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Old 11-12-2009, 03:39 PM   #1
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Default At the Cliffs

Hey, everyone. I've been reading some great stories lately, and I wanted to post one of my own. It's non fiction, and just a story about my Senior Summer kickoff. Sorry for the boring intro, but I really wanted to go beyond some of the shallower writing that can border on the pornographic.
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Old 11-12-2009, 03:42 PM   #2
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Chapter 1
I had to do something. It was the very end of our senior year, and the beginning of our last summer before college. Our circle of friends had been together for some time: through most of high school. Some of us had known each other since elementary school. At least that was the case with Judah and me. We had gone our separate ways in some areas. I chose sports like track and swimming, while he took advantage of his mountainous physique in football and rugby, but we had been careful to maintain our friendship over the years.
His girlfriend, Cadence, I had known since freshman year, but I had only really taken the time to get to know her over the past year once they started dating. She was almost even with me at 5’7” and had quite a bit of curve to her, though not from any more body fat than is natural or healthy for a young woman of her age. They seemed like a perfect match, and I was genuinely happy for them. Judah, though a person I would never want to piss off in a dark alley, had always been a very gentle and tactful sort of person. A real talker and a great listener, he always knew the right thing to say, whether it was to make you think more on the situation at hand, or bust your gut with laughter to take our mind off things, or even just that profound silence that is necessary at times. Cadence was quieter and very involved in her artwork, but you could tell she had a lot of depth to her beyond the wall of work she purposely put up between herself and everyone else at times. It would seem like an odd coupling to anyone who did not know them, but for the two, it just…I don’t really know, it just worked.
Another person in our circle was my ex, Sadie. We had dated for about five months junior year, and broke it off for a number of reasons. To my regret she was a mess for months afterwards, but over time we became civil again, and eventually friends. Sadie had a very quick and blistering wit about her. Five minutes with a guy, and she could tell you everything that made him tick. And given reason she would use that to her full advantage. I knew nobody better at taking somebody out at the knees, or destroying them from the inside out with that razor sharp tongue. While I harbored feelings for her no longer, I had to admit she was still beautiful to my, or most any guy’s eyes. She stood about to my shoulder with a blazing mop of curly red hair. Judah would describe her as “chesty” and indeed she was with large breasts and a perfect hourglass figure to compliment (hard to believe, but believe it.) She always smelled like roses. Always.
Gregory was one of Judah’s friends, and the two of us had met through him. I never harbored a tremendous amount of respect for the guy, but I had to give him props in some areas. He had gotten involved in gang culture a few years back and walked out on it after he was stabbed and left for dead. I never figured out how he survived his “discharge” afterwards and truthfully, I’m not sure I would have wanted to know. Over time he got his ducks back in a row for the most part, but naturally he was still a little rough around the edges, and quite the wild card at times. He and I butted heads rarely, and fought for the pure fun of it often: we were pretty much the same build, and while he had more technique and experience, I had method, and a sharp learning curve. That was just the way we got to know each other and became what our friendship revolved around most of the time. He was crazy about airsoft and cards as well as a number of other random hobbies. An unpredictably spontaneous person, he would come out at rare times with a one liner that’d keep you laughing for days on end. Also, as I’d found out recently, he had a big thing for Eve.
Eve was very much the diva of the group, though she didn’t ask for it. It was just her nature. She transferred to our High School her freshman year from northern Europe (I won’t say exactly where) and was one of those people who just melted seamlessly into our group before we realized it. Brilliant as well as beautiful, she maintained a 4.0 GPA with straight A’s, quite a few extracurriculars, and a social life. Talk about Wonder Woman. To ice the cake she was fluent in Farsi, English, French, and one other language that escapes me at the moment. She was much like Cadence in that I had only gotten to know her well more recently. As I had gotten to know her better, I noticed an occasional fleeting glance from her sideways, and occasionally got the feeling that we were dancing around each other and some unnamed obstruction when we would have more in depth conversations. She posed a striking figure, cut slender with a tight body, perky endowments, and olive skin, all underscoring an always-bright smile. One of the biggest I’ve ever seen.
Last (and certainly least in my book) was Dylan. I knew nothing of him except that he drove me up the wall constantly with catty remarks on everything, always spoken in a condescending manner with that lisp of his. He was a long time friend of Cadence, and I’m pretty close to positive that he was gay. Extremely. Flamboyantly. At least I needed no convincing of this.

