Old 03-30-2009, 08:53 PM   #16
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(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Anjali
b) How old are you? 16
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) Been a master..lookin forward to be a slave
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? 2 hours or so
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? 5 hours

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? no
b) Eaten/tasted poo? no
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? no
d) Had sex? no
e) Played a sex game? yes

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? yes
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? no
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) no
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? no
e) Have sex with someone you just met?no

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? yes
b) Have a fetish?yes
c) Want to have sex?yes
d) Own a sex toy? no
e) Watch porn?yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? quite a lot
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? at nights
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? 2/3 times
d) Do you do a dare per week? everyday
e) Do you masturbate? everyday

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women?
b) Sex or Masturbation?
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn?
d) Pictures or Videos?
e) TV or Computer?

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? he knows jus how to get me going
b) Your Favourite song? the music
c) Your Friends? their randomness
d) Your House? my room
e) Your self? whats not to love about me

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not?
b) Fat or Thin?
c) Happy or Sad?
d) Normal or Weird?
e) Tall or Short?

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? no
b) Put your legs behind your head? no
c) Strip tease well? yes
d) Flirt successfully? yes
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? no(Believably)

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? no
b) Had a short term master/mistress? yes
c) Been ‘disowned’? no
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? no
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? no


likes: masterbation, pain, semi nudity, edge
limits: poo, pee, family, pics, needles
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Old 04-01-2009, 02:29 PM   #17
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(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Joanna
b) How old are you? 15
c) Master or Slave or None? None
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? A lot
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? Not alot

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Maybe
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? No
c) Have sex with a relative? Definatly... NO!
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? Nope
e) Have sex with someone you just met? No

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? No
b) Have a fetish? No
c) Want to have sex? Later in life
d) Own a sex toy? Nope
e) Watch porn? Nope

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Often
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Lots
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? 1 or 2
d) Do you do a dare per week? Depends
e) Do you masturbate? Don't

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Men
b) Sex or Masturbation? Haven't tried either
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? Don't watch
d) Pictures or Videos? Videos
e) TV or Computer? Comp.

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? Not to myself
b) Fat or Thin? Thin
c) Happy or Sad? Happy
d) Normal or Weird? Weird
e) Tall or Short? Small

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? Never tried
b) Put your legs behind your head? Nope
c) Strip tease well? I don't know
d) Flirt successfully? Think so
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? Never tried really

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? No
b) Had a short term master/mistress? Nope
c) Been ‘disowned’? Nope
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? Not had one to disobey
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? Nope
xXx JoJo xXx
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Old 04-02-2009, 12:59 PM   #18
getDare Sweetheart
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(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Naked40
b) How old are you? 41
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom)
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? 1hour av
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? av 7 hours

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? no
b) Eaten/tasted poo? no
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? yes
d) Had sex? no
e) Played a sex game? no

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? all the time!
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? yes
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) no
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? yes
e) Have sex with someone you just met? no

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? doing it as I type!
b) Have a fetish? no
c) Want to have sex? not particularly
d) Own a sex toy? no
e) Watch porn? very rare

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? n/a
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? n/a
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? 6
d) Do you do a dare per week? on average yes
e) Do you masturbate? see 4a

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? both
b) Sex or Masturbation? masterbation
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? normal
d) Pictures or Videos? either
e) TV or Computer? both

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? n/a
b) Your Favourite song? it rocks
c) Your Friends? being there
d) Your House? cozy
e) Your self? kind

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not?
b) Fat or Thin?
c) Happy or Sad?
d) Normal or Weird?
e) Tall or Short?

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? no
b) Put your legs behind your head? no
c) Strip tease well? yes if dared to
d) Flirt successfully? no
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) no

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress?
b) Had a short term master/mistress?
c) Been ‘disowned’?
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress?
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? no
likes; nudity, penis, masturbation, pain, outside (only slightly public)
dislikes; public, gross, anal, piss, scat, shaving

I love Truths. PM me any time with your questions
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Old 04-03-2009, 09:43 AM   #19
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(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? ---
b) How old are you? One billion billion.
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) Slave
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? One hour?
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? Eight if I can.

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? Nope
b) Eaten/tasted poo? Nope
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? Nope
d) Had sex? Yes
e) Played a sex game? Yes

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Depends on circumstances
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? No! That's mean!
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) Hell no!
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? Yeah probarly.
e) Have sex with someone you just met? Why not.

