Old 12-04-2012, 04:43 PM   #1
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Default Truth or dare at the pub

So this story is loosely based around an experience I had last year, but I’ve swapped some names around and added and subtracted a few details. Y’know, to make it worth reading :P I hope you enjoy, any feedback is fantastic as I haven’t done this before!

It was a cold Tuesday night in September, nearly midnight, not a lot of people out on the town on a Tuesday night. Well, not as many as on a student night like Thursday anyway. But what this meant was that the people that were out, were out for an occasion, like a stag doo, or a hen night, or in this particular case, a birthday.
Michelle had just turned eighteen, a rite of passage in everyone’s life. Although most teenagers are drinking from sixteen, and sponge ID of others, there is still something very grown up, and very satisfying in legally purchasing and consuming alcohol.
As it was only late September, there weren’t many friends out with Michelle, as very few people were eighteen at the time. So she was joined by here good friends; Kylar, Jess, Laura, Carl, and Alex. They were all firm friends, and very comfortable in each other’s company. They were also all very drunk.
The six of them had very little on, of course, as it was a night out. The girls especially were wearing short dresses, with no jackets, the boys in shirts. But they were far too busy enjoying life’s rich tapestry to worry about something as trivial as the cold.
They laughed and joked and wandered down the street, on their way to the third night club of the evening.
Kylar and Laura were at the back of the crowd, arm in arm, using each other for support, hoping that together they could manage to walk. Kylar and just said something that the alcohol had made particularly hilarious, causing Laura to throw her head back in laughter, bringing her whole body into the motion, Laura kicked a leg forward, sending her shoe off into the air, and into one of the trees that bordered the street.
“Oh no!” Laura shouted, with more amusement than irritation, “My shoe’s in the tree!” Laughing now.
Kylar clocked on to what she was talking about, and after roaming the branches with his eyes, he managed to spot the high heeled shoe nestled amongst the branches near the middle on the tree.
Laura raised her eyebrows at him, “Well? Aren’t you going to get it?” Kylar was shocked at the thought, “Me?” What if I fall? I can hardly walk!” He retorted.
“What are you? Chicken?” She mocked.
“No! I just don’t want to fall!”
Go on! I dare you!” She shouted.
“Oh really?” Kylar said, sensing an opportunity, “Well if I do a dare, you have to do a dare! It’s only fair.”
“Fine!” Laura agreed, full of confidence that her dare wouldn’t be too bad.
Without further ado, Kylar kicked his shoes off, and started towards the trunk of the tree. Kylar was briefly miffed that his friends had gone off to the club without Laura and himself, but he after he realised what was happening, he didn’t care. He had a plan now, he had an opening. Laura was one attractive girl, long red hair, about five foot nine, her breasts weren’t huge, but she was thin, it made them perky and squeezable. She had great legs that led up to a fantastic ass, it was big without being loose, tight without being muscley, it was all in all perfect. And to have a chance to swap dares with a girl like this? Kylar would have done anything, climbing a tree was easy.
Kylar leapt up to the lowest branch and grasped it in his hands. He pulled himself up with relative ease, the alcohol giving him strength. Kylar worked out, a lot. He did mixed martial arts three times a week, and biked to school and back. He was proud of his body, but he didn’t like to show off. However, he still enjoyed times like this, where he could fly up a tree like a monkey and not even break a sweat. But that could just be because it was too cold to sweat.
He retrieved the shoe, waved it at Laura, who applauded loudly, and then he began to climb back down.
He dropped down out of the tree and walked back to Laura’s shivering form, he handed her the shoe, and she fastened in back on, more securely than last time.
“So, I’ve held up my end of the bargain.” Kylar said, grinning.
“So you have, what’s my dare then?” She asked curiously.
Kylar didn’t even have to think about it, “I dare you to come into that pub with me over there and play truth or dare, any time you don’t answer a truth or complete a dare, you have to take a shot.” He commanded, looking very pleased with himself.
Laura laughed, “Fine! Lead the way!”
And so they entered the pub, each lost in fantasies of what was to come....
18, male, Uk

Always up for swapping dares with people. I am straight, but sometimes I'll swap dares with guys if I'm in the mood.

