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Old 05-20-2022, 06:01 PM   #1
Blue Griffin
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Post A Daring Vacation.

As I came home from work I saw that my girlfriend had already packed my bags for our trip. An extended weekend with her sightseeing around California was a surprise from my girlfriend, but being seeing as I didn’t have any big travel plans for the rest of the year, I could use some of my vacation days and see some of the sights. I thanked her and gave her a kiss on the cheek as we put the bags and head to the airport.

“You didn’t have to do that. I had most of my things laid out and was going to put everything in my bags when I got home.

“I though I could help cut down on the time and get us to our flight quicker. Also I wanted to make sure you didn’t forget anything.” she said with a smile as we headed to the airport.

After landing and checking into our hotel, we both showered and got ready for bed. As I made my way out I saw that my clothes and pajamas had been taken from the room. I walked out in my towel to see my girlfriend with a smile on her lips sitting next to my bag, her bag, and a third bag I had noticed she brought along, but didn’t know what was in it.

“Looking for something?”

“Yeah, did you move my pajamas?”

“Well about that. You know how we were going to take the first day just to sightsee around the town and then visit the bigger attractions the next couple of days. I decide that we could have a bit more fun.” With that she pulled out a small lock and clicked it around the zippers of my bag. “All your clothes are locked in there. Now you could go and find a pair of cutters to get the lock off while only in a towel. You are also welcome to wear any of my clothes for the rest of the trip, but I think your family will have a few questions if they see some our trip pictures with you and I in the same shirt or more.”

“Which isn’t going to happen. What’s in the third bag?”

“That is a special bag I packed just for you. If you wear and do as I say around town tomorrow then I’ll give you the keys to the lock and you can wear your regular clothes for the rest of the trip. Plus I might need help finding these keys.” She held up a pair of keys on a chain around her neck and dropped it back down into her cleavage. “After all there’s a lot of room to look for them.”

It had taken a while after we had started dating, but months ago I had brought up that had some fetishes, mainly crossdressing and wam play. After explaining that it was for private fun and it didn’t change my sexual preference, we had a drawn out conversion and she had left to think on it. She had accepted it and had at let me continue it as long as I didn’t keep her out of what I was doing. We had even messed around with a few fun dares or light mess play, but nothing like this before.

“I don’t know… even if it’s pretty tame I’ve never really gone out in full public besides Halloween or a convention.”

“Oh come on. You’ve said plenty of times that you’re afraid of someone in your hometown seeing your dressed up or someone getting weirded out by it. Well here we are with no one we know around and in a city that’s seen stranger I’m sure. Don’t you just want one time to have some fun and no one bats an eye?” I considered it for a bit and realized that she must have put some thought into this to pack a full bag and since she was willing to have fun with me, I agreed.

“OK. what do I need to do?”

A grin spread across her face as she stood up off the bed. “Really? Oh this should be so much fun. You won’t regret it. We’ll start tomorrow, but for now shave your face since you don’t have that much body hair and I’ll get you something to wear for tonight.” I walked back in to the bathroom and after shaving hear a knock on the door as got ready to brush my teeth. Left for me was a pair of pink silky bra and panties along with a hip length translucence nightgown nightgown that easily left my panties in full view. Putting it on I realized this wasn’t one of the clothes I had bought for myself making me wonder what other surprise she had in store for me. Getting to bed I saw that my girlfriend had tucked my locked bag away and was now awaiting me on the bed in an exact duplicate of the clothes I was wearing. “Hope you get a good night’s sleep because I don’t want you to sleep through a minute of your time in public.”

“Don’t worry, it hasn’t even started and my heart is already pounding.”

“Aw. Well if I cuddle up real close, maybe I can help calm your nerves tonight. After all I’ll be right beside you for the entire day.” With that we drew up the covers and went to sleep.”

Morning came soon enough and it was time to see what was in store for me.

“Wake up sleeping beauty. Let’s get you ready for today. Make sure to use the bathroom and get everything out. I don’t think you’ll have much opportunity to go once you are dressed.”
After a brief shower and reliving myself, I was told to strip and lay on the bed. Tying a blindfold over my eyes, I head the zipping of the bag she had pack and a lot of rustling of fabric. I felt something sticky coat my chest and then a warm weight over each nipple.

