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Old 08-22-2013, 12:33 PM   #1
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*This is somewhat rusty, I haven't been able to write for a long time. I plan to keep working on this as well as get back to "Caged In," sometime soon. Thanks for reading, and as always; constructive criticism is welcomed.*

I opened my eyes blearily and looked around. I was curled into a small ball and with horror realized I couldn't stretch my body out because of the fact I was confined into the smallest cage I had come across within my life. I was naked, with my hands were bound behind my back whilst my legs were roughly tied together in several places making it impossible to move them in the slightest. I could feel something inside of me buzzing away. And not just one, but two things happily buzzing to their contentment. After opening my mouth to call out it struck me that I was also effectively silenced by the means of what felt to be something like a ball gag.

My panic rose considerably as my eyes continued adjusting to my surroundings and I realized I was in what had to be the smallest room I had ever come across in my existence. A growl from my stomach made me realize I must have been cooped up in this tiny cage for at least a day, maybe more. As if on queue, the door opened and someone entered the room. I tried craning my head to see who had entered the room, only the enclosed space restricted my movement and I couldn't raise my head far enough. From my perchipel vision I saw a hand reach down and unlock the cage before snatching the gag from my mouth.

"Welcome back."

A male voice.

I made no reply, I was too confused and nervous to form a response. Suddenly, the man lowered something to the ground, and when I looked closer I realized it was a pair of bowls. My eyes squinted at the en-gravement on them both. "Bitch."

"Time for dinner."

The male voice spoke again, just as my stomach rumbled right on cue. Although I was now free to speak, his statement shocked me into stunned silence. I was supposed to eat...from those?

"Now, bitch. I don't have all day."

I frowned as his sharp tone interrupted my thoughts. Resolutely, I shook my head. If he thought I was going to eat from those, he was sadly mistaken. Who the hell was this person? I had no recollection of how I had ended up in this predicament, my nerves were frayed and now he was insisting that I eat from these damn bowls? The defiance must have shown on my face, as the next thing I knew I was being hauled out of the cage and with one deft movement he had my face pressed against one of the bowls.

"When I say you eat, you eat. There's no if or buts. You do as I say."

As he spoke, I felt a stinging blow land across my back and I cried out in pain. I didn't have time to react before the next blow landed across my shoulders, and once more I cried out. The pain was excruciating.

"That's a warning. Now we can continue this way or you can eat. What's it to be?"

The pain. Could I really handle more just to satisfy my defiance and pride? I doubted it. And I was hungry. I realized with a start I was hungrier than I had initially thought, which led me to believe I must have been sleeping in that cage for longer than I had originally determined. Another blow fell, and succeeded in its purpose-to have me reach a decision quickly. My hands were useless, still tied as they were, my legs bonds effectively cutting off any means of dignified movement. I inched my way forward slightly so that my face could rest fully in reach of the bowl, and so that I could see the contents more clearly. I sighed inwardly. I couldn't even make out what was in the bowl, but could only see a concoction of what had to be the messiest foods available, all dumped together. Crack. Another blow.

"You're taking too long."

The blow spurred me into motion, and I opened my mouth hesitantly, hating the way I could feel the mess sticking to my face. My hair draped over my face, ensuring the food began to stick there as well. I ate slowly at first as I attempted to come to terms with what I was doing-this was so humiliating! A further blow convinced me to eat more quickly.

"I've had enough."

I lifted my sticky and stained face as I spoke. My answer was a resounding crack. And another. And another. I was blinded by the pain suddenly being inflicted. After what felt like an eternity but was probably only ten seconds the lashes finally stopped coming.

"You do not speak unless spoken to. You do not tell me you have had enough. You make sure to empty those bowls and clean them. Both of them."

He hadn't finished speaking before I was face first back into the bowl, finishing by licking it clean. I glanced at the other bowl and for the first time, saw water. I flushed, embarrassed. There was only one way to empty this bowl-by lapping. Fearing further blows I wasted no time.

"Good bitch."

