Old 01-21-2009, 01:37 AM   #16
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Most of the above happened and the ages are correct but I have tried to make it more interesting. Most of the conversations are made up. I think I'll have to leave it to your imagination as to exactly what did and didn't happen. Glad you're enjoying it.

Hello, moderators ! Please advise whether I can post the rest of this story (the more heated bits) in this section of the forum without it being removed as we are dealing with 14 year old boys and I may be on dodgy ground. Thanks.
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Old 01-21-2009, 04:43 AM   #17
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Okay, I get the distinct impression that no one is going to answer my questions so I'm going ahead...
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Old 01-21-2009, 04:46 AM   #18
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Saturday evening was upon me before I knew it. It was January and a thick layer of snow covered the Sussex countryside. I said little in the car on the way to the farm and my parents dropped me off and told me to have a nice time. They drove away and left me standing at the top of the drive in the dark. I looked around me at the fields opposite and swallowed. I was shaking. I started down the gravel driveway and came round the corner and saw the house. It looked idyllic in the snow, smoke poured from one of the big chimneys and floated up into the starless sky. I stood outside the front door and took in the moment, savouring my freedom. Did I dare knock or should I turn and walk away. My right hand shot up and banged on the door quickly before I could change my mind. It was too late. I swallowed and waited and at last the door opened and there stood Chris grinning from ear to ear.

‘Come in you gorgeous thing,’ he said. He was trying to make me nervous so I ignored it. ‘You’re just in time. Its five to eight,’ he said rubbing his hands together. I stepped into the house and put my bag down near the door. The lights in the kitchen and dining room had been turned down low, as if Chris were entertaining a girl on a first date. Soft jazz drifted in from the room next door and the table had been set for two. ‘Don’t look so worried.’ Chris said. ‘This is supposed to be fun. Now I thought we’d have a bite to eat before we started getting silly. How does that sound?’

‘Alright,’ I said but as Chris walked passed me I could see through his jeans that he was aroused.

He thrust a pint of beer in my hand and I started gulping it down without a second thought. I looked around for anything that might give a clue as to what he had in store for me but there was nothing.

Chris had ordered a Chinese before I arrived and we sat in near silence and ate. I had finished my drink. I looked at the clock, it was half past eight. I had belonged to Chris for half an hour and so far all we’d done was eat. I started to relax a bit. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.

He placed his hand on the table next to mine and looked down at them both as if comparing them. His hand was much larger, fatter and paler.

‘How DO you get so tanned?’ he asked. ‘You haven’t been on holiday since I’ve known you.’

I shrugged. ‘Its not a tan,’ I said self-consciously. ‘Its just my skin tone.’

Chris smiled devilishly and leant forward. ‘Does that mean you’re that colour all over?’ he said. I blushed. ‘Does it?’ he asked again.

‘I guess,’ I said.

‘Can you pass me that please.’ said Chris at last and he pointed at my torso. I looked down and frowned. ‘Your sweatshirt. Pass it over could you.’

I swallowed and removed my sweatshirt and handed it to him. It was starting. ‘Thanks, old boy. More beer?’

‘Yes, please.’ I said quietly. He refilled my glass.

‘See you were right. You’re forearms are that colour too. I’ve never really noticed before,’ he said but I wasn’t convinced. He pointed at my arms. ‘No, its deeper than a tan, isn’t it. Oh tan-faced prairie boy and all that... Tell you what, why don’t you walk over to the mat and remove all your clothes for me so I can see for myself, there’s a good chap.

I looked at Chris with my mouth open; my heart was pumping like a trip hammer.

‘Is there a problem?’ he asked.

‘But you said we’d just do silly dares.’

‘This is silly. Now over to the mat and strip off, there’s a good fellow,’ he said.

‘Chris, please. Not that.’ I looked down at my dinner which I hadn’t finished. I felt like crying. I tried to rally my thoughts. This had been my idea and I had to go through with it.

‘Off you go. Or would you rather do the forfeit?’ said Chris.

I stood slowly up and walked to the mat. My head was spinning. In the background the soft jazz continued to play. I took off my shoes and socks. Chris looked down at my feet with interest and I knew he was aroused. I undid my belt buckle and then removed my blue T-shirt. Chris clapped and stood up holding my sweatshirt in front of his crotch. He walked around the table so he was closer to me and sat on my chair and watched closely. Slowly, very slowly I pulled my jeans down to my ankles and stepped out of them. I could feel the weight of Chris’s concentration on my limbs and on my torso, as though he was scrutinising every inch. I stood and looked at him. ‘Go on then. All the way,’ he said. I shook my head in resignation and finally put my thumbs behind the waist band of my boxer shorts and pulled them quickly to the ground. By the time I stood up my hands were both clamped firmly over my crotch.

