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Old 03-01-2008, 10:45 AM   #1
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Default summer fun (i wrote this and posted them on another site)

It was the summer after I had done my exams. I was 17 and ready for a great time. I wasn’t the tallest, strongest person in my class but I wasn’t the smallest. I had light brown hair and had given my self blond highlights. The girls all said I had a cute ass. I didn’t have a steady girlfriend, but I was looking. I had some good friends (or so I thought) Jo, a blonde girl that I had liked for a while, invited us to her house for a ‘party.’ There were five of us that hung around a lot, myself (Scott), Ben Jo, Ali and Becky. As her parents were away for the weekend we knew that the party would last that long and so the five of us had permission to stay over for the whole weekend.

I arrived at the house at about 6 o’clock in the evening, it was a warm summer and Jo, Ali and Becky were all in the garden. Ben, who is slightly bigger than me, arrived about ten minutes later. We sat and talked, listened to some music and drank a few beers. It was a nice, chilled atmosphere. Then Ben said; “Shall we do something?”
“Like what?” asked Ali, intrigued.
“A game of something?” suggested Ben.
“How about cards?” Jo suggested, with a smile.
“Boring!” I said

It was then that Jo came up with the idea.
“How about we make it interesting?” smiled Jo.
“In what way?” chuckled Becky.

That’s when Jo told us her idea. She said that we could play cards and the loser or losers of each round would either have to remove clothing or do a dare.

“I don’t know.” I said.
“It could fun!” Ali said
“And, Becky added there are more of us than you, so you are much more likely to see one of us NAKED!”
“Go on” Ben sad. He didn’t mind which girl he got to see strip.
“Boys v girls” said Jo. “We play in two teams!”
“Okay.” I said

It was suggested that we play strip poker, but only two of us knew how to play and we argued about the rules and so the game that we all knew was pontoon (or 21). We started and in the first round I went bust, Ben had 18 and he stuck. Jo went bust, as did Becky.
“20” said Ali. They had won the first hand! Reluctantly, we gave the girls our socks, our shoes had been left by the door once we went inside, house rule apparently. Although hot outside, our feet were cold on Jo’s tiled floor.

The girls lost the second round and too were in their bare feet.

“21” said Becky. Within minutes the girls had both out T-shirts, I started to be embarrassed.
We lost again and pretty soon we were sitting there in our boxer shorts. WE just knew that our luck had to change.

The next hand was dealt.
“Bust!” Jo exclaimed
“And me!” cried Becky.

Our look was in, Ben had a nine and ten. I had a nine and ten. One of ours was the winning hand.
“Now it’s our turn to see some skin”, Ben taunted!

Ali turned over her card. Ace and the jack of diamonds.
“We win” she exclaimed!

“Wait..” I said

“Well boys, Strip or DARE?” Jo asked, calmly.

I looked at Ben, he looked at me. We looked at the girls clothed, except for socks. We looked at each other again and both realised we did not want to expose our semi-erect cocks for the girls, so mistakenly we looked at them and said, in a matter of fact way,

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Old 03-01-2008, 10:46 AM   #2
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Well boys, Strip or DARE?” Jo asked, calmly.

I looked at Ben, he looked at me. We looked at the girls clothed, except for socks. We looked at each other again and both realised we did not want to expose our semi-erect cocks for the girls, so mistakenly we looked at them and said, in a matter of fact way,

The girls huddled together, leaving us in our boxers trying to hear what they were talking about, but couldn’t. We looked at each other, wondering whether we she have just flopped our manhood out and be done with it.

There was much laughter coming from the girls, with them peering to look at our exposed bodies and turning back into the group again. Jo got up and, without us realising took our clothes away. She then returned to the group. After what seemed like an hour, but was actually about five minutes the girls turned back to us.

“You chose DARE!” Jo said.
“y…y..yes” I said.

“Before we tell you your dare,” Ali began, standing in between us. “Are you sure you want to choose dare, because once you say yes, that’s it, there’s no turning back.”

“Yes.” said Ben, sealing our fate.

“We Dare you…”chuckled Becky “…to be our slave boys for the weekend!”

We both gulped

“Can we strip?” Ben asked
“Yes” smiled Jo.

With that we didn’t hesitate in pulling down our boxers. Both revealing our penises getting hard. This resulted in cheers and whooping from the girls. Ali picked up our boxers. We stood there, like startled rabbits trapped in headlights, both of us, simultaneously covering our peckers with our hands.

“You have chosen Dare” Jo said triumphantly “Here are the rules.”

They had us by the short and curlies

She then told us the following.
1) we were be NAKED for the WHOLE weekend, wherever and what ever we did.
2) We had to follow instructions at all times.
3) Hands could not cover our dicks.
4) Erections were banned and would lead to punishment.
5) If we didn’t follow instructions satisfactorily we would be punished.

Jo then looked at us and our raging boners and said “Any questions?”

We froze. As we both had erect cocks we were told that our first punishment was to get rid of our erections, without touching our own cocks. We had to jerk each other off. This horrified me, as I sat next to Ben and he to me pulling at each others dicks. It was humiliating. One by one we let out a spray of cum, on our chests and all over the floor.

