Old 11-29-2021, 03:05 PM   #1
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Default The Boys are back!

It's been quite a few years since I have posted a story on here and hopefully I have improved a bit but with over 30,000 views on my last one I suppose it wasn't too bad, so with that being said....

Watch this space
Likes: CBT, Pee, Shaving, Messy, Underwear and Lycra, Condoms, Hidden Public/Risk, Dice Dares.

Limits: Full Public, friends, family, anal, pet play etc.

Some toys i have - Ball Stretchers, Cock Rings, Condoms, Icyhot, Toothpaste, Candles

Amazon Wishlist - https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist...?ref_=wl_share


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Old 11-29-2021, 03:49 PM   #2
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The boys are back, and this time they are off on holiday after finishing their final year off school. So now they are able to drink and have learned a bit more about themselves, they have decided to break away from their parents and head off for a break full of partying or so they thought.

Daniel was the one who took lead of the planning of this holiday, he had just turned 18 3 weeks previous and was the last of the group to hit the landmark. Daniel is tanned, tall and skinny with a good body and very attractive smile. He was bouncing some ideas off the others through their group chat and the one that got the most votes was a trip to Turkey. The Boys had decided to stay away from the mainstream party destinations of Europe and go somewhere hot, cheap and still safe enough for them to be able to relax.

Daniel began to trawl different websites pricing Hotels and Apartments for the group of 10 but it soon proved difficult due to the nature and size of the party. The cheapest he could find for the week was nearly £4000 for the group so he began to look elsewhere. One of the other boys had mentioned of his parents having a cottage that they rented out in the summer on a site called AirBNB, Daniel wasn't really too sure how it worked so opened his laptop and had a look for it on there that in the off chance there was something like that in Turkey. And BINGO! A quick search later and he finds a 4 bedroom Villa that will accommodate the Boys with room to spare for half the price so he grabbed the link and shared it with the Boys.

A few minutes later the general consensus is back and the Boys agree that this looks like the place for them. It has its own pool, double garage, tennis court and lounge big enough to host them all, and, it was only a 10 minute walk from the local town with the beach a further 5 minutes again. Daniel is congratulated, Alffi offers up helping to sort out the flights and transfers for the boys while Daniel looks into booking the Villa.

Alffi was the eldest of the group, he had just turned 19 and had moved to Portsmouth from Wales just 4 years ago. Alffi was tall and muscular, not stocky but just a well made human being. Playful and serious, Alffi had a bite to him if you managed to get on his wrong side. Alffi represented the school at cross country and was like a whippet with aspirations of studying Sports Science after summer break.

Luke piped up in the chat, "Passports.... have you all got passports in date and know where they are??" Luke was probably the most sensible of the group, he is always watching at a distance, even on their nights out, he was watching for trouble but could easily get carried away in the heat of the moment. Luke, again another cross country runner for the school and even national level. Slender, dark haired and toned. The Boys mostly replied with a yeah or photo of their passport just to prove they had it as Luke would not give up until some of the more forgetful ones had confirmed its location.

An hour later Daniel confirmed the booking of the Villa. He sent his bank details in to get the boys to transfer their share to him so he could pay the final amount. So that's it set! In 3 weeks time the boys are off on their first holiday alone, no parents, no problem.

Daniel had looked into the Villa and read some reviews, it was on a private complex with 12 apartments and 4 other villas with a little shop and cafe/restaurant. It looked just the ticket and the Boys began to get excited.

Alffi sorted the flights over the coming days and the Boys sorted out between them how they were gonna get to the airport. This was it. They were all set and ready to go. Just some final shopping to do over the coming few weekends and they were good to go.

A few days later Cameron came up with an idea for the group. "Lads, seeing as we are like our own Villa and a bit from the town, do you want to do some funny shit like take the piss and stuff. Maybe dress funny or do some funny tiktoks?"

There was a longer than normal pause on the group as they all thought about it or were trying to work out what he was thinking. Cameron was a skinny kid, barely an ounce of fat on his body, short and dark haired but shockingly strong, he was a wrestler and had begun to take up MMA in the local club and was doing well. Known for his mischief, he was the first to play a prank on the others and really never said no, not even to a bad idea, he really hadn't a care in the world and was up for anything.

The chat still deathly quiet, Cameron follows up "How about we each boy something for someone else in the group to wear by the pool all day. We all bring it with us and don't tell no one, then pick out names at random as we go round the room and that will be who wear what they brought"

The boys slowly agree, some more keen than the others. Scott, loves the idea along with Alffi. Scott, tall, ginger and a rugby player writes "Yes!! I know what I'm getting hahaha!" Scott was the only one from the group who didn't go to their school but somehow fell into the group when they were teenagers and was well liked. He left school at 16 and was doing an apprenticeship at one of the car manufacturing plants nearby. Scott loved to wind people up, especially his pals and was always bordering on crossing the line and going too far with some of them but because of that he was respected.

Eventually they agreed and said they would think about any other ideas they might have for when they were away.

With it now being the weekend before they fly, some of the boys had met up at the local shopping village to buy some clothes and other bits that they needed.
Likes: CBT, Pee, Shaving, Messy, Underwear and Lycra, Condoms, Hidden Public/Risk, Dice Dares.

Limits: Full Public, friends, family, anal, pet play etc.

Some toys i have - Ball Stretchers, Cock Rings, Condoms, Icyhot, Toothpaste, Candles

Amazon Wishlist - https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist...?ref_=wl_share


Kik: imaslaveboy
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Old 12-06-2021, 06:01 AM   #3
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The boys agreed on heading down to get some shopping at 11am. Alffi, Scott, Daniel, Jack and Jake are all on time and wait outside one of the Cafes, the prearranged meeting point waiting on the last boy to appear. Stylishly late as usual is Alex. The tallest of the boys and probably the most down to earth but certainly had a few creative streaks through him. Muscular and sometimes short tempered, he doesn't take any shit and the Boys know that but also one of the nicest guys about. "Ahh, late as usual." pipes up Jack. Jack was about 6ft and had ginger hair, not crazy orange but a orange tone to a light brown, he didn't like being called ginger but he got it anyway. Toned and we'll proportioned, Jack wasn't much of an athlete but just had the natural physique that many dreamed of.

They exchanged some chat and jokes before deciding where they were going to head off to get what they needed, that only had a few hours and the shopping village was massive so they eventually agreed to go in two groups. Some of the boys needed some more holiday clothes, some needed toiletries and Jake even needed to get a case as this was his first trip since a young boy and he wasn't fitting his clothes in his hand luggage sized case. So off they went.

Jake was the trouble maker, known to take jokes too far and absolutely rip into anyone he so desired without fear as he knew the repercussions were always worth it. He knew to accept them and move on or apply his go to reaction, retaliation. Jake was tall and slim and had a natural tanned skin tone, quite a good looking boy and a likeable character. He went off with Alex and Jack while Alffi, Daniel and Scott headed off to get some clothes.

