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Old 05-09-2020, 11:50 AM   #1
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Default Lockdown Slut

Hello everyone. This story will focus around BDSM, ABDL, and Mind Control. After having a fun roleplaying session with one of my subs, I thought I would bring the ideas featured in it to life in a contemporary piece. This first chapter will be a little slow for those wanting pure erotic action, but it will setup the rest of the story to follow. Enjoy~


It was mid-March in the year 2020, and Rebecca had just received some bad news in the form of a companywide email. The company, which she had been working for as an office manager for the past several years, would be laying off all of its non-executive employees, effective immediately. The cause, the state-wide lockdown that was occurring in an attempt to mitigate the spread of the virus. The company cited that it would be unprofitable to operate while such measures were in place, and thus layoffs were their only option at this time.

The email shocked Rebecca right down to her core. She had been putting her entire heart and soul into her work for years now, and they had the audacity to lay her off at the first sign of trouble. How dare they, she thought, as she packed up her personal belongings. Her desk had accumulated too many items to fit within her work bag. Frustrated with the turn of events, she walked out of her closed in office to try and scavenge an empty box before they were all snatched up.

The office that Rebecca oversaw was three entire floors of one of the largest skyrise buildings downtown. There were over a hundred employees under her purview. And they were all running about, like chickens with their heads cut off at the moment. Pandemonium was rippling through the office, as word quickly spread like wildfire. Everyone had been informed earlier in the week that this wouldn’t occur, that there was no way the state was going to put a shelter in place order into effect, and shut down everything but the most essential services. But a few days later, that was exactly what had happened. And the company had planned for this, having the emails ready to go, mere minutes after everything had been announced.

Annice, one of the office’s HR staff was busy handing out unfolded cardboard boxes to anyone who came by. Rebecca made her way over, and had one thrusted into her hands, as Annice continued to fend off questions, and assured everyone that they would receive their full pay for this pay period, and two additional weeks if they did not qualify for more severance then that. Judging from the super relaxed outfit, she wore into work today, and the boxes on hand, Rebecca’s theory was confirmed. It was preplanned. The company had knowingly lied to them, and planned all this out behind their backs.

Rebecca had preplanned for this outcome; she was not naïve and had witnessed layoffs in the past. She had made sure to stock up on her medications. She purposefully maxed out her benefits as best she could in the short warning time available. An impromptu visit to the dentist was well worth it, and she went and had her hair cut a little shorter than normal. Thinking ahead to the realities of the lockdown she went ahead and bought a month’s worth of groceries to add to her pantry. More importantly, she made sure she knew where she stood financially. Her years of work with the company would afford her at least three more months’ worth of stable pay cheques as her severance was paid out. It was a lot more than most of the former staff running about would be receiving. They would be filing for unemployment insurance by the end of the month.

But in Rebecca’s mind there was a small silver lining to all of this. She would finally get the long-deserved vacation that she had been dying to take for years now. She would have preferred to have it at a resort on a beach with an ice-cold drink in her hand, but that was off the table for now. Her second choice of vacation was a stay-cation, in which no one bothered her. No calls from the office. No friends and relatives calling to hangout, or to go for dinner. No interruptions, just her own solitude.

These thoughts stirred up some mixed emotions within Rebecca. She was sad that she was losing her job, and that everyone else around her was too. But she figured most of them would be back afterwards. She’d be right back in her office once the two-week lockdown was over. No sweat. She’d come out temporarily financially ahead, and everything would work itself out in the long run. And she would be recharged after a two-week long isolated stay-cation.

Without attempting to engage in any unnecessary conversation from her former coworkers, Rebecca calmly packed up all her personal belongings into her box, and made her way down to the elevators, leading down to the car park.

She got in her red, seven-year-old sedan. It still ran almost as good as new, thanks to her meticulous maintenance schedule. When she had bought the car, she had been at a much lower paying job, and she was determined to do everything within her power to make this car go the distance with her. That mentality still rang true to this day. She squeezed her pennies and made sure that she got maximum value from everything. Her toothpaste roll had been on its last legs for the past two weeks now, and she was still cranking the life out of it twice a day.

She calmly left the parking structure, making sure to take her time, as everyone else around her seemed to be in a frenzied panic, and not the safest state of mind to be driving a vehicle. Traffic downtown was hectic. Everyone, all at once, was trying to get home. Every gas station, grocery store, and pharmacy, that Rebecca passed, had long lines right out the door. The parking lots were absolutely packed. Rebecca was proud of herself for having thought ahead and prepared for the realized potential of a state-wide lockdown. She couldn’t imagine having to deal with all of the people rushing, pushing, and generally being rude to one another as they all scrambled to get what they could.

She made it onto the highway, and sat through the stop and go traffic until she made it to her exit, an hour later. It would be the last time she would be in her car for quite a while, so she made sure to savor the experience while it lasted. Thankfully, the streets leading from the offramp to her house were flowing, traffic was moving very well in comparison to what she had just sat through.

Rebecca lived ten minutes away, at near highway speeds, from the suburbs of the city. Her home was surrounded by natural forest, and each of her neighbors were well out of sight and at least a minute down the main road from her. It was her own private sanctuary that she had purchased for a song almost two years ago. The former owners were more than eager to move out, and for whatever price they could get. Rebecca wished that she had paid more attention at the time to what they were rambling on about. It would have added more character to the house. And having a fun story to tell, was always worth it. Alas, she couldn’t recall what their reason for up and leaving was.

The house itself had a long gravel driveway that wound around the thick trees of the forest that made it an absolute pain to walk up and down to get the mail, or to put recycling out at the end of the curb. Too far for an easy jaunt. But that was what her car was for. The house itself was huge. Not quite at the McMansion level, but larger than what one could comfortably afford in the suburbs. It was a two-story building with an unfinished basement. The front wall which faced the driveway was covered in decorative brick, while the other three sides were covered in plain white siding.

As she pulled up her house, she clicked her garage door opener fob, and drove into her massive detached garage, which was, by itself, bigger than her previous semi-detached dwelling. She pulled inside, and made a note of the state of the recycling bins, and garbage can. Tomorrow was garbage day, and she would have to bring them down to the roadside before heading to bed.

The rest of the space was sparse. Rebecca didn’t have a whole lot of physical possessions, and the previous owners had left everything as is when they sold the house. It had come fully furnished, kitted out with a full suite of newer appliances, nice kitchenware, towels, floormats, you name it, it had it. In one corner of the garage, Rebecca had stacked all of the remaining unopened boxes from the previous owners. She made a mental note that this lock down would be the perfect time to go through all of it, and see what else she had unknowingly bought.

Then her eyes glanced over to her outdoor furniture, which was fully setup inside her garage, as she did was not hard up for space. Hmm, Rebecca thought, I should set this up outside. It is a little cool this time of year, but being able to sit outside and watch the forest with my morning coffee and a book sounds like a good way to spend my mornings. But that was a project for tomorrow. The forecast, as Rebecca recalled, was calling for rain this afternoon, so it would have to wait.

Rebecca grabbed her work bag and the box containing all of her personal work materials, and brought it through the side door to the garage, making sure to click the garage door closer as she went through. Then she went ahead and locked the door behind her. Not that she ever felt the need to do so out in the middle of the boonies, but now that everyone was at home, she had no doubt that people would go out of their way to snoop around, and see what trouble they could get into.

Oddly in comparison, Rebecca kept the doors to her house locked, whether she was home or not. She was a single female who lived by herself. Keeping the door locked was just a security feature that made her feel safe. In order to avoid the hassle of carrying a key around at all times, she had replaced both the front and rear door locks with electronic keypads. A six-digit pin later, and she was inside her home.

She immediately felt tired. More so than she thought she should have been after having spent a little more than two hours navigating stop and go traffic. It was almost 2pm, still early in the afternoon. Rebecca often stayed at work late, so getting home after the sun had set was very much normal for her. Maybe the change in routine has my body confused? Rebecca thought. I might as well make something for lunch and sit down to watch the news.

She set her bag and box down on the kitchen table, which was covered in a disarray of papers and bills, as per usual. Rebecca rarely had company over, so she did not bother to keep her frequently used areas of the house orderly. After having done her exploratory budget crunching over the last two days, the table was messier than normal. I’ll just put it all away at once, tomorrow, when I’m feeling up to it, Rebecca thought. She made a quick sandwich, sat down on her lazy boy recliner, and turned on the flatscreen tv. She found one of the national news channels and binge watched the world events that were unfolding right before her eyes. She flipped to her local news, and the news of the state’s shelter in place order was repeated just about every five minutes. It boiled down to a halt on all non-essential services for a period of at least two weeks. This will be an event to remember, for sure, Rebecca thought. And around the world, that same statement had been thought and spoken by just about everyone.

It wasn’t long before Rebecca began to drift off in her chair. She awoke suddenly, her head bobbing back up to find that the sun had set, and the room was cast into darkness, illuminated only by the flashing lights of the flatscreen in front of her. Rebecca checked her phone. It was 11pm now, and she still felt tired. She unlocked her phone and found that she had several missed calls. Two from her parents, one from her sister, and seven from some of her former coworkers. Rebecca made a mental note to follow up with everyone tomorrow. Everyone is probably asleep right now, Rebecca thought. Just like I should be. She punctuated the thought with a jaw stretching yawn.

The recliner creaked as Rebecca pushed the leg rest back in and stood up twisting her torso, trying to limber up for the journey upstairs. She felt a wet sensation on her crotch. A tentative hand down her pants found that her panties were wet, but not her pants. She brought her fingers up to her nose and smelt them, recognizing the foreign scent. It was the smell of her own lubricative fluids. But she didn’t recall feeling sexually excited earlier, at all. Maybe when I was asleep? Did I have an exciting dream? I don’t remember dreaming just now. Oh well, I’ll just have to change before bed then, Rebecca thought.

She sauntered upstairs, visiting her bathroom along her way, and made it to her master bedroom. It was plainly ornate, to say the least. The couple she had bought the house from, had clearly enjoyed their own variety of sexual activity. In the middle of the room, there was a massive bed, easily able to fit four adults on it comfortably. It had a huge headboard, that was placed right up against the far wall. The headboard had various metal rings drilled into it, and a set of permanently attached chains hidden away behind it. It was very clear to anyone that this bed had been used for BDSM play. From there, one would start to see all the other attachment points around the room.

There were some hooks that hung from the ceiling, that were strongly affixed. Rebecca had once tried to pull one of the ceiling hooks out, by hanging on it with her full body weight, but it did not budge at all. That was true for all the various installments around the room. So, Rebecca left things as they were. They weren’t in her way, and they were easy to ignore.

She stripped down, flinging her worn clothes and wet panties over into the corner of neglect, where the rest of her dirty clothes laid, merely feet away from her laundry basket. The mound was getting quite large, and she was running out of clean clothes to wear. She glanced over to the chair of sorting in the other corner. It was definitely running out of clean wearable clothes. Tomorrow, Rebecca thought. Tomorrow I will get all of these chores done, then I can relax for my vacation.

The bed felt so soft and inviting as she climbed up onto it. The bed itself was elevated to be about a foot higher than the average bed, which made it hard for a short girl like Rebecca to get into bed. But the comfort was well worth the effort. She crawled to the middle of the bed, and flopped down onto her unmade sheets, and maligned pillows, left just as they were when she woke up and shoved her way out of bed.

