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Old 08-16-2011, 05:50 PM   #1
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Post My Step-Sister Becky

This is my first post, and the first time I've ever posted a story online. I've written before, but I've never posted anything.

I'm curious to know what you think. Please give me your feedback.

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Chapter 1

When my dad started dating again a few years ago, I was a little freaked out. Ok, I was freaked out A LOT. But now, I'm glad he did. He's much happier now. And so am I.

My name is Brian, and today, I'm 16. My parents got divorced when I was twelve. Most of the things I remember about my mom are not good. I remember a few good things, but dad says even on her good days, mom would usually mess things up with her drinking. Eventually my dad got tired of the chaos, so he moved out of the house and took me with him. Mom's never been part of our lives ever since then.

But that's ok. Because now I have a really cool step-mom. And an even cooler step-sister. Becky, my step-sister, and I have grown quite close. She's also 16, and in the same grade as me at Truman High School. We look nothing alike, and we have fun telling people we're "twin" brother and sister. It's funny watching people look at us, trying to see the resemblence. We just smile and don't bother to explain. We figure it's none of their business.

When Becky and I first met, it had been after dad had been dating Angie, my step-mom, for several months. Dad has always been very open and honest with me, and I could tell things were getting pretty serious between them. I just wanted my dad to be happy, so I accepted Angie and Becky.

Growing up as an only child, I'd always wanted a sibling, and the prospect of having a sister was very interesting to me. But when I met Becky for the first time, I was stunned. Becky was beautiful. She had shoulder length, straight brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a thin face and a smile that could melt steel.

I wasn't prepared to be attracted to my sister. Your sister isn't supposed to be HOT. And she's only gotten better looking since we first met. More about that later. I don't want to get ahead of myself.

So dad and Angie got married. Becky and I became brother and sister. We were both 14 at the time. Shortly after that, my dad took a big promotion with his company, so we moved to a new town. This drew us closer together as a family, since we didn't know anyone in the new town.

Becky and I accepted each other as brother and sister. I tried to hide my attraction to her, but it was no use. It was that smile of hers. She would look at me and smile and I'd go weak in the knees. But I'd always play it off, and play the silly goof role. Which of course made her laugh and smile at me more.

We moved to our new house during the summer while school was out. Our new house was huge, with a secluded pool and a big back yard in a pretty exclusive neighborhood. My dad must have been bringing in the big bucks to afford a house like this. Angie was very busy establishing herself in the local real-estate market, so Becky and I found ourselves alone in the big house frequently.

It was a hot July day and both our parents were gone. With nothing better to do, Becky and I found ourselves outside in the pool. Becky, of course, looked fantastic in her swim suit. It was a cobalt blue suit, and actually quite conservatively cut. It wasn't the suit that made Becky look good, it was Becky that made the suit look good. Becky was very fit for her age. She was several inches shorter than me, but her breasts were beginning to swell from her chest. She was already at least a B cup.

At first we swam tentatively together, but before long we were splashing each other, playing some friendly volleyball and playing h-o-r-s-e with the in-pool basketball hoop. And then things got more competitive with a game of one-on-one basketball.

Becky was a good shooter, but eventually I took the lead by several baskets. She was starting to get frustrated because I was beating her to all the rebounds. I'm a pretty good swimmer, having been on the local swim team back in my old town. I was the second strongest on the team, which was really good when you consider that most of the other guys were two years older than me.

I had started puberty at around 9, which is way early for a guy, so for 14, I was pretty developed. I was already 5'8", had a lean build and I was already shaving.
I surged ahead of Becky to get yet another rebound, when suddenly my swim trunks were around my knees.

Becky squealed with delight, and covered her face with her hands. Everything but her eyes, which were grinning at me as she laughed behind her hands.

"Hey!", I said. "That's a foul I think!", as I quickly pulled my trunks up.
At first I was kinda mad, then I was just embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry!", Becky laughed into her hands. "I had no idea your trunks were so loose."

Any upset feelings I had quickly left me as she laughed and smiled at me with those big brown eyes.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know that was gonna happen. I swear!" she said.

"No big deal. Now you've seen my best side," I replied. I turned and shook my butt at her under the water.

She jumped on my back and threw her arms around my neck. I pretended to panic and flailed my arms and call for help as Becky clung to my back. I could feel the swell of her breasts rubbing up against my back as hung on and giggled at my antics. We wrestled around in the water for a bit, which felt strange, because even though we were now "brother and sister", we'd never actually touched each other until now.