Jake dicated that they needed to get a case first as that was most important to him and the farthest store then had to go to so they could work back. Alex needed to get sunscreen and some clothes and Jack needed much the same. They got to the store that had the best range of cases and Jake picked one fairly quickly, bought it and left without much fuss. The Boys had passed a chemists on the way there and agreed that it would be their next stop. They split up inside and went about their business. Alex got his sunscreen, after sun moisturiser, some shower gel and some toothpaste. Jake bought some hair product, toothpaste and shower gel and Jack bought razors, vaseline for his dry skin and some sunscreen and after sun moisturiser. Next stop was the travel plug adapters and scales. There was a store that sold odds and ends like that back the way they came. They stopped in and got what they had set out to, but the store was a bit of a treasure with lots of adult games and interesting items...

Last edited by imaslaveboy; 12-06-2021 at 06:05 AM.
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Old 12-06-2021, 06:59 AM   #4
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This brought the boys back to that message that was put in the group chat a few weeks ago about maybe finding somethings to spice up their days just chilling at the Villa. There were card games, drinking games and all sorts so they picked up a set of Cards against Humanity cards, a few drinking games and some other interesting items.

Alffi, Daniel and Scott went in the opposite direction to where most of the clothes and sports stores were. Alffi also wanted to buy some new running shoes as he were sadly taken to pieces by his new puppy a few days ago so that was their first port of call. Alffi headed off to the shoe rack while Scott and Daniel had a wonder about. They walked past the swimming section and decided this is where there would buy their costumes for the two unlucky boys who would be wearing them. Scott went to the womens section and Daniel to the mens section. Scott thought it would be hilarious to see one of them in a one piece so he found the brightest pink all in one that he could find. Womens sizes weren't one of his most knowledgeable subjects so he took a wild guess and went for size 10. Daniel on the other hand was more knowledgeable in mens sizes so looked for a size small in these Multi-coloured Arena briefs as he knew most would fit in a small but it would be a tight squeeze for some. He grabbed some swimming shorts for himself and carried on looking around the store picking up a few items for himself then made his way to the tills. Just as he arrived Alffi had walked off with his shoes and obviously some other things that he needed. They made the international sign to meet outside the front of the store. Scott shortly followed suit.

Next stop for them would be the chains of branded clothing stores as they went through the mall. Each checking out their favourites and getting a few things like shorts, t-shirts and even a pair of Ray-Bans for Daniel, he had always wanted a pair and had some money left over.

Meanwhile, Alex and the other group had just been through the checkout at the adult store and were going for some lunch. As they were Alex dived into one of the bureau d e change outlets to get some Lira for his travels and said he would meet up with them, there was a bit of a queue but thought nothing of it as it is usually a quick exchange. He waited and waited and waited and the queue barely seemed to move. 20 minutes later and the teller had only served 2 customers, with 3 more in front of Alex he was getting a bit frustrated as he had a few more things to get. A short while later he thought he would give Alffi a call and asked him if he could get what he needed while he was in this queue as his lift home was due in about 40 mins and he wouldn't have time. Alffi agreed and asked him to send him a list and he would sort it.

Just a few things mate. if you need any sizes or anything just message me but usually a medium

Swimming shorts (black or blue)
Boxers - 5 pack or something
White ankle socks
A couple of t-shirts, like 2 for £25 or something, no black

Cheers bud


Alffi told the other two with him that they had to head back the way they came and get those things for Alex. Much to their dissatisfaction then agreed and turned to head back to the sports shop. "That's a bit of a piss take. Lazy bastard wouldn't walk the extra 5 minutes to get it himself." muttered Daniel. "You know what you are getting him Alf?" conversed Scott. "Aye, think so. I'm not spending any time on it. I'll just lift whatever looks alright." he replied. Daniel looked at Scott and grinned with a wink, "Yeah I know what to get him!" laughed Daniel with an evil chuckle. "Me and Scott with get the swimming shorts and Boxers if you want to grab the socks and T-shirts, means you can have a better look for him."

They got to the sports shop and split. Alffi went to grab socks and a few T-shirts which didnt take long and he queued to pay. Daniel went straight the the underwear section picking up a budget 6 pack of White briefs and spun around to the Swimwear section where Scott was already holding a red pair of Speedos. He chucked them to Dan who went to pay, Alffi had just finsihed in front of him and chucked his card over. Alffi messaged Alex:


Got you sorted mate. Think it was like £57 for that or something. Want me to bring it to you?


Nah mate, I am still in this queue, I am not gnna have time to hand around, cutting it fine at this rate, this bird loves a chat. Bring it with you in your case and I'll get it when we get there.
Ill transfer that money now mate


Alex replied and as he sent it he was up to get money exchanged. He gave 1 word answers and the teller got the message soon enough apologising for the wait. He took his Turkish Lira and made a dash for the car park where he had arranged to meet his brother for a lift home after he had finished his football match.

The other boys met and got some lunch. It seemed that they were not too willing to share what they had bought as the extras would be best kept until they arrived. Also, it was maybe a good idea in the off chance that some fancied upping the ante a bit more than would be deemed a joke. Jake hinted at the Cards Against Humanity game and the few drinking games but kept the rest fairly discreet, so did Scott and Daniel. Alffi didn't even question what they had got for Alex as Alffi didn't care.

They ordered up their lunch and found a table to sit and eat. They planned where they would go for the final few bits that they needed and agreed to split. Their flight was in less than 24 hours so final exchanges were made before they went. Jake and Jack were getting picked up from the other side of the outlet so they went off together leaving the others to get their ride home. One the way back through the two jested and joked about what they were getting as the costume. The words gimp suit and g-string were brought up with screams of laughter before Jake stopped dead in his tracks with his eyes fixated on an envelope at the side of the mall way. In it he could see cash and it bulged, it looked like it had been dropped by someone or had fallen out of their pocket as it was folded and creased. Jack picked up on it straight away and the boys walked over to it, placing their bags around it so to block it from others view and stood beside it looking to see if anyone was looking for it, they waited and waited and no one came for it, so after 20 minutes or so they decided to pick it up and walk on. "If someone comes for this then I'll give it to them but if not lets split it and say no more about it." Whispered Jake. "Agreed." affirmed Jack. The boys made it clear of the complex and found a quiet corner of the car park to pull it out and count it. It seemed to go on forever as they counted it. £1640 in £20 notes. They halved it there and then and stuffed it in their pockets and walked back to the entrance of the mall. "I'm going back in to get those new shoes I wanted." informed Jack. Jake nodded as they parted ways.

Jack had other ideas too, he was certainly one with a darker sense of humour and had spotted the sex shop on the way out. He was going to call in there after he had bought his beloved shoes, and, with 30 minutes until his Mum arrives that was plenty of time. On the way out of the shoe shop he B lined straight for the Sex shop. He knew what he was getting. Straight to the dildo section, picking up a fairly small 7" model, a huge bottle of lube, a few different boxes of condoms and a pair of vibrating butt plugs with remote controls. This was dark and probably way outside what any other the other boys would even consider but Jack was going for it. After quite a few drinks he reckoned he would be able to get these involved. £180 he had just spent but it was free money for him so he thought he may as well use it for the benefit of the boys..... no, definitely not, for the the benefit of him.

