quite an expensive trip."
  "I see. Are you ready to start then?" Ruby asked him back, just wanting to get this over with.
  "Sure thing, just tell me once you start the timer."
Ruby turned the clock back to 15 so it would ring when it was done. "Okay, starting now."
"Alright, just start with my shoulders and whenever i say the next part just move on to that." He said as he put his head back in the hole in the front of the bench.
Ruby walked over to the front of the bench and started applying oil to her hands and his back around the shoulder area. It was a strange feeling standing there massaging this stranger while both of them were naked.
Every few minutes the man on the bench gave her a new area to work on, slowly working her way down his body, ending with his feet.

Then the clock rang, the 15 minutes were up.
  Ruby went over to the clock to stop the ringing before turning her attention back to him.
  "Ahhh, that was a great massage." He said looking at her after raising his head again. "Now just get some more oil with you and give me the happy ending before this relaxing feeling goes away."
  Her nerves were back now, she closed her eyes trying to calm down as she filled her hands with oil. "How do i go about doing that while you are lying face down?" She asked him while walking over to the bench again.
  "Look underneath."
  Ruby ducked down to see under the table. Not only were there a hole for the face but there was another one for his cock to go through aswell.
  "You might have to lower the massage bench to be able to lie underneath and reach up to me, so just click the down arrow that is on the right side of the bench until you find a suitable height." He paused for a second. "Then lie under me so that i can see your pussy while you finish me off."
  Ruby did as she was asked, slightly creeped out. The bench was lowered and she crept underneath and was now lying face to face with the mans fully erect cock looking straight back down at her.
  "Perfect... Didn’t know you were allowed to shave in the prison, i have to say you look really cute down there! Spread your legs please, i want to get a good view of you while you go at it." He requested as she was in position under him.
  “I don’t know if we can shave in here, i only got here yesterday.” Again Ruby did as she was told and spread her legs. Then she rubbed her hands again to spread the oil across both of them. Now the moment of truth. She reached up and took a hold of his cock and started to apply oil from her hands all over it. Ruby started stroking him slowly, hearing the squishy noises of the oil as she went up and down with her hands. Drops of oil fell down on her chest as she kept stroking him faster and faster. She felt him grow harder by the second, something she thought wasn't possible seeing how hard he had felt from the moment she started.
  She could feel his heavy breath between her legs as she lay there under him. Strangely she started to slightly enjoy it, while at the same time hating herself for it. She didn't want this, deep inside she knew she didn't. But the more she got into it, the more she wanted it to continue.
  He started to move a lot more now, the little he could move while being tied down on the bench above her. She increased the speed again, the oil kept making sounds every time she did a stroke. She felt herself getting wet, imagining this huge cock entering her slowly, her mind starting to wander off.
  Stop! She thought to herself, forcing herself to focus. She cleared her head and kept focusing on the current task. Continuing to stroke him faster and faster, his breath growing heavier by the second.
  Then he shot out a huge load that came in waves hitting her across her chest and neck, just below her face. It kept coming out as she did a few last strokes, he was shaking hard now.
  "Oh my god... That was... Amazing..." He said almost out of breath.
  "You're welcome." Ruby answered back as she crept out from under the bench. She felt the warm fluid run down her stomach as she stood up and walked over to grab a towel to wipe herself off with. “Now i just need you to rate this.”
  "A one to five rating right?" He asked back.
  "I would give you the best rating just for the ending, but since you seemed so nervous for a while there, i have to give you a four out of five. Either way, i hope it's not the last time i come across you!"
  "Thanks, have a good day then, bye." Ruby said and put on her robe again and headed for the door. She clicked the button that marked that she was done and left the room.

What a crazy experience! She thought to herself heading for the wardrobe to end her work with a shower to clean herself up.
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Old 11-05-2014, 04:29 AM   #12
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Before the chapter, i just want to thank everyone who has read and commented! I really appreciate it. It gives me a lot more motivation to keep going

