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Old 04-17-2014, 07:15 AM   #1
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Default "You still up for it?"

Hi Guys,

This is my first story I've posted. I basically really wish this could happen to me so I love the story. I live predicaments and if you guy think it's good and want more then let me know

There are probably typos and things like that in there and I think the tense changes around a bit but please forgive!

Uni Boi

#### THE STORY ####

The txt flashed up on Lewis's phone.... "You still up for it?"

Lewis instantly felt himself getting hard. He was so up for it. Ever since his first conversation with Nicky he'd wanted it. He really wanted to be left naked.

A few months ago, Nicky had said to Lewis that he's happily leave him naked somewhere, go off for a bit then come back and return his clothes and ever since then Lewis couldn't get the thought out of his head. He needed this and he wouldn't rest until he'd done it.

The days went by when suddenly out of the blue, an email from Nicky pinged into Lewis' inbox. It said that Nicky was free for a whole weekend and he wanted to have some fun. The kind of fun that would end up with Lewis being left completely naked in a swimming pool changing room.

So... said Nicky's email, meet me in the swimming pool café at 10am on Sunday. Bring a small bag and a pound for the locker.

Sunday arrived and Lewis was so excited. This was what he'd wanted for so long, but could he really go though with it? Would he really dare to be left completely naked with no escape in a semi-public place?

Lewis arrived at the café but Nicky was nowhere to be seen. It was only 9:40am so he wasn't expected just yet. Lewis gets a coffee and sits down to write a txt

"I'm here, not sure I'm ready for this!"

The reply comes. "Ok, so your in the café and I'm nearly there so if you want me to do this, get your dick out and I want to see it when I arrive. If you are fiddling with your trousers or dick when I first see you then the games off so you'll just have to get it out now and wait!"

Oh shit, Lewis thinks. "I really want to do this but I CANT have my dick hanging out in the café!" Lewis moves to a slightly more covered area, one of the booths. Nicky might be here at any time so Lewis nervously unzips and pull his semi-hard dick out.

Lewis' phone vibrates again... "I'm almost there. I want your bare bum on the seat too! Remember, if I see you're hands anywhere near your trousers or dick when I arrive, I turn round and the deals off."

"Oh fuck" Lewis thinks. "I basically have to pull down my trousers in the café!"

Lewis, not wanting to disappoint Nicky quickly put his small bag next to him on the booth and pulled down his trousers and boxers to 1/2 way down his thigh. His bum was now sitting directly on the cold leather seat and his dick standing up almost touching the table.

Her nervously looked around as more people were coming into the café. He had hidden himself quite well but there were about 3 places people could sit and they might catch a look at what was going on!

Then, a whole university swim team come in to the café, it must have been about 30 of them! They were all looking around for good places to sit. It took a lot of balls to not to quickly pull up his trousers and it was a good job he didn't because just after the team come Nicky. As he walked in, he bent down to tie his shoelace and saw straight under the table to Lewis's dick and bare bum. A big smile was on his face as he approached.

"Hello bare bum, ready to get naked?"

"What... here? Now?" Lewis nervously replied

"Yeah! I tell you what, I've devised 2 ways today can go... one is a lot of fun and slightly scary for you and they other is a lot of fun and REALLY scary for you"

Nicky continued "So, if you take off you trousers and boxers and put them in your bag now then you get option 1... if you are too pussy then you get option 2. Your choice but I promise you option 2 is very daring and you probably will regret it! You have 30 seconds to say option 1 or 2 then you must carry it out. If you don't do it immediately then I'll just leave and I know how much you want this.... 30, 29, 28..."

"oh shit... oh shit!" Lewis thinks "What the fuck do i do. I cannot get naked in the café! Maybe option 2 isn't too bad!"

"10, 9, 8"

"oh fuck... error. option...."

"3, 2"

"shit... a can't do it here... option 2!"

Nicky smiles.. "option 2... oh dear! Right lets get you naked"

Lewis pulled up his trousers and finished his coffee. He follows Nicky to the ticket office. They buy all day passes so they could come and go as they pleased.

They make their way to the back of the changing area. No one is around. They both go into a cubicle together. Lewis get's out his swimming shorts...

"You're not actually going swimming. You know that right? You're basically going to be stuck in a cubicle naked until I let you out. It's going to me scary and boring and you can cum but you'll regret that too. I know how much you hate being stuck naked once you've cum." says Nicky

"yeah but I though if I get changed into just these, put all my clothes in the bag I've got, lock them in a locker and then give you my trunks I'd be naked until you bring them back... but I've always got the safety of my clothes if i was daring enough to get them."

"okkkkkk" says Nicky.. "I thought I was in charge today"

"Yeah but I need the safety, I thought we'd agreed"

"fine. but I get to choose the locker."