Later that day they got home and packed their cases. Some of the boys made additional trips or had orders for some things delivered from online. Devilish things were going to go down and some just had no idea what was coming their way. Alffi realised what the other two had got for Alex and chuckled as he packed it in his case along with the rest of his clothes and his surprises.

They headed to bed knowing that they had to be up and ready to go for 10am the following morning
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Old 12-06-2021, 10:07 AM   #5
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The next morning the boys sprang out of bed and got their final thoughts together and a sanity check to make sure they had everything then needed and waited on their ride to the airport.

The boys got there in good time, all within about 20 minutes of each other then checked their bags in and headed to the departure lounge for some lunch before going to their departure gate.

On the plane the tricks started already, Alffi had managed to get the boys seated together so it made the 5 hour long flight a bit more entertaining for some rather than being scattered across the plane. It was a 2-3 configuration with the boys taking up the entirety of two rows. About an hour in a few had fallen asleep. Namely Alex and Rhys.

They were sat beside each other in the front row of 3 and no worse place to be with Cameron and Daniel tucked in behind you with Michael on the right.

Rhys was quiet and obviously had a fairly sheltered childhood as he was sometimes quite shocked at what the boys would come out with sometimes, and easily embarrassed by some of the questions they would ask him. He was good fun for them though, he always had them round for drinks at the weekends so liked for that as well as his kind demeanour but sometimes more often than not, he was the subject of their joke. A gym buff, Rhys was always about image, dressed very well and loved a good tense of his muscular body in the mirror.

Michael however was another cross country runner, he was skinny, dark haired and long legged, wiry and just built to run, he had moved down to the boys school at the age of 14 to be closer to the nation cross country team training venue, he competed at the youth European championships finishing an impressive 10th so took his sport very seriously, it was hard to get him to come out and enjoy himself with a few drinks especially if there were any events coming up which seemed to be every weekend. Michael had a glint of mischief in his eye quite of didn't mind getting involved whenever he had the chance of a good old fashioned prank.

The Air Hostess has just come through the cabin with some water and bread rolls, you know the time that are slightly warm and rock hard, yeah, those. Daniel alerted Cameron to the unexpected sleeping pair cutely resting their heads together in the row in front. The whispered and came up with a plan, getting Michaels attention too, then briefed him and then made their moves.

Daniel reached forward and dropped the slice of butter that came with the bread down the back of Alex's t-shirt and Cameron slid two more pieces into the back of Rhys' Grey CK boxers that were on show in the gap between the seats. The top of his bubble butt conveniently on show and welcomed the room temperature butter. As if that wasn't bad enough, Michael opened his bottle of water and poured small amounts into Rhys crotch, not to alarm him but just enough to wet the khaki shorts. Michael was creative, he wet his crotch and one side of his shorts as to look exactly like he had just had an accident. Their sniggered and held back laughs was enough to show how much they enjoyed their pranks, and, well, if this is to go by, they are in for one hell of a trip. The boys will have to sleep with one eye open.

The flight was tailing to an end as they heard the Captain come over the radio and inform the crew of the aircraft beginning a descent into the airport. By this time the butter had long since melted and the boys had begun to wake up. Alex appeared to be clueless and never mentioned a thing. Rhys had shifted about a bit in his seat but again, didn't mention a thing. The damage was done however. The butter had melted and now Rhys butt cheeks were rubbing together very easily now that the butter had made its way down his crack and the photos had been taken of the wet patch in his shorts that had since dried. Unfortunately for the others, the butter had partially melted and fallen out the bottom of Alex's t-shirt and on to the floor. anyway, the plane landed and the boys gathered their things to exit. Row by row they exited before they hit the door, and were hit with that blast of hot air from the airport tarmac. A clammy 33c that afternoon.

So, after getting through passport control and finding the carousel to grab their bags, they waited. Rhys by this stage had realised that something was up with his underwear so had slipped off to the bathrooms to check himself and readjust. It was then he realised, that the greasy stain in the back of his trunks was butter. They had left a wrapper on one of the pieces that had some how now stuck perfect to his bum cheek. The fury built in him, he gave himself a wipe and headed back to the Boys.
"Which one of you bastards done this then?" he said with an aggressive tone but a hint of a wry smile. Daniel and Cameron could hardly hold their water as they burst into laughter. Rhys didn't even reply. He grinned, rolled his eyes and swung back around to the carousel with a shake of his head.
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Old 12-06-2021, 10:45 AM   #6
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The Boys collected their bags and made their way to the exit, thankfully for some, none of them were pulled by the numerous security personnel and their bags checked as that could have been a bit embarrassing, especially for Jack with the goods he had onboard. Daniel pushed his way through the boys to the front and had a look for the Minibus that the Villa complex has sent to collect them from the airport. And as if just by magic, it pulled up right in front of their toes to the kerbside and the side door opened. The driver bounced out and took their luggage signalling the boys to get aboard the pimp blacked out minibus. Leather seats, charging points and a big TV up-front. This was the life for them. The driver finished stacking the luggage underneath for them before he poked his head through the side door. "Beers in the back free of charge. The TV can be connected to Netflix on your phones. It will take us around 2 hours to get to the complex so enjoy and relax. I can stop if you boys need a toilet break along the way just let me know in advance so I can stop at the services." The driver shut the door, jogged around to the drivers door, hopped in and set off. The boys couldn't believe their luck and congratulated Daniel on the transfer they had been given. Daniel accepted the thanks but was a little bemused as this was not what he had thought he ordered but he wasn't going to say anything.

A little later they decided to try and connect their phone to the entertainment system and stick a movie on to pass the time. Some has payed a little more attention to what has happened in the last 30 minutes than others. Luke had noticed the logo that was bouncing around the TV was the same what was stenciled on the back of the seats in the bus as well as the logo on the drivers t-shirt. The text was in Turkish, so Luke quietly Googled it. 'Dağınık oyuncu konağı' it said. Which he found translated into the very rough Messy Player Mansion. Luke was bit confused so then he Googled the Turkish and then it clicked, it all made sense. Alffi had booked a Villa in a resort dedicated to messy shows and WAM in general. The website had all sorts of videos with what looked like a studio set up and lots of pictures and clips from shows that had obviously been well funded. This is what the boys had unknowingly paid for. Luke kept his mouth shut as he didn't want to alarm the others but at the same time, he thought that this surely is an option and they can avoid it if they wish.

The journey went on and as it was drawing to a close they pulled up at this massive gated community resort on the edge of the desert and quite far from the nearest town from what they could see. The electric gates opened and the bus pulled in and across to the Villa in the corner of the Cul-de-sac of 5 Villas. "This is you guys. I think you boys will have plenty of fun in your stay here. WE are very pleased to have you and we hope you join us for some of our weekly run entertainment nights." he said with a smile as he was unloading their cases and passed over the key to Cameron. "Do you want me to show you around?" The Boys shook their heads as they had now been travelling for nearly 11 hours.

