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Old 06-25-2020, 04:48 AM   #1
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Default 365 days of real slavery story (Taken from novel by SM Kira, 'Played & Punished')

Into the world of master Jack

‘Ah….’ I moan in pain as I try to lift myself, but my body is just too tired, hurt.
It’s not that I am weak, infact, I am young and beautiful, just twenty-one, but if someone has been kept captive in a box, and tortured like animals just a few hours ago, she won’t be herself for a long time. My eyes are still red with streaks of tears still in my cheeks. All night I couldn’t rest or take a nap. I am still in my room, the wooden box, slightly bigger than a coffin, shuddering, lying naked with marks of whips in my belly and of cane in my butts. This is the first time in my whole life when I have been so inhumanly treated, caned like prisoners, whipped, and even given electrical shocks on most sensitive parts of my body. It was because of the harsh caning and whipping on my body that didn’t let me sleep. In the box, I failed to find a perfect position where none of the hurtful marks got pressed against the floor, so I had to change my sleeping positions at regular intervals. Now I can’t complain, nor can I run form this life. I am a slave now and this is my life.

Well, I have no one to blame than me, because it was my stubbornness that has lead me to this life, a slave’s life. Yes, I like being whipped, a little, but caning was not what I asked for. A slight humiliation was also in my bucket list but public humiliation was not my choice. I guess that’s the difference between BDSM & the life of a slave. Living a slave’s life even for a day is way harder and ugly than what it looks in porn and books. I wonder if I had made the right choice but it doesn’t matter anymore. As per the agreement, now I am bond to live this life for atleast 52 weeks.

I wonder what time is it. All I can see is a dim light from the small peephole above me, on the top of the wooden box, I am lying into. That’s coming from outside and I can say its morning already. I guess my master is still in slumbers, unaware of my sobs and pain. It’s so mean and inhuman to treat a girl like this but I won’t blame him. He is exactly like he described himself, rude, selfish, and a man without heart, just like any other master who owns a slave like me. I could’ve begged him for mercy, but he didn't permit me to speak.

Yes, I am a slave now, and he is my master. I will have to obey him and follow orders, else I’ll be punished the same way, every day. Well, it was only a day before when my beautiful body had clothes, when my lips had a smile, when eyes were filled with excitement and heart with desire.
I remember those moments when I met Mr. Jack for the first time. It was yesterday morning when I met him for the first time. He looked so kind but bold at first look, a little old but tall and muscular, almost like some bodybuilder, instructor of a gym.

'Good morning master' I greeted with my cute girly smile as I saw him waiting for me at the bus stand.

He didn’t greet me back but checked me out for once. I was in a white, half wrist-top, and a purple knee-length skirt. He checked me out for a few seconds and then replied with a half-smile, like professionals, like some dominant boss. After the agreement, I traveled to his place on a bus with a bag full of my necessary stuff as clothes, makeup, pads, etc.

‘What’s in the bag?’ he asked, trying to sneak into it.

Being near him was not as easy as I imagined. Although I was excited, I was also scared, a little out of breath. He is almost double my size, double my strength. Being a slave to a man like him will be unimaginably tough.
Sexual assault, torture, tears, blood! I knew what was waiting for me. I could hardly imagine how I could take the pain from a man of this size, this strength. Even a slap in my face from that heavy palm could make me unconscious for hours, what if that hand tortures me from some whipping instrument or cane. What if he ties me up and tries to push his bone inside my inexperienced parts, can I even bear it?

‘Are you deaf? I asked you a question’ he asked, a little annoyed by my uncalled silence.

While I was lost in thoughts, I completely forgot the question he asked. Well, his deep frustrated voice gave me Goosebumps. I felt I did a crime, some felony, and will have to bear the pain later.

‘My stuff, master’ I immediately replied, opening the chain, showing what the bag had.

He took a quick look and understood everything. As I had to be at his place for twelve months, I bought stuff accordingly. There were almost a dozen tops, skirts, bikinis, and other belongings a girl of my age needs.

‘Poor girl! Those clothes? What use will that be?’ he said, smiling sarcastically, and I looked at him with a blank expression, trying to understand the meaning of his smile.

Yes, I remember that smile and then my goosebumps. Soon after, I figured his meaning, and all of a sudden my heart pounded. While packing I forgot that I wasn’t going on some vacation but into a life where my choice or happiness will hardly matter. I was going to be someone’s slave, where the master will drive my life, my choice, and almost everything about me other than breathing.

‘Ohk. Let’s see when and how those cloths will be used’ he added, and immediately held my hand like holding some baggage, as I belonged to him.

Yes, now I was his property and like some briefcase, he escorted me out of the bus stand, towards his car. As he opened his black car, I kept my bag in the back and stood there in silence, looking at my master.

‘I know you’re untrained but you should atleast know that while standing still, slave’s eyes must be down, hands must be behind back. It’s called discipline’ he said, looking at the way I was standing.

I was embarrassed by my posture. Even though I knew that, I didn’t care to follow. Well, what should I say, I am pretty new at this.

‘Sorry master’ I said and stood as he said.

‘Sorry won’t help you anymore, girl. In my world, mistakes lead to punishment. Well, you’ll come to know everything’ he said.

I didn’t utter a word and kept my eyes down as he said.

‘Come on now, go in the front seat and sit quietly’ he ordered.

I nodded and did the same. He took his cell phone out, texted something, and got in the car. I didn’t dare to look at him but kept my eyes down all the time. Then, all of a sudden, he blindfolded me with an eye mask. I wondered the reason for that but soon I figured. He didn’t want to let me know where I was being taken. He didn’t want to show me the way to his place. Well, that’s understandable because slavery is illegal.

As some minutes passed, I could feel the silence all around the road. Although blindfolded, I could sense we left the town and was in the middle of someplace in the countryside. There weren’t any sounds of horns or other vehicles. I was alone, on my own, traveling to an unknown destination with a stranger. As scary that sounds, it’s even scarier in real because I am a girl, without much experience of life or men. I hope I could survive these 12 months.
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Old 06-25-2020, 05:20 AM   #2
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Default My new home

My new home

I could hear the gates opening as soon as the car stopped. I was still blindfolded but from the door noise, I sensed a guard or someone opened the main gate and we drove inside. I was kind of excited to see where we were but my eyes were still masked.

‘Okay girl, come outside’ the master said and I did so.

He then unmasked my eyes and I took a first look into where I was. The place was huge with a large garden, trees, and greenery all around. There was also a farm where a gardener was watering the flowers. The main building, master’s house, was gigantic, like an old mansion, only with newly painted walls and doors. The boundaries were high, double of my height, almost like some prison walls which is inescapable. There was also a swimming pool and a fountain in between. I could also see half a dozen people, all men, some at door and some working on the farm. I guess they all worked for my master, some as a servant and some as a bodyguard. They were all older than me, much older, and all of a sudden I realized that all eyes were on me, peeking, and checking me out. Well, it’s kind of obvious. I am young and pretty, just twenty-one, and people stare me all the time but this was different. Those glances had hidden meanings, like they wanted to see more of me, all of me. Well, the skirt I wore was long enough for most of my upper legs, but I was still embarrassed of the way people were checking me out. Afraid of the unknown sights, I tried to cover my legs as much as I could but the half skirt is just for half legs.

‘Well, this is a beautiful place. My master is no ordinary man. Besides being wealthy, he also has powerful men working under him’ I said to myself, happy of where I was.

‘This is your home now, slave’ he said, as I was still glancing his place.

I nodded with my eyes down, hands at the back, as he instructed earlier.

‘Come on now, kneel’ he ordered, suddenly, out of blue.

What? Did I hear ‘kneel’?
I was in shock.
Yes, I was his slave but how could I kneel here, before his servants, who are desperate to see the whole of me? What kind of crazy order is this?’ I questioned myself.

Without any words I stood in silence, trying to peek at my master’s eyes. Was he joking or this is a real? Well, his face had no smiles, which meant he was serious but I didn’t had enough guts to kneel there, in public.

He waited for a few seconds and then shook head in desperation, and then again waited for a few more seconds. As some time was already over, I thought he would change his order, although I knew that was just my thought. Also, as I didn’t obey for so long, it was awkward to kneel after so many seconds had passed.

‘Did you hear me? I asked you to kneel’ he said, now in a louder, frustrated voice, kind of shouting at me.

Now I could see his changing mood and I was really scared. He was now getting really angry at my constant denial to obey, right from the bus stand. I can say that wasn’t a good sign. Who knows where will I end for my so-called self-respect and dignity?

Without thinking much, I lowered my eyes and got on my knees while everyone stopped working and concentrated on the scene.

‘What do you think you are, you filthy piece of shit?’ he shouted in the same loud voice and my heart started to race.

There wasn’t much Sun but I could feel a drop of sweat traveling from my chin all towards my breast till waist.

‘When I say you something to do, you do it immediately, without much use of your brain. Understood?’ he asked in a harsh voice and I nodded, while a guard brought a chair for my master.

Responding to my scared nod, he took a deep breath, almost like trying to calm himself, while I knelt before him and his servants, with my heads down, hands-on butts, humiliated, ashamed of thinking of what I am & what’s my value to him.

‘Tell me, slave. Why didn’t you kneel at the moment I asked you?’ he asked me after a while.

I didn’t respond at first, not knowing what to answer.

‘See, the truth will always end in rewards and lie, to punishment, so be frank. Tell the truth’ he said.

