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Old 02-13-2010, 09:42 PM   #1
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Default A story for the submissive ladies.

I apologize in advance if this is the wrong section for a story. I did look around/checked over the rules, and I felt this story was really more suited to the slave/master lounge than to the dare story section.

I've had to split this across multiple posts as the end result was far too large for a single post. I'll start with an introduction then add one post per story day below that.

This post is the result of the story idea I was recruiting for a couple of weeks ago from the following threads at Getdare and Milovana: http://getdare.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=40210 and http://www.milovana.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=4858 unless they have already been deleted or expired. If that's the case and you're really interested in what it said, just get in contact with me on markjonesorig at gmail dot com (replace the at with @ and the dot with a full stop) or PM me via my profile and I'll be happy to send on the contents.

I'll warn you now, this involves a fair whack of reading. The first couple of pages are mostly information about the story and things I felt you'd need to know before entering the actual story itself.

This is an erotic story, but not quite in the regular sense. I wanted to try something a bit more involved than simply attempting to write a story. Something which could adapt to the behavior and mindset of those reading it as we went along. To that end, I decided to go with the rather crazy approach of a "living story", or writing it on the fly as I received feedback and daily reports from the submissives involved.

I have never tried my hand at being a master/dom before attempting this idea, and had only really lightly played around at being a submissive. I think I enjoy either role just as much, since for me the main factor is everybody involved has to have fun rather than sticking to one mindset. I get my enjoyment from knowing others are having a pleasurable time following my instructions. I also think one of the best ways to punish somebody online is to find out what they like the most, and then totally deny them that pleasure rather than trying to force them into actions which they simply won't do, or will outright lie about. This story probably isn't for those of you who like an extremely harsh master, but it's my hope everybody will find at least some small parts to enjoy.

The original design allowed me to incorporate multiple participants, but I'm only making one set of the story/instructions available. This is so those involved will never know exactly how many other subs were real, and how many were made up - whether I was focusing attention on another person, or simply teasing them with a figment of my (and by extension their) imagination. While each sub was given her own unique instructions with slight variations on the story (depending on her position relative to others), it was left up to them to try and imagine what instructions others might be having to follow at any point in time. This approach allowed me to engineer bouts of jealousy & feelings of being "left out" at times for some, while simultaneously lavishing attention and playtime on others without anybody knowing exactly what I was allowing other subs to do. You should gain a clearer understanding of this as you read the story.

This particular path was chosen as it contains the least number of requirements. You won't need any sex toys to complete it, but a basic form of dildo will help. Substitutions can be made however. It's up to you to figure out what to use as a replacement for various objects you may not have. The path chosen was also developed for a female who enjoyed nipple play more than pussy/clit stimulation, if you're wired differently, simply reverse the instructions so you play with/punish your clit rather than your nipples when ordered.

While the story was run over a certain number of days, I know many of you will likely just cram through it in a couple of sessions. That's entirely up to you, but I would recommend trying it across the real time period it was created across originally. I'm not going to state the exact number of days here to try and reduce the chance of spoiling it, but if you really need to check beforehand, just scroll down toward the end of the post and you should have no problem finding out for yourself.

Please excuse any terrible grammar, glaring plot holes, or just outright mistakes. This was quite a mammoth undertaking for me as I haven't written anything creative for a number of years and I know my English isn't exactly up to snuff. I ended up spending anything from 2-6 hours/day on each day of the story at the cost of some sleep which should help account for the majority of mistakes. All I had to work off was the core idea of the story and daily reports from the subs. NO PART of it was written ahead of time except the first day, and this made it fairly difficult for me to remember what had taken place in the days prior. I haven't gone through and edited any of it other than to remove personal banter with this particular sub - what you see is exactly what she got. The whole event was written "on the fly" each day, and would likely take me months to edit it up to a standard I'd find acceptable for a regular form of erotic story.

Very occasionally I managed to link an idea across multiple days, such as the training video on Days 1 and 3, but such occurrences were rare. You may pick up on it when you read things through and think I must have written something like that ahead of time, but I can assure you the idea for the picture stimuli only popped into my head while writing Day 3.

There are a few things you need to know BEFORE you begin the story.

1) Anything between square brackets is an order to be followed. Everything else is story text. [This is an instruction, pinch your nipples 8 times] but this is just story text.

All instructions are to be completed in full before reading on. If they don't specify "Continue to do this as you read" or words to that effect, then you shouldn't be touching yourself in any manner as you keep going.

Read an instruction from bracket to bracket before you start it. This is to ensure you don't miss any caveats about performing a certain action.

2) I used a system I devised to make things a little more fun. I refer to it as the intensity scale. The basic idea is that everybody is wired slightly differently when it comes to being pleasured and nobody knows how to please your body quite as well as you do. When you see an instruction with a number of the following format *number*, that's the intensity with which to execute the instruction. One being the weakest/soft touch & method, Ten being the hardest & most intense method of stimulation for you.