Cameron unlocked the door and was the first through, the other bombed up the stairs looking to try and find the best bedroom and bed to put their claim on. The 4 bedrooms were taken within a matter of seconds. Alffi had partnered up with Jake. Alex with Rhys. Jack and Daniel had taken the double suite and in the triple was Scott, Cameron and Michael. This left Luke on his own to take the sofa bed at the top of the stairs. There were clear rules laid down by all about sharing the double beds, no touching, no farting, no naked sleeping were some of those common ones but Jake piped up as he heard the same from each of the rooms. "Will you all just shut up! We will probably be too pissed to even remember which room we are sleeping in so just man up and stop being a bunch of girls about it!" Well that was that decided. The boys got changed, some went to one of the 3 showers in the Villa and Rhys changed his underwear and chucked them in the corner of the room before getting into the shower in the en-suite that they had.

Alex wandered into Alffi's room and asked for the clothes that he had asked him to get for him. "You got that stuff for me?" Alffi nodded and chucked him the carrier bag with the receipt inside. Without even taking a glance, ALex turned and headed back to his room to get changed into his swimming 'shorts' and head down to the pool to catch the last of the sun before it sets and gets colder. Alex sets the bag on his bed and dips his hands in pulling out the two t-shirts on the hangers. He has a quick look and sets them to the side, they were run of the mill cheap t-shirts. Next up came the 'boxers', he looks at the packet then realising that he is holding a packet of 6 white briefs. "Alffi! What the fuck are these?" he shouts. No reply. He dives back into bags pulling out the red Speedo briefs. Bright red with a Speedo logo on the left hip and 'SPEEDO' in white across the bum. "Alffi!" He shouts again. Alffi appears at the door "Mate, I had nothing to do with those, it's quite funny but I have nothing to do with those. I went and got the T-Shirts and socks for you and Cam and Scott got those. I showed them the message and thats what they came back with." "Are you fucking serious?? You didnt even check to see what they had got at any point?" Alex interrogates. "Mate to be honest, I didnt until I chucked that bag in my case this morning on the way out and actually thought it was quite funny." he replies. Alex, who is now fuming at this point "Alffi, I have no other swimming shorts with me, my last ones were lost at the beach and I only brought 3 pairs of boxers with me so now I am going to have to go and buy more!" Alffi takes a moment and tries to level with him. "I dont really see the problem here, loads of people wear them, what's the big deal? I have something similar with me, I don't like the baggy stuff anyway. I'm going for a swim now, you coming?" He grins trying to make light of the situation. "Yeah fuck it" Alex mutters with a sigh. They both shut the doors and Alex slides on his new Red Speedo, a moment later, Alffi appears at his door wearing Black and grey Jammers with a nice bulge and a slender toned body. They grab a towel each and walk down to the pool out the back of the Villa, chuck their towels down on a lounger and jump in.
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Old 12-06-2021, 11:11 AM   #7
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The boys have a swim and a mess about as the sun begins to set in the distance. Alffi and Alex are joined by Cameron and Rhys with a volleyball to throw about. "Where did you find that?" asked Alffi. "Just in the garage there. There is loads of other shit in there too and some weird stuff, must be from some kind of machine." replies Rhys. The others appear a short while later and some have even been over to the shop before it closed to buy beers and some vodka. "Thats a weird ass shop they have here. They have like, normal stuff and then loads of stuff in bulk and some stuff I have never heard of in different colours. Nartosol or Natursol or some shit like that. Must be a local thing." says Michael while nursing a beer as he pulls his top off.

Alex jumps out of the pull after a good 40 mins and walks over to grab his towel. "Pfffffft! What are thosssseeeee?" laughs Jake spewing his beer all over the poolside. "My Swimming shorts." Alex says with a sarcastic tone as he brings his stare over to the direction of Scott and Cameron who are holding back from laughing. The boys have a good laugh at him as Alex tries to hold it together by owning it and says he actually quite likes them. They dont leave much to the imagination but shows off what he is packing which isn't the biggest in the group but something to be proud of. "You've seen it all before and now you have had a good look so I hope you dont mind but I am gonna keep 'em." Spouts Alex.

Alffi soon follows but after the bright Red Speedos of Alex, the black jammers suddenly don't seem so bad so he gets away scott free. The boys have a chat and decide that tomorrow is going to be a chill day by the pool with a few beers and just relax. They head back inside once the temperature drops as they see the sun disappear below the horizon and with a few more beers around the table they each head off to bed after a long day of travelling. With many more days ahead to enjoy themselves they didn't mind a partially early night and good sleep. Most of the boys went straight to their rooms, stripped to their boxers and hoped in bed without another word spoken.
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Old 12-25-2021, 04:05 PM   #8
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The next morning the boys slowly began to rise one by one with most turning over to their phones and scrolling through the socials before eventually Rhys made his move from his bed and strutted across the bedroom in his grey Jack Wills boxers with a navy band and a slight tent before he grabbed his towel off the rack in the corner and headed off to get a shower. The others slowly began to follow suit and eventually making their way into the main living area of the Villa before having coffee and croissants and some cereal. Outdoors was just hotting up as it was just turning 10.30am. The boys collected conversing before that turned to the day ahead and what they would do. Some wanted to make their way into to town, others wanted to hit the beach and the rest wanted to stay around the pool and get a bit more acclimatised to the heat before they head off walking for 30 mins or go to a beach with no shade. "Boring" piped up Jake. "Whose idea was the fancy dress or whatever you called it? How about we go grab a box of beer each and fuck about in the pool and play truth or dare or something to spice it up a bit?" He continued. Michael agreed "Yeah, lets do that. I wouldnt mind a crate and a bit of fucking about! Go get your outfits and I will write our names out and put them in a bowl. When you come back down keep your outfit hidden and pick up a piece of paper and sit down, keep the names to yourself until everyone is down."
"Sounds like a plan mate hahahaha! This is going to be rough for some people. I can feel it." said Luke with a wry smile. With that the Boys split.

About 15 minutes later the Boys had all gathered back in the lounge area all clutching bags and small pieces of paper.
"Right, so, the way this is meant to work is as follows. The name you have drawn in your hands is the one to whom you will pass what you have brought for them to wear, and, before you all pipe up, yes, you could end up wearing your own. That's the risk you all have taken. And once you put it on, you are not allowed to wear anything else for the next 24 hours apart from a hoodie to keep in if it gets too cold. There might be a few other things mixed in today so keep them dry and clean if you plan on sleeping with any comfort." explains Cameron with a mysterious smile and creepy wink at the end. You could just tell he was full of mischief.
"Fuck" exclaims Cameron.

"We will start with alphabetical order and around room that way. Alex you are up first."
suggests Cameron.
Alex stands up, "Well in that case the person who will be wearing what I have brought is.... Daniel," as he chucks his bag into Daniels lap and sits back down. Daniel with a cheeky smirk on his face reaches into the bag and pulls out its contents. Out falls a pair of white tighty whities, one of the set of 6 that Alex was reduced to himself. "Bastard! I cant wear these." he says.
"Well you picked them for me and not its a case of a taste of your own medicine I suppose" snipes Alex.

