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Old 08-25-2009, 02:05 PM   #1
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip

I was driving late one night (or early one morning depending on your point of view) during the early part of the summer vacation. I had just finished my junior year in high school little more than a week ago, but I found myself heading back toward campus. Even after all these years, the events surrounding that drive really stand out in my memories still today. I'll get to some of the other reasons eventually, but the most immediate reason was because it was the first time that I realized that my high school career would be coming to an end.

Sure, I had already been thinking about my future somewhat, but it had been a vague thing up until that point. Applications for three schools of interest had already been submitted, and they should have already received my SAT scores. I expected to be admitted to all three, but I never really planned on attending the other two. One I applied to for my parents' sake, and the other for my own mental stability as an emergency backup. Call it a backup parachute for life, if you wish. I still wouldn't know anything definite for a few more months, except I was almost certain that I had nothing to worry about in that regard. I just had one more year of school to finish up.

One last year. When you say it that way, it sounded so... so... final. One chapter in my life would soon be drawing to a close, but I thought that I knew the general plot for what would happen during the pages that remained. The next chapter entitled, “My College Experience”, would be something so profoundly different that it was on an entirely higher order of magnitude altogether. It was then that the thought really struck me for the first time. Wow, another year and I'll be off to college. It was a staggering thought that shook me to the core. Everything was going to change. New friends, new school, living away from home. Holy crap! I started to shake.

I pulled my car off the road into the parking lot of a small convenient store and tried to get a grip on myself. Except for isolated islands of luminescence created by my car's headlights, the single street light in the parking lot, and the fainter glow of the security lights inside of the store, darkness's rule beyond the interior of my car was absolute. I glanced at the glow of the digital clock emanating from my car's radio and shivered involuntarily. 3:45. The perfect time for all those things that went bump in the night, dwelled under childhood beds, or lurked amongst coat hangers in closets to be going about their nightmarish business, and not a good time for teenage boys to be sitting in the dark brooding on the uncertainties of the future.

The richness of that mental image made me smile briefly. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the seat and challenged all the “bumpers”, “dwellers”, and “lurkers” to do their worst. Nothing rose to the challenge. The radio played softly (which was an unusual volume level for me), but I all but ignored it. The deep rumble of my old muscle car's engine grabbed all of my attention. Its steady pulse served to calm my sudden agitation better than full bottle of Valium could. After a few moments, I was calm and smiling to myself once again.

Man, I loved that car. Although I didn't know at the time that it would only be mine for a few more months. I traded it in its muscle for something with a longer, fuel-efficient stride to make my time in college less expensive for my parents. Looking back, I would have walked the 200 miles carrying the car before I was such an idiot again. I was such a Dumbass back then. Yes, with a capital “D”.

Now that I felt better, I opened one eye and cautiously glanced around. Nothing had changed. Not that I had really expected a gibbering zombie to be knocking on my window asking for a fresh cup of brains. My imagination tends to run away from me so frequently that it didn't really hurt to be safe. Too many horror flicks under my belt too.

I glanced over at the digital clock again, trying for the millionth time to overlook the fact that the modern radio had no business strapped into the bowels of my sweet Detroit ride from the '60s, and noted that only a few minutes had passed. From mental breakdown and back to sanity in less than five minutes. I seemed to have a damn good mental mechanic, and I also still had plenty of time to make it to the bus.

Normally, I wouldn't have been on the road this early for a field trip, but it was a long trip and the park opened early. Good reasons to be sure, but the real reason was that I had suddenly inherited twice the responsibilities as before.

Squeezing in the clutch, I dropped the shifter into first. For a second, I thought about peeling out and leaving a thick coat of rubber in my wake, but behind the parking lot rested a small residential area. Between the peeling tires and the roaring engine, I didn't doubt that I would wake most of the residents up. Instead I eased the car back onto the highway, I had too much respect for people to act like an asshole at this time of night. Though there's no denying that it would have felt a little better.

I glanced over at the empty passenger seat and muttered for the dozenth time, “Bastard.”
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Old 08-25-2009, 05:47 PM   #2
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 2

My best friend, Dave, is the bastard in question. Actually, he's adopted so I don't know if that's literally true or not, but he blew off the field trip so his girlfriend could blow him off. Knowing his girlfriend as well as I do, I can almost not blame him. I think it was his timing that really pissed me off more than anything.

We had been looking forward to hitting the amusement park for weeks. Heck, we were the ones who convinced the teacher who sponsored this club to choose that amusement park, pick this day during summer vacation to go, and spearheaded the fundraisers that paid for everyone's admission. That last part was no small feat considering the club consisted of a few hundred high school students. Instead of calling it a club field trip, it wouldn't be far off calling it the Dave and Duckers field trip. The responsibilities that I mentioned before were a direct result of our efforts. Since we had coerced the teacher into this trip, she had saddled us with doing the head counts to make sure everyone was still accounted for during the trip. Not really a big deal for the two of us, but a pain for just me alone.

Dave's girlfriend wasn't part of this club and couldn't go, I was currently single, and so we expected to have some righteous dude time and get gnarly on some steel waves. (Okay, so my “surfer dude” speak sucks.) But we had taken an old map of the amusement park, gone to the trouble of drawing in the new rides, and planned out exactly which coasters we were going to hit first. We had even been anal enough to plan on eating an early lunch (pizza!), and hit the water rides to cool off during the hottest part of the day – and also allow our food time to settle before hitting more coasters.

Anyway, I had called his house the previous night to see when he wanted me to pick him up. I dialed his number, and while it was ringing I was lying on my bed letting my imagination pick images out from the swirls in the ceiling tiles. After the second ring, the shape of a hooded ninja swam into focus. Toasty Bob, I called him. Due to the random swirls, he seemed to have a huge clubbed foot, one melty-looking arm, and a strange snout under his hood. On the fourth ring, I was able to pick out the lop-sided dragon's head off to his right. The dragon's body was obscured by clouds, but a long tongue of fire seemed to be tickling the ninja. Toasty Bob always seemed to be getting the worst end of the deal.

I was about to hang up when Dave's mom answered. In a different voice, I asked for Dave's younger brother. Dave and I had been friends since elementary school, and I'm pretty certain that his mom knew it was me but (bless her soul) she never called me on it.

When his brother came to the phone, I made with the small talk asking him how he was doing on some video game.

“Oh man, I'm about to finish up stage 9, but I've got to find the blue key to make a run on the final dungeon,” he said.

“Cool. Is Dave around or is he 'staying over at my house'?” I asked.

For his mom's benefit, he answered, “Oh yeah, I think I'll be able to beat the game tonight. My brother is spending the night at his friend's house and their going on a field trip tomorrow. Between tonight and tomorrow, I should have rescued the princess.”

“Thanks Dude,” I almost hung up, but feeling that I owed him something, I added, “When you get to the final boss, dodge past him into the upper left corner between a couple statues. After he throws out his fireballs, jump out, nail him once or twice, and then dive back into cover. Keep dodging, and you should have him. It's still a nasty fight though.”

“Cool! Thanks!” From the sudden excitement in his voice, you would have thought that I had just handed him a million bucks.

“Don't mention it; you've covered for me and Dave plenty of times.” I hung up and called Dave's girlfriend's. Her parents are fairly well-off, so she's got a private line into her room that she uses as a modem line. I know the number by heart. If she's online, I would have only gotten a busy signal. With Dave over there, I figured that tinkering on the computer wasn't a priority. Steph answered on the third ring, and she sounded... well, distracted.

“Heya, Steph. Dave handy?”

Since it was just me, she moaned softly before answering, “Oh my God, yes... he... is.” Another moan-filled pause. “He's finishing a dare... Faster, dammit!”

I knew that hadn't been directed at me, but I couldn't resist. I took a deep breath and rattled off, “Does-he-have-a-hand-free?-I-need-to-see-what-time-he-wants-me-to-pick-him-(Hey-wait!-Are-you-naked?-You-guys-suck-playing-without-me,-by-the-way)-up-in-the-morning-for-the-field-trip.” I took another huge breath, and added, “That's about as fast as I can say it.”

Steph started laughing and moaning at the same, which sounded as sexy as hell. I couldn't help but get a little aroused. I told her that fact to which she moaned again in her most sultry voice. “Damn Steph, you are killing me here.”

“Do I need to dare you to spank it?” She sounded like a professional phone sex operator.

“If you keep this up, I'll have an immaculate ejaculation without ever touching it,” I answered truthfully.
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Old 08-25-2009, 05:59 PM   #3
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This is slightly confusing. Are you male? You might consider making it slightly easier to understand. Well cone on grammer and punctuation, and good on detail, but tell us HOW the characters ended up here.

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9 Years on getDare!!

Sing like you know the lyrics

Dance like no one is watching

Live like you were dying

Love like you've never been hurt before
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Old 08-26-2009, 11:56 AM   #4
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Default My Crazy Life: Story Behind the Nickname

Sorry for the confusion. I had planned to let the story provide the characters' descriptions, but it's harder to work in a description of myself in first person than I had thought it would be.

I marked this as fiction, but there's more truth coming out than what I had intended. But I should warn anyone reading this that I'm writing from memory about things that happened half a lifetime ago. When I mention in passing that Dave's brother is playing video games or that Steph and I played Nintendo (that part coming soon), I'm not talking about the Wii, the GameCube, the Nintendo 64, or even the Super Nintendo; it's the original NES. Cell phones and digital cameras are still things of the future.

Memories, especially mine, are faulty and colored by the passing of time. I don't intend to tell lies or make things up, but some of the stories will end up being embellished, sometimes just to make things more interesting but mostly because that's the way that I remember them now. As I've noticed other people doing in their stories, the names have been changed to protect the innocent as they used to say on Dragnet. If I'm going to be as honest as possible, the names and some of the character details have been changed enough so that if someone involved in one of the stories reads it, they won't come kick my ass.

