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Old 04-07-2010, 01:41 PM   #1
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Default Like Mother Like Daughters 1...

(FICTIONAL, of course. Forgot to post it.)

The trouble with having a lot of kids, you see, is that it leaves you
badly outnumbered sometimes!

My name is Ann, Annette Rebecca Thayer if you want the full title,
and I am mother of no less than four lovely daughters, who have in
the course of time made me, ready or not, a grandmother of several
teenagers. I am the proud grandmother of no less than six teen
grandkids. Only my youngest is not yet a mother.

Now, the thing is that I had my first kids, the twins, when I was still
back in high school. I most emphatically do not recommend that!
It made their father and my life a nightmare, but we did manage to
finish school, and my dear departed husband actually became a very
successful businessman on top of that. By the time he left us (lung
cancer), we had enough money in the bank to cover all our needs
and then some, we’re not super-rich but we don’t have to work if we
don’t want to.

Anyway, a while back my daughters and I decided to go on a girls
only vacation, just my four daughters and me. All four of my girls
are divorced, so their ex’s had the kids while the five of us decided
to spend a week together having fun and reconnecting. We opted
to go to a little beachfront resort, on an island off the coast of Mexico,
where we rented a bungalow and prepared to spend two weeks just
relaxing and having fun.

We were on the first afternoon that we arrived when the mischief
got started. You see, my daughters and I had lubricated our sense
of fun with a little tequila earlier in the day, none of us were drunk
but I think we were all just a little tipsy. Furthermore, mother nature
was feeling uncooperative, a tropical storm system out at sea had
managed to bring rare rains to the resort island, something that was
almost never a problem there. So the five of us were indoors in our
bungalow, a little bit tipsy and just a bit bored. The twins, Kate and
Rebecca, were playing cards, Melissa and I were watching TV,
and Janet was reading a magazine.

“Remember the time we all played strip poker with the guys over
at Mike’s birthday party?” Rebecca happened to ask, and Jan giggled
and blushed.

“Becky! Mom is sitting right there!”

“So what?” Rebecca replied. “I’m 38 years old and it was a long time
ago! I’ll bet Mom isn’t even shocked.”

Shocked? No. Curious, yes.

“Was this Mike’s infamous birthday party when he turned 16?” I asked,
referring to my daughter’s then-boyfriend. Stories had circulated about
that for years.

“Yeah,” Janet said, apparently reassured by my calm reaction, “the twins
and Becky here all played strip poker there with about a dozen other teens,
or so I always heard. It’s not like I was there, after all!”

“You were only six at the time, kid,” Rebecca laughed. “You’re lucky we
told you about it later.”

“You’re not upset?” Janet asked me. At 28, Janet was the baby of the four,
and could most recently remember when I was still the strict, stern mother to
her. The others were more used to my relaxed side, that they’d experienced
after they grew up.

“After all these years?! Not a bit of it,” I told my youngest. “Oh, I’d have
lowered the boom on them if I found out the time, but it’s water under the
bridge now. I’m 54 years old and strip poker isn’t a shock to me!”

“Ever play it yourself, Mom?” Kate asked me as she dealt cards for her and
her identical twin’s next round.

“Maybe once or twice,” I admitted.

That seemed to shock my daughters no little, which made me want to
laugh. I guess most kids think their parents were always boring and strict
all the time, finding out otherwise can be a surprise.

Now, the conversation would probably have turned to other things, but
for Melissa, my 34 year old. Having mostly kept quite during this whole
discussion up until this point, she suddenly said, “When was the last time
you played, Mom?”

Now that question put me off my stride a little, because I didn’t really
want to answer it. It’s one thing to admit to your adult daughters that you
had played strip poker in the distant past, back when the dinosaurs roamed
the Earth and Gerald Ford was President. It’s another to admit you’d done
it a little more recently. Still, I either had to lie or answer with the truth, and
I hate to lie to my daughters.

“Well...the last time was...” I felt myself blush as I continued...”well, six
months ago.”

Now my daughters were definitely shocked! They demanded to know the
details, which I kept as scanty as I could. What it amounted to was that my
friends and I from college had played strip poker during our reunion six
months before.