Next up we have Alffi who follows suit and stands up while unscrolling his scrumpled up piece of paper. "And wearing my excellent choice in the searing heat today will be.... Michael." Alffi lobs the bag to Michael and as he grabs it, out falls the leg of a red Asics wrestling singlet. "You're a wanker mate, do you know that?" the rest of the room laughs and sniggers. "You I tan really quickly and now its going to look like I have been walking about in a tank top!" mumbled Michael as he slumped into the couch he was sitting it tossing the singlet up and down onto his lap.

Next up was Cameron who came up with this idea who jumped up proudly after doing some quick alphabetical scanning in his head. "And in my outfit will be...." a slightly longer pause than to be expected followed by the wiping of the smile from his face "Me" he said under his breath. The rest of the boys burst out laughing. "Let's see what you got then!" called the boys. Cameron pulls out a pair of elastic rubber boxer briefs, the sort with a coating of powered to help get them on. He slumps back into his seat as the boys roll around the floor laughing.

The rest of the boys carried on as they cycled through the Alphabet until all had ended up with a costume for the next 24 hours. Some really amusing costumes are going to be on display and those are as follows:

Jack will be wearing a matching red Speedo to Alex's purchased by Daniel.
Rhys will be wearing old grey running shorts with the liner cut out kindly donated and modified by Michael.
Alffi will be wearing an adult diaper cruelly brought with him by Jake.
Jake will be in a pair of womens panties in white that clearly aren't going to fit any of the boys bought by Luke.
Alex will be in old white Nike compression shorts donated by Rhys after a rugby season or 3.
Scott has arguably the skimpiest outfit with a white Jock strap from Jack.
Luke will now be in a pink one piece womens bathing suit from Arena that Scott picked up.

Certainly some of the boys are not happy with what they have ended up with but what goes around comes around and they will just have to take their medicine but this certainly puts a twist on things for the day ahead especially with Cameron at the wheel by the looks of it.

"I guess it's that time then. Some of you are going to be hilarious. It is now 11.07am. If you are not sat back down here or through that door by 11.15am then there will be punishments and that is when the 24 hours starts." commanded Cameron and with that he walked off the to the bathroom and 'slid' into his rubber boxer shorts. The rest headed off to their place of privacy or not in some cases as others just started stripping on the spot like Jake and Michael who just wanted to get it over with. They stood up, stripped and started pulling on their outfits.

Jake really had nothing to lose, he inspected the panties as he shook his head and stepped into them and pulled them up. They didn't even make much effort at all of hiding his manhood as whatever way he tried to adjust, something would just fall out the side. He just sat straight back down and cupped his crotch with his hands with a smirk of embarrassment. Michael had stepped into his Singlet and was pulling it up around him. It really was a perfect fit for him. Slender and toned it hugged his body beautifully showing off his trunk too. The rest of the boys filtered in one by one, some red faced, some not so much. Rhys probably got away lightly however, it was clear that when he walked into the room that he had no support and there was maybe an inch of material before his cock would be peeping out the bottom of the shorts, and when he took his seat, that theory became reality as if you were sitting opposite him like Jack was, you could see it resting beside his leg. It was slowly approaching 11.15am with only 30 seconds left to spare and no sign of Jack, Alffi or Alex. Then all of a sudden there was thundering down the stairs as Alffi burst into the room wearing a diaper to laughter as the others had never really seen something like that. "Am I in time?" panted Alffi in a state of panic as he swung his head around the room wanting for a clock. "You are" moaned Jack in his monotone Welsh accent with almost a hint of disappointment.

The rest started to count down as the clocked ticked, "TEN, NINE, EIGHT, SEVEN, SIX"

Still no sign of Alex and Jack.

They continued, "FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE! ZEROOOOO!" "That's the first punishments of the day" said Cameron. "Send them to go and grab everyone's beer from the shop?" he asked suggestively. "Yesssssss" said the boys.

About 5 minutes later they appeared and the first words out of Alex's mouth was "This is a stupid idea."

"Tough shit. Oh and you pair are off for everyone's beers so you might wanna take out order." chipped in Luke with no sympathy at all as he sat legs spread open in the Arena electric pink one piece which wasn't too flattering for obvious reasoning as his pubes sprouted out the side and his package bunched up into a ball.

"Fine, fuck it. What do you all want?" asked Jack in a sulk.

The boys gave them their order from the shop mostly consisting of beers and vodka and some soft drinks. They collect some money and headed off. As they stepped out the front of the Villa, it was a short walk, maybe 200 yards or so, but before they even reached the end of the driveway they were greeted by a van pulling up and a member of staffing asking for a signature as the other offloaded buckets and buckets of who knows what as neither spoke English and the boys couldn't read Turkish. "We didnt order this. We didn't pay and dont have money. Mistake Mistake." was all Alex could say to try and deny this delivery which obviously was expensive regardless of what it was as the sealed 15l buckets began to stack. Confused, all the Driver could mutter was "Free, Free. Complimentary." Alex looked at Jack, Jack looked at Alex, they shrugged and Alex put pen to paper. The Driver smiled, looked up and down the boys and walked off to grab the last few buckets. Jack walked back in as Alex watched the last buckets be set at the roller door to the garage.
"There's a delivery in the driveway. Can you bring it in!" Jack shouted into the Villa from the front door.
"Of what?" was replied.
"Dunno!" returned Jack as he slammed the door shut and walked up to Alex to continue the trip.

The Boys got the order at the shop and stacked up the boxes and bottles for the now long walk back nursing 3 boxes of beer and two bags of booze each.

Meanwhile, the Boys back at the Villa had began to query the delivery quickly grabbing the buckets and swiping them inside to avoid being seen in their attire for the brief few seconds they were exposed. Scott grabbed his phone and started scanning the labels and translating them on an App. On the stickers read, 'Custard', 'Syrup', 'Treacle', 'Natrosol, Red Concentrate', 'Natrosol, Blue Concentrate' and two others that wouldn't translate for him. There must have been over 100l of each type so nearly 700l of these food stuffs. The boys confused tried to make sense of it. At that moment, Alex and Jack knocked and were let in to be immediately smashed with questions from all directions.
"Wow, wow, wow. Relax. The guy explained its complimentary and that's all I have to explain. I am as confused as you are." he said as he chucked a copy of the invoice onto the floor in front of them. Scott scooped it up and translated it with his App again.

He began reading the usual jargon that comes on an invoice and then it read "We hope you settle into your messy stay and play the way we allow. This is your complimentary delivery of mess. Your gameshow evening is Thursday and Saturday. We shall deliver the props for all of the guests at the residence on Wednesday morning."