There was the familiar rustling of metal chains and cuffs behind the bed, which rang out as Rebecca wiggled herself into a comfortable position, and drew her covers over her naked body. Normally she ignored them, but today, today something was different. Mmm, that sound. There is something, alluring to it today, Rebecca thought. She wiggled her bum, causing the bed to shake slightly, and the rustling of metal continued.

Rebecca squeezed her legs together, drawn to the new sensation emanating out from her crotch. Her hand was pulled to her pussy, and when she tentatively probed around, she found that she was wet once more. I wonder how those chains would feel on my skin, Rebecca thought. That was a new one for her. She had ignored the bondage materials for years now without a second thought. But suddenly it was calling to her.

The bed shook a little more vigorously, as Rebecca desperately wanted to hear more of the sweet siren’s song the chains were singing to her. Down below, her hand was now hard at work, slowly circling around her clit, as it slowly engorged with each pass. Rebecca was not one to take pleasure in the carnal desires of humanity. She rarely, if ever masturbated, and it was only to deal with her pent-up emotions that would build over time.

The act was just odd to her. It was not something that she ever sought out, or desired. She had tried her hand at the whole relationship thing in high school, wanting to experience the same emotional highs that all the other girls touted about, but her few attempts had ended in disaster. The one attempt, that could barely begin to even qualify as successful, had turned her off of seeking a partner entirely. A two-minute drunken romp ended with her partner’s premature finish. That act alone solidified her desires to remain single. She was not interested in a relationship that revolved around sex, and as a noteworthy introvert, she didn’t need much human contact. What she received at work was more than enough for her to be satisfied.

But, at the moment, her pussy was telling her otherwise. The pace of her hand increased, as the sounds of the dancing chains fueled her desire. I wonder what it would be like to be restrained by the chain. To have my hand held close to the headboard all night. The cold metal on my flesh, the pull of my muscles, begging for release. Mmm, Rebecca thought.

It was quite an intrusive fantasy, one that a small part of Rebecca’s rational mind was in turmoil over. This isn’t right! Who could possibly enjoy dislocating their shoulder for fun? How was muscle strain possibly pleasurable? What happens if the lock gets stuck? Were some of the thoughts that were being shouted out. But this small voice was tuned out, hidden away, as the pleasure from her forgotten slit overwhelmed her sense of self being, causing her body to spasm on the bed, jingling the chains that much more. She climaxed, and rode the wave of pleasure, slipping her hand away as it died down, and unclenched her legs.

Overcome with a new sense of exhaustion, and satisfaction, Rebecca feel asleep right there and then, unable to begin to process what had just occurred.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 05-13-2020, 12:57 PM   #2
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Two

Rebecca’s body jerked upright, performing a reflexive sit up, as she was violently awoken the next morning. She frantically looked around the room, trying to figure out what was wrong. But there was nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe there is someone in the house? Rebecca thought. She fired herself right out of bed, flinging her covers hap hazardously on the ground, and she grabbed the decorative three-pronged candle stick holder on her nightstand. The candle holder would have to do. It had a solid weight to its solid metal construction, and it would certainly hurt to be hit with.

Naked, and spurred on by her adrenaline, Rebecca checked the window, overlooking the front of the house and the driveway. There was no sign of anyone, or a vehicle of any sorts. Undeterred, she ran out of the master bedroom, her larger than average breasts were jumping about with every frantic step she took. She checked room by room, but she found nothing. Nothing out of place, nothing disturbed, and no one was in the house with her. She relaxed, and decided it was time to think rationally.

She made her way back up to her bedroom, and pulled her phone off of its charger. It was a little past 10am. She had slept in more than she had expected. Especially after that long nap she had yesterday. She had a few more missed calls, mostly from her family. She would have to deal with that today, for sure. But first, she needed to get a handle on the situation.

She opened up her home security app and noticed that the front door camera had detected motion just ten minutes ago. Rebecca tapped this alert and a video of the incident was played on her phone. A postal delivery truck rolled up her driveway, and rounded the circular landing of the driveway, pointing away from the house, facing towards the exit. The back door rolled up, and a man popped out of the vehicle with a large, non-descript cardboard box in his hands.

I don’t remember ordering anything, Rebecca thought to herself as she tried to think of what could be in the box. She hopped up onto the bed, now satisfied that there wasn’t a home intruder, and everything had been explained rationally. As she shimmied back, her bum came into something, wet. What is that? Rebecca thought. She reflexively sniffed the air as she turned around to look. The smell was ammonia, and the wet spot on the bed was yellow. It’s piss! I pissed the bed last night?! Rebecca thought.

She was taken aback. Rebecca climbed off the bed and began to pull the sheets off. Whether or not she wanted to, she was now stuck doing laundry today, and a lot more than she had bargained for. How did I piss the bed? Rebecca kept thinking over and over again. The last time she had done something so childish, she had been an actual child. That would have been almost two decades ago. She didn’t remember even feeling the need to go while she slept. It was very concerning to her. She thought back to the night before. What had she done wrong? She hadn’t consumed a copious amount of liquids, and she even visited the bathroom before heading to bed. How, in the actual fuck, did I piss the bed? My bladder should have been empty, Rebecca thought.

Regardless of what she thought, or how improbable it was, the proof was right there before her. She pissed the bed, and the room now smelled of ammonia and shame. She wadded together all the bedding, and carried it down to the laundry room. She loaded the washer up with the fitted sheet and the thin bed sheet that usually covered it. With the size of the bed, these two custom-made items were more than enough to make up one load. Her wadded up comforter sat in the laundry sink, awaiting its turn.

Rebecca returned to her room, and opened up the big window, allowing fresh air to circulate through the room, hoping to remove the smell of her piss before it decided to linger. Her dirty clothes corner was right there, and it was overflowing. Rebecca loaded her laundry basket up, and dumped its contents onto her stripped bed. The mattress was still covered by an impermeable sheet. The same one that had been left by the previous owners. Which again fit right into their supposed love of BDSM. It would be quite expensive to ruin the mattress every time someone dripped bodily fluids onto it.

Just how many times has this bed been pissed in? Rebecca started to wonder. Well its more than zero now, at least. She separated out her laundry into two piles. Clothes that needed a delicate drying cycle, and clothes that could withstand a normal drying cycle. She loaded the normal drying cycle clothes into her basket, as they were mostly socks and underwear, the smaller items, and brought it to the laundry room, queuing it behind the pissy comforter. The delicates were brought into line right after as a loose pile on the ground.

Rebecca set a timer on her phone to remind herself to come change over the laundry. The house was too big for her to hear the buzzer go off when the washer had finished. With everything underway, she decided to make her way downstairs to get something to eat. She took the first step down the stairs when she suddenly stopped. Something wasn’t quite right with this picture.

She looked down, and saw her naked breasts staring back at her. She was still naked. She never walked around naked. What am I doing? Rebecca thought. I need to get some clothes on before I go downstairs. She turned around, and went back to her room. She rummaged through sparsely decorated clothing sorting chair, and found the last pair of clean panties, a pair of gray sweatpants, a still bundled pair of long socks, and a slightly too large white t-shirt. She grabbed her bra from the ground, and got dressed. No need to be fancy, no one was going to see her. But it felt right to be clothed again.

Now with everything right in her world again, Rebecca made her way downstairs to her kitchen, and poured herself a bowl of cereal. She sat down at the small clearing among all the scattered papers. Her work bag and the carboard box containing all her office decorations still sat at the far end of the table, staring her down. As she ate her cereal, not wanting to do so in her recliner, she rationalized that she didn’t need to unpack either item. If she was going to go back in two weeks, she might as well keep it all bundled together.

She polished off her bowl, and brought it to the sink, rising it before shoving it into her dishwasher. Washing the dishes would have to wait until tomorrow. She didn’t want to draw too much water off of her well, with all the laundry she was doing today. Rebecca remembered her lunch bag was still in her workbag, so she fished that out, rinsed out the containers, and filed them away into the dishwasher for later.

Rebecca, armed with her phone, sat down in her recliner, and turned on the tv once again, turning the volume all the way down. She read the news ticker as it went by, and was just barely able to hear what was being said. A good enough environment to start fielding some calls. She opened her phone and figured she would just start with her family, then friends, and end with her coworkers. She called her mother, who put her on speaker phone so that she could talk to her dad at the same time. They were concerned about her and her work situation. Rebecca assured them that she was fine, that she was financially unchanged for the next three months, and she would be going back once everything returned to normal. After all, there was only one of her in the entire office. They talked for another twenty minutes, about the small things, and about what each other thought about the lockdown. Rebecca’s dad assured her that they had prepared for everything last week, as he was always one to keep his ear to the ground, and had been watching the spread since January. Rebecca thanked him for passing along those traits, as she touted all her preparations. They ended the call with the promise to call at least once a day from then onwards.

Rebecca didn’t really want to have to talk to her parent’s daily, but it was more so for their own good than her own. They would go stir crazy staying at home, as they were quite socially out going. A stark contrast to Rebecca herself. If it’s only my parents, I will be fine, Rebecca thought.

Next, she called her friends, and each call was basically the same thing. “Oh how are you doing?”, “Did you get laid off”, “That sucks, I did too, or I’ve been labeled as essential” ,“If there’s anything you want to chat about, let me know I’m already bored”, “I hope I or my parents don’t catch it,”. Those themes, repeated five times over, and occupied Rebecca for the next half hour. Nothing too interesting. She could hide away from these friends, by only engaging with them on social media. Easy enough to add a comment here, reaction clicks there, and a sparse chat conversation occasionally.

Then there was the task she was absolutely dreading. Talking to her former coworkers. From past experience when there was a layoff, she tried her best to listen to her former coworkers’ concerns, and tell them that they would be alright, that they would find a job quickly, and if they needed to, they could list her as a reference. But this time it was everyone, and there was a lot of uncertainty around that. Drawing on the past experiences, Rebecca knew there was no way that 100% of the staff were coming back. It would only be, at most 75% of them.

Every call she had, everyone was one hundred percent sure that they were back, and they were laughing at their free two-week vacation. Rebecca didn’t have the heart to try and spoil the mood, so she fed their delusions. Most of them had asked her if she had known this was coming, which she assured them it was as much a surprise to her as it was to everyone else who was not part of HR. The calls were short, and most ended the call by saying that they would see her in two weeks.

Perfect, she was done. Her former coworkers were as good as dead to her. Now she could enjoy her isolation, in peace and a relatively punctuated quiet. She turned up the volume on the TV as the early local news cast at 1pm began. The top stories were the lines at gas stations, the empty shelves in grocery stores, and the restrictions on medication and the amounts being distributed. Nothing that was unexpected at this point. Then they covered the amount of cases, noting that it had now doubled in only two days’ time, and there were several deaths to report.

Now having watched all of this for two days now, Rebecca felt that she had had enough of it. So, she switched the channel, looking for something to take her mind off the situation. It took awhile but she found a rerun of a reality tv show, that was new to her, and was entranced for a few hours, only taking a break to grab a glass of sweet tea every so often and to change over the laundry. Finally, the trance was broken when the pressure in her bladder informed her that it had been neglected long enough. She made her way to the bathroom, and sat down on the porcelain throne. For some reason, she swelled with the feeling of pride. It’s probably because I made it to the toilet this time and didn’t piss myself, Rebecca thought. What a strange fucking thought to have.