A few examples:
[Play with your nipples at an *8*] Means bring yourself a lot of pleasure through nipple play, but not quite as much as you know you can achieve.
[Play any way you like at a *10*] Means pleasure yourself through any means necessary as furiously and intensely as you can, generally in a way which will get you right to the edge of an orgasm but not quite cumming. Toys are not allowed unless otherwise specified.
[Rub your pussy at a *1*] Should be pretty simple. Just VERY lightly stroke across your pussy with a method such that you can enjoy the sensation and get excited, but not really enough for any serious pleasure.

3) Just a little biology lesson, but it's something I make use of during the story and if won't mean much if you don't already know about the following:

Men come equipped with two little organs known as the seminal vesicles. These are part of the sexual organs. The easiest way to think of them is like two 1 to 2 inch bladders which gradually fill up. This takes around 24-72 hours in healthy males under 50. Upon ejaculation, the contents of these vesicles are dumped into the rest of the mixture before it's fired out of the body. Within seconds to minutes, they begin to refill. Now for the kicker, as these little beauties start to fill they begin to put pressure on a nerve. The more pressure that's applied, the more the brain screams "sex sex sex!". This is why so many males start to get grumpy or look for sex after only a few days without release. The only way for the vesicles to unload their contents & relieve the nerve pressure is through orgasm, they cannot simply leak fluid out.

I'm sure you can appreciate the potential fantasy use for a gradually increasing sexual pressure organ...

4) I did recommend everybody spend a little time playing in the 24 hours before the story began to figure out their best spots, methods & combinations thereof for various levels of the intensity system to best suit them. That's entirely up to you though.

5) While it may seem odd that the "you" in the story is in chastity or unable to touch herself when you're ordered too at times, this is because I think it's more effective to simulate the feelings you'd be exposed too if you were really in such a situation by lightly playing with yourself as you imagine it. Nothing will truly simulate what you may go through while in a particular position, but I feel that a bit of light touching will help the imagination far more than no playing at all. An excessive use of no-touch can be very detrimental to an erotic session and make it boring, whether or not you're in chastity. Trying to imagine certain sensations can only go so far.

6) The generic preparation section is aimed at everybody, while the personal preparation was for this particular sub. Both areas should be completed/items gathered before starting that day of the story unless otherwise specified. Most of the personal preparation sections early on were questions about items which I have removed for this public version.

7) The conclusion for each day is fairly generic and may not make complete sense every time as it may be referring to other submissives. I've removed many, if not all of the private notes included at the end of each day for this sub.

Definition Nazi's may jump on the fact I seemingly refer to submissives as slaves at the opening of each day. I'd like to make it clear that I only address the submissives as slaves during the course of the story because I felt that was more fitting to their imaginary characters.

I don't spend too much time on descriptions of small things like the colour of the floors, or how people look. I think it's best to leave that up to your imagination for something like this.

The fetishes involved are:
Heavy tease & denial (Main focus)
Orgasm Control (Main focus)
Light pain play
Nipple play/light torture (Fairly heavy nipple play but only because that's what this particular sub enjoyed most. Can be changed to suit your tastes)
Light and potentially medium lesbian themes. I guess it may also come under voyeurism. Basically, being asked to imagine you're forced to watch another female receiving pleasure while you're being denied. I believe there was also one scene with two women forced to pleasure one another which I'd classify as heavy lesbian themes, but you can skip that if it's a major turnoff.
A bit of pet play (At the request of this particular sub, not an area I'm familiar with but she seemed to enjoy what I came up with)
Light anal play (Just touching, no penetration)
Breath play, but only holding your own breath. Nothing silly like being asked to choke off your air supply with a rope or belt.
Probably others I've missed, this list is really just to give you a general idea as I can't remember everything I wrote into the story over it's lifetime.

Items you'll probably need over the course of the story:
Something to bind your ankles with.
At least one pillow, preferably two. Probably a towel to cover one of them.
A dildo (although you can substitute your fingers).
Strong minty toothpaste. The stronger the better.
Rubbing/cleaning alcohol and some cotton wool. Moisturizer cream is also a good idea in combination with this.
Clothes pins. Strong plastic ones are best, but any will do. If you're able to rope them together and create a "zipper", all the better.
Chopsticks and elastic bands or string. Something elastic is best to bind them with but string will do the job.
A vibrator if you have one, ANYTHING which can produce vibration will do however, and something is better than nothing.
A collar or something you can safely use as such. NOT anything which has the slightest chance of choking you.
Something to gag yourself with, or stuff in your mouth.
I think that covers everything, I'll edit more in later if I've missed some.