Lewis gets naked and puts on his trunks. He puts all his clothes in the bag and takes it outside. Now the arrangement of cubicles is such that there is a row of lockers right in front of the cubicle that stretch out for about 4m each way. Then there are the same number facing away from them on the other side. So a row of back to back lockers then a row of back to back cubicles. Nicky takes Lewis to one of the lockers of the far side of the row. It's about opposite the cubicle where Lewis will be naked but through the other side of the lockers facing the cubicle. In all it's about a 10m walk from the cubicle to the locker.

Lewis agrees that this locker is a punishment but it is quite near. "So if you just nick my shorts and leave me, I'll have to dash round to here naked and get my clothes!"

"Yes. Ok?" say Nicky

"Ok, that's fine. Scary but as least I have the backup! This is such a scary thing to be doing!"

Lewis put all his clothes in, slots in the pound and locks the locker. He takes the key out , snaps it round his wrist and flips over the magnetic contact to stop it falling off when you're swimming.

They go back to the cubicle, Nicky fully clothed and Lewis in just his shorts.

"So are you ready to be left naked?" say Nicky

"err... I think so. How long will it be for?"

"Well, keep your phone and I'll txt you while I'm in the café with my clothes on and you're naked stuck here!"

Nicky continues..."Take you shorts off then!"

Lewis nervously slips his shorts down to his ankles and steps his first foot out. He pauses... "I'm not sure I want to do this!"

Nicky replies... "you have 30 seconds to give them to me or I'm off 29, 28..."

Lewis hated the countdowns. He really wanted to do this but it was scary being rushed into it. "13, 12" he slipped them off completely and holds them in front of his dick in his hands.

"6, 5, 4 .. it's now or never" says Nicky

Lewis quickly throws his shorts at Nicky and Nicky puts them in his bag.

Lewis stands there complexly naked.

"Right... option 2 you chose... Get on your knees and cross your ankles. So this is the difference between option 1 and 2.. Option 1, I would have left and sat in the café for about 30mins... then txt to see if you wanted out. Option 2 is much more fun."

"First, you will start tied up. You'll be able to get out but it'll take a bit of time to untied yourself. So hands behind your back..."

Lewis couldn't believe his luck, he loved being tied up!

He willingly obeyed. He was kneeing crossed ankles on the floor with his hands in the small of his back. Nicky took a couple of lengths of twine out of his bag and loosely tied Lewis' ankles together. Lewis couldn't stand now, he'd have to undo or break the twine to stand.

Next Nicky wraps a length of twine around Lewis' hands and secures it with a tight knot.

"You'll be able to break through each of the strands of the twine to get your self out. it took me about 20mins when I tried... I'm sure you'll have fun!"

Nicky continued. "Next, I'm going to blindfold you"

He put a pair of blacked out swimming goggles on lewis and stood back to admire his work. As he did so, he gave Lewis a few hard slaps on the bum. Lewis' dick pricked up with every slap.

"So, nod if you're a happy boy" Lewis nodded... "happy to be left here totally naked" ... another nod. "would you like me to make you cum?" .. a pause...

"Lewis thought... "Do I want to cum now? It would be amazing and my dick is so hard! But then I'm stuck naked after cumming and I wont enjoy it."

Lewis shook his head.

"No!" said Nicky "oh well I'd like you to."

Nicky grabbed Lewis's dick and started jacking him off... Lewis was squirming trying to prevent Nicky from making him cum. He hated being tied naked after cumming. He really didn't want this but he couldn't get away.

Nicky carried on, he wouldn't give up.

"You're going to cum" he pumped harder and harder.

"Then I'm going to leave you" Lewis's dick was throbbing, he was so close. He tried everything to stop Nicky.

"You'll be stuck here naked" Lewis was pretty much past the point of no return. A few more strokes and he'd explode. He could do nothing about it.

"You're going to cum, then I'm going to leave you, you'll be stuck here naked and you'll wish you chose option 1"

Nicky steadied himself pushing Lewis's hands into his back while he pumped Lewis's hot, cum filled, dick.

"Why?" Lewis just manages to squeak out. He was secretly loving this.

"because in option 2... I take this!" Nicky gives a final tug on Lewis's dick and just as Lewis explodes his hot sticky cum load all over the floor Nicky, with a well rehearsed action, flicks off the magnetic lock grabs the locker key and pausing for a quick look at his handy-work says "Have fun!" and closes the cubicle door behind him.

As the door shut and locked, Lewis had just finished cumming and had collapsed on the floor. He wasn't quite sure what had just happened. He played the event through in his mind. He'd been tied up and still was. He couldn't see because of the blindfold and he'd shot the biggest load of cum he ever shot just before Nicky left him.

Then it dawned on him. What Nicky had said... "You wish you'd have chosen option 1... because in option 2.... i take this!" Lewis grabbed his left wrist then his right... no key!

"oh fuck. oh fuck. oh fuck! FUCK!"

