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Old 04-10-2018, 10:36 PM   #16
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 32

Chapter 6 - Seth gets caged and does more drinking

I finished the whole drink and took a few minutes to savor the soothing effect but then got back to service. I went back down to the basement, opened the other box and unpackaged the few separate units. There was a butt plug device, a cock cage device and two separate charging cords. Both devices were made of a soft plastic. There was also a small tube of lube, instructions and a sealed envelope marked “confidential – for property owner only”.

By reading the instructions I found that the appliances worked using phone apps. The Master and slave each had separate discrete apps. The Master’s app had options to cause the plug to inflate, vibrate or send a shock. The shock was similar to the level of a dog collar – enough to startle but not enough to cause damage. The app also allowed for opening the tip, locking, unlocking, shocking and vibrating the cock cage.

The slave app was used to connect the two devices to the slave’s phone - similar to an iWatch. Once set up, as long as the Master had his phone app and the wearer was within range of his phone the Master could control the plug and cage from anywhere. The slave app also allowed a request to be sent to the Master for removal of either device or opening of the cage tip. The signal would be granted and sent upon the masters approval. There was also an option for emergency opening or removal of either device. This released both devices instantly but would send an immediate alert to the Master. Both devices required a charge, and according to the instructions it took one hour to fully charge each device and one charge was supposed to last for five to seven days of normal use.

There were instructions on how to charge the devices. The chargers had long cords and could be connected and charged while wearing. When the battery was getting low - the devices would softly vibrate to alert the wearer. I plugged both in so they would be fully charged when Master came down - which he did within the hour. I explained to him how the devices worked and handed him the sealed confidential envelope.

“OK, it’s time to put on the cock cage - get it ready,” he ordered. I followed his order - having already read on how to put it on.

The cage was made of a soft yet durable plastic in a large quarter inch mesh but the head part was solid with an aperture that could open and close. It was shaped like a penis with a ring that would fit behind my balls. It was open on top with two clasps – in front and back of the ball area. I slid it on over my dick with the ring behind my scrotum and clasped the top. The clasps clicked in place. It did not feel intrusive to have it on, but I did feel that it was there. “Thank you for allowing me to wear this Sir, i said.”

“That’s right,” he said, “remember this stays on you at all times. It’s a symbol and constant reminder of my ownership of you. Let’s test it out” He walked to the other side of the house and I felt the tip of the cage open. When open it would allow for peeing.

“Did that work?” he shouted from across the house.

“Yes Master,” I replied. I then felt a shock that wasn’t painful but did startle me.

“How about that?” he asked in a laughing tone. “Did you feel that?”

“Yes Sir, I felt it.” I responded.

“OK,” he said, “You may now go and complete the rest of your tasks.

For the rest of the day, I went about my daily tasks of cleaning and serving him and Zach snacks and meals. Master spent a large amount of time chatting on his phone. When my chores were done, I kneeled on the floor by his feet again. I though back on all my training so far and wondered about how this would fit once I started work next week. My thoughts were interrupted by Master saying, “Seth, follow me”,

I followed him to the kitchen where he pulled an empty liter soda bottle out of the recycling bin. He ordered me to cut out the bottom on the bottle and then meet him in the bathroom. I did what he said and when I got to the bathroom he explained, “We’re going to try something different that will help in your training. Put the bottle in your mouth and close your lips around the top. I’m going to piss into the other end – this will make it easier for you to keep up swallowing. Any excess will fill up in the bottle and you can catch up rather than it spilling all over the place. You should still try to keep up. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” I replied as I put the bottle to my mouth. I carefully undid his pants and took his dick out then waited. He let out a soft exhale and the stream started flowing. Keeping my lips tight on the bottle, I started to swallow. It did not take long for the bottle to start to fill up and the sound of piss on plastic rang in my ears. It was golden yellow in color.

I drank as fast as I could and was less concerned about the warm stale bitter taste. I did not think of drinking his waste as i was more concerned about keeping up. When he finished there was about a fifth of a liter left in the bottle. I quickly gulped without spilling a drop then removed the bottle, thanked Master, and put his dick back in his pants.

“Good boy”, he replied. “Now clean out the bottle and keep it in case we need it later. I ordered a funnel gag so you can get rid of this when that comes in.”

He left the bathroom and went right back to his phone. I again went to stay at his feet and the rest of the night was just relaxing. Zach had gone out so it was just me and Master. He granted me free time and I called my family and spoke to them for a while. He chatted for a while longer on the phone and then we watched TV together. Even though he sat on the couch and me on the floor, we talked for a long time as equals. I spoke respectfully but he invited me to express my feelings and thoughts and i took the chance to let him know all that I had been thinking. I told him about the nervousness I had felt since making the decision to commit to him. I told him about the strong feelings I had for him and how i realized that if i did not get accepted to serve him that i would probably not be a slave. I told him about my reservations about his friends knowing about my slavehood.

We talked about the first three days and my reaction - that so far - it is exactly what i had hoped for and it looks like some of my fears about his friends knowing may have been unfounded. In the three days of training he had make me feel his strength, his seriousness, his willingness to train me and his caring. I mentioned how easily Zach has seemed to accept me living there and how he’s made me feel like i belonged. Lastly I said how I was starting to feel my role beneath him and how i could see my feeling of inferiority to him growing.

As i talked while on the floor at his feet - he again ran his fingers through my hair and I proclaimed to him his greatness. After about an hour and a half we both went to his bedroom together - with me pulling out the mattress and finding my place at the foot of his bed.
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Old 04-15-2018, 07:25 AM   #17
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Chapter 7 - Seth meets friends as a slave and gets taken
Training Day 4 - Tuesday

After sleeping for about an hour I woke up with a sharp pain in my groin. My dick was just trying to get hard naturally as it happens during sleep but the chastity device was preventing that from happening. My first instinct was to take it off but i knew that wasn’t possible. My dick was already starting to soften from waking up so i laid there quietly and fell back to sleep. That worked for about another 45 minutes when i woke up again with the same sharp pain. This repeated four more times until i felt my phone alarm vibrating. I made sure i set a quiet alarm that would wake me up and not Master.