I never had as much time as I'd have liked to check over and refine the story, so if anybody spots an obvious mistake (incorrect wording, horrible spelling etc) please just let me know where and I'll edit in a correction.

I'll tack a few more comments on at the end of the story, I don't want to write anything here which may potentially contain spoilers.

A massive thanks to everybody involved in helping me make this happen, I couldn't have done it without your participation & feedback, and I had a fantastic time writing this.

Alright, story time at last. Enjoy!

Last edited by markj; 02-13-2010 at 09:52 PM.
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Old 02-13-2010, 09:43 PM   #2
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Day 1

Good Morning Slaves,

As this is the first day, I'll give a brief rundown on the format these contacts will follow. Each day's email will begin with a generic & personal area. The generic section will cover any preparation I'd like everybody to follow before reading the story, the personal area will cover any preparation I'd like you specifically to perform on top of the generic instructions. It may also contain answers to questions you've asked and any other general banter in response to your reports if I haven't already followed those up with an individual response beforehand.

Orders which I want you to follow will appear in square brackets throughout the story such as - this is just story text [this is an instruction to follow] with more story text here. Be sure to read instructions in FULL (that is, everything between the brackets) before performing them.

Keep in mind the "intensity scale" I mentioned in the previous email. Numbers contained within Astrix's signify that the manner and method of physical stimulation is up to you but the relative level of intensity must match what I have specified. [Stimulate yourself at a *10*] means drive yourself as wild with pleasure as you possibly can using whatever works best for you, including the use of toys unless otherwise specified.

If I include a specific amount of time that an instruction should be executed over, consider it more as a guide than a hard number. What I mean by this is, don't get distracted trying to keep track of the exact number of minutes - just guess or glance at a nearby clock occasionally. As long as you perform a 5 minute instruction faster than a 10 minute instruction, it doesn't really matter if you only spent 3 minutes or 6 minutes on the 5 minute order.

As always, PLAY SAFE! If you have any concerns about performing a specific action, DON'T DO IT. If you end up with any sort of skin irritation, STOP using whatever caused it no matter what the orders say. Ultimately your personal well-being is your responsibility, please use your own judgement wisely.

Questions and requests for clarification are welcome. There's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people who don't ask the question.

I require at least a basic daily report after you have followed the day's orders. I'll leave the contents up to you. Don't attempt to go punishment chasing by "forgetting" to write one, as I may simply toss you out of the story for failing to follow this most basic demand! You have been warned. If you really can't think of anything to write, at least send an email to say "Sorry I can't think of anything to write", it's better than not sending one at all. See the example I included in the educational email to get some basic ideas.

I expect you to remember the above from this point forward, and re-read it if you think you have forgotten anything at any stage.

It should also go without saying, but just in case, NO ORGASMS.

Generic prep:
As this is day 1, most of these will also apply for every other day. Future generic preps will be much shorter.

If you don't have a mobile device of some kind to read the story from, you may want to print it out each day. Much of it will probably be far more comfortable and enjoyable to perform on & around your bed. I'll leave that up to you though, use whatever location you find easiest & most relaxing. If you print it off and live with anybody else, don't forget to hide or destroy the copy at the end of each day, unless you enjoy the thought of potentially getting caught, in which case, leave it laying around somewhere.

I would suggest reading each story after a nice warm shower. This is both so that you can feel clean, and relax your muscles. My favored time would be as I'm ready to go to bed in the evening, but I realise some people prefer to shower in the morning.

If you can find the extra time, I'd also suggest a short period of meditation to help calm your mind allowing for greater concentration, and further relax your body before you begin each day of the story. This is very simple to perform. All you need to do is lay flat on your back (with or without a pillow), get as comfortable as possible, then simply lay there! Don't move at all, try to ignore any itches which are guaranteed to occur, and try not to think about anything (far more difficult than it sounds).

Your brain will probably still keep churning along, but try to just let these thoughts "pass through" and don't interact with them. Observe them but don't get involved. With a bit of practice you may find at some point that your mind just suddenly goes completely blank without warning and you'll feel extremely relaxed. This can occasionally make it feel as if you've gone deaf. Sometimes you may also experience a sudden burst of vertigo (feel as if you're falling). That's just your brain letting go of it's control over your muscles/tension release. Take as long as you like for this, but don't be surprised if you can't do it initially or simply get frustrated trying. 15-30 minutes is usually as long as most beginners can manage whether or not they get anywhere with it.

Remember you're not trying to go to sleep, only relax your body and mind. If you fall asleep, you allowed your conscious mind to relax too much!

The meditation isn't a requirement, it's just something which I think will help you relax and better enable you to focus your mind on imagining the sensations described within the story. Being in a quiet/silent environment will also assist in this, which is another good reason to perform your instructions in the evening/at night rather than in the morning or during the day.

