Old 03-04-2021, 04:35 AM   #1
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Default Cousin Jane

It was my birthday as I finished my dinner and my birthday celebrations with my family and friends then headed to my bedroom with my friend Kim who was stating for a sleepover. Kim was my best friend since we first met in kindergarten and rarely did much apart from each other.

“So how does it feel to be the big sixteen? “Kim asked in an exited and curious voice as she sat on the end of my bed holding my big stuffed teddy bear and smiling at me. “Well it doesn’t feel all that much different than yesterday, I just wish I was eighteen instead so I could go out more and things but I will have to wait another two years for that to happen” I replied.

“Have you heard from your cousin Jane yet?” said Kim. No but she’s going to video call me shortly and wish me a happy birthday” I replied then sat down next to Kim on the bed as we read some magazines.

“That one is a wild girl said Kim, I wish I had the confidence to do some of the things she’s tried for dares and bets you too have made over the years and even though you didn’t go through with some of your losses she wasn’t scared to go through with it if she lost the bet Kim replied back to me then continued to talk. “Remember the last time she came to visit for the school holidays and we were at the park playing on the basket ball court and you too were arguing over who could was the better player and you ended up making a stupid bet where you both had ten shots at the ring with the ball and the one with the most shots to go in the ring won and the looser had to do a dare of the winner’s choice and you one because she didn’t know you spent the last year on the school’s basket ball team, then you told her because it’s in the evening and no one is around she had to go into the toilets next to the courts and strip down to just her shoes and socks then streak around the basket ball court three times.”

“I didn’t think she would go through with it because she was embarrassed and stayed in the toilet for a while until we coxed her out with some words of encouragement but it was so funny to see her with a red face and her nude butt, pussy and little boobs on display and I’ve never seen her run so fast in my life to try and get it over with.”

I thought about that incident as me and Kim both started laughing at the memory then I remembered some more bets and dares I made with her. She was an enthusiastic girl but was a little gullible as well.

“I remember the time I stayed at Jane’s parents farm two years ago and for the long weekend and we were bored and she made a bet over who could ride a bike faster in a race and the looser had to do a dare so we raced to the end of her long driveway and back. I won that bet but only just beat her. I dared her to put my tooth brush up her bum as far as she could then hold it in with her panties and leave it there until I told her that she could take it out. I made her keep it in for at least half an hour as we walked around the farm sheds and outside and I could tell she as uncomfortable doing it but made her beg on her knees like a puppy dog to let her take it out, I had to brush my teeth with my finger until I came home but it was worth it to see her do something embarrassing.”

“Cool, it sounds like she could be talked into anything for a bet Kim replied. “Yes pretty much, I’ve found she’s a little gullible at times so the basic idea if she’s hesitant do bet something is to keep egging her on until she eventually agrees to a bet something. And did I tell you her parents sold the farm and are planning on buying a house here in a couple of months so maybe she can entertain us with some bets and dares when she’s moved here” I said to Kim as we continued to laugh and giggle over our strange conversation.

“What sorts of things do you think we could get away with our dares and bets?” said Kim “Just about anything but we could stack the deck and make bets we know I will win but I was thinking seeing she could be talked into most things we should bet her something really good like the looser has to run around outside nude or even be our slave girl to do everything we want for a day” I replied. “Or even better when she calls later you could start a bet for when she moves her and each day call her and egg her on with more and more extreme details for the bet until eventually it’s time for her to live her and by then we should have her agreeing to be our slave girl with a list of forfeits she agreed to do as a slave.” Kim said.

“Wow, I’m glad you’re my friend and not my enemy and it sounds like a plan to me, when she calls I will start out little plan.”
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.

Last edited by brown mouse; 03-05-2021 at 02:29 PM.
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Old 03-04-2021, 04:42 PM   #2
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A very promising start. I like the uniqueness of the situation. Please proofread better, you have several typographical errors, missing words, misused words, etc. Striking an error of these types while reading throws the reader out of the story. Losing your readers to a misspelled word or the wrong verb tense would be a tragedy for a story with as much potential as this one has.
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Old 03-04-2021, 09:27 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by redtiger View Post
A very promising start. I like the uniqueness of the situation. Please proofread better, you have several typographical errors, missing words, misused words, etc. Striking an error of these types while reading throws the reader out of the story. Losing your readers to a misspelled word or the wrong verb tense would be a tragedy for a story with as much potential as this one has.
Sorry about that. I used Microsoft word and its spell checker while writing it but it must not have picked up the mistakes.
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.