But at the same time, it was strangely comfortable and natural, since it was my sister I was wrestling with. I let Becky dunk me few times and she sensed that I was giving up the game. As I came up from out of the water, she had the strangest smile on her face.

"I know something I can beat you at," she said.

"I doubt it," I laughed.

"No really. I bet you I can," she said.

"What is it? Toenail painting?" I cackled.

"I'm not gonna tell you. You have to bet me first," said Becky, grinning as if she knew something I did not.

"Is it a sport?" I asked.

"It's definately a sport," she said. "Do you wanna bet me?" she smiled. Then sticking out her lower lip she challenged me with mock baby-talk. "...Or is the big boy too chicken?"

OK, I was feeling a little annoyed at this point. What did this girl think she could beat me at. There was no way. I was bigger and stronger than her in every way. Becky did have a natural athleticism to her, but... there was no way she could beat me at any sport I could think of.

"It's a real sport you say?" I said, still suspicious.

"As real as any Olympic sport," she replied, the began clucking like a chicken and laughing. "Come on, bet me chicken."

"OK, OK," I said. "I'll bet you. How much? 10 bucks?"

"Nah," there was that smile again. "Something else..."

"What then?"

"The loser has to do whatever the other person says," she smiled.

"No way!" I protested, "I'm not doing your laundry or washing your feet or any crap like that."

"What's the matter? Chicken?" she replied and started with the chicken noises again.

"Besides," she added, "If you win, then I have to do whatever you say."

Well. I liked the sound of that. Besides, I knew I was gonna win.

"OK, I bet you," I said, sealing my fate. "Shake on it," I offered my hand to hers. "And you better not weasle out of it when you lose."

"Don't worry," she said, shaking my hand. "I won't lose."

So with the bet made and the handshake out of the way, I asked. "So what's the sport?"

"I bet you that I can do a better dive from the diving board than you can," she said smiling.

So that was it? That was her ace in the hole? I smiled back at her, because I had done a little diving myself, before I'd decided to concentrate on swimming. And she didn't know that.

"Oh, this is gonna be easy," I said. "Ladies first," I held up my hand and offered her the diving board.

"Oh no," Becky said. "We bet I could do a better dive than you. So you have to go first."

I hesitated, feeling like I had just been suckered somehow.

"OK, we'll do it your way," I said, before she could start with the clucking noises.

I swam over to the side of the pool and climbed up the ladder. Water streamed off my body as I strode confidently to the diving board. The best I could do was a one and a half summersault with a full twist, back when I was diving. But sometimes, I'd blow that dive too.

I turned my back to Becky, and went through the motions in my mind. Could I do it? Or should I just play it safe and leave the twist out? I hadn't practiced diving in over a year. If I failed the dive, I'd flop into the water out of control, making it easy for her to beat me. I practiced the dive once more in my head, and decided to go for it.

I turned to seeing Becky's wet head bobbing in the water as she smiled at me. I quickly blocked her out and focused my dive. I walked to the end of the board, and bounced a little, getting a feel for it's strength. Then went back on the board, focused, strode forward and sprung into the air.

I nailed it! As I felt my feet slip under the water, I realized that it may have been the best dive I've ever executed. When I surfaced, I heard Becky clapping.

"Whoa! Nicely done Brian!" she beamed. "That was an excellent dive. One and a half summersault with a full twist?" she asked.

"That's right!" I beamed back. Then it hit me. How did she know that?

"Well, I'll see if I can beat that," Becky said, climbing up the ladder.

"Hey!" I said. "How did you know that was a one and half full twist?"

"Hmmmm..." she said, pretending to be stumped. "I guess you're not the only one who's had a little diving training." And there was that smile again.

Becky looked totally amazing standing there on the diving board with water dripping from her darkly tanned skin. Her nipples puckered in the air and showed clearly thru her suit. But I didn't see any of it. My mind was reeling with the new knowledge that my "twin sister" may be an expert diver. Watching her confidently set her body for the coming dive, I knew I was in trouble.

She stepped forward and launched herself into the air and completed a perfect two and half summersault single twist dive, creating almost no splash as she entered the water. It was truely an awesome dive. I knew my goose was cooked.

Becky surfaced and swam over to me. Smiling the whole time.

"What did you think of that?" she asked.

I held out my hand. "Congratulations. You win. Your dive was way better than mine. More difficult and better executed. What can I say." I forced a smile. I didn't like losing.