Lewis then realised, he was REALLY stuck naked with absolutely no chance of escape on his own terms. Nicky held all the cards. Then, his phone beeped. He had to get out of this tie. He worked at the ankle bond for what must have been nearly 10 mins and finally broke through the twine on his feet. He then set about untying his hands and like Nicky had said, it must have taken him nearly 20mins. By the time the blindfold came of he'd already been stuck for over 30mins!

He picked up his phone. 1 new message from Nicky.

"If you reply to this txt within 20mins I'll bring you your clothes, if you don't then you obviously don't want them!"

"Damn" thought Lewis. It had been well over 30mins. He tried anyway.

"Please can I have my clothes"

... he waited...

... and waited...

"Of course", came the reply "just come and get them :-) lol .. I'm in the café. I'll be here for 30mins."

"Then what..."

"Do you really want to know!?"

"err.... yes...."

"Then I go home, with your clothes"

Lewis's heart sank. Seriously... he wouldn't, oh fuck, maybe he would. It doesn't make any difference to him if I'm here stuck naked! oh my god, what have I done!

"Please Nicky. Please don't go!"

... the reply came quickly. "28mins"

oh shit thought Lewis. I can't go out there. He looked down at his body. Yep, it was completely naked. He paced up and down the cubicle, now his cell. he'd been such a fool. He really did think that the clothes in the locker would be his safety net. What an idiot he felt now. Time passed too quickly. He was stuck, he couldn't go and get the clothes and very soon Nicky would leave and he's have no way of getting the clothes. OH FUCK!

"Please Nicky, I've had fun but can I have my clothes back now?" Lewis txt Nicky.

"Yep :-) Just come and get them... 3 mins and I'm off home."

"Nicky, you cannot be serious! You cant leave me here naked with no way out!"

"I can... isn't that want you wanted?"

"Well yes, but I thought I had a way out"

"Well where's the fun in that. You don't! haha! Right, I'm off home. It's midday now and it'll take me 50mins to get home. so I'll answer 1 txt from you at 1pm and we'll see what happens next! HAVE FUN!"

The pool was getting very busy and people we're moving around loads. Lewis was so scared someone would notice that the cubicle hadn't opened all morning and would ask if he was ok. The one good thing about having to spend so much time stuck naked was that Lewis slowly became horny again. He had worked up good semi and this was helping as he didn't feel so stuck when he was concentrating on his dick!

Lewis's phone beeped.. "I'm home. have you got anything to say?"

Now, thought Lewis, what was Nicky expecting. Would the wrong thing mean he was stuck forever like this. Would the right thing mean Nicky would bring back his clothes.

Lewis thought maybe Nicky wanted him to thank him for the situation he's been put in. A lot of masters liked that so it might be worth a try.

"Hello Nicky, Thank you for leaving me naked with no way to get my clothes back." He hit send.

"No problems. You obviously like it... Enjoy your next hour. 1 txt at 2pm :-) Have Fun!" came the reply

Oh fuck, another hour! That was a bit unfair. Lewis really wanted out now, he'd ben stuck here for ages but no matter what he thought of there was literally no way to get his clothes back other than Nicky bringing them to him.

About 10mins later he gets another txt. "I might have left them in one of the open lockers...you'd better find them before someone else does!"

Lewis was suddenly more scared. "Before someone else does! oh my god. At least when Nicky had them i knew where they were!" he thought.

He opened the door to the cubicle. It was quiet. Must be in the middle of a swim session. Lewis leant out to the nearest locker hiding most of his naked body in the cubicle still. He opened it... Nothing.

Lewis went on trying the lockers slowing having to spend more time out of the cubicle. He must have looked in about 40 lockers but there was nothing there.

His phone beeps "Do you have anything else to say?" txt Nicky.

"You didn't leave my clothes in these open lockers did you!" Lewis rushed to txt back.

"Nope :-) That was your txt... enjoy your next hour!"

Damn, Lewis thought. he's rushed that one without thinking and now doesn't know anything more about where his clothes are. He'd have to wait another hour! Fuck!

Lewis was having the most massive mind fuck ever. What if Nicky didn't give back his clothes. What if someone knocked on the door...

"It's 3pm and the swimming pool closes at 4:30! lol. Don't you want to know where you're clothes are?" Nicky's txt pinged onto Lewis's screen.

Lewis picked up his phone and this time thought it through.

"I would really like to know where my clothes are. How do I get out of this?"

The reply came a couple of agonising mins later "That's kind of 2 questions so I'll answer the last one you asked. You get out of this by going round to the cubicle behind yours. Under the bench I've taped a key to one of the lockers. that's how you get out."

THANK YOU! thought Lewis. He'd easily be able to get out before the pool closed at 4:30pm.

