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Old 07-19-2013, 05:03 PM   #1
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Key Working Off A Debt

Chapter 1: Intro

“We find the defendant guilty,” pronounced the selected jury member. Rachel’s heart sank. She was in a court room standing trial for what seemed to be a minor offense. Looking up, she tried to gauge the judge’s reaction. She would have to pay the money back, she was sure of that, but what else might the judge do? Rachel was hoping for community service.

“In addition to the twenty thousand dollars you stole, you will be fined two hundred thousand dollars for this offense.” Rachel was stunned, unable to respond immediately.

“Two hundred thousand dollars?! I don’t have that kind of money,” Rachel finally gasped out.

“Nonetheless you must pay the fine. Since you do not have the financial means you will have to work it off. I will let you choose, you may work at Canning and Packaging Industries where they will pay you $4 an hour or you may work at FemProduct Co. where they will pay you anywhere from $150 to $1000 a day based off of work performance.” Rachel did some quick calculations in her head. At $4 an hour it will take me more than 20 years to be done! No matter what FemProduct Co. does, it has to be better than spending 20 years of my life canning and packaging.

“I would like to work at FemProduct Co. your Honor,” announced Rachel. Wordlessly the judge motioned to the nearby guards to take the condemned girl away. The guards marched her out of the court house and straight to a waiting van.

Chapter 2: Measurements

Rachel sat in the back of the van, hands still bound together by handcuffs . Though the van bounced with potholes in the road, she ignored it. She wondered where did everything go wrong? It had all seemed so perfect. Rachel, now 19, had ran away from home only a few months ago. Her parents had never really had time for her, and she knew her absence wouldn’t be missed. Unfortunately, the $20,000 she had brought with her certainly was missed. For a while things were good. She used the money to from party to party. It was like all of the summer vacation from college, with none of the college. When the cops finally caught up with her, her parents decided they’d let justice take its course and had left her to the court’s decision.

The van came to a slow stop and the door slid open. “Come with me,” a guard said gruffly. He grabbed ahold of her arm and used it to drag her out of the van. She decided it was better to be led willingly than to be dragged along the asphalt. The guard led her into a clean white building. Inside, the building seemed almost like a hospital, so like a hospital in fact, Rachel began to worry she was going to become some kind of medical guinea pig.

At the end of the hallway was a room. “Go inside,” ordered the guard, with a push to punctuate his demand. Rachel awkwardly opened the door with her handcuffs still on, and hobbled inside. The room was a large office. Except instead of chairs, much of the floor was empty. A series of tape measures lay on the desk as well as a small stack of what appeared to be paperwork. A middle aged woman was sitting, in the only chair in the room, behind the desk.

“Hello, hello!” greeted the woman. “My name is Mrs. Q and I am the director here at FemProduct Co. Please do shut the door behind you and come closer so I can see you better. I like to do all the introductions here at my company. We’re all a very familiar bunch so no need to worry.” Rachel awkwardly closed the door leaving the guard outside. Whatever was going to happen next she was glad to be away from that guard finally.

“Come now, let’s get you out of those nasty prison clothes and in to your work outfit. I hope you’ll find it much more comfortable than your present clothes.” Mrs. Q walked up to Rachel and used a key to undue the handcuffs. “First we’ll need to measure you to make sure we get the right fit, and we’ll need to take down some medical information for safety purposes.”

“Medical information?” Rachel stuttered. “Am I going to be some kind of test subject?”

“Test subject? No not at all! As I said, the medical information will be for your safety only, just encase something were to happen and all that. Not that anything is likely to happen, haha. Anyways, please remove your clothing now so I can get proper measurements.”

“My clothing?” Rachel clenched her arms around herself instinctively, she’d never been naked in front of a stranger before. All those parties and still no physical contact; she had always been too chicken.

“Yes your clothing, come now, we’re all women here and there’s nothing to fear.” Rachel slid her arms down and began undoing her sneakers. Kicking them off, she tentatively pulled her pants down exposing white panties, one of only two clothing items she’d been allowed to keep when she’d been incarcerated. Mrs. Q watched, appearing impatient for Rachel to finish. Rachel reached up and removed her thick prison shirt revealing a white bra, the only other clothing item she’d been able to keep. Rachel had large breasts, and as such, shopping for bras could be difficult, making her especially protective of her top.

Rachel stopped and waited for Mrs. Q to begin using the measuring tapes she had so clearly laid out. “You’re not done yet, now hurry up and take off the rest of your clothes so we can continue.” Mrs. Q was clearly unhappy at Rachel’s hesitation. Rachel, reached back and began to undo her bra, her hands unsteady and nervous making it more difficult. Her bra came off and she let it fall, ever so slowly, onto the floor. Her breasts freed from the bra sprang out. “And the bottom…” urged Mrs. Q though Rachel thought she could see the edge of Mrs. Q’s mouth curl up in what might have been a smile.

Rachel’s panties slid to a floor and before they hit the ground, Mrs. Q was encircling Rachel in a measuring tape. She measured from the top down. The tape started at her shoulders, pulled tightly across her front and back. It slowly inched down until it was across her breasts. “Very good” whispered Mrs. Q seemingly to herself. She was furiously writing numbers down on a click board. Then a measuring tape went around her waist. It slowly inched its way up until it was firmly beneath her breasts. Rachel could feel her face flush with red, this touch finally setting her over the edge. She brought her hands up covered herself reflexively.

“Put your hands down this instant!” Mrs Q. demanded. “Ouch!” Rachel cried out. A blow from a ruler hand landed on Rachel’s otherwise unmarked butt. “You are to put your hands back at your side and to keep them there or you that will be only the first part of a long punishment!” Rachel lowered her hands, her fear of Mrs. Q overpowering her embarrassment.