Now refreshed after having two very long sleeps, and a nice sit down, she decided it was time to make on of the more elaborate meals she had planned on. She opened her phone, and thumbed through her bookmarks, and found the recipe for a non-rising homemade pizza crust. She got out all the ingredients and set to work. An hour later, she was back to lounging in her recliner, a plate of delicious pizza in hand. Rebecca was not one to make fancy meals, usually preferring to make simple quick meals for herself, but every so often she got a hankering for something a little more elaborate. And this homemade pizza was scratched that itch for her.

She flipped back to the news, and caught the tail end of her local afternoon news broadcast. More lines, more restrained panic. Nothing new. Rebecca had noticed that the local media station had toned down their words a bit since yesterday, most likely in an attempt to reassure the watching populace that everything was going to be fine.

Rebecca thought back to the list of things that she had wanted to today. She wanted to get the outdoor furniture setup, and she wanted to get the kitchen table cleaned up. She looked outside, and the clouds out to the west looked threatening. Like it was going to rain, or even thundershower. So, she decided that she could set things up tomorrow, and avoid getting soaked unnecessarily. Then she took aim at the kitchen table. This was much more accomplishable. She got her tax information together, and filed that back into the envelop where her returns from the last five years lived. Her paystubs, and other work-related papers ended up in the cardboard box containing her office decorations. If I ever need those again, they will be in an easy to find location, Rebecca thought.

She took the box and brought into the closed office space that she had bought, already complete with a modern computer, and a massive solid wood desk that must have cost a fortune to install, let alone buy. The whole room was kept mostly clean. Rebecca only ventured in here when she had to do work from home, which given her late-night stays at the office, were few and far between. She set the box along the wall and desk, out of the way, but clearly in sight should she need something. She grabbed the two empty coffee mugs that were littering the desk from the last two nights and brought them back with her.

As she made her way back to the kitchen, she heard the tell-tale signs of rain falling on the roof. She looked out the window and her thoughts were confirmed. It was already raining at a fair pace. Not something she would have wanted to be caught in, especially when she could have just done it tomorrow.

The rest of her papers and files did not take long to put away. They had come from Rebecca’s patented drawer of random papers that were too important to throw away, but not important enough to keep handy. Which was the only drawer in her office desk that was occupied.

She finished just as the first bolt of lightning hit. And with it, went all the electricity in the house as the thunder roared around her. Rebecca’s world was plunged into darkness. Thankfully, her phone was in her pocket. She pulled out her flashlight app, and illuminated the darkened hallway. Had the storm happened an hour earlier, it would have still been daylight outside and she could have navigated the house using that alone. But everything instantly became scarier when you had to rely on a small light to find your way around.

Rebecca wasn’t afraid of the dark. No self-respecting adult would ever tell you that. But what she was afraid of were the things you couldn’t see in the dark. Not the same at all. She made her way back to her recliner and picked up her dishes, moving them to the kitchen, not bothering to try to put them away in the dishwasher. She checked around to make sure that she hadn’t left out any perishables. She spotted the bottle of pizza sauce, and quickly threw it into the fridge, while trying to keep the cold in.

Rebecca double checked the front and back doors, and did up the security chain on both, just to put her mind at ease. The door locks were battery powered, so they worked even through a power outage. But it was good practice to make sure that they were both still locked.

It was almost 8pm, and while Rebecca wasn’t feeling tired, she wasn’t willing to put up with sitting in the dark for too much longer. She went upstairs, and quickly visited the bathroom, having flash backs of last night. She had pissed herself in her sleep, and before that she had… Rebecca’s cheeks warmed and turned crimson. She had forgotten all about her masturbatory adventure with the sound of the jingling chains.

I wonder what it would feel like to have them touch my skin, Rebecca thought. It couldn’t hurt to pull one over the head board, and to feel it. Would it? Rebecca finished up in the bathroom, feeling a little extra when she wiped, and sauntered off to the bedroom. Her sheets were crumpled on top of the bed. Which was a little frustrating. Rebecca berated her past self for being so lazy. She should have set everything up, and then current Rebecca wouldn’t have to struggle to dress the bed in the dark.

She put her phone, flashlight-side up on the top of the headboard, which faintly illuminated the whole room as it bounced off the ceiling. The shadows that casted off of the bondage hooks made them look like they were larger sharp-ended meat hooks, used to transport animal corpses throughout meat packaging facilities. Thankfully, Rebecca had seen these shadows before, otherwise she would have jumped right out of her skin right there and then.

She quickly got the fitted sheet on the bed, which was quite the exercise, as she had crawl on the bed to each corner with the sheet, then hop off the bed, and get it tucked underneath, and clipped into its respective holder. It was a unique system that Rebecca had never seen anywhere else. But it ensured that the sheet never came lose. It’s probably useful when someone is squirming in the chains on the bed, Rebecca thought. There were the chains again. Her often neglected pussy began to roar to life, lubricating itself and calling out with desire.

This was very surprising to Rebecca. She never played with herself on back-to-back nights. Maybe only a few times when she was a teenager, but not once in her adult life. She rarely even masturbated more than once a month to begin with now. But those chains were driving her wild, for some reason. There is no rational reason I should be getting wet over the thought of having a heavy metal chain with an inescapable metal cuff locked around my wrist, while I sleep. None, Rebecca’s rational mind thought. But her pussy wasn’t on the same wavelength, at all.

Rebecca quickly got the thin sheet tucked in. She never slept directly on the fitted sheet, as it was too big of a burden to remove and set back up. Instead, this thin sheet was much easier to tuck in and wash when the time came. With that in place, she stripped down, taking everything but her panties off. She usually slept in them, and last night had been a bit of an oddity that she had slept naked. With her big comforter blanket in hand, she jumped into bed, and got comfortable in the middle. She grabbed her phone and flicked off the flashlight app, trying to preserve the charge for as long as she could.

Even though she had wanted to conserve the battery, she was not yet tired. So, she flipped through various forum boards, laughed at a couple of memes, and read an interesting post or two while using her 4G data. The connection wasn’t the best, but it did the job when her WiFi was down. She shifted in bed, and the chains jingled behind the headboard. It sent a shiver of pleasure straight through Rebecca, starting from her pussy and going straight up her spine to her hardening nipples. Not this again, Rebecca’s rational mind thought. She readjusted once more, and the same sensation occurred. It was too much. Her thighs clamped together again, and her hand made its way down, circling around her clit.

Well this is exciting, Rebecca thought, but it isn’t as exciting as yesterday. What can I do? In response to this question, Rebecca immediately sprung to her knees, and shuffled over to the head board. She stuck one of her hands down the back, and fished for her target. The cold touch of a metal chain brushing against her hand sent shivers down her spine. There it is, Rebecca thought. She grabbed the chain and pulled it back over the top of the headboard.

The chain slid down the top of the headboard a bit before it fell into a grove. The chain was wedged in there, unable to be pulled through or slip back, but if it was lifted, it was free to move. This way one could adjust the length of the chain, without having extra pool around the bed. Rebecca missed out on this fact, as she was infatuated with how the chain felt in her hand. The coolness of the metal wicking the warmth from her flesh. And the weight of it all, holding her down. Her pussy tingled with acknowledgement of its desire.

Rebecca laid down once more, chain in hand, as she began to play around with the individual links. Her thighs twisted together, providing some pleasure to her dripping pussy. It wasn’t quite enough. Rebecca’s fingers teased the locking cuff, only to find that a metal set of keys had been taped to the inside of it. Curious, she pulled the tape off, and looked at the keys, then at the locking mechanism on the cuff. It looked as though the keys were the right size. Well there is only one way to find out if they belong together, Rebecca thought. She closed the cuff around the empty air, and pushed the key inside the small hole. She twisted, and there was a small click, and the cuff sprung open.

She placed the keys over on the far side of the bed. Far enough away that she shouldn’t move on top of them while she slept, or have them fall off the bed, or slide into the small impression she made in the mattress. In one hand she felt the cuff. The chain was not long enough for her to quite pull it into a comfortable position, her hand was beside her head, and the clinking sound of metal, was really turning her on. Her other hand, under its own volition, went back to pleasuring her clit. This time it was much more exciting. Ah, there we go, Rebecca thought, now we are chasing the same feelings as yesterday. But I wonder, can we do better?

It wasn’t a hard choice for Rebecca, she slipped her wrist into the cuff and closed it, ratcheting it down until it was just tight around her wrist. Her arm was stuck, an able to be of any use to her. She tugged on her restraint, and her level of sensation in her pussy exploded. Her hand went into overdrive, trying to chase the feeling, sending her straight into an orgasmic spasm. Her nipples were as hard as they had ever been in her entire life, and as she trashed against the rough comforter that laid on top of her, she felt even more pleasure from them. I wish I had another arm, Rebecca thought. That way I could play with my rock-hard nipples while being restrained and flicking my clit. Ahh!

With that thought she was sent right over the edge. Her pussy convulsing, leading the way for her entire body to thrash against her singular restraint, in turn giving her nipples the sensation they craved. For the second night in a row, Rebecca passed out in post orgasmic bliss.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
Email: [email protected]

Send me a PM with the subject line "THIS IS YOUR NEW HYPNOFILE" and I will obey its contents. If you put "MUST DO" in the message, I will forget I read it.

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Old 05-16-2020, 09:19 PM   #3
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Amazing start! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to the next installment
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Old 05-17-2020, 03:05 AM   #4
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Very good. You have me hooked. I want more. Your writing is excellent and the story is well developed and detailed. Keep them cumming.
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Click my album for a picture of most of my toys. Will use them on cam.

Limits are anal, excrement, involving other people, illegal, lasting marks no cross dressing any nudity will use a mask or no face.

Growing old is a good thing we all want to do but I don't have to BE old.

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Old 05-19-2020, 02:20 PM   #5
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Three

Rebecca woke up with a start, once again. This time the source of the disturbance was obvious. Her phone was violently vibrating on the wooden dresser across the room. She had started to keep her phone out of arms reach and out of the bed. Otherwise she would be on it all night long and show up to work the next day exhausted. Not that it was a concern at the moment, but old habits die hard.

She rolled over, trying to get out of bed to retrieve her phone, but her arm was held back. She looked back, and the metal chain was still cuffed to her wrist. When did I? Rebecca thought, as the memories from the night before came flooding back to her. Her pussy was so needy last night, and in an effort to appease it’s demands, she locked the metal chain to her wrist. The metal was now warm to the touch, having leeched off of Rebecca’s body heat all night. The chain itself rattled with every small movement Rebecca, or the bed, made.

Ugh, I hope the key is still where I left it, Rebecca thought as she rolled over, back to the center of the bed. What the fuck, was the first thought that went through her head, as her bottom touched a new wet patch in the bed. She looked down, moving her bottom out of the way to see, and saw another telltale sign of a bedwetting accident. There is no way that I pissed the bed two nights in a row! No fucking way! Ugh! Not one to wallow around in her own despair, she rolled over once more, now towards her righthand side, where she had left the key.

Which was not there. She looked up and down the bed, feeling out all of the fabric with her free hand, but the key remained lost. Oh no, Rebecca thought, as her mind turned to the one place it could have gone. She just barely managed to peak a look over the edge of the bed, her chain leash was too short to allow her more than that. On the ground, there was the key to her cuff. Right out of reach, as she tried with her free arm to touch the ground, but found it too short by several inches. No amount of straining her arm was going to help.