Try to have a warm room. Being warm will help the blood flow which will make it easier to get aroused. If you're unable to heat the room up very much, sort everything else first (including any attempts at meditation) then have a hot shower as the last thing you do. This should help to keep you warm for long enough to get through the story. Perform as many instructions as you can under a blanket or duvet if you are in a very cold environment, in order to stay warm.

We'll start off nice and easy. Today is mostly about setting the scene. Have a wax or trim if you haven't recently, the smoother the better for sensitivity purposes. Go right up your ass crack if you don't normally and are prepared to give it a try, take care if you're trying to shave that area though. Find something to bind your ankles & knees with. Something strong enough that you can struggle against it without breaking it, some thick soft ropes or perhaps a few leather belts.

If you can't find anything sensible for binding, you'll just have to try and pretend. Don't resort to rough rope or something which may break without warning! Having a binding break as you struggle against it then smashing your leg full force into a cabinet hurts!

Grab a gag of some sort, something you won't mind jamming into your mouth but large enough that you can't accidentally swallow it and choke. A small facial towel or a pair of panties will do if you can't find anything suitable. Lube and a towel or tissues (for lube/precum cleanup) will also come in handy.

Personal prep:

Authors note: I removed a bunch of questions enquiring about items I intended to put to use at a later date. Mainly just to find out if this sub had them all.
End authors note.

Day 1 - It Begins.

[Get naked. Sit in a chair & bind your ankles either to the chair or together, then bind your knees to one another. If you don't have a chair nearby, lay on your bed and bind your ankles either to the end of the bed or together, then bind your knees together.]

You awake with a sudden start. Your eyes spring open but all you see is pitch black. There's a slight metallic tinge in the air and you feel chilly. You're quite comfortable, but something doesn't feel right. [Make sure you're comfortable.] You have no memory of who you are, how you ended up here, or what's happening.

Panic! It hits you like a truck as your mind flings into overdrive trying to figure out what the hell's going on. [Struggle against your bindings, pretend you're completely immobilised. Continue to do this as you read on.]

You soon realise that you are completely unable to move, even straining all the muscles in your body fails to create the slightest sensation of movement. You're totally helpless and unable to do a damn thing about it.

Were you drugged? Are you in some vivid nightmare? Have you always been in this situation and simply awaken to suffer through it every day? Your memory refuses to answer any of these questions. Right now they don't seem to matter that much anyway, you simply want to be free of these bindings, not at the mercy of some unknown party.

You continue to fight against your bonds as your brain dashes between panic, desperation and outright fear of what may be coming. The adrenaline is flooding your system, your heart is racing and you can't think straight. [Continue to struggle & imagine you're in this situation for a few more minutes, flex as many muscles as you can as quickly as you can but without moving too far. Don't take it too far & strain anything.] Eventually, sweating & exhausted, your body admits defeat. [Stop struggling so hard, but give your ankles & knee's the occasional flex as you read further just to remind yourself that you're still bound.]

Suddenly, a male voice booms against your ears over what must be some sort of intercom or loudspeaker. "Fantastic, I love to see my new supplies admit defeat so soon. And after such a violent struggle too, that sweaty sheen will certainly please the extractors!".

You have no idea what he's talking about or how he can possibly see you in this darkness. All you can think about is escape but your body has already given up on that idea. The voice continues. "Welcome to Stable 78 my little slave bitch, your stay will NOT be a pleasant one! We've already taken the liberty of cleaning and waxing you, now sit back and pay close attention your training video".

You scream out all manner of abuse at the indignity of your situation, threatening to kill whoever was behind the voice if you ever get hold of him. It soon becomes clear that nobody is listening. Complete silence settles back in and you begin to realise the utter depth of fear you're now feeling. What on earth is Stable 78?

A screen flashes on in front of your face and a video begins to play. You try to use the light coming off the screen to figure out where you are, but all you can see is the chair you're bound too. You decide you can't do anything else at this stage, so you may as well watch the screen and see if it'll give you any clues as to what's going on. [Don't forget to keep giving the occasional flex against those bindings.]

You can't believe what you're seeing, this fucker must be completely out of his mind or just plain insane. You almost wish he'd just get on and rape you, or ransom you, or whatever it is he has in mind. The tutorial seems completely impossible and far beyond reality. It explains that you're not actually here, the body you think you're in now doesn't actually exist. It goes on to tell you that you were judged a criminal in reality but as part of your plea bargain to reduce the sentence, you agreed to serve your shortened prison term strapped into the "fluids production farm".