I got up and showered and ready for another full day of training. It still felt weird to dry off and not put on any clothes. It also still felt awkward to walk around the house like that - especially with Zach and Master fully clothed. I made myself a cup of coffee and sat on the floor drinking it. Master allows coffee to be had out of a cup as part of my morning routine.

Master awoke shortly after i finished my coffee and we repeated the piss training. This time we did it in the bathroom again near the toilet and he slowed down his stream to allow me to keep up. I found it easier to swallow if i gently closed my lips around the head of his dick. He peed for a long time both because it was a morning pee and because he had to slow it down. The taste was stronger than the other two times and although it made me feel sick i was able to swallow it all and keep it down. Although it did ruin any appetite I had for breakfast.

After receiving the full contents of master’s morning bladder, I proceeded to prepare and serve breakfast. As they ate master mentioned this would be a good day to do laundry. He explained how i should be sure to check any place where there might be clothes to wash and learn who owns the item and what drawer each item goes. I started in Zach’s room where he had shirts, pants, a bunch of socks and underwear piled up on the floor. I checked under his bed, then went to the bathroom where there were towels and boxer briefs. I finally went to Master’s room and bathroom and picked up all of his clothes. I also included one of my towels and clothes and underwear that I had worn while out.

It looked like all of it could be washed with one load so I started to put them in the machine when the doorbell rang. Master yelled out, “Seth, get that.” I kept a pair of pants and a shirt right in the hall closet and put them on real quick and answered the door. It was a delivery from the same store we had driven to the other day.

Master came in and said, “wow that was fast delivery.” He opened the box and pulled out two packages - one was the gag funnel device. Master said, “you can get rid of that cut off bottle and use this from now on - it will be easier for me to piss into.”

The other package was an anal cleansing device. He handed it to me and said, “read up on how to use this and practice keeping yourself clean. Start using it today”

I took off the pants and shirt, put them back in the closet, put my collar back on and went back to laundry. While the clothes were in the washer, I did my clean up duties, sweeping the floor and dusting off furniture. After the cycle finished, I put the clothes in the dryer and continued tidying up the house by making the beds and putting away any clutter. The dryer cycle finished and i took the clothes out sorting them and getting them ready to fold or iron. It was getting close to noon and the doorbell rang again. I was about to head for my clothes but Zach headed to the door and Master said, “don’t worry, you won’t need to put any clothes on.”

Zach opened the door and in walked Victoria. My face became red with shame. I knew Master wanted me naked in the house and i knew Zach would be there but i didn’t think it would be like this for Victoria. The camaraderie I felt while eating with them at Cici’s melted away instantly and a feeling of inferiority rushed in.

In my embarrassment I avoided eye contact but managed to say hello to her. She was smiling as she returned the greeting. Master then ushered her into the living room and Zach followed and sat next to her on the couch. “Victoria, tell Seth what you want to drink, “ Master said.

“Just water,” she replied.

“Zach and Sir, can i get anything for you,” I asked.

Master ordered a cherry coke and Zach asked for the same. I went to the kitchen to get the drinks and served them with a bowl of pretzels. As they sat and talked master motioned for me to sit on the floor by his feet. I complied with his order and sat as they talked with my hands trying to cover my private parts and my cage. I wasn’t excluded from the conversation or anything but i was just too numb to contribute. They took it all in stride as if nothing was out of the ordinary but i was feeling as low as i have felt since committing.

Over the next few minutes Alex and Caelen also arrived. I served them drinks too as they chatted in the living room with me on the floor.

Caelen looked down at me on the floor and noticed my semi-despondent state and asked, “Are you OK Seth? Is everything alright?”

I tried to muster up the energy and meekly respond, “Umm, err - I guess so.”

“You can be honest with us Seth, you seem pretty down, she replied.”

I looked up to Master to see if he wanted me to keep quiet but he seemed ok with me expressing my thoughts. Avoiding eye contact i muttered, “i just feel embarrassed.”

Victoria added, “That’s normal to feel that way. To be honest it’s a little awkward for us too Seth. We’ll get used to it and so will you.

“Are you ashamed of being naked in front of us or of being a slave in front of us, ” Caelen asked?

I appreciated their interest and starting to talk about it made me feel better. I maintained a sheepish low tone and replied, “a little of both, I guess. I knew you would all end up seeing me but didn’t know what to expect.

Alex, Zach and Master were in their own conversation and Alex, like Zach, seem unphased by my appearance.

“Don’t feel you have to hide yourself or keep your hands covering yourself,” advised Victoria.

“Yes,” added Caelen and she and Victoria chuckled, “we know what they look like.”

I laughed along with them and actually felt like i was part of the joke but not the object of the joke. I slowly removed my hand from my crotch and put one on the floor bracing myself as i kept talking to them.

“Jakob is a great guy and he will take good care of you,” Victoria said. “You picked a perfect Master. I can tell just from the way he talks about you. He was very much looking forward to you moving here. I was dying to meet you too.”

“Let us know if you have any questions about the town or if you need any help finding places or things,” added Caelen.

“Yes,” said Victoria. “That goes for all of us.”

“Thank you,” I replied, “and thank you for being really nice and cool about me being like this. It’s amazing how in just a few minutes I went from feeling low and unwanted to - well... still low but accepted. They really went the extra mile to make it seem normal and make me feel like part of their group. I began to see that Master had the type of friends that he deserved - good and caring.

The conversation turned more general and Alex started to participate. After about a half hour they all got up and started to leave.

“Good to see you again Seth,” said Victoria.

“Talk to you soon,” added Caelen.

“We’re going out for the day,” Master said,you stay here and finish your chores. I want you to also clean both bathrooms - the showers could use it. When you’re done you can have free time, but don’t forget about using the tool that came today to get yourself ready.”

