Old 12-31-2008, 08:34 AM   #1
getDare Sweetheart
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Default Dares In The Mail

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Dares In The Mail

There were two weeks left. Just a fortnight and summer
holiday would start, but before that I had to get
through my exams. One week of final classroom sessions,
plus one week of half day examiniation periods, equals
two weeks of never ending stress; one doesn't need to be
a math whiz to figure that one out. With some good
fortune the outcome would also be high enough marks to
ensure my acceptance to university (not to mention marks
high enough to please my parents).

The rest of my family had long ago turned out their
lights, leaving me in the downstairs study trying to
organise my notes into something that might provide a
good study base. I could feel my contacts drying, my
eyes fighting against the itching of the lenses, when I
finally gave in and decided enough was enough. I figured
that I'd give my eMail one quick check and then put
myself into bed.

With a click, and a password, my in-box was painted on
the monitor with a new message at the top of the list. I
almost dismissed it as spam, the sender was TOAD which
mentally translated to "delete me," but the subject drew
me in: "Charlie -- your weekly dare." My name is
Charlie, a kid nickname which never went away; short for
Charline. Because I get all kinds of spam with a subject
that is some short form of my eMail address, seeing my
real nickname in the subject convinced me that it was a
friend playing a joke. Another click and the electronic
message was painted on the screen:

Hi Charlie,
You are much too wrapped up in your prep work for exams.
A tightly wound gal will not be accepted to university,
so I've put you on a weekly dare programme that will
loosen you up a bit.

Each Sunday I'll be sending you an eMail, and expect to
hear from you the following Saturday night. Nothing
short of a complete report with all of the details of
how you did; if you dare!

Your dare:
This week, you are to sleep wearing only a pair of
panties and with the door to your room open wide. Before
tucking in, drink a full glass of water, and if you must
get up to wee before 6:30 in the morning, you may not
put on any other clothes for your walk to the loo and

I am really looking forward to hearing how you do.

I read the eMail twice. Then, after closing my eyes and
counting to ten, a third time. I could not believe my
(still itchy) eyes. I was pooped, beyond pooped
actually, and this would have to wait until Monday when
I could give it a bit more consideration. I decided that
I'd go through with the dare for at least the one night,
and make a decision as to whether or not to continue,
let alone reply to this TOAD creature, when I was clear
headed. With that I headed to the kitchen to drink down
a full glass of water, and then bounced up the stairs
toward my bed. It was already half one, so falling
asleep took little time, and my bladder didn't object
before the alarm buzzer screamed out at 7:00am; easy

Well, easy until I realised that while I didn't have
wander down the hall mostly undressed to wee over night,
I was going to have to get out of bed and close the door
wearing nothing but my panties. I could hear my brother
and mother downstairs, and I was pretty sure that dad
had already left for work, so crossing to close the door
wasn't too bad, but I certainly didn't take my time.

After school I raced home and logged back into eMail.
Still sitting in the in-box was the message from TOAD
(actually my blury and scratchy eyes the night before,
and my choice of smallish font, had mislead me; I had
seen an 'A' when in actually it was an 'R' making the
eMail from TORD, not TOAD. "Ha!" I thought, "Truth Or
Dare," and wondered how I managed to miss that one the
night before. Still, I had no clue who might have sent
the eMail, and, maybe out of spite, continued to think
of the mistery eMailer as TOAD. I had paid close
attention, but nobody at school even came close to
touching on the subject. Either it was not one of my
mates, or someone was doing a wonderful job of keeping
very mum about it.

I read the eMail yet another time, and decided that it
probably couldn't hurt to play along. I found an on-line
journaling site, started an account, tadpole, and
prepared to journal my dares for TOAD. Yes, I was a bit
parinoid, and was going to work hard at not giving TOAD
anything that could be tied directly back to me. It was
clear that TOAD knew my name, and I wasn't sure how or
what anything I wrote back might come back to pester me
in the future, so assuming a new identity that didn't
involve my well known eMail address would put a small
bit of defense up. A quick invitation sent from the new
blog site alerted TOAD to where he would find my

That is how it all began. What ensued was several fun
weeks of dares, allowing this gal to relax just enough
to blast through all of her exams and bring home the
grades to please both the admissions offices and the
parents. For your entertainment, here are the blog
entries that I posted at the end of each week:

Last edited by Leopard; 01-04-2011 at 02:44 PM.
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Old 12-31-2008, 08:40 AM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
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eDare 1: Sleeping Nearly Naked
TOAD has dared me to sleep wearing only panties, and
with the door open. I must drink a full glass of water
immediately before bed, and if I have to get up and use
the loo before 6:30 in the morning I must travel to and
from the without putting on any additional clothing.
The first night wasn't all that difficult; I had been
exhausted and even having downed the glass of water on
my way to my room, I was out cold until my alarm brought
be back to the living (after 6:30), so I could throw a
long T-shirt on before scampering down the hall for my
morning wee. The next two nights were much the same.