I was in a lot of confusion about what to answer but as he said, I needed to tell the truth else I would be in trouble, deep trouble.

‘Master, I was just ashamed to kneel here in public, before other men’ I whispered, telling him the truth.

I don’t know how but that innocent answer somehow changed his mood.

‘Ashamed? Really? Even when you have clothes on your body?’ he asked with a chuckle.

I wasn’t able to grasp what he actually meant by ‘clothes on my body’.
‘Will I have to walk naked in front of these men someday?’ I questioned myself and a cold sweat ran through my body.

‘Being a slave you must forget words like ashamed or humiliated. You must know your only task, and that is to obey, to do what’s asked’ he said and I nodded without understanding much.

‘Well, it’s not really your fault. I understand you are new but don’t worry. Soon I’ll train you so well that you won’t hesitate to walk nude in front of these people’ he said.

That just raced my heartbeats, giving me cold sweats again.

’Won’t hesitate to walk nude in front of these people?’ did I hear it right?
I just looked at my master with open mouth and he responded with a wicked smile, giving a trailer of what was coming for me.

‘For starters, I just want to give you a suggestion. Don’t think, just do and everything will be okay’ he said & with slow breaths, I responded with a slow nod.

‘You must be tired of the long journey. Take some rest, sleep for a couple of hours’ he said and signaled one of his men.

I was still on my knees, eyes still on the floor. He then left the mansion on his car while one of his men, tall and muscular, just like the master, escorted me to the building.

‘My name is Suza. Follow me’ he said and I, with my bag, did as he asked.
As we entered the building I realized the place was even more gorgeous than what it looked from outside.

The place was full of cozy sofas, crafted tables, stools, and even a fireplace. There were also two dogs, big and scary, who started to snuff me as soon as they saw me enter. Well, I too was familiar with dogs at my family, so I wasn’t afraid of them but as soon as I tried to pat one of the dogs, I was stopped.

‘Don’t do that. You aren’t allowed to touch them. Just follow me’ Suza said and without any questions, I did the same.

As I walked behind him, I tried to check his back. Wide chest and large butts, I was already starting to like this man.

‘This house is beautiful’ I said, just to start a conversation but he didn’t reply.
He was just walking me somewhere, rooms after rooms.

‘Are you master’s bodyguard?’ I asked and waited for an answer but there was nothing again.

His silence and ignorance was kind of humiliating buy hey, who was I? Just a slave and slave are meant for disrespect. I too ignored his ignorance and followed him quietly. As we passed half a dozen rooms, we came across a large hall. I got to say, it was a place where eyes get stuck for a while. There was a large dining table in between the hall, with a big 52-inch television set hung on one of the walls. The sealing had a beautiful chandelier and other walls were decorated with meaningful and costly paintings. One of the corners also had a large cage, almost as made for one of the dogs I saw earlier.

‘Wao, is this the drawing-room?’ I asked again Suza and now stopped and turned towards.

‘Listen and remember it always. You’re not an entertaining unit but a slave instead. You aren’t allowed to ask questions but are bond to follow commands, so it’s better if you keep your mouth shut’ he said harshly, and I lowered my eyes and nodded quietly.

I felt humiliated, even more than kneeling in public.

‘The moment you get excited will be the moment you’ll regret, so shut up and follow me’ he added and started walking.

Without any more questions, I followed. I was ashamed of myself, ashamed of what I had become. I may had made a wrong decision to become a slave but what’s even worse is now I have no choice.

Soon the beautiful interior finished and we came across a large door. It looked like we were heading towards some stable, a farmhouse where animals live. Now, this was a real surprise.

‘Won’t I get a ten square foot place in the mansion? Will I live here, in stable, like animals?’ I questioned myself and I knew the answer as well.

As we entered, I saw no animals inside, but just some whips, canes, steel rods, cuffing, and a rectangular box, slightly larger than a coffin. It looked old but was made of strong wood.

‘Come on now. Leave the bag here and go rest in your room’ Suza said.

It was confusing because we were inside a barn, a hall. I couldn’t see any rooms or even a bed there.

‘There, that wooden one. That’s your room’ Suza signaled, as my eyes were exploring the place.

For a moment I felt I skipped a heartbeat. It was just too confusing. Was he referring that coffin-sized box?

‘What?’ I asked for confirmation.

‘Yes, that box. Go rest there’ he said.

Well, I didn’t know what to say, how to answer. I was speechless, standing without any words. I responded with a half-smile

‘You mean that wooden box?’ I asked and he nodded.

It was crazy, also mean, but crazy as well.

‘How could I even fit on that? How can someone even live or sleep on that tiny box?’ while I was questioning myself, Suza held my hand and without my will, almost dragged me towards the box.

At first, I tried to defend myself but soon realized that it was of no use. If I was ordered something, I’ll have to do it by hook or by crook, so I walked towards it without resistant.

‘Now get into it’ Suza said and slowly, I got my legs into the box.
Well, it was bigger than it looked. It was so big that one could stretch or even sit comfortably inside it, but it was still a box. How can I live here? Well, that question had one answer; I had to live here anyway because my choice or decision matters no more.

‘I suggest you sleep. When the master comes, he will ask for you for interview. You must be fresh and ready for the session’ Suza said and signaled me to lie down.

I did as he told, and lied on the box, but stood up as soon as I realized that the box was empty. There was neither a cushion nor any pillow. How could I sleep in wood only?

‘Hey, there is nothing in here’ I said.

This made Suza smile. It was the first time I saw him smiling.

‘I know that but what do you expect, a king-size bed? This is all you will get. Now lie down and sleep’ he said, smiling wickedly.

Well, I understood him completely but was shocked bt that answer. A room that’s just a box, and moreover, without any cushion or pillow, how can I sleep here?

‘You should rather be thankful. I have seen other masters too. They tie their slaves and make them stand the whole night, not allowing them to rest even for a minute. Atleast you have the liberty to lie flat and stretch legs’ he said and suddenly I felt I was in a better place that what could have been a nightmare.

Without any more questions, I laid down on the box and to my surprise, Suza even closed the top of the box with an attached door with the box, as like locking me in a cage. It was like I was in a cell, a prison, a really small one. This was scary because I was in dark, and although there was a small peephole for ventilation, I felt hot inside. Also, without any cushion or pillow, it was painful to lie on just wood but somehow I managed to rest my head on wrists and tried to nap for a while. I had no idea what I will have to go through, how ugly my upcoming days will be, or how ill I’ll be treated once master comes back and calls me.
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Old 06-25-2020, 05:30 AM   #3
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Default The naked interview

The naked interview

‘Help me, Alexia?’ I shouted with all my strength but there was no answer.

Alexia is my cousin and we’re playing hide and seek but in order to hide, I somehow locked myself inside a closet. Now I am really scared because it’s dark in here. I could also sense my racing breath because there is no ventilation either. I might die of suffocation.

‘Alexia? Are you here?’ I shouted again from inside, knocked on the closet’s door, and waited for her to answer, but there is no response.
She might be searching for me in other places.

‘Oh God! Please help me out’ I said to myself.
It's so long. Why isn't Alexia here? Did she ran away and abandoned me? How will I get out of this?

‘Come on, master wants to see you’ I could hear a rough voice breaking my dream, and as I open my eyes, I saw Suza looking at me while I was lying in my box, the room.

His voice just broke my dream, time travel actually when I got locked in the closet for real while playing hide and seek with my cousin Alexia.

With lazy movements, I got up from the box and rubbed my eyes for once. Since I don’t have a clock, I have no idea how long I slept.

‘What?’ I asked Suza.

‘Master wants to see you’ he said, helping me to get off the box.

I nodded and wondered what’s coming for me.

‘What time is it?’ I asked Suza.

‘Fifteen minutes to eleven’ he said and signaled me to follow him.

Soon we came across the same farm where other men were working and again, I could see their hungry eyes peeping on me.

‘Go wash yourself first. You need to look fresh’ Suza said and signaled towards a tap at the middle of the farm.

It was surprising. While he was showing the mansion, I saw so many washrooms. Couldn’t I use one of them? I guess no.

‘I also have to pee’ I said in a slow voice.

Suza nodded and signaled towards a covered place on the other side of the farm. It’s hard to say what it was because its walls were nearly as high as my waist only. Also, it was covered from three sides only. It didn’t had a door or anything for privacy.

‘Suza, I also need to pee’ I said again as if trying to remind him of my feminism, but in answer, he signaled the same filthy bathroom.

Well, by that time I really had to pee so I rushed to that ugly place.

It was humiliating. Yes, it was a bathroom indeed, and although no doors, the way to inside was somehow private where nobody could see me pee, but it had such small walls that my upper body, my face particularly, was visible to every person in the farm. It was so disgusting because every man was trying to sneak a peek of what I was doing there, even after knowing that I was urinating. I tried my best to hide myself but it was useless. All I could do is to lower my head, avoid any sort of eye contact from anyone and get out of that nightmare as soon as possible. I never felt so humiliated while peeing, maybe because I never peed in public, with people watching my expression while urination.

Soon after I finished, I rushed towards the tap to wash myself. That place was empty with just a tap and nothing else. I guess its purpose was to water the flowers. While washing face, I suddenly realized I was so much bent that my upper back legs were available for the desperate eyes all around the farm. Immediately I tried to make my skirt, cover myself, and got in a proper position. For a girl of my age, it’s so difficult to maintain a proper posture, and that too in a half skirt. One mistake and your private part will be public. Earlier, I didn’t really care much about these small things, but here I am surrounded by men only. I needed to protect myself.