“Yes Sir,” I replied, as they all left and the door closed behind them. I took a few minutes to collect myself but ended up breaking into tears. I tried to composed myself and think about how now that they’ve all seen me naked and serving that it will become second nature. I slowly calmed down and went back to doing my work.

Cleaning the bathrooms took quite a while and required a lot of scrubbing - Master was right they needed it. Master and Zach and been living there for a few weeks before i got there and i don’t think the bathroom had gotten a thorough cleaning in that time.

The first thing i did with my freetime was skype with my brother Matthew - of course i had to put on my shirt and pants but i gave him a video tour of the house. My mom was with him as i virtually showed them around. As soon as i disconnected - i derobed and went downstairs to look into the anal cleansing device.

The unit was about the size of a gallon of milk and had a flexible tube protruding from the top of it. It could operate by electricity by plugging it in or by battery (sold separately). The milk gallon part had two containers - one clear that would be filled with clean water and the other an opaque elimination tank that can easily be emptied. There was also a small aerosol can that screwed in to another part of the unit. The hose looked was flexible and looked like one that could be used to water a garden but it had a tip that was circular, rounded on the top and flat on the bottom. It had holes and vents throughout.

The instructions were rather simple - first step is to empty your bowels naturally and wipe as you normally would. Then apply a small amount of lubricant to the tip and insert as far as possible. They suggested doing it over a towel as there may be some leakage of water during the process.

The insert piece was rather thin, other than the head part which was made of soft plastic, and should go in easily. It works by using water and air to clean the area of the rectum relevant to intercourse. It’s a two stage process. The first phase provides a general cleaning with water and air and the second phase sprays an inert foam to seal off the upper area and provides a second deeper cleaning with water and air. The foam lasts for a few hours then dissolves and to helps keep the play area clean.

I filled the clear canister with water put an old towel under me and laid on my back on the table while inserting the hose and turning the unit on. I felt air and water and a gentle vibration as the outer unit made a low whirring sound. I felt movement as the tip moved down from the back of my anus to the front and back. I tried to stay as motionless as possible. When the tip moved all the way back i hear two short beeps indicating the second cycle was starting and i felt the short spray of foam followed by a second movement of the tip. When it was through the cycle it beeped three times and turned off.

I removed the hose an, as instructed, wiped the outer area. There was very little moisture on the towel. I stepped off the table and emptied the collection canister in the toilet and washed it out. I didn’t feel any differently after the cleaning and the process was quick and easy. I walked back upstairs and watched TV until master and Zach came home.

Master was carrying a bag and handed it to me saying, “Seth, I brought you back some leftovers if you want them.”

“Thank you Sir,” I replied. I looked in and it was a bowl with two to three mouthfuls of mac and cheese left. Having not eaten lunch i quickly devoured the remains licking the bowl clean. The rest of the night was uneventful other than me making dinner, serving it and cleaning up. We all watched some more TV after dinner but Master summoned me to come to bed early with hi, Zach stayed behind in the living room.

I went to pull out my mattress and plopped down on it when Master said, “Seth, I want you to get on my bed.”

“Your bed Sir,” I replied with surprise?

“Yes Seth, I want to take you now so get ready and lie on you back on the bed.”

I was expecting this would happen but somewhat taken by surprise anyway. I had never been penetrated before and with the thought in my head I became visibly nervous yet still aroused. Master noticed that and lovingly said, “Relax Seth, I’m going to go slow and easy, i want this to be special for you.”

I became overcome by emotion with Master’s words feeling his sincere caring for me and started to tremble. My voice shook as i replied, “th-th-thank you Sir.” He touched my on the shoulder and guided me down to his bed.

I presented myself to him lying on my back and lifting my legs in the air. I could feel my heartbeat racing as he stood at the end of the bed taking off his shirt and undoing his pants letting them drop to the floor. His dick was already hard. He was holding a tube of lubrication and i watched as he applied a liberal amount to his dick. As I looked up to him i saw this massive figure, a deity in my heart and mind about to take his prey. I thought about being totally consumed by him and losing any right or control I had over my body or mind.

“Tell me what you want me to do Seth.”

“I want you to take me Sir.”

“Just want it Seth? Do you deserve to be taken?”

“No Sir, I don’t but i need you to fuck me. I need you to show me that my purpose in life is to provide you pleasure and taking your cock.”

“Tell me what you deserve Seth.”

“I deserve to spend my life making sure you’re happy and satisfied Sir. I’m not worthy of having you inside me but i want it so badly Sir.” He approached me, rubbed his fingers, which were still wet with lube, around my hole. He then grabbed my legs and pulled me forward so my butt was at the edge of the bed, and positioned his hard dick against my virgin untapped hole.

“I’m going to take you as my property now,” he said as he leaned in and kissed me then pushed forward. I felt the head of his dick part my hole. He paused after an inch or two passed my sphincter and stayed motionless. “I’m going to let you adjust for a minute,” he said as he exhaled.

I had never had anything that big pushed inside me. It felt like i was in the middle of a bowel movement. There was no pain as he help his position in me but after a minute or two he moved sending a sharp pain inside me. “Ohhhh, it hurts Sir,” i moaned out.

“Do you want me to stop,” he asked?

“No Sir,” I replied as i gritted my teeth.

“I’m going to push in further now so you can feel my cock all the way in you,” he said as he exhaled and pushed.

“Uuughhh, it hurts Sir” i cried out. He stopped again and paused this time with his dick fully inside me.

“Oh fuck, you’re so tight,” he shouted, “this feels amazing!”

“Thank you Sir,” I replied. “It feels amazing to have you inside me. I want you to stay in me all night Sir! Thank you Sir!”

He started to move slowly positioning his dick even deeper in me. I felt every move he made no matter how minimal and each one sent a sharp blow of pain inside me. Hearing him say it felt good made me want to suppress my pain noises so as not to disturb his experience.

“I’m going to pull out now,” he said. “I’ll go slow but it’s going to hurt.”

He held me by my sides and slowly pulled back. Try as i did to hold in the cry i couldn’t and expressed my pain. “Ohhh sir, it hurt, it hurts,” I said.

