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Old 06-02-2022, 06:23 AM   #1
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Default A Scientific Exhibition

The basic premise for this story came to me in a dream once where I was in the position of the Lance character from Chapter 2 onward. After telling this dream story to a friend he expressed great interest in the premise and gave me the idea to expand on it into a short story. I'm not the best writer and being an asexual individual my kink tastes and story preferences make dialogue not quite the best it could be but it was good for practice before I got too busy to work on anymore. Perhaps if enough interest is sparked I'll add more to this story, perhaps not. The ages and physical descriptions are a bit on the sparse side to allow more imagination as I feel overly detailing characters in these erotic writings can wrench one out of the story. Without further stalling I present the eight chapters I wrote about an year ago.
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Old 06-02-2022, 06:24 AM   #2
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Default Chapter 1

Lance had made a mistake, that much was certain. Why had he agreed to test out Jerry's invention? More importantly, why had he insisted on upping the ante with a wager? Jerry's company manufactures a variety of toys and products ranging from mundane practical jokes items to items used in erotic kink-play. Jerry had been working on improving the design of dissolvable swimwear, trunks and bikinis that disintegrate progressively when exposed to water. Just last month Lance had witnessed Jerry's last major product in action to the misfortune of their flatmate Troy. Troy had been given a special set of running shoes, jogging shorts, and compression tank top then was tasked to run laps around the public park under the pretense that he was testing the durability of the running shoes. Little did Troy know that the real product being tested was a sweat-activated transparency agent that had been used on the shorts and tank.

Troy, like Lance, was well toned for your typical 27 year old bachelor. His hair was a dirty blonde and a strange middle ground between messy and well kept, his face was always shaved bare without a trace of stubble, and his body hair trimmed to a T; it would not be hyperbole to compare him to the depictions of the Greek Gods and heroes... right down to the last detail. Troy was, much to his own discontent, very much a grower and while his testicles were plump and plentiful they were not what one could describe as low-hanging which only exacerbated his shaft length in its dormant state. Some would say being a sizable grower isn't a bad thing, sure it's preferable in day to day activity or if you're planning to show what your package can really do but it doesn't lend itself quite as well to situations where one is not quite ready for action. Being rowdy and virile young men living in close proximity, this sort of situation presented itself fairly often for the boys and it had become somewhat of a game to embarrass one another in public whenever the chance presented itself. Knowing this, poor naive Troy should have seen his experience at the park coming but as they say, hindsight is 20-20.

It was a nice mid-Summer day so Lance and Jerry had gone with Troy to the local park utilizing Jerry's van so that they could monitor his progress and, more importantly, witness the embarrassment that was soon to befall Troy. They arrived around 7 A.M. to allow for optimal time for stretching without the overly intense heat of the afternoon sun triggering the transparency effect too soon. A large pond was along the south end of the park in a sideways "T" with a large bridge crossing over a stream that led away into the wooded thicket. The parking lot was located in the dead center of the park, adjacent to the pond and a clubhouse building. The park was designed with a large running trail along the outside perimeter with 3 sides surrounded by a thicket of trees and brush, the main entryway was to the far north at the northeast corner of the trail, and an exit-only route was to the southwest. If one were positioned in the parking lot they would be able to see nearly the entire expanse of the running trail with relative ease. If something were to happen to Troy, Jerry and Lance would know immediately.

No other vehicles were at the park at this time so Troy spent an hour doing warm up stretches and meandering around in the hopes of other joggers showing up to keep him company. With the park still devoid of other joggers after his warm up, Troy decided to start his laps hoping that perhaps after a lap or two his luck would change. Troy ran his first lap around the circuit without incident in about 10 minutes, waving to Jerry and Lance before setting off on his second lap. Midway through his second lap, Troy had noticed another vehicle coming into the park with tinted windows. The vehicle parked in the lot near Jerry's van and two women, a brunette and a redhead, dressed in jog-wear emerged while looking towards Troy and giggling. The two walked over and began speaking to Lance and Jerry while gesturing towards him, though Troy could not make out what they were saying. "Perhaps they're asking who that stud is?" thought Troy, continuing his jogging still blissfully unaware. After a couple of early morning laps around the park Troy had worked up a considerable sweat but, as he had been focused on his running and had been listening to music as he jogged, he still hadn't noticed anything amiss as he caught up to the ladies on his next lap. Troy's kit had progressively become thinner to the point of invisibility while maintaining the feel of wearing sweat-drenched jogging equipment. The two women had heard Troy's rhythmatic steps as he trotted up behind them. "How's it hanging?" asked the red-head whilst stifling a laugh. The brunette had been fiddling with her phone as if taking a selfie that surely was an attempt to stealthily capture Troy in the shot. Lance pointed out this exchange to Jerry, who was already doubled-over in laughter. When would Troy realize what had happened?

Troy jogged along with the two girls whilst making idle chat, he even agreed to pose for photographs at the request of the brunette whose name he learned was Jessica. Jessica and Alex had had Troy pose in the usual bodybuilder poses to accentuate his form; they had him pose with his backside towards them while facing the lake in a standard "Superman" pose, facing them stretching his arms high into the sky as if praising the sun itself, and a few sillier poses such as mid-running step and a cartwheel. Troy complied to these requests under the assumption he would get their phone numbers by the end of the lap and never questioned why they always seemed just shy of bursting into unstoppable laughter. Alex revealed that she and Jessica were early for a yoga meeting at the clubhouse and were simply killing time while the other women in their group arrived. As they crossed the path that bordered the main entrance several cars were entering the park and gave honks as they passed the trio. Troy smiled and waved back as he maintained his jog. By the time the trio had returned to the parking lot there were several new vehicles parked in front of the clubhouse and a group of women were eagerly waiting with their cellphones at the ready, aimed at Troy. Several women were hooting and hollering, catcalling Troy, and making explicitly phallic gestures as he drew nearer. Troy was confused by the rowdiness of these women, hadn't they ever seen a male jogger before? However, it soon dawned upon him as he saw his reflection in the clubhouse windows. Though it felt as though he were wearing clothes drenched in sweat, in the window stood a Troy that was drenched in sweat and clad in only a barely opaque white and yellow mesh jockstrap and the shoes on his feet. At the van, Jerry and Lance were beside themselves with laughter; Jerry's product had been a success and his recorded data would be sure to impress at the next board meeting. Troy's face turned beat red as he attempted to cover himself as he bolted towards the van. Upon arrival he realized that the doors were all locked shut and that he had nowhere to hide. Jessica and Alex walked over with tears of laughter flowing from their eyes. "Hey, Troy was it? Next time you're going to jog so brazenly in public give us a call." said Alex as she and Jessica wrote their numbers on Troy's hand before he was finally let inside the van by Jerry.