I probably should have put the story so far into chronological order, but this is the way that I remember it. I still remember being freaked out by the impending future, then I recall my conversation with Steph and Dave on the phone from the night before, and then comes the field trip itself. I'll try to make it more clear when I jump around in the future.

Maybe I should explain the nickname Duckers. Hopefully, it will be a short story, but things seem to grow on their own.

It was 7th grade when I picked up that nickname. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I hate it. I came close to shaking free of the name in college, but Dave made sure that it stuck there too. If I thought that I had better than 50-50 odds at kicking Dave's ass over the nickname, I would have pounded him into the ground repeatedly.

Dave and I have always been similar in height and build. Teachers often get us confused, and I swear that one idiot teacher thought we were the same guy. Where my hair is brown, his hair is black, and we wore similar haircuts until I let my hair grow out in 8th grade. By the time we're fully-grown, I'm 6'2” (that seems to be a cliched height, but that's where I ended), and he's probably half an inch shorter depending on what shoes we're wearing. Dave's a bit stockier than me, but people always seem to underestimate my size for some reason.

Anyway, I was sitting in math class on some random day of 7th grade, trying to pay attention to the teacher as he droned on and on about negative numbers, quantum physics, the price of tea in China, or some nonsense. Usually I like math, and I usually like paying attention to Ms. Stevens (she was a fairly young teacher, easy on the eyes, and somewhat funny), but I had recently made a discovery. Directly to my left, there were an enormous pair of boobs resting on the desk. The boobs are attached to a girl named Tina, and they were currently trying to escape from her t-shirt just so I can get a good look at them. Tina isn't super hot, but she's tall, fit, reasonably pretty, and she has massive boobs. No girl in the 7th grade should be able to have boobs that size.

Every day, I try my best not to stare. I really, really do, but my hormones have just started raging, and her breasts seem to draw my attention like twin magnets. I didn't really know Tina too well yet; she had gone to a different elementary school and ended up in my class here in the middle school. I try to talk to her whenever I can, but her boobs are just too damned intimidating. I try to always make eye contact with her, but occasionally she catches me staring at her boobs. There are already plenty of other guys in the class who seem to only talk to her chest. So I end up everyday trying not to stare at her boobs and trying not to get a boner because of said boobs, but everyday I fail miserably at both.

Dave sits in front of me in class, and there's a guy named Peter behind me (his nickname ends up being Dickhead for obvious reasons, so I definitely like Duckers better than his crappy luck). Dave too is obsessed with Tina's knockers, but they had gone to elementary school together and rode the same bus giving him more of a chance to be used to them.

Dave passes me back a note, which read: Truth or Dare? Like a lot of the people in my class, we played some times in class. Mostly we just did stupid dares like trip the next person who walks by, pretend to fall down by accident, punch one of the other guys in class in the arm (that last one always led to retaliation).

I went with the usual reply, circled Dare, passed it back, and went back to trying not to stare at Tina's chest.

Few minutes later, my dare comes back. “Grab Tina's boob. Can't be accidental. Can't apologize.”

I stared at the slip of paper. I really wanted to feel her boob there's no denying that, but I what I really wanted was to work up the nerve to talk her into meeting me at the movies and then feel her boobs when she was willing. I realized in sudden horror that if I grabbed one of her boobs now I could kiss that dream goodbye. One quick feel then I'd probably be barred from that booby paradise. Tina would probably tell the teacher, which might get passed on to the principal, which would end up with me screwed.

Dave knew me well enough to know that I can usually talk my way out of anything, and he had effectively locked the door on both of my mostly likely ways out. How the hell was I going to explain my way out of this one? Something like: “Hey Tina, your boob was just so irresistible that I couldn't help myself from grabbing it?” No, that was an apology. “Hey Tina, nice rack. Maybe next time I'll grab both of them.” No, idiot that sounded like a threat or something. Like I'm some kind of serial pervert. Wait! Was I seriously considering do this? I hurriedly scribbled: “What the fuck? You are going to get me in detention and grounded for life.”

The note came back fairly quickly with: “What's the matter, are you a fucking pussy? Take the dare. You got until the end of class.”

Dammit Dave! Sure, our dares had been slowly getting more risky, but this was stepping into a whole other league. I sat there staring at her chest, trying to decide what to do and trying to ignore my boner.

Suddenly, I became aware that Tina was turned in my direction, staring at me. I followed her gaze down to my crotch. I had on a baggy t-shirt as normal, but it had ridden up and wasn't covering my crotch as it normally would. My tried and true Boner Camouflage had failed me. She saw that I saw. My gaze automatically jumped down to her boobs (was that a hint of erect nipple?) which she saw. Boobs. Boner. Boner. Boobs. She blushed. I blushed. We had a good 'ole round of blushing then swiftly turned our attention back to our math books.

Wait a minute. This was a new thought. Maybe she was into me and wouldn't mind me escalating the situation by feeling her up. I glanced over at Tina and caught her looking at my bulge out of the corner of her eye. Good lord! Maybe I did have a snowball's chance in hell of finishing this dare. I started working up my courage.

About that time Ms. Stevens told the class that she would be right back. Looked like there was another teacher at the door. As soon as she left, Dave sent another note: “Now's your chance, pussy.” It also included a stylized sketch of said body part. Now Dave is a lot of things, but his stylized drawings of body parts looks like something a Kindergartener would do.

I sat there for a moment or two staring once again at Tina's rack. I sorta saw her looking down at my pants again briefly. No, I told myself. I can't do this. I realllllllly want to, but it's just too degrading to Tina. If I knew her better and knew that she wouldn't go ballistic, maybe I would. I may be a lot of things in life, but I'm not that big of an asshole.

The next thing I know my hand snakes over and cups one of her luscious melons. Just like that. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. Oh my god, this wasn't the first time that I had felt a breast, but I'd never felt one quite like that. Holy hell! ...and yes, that was a partially erect nipple that I had noticed.

Staring down at my hand on her breast, Tina sat frozen. I'm not sure if she understood at first what was happening. I thought I could hear her thinking, “Is that my own hand?”

I held my hand frozen. I didn't squeeze beyond whatever pressure I had applied to her breast initially, but I could feel her nipple continue to rise. It was like a perfect moment in time captured in a photograph.

One of the other girls in class suddenly gasped.

Time resumed.

I jerked my hand back.

Tina asked, “What the -,” she actually paused for a second and then went on in a quieter voice, “hell do you think you are doing?”

I started to apologize when I noticed her arm cock back. I did mention before that Tina was in good shape didn't I? I don't think she was still playing basketball in middle school, but she did run track. Whatever the case was, I suddenly became aware of the fact that she was pretty much the same size as me and her arms seemed to be carrying more muscle than I had noticed before.

I started to say, “Oh shit,” but her fist caught me before I could say anything. I think she originally had planned on punching me right in the face, but at the last moment she derailed her fist into my arm. It seemed a lucky last minute choice to me until her fist drove my elbow into the unforgiving desk. Pain shot out from my funny bone making my whole arm suddenly go numb.

She sure as hell could throw a punch. She delivered another into my arm and I quickly discovered that it wasn't as numb as what I had originally thought. I flinched away from her causing my chair to rise up sideways balancing on two legs. I hung there for a second, then my chair started to settle back down. Or it would have if Peter from behind me hadn't kicked me in the ribs. I met the floor with my head, banged my tingling arm, and rolled over hitting my head on the wall this time. Dave and Peter both were already laughing. Tina was fuming. The girl who had gasped did so again. I jumped up quite gracelessly and banged my head on the bottom of the metal edge of the huge wall map. It was one of those neat wall maps that you find in classrooms. You could pull down different maps ranging from the entire world or focus on various continents. It currently showed the United States, and it hurt like hell to hit with your head.

I stood there for a moment trying to decide if I should be embarrassed for what I had done to Tina, mad at Dave for the dare, or beating the hell out of Peter for the kick out of no where. The third one seemed the best option, and I was just balling up my fists when I noticed that Dave had stopped laughing long enough to say something to Peter.

“You see. Kirk came through. Pay up,” Dave said. What the fuck?

Peter pulled a dollar from his pocket and passed it up to Dave, saying, “I didn't think he had it in him.”

I glanced back and forth between them in confusion. They had made a bet about me. A whole buck even. Cheapskates. They set me up. Suddenly livid, I told them quite eloquently, “You... you... you... Fuckers!”

I heard the door to the classroom open, and Ms. Stevens came in asking, “Excuse me, Kirk, but what did you just say? I did not hear that quite clearly.”

There is this built in alarm system in my head. The readout suddenly went from “Pissed off” to “FUBAR”. I was screwed. I glanced over at the hanging map of the United States, and quickly fixed it so that it hung down correctly.

“Ms. Stevens,” I began lamely, “I was just.. uhh.. well..” I was dead, so dead. Wait! I latched on to part of what she said. She hadn't heard me clearly. Let's see. Truckers? No. Cocksuckers? Yeah, dimwit, that's certainly a whole lot better. Puckers? Yeah, as in: my ass puckers right before it gets paddled for calling them fuckers. I fiddled with the map again. Damn thing still wasn't right.

Wait! The map. I went on a trip with my parents over summer vacation where we had driven through Kentucky. Dad had let me navigate, so I had spent a lot of time looking at the map. Whenever I came across a strange place name, I would share it with him. There was one place that could save my bacon. “Sorry Ms. Stevens. I was just telling Dave and Pete here about my summer vacation and this place with a strange name I had seen on the map. I thought maybe the big wall map had it listed. I was trying to point to where it was on the map, but I got tangled up in my chair and hit the map. I was just trying to fix it as I was telling them where the place was.”

She gave me a look that said that she was smelling some serious bullshit being slung, but said, “Kirk, I'm certain that I heard you say a swear word as I was coming in the door. What you like to repeat what you said to me or to the principal?”