Last edited by brown mouse; 03-04-2021 at 09:59 PM.
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Old 03-05-2021, 05:45 AM   #4
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A few hours later Kim and I were in out pajamas and still sitting on my bed talking when my laptop screen lit up and started to make a buzzing noise from the incoming Skype call so we both moved off my bed and over to the chairs next to my laptop so I could answer the call. The screen opened up putting Jane’s video link up on the screen where I could see Jane sitting on a chair on the front porch of her home under the outside light which lit up the porch like it was daylight. She must have had her laptop sitting on a table so from where she was sitting the cam showed her from her waist up.

“Hi birthday girl how are you? I’ve got some good news, I’m going to be seeing you sooner than expected as mum and dad just bought a house near where you live Jane said with a smile and then continued to talk. “So how was your birthday and how does it feel to turn sixteen? I can’t wait until I’m that age in a few years.”

“I had a good birthday with Kim and my family and got some good presents too. All round I got most of what I wanted for my birthday.”

“So what didn’t you get that you wanted? Jane replied in a curious voice as she thought about what I had just said. “Well let’s talk about you moving here first and when do you think you will be moving here?” I asked hoping it would be soon.

“Mum and dad said it will probably be in four weeks and the new house is only in the next street from you so I can visit whenever I want and play with you and Kim” Replied Jane.

“So what sorts of things do you to play nowadays and what hobbies are you into? Jane asked as she hadn’t seen me for a few months. “Well mainly the same old things like playing games or truth or dare and me and Kim like camping and lately we are into making bets with each other for forfeits but once you are here we can find plenty to do together.” I said as I looked at Jane’s face with a curious look on her face.

“Like we use to do? I haven’t done things like that for a while but it might be fun to have some bets and things when I move there. Apart from when you visited the farm there wasn’t anyone around so I kind of enjoyed playing games and things with you.”

I thought about what Jane had just said to me and thought maybe she’s very bored and lonely where she is and I should see how far I could push her while she’s video calling me.

“Well Jane I got a lot for my birthday but there is a couple of things I miss and didn’t get but seeing it’s my birthday for another couple of hours and you haven’t given me a present I think maybe we can work something out.”

“What do you want? I can sing happy birthday for you or make you a cake once I’m there, just tell me what you want” said Jane who was a little confused and with a cheeky voice cheeky.

“I gave her a couple of minutes to compose herself and replied “Well I was thinking it would be fun to get you to agree to give me two birthday presents seeing I’m the big sixteen this year”

“The first thing is seeing you are going to be here in a few weeks and just for fun I want to make a bet with you just like we used to, and seeing it’s my birthday I challenge you to except.” Jane was the sort of girl that when she was challenged to something she found it hard to turn down and with the added pressure of being my birthday she agreed but with a slight reluctance.

“Ok what do want to bet on and what happens to the loser?”

“Well seeing it’s my birthday I get to choose the rules of the bet and what we bet on and I think we should bet on a card game where Kim takes this deck of cards I have in front of me and spread them face down on the table and I will turn over one card at random then Jane will run her finger over the cards until you say stop and then she will turn it over and the highest card wins.”

“The winner gets to make up a list of any activities she wants to make the loser do with no limits and give it to the loser over a Skype call tomorrow night.”

“Oh I almost forgot, no matter what the winner thinks up if you don’t do it at some point in the future we will stop letting you hang out with us and if I don’t do everything on your list Kim will give you some photos of me nude in my room as soon as you get here to do as you want with if I fail.”

Jane started to giggle with a sneaky grin on her face then agreed to the bet to fit in and she knew she would be living there soon and thought it might be kind of fun to play along and maybe even get to boss me around and embarrass me a little. “I will think up some humiliating things for you if you lose.” Jane replied thinking she would win.

As Kim spread out the cards she placed the high cards all in one corner and I turned over a queen card then as Kim moved her finger over the cards she moved her finger more towards the lower cards until Jane told her to stop and Kim turned over a ten of spades.

“Yes” I said “I won so I will make up a list and call you tomorrow night with what you need to do.”