I’m going to be stuck here until someone comes looking for me, Rebecca thought. My phones too far away, so I can’t call for help, and with the lockdown in place, no one is going to come by for at least another 12 days! I can’t wait that long! After this moment of panic Rebecca had an idea. She shifted on the bed, throwing her legs over the side, and tried to use her feet to pick up the key.

It was a tough stretch. Her feet just barely made it to the floor, let alone able to put her heels down. She searched for the key, but it was hard. She couldn’t look down, as her body and breasts were in the way. Her back was starting to hurt too, just to make the situation more dire. She should have stretched before going feet first into the rescue mission. Aha! Rebecca thought as her feet found the familiar cold sensation of metal on the ground. The next three minutes were spent trying to pick up the key. Finally, she succeeded, grasping the key between her collection of small toes.

With measured movements, Rebecca brought the key back up to the bed, and gingerly set it down. She had gotten very lucky. The key could have just as easily bounced further away, and ended up completely out of reach. Once the key was in her dependable free hand, she wasted no time undoing the metal cuff, and rubbed her wrist, which had slightly chaffed overnight.

Rebecca wasted no time and bounced straight out of bed. She set the key down on her nightstand, making sure it was clearly placed in the direct middle of it. She went to put the chain away, back behind the bed where it would never see the light of day ever again, but found it to be caught. She found the source. It was the slot in the headboard that held the chain at a fixed length. Rebecca lifted the chain out, and for curiosity sakes, pull on it, trying to get more length. There was at least another five feet of chain available to use.

Suddenly her problem from before looked so trivial. Had she known about this, she would have been able to lengthen the chain enough to be able to get up, off the bed, making the whole process a lot simpler. She let the chain coil back behind the bed. Once finished she looked over the headboard, and saw that the chain was attached to the bed with a simple carabiner. It wasn’t locked in any method, just firmly secured until released. This brought another layer of relief to her, as she had another escape route had things gone even further wrong.

Not wanting to waste another moment jingling the chains, which had a remarkable effect on her level of arousal this morning, she got off the bed for good, and stripped the sheets, again. She brought everything down to the laundry room, but decided that she needed a shower first before she ran out of enough hot water to enjoy it.

While in the laundry room she stripped off her damp panties, and added them to the fitted and thin sheet pile. It would be better than having them sit around for a week or more, stinking up the place. She made her way over to the big window, that was letting in a blast of morning sunlight, illuminating the entire room. She opened the window, allowing fresh air in, hoping to once more get rid of the smell of her midnight piss.

Rebecca went and had her first shower in two days. Now that she didn’t have to look presentable at work every morning, she could afford to slacken her showering schedule. She found that washing her hair was a laborious chore, that if it could be delayed, would be. After all, who was going to be around to see her anyways? Rebecca dried off, making sure to tangle her hair as little as possible. She got out her brush and ran it through her hair, find a few more knotted strands than usual. But now that the worst part of her day was behind her, she could start having a bit of fun.

Rebecca went and started the laundry. She then picked up her phone and headed down stairs. Something felt off about her descent down the stairs, like a thought circulating around in the back of her mind, but she chose to ignore it.

Breakfast was very much the same as it had been the day, and there was plenty of room around the table to enjoy it, now that she had cleaned it yesterday before the power had gone out. Rebecca hadn’t even thought to check if the power had come back on. But, given that the washer was spinning away upstairs, it must have. With that settled, she opened her phone to see an alert notification. Ah! I completely forgot about that! Rebecca thought. She opened the notification and a recording from the front door began to play. At first there was nothing out of the ordinary, then a bushy tailed squirrel suddenly burst into view of the camera.

It was a surprise to see that, but given that she was in the middle of the forest, occasionally the woodland animals were adventurous enough to set off the motion detector. But the squirrel shouldn’t be that high up. There is nothing for it to stand on, Rebecca thought. Oh fuck! There’s that box that was delivered yesterday. I completely forgot about it.

She rushed to the front door, undoing both the physical chain lock and the high-tech electronic one, and opened the door. The squirrel from the recording was no where to be found. It did however leave a few shreds of an acorn, or some type of nut, on the top of the large carboard box. What did I order? I don’t remember ordering anything. Let’s just see who the package is from, Rebecca thought. She turned the box over trying to find the shipping label, which had ended up being on the last panel she checked.

The seller was a popular online warehouse site, one that Rebecca had used many times in the past, but didn’t recall recently placing an order. She had a nagging suspicion. She checked who it was addressed to, and her suspension was correct. It was the former owners. This wasn’t the first time a package had shown up for them. When she had first moved in, she was receiving pretty much every piece of mail that the couple would have usually gotten. She’d bundle it all up, and return it to the post office every weekend. Over time, the amount died down, and now it was just the odd thing here and there, not too much of a bother at all considering the price she got the house for.

Hmm. With the way things are going in the world, I might as well hang onto this until after the lockdown is over, Rebecca thought. I’ll just add it to the collection of stuff they left behind, and deal with it later. Rebecca picked up the box. It was heavy, but not unmanageable. The box felt full, like whatever was inside of it, took up the majority of the space, as there was nothing shifting around inside of it.

The walk to the standalone garage was brisk, the damp morning air biting away at her skin. But there was a certain pleasure to it, just like how her erect nipples were now rubbing against the hard-cardboard box. Rebecca froze in her tracks. She looked down, and let out a scream in shock, before stifling it. Realizing there was no reason for it. She was still completely naked. Head-to-toe, nothing on her. How the fuck did I make it this far without realizing I wasn’t dressed? Rebecca thought. This isn’t right. I should have gotten dressed after getting out of the shower.

Rebecca had almost made it the whole way over to the garage, before coming to this revelation. She could either run back inside, or continue on, as she was. This isn’t that bad, Rebecca thought, as her thighs closed together and rubbed a little bit back and forth for warmth. There’s no harm in continuing like this. It’s quite nice out, and no one is going to see me anyways. The pleasure she was subconsciously generating from between her legs made the choice for her. I’ll just continue on.

She unlocked the door and brought the box over to the pile of disorderly boxes that had been left behind for her to explore. She set the box down, next to the pile, reasoning to keep it separate for later, then as she turned to leave, but then one of the boxes grabbed her attention. Rebecca turned back and picked up the box. She wasn’t sure what was so special about this one, but it was calling to her.

The box was taped up tight, and it looked like it had been previously opened several times. Each time adding a layer of new tape to seal it once more. Maybe its important? Rebecca wondered. No use in keeping it out here, I might as well bring it inside and then I can open it. Spurred on by the cold morning air, Rebecca hurried out of the garage, making sure to lock it behind her, and raced back into the house before anyone could sneak up her long driveway and see her in her birthday suit.

Inside the house, she locked the door once more and set the package down on the kitchen table. Rebecca grabbed a pair of kitchen scissors out of the her miscellaneous drawer of kitchen accessories and other materials that were too valuable to be thrown away. She opened the paired blade and cut at the layers of tape which sealed the box. It took a bit of work, but she managed to break through before long. Even then, it still took a good five minutes to gain access to the contents of the box.

Inside, there was another box. This one was ornate. It was made of a black, or at least composed of a dark coloured wood, and had an almost flawless finish. It was sleek, and the only indication that it was not a solid piece of wood, was the small seam that bisected the middle of it. When Rebecca picked it up, it felt lighter than it should have. I hope that it isn't empty, Rebecca thought. She carefully set the box down on the kitchen table, and took a step back to bask in the grand splendor of this box. Even if it was empty, it would at least make a great jewellery box.

She lifted the top section of the box, and found that it had a hidden set of hinges on its back side, allowing the top to open up, and hold its position. Inside there was a single golden amulet, complete with a heavy golden chain. The amulet itself was very ornate. It looked like something an artisan jeweler would have been proud to have called their masterwork. The amulet was adorned with a single red gem, a ruby, if Rebecca had to hazard a guess. The gold chain that accompanied it was thicker than one was used to seeing. Usually the chain was small, and hidden, out of the way, so that the pendant would appear as a focal point. But this chain was anything but plain. Rebecca lifted the jewellery box up, and examined the chain closely. There was some sort of scripted writing that flowed along it. Not in any language that Rebecca knew, unfortunately.

Rebecca set the pendant down, and sat down in front of it. She was completely taken aback at how beautiful the pendant was. I wonder how much this piece is worth? That was her next thought. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. I had to be a unique piece, maybe even created by someone famous. Those ones usually had a hugely inflated price tag, and this looked like it would certainly fit the bill for being one of those pieces. The gemstone set in it had to be worth quite a bit on its own.

Why was this left behind? Rebecca wondered. They couldn't have willing left it. Could they? I mean, just look at how many layers of tape the box had. It's clear that they've brought it out many times. But a piece like this, why would you want to put it away, and not keep it on display. It's too pretty to keep hidden. Maybe it was to an anti-theft tactic? Tempted by the beauty of the pendant, Rebecca gingerly removed it from its case, and turned to over in her hand. It was just too tempting. Before she knew what, she was doing, she already had put the chain around her head, and the pendant now rested just between her bare breasts. Not wanting to waste this moment, she sauntered over to the bathroom to check out how it looked on her.

The amulet was absolutely gorgeous, and it looked fantastic nestled between her two natural beauties. She twisted and turned, trying to catch a glimpse at every angle, and they were all fantastic. And her pussy agreed with her, as it called out to her, asking to be played with, now more than ever. Rebecca even caught her hand trying to sneak its way down, but pulled it back before it could get past her naval. She didn't know what had come over her, but she wasn't one to delight in those pleasures. Disgusted with herself and her lack of control, she made her way back to the bedroom, and to the chair of assorted clean clothes. There she fished out a pair of clean panties, and socks. She put them on and went to find an outfit, but she heard her phone ringing from downstairs.

Oh no, that's probably my parents, Rebecca thought, as she ran back down the stairs to answer her phone before it stopped ringing. Thankfully, she managed to pick it up just before she thought it would go to her voicemail. True to her word, Rebecca chatted with her parents for half an hour, discussing just about anything and everything. But what Rebecca didn't realize, was that as she was chatting them up, her free hand was having quite a time. It was split between spending time fondling the amulet, and tweaking her nipples, gently playing with them, while somehow remaining undetected by Rebecca. The call ended with both parties renewing their promise to call each other tomorrow, and they said their goodbyes.

Rebecca was happy that her parents wanted to chat, and thankful for the small non-intrusive opportunity to socialize. She sat down on her recliner, and turned on the flatscreen, flipping through the channels until she found the flavor of national news channel that she was looking for. Just as she was getting settled in the buzzer for the washer went off, prompting her out of chair, which she returned to just as quickly as she had finished. Like every other day this week, Rebecca nodded off as the news cycle got less and less interesting as they ran out of new material for her to digest.

When she awoke, she jumped right out of her seat. "No, not again!" Rebecca said out loud. Liquid was still rolling down her thighs from her soaked panties. She had just pissed herself again. This time in the middle of the day, and in her prized recliner no less. She ran to the kitchen to grab a roll of paper towels to mop up her mess. She dabbed and dabbed away at her shameful accident, all while her panties cooled against her skin. Thankfully, she was able to get all of it before it seeped into the cracks along the side and back of the chair. Absolutely exhausted at this point, Rebecca once again made her way upstairs to the laundry room. She shed her pissed in panties and threw them into the laundry sink. Then thoroughly rinsed them, and ran some soap through them, trying to get them clean. She pulled out her now dry comforter, and threw in the fitted and loose sheet, and the soaking wet panties.