My shocked expression probably looked like I was genuinely confused, “You heard me swear, Ms. Stevens? I don't think I said a swear word. Oh! You probably heard me say the place.” I looked over at the map. “It's not on this map, but the place was called Duckers.”

Now it was her turn to look confused. She started to say something, but then stopped. She just stared at me for a few moments. I stared right back trying to look as confused as possible. The two knocks to the head probably made it look convincing. When she saw that I wasn't going to crack, she surveyed the class. I'm not sure what she saw there, but it looked like she was trying to weigh something in her mind.

Finally, she said, “Sit back down, Kirk. Continue working on your assignment.”

I picked my chair back up and sat down. Wow, dodged a bullet there. I glanced over at Tina who was glaring at me. Oh crap, I realized, she's going to turn me in. Finally, she turned back around and went back to work on her homework. I let out a sigh that I didn't realize that I was holding. Well, that was certainly a change in events.

As I got settled back at my desk, I coughed and used the cover of the noise to drive my knuckles into Dave's ribs.

He groaned and chuckled, then said far too loudly, “Cover your mouth there, Duckers. Sounds like you are developing a nasty cough.” Some of our classmates joined in on the chuckle, and I was Duckers from then on.

At the end of class, I made my way out into the hall. I wanted to catch up to Tina and apologize. Dave had given me until the end of class to do the dare and seeing that class was over, I thought I'd be fine to apologize now. I saw Tina standing there with her arms folded over her ample chest.

“Look Tina. I'm sorry. It was a stupid dare. I shouldn't have done it. I'm an asshole. But thank you for not turning me in to Ms. Stevens.”

She glared at me for a second, then her face softened. She uncrossed her arms, which caused her breasts to do some amazing jiggling, and put her hand on my arm right where she had punched me. It was still tingling, but I managed not to flinch from her touch. She nodded once at me, smiled, and then kneed me right in the nuts. I know that she hadn't done any such thing, but it sure as hell felt like she had gotten a running start before her knee connected.

Somehow I managed to remain standing, although I think her hand was partially supporting me. She smiled at me and then said, “Apology accepted, Duckers.”
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Old 08-26-2009, 12:13 PM   #5
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 3

Back to our regularly scheduled program....


Steph started laughing and moaning at the same, which sounded as sexy as hell. I couldn't help but get a little aroused. I told her that fact to which she moaned again in her most sultry voice. “Damn Steph, you are killing me here.”

“Do I need to dare you to spank it?” She sounded like a professional phone sex operator.

“If you keep this up, I'll have an immaculate ejaculation without ever touching it,” I answered truthfully.

And now:

If you met Steph for the first time, you'd think she a good bit above average on the pretty scale. Once you get to know her, her personality shines through making her radiantly beautiful. Add in the super-crazy-sexy-mojo, and you've got a nymphomaniac goddess on your hands.

She laughed again with more humor and less moaning. I could hear her passing the phone to Dave. “Kirk requests the use of your free hand to jerk him off through the phone.” Dave muttered something before taking the phone followed by the sound of the phone being dropped and hitting something “fleshy”. I could hear Steph in the background say, “Easy there, Buster. I'm not into that type of phone sex.”

“Re-e-eally? Maybe that would be a good dare for later,” Dave teased. I heard a thump which I imagined to be Steph kicking him. “Ow!” He complained which confirmed that suspicion.

I could hear him fumble the phone up against his ear and finally asked, “How's it hanging, Duckwad?” He had a bunch of interesting versions of my nickname that he liked to use. Duckwad seemed to be his second most favorite.

“It's standing at attention just like yours, asshat,” I said. I could hear something wet and rhythmic. Dave must have been down between Steph's legs watching the “process” from the front row by the sound of it.

“Yeah well, Steph will be solving that problem for me on her next dare, and there is a good chance that I'll be wearing her ass like a hat after that.” Steph said something that I couldn't hear for all the “other noise”. He replied to her with, “From the sound of things, I'm already playing my cards right.” They went on like that for a few minutes, arguing playfully.

“Dave,” I cut in, “Truth or Dare?”

“Huh? Oh... uhhh... sorry... I forgot you were there, Duck,” he said.

“Don't worry, Man. Answer the question and you can get back to business... at hand.”

“Uh, what? Oh! Well, I'm already in the middle of a dare-.” Steph said something again, and he added, “Well, yeah. I'm in the middle of 'that' too, but that's beside the point.” She said something again, and I heard Dave say, “Yeah, the middle of 'that' always causes my point to become a bigger point.”

Argh, my boner was throbbing. I really needed to get a girlfriend. Before she could say something else, I broke in with, “Focus Dude!”

“Sorry, Man. Uh, Truth.”

“What time am I picking you up from Steph's in the morning?”

Silence other than the sound of his finger working in and out of her. That silence should have tipped me off, but it was the other sound that had my attention.

I added, “Supposed to be at the school by 4 to start making the list of who is on which bus.”

No response from Dave, but parts of Steph were coming through loud and clear. I closed my eyes remembering the feel of making those noises with her firsthand. Finally, I added, “You know the bus leaves at 5...”

More juicy silence punctuated by a sudden moan from Steph.

“It'll add a bit of time for me to get to her house and then to get us... to...” My eyes shot open latching onto the plaster dragon. I suddenly understood why he wasn't responding. At that moment, I probably could have breathed a stream of fire of my own that the dragon could have appreciated. I snarled my favorite curse (at least where Dave is concerned) into the phone, expecting the plastic receiver to melt, “Dammit Dave!” I always liked how the D's rolled off my tongue. “You're bailing on me aren't you?”

After another moment or two of slippery, wet silence he admitted, “Yeah Kirk,” Crap, never a good sign when he uses my real name. “I'm going to skip the trip... Sorry.”

Now, I've got to admit this. Even though I was suddenly furious with him, I could still respect the fact that he was able to have a somewhat serious conversation with me and continue to finger bang Steph, who I noticed was moaning even louder than ever. I paused for a moment to be duly impressed.

Once my awe began to fade, my anger returned. I slammed open my handy, mental dictionary to a random page. It's a little known book, but maybe you have heard of it; it's entitled, “The Unabridged, Concise Dictionary of Swearing and Cussing Out Your Best Friend”. I didn't really remember where I had left off the last time I gave him a good cussing out, but I warmed up with “dickhead” and stomped my way through the alphabet from there. I finally wound down when I hit the end of the alphabet. Here's a tidbit for future reference: the alphabet for this dictionary ends with F. There are lots of good cuss words that you can start off with F, and most of them are some kind of compound word containing THE F word. Although the movie wouldn't exist for another decade, try to imagine Stifler's creative swearing collected from the entire American Pie series, multiply it by five, bump the R rating up to NC-17, and you would have a decent idea of the tirade of vulgarity and swearing that I unleashed on Dave.

When I finished up, he didn't say anything but just let me catch my breath. The fact that his head hadn't exploded from the raw power of my verbal assault was a huge disappointment. After another moment or two I began to realize how strange of a situation this sudden pause in the conversation was creating; it seemed like he had put me on hold where the “on hold” music had been tuned into that radio station, WFUK (“All porn soundtracks, all the time!”).

I don't know if my boner had flopped while I was shouting at Dave, but Steph had made me painfully aware of it again. Quietly I sighed and said, “Damn, you've really got her motor running tonight.”

“Yeah,” he said equally quiet, “Look, I hate bailing on you, but... Look, Dude. When her parents go to work tomorrow, we're... uhh, we're planning on... going... all the way.” He said the last bit timidly in little more than a whisper, which sort of shocked me compared to the way that he normally carries on about anything sexual. Heck, he used to call me Fuckers (his most favorite version of my nickname, by the way) most of the time just because he liked to say fuck. It was even more shocking that Steph wanted him to be her “first”. Dave was a good guy (more or less) who really did love her, and they were good together. I just thought it would be someone else. Someone who wasn't my best friend. Someone who was, for example, me. “They know that I'm going on the trip, so we won't have to worry about them catching us breaking the golden rule.”

Last edited by Duckers; 08-27-2009 at 07:54 AM. Reason: fixed title
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Old 08-27-2009, 07:53 AM   #6
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Default My Crazy Life: The Golden Rule Explained

Okay, given the fact that Dave and Steph were naked in her room and that her parents were probably home, you might think that it is odd that they are so worried about her parents catching them. You might go so far as to think that it is really fucking strange. How can I explain this? Let's just say that Steph's parents are a bit different; they had bought into the hippie scene hook, line, and sinker. I'd heard all sorts of stories from them about pot-smoking parties, free love fests, and other things that had made me blush. I've never smoked pot. Not even to this day, and I have no urge to do it in the future. Still, I am pretty certain that we had smelled it coming from their bedroom on more than one occasion. The sounds that came through their door on other occasions also made me blush. Steph too for that matter.

There are some interesting stories surrounding that last paragraph. Maybe I'll tell them another time, but let me just share this one abridged story and get back to the tale at hand.

Steph and I had played at each other's houses for years. For most of our lives in fact. When her parents discovered that at the age of 14 we had upgraded from watching cartoons and playing Nintendo in her room to competing in the naked olympics, they sat us down and told us their one golden rule: “We don't care what kind of fun you two want to have together, but we don't want a pregnant, teenage daughter. No fucking.” Even given the fact that they had caught us naked together, the point-blank “no fucking” had shocked the hell out of me. I think it was the first time that I had ever heard an adult say the word especially when directed at me. “We don't want you sneaking around having sex. You're both too young for that and the possible consequences.

“We will make you a deal. We'll lie to Kirk's parents for both of you and say that we guard your door at night and make him sleep in the basement when he stays over, and we are willing to take the lie to whatever extreme that is necessary to make them believe it. When Kirk stays over, you can both sleep in Steph's room with the door closed. You can do anything else that you want to do together. But only if you both swear that you won't have sex together at least until college. Okay?”