Wednesday enening I went on a lemonaid kick and even
though I visited the loo on the way to bed, I was up at
4:30 having to go again; something in that blasted
lemonaid kicked my kidneys into high gear. It was still
dark, and much too early for my brother or dad to be
awake yet, so wandering down the hall in just my panties
wasn't hard, but I sure did move fast.

Friday morning I woke with the sun just before six, and
I had to pee. I thought about laying in bed until the
alarm buzzed, but the pain of a full bladder was just
too much and I was going to have to have some relief
long before the alarm sounded. I could hear stirrings of
someone in the house, but I could not tell who or where
they were coming from. Finally my nearly bursting
bladder, and associated pain, drove me to hop out of bed
quickly, and head for some relief. I cruised down the
hall, and rounded the corner into the safety of the
small room, without being caught. It felt so good to
pee, but the journey back to my room still loomed ahead
and as I finished draining my insides, I could tell that
everybody was now awake and on the return trip the
possibility of being caught was good.

As quietly as I could, I opened the door, rounded the
corner and started my way down the central hall; usually
it is a good thing, but today I was mentally cursing the
fact that my room is at the far end of the hall. About
half way down the hall I had to pass the top of the
stairs and as I did who should be coming up but my mom.
"Shit!" I thought to myself, and kept moving. I figured
that if she had noticed me, and my state of near
nakedness, she'd follow me to my room and let me have it
there, and if she hadn't been paying attention she might
not have noticed my tits on display. Either case, I
wasn't going to stick round to ensure that she saw me!

She appeared at the door to my room only seconds after I
had pulled a t-shirt over my head. Mom never raises her
voice, but I could tell that she wasn't pleased with the
fact that I was running round in just my panties. I'm
not sure that she bought the fact that I was half asleep
and had to go really badly, but I gave it my best

Fridays are sometimes a real bitch. Fortunately
overnight Friday night, and into the last morning of the
dare, nothing happened and, luckily for me, my mother
never mentioned my outfit again.

eDare 2: Free All Under
TOAD's dare this week was pretty simple: no underwear. I
was to start immediately upon receipt of the eMail and I
was to take any underthings I was currently wearing off
without leaving the room that I was in.

I was tucked back in my dad's study, sequestered away
studing for my exams when I decided to check my eMail.
The rest of the family was watching some sports
programme on television, so it was a minimal risk in
taking my bra and panties off where I was. For a while
now, I've prefered camisoles or sports bras to lacy bras
that fasten in the back, but tonight that made things a
bit more difficult as I was going to have to completely
remove my t-shirt to get my cami off. I was able to pull
both cami and shirt off in one motion and seemed to make
pretty easy work of separating them and sliping my shirt
back over my head to cover me again.

It was time for my panties to go. I was wearing shorts,
and it was either take them all the way down allowing me
to step out of my panties, or unzip them enough to cut
my panties from waist to leg opening allowing me to pull
them out without having to be completely bottomless in
dad's office. For a fleeting moment I considered
rustling in one of dad's drawers for a pair of scissors
to hack them off, but when I rememembered which panties
I was wearing, one of my favorite pairs, cutting was no
longer an option. The shorts would have to come off in
order to remove my panties.

I stood, unsnapped and undid the zipper on my shorts.
Like before both panties and shorts were off in a single
motion. I was separating them when I heard someone
coming down the hall; I could feel the skin on the back
of my neck go all prickly. I panicked a bit, but managed
to sit down and scoot up to the desk, yes without
anything on from the waist down, before my dad got to
the door. I kicked my shorts and panties as far under
the desk and prayed that they were out of sight.

He only wanted to know if it was quiet enough for me, I
think he realised that they went a bit crazy after the
last goal. I said that everything was good, hoping that
my voice was not quivering noticeably, and with that he
turned and went back to watching the contest. As soon as
he was gone, I eased the chair back, used my toes to
retrieve my shorts, and pulled them back up over my
hips. I swallowed hard to try to rid myself of the lump
that seemed to have suddenly formed in my throat, as I
put my panties and bra into my book bag and tried to
settle down enough to return to my studying. Unlike last
week, the week's dare was off to an exciting start.