"Well, that was a success." was all that Jerry had to say before pulling out of the park. Troy sat in the back of the van in shock, partially due to his intense jogging but also from the realization that Jessica and Alex had taken numerous photographs of him during their run. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, but he had to admit he wasn't entirely mad at the experience. Lance gave Troy a good ribbing the entire way back to their flat. "I could have ran longer than you did, even in such a state!" Lance boasted, "Next time Jerry has a product to test, I'll show you how it's really done!" A boast that he regrets making now that he is the test subject. "Since this product is somewhat more finicky than the one Troy tested I'll tell you how it is supposed to work," cryptically explained Jerry, "This device has a proximity sensor that will accelerate the test if you move too far from it, it is in your best interest not to stray too far from the device if at all possible. The moment I activate the device, it will begin the test and you will have to make your way from the drop off point back to the flat. Since you were so boastful with Troy you know what will happen to you if you fail to make it home before the designated time. Good luck, and remember I'm always tracking yooooouuuu." This was all Jerry had to say as he and Troy left Lance and drove off. Lance was left with nothing but the clothes on his back, a cell phone, and a bicycle. The clock on his phone said 6 P.M., his GPS said he was approximately 2 hours by direct route highway to his flat and he had until midnight to make it back. "Piece of cake," thought Lance, "this item doesn't seem to be doing anything currently so I suppose I should get moving." Little did Lance realize but the device was triggering a component that Jerry had covertly treated his clothes in, this component was a delayed dissolving solution that was controlled remotely through the device Jerry had attached to the bike Lance was currently stranded with.
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Old 06-02-2022, 06:25 AM   #3
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Default Chapter 2

Lance mounted his bike and began to ponder. “Which route would be the best to get back to the flat…” he thought aloud, “but if I know Jerry it would be in my best interest to take a route where I’d be less likely to be seen, but if time is a factor maybe I’d be better off taking a more direct route.” Activating the map application on his phone, Lance took a good look at the distance between himself and the flat. “Hmm… looks like they dropped me off about 13 miles away, that’d be nothing if I took the main highway but bikes aren’t permitted there...” murmured Lance, “However, that is the most visible route at this time of day and who knows what would happen if I’m caught by the police, even if Jerry’s invention hasn’t become a problem yet.” Looking further he noticed a suggested route near the park, the very park Troy was so hilariously exposed not two weeks prior. “Hmm… I could take the back roads... it’d be longer but the chances I’ll encounter anyone is much lower and there’s no bike restrictions through there.” This introspective back and forth went on for approximately thirty minutes as Lance circled the parking lot of a dilapidated store. “Linger sensor activated!” came a somewhat robotic sounding Jerry from the device on Lance’s bike.

Astonished, Lance nearly crashed the bike into a parking lot divider. “What does that mean?” He said aloud, in shock. As if answering his question a text message from Jerry arrived, the message read itself aloud in the same robotic Jerry voice, “Lance, my computer tells me you’ve triggered the linger detection system. This will trigger anytime you spend too long in one area as registered by the GPS tracking system. I’ll nullify it just this once, but it is in your best interest not to trigger it or the other parameter systems. See you after midnight. ;p”

“Damnit, I should have known that that perverted egghead would have put something to limit my stalling… I guess I should try the quick route.” Grumbled Lance as he headed towards the highway on ramp. Avoiding vehicles leaving the shopping centre and approaching the highway along the main street was easier than Lance had expected, having arrived at the stop lights just as they prevented vehicle traffic from proceeding onto the exit ramp. From along the roadside Lance thought he would be able to avoid traffic easily, unfortunately he had forgotten that the highway was both upslope and cut narrowly for at least two miles making it impossible for travel much further from the asphalt. As vehicles whizzed by, Lance found it troublesome to remain upright on his bike which made progress difficult. The normal sized vehicles were a minor annoyance but the odd semi-truck would cause large gusts of wind that threatened to knock Lance from his flimsy bike. After 15 minutes of rough biking along the highway Lance found himself passing along a long ridge that overlooked the shopping centre from whence he had started his journey. The ridge lead to a downward, grassy slope that droped off into a medium sized ditch that serves as a separation from the shopping centre and the highway. Lance paused for a moment to catch his breath when a well timed convoy of semi-trucks passed him by causing a mighty gust of wind that knocked Lance off the bike and caused him to roll down the slope. Lance rolled clear to the bottom of the slope only stopping just short of rolling completely into the ditch, however his head and part of his upper body grazed the waters slightly. Having ended up a good 15 ft down from both the highway and the bike, Lance’s phone began to vibrate as another message from Jerry arrived.