“You really went all out for this didn’t you. You know I usually use water balloons.”

“Yes, but I didn’t want them to have a chance to pop or you would look too out of proportion. Plus I think these will look much nicer when you show off your cleavage. Now stay still while that dries unless you want to be a uni-boob of Notre Dam.” I heard her opening more items and then stepping into the bathroom where she turned on the sink for a bit.

“Don’t you mean of Notre Da-.” I was silenced by a finger to my lips.

 “Ah ah ah, I’m the only Dom around here today. Now that you’re well endowed up top, lets add to the bottom shall we?” I was told to keep my legs on the bed and lift up my butt. I felt a pair of panties slide along my legs and settle around my butt, but then something else touch the bottom of my back and then move away. “O.K. you can lower your butt.”
I slowly lowered only to land into some soft padding and then felt something wet.

“I looked into a few different ways, but it seems that you can’t get more poof on your butt than sponges and a couple layers of diapers.” She said as I gelt the tabs being pulled snugly around my groin. “So you better get real comfortable with a wide stance today. But that’s not all crinkle butt. Legs up!” I heard the rustle of plastic as what I assumed were plastic panties were put over the diapers. “Alright princess, time to get out of bed, we have much more to try on.”

I was pulled to my feet only losing my balance for a second as I adjusted to my new center of gravity and led over to the bed post to hold on to. “Slip your arms into this and I’ll get the back done.” As the bra slide up my arms, my arms brushed against fur for a second before reaching my breast. My girlfriend reached around and adjusted my breast to fit as the bra lifted them together. “Oh, almost forgot. I know you won’t be able to bend over much with that diaper, but just to make sure. Her hand slipped into the back the diaper and I felt the yank of fabric rise between my butt cheeks. “I think a nice wedgie will keep you company. Maybe even improve your strut. Plus to make sure you don’t slouch and relax the wedgie.”

Heavy fabric encircled my waist as I realized what was coming. I had worn corsets before, but never had properly laced them tight to make sure I could get out of them. Now one was getting properly tightened as I held the bed post, securing that I couldn’t reach the bra clasp to undo the wedgie.

“I’m really going to be stuck in this all day aren’t I?”

“What, having second thoughts already? Well how about I make things interesting? With that I was turned and then given a slight shove backwards. Surprised, I fell back landing on the bed, then felt some fabric land on my face. “Those are a pair of stocking you are going to have to wear today. If you can put both of them on by yourself, then I’ll wear the outfit picked out for you and you can get change into your male clothes. However if you don’t I get to add a little extra I had packed on a whim.”

“Well I’m hardly in a position to do that now am I?”

“Oh where’s your sense of fun? Don’t tell me you want to spend your day dressed up with everyone watching you?” I felt her voice come closer and closer as her hands started to caress my body slowly from my shoulders down. Come on, I dare you to attempt it.” she purred in my ear, as the crinkle of plastic told me she had reached my diapered groin. I gave a slight groan as I thought about the task.

“O.K. but you’re going have to take care of my unlady like bugle win or lose afterwards.”

“Deal, now get those legs covered. You don’t have forever to try.” Feeling around and finally finding the opening of the stocking, I tried to sit up realizing after a few fruitless tries that there was a reason she had laid me on the bed to start. The new weight of my breast, the strict bonds of my corset made it impossible along with only furthering the wedgied panties further into my crack. Undaunted, I tried a different technique as I heard my girlfriend giggling at my plight. Rolling on to my side, I was finally able to get upright only to realize that I couldn’t bend over either to start putting the stocking on my toes.

“You give up yet? You don’t have too much time left to get them on soon”

“Hold on, I haven’t tried everything yet.” I had one last idea. I lifted one leg off the floor, and tried to get it high enough to reach with my hands. I could sense it was close, but just out of my reach due to how bulky the diaper was. With a sigh I admitted defeat.