Steph and I both stared at each other in obvious shock. We had gone from being naked in pure bliss together, busted and fearing for our lives, to wholly unprepared by this turn in good fortune. We agreed readily. There were a bunch of other conditions that went along with the golden rule (the surprise room checks were the ones I hated the most), and her parents made both of us blush so hard that I thought it would become a permanent part of our faces.

Once the lecture was done, you might think that we rushed back to Steph's room, shut the door, and started banging like wild animals laughing all the while about how stupid her parents were. We didn't. After her parents grilled us and explained more about their reasoning, we went back to her room and just laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. (No ninjas or dragons there, just plain ceiling tiles and thumb-tacked posters.) After a few minutes, we started talking about it. The offer for sexual freedom without having to worry about being caught by her parents and being able to spend the night together... Oh my God, that was HUGE. We had given our word, and we didn't plan on betraying it.

When a dare brought Dave into our midst a couple years later, we explained the terms to him. Now, they were planning on breaking that trust. That was also a huge step.
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Old 09-02-2009, 08:50 PM   #7
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You know, not many people responded to this story, but I happen to like it a lot. Very well written, not jumped in too fast, and its believable. Good job, Keep writing =)
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Old 09-03-2009, 06:45 AM   #8
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Thank you. I appreciate the compliment. Hopefully, both my writing and the story will continue to improve.

I've been trying to stay a few pages ahead of what I've posted which let's me go back and add in details that I had forgotten or fix mistakes. Plenty more story to come.
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Old 09-03-2009, 12:04 PM   #9
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 7

Jimmy's offer left me in shock. Angel's interest sparked something else in me. Her nakedness helped too.

Hell's Bells! What had I just walked into? As soon I thought of the phrase “hell's bells”, the AC/DC song of the same title started running through my head. In the song, Brian Johnson wails that “satan is coming for you”. If that was the case here, he was working his way to me through the temptation of Angel's naked and obviously-willing body.

And what a temptation it was. Here we are, me at 17, Angel at 16 (for a couple more months at least), Jimmy at 18 or 19 though he wasn't anything more than background noise to me at the moment. Sure, there was also a small group of people to consider, but they could have been abducted by aliens without me noticing.

Was I attracted to her? Hell yes. She wasn't in the same league as Steph as far as I was concerned, but she was one of the girls that I had fantasized about from time to time over the years. I had known her since first grade, sat in numerous classes with her, eaten lunch with her, been skating and to the movies in the same groups of friends, so basically I had a lot of history with her too. I had the good fortune to sit behind her all during sixth grade, and my knee seemed to always “accidentally” rub against her ass. She had to have been aware of it, but she never pulled away or said anything. Before her time with Jimmy, she had even been on my list of people that I wanted to date.

Now, I didn't really like the idea of having Jimmy's sloppy seconds, but seeing how limited my experiences were with sloppy firsts, I was definitely game to give it the old college try – even without graduating high school first, I might add. Can you get a G.E.D. in boning?

Angel bit her lower lip, took hold of her unoccupied tit which she began to rub seductively, and continued to look at me with hungry appraisal. Her brazen interest started me thinking that I wasn't the only one who had done some fantasizing.

Jimmy must have preferred that Angel focus more of her attention on him, because he gave her a hard, sudden thrust which caused Angel to moan and smile over her shoulder at him. It was also enough to broke her spell on me, or maybe I should say the spell we both seemed to have ensnared each other in. Jimmy returned her smile. Finally he grinned at me, and said, “But this dare was just for the two of us.”

Strangely enough, I couldn't tell if I was more relieved or disappointed. Probably both. Angel favored me with a small pout. Guess I wasn't the only one who was disappointed.

Everyone in the world appeared to be having sex today besides me. I must have missed noticing on the calendar where it said that today was International Bonk-My-Brains-Out Day.

One of the guys standing by the car suddenly chimed in with, “Hey, I don't really mind if you want to turn the public fuck dare into a threesome.” He was a gangly guy who was taller than me by a few inches. Thin with a wild shock of hair. I knew him, but couldn't recall his name. Joe maybe? The girl next to him elbowed him in the ribs. I should probably mention that she needed to use her free hand to hit him. Her other hand was busy stroking off an impressive length of cock hanging from his fly (another dare, I guessed). Holy Pornstars, Batman! Was this dude half horse? I could still dropkick his ass across the parking lot if I needed to though.

Isn't it funny how a guy's first response to another guy outdoing him is physical violence? What, you can slam dunk a basketball? Who cares, I can still kick your ass. Oh, you make as much in a month as I earn in a year? I can still beat the shit out of you with one hand tied behind my back. It must be some type of guy instinct. I really don't look forward to the day when I meet some dude who outshines me in every regard; I'll probably go hide in a cave and have a good, manly cry. Don't get me wrong here, I don't really have anything to be ashamed of in the groin region. No complaints have ever been registered that I'm aware of, but I'm not in Horse Dick Joe's league either. Who the hell is?

Fuck, I could kick his ass! Draw whatever conclusions you like to that statement.

I turned back to Jimmy, “Woah, you guys play Truth or Dare too?” What the hell did I just say? Not only had I just told them that I played Truth or Dare (not really a big newsflash there because the game was ridiculously popular even back then), but I had just sounded like some pre-teen girl who had just met her favorite movie star. Go ahead and re-read what I had asked them but use the most sissy-ified, star-struck voice imaginable. Don't worry; I'll wait for you to stop laughing.

Evidently, my voice hadn't sounded quite so bad, or Jimmy was just too preoccupied to notice. As he kept banging Angel he answered, “Yeah, we play all the time though it's mostly just dares. This public shit really gets my rocks off.”

I've never done a dare quite like this, and I told him so, “Jimmy, you've gotta have a pair the size of bowling balls for something like this.” I could tell that he quite literally did not, but he got my point.

He grinned at me, “It helps to have the right partner.” His thrusting started to get more urgent much to Angel's obvious enjoyment. Looked like things would be wrapping up on that front soon. Since I had a somewhat official role with this trip, I figured that I should be moving on. Yeah, like I hadn't been considering joining in the festivities just a minute ago.

“Oh, what was that Mrs. Davis? You want to know what I'm doing to Angel? Well, I was just checking her permission slip to make sure everything was in order. You don't think she keeps her permission slip there, Mrs. Davis? Well, seeing how she is naked, where else would you expect her to put her permission slip, ma'am?” Yeah, I would have been very embarrassed to have that conversation with the club sponsor. My best bet was just to get the heck out of Dodge. Or off the scene of the porn shoot, take your pick.

Turning away, I said, “Take it easy, Jimmy.”

“Hell, I'll take it anyway I can get it,” came the reply.

As I drew parallel to Horse Dick, I mimicked stepping over his outstretched dick. If it had been about a dozen feet longer, I wouldn't have had pretend. As it was, I passed a dozen feet closer to it than I wanted to. That drew a little bit of laughter and an arrogant grin from Horse Dick.

I shook my head and started to cross back over to my car. I heard a huge gasp, which immediately gave me flashbacks when I had grabbed Tina's breast back in the seventh grade. That fateful day when I earned my nickname. Oh shit, I suddenly felt like Ms. Stevens had walked in all over again.
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Old 09-03-2009, 09:15 PM   #10
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Dude, I love the story. I almost died laughing over the Duckers story.
Likes: Outdoor dares, masturbation, mild pain, mild public

Dislikes: Permanent, Family, Poo, Piss, Very Public, Lots of Pain, Anal
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Old 09-04-2009, 12:06 PM   #11
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 8

Instead of looking to see who had gasped, the first thing I do is check on my car. Have I mention recently that I loved that car? Sure, it probably had seen one hundred thousand miles of pavement before I was ever born, but I was super protective of that car. Check: car was safe. Another car was parked near mine. Safe distance away to avoid door dings, check. It was a white, late-model Trans Am. My friend Dana stood in front of it where she had just gotten out. She frozen in place with her mouth open, stuck in the process of depositing her keys into her pocket. The look of shock on her face was textbook perfection. As I watched, her keys tumbled out of her hand and hit the pavement.

When her eyes aren't trying to pop out of her head and her jaw isn't on the ground, Dana is normally pretty. Her most striking feature is her hair. She wore it long and wavy with the sides pulled back and fastened neatly into place. When I had first met her four or five years earlier, her hair had been a bold, brilliant red, but it was more of an auburn now. She had a light complexion that was lightly freckled across her face, but she usually has a good tan by the end of each summer. If you could make her laugh, then she was beautiful. The problem there was that normally she was frowning or fixing someone with a disapproving gaze. I've earned more than my fair share of those.

She's only a couple months younger than me, which made her already 17 also, but her demeanor always made her seem like she was years my senior. She was always quiet, reserved, and self-composed, unless you made her mad. Dave seemed to be able to make her mad just by looking at her. She's also good at holding a grudge, but just as good at forgiving someone. She's a good person all around. Not the kind of person that you would want to walk up to a rough game of Truth or Dare.

Dana was taller than the average girl in my class, but not really given to sports. She was around 5'8” which made her a few inches shorter than me even though I would grow another inch or two still. It seemed like she was always eating salads or dieting, but I never felt that she needed to (I guess that could have been the results of watching what she ate). She had on loose-fitting shorts that modestly ended just short of her knees. Her top was a two piece set consisting of a tank top covered by a short sleeved button up shirt that she had left open. To my utter amazement, the tank top was somewhat low cut showing off her cleavage.

Measured against today's standards, the amount of cleavage she was showing wouldn't have excited a freshly-paroled convict who had just rediscovered women after having been locked away for 20 years, but I had never imagined that I would see any of Dana's cleavage. For what it's worth, I had never thought about the fact that she even had cleavage to show.