“You might want to get back to the bike asap.” was all that Jerry’s message said. Lance stood up after reading the message then began to brush himself off and check himself for injury. Lance’s legs, arms, head, and torso all felt fine though he suspected slight bruising in his future. Only his ego was truly harmed from such a silly tumble. Ten minutes had passed by the time Lance reclaimed the bike. Lance took a moment to pull his top shirt layer up to wipe the wetness from his face, to his surprise he was not met with the sight of his black compression undershirt but instead his own bare torso beneath. “Did I somehow rip my undershirt in the fall?” Lance thought briefly as he began to feel further up, “Wait… what?!” he exclaimed. Just shy of his pierced nipples Lance found what remained of his compression shirt, which had become more akin to a sports bra than a tank top. Lance began to text Jerry for answers when suddenly he was met with another linger detection notification. A small whirring noise started coming from the device on the bike as Lance’s undershirt began to unravel before his very eyes. “Oh shit!” Lance exclaimed as the true nature of the device became clear to him. Within moments his undershirt had completely vanished into thin air… but the device did not stop whirring! Lance quickly mounted the bike as he examined his other clothing for any hint as to what was starting to unravel next as he resumed his ride with newborn fervor.

Now knowing that Jerry’s device was capable of stripping him remotely, Lance peddled with much more effort than he had before. By now he was an hour into his ordeal with little over five hours left to make it 10 more miles home before he was rendered completely exposed! Passing traffic remained an issue for Lance along the highway but what was most concerning was the progress the machine had made on his shirt. Lance had made it approximately 4 miles from where he started his journey but the machine had unraveled both sleeves and turned his form-fitting, red t-shirt into a tube top that fully showed off his toned muscles and pierced nipples. He looked ridiculous and completely conspicuous as he continued his journey along the highway, an athletic 28 year old in a bright red tube top and loose cobalt blue basketball shorts was not something easily missed. As Lance approached another stretch of on and exit ramps his fears came true, blue and red lights began to flash behind him as he heard the unmistakable chirp of a police siren. Lance stopped and waited for the officer to pull up, hoping that the exchange would be quick and he would only receive a small fine at worst. Another text message from Jerry arrived as Lance waited for the officer to get out of his vehicle. “It seems you’ve run into trouble, don’t ask how I know. Know that if you get further than a mile from the device or you exceed 30 MPH the challenge will be deemed a failure. You may think the device is what is causing your clothes to unwind, the opposite is actually true; the device is keeping your clothes from unwinding at a much higher and accelerated rate.” “Shit.” was all Lance could muster as the officer walked up.

“What are you doing son?” came a surprisingly feminine yet authoritative voice. Lance turned and his eyes met with the scrutinizing gaze of a female officer, her badge read ‘Ms. Love’. “Oh, I’m just trying to make my way back home Ms. Love.” Lance awkwardly uttered with nervousness evident in his every word. The last thing Lance wanted was for this confrontation to last long enough to trigger another linger penalty or worse, end up arrested and detained. “It’s Officer Love, thanks. Why are you illegally riding a bike along the highway? Surely you know the dangers…” she began, before noticing the scuffed look of Lance’s attire and the residual dirt and mud from his tumble. “Yes, Officer Love, I’m sorry but I’m just trying to get back home as soon as possible on my bike and I figured at this time of the afternoon traffic would be lower and I’d be less at risk.” Lance began to explain, “As you can see I’ve already had a rough time…”
“Son, is this some sort of hazing situation?” Interjected Officer Love. “Oh! No, nothing like that! I’m training myself and had my friends drop me off with just this bike in town so that I’m forced to ride my way home. I had a little tumble down the slope near the shopping centre because a convoy of semi-trucks passed by in a cluster, knocking me off the bike with a large gust of wind!” -the device begins to whir again- Lance hastily continued, “I’m only about 8 miles from home and it shouldn’t take much longer if I’m allowed to continue…” “Sorry son, I can’t let you do that.” bluntly stated Officer Love.

Lance’s mind began to race. He had heard the machine kick on and knew that the longer he was trapped in conversation with Officer Love the more exposed he would become. “Officer Love, if I can ride along until the off ramp just a little further and take the back roads may I be let off with just a warning?” Lance pleaded as his shirt began to dwindle again. Officer Love appeared to mull the thought over for what seemed like an eternity before finally replying, “I suppose… but I still have to log all this in before I let you go, wait here while I input your details into the system. Can I have your license?” “Oh… I don’t have my ID on me at the moment.” Lance replied, dejectedly, “Would just my name and address suffice?” “That’ll do, but it will take longer.” Officer Love replied as she took down the details Lance gave her before returning to her vehicle, “Wait here.” Lance anxiously stood alongside the bike, feeling the material on his shirt unravel with each passing moment. The entire conversation with Officer Love was made difficult by the continued passing of vehicles, drawing what should have been a short confrontation out into a 30 minute ordeal.

By the time she returned, Lance’s shirt had completely dissipated along with much of the daylight. “Well, your details came back accurate and you’ve no outstanding warrants in the system so you’re free to-” started Office Love, who was looking at a clipboard and not at the half-naked Lance until she was nearly two feet away. “Why did you take off your shirt?” was all that Office Love could think to ask, as she took in Lance’s naked torso. Lance’s pierced nipples had long since become erect from the combined efforts of the warm sunlight, breeze from the passing vehicles, and the gravity of the situation he currently found himself in; his peach skin still slightly drenched in sweat borne from nervousness and the intense bike ride up until this point. Incidentally the machine had stopped whirring the moment his shirt had finished unraveling. “It was getting a bit hot this evening, I figured I might as well get ready for the hard work I have ahead of me.” was all Lance could think to say. “Well, make sure you don’t lose any more clothing or I’ll have to add indecent exposure to your potential crime list.” jested Officer Love before she turned back to her vehicle. Lance wanted to get back on the road as soon as he possibly could but decided to wait until she had made considerable distance before he decided to head towards the off ramp. Lance took this time to check his maps, it looked as though he was in for the long route afterall and began to plan accordingly… but not before the familiar whir began, this time starting at the base of his shorts. Not wanting to be any more exposed along the main highway than he already was, Lance quickly mounted the bike and rapidly sped off the highway onto the backroads.
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Old 06-02-2022, 06:25 AM   #4
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Default Chapter 3