She took my hand and held it for and awkward amount of time. But her hand was so warm and so soft, I didn't mind it.

"So what do I have to do now? You're dishes for a week?" I cringed at the thought.

"No..." she laughed. "Nothing like that," she said. She grinned from ear to ear.

"Well what then?" I asked.

"You have to..." she paused. "Forget it. It's stupid!" she said.

"No, I lost the bet," I said. "Fair is fair. I'll do what you say."

"You're gonna think it's stupid," she insisted. "And you won't do it any way. And then I'll feel stupid for saying it."

"No, really Becky. I'll do what ever you say."

"You won't laugh?" her eyes pleaded.

"I won't laugh. Just tell me what I have to do."

"Ok," she swallowed hard, building up the courage. "You have to swim from one end of the pool and then back again while underwater the whole time."

Well that's not so bad I thought. I do that all the time.

"And you have to do it naked," she blurted out.

I looked up at her as she sat on the side of the pool. Her eyebrows raised in a question, waiting to see if I would make her feel stupid. I did the only thing I could. Without a word, I collapsed under the water and swam to the shallow end of the pool. I looked back at Becky, still watching me with raised eyebrows.

"You sure about this?" I asked.

She nodded, and that smile started sneaking back in her eyes.

"OK. Here I go".

In one smooth motion, I removed my trunks under the water. I had been skinny dipping before, so I expected the glorious feeling of being nude in the water. I'm not sure why it feels so good, but I'm glad it does. Knowing that me sister was there in the pool with me, watching me, made it all that more exciting. I felt myself bobbing between my legs as I took a few deep breathes, and then plunged under the water.

I have no idea what I looked like as I moved myself under the water, but I could feel my penis bumping against me as I swam. As I quickly reached the deep end, I realised that I was swimming very fast without the suit to drag me down. I should have been able to make it back to the other end with ease, but with the excitement, my lungs were demanding air. Now!

Almost in a panic, I surged the last few meters, touched the side of the pool and popped up, gasping for breath.

"Good enough," I panted as I turned to face Becky.

"Yep," she grinned. She was staring at me. That's when I realized that the water wasn't covering my crotch, and she was staring right at my exposed nakedness.

I plunged my butt back under the water. Becky laughed through her hands that were now covering her face. I was too emarassed to speak. My sister had just seen me naked! As I reached for my trunks, there was a noise for the direction of the garage.

"Hurry!" Becky called quietly. "Someone's home!"

I scrambled back into my trunks and as calmly as I could swam over to the basketball. Becky slipped back into the pool and made her way under the basketball net.

As my dad came around the corner with his briefcase, Becky called out, "Four - Three - Two ..."

Instictively I shot the ball at the basketball net. As it looped thru the air, Becky finished the countdown.

"One - RRRRRRR - The buzzer sounds!" she called out, just as the ball went thru the basket.

"He makes it! The crowd goes wild!" I yell out in my excited announcer voice, as Becky let out a "Wooo wooo!".

Dad walks up to the edge of the pool. "Hey you two. Sounds like your having a good time."

"We sure are," beams Becky, a little too enthuesiastically.

"Well, you guys need to get out and dry off. Mom's bringing home Chinese and should be here in a few minutes," my dad says. He's in a good mood and I can here it in his voice.

"Maybe after dinner the four of us can get in the pool and continue the game you and Becky were playing," he says as he walks into the house.

I look over at Becky, and her eyes are as wide as mine.

"Somehow, I don't think that would be a very good idea," I mumble so only she can here me. We bust out laughing together.

Last edited by coderider; 08-18-2011 at 07:39 AM. Reason: Changed a few details that were bugging me and toned the graphic descriptions down a bit.
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Old 08-16-2011, 06:40 PM   #2
getDare Sweetheart
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 425

hey, I like your story would be nice to read another chapter!
keep it up!
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Old 08-16-2011, 08:42 PM   #3
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That was a very good start to a story, not rushed, good background to the story, very enjoyable to read, albeit only one chapter, so in short. Continue writing.
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Old 08-16-2011, 09:51 PM   #4
getDare Succubus
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I love this story. Keep up the good work on it.
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Old 08-17-2011, 12:36 PM   #5
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Default Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm writing the next chapter now.

Glad you liked it so far.
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Old 08-17-2011, 01:20 PM   #6
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Fantastic! Thank you for the great story, canīt wait to read the next chapter!!
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