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Old 10-17-2015, 06:17 AM   #1
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Default Well this day just got interesting

Well this day just got interesting

by 7Clubs

Author’s note
This will be the first story I’ve written since secondary school, so I apologise for any rookie mistakes. I haven’t finished writing the story yet, so I’ll only upload a section at a time. This will contain some sexual content, so please take this into account before reading. Other than that, enjoy.

The increased tempo of Jennifer’s heart succeeded in battering through the crippling fear of her body. Following the casual swipe of her hands, a gentle crumpling on the ground was the only sound produced as the last piece of clothing fell from her vulnerable frame. From mere feet away, the rhythmical breathing of her sleeping beast friend continued, oblivious to significance of the moment.

Part 1 (12 hours earlier)
My fingers continued their gentle movement around my soft breast, spiralling ever so slowly towards the exposed nipple. Once the tormenting sensation was on the verge its goal I hesitate a second, pronging the anticipation before making a quick flutter over the erect bud. “Ehh!” I suddenly gasped, as the fleeting contact sent lightning shooting throughout my entire body.

I wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. I had been at this for what felt like an eternity, slowly inching myself up this mountain of sensation, torturously holding myself at my bodies peak as I prepared to fall into that ultimate release. This was how all of life’s great pleasures should be experienced, like a great bottle of wine or your favourite chocolate bar; it just wasn't something you could rush. So religiously, worshipfully, I prepared my body, ready to be given as sacrifice to that one divine moment of ecstasy. But now I was at my limit.

My hand slid its way down by body, caressing every inch of sensitive skin on it return to where it was needed the most. I could feel my lower lips begin to pulsate as those cruel fingers teases, up and down, up and down. My body felt like a fragile vase. One touch in the wrong place and I would shatter into a million pieces. So I did just that. I gently grazed that tingling button, ready to push myself into oblivion...

“Jennifer!” my father urgently called from the other side of my bedroom door.

I shot bolt upright, as my hands lunged for my quilt, needing something, anything, to act as a barrier between my nakedness and the unlocked door. Fuck! Did he know what I was doing?


“Wa...” I attempted over my gasping breaths, before clearing my throat and starting again. “What’s the matter Dad?” I instantly regretted my choice of words, as my dad began opening the door, interpreting them as an invitation to enter. “Wait! I... I’m just changing.”

“Oh, err... sorry. I thought...” Dad mumbled awkwardly as he hastily retracted the door.

“What do you want?” I asked a little too aggressively, as the combination of humiliation and frustration began to take its toll.

“Work just called,” he replied, apparently more than happy to move past the last few awkward seconds. “They need me to go in and sort a few things out, so if you still want a lift to your sleepover we have set off now.”

I groaned quietly to myself before finally answering, “Fine dad, I’ll be right down. I just need to get my things together.”

As the sound of my farter walking down the stairs began to fade, I jumped out of bed and proceeded to scramble about the floor in search for my discarded clothes. I hadn’t wasted any time removing my clothes, but due to my unexpected deadline they would need to be replaced just as quickly. The first item to find my reach was my light pink panties, which I immediately slid up my legs and into place. However, as soon as the soft cloth touched my still dripping pussy, I gave out a quiet gasp as I realised how wet I was. As I continued to gather up the remainder of my clothes, the saturation of the thin piece of cotton continued, and eventually got to the point that I realised they would need to be replaced. So, still clad in only my now dark pink panties, I rushed to my wardrobe and threw open the underwear drawer. “Shit!” I exclaimed, as I stared into the empty drawer and remembered the discussion with my mother a few days ago, about how I was old enough to be doing my own washing.

“Jennifer,” my dad shouted from the bottom of the stairs. “I’m getting bombarded with texts form work. We need to leave now.”

Trying to keep myself from panicking, I reassuringly called back, “Don’t worry, I’m coming.” Ha, I wish.

Resigned to the fact that I would now have to make the best out of a bad situation, I removed the pretty much purple panties, hopping that they had at least succeeded in soaking up the last of my wetness, and began tugging on my tight jeans, followed by my pink bra and red tank top, before sliding into my light blue converses. Now that I was mostly dressed, I threw my yellow camisole and a change of clothes into my backpack– again no underwear, and then hurtled down stairs, ready to set off to my sleep over, which was now promising to be far more interesting than I had expected.
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Old 10-23-2015, 09:41 AM   #2
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Default Part 2

* Hi, Kate. I’m on my way over. I know it’s earlier than we planned, but I’ll tell you the WHOLE story when I see you. *

I finished off my text to Kate then hit send. The phone had hardly hit my lap before it was emitting that familiar buzz.

