Old 03-06-2014, 03:01 PM   #16
Demon Thief
getDare Devil
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I think you'll be fine. It's not like there's a huge age difference or anything.

Sorry for your friend's loss.
"How many seconds in eternity?"
And the shepherd's boy says, "this is a mountain of pure diamond. It takes an hour to climb it and an hour to go around it.
Every hundred years a little bird comes and sharpens its beak on the diamond mountain.
And when the entire mountain is chiseled away then the first second of eternity will have passed."
You must think that's a hell of a long time.
Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird.

14 years on GetDare!
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Old 03-06-2014, 09:30 PM   #17
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Posts: 13

Perfect! Thank you for the note. I will stay at my current level of... inappropriate-ness.

( I'm feeling bored tonight. So prepare for some dirty behavior from the boys!)


"My turn now?" Dexter asked.
"Yep." James assured.
"Alright. James. 'You Should' touch James's wiener." Dexter said.
Alex and James gasped at this. All of the boys were starting to get horny by this point.
"Okay." James scooted over to Alex. He picked up Alex's wiener and ran his fingers up and down his shaft twice. Alex got hard at this. He and Dexter used to touch each other down there during bath time when they were littler. But having someone else do it, felt different. Not a bad kind of different.
James let Alex's penis flop down after finishing. But Alex's little friend was standing at full attention.
"Nice boner bro." Dexter commented. They knew what it meant from Josh.
"Ha. My turn." He paused.
There was footsteps coming up the stairs. Then the boys rushed to get their clothes back on. Then just as James was pulling up his PJ bottoms, Josh came into the room.
"What you kids doing?" He asked. It was obvious he was crying over the incident.
"Just hanging out." They answered.
"Okay. Well, I just got off the phone with mom. I need to take a walk. I cant get over what happened earlier with CJ and Sarah. So I'm going to meet Noah at the park. We will be gone for about a half an hour. Mom knows and its all fine. Alex, you have your phone if you ever need me." He said pointing at his phone. "See ya in a bit." He said closing the door behind himself.

This was a dream come true to the boys. Thirty minutes that the boys could do anything they wanted! And they knew exactly what.

The boys kept quiet 'til they heard the front door open, then close. They were all alone.
Instant, they took off their clothes again, and all climbed into Alex's bed. They were all naked, Alex jumped under his covers, and James and Dexter sat on the other side of the bed.
"Back to what we were doing." James said. "Dexter, 'You Should' see if either you or Alex have the bigger wiener."
At this, Dexter and Alex looked at each other. Then they both got on their knees and let their flags fly. James looked closely at their penises, seeing who was longer. And of course it was Alex.
With out missing a beat, Dexter said instantly- "James, 'You Should' lick my wiener!" He said loudly.
James looked at him in a confused way. But Dexter just arched his back so it as easier for James to get in.
James leaned in and stuck put his tongue, then Dexter slid it off and back on his tongue. It was too much for Alex, his penis was the hardest it has ever been. It was so hard, it was throbbing, a slight pain.
James backs up and Dexter and Alex sat back down.
"How did it taste?" Dexter asked.
"Weird." James responded, smacking his lips.
"Alex, should we tell James the story of the one time you and I had that one bath?" Dexter teased.
"Sure." Alex agreed.
"So it was a dark and stormy night." He started. " And there was lightning outside, so Dex and I decided to take bath. But our parents were gone and we had a baby-sitter. I was in the fourth, and Dexter was in the third. So we told him and he was fine with it, if we needed anything, we just had to call him up." He took a breath. "So we got the water running, and Dexter had the idea that we take each others clothes off as fast as possible. I agreed and I counted down from three. When I hit one, we started. I got out of my pants and underwear, then when I went to take off my shirt, I accidently smacked Dexter in the face!" They all laughed. "Any ways, we got in, and I started washing up. I was getting to my hair when I felt something touching my nuts. And for sure, Dexter was kicking them for some odd reason. Then I went back and splashed my hand into the water and grabbed his."
"And it tickled!" Dexter added, petting his balls.
"Ya. Then I decided to grab his foot and started tickling him. He was laughing so hard, he farted in the water!" They laughed at this low quality humor again. "In the end. We got out and raced into the bedroom and got clothes on."
"Funny story." James replied.
"James, I dare you to tickle Dexter's nuts!" Alex flashed out of the blue.
Alex held Dexter back, and James opened his legs and started to tickle his balls. Dexter couldn't take it and started cracking up.
Alex let go and they got their clothes back on.