Last edited by noahw48; 11-12-2009 at 03:47 PM. Reason: Writing errors
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Old 11-27-2009, 10:52 AM   #3
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"We have to do SOMETHING, man" I said heavily to Judah, struggling to keep pace next to me. That always amused me, no matter how much bigger than me my friends were, I still always walked fast enough that they would have to fight to keep up.
"I know, but we've done everything on he map!"
"Well then, it's time to take the group off the map," I pressed, knowing my direction already. "You know how much you and I love camping, but we've never taken anyone else in the group."
"Dude. You know thats suicide." came the matter-of-fact reply. One I knew was true. The rest of the group had no outdoors experience whatsoever.
Ben had just Eagled out of Boy Scouts earlier that year. He knew his shit. I myself had never made it past webelo, the lowest level of boy scouts, when I grew weary of the constant structured military environment. I had, however, found a great group pf people that I could go camping, bouldering, climbing, and backpacking with instead. We were much more free, but we still knew how to be smart when it was necessary.
"So, we'll introduce them to it. I mean c'mon, if one man can take a family of millionaires through the Appalachian Trail, I think the two of us could handle a few green ones for a few days. We'll just tell them what to bring, and teach them as we go."
"Allright, fine. But you're doing the planning. If you can convince me it'll work out, I'll come"
"YESSS!," I hissed, pumping my arm in victory as i peeled off into my next class.

Over the next week, I laid down plans for the whole camping trip. Convincing my parents was easy, since I knew what angle to come from. Have it laid out on paper. A list of people, supplies, approximate budget, and schedule with hourly times. Most of it completely bullshitted. Once Judah knew it was feasible he was all in. Cadence took over handling our diet, enlisting the other girls and with Judah whispering yes or no over her shoulder.
Gregory handled the non-necessities that had the potential to provide more fun. Regrettably I had to ix-nay his alcohol plans given the location I had in mind. Drunk next to a sheer 50 foot plummet didn't seem like a good mix.
Dylan sat and did nothing. He really was clueless, having only experience working in a cosmetics shop as assistant manager. I was fine with that as I had full confidence that he would screw something up terribly.

Prom came and went (well not exactly, but that a whole different story) as did final exams, and before we knew it, we were looking down the barrel of Friday morning, Departure Day.

Last edited by noahw48; 11-27-2009 at 11:04 AM.
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Old 11-27-2009, 11:56 AM   #4
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I had spent the previous night stuffing all my items into gallon ziplock bags, and then into my backpacking bag. Judah was the only other one who had thought to do this, and the rest we had forgotten to tell about the merits when it came to keeping your equipment dry. They arrived at my house in the woods at about 7:00 am, and we got right to work. After some short debate we decided to go through with the plan when some scattered thunderstorm warnings popped up. The skies were fully clear and sunny without a cloud in sight. With only one minor catastrophe (pm me about it. funny story, but irrelevant here) we were able to set of with only an hour delay.
The 7 of us launched 4 canoes, me in the lead in a single, followed closely by Judah with Cadence, Eve with Sadie, and Dylan whining the whole way with Greg.
"WINDWARD OR LEEWARD!?" I shouted back to Judah over the howl of the wind that had picked up. He knew what I meant. We were only about a mile from our island destination, and there was a problem. A small storm was coming up fast. Our campsite was on the windward side, but I knew that we would be battered by wind and waves broadside if we were to shoot straight for it. I chose to take the leeward course when Judah's reply was lost in the wind, knowing it meant only a short hike through the woods. I hit a sheltered cove just as the storm struck with full force. The tail end of our convoy followed within five minutes.
While they waited out the storm, I bolted through the woods, and found, half to horror, half to delight, that our camping spot was taken, and the current residents wouldn't be packing up for several days.
"okay,everyone," I said helping drag the last boat up on shore as I explained the ordeal. "the campsite that I had in mind was taken. So everybody grab this canoe and help me carry it up this hill. We're moving to Bravo location."
"What's at bravo location," Eve asked with a smirk, knowing my history of improvisation.
"You'll see"
We emerged from the trees at the top, and the canoe was almost dropped. Once we set it down, Judah began laughing with joy, Cadence, stood in awe, While everyone else walked around oohing and ahhing. We had stepped out onto a rock plateau 50 feet up at the highest point, overlooking the ocean blue lake. There were softer patches here ant there, where water had cut into the rock, and dirt had filled it it. Perfect for pitching tents. Off to the right there was a small cove, circular and no more than 100 feet across, and completely sheltered by the cliffs. It was the perfect place to go for a swim.
After carrying the other 3 canoes up, and striking camp, Judah and I got to work on the fire. Everything being wet didn't make matters easier, but we eventually got a respectable and lasting flame going. About that time, Greg called me to where he was fishing about halfway down the hill.
"Hey, man, there's something that I wanted to talk to you about"
here it comes...Eve must've given him her spiel already
"Okay, look. I've never liked being a third wheel-"
"-you're n-"
"-and I know that you like Eve. She just talked to me. She told me sorry, she doesn't like me like that, yadda yadda."
"okay but that doesn't mea-"
"-and she told me that she has a really big thing for you."
I had always wondered what it'd be like to slam the car into reverse while doing 70 down the freeway... "Soooo, what are you getting at"
"What I'm getting at, is that this is the opportunity of a lifetime for you. and you had better take it."
"Woah. I know you like her a lot more than I do man. And you know that's not the way I operate. You're my freind, and regardless of whether she likes me or not, it's just not right for me to do that to you."
"Look." He said, grabbing me by the collar, "You make your move, or I'll beat your shit in."
I believed him. I knew he and I were an even match in a ring. But outside of that, and with him in any sort of rage, I had no illusions about the fact that I would promptly be presented with my own ass, fresh out of the skillet. I was athletic, cut, a track runner, and star swimmer. He was an experienced street fighter. No competition in the real world.
"Okay, whatever," I said, heading back to camp. I'd just try my best to keep a clean conscience about things.