"Oh yeah, lads. I forgot to mention, this is a resort specific to what they call the WAM community. It means wet and messy but this place was way cheaper than anywhere else that is evening close. The catch? We appear on their gameshow for all of two hours each night which is streamed live on their website. If we don't we have to pay the fee which is like £1000 per show so I thought what's the harm in that. Its like a quiz with gunge and shit you saw as a kid on TV gameshows. I watched a few and they are pretty harmless and you can win money!" Daniel tried to sell the place and feeling the confusion thought he would be best coming clean now as its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. "Those buckets of gunges and food are for us to fuck about with so I'm sure we can come up with a few things."

The boys quibbled and were a bit taken back by how they have been sold down the river without their say.
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Old 01-04-2022, 03:53 PM   #9
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The Boys gathered up all of the buckets from the hallway and took them through to the garage ordering them together based on their contents. They counted and had ended up with 35 buckets of 25l each evenly split between the 7 types of gunge.

The boys huddled round in the garage and then Cameron piped up, "I know! So since we are all dressed up as we are today lets get the beers in and play some truth or dare throughout the day. I will come up with some forfeits that involve the food and stuff and then we can start to get through that and have a laugh."

The rest of the boys mumbled and agreed to mixed reviews by the sounds of it but at the end of the day it needs to be used so the ones that were not quite so sure came round and then headed back through chucking the drinks in the fridge and heading out to the pool.

The Boys spread out around the back of the villa and around the pool, some applying sun lotion and others chilling at the bench with a beer chatting. Luke, Dan and Rhys were just chatting about who they thought looked the most ridiculous and who they thought had ended up with the lucky draw in terms of costumes when Cameron slid onto the bench beside Rhys bumping into to him hinting to move up, then he whispered into Rhys' ear,
"Truth or Dare bitch". The boys chuckled and Rhys rolled his eyes as he realised that this game was now a go.

"Dare" whispered back Rhys with a smile.
"Oooohhhhh" moaned the boys who had not thought that this would be his answer.
"I dare you to go over to Scott and twang the strap on the back of his Jock strap and when he turns around, blow him and kiss and just stand there and take what he throws at you." muttered Cameron with a cheeky smile.
"Fuck you." was Rhys reply as he chugged the rest of his beer, paused, sighed and stood up to head across the pool side to Scott who was leaning against, looking over the boundary wall at the view over the town below.

Rhys sneaked over and reached out hooking his finger behind the strap against Scott's pale hairless bum cheek and pings hit hard. It snaps back against Scott's bum with a hell of a slap.

"Oh ya fucker!" jolts Scott as he snaps upright from his haunched position and twirls round to see Rhys there, blowing him kisses.
"What the fuck?" questions Scott, a little bewildered as to why Rhys was still stood there, Scott reaches above Rhys' head and empties his cold beer over his hair which Rhys stands there and takes it. The beer wets his hair and runs down his muscular torso and abs and over his shorts. Rhys waits until the beer has stopped then about turns and calmly walks back to the boys sat around the table who are now applauding and laughing loudly at the scene before them. Rhys struts back across the pool area with a smirk, his wet shorts now sticking in parts and his package clearly swinging.

He sits down with the boys as if nothing has happened, cracks another beer from the cooler beside them and asks, "My turn?".
"Yep hahahaha! That went better than I had hoped." said Cameron quite impressed.

Rhys turns to Luke, "Truth or Dare?"
Luke drops his head with a smile "Dare" he replies.
"I dare you to go over to Alex, pick up his phone from beside him and wipe your cock all over the screen" whispers Rhys.
"Fuuuuckk. He would fucking kill me mate! I can't do that!"
"Forfeit then?" replies Rhys calmly.
"What's the forfeit?"
"Ahhhh now that would be telling. You aren't allowed to know the forfeit before taking that option. That's the whole point!"
"Fuck it, can't be as bad as getting my head caved in! Forfeit then."
"In that case. You are no longer allowed to wear sunscreen today, instead, you will, with the help of us of course, have to apply syrup from the tub as sunscreen for the entire day. If you get in the pool you have to ask permission and then if you are allowed you must come straight to us after for another application." explained Rhys with a hint of confidence in his tone.
"I can deal with that. Wheres the syrup? I'll go get it." spoke Luke as he stood up from the table and headed off to bring the syrup out.

About 5 minutes later and after a toilet break, Luke appeared lugging this heavy plastic tub over to the table as he sat down under the parasol.

"Well lads, I could do with this on now, its gonna be sticky and I hate you all but I choose this so I suppose I have made my bed and now I have to lay in it." said Luke understandingly. Rhys, Cameron and Dan stood up, prised open the tub. It was full to the brim with golden syrup, thick and rich, Luke was in for one hell of a sticky day. He stood up and put his arms out to the side as a signal for the Boys to begin applying it.

The bucket of syrup sat on the floor as the 3 boys dipped their hands in scooping up as much as they could before slapping it onto his arms and smearing it around. Dan went in again but this time with two hands and splatting it straight on the back of his thigh before rubbing it all over his leg. Cameron got stuck into the other leg while Rhys went for a double scoop for Luke's neck. As he got the scoop he reached over Daniel dripping a big drop onto Daniel's back.

"Fucker!" jolted Daniel as it ran down his back at snails pace and onto his crisp white briefs. Dan could do nothing as his hands were covered too so he just had to let it happen and worry about that in a moment. Rhys carried on regardless, "Sorry mate." he said sarcastically as he continued to splatter the syrup right between Lukes shoulder blades, it trickled down his back as Rhys tried to spread the rest, half of which run down behind his one-piece and towards his waiting bubble butt.

Cameron went in for more and reached directly for Luke's waiting face, Luke could barely see as Cameron smeared way too much in, it trickled and dripped down his face and onto his check and pink suit.

"Let's check our work." said Daniel as he stood up and steeped back to admire their handy work. "More on the thighs I can see loads of bare skin there and the shoulders too! Back to it lads!" said Cameron cunningly. Cameron went straight into the tub with two hands and went right for the inner thighs of Luke which I imagine had been kindly left by the other two. He slapped it on right between his legs and went back for more, he easily had scooped up half a kilo of the stuff and slapped it right up into his crotch the second time making Luke wince a bit as he slapped his squished package even more up into the suit.

"Easy, easy." said Luke sharply.

Cameron continued and now basically everything from belly button down and nipples up were dripping with Syrup including armpits, hair, everywhere even if covered by the suit.

"Done?" said Luke.

The boys nodded and mumbles as they stood back to admire their work. Then, Smack! Daniel had scooped up more syrup and slapped Rhys right across the back of the neck with with. It clumped and ran slowly down his back. Rhys froze, smirked and rolled his shoulders conceding the fact of the matter and accepting that it was coming his way. Luke dropped his arms before reaching up to swipe the rest from his eyes so he could see. The other boys were just noticing what had went on and began to run over for a closer look. One by one they came over and began to roar with laughter. The syrup glistened in the sunshine. It had thinned a little in the heat and began to run and drip off him, as well as meander down his back and now into his butt crack, this was made seemingly obvious by the now visible syrup patch in the seat area of his suit as the syrup there soaked into the hot pink material.

"I don't know what you lot find so funny. I would say this is pretty mild compared to what we are in for later." stated Luke clearly riled up by his predicament.