“And you were so close too! Maybe if you had a little less bulk between your legs.”

“Speaking of which I think you promised me something regardless if I succeed.”

“Sure, let me take care of that for you.” I heard the rustle of the panties and felt a slight breeze as she opened the top of the diapers.

“ I don’t think you’ll be able to get your usual down there, but I’m sure you can get at least one Haaaannndd…” I gasped as a rush of cold liquid flooded the diaper.

“Oh is that what you wanted? Well I though this would be a much quicker way and besides we have to use those diapers somehow if you aren’t.” I felt the back open and another pour was added down. “Who would of ever thought that I’d need to chill perfume? At least when you still you’ll get a nice puff of fragrance.”

“You bitch.” I laughed getting a slight smack upside the head in return.

Now let's finish getting you dressed. I’ll put your stocking on you since you obviously can’t.” I felt the stocking leave my hands and slide up my legs. “Now, lets get you on your legs again.” I was pulled back on my feet as step forward a bit. Another couple rustles of fabric against my now covered legs settling around my plastic covered rear told me I had stepped into a skirt and my girlfriend was now having a little trouble adjusting it in place. “Guess this wasn’t made to be worn with some one with such a big booty. Hopefully your top will fit. I had to guess how it would work your new assets.” I felt a tug on my chest as I assumed my girlfriend hefted my breast. “The few modifications I made should fit them nicely though. Arms up”

I raised my arms as I felt satin slide overhead. Whatever it was it was tight. The top moved it way back upwards as my arms were guided into the sleeves and then struggled back down over my breast. After a few more tugs the dress suddenly made its way smoothly into place. “Perfect! I hoped everything would line up. Now to put on the finishing touches.”

As I was led to one of the chairs in the room, I was told to lay out my hands on the table. “Don’t worry. I’m not actually painting your nails since we’ll just remove it tonight. She said as I felt something touch the tips of my nails. “I just found a pack of stick on nails when I was getting up some stuff for our trip before we left. They were just begging to be bought and even though I wasn’t going to have your nails done, I thought they might be fun at some point.”

Next came a wig cap and wig. I couldn’t tell if it was one of mine or something new she had bought. Just that it was more than neck length as it brushed the back of it while being fussed over. It did feel like it had more weight than normal at the end, but I couldn’t be sure until she took the blindfold off.

‘Now for your shoes and we can call dressed and ready to see the slights.” A pair of shoes were put on my feet as I felt heels rise up. “Don’t worry, its nothing high. Just 2 or 3 inches. I don’t want my little girl to fall on her cushy butt and flash her diapers.” She said with a pinch of my cheek. “I’m sure you’ll have enough trouble with a cute waddle of yours.” I agreed with that as I had realized how much I couldn’t put my legs together when I was walked across the room to the chair. “Now are you ready for your big reveal? Introducing your new look for the day” she said as the blindfold was removed.

I gasped as I now saw myself in the mirror. Standing up I let my eyes adjust as I took in my new clothes while finding my balance for a second time in the last 30 minutes. On my feet were a pair of pink ankle boots with a bit of lace around the top. Looking at the lace work on the front I knew I’d be stuck in them all day even if I could reach down with my new nails. Curving up my legs were pink and white candy cane stockings leading to a short pink ruffled layered skirt that reached my thighs. Brushing it I could see it had been puffed out by a short petticoat that threatened to roll up my skirt if I wasn’t careful. Hiding under that was the pink plastic panties and diapers giving a nice rounded shape to my rear.

Looking at my upper half, my already skinny frame was now hugged tighter by the corset. Covering that was a pink lace top with short puffy sleeves around my shoulders. That wasn’t the biggest focus as it had a boob window that was now supporting the prefect view of two breast in a fur covered bra with an impressive amount of cleavage. The bra lined up so without closer inspection you’d think the fur was part of the top and the breast were naturally lifted without the support of the corset. My face just looked normal, but covering my head was a messy of pink hair tied into a braid down the back of my neck flanked by two large pink bows, one on each side of my head adding the weight. All together I looked like a had raided lost and found of a raver, drag queen, and anime girl.