Mrs. Q continued measuring, her tape measures covering every curve of which Rachel’s body had many. She placed a tape measure around Rachel’s ankle and then began to move upwards, inching towards Rachel’s unshaven vagina. Just as Rachel thought she could stand it no longer, the tape measure stopped.

“I think we’re done here.” Mrs. Q announced. Rachel sighed as Mrs Q placed the clipboard into a slot in the wall. It was sucked into the slot. Before Rachel could blink there was a thud as a package of clothing was spit out of the slot. “We have state of the art tailoring machines here, I think you’ll find these clothes fit perfectly.”

Rachel took the clothes from Mrs. Q. and noticed some items were missing. “Where are the panties and bra?”

“Underclothing is superfluous. It’s just another set of clothes which have to be made and washed. You won’t be wearing either of them for the duration of your stay here.”

Rachel was frustrated, but knew she could do nothing. The clothing was made of something extremely soft and silky. The top was a t-shirt, though despite the claims of mechanical tailoring, it was very tight. The shape of her breasts was easy to make out through the cloth. Next, Rachel pulled the bottom, a skirt. It was extremely short; while covering her, it only went a few inches down past her butt. She was certain if she bended over, sat down wrong or even walked too fast, she would be exposed.

“You look great. The clothes fit you perfect. Now please fill out this medical questionnaire and we will be on our way.” Rachel took the clipboard and quickly read through it. It was very standard except for a single question which seemed to be a carefully phrased question asking what forms of sexual contact she had experienced. Figuring it was best to answer truthfully, she wrote “none” and gave the paper back to Mrs. Q.

“Excellent!” Reading the paper, Mrs. Q smiled widely. “Now please come with me and we’ll enter the facility.”

Last edited by InFiniEtQ; 07-19-2013 at 05:23 PM.
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Old 07-19-2013, 05:04 PM   #2
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Default Continued

Chapter 3: Rachel’s First Task

“As we walk through the facility I am going to explain to you everything you need to know to be successful,“ Mrs. Q said as they walked along a long hallway. The hallway had windows, but it was hard to catch more than a glimpse of what was in each one. Staff walked through the halls moving from room to room seeming to be checking up on what was going on, but Rachel couldn’t tell.

“As we both know, you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t owe someone money. We have very simple rules here. We provide all our employees with opportunities, or tasks if you will. You must choose a task or a series of tasks every day and complete them. Each completed task will earn you some money which goes directly towards your freedom. Instead of explaining every possible task you could choose, for the first month you will experience every possible task first hand. After that point you are free to make your own choices. To get you started you will do a single task today.”

That spiked Rachel’s curiosity. She was already going to do a task on her first day? She wondered what kind of work it could be. Maybe some kind of manufacturing work; the kind of work that machines were better at but humans were cheaper for. Rachel continued following Mrs. Q deeper and deeper into the facility.

“Ah, here we are! This is your room!” Mrs Q. excitedly said as she gestured to an open door which seemed exactly like every other open door they had passed. “I’m afraid this is likely the last time you’ll see me personally. As the company director I’m very busy though I hope you’ll enjoy your time working for us, we are glad to have you.” Rachel moved towards the door, but then Mrs. Q caught her arm. “Ah! I almost forgot the most important part. Your necklace!.” She took something out of her pocket . It was a small glossy white object on a thin shimmering gold chain. It looked like someone had taken a single huge pearl and strung it on a chain, though it looked too short to be the chain of a necklace. Mrs. Q reached up and pulled the chain tight across Rachel’s neck, surprising her and causing her to gasp for breath. She fastened the necklace to her neck and slowly the pressure decreased. “Sorry, it takes a few seconds to automatically adjust,” Mrs. Q said, seeming as unapologetic as possible. The necklace did adjust, though only enough so that Rachel could breath. It was still tight across her neck, the white object pressed tightly against her throat. “Anyways, in you go!” Mrs. Q gestured towards the door.

Rachel stepped through the door and it slammed behind her. The room was very strange. All white, all clean and tiled. In the center of the far wall was a single hole, and on the floor directly below the hole was two pads spaced apart. The hole was about waist height, and had an LCD screen directly above it. Printed across the LCD screen was simply “KNEEL 10”

Kneel 10? What did that even mean? What kind of task was she supposed to do in this room anyways… There were no tools, no materials, nothing., nothing except that hole and the pads. Rachel glanced back at the LCD screen and started. It now displayed “KNEEL 7” and then “KNEEL 6”. It was clearly counting down. She moved over to the wall and stood in front of the pads. “KNEEL 3” … “KNEEL 2” … “KNEEL 1” Rachel was confused still, unsure of what to do. “KNEEL 0” Suddenly the white object around her neck flashed and her head spiked with pain. The LCD display read “KNEEL IMMEDIATLY” She fell to her knees onto the pads in front of the wall, and the pain stopped. She shook her head trying to clear it and looked towards the hole.

An object started to extend from the hole.. It was a penis! She’d never seen a penis before. Sure, she’d seen some pictures on the internet, but never in real life. She leaned backwards trying to get up and move away, but again the object flashed and pain overwhelmed her causing her to fall back onto the pads. The display had a single command on it “SUCK 3”

Rachel was afraid, but somewhere deep in her mind, she was intrigued, she was interested, she was aroused. She knew what she had to do, she wasn’t sure if she could stay conscious through another wave of pain, so she leaned forwards and allowed the penis to enter her mouth.