Panting profusely, Lance finally made his way off the highway. His run in with Officer Love had cost his valuable time and forced him onto a longer route home. Fortunately for Lance, this new route was one that snaked through the scenic backwoods thus it should have far less traffic to potentially expose himself to. Lance’s clothing had been slowly dwindling from the moment he was left in the city shopping centre by Jerry and Troy. Jerry’s device had already claimed Lance’s entire red t-shirt and black compression shirt underneath, rendering him topless and glistening with sweat in the fading light of the afternoon sun. “Truth be told it’s probably a good thing I’m off the highway now…” thought Lance to himself as he pedaled, “Officer Love was right, it would have been more dangerous when night falls and this way I won’t be the focal point of everyone’s headlights.” Time had progressed much quicker than Lance had anticipated, having checked his phone to find it was already 8:30. “Damn, I’m going to have to pick up the pace if I want to make it back before midnight… Let’s see what route is best.” Lance said aloud to himself as he checked his phone. *Brrrrrtz* Another message from Jerry.

“Tick Tock Tick Tock. Lance, I know it’s going to be dark soon and I don’t want you to be unsafe. I’ve a surprise planned for 9. Good luck. ;P” Read aloud the robotic Jerry. “... That cannot be good for me.” Thought Lance as he turned onto a road that led through a small thicket of woods. The GPS had directed Lance down this mile and a half detour as it connected with the outskirts of a small town three miles from his flat. Lance remembered a small residential area was being constructed along this road but was unsure if the construction had concluded, either way he was sure it would be a much safer route than going straight through three additional towns had he continued straight. Lance’s route took him alongside the plains where nature had reclaimed the lands formerly used by a mining company decades ago. This plainsland was juxtaposed against a thicket of tall pine trees divided by a steep road that led to an overlook of a valley. Sounds of bird calls and insect hums were a pleasant stillness compared to the bustle of the highway as they implied that Lance was indeed alone with nature. However, this was soon interrupted by a low hum coming from Jerry’s machine. Lance, hearing the hum, quickly checked his remaining clothes for progress. His shorts had lost all but five inches on each leg, now resembling booty shorts rather than the full length basketball shorts they once were, but were otherwise not accelerating in their deterioration nor were his socks, shoes, or, thankfully, underwear. Suddenly, the device began to emit a steady bright light that served as a both a light for Lance and a spotlight on Lance, his nipple piercings proving to be especially reflective. 9 o’clock, 3 hours remained before Lance lost his bet with Jerry and Troy.

“This must be Jerry’s surprise, that clever jerk.” Said Lance, upon realizing that he was foolish to think Jerry would have allowed him any leeway on his journey. Lance continued his journey through the pine forest until he reached the edge of where construction was once taking place, where what now stood a small residential neighborhood of roughly 8 houses all lining the right side of the road leading to a T junction at the otherside, completely obscuring Lance’s view of the road he needed to take at the right of the junction. “Shit… with this light I’m going to attract a lot of attention…” bemoaned Lance. Without a moment to spare, however, he had no choice but to press on. The first three homes looked inhabited but with no sign of current occupants, the fourth had a dog chained in the yard that started to bark at Lance as he passed much to his chagrin, and the fifth through seventh homes, while occupied, posed no immediate risk. Unfortunately, as Lance was almost home free a blue pickup truck turned onto the road he was currently biking on with headlights directly facing Lance. Cheeks flushed with embarrassment Lance pedeled on. As he passed the truck a gruff voice called from the driver’s side window. “Son, what in the Hell are you doing?” Said a man that looked to be in his early 40’s. Lance skidded to a stop, being unable to risk this individual calling the police on him. “Just on a nightly bike ride, sir.” Lance replied, trying to sound as confident and nonchalant as possible while currently slightly more than half-naked. “Dressed like that?” replied the stranger, “Do you live nearby? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.” “No, sir. I’m from the next town over. I’m testing this bike for a friend of mine and we decided I’d be left at least 12 miles away to make the trip back on bike.” Lance explained, leaving out some of the finer details. “I was going along the highway but was made to take the backroads by an office about an hour ago. I didn’t mean to trespass or cause trouble.” Was all Lance could say without incriminating himself, ever conscious of the penalty for meandering. “Well, if that’s all then I suppose I’ll leave you on your way. Best of luck to you.” Replied the stranger, as he pulled into the driveway of the 7th house. A whirring came from the device. “Fuck, really?!” Lance groaned, instantly resuming his pedaling with haste. He looked down to see his shorts rapidly dwindle down to nothing but a waistband, exposing his silken black boxers that hugged his body tightly. Lance barely had time to grab his phone from the now nonexistent pocket. “Shit. It’s already 10!” Lance exclaimed as he blazed down the road through the pine woods. In his haste Lance passed numerous homes peppering the countryside completely unsure if he was seen by most but absolutely sure he was seen by the odd vehicle that passed by whilst honking and the odd whistle from yard fronts. Lance was certain he was seen by at least 10 individuals, but hoped he was fast enough not to be recognized at a glance. Another 20 minutes passed before Lance arrived at the crossroads of fate now clad only in his boxers and footwear and drenched to the bone in sweat. Night had fallen completely and the light of his bike illuminated him entirely, 10:30 said the clock. A decision lay before Lance: to take the side road that ran adjacent to the highway or to risk going completely through two towns?