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Yes
b) Have a fetish? Yes
c) Want to have sex? Yes
d) Own a sex toy? No
e) Watch porn? yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Like 24/7, she's always in my head!!!
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Too much to be healthy.
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? 3-4
d) Do you do a dare per week? Meh, about once Month rather than week.
e) Do you masturbate? Four times in a week?

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Women
b) Sex or Masturbation? Sex
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? Normal
d) Pictures or Videos? Pictures
e) TV or Computer? Computer

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? Her face and personality
b) Your Favourite song? Emotionally charged
c) Your Friends? Legends.
d) Your House? It's cosy
e) Your self? My ability to sleep only when needed.

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? Wouldn't know.
b) Fat or Thin? Thin
c) Happy or Sad? In between.
d) Normal or Weird? Ow my weird.
e) Tall or Short? In between I suppose.

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? No
b) Put your legs behind your head? No
c) Strip tease well? In fact yes
d) Flirt successfully? Indeed
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) Not at all :S!

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? No
b) Had a short term master/mistress? Yes
c) Been ‘disowned’? Not really
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? Nope
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? Yes
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Old 04-03-2009, 08:41 PM   #20
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[FONT="Arial"](1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Morgan.
b) How old are you? Sixteen.
c) Master or Slave or None? Slave.
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day?hmm, I'm in and out and usually doing other things while on here, I don't know a time.
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? Depends, five to eight hours.

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? No, thanks.
b) Eaten/tasted poo? I think I just threw up in my mouth a bit... (no)
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? Don't watch porn.
d) Had sex? Not yet.
e) Played a sex game? Yepp, yepp.

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Sure, but I wouldn't send them to anyone.
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? Depends really.
c) Have sex with a relative? NO WAY!
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger?Don't think so.
e) Have sex with someone you just met? Nah...

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Guilty.
b) Have a fetish? Of course.
c) Want to have sex? Someday.
d) Own a sex toy? uh, maybe one.
e) Watch porn? No, sir.

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? None of the above.
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? I have before.
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? hm, maybe four times?
d) Do you do a dare per week? I don't really do any anymore. (So don't PM me.)
e) Do you masturbate? A couple times a week.

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Men. (:
b) Sex or Masturbation? Never had sex.
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? Don't watch porn.
d) Pictures or Videos? hmm...
e) TV or Computer? Computer.

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? Gorgeous.
b) Your Favourite song? nott sure.
c) Your Friends? They are fun and layed back.
d) Your House? I have a big room.!
e) Your self? My bodyimage.

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? HOT (:
b) Fat or Thin? more thin.
c) Happy or Sad? Honestly, sad right now. Working on Happy.
d) Normal or Weird? Haha, no comment.
e) Tall or Short? In the middle.

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? I wish..
b) Put your legs behind your head? Mhmm.!
c) Strip tease well? Ohh yeah. (;
d) Flirt successfully? sure, lets go with that.
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) never tried?

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? yes, if a little over one year counts.
b) Had a short term master/mistress? mhmm.
c) Been ‘disowned’? ...
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? Sadly, yes.
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? obviously.

The only unreachable dream is the one you don't reach for.
I love me some AMELIE! (:
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Old 04-03-2009, 11:28 PM   #21
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1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? ????
b) How old are you? 17
c) Master or Slave or None? Noone
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? depends on day time (:
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? 10

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? no
b) Eaten/tasted poo? yes
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? no
d) Had sex? no
e) Played a sex game? no

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? yes
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? yes
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) no
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? ya
e) Have sex with someone you just met? yes

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? yes
b) Have a fetish? blindfolds
c) Want to have sex? yes
d) Own a sex toy? no
e) Watch porn? yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? often (:
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? yes
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? depends
d) Do you do a dare per week? try to do more, but tis so hard getting pppl to gie me some
e) Do you masturbate? once every 3 days

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? men
b) Sex or Masturbation? dno never had sex
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? either
d) Pictures or Videos? vid
e) TV or Computer? comp

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? everything
b) Your Favourite song? its awesome
c) Your Friends? theyre awesome
d) Your House? dnot love it,
e) Your self? i dotn love myslef

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? not
b) Fat or Thin? thin
c) Happy or Sad? happy
d) Normal or Weird? norm
e) Tall or Short? tall

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? nope
b) Put your legs behind your head? nope
c) Strip tease well? never tried
d) Flirt successfully? noo
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) err not trying that!