Loves: Public risk, masturbation, orgasm denial, humiliation.
Likes: Light anal, extreme public, spanking, webcam dares.
Limits: Pain, heavy anal, familly, friends, blatent exposure.

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Old 12-05-2012, 07:07 AM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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Posts: 425

Great beginning, I'd like to read more.

How old are the characters (besides Michelle)? Or are they all 18+ because otherwise they wouldn't join her?

I would have done some things different I guess, the first sentence is a bit long and confusing, which is never a good idea to do, and also the introduction of the friends isn't nice, because I can't picture them individually and with only the names there will (for me) even be trouble to remember their names...^^

Besides that it sounds pretty good, keep it coming!
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Old 12-05-2012, 07:12 AM   #3
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Hm, nice idea to play TorD in public ;-)

You still need to introduce to other characters. But you can do them one by one when you they will be included into the story. it's much easyer if you dont describe them all at once. I can never remember everything if it's like a enumeartion.

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Old 12-05-2012, 10:28 AM   #4
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@Saphir and @Leuler thank you very much for the feed back I will work on how I string the sentences together, and will mend the lack of description
Here is the next part!

Together Laura and Kylar staggered in through the door of the pub, arm in arm, and approached the bar.
The pub was dimly lit, the only light in the room seemed to come from lights that were above the bar itself, leaving the outskirts of the room in a kind of shadow. The bar was located in the middle of the pub, with the rest of the pub circling it. There were black leather sofas along the walls of the pub, strategically placed around tables. There were high stools around the bar that were obviously not designed for girls in short skirts, so Kylar was already thinking of dares.
There was a thick, musty smell in the air, that likely came from the leather sofas and beer. It certainly wasn’t coming from the people, because there were very few in there. The bartender was up one end of the bar chatting to some regulars, or perhaps friends of his. He was a short man, with short hair, and a short beard, he came over to Laura and Kylar when he noticed them at his bar.
“And what can I do for you two?” He asked. He sounded like a nice man, he didn’t patronise them for being in his pub, or seem irritated that they were in so late, and he managed to maintain eye contact with Laura and not look at her breasts.
“What’s the strongest spirit you have?” Kylar asked the man. He figured if taking a shot was a punishment, it had to be a proper shot.
“Hmm, I think I’ve got some absinthe around here somewhere. How will that fair?”
“Absinthe?” Laura asked, “Isn’t that Greek for ‘undrinkable’?” She sounded worried.
Kylar merely smirked, “It might be. Four shots of that pleas, my good man.” Kylar slapped some money down on the bar.
“You two got any ID?” He asked. Kylar and Laura handed over the provisional drivers licences, proving that they were both eighteen years of age. Then the barman tottered off to find some Absinthe.
Looking around he could see that other than the two of them and the bartender, there were five people in the bar. Two men in what looked to be their forties, were chatting to a slightly younger woman over on a table at the back, near the toilet. The other two men were sat on the bar stools, either looking into their pints of talking with the bartender. None of them seemed particularly interested in him or Laura. Perfect.
Kylar took the shots in-between his fingers, and carried them over to a sofa and table the opposite side of the room to the toilets. Him and Laura sat down, and got comfy.
“Right then,” Kylar said, “Truth or dare Laura?” He asked, failing to keep the excitement from his voice.
She pretended to think about it, “Truth please.”
Kylar was somewhat disappointed, but he had prepared for this. “Okay, have you ever masturbated?”
Laura’s jaw dropped, he obviously hadn’t been expecting such personal questions, this early in the game anyway. After she had recovered from her shock, she replied, “Yes I have.” But said nothing else, she wasn’t going to make this easy for Kylar.
But Kylar didn’t really care, he was grinning from ear to ear.
“Okay then Mr Happy! Truth or dare?” Laura asked him.
“Truth!” Kylar didn’t really want to be the first to pick dare.
“How big is your dick?” Laura asked him, hoping to cause the same shock that Kylar had caused her. But she had no such luck. Kylar quickly answered with, “Eight inches when hard, but half that when I’m soft.” He seemed proud. And Laura had to admit, if he was telling the truth, it was impressive.
“Truth or dare?” Kylar asked her.
“Truth again I suppose.” She said, dreading the question.
“Do you shave your pussy?” Kylar asked shamelessly.
Laura was starting to sense a theme here, “Right, can we agree that everything that happens during this game stays between us please?” She pleaded, obviously nervous that the answers to these questions would get around.
“Of course!” Kylar agreed, willing to do anything to keep this game going.
“Okay. Yes, I shave my pussy completely bald every couple of days.”
Kylar laughed, “Nice!”
“Okay, your go.”
“Truth again!”
“Who do you want to get with most in our year?”
What Laura didn’t know, was that the answer was her, Kylar wanted nothing more than to get with Laura. That’s why he was so happy about this game. But Kylar couldn’t tell her that, it would be too awkward. So instead he reached down and took his shot.
The green liquid coursed down his throat leaving an glorious burn in its wake. “Wow that’s strong shit!” He exclaimed.
They laughed and continued the game. It was more a game of ‘truth’ than truth or dare to begin with. But they each found out some very interesting things.
Kylar discovered that Laura had 32C breasts, had had her ass fingered during sex once, she’d given a guy a blow job in a car park, her underwear was currently a black thong, and Kylar forced her to take a shot when he asked when Laura had last masturbated.
Laura in turn found out that Kylar had never done anal with a girl, he’d masturbated on a bus once for a dare, he favourite sexual position was doggy style, and that he loved to cum in a girls mouth the most.
It was all in all, an educating experience. But eventually, one of them gave in to temptation.
“Truth or dare?”
“Dare.” Laura said shyly.
“About time!” Kylar laughed.
Now things were going to get interesting.......