* WHOLE story? Sounds interesting! See you soon. *

As I read Kate’s reply I wondered why I had added the ‘WHOLE story’ part. My question was soon answered as my dad hit the accelerator, immediately turning his mid life crisis into the world’s most expensive vibrator. I wasn’t exactly new to riding in his car, but my dad’s urgency to get to work, combined with the rough fabric of my jeans rubbing against my swollen clit, turned this into a completely different experience. As the constant teasing of my pussy continued, and I fought off the urge to ‘embarrass’ myself a mere two feet away from my dad, I had to acknowledge that the abundance of hormones running threw my blood was beginning to impair my thinking. So when I decided to text Kate to try and take my mind off the problem, it was amazing I hadn’t type ‘SEX’ every other word.

It was no more than ten minutes later when my dad was speeding away down Kate’s street after shooting me a hasty goodbye while I looked on dumbstruck form the side of the road. Once I had pushed the comic book style getaway out of my mind, I finally started towards Kate’s house.

I had only just reached the front door when the large oak panel flew open and Kate came bouncing out screaming, “Jennifer,” and threw her arms around me in an affectionate hug. “Wow! You smell like sex,” were the next words out of her mouth.

“Kate.” I reproved, as I felt my traitorous cheeks turn a bright crimson and confirm her unspoken question.

“I knew it. You’ve been up to something, haven't you? I could tell form your text. Is it a boy?” Kate said, going into rapid fire mode, as she dragged me into the house.

As I was marched past Kate’s bemused looking mother, I managed a quick hello before being pulled out of site. Kate then proceeded to lead me upstairs, ignoring my pitiful pleas to be released until we eventually made it to her room.

Now behind the cover of her closed door, Kate turned to me with a look of giddy anticipation, and said, “Ok, time to spill the beans. What were you talking about in your text?”
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Old 10-30-2015, 10:38 AM   #3
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Default Part 3

“W... wait a moment,” I stammered. “I just wanted to explain why I was here so early. It was my dad’s fault, you see. He got called into work at the last minute, so if I still wanted a lift over here, I had to leave early. That’s all.”

From the way she was glaring at me, it was quite clear she didn’t believe my half truth. “Don’t give me that,” she replied surprisingly serious. “I’m your best friend. I know you, and I know the way you text. If that was all you wanted to say, then you would have told me it over text. But instead, you went to the trouble of saying you were going to tell me at a later date, which could only mean that you have something interesting, yet embarrassing to tell me. Then we have the rather suggestive capitals that you used, which means that although you are embarrassed about the subject, deep down you do want to tell me. So that’s why I am going to do you a favour... and keep bugging you until you do tell me,” she finished with a terrifying smile on her lips, as she sensed her victory.

Damn you, detective Kate. I had forgotten how well she really did know me. But this worked both ways; I knew Kate well enough to know that once she finds her bone she never lets it go.

“Ahh,” I groaned exasperatedly, as I flopped down on the bed. “Fine, you win. I’ll tell you.”

“Yay,” Kate said, taking a seat next to me. She just sat there quietly, reminding me of a toddler trying to be good, in order to hear their favourite bedtime story.

“Well... it was just before I came over. I thought it was going to be a while before I had to set off, and that I had some time to myself. So, I decided to ... well... you know...”

“Masturbate?” Kate offered, completely unphased.

“Kate! Shh,” I hissed, whilst glancing towards the door. This only prompted Kate to start laughing. “Well anyway, I was ... doing what you said, and I was pretty close to finishing, when my dad interrupted me.”

“Oh my God. Your dad walked in on you masturbating?” Kate said, with far too much enthusiasm.

“No. Well, yes. I mean almost,” I replied, completely flustered. “He didn't see anything. It’s more the fact that I got interrupted, and he nearly saw me. Anyway, I’m not shore if it was because I was so worked up or not, but that situation, it felt ...new.”

“New?” Kate asked.

“Yes...new.” I replied lamely.

“Wait a minute, Jen,” Kate said, with a look as though she had just figured something out. “Did you like that you almost got caught?”

“What. No. Well yes, but like I said, it was only because I didn’t get to finish myself off. I mean that’s completely normal right?” I said, desperately seeking reassurance.

“Hmm,” Kate mused. “I don’t know. Daddy fantasise are pretty perverted.”

“Wh... what. No, I wasn’t...” I stuttered, mortified that she had got the wrong idea.