Okay, okay. Don't get me wrong here. I'm aware that Dana is a girl. I've noticed that she has breasts. A rather generous amount of them, but they have never been objects interest to me. No dammit, I'm not gay. I just never thought of Dana that way. Honestly. The closest that I had ever come to noticing her with any kind of sexual interest was in gym class. The class had been lined up doing some type of stretching exercises. I noticed that there was a girl stretched out in front of me and that the curves of her hips and the roundness of her bottom were quite appealing. Then I noticed red hair and realized that it was Dana. I quickly sought something else to look at besides her bottom.

And that's exactly the word I used in my mind. It wasn't a butt, and it definitely wasn't an ass. Bottom. That's the way Dana is. She's prim, proper, and polite. I had never heard her swear or say anything vulgar. Once during English class, she had been asked to read a page out of the book that the class was currently reading. The word “damn” had been near the bottom of the page. When she came to it, she paused briefly, and then quietly spelled it, “D-A-M... N”. There had been a pause before the “N” as if she didn't want it associated with the rest of the word.

I quickly stepped over next to her and picked her keys up. My intention was to block as much of the action from her view as possible. As I straightened back up, I found myself instead trying to ignore the way her breasts filled out her tank top. It had to have been my encounter with Angel that had my sex drive suddenly running in overdrive. It made sense that after seeing one female friend naked that I would be thinking about another one naked. Wait! I wasn't thinking about Dana naked. Just about what her boobs would look like if they were popped out of her top. I bet they would feel nice too. Wait! What? This wasn't right. Thinking about Dana naked was akin to thinking about your own mother naked. You just don't do it. If you did, you felt like poking your eyes out.

From behind me, I could hear Jimmy and Angel reaching the climax of their dare. From the way Dana was staring over my shoulder, it seemed that I wasn't going a good job of blocking them from her sight.

Dana's voice trembled as she asked, “Is that Angelica?” She started to point, but I intercepted her hand and placed her keys in it.

Even though I knew what I would see (or maybe because of that fact), I half-turned to look. The front of Jimmy's car blocked most of their lower torsos, but I could clearly see Angel's naked body and a good part of her pubic hair. “Yeah, that's her and her boyfriend.” Luckily, I did seem to be blocking her from seeing Horse Dick, although it should have taken at least three of me to accomplish that gargantuan task.

“What.. what.. what is she doing?”

Surely she knew the answer to that question, but I couldn't help myself from being a smart alec. I said, “Jimmy's having car problems, so Angel's helping work on his car. She took her clothes off so she wouldn't get grease all over them.” She focused on me for the first time and smirked. I went on to say, “They're having se-”

Dana's smirk turned into a withering glance. “Yes, I know 'what' they are doing. I meant why are they doing it outside, especially with people watching them.”

“They said they were playing Truth or Dare.”

“That's... It's... They're crazy. They could get in serious trouble. Or pregnant.” From the way Dana had said that, I'm not sure which part bothered her most.

Jimmy and Angel had finished. After a moment, he slid out of her and turned her around. Nope, no condom there. Hopefully, Angel had been taking care of the birth control. They quickly embraced sharing a long, passionate kiss. There were a number of crude comments from the other onlookers. Jimmy was quick about getting his pants back on. I couldn't blame him with Horse Dick around. If you put Dirty Harry's cannon of a pistol next to a normal-sized handgun, the handgun will look tiny in comparison.

“Definitely crazy, but I think the risk must add to the thrill,” I said with a shrug.

Dana just shook her head. She finally managed to put her keys away. I turned and started to lead Dana away, but something else caught her attention. I groaned, “Please don't let her have seen. Please, please, please.” She gasped again. Crap, she had seen. If Dana had been shocked to see one of our classmates having sex in a parking lot for an audience, what she was staring at now should have made her faint.

I could hear Horse Dick starting to grunt behind me. A quick glance back showed that his face had turned a bright red to accompany the grunting. Give me a freaking break, did he have to grunt like that? Did it really take that much of an effort to get his load ready for launch? The girl was now stroking him with both hands moving in a blur. There was a look of utter, fixed determination on her face. If she was indeed his girlfriend, I can only imagine that she had arms like a bodybuilder assuming that she jerked him off like that often. Given her practiced motions, I would say that it was a safe bet that she did. Heck, I'd hate to see how badly that thing had wrecked her snatch.

As far as I know, I don't remember ever seeing his girlfriend before or anytime since. Didn't even know her name. Didn't recognize her in the least. Even after all these years if someone came up to me and said, “Hey do you remember Horse Dick Joe's girlfriend? She's doing bestiality porn!” I really wouldn't be the least bit surprised; it probably wouldn't hurt as much. I swear if he put a ruler next to his dick, he'd have to start calling it his third foot (yeah, that was a terrible pun). No, I'm not gay in the least, but something that size should be illegal.

Dana was rooted to the spot glancing back over her shoulder to watch. I touched her arm gently trying to lead her away, but it seems that I would have had to carry her away bodily to get her to move.

I think there was a ball bat in my trunk that I could use on the guy. Wonder what it would sound like to hit him up the side of the head with it? There I went with the aggression again.

Evidently Jimmy was entertaining similar thoughts and warned the guy, “If you fucking cum on my car, I'm going to slam the damned hood on your freakmeat pecker, and we'll see how much is left of the fucker after that.”

Horse Dick didn't stop grunting, but he used one hand to flip Jimmy the bird and the other hand to guide the girl down to his monster cock. For her part, she shot Jimmy a nasty look, but then popped his dick in her mouth. Yeah, I actually remember it making an audible noise.

“Freakmeat,” I said to Dana laughing softly. She glared back at me disapprovingly, which I expected. What I didn't expect from prudish, uptight Dana was for her to turn back to watch the rest of the Monster Boner show. Her cheeks were even flushed. Had the world started spinning in reverse when I wasn't looking? That might have been a reasonable explanation for the turn of events that I had experienced lately.

After a moment's consideration, I realized that I shouldn't be so hard on her. This was probably the closest to a sexual relationship that she had ever been. Hell, I couldn't help but turn and watch too. You just don't see something like that everyday. Well, I guess that's not true if you were Horse Dick or his girlfriend. But seriously. Besides, my neck was starting to hurt from looking over my shoulder.

A minute or two later, I asked, “So where's Vicki at? She not catch a ride with you?” Vicki was Dana's best friend, and the two were practically joined at the hip on most occasions. I like Vicki and I was good friends with her, but she was one of the biggest repositories of gossip that I knew. If it happened, Vicki probably knew about it within ten minutes. I'm not sure what she would have made of this scene. She's pretty reserved like Dana, so she might have passed out from gossip-overload for all I know. Heck, I was amazed that Dana was still on her feet.

“She's sick,” Dana answered in a whisper. I glanced at her again. Her eyes were glued to the blowjob action where the grunting had gotten louder (Dude is gonna to have a coronary). Dana's light complexion made her blush even more noticeable. “Where's Dave?”

The girlfriend had her hand in the Central timezone on Horse Dick's shaft stroking him while her mouth continued to cover the part in the Eastern timezone – the business end, so to speak. Every few moments, her contact with his cock would break suction causing her to make a loud slurping sound. Grunt, grunt, grunt, slurp, grunt, slurp. I still have nightmares about those sounds.

“He couldn't make it,” I said lamely. I glanced around looking for hidden cameras. Maybe I had stumbled into a porn shoot. Or The Twilight Zone? A Twilight Porno Zone?

Dana didn't look at me but asked woodenly, “Because of Steph?” I noticed that Dana was slowly shifting her legs back and forth. Did she need to pee?

“Yes,” I sighed once again, “I can't really blame him even though.” I grimaced, “Well, I'm moderately ticked off.”

When she didn't reply, I glanced at her again and noticed that she was wearing a scowl on her face.

I asked, “You don't approve of Steph?” I'm pretty positive that she didn't approve of the cocksucking or public banging, so I didn't think that to be the sole source of her scowl.

“No. It's not Steph or Dave, but it's the two of them together.” This came out with a little more emotion, but the show still seemed to have her bamboozled.

Ah, ha. I understood now. Dana had one guiding principle that she had shared with us. Dave had scoffed at her and ignored her, but I had taken it mostly to heart. I quoted it back to her now, “Never date anyone that you couldn't see yourself married to, right?”

That got her attention. She turned and smiled at me briefly, before going back to the show (Does he always grunt like that?). “I'm glad that at least one of you remembered.”

“I did,” I said honestly, “and I have. So you don't think they should be together?” I almost added “either” to my question. I asked instead, “Because they won't last?” I noticed that Angel was just as mesmerized by Horse Dick and brood mare as Dana was. She had gotten mostly dressed, but she was holding her shirt over her chest trying to regain what was left of her modesty... If you could overlook the fact that one of her nipples was peaking out, that is. Still hard I saw, although that could be from the cool morning. When I noticed that Angel's hand was down the front of her still-unbuttoned shorts, I revised my assessment.

Dana arched an eyebrow in my general direction without looking away, “Do you think they'll last?” Plenty of emphasis on the “you”.

Noticing her rapt attention, I wanted to make a remark about Horse Dick not lasting too much longer from the sound of the grunting, but I knew that wasn't what she meant. “No,” I admitted.

“You think she should be with someone else. With you maybe?”

I thought for a second and shook my head, “Nah, that ship has sailed. We ended up being better friends than as a couple.” That was mostly true, and I damn sure wasn't going to mention any of the extra benefits that my friendship with Steph contained. For one reason, it wasn't Dana's business. Plain and simple. For another reason, I found myself wanting to protect Dana in different situations.