“There was a second thing you said you wanted, what was that? Jane asked knowing it was almost time for her to go inside the house and get ready for bed. “Well seeing you offered to sing me a happy birthday, instead of waiting for you to move up here my birthday wish is to have you sing it for me now in front of your webcam but I know you want to make it a very special birthday song for me so seeing you mum and dad are inside watching TV and washing the dishes and your all alone on the front porch I want you to sing it to me in the nude.”

“WHAT!, it’s almost my bed time and what if mum or dad decides to come out and tell me its bedtime and see me nude?”

“I replied to Jane’s worrying question with “come on you can do it for me and it shouldn’t be too embarrassing as I have seen you nude plenty of times in the past. Well you better get it over quick so you get it dressed again and I’m sure Kim would love to see you singing me a happy birthday.”

Looking around at the front door for a minute Jane turned back to the cam and said in a quiet voice “um ok but just stay online I have to do something first” then Jane got up out of her chair and I watched her open the front door then disappear inside closing it behind her.

“Do you think she will come back or has she chickened out? Kim asked me then I replied “I hope not, let’s just wait a few minutes and we will see if she comes back but while she’s away we should talk about the list we have to come up with so what do you say we sit up later tonight and see what tasks we can come up with for her.” I added as Kim agreed with my idea.

A few minutes later the front door opened and Jane came back out wearing her dressing gown which was tied up in the front and she stood in front of the webcam. I’ve only got about ten minutes until I have to go in so let’s get this over with, mum and dad are in watching a movie on TV so I should be safe.”

With those words Jane untied her dressing gown and slipped it off so it dropped onto the porch floor leaving her in just a pair of blue and white panties and giving Kim and me a good view of Jane’s small breasts with little pink nipples.

Moving her head around to look at the closed front door and with both thumbs under her panties waist band she slid them to the floor and kicked them off her feet leaving her completely nude and ready to sing.

“Happy birthday to you.”

“Happy birthday to you.”

Happy birthday to Karen”

“Happy birthday to you.”

Once Jane had finished she quickly put her dressing gown back on to cover her embarrassed body and then found her panties and put them on as well.

“That was the best birthday present I have had for a long time and seeing that you kind of liked being exposed I’m sure I can do some things like that in my list for you.”

“Um ok then I just hope you’re not too hard on me, anyway mum is calling me to go to bed so goodnight and I suppose I will be hearing from you tomorrow night for my list of tasks, good night.”


“Hi Jane I bet you have been a little nervous wondering what I put on your list so I won’t keep you in suspense anymore.”

“Task one, once you move here you will be mine and Kim’s slave girl for two months.”

“Task two, I will control what you wear and if I tell you to take things off you will obey my order.”

“Task three, you have to masturbate or lick me or Kim’s pussy on command “whenever we ask you to.”

“Task four, you will have to complete some special games I thought up or take a forfeit that will be totally humiliating.”

Task five. You will have to streak fully nude at least once wherever we ask you to.”

Task six, you will have to have sex at least once while Kim and I watch in a kinky way and at a place I decide with a mystery dick as you will be blindfolded at the time.”

“You will obey any orders I give you during the two months of you being me slave girl including any games I ask you to play?

“Think about these tasks over the next few months and we will start when you get here so goodnight Jane” I said to her as I hung up the video call giving her something to think about and hopefully by the time she moves here she will be over the shock and comply with what i want.
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.
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Old 03-05-2021, 09:49 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by brown mouse View Post
It was the second of May 1980 ...........”

Originally Posted by brown mouse View Post
A few hours later Kim and I were in out pajamas and still sitting on my bed talking when my laptop screen lit up and started to make a buzzing noise from the incoming Skype call .....

Perhaps change the opening date, not trying to be an A-hole there, but thats a weird one
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Old 03-05-2021, 02:33 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Dublinjohn View Post
Perhaps change the opening date, not trying to be an A-hole there, but thats a weird one
I took the date off my story to make it less confusing. I originally put the date on the start of the story because i wanted to set the story line in the past.
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.
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Old 03-05-2021, 04:37 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by brown mouse View Post
Sorry about that. I used Microsoft word and its spell checker while writing it but it must not have picked up the mistakes.
No need to apologize. I was just trying to help. Your story is really quite good.
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Old 03-05-2021, 04:45 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by redtiger View Post
No need to apologize. I was just trying to help. Your story is really quite good.
Thank you. Im glad you like it.
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.
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Old 03-05-2021, 05:16 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by brown mouse View Post
I took the date off my story to make it less confusing. I originally put the date on the start of the story because i wanted to set the story line in the past.