“Shhh easy, easy, just relax.” he replied. Then he leaned in and kissed me again. Feeling his lips touch mine not only calmed me down but put me in a state of heaven. Here was someone so much more superior to me actually allowing his lips to touch mine.

I quieted down and he continued, “That’s it Seth shhhh.” I was able to look at him and saw as he close his eyes pulling out of me. Once out he reached over for the tube of lube and put a little bit more on his dick. I felt immediate relief for a few seconds and he gave me a chance to recover.

“Your hole feels so hot Seth. Are you ready?”

“Yes Sir,” I replied as i braced myself. He pushed right in this time going all the way and holding. It hurt but not as much. Maybe it was because he went in faster but he didn’t wait long until he pulled out again. The poised and repeated.

I maintained myself but my exhaling made it clear that it still hurt. He pulled his dick out leaned forward and started rubbing my head and whispered, “Relax Seth - just make yourself loose and don’t resist. Give a little push like you’re trying to go. I promise it will help.”

He started pushing into me again and started to move slowly without pulling all the way out. “Ohh fuck yea”, he said as he kept plowing in tring to get his dick deeper. His stomach was somewhat pressed against me as he used his hand to brace himself while he started pumping

“Oh Seth… so fucking tight… oh yessss, he said in pleasure as he started to move faster.

I’m not sure if the pain lessened or if my focused changed but i started to feel one with him. I accepted his every thrust - the force of which pushed my body deeper into the bed only to slightly bounce back toward him and be pushed again. I felt his body against the inside of my thighs and even though he was not on top of my face, I heard felt the warm exhale of his breath against me. His cock was so hard and firm and I felt totally powerless as he controlled my whole body with his dick. His motion took me to another place.

I realized what it meant to have him, a person that i worshipped, inside me and what it was to have him know me in the most intimate way possible. His movements started going faster now and i can see his focus shift from concern about my first experience to getting off on me.

Wanting to make it as pleasurable for him as possible i said, “Fuck me Sir, please fuck me! Please take me as the worthless servant I am Sir.” He started to pump me harder and deeper. I could see he had entered into a zone of feeling his orgasm and he was going to now use my body any way that felt right for him.

The pounding got harder and he gripped my sides for support. His thrusts were longer and deeper taking his cock the full length of my cavity. His breathing got louder and faster until I heard him grunt and felt him release his seed inside me. I felt his orgasm and body spasms as he slowed down and laid on top of me. My body becoming nothing more than receptacle for his sperm - no better than a used condom that was worn by an amazing dick.

He pulled out of me and laid beside me on the bed catching his breath. “Wow that felt good,” he said while exhaling deeply.

My mind was still focused on the fact that i actually had him take me. There was no pain just a feeling of belonging to him. I was so grateful not only for the caring way he approached me but for allowing me to feel his greatness through his cock ejaculating in my hole.

I was very emotional about the experience and all i could say is “Thank you Sir, thank you.”

“You’re mine in every way now, Seth,” he replied.

After a few more minutes of recovery, I asked, “do you want me to get you anything Sir and should i get back to my mattress?”

“No Seth,” he replied, “you’re good for tonight. You can stay here with me.” With that he pulled me closer and held me for the night. I felt so secure, so safe and totally in his control.

I lied there with my body next to his, filled with his sperm, feeling totally at peace. I found myself wishing it would be possible to have his baby. I had the most blissful nights sleep of my life.
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Old 04-15-2018, 03:49 PM   #18
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That was the best chapter so far. My mouth became so dry reading it and became so indulged! 😍
22, Male, Gay
Kik: @Zak_dyer

CRAVES - diapers, hidden public, semi public, piss, underwear, exposure, writing lines
ENJOYS: shit, pee drinking, mouth soaping, Underwear destroying, Laxatives, Public, shaving
LIMITS: family, personal info, illegal, cam [/COLOR]

5KM torture run tasks - be horrible


Pm dares

This user has a small cock
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Old 04-15-2018, 09:07 PM   #19
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@gayboy0021 thanks for the feedback it's appreciated
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Old 04-16-2018, 09:21 AM   #20
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I loved this and always think myself in place of Seth
Thanks for writing
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Old 04-16-2018, 03:49 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by kajindal View Post
I loved this and always think myself in place of Seth
Thanks for writing
Me too! I’d love to be in Seth’s predicament! If anyone open to this let me know haha 😍😍😍
22, Male, Gay
Kik: @Zak_dyer

CRAVES - diapers, hidden public, semi public, piss, underwear, exposure, writing lines
ENJOYS: shit, pee drinking, mouth soaping, Underwear destroying, Laxatives, Public, shaving
LIMITS: family, personal info, illegal, cam [/COLOR]

5KM torture run tasks - be horrible


Pm dares

This user has a small cock
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Old 04-20-2018, 08:08 AM   #22
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Thanks! i really appreciate the feedback
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Old 04-20-2018, 08:09 AM   #23
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Chapter 8 - Plugged and Milked
Training Day 5 - Wednesday

I woke up next to him with one of his arms still holding me. I stayed motionless. I knew i should get up and start my morning routine but i wanted to stay in this moment as long as i could - being held with his cum still inside me. I reflected on the decision I made to commit to him. Although there were a lot of unknowns yet to surface, I wanted to remember this feeling and capture it as a snapshot of my happiness and a marker of what my constant state will be.

I took a few more minutes for myself but then carefully got out of bed making sure i did not wake Master and went about my morning routine. It’s been only a few days but i did enjoy the minutes I had to myself in the shower and afterwards with my cup of coffee. It was extra special today since i didn’t have my cage on.

I started to prepare breakfast - it still felt awkward being totally naked with only my collar around my neck but i guess i was getting used to it. I heard Master getting up and go to the bathroom to pee - which meant i didn’t have to drink it. He walked into the kitchen wearing only his boxer briefs. With the sunlight coming in from the window behind him he looked heavenly to me. A massive 6’4” god-like frame. I glanced fleetingly at his midsection noticing his cock that had been hard and deep inside me now soft and tucked safely away. He was holding both my chastity cage and butt-plug and said “time to put these back on. Start with the plug first”

I started with the butt-plug Master had already put a little lube on it. The insertion part was very thin and went in easy. “OK, Sir,” I said.