The ran down stairs and made chocolate milk and sat in the couch, talking about a topic that they could only talk about with each other.


I hate cliff hangers myself. But here is one special for you guys!

Thank you for reading.
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Old 03-08-2014, 01:01 AM   #18
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Funeral was today. I didn't go for a reason.
Wow. Over 2.000 views! Hope a small fraction of that is enjoying the story so far.
Sorry for the late part tonight! Been busy.
I feel that we need someone knew. Maybe a new character in a few more parts!


Grades! Out of all of the things, the boys engaged in a conversation over grades and school
"Its totally unfair!" James stated.
"I got a 3 out of 5 on a test because I didn't put my name." Dexter replied.
"I hate it when they give us those time sheets for multiplication. They are impossible to do!" Alex said.
"And recess for thirty minutes! Not long enough." Dexter protested.
"And when are we going to get real food in the cafeteria? I mean that sloppy, gooey mess they call lasagna every Tuesday. Horrible!" James continued.
"I would love to have pizza everyday."
"Ya. That would be awesome.
"At least we have chocolate milk in cartons! They middle and high school don't have them." Alex stepped in.
"Ya. I guess we do have that advantage." James agreed.

By this time, it was pouring outside. Josh was due back in ten minutes, and the boys were bored out of their mind.

"Hey. Can I ask you guys something personnel?" Dexter asked.
"Ya?" James and Alex said.
"What are your plans for when you get older?" He asked
"I want to get into film." James answered. "I want to make them, film them, than be in them. It looks like fun."
"I want to become a pilot, as you know Dex." Alex replied.
"Cool." Dexter complimented. "I really don't know what I want to do for some reason."
"There are plenty of things you could do!" James exclaimed. "You can get into art, music, talent, business, teaching, army, anything!"
"You will find out your dream job Dexter." Alex said patting Dexter on the back.
"I guess so." Dexter replied.
They all took a second and sighed.
"Anyone have any ideas on what to do?" Alex asked.
"Ummm." Dexter and James thought.

Then out of nowhere, the power went out.

"Aaaa" The boys screamed.
"Upstairs!" Yelled Dexter.
The boys ran up the stairs and into the boy's room. They turned on their phones for some light.
"That was scary!" James said.
They all climbed into Alex's bed again, they brought up some flash lights.
"I have an idea!" Dexter said. "Lets have one person close their eyes and touch someone else in any random place, from head to toe, anywhere as long as their eyes are closed so they don't know. Then they have to guess where their hand landed!"
"Okay." Alex and James said in interest.
"I'll go first." James closed his eyes. "Umm, Ill do it on Dexter." He said placing it on Dexter's ears, of all of the places.
"Umm, ears?" He guessed.
"Yes." Answered Alex.
"I'll go. James I will go on you." Said Alex. He placed his hand on James's hard penis.
"Ummm..." Playing with it. "Toe?"
"No." Said Dexter giggling.
"Finger?" He went again.
"Nope!" Said James cracking up.
"I give up." Alex said opening his eyes and realizing on where he landed.
"Ha. Wow." He said in a good-sport kind of way.
"I'll go!" James requested. "On.... Dexter." Then he put his finger on Dexter's nipple.
"Ummm." Playing with it. "Belly button?"
"Nope!" Alex said.
"You wish." Taunted Dexter.
"Ugh, this is hard." Thinking hard. "Peck?"
"Ya!" Dexter exclaimed. "Phew, that game is a bit too hard. Something new anyone?"
Then they heard the front door open and close again. Josh was home.