“Clean that up!” demanded Becky.

“With your tongues!” added Ali.

I had to lick the dripping cum from his chest, whilst he did mime. It was gross! We then had to lick the cum off the floor.

“Now for the fun to start” said Jo.
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Old 03-01-2008, 10:47 AM   #3
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Now for the fun to start” said Jo.

The girls decided that they wanted to play a few games with their new ‘NAKED BOY SLAVES’. Before that they said we’d have to do a warm up. Ben had to do naked jumping jacks. He did look quite funny, his dick bouncing up and down. The girls were in hysterics, Ali even tickled his male member, much too his distraction. He was starting to get hard. I had to run around her back garden. As I went outside, it was now starting to get chilly, my penis shrivelled up. When I cam back in the room, the girls laughed.

Ben and I had to swap places. He was sent out to run, whilst I was doing the jumping jacks with my willy, starting to warm up, bobbing up and down. Ben came back in, not a moment too soon. I had become semi-erect. Although I was worried that this may lead to more punishment, I was quite glad to learn that the girls were prepared to bend the rules, we were told that for the time being we needed to get hard, but weren’t allowed to cum, or ELSE! The or else inspired us not to do so.

The first game we played was Jo’s idea. We were to be horses for the two girls. We had to get on all fours and Ali climbed on top of me and Becky onto Ben. Jo declared herself the referee. Both girls grabbed our penises and began to tug on them. They held onto them, they tried to knock each other off. It was both degrading and arousing. It was the best of three. Ali and I lost the first round, but by the second and third she had got the knack and we won!

“A treat for the winner, I think!” laughed Jo. “lie down”

I obeyed.

She got out a can of squirty cream and lathered my cock and balls with the stuff. I got hard.

“This has to be licked off, she instructed.

At last, I thought a bit of pleasure. I didn’t care which of the girls did the licking, they were all pretty hot! I could see a jealous glint in Ben’s eye. I think the girls could too. The thing was, it was Ben that was instructed to do the licking. Having no choice he bent down alongside me and began to lick. I was getting hard, but managed not to cum.

I was given a flannel to clean up. Ben was not happy, but he knew, like I did we had no choice. These girls were evil and twisted!

The girls decided that we should play Twister, with a twist. It was Ben and I that were playing and we each had to have a hand on each other’s dick at all times. This was the most embarrassing yet. Each time we swapped positions, one or other of the girls would shout willy to remind us to keep our hands where they wanted them to be! WE played that for 10 minutes. It was declared a draw!

The girls, hungry, phoned for pizza. It was after the phone call that we were told that the loser of the next game would have to answer the door to the pizza delivery guy, NAKED we were to play was Spin the bottle. The idea was whoever the bottle landed on had to do something suggested by the judge. If you didn’t do it, you lose. Ali and Jo joined in and Becky was the judge. It was also declared that if no-one lost by the time the pizza was here, then whoever the bottle landed on would be the loser.
Becky spun the bottle and it landed on Jo.

“take your belt and earrings off” said Becky.

“That’s not fair” I said

“Are you arguing with Becky?” said Jo, sternly.

I said no and the bottle was spun again. It landed on Ben.

Ben was told to behave like a dog for five minutes, he protested, but not wanting to answer the door he complied. The girls stroked him, petted him made him role over and tickled his stomach. They made him walk round on all fours and catch a ball. He was made to bark and drink water out of bowl.

The doorbell rand, the bottle was spun again and it was Ben, again! He couldn’t believe it.
WE looked out the window and saw the twenty something girl, waiting with the pizzas.

“Off you go!” instructed Jo “And tell her you have no money, but you are happy to pay in some other way!”
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Old 03-01-2008, 10:47 AM   #4
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The doorbell rand, the bottle was spun again and it was Ben, again! He couldn’t believe it.
WE looked out the window and saw the twenty something girl, waiting with the pizzas.

“Off you go!” instructed Jo “And tell her you have no money, but you are happy to pay in some other way!”

Ben timidly got up and made his way, slowly to the door. The doorbell rang again.
“Hurry up!” shouted Jo, like an impatient school teacher.
He slowly opened the door, Jees, the pizza delivery girl; with stunning blonde hair and a chest to die for didn’t flinch and handed him three boxes of pizza.
“That’s £12.50, please”

Ben froze.
“I…er…I..er… don’t have any money.”

“Too bad.” she said. “I’ll be just on the phone to the police!”

She got out her mobile phone.

“Wait….” muttered Ben “I can pay in some other way.”

“Like?” she asked him.

“Anything you want!” he said, his dick getting harder by the minutes.

Jess had a think for a minute. Then she stopped and said “okay.”

That’s when she outlined what she wanted him to do to pay for the pizza. His heart sank when she told him what she wanted him to do, he really thought after this weekend that would be it. She had the week off and had promised to housesit for her Auntie and to transform her garden for her. Ben was to be her naked helper, or she would phone the police and deny any such conversation. He gave her his mobile number and went back inside with the pizzas.