“Oh my gosh. Where’d you get all this stuff? I though you were just going to have me wear some of my clothes I had already bought.”

“Well, it wasn’t cheap, but I wanted both of us to have a good time and thought the more outstanding you look, the more you would fit in.” Giving me a kiss on the lips she looked into my eyes. “Besides you’re not the only one with some kinks.” With that I heard a soft click and something wrap around my neck. I saw a pink length of running from my neck and leading to her other hand. The other one had slipped the collar around my neck during the kiss. “Now that you are all dressed lets go see the town. We didn’t you get all dressed up just to stare out the window.”

With that she started moving to the door grabbing her purse and a second one next to it. “Here, this will hold all of your stuff like your wallet and phone so make sure you don’t lose it. I know you aren’t a blonde, but I’m sure you’re use to an outfit with pockets.” She held it out expectantly as I stared at the leash in her hand and the door now suddenly getting the sense that this was happening. The outrageous clothes, the fact I will walking through crowds of people, and have nowhere to duck and hide. My girlfriend must have seen the apprehension on my face as I stood there.

“Hey, hey. Take it easy. I know its a lot, but like I said last night I will be right beside you the whole time. Especially with this and don’t worry. I’m not planning on pulling you anywhere dangerous or pulling you at all since you are in heels. Its just for show.” She rubbed the side of my arm. “I just thought you’d want to have the best experience that we would remember for a long time. If this is too much…”

“No.” I said finding my voice. “You did all of this for me and I shouldn’t back out now. This means so much that you went all the effort to get this outfit and to get involved with my kink. Let’s go.” I took my purse from her hands and started toward the door, still trying to get use to my new balance. With a breath inward I turned the handle and walked out into the hallway.

The door clicked behind me mixing in with the clicks of the boots as we waked together towards the elevator. Even if we hadn’t been on a lower floor, I wasn’t ready to take nine flights of stairs in my heels. Waiting for the doors to open, I kept looking towards the ends of the hall. It was still a bit early, but that never stopped people before going to the pool or going for a workout. As the doors opened, inside stood a bellhop with a cart and sliver covered dish. He looked up at us as he wheeled the cart forward not batting an eye, excusing himself as he passed by to deliver someones breakfast to their room. As we stepped, I looked down wondering if someone looking like me was a normal occurrence or just his professionalism keeping him from saying anything.

“See he didn’t say a thing. Now, to the ground floor.” My girlfriend pressed the button and pulled out her phone as I took a few more breaths. “Trying lookin in the mirror to clam down.” she said. I glanced over to the large reflective surface covering the side of the elevator, not use to seeing the pink haired women looking back.


My heart jumped as the doors of elevator opened. I whirled around to face the people getting on hoping it wasn’t big crowd. No one was waiting as I relaxed leaning against the back bar. Whoever was there must have gotten tired of waiting and took the stairs. With the doors closed we started down only for another DING signal our stop at the next floor. I again braced for someones reaction to seeing a averagely dressed girl holding a leash to another wildly dressed girl. Once again though the doors opened and no one was there. I heard my girlfriend giggle next to me as the doors closed again. “What’s so funny?” I said.

“Just your face each time the door opens.”

“Well you would be nervous dressed l…” *DING!* My head turned mid-sentence as I shut my mouth. As the doors opened for a third time, I suddenly caught on. “That was mean.” I looked at the buttons between us and the ground floor. Each one had been pressed, likely while I had been looking at my reflection. “You know that there are people probably waiting for the elevator.”

 “Oh totally, but it was totally worth it getting your reaction on my phone.” She turned her phone to show it had been recording my reactions along with a few still photos. “Maybe you should pose for each floor and hope that no one is actually waiting.”

“ You mean like this?” I said jokingly. I turned to her as I put my hand on my waist and one behind my my neck crossing one leg partly in front of the other due to the bulk of the diapers. She laughed and faced me holding up her phone as the door once again.