I was a bit nervous about going to school without
anything underneith my clothes. I occasionally go
without a bra, but it was a bit odd not wearing panties,
especially to school. Fortunately, it was exams week so
there was no changing into sports clothes or anything
that might have called attention to the fact that I was
unconstrained by underclothing. I kept to jeans and polo
shirts all week, but Friday I decided to step it up a
bit and wore a skirt. My skirt wasn't short by today's
standards, it hit three or four inches above my knees,
but just wearing a skirt really emphasised my lack of
panties; exciting, invigorating, and scary, all at the
same time.

Friday was the last day of exams and nearly everybody
was done after the morning session. With the afternoon
off, several of my girlfriends and I decided to treat
ourselves to an end of the term lunch out. As might be
expected of six girls who were very much relieved to be
done with exams, things got pretty loud, silly, and a
bit interesting.

I'm not sure quite how it came to this, but Kat dared me
to take my panties off right there at the table. It
might have been because I was the only one who had worn
a skirt that day, or maybe because she didn't think that
I'd do it. I must have turned beet red, and I'm sure
their initial reaction was that I was too embarassed to
slide my panties off in such a public place, but I knew
the real reason for my blush. Loud, and nearly
uncontrollable, laughter erupted from the other five
when I tried to explain that I couldn't because I wasn't
wearing any panties; they just thought that by claiming
such I'd get out of it and save face. After all, from
their point of view Charlie was not the type of gal that
went without panties.

Still giggling a bit, Kat, trying to assume a more
superior tone, said "OK, then prove it."

That stopped the laughter altogether. I'm sure she
figured she was just calling my bluff and that I'd just
reach up under my skirt and wiggle out of my panties
leaving her the big winner. Kat was sitting next to me
at the table, so I slid my chair back a bit, looked
round to see who might take notice, and lifted my skirt
up to prove to her that I wasn't kidding at all. I don't
think any of the others could see, but the look on Kat's
face was just priceless and was a definate signal to the
others that I indeed had been telling the truth.

Kat and I had already planned on spending the night with
each other that night, and I got the third degree about
why I wasn't wearing any panties. She was convinced that
someone had put me up to it, saying something like I was
too much of a goodie two-shoes to do something of that
nature of my own accord. Different than before, but
again, the look on her face was priceless as I told her
about my eMail dares from TOAD and that I had been
without any underwear all week. I could see the wheels
turning inside her head and after taking a few seconds
to digest what I had described, she said that she wanted
to play along too, so we both went shopping on Saturday.

It was the last day of the dare as Kat and I went off to
the mall wearing short skirts, tank-tops and nothing
under them. We had a blast trying to out do each other
as we took turns proving to each other that we really
were only wearing two pieces of clothing!
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Old 12-31-2008, 08:44 AM   #3
getDare Sweetheart
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Location: earth>us>midwest
Posts: 255

eDare 3: Strip Tease
School was officially over, and while TOAD's inital
eMail had suggested that I needed these dares to help me
relax and make it to the end of exams, I was pleased
that a new dare was in my in-box Sunday afternoon. The
dare that TOAD sent was pretty long and complex but
boiled down to having to remove bits of clothing in odd
locations based on the rolling of several dice. I was to
roll the dice at 7pm each evening, and had to complete
the dare between 8 and 11pm, which pretty much ensured
that if I was doing these at home there'd be people
round to catch me.

Sunday evening turned out to be pretty easy. The
combination of dice rolls was such that I needed to
remove my shorts in the kitchen and I had to say there
without them for 10 minutes. It's not unusal for me to
have a snack about 10:30, so round about then I ventured
to the kitchen and fixed a bowl of cereal. Just before I
sat down to eat, I unbuttoned, unzipped, and let my
shorts fall to the floor. To make me fidget just a bit
more I left the shorts lying in plain view on the floor
while I ate, and watched the clock. I nearly was done,
both with time and my cereal, when my brother wandered
through. Fortunately he was too absorbed in what was
playing on his MP3 player, to notice that I was sitting
in just my panties and a t-shirt and that my shorts were
causually tossed on the floor.

Monday's rolls proved to be a bit more challenging. I
was to remove my bra while walking the dog. I usually
take the mutt for a walk after dinner, but tonight was
able to put it off until later because the weather had
been less than friendly out. Finally, just after dark I
snatched up the lead, attached the mutt and we set out
for a trip round the neighbourhood. Far enough away from
the house to start feeling comfortable, and in as much
shadow as I could find, I stripped off my t-shirt, and
then wrestled out of the camisole that I was wearing
(did I mention that I hate bras?). I fumbled a bit
getting my shirt on; I got nervous as I thought I heard
someone approaching. As I started walking again, I did
notice a couple on the other side of the road, but I'll
never know what exactly they saw; I did find that a bit