Thanks, I'm glad you took it the way I meant it
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Old 03-05-2021, 11:18 PM   #10
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Not much had changed for Kim and I over the last three weeks apart from video calling Jane every two or three days to talk. Jane by now had settled down and wasn’t as nervous or embarrassed about the thought of what I might make her do during her two week slavery coming up soon once she moves here.

The house had been bought and Jane will have moved in by the end of the week and I have already organized a sleepover for that weekend to make her feel like she belongs here.

Kim and I were in my room chatting and reading magazines together when Kim said to me “It’s only a week before Jane gets here, do you think we should tell her about Taylor? I don’t want to surprise her with Taylor as it might be too much of a shock just springing it on her without warning so I was thinking maybe we should tell Jane about her and give her time to adjust before she gets here.”

“There is a lot Jane might find shocking about me you and Taylor, and I think you are right, I should say something about Taylor. Jane’s a naive country girl and doesn’t know much about city life and different things we and our friends talk about and occasionally do so it’s our obligation to teach her the best we can and we have the perfect opportunity while she’s our slave girl” I replied.

“Sounds good we can tell her tonight and I think once she knows about Taylor she will feel more comfortable doing as we asks especially if Taylor s there to help” Kim said as she picked up another magazine to read.

“I think it will be fun to have two slave girls instead of one even though it will only be for two weeks, then again to never know Jane might get used to it and want us to keep her on.”Kim said giggling to herself.

“Talking like this is getting me a little wet so I’m going to call her now and see what her reaction is.”I said as I got up off my bed and went over to my laptop with Kim following close behind me then made the video call.

A few seconds later Jane answered and I could see cardboard boxes packed up along the wall of her almost emptied bedroom behind her. “Hi Karen, I’m so excited that we are almost packed and ready to move in at the end of the week” Jane said as she moved a box out of the way and pulled up a chair to sit on in front of the laptop.

I thought about what I wanted to say to her for a few seconds then asked “are you looking forward to our sleepover at my house on the weekend?”

“Defiantly, and I know you will want me to be a slave while I’m there but please just take it easy with me because I haven’t done anything like this before and don’t make my tasks too hard, after all I’m sure you won’t have to lift a finger while I do tasks for you like getting you food and drinks and cleaning your room, and I know you have a fascination with my small boobs for some reason so if you want to amuse your selves and as long as you keep your room door closed I can clean up your room topless.” Jane replied then continuing to say “I will admit I’m a little nervous and scared about some of the things in your list but I did make that bet so I want to at least try and do my best to honor it.”

I knew this was the best time to tell her about Taylor so I said to her “It’s OK to be scared but you will not have to do it alone. There will be a girl your age called Taylor there and she will comfort you when you need it and if I ask she will help you with tasks. Taylor has been mine and Kim’s slave girl for the last year and a half and she has become quite loyal and submissive for us.”

“Wow, are you serious? And she’s my age as well; at least I’m not doing things alone so I will feel a lot more commutable.” Jane replied in a shocked voice.

“You will meet her at the sleepover and I will show you what a trained slave girl can do and what you could become if you like it after two weeks. Oh and we like pony riding and Taylor's parents have a small lot of land just on the edge of town and stables where they own four ponies so we ride them sometimes. We know you have never been on a pony before so we will teach you to ride.”

“That sounds fun; I can’t wait to see you at the end of the week. I have to go and finish packing now but I will see you soon.

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Old 03-06-2021, 06:02 AM   #11
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It was Friday afternoon around quarter to six and Kim and I were in our room when my mother called me down stairs to greet Jane who had just arrived for our sleepover this weekend. Kim and I closed my bedroom door and checked it was closed properly so it wouldn’t accidentally open while they were downstairs and have someone peer in and see the activity they were doing before they were interrupted. Then we went down stairs where Jane was talking to my mother about the new house and how exciting it was to move to a city and away from the boring farm. Even though our city was smaller than most with only a population of thirty thousand was big compared to the old farm where not much happens.

“Hi Jane” I said as I put my arms around her and gave her a big hug. Looking at Jane I could see she was wearing a light blue t-shirt and I could just make out the thin outline of her bra straps whenever she moved her body. She also had on a pair of black shorts with an elastic band around them to hold them up and blue sneakers and white socks.