He tapped away on his app which started an inflation process. It was quiet but I felt a small vibration as the probe expanded inside me. The level of inflation was set by the Masterand at this level it felt very comfortable – almost like it wasn’t there.

“OK,” he said, “let’s test it out.” He walked to the other side of the house and I felt the anal probe vibrate.

“Did you feel that?” he shouted from across the house.

“Yes Master,” I replied. I then felt a shock that wasn’t painful but did startle me.

“How about that?” he asked.

“Yes Sir, that too.” I responded.

“OK, put the cage on” he shouted.

I put the device on my dick - it was easy because it had two clasps on the top and went easily around my balls and dick. I clicked the clasps in place. This too felt pretty comfortable.

He then tested the unlock features and I felt the plug deflate and chastity device unlock. He came back in and said, “OK I’m going to go drive down to starbucks and see if this will work over cell and wifi.” He got dressed and drove away and performed the same test. I confirmed to him via text that each instruction he gave was received.

I waited with the plug inflated inside my ass and the cage locked on my cock, on my hands and knees by the door. When he returned he said, “OK, remember the cage and butt plug stay in at all times except when I’ve ordered you to remove it or you’ve asked for and received permission. Got it?”

“Yes Sir,,” I replied. “Thank you Sir.” I served him breakfast and Zach too - he came in about 15 minutes later. I served myself a biscuit which I ate on the floor by master’s feet. After we finished and I cleaned up Master made me follow him down to the basement.

“OK,” he said, “Take out the butt plug and hop on the table and lay flat on your stomach.”

The plug deflated in a few seconds and i removed it - placing it on the other table. I did as he said and nervously stepped onto the leg extensions and laid across the table on my chest. He fixed the Velcro straps across my legs and arms but left my head unstrapped. I heard him fumble behind me as he plugged the unit in and moved it against me and pushed. He must have put some lubricant on the tip as it felt slippery and pretty comfortable going in. I felt a slight vibration as he turned it on and then just felt pressure against my prostate as the unit started to calibrate.

“Just relax,” he said, “It will be a lot quicker and easier if you just let it happen and not fight or tighten up.” He pushed a few buttons as the device adjusted inside me. It felt warm with a very slight vibration. He looked at the device then said, “I set it for a longer period since this is your first time. I’ll be back in a few minutes to see how you’re doing.”

With that he walked upstairs. For the first 20 minutes I did not really feel anything other than being strapped to a table like that made me want to fidget. After about 20 minutes, I started to feel like I had to pee. It started slow – like a regular feeling that I had to go – but it quickly got stronger. In a few minutes it started to become unbearable. It felt like I had to pee really bad but I was blocked from going. I tried pushing like if I was peeing but it made me feel worse.

As much as I tried, I could not relax. It was constant – the feeling that I was stuck and had to pee wouldn’t go away and it was bad enough to drive me crazy. After another 5 minutes I started to hear a dripping noise. I knew it was dripping out of my dick but I didn’t feel it – all I felt was the urge to pee. I felt my body start to sweat not knowing how else to react. I groaned out loud as tears were dripping from my eyes. I couldn’t take this much longer and wanted to call out for Master. I laid there struggling to deal with it as i hear Master come back down.

“How are you doing Seth,” he said as he walked to the table. He looked at the collection pan and said, “It looks like it’s starting to work.”

I started to plead, “It’s unbearable Sir, please make it stop, Sir.” I was scared and my voice was shaking with fear.

“Just relax,” he said again, this time there was a hint of laughter in his voice. “You’ll have to learn to take this and it will get easier. Just relax and think about how it’s making your prostate healthier”.

After a few more minutes I broke down and started to whimper with my body starting to shake. I tried to grab hold of my emotions and thought about what Master had said – to relax and let it happen. I took a few deep breaths and tried to relax - slowly breathing in through my mouth and exhaling even slower through my nose. I started to calm down and my body felt colder now with my sweating subsiding.

Master stood and watched as the machine worked the seed out of me and said, “I want you to also think about how i’m enjoying this and that you should be quieter while it’s happening.” with that he turned and went back upstairs.

The only sound was the intermittent drip spaced anywhere from 20 to 120 seconds apart. The drip had a metallic ping to it. As I focused on it – it became somewhat soothing. After each drip there was a slight sense of relief and relaxing of the strain.

Although I felt emotionally calmer I started to feel physically sore. The feeling started inside me where the probe was inserted and carried straight through my scrotum. It felt like I had jerked off a few times in a row only it was a much stronger soreness.

I tried to zone out a bit when I heard Master come down again. He walked around the table inspecting the situation and said, “Good, it’s working well but there’s more to go. Let me explain what’s happening. The instrument inside you gently massages the prostate. The stimulation causes the gland to slowly drain and excrete semen through your penis while your penis remains soft. Doing it this way eliminates the chance of any pleasurable feeling but helps maintain a healthy prostate.”

He paused for a few seconds and I realized he expected an expression of gratitude so I said, “Thank you, Sir.”

“Good, you’re welcome,” he said as he nodded. “Do you have any questions about it?”

I thought for a moment and asked, “How long will it go on for, Sir, and how often?”

“Well,” he replied, “it depends on you. Normally it takes about twenty minutes to two hours to fully drain or milk the gland. I set it extra slow for the first time. If it goes too fast there’s a chance you may feel some pleasure and we don’t want that to happen, do we?

“No Sir,” I replied.

“Yes, that’s to be avoided,” he said with a tone of laughter and maybe even some disgust in his voice. “After a milking, you should not be able to cum or feel an orgasm for 1 to 3 days. That’s because your body has to remake the semen, which doesn’t take too long, but also because you’ll be to sore and too weak to ejaculate. We’ll have to see how you react and adjust the process accordingly. Eventually, I hope that once every other week will be enough but we’ll be doing it every week at first.”