After I was done with washing and all, Suza escorted me to the mansion where the master was waiting for me. We were at the very entry of building which had large open windows. He was sitting in a round chair with a notebook and a pen, as if ready to interview me in person. After I was inside, Suza left but left the doors and windows open. I don’t know if that was a mistake or intentional.

As I stood there at the entrance, the master signaled me to get closer. With slow steps and pacing heart, I lowered my eyes and took heavy steps towards my master. This time I remembered to keep my hand at the back and keep my head down, the ideal posture of a slave.

‘You were called Kira, right?’ he asked the first question and I replied with a slow nod.

‘Ok. From now you will be called slave K, understood?’ he said.

I didn’t think my name would be changed on the very first day. Well, K sounds ok to me. It’s short and sweet.

‘When I say something, don’t just nod. Answer properly’ he commented at my nods.

‘Ok master’ I said immediately, keeping my eyes to the floor.

‘Ok will not do. You need to thank me for everything, even for the pain you get’ he instructed.

‘Ok master’ I said, not knowing how to reply properly as he asked.

‘Thank you for the name you gave me, master’ I replied, this time properly as he said.

He nodded and I got to say, he was satisfied with my answer.

‘Good girl. Now let me inspect you’ he ordered and for a second I didn’t know his meaning.

I mean I was just standing before him. He was seeing me completely, how can I be more visible? Well, he too knew that I was unable to understand him.

‘K, I want you to undress, now. Remove whatever you are wearing’ he elaborated and for a moment, I shivered.

Ah. That gave also me goosebumps and cold sweats. Although I knew this moment would come at some point of time, I didn’t know it would come so early, after few minutes of my arrival. I thought I was being called just for a formal meet, a kind of interview and yes, it was an interview indeed, but who thought I had to be naked as well.

For a few seconds, I stood answerless, thinking of my next step, because my self-respect & my life’s dignity depended on it.

‘Come on. Don’t be so bashful. I am your master, I own you now’ he added.

I was still in an ocean of confusion on how to undress just like that, although I knew my dignity or self-respect, or even me being a girl didn’t matter anything to him. Well, actually the confusion wasn’t of getting nude in front of my master, but the place where I was, had large open windows. Even the main gate of the mansion, the one behind me, was completely open. Stripping there would make my body visible to everyone outside, tp all those men who were trying to sneak on me while I was peeing.

‘Is there some confusion, K?’ master asked, seeing my confused and scared expressions.

I nodded a little.

‘With due respect master, please forgive me for this, but if I remove my cloths here, everyone outside will see me’ I said boldly.

I don’t know what impression my reply created on my master, because he took a deep breath.

‘I understand but how long will you protect yourself from getting exposed. Nakedness is just a state of mind and is responsible for your fears and anxiety. Once you learn not to care about your body, about your private parts, you’ll be free from this unworthy beauty’ he tried to explain but I didn’t even get a word of what he meant.

How can a girl of twenties stop caring about her body? How can she get naked in front of so many men?

All life I cared for my body, protected it from everyone, and now I am being ordered to strip completely. I was just too scared & confused for what the master asked but deep down I knew that my disobedience won’t bring anything good, but will just drag me into trouble.

While I was in my thoughts, master, out of nowhere, stood up from his chair and slapped me harshly on my cheeks. It was so hard that I almost fell, but somehow I balanced myself and stood up. I felt my cheek burning & I could still sense his rough fingers on my delicate cheek. One of my ears also turned half numb.

‘I hope this will help you decide better’ he said and sat back into the chair.

That one slap made me remember who I was and where I was. This was no ordinary life. I was a slave, standing in front of my master. There was no logic of thinking much, or disobeying. Slowly and steadily, I realized my eyes were wet with tears. Never in my life was I slapped in cheeks and that too by a man. Well, he was my master now, and since I didn’t obey him, I deserved that slap, even more than that.

‘Am so sorry for my behavior, master’ I said with tears running through my numb cheek.

Then without much delay, I slowly started to undress, first my top and then my skirt. Master was right, that tight slap was hard enough to let go my bashfulness and confusion. Now I wasn’t scared of people outside but feared what would happen if that slap came again, if the man sitting before me got really angry.

Once I was only in my black panty & bra, I stood in the same position as before, head down and hand behind the back.

‘You know, this is your problem K, and I got to say, you’ve earned yourself a punishment, that too in your first day itself. Disobedience is a felony and you’ll be so sorry for this’ he commented and I knew the reason for those words.

Even after his regular orders, I didn’t get undressed completely. I still had my panties and bra on me and I still curse myself for that act. The punishment was coming for me, I was sure of it, but the question was when and how. It was so immature of me to disobey him time and again.

Without increasing my crime meter, I instantly unhooked my bra and slipped off my panties. My heart bested, fastened, my hairs muscles contracted and my stomach churned as I was slipping my panties off my waist towards my foot. The day has come when I had to lay everything I own. There I was, standing without clothes, naked in front of my master. My eyes were still down, cheeks still wet and red. My heart was still paced and although it was cold outside, my body was sweaty. Since before today I didn’t stand naked in front of any man, I could exactly feel my butts, vaginas, and other private parts. It’s more like a sensation, fear of some ugly future.

Looking a girl of twenty standing without clothes, I could see my master getting a boner, as like any other man. Although he wore tight jeans, I could see his thing rising, getting harder. Like a glass of wine, he was enjoying me in installments, part by part. His eyes were staring me up to down, and again down to up. He was checking me out in the worst possible manner, and all I could do do is to keep my eyes down and hand on butts.

‘K. You have a beautiful body’ he applauded after inspecting me for a few minutes.

Even though I was standing naked in public, that applaud brought a smile in my lips.

‘Thank you master’ I said in a low voice.

‘Do you feel a little confident now?’ he asked.

I nodded softly, although I was still worried about people outside.

‘Good. Now stretch those legs and widen your arms’ he said.

This time I didn’t wait but stretched my legs and arms. Sure, I was feeling a little confident now but my eyes were still on the floor.

‘Stretch your legs to the fullest’ he said and I was unable to grasp why I was being asked to behave as some gymnasts.

Well, I did exactly as he asked, stretched my legs and arms. Now he stood up and came closer. I feared it was the time of second slap but it wasn’t. He came to smell me instead. He touched his nose to my hair, he took a deep breath. I was somehow relaxed by that breath because it was a good sign. He then came closer and slipped one of his fingers in my cheek. Maybe he was seeing how soft my skin was. For a few seconds, his fingers examined my face and neck, and then slowly slide towards my breast, belly, waist, and finally my main thing. That feeling is hard to describe when someone else’s fingers examine your vagina for the very first time. I was a lot of things at the same time, bashful, nervous, and most importantly, exited. I could sense alien hormones emerging inside me, leaving me with mixed feelings.
Well, master’s finger stopped after rubbing my pussy twice or thrice but I was ready for even more. My fences were open to welcome anything inside. I was just too excited. My breath was higher than ever and I think master knew what was going inside me but instead of fulfilling my desires, he left me with my thirst.

‘Now turn back and get in the same position’ he said.

Now he wanted to explore the other half of my body. I did the same and exposed my back to the master. Well, I forgot all about it but as I turned towards the other side, facing towards the main entry, I saw everyone in a position of halt. They all were standing, looking at me, and were enjoying a nude girl’s body in real. That one feeling killed my desires and hormones.
They were seeing me standing naked with my legs and arms stretched and I could do nothing about it. Never in my life had I imagined of such a scenario, such humiliation, even when I signed the slave agreement. I thought I would be naked just in front of my master but this? This is even worse than my worst nightmare and I was living it for real.

Suddenly I realized my master’s finger was on my back neck, and like before it started slipping towards my loin, back waist, all towards my butts. Well, that feeling of desire and hormones, it came back. It was like my master’s fingers had some magic. In a mixed feeling of public humiliation and desire, I lowered my eyes and stopped looking at people staring at my naked body.

‘Ok, now bend your legs a little, like a chair’ master ordered after his visual and finger inspection got over.

I did as he asked. I bent my legs as some chair but that position was hard to withstand. Soon I felt my legs burning. I was in pain. Meanwhile, the master came closer to my butts and without a signal, pushed his middle fingers inside my ass. That feeling was amazing as well as humiliating. Amazing as like a drop of water to thirsty throats, and humiliating because his fingers may get dirty from my anus. I thought it was just an inspection of my butts but to my surprise, he pulled his fingers even deeper into my ass, almost inside my anus.

How I was feeling is impossible to describe until you are in a similar situation. First, I was naked and bent as a chair, and second, he even started moving his finger which was completely inside my anus, inspecting me and my ass in a naughty way. I felt both painful and pleasurable at the same time. All I wanted was to shout with joy but somehow I held my feeling. I am not shy to say but that was one of the best times of my life.

Well, after exploring inside for a minute or two, his finger finally came out of my hole. It was sad but what was even worse that I could feel my ass a little dirty with shit. Was it voluntary or I somehow lost control?

‘What have I done? How could I lose control like this?’ I asked myself.

I was already feeling guilty for what happened and was ready to do anything to reverse it back. I wonder what impact it had on the master. Even his finger would be covered with shit.