She threw the comforter onto the bed, and went back down stairs. Rebecca was beginning to wonder if she would ever be able to have a good night's sleep ever again. She was getting literally tired being startled awake. Left with no other choice, Rebecca grabbed a couple of towels from the linen closet, then layered them on her recliner, in case she fell asleep once again. Which was a certainty, given that there was nothing on the television. Every channel either was covering the pandemic, or they now featured commercials that focused on this contemporary issue. There were streaming services of course, but her internet connection was too limited to generate a consistent image that did not make her eyes bleed.

Rebecca eventually settled on a rerun of a show she had seen, maybe just over a year ago. Too recent to have forgotten what the twist was at the end of the episode. And true to her word, she fell asleep within ten minutes of sitting down. Usually when she slept, she seldomly dreamt, but this time was the exception.

Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 05-19-2020, 02:21 PM   #6
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Three And A Half

She dreamt that she was back in the office. It was an ordinary day, and she was dressed in one of her usual conservative outfits. The level of normalcy was quickly ended as she saw her boss, Mark, knocked on her office door through the small glass window imbedded within it.

“Rebecca, are you busy at the moment?” Mark asked.

“No, I’m just replying to emails,” Rebecca said. “How can I help?”

“Can you meet me in the conference room on the third floor, in, … let’s say five minutes?” Mark asked, as he looked at his watch to confirm the timing.

“Of course, I’ll be right up,” Rebecca said. Mark went to leave her office, but turned back at the last second.

“Oh, and Rebecca,” Mark said. “This one is important, so don’t be late.”

Mark then disappeared, probably down the hallway towards the stairs to the third floor. Rebecca checked her watch. It was 1:55pm. Her meeting would be at 2:00pm exactly. That’s a little ominous, Rebecca thought. A meeting that I’m only just getting invited to now. I wonder who’s going to be there. Then her mind started to turn. She had just gotten back from the lockdown, and over seventy percent of the office had not yet returned. Or, more likely, they had been laid off, permanently, and it had not been made officially official yet. This possibility swam through her head, stirring up a lot of mixed feelings. Maybe they intend to lay me off, too. It would make sense, they couldn’t just let me go without an exit interview without detailing how all of my affairs will be dealt with, I’ve been here too long for a no notice termination.

Rebecca looked back down at her watch. 1:58pm. She had two minutes to get upstairs. She would just make it on time if she left now. She grabbed her laptop, a pad of paper, and a pen. With those in hand, she made her way to the conference room.

Upon entering the conference room, Rebecca was greeted by three people. Her boss, Mark. Her HR representative, Annice. And the regional manager for the corporation, Brent, who was the nephew of the CEO. Immediately she knew what this was going to be about. Her fears were confirmed. Seated at the table were the three people necessary to let her go.

"Ah, Rebecca, I'm glad you could join us," Brent said. "Please have a seat so that we can get things started."

"Is this what I think it is?" Rebecca asked, as she took her seat.

"Unfortunately, yes. It is," Mark said.

"There's no need to beat around the bush," Annice said. "The corporation is turning this branch into a small satellite office. There's no need to keep everyone working physically in the building, especially since we saw just how well working from home seems to work."

"Effective immediately, as of 2:00pm today, you are hereby permanently laid off from your position. We do not need an office manager if there is no office to manage," Mark said.

"Here is your package," Annice said. "Inside, you will find all of the information you will need. We do encourage you to apply for other positions, but we will not be covering travel costs. Do you understand all that has been said here today?"

"Yes..." Rebecca said, her voice trailed off. It was her worst nightmare coming true. Everything she had worked so hard to achieve, was being taken from her.

"My job here is done," Annice said. "If one of you two could escort her down to her office once you finish chatting with her, that would be much appreciated. She is not to be left alone until she taken to the elevator and her office swipe card has been revoked."

"We'll take care of it," Mark said. "Thank you." And with that Annice walked out of the room, allowing the door to close on its own behind her.

Rebecca and Mark went back and forth for a little while, conducting her exit interview. It was almost entirely positive as they had been on quite good terms with one another. She had worked very hard, and achieved a lot while she was here. Brent sat back, and added in small details, as they had affected his own work. Both of them were very appreciative of the work that she had done. This part of the conversation passed over as mostly a blur for the dreaming Rebecca, but it felt as though it had happened for real and in length. Once they had said all that they had to say, Mark got up from his spot, and excused himself, he had to go take a call or something.

"So that leaves the two of us alone then," Brent said.

Brent was an attractive man, who was about the same age as Rebecca, if she had to hazard a guess. He had started in his current position a little before she had joined the corporation, so to her, he had always been in this role. She used to look up to him, seeing him as proof that one could work their way up the corporate ladder. Until about a year ago, when she figured out that he was the prized nephew of the CEO. Things all started to click into place. He had obtained the job through a healthy serving of nepotism. Regardless, he was still a perfect fit for the role. He was very commanding, and took his job as a leader very seriously.

"Rebecca, I would like to offer you a new job, if you would like to listen to my proposal?" Brent asked.

"Yes, Sir. I am all ears," Rebecca said. If he was offering her a job to work for him, it wasn't the worst possibility in the world. It wouldn't be as high paying as her last job, but it was better than being homeless.

"You see, Rebecca, I have admired your ... skills from afar for many years now. I think you would make the perfect personal assistant for me. There are several, physical needs, that I require help with, that I can't do myself. Someone as skilled and beautiful as yourself, would be able to help with," Mark said with a wink.

"Yes, Sir, I'm interested in the position. I was a secretary here when I first started. I'm sure my skills from then will be suitable for the task," Rebecca said. Mark pushed back his chair as he began to undo his belt.

"That's great to hear, Rebecca. It truly is. Now, if you want this job, you are going to come over here and put your 'skills' to the test," Mark said. He then pulled his belt completely off, set it on the ground, and then undid the button to the fly of his pants.

Rebecca's mind screamed at with what was going on. It was unable to process how she had gotten in this far without realizing what Brent had been asking for. There is no way I'm going to give him head. Eww. How could he ask that of me? Is that what he wants? A glorified bimbo with an open mouth as an assistant? He could get any woman he wanted, why me? Rebecca’s rational mind thought. These thoughts were quickly pushed away by some more intrusive ones. But, he did ask me, and he wants me to do it. I should feel happy that I'm being honored with the task. Mmm, I wonder what his dick tastes like.

Spurred on by the deepening desire that had appeared out of nowhere, and the lust that was radiating out of her nether region, Rebecca got off her chair, and onto the ground. She was determined to make a grand spectacle of it all. After all, that’s what she remembered seeing in the few porn videos she had seen. She crawled on her hands and knees towards Brent, and stopped when her head was mere inches away from his stiffening groin. Without a word being exchanged, she took a hold of Brent's zipper with her teeth, and pulled it down, slowly, in a teasing manner. Now with clear access to his underwear, Rebecca leaned in, placing her nose right against his balls and deeply inhaled for dramatic effect. Mmm. Now there's a smell I've been missing, Rebecca thought. The smell of a virulent male. One who knows what they want, and how to take it for themselves. The smell made Rebecca weak in the knees, but thankfully she snapped out of her pheromone driven rapture long enough to continue on with her job interview.

She grasped the waistband of Brent's underwear, again with her mouth, and pulled it down, slowly over his cock, allowing the stiffened member to spring free. His manhood stood at an impressive eight inches, and it was thick as well. It was a cock that some girls would literally offer up their own lives to ride. Not that Rebecca was any better than those girls, at the moment. Her pussy certainly made sure to voice its excited opinion over this discovery. She grinded her thighs together, drawing out some pleasure from her now soaking wet folds. She was going to be a complete mess after this, for sure. How could I have ever thought that I didn't want to be a cocksucker? Rebecca wondered. This is so perfect. I am right where I belong. Face first in the lap of a successful man.

Rebecca tucked the waistband under Brent's sizable balls. She smelled them once more, planting her nose right at the base Brent's shaft. She started her journey upwards, leading with her tongue, and ended with her tongue twirling around the flared part of the head. She continued, making sure to tease her way up towards the tip of the cock, savouring the taste of the precum that began to drip out of it. Now with the foreplay over, she went ahead and took Brent’s head inside of her mouth, swirling her tongue around the bottom of the glands.

This is the farthest I’ve ever gotten when giving head, Rebecca thought. She had tried giving head to one of the boys who was crushing on her back in high school, but he didn’t last more than a few seconds under her ministrations. It was a very disappointing affair all together. One in which Rebecca’s loins remember having their insatiable fire, at the time, quenched in that moment. I hope I am good enough to get him to finish. She teased going further down, until Brent put his hand on the back of her head, and …


Rebecca woke up with a start, for the umpteenth time. Her reaction to this rude awakening was so strong that when she finally came to, she realized that she was standing, looking back at the recliner. Her first thought was to check the towels, which were of course soaked. Where is all of this liquid coming from? Rebecca wondered. She peeled off the towels, and brought them upstairs to the laundry room. As she passed the full-length mirror in the hallway, she caught a glimpse of herself. Something wasn’t quite right. She had spied something black around her collarbone.

She backed up and dropped the piss-soaked towels in shock. The pendant was gone. In its place was a flowing black, stylized script, that looked to be inked into her skin. She turned around, and saw that the fresh markings encircled her neck, perfectly. The script dipped between her breasts, and a demonic looking circle, filled with geometric patterns was there to greet her disbelieving eyes.

Rebecca stood there, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. How? What? What the fuck is happening to me! Where is that fucking pendant? Did it do this to me? Is it cursed? Magic and curses aren’t real! This makes literally no sense! Rebecca thought.

She examined the rest of her body, twisting and turning, trying to see every square inch, looking for more markings. She was confident that there were no more to be found, until she took a step back. She peeled off her third pair of soaking wet panties, and let out another involuntary gasp. On her public mound, above her pussy, there was a simple smiley face, that looked as though it had been drawn on by a marker.

Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
Email: [email protected]

Send me a PM with the subject line "THIS IS YOUR NEW HYPNOFILE" and I will obey its contents. If you put "MUST DO" in the message, I will forget I read it.

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Old 10-06-2020, 10:58 PM   #7
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Add @evelynkley on snap. You wont be dissapointed
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Old 11-04-2020, 08:48 PM   #8
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Post Lockdown Slut - Chapter Eleven

After her first encounter with the delivery man, and the mind-meltingly good orgasm that followed, Rebecca’s confidence grew in leaps and bounds. Long gone was the meek girl and in her place was a confident, sexually empowered woman eager to make up for lost time.

The days began to blur together, following the same routine. Rebecca would get up from bed, and wait until Mommy released her from her chains. Her evening diaper would be changed, which was always wet despite Rebecca’s insistence that she didn’t need them. She would add the used diaper to the diaper pail which would spit out her underwear for the day. After a couple of mid-afternoon snoozes resulted in accidents, the diaper pail had demoted her to a nighttime diaper during the day. Rebecca was always thankful when the pail took mercy on her and allowed her to wear double daytime diapers instead. They were somehow still less bulky than a single nighttime one.