“Thank you, Sir,” I replied.

He continued, “The beauty of this machine is that you’ll be able to do it yourself as part of your routine, and I won’t have to be inconvenienced. It gives me comfort that you won’t physically be able to orgasm. It’s one less thing to worry about and will help you concentrate more on making sure you please me.”

I thanked him again as he circled around the table. He picked up a bottle of water and put it to my lips allowing me to drink. It felt good to drink and I was grateful that he allowed it. He kept it there and allowed me to drink the entire bottle and I thanked him again.

“OK,” he said, “Just relax and I’ll be down to check on you in another hour.” With that he turned and went back upstairs. I thought about what he said and how it fit into my new state of being. I knew that as a slave I would not be worthy of feeling an orgasm, unless it was for the benefit of the Master but I now got the sense that he enjoyed that dynamic. I sensed that he would find it distasteful if I was allowed to feel an orgasm purely for my pleasure, and the more I thought about it the more I realized he was right.

I should be focused totally on his pleasure and all my attention should be dedicated to make sure his orgasms are perfect. The discomfort of milking was still there, the soreness even worse, but I felt the appropriateness of what I had to endure.

After what seemed like another hour the dripping sounds started to space out longer and longer until they eventually stopped. The feeling of having to pee went away but the straining and sense of soreness increased and quickly turned into a strong ache. Gone was the feeling of relief that came with the drip and I had to adjust to that. The discomfort slowly built up and now started to physically become unbearable again.

I started to moan in agony hoping to get a soothing sensation from the vibrations of my voice. Thankfully after another few minutes Master came down and turned off the device. He removed the probe and slid it away from the table and undid the Velcro straps.

He handed me a bottle of water and said, “take a little time to relax and collect yourself. When you feel ready, I want you to clean the machine and dispose of your semen. You’re going to be really sore tonight. The machine causes muscles contraction to expel semen that you would not ordinarily need. So, it’s going to hurt but it will get better as time goes on. I want you to get the full effect of this so no pain relievers. Take all the time you need but when you’re done come back upstairs.”

When he left I sat up on the table and drank the water. He was right about it hurting. I felt it from down in my thighs through my butt muscles and up to my stomach. I finished the bottle of water and stepped down off the table. As weak as I felt, it was good to stand. Cleaning up was slow and took a long time even though I did try to move as fast as I could but I was a bit concerned that he’d punish me if I took too long .

There was a slop sink against the wall with a floor drain and a hose connected to a water supply. I picked up the metal pan with my semen in it and dumped into the sink washing it down the drain. I was surprised at how much actually came out of me – certainly a lot more than any one given jerk-off session.
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Old 04-26-2018, 03:04 PM   #24
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Chapter 9 - Taken 2

After putting my butt plug back in I went back upstairs. I hit the app on my phone which reinflated it to the last setting by Master. He warned me about the soreness and he was right. I had never felt this type of internal soreness before. Even my dick felt like I had spent the last hour cumming. Although I wanted to take advil, I understood where master was coming from and that it would be better to work through the pain.

Master made me order lunch for him and Zach and Zach left to pick it up. I started to go back to my chores when i felt my butt plug deflate. Before I could react Master came in the room grabbed me with two hands - one on my side the other on my shoulder – and threw me. I landed on my hands a foot or so away from the couch. Before I could collect myself he pounced on top of me, ripped the butt plug out and violently entered me. As his cock forced inside me the only lubrication was from the previous butt plug insertion.

It was like a switch had been turned on – no more of the loving caring Master from last night – this was his animal instinct coming out. He pounded me in that position hard for a few minutes until his hard dick slipped out. He helped to get me on to my feet and then from behind pushed me again this time against the wall.

I was able to brace myself briefly but my face pressed against the wall and he poised and entered me pushing my midsection against it as well. The push was with a tremendous amount of force and I felt my entire body slam. I felt my chastity device bash along with my whole body as he continued to violently fuck me in that standing up position for a few more minutes. The only thing that cushioned the force of his thrusts was my already sore body. I wanted to brace myself with my hands but did not want to possibly interrupt his feeling.

Then, with his dick still in me he moved both of us off the wall making us fall hard back on to the floor. I have no idea how his cock stayed in me but he landed on top of me – I felt the wind leave my body. His appetite to take me again was voracious. You can see that he did not at all concern himself with how this affected me – he wanted to achieve his orgasm and he would stop at nothing to get there.

He went on for another few minutes each thrust more violent than the other. His hands grabbed me hard by the back and shoulder. I didn't even notice his climax begin – until I felt his cock explode inside my ass and heard a triumphant grunt come from behind me. He laid on top of me catching his breath and relishing in his satisfying orgasm as I stayed motionless and numb on the floor. He rested his full weight on me having conquered his prey as he caught back his wind. I mustered all my internal will and said, “Thank you Sir.”

Disregarding my thanks, he climbed off me and just walked away back to his bedroom. I stayed on the floor a few more minutes then got up - just as Zach was walking back in with lunch. He looked at me and the butt plug on the floor a few feet away and just shook his head. I picked up the plug and went to the bathroom to put it back in. I stayed away and let them both eat as i collected myself alone. I felt sore inside and a bit battered outside - a sharp contrast from the love i had felt with him inside me. I concentrated on the sound he made when he came in me - a satisfied grunt - and realized that i was able to fulfill his need. In the end, that’s my purpose.

After a few minutes Master called out to me and said, “Seth, come and sit here while we eat - you can have the scraps if you want when you clean up.”

They were eating when i got in there chicken wings and pizza. There were already a few bones with a little meat left on them and a few pizza crusts. I sat on the floor at Master’s feet between the couch and the coffee table where the food was. Zach was sitting on the love seat across the table. They were talking generally about the food and other stuff and reaching in and taking food then throwing the bones or scraps close to my face.

The effects of the milking accelerated by the rough fuck were really taking effect sending a dull ache through my body and a dehydrated sense bringing on a severe thirst. I looked up and asked, “Sir, may i get something to drink?”