“Can you press ground please?” a voice said as someone shuffled in with us holding two large bags. The blood in my face rushed making it a bright crimson as I quickly moved closer to my girlfriend leaving plenty of room between the newcomer and I. My girlfriend pressed the button to close the doors as we started to move in an awkward silence. The man wearing a Hawaiian button up shirt looked back at us, undoubtedly surprised at my posing when he got on. After a few more stops and more silence he finally broke it.
5' 11" Straight Male.
Loves :Crossdressing, food/messy, humiliation, bra/pantie stuffing, hidden/semi-public, diapers, long dares,
Likes: Wedgies
Maybe: Bondage, line writing, corner time,
Hard limits: Pain, Poop, Pee, nudity, cum eating, anal, masturbate/edging, enemas, public, pics, hypnos, cam
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Old 05-20-2022, 06:02 PM   #2
Blue Griffin
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“Some sort of convention in town?"

“Yeah, we’re getting an early start so not to bother that many guest.” my girlfriend said.

“Well I’ve never really understood that nonsense, but it certainly an impressive costume.”

“Isn’t it? We flipped to see would wear it and I won.” She glanced at the elevator doors. “Aren’t you going to thank him for the compliment? she said giving me a nudge. I looked at her and back at him when the doors opened to the ground floor.

“Uh thank you very much.” I said in a rush, knowing that I couldn’t pull off a fake female voice. I quickly followed my girlfriend out the door. Walking through a couple of people that had been waiting she parted the crowd with the leash in hand. I don’t know what the man’s reaction was, but heard one of the people that were waiting muttering something a respectable hotel as they made their way in oblivious of the man we had talked to.

As we made our way through the lobby, there were plenty of people walking around from those getting breakfast to a few checking in. I was too buy making sure I kept on my feet to notice how many looks we were getting. My girlfriend waited so we could both enter the revolving door together, passing a man coming in obviously looking my direction and at my impressive cleavage. Emerging on to the street, I looked at the sky and saw that the weather was clear and that meant likely more people out and about too.

“That breakfast smelled good, but I didn’t want you to stand out too much if we ate there. I know there’s a nice little sandwich shop next to our first stop though perhaps we can get a bite after your appointment.”

“Appointment?!? I thought we were going to see the town.”

“We are. Just our first stop will be a beauty shop. I thought it would be fun to have you get the real experience rather than just some simple work from me.” I was wondering why she didn’t makeover my face. At least then it would be harder for anyone to recognize me and I could easier pass as a women.

“Is it close?”

“Just a couple of blocks.” she said like it was no big deal strolling though town with another person on a leash. While I can’t say that no one was paying attention to use as we passed, no one seemed offended or outright made fun of me. There were more than a few passing glances as I tried to avoid eye contact as best I could. This ironically made me seem to fit in better as it appeared that I was bowing my head behind my master. A short distance later we arrived to a cluster of shops stopping in front of beauty and hair shop.

“O.K. let’s go in. I have an appointment under your name.” I gave her a side glance.

“You couldn’t have used yours?”

“Well I’m not the one getting a makeover am I? Besides you haven’t picked out a female name to use and I don’t think they’ll be silent during the whole makeover so you better get use to talking to them anyway. Don’t worry though I told them about your unique clothing.” With that she opened up the door and held it open for me. I sighed and walked in at least knowing that we shouldn’t get kicked out and that I was glad for the early morning makeover instead of during their busiest time.

“Welcome to our salon, do you have an appointment with us? said a cheerful women at the reception desk. My girlfriend gave me a slight shove as I tried to not show the nervousness in my voice.

“Yes, I-I think you have one listed under Griffin?”

“Griffin let’s see. Ah yes, a full facial and makeover. Well since you’re the first one here, our stylist can take care of you now. She pointed towards the back where another women was waiting next to a slightly reclined salon chair. “He might have to take off the collar though. Its kind long and might get caught in the chair.”

“Oh, no problem.” Said my girlfriend. My relief of at least getting some of the frills was short lived as she unclipped the the leash from the collar leaving it around my neck. “That should do it. Plus you get still look your best. Now go take your seat. I’ll be here in the waiting area.” I made my way over to the chair shaking the hand of the stylist as I tried to figure out the best was to take a seat. The recline made it impossible to just sit on like a normal chair, but my heels mean I would have a hard time stepping on the foot stool part. Eventually I decided it was best to back up and after smoothing my skirt as best as I could hop a little trying to land in the center of the chair.