Feeling her action, the penis and its owner, undoubtedly on the other side of the wall, began to become excited. Originally it had been only two or three inches and flopped into her mouth, but now it was hardening. She began to lick its length. She knew now what the nature of FemProduct was, she understood. It wasn’t making products for females, or testing products made for females, females where the products. She was afraid, unsure of where this would lead, but she knew she had to save herself from the pain, whatever it took.

She quickly found she couldn’t lick the entire length anymore. The penis had grown quickly and was now five or six inches long. She licked the underside of what she could reach. She could taste the salty precum and knew what it must mean. Careful to move her teeth out of the way, she encircled his penis with her mouth holding him tightly with her lips. She slid up and down him. She had walked in on her brother watching porn before, curious after he ran out, she had watched the rest of the video. She was now trying to copy those actions as closely as possible.

The display changed again, only a few inches from her face, and impossible to miss. “SWALLOW” She shrunk back again, but again was repulsed by immediate pain. Leaning forward she continued to move her mouth back and forth along the unknown man’s penis holding him tightly in her lips as she licked. Suddenly it began to jerk and move. Her mouth could taste the cum, a salty but not wholly unpleasant taste. Willingly or not this was the first time she had pleased a man, and it made her feel a little bit accomplished, but dirty at the same time.

She swallowed as instructed and leaned back, this time without pain from the device around her neck. The display changed one last time “EXIT” it instructed. She got up, shaky from the earlier pain, and turned around. Around her mouth was a little bit of cum that had escaped her. She wiped it off and wiped it onto the cushion on the floor. Then she moved towards the door. “My God, I can’t believe I just did that…” she whispered to herself.

Chapter 4: Rachel’s Roommate

“Ah but that’s just the first task” came a man’s voice as the door opened. Standing in the doorway was a man dressed in clothing similar to the guard that had brought her there, though all in white instead of blue.

“Are you… are you the one I just…” Rachel stuttered out unable to complete the question.

“No, of course not! I’m staff, not a customer. Now follow me to your living quarters.” The man gestured for her to follow. “And don’t get too far away, if you get more than ten feet away from the staff member you’re assigned to your necklace will give you quite a shock. And we wouldn’t want that haha” The staff member began walking quickly through the hallways, with Rachel rushing to catch up and keep from being shocked.

After about ten minutes of fast walking through the busy facility the staff member stopped at yet another unmarked room. “This is your room. You will live here for the duration of your stay. You will be staying with one other employee who has been working her debt off for the past couple years.” With that, he unceremoniously pushed her into the room and closed the door behind her.

Looking around, Rachel saw she was in what looked to be a sort of single room apartment. There was a couch and a TV in one part, a small cupboard and dish washer in a corner, two closets and a bunkbed. She also could see a small doorway (missing a door) to a sink, shower and a toilet. Unlike showers she’d seen, this shower seemed to have a fully transparent door. That was odd.

Rachel suddenly noticed there was a woman in the bottom bed on the bunk bed and she was looking directly at Rachel. She looked to be about the same age as Rachel, or no more than a few years older to be sure. She was wearing a very similar outfit to Rachel’s except that it was a bright green.

“Ahh me new roommate, at last, I was getting very bored! My name is Karen and you’re going to be my new slave.” Rachel started. Surely she hadn’t heard her right, new slave? That couldn’t be right.

“Excuse me?”

“Let me show you,” Karen laughed as she walked towards Rachel. “You see it all has to do with these shock collars they put around new employees necks. Yes, we call them shock collars.” Karen continued to come closer to Rachel. Rachel tried to backup but ran directly into the door, which had no handle on this side. “You see, they only make you wear the collar for as long as you’re still a recruit. That’s what you’re called until you’ve done one of every task. After you’ve done one of every task they assume you know enough to make decisions for yourself and they take the collar off.” Karen paused, now within reaching distance of Rachel, as she looked Rachel up and down.

“You see the shock collars have a very useful feature. You can’t take them off because if you pull at them they shock you. And here’s the fun part, if I pull at the collar, it still shocks you!” Before Rachel could react Karen reached up and gave the collar a quick yank. Immediately Rachel was overcome with pain. “Ahhhhh!” Rachel shouted as she fell to her knees. “So since you have a collar, and I don’t that makes you my slave unless you want a lot more of that. You’ll do anything and everything I ask because even the slightest tug on your collar is really going to hurt as you can tell haha.”

Karen walked back to the center of the room. “Now that introductions are done with, let me give you the grand tour,” Karen said cheerfully. “This is our TV, it’s high definition. It has a lot of different channels, most of which are porn or as the staff likes to say training haha.” Moving over to the other side of the room Karen gestured at the cupboard. Rachel followed slowly, wary of getting shocked again. “This is where we keep our dishes. Food is brought to us whenever we order it.” Food? Rachel’s stomach grumbled. The only thing she’d eaten was before her trial and that had been quite a while ago. “This cabinet is my special cabinet and is locked with a combination only I know. It has my special things in it. You aren’t to get into those, but some of those things might get into you.” Karen laughed, though Rachel didn’t understand what she was talking about. Moving across the room Karen continued. “These are our beds, you sleep on top, and I sleep on bottom.”

Karen turned to face Rachel, looking suddenly serious. “Now let me explain something about this place to you. In this place you will complete many tasks, you will service many clients. And not a one of those clients gives a damn about pleasing you, about servicing you. That is where you come in. You’re going to make me feel happy.” Karen broke out into a wide smile that sent shivers down Rachel’s spine.

“Can we please get food? I’m very hungry.” Rachel asked.

“I’m so glad you asked!” Karen said. “You should definitely eat good on your first day. But before we order anything I’ve got a special meal just for you.” Karen sat down on the bottom bunk and moved her legs apart about half a foot. Rachel had a clear view of Karen’s shaved cunt. At first she was entranced having never seen another girl’s cunt before but she quickly brought her eyes up and found herself gazing directly into Karen’s eyes. “That’s right, your meal is waiting. Come here!”