Suddenly, Kate burst into laughter. “Relax Jen. I’m only teasing,” she said as she tried to control herself. “You have nothing to worry about. You’re probably just not used to being so horny. But in the off chance that you did like the idea of getting caught, then that’s completely normal too. I mean lots of girls get turned on by a little danger.”

I began to calm down once I realised she was joking. Her words really helped to alleviate any insecurity I was feeling over the topic. However, I wasn’t too sure how to take her last remark – she was probably still joking.

“Thanks, Kate,” I said quietly, a little embarrassed at how serious this convocation about sex had gotten. I was awkwardly shifting position, trying to figure out what to say next, when I was suddenly reminded of how I wasn’t completely covered downstairs. So I figured I might as well make the most of this strange conversation. “Emm, actually, can I ask a favour?”

“Yes...” Kate replied cautiously.

“Could I borrow some panties?”
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Old 10-30-2015, 11:24 AM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Just came across your story and I'm looking forward to where this is headed well done
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Old 11-06-2015, 09:24 AM   #5
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Default Part 4

At first, Kate just stared at me as she appeared to be processing what I had just said. It only took a moment for her to come to her senses, at which point she broke out into giggles. “You... what ... to borrow panties,” she only just managed to get out. “What’s the matter, has retelling your little adventure turned you on so much, that you now need a change of underwear?”

Ok, so bringing up this topic wasn't the best idea after all.

“Not quite...” I said, trying desperately not to dig myself an even greater hole. “You see, with my dad forcing me to get ready in a hurry, and my mum declaring a strike in the laundry department, the only underwear I could bring with me... was the bra that I’m currently wearing.”

“Ha. This just keeps getting better.”Kate proclaimed. “So you’re going commando, right now?”

I nodded shyly. “So, could I please have some panties?”

“Hmm,” Kate pretended to think. She had clearly found a new game to play. “Okay, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you what you want, but first, I want something in return. How does that sound?”

“Ehh,” I groaned audibly. “What do you want?”

“Oh, that is a good question,” Kate replied, with that sickening smile that I hated. “Now, let me think. What would be a suitable trade? Oh, I know. I’ll take your bra.”

“My bra!” I said outraged. “You’re kidding right?” I already knew the answer.

“Nope. That’s your offer. If you want me to help you out, then you need to sacrifice your bra.”

I took a moment to consider my position. It was quite clear that she was deadly serious. Like I mentioned earlier, once Kate found her bone she never let go, and my humiliation was the tastiest bone she had ever discovered. So, the question was, which piece of underwear could I live without? I thought briefly of all the dresses and tops in my wardrobe which were designed to be worn without a bra, so that wouldn’t be so new. Then I thought of how much difficulty I was having keeping my hornyness under control when my pussy kept coming into contact with a foreign material. The choice was obvious.

“Fine,” I said in defeat. “You have a deal.”

I didn’t what to give her the satisfaction of seeing me half naked, so I proceeded to demonstrate the art of removing one’s bra while still wearing a shirt. Kate seemed rather impressed when thirty seconds later I smugly dropped my last piece of underwear into her lap.

“Well...” I said expectantly. “Where are the panties?

“Panties? What panties are you talking about?” she replied innocently.

“Cut the crap, Kate,” I said, starting to lose my patience. “We had a deal, my bra for new panties.”

“I don’t think that’s what I said,” Kate said smugly. “If I recall correctly, the offer was your bra for my help, and I am helping you out... I’m helping your unleash your inner exhibitionist.”
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Old 11-07-2015, 09:10 AM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Terrific update sounds like we are about to enjoy some great adventure after that great setup.
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Old 11-07-2015, 11:06 AM   #7
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I want more, hungry for the rest of the story
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Old 11-09-2015, 06:05 AM   #8
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Thanks Jklivin and Nwbie, I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I had a lot of fun writing that last part.
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Old 11-13-2015, 08:52 AM   #9
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Default Part 5

I won’t repeat the words I used on Kate in those following five minutes. Needles to say, I was pissed. However, I think Kate had been anticipating this response from me, and was prepared to ride out the storm. In the end, her excellent silver tongue did do its job and eventually calmed me down. Somehow she even prevented me from just giving into my emotions and raiding her underwear draw right then and there. She convinced me that we were perfectly safe at her house, and that I could ultimately trust her not to take advantage of my situation. And most importantly, she assured me that at any rate I would have fun, which I could secretly believe, given the tingling sensation resonating from bellow by belly. So, after all my protests, I eventually agreed to go along with Kate’s perverted game, and forgo my underwear for the rest of the night. I am such a pushover.