My cheeks flamed at his statement. How had he broken me so quickly? If I'd have known what was to come next, I would have had a completely different definition of the word broken.
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Old 08-22-2013, 02:04 PM   #2
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Hadn't we agreed that you had to ask for my permission before posting this? Anyways, it was an enjoyable read, looking forward to the next instalment, good job
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Old 08-22-2013, 02:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by 1Pupil View Post
Hadn't we agreed that you had to ask for my permission before posting this? Anyways, it was an enjoyable read, looking forward to the next instalment, good job
No, we didn't. Shush, and enjoy the story instead.
♡ My Stories. FAQ.AMA
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Old 08-22-2013, 02:36 PM   #4
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Very nice frosty. Great Job. Please continue.
Brian (布莱恩) - Bi-Male (双男性) - Edge Master (边缘大师)


OH, JUST REMEMBER: "Life is not fun, unless you are having fun." - Dareholic

"Adam was but human - this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent." - Mark Twain
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Old 08-23-2013, 03:22 PM   #5
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Light slowly crept into my room, casting lit glows along the walls. I blinked, becoming accustomed to the daylight. After the horror and humiliation of yesterday, the man had then led me to the bathroom before leading me back into the cage. The bonds had made it impossible to walk on my own, making me lean on him for as much support as possible, which I had hated and viewed as a further weakness. Several times I'd had to bite my tongue to stop myself from verbally abusing him and asking dozens of questions, such as why I was here, what did he want with me, was he ever going to let me go? Despite the incessant questions fluttering through my mind I had wisely remained silent, fearing another lashing.

After he had led me back to the cage effectively locking me inside once more, he informed me he would return early in the morning before replacing the ball gag. I'd lain silently for what seemed like an eternity, watching through the small window as the daylight slowly faded, before I had finally drifted off into a fitful sleep. Sometime during the night I had awoken with the overwhelming urge to urinate and with no possible way of calling out; could do nothing except lie there and try to control it until finally my body gave in to its natural demand and I felt warm liquid streaming down my legs. Un-shed tears gathered in my eyes as I lay there immobile, unable to do anything and feeling the humiliation overwhelm me. With nothing to do, I closed my eyes attempting to slip back into sleep and did my best to ignore the constant warmness coating the lower half of my body. But now, now it was morning and my head jerked upwards as I heard the door opening. I knew I wouldn't be able to see him because of the enclosed space, and so I sensed rather than saw him stop directly in front of me. I heard a small chuckle.

"Seems like you've had an accident, bitch."

I blushed, embarrassment once again taking over.

"Wouldn't you like to get cleaned up, bitch?"

At these words I felt a flicker of hope and nodded fervently. After a long pause;

"Well, you'll have to earn that, bitch. Here."

In a few seconds he had opened the cage, removed the gag and thrust something into my mouth. My eyes widened slightly as I realized what it was-a rather long and thick dildo. I frowned, confused. I'd have to earn it? Earn it how? My naivety was in full force.

"Well? It isn't going to suck itself bitch."

I shuddered as I realized what he wanted me to do. Although I was in no way judgmental to those who regularly had sex or had sexual kinks and fetishes, my own sexual experience was extremely limited.

"Very well, bitch. Stay like that then."

As he began to remove the toy from my mouth I panicked as I realized I would have to stay as I were-sticky, wet and humiliated. I felt disgusting. Before he could remove it fully my mouth clamped around the toy and I hesitantly began sucking on it. He stood silently as my mouth worked up and down, something made extremely difficult due to the lack of use of my hands. After what was easily over an hour, he removed it from my mouth. I was extremely thankful he decided to do so, my whole jaw was aching.

"Good, but it could be better. We'll have to work on that."

I lowered my eyes-had I really been that bad? Or was he trying to undermine me further? He pulled me upright and began loosening my bonds.

"You'll go and get cleaned up and put these on."