Rachel very cautiously walked over to Karen, unsure what she intended. “Now kneel, come on, I know you’ve already kneeled today. They always make you do the first task on day 1” Karen said forcefully. Rachel hesitated, starting to grasp what was going on. In a flash Karen’s hand was on Rachel’s neck, her pinky underneath the golden chain of the collar.

“Now kneel or you’re going to regret it.” Karen commanded. Rachel slowly kneeled onto the room’s carpet. Her head was even with Karen’s crotch. Karen placed her hand behind Rachel’s head and began to push, as she widened her legs fully exposing herself. In a second Rachel found herself with her mouse against Karen’s vagina.

“Lick slave!” Karen whispered. Rachel tentatively pushed her tongue out and quickly came in contact with Karen’s soft skin. Rachel couldn’t believe it, she had already given oral sex to a man today and now she was being forced to give it to a woman. She felt embarrassed and scared, but she knew there was only one way forward.

Her tongue traced down until it reached the top of Karen’s vagina’s lips. She continued down forcing inbetween them until she encountered the small hard clit. She circled it with her tongue and Karen’s response was immediate. Karen gasped and pushed her head into her further. Rachel could taste Karen’s juices as they began to flow. In a way they tasted sort of like the precum she had tasted earlier, but different, more sweet.

Rachel moved her tongue downwards still between Karen’s lips. Finally her tongue flitted into Karen’s vagina. Karen again gasping in pleasure and beginning to breathe heavily. Rachel began to work up a rhythm of licking, slowly licking different parts of the vagina. She concentrated on Karen’s clit and on keeping the pattern from getting too repetitious.

Karen moved one of her hands away from Rachel’s head and began massaging her own breasts. The soft cloth their clothing was made of made the action easy and very visible to Rachel. Karen’s breathing was reaching a crescendo and she orgasmed, a small wave of fluid covering Rachel’s face. The pressure on Rachel’s head eased up and she leaned back as Karen caught her breath.

“That was very good slave, I think you’re going to do very well here. Let’s order some food, you can go into the bathroom and wash your face. I’ll get out the menus.” Karen said sounding satisfied and excited at the same time. Rachel walked towards the bathroom and found the sink. She tried to place her head into it but it was too small. Instead she settled on making a cup with her hands and repeatedly rinsing her face and mouth out. She still wasn’t sure about what had just happened. It had been horrible, she had been forced to give oral to a guy and a girl and this was only the beginning, but on the other hand.. she felt aroused. Very aroused. She had never done anything like this before and though she dreaded the future, she was a little excited too.

“Here’s a menu” said Karen as she handed Rachel a piece of paper. Rachel looked at the paper and was amazed to see things like steak, lobster, and even lamb.

“This food is amazing!” Rachel said, impressed.

“Yeah well, watch the price.” Rachel’s heart sank. A price was listed next to each item. A big price.

“They charge us for the food we eat?”

“Yup it subtracts from the work you do, that’s how they pay so much. And if you eat more then you work they’ll force you into doing higher paying jobs, so be careful!” Rachel looked through the menu and finally settled on a glass of milk and spaghetti. It was cheap. She knew she had to keep the cost down if she ever planned on escaping this place.

They both selected what food they want and then entered it into an odd looking console that had been hidden next to the door. Within a few moments food arrived through a slot in the wall, similar to how Rachel’s clothes had arrived earlier on in the day. They ate sitting on the couch, mostly in silence.

“Well it’s not great, but its food” pronounced Karen as she placed her now empty plate into the dish washer. It was odd that the plates arrived but had to be placed in a dish washer before they were sent back, but Rachel was sure it was another cost saving technique, they probably charged them for the water or something.

“Time for sleep I think.” Karen walked over to the bottom bunk and got in.

“Are there sheets or night gowns or something?” Rachel asked.

“Nope, I usually sleep without clothes. They like to crank up the heat at night, who knows why..” Karen explained. In one fluid movement Karen removed both her top and her bottom, leaving herself completely exposed. Rachel could again see her shaved cunt, almost admiring its smoothness. She could also see Karen’s breasts, even bigger than Rachel’s, but just as perky. “Hurry up and climb the ladder so I can shut off the lights.” Rachel could see Karen was reaching from her bed to the light switch. She hurried up the ladder and onto her bed.

Rachel decided she wasn’t going to sleep naked; she wasn’t comfortable with Karen, whatever she said. She stretched out lying on her stomach and closed her eyes. By the time Karen shut off the lights Rachel was already asleep, trying to escape what had happened to her during the day.

Suddenly, in the darkness, Rachel woke up. She wasn’t sure how long she had slept but she knew it was still dark in the room. As she slowly came to her senses she tried to over. She instantly became aware that she couldn’t move her arms, or her legs, or anything in fact. She felt something around her wrists and ankles.

“Hush now… I’m trying to help you.” Karen whispered. “I’ve tied you to the bed posts, but don’t worry it’s just for the night. Tomorrow is going to be a big day for you and I don’t want you to lose too much sleep. But, I have a toy for you, it’s going to help prepare you for your tasks tomorrow. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.”

“A toy, what are you talking about?” Rachel squeaked, overcome by fear, realizing she was entirely at Karen’s mercy.

“It’s from my special cabinet. Don’t worry, you’ll see very soon.” Karen whispered almost laughing, but at the same time, strangely compassionate. Rachel could feel Karen’s hands move across her legs. Karen’s hands gently pushed Rachel’s butt cheeks apart exposing her rear end. She felt something wet, touch one of her cheeks and then she gasped as it came directly in contact with her asshole.