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? no
b) Had a short term master/mistress?no
c) Been ‘disowned’?no
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress?no
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? no
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Old 04-05-2009, 10:39 PM   #22
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1) About you…?
a) What’s your name:Matt
b) How old are you: 16
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) Nope
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day: day none night depends on whats in my other tabs
e) How many hours do you sleep per day: about 8-9

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss: hell to the no
b) Eaten/tasted poo:no
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation:no
d) Had sex:its complicated and i would appreciate some space
e) Played a sex game:not really

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself:yes
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone elselease
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…)idk i should soul search that one tonight
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger:no
e) Have sex with someone you just met:is she hot?

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate:yea
b) Have a fetish:kinda
c) Want to have sex:yesh
d) Own a sex toy:no
e) Watch porn:im not at liberty to discuss that

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife:alot
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife:20% of the time i think about her
c) Do you use the bathroom per day:1-2
d) Do you do a dare per week:all the time
e) Do you masturbate:1-5 times a week

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women:women
b) Sex or Masturbation:yes
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn:normal
d) Pictures or Videosics
e) TV or Computer:computer (hulu FTW!)

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush:her smile
b) Your Favourite song:its heavy and awsome
c) Your Friends:they gotz me backz
d) Your House:its sweet
e) Your self:IDK!

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not:hot
b) Fat or Thinpl say im thin but idk
c) Happy or Sad:happy
d) Normal or Weird:normal
e) Tall or Short:tall

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina:no ppl can?
b) Put your legs behind your head:idk
c) Strip tease well:lol yeah
d) Flirt successfully:ya
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably)no
Sadly I'm not a sexy vampire =(
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Old 04-07-2009, 01:30 AM   #23
Join Date: May 2008
Location: UK
Posts: 43

(1) About you...?
a) What’s your name? TrickieTree
b) How old are you? 37
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) Slave
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? Couple hours maybe
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? 8ish

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? No
b) Eaten/tasted poo? No
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? No
d) Had sex? Yes
e) Played a sex game? Yes - if strip poker counts

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Yes (have)
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? Yes
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) Yes - got a really hot cousin!
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? Yes (have)
e) Have sex with someone you just met? Maybe

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Yes
b) Have a fetish? ish
c) Want to have sex? Yes
d) Own a sex toy? No - not one design for such a purpose anyway
e) Watch porn? Yes - way too much

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Lots
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Lots
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? Dunno - 9 maybe?
d) Do you do a dare per week? As often as I am dared!
e) Do you masturbate? 4 or 5 - sometimes more, sometimes less

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Women
b) Sex or Masturbation? Both
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? Both
d) Pictures or Videos? Both, maybe videos more
e) TV or Computer? Computer - I could live without TV!

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? Everything
b) Your Favourite song? Can't think of one right now
c) Your Friends? They're my friends!
d) Your House? One day I'll get it how I want it!
e) Your self? erm...dunno!

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? Average
b) Fat or Thin? Average
c) Happy or Sad? Always try to be happy
d) Normal or Weird? Depends who you ask!
e) Tall or Short? Average

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? I wish
b) Put your legs behind your head? No - why would I want to?
c) Strip tease well? So I've been told
d) Flirt successfully? I think so
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) No

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? No
b) Had a short term master/mistress? Yes
c) Been ‘disowned’? No
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? No
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? No
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Old 04-28-2009, 02:58 PM   #24
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 14

1) About you…?
a) What’s your name?/
b) How old are you?19
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) none
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? 2hours
e) How many hours do you sleep per day?9

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss?no
b) Eaten/tasted poo?no
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation?no
d) Had sex?no
e) Played a sex game?no

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself?yes
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else?yes
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…)no
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger?yes
e) Have sex with someone you just met?yes

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate?yes
b) Have a fetish?no
c) Want to have sex?yes
d) Own a sex toy?no
e) Watch porn?yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? a lot
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? not too many
c) Do you use the bathroom per day?4 times
d) Do you do a dare per week?
e) Do you masturbate? daily