“No, I didn’t end up naked, Rebecca!” I said, trying to sound stern. “What a
question to ask you own mother!”

“So how close did you get?” Janet asked, eyes dancing, enjoying my blush
and the whole situation.

“I lost my shoes and socks and shirt, and that’s all,” I told them. “Satisfied?”

“Wanna play now?” Kate asked us. “Anybody?”

“Are you kidding?!” Melissa replied. “Why?”

Kate shrugged. “I’m bored, it might liven things up. Come on, ladies, I dare
you all! Strip poker, here and now!”

To my surprise, the idea seemed to float in the air, half accepted. As
I look back I realize it was the combination of the situation, the boredom,
and the tequila at work.

“What’s the excitement?” Jan asked. “We’re all girls here.”

“I have an idea,” Rebecca said, “we could change the rules a little.”

“What did you have in mind?” Melissa asked her older sister.

“Let’s see...how about each round, everybody BUT the winner has
to take off at least one item, the winner gets to put something back
on, and also gets to make the lower scorer do a dare, you know, like
truth or dare? The low scorer either does the dare or loses another

“Sounds interesting,” Melissa said with a shrug. Then she smiled
an evil smile and added, “but I’ll go you one better: we play until
one lady is naked, and she has go naked the rest of the vacation!”

“Are you serious?!”
“I don’t know-“

“Come on,” Melissa said. “Nudity is allowed down here, after all,
right out in public, it’s just that we never did it on our earlier trips!

“You mean the big loser can’t put anything on at ALL until the end
of the two weeks?!” I said. “I can’t believe you’d even suggest that!”

“Oh, come on, Mom,” Melissa said. “It’s no big deal down here!”

“What else?” Janet asked.

“What do you mean, what else?” Melissa demanded. “Isn’t that

“Not if we’re really wanting something exciting,” Janet replied.
“l.ike you said, public nudity at the resort is no big deal, after a
couple of days our big loser would be used to it anyway. We
need a little something else on top of that, if we want to have an
exciting game!”

“What did you have in mind, Squirt?” Kate asked her sister.

Janet smiled, and then said, “How about the big loser has to be the
slave of the winners all through the vacation? She not only has to
go naked, but she has to wait on the others hand and foot, obey
all their orders, pretty much be their slave! Like those slave bets
we used to make when we were kids, remember?”

“Those lasted an hour or two,” Kate commented dryly. “Not two
weeks! And we were living at home and couldn’t get into much
trouble anyway then. But...I’m game if you are, Jan.”

To my amazement, I heard myself agreeing to the terms, I guess I
was a little tipsier than I had realized, or just a lot more bored.
The last one who had to be coaxed into joining us was Becky,
who protested that she wasn’t that good at cards. None of us
took that seriously, she’s cutthroat, but she’s also probably the
most ‘timid’ of the four girls sometimes, too.

Anyway, the five of us gathered around the card table, and I
dealt the first hand.


Last edited by BettyBoop; 05-15-2010 at 11:22 AM.
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:07 PM   #2
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keep it up im already getting excited
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Old 04-08-2010, 06:03 PM   #3
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love it. safe, not too perverted. perfect. post more up fast please
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Old 04-09-2010, 10:52 AM   #4
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Default Very Good!

Originally Posted by whatever123 View Post
love it. safe, not too perverted. perfect. post more up fast please
I agree! very very very good!(:
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Old 04-09-2010, 02:36 PM   #5
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This is really good. Please keep it up.

[COLOR="Magenta"] 20 M Sub Chester North West.

Likes- Crossdressing, humilation, bondage, mumification, humilation (public and private), Pet play
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Old 04-10-2010, 03:53 AM   #6
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I can`t agree more It`s a very good story Keep up the writing
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Old 04-18-2010, 06:40 PM   #7
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Will we be seeing a next part to this story soon?
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Old 09-12-2010, 11:42 AM   #8
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First post 04-07-2010, 12:41 PM and it is still not finished

Yes I'm a BOY!!! Stop asking me
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Old 04-07-2010, 02:09 PM   #9
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We were playing basic poker, and after I dealt I picked up my
hand and evaluated the five cards. Not great, but not bad, and
to my right my daughter Kate opened by betting five. Her twin
followed by matching the five and raising five, and Melissa,
who was up next, immediately folded. I had suspected her cards
were rotten just from the look on her face.