Tuesday Kat came over for dinner and to spend the
evening. My parents and brother had gone to some kind of
picnic or something and were expected home sometime
between 8:00 and 10:00. All the time we were eating
dinner Kat had been asking about my dare for the week.
Finally, I told her that I'd only let her in on it if
she would do it with me and there'd be no chickening
out. Brave girl that she is, especially not knowing what
the dare was, she agreed to be a part of it. It took a
few minutes, but after I explained the dare we went up
to my room and rolled the dice. Tonight we'd be taking
our shorts off and watching the tele for 30 minutes. Not
generally difficult, but we decided to start right at
8:00 to reduce the chance that my parents, and brother,
would not walk in on us. We dropped our shorts, picked
some silly programme (hoping that it might distract us
from the realisation that there'd be hell to pay of
either of my parents walked in on us), and plopped down
on the sofa to watch.

About ten minutes into the dare the phone rang and both
Kat and I nearly jumpped out of our skin. I guess we
were a bit wound up not wanting to be caught and not
being able to do anything but watch the clock. We let
the answer phone take a message and went back to
watching the tele. With about two minutes to go in the
dare we heard the back door open and the familiar voice
of my mom yell hello to us. The clock flipped to 8:29 as
Kat and I yelled that we'd be out in a minute or two.
Luck was with us as my brother, who usually makes a bee
line for the television, stopped in the kitchen to make
a snack. That last sixty seconds seemed to last forever,
and when it was over Kat and I threw on our shorts and
went out to greet everybody. Embarassingly, my mom
pointed out that my zipper had fallen down -- oops!

Wednesday I ended up with the same combination as on
Sunday. TOAD's rules stipulated that if I ended up with
a duplicate combination I was to make another roll which
would select a second item of clothing to remove. So, on
Wednesday I was to remove my shorts and bra in the
kitchen and stay there for 10 minutes. Again I decided
on a 10:30 snack and ventured into the kitchen while my
parents were in the television room watching some
documentary and my brother was no where to be found.
With the muted sounds of the tele drifting in from down
the hall I slipped my polo shirt off in order to remove
my bra and was briefly topless as I dropped the bra to
the floor and squirmmed back into my shirt.

I was pushing my jeans down my legs, just about to step
out of them, when I heard the door to the bath, just
outside of the kitchen, close. One of my parents was up
from the tele, and likely to pop into the kitchen.
Nearly tripping, I stepped out of the jeans and slid
them, and my bra, under the kitchen table and quickly
had a seat. Someone had left the daily paper on the
table and I quickly pretended to be absorbed in
something on one of the pages. I glanced up at the
clock, to note when this bit of torture would be over,
just as my dad strolled into the kitchen. Fortunately my
reading the paper is not too out of the ordinary, and
even though that wouldn't have been a big red flag, I
was sure that he'd notice my lack of bottoms as he made
his way to get something to snack on.

My palms were sweaty, and just when I thought I'd made
it unnoticed, he did ask: "are those your jeans on the

I had to think quickly about how I answered, and needed
not to sound too guilty, so I replied that they indeed
were my jeans. I made up something about cleaning up
after my snack, and spilling some water all down the
front. Because I wanted to finish the article before
going up to change, I decided to take them off rather
than sitting round in soggy bottoms. He scolded me a
bit, muttering something about the fact that I should
watch what I went round the house wearing given that my
teenage brother was also somewhere here, and then dad
returned to finish watching his programme. I wondered if
mom had mentioned my being topless a couple of weeks ago
as I let loose a huge sigh of relief.

Thursday I was to remove my panties in the television
room and to watch an hours worth of tele. The actual
removal of my panties would be easy as I had worn a
skirt that day, but sitting on one of the two
overstuffed sofas in my shortish skirt without my
panties, and keeping that fact a secret, might be
tricky. I went down right at 8:00 to find my brother and
one of his mates already watching some sport show. They
looked settled in, the contest had just begun it seemed,
and I was between a rock and a hard spot.

I stood behind one of the sofas and made small talk
asking about the contest, how long, who might win and
other things that I thought might annoy my brother
enough to pick up and leave. It was obvious that they
weren't going to budge until the end of the match and
while I stood there I, as nonchalantly as possible,
reached up under my skirt and worked my panties down.
Stepping out of them, I eased them under the sofa with
my foot, and went round to the other sofa to sit down
for an hour of panty-less sports watching.