She would shower, perform her daily hygiene and grooming tasks. She would then sit down to apply her base-coat of makeup to Mommy’s satisfaction. She would get dressed, now owning a new complement of sexy clothes that the big-cocked delivery man was slowly but surely bringing to the house. When finished she would pose in front of the mirror. Rebecca was blown away at what she saw in the mirror every day. It was a completely different person looking at her than who she had been before.

The doorbell would ring, right around ten or eleven, and Rebecca would come racing down the stairs, letting in her chosen stud in. The man would get his choice of sexual act, unless Rebecca was desiring something specific that morning. They would finish up, Mommy would get the sexual energy she desired, and the delivery man was sent on his way shortly thereafter.

Rebecca would then be allowed to make herself something to eat, and relax for a bit. At one o’clock the next delivery driver would ring the doorbell and the cycle would repeat itself. And to top things of, just this week Mommy had added a third delivery driver to the mix, with this one stopping by around four. After she would make a light dinner, and rest while it digested for an hour.

Mommy’s training began right after. Nothing was ever quite as intense as the first day of blowjob training, but that was due to Rebecca’s enthusiasm for learning more and wanting to participate. The first hour was actually pretty tame. It was an online yoga class that Rebecca attended every night. The class ran for an hour. This helped her to get much more flexible and limber. The class did have a sexual focus to it, but it was still professionally done.

Mommy’s personal lessons would begin as soon as the yoga class ended. By now, Rebecca had been trained in all of the basics, and was now moving into some of the more, obscure, techniques. Mommy’s magic made up for the lack of a physical partner, and in some cases was even better. For example, yesterdays’ lesson was on golden showers, and piss drinking. Any normal partner would have maybe mustered three shots in the night, but with Mommy’s magic, it was a never-ending fountain of delicious golden nectar.

After a few hours the lessons would end and Rebecca would be allowed an hour to do her own thing before bedtime. By this point, she was exhausted and would sink into her comfortable recliner and watch the evening news. So many weeks had gone by and the outside world was really starting to improve. There were rumblings that the local government was going to lift certain quarantine measures, which would mean that she would be allowed to go back to work soon. Rebecca wasn’t sure whether she was excited or disappointed about returning to her old life. She was having a whole lot of fun right here with Mommy.

Mommy was always quick to reassure her that there was no way that she was going back to her old life. That version of Rebecca was long gone. The night would end with Mommy diapering Rebecca for bed, and potentially giving her an orgasm or two before sending her off to sleep.


The moment that Rebecca had been dreading finally arrived. She checked her work email to see her instructions for returning to the workplace from her boss. It was Friday night and she would be one of the first ones to return on Monday.

Well, that’s fortunate timing, Mommy said. We’ve almost gathered all the sexual energy we need for the ritual. And it’s all thanks to your hard work. One more good orgasm should do it.

Without any notice Rebecca once again lost control of her arms. It was Mommy’s way of being intimate with her, despite lacking a physical body. Sure, there were toys, vibrators and the likes, but nothing quite beat the feeling of skin-to-skin contact. Mommy started slow, making sure to tease her lips delicately, building up Rebecca’s desire.

Rebecca made her way over to the recliner and sunk into the cushioned seat. She had gained a lot of experience over the last couple of weeks of moving without the use of her arms. She didn’t realize just how much balance they provided. One of her hands migrated up her chest and grabbed a handful of Rebecca’s new breasts. She had been whittling away at Mommy’s challenges and had almost earned back her full bust. She was a cup-size short, but it wouldn’t be long before she was rewarded for all her hard work.

Mommy increased her pace. Rebecca realized that she must be pretty excited. Mommy usually took her time when playing with her, but today, she was aiming straight for the finale. That hardly bothered Rebecca as she writhed in pleasure in her recliner, her back arching off of the leather seat.

Then it hit her. The waves of pleasure radiated outward from her sex as she lost all voluntary control of her body. Her moans quickly turned into screams of pleasure as the waves grew in intensity. The last thought that crossed Rebecca’s pleasure addled brain was a vague feeling that something wasn’t quite right. She blacked out before reaching the climax of her orgasm.


When she came to, she was a sweating, panting mess. Her head throbbed, unable to process anything around her. She felt a hand press against her diaper in a familiar fashion. She was pulled forward, off of her drenched recliner, and lifted into the air, the magical sensation missing this time. She was pressed up against a warm body and her legs instinctively wrapped around it.

Rebecca let out a yawn. Her head was still pounding, hurting too bad to think. She kept her eyes shut, it hurt to look at the light. She felt her body being moved, but she neither cared, nor made any attempt to get away. Then she felt her body get lowered down, transitioning from a vertical position to horizontal before falling the last two inches into the soft embraces of her bed. The warmth of her sheets baked in the mid-afternoon sun were too tempting to fight off. Rebecca fell asleep instantly.


It was dark when Rebecca came to. Where am I? Rebecca thought. She got up to her knees before shuffling into a cold hard metal surface head first. She recoiled in pain, letting out a cry and began to rub away the pain. Seconds later the light in the room was turned on, blinding Rebecca once more.

“Oh, I see my little baby girl is up,” came a familiar sounding voice from across the room. Rebecca strained her eyes trying to see who it was. She fell over when she saw who it was. Across the room in an absolutely stunning red dress was herself. An exact replica of Rebecca was standing in the doorway looking at her.

That can’t be right. I’m right here. How can I be looking at myself from across the room? And why is that copy of me so tall, Rebecca thought. As if on cue, her body double closed the distance, and stood at the foot of the metal railing that held her captive. She looked around, suddenly realizing where she was. It wasn’t her bedroom, not by a long shot. She had woken up in the pink-walled nursery room again. Only this time, there was a door.

“So, you’re probably a little confused, and rightfully so, little one. Let’s get you out of your crib and I’ll tell you everything that’s happened,” the person said. Rebecca didn’t know why, but she felt that deep down, she trusted this mysterious entity. She put her hands up and her body double lifted her up, and brought her up to her shoulder.

“There we go. You must be starved. Let’s fix that first,” the woman said. Rebecca’s stomach rumbled, causing the woman to burst into a fit of laughter. The woman sat in the armless chair in the corner of the room and pulled down the straps of her dress revealing Rebecca’s new breasts, the nipples already standing at attention. Without any protesting, Rebecca’s was positioned so that her head was to the woman’s tit and her new found instincts took over. She latched her mouth to the woman’s nipple and began to suck. She was rewarded with a creamy warm substance the flowed out.

“That’s better. I guess I had better start from the beginning. By now I think you’ve guessed that I’m Mommy, and that would be correct. The ritual was a success and now I have my own body. But as you’re starting to realize, this came at a cost. While you are still in your adult body, you are now the height of an average six-month-old. And I have to say, you make quite a cute baby doll. And now I get to come clean. It was my intention from the beginning to leave you at this size. I can’t have you running free in the world, able to run to the other witches for help. There is no way that I will be going back inside that amulet,” Mommy said.

Rebecca gurgled at this revelation, unable to vocalize anything with her mouth filled with Mommy’s nipple.

“Oh, don’t you worry. I know exactly how disappointed you were when you found out that you had to go back to work tomorrow. Oh, that’s right, it’s actually Sunday night, by the way. You’ve been asleep all weekend. I guess the spell took quite a toll on your body. So now you’ll never need to go back to that office. I’ll be going in your place. After months of studying all your memories, I think I will be a convincing version of you. A version that is a lot more adventurous, that’s for sure.”

“Oh, don’t you worry, you’ll still have a job. You’re going to be Mommy’s little cam star. You see, the nursery is equipped with cameras that will be capturing your every moment. Everything you do will be live streamed to anyone who is willing to pay a subscription fee. And let me tell you, with the work that you’ve put in over the last couple of months, you already have a massive following. I almost envy you. You’re making more now then when you were a hoity-toity office administrator.”

“You don’t have to worry about anyone finding out who you are, or where you are. My magic has already taken care of that, so don’t be shy, super slut. Go wild. You have been given an opportunity that many people would kill for. I know you’ll be a little lonely at first, but it won’t be too long before I get you some roommates to play with. After All, what’s more exciting than one little slave?” Mommy asked.

She paused, sarcastically waiting for Rebecca to answer. As much as Rebecca wished that she could respond, but it was impossible for her to let go of Mommy’s teat. The creamy milk that flowed down her throat was just too intoxicating to give up. It was stirring up feelings in her nether region. The more she drank, the hornier she felt. It was a recurring feedback loop that Rebecca never wanted to stop.

“That’s right little one, an entire nursery filled with diaperbutts! You’re going to be so busy. But for now, you’re going to have to settle for Mr. Bear and friends. I think that you’ll find him more than an adequate partner,” Mommy said.

Rebecca vaguely remembered there being some stuffed animals in her crib, but she hadn’t payed them any attention, there were much bigger things going on. Without any notice, Rebecca was torn from her Mommy’s teat and hoisted over her shoulder. She felt one of her former giant hands thump against her back. Once, twice, and on the third pass she let out a huge unladylike burp.

“Now be good for Mommy. Remember, your viewers are watching. If you don’t put on a good show, I’ll be giving you one hell of a motivational spanking later. So, it’s your choice slut,” Mommy said as she lowered Rebecca down onto the carpet.

“Be good,” Mommy said in a sing-songy voice. She closed the door behind her, locking it from the outside.


Rebecca was once again alone. Alone in a situation where she had absolutely no control in what happened to her. Reality hit her like a truck and she started to cry. A full-blown childish wail that was inconsolable. She went on for what felt like hours having cried herself dry long ago. Her life was over. There was no way out of this hellacious situation. The illusion that if she had followed Mommy’s training, she would be let free, or freer, was shattered.

The milk in her stomach didn’t help the situation at all. As she digested it, her pussy grew warmer in desire. Her diaper didn’t stay dry for very long as it began to soak up her horniness. Her hard-won breasts ached with desire to be squeezed, the nipples standing at attention, sending unappreciated shivers down her spine from the draft under the nursery door.

Rebecca nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt a warm furry sensation on her shoulder. She turned around only to see the entire collection of stuffed animals had come to life and gathered behind her. She took a step back in surprise, nearly falling over her own feet. There had to be at least ten of them. They had taken on more human-like form. Gone was their pudgy, fluffy appearance, replaced with toned definition and curves. Half were male, and half were female from the look of things.

Rebecca took another step back, trying to get away from her new furry friends, but she bumped into the cold hard wall. The stuffed animals advanced, encircling her. One of them stepped forward. He was significantly larger than the rest, and his features resembled a bear. Rebecca looked him up and down, noticing a familiar stirring at his crotch. The hormones in her body clouded her thinking. She stepped forward, dropping down onto her knees.

Mr. Bear rubbed the front of his crotch and an enormous swollen pink cock popped out. Rebecca’s mouth salivated at the sight. She reached out, her training taking control, and began to fondle the base, feeling around for the muscular bears balls. They fell out of his fur, and were pulsating, warm, and heavy mass in her hand. Mmm, I bet there’s a lot of tasty cum in those nuts, Rebecca’s lust addled mind thought.

She couldn’t hold back any longer and enveloped Mr. Bear’s member, taking it deep into her throat. It was an odd sensation. The cock felt eerily similar to the variety of delivery men that she had been blowing for months. But it felt slightly different. Rebecca withdrew and swirled her tongue around the head, then it dawned on her. It tastes different. That’s what it is! It’s so good. Umm, I think it’s having an effect on me. It’s so slippery too! I can feel it coating my mouth, Rebecca thought.