‘What the fuck is wrong with you. Don’t you have control over your filthy ass?’ he screamed as soon as he realized that he had shit on his fingers.

I had no answer. The crime was already committed and it was the time for payback.

‘You insignificant filthy bitch, how dare you’ he screamed and kicked in my bent ass.

Well, as I was already bent as a chair, it was a perfect position to receive his strong kick in my lower butt. That powerful knock made me close my legs and in an instant, my hands got into my lower ass. I was in so much pain. I got to admit that the kick was so powerfully composed that I almost lost consciousness and fell on the floor holding my lower ass. I was in immense pain, like getting a bullet shot in the back. I even started whining like a little baby. The pain was unbearable.

To my surprise, master didn’t calm by seeing me crying, but brutally grabbed my hairs instead, and pulled me up with force, almost like trying to make me stand. Now the pain of my hairs getting plugged was even more than what was in my ass. It was a torture of third-degree, as if I committed a felony.

‘Get in your knees, bitch’ he screamed and pushed his fingers into my cheek, so as to open my mouth.

I was having a very hard time grasping of what was going on and why was I treated even worse than animals. I just came today, didn’t even do any major mistake that could lead to such harsh treatment. I was just crying hard like a baby, screaming for the multiple versions of pain I was going through.

Meanwhile, he was still holding my mouth open, and soon I realized why I was treated like that. He didn’t want to wash his fingers which were full of my shit, but wanted me to taste it rather. Without much delay, he inserted that dirty smelly fingers into my mouth and signaled me to lick it till it was clean.

Crying with pain and humiliation, I had no choice but to do exactly what he wanted. I licked my own shit and cleaned his fingers. It was so ugly, smelly and abusing. That one moment made me realize that no matter what or who I was yesterday, now I was no better than a pig to him. He could use me in any way he likes.

‘This is what happens when you try to get your master’s hands dirty, you filthy worthless piece of shit’ he commented after I licked all shit out of his fingers.

With wet eyes, I knelt in silence, head down, still sobbing at my situation.

‘Did you forget what I told you earlier?’ he tried to remind me of something and I remembered it immediately, before the situation got even worse.

‘I am sorry for my behavior, master, and I thank you for punishing me’ I replied with slow sobs and tears.

‘Good girl. I hope this interview will give you a brief insight of your position in front of my eyes’ he said.

I nodded, understanding him completely.

‘I will try to be more obedient, master. Sorry again for my behavior’ I said, realizing of who I was now.

He smiled and called Suza and then ordered him to take me for a quick wash and make me understand my role in this mansion. With smelly mouth and hurting ass, I somehow wore my clothes. My hairs looked like bush and I was still in a lot of pain but Suza almost dragged me towards the room which had the box.
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This is as far as I have seen and it was apparently going before I saw it
M 73 California USA. Likes cbt, spanking, nt, and exhibitionism. Who knows what I might discover next.

Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

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Old 07-17-2020, 06:32 PM   #6
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Default Pet routine

Pet routine

‘So by now you would have got a glimpse of what you are, isn’t it?’ Suza asked as I got a little normal after that painful interview.

I nodded but didn’t say anything. I couldn’t even look into his eyes as he already saw how inhumanly I was treated earlier by my Sir. I was still naked and was whining like a baby when Suza came in. That small interview not only killed my dignity and self-respect, but also my confidence and attitude. I was feeling like a sex toy which is bought just for entertainment and pleasure.

‘I am like a manger here and to you, am your boss’ Suza told.

I knew what he meant. Sir was the owner of this place but management was in hands of Suza. Well, that was a kind of a relief because he felt a little kind-hearted, atleast more than that of Sir Jake.

‘My duty is to keep you in discipline, see if you’re behaving as told. I will report your activities to Sir Jake. Even if you commit any slight mistake, I’ll report it to the Sir. Then he will decide what to do next’ Suza told.

I nodded.

‘I suggest you to obey as ordered else the punishment here is too brutal to bear’ he told.

Since I already had a trailer, I knew exactly what he was trying to say. I just nodded again and said nothing. It was just a couple of hours since my arrival and I have seen so much, suffered so much. I was just wondering how I will survive another 365 days like this.

‘Pets here have a routine to follow and you’ll have to stick to that’ he said, taking out a piece of paper from his pocket.

That must be the routine I had to follow.

‘No matter how late you slip into your room, you’ll have to wake by 4:30 in the morning. By 5 you should be done with potty, brush, and bath. 5 to 6 is the time when you’ll clean the mansion’s dining hall, verandah, kitchen, and all 4 bathrooms. By cleaning I mean broom and mopping with disinfectant. In the kitchen, the dinner dishes are done at the morning and that is your job now. Basins and commode should also be mirror clean’ he said, looking at the paper he had in hands.

I had my heart in my mouth. I was just too young for so much work. I didn’t even have any experience of cleaning or washing, now I had to do all these and that too within an hour. How can I even think of creating a good impression?

‘All these within an hour?’ I asked in a slow, worried tone.

Suza nodded but didn’t say anything.

‘Your routine is made by the Sir himself. Even a little delay will lead into punishment’ he said and continued.

I was on the verge of tears but I somehow suppressed my feelings.

‘After that, you’ll have to wait for the Sir to wake and when he does, you will help him with cleaning, shaving, and whatever he likes to do’ Suza said.

That was a kind of relief. Helping Sir with his works sounds like an easy job.

‘Sir usually leaves the mansion by 9, so after that, you’ll get breakfast. Once you’re done with it, you’ll be assigned some farm work which you must complete in given time else the same, punishment’ he said.

‘Farm work? What’s that?’ I asked.

‘There are varieties of those. Don’t worry, I will assign those to you’ Suza told and I nodded with a slight smile because I knew Suza, somewhere, had a soft place for me in his heart.

‘Then in the evening, after your farm shift gets over and before Sir comes back to the mansion, you’ll have to broom and sweep floors, clean toilets and kitchen, just like of morning’ he said.

That was sad. I fail to see if I get even an hour to rest or relax. I was scheduled to work continuously, both inside and outside the mansion, without any break, and if I got lazy or did any mistake, I would be subjected to punishment. That was harsh and mean. I am not any experienced servant but just a twenty-one-year girl with weak wrists and low spirits. How can I possibly live to the standards set for me?

‘In the evening, when the Sir comes back, you’ll help him getting fresh as like morning. You will be under his commands until he finally takes you off duty’ he continued.

I just nodded without questioning because I was certain to fail from what was expected of me.

‘Do you have any questions for this?’ Suza asked.

Questions? How funny and sad. I had a dozen questions like how can he assign that painful routine to some girl like me. How could he make me work on the farm like laborers? I had so many questions but I didn’t have the courage to ask, so I just shook my head.

‘Good. Now last but most important part’ he said and I was ready with all ears.

‘You won’t be getting any clothes until you earn them’ he said and paused looking at me.

Well, even I didn’t understand him completely. I won’t be getting any clothes, what that’s supposed to mean. Will I be naked?

‘Sorry I didn’t get you’ I asked back immediately.
Suza took a deep breath to explain further.

‘What I mean is you will have to be naked from now onwards, until you buy clothes from your earned salary’ he elaborated.

I was in a shock, a deep deep shock. Of all my bouncers and shocks, this was the biggest. I won’t be getting any clothes, I’ll be naked all time, all day, all night at ll places. How is that possible? I even have to work on the farm, will I do that naked as well, in front of everyone?

‘What?’ I asked again, just to confirm if I heard right.

‘Yes. The orders are not to let you be in any sort of cloths’ Suza told and my mouth got opened on its own.

‘But Suza, don’t I have to work on the farm with other men? Will I have to be naked there too?’ I asked with my fingers crossed, and as expected, Suza nodded.

‘Yes. All the time, all the places, you can’t wear anything until you earn it’ he said.

‘Earn what?’ I asked back.

‘Salary. You’ll be working on a farm, and so you’ll get a salary too, 20 cents a day’ he said and I almost laughed at my destiny.

20 cents for a day, that’s like 6 dollars a month. What will I do with that?

Even the cheapest panties come for 10 dollars. By this earning it will take almost 6 weeks to buy even a panty. That means I will have to be completely naked for the first six weeks. Now I have no words to say. I am in a deep shock. I already knew I will be stripped someday by my Sir but who had thought I’ll have to be naked for a couple of months.

‘Suza, you're joking, right? 20 cents won’t even buy me underpants for atleast two months’ I said but Suza smiled instead.

‘You will have to tell that to Sir. He made your routine and it can change only if he wills to change it’ he said.

I was helpless. By the impression I made so far, I will be lucky not to get any more severe punishments. Bargaining about my salary will only piss him off and who knows how worse this day will end. Now my only hope is the man standing before me.

‘Now I’ll have to take all your clothes’ Suza said before I could say anything.
He then picked up my bag and signaled the things I had on my body, my top, skirt, panty, and bra.

‘Even what am I wearing now?’ I asked and he nodded.

Undressing in front of him was so awkward, but what can I say. From now I had to walk naked not only in front of him or Sir but before of all the other men on the farm and that too for weeks. A cold wave ran all through my body by imaging that scene when I’ll be abused, commented on my nudity.
Without much delay, I thought of giving the last shot. I got into my knees and folded my arm, like praying before some God.