It was difficult to get comfortable without affording
the boys a nice shot up my skirt, and after a while I
decided to have some fun. The sofas were arranged in an
L-shape and the boys were stting on the same sofa. I
decided to lay down lengthwise on my stomach and
periodically bend my knees lifting my feet up toward the
ceiling. I don't know if this really did afford the guys
any kind of a view, but I made no effort to adjust my
skirt allowing it to shift and ride up as it might. I
was surprised at how quickly the hour passed and not
knowing whether the boys were treated to an upskirt view
of any quality or not made it that much more fun for me.

My plans had been to spend the weekend with Kat. Her
parents were having some sort of birthday celebration
Saturday evening, a birthday celebration for her dad,
and I had offered to help out and keep Kat company --
she seemed perfectly miserable when she told me that her
mother had insisted that she be there and that she spend
Friday night helping set up. We spent Friday evening
setting out tables, chairs, and decorating and doing
other odd chores that her mom reqeusted. I reminded Kat
about my dare, and hinted that I had hoped she'd
participate with me; she replied that she was hoping
that she could play along too.

At 7:00 we stole away from our decorating to give the
dice a roll. TOAD's instructions were a bit different
for the Friday and Saturday dares and when all was said
and done our dare for the evening was going to be
interesting. We were to go somewhere in the car, and on
the way we were to remove one piece of clothing, our
choice, and the removed clothing had to be placed up on
the dashboard. Once at our destination, before getting
back into the car, we were to remove another item of
clothing. Once home we could replace one of the two
removed items, but had to leave the discarded item in
the car until morning.

Kat and I looked at each other with what could only be
described as "holy shit" looks. We were both wearing
similar outfits which consisted of only three items:
jeans, panties and a tanktop.

We had an hour to contemplate our fate, to decide where
we were going to go, and what excuse we could make to
leave for a bit. As we rejoined Kat's mom in the
kitchen, she announced that she wanted us girls to run
to the store for a few last minute things. Kat started
to protest, but realised that this was our ticket to
doing our dare, so only a few minutes before 8:00 we
were seated in Kat's mom's car heading into town.

It was a no-brainer that we'd remove our panties on the
way. We couldn't exactly go into the store without
either our jeans or our tops, so as soon as we rounded
the first corner I slid my jeans down, pulled my panties
off and tossed them up on the dash. I was squirming back
into my jeans when I realised that Kat was going to have
to work a bit harder to get her's off before we got

I held the wheel while Kat unbutoned and unzipped her
jeans, though she'd have to wait until we stopped at the
first light before she could get them all the way off.
She barely got her feet out when the light changed and
we were forced to move again. Kat was able to wiggle out
of her panties as we drove, but finally decided to pull
down a side street, and stop, in order to pull her jeans
back on.

Both pairs of anties on the dash, we pulled into the car
park at the store and Kat sheepishly parked the car a
fair distance away from the others. At first I thought
she didn't want anybody to notice our panties on
display, but then I remembered that we'd have to ditch
one more item of clothing before getting back into the
car and being a bit away from the other parked cars
might be a good idea.

Shopping done, items paird for, we returned to the car
to stow them through the hatch into the way back. I
looked at Kat and flashed her that "now or never" look
as I unbuttoned, unzipped and stepped out of my jeans as
quickly as possible. I opened the door, hopped in, and
pulled the door shut in what I hoped was not enough time
for anybody to notice. Kat had a different plan.

She crossed her arms and in one motion lifted and
twisted her tank top off over her head. Ducking into the
car as quickly as I had, she jammed the key into the
switch, started the motor, and got us half naked girls
moving as quickly as possible. I later found out that
Kat thought it'd be easier to put her top back on once
home as compared to when she had to wrestle into her
jeans earlier, and that she'd rather be a bit more
exposed on the ride than to have her mom come out into
the garage to meet us while she was trying to wrestle
her jeans back on.

The ride home was akward to say the least. I tried not
to stare, but it was fun to steal glances at Kat trying
to look nonchalant as we motored along. Working the
wheel with one hand and the shift with the other, it was
difficult for Kat to even try to cover herself while we
were in motion. I think she started to relax a bit with
each passing minute, but as we rolled into her
neighbourhood she clearly tensed up a bit. The ride was
of little bother to me. We stayed mostly on the small
roads and were not passed by anything whose driver could
peer down and stare at my bare lower half.

Kat steered us into the drive, probably more quickly
than she should have, and as she put on the hand brake I
reached down and started to scoot into my jeans. Kat
threw her top on and I finished buttoning and zipping as
I got out of the car. Kat's mom popped out into the
garage to help with the stuff we had loaded into the
back. I briefly panicked when I realised that our
panties were still on the dash; I quickly reached in and
knocked them to the floor. TOAD's dare was to leave them
in the car overnight, but it didn't say where!