She had an innocence that I had lost a long time ago. I actually cherished it in her. I probably should have taken her away from all of this when I first noticed her standing there. For all of her stuffiness and close-mindedness, she tried to make me a better person. For that matter, she tried to help everyone be a better person. I don't know what inspired her to be that way, but she worked hard at it. For instance, she listened to all of Vicki's gossip, but she almost never repeated it. If Vicki was going to tell something that could potentially cause someone else too much harm, Dana would sidetrack her. She was like a mother hen to all of us little chicks in her circle of friends. I stood a better chance of being able to gnaw my own arm off than being able to willingly hurt Dana.

About then, Horse Dick's grunting reached a crescendo. He pulled his girlfriend towards him causing his dick to disappear inside her mouth. I could see it making a lump in her throat.

Next to me, Dana whispered, “Is that even possible?” Darned if I knew.

He gave one final grunt then stood like a statue with a look of absolute bliss playing across his face. After a moment or two, he pulled his cock out. It deposited one last squirt of cum onto the pavement before it started to visibly deflate.

The girlfriend, whose face had gone very pale, was also a statue for a moment, then she suddenly turned her head towards Dana and I and threw up on the pavement. It looked like a mixture of semen and clear vomit. She gagged and choked for a moment, then fell silent clutching at her throat.

I suddenly realized that she wasn't breathing. Oh hell no... guess who was probably the only person in the crowd that knew CPR. There was no way in hell that I was going to use it on her though. At my side, Dana gasped again. Who the fuck am I kidding, I started to rush over to the girlfriend.

Finally, she took a huge shuddering breath and spat something else out onto the ground. She smiled up at Horse Dick who patted her affectionately on the head. They both look relieved, but probably for multiple reasons.

I doubt they were as relieved as me. I would have given her mouth-to-mouth, but I would have gargled battery acid afterwords.

Turning to Dana, I tried to sound more playful than I felt. “I've got a ball bat in my car. I'll beat the crap out of him and then you use it on her. Sound like a plan?”

She looked at me with an unreadable expression, “Don't tempt me.”

Maybe I wasn't the only one who knew CPR after all.
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Old 09-23-2009, 12:24 AM   #12
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Beautiful story! I have loved every word of it! Keep it up
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Old 09-23-2009, 11:59 AM   #13
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 20

So here I was sitting on a bus with Dana. For all intents and purposes, I was naked with my dick currently residing in Dana's grasp. I expected at any moment for someone to start shouting about “Duck's dick” being out on display. Given the fact that a pretty girl was holding my cock, I found that I wasn't as worried about being seen as I thought I would be. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I would feel worse about someone catching us and ruining Dana's reputation.

That old double standard applies here. Guys are expected to be promiscuous, at least to a point, but girls are expected to be chaste. The problem with that theory is how in the hell do the guys fool around so much if all the girls have their knees welded together. Are there just a small selection of slutty girls that get passed around to all the guys? That's a good way for STD's to change hands quickly. Well, I guess they wouldn't be passed by hand. Well, not literally.

Among my circle of friends, the double standard was a bit more relaxed. It was okay for a girl to fool around with their boyfriend as long as they were in a committed relationship. That held true for guys too, but it was far more forgiving for a guy to slip up and hook up randomly. Personally, there were times when I thought people should only fool around while in a relationship and times when they should just fool around. Since we weren't in a relationship right now, this was one of those fool around times.

“Does it always do... that, or is that you making it... do that?”

I wasn't sure what she meant. “Well, it's a part of me, but what do you mean?”

She relaxed her grip on my cock, and I could see that it was twitching slightly. I asked, “Do you mean the throbbing?” When she nodded, I added, “Yep, that's my heartbeat doing that.”

She pushed lightly against my boner letting it throb against her hand, then she gripped it once again.

“Now, this,” I flexed the muscles in my groin making my dick move in her hand, “is me doing it.” She glanced up at me startled, so I did it a couple more times. She began to grin.

“What's it like when it is... isn't hard?”

“Urmm, smaller, softer. Way easier to pack around.” Holy cow! Did I just feel something trying to crawl up my ass?

“Does it still throb?” Dana had started to study my shaft with her fingers.

“Not really. Or at least you can't see it do it.” A thought occurred to me. “You know, I'm starting to wish that after that last car wash I had invited you to get an ice cream with me.”

“Is that some kind of obscure sexual reference?” She sounded suspicious, but playfully so.

“I could make it one,” I thought for a moment. “Oh yeah, I could make a lot of sexual references about ice cream cones and scoopers. No, I had thought about seeing if you wanted to go to Dairy Queen or Sonic after we finished up.”

Dana started to trace the edges of the head of my penis. That almost gave me goosebumps again. “Why? Were you hoping that this might happen?”

“Oh, no. Nothing like that. You and I worked the harder than everyone else, and we washed the most cars. I know I was hot and exhausted, and I thought you could use some ice cream too.” I paused for a second. “Why? Would this have happened?”

“Probably not.”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “But it might have?” I was trying very hard to pay attention to the conversation and not to the notion that there was something crawling around in my ass wearing a miniature miner's helmet with the headlamp blazing.

“I doubt it.”

“But it could have?”

“I don't think so.”

“Dangit, woman! If you are going to play with my... uhh, thingy, you have to give me a straight answer.”

It was her turn to raise her eyebrow. “Did you just refer to it as a 'thingy'?”

“Uhh, I might have,” I admitted. “What would you rather me call it?” Yeah, you aren't the only who noticed how neatly she had sidestepped my question. Fuck! I needed to shove a can of Raid up my ass!

She ran her hand from the tip down to the base and back again. “What are the choices?”

Hrmm, I know there was a section on alternative words for penis in the book of things that I shouldn't talk about with Dana. I took a deep breath and blacked out that section too. “Well, there's.... penis and peter and wiener and... ummm, dick and... cock. If it is like... erect like this, there's erection, boner, hard on, woody, stiffy... urmm, probably a few other obscure ones. Oh, wanger and ding dong, but those could work for either condition. Which do you prefer?”

She gave me a shy look. “Any of those are fine. Well, maybe not the silly ones.”

“So you don't mind me saying: 'Dana, you are playing with my... cock.'?” That felt dirty calling it that to her. Not so dirty that I wouldn't do it again.

“I don't mind, but try not to say it too loudly.” She turned towards me slightly, and suddenly I discovered that her other hand had found my balls.

Maybe she wouldn't mind to reach around and check that my ass wasn't infested with helmet-wearing bugs. “Since you are handy...” I leaned over a little and kissed her. Yeah, like I was really going to ask her to probe my ass for spelunking critters. You don't do that until at least the third date.

I noticed that it was getting brighter, so I pulled back and looked around. Luckily it was just another exit ramp with its lights, we were still a long while away from daylight.

Just as long as it wasn't the searchlight from a police copter focused on us through the window, I was fine. It would so ruin my day to hear some cop on a bullhorn advising Dana to: “Step away from the penis, Miss.”

The light illuminated something interesting. Like the fact that there was a bare foot sticking up from the Thompsons' seat. I shook my head. What the hell were they doing up there? Did they have a Twister mat with them? Come on people!

Dana was smiling as she enjoyed getting a clear look at my cock and balls. She even let go of my dick long enough to run her hand through my pubic hair. It dawned on me that the way she was turned toward me that her arms were pushing her breasts together amplifying her cleavage. I couldn't help but smile too. We eventually passed out of the light. Darn.

“Truth or dare?” I had almost forgotten that it had been Dana's turn to ask.

“I'll go with dare, but be nice and let me keep my shirt on. You can see me naked some other time.” It would look super suspicious if I wasn't wearing a shirt. I could hide under the blanket, but it's a lot easier to conceal the fact that I was pants-less. Unless of course your boner was pitching a tent under the blanket. I almost snickered in spite of myself at the thought of Horse Dick being able to host the who Ringling Brothers circus under the tent he could pitch. Oh, how I needed to kick his ass.

Dana's eyes lit up. “Oh really? You'll get naked for me another time?”

“Errr, I didn't mean it literally, but... Well, yeah. You've pretty much seen all the important parts anyway.” She seemed too pleased with that promise. “How about somewhere more private?” And hopefully I wouldn't be the only person naked. Then again, if she only wanted to see me naked and play with my privates like this, I certainly wouldn't complain. Too loudly at least.

“I may take you up on that.” She was blushing again. “I'll let you keep your shirt, but what if I dare you to... feel my shirt instead?” I found it amazing that she had managed to say that without any tell-tale trembling to give away what she was thinking. Maybe we were getting to a point where she had started to enjoy herself. I know she seemed to be enjoying me, and glancing at how hard I was made it obvious that I was enjoying her enjoying herself while enjoying me. Were you able to follow that? I wrote it, and I'm not sure that I could follow it myself.

I found myself staring at her cleavage again. When I looked back up at her, she was smiling shyly at me. “See, you caught me staring that time. Are you sure you want me to do this dare?”

She seemed to think for a moment, then she nodded. “Were you going to give me a dare along those lines instead of...?” Her fingertips were tracing the veins of my bare dick.

“That had been my plan, but... my underwear just seemed in the way.” I was ogling her chest again. If you haven't noticed, I tend to get off onto other tangents. I really didn't want to get derailed right now. I really, really wanted to feel her breasts, but I didn't want to just reach out and honk one. I needed to do something with a bit more... style. “Which part of your shirt should I touch?”

That question caused her to tremble ever so slightly. “What part... would you like... to touch?”

“What about...” I ran my fingers over the sleeve of her shirt, “your sleeve?” My pinky trailed lightly against her bare arm, and then I caressed her upper arm up to her shoulder. “Or your shoulder?” I rubbed along her shoulder and toyed with the collar of her shirt. “Or your collar?” She nuzzled her cheek over against my hand, and I could feel the heat from her blush. I slipped my fingertips inside of her collar and let them play along the soft flesh of her neck. When I felt her pulse, I paused to enjoy the thrill of her life's blood beating under my touch. It was racing slightly.