Janet matched her twin sisters’ bets and raised them, as did I.

A few minutes later, it was down to me and Kate, the other girls
having folded. She called, and at the show of hands it turned
out that I had four tens and she had nothing, she’d been bluffing.

The way we were playing, though, was that the losers and winners
were determined by how many chips you had at the end of each
round. By the standard, I was the winner because I collected the
pot, but Rebecca was the one with the fewest chips remaining.

I grinned and said, “OK, girls, pay up!”

We had changed clothes before we started, to make sure we were
all starting from the same base. We weren’t dressed all alike but
we had on the same number of clothing items. We had also agreed,
to save time, that both shoes counted as one item. As you might
expect, a pile of shoes appeared beside the card table, the twins’
sneakers, Melissa’s pink mary-janes, and Janet’s slippers.

“What’s the dare for Rebecca, Mom?” Janet asked me. “Make it
a good one!”

I thought about that, my maternal instinct to be kind and naturally
protective of my daughter warring with something in me that really
enjoyed embarrassing them. Call it the war of the mama bear and
the lady with the baby pictures. Anyway, after a moment I said,
“Becky, you can either lose another item, like we agreed, or you
can tell you sister Janet the true story of how her favorite pair of
shoes got dog poop on them.”

“What?!” Janet exclaimed.

Rebecca blushed, looked from her younger sister to me, and then
sighed and said, “No way! I’m taking the forfeit!”

With that, she peeled off a sock and threw it onto the pile of shoes.

“Chicken,” I teased her.

“Oh yes,” Rebecca replied, glancing at Janet, who still looked as
if she wanted to pursue the matter.

Now Kate dealt the cards, and this time my hand wasn’t so hot.
I wasn’t the lowest at the end of the round, though, that was poor
Rebecca again! So my shoes went into the pile with Rebecca’s
second sock and the first sock from everybody but Janet, who was
the big winner this time.

Naturally, Janet’s ‘dare’ to her sister was the story of the shoes,
and Janet again refused to answer, which meant she had to go
down another item. Since she was already barefoot, Rebecca
slowly, blushingly, unbuttoned her blouse and peeled it off, to
reveal a black lace bra holding up her 34c cups.

As the blouse landed on the pile, Janet said with a smirk, “I’m
gonna get the truth sooner or later, Sis.”

We got some glasses of wine to enjoy as we started our third
round, figuring a little liquid courage might make it easier. Of
course getting a little tipsier might not have been the smartest
move, either!

On the third round, Rebecca was finally the big winner, and to
my dismay I was the big loser on that one. So I peeled off my
left sock and threw it on the pile, along the second sock from
the other girls who had lost.

“Ready, Mom?” Rebecca asked. I nodded, braced for what I was
sure would be payback for bringing up the dog poop story.

“I guess so,” I said.

“OK, Mom,” Rebecca said with a wicked smile, “you can either
take off something else...or kiss my feet!”

I paused, looking at the grinning faces of my daughters, and
considered the odds. Oh well, I mused, might as well
get this over with.

“I’ll kiss your feet, Rebecca,” I said. She blinked, obviously
surprised, but I preferred to save my ammo for later, I might
need whatever I forfeited later!

So, lubricated with wine and tequila, I got down on my hands
and knees in front of Rebecca, who turned away from the table
and put her bare feet flat on the floor. I leaned in and kissed
the top of each foot, to a chorus of tipsy giggles from the others.

“I wish I had my camera!” I heard Kate say. “That was one for
the albums!”

“What goes around comes around,” I reminded her. “You’re
turn may be coming!”

Janet dealt the next hand, and I was the big winner on it, to my
relief. Further, to my satisfaction, Kate was the big loser on it,
so my predication came true with gratifying speed.