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women?women
b) Sex or Masturbation? both
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? normal
d) Pictures or Videos? videos
e) TV or Computer? computer

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush?/
b) Your Favourite song?/
c) Your Friends?/
d) Your House?/
e) Your self?/

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not?hot
b) Fat or Thin?thin
c) Happy or Sad?happy
d) Normal or Weird?normal
e) Tall or Short?normal

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina?no
b) Put your legs behind your head?no
c) Strip tease well?no
d) Flirt successfully?no
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) no

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress?no
b) Had a short term master/mistress?no
c) Been ‘disowned’?no
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress?no
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? no
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Old 04-28-2009, 03:15 PM   #25
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: England
Posts: 146

(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? josh
b) How old are you? 16
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) Slave/Sub
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? alot
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? 7 hours

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? no
b) Eaten/tasted poo? no
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? yes
d) Had sex? yes
e) Played a sex game? yes

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? have done
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? probably
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) no
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? sure
e) Have sex with someone you just met? probably not

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? yes
b) Have a fetish? no
c) Want to have sex? yesss
d) Own a sex toy? no
e) Watch porn? yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? all the time
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? alot
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? a couple times
d) Do you do a dare per week? quite alot
e) Do you masturbate? alot

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? both
b) Sex or Masturbation? sex but masturbation is ok
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? normal
d) Pictures or Videos? videos
e) TV or Computer? computer

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? everything lol
b) Your Favourite song? dunnooo.... too many
c) Your Friends? they own
d) Your House? meh is ok
e) Your self? im ok i spose lol

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? i dunno..
b) Fat or Thin? thin
c) Happy or Sad? happy
d) Normal or Weird? wierd definately
e) Tall or Short? tall

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? no
b) Put your legs behind your head? no
c) Strip tease well? never tried
d) Flirt successfully? i suppose
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) nope lol

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? no
b) Had a short term master/mistress? kinda
c) Been ‘disowned’? no
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? no
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? kinda


Likes: Public, Risk of being seen, nudity
O.K.: Insertions, Cross-dressing, Light bondage
Dis-Likes: Heavy bondage, Light pain
Limits: Heavy pain, Humiliation, Messy, Involving friends and family.
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Old 04-28-2009, 04:47 PM   #26
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: New York City
Posts: 230

(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Emanon
b) How old are you? 21
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) Master
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? A few hous
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? I sleep every 3 or 4 days (bad insomnia)

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? no
b) Eaten/tasted poo? no
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? no
d) Had sex? yes
e) Played a sex game? yes

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Have already…
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? Have already…
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) no
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? Hm maybe
e) Have sex with someone you just met? I have…

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Who doesn’t…
b) Have a fetish? yes
c) Want to have sex? Always (am a sex addict)
d) Own a sex toy? yes
e) Watch porn?yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Have no cursh…
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Refer to previous questions
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? yes
d) Do you do a dare per week? I do not do dares…
e) Do you masturbate? Once or twice a week.. prefers sex

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Woman
b) Sex or Masturbation? Sex (yet both)
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? BDSM
d) Pictures or Videos? Videos
e) TV or Computer? Computer

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? Have none…
b) Your Favourite song? To many to have a favorite
c) Your Friends? Their assholes
d) Your House? Its all mine
e) Your self? I am my own boss

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? Eh not superficial nor have low self esteem
b) Fat or Thin? between
c) Happy or Sad? Happy
d) Normal or Weird? Weird... normality sucks
e) Tall or Short? Tall (6’6”)

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? No
b) Put your legs behind your head? no
c) Strip tease well? depends
d) Flirt successfully? yes
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) never tried, nor do I want to…

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? No (I am not a sub, yet have been with my current slaves, one for 6 years, (2 years since collaring) and the other 4 years (also collared 2 years ago)
b) Had a short term master/mistress? Not a sub, never had a Master nor Mistress
c) Been ‘disowned’? negated (am not a sub)
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? Negated (for previous reasons)
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? Yes I was raised in the lifestyle since leaving my home at ten years old, and have been a Master since the age of 15, after being trained by 4 Masters and 2 Mistresses teaching me to be a better Dom, then finally a Better Master

Was Brought up in lifestyle (10+ yrs exp.)

22/Str8/M so not looking for anyone under 17...