I whispered, “You'll be happy to know that you are still alive.” She smiled in response, and I wondered at the way her eyes were shining. Her hands were still absently rubbing at my exposed flesh, but my touch seemed to have her captivated as though she were under a spell.

My hand continued slowly to the back of her neck and under her hair which felt like the finest silk against the back of my hand. Leaving behind the bare flesh at the nape of her neck, I crossed back over to the outside of her shirt. “Or your back?” She leaned forward slightly giving me access to her back. I ran my hand slowly down following the outline of her bra strap then turning to trace along to where it was clasped together. From there I worked my way down her spine tracing lines down either side with my fingers.

The tail of her shirt covered the upper part of her bottom, and I took full advantage of the fact. Dana leaned forward even more, and I slowly ran my hand up under the back of her shirt and under her tank top to feel the softness of her skin on her lower back. Keeping my hand just above the top of her shorts, I brought my hand across her bare side. Then I passed my hand back out onto her outer shirt. “Or the side?”

I trailed along the bottom of her shirt to the front, then started up the side that the buttons fit into. “Or the front?” I went very slowly, using enough pressure that I could lightly feel her stomach, which I noted had tensed up slightly. Her hands had all but stopped moving.

When I got to just below her breasts, I ran my hand inside of her outer shirt. I turned my hand over, so that my fingers were against the material of her outer shirt. “Or maybe the inside?” The back of my hand brushed lightly against her breast. She made a very faint sound. Ahh, there was my gasp that I was looking forward to.

I circled the back of my hand across her breast ever so slowly. After the fourth revolution, I just faintly felt a hardened nipple pressing back. Not wanting to leave her other breast alone, I crossed over to its twin still using the back of my hand and began to circle that breast in the opposite direction. That nipple hardened much more quickly.

Dana's gaze had went slightly unfocused, and I could tell that she was concentrating on the feel of my hand against her chest. I crossed back to where her breasts met and gently turned my hand over. The tips of my middle finger and pointer finger were resting against her bare chest above her tank top, and the rest of my hand was touching her breasts on either side. I could feel her heart beating, and it was still elevated. “Yep,” I whispered, “I'm still happy to see that you are alive and healthy.”

I kissed her again. It was a slow, deep kiss that let our tongues meet for the first time. As we kissed, I moved my hand over onto one of her breasts and began to gently rub. My thumb circled her nipple exploring its dimensions. As we parted, I squeezed her breast firmly. “Very alive and healthy.”

She squeezed my throbbing cock and added, “I can tell just how happy you are.” We both grinned.

“How did I do with feeling your shirt?”

She glanced down at where my hand was visible beneath her shirt still massaging her breast. “You seem to be still feeling it.”

“That's just your tank top.”

“No, I think that's a bit more than my tank top.” A whole lot more than just her tank top, which I am very happy to report.

“Oh, I didn't realize that your tank top was a problem. How about...” I ran my hand down her stomach and underneath her tank top. Dana didn't gasp this time, but there was a sharp intake of air. It was something like a gaspless gasp.

I ran my hand back and forth across her stomach then slowly went upward. Her stomach felt amazingly soft and smooth, but I don't think she needed to use Nair there.

If I ever met Dana's parents and the subject of her skin came up in polite conversation, I planned to give both of them a big hug and thank them profusely. I wouldn't even mind if her dad beat the shit out of me for hugging him. So far, her skin was outstanding. As long as the parts that I hadn't sampled yet weren't rough like a cat's tongue, we were golden.

My fingers found the smooth fabric of her bra and slid back to their previous spot. I quickly began massaging her breast again. “...if I solve that problem?” My boldness surprised me. The fact that she let me was an even better surprise. It might have surprised her too.

“I... I like that,” she sighed contentedly, “but you aren't even touching my shirt now.”

I rolled my eyes dramatically and placed one finger from my other hand on her sleeve. “Satisfied?” I pinched her nipple lightly to put the dot under the question mark.


“Okay, do you want me to stop now?” I pulled my hand away from her breast slightly.

Her eyes jerked wide open. “You better not!” She exclaimed quietly. I chuckled, and she squeezed my balls meaningfully.

“Message received. Loud and clear, Captain.” If I had a free hand, I would have saluted.
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Old 09-23-2009, 08:02 PM   #14
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Very Nice installment, once again, a great read.

It definitely keeps you in suspense. Lol
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Old 09-24-2009, 12:18 PM   #15
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Default My Crazy Life: High School Field Trip, Chapter 21

As I sat there with my hand up Dana's shirt and my manhood trying to ignore that it was somewhat cool that morning (Dana's warm hand was helping a lot there), I found myself pondering this strange turn of events. Now ignoring the fact that this was Dana that I was with, I discovered that I wasn't feeling as uncomfortable with the idea of sitting here essentially naked. Sure, in my other relationships I'm usually the one who initiates this kind of intimacy, so I always felt in charge of the situation. Here, I had let Dana take control, and it wasn't half bad.

In terms of experience, we were in drastically different weight classes, which might explain why I let her set the pace. All of this was a first for her, and she could decide (more or less) exactly how far she was willing to go. One thing was certain, it was an incredibly fast pace. Maybe she was trying to cram years worth of experience into a few hours. Couples might move this fast now, but back then it took a month or two of dating at least to get this far. I don't know if that was true or not for Jimmy's crew. I wasn't as interested in finding out now either.

In a way, I was glad that she had given in to her curiosity with me and not someone else. I glanced down at her hand which was still exploring my dick. Yeah, for the obvious reason that it felt good, but more because I still wanted to protect her. Had I been someone else I would have pushed her and tried to take advantage of her sudden sexual interest. Who knows what she might have done before she realized what she was doing. Me, I wouldn't hurt her. More importantly, I didn't plan to let her hurt herself either.

I patted myself on the back for taking such an honorable stance with Dana, and then I started plotting about how to get under her bra and then get my hand into her pants. Okay, I really meant what I said about not hurting her, but dammit I was horny also.

“You did it again, Kirk.”

Okay, what had I done this time? I'm used to getting accused of doing stuff. I'm usually guilty too, but that's not the point. “What?” I pinched her nipple lightly through her bra. “Did you mean that?”

“No,” she said then added, “but that... but that... Mmmmm.” She blushed a bit.

“Mmmmm?” I inquired. “Care to elaborate?” I continued to torment her nipple.

“Not... at this... moment.” When I relented and went back to just fondling her breast, she continued, “You made me relax again.” She gave the head of my cock an extra nice rub, which wasn't making me relax one bit.

“Maybe we can fix that: Truth or dare?”

“Kirk, I don't know that I like the way you are grinning,” she informed me.

“Whatever do you mean?” I batted my eyelashes and tried to look innocent.

“Like you are up to no good.”

“No good? Me?” I attacked her nipple again. My fingers remained gentle, but they were also firm. After a moment, I asked, “Is that no good also?”

Her hand had stopped moving, and her eyes had gone partially closed. “No, that's... good.” Good apparently has three extra vowels in it. “Dare.”

“How about we make it easier for me to play with your nipples?” I let that question hang out there briefly. Dana's eyes opened a bit wider, but she seemed to interested in hearing more. “I dare you to... remove your bra... and... then pull your tank top up as high as you are comfortable with.”

The trembling returned, but it was a pale shadow of what it had been before. When she didn't respond, I passed the time by entertaining her nipple and trying to imagine what it would feel like without any barriers between it and my fingers. The trembling finally subsided, and she started to smile.

“I can't.”

Ooops, I guess I read Dana wrong there. I thought she would go through with that one, especially given the way she seemed to like her nipples played with. Her bra was fairly thin (she certainly didn't need any padding there), but it still restricted what I could do. I tried not to sound disappointed, “That's okay.”

The smile became a grin. “No, I can't... literally can't... because you are attached to my bra.”

“Oh! Oooooooooh. Ah-haaaaa.” Yep, there I went with my witty banter. Duckers is the wittiest guy on the planet. Vote Duckers for President! Dumbass. Hey, who said that?

I gave her breast a parting squeeze to help lock the sensation of what it felt like through her bra into my mind. I did this specifically for comparative purposes. I know plenty of people who peel the crust off of their sandwiches before eating them, but I subscribe to an entirely different school of thought. If you take the crust off, the bread all feels uniformly the same. If you work your way through the crust, the bread feels much softer in comparison. Now, I'm not calling Dana's boobs crusty, but they felt really good through her bra and I expected to be astounded by them in their unfettered state. Basically, I could have just wrote, “Bring out the naked hooters,” and you would have still gotten the same idea. Why would I write something in one sentence when I could say the same thing in a long, rambling paragraph?

If you are reading this, Dana. Sorry about the bread crust comparison...

Dana released my cock and balls, but then started to reach back toward them. Instead of playing with me again, she pulled the blanket up over my lap. “Just in case someone comes by while you're distracted.” The way she arranged the fabric had my nakedness concealed from the aisle, but still left me exposed to her. The blanket wasn't touching my boner, but it managed to hide it without looking like there was an erection under there. I realized that she was better at pitching a tent than I was.

She started to take her outer shirt off but stopped. Glancing around, she tried to decide how to proceed. She obviously didn't want to be topless either and probably for the same reason I had mentioned. So it left me wondering how she was going to pull this trick off. I had seen a few girls do the remove-the-bra-from-under-the-shirt trick before, but Dana did not strike me as the type to do it.

Steph was a pro at it. I swear that she could almost flex her shoulder blades just right and let her bra fall out of her shirt without ever using her hands. She thought it was funny to randomly throw her bra at me in the most inappropriate times. Which, of course, left it up to me to hide it from sight. I kept swearing to myself that the next time I was just going to ask in a shocked but loud voice why she had taken her bra off, but I never did. It had become a game to us over the years. She would make her bra appear, and I would make it disappear. I'm not sure which of us was the better magician in that regard. It was truly amazing how she could fall out of her bra at a moment's notice, but I'll be damned if I hadn't had to work a lot of magic to keep anyone from seeing her bra. I was more than a little shocked that she didn't try that trick at my wedding. My wife is a fairly understanding woman (she has to be to put up with me), but I don't think she would have found that the least bit amusing.