The sensation in her mouth intensified, increasing the sensitivity of her tongue, lips, and throat. With each pass, Rebecca’s mouth felt less mouthlike, and more like her burning pussy. She tentatively brought her hand up to her lips, but to her relief, she felt her normal lips. Her teeth were still there as well. Her fears were relieved having thought that Mommy’s magic had somehow replaced her mouth with another pussy.

She continued to service the massive bear. Around the room she saw that the rest of the fluffy ensemble has broken off into smaller groups and were having an orgy of their own. There were two stuffed bunnies that were absolutely just giving it, living up to the saying about fucking like rabbits. The rate at which the male rabbit was pistoning in and out of the female rabbit, it honestly frightened Rebecca. The female bunny’s face revealed that she was enjoying every single second of it, as her big heavy tits swayed with each movement.

The scene was repeated around the room, but Rebecca’s mind was soon too clouded in lust to take note of what was happening. The only thing that existed to her right now was the cock in her throat and her efforts to make it cum. Spit and precum ran down her face and dripped onto her substantial bosom, but she didn’t care. Just as long as she got her reward for pleasuring Mr. Bear. The sensation in her mouth was building, taking her to new heights of pleasure. There was no edge to be reached. The feeling kept growing and growing until Rebecca blacked out.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
Email: [email protected]

Send me a PM with the subject line "THIS IS YOUR NEW HYPNOFILE" and I will obey its contents. If you put "MUST DO" in the message, I will forget I read it.

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Old 11-10-2020, 07:39 PM   #9
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Post Lockdown Slut - Chapter Twelve - (Almost) Finale

When Rebecca came to, she found herself lying on top of Mr. Bear. She remembered what had just transpired and pushed herself off of the stuffed animal, falling onto the soft carpeted floor. She got onto her knees, but found no sign of movement in the room. She poked the stuffed bear. It was warm and soft, and had a lovely furry feeling to it, but it did not feel alive. There was no indication that it was awake, or even animate. Rebecca leaned in to try and find a heartbeat, or see the rhythmic rising and falling of the chest from breathing. There was nothing, not a single sign of life. She tried to pick up the bear, but found that it weighed too much. She could barely even nudge it when she put her full weight behind her shoulder.

Rebecca got up and dusted herself off. Dried flakes of bodily fluid came off her two round breasts and disappeared into the carpet. She looked around the room and found various children’s toys scattered about. Some were purely innocent, like the heap of lettered blocks, but others, like the all too familiar dildo rocking horse, had a much more adult theme. Rebecca spotted a flatscreen in the corner and across from it was a small recliner that looked oddly familiar.

Rebecca waddled over, her thick diaper pushing her thighs wide apart. She felt the weight of the soaked padding pull at her hips. She had once again pissed herself while sleeping. Not that it mattered now. She was stuck in this nursery forever. I might as well make the most of it then, Rebecca thought. The old version of her would have been horrified that she had thrown in the towel without a fight. But after the several dozen lessons she had learned over the past months, she knew that there was no way to go against Mommy’s wishes. Whatever Mommy wanted to happen, was exactly what was going to happen, and to the exact letter of her specification.

The recliner was almost an exact replica of the one downstairs in her living room. Mommy’s living room, she thought. There wasn’t anything that was hers in the world anymore. Everything was a gift handed to her by Mommy. A privilege that could very well get taken away for whatever reason. The recliner in front of her was a perfect example. The only difference between it and the one downstairs was the material that covered it. The one downstairs was covered in black leather. The smaller, child-sized version in front of her had pastel pink fabric, and it was covered in a protective plastic covering. That’s probably a good thing given how often I end up leaking...

Rebecca plopped her sodden butt into the recliner and found the childish pink plastic remote waiting beside it. She turned the television on, and to her surprise a real-world news channel came on. Rebecca felt relieved that there was some sense of normalcy to be had in the nursery dungeon. She relaxed, and began to absorb the day’s current events. A little while later she noticed a small timer in the corner of the screen, which was counting down, from what looked to be an hour.

Curious, Rebecca changed the channel, landing on a kid’s program. The timer followed, but it had paused, reading 55:49. The colourful cartoon wasn’t really that interesting to the grown woman, so she jumped back to the news, and the timer recommenced its countdown.

Interesting, Rebecca thought. I think I know what’s going on here. I’m only allowed an hour of adult tv time a day. But if I watch an ‘age-appropriate’ show, it doesn’t count towards my hour. I wonder what happens when the timer hits zero?

There was only one way to find out. Rebecca sat back and watched the news, keeping one eye on the timer at all times. Time passed slowly, but soon enough, the timer blinked starting at ten seconds remaining, before turning red at three seconds, and right as the timer hit zero the television turned off. Rebecca tried to turn it back on, but the pink plastic remote was useless in that endeavour.

She begrudgingly got out of her chair and went for a tour around the room, cataloguing and indexing what was available to her, and how she could use it to entertain herself. When she came to the dildo-saddled rocking horse she could hardly resist jumping on, fondly remembering her last experience with it. She swung her leg over top and sunk down on the two hard pink plastic cocks. At first, she felt them push against her pissy diaper, but then she felt them magically slide though, pushing against her most sensitive areas. She lined everything up and sat down, the two pleasure sticks nestled nicely within her nether regions.

Rebecca began to rock back and forth, feeling the two dildo’s pump in and out of her bottom. The faster she went, the better it felt. With that carnal incentive driving her, she picked up the pace, feeling her muscles straining to maintain the pacing. The feeling was heavenly, as Rebecca lost track of time.


A while later, her pacing on the rocking horse had slowed down to a gentle canter. Her legs felt sore as if they had spent several hours on an actual horse. She looked around the room, only to find that the stuffed animals had managed to pick themselves off the floor and relocate back in the crib where they had been originally. That’s odd, Rebecca thought. I guess they are activated by my sexual energy? I guess that makes sense if they can only move when I am excessively horny. Rebecca began to wonder just how horny she had to be to make them all come to life and have another orgy. The milk that Mommy feeds me must be quite powerful if it makes me that excited.

Rebecca gingerly lifted her bum off the rocking horse, feeling the two dildos leave her well-fucked orifices gapping. She reached down, feeling along the crotch of her diaper, only to find an unblemished plastic surface. The holes had resealed themselves thanks to Mommy’s ever-present magic, but a new problem arose. The diaper was even heavier now. Mommy’s milk had run through her system and was now threatening to rip the diaper’s tapes. Rebecca’s hands shot to her backside, rubbing away the phantom pain that appeared as she remembered the last spanking she had received for losing her diaper.

She clutched onto the front of the diaper, hoping to save herself from any further punishment. There has to be a way for me to get my diaper changed, without Mommy’s help, Rebecca thought. She scanned the room. Beside the padded change table there was her all-to-familiar robotic diaper pail.

Rebecca waddled over, taking extra care to avoid her diaper tearing off. After what felt like forever, she finally arrived. Her short size really made everything seem so much larger and far apart. Before the journey would have taken her six strides. Now it took thirty.

There was one problem with her plan. The diaper pail was too tall for her to use. It was still sized for an adult to use. There was no path that Rebecca could find to get her sodden padding all the way to the top of the metal cylinder. She began to walk away, passing by the change table when she felt a mysterious force grab her underneath her armpits and hoist her high into the air.

Rebecca screamed at the sudden intrusion, kicking her feet with wild abandon, trying to find something solid to gain purchase on. She looked down, and saw that she was now inches above the padded pink surface of the change table. The force lowered her, lying her down on her back. She tried to sit-up, but the mysterious force pushed against her chest, keeping her firmly in place. She was able to tilt her head just enough to see that the mysterious force had taken a material shape, now plainly visible to her as a detached floating white gloved hand.

Two more hands appeared out of thin air and grasped at the tapes on her diaper. With a sharp tug the adhesive seals gave way. The front of her diaper was pulled down between her legs exposing her crotch to the cold air of the room. Rebecca shivered, but it was nothing compared to the freezing cold disposable wipe that was swiped against her sex. She wriggled and writhed, trying to escape the sensation, but it was no use. The magic hands were too strong. There was no indication that they were even phased by Rebecca’s infantile struggling.

With her crotch now clean, one of the white gloves grabbed Rebecca’s ankles, bringing them together before hoisting them up to her head, raising her bum off of the well-used diaper. The remaining free gloved hand pulled the diaper out from under her, and set it down out of her reach. Another two ice cold wipes cleaned her backside, feeling almost pleasurable against her thoroughly-fucked asshole. The wipes were gathered together and thrown into the used diaper, which, in turn, was rolled up into a tight ball. The magic hand then took the diaper and disposed of it in the diaper pail.

Rebecca heard the diaper pail chime out its usual greeting then told her how many times she had accidently pissed herself in the last week. It was an embarrassingly high number, but now that she was stuck in the nursery, Rebecca was all too sure that the number would only grow larger. The diaper pail then mechanically pronounced Rebecca’s next diaper would be a single overnight diaper.

The white glove returned dutifully from the diaper pail with a gigantic diaper in hand. Rebecca’s eyes bulged out of her head when she saw it. There’s no fucking way that is going to fit me, Rebecca thought. But she didn’t have a choice. The diaper was opened, gently fluffed, then slid under her backside. Her legs were lowered, her suspended butt coming to a rest on the diaper. Her back was arched, there was way too much padding between her butt and the padded change table. The front of the diaper was pulled up between her thighs, forcing them to be spread to almost their absolute maximum. The six heavy-duty diaper tapes were done up, tightly cinching the massive diaper around her midsection.

The hands patted her tummy before grasping her by the armpits and lowering her down to the nursery floor. She stumbled as the hands let go of her, forcing her wide-spread feet to try and support her. Her arms windmilled, but it was all for naught as she ended up tumbling backwards, landing with a puff of baby powder. She had braced for impact, expecting there to be substantial pain, but there was none. The thick diaper had spared her from all of it. She sat there dumbfounded for a minute, trying to process what had happened to her.

She let out a massive yawn, stretching her arms out above her head. A wave of exhaustion washed over her. While she hadn’t been up for too long, according to her own memory, but she had been pretty busy fucking and getting fucked. She looked towards her crib, and saw the convenient ramp leading up to the padded mattress. She made her mind up. It was nap time. But first she needed to make it there.

She tried to get back onto her feet, but it was pointless. The diaper forced her thighs too far apart. She had managed to get two minuscule steps in, but quickly gave up on the idea. She got on her hands and knees and crawled towards her destination.

The journey was a long one. She had almost regretted complaining about her waddled walk earlier. This one was much longer. The bulk of her diaper prevented her from making any quick progress. By her measure the diaper had to weigh at least half her body weight. It pulled on her hips, dragging on the ground behind her, making the task all the more difficult.

Eventually she reached the ramp, and began to climb up it. The heavy diaper made it an exhausting task, and by the time she made it to the top she barely managed to roll over to the pillow and pull the warm blanket over her sweating, heaving form. It took her mere moments to fall asleep as she caught her breath.