To anybody observing us, our sleepover must have appeared rather mundane. We did all the usual things we would do at sleepovers, like commenting about friends, laughing at the T.V. and even going into an in depth debate about whose favourite fashion magazine was better. However, throughout the whole time, my partially dressed state was at the forefront of my mind and threatening to drive me insane. The slightest of movements could send my hyper sensitive nipples into overdrive, reminding me of just how exposed I really was in front of Kate’s unsuspecting family, triggering my instantaneous feelings of debasement. But the more embarrassed and vulnerable I felt, the more intense these feeling in my body became, causing my already moist pussy to begin to leak once again, only added to my humiliation, and starting the whole vicious cycle all over again.

Later on in the evening, Kate and I decided to watch the latest five-star film in her room. We were both camped out on the bed, and because it was a romance, I had tight hold of Teddy for emotional support. I was so engrossed in the film, that I was surprised when I heard Kate’s disapproving voice from besides me. “Jennifer! How could you do that to poor Teddy?” she said with a glint in her eye.

Completely oblivious to what she was referring to, I looked down towards Teddy, and to my horror, he had slipped down between my legs, where in my sexual delirium, I had been unconsciously grinding him against my crotch. “Filthy girl,” Kate said, with a glowing smirk at my obvious frustration, as she confiscated Teddy.


It wasn’t long after the Teddy incident when Kate’s twin brother Simon arrived back from football practice. I was walking down the hallway as he came in through the front door, and just like the first time I met him, I was rendered completely helpless by his gorgeous hair and effortless good looks. It was due to my spontaneous paralysis in his presence, that I had never actually exchanged an entire coherent sentence with him, and considering how I was now dressed, today was certainly no different.

He offered me an enthusiastic greeting as soon as he saw me, gentlemen that he was. However, social pariah that I was, all I could manage was a mumbled and rather pathetic, “Hi.” Conscious of the fact that I now stood in the centre of the tight hallway, blocking his way as I stared at him, I quickly backed myself against the wall to allow him to pass. He walked towards me, and the closer he got the slower time seemed moved. As he was shimmying past me, the heat emanating from his muscular body traversed the small gap between us, causing the muscles around my needy cunt to tighten in anticipation. I had to physically brace myself against the wall, to prevent form closing the small gap between us and kiss his beautiful lips. It was at that moment that his arm unexpectedly grazed passed my hyper sensitive nipples. Overcome by the intense feelings caused by that brief touch, I gave out a feral moan of pleasure into his ear.

“Oh, em... sorry,” he said, clearly trying to ignore how obviously I was falling apart, right in front of him. Then he just casually turned, and strolled on down the corridor, leaving me to get my laboured breathing under control.
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Old 11-13-2015, 11:25 AM   #10
getDare Sweetheart
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Great update sounds like the body is getting the best of her senses
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Old 11-20-2015, 08:14 AM   #11
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Default Part 6

A couple of hours later and everything began to quieten as the house gradually turned in for the night. Kate and I decided to follow along with this trend, and started getting ready for bed ourselves. We were in her room and I was nervously holding my flimsy sleep wear in my hands. I made one last check to make sure Kate was preoccupied with getting herself dressed, before removing my t-shirt, throwing my camisole over my head, and quickly sliding my jeans down my legs. Normally I wouldn't have given a second’s thought to changing in front of Kate, but considering the day I’d been having, I didn't want to give Kate any more ammunition.

“Wow, you look cute,” Kate commented once she finally looked over to me. The corners of my lips moved up into a self conscious smile, proving that I wasn't immune to complements, especially concerning my new top. I had bought it knowing full well what it would look like on me, and had been dying to show it off ever since. “Although, I’m not sure why you bother wearing it,” she continued, turning back into teasing Kate. “I mean what little it does cover, isn't really left to the imagination. If you know what I mean.”

I did know what she meant. As I ran my hands nervously down the thin cotton material, I couldn’t help noticing how it hugged every curve of my body. The top itself extended from the tiny straps at my exposed shoulders, down to just past my pantyless hips. All the important parts were covered, yet now that I was wearing the top for the first time without any underwear, I felt positively indecent.

In order to hide my embarrassment I turned my back on her and started towards the door, intending to go and brush my teeth before bed. But before I could quite reach the handle, Kate said, “Careful out there. You wouldn’t want to run into my brother while wearing that, would you?” I hesitated for a second as her words sunk in, but not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she was getting to me, I hurried out into the corridor before I could change my mind.