Let me know what you think
18, male, Uk

Always up for swapping dares with people. I am straight, but sometimes I'll swap dares with guys if I'm in the mood.

Loves: Public risk, masturbation, orgasm denial, humiliation.
Likes: Light anal, extreme public, spanking, webcam dares.
Limits: Pain, heavy anal, familly, friends, blatent exposure.

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Old 12-05-2012, 12:40 PM   #5
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Very nice :-)

you also make it easy to understand everything for non-Native english-speakers like me. The half of the storys here aren't possible to read for me. But this one is perfect ;-)

And the story is very good and interesting. I hope it will not go into something unrealistic like "there will be a gangbang with all the people in the Pub" or similar. It's a good story and seems realistic.

btw: What happened with the other guys?

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Old 12-06-2012, 07:53 AM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Yea I'm wondering about the others too
and hey Leuler long time no see, my fellow Wurst- und Bierkonsument

I totally agree about the whole story remaining realistic.

Good chap, keep writing
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Old 12-06-2012, 04:00 PM   #7
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Hey guys!! Sorry, the other friends went off to the other club for now, sorry if I didn’t make that clear  Here’s the next part!

Kylar had to play this carefully. He wanted to give Laura a dare that was fun, challenging, and sexy. But not so much so that she would freak out and stop playing.
So as much as he wanted her to flash him, he felt that was just a little too extreme for now. He could get her to do something embarrassing, but that could make her panic as well.
So it had to be something risky, something that she could get caught and in trouble for but wasn’t likely. Just likely enough to quicken her pulse.
He had it.
“Okay Laura, I dare you to go take your panties off, right here, right now.” He demanded, looking her right in the eye.
Laura looked like she was expecting a dare like this, because she didn’t gawp or stutter or freak out at all. She must have sensed that this would be the theme of the night after all the truths she had had to answer. So she chose not to take her shot, and do her dare.
“Fine, it could be worse.” She said, matter of factly.
Laura chose not to stand to do her dare, she thought this was probably best, as it wouldn’t attract any attention from the others in the pub. Looking around anxiously, Laura brought her knees together and moved her hands up her dress.
More and more leg entered Kylar’s vision, inch after inch of smooth, tanned thigh, he began to feel his cock stiffening for the first time.
Laura hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her thong, one either side of her waste. Kylar couldn’t quite see her panties, there was just an inch of dress covering that sweet, sweet area. But the legs were treat enough for now.
Laura lifted her bum of the seat a bit, and hurriedly pulled her panties down her legs, where they pooled at her ankles. She then gathered them up, and stuffed them into her purse before anyone could see.
“Well done!” Kylar shouted. He couldn’t believe she had actually done it! He was now sitting next to a smoking hot girl, safe in the knowledge that she had no panties on!
“Thanks,” Laura replied shyly. “Truth or dare, Kylar?”