Luke turned to Daniel, "Truth or Dare?"......

Last edited by imaslaveboy; 01-04-2022 at 04:04 PM. Reason: punctuation errors
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Old 01-09-2022, 05:00 PM   #10
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Daniel took a moment to pause and think about what he had seen before him over the last 15 minutes and now it really seemed that taking a Truth would be a good idea at this moment if he wanted to save himself but doing so would just make him a target for others as the game went on and that might not be quite so good as just taking the hit.

"This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I thought of this game but here it goes anyway... Dare." he said.

The rest of the boys were now more involved and began to take some more interest in the group that had started the game off, eagerly anticipating the next move as they turned up the heat.

Luke realised the audience that now encircled them and decided to whisper the dare to him.

"I dare you to go inside and pee in a pint glass. Its probably best if you keep a can of beer in the other hand to cover the colour of it. You have 30 minutes to do that and throw it over one of the group apart from me while stating, 'You look hot mate, you should cool off', then smile and walk off but you have to take whatever comes you way."

"That's harsh, not on me but the victim dude." replied Daniel trying to reason with Luke.

"Got it done or face a forfeit." said Luke with little empathy.

"Give me a minute then." he asked.

"You have 30 seconds." replied Luke.

"Fine, I'll do it." Daniel said reluctantly.

And with that Daniel spun around, paced to the table, necked his beer and headed off inside to grab another and a glass to accompany him to the bathroom to do the deed. When he had made his way into the bathroom and locked the door he set down what he had brought and walked to the mirror. He stood there looking at himself almost ashamed to be actually thinking about going through with this. His tanned body glistened with speckles of sweat that ran down his chest and abs as it hit the cheap material of his briefs. He went for it. Grabbed a hold of the glass and pulled out his dick and began trying to pee into the pint glass. It was more difficult than he had thought as there was something holding back the stream even though he needed to pee. Almost like stage fright. After a minute or two of trying he squeezed out the first drop which then opened the flood gates for the rest filling the glass to just over half way with his golden frothy nectar. To the others the appearance was just like that of beer. Daniel grabbed the beer, opened it and took a few gulps and headed back outside to the rest of the boys who were now kind of anticipating what he had been dared to do but as Daniel walked out to the poolside he shrugged his shoulders as if to say 'None of your business'.

Daniel sat back down at his original seat and began to think about who was going to be candidate. He thought about who had annoyed him the most over the last few days but he really couldn't think of anyone that stood out so he decided that the next person to speak to him would get it. And with that, he sat there not engaging in any conversation so he would be unbiased and that it would be totally out of his hands, it seemed he was trying to withdraw himself as much as he could from the situation to alleviate as much guilt as he could.

Moments passed when Rhys turned to him to ask what his dare was. Without event thinking Daniel said sincerely, "Rhys, you look too hot mate you should cool off." |Then BAM! he threw the whole glass of piss straight into his face. It ended up in his mouth and hair, dripping off him like he has just got out of the pool.

Rhys had flinched and closed his eyes but didn't get his mouth shut. He felt the warmth and then tasted the saltiness and then the strong after taste that he was not familiar with.

"Is that fucking piss?" he shouted as he wiped his eyes and face.

"Yeah mate. I'm sorry you were the first one to speak to me so you got it."

"You're a fucking prick." he said as he opened his eyes to give him a bad stare. In the process spitting on Daniel twice. Once hit Daniel's cheek and the other landing on his rib cage.

"I probably deserve that." said Daniel as he could barely look at Rhys, he felt bad as Rhys would probably have been at the top of his list of boys to avoid due to his good nature and likeable personality.

"On the brightside mate. At least you get to give someone new a Truth or Dare." he said tryin got lift his mood.

It didn't really work. Rhys sat there, the pee dripping still from his dirty blonde hair and down his face. His shorts had now gone a dark grey as there were saturated with Daniel's piss, it has even began to dry in places on his skin. Rhys sat there for a bit longer and was thinking who he would then pay a visit to to pop the question.

The boys who hadn't yet participated in this round were Scott, Jake, Alex, Michael, Jack and Cameron. Rhys was thinking of a way to get this game moving so he decided to return the favour to Cameron and pick Jack as he was tactically quiet. Rhys stood up and summoned the two boys.

"You two can go head to head or work with each other so I will ask you individually T or D. Cameron walk a lap of the pool and come back." Cameron nodded to acknowledge and took off on a lap of the pool.

"Jack, Truth or Dare?"

Jack was certainly one who seemed polite and innocent but definitely have a dark side, maybe even sadistic in some ways.

"Dare." Jack smiled as he was directed to proceed on his lap of the pool.

Cameron quickly appeared to be asked the same question.

"Dare" he replied. They waited for Jack to complete his lap of the pool.

"You both picked dare. Your dare is to pick someone from the group and go inside, find their clothes and destroy or doctor their underwear, his the rest of their clothes so all they will have to wear is their underwear and a t-shirt. The rest will be hidden in a box in the garage and some of the buckets placed on top. As for the underwear you will do as you wish to it and then lay it out on the kitchen floor for everyone to find."

Jack and Cameron looked at each other and grinned then headed off inside. They began to have a chat about who they were going to choose to be on the receiving end.

"He didnt say one between us did he?" questioned Cameron.

"Nope." replied Jack with a huge grin.

"In that case, you pick one and I will pick another." instructed Cameron and they split as they reached the top of the stairs and went to grab the underwear of the person they had each selected. Cameron had found himself in Alex's room gathering Jake's underwear and Jack was in Scott's room grabbing his boxers. On the way back down to the kitchen Cameron had grabbed the bucket of treacle and a large basin. He emptied about 5 litres of black treacle into the basin as Jack arrived down with Jake's collection of boxers.

Scott had about 10 pairs of Under Armour Boxers in mostly Blue, Green or Black, they were a long length lycra type and he also had two pairs of navy and pink Tommy Hilfiger boxers.

Jake wasn't quite as fussy with his boxers bringing 8 pairs of white, grey and black Next boxer briefs. There were quite worn and certainly not just out of the packet.

Jack grabbed a pair of scissors out of the drawer in the kitchen and began cutting the legs off jakes making them into horrendously cut briefs, some of the cuts he even took making them into a Tanga style. They didn't look to flattering or supportive. As soon as he finished he chucked them straight into the Treacle.

Cameron on the other hand was leaving the legs on and cutting the crotch out on the Under Armour pairs, he did this to two of them, the other 2 pairs he cut the waistband off. On another pair he cut one leg off the cut the other off on another pair. Then on the final pairs he cut those into briefs. The Tommy Hilfiger pairs had the inner legs cut off so it was just like a tiny mini skirt. Those also got chucked into the Treacle and then Jack got his hands in mixing them in and getting the treacle into every corner of the boxers. Cameron gathered up all the material that had just been cut off, seeing a leg of one of Scott's boxers and putting over Jack's head like a hat as his hands were stuffed into the basin and not really in the position to be defending himself. After a good mix he grabbed the basin and dragged it into the middle of the floor just inside the door from outside and headed off to wash his hands.