Dana fumbled around under her tank top for a moment, and I tried my best not to stare at her shirt. Who am I kidding? I tried my best to catch a sneak peek of my new best friends, the Nipple Twins. After a few moments, she stopped. Absently, she smoothed the front of her tank top down across her stomach, then straightened up her outer shirt. She rubbed her hands against the side of her shorts. When she started glancing around, it clicked that she was nervous again.

“Do you have any preferences on what to ride first?” I tried to sound distracting. She glanced down at my erection, and I teased, “I thought you didn't want to do that ride today.”

She looked at me curiously then back down at my crotch. The moment that she caught the reference her eyes shot open but then she quickly grinned. “Kirk!” Thump.

“Owie... Personally, I like to start off with a kiddie ride. Maybe squeeze into one of those little cars so that I sit there with my knees drawn up to my ears trying to steer.”

She covered her mouth to hide her laugh. She must have been envisioning me on one of those rides. “I just hope you put your shorts back on first, or you will get yourself tangled up in the steering wheel.”

“Dana!” I tried to mimic how she had said my name. Okay, I guess I hadn't taken into account that her imagination might have become a little x-rated. She also had a good eye for detail. “If I do get stuck, will you come pull me loose?” I almost said “pull me off”, but that was too obvious of a pun.

“Maybe,” she said coyly.

“Just maybe?”

“Yes. It depends on how you behave.”

“Obviously, I'll be behaving pretty badly if I have my wiener caught in the steering wheel of a kiddie ride.” We both grinned. “Thanks for the vote of confidence that it would reach that far.”

She leaned away. Well, she leaned away as far as the side of the bus would allow and gave me an appraising look. “I think it would reach.” I had to smile at that because it made me feel really good. Then Lucy jerked the football away from Charlie Brown. “Those little cars are tiny, you know.”

I did a double-take. “Holy Ham and Cheese Sandwiches! Did you just burn me?” I sniffed myself. “Why yes, I do detect the faint scent of roasting butt cheeks.” We were both laughing quietly. “And you zinged me right where a guy is most sensitive. Ouch! I think I'll take my bat and balls and go home.” I tried to pout, but the grinning and laughing made it hard to do.

She wrapped her hand around my cock and squeezed lightly. “But I've just discovered how much I like baseball.” Her pout was way better than mine. So here I sit with my dick in Dana's hand, and she is pouting over my idle threat to not let her play with it any more. This was just not happening. Maybe I was still at home in my bed fast asleep dreaming. Dana shouldn't be acting like this. I shouldn't be acting like this with Dana. Sure, after their performance this morning, I could see Angel acting like this. Well, actually she would probably have something else wrapped around my dick. Probably one orifice or another, but I quickly tuned her out of my brain.

“How did you learn to pout so seductively?”

“I practiced in the mirror at home.” She gave me another seductive pout. “See?”

That made me snicker. “Yep, I have created a monster.”

“You could tell that I was nervous again, couldn't you?” She was smiling again.

“I can read you like an open book,” I agreed.

“Before your magic wears off, I still need to open something else.” She leaned forward and brought both of her hands up her tank top behind her back. Her clasp was soundless as she unhooked it (not that I had expected a car alarm to go off or anything), but I did notice her breasts jump slightly. She shrugged her left shoulder a couple of times and fished her bra strap out of her sleeve. Drawing the strap down, she pulled her elbow and then her arm out of the strap. She repeated the process for the other side.

At that point, she paused to make certain that she had my undivided attention. As if I would be looking anywhere else. Heck, the Thompsons could have been hanging from the ceiling going at it doggy style, and I wouldn't have noticed. (Yeah, I probably would have looked away for that, but just for a second.) Slowly, she reached under her tank top and slipped her bra into view. When it was completely free, she offered it to me.

I automatically held her bra up to my chest. “Is it my size?” As best as I could tell in the limited amount of light available, her bra was a nude color. I think that's what that lightly tanned skin color is called. It wouldn't have looked nude on Dana's fair complexion, but it seemed a wise choice to wear on a day when you were afraid that you might be getting drenched.

“Kirk!” I caught an elbow that time. “Actually, it doesn't look too bad on you,” she admitted. Had I wounded her womanly pride? She was probably just turned off by how womanly the bra made me look.

I used my hand to simulate having a boob on one side. “I don't quite think I can fill it out as nicely as you do.” There was an amazing amount of room in that cup, and the fabric was still nice and warm against my hand.

“Are you complaining, Mister?” I could have kissed that eyebrow that she was arching at me.

“Uhh, no. Quite the opposite.” I folded her bra as neatly as I could and pretended to stick it into my shorts pocket. I'm sure it looked pretty funny considering that my shorts were still around my ankles. After we both grinned, I passed it back.

“Thank you. I might need that in the park.” She reached down and slipped it into her bag.

“Does that mean that you'll leave it off until we get into the park?” I liked that idea.

A bit of nervousness crept into her features. “What about breakfast?”

I leaned away a bit so I could get a better view of the big picture. “Well, if I hadn't just watched you slip out of it, I wouldn't be able to tell you weren't wearing one. The two shirts hide everything. Just don't start doing any jumping jacks.”

“I'll try to keep that in mind,” she rolled her eyes at me. “Are you sure? It's pretty dark in here, and it'll be really bright in there.” She looked worried.

“Trust me. When I waddle in there with my pants around my ankles, no one will be looking at your chest,” I deadpanned. She couldn't help but laugh. She finally stopped when I leaned over to kiss her. “Now, how about some belly button?”

“I think I can do that.” She slowly pulled her tank top up letting her belly button come into view. Where was the light when I needed it? Her belly button looked like a darker spot against the dimness of her stomach.

I slid my hand over and ran it across her smooth stomach. After making a few circles around it, I traced the edge of her belly button. Very gently, I slipped a finger inside. Where my belly button was often a receptacle for lint, hers was clean and soft.

Dana squirmed slightly saying, “That tickles.”

I went back to caressing her stomach. “So... how brave are you?”

“I... I don't know,” she admitted. “Will you still... touch me if I can't raise it any higher?”

My first response was to jokingly tell her no, but my Duck-sense started tingling at that thought. “Do you mean outside of your tank top or from inside?”

She appeared to be unable to meet my eyes. “Either,” she said softly.

Quietly, I asked, “Do you mean that you want me to feel your bare breasts?”

Dana started to bite her lip. Her shyness seemed strange after she had just been playing with my boner, but I thought I could understand. I got a bit shy before my undies went for a walk too. “Do you still want to feel them?”

“If you had asked me that question yesterday, I would have looked at you as if you had gone crazy. Maybe I'm the one who has gone crazy, and I am just imagining all of this.”

She pinched me on the bare leg. I yelped, “I thought you pinched people to make sure they weren't dreaming not to see if they were crazy or not.”

“Well, were you dreaming?”

“No, but I might still be crazy.”

She grinned. “I don't think there is any 'might' to that.”

“Excellent point,” I nodded. “So that means you are making out with a crazy guy.”

“You would have to be crazy to make out with me.” She was looking sad, and I wasn't sure if she was playing or not.

“Bah! I'd have to be crazy not to make out with you. Heck, I think I must have been crazy for the last few years not to want to make out with you.”

“You're just saying that.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “It's just because I've been acting like this.” One of her hands gestured vaguely at her breasts then at my still-exposed cock.

I covered myself up, which didn't make my dick the least bit happy. He'd get over it.

“No. Not in the least. You've always been really reserved and... formal with me. I've never felt like I have gotten to see the real you; it's all just been a mask. This morning, when you smiled at me with that sparkle in your eyes and you started joking around with me... Heck, you even burned me pretty good a couple times... You started loosening up and just enjoyed being yourself. That's when things changed for me.” She was watching me intensely.

“This other stuff,” I shrugged. “We can fix our clothes, and I'd still be happy to just spend the day with you. Maybe do a little hand-holding and steal a kiss or two, but as long as you keep letting me see the real Dana I'll be content.” I might end up with blue balls, but I really meant it.

“What if this isn't the real me?” She was hugging herself. “What if the real me is the girl you've known all this time?” There was a tear in the corner of her eye.

“Which one feels right to you? That's what's important.”

“I don't know,” she sighed. “The old me has always felt safe and reliable. Everything except for guys made sense.” She wiped at her eye. “This...” She took my hand. Why couldn't she have used the dry hand? Not that I really minded. “This has been confusing, exciting, and... And it feels right.”

We kissed. That felt right too, and I told her exactly that. “If I was insane before, this makes me feel like I've finally caught a case of sanity.” I smiled warmly at her. “You're a very beautiful young woman, and I wish that I had noticed that fact sooner.” Maybe this was going to be a quick end to a quick make-out session. It was probably for the best though, because it certainly had moved fast.

She smiled. “Thank you, Kirk.” She was dabbing at her other eye. “Could you hand me my bag?” She released my hand and pointed over at the other seat.

I looked where she pointed by reflex. Where did her bag go? It had been lying next to my backpack and the radio. Wait, a minute. She has her bag. Is she losing it?

“Uhh, your bag is in the floor, remember? You got the blanket out from it and put something else in it.”

“Oh, that's right.” Dana was just sitting there with a blank expression. Hold on! Time for another double-take. She wasn't just sitting there, instead she was sitting there with her tank top pushed up above her breasts. Unfortunately, her outer shirt had everything important covered. A momentary bit of light revealed that I could, however, see all of her cleavage. She grinned nervously at me. “You didn't say anything about my other shirt.” Sad, but true.
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