Chris stood up and walked towards me. His erection was evident now and he did nothing to hide it. He walked behind me and grabbed both my buttocks before coming round the front again. At least the lights were dim. I honestly didn’t think he could see me all that well. The whole room was bathed in a sort of amber half-light.

‘It’s like having my own little Spanish stable boy right here in the kitchen. How wonderful,’ he said and he laughed. ‘Turn around please,’ he continued. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not going to touch you. I just want to look.’

I turned around so I was facing the door. It was the same door Chris had gone out of when I’d dared him to run around the house weeks earlier. So really nothing I was doing was that bad. It was no worse than what Chris had done.

‘Hmmm, very nice. Turn back, please.’

I turned around slowly with my hands still tightly covering my crotch and looked to my right and was mortified to see a video camera on the edge of the table. ‘No cameras!’ I protested.

‘Hands on your head, please.’ he instructed. He was right of course. I had specified rules, but I hadn’t thought about cameras. He could film what he wanted and now he wanted me to put my hands on my head. That was as bad as it got. He would see everything and so would the camera. I swallowed and slowly released my hands so that he could see for the first time my limp penis, my balls and my black pubic hair. He was the first person to see me naked since I could remember. I was suddenly overwhelmed by the pointlessness of my anxiety. I had crossed a line I had been defending and now we were passed it there was no way back, no point in protesting.

‘Oh my,’ said Chris looking at my crotch. ‘Magnificent’. I saw him looking under my arms and taking in my torso as he stood very close to me. He was smiling. He walked behind me and before I knew it a blindfold had been put over my eyes. It smelled of perfume. I stood, breathing deeply with my hands on my head. I pictured the room I was in, the image that must now be being recorded on the camera. This was what I had asked for and there was no way out.

I heard a camera taking pictures and accepted it as part of my fate. I could see the flash going off through the blindfold. At times I could hear it behind me and at other times the sound seemed to be coming from below me and I wondered whether Chris was on the floor. I was sure I had been photographed from every conceivable angle before it stopped. Chris was behind me. I felt his hands gently circling over my buttocks and I clenched my eyes shut. His hands came around my waist and across my stomach and chest before he let go.

I stood still for a little while longer before I realised that I could hear nothing. Chris was quiet; had he had left the room? Even the music had stopped. Did I dare move? I heard footsteps nearby and realised Chris was walking back.

‘Oh, you’re still there!’ came his voice, as confident as ever. ‘Course you are. Silly me.’

Suddenly I felt embarrassed.

‘Now, how about a drink?’

I nodded. I heard footsteps around me and then a glass was put to my lips and I drank the beer eagerly. Some dribbled down my chin and across my chest.

‘Right, hands down.’ Chris removed the blindfold as I lowered my hands. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light. Instinctively I covered my crotch with my hands. Chris saw and smiled. ‘How about you go and have a shower. You know where the bathroom is, top of the stairs.’

I bent down and collected up my clothes. ‘There’s a towel in the bathroom. I’ll be in the sitting room, alright?’

I nodded and walked self-consciously out of the kitchen, still naked but carrying my bundle of clothes in front of my crotch. I knew Chris was watching as I left. I walked down the dark hall and ran up the stairs to the bathroom at the top. I closed the door and noticed there was no lock. Had there been one on my last visit? I couldn’t remember. I turned on the shower and stepped inside the cubicle. The water was hot. I closed my eyes and let the water massage my body. I breathed deeply and thought about what had happened. That was as bad as it would get, I knew. But what if it wasn’t? What if Chris wanted it to go further. I swallowed and shook my head. No, I wasn’t prepared to go further. I would have to do the forfeit. I relaxed a little and used the soap to lather my body and I washed my hair with Chris’s shampoo. As I was rinsing my hair with my eyes tightly shut I thought I heard the door shut. I put my face under the water to clean the soap out of my eyes and then looked at the door but it was closed. I told myself to relax and stepped out of the shower.

My clothes and the towel were gone. I frowned. I was dripping wet and needed to dry myself. I looked around the bathroom. There was no hand towel, no flannel, not even a mat on the floor. There was nothing to cover myself with. I turned towards the door and saw something on the floor. It was a pair of handcuffs and a note. I shook my head and picked up the note, dripping water over it. It said, ‘Put these on, hands behind the back, please, nice and tight. I’ll be waiting in the sitting room with a nice warm towel. P.S. Nice bum.’ I was beginning to shiver and water from my black hair was dripping down my face. I wiped my face with my hand. I had no choice. I sighed and picked up the handcuffs. They were surprisingly heavy. I hoped Chris had a key. I almost laughed at my predicament but I was too nervous and too cold. What had I got myself into? I clicked the handcuffs over my left wrist. Then I put my hands behind my back and managed to click the cuffs around the other wrist. I made sure they were tight, just as I had been told. I caught sight of myself in the mirror; I looked ridiculous. I flushed with embarrassment and tried to put it out of my mind. I would get warm and dry downstairs.