"I'm back!" Josh yelled from downstairs.
"Come up here!" The boys yelled. They were going to get Josh in the game.
He came into the room and saw that the boys were in Alex's bed. But James was naked for some reason.
"God. James, why are you naked?" Josh said looking away.
"Oh come on Josh! I'm like family, I have been with you guys that much." James was right at that.
Josh opened his eyes and quickly glimpse at James's naked body. But the thought he was only ten made him request "James, put your clothes on please. I don't want to know what you kids were doing while I was gone, but its getting late, and you guys need to hit the hay."
"Okay." Replied the boys.

They all decided to sleep in Alex's bed. They were cramped, but it was comfortable for some reason. They were all good friends. They could tell each other anything, and do anything to each other. At their young age, they were all very close. They said 'Good Night', and went to sleep.


Parts are getting shorter! I know. I am getting ready to start the REAL adventure. As I said again, still warming up with GetDare posting...

Than you for reading!

Last edited by ValleyDeer; 03-08-2014 at 10:20 PM.
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Old 03-09-2014, 12:46 AM   #19
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Posts: 13

Alright guys! Last part I think in this warm up. I'm going to open up a new thread, but start off fresh. Same characters, plot, places, everything will be the same. But the story will be more well done there. This was just a warm up short story.

Thank you again for sticking around.

================================================== ==================================================

The sun rose that Sunday morning. They boys ended up tossing and twisting all night. James was about to fall off the bed. Alex was now fully on top of his pillows, and Dexter was diagonal from the two.
Minutes passed, and the sun once again shone through the crack in the window, splitting the room in half. But this time, all of the boys were on Alex's side. Not split up. But together.

Alex twitched, kicking poor Dexter in the head. This instantly woke him up in a jerk.
"Ouuuuch!" Dexter sprung up, punching Alex in the gut.
Alex coughed viciously and got up.
"You punched me." He complained.
"You kicked me!" Dexter yawned.
"Get over it." Alex said. "James!" Shaking James hard.
He got up, with a bad case of bed head. They all slept hard last night, but they don't know why. To them, it was like any other sleep night....

They climbed down the stairs to the bed, and stumbled to the kitchen. Their mother and father were down making breakfast.
At the bottom of the stairs, James and Dexter made it, but poor Alex fell on the last step again.
"It will kill me!" He yelled.
"Hello boys. Hi James. How was last night?" Their mother asked.
"Great. We hung out, ad some pizza and talked." Dexter answered.
"Sounded like a fun night." Their father agreed. "Everything go okay after the power went out?"
"Ya. But it freaked us all out." Alex laughed.
"Well, it cam back on by the time we got home." Their mother said, putting breakfast on the table.
The boys took their seat and ate.
Alex had some cereal, Dexter had a HotPocet, and James had a pancake.

After breakfast, the boys hit the living room and fired up the Xbox.
Alex popped in War Field 2, and gave Dexter the P2 remote. Instead of 1 on 1, they decided to go online. So they formed a party of them two, and joined a server. They happened to end up on a map that was from the DLC that came out earlier. So both of them were extremely confused on where to go.
Dexter stayed close behind Alex's player. He had his shot gun, and Alex had his new Evo class out. They were going from edge to edge, killing anyone that came in sight. All was great until Alex got a Lightning Strike kill streak. He activated it, placing a target over two sides of the map, and one over his character, to kill anyone near. It delayed a few seconds, then it hit, killing five people, including himself and Dexter.
They spawned on different sides of the map now, it was a war for themselves trying to find each other. But they found a good camping spot on the middle of the map. One side, Alex could snipe (he switched classes), and Dexter could guard the door with his shot gun. They were impenetrable, until another player came in with another Evo, and sprayed them down.
The final minute of the round, both boys were raging on all of the unfair death they had, the gave one last shot to try to find each other.
Thirty seconds to go, and the found each other in the same place as before, Alex was looking out the window and saw an enemy run under.
He made a quick 360 turn and sniped the enemy, through Dexter who was by the door.
"COME ON!" Dexter raged.
"Hahaha." Alex couldn't control his laughter. It was too funny to him, the fact that he got the final kill, shooting through his own team mate.
"You took one for the team you could say." Alex tried to control himself.
"Well, at least we won.''
"Hey, you guys want to pay in the tree house if it is dry?" James suggested.
"Sure!" And the boys headed out back to the tree house.