Nicky had obviously planned this very well as each swim session was about a hour. So when Lewis was waiting for the 1 hours to elapse most people were in the pool. This time he'd have to run all the way round the cubicles it must have been about 15m!

It was quite out when Lewis looked round the cubicle door. There was one cubicle full on his way to the end of the row and most of the row empty. Just as he was about to dash, a group of 3 lads, mid 20s came and occupied the last 3 cubicles on the row. Damn, there goes his emergency hiding places!

We'll he didn't have loads of time to waste and now was as good a time as any. Lewis raced to the end of the cubicle row and looked round the corner. A group of the swimming team were still around and he could hear them talking about their practise. Then... a latch of one of the cubicles behind him slid across. oh shit! He had to go. He quickly dashed round the corner and down the next row. He hoped no one had seen!

Wanting to get this over and done with, he counted the cubicles down to the one directly behind his... of course, it was occupied. He dashed into the one next to it and waited. It was 2 more of the swim team and they were taking ages to change. The call came over the tannoy.

"Ladies and gentlemen please may we remind you that the pool will be closing in 30mins"

Damn. 30mins to get the key, get back to the locker and dress.

He waited for the girls to leave. After what seemed like ages, they finally left the cubicle. He went in and reached under the bench... he felt around but nothing was there!!

"There's no key!" he txt Nicky.

"Oh sorry.... it might be in the next cubicle down! :-)"

damn Nicky. he knew that!

Lewis went back out and into the next door cubicle he'd just come from, reached under the bench and there it was... the key! Number 305.

Lewis looked out of the cubicle and saw locker 296 opposite.

"Ladies and gentlemen please may we remind you that the pool will be closing in 15 mins" came the announcement.

Lewis looked along and saw 305. It was a small locker head height and easy to reach. At last something kind from Nicky!

He dashed out and opened the locker. He saw a small pile of clothes and a note stood in front of them. He grabbed the clothes and note and ran back to a cubicle breathing a huge sign of relief.

He opened the note and time seemed to slow down as he read... "You should have chosen option 1... Have Fun!"

He looked down at the clothes. 1 pair of pink panties, 1 short miniskirt, 1 pink bra, 1 cowgirl blouse, 1 pair of high heels, wig, razor and some make up.

"OH MY FUCKING.... NO WAY!" he txt Nicky.

"Well you should have chosen option 1 lol. Your car keys are with the girl on reception :-)"

#### THE END ####

Hope you liked it, if you want more then tell me and should I do them in parts?
I have an online release for the padlock I use for selfbondage. If you wanna play with it/me, PM me.
I'm love predicament bondage. If you've got any new/good ones (i've done all on boundanna). pm me and i'll send pics.
Like etc here.
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Old 04-18-2014, 02:13 AM   #2
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Default I think that kind of predicament would be awesome

From my point of view, the most fun would be being the terrified naked guy, but making the other person squirm could be good fun too! :-D Had to do a couple of forfeits while driving the other day and depending on someone else being kind by text... certainly makes you hyper-aware when the phone goes off :-)

Would love to read any other predicaments you dream of, and agree that it would be fun to get chance to try some more of them out.
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Old 04-18-2014, 02:39 AM   #3
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Great story! Lucky Lewis. Would love to have it happen to me. The thrill whether you will or won't get your clothes back. Just being there naked completely in someone else's hands.

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Old 04-18-2014, 03:56 PM   #4
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thanks guys. Really enjoyed writing it!! :-)

I would REALLY love this to happen to me one day... at least i think i do!

Any situations you'd like me to write about? Places, predicaments. I'll probably write another one soon. Thinking about doing a camping one.

Any one else got any good ones? Fiction or non
I have an online release for the padlock I use for selfbondage. If you wanna play with it/me, PM me.
I'm love predicament bondage. If you've got any new/good ones (i've done all on boundanna). pm me and i'll send pics.
Like etc here.
pm me for skype

Last edited by uniboi; 04-18-2014 at 04:03 PM.
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Old 04-20-2014, 04:24 PM   #5
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That was a really good story and something I could see being really good to try
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Old 04-20-2014, 04:25 PM   #6
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which side would you be ;-)
I have an online release for the padlock I use for selfbondage. If you wanna play with it/me, PM me.
I'm love predicament bondage. If you've got any new/good ones (i've done all on boundanna). pm me and i'll send pics.
Like etc here.
pm me for skype
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Old 04-21-2014, 12:51 AM   #7
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Great story, loved every word. I too would love to be a part of something similar to this.

Can't wait for your next story
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Old 04-22-2014, 03:06 AM   #8
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Thanks Vodin30! :-)

Is there any situation or place you'd like me to write about?
I have an online release for the padlock I use for selfbondage. If you wanna play with it/me, PM me.
I'm love predicament bondage. If you've got any new/good ones (i've done all on boundanna). pm me and i'll send pics.
Like etc here.
pm me for skype
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