As you continue to take in the lessons of the video, you can't help but start to feel slightly aroused. Many strangely erotic scenes flash before your eyes of both men & women bound in a multitude of almost impossible positions with weird devices in odd places, all obviously very excited & dripping precum like mad. [Gently stimulate yourself starting at a *1*, take a few minutes, and work up to a *3*. Take no longer than 10 minutes total. Let your imagination run wild creating whatever erotic images it likes which match the description above. No lube, toys or penetration of any kind. You may continue to read on while doing doing this.]

Whether you believe you were setup, framed, or never committed a crime really doesn't matter. Your actual body is on an extremely advanced form of life support. It's fed, watered, waste is taken care of and all muscles are exercised periodically to prevent degradation. Some of them are strengthened in order to assist with the production of sexual fluids. The video doesn't explain why anybody would want to collect such fluid, nor does it explain why they didn't just put you in a coma & extract the fluids through other means. Perhaps you'll have a chance to find out later? At this stage, you doubt any of this is even true, there's no way you'd go for something like that even if it was possible!

As the video comes to an end, you get the sense that someone or something is in the room with you. At almost the exact point you realise this, somebody grabs you around the jaw from behind and shoves a gag into your mouth [Gag yourself. If you really can't stomach the use of a gag, pretend.] then tightens it so you're unable to dislodge it with your tongue. You try to shout at this person, but all you manage to do is produce muffled squeaks and drool onto your chest. [Try to drool down the front of yourself a little past the gag, or a lot if you like the sensation. Continue to do this as often as you like while the gag remains in place.]

Without warning, the screen turns off and the total darkness returns. You hear the sound of heavy chains being moved and before you know it, you're dragged straight up in the air by your arms to dangle like a piece of meat. Whatever was binding your legs to the chair seems to loosen up and gives way as you're lifted upwards. [Remove your ankle bindings only.] There's a moderate grinding sound directly above your head and a dim light begins to shine down on your body. You strain to angle your head up to see what's happening and notice what looks like a very large trap door slowly opening. Some sort of rail suddenly slams down through the hole and connects at an angle with a loud bang against something near the top of your chains, but you can't quite make out what's happening in such poor visibility.

After what seems to be an infinite wait, your chains begin moving again. You're yanked up clean through the hole, almost banging against the sides as you swing side to side slightly. It's at this point you realise the piece of rail you saw earlier was simply a track for the chains to travel along and haul you out of the pitch black room.

As your eyes adjust to the slightly brighter light, you notice with amazement that there are many other women dangling from similar rails all around you. It's difficult to focus on anything, but you'd estimate at least tens, possibly even hundreds of other bound, gagged & naked women are in exactly the same position as you. "Is this just a giant meat factory?" you wonder. The acute panic starts again as you consider the possibility that some sick psychopath may be turning these women into meat pies or dog food. There's nothing you can do about it now anyway.

The loud sound of machinery kicking into gear echos through the giant factory-like building and you find yourself moving yet again. Your chains drag you through the air for what seems like Miles. You notice a large "78" on a wall as you travel through some sort of giant gate. Your mind flashes with the memory, "Stable 78". This must be it, this must be where you're turned into mincemeat! Your mind orders your body to thrash uselessly in the air [Struggle against your knee bindings, kick your ankles around and really struggle to break out] as you make one final desperate bid for escape. It's too much, the adrenaline, the heart rate, all the panic and fear. Your brain simply can't cope anymore and you black out.

You regain consciousness in a quiet room. At first you feel like you're just waking from a nightmare, then you realise in dread that it's not over yet. You're bound to a table in a doggy-style position with your legs wide open, your stomach & chest are well supported and your ass is basically forced into the air. [Remove your knee bindings. Move from your chair to a bed. If you are able, bind your ankles to the end of the bed in such a manner that you can assume a doggy-style position with your legs splayed wide open. If not, simply pretend you are being forced to maintain this position through various bindings.] You quickly glance from side to side and notice there are at least 16 other women all around the room in exactly the same position. You've all been paired off so that everybody is facing one another.

The look in your "partners" eyes is one of pure terror & distress. She obviously has no better idea of what's going on than you. It's at this point you notice a tall, slim, dark haired man is pacing about the room. He appears to be enjoying a long hard look at each and every pussy as he nonchalantly strolls about the place. He looks up at some monitors mounted along the edge of the room which you didn't notice before and seems to press some buttons on a device held in his right hand which you can't quite make out.

The man begins to speak loudly, "It's about time you lazy sluts were all awake". You realise with a sudden burst of anger that it's the same person who berated you over the loudspeaker earlier! "I'm looking forward to abusing the shit out of each and every one of you, and what's more, I know you're going to enjoy it by the time I'm done no matter how much you think you hate it now, because you all have such dirty little minds" he continues.