By now, most of the girls were sitting there barefoot and topless
but for bras. I, on the other hand, still had everything but my
shoes and socks. So I was one up on them, and it was time for
a dare to Kate. My ‘naughty’ side, fueled by wine, was not out
to play, my maternal side retreating.

I stood up, turned to face Kate, and patted the seat of my jeans.

“Lose the bra or kiss Mom’s ass, Honey!” I instructed Kate.

To my surprise, Kate grabbed me by the hips to hold me in place
and planted a big kiss right on the seat of my pants, one on each

“That was a silly dare, Mom!” Janet said. “After all, the twins
have a lot of practicing at kissing your ass from our teenage

Janet and Melissa broke down laughing at that, they’d been
complaining for years that the twins had sucked up to me in
their younger days.

“You have lipstick on the seat of your pants, Mom,” Rebecca
said as I sat back down.

I took a sip of the strong red wine and said laughed. “They’ll
wash,” I said.

“Still wish there was a camera here?” Janet asked Kate Becky
dealt for the next hand. “I do, ‘cause I’d love to have a pic of
your lips touching Mom’s fanny!”

I picked up my cards, and groaned to myself, it was a crap hand.


Last edited by IDareYouTo!; 04-07-2010 at 02:19 PM.
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Old 04-19-2010, 07:01 PM   #10
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When I say I had a crap hand, I mean it was just about worthless.
I had two ‘3’s, a Jack of Hearts, a 7 of spades, and a 9 of diamonds.
What can you do with that? Bluffing is the only recourse!

It was Melissa’s turn to open, and she opened the betting with five.
Janet matched her five and raised her ten, and then I decided I did
not dare reveal my weakness, so I matched and raised another ten.
I saw a nervous expression flit across Kate’s face at that, she
matched but did not raise. Her twin, however, matched and put
another five in the pot.

We circled the table twice more, and Melissa and then Kate folded,
leaving it to me and Rebecca and Janet. I had a lot of practice at
reading my daughters’ expressions, it comes with raising them, and
I like to think I used to be pretty good at it. On the other hand,
even my youngest was now 28, so I was out of practice at really
trying to read them when they wanted to hide something.

Based on their body language, I was pretty sure that Janet was
bluffing, but Rebecca...she was another matter. As I pondered
my options, I said, “I fold.”

That left it between Rebecca and Janet, and Janet surprised me by
pushing all her chips into the pile! Rebecca grinned and matched,
and now it was down to the show of hands, and Janet looked very

As I had thought, it turned out Jan was bluffing, she had three jacks
and a 3 of hearts and an 8 of clubs. Becky, on the other hand,
was holding four tens, and raked in the pot, making her the biggest
winner that round and Janet the big loser.

“OK, ladies, let’s see some skin!” Rebecca crowed, taking a deep
sip of her wine as she did.

I sighed and pulled my favorite comfy T-shirt off over my head,
and tossed it on the pile with the other discarded clothes. I had
put on a nice white lace bra, a relatively modest one, so I was still
showing less skin than a lot of bikini tops did...and after all, we
were all girls! Still...it’s different when you’re playing strip poker,
the fact that I had to take it off made a difference! I felt myself
blush a little in spite of everything as I sat there in my bra.

The other girls had on less than I did, of course, so now they were
coming down to it. I wondered if they regretted our decision not
to bother with the original rule about the winner getting to put something
back on, but it was too late now!

Janet and Melissa stood up, Janet slid her skin-tight blue jeans off, and
was left in blue bra and blue silk panties. Beside her, Melissa was in
the process of unzipping her skirt, which she threw on the pile, leaving
clad in a halter-bra and red granny panties, which drew some smirks.

It was Kate who surprised us all, though. Instead of getting up to take
off her canvas shorts, she reached behind her back, fumbled with her
bra, and removed it and threw it onto the pile with a big daring grin! My
daughter sat there with her bare tits on display, blushing but obviously
also getting a kick out of our surprise. Like her identical twin, Kate had
34c boobs, and I have to admit they looked pretty good for a 38 year old
mother of three teenagers! Oh, they dropped a little, but they looked
good by any standard!