He threw a bag of clothing at me and then practically dragged me down the hall and into the bathroom, before his fingers probed inside me and removed the toys buzzing away. He had already left the room before I could get a good look at them. I knew he was waiting outside, giving me no means of escape. I placed the clothes to one side before turning on the shower faucet, and gratefully stepped underneath. The hot water was cleansing, and I felt like it was washing away the stains both literal and figurative of the last day or so. After I felt fully refreshed and clean I turned the faucet off and made my way over to the clothes I had earlier placed aside. As I unraveled them, my apprehension grew once more. They consisted of a short, white halter neck top that left nothing to the imagination and once placed over my head I realized that not only was it extremely restricting and tight fitting, but also that it was see through. My lack of bra meant my breasts were on full view even with this garment. The bottom half of my outfit consisted of what was supposed to be a white skirt but looked more fitting for a belt as it was so short. I wriggled it over my hips and realized that unless I were to remain perfectly still, it would constantly ride up my body, revealing I was not wearing underwear. The last thing in the bag were heels of about 4.5 inches. I slid my feet into them and took a wobbly step. I rarely wore heels and knew these would take some getting used to. Finally, I opened the door to find him waiting right outside as expected. His eyes traveled over my attire and he smiled slowly.

"Good. Now for the next part."

He took me by the arm and led me into a different room that was bare except for a relatively large table and chair clustered with cosmetics and hair accessories. He hauled me into the chair and began working on my face.

"This is the only time I will do this for you. From tomorrow, you will recreate the look I give you today perfectly, yourself. Understood?"

I nodded, too fearful to speak. In no time at all he was done and held up a mirror in front of my face. I couldn't stifle the gasp. My new look, combined with my outfit made me look like I was ready to hit the town and engage in one meaningless encounter after another. My eyes were dark and sultry whilst my lips were bright and alluring. They contrasted each other sharply, each refusing to let the other have someones sole attention. In short, I looked like a slut. He pulled me to my feet and I felt him run a finger underneath my skirt and over my thighs, gently brushing against my intimate parts.

"Why, you're all wet bitch." He noted with obvious delight.

I squirmed uncomfortably. Whatever toy he had previously used on me had certainly left me flustered and I was surprised to register that I was almost missing the vibrating sensation. As if sensing my thoughts, he smiled and re-inserted it onto my pussy. I felt it begin to hum away instantly, and he used my sudden distraction to insert what I could only assume was a butt plug, making sure that that was also incessantly vibrating away. It took only a few minutes away before I felt my body begin to respond to the heady sensations; betraying me.

"Now, we're going out." He suddenly informed me, as he led me towards what I assumed was the front door.

I halted mid step, horror struck.

"Out? Like..this?" I gasped, gesturing to my new ensemble.

He frowned.

"I believe I told you that you do not speak unless spoken to. I'll see to that later, once we return. And yes, exactly like that. Now hurry up bitch before you lose all the clothes."

His threat spurred me into motion and meekly I followed, wondering what he had planned next.
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Old 08-24-2013, 02:36 PM   #6
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Leave me wondering what comes next too.
Brian (布莱恩) - Bi-Male (双男性) - Edge Master (边缘大师)


OH, JUST REMEMBER: "Life is not fun, unless you are having fun." - Dareholic

"Adam was but human - this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent." - Mark Twain
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Old 08-24-2013, 08:19 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Dareholic View Post
Leave me wondering what comes next too.

Hahaha. I do like to end on cliff hangers as you probably noticed from Caged In.

Thanks for being a constant reader, hoping to work on the next installment in the next few days
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Old 02-17-2014, 08:10 PM   #8
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As we stepped outside, he firmly took my arm and guided me towards a waiting car. I glanced around as my mind worked overtime trying to decide if I had a possible escape route. As he led me down the sidewalk I stumbled awkwardly, only for him to grip me tighter therefore saving me from falling. I cursed the heels silently. I couldn't even walk in these damn things, how the hell was I supposed to get myself to safety? Too late.

He opened the car door and roughly pushed me inside. I noticed he slightly pushed my head down as he did so, saving me from hitting it upon the top of the door before he quickly strapped my seat belt on and I frowned to myself silently. Since when was he so concerned with my physical well-being?