Partway through his speech, you see a bunch of naked men file into the room. There's something not quite right about them though, their eyes seem almost dead of intelligence. "Say hello to my first stage training tools" says the man. "These are the weakest, most pathetic and broken males who failed to complete their agreement to serve out their time here. All we asked of them is that they refrain from orgasm until their sentence's were up; those who failed became the weak pathetic husks you see before you after we rebuilt their minds". "I like to call them the extractors".

You can't believe what you're hearing, is this guy for real? How is any of that even possible.

He starts prattling on again, does he just like the sound of his own voice or what? "Since it's your first day here, I'm going to play a little game to help calibrate the system before we get into the real training. A game I call - first to orgasm gets their brain fried!". "I need to be sure the machine is accurately tracking impending orgasms and so I'm going to have these males lick you alllll the way from your clit right up your ass crack until SOMEBODY cums. Then I'm going to turn the bitch who loses into the female equivalent of these little fellas. Of course, there's also a nice reward for the male who makes one of you cum first, so they'll be licking their hardest to get the job done!"

"Just to make this all a little louder and more entertaining, I'm going to have your gags removed. If ANY of you try to address me or ask a single question, you'll ALL be mind cleansed! So don't you dare say a damn thing". Just as he finishes talking, he pushes a button on the device in his hand. You, and as best you can tell every other woman in the room, suddenly feel a huge warm rush of arousal flood through your body. All thoughts of fear or escape just vanish. It's almost as if you've just been drugged with a massively potent aphrodisiac, but you don't see how that could be possible.

The men move instinctively into position, one to each slave, as he waves his hand. They first remove their slaves gag [Remove your gag], before climbing onto a table and positioning their mouth beneath each waiting pussy. You feel a pair of hands grab your ass cheeks and slightly spread them as one clambers into position behind you, his hot heavy breath stroking across your skin just waiting to get stuck in [Spread your cheeks with both hands as you imagine the feelings before reading on.] You suddenly shudder with anticipation as you realise what's about to happen.

"Ready? Set? GO!". The males spring into action, the sound of slurping tongues, moans of pleasure, and wet skin slapping against wet skin floods the room. You try to resist the sensations at first, but it feels so good! It doesn't take long before you're instinctively bucking your hips down on his face trying to gain more stimulation. [Grab that lube regardless of how wet you may already be. Smother your pussy with it and smear it right up your ass crack. Stay in a doggy position, reach your favorite hand down between your legs from the front, and begin to gently stroke from the top of your slit, all the way back and across your anus.

[Start to ramp up the pressure and pace as you get more aroused, be sure to at least try touching your anus if you haven't done so before. Close your eyes and really make an effort to imagine yourself in the above situation for as long as you like up to 30 minutes and a minimum of 10. If the anal area does nothing for you at all, focus on your pussy. You may slow down if needed, but no stopping and definitely no orgasms! Start to focus on which ever area gets you the most heated as you get more excited. You may lightly penetrate either hole, but don't go deeper than a tongue would. Once you've hit the time limit or gone over the minimum and had enough, continue to masturbate while you read on.]

Within 30 minutes, based on the pitch and intensity of some of the moaning going on, it's obvious somebody is reaching breaking point. You hear a female voice screaming "NO NO NONONONO NOT ME PLEASENO" followed by a guttural sounding "HHHRRGGGGG" as her body spasms it's way into orgasm, and an alarm sounds. At the exact instant the alarm goes off, all the other males stop their oral stimulation. [Stop touching yourself right now, not one more stroke. TAKE THAT HAND OFF.] The only male to continue licking is the one who now has his face buried deep between the legs of his orgasmic victim, his hands have her hips in a vice-like grip to prevent her from trying to pull away as he enjoys his sopping wet victory.

You hear the sound of clapping hands. The tall slim guy walks over to the loser and gently but firmly slaps her across each cheek. "You'll make a fine breeder!" he laughs, "Take this useless slut away and get her prepared". She tries to protest, but her gag is quickly and expertly reinserted by the extractor males as they swarm over to loosen her bonds and remove her from the room.

"I'll deal with the rest of you tomorrow. I'm going to turn you into real Stable 78 material before your time is done, or shatter your minds trying" he says, as he strolls calmly out of the room. The slightest hint of a smile on his face when he turns to leave makes it clear he was pleased with his results today, but you're unsure whether that's a good thing or not. You notice the remaining extractors are now walking around the room fitting chastity belts on all the women before removing them from the tables and carrying them out of the room, hands bound to their ankles. None of them appear to be struggling, or even conscious.

You feel somebody removing your leg bindings and sliding something up your legs. Suddenly you come over all groggy, can't think straight, and feel extremely tired. You try to figure out what's happening, but your mind is too relaxed now...
[Clean yourself up, causing as little stimulation as possible. No touching, grinding or physical stimulation of ANY kind until further notice.]

See you on Day 2.