“What? You act like none of you have ever seen a pair of tits before!” Kate
said with a slightly tipsy giggle.

“OK, what’s the extra dare gonna be for Jan?” Melissa asked evilly.

Rebecca looked at her younger sister, and said with a smile, “I’ll give you
a choice, Sis! Three options instead of two! Either you lose another item
of clothing, or you promise never to ask me or anyone about the dog
poop on those shoes, or...”

“Yes, ‘or’?” Janet asked sharply. “Come on, spit it out, Becky!”

“Or you crawl around the room, barking like a dog, three times. It’s your

My 28 year old daughter looked at her older sister, then from one face to
another among the rest of us, and I have to admit that even I was enjoying
her discomfiture! I love my daughters, but...this was fun!

Jan looked down at herself, at the bra and panties that were all she on on,
then back at Rebecca, then she sighed and said, “I will find out about
those shoes, Beckers! Sooner or later, sooner or later!”

Then, with a defiant grin, the 28 year old got down on her hands and knees,
and began to crawl around the edge of the room, and as she did, she started
to make this rather cute barking noise! I was amazed that she had taken
the forfeit, but then again, those had been very nice shoes.

“ARF! ARF! ARF!” Janet said, blushing scarlet, as she crawled slowly
around the living room of our bungalow! The sight of a 28 year old woman,
a college-educated and quite successful businesswoman, crawling
around the room in her bra and panties and barking like a dog was...well, it
was the funniest thing I’d seen in ages! Something about her rear end,
clad only in thin blue silk, waggling back and forth as she crawled around
the room just left me choking with laughter.


Janet rounded the room the first time, still blushing but also laughing amid
her tipsy barking. As she passed us, she even playfully nipped at Melissa’s
bare leg, bringing giggles from the rest of us. Twice more my underwear-
clad youngest daughter crawled around the room, and by the time she got
back we were all, including her, helpless with laughter. It wasn’t cruel, it
was mostly good-natured fun laughter, though there was plenty of teasing!

“Wow,” she said as she got back on her feet, wiping dust off her legs and
blushing still, “I forgot how hard crawling can be on your knees!”

We poured ourselves some more win and prepared for the next round.

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Old 04-25-2010, 09:52 AM   #11
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 34

Glad you continued the story. Please, keep going. This is a very fun read.
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Old 04-25-2010, 09:14 PM   #12
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Default Great job so far

haven't been on the site much lately but this story has kept me interested and coming back for more
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Old 05-08-2010, 01:31 PM   #13
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Default Excellent Story

Love the story. Can't wait for the next entry.
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Old 05-17-2010, 11:14 PM   #14
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Now we were getting down to it.

The five of us sat back down at the table, glasses of wine at hand, and the
truth is we were running out of clothes! It wasn’t going to be long, at the
rate we were going, before we knew which of us was going to the big
loser, and I wasn’t sure myself who I hoped it would be, I kept going back
and forth between Janet, my little brat, the one who had caused me the most
sheer frustration as a teenager, and maybe Melissa, if only because she’s
the one who came up with the whole idea!

I had on a demure pair of denim shorts that came down to just above my
knee, and a lacy white modest bra. Rebecca was down to her panties,
and Kate, her twin, had on canvas shorts and undies under them, both the
twins had their tits on display. I was a little surprised to see that Becky
had a tattoo on her right breast, a rather cute little red rose with a green
stem that wound around her nipple. I wondered what her two teenaged
kids would have said if they knew their mother had a tattoo on her boob.

Janet and Melissa were down to bra and panties, putting hem a bit ahead
of the Rebecca and a little behind me. But things looked likely to come to
an end pretty soon.

So it was that five very tipsy women now dealt a new hand and pondered
the cards, the stakes were getting high! My hand wasn’t too bad, I had
four tens, and a jack in the same suit as one of my tens. But it could
have been better, too.

I looked blearily at the faces of my daughters, we were all in a giggly,
silly mood now, tipsy and sitting there nearly naked had its effect on us.
It was all so silly and at the same time had the oddest edge of taboo about
it, it had us all laughing and teasing each other. Under the table, our feet
and legs kept bumping into each other, and one of my daughters actually
rubbed her bare toes on the sole of my foot as if we were playing footsie!