“What are you doing! Stop please… what is that?” Rachel begged.

“It’s nothing to worry about, now hush or I’ll give your collar a tug.” Karen said almost soothingly. Rachel could feel the toy, wet with something, and then she knew. It was lube! Karen suddenly began applying pressure.

Rachel could feel as the large diameter of what she was now sure must be a butt plug enter her rear end, aided by the lube. She had never had anything in her rear end and she could tell Karen was applying a lot of force. With a pop the thick part entered her leaving only a thinner segment and a handle sticking out of her.

“Ahhhh that hurts! Please take it out of me! “ Rachel whined.

“Shut up! One more word and I’m going to take it out and put something twice as thick into you! Now I’m going to sleep and you’re going to go back to sleep to, now enjoy your night!” Karen whispered loudly.

Rachel felt the bed shake as Karen moved down the ladder and went back to her own bed. She moaned, but only very quietly. She felt full and the pain was still fresh and present. She wasn’t sure she would ever sleep with this in her. She tried to move her arms, her legs or anything to ease the pain but it only worsened. She stopped moving and lay still waiting, and begging for sleep to come. At last it did.

Author's notes:
Let me know what you (everybody) think. I am hoping to continue this story quite a ways but we'll see. Also I hate BBCode, it seems to be literally impossible to tab paragraphs lol... Anyways enjoy

Last edited by InFiniEtQ; 07-20-2013 at 08:45 AM.
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Old 07-20-2013, 10:23 AM   #3
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Please continue.
I am pussylover123's slave. Punish me on her account.
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Old 07-20-2013, 12:07 PM   #4
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i thoroughly enjoyed it. the imagery was great. please continue, as i am looking forward to the next installment.
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Old 07-20-2013, 12:51 PM   #5
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Wow great story so far. Please do continue!
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Old 07-20-2013, 01:54 PM   #6
getDare Succubus
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Most excellent, well paced an excellent opening and you have my sympathies the code does take some getting used too...
[COLOR=Magenta]You could say no but whats the point in being on a dare site if you say no all the time......

If you don't put up a limits list, expect to be pushed on everything.
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Old 07-20-2013, 06:34 PM   #7
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Chapter 5: On Display

When Rachel awoke she could feel that Karen had undone her restraints some time In the night. She reached backwards and her hand could feel the toy, still lodged inside her. Before what had been a very painful sensation was now dull and almost pleasant. “Karen, are you awake?” Rachel asked, wary of removing the toy without Karen’s permission. Though she wanted it out of her very much she didn’t want to risk Karen’s wrath.

She moved over to the side of the bed and looked down, Karen wasn’t there. In her place on the bunkbed was a note, clearly labeled “Rachel.” She climbed down the ladder slowly and awkwardly, with the toy still inside her, now starting to pain her again due to all the movement. She picked up the note and began to read.
Rachel, I hope you had a good night, I certainly did. You can remove the plug now. You should order yourself a big breakfast, you have quite a day ahead of you. I have some tasks to complete that will take the duration of the day. What we did yesterday was only the beginning, you’re going to be mine for a long time. Have a nice day!

Immediately Rachel reached back and grabbed ahold of the toy. She gave a sharp tug. “Ouch! Shit that hurt,” she yelped. The toy had refused to move an inch. She leaned over Karen’s bed and then slowly applied more and more pressure. Just as the toy came out with a loud popping noise the door flew open.

“Ah I see you’ve been preparing for your day, this is good. It will make everything easier,” said a male staff member as he looked over Rachel’s compromising position. “Now put on a fresh set of clothes and then we must leave immediately.” While he said this he continued to stare at Rachel’s fully exposed butt.

Rachel straightened and pulled her skirt down what little ways it would go, her face flushed with red. “You could have knocked!” she sputtered.

“Knocked? Who do you think I am, a cleaning service? Now change clothes and lets go.” Rachel rushed over to her closet and found it was full of clothing identical to what she was already wearing. Looking over she could see the staff member still watching intently. The bathroom had no door, the shower glass was transparent, there was nowhere to hide. Still heavily embarrassed she began to remove her clothing.

Rachel tried to face away from the male staff member but the closet mirror seemed to expose her no matter what she did. So instead she focused on changing clothes as quickly as possible covering herself as she could. Still, she could feel his eyes on her and she flushed an even deeper shade of red.

Finished changing Rachel walked over to the staff member. “Follow me, and remember you are assigned to me now so you’d better stick close,” he reminded her cheerfully. He set off at a brisk walk through the winding maze of hallways that made up this building. Rachel decided that it must be a game to the staff members, try to lose your employee so that she would be shocked.

As they walked they passed a row of monitors. Each monitor had the face of a separate girl on it. Each girl was clearly under heavy stimulation, or maybe it was pain. She could swear one of the girls was Karen, but before she could get a better look her staff member rushed off. She sped up to follow, not wanting to be shocked.

After about fifteen minutes they arrived at wherever they were going. Though the door looked different, it looked more like an elevator door than a room door. “Here we are,” announced the staff member. “This is your second task. You’ll be working in the main hall today.” The door to the elevator slid open revealing a small empty space. Except it wasn’t entirely empty, there was something on the floor. It looked like a strap-on, something one of Rachel’s friends had shown her on the internet once. Except it wasn’t quite right, it was facing inwards, not outwards.

The staff member walked over to it and picked it up gesturing for Rachel to follow. Rachel felt scared but knew she had no choice. She walked into what appeared to be an elevator. “Don’t resist” the staff member cautioned. He reached up and began to pull her shirt off.