I shouldn't have to remind you, but NO ORGASMS, and don't forget to send at least a basic report as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,
markj is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 02-13-2010, 09:43 PM   #3
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 25

Day 2

Good Morning Slaves,

Authors note: I've added a link to a picture of a St Andrew's Cross. If the link no longer works, simply look them up on any search engine.
End authors note.

The attached picture is what I refer to in the story as an X-frame (also known as a St Andrew's Cross). I'm sure you've all seen one of these before, but the picture is provided just in case you haven't.

Some of you may pick up on the fact that your characters are wearing chastity belts today, but I'm still ordering some of you to touch yourselves. This is because I want you to feel the arousal which you would likely feel were you in the actual situation being described. No touching at all doesn't really help too much to build arousal unless you're personally experiencing the situation, or under a few other very specific circumstances which you may be required to explore later on.

As an example, another person touching your body will give you far more arousal than being asked to touch the same area yourself and imagine it's somebody else, or being asked not to touch at all and imagine somebody else is touching you. I believe getting your body physically aroused despite the fact you're being asked to imagine you're in a chastity belt will be more effective than telling you to not touch at all. That's not to say there won't be periods where I will denial you all forms of stimulation though, I just prefer try and target that form of teasing when it's likely to have maximum impact and help your level of excitement snowball itself along.

The end result is the same whether feeling aroused in a real chastity belt with real people teasing you, or imagining you are wearing one and arousing yourself through my touching instructions; NO orgasms.

Play safe.

Generic Prep:
Just the usual. Shower, relax, meditate a little if you find it helps. Get comfortable on your bed and of course, get naked.

Grab some lube & cleanup gear.

Fetch a second pillow, one which will fit nicely under your ass or in the small of your back. You can make do with one pillow if you don't mind your head resting straight on the mattress. i.e take the pillow from under your head to place under your lower back. You may like to place a doubled over towel on this pillow unless you intend to wash the pillow case later.

Find something you can write on your body with. A marker or felt tip pen is probably best. Bigger is better.

Personal Prep:

Authors note: I've removed some other item related questions which were along similar lines to day 1.
End authors note.

Day 2 - Confusion.

You groggily stumble back to consciousness. You're not entirely sure where you are at first or how you got here, but after a few seconds it all comes flooding back. It's still unclear to you what exactly happened at the end of yesterday and despite knowing you haven't eaten or drunk anything in quite some time, you don't feel the slightest bit of need for either. There is no memory of going to sleep, but you don't feel at all tired.

Your hands and legs instinctively try to move as your thoughts turn to what may lie ahead, but the attempt is once again in vain. You realise you're strapped to an X-frame with your pelvis thrust out just slightly. It feels like there's some sort of padding right behind your ass, pressing it forward. A quick glance around the room lets you know that the women from yesterday are all strapped into exactly the same position on similar devices. Everybody is still fitted with chastity belts. [Lay on your bed, spread your legs apart and bind your ankles to the bed end if possible. If you can position your mobile device or paper copy of the story so that you can read it with one hand while turning your head to the side, feel free to also bind your non-preferred hand to the head of the bed. If not, just pretend you're splayed out on a cross and unable to move. Place a pillow under your backside in order to force your groin up into the air for easier access. DON'T do this if you suffer back problems!]

A door swings open, and the man from yesterday walks in. It seems everybody still remembers his threat about not talking, as nobody makes a sound. "Well I'm amazed" he says, "You girls learn quickly. Usually I get at least one silly slut try to ask me questions when I walk in on the second day". He continues, "My name is Master Mark, but you don't get to call me anything because you will NEVER address me directly unless you want to suffer the same fate as that fast cummer yesterday, understood?".

Everybody seems to nod their head in agreement with him. "Good, then we can forgo the gags until somebody screws up. I prefer it that way, a little extra volume always adds to the excitement". "Now I'm going to explain a few things to you. Not because you have any right to know them, but because I WANT you to know what's going on and because I KNOW it'll bring me better results on your performance".

He starts off by explaining a few more details about your current situation. It turns out you really are strapped into an advanced virtual reality machine, and it's sole purpose is to stimulate your mind sexually so that your body will produce more fluids. He proves this by pushing some buttons on the device he always seems to carry around, and the same massive warm wave of arousal as yesterday overwhelms your body. The room is filled with the sound of gentle moaning as all the women around you surrender to the erotic sensations. [Stimulate yourself at a *7* for a few minutes, no longer than 15 and no penetration or lube. Continue to stimulate at a *4* as you read on.]

As the wave finally subsides, Mark pipes up "That was the system intravenously injecting your real world body with a very powerful and almost instantaneous arousal drug". "In case you're wondering why I don't just do that and force your body to produce the fluid quota I'm required to meet daily, I've found that a constant production rate is much easier to achieve without the drug". "Your body will eventually build a partial immunity to it anyway when overexposed to it, and that will reduce it's effectiveness. I find it much better to train you to be in an almost constant state of arousal instead".