It took me a moment to work out how to open the bathroom door but by reversing towards it I managed it. The door opened onto the dark hallway and I heard music wafting up from downstairs; it was very loud. Had there been neighbours around the house they would have been calling, but as it was we were miles from anywhere. I started down the hallway and heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see Chris walking towards me. ‘Oh, you’re out already. Splendid,’ he said, his eyes scanning my body as though he were trying to memorise every inch of it. ‘Let’s go down together shall we.’ I walked carefully down the stairs as I was unable to hold on with my hands behind my back. At the bottom Chris opened the sitting room door and I followed him hesitantly inside.
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Old 01-23-2009, 11:03 AM   #19
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Its an interesting installment, more please.
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Old 01-23-2009, 10:17 PM   #20
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Hey I am new but this is a great story i can't wait for more of it
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Old 01-23-2009, 10:26 PM   #21
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Nice Keep Going I Love It Something Like That Happened To Me Once
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Old 01-24-2009, 10:43 AM   #22
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The story was good at the beginning but now it's getting a little creepy. The way Chris is talking is getting sort of gross. Can't wait for the next post though.
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Old 01-27-2009, 04:20 AM   #23
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As Chris pushed open the sitting room door all I could wonder was how I had let myself get into this position. I stood in my friend’s hall completely naked, with my hands cuffed behind me. Where I had got the courage to come downstairs in such a state I could not fathom. Me of all people, who had always been shy getting changed in front of others, was acting like someone else entirely. Perhaps I had had no choice. Perhaps the beer was having an affect. Or maybe I was excited to find out just how far I would go.

The room was as we had left it but for the deafening music that hit me like a wall when I stepped into the room. Chris turned it down with the remote. The fire had been built up and the lights were very dim. A towel was draped over the back of a chair in front of the fire. A warm towel; just as the note had promised. On a low coffee table was the remainder of my dinner and over to the left were all my clothes nicely laid out.

I looked over at Chris who held the key to the handcuffs up for me to see. This looked promising.

‘How about I untie you and you get dressed? Sound good?’

Despite my excitement at what had happened so far I felt relief spread through my cold body at the thought of getting dressed and eating something, of covering up and getting dry. I smiled slightly.

‘Yes, please,’ I said softly, slightly embarrassed that I was so at Chris’s mercy.

‘Well all that is yours for the taking, if you can complete my little challenge.’ He smiled and I knew that the challenge would be anything but little. I sighed, suddenly very aware of my nudity. I wanted to bring my knee up across my groin, anything to cover up. ‘All you have to do is eat the rest of your dinner in less than five minutes. If you do that I’ll untie you and you can get dressed.’

‘But how can I…’

‘That’s easy,’ said Chris with a grin. ‘You just kneel in front of the coffee table there and eat with your mouth and you keep going no mater what I do to you. Got it? Its not difficult, my dog does it beautifully. Now, here’s where it gets interesting. If you fail to complete the challenge in five minutes then I am going to upload all of the photographs I have taken of you this evening onto the internet. Including head shots. How does that sound?’

I felt my pulse begin to quicken. ‘You can’t! We agreed! Only you were to see me naked!’

‘Oh, I think we’re rather passed all those rules, don’t you? Think of this more along the lines of blackmail,’ said Chris and he laughed confidently but I could see his eyes watching me intently, his gaze was searching every inch of my skin, searching it and memorising it. ‘And think of all those people who are going to see your splendid little bronzed body in all its wondrous glory.’ He turned away and adjusted his trousers and sat down cross-legged.

‘No, please. I’ll do anything…’

Chris looked up at the clock on the mantle piece. Four minutes fifty-five seconds remaining,’ he said with a glint in his eye.


‘Four minutes fifty seconds.’

I swallowed and knelt down in front of the coffee table. There was no point protesting any further. Slowly I put my head in the bowl and took a mouthful of the cold rice and prawns and chewed them as fast as I could. The bowl was too deep, I very quickly had sauce around my mouth and in my wet hair but I carried on. There was much more food left than I had realised, or more likely Chris had added some to the bowl. I lifted my head and looked at the clock. About four minutes left; this was going to be close. I could hear Chris laughing and then saw the flash go off but I ignored it.

Suddenly warm hands were touching my chest and making circles over my stomach. I focussed on eating all of the food as quickly as possible. He was trying to put me off but I wouldn’t let him. I could not allow those images to appear on the internet no matter what. His hand was moving slowly, very slowly downwards and his fingers were passing through my pubic hair.

I involuntarily gasped as he touched my penis and moved my foreskin backwards. I looked at the clock; three minutes to go. I swallowed and lowered my head into the bowl once more, nearly falling forward in the process. There was too much rice, it was enough for two people but I chewed and swallowed, determined to get through it.