“Wake up, little one. I brought you a surprise,” Mommy’s sing-song voice called out. Rebecca yawned and stretched out, feeling well-rested from her first exploration in the nursery. She managed to push herself up to her knees, supporting herself by holding onto the cold metal bars that held her captive within her crib. Her overnight diaper had swollen to comical proportions. It easily weighed as much as she did. It was a little concerning that she figured she had pissed half her body weight away until she remembered that things don’t need to make sense when Mommy’s magic is at play.

Rebecca looked up, the bright light still stinging her sleepy eyes. Over Mommy’s shoulder there was a naked quivering mass. As her eyes adjusted, she was able to make out some more detail. That person seems familiar, Rebecca thought. Then it all clicked together. It was Brent, the regional manager from her former workplace, the nephew of the CEO. Rebecca recalled one of the vivid dreams that she had had at the start of all of this.

The lockdown was over and she was back at work, only to be brought to a conference room a week later to be let go. Brent was there, overseeing all the layoffs, and he had cornered her in the conference room after everyone else had left. He had offered her a new job as his secretary, but first she had to prove her skills by blowing him. Rebecca looked up. Mommy had a knowing smile on her face as if she knew Rebecca was remembering the dream.

“That’s one of the fun things about being a witch,” Mommy said. “Sometimes you see future events. There’s a whole branch of witchcraft for witches who are more predisposed to the talent of divination. They are called dreaming witches. It’s not an exclusive talent, but they do have dreams about the possible future much more often.”

“As you can guess. Little Brent, I mean little Benny here did exactly what you had dreamed about. He offered me the job today, and I daresay he is deeply regretting asking me for a blowjob. Poor thing, I sucked the height right out of him. I figured you would love to have some human company, so here we are,” Mommy said. Benny tried to raise a fuse, but a sharp slap across his already red bum put an end to any rebellion.

Mommy snapped her finger and Rebecca felt a magical sensation around her waist. When she looked down her diaper had been replaced by a clean white daytime diaper, the same size as the one Rebecca had been wearing prior. It was still too big for her figure, but it at least allowed her to stand up and maneuver around. Mommy came over and lowered the rail, holding out a hand for Rebecca to take. Not one to hold back anymore, Rebecca eagerly took it and was lifted out of the crib and placed in front of a new pink toy chest, appropriately sized for Rebecca. On the front panel in painted letters it read ‘Rebecca’s Toy Chest’, as if there was any doubt who it was intended for.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and open it and let’s get the party started. Little Benny here needs to learn the pecking order in this house,” Mommy said.

Rebecca flicked open the latch and lifted the lid. Inside was a magical space. There was both nothing and everything inside it all at once. Rebecca felt that if she reached inside she could pull out any toy she could imagine. Right now, she wanted to make sure the little skirt chaser learned his lesson.

She held out her hand and fished around the empty void of the chest. She felt it come into contact with the first toy, and pulled it out, leaving it hanging over the edge of the chest. She reached back inside several more times and just so happened to find everything she was looking for. When Rebecca turned around, Mommy was beaming at the sight of her.

“My, my. I taught you well, little one,” Mommy said. “Here, let’s get started,” Mommy snapped her fingers and an appropriately sized wooden stool appeared into existence beside Rebecca. She sat down on it, grabbing the big wooden paddle from the lip of the toy chest. She patted her lap, and Mommy lowered the sobbing boy onto her lap.

Rebecca hadn’t seen his face until now, but she was surprised to find a pink pacifier gagging the poor young man. She pulled it out, allowing it to drop to the floor in front of him.

“Thank you, Rebecca. Please let me go. I won’t tell anyone about this. I swear. I’ll even pay you. Anything. Anything you want and it’s yours. Just please let me go,” Brent said.

“I’m sorry Benny, but you’ve been a bad boy. And what do bad boys get?” Rebecca asked rhetorically.


“That’s right. Bad boys get punished,” Rebecca said interrupting the pathetic mess on her lap. “Now, I’m going to spank your bottom. It seems that someone’s already gotten quite a warming, so this shouldn’t take long. I’ll stop when you promise me that you are going to behave and allow me to use the rest of my toys on you. Do you understand?”

“No, why would I—” Brent was interrupted by the sharp crack of the paddle on his butt. His hands flailed, trying to cover his smarting backside, but they were held tightly between Rebecca’s thighs.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Rebecca said. She proceeded to lay one hell of a beating on his ass before the defeated man finally whimpered that he had had enough.

“I’ll be a g-g-good b-boy,” Benny stammered, tears streaming down his face. He was into a full-on gasping sob, trying to catch his breath between words. “I’ll behave and play with the rest of your t-t-t-toys.”

Rebecca could tell that there was fear in his voice. It made her so wet to know that she had so much power over this worthless human being on her lap.

“Stand up, sissy,” Rebecca said. Benny stood up slowly on his shaky legs. “Nuh uh, uh. Don’t you try to touch your bum. It’s supposed to sting, sissy girl.” She grabbed the pink plastic chastity cage from the toy box, and undid all the intricate pieces. She reached out and grabbed Benny by the balls and pulled him in closer, eliciting another pained grunt from the broken man. The chastity cage went on easily, the poor sissy girl was too scared to even attempt to get an erection in front of her, not that he would ever have the chance to do so ever again.

“Much better. Now your all-important manhood is locked away forever it’ll be hard to ask girls to suck you off, now won’t it?” Rebecca asked.

Benny stayed silent, staring a hole into the floor between his feet. Rebecca brought him out of his self pity party with another sharp spank on his blistered ass, sending him jumping to his feet.

“Yes, Ma’am,” Benny said, his voice barely squeaking out. His legs were shaking violently in fear. Rebecca grabbed the next item off of the toy chest. It was a frilly pink diaper, one that was way to feminine for even her to consider wearing. She felt something welling up inside her. Something very familiar.

With a sadistic grin on her face she snapped her fingers, and the diaper disappeared from her hand and reappeared on Benny’s bottom, sending the sissy boy jumping in surprise, landing on his padded ass. Rebecca looked up at Mommy and saw an approving smile on her face. Satisfied that she was allowed to use her new-found power, Rebecca continued to put Benny in his place.

She grabbed a metal ring gag from the toy chest and snapped her fingers. Instantly Benny’s whimpers became even more pathetic as the unfortunate sissy lost the ability to make any coherent sound. The gag was tightly wrapped around his head, forcing his mouth open in a pathetic circle. Benny’s face looked eerily similar to that of a blow-up sex doll. A string of drool rolled down out of his mouth and down his muscular chest. As soon as Rebecca had noticed his sculpted chest, she snapped her fingers again.

Benny grasped at his pectoral muscles, feeling them deflate, withering away to nothing in his hands. He checked his arms and found that all his hard work at the gym was gone. Left in his place was a thin scrawny boy. A boy who looked like he would have difficulties even trying to open the door to enter the gym, let alone lift his own gym bag.

Mommy had taken a seat on the crib. One of her hands had snaked its way into her panties, and the other was teasing her breast. She was enjoying the show and eager to see where it went. Rebecca grabbed the final item off of the toy chest. A strapon harness, with a nice large sized pre-lubricated dildo already attached. She stepped into the harness, and pulled it halfway up her leg before realizing that she could do oh so much better.

She dropped the strapon harness and kicked it away. She grabbed Benny by the hair and forced his face into her diapered crotch, then snapped her fingers. The sounds that erupted from the defeated sissy boy were music to Rebecca’s ears. And the vibration from his throat felt amazing. Benny began to squirm, and spasm, trying to gasp for air as his face was beginning to turn blue.

Rebecca released her hold on the suffering sissy and he fell backwards, allowing Rebecca’s big thick cock to pop out of his mouth, humiliating strings of his own saliva dangled off it. Rebecca marveled at the beautiful sight. She grasped her cock, heaving the heavy weight between her fingers. Her new-found magic had made it possible for her cock to seamlessly penetrate through the diaper, leaving a perfect seal behind it. She gave it a few test strokes, and found that she really enjoyed the sensations it produced. Mmm, this must be why guys are so sex-hungry, Rebecca thought. I would be too if I knew that I could have this much fun with it. Speaking of fun…

Rebecca looked at the ground, finding her new sissy toy flat on his back, knees bent up in the air, and feet flat on the ground. He was panting heavily, trying to recover his breath.

“That’s enough rest for now,” Rebecca said. She took a step forward and planted her foot right on Benny’s diapered crotch. She was surprised to find it warm and squishy. A sadistic smile grew on her face when she realized what had happened.

“That’s too cute, baby girl. You pissed yourself in fear of me. And we haven’t even started your diaper training yet. How pathetic. How did you ever think you were actually worthy enough to ask a girl to blow your minuscule manhood anyways?” Rebecca asked. She only received gurgles in response. “Get back on my dick, cocksleeve.”

Benny didn’t move fast enough so Rebecca gave him some motivation by driving her foot into his diaper crotch, eliciting a howl from him as he tried to roll around on the ground. His hands tried to reach his nether regions in an attempt to sooth the pain, but it was all for naught as Rebecca kicked them away. She snapped her fingers and a heavy seamless metal collar appeared around Benny’s neck. In hot pink lettering, accented in glitter was his new name, Cocksleeve.

A leash appeared in Rebecca’s hand. She pulled on the leash, causing Benny’s body to violently jerk up into a kneeling position, his mouth mere inches from her cock.

“Let’s try this again, Cocksleeve. Get back on my dick or I will make that last kick to your balls seem orgasmic compared to what I will do to you,” Rebecca commanded.

Benny leaned forward, eager to avoid any more harm to his testicles. He stuck his tongue out and tried his best to tease Rebecca’s massive cock. He was doing his best imitation of every blowjob porn video he had ever seen, unfortunately, he was a poor actor. Rebecca grew tired of the piss-poor teasing and grabbed the sissy by his ears and forced her cock down his tight throat. She pistoned in and out a few times before discarding the sissy once more, allowing him to catch his breath.

Unsatisfied, she snapped her fingers and Benny was bent over the wooden stool, his ankles and hands bound to the legs, severely limiting any freedom he thought he had left. Rebecca lined herself up with his backside and gripped the diaper with both hands. She tore a hole over his undoubtedly virgin hole, and spit on it for lube. Benny’s head shook violently back and forth in protest. It was the only rebellion that he could manage, fearing exactly what was coming next.

Rebecca grabbed her cock and placed its massive round head at the entrance of his sissy pussy. She grabbed Benny’s hips and took a deep breath, savouring the moment. In one gentle motion she pushed in, feeling Benny’s muscles try to reject her advances, but it was all in vain. Her cock slid all the way in, buried all the way to her diapered hilt. Benny wept over the stool, his hot tears dripping into the pastel pink carpet beneath him.
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
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Old 11-10-2020, 07:49 PM   #10
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Default Lockdown Slut - Chapter Twelve - Finale

Mommy stood up from the crib, satisfied from her own masturbation session. She glowed in the aftermath of her own orgasm. She quietly made her way over to the nursery door and shut it behind her, letting the scene play out without her. I made a good choice, Mommy thought. It takes a special kind of individual to turn that sadistic, and I’m so proud of myself for training her to be that way. So far, I am impressed with the new warden of my nursery prison. Mmm, I should go get her some more misbehaving toys to play with. After all, they deserve to be taught quite a lesson for being such horrible sluts.

~The End~
Kik: DiaperSissySwitch
Email: [email protected]

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Old 11-20-2020, 10:28 PM   #11
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That was awesome I hope you write some more stories
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