Last edited by noahw48; 11-29-2009 at 10:37 AM.
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Old 11-27-2009, 01:50 PM   #5
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This is really well written, I appreciate the time you've taken to give us a bit off background on the characters, not many non-fiction stories do that as well and I really like the style of writing, keep posting!
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Old 11-29-2009, 11:19 AM   #6
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Chapter 2

Darkness fell and we had a very quick yet filling dinner. When Cadence, Eve, and Sadie had gone about grocery shopping, something had possessed them to buy hamburger meat. Rather than returning it, we precooked it before departure, and slow heated the patties over the fire later for our meal.
It was about that time that some boredom set in, something I had greatly feared. I knew what was coming, so I moved to suggest an alternative such as ghost stories, cards, never-have-i-ever, anything at all, but I was cut off.
"Sooooo, how about a swim?" Judah pressed innocently, feigning disinterest. I knew all too well that he has skinnydipping in mind, something he had told me earlier before we launched.
"Absolutely!!" agreed all the girls, while Dylan and Greg elected to stay onshore instead. I was trapped. One of the terms set down for the trip was that nobody went swimming without a lifeguard. I was that lifeguard. Having been raised with high standards of honesty and integrity, I couldn't break those conditions and let them go alone, and there was no stopping them. I heaved a resigned sigh, and walked over to the cliff where I casually strode off, taking the 50 foot plunge into the water. I penetrated like a javelin, head first in a very risky dive, but one that I had done many times before with much practice. I may not have been the school stud, or heavily built, but i prided myself on having the guts to do what many would never dare attempt.
As I surfaced I heard some splashing about me as Judah, Eve, Sadie, and Cadence hit the water one after another from the 30 foot jump. After waiting to make sure everyone surfaced, we made our way into the little swim cove. We paddled around for some time, splashing, laughing, and maybe flirting lightly here and there.
"Alright, now what?" I asked, knowing it was a risky move. It would either make everyone realize that we were getting bored, or spur things along. The effect was the latter.
"How about a no swimsuits rule?" piped up Judah. To my surprise, all agreed eagerly. As we were still a little shy and had our reservations, we moved to opposite ends of the cove. I was able to make out the silhouettes of the three of them peeling off their tops, followed by their bottoms, and it was still light enough out to very barely make out colors. Sadie's bright white skin practically shone across the cove, along with Cadence's, while Eve took on a gorgeous olive tone, more subdued in the faint and faltering light. We moved back together in a group, everyone hunched low in the water to avoid exposing themselves.
"Eve, Truth or Dare?" asked Judah, always the one to get wheels rolling.
"Hmmm...Dare!" she replied in her soft voice that always sounded slightly like a moan of pleasure. I could feel my engines revving up.
"I dare you to make out with Cadence for seconds."
That surprised me. He was really jumping into things, AND he was daring another girl to make out with his girlfriend. Eve complied, moving closer to Cadence. The two of them lingered in front of each other momentarily, taking time to close the last foot between their lips. Eve pressed her mouth to Cadence's, wrapping her arms around the back of her neck. Cadence responded, running her own hands under the water to Eve's hips, and the two mashed themselves together. As they begun to get more into it, they rose slightly out of the water up to their bellybuttons. Each girl's nipples were concealed by the other's breasts pressed into them and causing them to bulge so beautifully out to the side. I was running at full RPM's and I had no doubt that Judah was too as the kiss began to cross the 5 second mark. Cadence coaxed Eve's lips open with her tongue, thrusting it inside, as both girls began working their mouths about the other's.
"Time!," called Judah after recovering his senses. The girls pulled apart and settled back into the water, but not before everyone had gotten a vague glimpse of their upper glory. Eve turned to me.
"Jake, truth or dare?"
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Old 11-29-2009, 04:51 PM   #7
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"Erm...Dare." I replied against my better judgment.
"I dare you to make out with Judah..." Eve stated with a mischevious smile. Judah's eyes met mine, and the brolink message was clear to both of us. Hell. No.
"BAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Chill out you two." Eve laughed when she saw the looks of horror on our faces. "I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do that to you two. Besides, I think it's a bit different for guys and girls..."
The game of truth or dare was forgotten for the time being, as we all agreed and began discussing our own opinions on the matter. Before too long my scrawny build was getting the best of me, and I had started shivering for lack of heat or heat generating movement. I wanted to move to shore back to the warm fire, but also wanted to stay so badly for obvious reasons. I was in a secluded cove. Naked. With a goddess beauty openly available to me. While I was debating the decision, I felt a dainty pair or arms wrap around me from behind.
"You look like your having a seizure, you're shaking so bad!" I hear Eve's voice say into my ear as she pulls me closer.
"Ohhh, thankyou," I said realizing that she was shivering a fair bit too. I wrapped my arms around behind her, pulling her closer. As I rubbed up and down her back, I felt two tiny nipples erect themselves against my back. Her body was so smooth and soft, contoured to mine.
"Easy there you two!" Cadence laughed. I looked over to see Judah with Cadence similarly wrapped around him from behind.
"Heya!" interjected Sadie. She had been floating silently up until that point with a lifejacket covering her supple breasts that kept floating to the surface. "seeing as not all of us has someone to keep us warm, why don't we head topside?" All agreed that it was a sound idea. Gathering up our suits, we hiked the backtrail up to the top of the cliffs.
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Old 11-29-2009, 05:09 PM   #8
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Sorry to the few reading. I feel like I completely fumbled the quality on the last update.
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Old 11-29-2009, 09:54 PM   #9
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Default Very good