Kinks: Bondage, orgasm control/denial, masturbation, humiliation..
and many others! Just ask and I shall say

Limits: NO minors, scat or vomit

Interested? contact me, be prepared to be questioned

Do not message me in "text talk".
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Old 04-29-2009, 03:56 AM   #27
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 427

(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? - Sorry, that's private
b) How old are you? - 37
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom) - Slave
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? - 5 minutes on average, I think, but some times a lot more.
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? - 7-8 hours

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? - No
b) Eaten/tasted poo? - No
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? - Yes
d) Had sex? - Yes
e) Played a sex game? - Yes

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? - Yes
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? - No
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) - No
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? - No
e) Have sex with someone you just met? - No

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? - Yes
b) Have a fetish? - Yes
c) Want to have sex? - Yes
d) Own a sex toy? - No
e) Watch porn? - Yes

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? - Every hour at least
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? - About the same :-)
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? - Don't know, maybe 5-6 times
d) Do you do a dare per week? - 1-2 times
e) Do you masturbate? 3-7 times a week

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? - Women
b) Sex or Masturbation? - Both!
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? - Both, but mostly normal
d) Pictures or Videos? - Videos
e) TV or Computer? - Computer

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? - Everything
b) Your Favourite song? - Don't have one
c) Your Friends? - Good company
d) Your House? - My favorite place to spend time
e) Your self? - My gentle temper

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? - Not
b) Fat or Thin? - Fat
c) Happy or Sad? - Happy
d) Normal or Weird? - Normal
e) Tall or Short? - Tall

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? - No
b) Put your legs behind your head? - No
c) Strip tease well? - No
d) Flirt successfully? - No, not really, although my wife says that I can
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) - No

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? - No
b) Had a short term master/mistress? - No
c) Been ‘disowned’? - No
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? - No
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? - No


Likes: Spanking, role play, corner time, precum, cum, a little anal, verbal submission, panties, blindfold.

Limits: Public where others can see me, messy, things that leave marks.
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Old 04-29-2009, 06:04 AM   #28
The One & Only
Kitten's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Gehenna
Posts: 1,216
Blog Entries: 2

(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Kitten
b) How old are you? 18
c) Master or Slave or None? Slave
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? How much what?
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? Depends

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? Yup
b) Eaten/tasted poo? Nope
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? No opposite for me
d) Had sex? Yes
e) Played a sex game? What kind of game o.O

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Yes
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? Ive taken nudes of someone else but I dont know if they wanted to send them to someone else, lol
c) Have sex with a relative? Eh... Dont think so
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? Well its not a stranger if you know their name *cough*
e) Have sex with someone you just met? Yeah but we had been talking before meeting each other for quite some time

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Yes
b) Have a fetish? Yes
c) Want to have sex? Right now? Yes please~
d) Own a sex toy? Not just one ;O
e) Watch porn? Not that much actually...

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? All the time
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Depends on the mood
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? Depends on how much I drink o.O
d) Do you do a dare per week? Havent done any so far
e) Do you masturbate? Depends; when I'm alone, I hardly ever do it.

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Both
b) Sex or Masturbation? Both
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? Ehm.. BDSM?
d) Pictures or Videos? Pictures i guess...
e) TV or Computer? Computer

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? Im tryna think up something I dont love, lol So far I havent come up with anything
b) Your Favourite song? Eternal flame by the Bangles.. go ahead and laugh xD Its the most romantic song ever~
c) Your Friends? That theyre honest and I can count on them
d) Your House? The balcony, nice to tan in the summer as theres barely any wind on there for some reason
e) Your self? My feet, lol

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? I dont think so, but people tell me different
b) Fat or Thin? Id say fat but people tell me different >.>
c) Happy or Sad? Happy
d) Normal or Weird? Weird
e) Tall or Short? Well... I'm one cm above world average but people call me short T_T

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? Havent tried yet
b) Put your legs behind your head? I could but I dont think I still can
c) Strip tease well? Havent had complaints but I hate even trying.
d) Flirt successfully? HA. No.
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? Yes, wich was quite a shock for everybody o.O

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? Yes
b) Had a short term master/mistress? No
c) Been ‘disowned’? No
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? Yes
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? Yes

Last edited by Kitten; 04-30-2009 at 01:08 AM.
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Old 04-29-2009, 08:45 PM   #29
getDare Addict
LilAngel's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
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(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Sindy
b) How old are you? 13
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom)Slave... kind of...
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? Over 15
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? 5-6

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? Accidentally, yes.
b) Eaten/tasted poo? No.
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? No.
d) Had sex? No.
e) Played a sex game? Maybe...