"What story should we pretend this time?" James asked.
With 'pretend' games being his weakness, Alex suggested "We can be snipers, and Dex can guard the door with his shot gun." He explained.
"Oh course I'm the shot gun..." Dexter said.
"Oh, you're a great guard!" James said.
So they went up the ladder, still in their PJ bottoms from the night before, only in a new pair of underwear.
At the top, James and Alex looked out the small windows, pretending to be looking down an Aim-Down-Sight, while Dexter sat by the edge of the ladder, just sitting.
"Pew pew" The boys said.
"I'm all out of ammo!" James yelled.
"Me to!" Alex responded.
"I have an idea!" Dexter got up and went towards the boys. He pulled down his PJ bottoms and underwear, exposing his penis. "Touch it." He demanded. And Alex and James started to play with it, rubbing and poking.
Dexter got hard at this.
"Get ready! Aim the cannon outside the window" He said stepping towards the treehouse window.
"Now." He yelled, letting out a soft stream of pee.
"Pretend that that killed the entire team." James said.
"We won!" Dexter yelled, putting his buddy back in his pants, pulling them up. The all sat down in a circle, breathing heavily from that epic war.

"James! You mother is here to pick you up" Yelled the boy's father from the deck. So they climbed down, and ran into the house, and up into Alex and Dexter's room.
They closed and locked the door.
"I need to get quickly changed." James said striping shark naked.
Alex took a good look at his penis. Thinking of what had happened that weekend. How close he, James, and even Dexter got together. Right before James left the room, he stepped forward.
"James." Alex stopped him.
"It was fun. We have to do it another weekend!" He exclaimed.
"Totally. Next weekend, we should pretend to be doctors, or all live in a house kind of thing." James brain stormed.
"Oooo, we can pretend to all be brothers next time." Dexter mentioned.
"Aren't we already." Alex said.

James left the room and went down stairs to where his mother was talking to their parents. James looked back up the stairs and waved good bye. Even to know they would see each other the next day.
"So, did you have fun?" James mother asked, following him out the door.
Alex and Dexter couldn't hear James's answer, but they knew he wouldn't tell anyone about what they did. All three of them. The tree brothers.

Dexter went down stairs and joined Josh on the Xbox. And Alex went back into their room and tided up a bit.
He picked up clothes, made his and Dexter's bed, and threw away trash. Until he saw a little red light coming from his book shelf.
He went to it, and pulled it out. It was his camera that was left on. Alex then went to the 'Play' area, and deleted any/all footage of that weekend. He didn't even stop to look at it.

Then he flipped the camera to its front, smiled a bit, then turned it off.
Then set it down by the 'Ideas' binder, on he charger, and left the room.

He went downstairs to join Josh and Dexter on the Xbox. But of course...

He tripped on the last step of the stair case.

================================================== ===

OMG that was too fun. I really enjoyed writing this.... prologue you could call it.
I will continue this story in a new thread. This was a warm -up short story. The parts were short and the plot was fast, but that was all part of the plan.
Ummm... I could say, a lot has happened over the last week since I started this. I got to start something I love to do, write stories. But most memorable, I lost a friend. Sunday night. 5:04P.M.

Anyways! The NEW thread will be named ==Alex==. Not --Alex-- like this one. ALL characters will be the same. And I will post every few days, but they will be very long parts. I will adopt a new form of writing from another post here. Which will hopefully be easier to read.
I will see you all in the NEW thread!

Again. Thank you for reading.

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