‘I beg you Suza, please don’t do this to me. Have a little mercy. How can I be naked for two months? How can I work naked before all those men? Please rethink it, I am just an immature girl’ I begged with desperate eyes but my emotional expressions didn’t change his expressions, even a little.

He was as still as a rock, a true copy of Sir, just a soft-hearted one.
‘As I said, I cannot help you with anything. You’ll have to talk to Sir’ he said and asked for my clothes.

I started weeping. My tears were was uncontrollable.

‘Please Suza, I beg you’ I urged gain, but my pitiful face didn’t break him, but instead, he looked a kind of frustrated.

‘Listen. Undress now else I’ll have to undress you by force. I am sure you won’t like that’ he said, harshly, almost shouting at me.

Now I was really scared. I didn’t want another violence in such a short span of time. Immediately, without any more questions, I took off my top and skirt, and then unhooked my bra and slipped off my panties as well. Suza took it all and kept inside my bag. First begging and now standing naked with eyes full of tears, I can’t explain how humiliated I was.

‘Now go take a quick bath. You’ll get lunch at some time. I’ll also explain do’s and don’ts after a while’ he said.

I nodded without much energy.

As he was leaving, I realized that I didn’t see the washroom to bath.
‘Suza, where should I take a bath?’ I asked.

He turned towards the farm and pointed the only tap in a corner. That was the same tap used to water the flowers. It was so embarrassing because it was located just at the worst possible place, in between the farm where everyone was working.

Now I had no words, no questions either. I’ll have to go through weeks of absolute nudity, which is working naked, sleeping naked even bathing naked in public, in front of servants. It was too much to bear but I had to live it perfectly, without any questions or queries. I was so frustrated, depressed, almost broken from inside. I curse myself to be born as a girl, to be born human as well. Even animals have a better life than me.

‘Suza, won't it would be better if Sir ties me up in the farm and asks every man to rape me one by one’ I commented on the ugly routine where the Sir had me naked all the time.

Suza didn’t answer but instead, just shook his head, gave me some tough looks, and left with my clothes and bag. By that comment, I felt like I took verbal revenge, but it didn’t give me a positive vibe. I had a feeling that I said something wrong, something bad. Anyways, now was the time to bath, when I had to walk towards that tap on the farm.

Last edited by Butterfly; 06-21-2021 at 05:37 PM.
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Old 07-22-2020, 10:17 AM   #7
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Default Bathing in public

Bathing in public

After a quick sneak peek towards the farm, I counted nine men. Four of them were really old, like over fifty. Two looked as old as my Sir, like of thirty-forty, but three men were really young, not like me but not over thirty, with warm blood and wild eyes. Moreover, two of the younger men were working at the same place where the tap was, where I had to bathe myself. Not only I had to cross other people but had to bathe in front of them and that too without cloths.

My heart already started to pace. My mind had a lot of confusion, questions but above all, I knew that I had to do what I had to do. Neither can I disobey, nor can I run so all this scariness and bashfulness will only stop me from becoming what I was, a pet, a person whose only task is to obey, no matter what she is ordered to do.

I knew what I had to do to surpass my fears. I already did that a number of times, and I did the same thing. I took a deep breath, lowered my eyes, and came out from the farmhouse. As I was out, naked in public, every man stopped working and took a quick look at me. I got to say, none of the eyes were on my face but all of them were staring the parts which were no more private. I had my stomach-churning. It was the most embarrassing time of my life, public nudity.

Well, standing alone naked without any reason was kind of awkward, so without caring much, I lowered my eyes and started walking towards the middle of the farm, towards the tap where I had to wash myself. I made such expression as it wasn’t the first time when I was nude in public, more like I was a professional pet, a kind of slut. The first few steps were too hard to walk, but as I preceded foreword, I realized that my shyness was decreasing step by step as I walked towards the tap. Every second gave me soothing confidence, the thing I lacked in my whole life. My nakedness was actually letting my bashfulness go, was making me bold, confident women.
So what I’m naked, I have a beautiful body that every man wants. So what my breasts are uncovered, it’s big and cozy, something that’s a pleasure to every eye. Yes, I have no panties on my butts but who cares. It’s curved and perfect, something every hand seeks to touch and squash. I know my vagina has nothing to hide but I don’t want to hide it. It’s so young and perfect that it will give boner even to dead people.

As I walked around, swinging my hairs and breasts, I could see rising things in all men, even the ones who were old. It was meant to be a shameful thing but somehow I was proud of myself, my naked body, and my beautiful parts that were exposed. People were looking at me as if I was not a naked girl but some alien they haven’t seen in their entire life. For the first time in life, I realized how beautiful I was, not only by face and heart but also with my body, even though I was just twenty-one. I guess everyone there must have seen some lady naked, maybe their wife or girlfriend but none of them saw a naked beauty like me, walking without clothes in front of their eyes. I felt like an angel, like some princess. I knew that even nude, I was safe because I had my Sir’s protection. People did have the liberty to see all of me, but they didn’t have permission to taste or touch even my hands.

As I reached the tap after walking for a while, the two younger men working there made some space for me to enter. Their eyes also got down as I walked straight towards them. I wonder if that was from shame or they were just focusing on my body below the waist.

Without any conversation or even eve contact, I got on my knees, just below the tap, and allowed the water to drain onto my naked body. The weather was cold but somehow the tap water was warm, atleast warmer than my body. I could feel its flow on my hairs, slipping all through my neck towards the shoulders, down to my buttock and thigh. Although I had a habit of bathing naked, like everyone else, that moment was so different from others. It was so awkward and embarrassing to get wet before unknown eyes. A young pretty girl was washing herself, without caring about her respect or dignity and people around me were glimpsing a live porn. Without thinking much, I rubbed the white soap on my breast and lower waist, trying to shroud myself from foam, getting myself covered but I knew that won’t last long.

‘You could use another hand if you want’ a younger man, standing and staring beside me, asked, as I was trying to get soap to my back, on my loin.
I don’t know what I should describe about the question he asked. I can’t say it wasn’t a genuine offer, because one cannot reach her lower back on her own. Maybe he just wanted to help me to bathe properly, or maybe it was just a trick, a naughty try to touch my body. Searching for truth, I looked into his eyes but was unable to figure for sure. He looked innocent and why not, he was just a worker in the Sir’s farm.

‘Thank you but I think I can manage’ I said and soaped my back on my own.

In reply, he just smiled and looked at his partner, who also had a smile, but his expressions were way too wild than him. The reason was me who was bathing naked just a couple of meters away from his eyes. It got him way too excited that what the other fellow was.

‘Ok but let me know if you need a hand with any other thing as well’ he replied with mixed expression.

It was again hard to read his mind. The thing he said had several meanings, if interpreted correctly or maybe he didn’t mean anything bad at all. Maybe it was just my perception, my dirty mind which was thinking too much.

‘Sure’ I replied by just a word, and got under the tap to wash my foam shrouded body.

For a moment I closed eyes and let the water flow through my eyelids, forgetting all about the scenario and the people around me, trying to find some peace in that hell. That peace didn’t last much but now I felt a bit calmer, relaxed as if I took a nice nap. People’s eyes were still on me but I didn’t try to make contact. Instead, I walked off the farm towards my room in search of a towel, because I had no clothes, neither to wear nor to dry myself, and the temperature was still cold. As I entered the farmroom, Suza was already there, waiting for me with a thick towel. Now I wasn’t much shy of my naked body in front of him.

‘Here, help yourself’ he said and gave me the towel and I started to wipe off the drop off my body.

He didn’t leave but kept watching me rubbing a towel on my entire body. After I was fully dry, I wrapped myself with a towel, as it was an old habit. Also somehow I forgot that I was ordered to remain naked all the time.

‘No, you can’t be like this. You aren’t allowed to wear any clothes’ Suza interpreted instantly, and I remembered what I was supposed to do.

In an instant, I unwrapped the towel off my body, getting nude again, and returned it back to Suza. He chuckled at my immaturity and left me with my nakedness, taking away my bag, clothes, and everything I owned to keep my body covered.

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Last edited by Butterfly; 06-21-2021 at 05:37 PM.
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Old 07-30-2020, 10:02 AM   #8
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Default Welcoming Sir Jake

Welcoming Sir Jake

As I was done with lunch, Suza asked me to broom and mop the mansion’s rooms, corridors, and toilets. He also mentioned that it had to be completed before Sir returns. Previously, I used to live in a two BHK flat. It was small, almost 900 square feet, so cleaning was easy and took not more than ten minutes. Also, I wasn’t the only person responsible for that job so I never thought that as a liability, but being a pet here, everything has changed. Sir’s house, this mansion is almost ten times bigger than of my house and cleaning is a quite big thing for someone like me because neither I have that sort of strength, nor stamina to work continuously right from five in the morning till late night. Also, this house needs to be cleaned with precision, so I cannot be sluggish or lazy, else it will be counted as a mistake, and I might be punished for that as well.

Holding a broom on a hand and a wet cloth on another, I started mopping the floors of each and every room of the gigantic mansion. Well, it wasn’t that dirty, infact, it wasn’t dirty at all, even the toilets, because this is done twice on a daily basis.

The only thing that took much of my time was the kitchen, because I had to wash the dishes as well. Also, I wasn’t so comfortable with two male staff watching me moping and doing the dishes naked. They kept on staring my body all the time, like I was an entertainment unit but to my surprise, I was finished with everything in less than 45 minutes. It was a happy and satisfying moment for me because I never thought I could mob this gigantic house in so less time. A different experience indeed because I was naked while doing that, infact, I was naked all day, the longest period when I didn’t wear anything. Well, that’s something both to be proud of and to be ashamed of.