“Have you got everything organized for your sleepover?” said my mother as she started to walk towards the kitchen to do the dishes and then have an early night in bed watching some movies. “Don’t worry about the dishes, we will do then later once we have some food so you can relax and we will take Jane up to my room and introduce her to my friend Tailor.”

“I thought Taylor would have come down to meet Jane with you instead of staying in your room. My mother replied. “She was going to but she is setting up my DVD player so we can watch movies shortly”

With that my mother said “have a good night” and went in to the other room and then Kim picked up Jane’s bag and we all started to walk upstairs to my room.

As we got to the top of the stairs and in to the hallway next to my bedroom door I stopped Jane and said to her “you’re about to meet Taylor our slave girl and when you enter my room you will notice her in the corner of my room on her knees facing the wall and the reason she is like that at the moment and didn’t come down and greet you with us is earlier today is because she had a task to do for us and didn’t complete it on time.

Once you enter my room you will be our slave do and do as you are told so before you come in I want you to take off your shoes and socks and then your t-shirt and bra and give them to Kim.”

Yes Karen” she said as she slipped off her shoes and socks then lifted off her t-shirt over her head leaving her in only her shorts, panties and her little blue bra. I looked her over and then said to her “that’s a cute little bra but you really need bigger boobs to wear one of them so it’s time to get it off”

With those words Jane looked up and down the hallway and then un clipped the clamp holding it together and slipped it off and handing all three pieces of her clothing to Kim.

Once I was satisfied with Jane’s half nudity I opened my bedroom door and followed her inside then I told Jane to sit on the edge of my bed.

Jane looked over to the corner of my room where she could see a completely nude Taylor facing the corner on her knees with her pink and white cotton panties placed on her head and pulled over her face and eyes like some sort of hood and around her neck was a piece of cardboard with some string taped to it to make a sign that was facing backwards so the sign was on her back and read “I will try harder next time.”

Jane was still taking in what she was looking at and wondered why she just didn’t get dressed instead of letting them humiliate her like that but Jane soon realized after talking to Kim and me that it was what she wanted to do even though it seems to look like we are forcing her to do it and she was like Jane at first but over the last year and a half she has grown to know her place and even though we make her do many things as a slave she knows we respect her and are proud when she complies.

“Ok” I said to Taylor. “I think you have learned your lesson and can do the final part of your punishment, I want you to take your panties off your head and leave them in the corner then crawl on your hands and knees over to my dressing table and get my hairbrush then crawl over to Jane and give it to her and she will administer five very hard spanks on your bum.”

Taylor knew what to do as she had been punished like this before so she crawled to my table and then over to Jane and presented bum to her for her punishment then I placed a wrapped up towel into her mouth to muffle any sound.

Hesitating Jane just sat there on the side of my bed staring at Taylor’s bare bum for a minute thinking about the situation she was in until Kim said to her “hurry up and if we don’t think you it her hard enough we just might punish you.”

Jane lifted the hairbrush as far as she could and with the back of my brush she bought it down making Tailor jerk her body forward then into position again.

WACK went the next one and so on until Jane had spanked her five times and then sat back and stared at Taylor's bum now with a pink tinge to it.

“Well done, we might need you to carry out some more punishments later on if Taylor messes up again, now I have decided you can stay nude for a while until we say you can put some cloths back on and in the meantime you can crawl over to Jane and take off her shorts and panties then we will both lay on the bed and I want you to teach Jane how to satisfy us. I will have Jane lick me out and once you have shown her what to do you will go over to Kim and satisfy her because that’s the only thing a good little slave girl is good for” I said as we both took off our pants and laid down reading our magazine as both Taylor and Jane started on me until Jane had a little idea on what I was supposed to do then she moved on to Kim’s pussy.

If only my mother knew that we have two completely nude girls on my bed licking us out, she would get so mad and disgusted with us and properly send everyone home.

After about fifteen minutes of pleasure I could feel Jane still trying but struggling with her licking so I thought it was time to stop and I told them they both could get dressed but no shoes or socks then Kim had an idea and whispered to me what she was thinking of then I grinned and said to Taylor It’s almost nine o’clock and mum will be in bed watching a movie by now so Kim had a good idea to show Jane how loyal and trained you are and because you are a beginner slave girl you can get dressed but stay topless and we want you Taylor to stay completely nude and we will go to the kitchen and Taylor you can wash the dishes nude and you can dry the dishes topless.