Chapter 11

Back in the wardrobe she threw the bathrobe in a laundry basket and stepped in the showers, she had the entire wardrobe to herself, not knowing if anybody else had finished their work yet or not. It was nice to be able to relax alone in the shower while feeling the hot water pouring down over her, washing away the dirty feeling after her clients explosive finish.
  Ruby got back out and dressed up in her normal prison outfit again and headed back to the room they started their day in to wait for the rest.
  Once everyone gathered up and delivered their reports their day was finished and were sent back to their cells.
"So how was it?" Kate asked Ruby as they got back in their cell. She took a seat on Ruby's bed leaning her back to the wall opposite from where Ruby was sitting so that they could see face to face.
  "It was... Interesting..." Ruby replied back, not sure how to describe it. "So you do this everyday of the week?"
  "Pretty much, it's easy work and it's rarely the same job as the previous day. What? Did you have a hard time?"
  "Not really." Ruby started, closing her eyes while leaning her head back."I guess i just didn't expect this kind of work in a prison."
  "Well as i said in the briefing this morning, other jobs can be... More demanding. So when i got the chance to become the leader for this job i took it happily."
  "Would it be..." Ruby pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them before continuing. "Would it be wrong of me to say i kinda enjoyed it?"
  “You have a cute face when your acting all shy, did you know that?” Kate just gave her a smile back and let out a laugh.
  "What?" Ruby seemed surprised by the response.
  "Nothing. It's just, you had the same reaction i had after starting this and to answer your question. No. It's not wrong. I'd say it's a good thing, it will make it easier being here."
  "So i guess the tournament you mentioned is like this?"
  "Worse." Kate responded quickly.
  "Worse how?"
  "Sorry, i shouldn't have said anything, i'm not supposed to tell you before you have actually signed up. But i'm just gonna say this. I'd rather take the rest of my sentence doing the work i do now rather than risking it and adding more to my sentence. I promise i'll explain more once you sign up for it if you still want to." Kate stood up from Ruby's bed and started climbing up to her own.
  "I do want to... I am going to enter the tournament." Ruby said just as Kate got back up in her own bed.
  "Okay, i promise i'll help you the best i can then once i can tell you more, but at least think about it again after your first week is over on Friday, just promise me that."
How bad can it be? Ruby tried to think about it some more until sleep finally caught up. The first day was finally over.
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Old 11-06-2014, 02:41 PM   #13
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Chapter 12

Tuesday morning. A new day, a new job. Ruby and Kate had been to breakfast and afterwards, Kate left to do her thing while Ruby waited at her cell for her new boss for the day.

After a few minutes of waiting, a new girl she hadn't seen before came up to her. She was quite a bit taller than Ruby and had long dark hair hanging loosely behind her back. She had a fairly slim body, but her boobs caught Ruby's attention. She thought Kate had a large enough pair of boobs, but this girl had at least twice the size of Kate's, tightly pushed inside the t-shirt making it sit higher on her body so that the bottom of the shirt reached up to her stomach revealing her panties aswell.
  "Ruby?" She asked.
  "Uh...Yes?" Ruby answered, quickly focusing her eyes to meet this new girls eyes.
  "Hi, i'm Caitlyn. Nice to meet you." They shook hands before she told Ruby to follow her.
The new group entered the same building as yesterday, but this time they entered a room in the first floor that looked like a small auditorium. It had around 8 rows of seats and in the front was a stage with a curtain covering it up. They went to the front of the room and Caitlyn told them to find seats so she could tell them what they were doing today.

"Welcome everyone. In this job we are... Models, i guess would be the best word for it. It is quite simple. We go backstage to the locker room and undress. Then we walk up on stage and the clients sitting there will request one of you for a one on one meeting for around fifteen to thirty minutes backstage in the private rooms. There are enough rooms and enough clients for all of you. Once you are done, meet back in the locker room and then we all go back out to see if there is more clients. When it is empty, we gather back in the locker room one final time and we get to read our report cards they fill out on us." Caitlyn paused a second before continuing. "Once in the private rooms, the client can give a request on what to do or they can draw a random task from the box inside the rooms. Do note that you can refuse their requests. If you do refuse their request, you draw a random task, but the tasks drawn from the box inside must be fulfilled. The clients however, can decide if they want to draw a new card, this can be done up to two times before they have to go with the third and final card. That is all. Any questions?"
  Ruby looked around to see if anyone had any questions, but no one raised their hands.
  "Alright then, follow me to the locker room and lets get this day started, the faster we do this the sooner we can end the day."
  Ruby and the five other girls followed Caitlyn to the locker room. Once inside they followed her lead by undressing and putting their clothes in a locker for storage. Seeing Caitlyn undressed made her boobs seem even bigger than earlier now that she had five other girls aswell to compare them to.
They got to the stage and Caitlyn told everyone to line up next to her, Ruby was last making her the one furthest from Caitlyn. The spotlight shone down on them making it hard to see the people in the audience.

"I want number 2 from the right." A man's voice said.

Since Ruby was the furthest to the right from the audience's perspective, she noticed the girl next to her step away and walked behind the curtain to meet her first client. She felt more nervous now that it had actually started. What would she have to do once it was her turn?

"I want the girl furthest to the left." Another man said. Making Caitlyn the one to step back behind the curtain to meet her own client.

"I want the girl furthest to the right." The next man said. Now it was Ruby's turn. Her heart started beating faster as she walked towards the curtain to meet her first and hopefully only client of the day.
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Old 11-07-2014, 05:59 PM   #14
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Chapter 13

Ruby walked past the curtain and met her client, he was a slightly chubby guy wearing a pair of shorts and a hoodie. She put on her best fake smile as she greeted him with a handshake. It was awkward standing there naked meeting this random stranger like this. Even though she had done almost the same thing yesterday with another client, this felt different. She was less in control now.
   They stepped into their room and closed the door behind them. The room was tiny, it had two small couches, one on each side of a table. On the table there was a box with lots of cards in it and a clock standing next to it.