After finishing my work, I sat for a while to relax and wondered who else lived here, because I haven’t seen anyone besides Suza and Sir, and the two male chefs in the kitchen. Considering the size of this building, almost all my relatives can live here together without any congestion. As I passed rooms after rooms, I slowly started to figure the purpose of each room. I got to mention the bedroom first, my Sir’s Sir bedroom, the largest and most beautiful. It was huge, almost four times the size of normal rooms. The bed was large and expensive with thick foamy cushions and pillows. There was a fireplace and a washroom as well, all inside the room. The walls had handmade art and the sealing was decorated with various animal’s real skulls as deer, tiger, and many more, giving a clear indication that Sir liked hunting. I also saw political and history books on the side table of the Sir’s bed, which indicated that he liked reading. There were a few smaller rooms as well, which also had a bed and a sofa. I guess that all were for guest but it wasn’t like every room had a bed or sofa. In fact, each room had its own identity. One room had office furniture, like an office table and chair for clients. One had a cozy sofa, a Barcalounger, which I guess was for reading. One was full of gym equipment like a treadmill, weights, hangers, etc. and one of the rooms even had a piano, which indicates that the Sir also likes to play music.

Of all the other rooms, there was the only one which was different and scariest among all. It was the last room, the room with devices meant to bring pain. It was even bigger than the Sir bedroom, infact, it was so large that it cannot be referred to as a room, but a hall instead, the hall of torture. It had all the devices like small & long whips, thick & thin canes, ropes, suspension cuffs, collars, and even the wooden spanking horse. I didn’t saw those in real and I don’t even know names of even half of what I saw inside that hall. Some of them were made for pleasure and some for pain, a real pain. To my surprise, there were also a couple of cattle prods, an instrument used to control animals by the use of high current electric shocks. I have no practical experience of those prods but I have seen in videos of how delicate girls scream with pain when tortured with those inhuman cattle prod. I also know that someday I could be one of those screaming girls, infact, I am the only one here on whom those devices of pain could be used, and no matter what I do, how perfectly I behave, someday I’ll commit a mistake and will be subjected to those scary things.

‘Finished with brooms and mops?’ Suza asked as I was lost in fantasizing my worst nightmares.

Trying to hide private parts with my palms, I nodded in with some shyness. It’s true that I was naked the whole day but it’s also true that I am still a woman, and not any animal. It’s obvious to be a little shy while being naked in front of a man.

‘The Sir is on way but before he comes I would like to tell you what to do and what not to do, else you’ll be in deep trouble on your first day itself’ he said and I prepared myself to listen him attentively.

‘First of all, you should know that your first impression was nothing to what is expected from a new pet’ he said and I can’t agree more.

I not only disobeyed my Sir time and again, but also made his fingers dirty with my shitty ass. Well, for that I even got a small punishment. I can still feel the pain of his kick in my lower ass.

‘I don’t know how he will treat you once he comes. It entirely depends on his mood. If normal, you will only be subjected to bondage and sexual assault only, but if he isn’t in a good mood, you might be subjected to serious stuff’ he said and I could feel my raising beats.

‘Serious stuff?’ I asked in a low voice.

‘Yes, like spanking, caning or even needle torture’ he told.

Well, I know about spanking and all but I never heard of needle torture.

‘What’s the needle thing?’ I asked back and in reply, Suza gave me a surprised look, like being a pet I should have known the answer to my question.

‘Yes, needle torture, on your breasts and pussy lips. How come you don’t know about it?’ he commented.

For a second my heart pounded. Did I hear needles on my breast on pussy lips? Is that a part of the pet’s torture session. I am so scared now because I am never comfortable with injections and needles around me.

How will I survive that on the most sensitive part of my body?

‘Ok enough with the torture and needles. There won’t be any punishment if you behave properly, if you make Sir happy’ Suza intervened, looking at my scared reaction.

‘How should I do that?’ I asked immediately, trying to feel my nipples.

‘First, when he comes, be ready with a tray full of juice and water. Usually, he likes a little juice immediately when he comes’ he said and I wrote that on my mind’s notebook.

‘Second, while he sits, try undressing him with his permission. You can start with shoes and socks. If you clean his foot with your own hands, say with a towel and warm water, I’m sure he’ll like that’ Suza suggested and I added that to my list.

‘But remember, never ever touch or do any activity without asking for permission. You need permission for almost everything so try making a habit of it’ he instructed and I nodded.

‘One more thing, you must learn to greet when you see him and bid goodbye when he is about to leave. These small activities create a good impression in every Sir’s eyes’ he told.

I nodded and noted.

‘You may not be knowing an ideal pet’s greet, do you?’ Suza asked and I got a little confused.

‘Ideal greets? What’s that? Good morning and good evening are the only things I know about greeting. Is a pet’s greeting different than those?’ I said to myself and made my eyes small.

Suza knew I didn’t know much about serive and its rules, so he elaborated.

‘See a pet greet in layman language is a feet kiss. As your Sir is close and seeks your service, you need to lay flat on the floor, keeping your hands on back and nose on his shoes. Then you need to kiss his feet, both of them. It’s a sign of pet’s obedience and submission, a kind of respect for Sir’ he said and before I could nod, I saw lights on the entrance gates of farm.

He was here and I had heart on my jaw.

Immediately I rushed towards the kitchen to get juice, towel, and some warm water, as Suza instructed. The chef knew why I was there so he quickly arranged those for me and holding a tray in a hand and a bowl of water in another, I almost ran towards the verandah where my Sir would be. Call it my immaturity or lack of experience but as soon as I reached there, the glass of juice fell from my tray and got broken into pieces, right before the eyes of my Sir and Suza. It felt like someone has snatched heart out of my ribs. I was so scared and worried.

Oh God! What have I done, what will I do now?

I was in such panic that my breaths were pacing to its maximum limit. Even the Sir was unhappy with what I did. I could clearly see the frustration in his eyes. Now I was sure that punishment was waiting for me.

‘This bitch again’ Sir commented, looking at Suza and without any more words, walked towards the sofa and got comfortable.

Somehow my eyes got watery, maybe because I knew I did a mistake but before the situation got any worse, I thought of giving myself another chance. As I saw my Sir stretching and cracking knuckles, I walked towards him in slow steps, with my eyes down and hands-on back, just as some trained pet. Then, as Suza told, I laid on the floor with buttocks facing towards the ceiling, and kissed both of his boots.

‘Permission to speak, Sir’ I spoke in a low voice, retaining my greet position.

Sir didn’t speak for a few seconds but after sometime, he finally gave the permission and said ‘ok pet K, you may rise up and speak’.

I was so happy with that response. Finally, I did a thing that he liked. I was just a little progress but I had birds inside me.

Slowly, I raise my head and knelt with my hand on the back, although I didn’t dare to take my eyes off the floor.

‘With your permission Sir, can I remove your shoe and clean your foot?’ I asked.

That bought a little smile on his face and I was delighted. Finally, I was getting what I deserved, my Sir’s satisfaction. I lifted his heavy foot and placed on my naked thigh and then carefully removed shoes from both of his feet, and started mopping it with warm water. In the process, I also got my thigh wet, even my vagina, but the warm water from his dirty foot felt like a thing to enjoy than to hate.

While mopping, I suddenly felt the touch of his hands on my back head. He was touching me and it was strange because I was still naked, and other than touching my private parts, his fingers were actually on my hair. It’s a sign of attachment and that touch filled me with positive energy but soon I realized that he was not touching me out of emotions, but was just patting me as he does to his dog. In a second I remembered who I was to him, just a pet, no better than a pet. No matter how hard I try, my position will remain the same. I am a pet today and will be a pet tomorrow aswell.

‘Ok enough mopping. Stop now’ he ordered and I did as he asked.

‘Now I want you to lick it till it dries as before’ he ordered.

I didn’t lick anyone’s foot before, nor even did I kiss it as I did now. Well, it wasn’t a time for question answers; neither was it a moment to delay. I was ordered to do something and I had to obey it without second thoughts. Keeping aside my feelings, I lowered my head and started licking his foot by my tongue. Well, although clean after mopping, his feet were still smelly but I didn’t stop and kept on moping water off his feet with my tongue. As some seconds passed, he started to caress me on my back, almost trying to feel the smoothness of my skin. That touch roused a sexual wave inside me. I could feel my vaginas crying for help, urging to be rubbed in the worst possible way, even my buttocks which were pleading to get smacked but I somehow suppressed all my desires.

When I was finished with the licking, the Sir raised me grabbing my hair. Well, it wasn’t as painful as it was in the morning, maybe because then he was pissed then and now he isn’t.

‘Now crawl towards the corner and kneel facing the wall’ he ordered and I crawled towards one of the corners and knelt with hands-on head and eyes on corners bottom.

‘How was her behavior all day?’ he asked Suza who didn’t reply at first but thought something before speaking.

‘Not up to standards, boss’ he reported.

That almost gave me a heart attack.

‘What wrong did I do? I was so well behaved all day. I obeyed every order and even did every work that was assigned to me in the given time, then why was Suza complaining about me? What wrong did I do to him?’ I asked myself but didn’t dare to question Suza or even turn towards them.

‘I see. She even misbehaved and disobeyed me in the morning’ Sir replied and Suza nodded.