Jane pulled on her shorts and panties but felt weird about still being topless and leaving the room but it couldn’t be worse than being nude and Taylor didn’t even flinch as she stood there nude with her head down waiting for us to go.

The long walk down the hallway and past my mother’s room was a little nerve racking but after that we hurried down the stairs to the kitchen where I switched on the kitchen light and Kim and I sat at the kitchen table watching a young topless and a young completely nude girl do the dishes then we headed back to my room and called it a night as it was going to be a special day for the slave girls with plenty of embarrassing activities for them to complete.
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.
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Old 03-06-2021, 11:25 PM   #12
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“Wake up slave girls” I said In a loud voice so as to wake up Taylor and Jane from their sleep as Kim pulled off their sheets so as they both were laying there in there night gowns staring up at Kim and myself with their half open eyes. “What time is it?”Jane asked as she sat up looking over at the window to see the sun was just coming up.

“It’s Six thirty in the morning and your probably wondering why we are getting you too up at this time. “Well we have some activities planned for our new slave girl to do today and we can start after breakfast witch me Km and I will have on the table in the kitchen in three quarters of an hour.We want our new slave girl nice and clean for us. Mom won’t be up for at least an hour and a half which will give you plenty of time for you and Tailor to have a shower together and it’s your job Taylor to wash Jane’s nude body with soap water and your tong whenever possible all over for the next half an hour and to make things a little more amusing you will undress here and put your clothes on the bed then walk downstairs to the bathroom and start your shower and in half an hour Taylor will dry off Jane with a towel then dry off herself and you will both walk to the kitchen completely nude and sit down for breakfast.”

Slipping out of their night gowns and panties they both walked slowly to the door then into the hallway where it was light enough to see their nude body’s if my mother decided to get out of bed early for some reason. “I’m a little scared Taylor; what if we get seen by Karen’s mum if she gets up early?

“Don’t be scared Jane, I have to do things like this sometimes but it gets routine after a while and I don’t worry too much after all Kim and Karen make sure there’s plenty of time for me to do it without getting caught because they will most likely be banned from seeing me by her mother if I got caught doing something like this” Taylor replied.

Taylor walked down the stairs nude holding Jane’s hand to settle her down and comfort her she continued to say tol Jane “sometimes when they are in a strange mood there are selective people that they know that I have had to show my boobs or pussy to on command and occasionally show them off outdoors as well just because they lost a bet with someone and they made me the prize. I still feel humiliated when I have to do that for other people but on the other hand it sort of turns me on a little knowing my private parts are on display and being looked at.”


“Where are they, they should be out of the shower by now” I said as I got up out of the kitchen chair and walked to the bathroom door where I could make out the muffled sounds of moaning coming from inside. I opened the door and placed my head in to see Jane with her naked shiny soaped up body standing in the shower cubicle with her legs slightly apart and her back arched and letting out a series of moans as Taylor was on her knees using her tong to clean Jane’s pussy.

“Time girls, now dry off and come and get you breakfast I said as I closed the door again and went back to the kitchen.

As Jane and Taylor entered the kitchen and sat down at the table in front of their bowels of corn flakes they both picked up there spoons and started to eat fairly quickly so they could go back to the bedroom and get dressed again.

“So Jane what do you think of having your first lesbian experience last night and again this morning and how do you like us making you an exhibitionist and walk around undressed?” Kim asked as she admired her nude play toys.

“Well I wasn’t sure at first and scared but once I got the courage to lick your pussy last night and all the licking I got from Taylor this morning in the shower made me feel so wet and exited so I suppose now that I’m used to it I would defiantly want to do it again soon. And the same as being on display I was scared until Taylor talked to me about it and comforted me so it’s still embarrassing but kind of exiting as well.”

Once Taylor and Jane finished their breakfast we all went back to the bedroom where I had placed some clothes on the bed for them to put on.

Taylor looked at her clothes and started to put them on. She had a pair of blue sneakers with blue cotton socks and a pair of white panties with some white lace around the waist band. Once she had them on she looked back down at her other clothes lying on the bed to realize she had not been given a bra just a blue cotton sundress to put on.