The party for Kat's dad kicked off about 5:00 and the
turn out was tremendous. I quickly understood why Kat
had wanted me to be there as none of the guests were
anywhere close to our age. There wasn't much for us to
do once most of the people arrived, though are spirits
lifted a bit once we realised that we still needed to do
one more dare to end the week. Seeking away, we headed
for Kat's room and let the dice fly.

Our luck with the dice had us back in the car for
another drive. Our dare was to pick two spots, at least
5 kilometers apart. We'd drive to the first where we
would park and remove all of our clothes (they were to
be tossed into the rear seat). Then we'd have to drive
to the second spot where we would need to get into the
back seat, using the doors and not climbing through.
Once in the back seat we could dress and then go back
home. My stomach was doing flip-flops just thinking
about it as we devised an excuse to borrow Kat's mom's

It actually turned out to be pretty easy. Kat just asked
if we could borrow the car and escape all of the old
people for a bit; that we wanted to go grab a coffee and
chat without all of the noise. She didn't have to ask
twice, though I'm not sure that Kat's mom was paying
much attention to what Kat was saying, and before her
mom could think it through we snagged the keys from the
hook and were in the garage.

Point A, we decided, would be just a side street several
blocks over from Kat's house. We were eager to get
underway, and figured that it was now twilight enough
that we'd probably not be noticed. Point B, our
redressing point, would be the car park of a small
shopping plaza across town. Neither of us were good with
distances, but we figured that it was at least five
kilometers away and would fulfill our obligation to the
dare. Selecting a car park added a bit of danger to the
dare which added to the butterflies that were already
dancing in my stomach.

We parked, and switched the headlamps off, then we
quickly disrobed. Skirts, blouses, panties and bras were
all removed and tossed into the rear seat. We giggled,
quite nervously, and then we were off. We hadn't thought
it through, and were a bit panicky when we realised that
we'd have to take a fairly major road (4 lanes) for a
good bit of the way. The busier road might put us in the
position of passing or being passed by some vehicle that
would afford the occupants a nice view if they peered
down into our mini. "Damn" I thought when I figured that
out. We could have changed our minds, but we were
pumpped up with excitement and willing to take all kinds
of risks; Kat slammed the car into first gear and we
were away.

The first time we had to stop at a traffic signal I
nearly lost it. Initially there wasn't anybody next to
us, but after we had been sitting a bit, Kat noticed
something large approaching. Luck was in our favour as
the light switched to green just as the lorry rumbled up
next to us; it hadn't come to a full stop, so it passed
us as we were slowly moving away from the light. I
breathed a sigh of relief, and if I had been wearing
any, I would have nearly peed in my pants!

We made it through the next two lights, but just before
the shopping plaza we were again stopped at a red
signal. This time our luck wasn't as good; a minivan
stopped next to us. The windows were tinted enough that
we really could not tell if anybody was sitting in the
passenger seat, and thus getting a good peep at our
naked bodies, but it was enough to light me on fire. The
seconds waiting for the signal to turn green seemed to
pass in slow motion, and when it did the minivan zoomed
off leaving us wondering if anybody had taken any notice
of us.

We turned into the plaza, and found a spot to park.
Engine off, hand brake set, and then we were off. The
doors flew open and we hopped out. Kat had no issues
working the seat release so that she could scramble into
the rear seat and begin dressing, but I wasn't as
graceful. I fumbled, and it took me several tries, while
standing bare assed in the car park, trying to make the
seat to flip forward so that I could jump in to the rear
of the mini.

We must have looked pretty funny trying to get dressed
in the rear seat where there is hardly enough room for
one girl to dress let alone two. For the party I had
worn a button up blouse and a nice skirt; neither of
which were easy to get on in that small space. Kat was
having similar issues, and she finally gave up and
finished dressing outside of the car. Once we were put
back together, and ready to head for home, we looked at
each other and burst into a fit of uncontrolable
laughter. As we drove through the car park, we did
notice that two of the shops were still open, and
wondered if anybody had been coming or going at just the
right time to see to the two naked girls bouncing round
across the way. We certainly weren't paying any
attention to anybody else.
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Old 12-31-2008, 08:47 AM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: earth>us>midwest
Posts: 255

eDare 4: Dancing Fool
TOAD's dares keep getting more difficult. This week the
dare is a 'one time shot;' just a bit different than the
previous weeks. My dare was to go into some public place
and completely change my clothes before leaving. I
wasn't to use a restroom, closet or any other "private"
space. The only other specifics were that I had to be
wearing four articles of clothing on the way in, and a
matching four on the way out; shoes and sox were not to
be counted.