Master nodded. The house rule was that other than coffee or similar hot beverage, which I could have from a cup, any other drinking was to be done out of a bowl kept on the floor. I was allowed to pick it up, clean it and fill it as necessary but i was to drink on the floor. The bowl was empty so i cleaned and filled it with water and got back down on the floor and drank it with my gace close to the floor by putting my lips on the side and tipping it forward. I finished the whole bowl and ran through the process one more time - finishing that bowl as well.

Back in the living room, they had finished eating and were just sitting back watching television. I proceeded to clean up finishing some of the pizza crust scraps but leaving the mostly eaten chicken wing bones alone. When done I took my place at Master’s feet. South Park was on and we had watched a whole episode and were in the middle of a second one when Master tapped me on the shoulder and softly said, “I have to take a piss, help me with that now.”

I got up grabbed the funnel and came back. It had a seal around the lips and the end of the hose protruded about an inch into the mouth. The hose was clean and on the other end was a clear funnel. I put the receiving end into my mouth and closed my lips around it then kneeled in front of Master between his feet. I tried not to think about Zach being in the room other than when I glanced up and saw him looking over smiling. Master was wearing sweatpants and i pulled down on the front as he moved to the edge of the sofa seat and helped move his sweats and boxer briefs down pulling out his soft dick. He held his dick and pointed as i held the funnel and in a few seconds i heard the whir of piss against the plastic and saw the clear tube fill up with yellow liquid.

Now regretting drinking so much water from the bowl, I started to swallow. The taste was awful and it seemed stronger than the other times but i kept taking gulps to keep the funnel from over filling. Like before i tried to think of it as something to get through and focused on the relief he was feeling. He pissed for about a minute until the last few drops came out. The funnel was still about a quarter full and it took me a few more seconds to swallow that and in that time he pulled his dick back and pulled up his pants saying, “Wow I had to go badly.”

Zach - who had said nothing during this whole process could no longer contain himself and laughed out loud and matter-of-factly said, “that’s so gross”.

I went to the bathroom feeling sick and washed the unit thoroughly with soap and hot water. The nausea adding to the overall soreness I was already feeling but i did not throw up. Again I took my place beneath him this time with an acrid taste in my mouth reflecting on the imagery of what just happened.

It was interesting how casual Master was as he relieved himself. I wondered if he thought of how it felt for me - especially having to do it in front of Zach and what a significant dehumanizing task it was for me with just a minimal benefit to him. No matter what he thought I felt the humiliation and inferiority as i sat there on the floor still tasting his piss. After the conclusion of the second episode master told me to get dressed to go out.
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Old 04-28-2018, 03:33 AM   #25
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This is fantastic! I can't wait to see what happens next!


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Old 04-28-2018, 06:31 AM   #26
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This could be a 5 star book the way it’s going 😍 imagine runs wild then reading this thread 💦
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CRAVES - diapers, hidden public, semi public, piss, underwear, exposure, writing lines
ENJOYS: shit, pee drinking, mouth soaping, Underwear destroying, Laxatives, Public, shaving
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Old 04-29-2018, 05:00 PM   #27
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i really appreciate the feedback !
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Old 04-29-2018, 09:28 PM   #28
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Please write more frequently.
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Old 05-01-2018, 12:17 AM   #29
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Chapter 10 - Dinner

I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I then took off my collar and put it in my pocket. It felt strange having clothes on over my plug and cage but I was eager to see where Master would take me. We got in the car and drove to a nearby restaurant. It turns out Master wanted just a night out with the two of us.

We got seated and he began by explaining his intent. “Communication is important if this is going to work out between us so I want you to be open and honest with me. No formalities let’s just talk.”

“Ok Sir, err I mean, OK,” I replied as we both laughed.

He picked up the menu and started looking through it “So, tell me what you think so far.”

“It’s been pretty intense. I guess I haven’t had much time to reflect on all of it yet.”

“Is it what you were expecting?”

I paused for a second and the waiter came over and took our order. I looked at him and let him order first to see if he was going to order for me or dictate what I should have but he ordered and looked at me indicating that i was free to get what i wanted.

“I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but i’m excited about it. Part of it seems surreal and there’s been a lot to adjust to - even being away from my family and living in a new state.”

“Do you regret any of it yet?”

“Not at all, i mean, I’m still very nervous about it.” I leaned in and spoke in a lower tone, “Feeling your dick inside me was amazing. It hurt like hell but i wanted you to keep it there.”

“I tried to be gentle and make your first time as enjoyable as possible.”

“You were gentle - you were actually great - I’ll never forget what it felt like. You made me feel like i was a part of you and i didn’t even notice the pain. I was afraid of anal but now I want it from you. Even this morning was good - even with you being rougher.”

“To be honest Seth, your ass was one of the best i’ve had in a long time.” I was a little worried i scared you after this morning. I don't want you to think i'm going to always be aggressive like that but when i want it i want it,” he said laughing.

I smiled and said, “I saved myself for you. I imagined over 100 times what it would be like having your dick inside me but none of it could come close to what it really felt like. This morning was, well, exciting. I didn’t know what you were going to do, but the feeling that i had no control over myself and that you were going to do whatever you wanted and i couldn't stop it was a bit intoxicating. I mean, inside i had this trust for you so i wasn’t afraid of being hurt.” Laughing i added, “maybe i was too naive to think that.”

“I wouldn't say that i’d never hurt you. I think i proved that the other day. Harm? Never. Hurt? Definitely.”

“I understand and I know that’s what I signed up for. Besides, I did deserve the punishment - still don’t know why i overslept but you made sure i’d be more careful about it next time.”

We both chuckled again and he asked, “so do you think i’ve been fair so far?”

“100% - i can’t say i liked it all but so far there’s nothing i didn’t know about or agreed to.”

“What are the things you don’t like?”

“Drinking piss - that’s going to take a while to get used to, but I know i will get to a point where i will just appreciate it for what it really is. Even though it’s gross - it still something that comes from you and i’ll learn to be thankful for it. How do you feel about it?”