A loud crinkle of plastic filled the room followed by the sweet smell of perfume as I remember not only the plastic panties I had on, but the perfume that had been poured into the diaper.

“A little heavy on the perfume today aren’t we sweetheart?” said the stylist with a slight cough, waving her had to disperse the scent. I felt my cheeks flush red as I adjusted myself in the chair making more of the telltale noise of what was under my skirt. “Now your girlfriend has suggested a look for you, but wanted our suggestions once we got a look at your facial structure.” She moved some of the hair from the wig out of the way and turned my head from side to side a bit. “She didn’t want you looking like a drag queen, but also more than just the bare minimum. I think we can make that fit and have it match a bit with your…style… of clothing.”

“ Thanks, I know I may look pretty crazy, but I’m glad it won’t be anything over the top either.”

As she turned me away from the mirror, there was a silence between the two of us with only the light music coming from the speakers around the shop and the morning day time talkshow in the corner. The occasional typing from the reception mixed in, but more than a few times I caught her looking my way watching my progress. “You know you’re pretty brave to do all of this for your girlfriend. You must be a keeper.” She said in a quieter voice as she spread foundation over my skin. “I mean not many boyfriends would risk this in the first place, mine included. He’d still look like a caveman with black eyes if he tried my eye shadow.”

I gave a slight chuckle. “Yeah, she really something. I don’t think I would have had the courage to do this without her.”

“Well anyone thats willing to follow through with a bet is a real man of his word.” My face must signed something as I took a few seconds to processed what she said. “What’s the matter dear? Was that suppose to be a secret?”

“ No.” I said slowly as I looked across the room to the room of chairs near the reception desk. My girlfriend was on her phone typing away at the keyboard focused on whatever message she was sending. “Actually I think she was trying to cover for me.” I felt her brush strokes pause as I continued. “You see I have been into this kink for a while and….” I continued talking to her about my kink and how we had met. About when I told her about and the rest about yesterday and the trip.

“What are you two talking about over there?” My girlfriend called out.

“Oh, nothing. She’s just giving me some quick makeup tips to pass along. That way you can be ready for work even after hitting the snooze button six times.” I said sticking out my tongue at her.

“Well its not my fault I like my beauty sleep. Besides why would I want to leave the nice and warm bed while you’re in it.” She said with a wink in return. After that I continued with my story pausing now and then when the stylist needed me to move my head or applied something to my lips listening the whole time.

“And thats how we ended here.” I said she finished up the last touches to my face.

“And here I though that you had lost a bet with a few of her friends and was going to a costume party in town. I mean what you are wearing did seem a little strange, but we’ve had more than a few fancy dress, ravers or theme party customers come in. Well speaking of, let’s show you how it turned out.”

As she turned me back around towards the mirror looking back was the face of a girl. My skin was smooth accented with a doll’s pink of blush over my cheeks. My lips had been lined and filled out with a light lavender purple to a cupids shape as well as a darker purple covering my eyelids with a wing swoop of red around it. My eyelashes did not have extensions, but were very plumped and bushed with traces of eyeliner to really make them pop. Even with the clothes, I don’t many people would have recognized my face unless they saw my glasses or my real hair.

“Oh my, don’t you look pretty princess. It looks prefect with your outfit.” My girlfriend squeaked hugging me as I walked over to the reception desk. “Looking past me at the stylist she added “And thank you for doing such a wonderful job. I hope he wasn’t too much of a fuss. Still I’m glad he’s being a good sport and taking his loss in stride.”

“Not at all. In fact I could almost swear he enjoyed getting pampered for a change.”

“Hahaha. Yeah, maybe you can come with me to the beautician’s next time.” She game me a good natured elbow as I picked up and opened my purse. “Oh don’t worry about it. I’ve got it.” She pulled out her wallet and handed her card to the receptionist. As the total was read and she signed for it the receptionist leaned forwards toward us.