She reflexively raised her arms to try and stop him but she felt the sock immediately. Her head ached and her hands slid back down to her sides as she almost fell over. “I told you don’t resist!” said the staff member laughingly.

“What are you doing? What’s going to happen to me?” Rachel questioned slowly.

“It’s very simple, I’m going to strip you and then you’re going to put this piece of equipment on. It puts a vibrator inside you. Then this elevator will take you to the main hall. When it reaches the top you will be inside a glass chamber. The main hall is where all clients go while they’re waiting for their more private ordered services, or to rest between provided services. You will entertain them. Outside your glass walls is a button. If a client pushes that button then you’ll be stimulated. The harder they push the button the more stimulated you’ll be. Don’t worry though, they pay by the minute for the button haha.”

With that the man pulled off her skirt with a single motion and she numbly moved her legs to allow him to take it. She was going to be seen by dozens of guys! Her whole body was going to be exposed. She felt afraid but also a little bit exhilarated. It was crazy but the idea of being exposed in front of so many people made her feel a little bit excited underneath the embarrassment and fear.

Now that she was naked the staff member placed the device around her legs strapping it lightly so it could be moved upwards and into place. Slowly he slid it up her legs until finally the dildo, or was it a vibrator, was directly outside of her vagina. With a quick single movement he pushed it the rest of the way up, the dildo sliding four or five inches into her.

“Ahhhh!” gasped Rachel. She had never had something longer than a tampon in herself and she could feel a small snap and some pain as it entered her. It wasn’t as thick as a penis, but it still felt huge to her.

“Perfect, remember to have fun!” laughed the guy as he exited the room and the door shut behind him. With a lurch the whole thing began to move and she knew she was going to the main hall. Only a minute or two later the elevator lurched to a halt and suddenly the walls began to retract downwards revealing another wall, made completely of glass.

She was suddenly very aware that it wasn’t a few dozen guys around her, it was at least a hundred. Though the room was dark, her chamber was lit brightly making it hard to see too far beyond the walls of her chamber. Still she could make out guys and even some girls everywhere. And she could see other chambers like her own.

Music began to play and she knew she had to move or do something at least. Anything to be “entertainment” as the staff member had told her. She fought with her embarrassment knowing the kind of punishments that were probably in store for her should she fail to complete a task

She began swaying back and forth as she tried to find the rhythm in the song that was playing. She was copying dancers she had seen on TV, except those dancers had been wearing clothes. Her breasts bounced as she moved back and forth, her hips always moving the opposite direction of her chest. Other than the music it was completely quiet in her chamber, the glass must have been sound proof.

Then she saw some guys move towards her, they moved up to a small podium right outside. She could see them inserting coins. It was the button! They were paying for time, she was like a cheap arcade game of some kind. Unable to help herself Rachel froze. The guys noticed her fear and appeared to be laughing. Then the one closest to the podium raised his hand and put a single finger onto what she could only assume was the button.

A jolt shot through her body. Unlike the jolt that came from the collar, this jolt was pure pleasure. She’d only masturbated a few times in the past, and only with her hands. The vibrator had come to life and was buzzing within her sending more jolts of pleasure through her.

She wasn’t sure what the men intended. Was it a reward for doing a good job, or punishment for failing to do what they wanted. Rachel again began to dance, though her posture was unsteady as the vibe within her continued. One man put his arms over his chest and arched his back. She understood; it was a command.

She placed her arms over her breasts and began to massage them slowly. Her small hands completely filled up. The men were clearly enjoying her and rewarded her. They pushed the button further and the vibrations increased. Rachel could no longer stand straight and stopped dancing. She had never played with her own breasts before and this was a new experience to her. She liked the feeling of having hands covering her. She played with her own tits and began to pinch them lightly. The pinches were surprisingly pleasurable.

The man in charge of the button pushed it the whole way down, his whole hand covering it. The device within her quickened to a new height. On top of the heavy vibrations the device began to move in and out of her by extending and then shrinking. It was only a few inches of movement but it felt like nothing Rachel had ever felt before.

She fell to her knees and then to the ground. She was sitting on the carpeted interior of the chamber now. Her legs spread open and her hands still playing with her breasts. Is this really happening? Am I going to orgasm in front of all these guys? But she couldn’t stop, she couldn’t even will her hands to stop.

“Ahhhh oooohhhhh yeessssss!” Rachel said breathlessly. She came explosively, her fluids dripping from the device strapped between her legs. She was lying on the ground unsure of how she got there. Looking up she could see the men who had clearly enjoyed the show. They started to move away their time clearly up.

The rest of her time in the chamber passed quickly. At least half a dozen other groups had a go playing with her. Many of the groups didn’t let her cum. They would bring her to the edge and watch as she begged using the only thing she could, her body. Still Rachel orgasmed several more times that day. Each orgasm brought her to new heights and as easy as that she went from dreading the press of the button to craving it. In the back of her mind she was still horrified at what was happening, but the pleasure overwhelmed her.

By the time the walls began to come up and the chamber retract downwards, Rachel was exhausted. She was hardly able to move along the floor. She sat up in the center and waited for the elevator to come to a stop. How long had it been, two hours, five hours, more? She had no idea.

With a lurch the elevator stopped and the door slid open. “Hello there! You look like you enjoyed yourself,” the same staff member who had brought her hear said. “Now lets get that little device off you.” The staff member unstrapped the device and threw it back into the elevator. Rachel wondered when they got cleaned, as it was certainly filthy now. She was covered in her own juices.

Suddenly the staff member took off. “Follow me, it’s time for your lunch,” he said as he walked away briskly. Rachel looked around but her clothes were nowhere to be seen. She knew she had to follow naked or not if she wanted to avoid being shocked. She ran after the staff member catching up with him as fast as possible.