The first few bets were cautious, and I concluded that Kate liked her hand,
but that Becky was nervous about hers. I could not quite get a ‘read’ on
Mel, but Janet had an excited gleam in her eyes that made me nervous in
spite of my own good hand.

As the pot grew, first Rebecca folded, then Melissa. Kate lasted another
two rounds, leaving it to me and Janet. Finally, I called, and it turned
out that Jan had four kings! As she raked in the pot, I sighed and took a
count of my remaining holdings, since that, rather than who had had the
best hand, would determine the winner of the hand.

When we compared pots, though, we had a little surprise. Jan was the
big winner that hand, considering she’d just raked in the whole betting
pot. No surprise. Mel was second, but to our surprise, the twins and I
all had exactly the same amount of money in our personal pots. We had
not figured on that when we agreed on the rules of the game, and thus a
quarter-drunk debate started on exactly what a tie meant under our rules!

Five women, already a little drunk and in a silly stupid mood, did not
make for a very sensible discussion. I still don’t quite know how we got
to the decision, but we agreed that the twins and I would each do a dare
instead of losing any items, since it was a 3-way tie.

“Mom first,” Janet said with a grin. “Let’s see, what should you do,
what would be fun? Got it! Mom, I want you to kiss Kate’s tits, on
the nipples, both of them!”

“What?! Jan, I can’t do that!”

“It’s that or lose an item, Mom!”

I was drunk enough that I couldn’t quite seem to decide why it was
so weird an idea, I just knew it was. Kate seemed to find it funny,
though, she turned to face me, and with a blush I’m sure had my
face redder than a fine wine, I leaned over and planted a quick and
affectionate little motherly kiss on each of my daughter’s nipples!

They felt warm to my lips, the idea was weirder than the deed.

Everybody seemed to find what we had just done hilarious, and I
was laughing myself, which is how tipsy we were, college girls have
nothing on middle-aged moms when we get drunk enough!

“OK, the twins,” Janet said, “I think a combination dare...do I dare
make this dare? Or would that be too d-daring?”

My youngest’s voice was a little unsteady as she giggled over her
play on words, which sounded pretty funny through the wine in
our heads.

“Kate, Becky...”

“Yes?” Rebecca said. “Let’s get it over with!”

“I want you two to kiss, on the lips, just like you’d kiss a guy, for
one minute!”

“You want Beckers and me to make out?!” Kate exclaimed in shock.

“Well, yeah,” Janet giggled. “Or a good French kiss, anyway! Come
on, I want to see it!”

A moment later, one of my twins, wearing nothing but a pair of lacy
panties, nervously padded around to where her identical twin sat, in
a pair of canvas shorts. Becky pulled up a chair to sit facing her twin,
and leaned in, eyes closed, and she and her twin’s lips clumsily met.

Part of me wondered if maybe we were going too far, another part of
me was watching in a strange fascination as my twins kissed. After
a moment of hesitation, they started to do it more willingly, we saw
their tongues moving, they had their eyes closed and I wondered if
they were pretending they were kissing guys.

Jan and Melissa were cheering them on in a tipsy way, and after just
a moment I heard my own voice, to my surprise, join the chorus!
It was kind of fun to watch them kissing like that, identical twins,
pressed up close, it was strange but oddly natural-seeming. Their
breasts pressed together, and their lips were busy, and it was really
one of the oddest moments of my life watching my daughters
busily making out!

After a minute or so they parted, and Kate grinned and said,
“Wow, sis! You’re a better kisser than my ex-husband!”

“I kissed a girl and I liked it!” Janet sang unsteadily, a big
stupid smile on her face at her older sister's antics, and Mel
slapped at her.

As Becky padded back to her chair, she sighed and said, “I
hate to admit it, twin of mine, but...you’re not a bad kisser

With a nervous breath, I picked up the deck to deal the next


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Old 05-18-2010, 04:01 PM   #15
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nice XD update more regularly pleassssse
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