Jane also looked at her clothes for the day and started to put them on. First she put on a pair of blue sneakers and black socks, then come a t shirt but just as Taylor discovered there was no bra. Not that worried Jane all that much with not having much to keep undercover.

Once she had her t-shirt on she picked up her shorts then realizing that there wasn’t any panties for her so the only thing between her pussy and exposure was the shorts with the elastic band to hold them up she had on the day before.

Once dressed and inspected Jane asked Kim “What are our plans today? “well we thought seeing it’s your first day we will ride our bikes and show you some of the sights of our city then get some ice cream from the vendor in the park,Taylor with her cute face and charms can usually convince the vendor to give away free ice creams so its her shout for ice cream, isn't that right Taylor."

Jane looked over at Taylor to see her blushing and going a light shade of pink in her cheeks as she timidly said “yes, I will get the ice creams.”

Jane thought to herself why is Taylor going timid and what’s it got to do with ice creams.

“And after we have our ice creams we might even go and watch the girls play basket ball on the courts in the park for a while.” I continued to say.

Once ready we headed out to the garage and found the push bikes and headed off down the street and out of sight of the house.
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.
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Old 03-07-2021, 02:16 PM   #13
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I live my gnu spill chucker. Hit mocks hit sew eye donut miss spill weirds. Eye hat two use hit too spill words their.
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Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

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Old 03-08-2021, 01:00 AM   #14
brown mouse
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It was almost eleven o’clock in the morning and we had rode our bikes to some tourist attractions that I thought that Jane would like to see but now we were stopped and sitting on a bench at the public gardens at the end of the big city park trying to think of where and what to do next.

“It’s still early in the day so what do you think we should do next?” I asked Kim as she looked around at the trees and flower beds that were around her.

“It’s getting warm so what do you think about walking our bikes through the park and getting some ice creams and then sitting by the lake in the middle of the park to eat them in the shade of the trees."she replied as Taylor looked at me then trying not to show her feelings to much she broke eye contact and started to move her eyes towards the grass with another blush of pink in her cheeks.

Jane knew something was bothering Taylor and for some reason it had to do with ice creams or something. Jane wanted to say something to Taylor but didn’t at the time. Come on girls let’s start walking our bikes to the lake.

As we were walking Kim and I walked in front while then I made a phone call on my mobile while Jane and Taylor were a few feet behind us talking but listening in on the phone call.

“Hello Tony its Karen. How is your ice cream business doing? I’m just at the other end of the park with Taylor and my cousin Jane who just moved here and we have been riding around all morning showing Jane the attractions around the city.”

“Jane could not hear the other end of the conversation but had a little idea of what was being talked about and to whom as she kept walking behind Kim and me.

“WE were thinking that seeing it’s hot and if you’re not too busy with customers you could ride your ice cream bike over to the lake where we always sit near the trees and see us, it’s been almost two weeks sins we had a chance to see each other and I want to introduce you to Jane as well.”

After a couple of minutes of tony talking on the other end of the phone and Jane still trying to listen in but doing it discreetly as not to alert Kim or me of what she was doing I continued to talk. “At least it was busy earlier and you made some sales, do you have much ice cream left?"

“Oh I was going to ask you but nearly forgot, we haven’t any money for the ice creams but if Taylor begs you to give her ice creams for free with her puppy dog eyes and that adorable little face on her like she did the last two times, you remember you thought that was worth giving away a few ice creams for.

OK Tony we will meet you in around ten minutes."

I hung up the phone and kept walking. Past a sign saying “Park Lake 500 feet ahead” Taylor slowed down a little and placed her hand on Jane’s shoulder to make her slow down as well until Taylor knew she was far enough back as not to be over heard then whispered in my ear.

“You probably nosiest this morning then again today ii felt a little nervous and red faced when they were talking about ice cream but it’s ok just don’t worry about it. I wanted to pull you aside and talk to you so you won’t be too confused or shocked too much later. As Karen’s slave you will see me do something later that I don’t mind doing for them but it still embarrasses me sometimes so when it happens and I’m sure it might be you doing something like this one day for them so just stay quiet watch and please don’t think any less of me.”

“Ok” Jane told her as Taylor patted her on the back and started to walk a little faster until they were back behind Kim and me leaving Jane wondering about what Taylor had just told her.