Don't be sorry, the last update may have been a bit short, and perhaps lacked a punctuation and whatnot, but not more than the earlier bits did. It's easy for me to overlook little things like that when you actually take time to develop a story rather than plunge into the usual porno storyline.

Please, bring out the next update!
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Old 11-30-2009, 01:06 PM   #10
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We got up to the top, not entirely registering that we were naked until seeing the looks on the faces of Greg and Dylan.
"Alright" asserted Judah, breaking the ice after a few awkward moments. "I'd like to impose an underwear only rule!"
"Works for us!" chimed in Sadie. Who was I to complain. I was relatively used to being near naked what with swim team and all. What was wearing my boxer briefs for a night if it meant I got to see all these gorgeous teenage girls in their boy-shorts and bras, bouncing merrily about?
The girls slipped into the tent, taking a curiously long time before emerging dry, and in their undergarments. In that time, I'm quite sure that I did hear some heavier-than-normal breathing, and maybe even a gasp here and there. curiously enough those sounds continued after Cadence emerged first. She wore a black bra with a thong to match. I tried my best not to look to long, her being my right hand man's girlfriend, but I also knew Judah would be a bit proud deep down that his girl attracte so many eyes. Sadie emerged next followed closely by Eve, who wore a red pushup bra, and tight white panties with hearts dotted sporadically about it's surface. Sadie sported a black bra, non-pushup, but it didn't need to be for her to have a beautiful cleavage on display. Riding low, just above where he pubic area ended, was a very sheer pair of hot pink boyshorts that didn't leave much to the imagination.
While Cadence, of course, settled into Judah's lap, Sadie and Eve plunked down next to me. About that time, Greg and Dylan dismissed themselves to go play poker when it became clear that neither of them was to have female company. Nobody seemed to notice. I had just finished setting up my much envied hammock which I sat in sideways like a chair. The curve of the material pushed both girls closer into me, and, again, I wasn't about to complain. In fact, I couldn't believe my luck was so grand. I could feel, it seemed, almost as much heat radiating from the two of them as was coming from the fire. I reclined into the hammock, taking the firs of two steps in converting it from a seat to a bed, and reveling in the sensation as both girls slid down next to me, Eve throwing a gorgeous leg over one of mine and using it to pull me a bit closer. As I turned towards her, I felt a bountiful air of breasts press into my back, and yet another leg snake around the top of my waist.
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