“It’s pretty nice feeling actually for a few reasons. First of all i can't wait till we get you to the point that you can come over and just drink so i can enjoy what i’m doing. And it’s also a really good way to keep the boundary clear of whos who.”

“Do you not like me using the funnel gag?”

“I don't mind it for now but it is an inconvenience if you're at my feet already and i have to wait on you to go get it.”

I paused to think for a second, “That’s a good point, i should probably keep it handy for now.”

“So, do you miss your freedom?”

“I don’t know. Since this is all new I haven’t really had enough to compare yet. Besides going to school and studying for the BAR wasn’t exactly true freedom.” We both smiled again.

The waiter delivered our meals and we started eating.

“Is this what you expected so far,” I asked?

“Honestly it's a little better than I expected.”

“Really,” I interrupted?

“Yes, I wasn't prepared for you to behave quite so well and take to the lifestyle as easy as you have. Honestly i expected to have to punish you a lot more than i have.”

“I really do hate pain,” I said with a laugh.

“I suppose a hatred of pain could be a good motivator not to fuck up.”

“It sure is but i’m not in any way the brat type slave. I will really strive to never need a punishment. Are you disappointed that i haven't required more punishing?”:

“Not at all. On the contrary, I’m extremely proud of you.”

It felt good hearing him say he was proud of me and i thought to myself how that was as much of a motivator as avoiding pain. “Thank you,” i replied, “I will give you all of my effort. I’m sure I’ll fuck up sometimes but it won’t be for lack of trying.”

“What do you think of when you think of me?”

“Well i developed a real attraction to you from talking for the year plus that we did and seeing you in person the first time solidified my feelings. I was actually afraid of that first meeting but it all worked. I think of you as a fair honest person and I see you as someone I want to worship. I’m curious, what do you think of when you think of me?”

“I think of you as a trusted friend. Almost like knights squire from medieval times. It’s your job to serve me and take care of all my needs and requests but you are also dear and close to my heart, secrets, and emotions.”

“I see it the same way! I mean, I know i’m lower than you in spirit but i want to grow to feel really close to you.”

The waiter came back, filled our water glasses and asked if we were finished with our meal. We both nodded and said yes and he cleared the table. He came back and put a dessert menu in front of us and described a few specials. Again I looked to him and waited for his order. He picked pecan chocolate pie then looked at me again indicating i was on my own. I ordered ice cream. He was quick to bring our order and we started eating.

“How’s your pie,” I asked?

“This is good! How’s your ice cream?”

“It’s really good! I’m very glad you invited me out like this and allow me to talk freely. I hope we do it again.”

“We will - open communication is an important part of this relationship. Besides, I’m having a good time with you.”

I smiled again and felt a warm glow inside me. I always hoped i could see my master as a friend in some ways and it seemed he’d want that to happen. “I’m having a great time,” I replied.

“I want you to know that even though you worship me, serve me, and are far beneath me, I do want to be your friend. We’ll be spending what i hope to be the rest of our lives together. We’ll have to be at least friends if not something more.”

“I agree, I want to be at least friends and i want to worship you and show you how you’re superior to me.”

We finished our dessert and the next time the waiter walked by Master asked for the check. The waiter brought it and Master reviewed it then paid it.

We both got up to leave and started walking out. I was feeling as good as i had felt since the first day. It was great to feel like his friend and I didn’t want that feeling to end. He even momentarily put his hand behind my back as we exited the restaurant and headed for the car. It felt like a true date with someone i loved.

After we got in the car he looked at me, grabbed my chin with his right hand and said “I mean it when i say this is a relationship whether its one between equals or not were in this together. I want you to always feel like you can talk to me. My word may be law, but your feeling and thoughts are important for me to know even if i don't take them into consideration. Do you understand Seth?”

“Yes Sir,” I replied. “Thank you for tonight and thank you for being so open and accessible. I think it will serve us both well Sir.”

“Good seth”, he replied.

He leaned in and kissed me pushing his tongue into my mouth as if he was claiming his property, which i guess he really was. I closed my eyes and became enveloped in his kiss. I felt his tongue take over my mouth as i accepted his force. I wanted to stay in the kiss forever. I wanted this night to last forever. We kissed for a few minutes and i felt my cock start to stiffen and push up against my chastity restraint. His hands held me one on the side of my neck and one behind my head. My eyes stayed closed so i could experience my Master using my other senses. His touch, the soft sound of his kisses and his smell and taste.

Just then, breaking through the bliss of his kiss, I heard master’s notification sound go off on his phone. MJ pulled away to check it and i felt almost empty with the sensation of the kiss ending but i could still taste his lips and tongue.

“Well, Zach is over at Victoria’s now. What do you say we go home cuddle on the couch together, watch a movie, and then go to bed together?”

“His words sounded like my favorite song. I immediately thought of him taking me the first night and the thought of sleeping in his bed again made my cock test the stress level of my cage.

He drove us home and pulled into the garage. After we got out of the car and into the house, i stripped naked and put on my collar. He then sent me to retrieve a bottle of wine and a couple glasses. While i was in the kitchen i felt my cock cage unlock and loosen and the but plug deflate. Assuming that this meant master wanted me to take them off i ran to the bedroom and set them on my mattress in the closet. Then i returned to get the wine, I poured us both glasses and looked at master waiting for permission from him before sitting on the couch. He scooted over to one side and invited me to get on the couch and cuddle up next to him.

We spent the next few hours watching twilight and sipping our wine. It was quiet but i could enjoy the comfort and presence of my master. Thank God He allowed me to take the chastity device off because i was hard the entire time feeling his warmth on my skin.

At some point in the movie i dozed off. I was awoken by Master carrying me into the bedroom and laying my on his bed. That night he held me while i slept and i felt safe, protected, and loved. I knew Master Jakob would care for me.
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Old 05-06-2018, 03:33 PM   #30
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Actually starting to dream about this now 😂 great writing
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