We were then both made to kneel on all fours, whilst the greedy girls used us as tables to put their pizza boxes on. They did feed us each a slice. After they had finished the pizza, the girls then ordered their slaves to put the boxes in the bins outside, in the back. Naturally, we obeyed.

It was cold by then. We came to the door that we had gone out of, only to find that it had been locked.
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Old 03-01-2008, 10:48 AM   #5
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We were then both made to kneel on all fours, whilst the greedy girls used us as tables to put their pizza boxes on. They did feed us each a slice. After they had finished the pizza, the girls then ordered their slaves to put the boxes in the bins outside, in the back. Naturally, we obeyed.

It was cold by then. We came to the door that we had gone out of, only to find that it had been locked.

The night was getting stranger and stranger. There we were, banging on the door. The pair of us, friends united by our nakedness and our raging hard-ons.

“Let us in!” I shouted.
“Enough is enough!” Ben added.

The kitchen window opened, just a fraction and a piece of paper flew out. As quickly as the window opened, it was slammed shut just as quick. Being naked outside was both wildly erotic and utterly humiliating. Ben bent down to pick up the paper and I could see the girls peering though the window looking at his exposed arse. Then they went about their business.

Ben read the paper aloud;


“What the fuck?” I said “This is insane!”

We stood there, embarrassed, noticing each other cocks, yet finding g it difficult to look each other in the eyes. We wondered what we were going to do. Should we go for it? We talked about making a run for it. My parents and my brother were out for the night, so there was no way of getting back in my house. Ben said that his sister was having a sleep over and there was no way he wanted to go back, in case he got caught naked. He was worried about anyone else seeing him; especially his sister and her friends. So instead, we had to partake in this bizarre activity. Going on a gnome hunt!

We decided, after careful deliberation that the best course of caution would be to go over the back fences, climbing into people’s gardens to see if they had any gnomes. This way we hoped that nobody would see us. Ben gave me a bunk over the next door fence and
“ouch” I landed in a bramble bush, so now my exposed arse and cock were beginning to sting. Ben carefully climbed over, trying desperately to avoid the bushes.

Ping! A security light came on.

“Shit!” cried Ben.

As luck would have it, these neighbours were on holiday, but as we did not know this, we scampered around the garden, like lightening but no sign of any gnomes.

The fence over the other side was much lower and we both managed to clamber over safely, with a minimum of fuss. And could we believe our eyes, there was a pond, with a rockery around it and stepping stones and around the pond where garden gnomes. This was it. This was a way out. Gnomes are funny looking things and each one had a smile, as if it was laughing at our nakedness. This was a big garden and a fair way from the house. I picked up one of the gnomes.
Carefully, Ben stepped on the stepping stone to go over the pond to reach the far side. To get another one. His left foot slipped and there was an almighty


Ben had fallen right into the pond!

“Fuck!” he cried “It’s c…c…cold!”

Just as he was about to leave the pond, we could hear the bark of a dog, I hid, in some bushes, which hurt like hell, whilst Ben tried, with little success to get out of the pond. He had just about done so, when he was stopped in his tracks by a large, ferocious looking Alsatian dog.

Ben froze, with pond weed now hanging off his somewhat dwindled erection.

The dog was barking, like a hound from hell.

“What is it now?” a woman’s voice shouted.

The next thing Ben (and I from the bush) saw was a lady of about 50, brandishing an air rifle.

“Er.. Have you got a licence for that?” Ben said, for some unknown reason.

“I could ask you the same thing?” said the woman, looking at Ben’s growing cock, The experience was turning him on, or causing a nervous erection, I’m never sure which?

The Alsatian, who loved to chase squirrels was going mad, it had spotted something in the bushes and was barking like mad. What he had found in the bushes was of course me. I came out of the bushes, standing there as naked as a jay bird. I could see Ben smiling at this moment, because he realised that for a second he was not the centre of attention. He did however not move, scared by both the mad dog and the dangerous looking gun.

“Well…” chuckled the woman “…it is my lucky day!”

The woman informed us that her husband was away for the weekend and that she was feeling bored in her big house on her own and now she had something to relieve the boredom.

What could we do? If we ran away, risk being shot?

As we didn’t want that, or for the woman to call the police, then we had no choice but to comply.

“Trespass is a serious crime” said the woman “and you must be punished!”

She lead us into her big house, into a drawing room. The dog followed, we knew there was no escape.

“Bend over” she ordered.

We obeyed, then Ben first, then me she bound our wrists and legs together and went to a cupboard, where she produced a piece of cane.

“Count with me!” she instructed.

We did so and
“Awww fuck!” Ben screamed

She caned our naked backsides. 20 strokes each and 5 more for Ben, for foul language.

There was a knock at her big, heavy, oak front door. I was instructed to answer it, for some reason, I did.

It was Jo, Ali, Becky and Jess (the pizza girl)

“What the…?” I muttered.

That’s when Ben and I realised, or rather wondered whether all of this was more than a series of unfortunate events.

5 females now had the weekend with two horny, naked and embarrassed slave boys.

The end
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Old 03-01-2008, 07:52 PM   #6
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the end ?no more story on what they did to the boys?
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