FIguring it all out did take a bit of time, but by
Tuesday I thought I had a good plan. I phoned Kat to
enlist her help with this as I was going to need both
help and encouragement to pull this off. Needless to say
that Kat was greatly relieved when I told her that I'd
be the only one doing the dare. I could hear her suck
her breath in when I read TOAD's instructions, and when
I was done explaining my plan I could tell that she
approved; through the phone I could almost hear the grin
on her face!

The public place I chose was a dance club that Kat and I
go to every now and again to lose ourselves in the crowd
amid the loud music. We weren't regulars, and it wasn't
likely that any of our friends would be there, so I
figured that we'd not know anybody that might catch me
in the act. The club has three dance "rooms," each with
its own style of music. In particular, one room, tucked
way in the back, is usually the darkest, lit only with
wild lighting, and thus would offer the best environment
for the dare. As for the actual swapping of clothes,
there was nothing in the dare that said I had to remove
all of my original clothing first, so I decided that my
change would be a slow, one piece at a time, affair.

Kat agreed that Thursday would be best night for the
dare as the club would be busy, but not be too busy. In
addition to the dance rooms, club has a lounge area up
front; softer music, comfortable seats, and a good spot
for Kat and I to sit for a while while the club came to
life. Eventually, after deciding that I'd never really
be completely ready, we picked up and moved to the back
room. The dance rooms at the club are for dancing, no
tables, no seats, just wall to wall dancing with loud
music being set up by two DJs, and a nice number of
people moving their bodies in rhythm of the music.

I gave my purse, a small backpack looking bag, to Kat
allowing her to be in charge of fishing out the new
clothes. We had decided that the order that I'd swap
pieces of clothing would be somewhat up to chance; it'd
be up to Kat to reach into the bag and pull out the next
piece to exchange. Once she pulled it out, I'd have to
remove the corresponding piece that I was wearing before
she'd hand me the new piece to put on. This was Kat's
idea and it made me a bit nervous as I had planned on
doing things in a specific order. An order which I felt
would make the whole process easier from a feeling
exposed perspective. As the butterflies continued to
build in my stomach, we danced until we had made our way
into one of the corners of the room. I kicked off my
shoes, felt my stomach do several more flip flops, and
waited for Kat to get things started.

Kat gave me a wink, I took a deep breath, and she
reached into the backpack just as the song shifted to
something quite popular. The crowd let out a a large
roar of approval for the DJ's choice; what a way to get
started. With the roar fading, Kat pulled out the pair
of panties. Pink and lacy, low rise bikinis that were
quite a contrast to the white cotton ones I had come to
the club wearing. Swapping the panties would not be so
difficult, but my original plan was to swap skirts first
which would have me bottomless wearing slightly less
flashy panties. Kat smiled, and while trying to pretend
to still be dancing, I reached up under my skirt and
started to work the white panties down.

I got them even with the hem of my skirt and paused to
take a breath. My heart was racing, and I needed a
second to calm myself a bit. The song changed again,
followed by another roar from the crowd (the DJ was on a
roll that night), and I took that as a signal to move my
knees together slightly which let my panties drop down
to the floor. In one movement I kicked the panties into
the corner and stepped closer to Kat so as I could reach
the new ones.

She pulled her hand back as I stepped closer, and shoved
the panties back into the pack saying "I'm sorry
Charlie, but I think those need to be last!" "Bitch," I
mumbled to myself trying to smile and play it cool. I
couldn't believe that she had done that to me, and at
the same time was charged with a bit more excitement
knowing how that left things to play out.

Kat winked again, and shouted above the music that she'd
not play any more tricks on me. With that, she reached
in and pulled out my new top: a long sleeve, oversized,
peasant style blouse, with a very low scooped neck. I
groaned as my planned order was now completely wrecked;
I had hoped to change my bra for a camisole first which
was a better 'match' to the new top. To make matters
worse, I had borrowed one of my mother's bras to start
out with. Her's have the traditional clasp in the back
which would make a bit easier to get off from under a
shirt than my usual choices of cami or sports bra. Mom's
bra wasn't the most perfect fit, and it would certainly
not be flattering in combination with the neckline of
the new top which really was meant to have a cami

Yet another deep breath, seems I was doing that a lot
since we arrived in the back room, and I yanked my shirt
off and tossed it on top of my panties that were lying
in the corner. This time Kat took a step towards me and
handed me my blouse. I fumbled for a second and finally
got it over my head and let it cover my body. I didn't
want to think of how silly I looked, and sent up a
silent prayer that Kat would pull my cami out next.