Lance pondered this decision only briefly as numerous headlights could be seen heading his direction from the direction of town, quickly Lance headed to the side road hoping not to be seen up close and personal. The GPS listed Lance at three miles from home with one and half hours to get there, however Lance’s legs and lungs were on fire from exertion so his pace had slowed considerably from when he began. Still illuminated by the bike Lance was completely visible from the highway but from a distance simply looked like he was shirtless and wearing only compression shorts; however, his face burned red as he knew the true level of his current exposure. Just as Lance made it one mile down the side road the device began to make another whirring noise, this time rapidly beginning the process of unraveling both his socks and shoes. Being barefoot increased the effort it took to pedal the bike considerably, no doubt a final trick up Jerry’s sleeve to hinder Lance who was 2 miles from home. Unfortunately for Lance the device did not stop whirring. As Lance crested a mile from home his underwear, once in the style of boxers, had now degraded to the design of boomerang briefs! “Shit shit shit!” Was all Lance could muster as he realized just how little he had left to hide his dignity. To make matters worse, a pair of headlights could be seen turning onto the road from the very direction Lance was heading! “I’m only a mile away, I cannot be seen like this!” Thought Lance as he dove off the bike into the nearby brush leaving the bike unattended on the roadside. “I’m practically naked, I cannot be caught like this, not like Troy!” Frustratingly thought Lance as he hid in the brush.

The vehicle came closer to Lance’s position, revealing itself to be a blue pickup truck. The truck came to a stop in front of the illuminated bike, which had managed to roll quite a ways further than Lance. “Hmm…” said the gruff man as he stepped out of the vehicle and looked around. Minutes passed as the man looked around in vain trying to find the owner of the bicycle he had met earlier. A final whir came from the device and the lights instantly shut off. “Hmm, batteries must have died. Guess I’ll take this back just like the boss asked.” Said the man, as he tossed the bike into the bed of his truck and drove off down the same road Lance had just painstakingly ridden. Lance, now clad is what barely constituted a jock strap stood dumbfounded in the middle of the road holding his phone. “That little shit…” Was all he could say as he turned and made a sprint along the final stretch back to the flat. Lance’s boxers had almost completely disintegrated by the time he reached the end of the road, nothing more than a simple loin cloth covering his groin. His phone said it was 11:55, 5 minutes to go and all he had to do was cross the bridge that went over the highway then he could sneak up the back of his apartment building that housed his flat. Lance waited for the coast to be clear before he made his move, three minutes remained as he abandoned all sense of modesty and made a sprinter’s dash across the bridge. Lance’s penis was well beyond engorged by the excitement of his exhibitionist run. Though circumcised Lance had still retained a healthy amount of foreskin which had retracted fully revealing the tender glands of his pre-cum dribbling head atop his 4 inch girth, 5 inch long penis which bounced and swayed with every move. Lance’s defined, dark pubic hair pressed matted to his pelvis a mix of pre-cum and sweat from the long journey. “God damn it Jerry. You knew that last bit of danger would get me going.” Lance cursed at Jerry as he dodged into the woodline behind his flat.
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Old 06-02-2022, 06:26 AM   #5
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Default Chapter 4

Lance's labored breaths intensified as he approached his building and respite from his humiliating adventure. Having cut through the wood thicket rather than risk the more open lawns of the complex had allowed him to preserve his modesty at a cost. *buzz... buzz...* Midnight had struck. "Loser! Loser!" Came Troy and Jerry's voices in tandem from Lance's phone which was currently in his hands which were cupped tightly around his still erect shaft and balls. The sudden vibrations across his tender glands almost caused Lance to drop the phone instantly, however the loud taunts that accompanied the sensations were a more pressing concern as he struggled to mute the device before anyone could notice the illuminated form of his bare, fully erect self emerging from the woodline.

Unfortunately, Lance's flat was not on the ground floor thus he could not easily sneak in through the back entrance. Lights shone from his flat across his balcony, however he could also see shadows along the curtains of the flat directly below his. It would be possible to climb onto the balcony using the air conditioner units as a boost, however with nowhere to stow his phone and the level of exposed he would be hoisting himself up would make the experience quite unpleasant if his neighbors were to step out for a smoke. "Shit, I'm going to have to go around front..." Lance decided, finally managing to mute the phone.

The complex was designed Cul-de-sac style, with a singular entrance and exit that looped around with 7 buildings all facing inward towards a parking lot. This meant that Lance would have to circle around his building and risk exposing himself to anyone who happened to be in or looking out towards the parking lot. Being that he was already over his time limit Lance elected to take a moment before proceeding. "If I step out like this, fully erect, things could be worse for me if I'm caught..." thought Lance, "But if I catch my breath a moment and make sure the coast is clear I might be able to salvage some of my dignity."

So Lance waited in the woodline for his throbbing erection to subside, the sounds of car doors shutting and engines starting came from the parking lot periodically justifying his decision to wait. Surprisingly, no texts from Jerry or Troy came as time ticked onward towards 12:30 and then 1 A.M. "If I'm going to do this, now's the time." Sighed Lance as he prepared to emerge from the thicket. *shrrrr* Just then Lance heard the sounds of a glass door sliding across its tracks and a porch light flicker on as he quickly ducked down two feet from the woodline and just outside the halo of the light. Out stepped a man from the apartment with the silhouettes. He looked to be within the same age range as Lance, Troy, and Jerry and was dressed in what appeared to be a robe. Sparks flickered from a lighter as the man lit a cigarette and stood on his porch With bated breath Lance stayed crouched in fear of being spotted.

From his vantage point Lance could see that the man was not wearing any footwear. This came as a relief as it indicated his potential risk of leaving the porch was low and thus lowering the chance that he would come any closer. "Come on already... Finish and go back inside!" Lance screamed internally as the man took his sweet time dragging out his smoke. *click click* The man sparked up another as he pulled a cellphone from his robe pocket and began to tap and scroll on it. Minutes passed and his second smoke seemingly burned slower than the first, as the last embers fell he snuffed it out in a plant pot before sitting on a nearby lawn chair. "Just go in already!" Lance's internal voice screamed as his legs burned and ached from his long journey accentuated by his current squatting position. The man began to fiddle with the knot on his robe tie and, much to Lance's surprise, opened the robe completely to reveal complete nudity and a throbbing erection! "What the hell? And here I thought Troy and Jerry were the only perverts in this joint." Lance thought, before he remembered his current predicament. "Oh... right."