As soon as he closed the door behind me the locks went down with an audible click and I sighed. I'd been hoping to lose the shoes within the car and make a run for it. There went that idea. I watched as he walked around the car and let himself into the drivers seat and belted himself up before starting the ignition.
We drove in silence for what seemed like an eternity and I stared sullenly out of the window, hoping to see a familiar face or building.

Without warning the familiar buzzing sound of the vibrator increased as did the speed of the vibrations. I bit my lip, desperate not to cry out as once again I felt the familiar sensations begin to take over. Why did my body betray me so easily? I felt myself begin to tremble slightly as the pleasure rose even further and I sighed almost inaudibly.

"Enough of that."

My eyes darted upwards and met his in the mirror as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"No touching."

I felt the shock course through my mind as I realized my hand had drifted downwards and I was slowly caressing myself. What the hell was I doing? I was here against my will, dressed in some ridiculous outfit with two toys I hadn't consented to lodged firmly inside of me, one pressing directly against my clit. I should have been a nervous wreck, desperately planning my escape and yet here I was not only welcoming the waves of pleasure rolling through my body but actually giving them a helping hand! It didn't even occur to me to remove the vibrators whilst he had his eyes on the road.

Suddenly there was silence as the vibrators immediately stopped working their magic.

"I said no touching."

I realized I hadn't heeded his first warning and had unconsciously continued teasing myself, willingly losing myself in the pleasure. The sudden abruptness of no stimulation spurred me into action and I hastily withdrew my hand away.

"Good girl."

I had three seconds to consider this was the first time he hadn't addressed me as bitch before the vibrator hummed back to life, even more intense than they were originally.

He continued driving in silence and I focused on the stimulation. I couldn't escape; at least not yet, so why not make the most of it? It was the first time he had allowed me constant pleasure instead of torture and I highly suspected it wouldn't last too long.

I settled back against the seat, closing my eyes as I did so, only for his voice to interrupt me once more.

"Don't you dare come. If you do, yesterday will seem like child's play. I will whip you for five hours straight."

My eyes flicked open and once again met his. I had no doubt he meant what he said and in silence I nodded my understanding.

"Good. Now enjoy it."

I didn't need to tell him I intended to do just that-the noticeable shivers the sheen of sweat on my forehead and my ragged breathing were clearly giving away the fact that I was enjoying the stimulation. I closed my eyes again and focused solely on the sensations, just as the speed once again changed.

I gasped out loud and heard him chuckle quietly. He'd clearly turned it to full power if the speed was anything to judge by. I felt my legs begin to shake at the same time I felt my heartbeat pick up its pace and my hands clenched into fists. I could do nothing but accept this constant teasing and the speed of it was quickly making me lightheaded to the point I thought I was going to pass out once or twice.

I felt the orgasm building and lost in the moment I forgot his earlier words. The world ceased to exist as my orgasm overtook me and I whimpered as my whole body shook uncontrollably. I cried out as I reached the peak of orgasm, my breaths coming in short little gasps. Silence filled the car as he turned the vibrator off.

As I slowly regathered my senses I felt his eyes upon me. Sure enough, when I opened my eyes I saw him watching me in the mirror once more.

"I told you not to come."

His voice was flat, almost...disappointed?

The sound of his voice brought me back to reality with a bang and I suddenly recalled his earlier threat word for word. I did the only thing I could think of.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I couldn't help it. I didn't mean to."

He checked the road and then focused his gaze back upon me.

"Oh really? I would have had no objections to you telling me you were about to come so that I could stop it. But I guess... if you really couldn't help it..."

He trailed off into silence and I wondered silently what he was thinking.
I jumped when I felt the pressure start up again just as strong, and within seconds I was crying out.

"Please, I'm sorry."

He made no reply and the vibrator continued and within minutes I felt tears forming in my eyes. Because of the orgasm my clit was extremely sensitive to the point every second was absolute torture whilst it was stimulated further. Despite the pain and sensitivity I felt another orgasm approaching.Gritting my teeth I did my best to fight it off, knowing that this time it wouldn't be enjoyable in the slightest but absolute agony. My body paid no attention to my mind and within seconds I was desperately begging for him to make it stop. My cries went unanswered and I felt my body start to convulse as another orgasm approached, quickly followed by yet another.