Again, time for a new song. This one was a bit slower
than the previous which sent some of the couples dancing
closer together, while others took it as an opportunity
to shift gears and leave the room. I had a look round to
see how many people were left and realised that with
less bodies dancing, people clear across the dance floor
now had the opportunity to watch me finish. I thought to
myself that I couldn't back out now, and that I just
needed to get on with it and not worry about who might

I looked at Kat and nodded to indicate that I was ready
for the next piece of clothing from the backpack. She
reached inside and pulled out my cami. What a relief!
I'd be able to get the silly bra off, which now
alieviated more than just a comfort issue as it really
did look silly under the new top, but it also meant that
I knew what was coming after I swapped the bra for the

I reached up under my blouse and wrestled the clasp open
on my bra. One at a time, I pulled an arm inside of the
blouse and looped off a strap letting the bra fall to
the floor as soon as the second strap was free of my
arm. I kicked the bra over towards my other discarded
clothes and looked up at Kat who had a large grin on her
face. I looked down and realised that my top barely
covered my nipples and that I was putting on quite a
tease show for anybody that cared to look.

As Kat handed me my cami, I realised what a challenge it
was going to be to get this on. My original plan had
been to put my cami on over my tight t-shirt, wrestling
it down to my waist, then up under the shirt and over my
boobs. I had figured that I could deal with the straps
when I changed shirts. With the actual order being the
reverse of my plan, getting the cami on was more
difficult because the blouse was too loose to allow me
to easily pull the cami down over top without pulling
the neckline so low as to flash niples, and everything
else, to the dance floor. I decided that I'd try to go
the other way with this one -- I'd step into it and try
to work it up over my skirt.

Things went bad fast with this approach, and I ended up
having to work the cami up under my skirt and to pull it
out at the waist; a fun trick with no panties. I gave up
trying to appear to be dancing and concentrated on not
falling over, not lifting my skirt up too far, and just
on getting it done. After what seemed like eons, I
finally had my cami up and over my boobs and I wrestled
my arms into the straps much in the same manner as I had
gotten them out of the bra.

Hoping that nobody had taken notice of my antics, though
I don't really see how anybody could have missed them, I
started dancing again. I needed a minute to settle in
and prepare for what I knew was coming next. Kat flashed
me a big smile, which gave me a bit of confidence, and I
finally nodded to her to continue.

I knew that the new skirt was coming out next; other
than the panties, which Kat had said needed to be last,
the skirt was the only thing left in the backpack.
Without any panties on, I was now going to have to drop
my skirt and be bare assed on the dance floor for as
long as it would take me to step into, and pull up, the
new skirt. Both skirts were light weight and had elastic
waistbands so that they'd be easy to get on or off, and
they'd also fit easily into the pack. Seeing as how the
cami was a bad choice, the decision about the skirts at
least seemed spot on.

Without looking round, I glanced down towards my feet,
pushed my skirt down, let go of it and let it drop the
rest of the way to the floor. Completely naked from the
waist down I looked up and reached towards Kat for my
new skirt. To my surprise, she was handing me my pink
panties and not the other skirt. I snatched them as
quickly as I could, lace panties would be better than
nothing, and in record time I stepped into them and
pulled them up. I looked up at Kat again, expecting now
for her to hand me my skirt, but she only took a step
back into the corner.

Another change of song, a few words shouted by the DJ to
build the energy of the crowd, and then he added a
dedication: "this one is for all of the lasses in the
room wearing pink knickers!" This brought the biggest
roar from the crowd yet, and as I scanned the room it
seemed that nearly every pair of eyes were focused on my
pink lace panties.

I must have gone beet red, and I think that Kat realised
that any more might put a serious damper on what had
been a fun dare, so she tossed me my skirt which I
pulled up to cover my pink lace. We danced for a bit
more and then, after giving me a huge hug, Kat collected
the discarded clothes, slid my shoes to me, and we
headed for the exit.

That was the last of the eMail dares from TOAD. I posted
the accounting of the club dare on Saturday night and
couldn't wait to check my eMail on Sunday. There wasn't
an eMail from TOAD waiting as usual on Sunday, and as it
turns out I never got an eMail again from him. I was
surprised, and a bit hurt, that there wasn't even a
'good-bye' eMail after I posted my description of the
dancing dare; I was just left hanging. I was abandoned
too by Kat; the Saturday after our club adventure Kat
and her family left on their annual month's holiday.
That year they traveled to a remote village in Spain
which left Kat and I to depend on snail mail to keep in
contact until their return. It took me a bit to put
things together, especially the timing at the end, but I
did finally figure things out, and with the last letter
I sent to Kat in Spain, I sealed the flap of the
envelope with a small sticker of a toad wearing an evil

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Last edited by Leopard; 01-04-2011 at 02:45 PM.
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