As soon as the door shut behind me, I continued my hasty pace along the corridor. I kept silently repeating to myself that I was perfectly fine, and that if anybody should run into me, all they would see was a girl dressed in perfectly acceptable sleeping attire. Yet, despite my mantra, as I neared Simon’s room, I could feel a noticeable difference in my heart rate. This increased tempo continued until I finally made it to the bathroom unnoticed.

Once behind the safety of the locked door, I picked up Kate’s toothbrush and began cleaning my teeth, trying to ignore how jittery I really was. However, as I stood there brushing, my mind began to wonder back over what I had done, and how there had been a very real possibility that Simon could have seen me in nothing but a glorified vest. I had to break off from brushing as I felt the tingling sensation return between my legs. Unable to resist the feeling, I let my left hand wonder towards the epicentre and under the thin cotton barrier. As my fingers made contact with my slit, I gave out a low gasp as I realised just how wet I was. God, what was I turning into? Here I was, in another person’s bathroom, and on the verge playing with myself.

Finally able to snap out of the moment, I quickly rinsed my mouth out, and finished my business in the bathroom before I could get lost in myself again. However, as I stepped back out into the corridor, the excitement I had experienced a moment ago came flooding back tenfold. The fear I felt from being so vulnerable at that moment and the hornyness I had experienced in the bathroom were merging to form some forbidden concoction inside my body.

I now stood outside Simon’s room. I hadn’t even noticed myself walking away from the bathroom. The door loomed in front of me, making it feel as though I was just a few feet tall and getting smaller. Cool air from down the stairs, creped across my exposed skin, making me hyper aware of my body. Why was I still standing there? Did I want Simon to catch me? At that moment, I heard a creaking form the other side of Simon’s door. My legs took the hint and finally carried me the short distance back to Kate’s room.
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Old 11-20-2015, 11:11 AM   #12
getDare Sweetheart
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Great update looking forward to more humiliation
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Old 11-20-2015, 12:32 PM   #13
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interested to see where this goes good start so far
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Old 11-27-2015, 06:58 AM   #14
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Default Part 7

As I re-entered Kate’s bedroom, it felt as though I was having an out of body experience. I could see Kate’s lips moving as she spoke to me, but I couldn't bring myself to focus on the words she was saying. I’m not shore If I responded to her, but before I knew it the lights were off and I was lying on the floor in my make shift bed, which Kate must have put together while I was in the bathroom.

I didn’t even try to sleep. I just lay there, staring up at the ceiling as I waited for the after effects of my time in the hallway to dissipate. But this euphoric feeling running through my body didn't go away; it just stayed there burning like a small flame, gradually getting stronger and stronger. I kept running trough scenarios in my mind; of me being out there on the corridor like before, except this time Simon actually did come out of his room. I would stand there in front of him, unable to move, and like Kate said I would be practically naked. Then the scenario changed, and I was no longer practically naked, I was naked.

It was only then that I realised that my hand had once again found its way between my legs. Kate was no more than few feet away from me, and there I was masturbating beside her. Fortunately at least an hour had passed since we turned off the light, so I was pretty confident that Kate was fast asleep.

I knew that I should try and get a grip of myself, that I should just go to sleep and be over with this crazy day, yet still my mind wandering back to the thought of being naked in front of Simon – in front of anyone. Neither the thoughts or the feelings would go away, they just continued to grow and grow, until I thought I would go crazy unless I acted upon them soon. So that’s what I did.

With shaky legs I slowly stood up besides Kate’s bed. The void of the room washed over me, making the beating of my heart that much more pronounced, which in turn only added fuel the flames now raging inside of me. The mix of fear and excitement in my lower belly was incredible; it was almost like I was readying myself down there for what was to come. I took a deep calculated breath in, and then I continued my agonisingly slow movements as I lifted my hands to the straps on my shoulders. I waited a second, teasing myself, prolonging the moment. Then swipe. My hands knocked the thin straps to the side and my only piece of clothing went plummeting to the floor. I was left standing there completely naked, as Kate slept on peacefully.

My nipples noticed the lack of protection immediately, and responded to the cooler environment appropriately. I could feel the wetness at the opening of my cunt, and my fingers twitched as I restrained myself from touching. Not yet, I told myself. I was now fully immersed in the effects of my depraved hornyness, and in that mind set, I thought it appropriate to earn my prize. My fantasy of getting caught in the hallway was still fresh in my mind, so I decided to create a game for myself, my own private version of truth or dare. And my dare was to go out into the hallway.
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Last edited by 7Clubs; 11-28-2015 at 04:31 AM.
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Old 11-27-2015, 07:18 AM   #15
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I really like this part but I wish there was more ;P
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