‘Ok. She’ll be rewarded for what she did. Is the food ready?’ Sir asked one of the chefs standing on the door.

In reply, chef nodded and leaving me alone, knelt naked facing towards the corner, they all left for the evening snacks and all.

Last edited by Butterfly; 06-21-2021 at 05:38 PM.
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Old 07-30-2020, 06:21 PM   #9
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Very good. Loving it. Keep them coming. Cant wait for the next batch.
M 73 California USA. Likes cbt, spanking, nt, and exhibitionism. Who knows what I might discover next.

Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

Whereby whereby.com/sexyseniorctzn

Kik: dogjockey

Skype Dogjockey Bearman
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Default Going so good, can't wait for more.

Excited for the next installment. Post it please.
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Old 10-10-2020, 09:46 AM   #11
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Default Tears and pain

Tears and pain

‘God, help…..help me please’ I moan on myself, as I can feel my buttocks and thighs burning.

My hands are still tied so high to the ceiling of the farm room, that I can barely keep my toes on the floor. The punishment session has not yet ended although it has broken me completely, both by body and by spirit. In the last thirty minutes, I had to go through different versions of pain as of whip and rattle cane, and its shame to add that I even pissed without my will. Well, it was because of the immense pain and trauma I got through the session. My nipples still hurt and my breast is full of whip marks. My butts have been caned by a thin cane, the rattle cane and I don’t know if I can take any more of it. Sir has left me tied and went into his mansion to bring surprise equipment to end the session. I have no idea how more can I bear and how long can I hold my senses. I’ve lost uncountable teardrops and screamed like animals, but none of them were enough to stop Sir from doing what he wanted to do. My back is burning and my butt cheeks are numb.

It all started half an hour earlier, some minutes after Sir was done with dinner. As I was due for a punishment session, I was given dinner a lot early, almost seven in the evening so that I could be ready with an empty stomach during the session. I think it was half-past ten when Suza escorted me towards the farm room, the place where the session was scheduled.

My heart was racing as my hands were getting tied. Suza is quite an expert in bondage kinds of stuff. He tied my hand in such a way that it wasn’t painful at all and also, it was impossible to escape as well. The ropes used to tie me were also a quality one, something that won’t hurt your wrists no matter how tight they get. I tried looking at his eyes while he was subjecting me to restraints, but he never looked back at me, as if ignoring any sort of conversation or eye contact. I knew he too was worried about what was coming for me. I even tried to shed some tears but that didn’t change his expression. Talking about me, I was in serious consternation because I already started fantasizing myself being treated with the pieces of equipment I saw in that kink storeroom. My legs were already shaking, I could feel collywobbles in my tummy.

After tying my wrist to the top of the room, Suza finally peeked at me. Though I was still naked and bond, he looked at me with pity in eyes and that gave a clear indication of my near future. He then, without any words, left the place, leaving me alone with thoughts.

A thousand things were going inside me as if how painful the session would be, how painful? How much torment can my delicate body take? How cruel my Sir is?

He sure had a physique like some bodybuilder and it was hard to imagine the ache when that strong hand swings a cane on my butts. Well, I knew that my every question would be answered in some time.

Well, before some more thoughts could trouble me, Sir finally entered the room with a large bag, almost like a golf kit bag. His expressions were normal, as if he wasn’t in a hurry or in a rage to torment me, like these sessions are part of his daily routine. Also, he wore a black tight leather trouser with a tight black shirt. With his sleeves up and exposed muscles behind the shirt, he was looking sexier than ever. It was a shame that I had to receive pain rather than pleasure from that sexy man.

Without delaying much, he came closer to me and ran his fingers around my cheek. It was kind of surprising and uncalled. I was expecting pain but I was being tickled.

‘Welcome to your first punishment session, K’ he said and I didn’t utter a word, but just lowered my eyes.

He then opened the bag and searched for something, meanwhile I tried to sneak peek into it and saw almost all types of equipment I saw in that room as a cane, whips, and even some electrical devices whose purpose was still unknown to a newbie like me.

He finally took a gag, the thing he was searching for, and tied it in my mouth, so as to restrain me from speaking. Well, it’s obvious; I have already seen this a hundred times in porn videos.

‘You must know that you aren’t allowed to speak in the session but you have the liberty to shout as per your will’ he said, tying the gag on my mouth.

I know his meaning. With such torment devices used on any girl’s body, any person will beg for mercy, will cry for pity, and if that is someone like me, an inexperienced girl with a delicate soft body, I would beg for mercy in even easy whips.

‘I see you’re already changing yourself, trying to be what you are meant to be, but in that process, you already committed some mistakes’ he said and that’s understandable.

‘Few things you shouldn’t have done were to disobey me. First when I asked you to kneel, second, when I asked you to strip’ he said, reminding the wrongs I did one by one.

I nodded slowly in reply.

‘For disobeying me, I will cane your back forty times, twenty for each time’ he said and bent to take the cane out of the bag but I don’t know why, he ended with a small whip.

I thought somehow he changed his mind from cane to whip. I took a deep breath because as per my knowledge, whips are not so bad. As much as I know, whips aren’t made for punishment at all, but for pleasure. Well, seeing me relaxed, he had a small smile on his lips and I wasn’t able the get the meaning behind it.

‘I can’t cane you directly as it’s just too much pain. You need to warm up first and for that, I’ll start with this easy whip’ he told and I got Goosebumps.

‘Consider this whip as a welcome gift’ he said there it was, the first stroke into my belly.

Well, it wasn’t that hard, nor was its pain. I felt like beaten from a towel. Sir instantly looked at my face to see my reaction because I neither shouted, nor resisted. I didn’t even move from my position. Then there it was again, the second stoke below my bellybutton, now a little harder than before, but still not hard enough. My reaction was the same as before, unmoved, and relax. Then came the third on my thigh, and forth between the two thighs, and the fifth on the foot. It felt like every stoke was harder than the previous one. Then the location of the stroke started to rise through my foot towards my thighs again, then on my belly and all towards my breasts up to the neck. It was like a cycle, from neck to foot and then again from foot to neck. As a full body massage, it was a full-body whip. Well, the first few stokes weren't tough but as time passed, I could feel my belly and chest tingling, as it got whips at regular intervals. My eyes got closed on its own since the whip was swinging so near to my face. Slowly and steadily, after a couple of dozen more whips on my frontal body, I could sense a feeling of ache on my sensitive parts, mostly on my areola and nipple particularly. It was the time when pleasure was slowly turning itself into pain. I realized that I also started to make a little noise by then. Without my will, an ‘Ah..’ sound came out of me whenever the whip hit me. After beating me for another ten-twelve stroke, Sir finally stopped and looked at me. My body which had a fair complexion before, was now looking a kind of reddish. Marks of whips were also visible on my belly, chest, and thigh. I could see Sir’s face. He looked satisfied, a kind of happy in whipping me.

Well, its obvious, pain may not be necessarily a pleasure for a submissive or pet, but for a dominant, its always a source of satisfaction, happiness in other words. Seeing me moving too much, getting uncomfortable by whip strokes, he paused for a moment and came close to me.

‘It stinks, doesn’t it?’ he asked and I just nodded, as I was still gagged.

Then all of a sudden, without any notice, he twisted one of my nipples. It was so painful that I screamed with all my energy and closed my eyes. After regular whips, my nipple was already aching and now the twist. Its like salt to a wound, an unbearable torment but even after seeing me in such agony, he didn’t stop and continued twisting it right to left and the again left to right, like he was enjoying my screams. After a few seconds of that deadly experience, he finally left that nipple and looked into my eyes.

I had tears in my eyes and yes, now I was crying for real. I was living a nightmare. For a girl of my age, infact any girl of any age, that was an inhuman torment. Then he slowly moved his hand towards my other nipple with the same intent. Now I was scared like hell because the same torment would be repeated through my right breast.

‘No Sir, please, I beg for mercy’ I tried to say, moving away from his merciless fingers, but with tied hands and the gag in my mouth, none of the words came out correctly.

He then repeated what he did on my other nipple. Grabbing my hair from one of his hands, he pulled me closer and the twisted the innocent whipped nipple. Again, the pain was indescribable and so was my scream. I shouted like I was getting slaughtered but that didn’t make my Sir stop form what he was doing. He continued twisting it right to left and left to right, the cycle of torment and I kept on screaming like crazy. After a few seconds, he finally stopped and left my body. I took a deep breath and tried to collect my broken spirit and hurt the body. I could still feel his fingers on my breast. It was a real nightmare and I was wet with tears and scare sweats.

‘So, the warmup session is over. Now let's get into some real punishment’ he said and my heart which was already paced, still pounded with fear.

‘What ‘s next? The cane?’ I asked myself and I expected, he took a thin cane out from his bag.

It wasn’t a long cane, but just like a foot or maybe bigger, but it was very thin and I know things about them. The thinner the cane is, the more flexible it is, and so it will ache even more than a rigid one.

‘I call it the rattle cane, you know, because it's more dangerous than it looks ’ he said and got behind my back.