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Mostly likely no.
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? Probably not...
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) NO.
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? Nope.
e) Have sex with someone you just met? Probably not.

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Yes.
b) Have a fetish? Mhm.
c) Want to have sex? Uhh... not yet...
d) Own a sex toy? Maybe...
e) Watch porn? Nope.

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Often.
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? I don't....
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? 5-6?!?!
d) Do you do a dare per week? I don't do dares.
e) Do you masturbate? Every second day.

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Men
b) Sex or Masturbation? Masturbation.
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? BDSM
d) Pictures or Videos? Videos
e) TV or Computer? Computers

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? He's fully gentlemen and cute.
b) Your Favourite song? It has a good melody with meaningful lyrics.
c) Your Friends? They're nice?
d) Your House? It's big.
e) Your self? My name?

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? Or.
b) Fat or Thin? Thin.
c) Happy or Sad? Happy....
d) Normal or Weird? Normal
e) Tall or Short? Or.

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? No...
b) Put your legs behind your head? Yeah.
c) Strip tease well? Maybe?!
d) Flirt successfully? Perhaps...
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) No...

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? Maybe...
b) Had a short term master/mistress? Maybe...
c) Been ‘disowned’? Nope.
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? Perhaps...
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? Yeah.

With love, from your favourite administrator. ♥ 8==========)~~~~~~~~


Last edited by LilAngel; 04-30-2009 at 03:21 AM.
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Old 05-02-2009, 03:40 AM   #30
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: under your bed x]
Posts: 225

(1) About you…?
a) What’s your name? Bea
b) How old are you? 15
c) Master or Slave or None? (Slave also counts for sub, same as Master and Dom)[B]NoneB]
d) How much do you spend on GetDare per day? Quite a lot
e) How many hours do you sleep per day? 6-7

(2) Have you ever…?
a) Drank/tasted piss? Nope.
b) Eaten/tasted poo? No.
c) Been turned on by porn of the opposite orientation? No.
d) Had sex? No.
e) Played a sex game? Maybee ..

(3) Would you ever…?
a) Take naked pictures of yourself? Sometimes.
b) Take naked pictures of someone else for someone else? Not really.
c) Have sex with a relative? (Including cousins ECT…) Nope.
d) Go on cam naked for a stranger? Nope.
e) Have sex with someone you just met? No.

(4) Do you….?
a) Masturbate? Yes.
b) Have a fetish? Mhm.
c) Want to have sex? Yep .
d) Own a sex toy? No
e) Watch porn? Used to.

(5) How often…?
a) Do you think about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Sometimes.
b) Do you think about having sex with your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife? Not really
c) Do you use the bathroom per day? umm 4 times a day? I don't count
d) Do you do a dare per week? I don't do dares.
e) Do you masturbate? Every few days..

(6) Do you like…?
a) Men or Women? Men
b) Sex or Masturbation? Masturbation.
c) BDSM or ‘Normal’ Porn? BDSM
d) Pictures or Videos? Pictures
e) TV or Computer? Computers

(7) What do you love about…?
a) Your Husband/Wife/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush? He's cute and nice.
b) Your Favourite song? It has a good melody with meaningful lyrics.
c) Your Friends? Their nice and fun to be around w ith
d) Your House? It's warm and biggish i guess.
e) Your self? My name?

(8) Are you…?
a) Hot or Not? Not..i think
b) Fat or Thin? Thin.
c) Happy or Sad? Happy....
d) Normal or Weird? Normal
e) Tall or Short? Short .

(9) Can you…?
a) Lick your penis/vagina? No...
b) Put your legs behind your head? Nope.
c) Strip tease well? Maybe?!
d) Flirt successfully? A few times...
e) Make yourself look like the other sex? (Believably) No...

(10) Have you…? (S&M orientated)
a) Had a long term master/mistress? No...
b) Had a short term master/mistress? Nope...
c) Been ‘disowned’? Nope.
d) Disobeyed your master/mistress? No...
e) Been a slave/master under the age of 18? No.

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