Yet more time passed as Lance found himself becoming a voyeur in addition to an exhibitionist. The man began to masturbate while still flicking through his phone, he was not as well toned as Lance or Troy but he wasn't completely out of shape either. His phone illuminated his face enough that Lance could make out that his hair was a reddish-brown and his facial hair was only a minor accumulation of scruff making his age a bit hard to pinpoint. "I don't recognize this guy from work, the college, or the gym, and I don't think I've seen him around the complex before come to think of it." Thought Lance as he watched, perplexed by the brazzen display in front of him and momentarially forgetting his own precarious situation. Time whittled along as the ginger haired man continued to stroke, the patterns of which made it apparent he was intentionally edging. "I wonder what time it i..." Lance began to think when his phone suddenly lit up as a message from Jerry came in.

From where the man was sitting there was no way he could not have seen the flash of light as Lance's phone briefly illuminated the area in which he was crouched. "Shit." Was all Lance could mutter as the man swiftly stood up and clenched his robe shut, barely concealing the fruits of his labors. "Who's there? Show yourself!" He half-barked half-whispered as he turned the flashlight on his phone on and pointed it towards Lance's direction. "Okay okay, keep your voice down and turn off that light!" Lance replied, trying to be as audible as possible without being too loud. Lance stood up, clutching a half-chub that he had unknowingly returned to thanks to the show he was unwittingly witness to, and began to walk into the dim halo of light. "I'm Lance, I live upstairs above you." He said with reddening cheeks. "What are you doing in the woodline... and naked at that?" Asked the man, quizzically and with equally reddening cheeks. "I could ask you a similar question." Retorted Lance, "But the short story is I was on a bet with my flatmates that ended up this way and I lost by a few minutes. I was almost home free when you stepped out about *Lance glances at his phone* an hour and a half ago."

"Oh." The man replied and then he went silent for what seemed like an eternity as his eyes scrutinized Lance's entire body. Lance's fatigue was noticeable as was the grime and sweat that had accumulated on his journey. The man sighed and replied, "I'm Richard but everyone calls me Ricky. I suppose I'm not in a position to criticize you for anything given what you've assuredly seen me doing for the last hour, am I right?" "Yes, that was quite the show." Lance answered, "I thought my friends were the only perverts around here. No offence." "You're one to talk." Ricky replied with a slight laugh, "So, this bet... You guys do things like this often?" "Yes and no, it's a long story but if you're interested in hearing it I'll be willing to tell you later if you let me borrow you robe so I can get around the building and back into my flat." Lance proposed, hoping to be able this would be the only exposure he had tonight. "Sure, but...'' Ricky started,

"How am I supposed to know you're telling the truth, and how will I know you'll return my robe?" he continued as Lance gulped audibly, "I want insurance that you'll uphold your part of the deal. First thing's first... Put your hands behind your head, now!" *click* A short flash illuminated Lance's entire form as he instinctively reacted to Ricky's demand before he could protest. "Now then..." Said Ricky, as he dropped his robe to the ground and put his own hands behind his head, "We'll add each other to our contact lists and if you don't get in touch with me by tomorrow night or have lied to me I'll have this as evidence to track you down, I'll delete this when I get my robe back." He concluded as he handed off his robe to Lance. Upclose Lance was able to see that Ricky was circumcised and had a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair and his first suspicions were correct, Ricky was ginger haired and well endowed. After thanking Ricky Lance donned the robe in one fluid motion then quickly made his way to the edge of the building. Before he turned the corner he looked back to give Ricky a thumbs-up only to catch one amazing money shot as Ricky's earlier efforts proved fruitful. "What a strange man." Was all Lance could think as he turned the corner.

The building width was around 25 ft from end to end with an additional 5 ft between the front of each building and the parking lot area. Lance did not see anyone in any of the breezeways nor could he see anyone in any of the vehicles or windows that faced the parking lot. As he reached the edge of the building he reached the halo of the street lights that illuminated the parking lot and stepped carefully into view. He double checked that the robe was secure... only to find that nearly 60% of it had vanished! At this point the robe had become nothing more than an open shirt tied at the stomach, which did nothing to conceal Lance's returned erection and low hanging sack. "Oh shit!" Lance exclaimed out loud as he abandoned all sense of caution and began to make a dash for his flat's breezeway. By the time Lance had reached halfway he could hear the sounds of a vehicle pulling into the complex. As he reached the breezeway Lance took a moment to check his surroundings as he ascended the stairs. Aside from the sounds of a truck engine and the unmistakable glow of headlights it appeared as though he crossed at a good time. Lance bolted up the stairs and knocked the door, hoping that whomever was home would still be awake.

*Knock... Knock... Knock...* No answer. "Fucking hell..." Lance muttered as he checked the missed message from Jerry. "You've lost, I assume you know this well enough. Part of your lost wager starts before you're allowed entry back into the flat. I have left a package for you under the back bumper of the van, you will be allowed entry once you've retrieved it." "For the love of..." Lance exclaimed as he looked out into the parking lot, the van was parked at least 50 ft away clear across the lot! "Dammit Jerry..." Said Lance as he started to descend the stairs before remembering the truck that was entering the parking lot. He crouched low and descended the stairs then peered out around the edge of the breezeway. No sooner did he get to the bottom floor did the truck pass by, partially obscured by the other parked cars. Lance ducked between two vehicles quickly so as to hide his nudity from prying eyes as the blue truck parked a few spaces down from the van. Lance surveyed the complex to assess his situation while he could only hear the sounds of the truck's engine being cut and a single door open and shut followed by light footsteps going away from his location to the right.