My foreskin was being moved back and forth quickly now. Every now and then I would lift my head and moan slightly as I neared orgasm and he would stop, allowing me to recover before he would start again. I felt his other hand moving around my anus, it felt strange and I realised he was wearing a latex glove. I did everything in my power not to think about what was happening to me as I lowered my head back into the bowl.

His finger pushed inside my anus and I lifted my head and breathed deeply. I looked at the clock. Two minutes to go. I looked down at the bowl of food and realised for the first time it was not even the same bowl I had had earlier. It was much wider. I had made a good dent in the pile of food but there was still a lot left and for the first time I doubted I would make it. No, that wasn’t good enough, I had to make it.

The finger was being pushed deep inside me and then out again over and over in rhythm as the other hand pumped my penis quickly. There were so many sensations going through my body that it was all I could do not collapse onto the floor and let Chris finish what he had started but I couldn’t let that happen.

I took a bite of a spring role and quickly chewed the end I had bitten off. The finger in my anus was pulled out and I had a moment’s relief. I regained my composure and swallowed the mouthful I had and took up the next one as something bigger touched my bottom. I wanted more than anything to look around and see what Chris was holding but it would be a waste of time. I knew it had to be a dildo but I had never seen one. But what if it wasn’t; what if it was Chris. No, my hands were behind my back. For him to get that close surely his chest would touch my hands? But then I was bent over as far as I could with my bum in the air. No, I couldn’t be sure it was a dildo.

Chris was having trouble getting whatever it was into me. He pulled it away and brought it back. Perhaps he had lubricated it. I clenched my backside as something large was being pushed into me and my anus was stretched beyond words. I could feel the foreign object inside me and it felt enormous. It made it difficult to bend over, I wanted more than anything to sit up straight but I fought against it.

I lifted my head and gasped for breath as the object, as I was thinking of it, was pulled back and then thrust inside me again. Chris’s other hand worked furiously on my penis and I was so close to orgasm that I nearly surrendered. I breathed deeply, unable to continue. One minute to go. I looked down. I was nearly there. I took a deep breath and very slowly lowered my head into the bowl.

I was going to win, and then I would be able to get dressed and then…. The object was pulled out roughly and my anus ached as it left. I heard the distinct sound of a belt buckle being undone and of clothes being removed but I chewed frantically, thinking only of the challenge. My penis throbbed and my body had tensed preparing for another orgasm that was never allowed to come.

Then something pressed hard against my hands and I knew it was Chris. My eyes widened as I looked at the clock. Thirty seconds to go. I looked down. Only a couple of mouthfuls left. I reached down and took a huge mouthful of rice and closed my eyes as Chris thrust his penis deep inside me. I chewed frantically and swallowed as his breathing changed in my ear. He moved back and forwards slowly at first but quickly sped up. I looked down; the food was all gone, with five seconds to go. I had made it. My head rolled slowly to the right and I looked into the lens of the video camera.

The challenge was over and I had won but only now was I realising that the challenge had been designed to keep me busy. To allow Chris to do what he wanted to me. I gasped as Chris pushed himself deep inside me. I leaned back towards him and he wrapped his left arm around my torso and kept working my penis with his right as he sped up. Our breathing became quicker as we neared climax together. Chris’s left hand let go of me for a moment and when it came back he was holding a handful of sweet and sour sauce. He wiped it all over my chest and groin, massaging it everywhere he wanted. His right hand let go of my penis and held my shoulder tight as his breathing slowed and at last he came deep inside me. He groaned and gasped and we collapsed onto the floor together.

I heard Chris clear his throat and then he laughed. He unlocked my handcuffs and took them off me and we lay on the floor looking at each other, me with my head on his chest. He lent forward and we kissed passionately, and for the first time my hands explorer his body. Chris looked at me as though seeing me for the first time, a smile upon his lips.

‘You’re turn,’ he said. ‘You’ve earned it. Stand up.’ I knew what he was offering to do but I shook my head.

‘I mustn’t come in your mouth,’ I said suddenly horrified.

‘Why not?’

‘It wouldn’t be right. Master,’ I found myself saying. I put my hands together and offered them to him. He nodded slowly and put the handcuffs back onto my wrists and closed them tightly.

He looked at me curiously and I knew he was going to test me. ‘How about we go into the study and you can put those photographs I took of you on the internet?’

I swallowed. ‘Yes, Master.’ He stood up and got dressed. Then he led me out of the room by my handcuffs.

Last edited by Swirly; 01-27-2009 at 08:12 AM.
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Old 01-29-2009, 10:14 AM   #24
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Its all good until it reaches the slave/ master part.
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Old 07-25-2009, 09:03 AM   #25
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I think the boy realised that far from being horrified by the experience, he was highly turned on by it, and realised something he may have fantisied about but never dared to think would be realised, that he would be owned by someone.
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