Cameron returned from the bin and headed upstairs to grab all of their clothes to go hide them. Jack went to do the same. However he went for Rhys' underwear this time finding his crisp white Calvin Klein boxers that he had just bought to come out here and putting two big Black Treacle hand prints on the crotch and one on the butt. Two pairs ruined, as that stain was never coming out. That was some of Jack's revenge for picking him although not a bad dare. Jake's clothes were then gathered up and taken out to the garage where Cameron was waiting with Scott's clothes. In they went and they built the buckets on top and the boys headed back out to the poolside to continue their day.

Each of the boys chilled for an hour by the pool then decided to select their first victim for their Truth or Dare.

Jack had chosen Alffi.
Cameron had picked Michael. He thought had it a little easy in that singlet of his.
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Old 01-31-2022, 03:47 PM   #11
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As the day was approaching the mid afternoon, Jack approached Alffi who was chilling in one of the sun loungers in the shade half asleep at this point. Alffi was disturbed from his daze as Jack sat down on the lounger that was beside him.

"You're up mate. Truth or Dare?"

Alffi peeled off his sunglasses squinting as the mid afternoon sun dazzled his sensitive eyes.

"Fuuuuckkk. I knew this was coming when you came over. Dare." Alffi clearly wasnt't ready for a question like that as he woke and didn't really appear to give it much thought.

"Your dare is as follows. Seeing as you have that diaper on, you must ask me or one of the other lads if you are allowed to remove it any time you want to use the toilet for the next 24 hours. If we decide you can't then you are allowed to go in diaper, however, you are banned from the pool and if you are caught removing the diaper without anyone's permission then you will be subject to a massive punishment. Clear?" Jack laid the law down.

Alffi smacked his lips, nodded and rolled over and basically went back to sleep on the spot in an instant.

Jack signed, and got up and returned back to the others. His job was done and he told everyone else of Alffi's dare should he evade Jack's watch over the next while.

Cameron at this stage had thought of of a suitable dare for Michael if he decided to go down that route, the truth he also had an idea of what to ask him. Michael was in the pool in his red singlet at this stage playing volleyball with Alex, Rhys and Scott. Cameron wandered the pool side before shouting across to Michael, "Yo! Wrestler boy! Truth or Dare!" The splashing ceased as the others looked on intently.

"Truth!" Michael replied without a moment of hesitation.

"Out of the lads here, Who would you least like to fight, Who would you least want to share a bed with and who would you most want to share a bed with given the choice?"

"Heyy, that is 3 questions! You can't do that!"

Cameron held his hands out to his sides and jarred his head as if to say 'What do you want me to do about it?'

"Fine, you're a prick but here it goes." Michael ponders the questions for a few moments as he juggles the volley ball.

"...least like to fight would be Alex, least want to share a bed with Luke because he is covered in fucking syrup and ehh most want to share a bed with.... Well none of you but if I had to choose one it would be Dan because he is the smallest."

"Fair answers, fair answers. So in that case, your forfeit will be to wrestle Alex under my terms. You will sleep cuffed to Luke in the sofa bed and do anything that Dan tells you between midnight and 10am for the rest of the holiday. Oh and you must pick dare in the next round."

Michael squints into the sun as he tries to give Cameron a disapproving look but just shrugs his shoulders and immediately carries on with his game of volleyball.

Cameron isn't impressed by his choice and has decided that he will be sure to get him in the next round. The ball now lies with Alffi and Michael for the next round of the game.
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Old 01-31-2022, 04:31 PM   #12
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Michael thought about his forfeit should he not want to go through with the next dare and Cameron was probably the least friendly to Michael in the group so devised a plan for the rest. He jumped out of the pool, singlet clinging to his abs and package and heads over to Alffi who he knows has also been dared and so the buck has now stopped with them two.

They have a chat and as it is now nearly time for dinner they work out who hasn't been dared yet and come up with a plan.

Scott, Alex, Cameron and Jake have yet to receive dares. They have gotten away lightly in the first day especially Cameron. The decide to ask them individually T or D and the make up a dare for them and maybe use some of the messy stuff they have been provided.

Over the next 20 mins, the two ask each on their own and meet back up with the responses.

"I asked Alex and Scott and they both said Dare." said Alffi.

"Yeah well I asked Cameron and Jake and they both said the same so I think we should put them up against each other." centred Michael.

"Yeah nice one, wrestling match in the paddling pool full of gunge?" suggested Alffi.

"Yesssssss" they both squawked.

So off they disappeared into the large garage area and dragged out the 6ft paddling pool and began to pump it up. They both discussed and scanned the supplies that they had and decided to go for the Black treacle. There were 6 tubs left so they opened and tipped them into the pool totally covering the bottom and then they add in a few more buckets of syrup. The pool is now about 4 inches full of sticky dark syrup. They leave it for a while and then gather the 4 together.

"You have all been asked T or D. Each of you have answered dare so therefore you all will go head to head in a wrestling match for our entertainment tonight and the winner will be privileged tomorrow with immunity and a choice of what they wear from a list I have written in my notes. You're going to go head to head with each other and score 3 points for a win, 1 for a draw and none for a loss. The top two at the end of the round robin with go to the final the the bottom two will have a forfeit." Alffi rhymed that off as if it was a well known game but it all made sense and the boys really didn't have any options.

The sun grew colder as it began to fall from the sky toward the horizon and eventually the boys had moved inside one by one. On the floor was a basin full of destroyed underwear belonging to Jake and Scott. The rest of the boys were a bit shocked at the sight looking closer to make sure it wasn't theirs until in walked Jake and Scott. The boys sitting inside pointed to the basin in the middle of the floor right away to signal they should maybe check it. They approached.

"Are they fucking mine?" asked Scott as he dipped in his fingers pulling out a pair of his Under Armour boxers.

"Yeah, yours and Jakes." said Cameron.

Scott fished another pair out, this time his Prized Tommy boxers that had been cut and now more resembled a mini skirt.

"All of them???" he exclaimed.

"Nah, half are yours and the rest are Jakes. I'm afraid those and you two were the subject of one of our dares and now thats all you have to wear. Me and Jack had to do it. Sorry." explained Cameron trying to soften the blow.

"Yeah nice one lads. That's hilarious." said Jake sarcastically.

"Well on that not, I'm away to get a shower. If that's allowed?" stated Luke inquisitively.

Cameron, who was in a bit of a pickle of a situation, nodded and shoed him out of the room to go and get a shower, giving his permission. Meanwhile, Jake had grabbed a bucket and was now fishing his underwear from the basin to take up to his room.

"Bring down 3 pairs of those later to the wrestling show. Both of you might need them. And that goes for you Alex and Cameron" said Alffi as they disappeared off up the stairs to sulk.

The boys gradually made some food between them and then ate. Some went back out to the pool side while others just milled around the house. It was now getting to about 9pm and the sun had dipped below the horizon. It was time for the show to begin.
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