He led her back through the hallways, twisting and winding as they were. Staff members looked up and saw her, exposing her messy crotch. She tried to hide herself as best as she could, staying directly behind the staff member as she covered herself as much as possible. Thankfully it only took a few minutes to get back to her room. The staff member opened the door and shoved her inside. She was immediately greeted by Karen’s smiling face.
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Old 07-20-2013, 10:10 PM   #8
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Damn this story is reeeaaallly great, please keep going!
Likes: Masturbation, Mutual Masturbation, Erotic Stories, Orgasm Denial, Light Bondage, and Anal, but most importantly (ha) Making Friends and Building Relationships!

PM me, I love to chat about everything!


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Old 07-21-2013, 02:32 AM   #9
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more, more, more
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Old 07-21-2013, 02:48 AM   #10
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More please. Please.
Hello! Pm me and say hi, maybe dare me while you're at it? I don't send pictures, or Skype tho.
Likes:Original stuff, verbal humiliation, edging.
Limits: [insert people's usual limits here] ,more than a little pain.
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Old 07-21-2013, 10:15 AM   #11
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Chapter 6: Cleaning Up

“You made it back just in time for lunch” Karen said looking Rachel, still naked and messy, up and down. “I see they did a good job on you! We’ll have to get you cleaned up. I’m thinking a shower after lunch will do you wonders.” The way Karen had said that worried Rachel, but the worry was pushed to the back of her mind as she thought about the food. Having missed breakfast, her stomach grumbled as it begged for food.

They walked over to the menus and Rachel selected a large serving of macaroni and cheese, a cheap item. Karen selected her own food then they waited for their food. Rachel moved to the closet to put on some clothes and cover herself finally. Her roommate may be a girl, but she still felt deeply embarrassed, still getting used to being naked in front of others. Not to mention the mess she was covered in.

“Ah ah ah,” Karen tutted as she stood in front of Rachel’s path to her closet. “No clothes until after your shower, and now shower until after your food. As my slave and an employee of FemProduct Co. you should get used to being naked.” Rachel started to argue but quickly reconsidered. She didn’t want to be shocked anymore, or experience any other punishment Karen could come up with. Instead, she tried to swallow her embarrassment.

With a thud the food arrived. The bowls of food were waiting for them. Rachel wasn’t sure how they transported full bowls of food like that, but at this point she didn’t care. She moved to take the bowl but again Karen moved in front of her.

“Now now, lets not get hasty. Before you eat you have to take your medicine,” Karen said smoothly as if she were explaining something to a child.

“Medicine? What kind of medicine exactly?” Rachel was scared, they were going to test medicine on her after all!

“Don’t worry we all take it. It’s a bit of a miracle drug. It does a lot of important things like prevent pregnancy, It also increases your sex drive and well, let’s just say it’ll help clean up this mess you have going here,” Karen explained sounding very patiently. “They always give the drug to the roommate of the employee its prescribed to, to make sure you take it. Its effects are permanent until you take the opposite version of the drug, which they give you when you work off your debt.”

Karen handed Rachel the pill and her glass of water. Rachel had no choice, she placed the pill in her mouth and followed it with a huge gulp of water from the cup. She knew that if Karen intended to do damage to her, it was already very easy for her. Karen wouldn’t go through all the trouble of finding some kind of pill.

“Can I eat now?” Rachel pleaded, still starving.

“Of course, dig in,” Karen said smiling. They both grabbed their plates and sat on the couch, Rachel taking care to cross her legs and hide as much as possible of herself. Karen seemed not to care though Rachel noticed Karen looking her over, as if planning something for her. It was a very unnerving experience.

They finished their meal and put away the dishes. Rachel was ready to finally be clean and dressed. “Can I shower now?”

“Yes of course. Get into the shower and I’ll be there shortly to scrub you down. You may start the water but make no attempt to clean yourself,” Karen instructed Rachel. Rachel was frustrated, she wanted to be clean and now she wasn’t even able to clean herself. At least the water would do her some good.

She moved over to the shower. It was a shower/tub combo with the transparent sliding glass door. Stepping into the shower, she noticed a huge array of nozzles and spouts. Every spout was attached to a hose so it could be repositioned. Dozens of brackets on all sides would allow you to place any nozzle or spout in any location. She had never seen a shower like that. Tentatively, she twisted the central knob until it lined up with an orange zone which she assumed meant warm.

Water immediately began coming out two separate nozzles, one on each side. It surprised her, but she enjoyed the feeling. She closed her eyes as she stood in the center of the shower, enjoying the water as it streamed over her.

“Enjoying yourself?” Karen said suddenly as the door slid up. Rachel started, having been lost in the feeling of the water. Karen was naked and Rachel could see her body was completely smooth. She hadn’t paid much attention before, but now she couldn’t help herself.

“I’ve got something for you.” Karen stepped into the shower and placed something low against one of the tiled walls. She pushed and there was a small pop noise. Then she stood up and faced Rachel, as water continued to pour on them and around them.

Rachel could see what it was now, it was a rubber dildo shaped like a penis, complete with fake balls, and it was suction cupped to the wall. “Get on your hands and knees,” Karen ordered. Rachel had no choice but to comply and she moved to get on the floor. Karen placed her hand on Rachel’s neck, over the collar.

“Now this is simple. You want to be clean, you have to make yourself be clean. I have a wash cloth. I’m going to place it somewhere on your body. It’s your job to move underneath the cloth and scrub yourself. But first lets finish getting you in position.” Karen pushed Rachel up against the dildo. She had placed it at the perfect height to line up with Rachel’s cunt.