Kylar knew that now Laura had done a dare, he had to as well, or Laura would never pick dare again. How bad could it be?
“Dare please.”
Laura thought for a moment, she needed a good dare to get back at him for making her loose her panties, but it also needed to be a dare he would do. She racked her brains for something, anything, but it’s hard to think when you’re that drunk.
“I’ve got a good one!” She suddenly exclaimed. “I dare you to go and order two more shots, while at the bar though, you have to drop your trousers to your ankles, and pick them up again, before returning to the sofa!” Kylar had to admit, it was a good dare. And after Laura’s last dare, he knew he had to do it. Plus, she looked so pleased with herself for thining of it, Kylar didn’t have the heart to take the shot instead.
“Fine then!” Kylar said, sticking his tongue out.
He proceeded to get up, and walk to the bar. He waved the bartender over and asked for another two shots, he then waited for the bartender to turn his back, before quickly undoing his belt and dropping his trousers. Kylar felt the trousers hit the floor, and heard Laura laugh as his boxer covered bottom came into view. Kylar fought the urge to turn around and look at her, as he was afraid that she would see the slight tent forming in his underwear.
Kylar was just about to pull them up again, when the bartender turned back around with the shots, Kylar handed him the money, and waited for him to turn around and put the money in the till. Then as fast as he could he bent down and pulled his trousers up. Kylar fumbled with his belt, trying to get it back in before the bartender saw him. He felt the belt click home, just as the till was closed.
“And here’s your change young man.” The bartender said with a smile.
Kylar nodded at him, as he didn’t trust his voice, and then walked back to the sofa with the shots.
“Did you have fun?” Laura asked him playfully.
“Tonnes!” Kylar replied. “Truth or dare?” He asked, eager to see what else would happen that night.

Let me know if you think it's moving too slow, or too fast and things I'm trying to make the parts as long as I can, but let me know if you think they need to be bigger I'm trying to post one a day, but sorry in advance if I'm late!
18, male, Uk

Always up for swapping dares with people. I am straight, but sometimes I'll swap dares with guys if I'm in the mood.

Loves: Public risk, masturbation, orgasm denial, humiliation.
Likes: Light anal, extreme public, spanking, webcam dares.
Limits: Pain, heavy anal, familly, friends, blatent exposure.

Make tea, not war.
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Old 12-06-2012, 04:26 PM   #8
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 425

good chap :3

it doesn't hurt to wait with the heavy stuff, and the longer the chapters and the more description the better ^^

a chap a day sounds awesome
no worries if you need a couple days per chap, even that would be good^^
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Old 12-06-2012, 05:15 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Saphir View Post
good chap :3

it doesn't hurt to wait with the heavy stuff, and the longer the chapters and the more description the better ^^

a chap a day sounds awesome
no worries if you need a couple days per chap, even that would be good^^
Yeah, it would be good. but i realy want to read more

I'm on a trip for the next 3 Days. hope there will be some updates when i'm back ;-)

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