Now it was my buttocks turn and without much delay, he landed a well-powered shot on my butt cheek. It felt like a living hell, like someone has hit me with an iron rod instead, like my butt was cut by some knife. In reflex, I bent forwards and screamed with all my power but before I could collect myself, there it was again, the second stroke, even harder than before. The result was the same and the pain was unimaginable. I shouted again with all I got but before even I could try to balance myself, there came the third one, right in the middle of my buttocks. I felt like someone was stabbing my butts again and again and all I could do is shout. I shouted like never before. I don’t know when my girly voice turned like a shout of some animal. The cane kept on coming and coming and I kept on shouting with the same immense intensity. Part by part, the dangerous cane hit almost at every inch of my buttocks and upper back thigh, and like a bow, I was stretched to my last limit, without worrying about my posture or position. He kept caning me and I kept losing tears and control over myself. As time passed, I lost count of strokes, I even lost some of my voice but after a while, I realized that my buttocks didn’t hurt anymore. Yes, I could still feel the cane stroke but they weren't as hard as before. Actually, it was my hips that had gone numb due to burning torment. Now there wasn’t much pain but it felt like it was on fire, a real fire. It was burning immensely, a feeling after the body gets numb of pain. Actually, I don’t know what was happening. Was I somehow losing consciousness?

Well, seeing me shouting less, Sir finally stopped the strokes. He knew I was losing my mind so he grabbed my scattered hair and made me stand on my foot, trying to bring me back to my original position. My eyes were closed but I somehow collected whatever energy was left inside me and tried to stand on my legs again. As I opened my watery eyes and looked at him, he signaled me to take a deep breath and I followed his order. Somehow that breath poured energy into me and I was coming back to normal.

‘You're so weak. It was just the rattle cane. What would you do if subjected to the hunter’s cane?’ he commented and took out a large, thick cane from the bag and suddenly I could feel my legs shaking.

He then pointed it towards my legs and touched my vagina with it, like a warning. I was so scared that my whole body started to shake, even my head.

‘If the rattle cane is hell, what would this cane feel like. I don’t think I could survive this thick brutal cane’ I said to myself and started crying like some kid, as that cane was still between my thighs.

Then without my knowledge, something strange happened. Because of my fears, I somehow peed in the same standing posture. The worst thing was Sir was seeing me doing that shameful act. It was so irrational and embarrassing but I was so scared that I lost control of my bladder. I bet it was the first time of my life when I did something like that. I could feel my piss flowing through my sweaty thighs and foot, all towards the floor. Now even the ground below me was wet and smelly.

‘You poor thing, what did you do’ Sir commented with pity and instead of getting angry, he came closer and wiped off tears from my eyes, like trying to calm me down.

That made me realize that he too had a heart and was not made of stones and rocks. He then softly kissed my forehead.

‘Ok, I think pain is enough for today. Hold yourself, I’ll end the session with something else’ he told and left me tied in my situation.

I don’t know what's coming and how will he end this torment session. I could only pray not to end with any more painful device, because he has a variety of those in that room. Lost in my thoughts, I tried to look around the farm room.

It was empty with absolute silence. It felt a kind of creepy, scary in fact because I had to spend my nights here, on the box lying on the corner. Moreover, the box would be locked from outside which makes the scene even creepier. To add, I am still wet with sweat and my piss. After the session ends, I will also have to wash myself and that’s a tough thing considering the temperature. It cold outside but thanks for the whips and canes, I can still feel the heat on my body.

Soon Sir returned with a piece of electrical equipment on his hand. It was tiny, like the handle of a tennis racket.

‘What’s that, a whipping thing?’ I asked myself but soon figured it out as Sir turned it own.

It was an electrical shocker, not like the cattle prod but something similar to it.

‘Ok, so now I will be subjected to shocks. Well, it doesn’t matter as long as it isn't a cane’ I said to myself and prepared myself for it.

Moreover, I already had an experience of Taser from the prison, so I knew how bad these electricals shockers are.

Sir came closer and without uttering a word, masked my eyes. He didn't want me to see where I’ll be shocked. He wanted me to receive it as a surprise.

‘This won't hurt much but you can't resist shouting’ he told, laughing at his words, and there it was.

The first shock was just below my belly button and in reflex, I pulled myself back. The shock wasn’t so much but we all know how an electric shock feels, a trauma more than a pain, much like a bad surprise. Then it was again, the second one, on my upper thigh, just below my vagina. Well, that scared me a lot because an inch of mistake could get me a shock in the most sensitive part of my body and that would be similar to caning, even worse. Then the third on my left armpit. I got to say, he was again choosing my body’s sensitive parts, not the most sensitive ones but still, the delicate parts.

Then all of a sudden, he stopped for a while.

‘Ok, let's turn this into a game. Did you study Biology in your school?’ he asked and I nodded, wondering why that question was asked.

‘Ok. I’m removing your gags now’ he told and instantly removed my gags and I could feel my dropping saliva on my chest and belly.

He didn’t remove my eye mask though and I was still blindfolded.

‘Now I will shock your body parts one by one and you'll tell the names where you got the shock and thank me after it. You understood?’ he asked and I nodded as it was an easy game.

‘Wrist, Sir. Thankyou’ I said after the first shock, but he shocked me again in the very same place.

The second shock is always painful in the same place.

‘Wrist Sir, thank you’ I said again, shouting from the shock, but to my surprise, he shocked me for the thirst time on the very same spot again.

‘That was way too confusing and tormentful as well. Why was he giving me shocks in the very same place? Was I telling something wrong?’ I asked myself and quickly concluded.

‘Left wrist Sir, thank you’ I said, realizing my mistake and that was it.

The next shock wasn’t on the same spot and I understood that I had to specifically name my parts.

‘Right knee, thankyou Sir’ I said, sliding my ankles in reflex to the left and got ready for the next.

‘Left hip, thank you Sir’ I said, bending slightly away towards my right, like a dancer.

‘Ahhh…..’ I shouted loud at the next shock and bent foreword, heading my face towards my belly because this shock was the ugliest one.

It was on my vagina and I could feel the effect of that shock. The parts below my waist were numb for a few seconds. It burned and was painful as well.

After taking a deep breath, ‘Pubis, thank you Sir’ I said loudly, in the same bent posture, trying to regain energy.

Well, I could say, my pubis got numb for a few seconds.

‘Stand up straight’ Sir ordered and shocked my butts at once, as I was still bent foreword.

That resulted in making my posture right and I stood straight in reflex. I did as he commanded and got ready for the next shocker.

‘Right upper arms, Sir, thank you’ I said, tilting towards my left, getting away from shock.

‘Bellybutton, Sir. Thankyou’ I said, shouting a little because the belly is more sensitive than arms and legs.

‘Nipples….Sir….ahhhh…oh God….thankyou Sir’ I shouted in torment but before I could balance, there it was again, in the same very spot.

‘Left nipple…Sir…ahhh…God....am sorry….and thank you, Sir’ I cried, rectifying my mistake, feeling numbness on my left breast.

My eyes had masks so I couldn't see how Sir was reacting to my answers, screams, and getting shocked twice on the same spots.

‘Ok, I’ll end it now with 2 more shocks. End with a line,’thankyou for your time, it was a painful session but I deserved it’ he told me to follow with exact same words and then touched my right nipple with his device.

‘Ahh…’ I shouted again, tilting towards my left.

‘Right nipple, Sir, ….ahhhh…….thankyou’ I said and held myself for the vest the last shock.

Somehow I knew where it would end.

‘Aaaahhhhhh…..’ I screamed again, this time with all my energy, bending forward, as the shock was again on my pubis but even before I could get normal, there it was again, on the same very spot and then again, for the third, fourth and fifth time.

I thought I lost my voice because I now couldn't scream. I couldn't even breathe for some seconds after my pussy got multiple shocks. I was just bent and stretched in an awkward position that I can't describe. My mouth was open, and my body was shivering. It could feel saliva flowing out of my open mouth. It took me almost a minute to regain my senses properly. Slowly, I stood up straight and took a breath of life. The session was over and I couldn't describe how happy I was as it was over, finally, as the start of the school’s winter vacation.

‘Thank you for your time, Sir. It was a painful session but I deserved it. Thank you again’ I said the exact same words he told me to say.

Then he kissed my forehead and I could hear him leaving me alone in the room. What? I was afraid again.

‘What? He just left? Will I spend the night like this, naked, blindfolded and tied to the ceiling, standing in my own piss?’ I questioned myself but there was no one to answer but just me.

I was on my own, and to add, with tied hands and masked eyes.

‘Oh my god. Is it real? I will spend the entire night standing, blindfolded?’ I questioned myself again, after a few minutes passed silence, after no one showed.

‘Anyone here? Help me please’ I shouted, finally, trying to seek attention of anyone nearby but deep down I knew that there was no one there.

It meant that I had to spend the night like that, blindfolded and tied and moreover, standing like a statue, but what about tomorrow? If I don’t sleep tonight, how will I wake early to clean the mansion, and if not, I sure will be punished for that as well?

Thousands of questions came to my mind one after another and I was again scared like hell but soon I could hear sounds of a footstep approaching towards me.

‘It must be Suza, thank God’ I said to myself and took a breath to relax.

‘This day was so different from what I have lived so far. I hope the upcoming days would be better and exciting’ I thought as I was being untied.

I can still feel tired and pain. I need to get a nice nap before starting another day. I need to take rest so that I could look fresh to my Sir’s eyes.

‘Sleep now, K. I will wake you at dawn’ Suza said, I got into my box and laid to nap.

I smiled in reply and he closed the door of the box and so did I to my eyes.

Last edited by Butterfly; 06-21-2021 at 05:38 PM.
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