Rachel knew she couldn’t resist Karen as Karen pushed her backwards. She slowly backed up on her hands and knees, crawling backwards over the tub service. Then she felt it. The tip of the dildo rested on her vagina.

Karen placed a wet wash cloth on Rachel’s back. “Ok get started. I’ll move the towel around as you clean parts of you. You’re not done until every inch of you has been scrubbed. You are not to stop moving until I tell you. Don’t forget that!” Karen instructed.

Rachel could still feel Karen’s other hand around Rachel’s collar. Rachel slowly began pushing backwards into the dildo. She could feel it enter her, the constant stream of water aiding its movement. She could feel it filling her up, but surprisingly her vagina felt a lot less sore then it had earlier. For a brief moment she wondered if the medicine she had taken had done this. Then she was swept away in the pleasure, the warm water falling around her, the dildo slowly moving deeper inside her. Finally she could feel the balls at the end of the dildo pressed against her, and she began to pull back sliding herself off the dildo. This dildo was somewhat wider than the vibrator that had been used on her before, though it was around the same length.

She could feel the washcloth moving against her body as she moved against it. Karen started along the top of Rachels back and was slowly moving down and around. She was careful not to aide Rachel’s motion. If Rachel wanted to be clean she was going to have to move faster. Rachel started to push back again at a faster pace, feeling the dildo sliding within her.

Then she pulled back out, faster. She moved faster and faster. Quickly Rachel was lost in the motion. She would push the dildo into her as fast as her body would allow and then pull away allowing it to come almost completely out of her. Karen continued to slowly move the rag. She began to move the rag around Rachel’s breasts. And Rachel pushed harder and harder wanting to feel the cloth over her breasts. Somewhere in the back of her mind a voice told her that this was wrong, that she was being used and abused in ways she never could have imagined a few days ago; but that voice was nothing compared to the pleasure that pulsed through her body now.

Suddenly she realized Karen’s hand was no longer on her collar. Refocusing her eyes, she looked at Karen and saw that the hand that had been resting on Rachel’s neck was now in-between her own legs. Karen was touching herself, her fingers almost a blur of motion as she thrust them inside herself.

This sight put Rachel over the edge. “Ooooh!” Rachel almost shouted. She could feel it building within her, waves of pleasure crashing down on her. She convulsed as a massive orgasm overtook her and she slid off the dildo onto the floor of the tub. Karen slowed her own movements.

“How very rude, cumming before your master,” Karen said sternly but not angrily. “Unfortunately you have good timing. We don’t have much time left before your next task. Let’s dry off.” Rachel’s mind snapped back from the bliss she had just experienced. Her next task? She couldn’t believe they had another task for her today.

“Ah don’t worry, it’s a small task. But we still have to get you dried up and in clothes haha.” Karen shut off the water and opened the shower door. There were fresh towels hanging on a rack. She threw one to Rachel and took one herself.

Rachel stood up in the tub and suddenly noticed something strange. She was smooth, she had always shaved her legs and other parts as necessary, but she’d never been this smooth. It was like she was cleansed of hair. “What?...” Rachel stuttered as she made a second discovery. Her vagina, which she’d only shaved occasionally was now also perfectly smooth. Looking back she could see hair going down the drain still as the last water drained from the tub.

“Yup, I told you the medicine would clean you up,” Karen said, laughing at Rachel’s stunned look. “FemProduct has done hundreds of studies and clients really do like it better shaved. So shaved it is, and it won’t grow back until they give you the other medicine,” Karen continued. Rachel’s hands flew up to her head afraid of what she would find. Thankfully, her hair was still there. Not a single blonde hair was lost, or so far as she could tell. She had always enjoyed her long blond hair and she couldn’t imagine what would have happened if the medicine had removed that too.

Rachel moved over to her closet and put on a fresh set of the white silky clothes. Karen did likewise. Without warning the door to the room swung open. “Come with me,” said a female staff member as she gestured towards Rachel. Rachel knew it was time for her next task.

Author's Note: Please let me know what you think. Constructive criticism appreciated. If you have any ideas/thoughts or just something you want to see I may or may not incorporate them if I like them. I plan each chapter in advance (I plan between one and two chapters ahead) and I have ideas for about ~10 more chapters. So assuming I have time for this I will update as I can.
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Old 07-21-2013, 12:58 PM   #12
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 62

I love it so far. Please keep it coming! I find myself not being able to wait for the next chapter each time. This is so intense! Great stuff!
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Old 07-21-2013, 06:58 PM   #13
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Don't stop writing. Great story so far
Hello! Pm me and say hi, maybe dare me while you're at it? I don't send pictures, or Skype tho.
Likes:Original stuff, verbal humiliation, edging.
Limits: [insert people's usual limits here] ,more than a little pain.
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Old 07-21-2013, 08:44 PM   #14
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Amazing story I have been waiting for one like this for a while good job keep up the good work
Like: wedgies, crossdressing, orgasm denial, bondage, anal, cum eating, public, hidden public, public humiliation and sleeping dares

Limits: poop, permanent

Items: panties, yoga pants, mini skirt, clothespins, ball gag, o ring gag with attached nipple clamps, pink collar, slut collar, dog bowl, handcuffs, anal beads, butt plug, small didldo, massive suction cup dildo and a remote controlled vibrating plug
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Old 07-22-2013, 01:08 PM   #15
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This is a great story and you are a great writer. The only issue I can see is grammar. Please continue writing.
"I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death"
- Patrick Henry - March 23, 1775


Justin Bieber sucks (not what I really wanted to say).


Justin Bieber's voice -> my ears get raped


me: "make it stop, make it stop, please make it stop"
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