Nothing was noticeable in any of the windows that overlooked the parking lot but that was not an assured case of nobody watching. Lance could see no signs of anyone recently being in or around any of the vehicles aside from the recently exited truck, and he had no idea where the owner of it had gone off to. His destination was Jerry's van, located clear across the parking lot. Fortunately, the complex dumpsters and a small island of lawn and shrubs split the parking lot between Lance and the van which could provide cover. Considering time was a factor, Lance tied the remainder of Ricky's robe around his waist and made a crouched dash to the nearest source of cover, a low but thick bush in the dead center of the complex. Upon arrival Lance could hear footsteps returning to the truck and ducked low to conceal himself further. The footsteps stopped at the truck and a shuffling of sounds could be heard as though something was being lifted from the back and taken towards his building. From his concealment Lance could not see the truck clearly and waited for the sounds of movement to head back away from him before he made a dash to the dumpster block.

The dumpster area was surrounded by a chest high fence on 3 sides with the dumpsters themselves providing an additional, larger concealing factor. The stench wasn't pleasant but it was a secure halfway point. The robe had deteriorated to only a pair of sleeves connected by fabric in the middle appearing more as a thin scarf or loin cloth than a proper clothing article. Lance could see the van and the truck from where he was standing but no sign of the owner. *bam* *clunk, clunk, clunk* Lance heard the distinct sound of a door closing and someone descending stairs, he looked around to see someone carrying a bag of garbage exit the building in front of the van! Lance panicked as he quickly ducked down behind one of the two dumpsters, hoping that whomever was throwing away garbage at 2 A.M. would be quick and not discover him. From hiding Lance could not make out any details about who was heading his direction, only the impending steps as they came closer and closer. *shick* The door to the dumpster side slide open. *clunk* The sound of garbage hitting the back of the apparently near empty dumpster. "What's that?" Came a young woman's voice.

Lance was sweating bullets as he was certain he was about to be found in a compromising situation by a young woman. Being found out by another pervert was one thing, being found early by Officer Love was one thing, but being found by a young woman that was just throwing out trash? That spelled trouble. Lance slowly shuffled further from the dumpster and nestled between two others, hoping the darkness would conceal him. The woman stepped around the dumpster he had been hiding behind before and peered around for a moment before making a sound as if to call for an animal. Lance held still with his heart in his throat as he hoped the woman would give up her search and move on. *shuffle shuffle* A sound came from behind him as a tabby cat crawled out from a box behind him. The cat rubbed up against Lance's bare backside and purred lightly. "Knock it off you stupid cat." Lance prayed as he tried to position himself to let the cat pass by, his penis once again half-flaccid and swaying side to side with his balls. The cat passed between his legs and swatted at the pendulous target a few times as Lance tried to quietly shoo it along. A particularly well placed swipe caught Lance right in the testicles and nearly doubled him over in pain which scared the tabby out towards where the woman was calling. "Oh, it was just you kitty. I thought I heard something else." She said, satisfied with this discovery as she walked away. Tears were rolling from Lance's eyes as he stifled an anguished cry until he was sure she was out of earshot. "I'm going to kill that cat if I see it again." He swore. This ordeal had distracted Lance from the fact his cover was completely gone.

The rest of the trip to the van was uneventful as Lance was determined to retrieve the package Jerry set for him and return to the flat as soon as he possibly could. Upon arrival he quickly found the item and took a moment to reassess his surroundings, noting that the truck was oddly familiar and that it seemed the sun would be rising soon and with that the likelihood of people leaving for their morning jobs. Throwing caution to the wind, Lance set out in a mad dash to his flat and reached the breezeway only moments before hearing the sounds of doors closing as people headed out to their vehicles. Lance reached the door to his flat and opened the package to find a key that would allow him in. Relieved to be home, Lance opens his door to find Jerry and Troy waiting in the living room watching a video feed of the parking lot both doubled over in laughter. "About time you made it back." Commented Jerry. "Yea, I thought you said this would be 'No problem'!" Jeered Troy. Both of whom were given an uninhibited view of Lance's entire naked form as he had long since stopped caring about his exposed state. "You guys are real assholes you know that?" Was all Lance could say. "Yes well... You're the one who made the bet. Speaking of which, we'll start part two right now, Freddy can you bring it in here now?" Jerry called an unknown visitor from another room.

"Freddy?" Lance said questioningly as a man wheeling in his discarded bike walked in, the man with the blue pickup truck from the neighborhood! "YOU!" Lance exclaimed, "You were in on this?!" "Freddy here is a coworker of mine, Lance. I enlisted him to help test out my new product and ensure you didn't discard anything important." Jerry explained as he tapped the box on the bike. "Oh, I had to ditch that just across the highway!" Protested Lance, knowing he had made a decision to preserve his own modesty, "I thought I could make it back in 10 minutes from where I left it and then go back for it after I got dressed, but then this guy took it!" "Yes, that was part of the plan if you tried to ditch the bike or had to for any reason that was unavoidable. Now, I suppose I should explain what the true product being tested was... but first." *click* Jerry pressed a button on a remote control he had on his wrist. Lance could instantly feel a tingling sensation across his face that slowly made it's way down to his feet then back up to his groin. Looking down, Lance could see all traces of his body hair vanish as if they never existed, he was as smooth as the day he was born in seconds with the exception of his eyebrows and hair above the ear. "What the hell!?" He exclaimed as he went to cover up his new level of exposure. "I'd move your hands if I were you." Said Jerry, matter-of-factly as Lance quickly complied. Within seconds a cage began to form around Lance's penis creating an encompassing cock cage that prevented him from getting erect. "What's with this!" He cried in protest, "Is this some sort of joke?" Holding back a laugh, unlike Troy and Freddy who were quite beside themselves with laughter, Jerry began to explain the details of Lance's forfeit.
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Old 06-02-2022, 06:26 AM   #6
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Default Chapter 5