"What's your name?" The man asked as he sat down on the left couch.
  "Ruby, and you?" She replied back, following his lead in sitting down in the opposite couch. She tried to cover herself up by putting her one leg across the other and holding the left hand across her chest to cover up her boobs.
  "Chris." He answered back and then they just sat there for a few seconds.
  "So... Do you have a request? Or do you just want to draw a card?" She asked just wanting to break the awkward silence that had arrived.
  "I... Uhh... I think i'll just draw a card. Sorry, i'm just a bit more nervous than i thought i'd be. It's my first time here." He said with a shaky voice. Ruby could see that he was almost more nervous than her as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Everytime their eyes met, he quickly changed his stare to avoid eye contact.
  You're not the only one nervous! Ruby said to herself inside her head before drawing a random card from the box with her one free hand turning it over and reading it out loud.

"Card #93
The model will do a close up teasing dance for the client sitting in the couch. The client chooses if he wants to be naked or not."

"You ok with that card?" Ruby asked him.
  "Uhm... Can you draw another one?" He asked back.
  "Sure." Ruby pulled up the next card and read it out loud.
"Card #54
The client gets to ask the model 10 questions about anything he wants. While answering, the model must sit on the lap of the client facing him. The client can decide if he wants to be naked, but no sexual act can happen."

"Not that one either." He said nervously. "Please draw the last card."

Ruby was starting to wonder if he even wanted this at all. He seemed so nervous. But in the end she was happy she didn't have to sit naked on his lap for now. She picked up the last card and flipped it and read it.

"Card #60
The model will lie down on a couch blindfolded, you can find a blindfold in the drawer under the couch. The client can then do what he wants for 15 minutes, but he can not do anything sexual to the model through oral, anal or vaginal penetration. Anything else is up to the client."

Ruby was surprised by the card. It was a strange thought, not being able to see anything or have control about what was about to happen. She bent down looking under the couch and found a black blindfold in the drawer as the note said. "Are you ready then?" She asked Chris.
  He nodded back at her and she set the clock to fifteen minutes, she put the blindfold on and lied down. "Timer starts now." She said and took in a deep breath.
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Old 11-08-2014, 12:16 PM   #15
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Chapter 14

Ruby was lying down on the couch, naked and blindfolded.
  Unable to see what was happening, she had to turn to sounds. It took a minute before anything started happening and she could only imagine him staring at her. She heard him kick off his shoes and then he made some other strange sounds she didn't know what was, maybe he got undressed? But she couldn't be sure.
  "Is it... Is it okay if i’m naked too?" He asked, still with the nervous voice.
  "You heard what i read from the card." Ruby started. "Anything not stated there is up to you." She decided not to say anything else after that, just waiting for the clock to ring.
She could hear him walking around for a bit and then she felt the extra weight of another person climb up on the couch. He had to be standing over her with one leg on each side of her stomach from the way the couch pillow moved. He kept trying to adjust his position. He then appeared to be lowering himself until he was sitting on his knees, she could feel his thighs touching her sides slightly. Then without warning, she felt his hand grab her right boob.
  He felt her up for a few seconds before he let go again. She could feel him sitting down on top of her thighs, he still had his feet on each side of her.
  Ruby felt his hand slide across her stomach, slowly moving up towards her chest. One hand reached her left boob this time and she noticed that he started moving slightly on her legs. From the way he moved, he had to be masturbating. She could feel his balls hitting her each time he did a stroke.
  He let go off her boob again and she just felt him moving around on top of her legs for a few more seconds as he kept playing with himself, then all of a sudden she felt his hand on her clit. He started rubbing it and Ruby couldn't stop herself from releasing a soft moan. She felt like moving her legs, but they were stuck underneath him, her breath grew heavier by the second. Then he stopped again.
  Both his masturbation and his rubbing of her clit had stopped. She could hear him breath heavily. He rose up from her thighs and moved forward on his knees until his knees was next to her shoulders. She could feel him right above her chest and then he started to stroke himself again. The sounds each time he did a stroke gave it away, aswell as his breathing.
  He kept going like that, slowly increasing his speed. The couch was shaking more and more and then all of a sudden he stopped again, she felt him placing his hand next to her head and then a warm liquid hit her face. A lot came out at first, hitting her directly around the mouth area with force. A few more loads came out after that hitting her hair and different parts of the face until the last drops landed on her chest as he leaned back again. He stepped down from the couch and she could hear that he had to catch his breath.
  Was it over? She thought to herself as nothing else happened. She kept her mouth shut not wanting anything to get inside of her since some of the cum was covering her lips. All of a sudden she felt his hand on her face, he took a finger and wiped the cum away from her lips.
  "Thanks." Ruby said happy she could speak again.
  Then before she could say anything else he started spreading the cum out all over the rest of her face like it was some sort of facial cream.
  What the fuck is he doing to me? She said angrily in her head. She knew he was allowed to do what he wanted, but she wasn't expecting this.
The clock rang, he let go of her face and she tore the blindfold off, a shocked face was left on her as she sat back up.
  "Sorry, i got a bit carried away." Chris said to her back in his shy, nervous voice again, still avoiding eye contact. He got dressed and quickly left the room.
  Ruby just sat there alone for a minute. She was still slightly surprised about what just happened, but got back out and headed towards the locker room to get herself cleaned up.
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