I didn't understand how it could be so painful and sensitive and yet my body still betrayed me by allowing orgasm after orgasm. I didn't understand anything. I couldn't think straight or gather my thoughts and everything else ceased to exist save the excruciating pain being inflicted upon my tender and swollen clit.

I tried to grasp my breath as I came down from the latest one, knowing I had only seconds before I would be going through it all over again.

"Better get used to it." I heard him say. "You clearly wanted to come so badly, I'm just giving you what you wanted."

I stifled my groan as another orgasm ripped through me. It was going to be a long journey.
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Old 02-17-2014, 09:19 PM   #9
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I love it! Keep it up!
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Old 02-17-2014, 09:27 PM   #10
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Great story, so interesting, luckuy girl!
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Old 02-18-2014, 08:02 PM   #11
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Interesting, Frosty.....
Brian (布莱恩) - Bi-Male (双男性) - Edge Master (边缘大师)


OH, JUST REMEMBER: "Life is not fun, unless you are having fun." - Dareholic

"Adam was but human - this explains it all. He did not want the apple for the apple's sake, he wanted it only because it was forbidden. The mistake was not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent." - Mark Twain
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Old 04-14-2015, 09:08 AM   #12
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After what seemed like an eon, the car finally slowed as he pulled it to a stop and carefully parked up. Silently he removed himself from the car before turning his attention to me and opening my door.


I hesitantly began to stand up, feeling my legs tremble with the effort. The journey had taken over an hour and he had left me to suffer the entire time with the vibrator on its highest setting, causing me to endure through at least a dozen agonizing orgasms. Despite my incessant begging and pleading and the countless apologies I had whimpered to him his only response was to laugh every so often. Other than that he had completely ignored my distress and not said a single word to me for the rest of the car ride.

I wobbled clumsily as I more or less staggered from the car. Even now, the vibrator hummed away incessantly and it was all I could do to remain standing straight. Every step the pain increased, desperately causing me to want to double over in pain. He reached behind me and closed the car door before placing his hand upon my lower back, granting me much needed support.

As we walked, I did my best to ignore the unbearable pain and focus on my surroundings which only caused my apprehension to begin growing once more. Where was he taking me? The buildings were nondescript, gravel crunched under my heels and there were no identifying landmarks anywhere in sight.

He stopped us as we reached yet another plain grey building and knocked on the door once. A few short moments later the door swung open and we were ushered inside by a rather tall and stocky intimidating looking man.
As they exchanged greetings I tuned out and let my eyes wander trying to figure out what was going on but all I saw in front of me was an endless corridor with several doors. So lost I was in my thoughts I didn’t register when he told me to move, until I felt the small shove, propelling me forwards. Though he didn’t put any strength into the gesture it was enough to cause me to stumble due to the heels. As I inelegantly regained my balance he pulled me along the corridor finally stopping in front of one of the doors.

“Behave yourself in here and do what’s expected of you. You’re already in a heap of trouble, I advise you not to make it worse.”

He opened the door and led me inside to….an empty room? What on earth was going on? He must have sensed my confusion as he turned to me and said,

“Don’t worry. They will be here soon. And then you can start to enjoy yourself.”

The last was said with dark humor in his tone and all I could do in response was glare at him which only caused him to smile at me in return, before he started to head back out of the room.

“Wait...you’re leaving me?” I questioned.

He frowned slightly before striding back over to me and lifting my chin with his hand so I was looking directly into his eyes.

“Twice now, you’ve spoken out of turn. I warned you not five minutes ago not to make your situation worse yet you chose to ignore me. This is the last time I’m going to repeat myself to you, do I make myself clear?”

Unable to look away and too fearful to speak I nodded my head slightly. Without another word he released me and left the room, the door closing quietly behind him. Unsure what I was supposed to do, I stood quietly, wondering why he had brought me here.
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Old 10-08-2016, 10:37 AM   #13
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its soooo good please continue!
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