“I know that it’s your first time in heels and such, but you might want learn how to close your legs like a lady. I could see up your skirt in the mirror. I just didn’t want to say anything in front of everyone. My girlfriend let out a muffled snorting laugh as my face once again grew a bit more red from embarrassment. Seemed like my girlfriend hadn’t told them everything about my outfit. With that my girlfriend thanked the stylist as she came in for a hug to me.

“Remember how I said that you were a keeper for being willing to do this. Well it goes both ways. Don’t let her get away.” She gave me a grin as I thanked her and waddled walked my way out the door.

“Well now that you are done in there you gossip, let’s get a bite and hit the town.”

“What can I says, you tell everything to their barbers.” We went next door to the sandwich shop, getting two breakfast sandwiches and some juice. Reminding me to take small bites, we people watched as the day had finally began to get busy with people milling about heading to shops.

“You seem more relaxed.”

“I guess. I mean no one’s really calling me out like I thought, but it’s still hard to act natural with all this.” I shifted causing the rustle from my panties to prove my point.

“Yeah, I guess I would be too in that getup, but I though you’d like being in public once and you do seem enjoying the humiliation of others on a few of those sites you’re on. Maybe a taste of what they go through will humble you a bit.”

“Well I think if we’re just going to a few tourist spots it shouldn’t be too bad.”
 “Well the day’s young and you never know what we might find.” She said with a sly grin grabbing our trash. Be a dear and fill our cups with some water while I throw away our trash. Lots of ice.” I made my way over the drink machine filling it up and meeting her at the door. As we walked into the parking lot I handed her the cups as she traded it for my purse. Handing me her’s too she opens the lid of the cup.

“I know I don’t like ice in my drink right?” I said.

“Oh I know, but this isn’t for us actually.” With that she opened the front of my diaper and poured the first cup, ice and all into it. With a little pat to my groin as my face registered shock, she turned me around as she repeated it again in the back with a firm swat to my rear as I was helpless to stop her holding both of our purses.

“Remember I have my own kinks and get to be in charge today. That’s for the snooze comment before. Now come on pet.” She said clipping the leash back on to the collar. “Let’s get a ride and go see whats California has to offer. 

5' 11" Straight Male.
Loves :Crossdressing, food/messy, humiliation, bra/pantie stuffing, hidden/semi-public, diapers, long dares,
Likes: Wedgies
Maybe: Bondage, line writing, corner time,
Hard limits: Pain, Poop, Pee, nudity, cum eating, anal, masturbate/edging, enemas, public, pics, hypnos, cam
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Old 05-22-2022, 11:25 AM   #3
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Love the story so far 😊
KiK: Alexvsheenan

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PM Dares

I love when girls humiliate me and my small penis, feel free to do so anytime
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Old 05-26-2022, 01:06 PM   #4
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 262

Omg I love this story. I recently got to do a tamer version of this. Keep it up
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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Old 05-28-2022, 03:13 PM   #5
Blue Griffin
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Originally Posted by iceman713 View Post
Omg I love this story. I recently got to do a tamer version of this. Keep it up
Awesome. What did you end up doing?
5' 11" Straight Male.
Loves :Crossdressing, food/messy, humiliation, bra/pantie stuffing, hidden/semi-public, diapers, long dares,
Likes: Wedgies
Maybe: Bondage, line writing, corner time,
Hard limits: Pain, Poop, Pee, nudity, cum eating, anal, masturbate/edging, enemas, public, pics, hypnos, cam
Full signature here!
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Old 06-04-2022, 05:15 AM   #6
getDare Sweetheart
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 262

I went dressed to dinner with friends not forced but highly encouraged it was a great experience
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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Old 06-11-2022, 05:53 PM   #7
getDare Sweetheart
iceman713's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 262

Please continue this is getting good
Likes: masterbation, cross dressing, risky, driving dares, nudity, bondage
Limits: small anal, shallowing myself, public, friends
NO - NOs : illegal, family, pain, poop, pee, perment damage, death
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