Jerry began to explain the details of Lance’s situation as Lance caressed the bare skin of his groin where moments ago a lush forest had been, not even a trace of stubble remained as if there was never any hair to begin with. “As you can see, step one involves the loss of all body hair. This part of the forfeit is due to the fact you abandoned the bike and would have been initiated even if you had made it back in time.” Explained Jerry as Troy and Freddy calmed their laughter to listen to Lance’s fate. “Part two is the cage, it is to remain snug and secure on your person for a solid week… and-.” “A WEEK!?” Lance exclaimed, interrupting Jerry’s explanation. “I can’t wear this for a week, it’ll be completely obvious under my clothing!” *Jerry coughed and continued* “And you will not be allowed any clothing for the duration as well.” He finished, waiting for Lance to process the terms of his fate.

“Jerry, you know I can’t miss classes or work to stay home naked all week and I obviously can’t go out in public like this.” Lance replied, gesturing to his bare naked form. “That is where the important part comes in.” Started Jerry, “Let me explain in detail what you were testing before. Freddy and I have developed a type of nanobot that are practically invisible to the naked eye but are capable of many incredible feats. One of which was obviously the destruction of fibers as you experienced with your clothing and body hair. The second is they can form a solid mass on command which is what that cage around your penis is now. Thirdly, they can reconfigure into a somewhat illusion-like reflective surface which has many applications such as…” *Jerry presses a button* Lance felt a sensation across his skin, as if thousands of unseen insects moved into place before the sensation suddenly stopped, then suddenly it appeared as if a skin tight but otherwise full body suit had formed around him from the neck down. The “suit” was entirely transparent providing zero modesty concealment factors but otherwise felt like a light tracksuit. “Think about your work uniform.” Jerry commanded Lance. “Okay, but what will that… oh!” Lance began but before his eyes the “suit” had begun to change into the familiar brown shorts and shirt of his delivery uniform, albeit a little more snug. “Now, think of what you wore this morning.” Suggested Jerry, with the uniform changing into the very same red shirt and blue shorts he started off the day in. “I said this morning.” Jerry repeated, as the suit suddenly returned to its invisible state before Lance could even protest. “As you can see, even the briefest of subconscious thought will trigger the change. You’re our guinea pig for this experiment for a week and then you’re free to return to normal, or as normal as having no body hair until it grows back is for you. Additionally, I’m turning on a threshold that prevents you from being in any state other than this one as you step through the front door from now on.” Finished Jerry with a chuckle and a button press. Lance was locked in this completely exposed state until he worked up the nerve to leave the building.

Lance lamented his fate but suspected things could be worse if he protested. “Are there any quirks I should know about with these nanobots?” He asked, wanting to cover all his bases. “Other than the conditions I laid out already, they don’t react as quickly when wet nor do they handle cold very well which may cause them to take up to four times as long to change. They also are not instantaneous as you saw and take about 15 seconds to completely change, this change will always start from the top down and cannot be aborted until it finishes. They’re solar powered but have a decent battery so that shouldn’t be a major concern as it lasts about two hours and does not drain charge while in this state meaning it won’t drain at all inside the flat or if you try to conserve power by giving in to your exhibitionist side. Finally, as it is a light based illusion they don’t work as well in darkness so they become slightly transparent the longer you remain in anywhere darker than a shadow. Oh, and there are cameras positioned all over the city and areas you frequent for observation purposes so we’ll be watching.” Concluded Jerry. “Wow, that’s far worse than what you guys tested on me!” Exclaimed Troy, delighted at this turn of events, “I guess you shouldn’t have boasted your skills aye Lance?” “Shut it Troy.” Was all Lance could say, having become physically and mentally exhausted from his journey and now subject to this torment for the next week. Lance dejectedly stated, “I’m going to take a shower and then go to bed. You guys enjoy the show I guess.”

Jerry’s nanobots were indeed waterproof and allowed the flow of warm water to meet Lance’s skin as though they weren’t there at all. Lance scrubbed the sweat and grime from his body gently so as to not damage the only hope of dignity he could hope to have for the next week and felt the cold metallic cage as he was briefly aroused at the prospect. “What is wrong with me… I guess I’m more of an exhibitionist than I thought- SHIT! I forgot about Ricky’s robe!” He thought as it dawned on him that Jerry’s machines had destroyed the robe he was supposed to return to Ricky, the exhibitionist he had met just hours before. “I guess that’s a bridge to cross when I come to it…” Lance lamented, “At least I don’t have work or class today so I can work out a plan of action.” Lance emerged from the shower drying his hair with a towel, the rest of his body glistening from the water and oils across his completely barren skin. There was a large full body mirror that encompassed one wall of the bathroom and he took a few minutes to examine his body in full view. He had a few scratches from his tumble down the embankment of the highway and his legs were a little roughed up from cutting through the wood thicket but otherwise he was simply met by his pristine and completely barren form. He flexed a few poses to palpate his muscles to check for any sort of sprains or pulls hidden by adrenaline before he remembered he was likely being monitored by Troy, Jerry, and Freddy from hidden cameras. He gave a good look at his ass before giving it a solid smack and exclaiming, “You guys can kiss this goodnight.” as he went to his room to retire, ignoring the laughter from the living room.
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Old 06-05-2022, 09:47 AM   #7
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I feel fortunate that I got to read it as it was being written, and that there's now a fully compiled edition to reread - and for others to enjoy!
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Old 06-06-2022, 08:49 AM   #8
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Default A Scientific Exhibition

Great story! I look forward to reading more.
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