The path that we were walking on soon met the lake and we followed the tree line at the lake edge around for a while until it came to an opening in the tree line and a clearing with park benches and tables and people having picnics and swimming in the lake. Then the path turned right and it went back through the park.

“Are we going to sit down here at the tables? Asked Jane as she looked around “No” I replied. “We will walk around the edge of the lake a bit further to where it’s a little quieter, that’s where we will meet Tony and get some ice cream.”

We kept walking with our bikes a about one hundred meters further until we came across another small clearing next to the lake with a small almost hidden opening leading into a medium sized grassy space with a small sandy beach almost over grown by bushes with only a small section cleared to get to the lake.

As we moved to the open space Jane could see a three wheeled push bike with a small freezer mounted to the back of it with the words ice cream painted on it and a boy around seventeen leaning up agents it.”

Jane could still hear the people playing and swimming back at the last clearing as well as the odd person outside of the clearing walking past oblivious to us inside.

As we got to the ice cream bike I said to tony “Hi Tony how have you been. Can we still get some ice creams then we can eat them while we chat.”

“”Maybe but you haven’t any money on you so Taylor will just have to beg me for some ice cream” said Tony as he opened the ice cream freezer to show me what flavors he had left.

“Ok” I said, listen up you to slaves I want you to both stand up straight next to each other in front of the ice cream bike and don’t say a word.

Jane thought to herself that maybe she was not going to be told to do much today but now she was told to stand up and keep quiet so both girls complied to their order.

“Jane, I want you to stand there completely still and put your hands on your head and do not say a word and do not take your eyes off what is about to happen or I will give you a punishment you will not like.”I told her as she complied with her command.

“Ok Taylor, be a good girl and get us all some ice cream from tony.”

Jane was facing Tony and his bike about six feet from him looking strait head but could just see Taylor out of the corner of her eye with her head looking down as she held the bottom of her sun dress and slowly lifted it up over her head and dropping it at her feet on the grass exposing her boobs and leaving her standing in the open dressed in only her shoes, socks and panties.

“Come on Taylor we are getting hungry?” Kim said to Taylor while looking her over.

With this command Taylor started to walk up to Tony and then got on her knees in front of him with her hands up under her chin like a little puppy would do when it begged for something.

“Please Tony, can we have some of your ice cream, we have no money but if you give us some I will let you feel my boobs.”

With those words Tony reached out with both hands and cradled each boob and played with them for a while before moving over to me leaving Taylor still in the kneeling position.

“Go for it and pick out some ice creams” Tony said with a smile on his face then asking me to introduce him to Jane. As we moved over to Jane she was still motionless looking straight ahead at the almost nude Taylor on her knees.

“Jane this is Tony, Tony this is my cousin Jane. She’s my slave in training and hopefully one day she will be just as obedient as Taylor’ I said as tony looked her over with interest. “Seeing I gave you some free ice cream can I have a sneak peak at your new slave?” he replied.

“Well ok just this time” then from behind I put both hands on the sides of Janes shorts and slid then down her legs leaving them around her ankles. This made Jane cringe and go red and she could feel the cool breeze on her bare bum cheeks. “Don’t move until I say so and when Tony has finished having a look at your private parts then he will put his finger in your pussy as far up and for as long as he wants and when he finishes you will thank Tony for using your hole.”

Jane knew people were not far away as she could still hear them but the opening to the area was fairly well hidden so she felt a little at ease but the embarrassment of Tony now with his finger fully up her hole and her juices starting to flow which made it easier for him to slide his finger in and out at a faster piece was starting to get overwhelming for her.

Finally Tony had enough and pulled his finger out of Jane making a dribble of clear wet liquid dribble down her leg from her wet pussy.

“Thank you Tony for putting your finger inside of my hole and make me wet.” Said Jane still in positioned in the standing position.

“Ok girls you both can move now and walk around normal and get your ice cream, but Jane you have to keep your shorts down around your ankles with your bum and pussy on full display until we finish our ice creams and decode to go, Taylor seeing you were a good obedient girl and got us ice creams you can put your dress back on.”

Half an hour later I decided that Jane had been embarrassed long enough and let her pull up her shorts and hide her modesty then we got on our bikes and went for another ride.
Always looking for suggestions and story lines for my stories so anyone's welcome to message me and give me their suggestions.

Last edited by brown mouse; 03-08-2021 at 01:10 AM.
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Old 03-08-2021, 02:31 AM   #15
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