It turns out that everybody in this particular room, Stable 78, is imprisoned here for a two week term. You're unable to remember anything from the period before you were strapped into the machine because a mental block is put in place. Whatever crime you committed has no influence here, but the legal system has reached a state where even coughing too loudly in a library can earn you a short prison term, so the chances are pretty good it was only a petty offence. The eventual length of your imprisonment may vary, but it's more likely to increase for bad behaviour than it is to decrease for a good performance.

You don't need to eat, drink or sleep because your body is already taken care of on all accounts by the machinery it's hooked up too. The system simply puts your brain into a sleep state when each day is finished at Mark's command. This is why you don't remember going to sleep nor how you got to this room today. It also makes for the perfect prison, you can't escape from your own body!

He goes on to explain that it's much more effective to put your virtual body through everything it thinks it should be feeling. Transporting you out of the room rather than just "teleporting" you, letting your body build toward an orgasm from stimulation rather than making the machine force one instantly. That sort of approach has been tried before and it simply destroyed the minds of the test subjects with the discontinuity. This mental stimulation approach has already been proven to increase sexual fluid production by at least 78% in both males & females when compared to the results gained through forced and drug inducing arousal. [Make sure you're still playing and stimulating at a *4* as instructed earlier.]

No explanation is given as to why anybody would want to gather precum, but he tells you the reason you're not allowed to orgasm during production is it changes the chemical properties and renders the entire batch useless for it's intended purpose. Obviously for the males, mixing cum into a collection tub is a complete disaster!

Finally, after so much new information, you think you start to have some understanding of what's going on. Your body is being kept in a suspended state while your mind is stimulated in a virtual prison so that your body will produce as much precum as it can, constantly preparing itself for sex and an orgasm which will never come. You begin to wonder if there are any limits on such a state and whether the body will simply take over to cum by itself at some stage. You feel a flush of panic and arousal at the thought. You don't yet know exactly what happens to those who surrender to orgasm, but you're none too keen on finding out. You'll have to use your willpower to fight your own body!
[Increase stimulation to an *8*, you may now use lube. Stroke yourself for a good 5 minutes as you consider the fantasy implications of the above. Penetration is allowed. DON'T CUM. After 5 minutes, reduce stimulation back to a *4* while you read on.]

"There are some limitations with this technology of course, but we'll deal with those tomorrow" Mark says. "For now I'm simply going to demonstrate one of my favorite features of these devices". "You know all about the male seminal vesicles from the training video, I'm now going to give your virtual body an enhanced female equivalent!".

He presses some buttons on his device and you suddenly feel a burning sensation in your stomach area. It begins to build until it's almost painful, then subsides with a slight tingling. [Slap your stomach a few times, start off gently and gradually increase the strength of the hits until you're on the verge of pain, tingling, and at least slightly red. Stop when you reach this stage.] "There we go, your mind will now think you have a giant vesicle in place of your stomach, and it'll take around two weeks to reach maximum capacity. The closer to full it becomes, the more you'll feel as if you need to reach orgasm. Think of it as a bladder except it increases your need to cum rather than your need to urinate. I'm sure you know how desperate you feel for that when your bladder is full".

Mark explains further, "Once that sucker hits it's limit, you'll be a nervous quivering wreck. The slightest touch anywhere even slightly sensual will put you right on the edge of the orgasm. Not only that, but if you actually do slip into orgasm, the organ will empty itself via your vaginal canal in this reality!".[Increase your stimulation at an *8* as you continue to read.] "Now I'm going to demonstrate exactly what I'm talking about with a slave I prepared earlier. She's just beyond her two week limit and ripe to be plucked. As her body blows it's load here, her real body will gush a large amount of extra precum as a natural response to what her mind thinks her real body should be doing".

"Of course, she won't be allowed a full orgasm, merely a ruined one. She'll be taken just over the edge and allowed the first couple of muscular contractions before the system fires it's anti-orgasm electrodes on her live body and prevents her going all the way so she can't wreck the product". "Bring her in!" he shouts to the extractors. While he waits for his victim to be brought in, he continues to disclose a few more details.

"You may be wondering why I refer to these dog-like males as extractors. It's quite simple really, they've been programmed to extract as much precum from a female as possible with no regard to their own pleasure, all without letting them reach orgasm. They are just the mental remnants of long broken males who failed to fulfill the terms of their sentence and thus were never allowed to leave the machine, but I find them very useful for enhancing these simulations. They may only have the intellect of a 5 year old, but they follow orders extremely well as long as they're kept under strict control".

The door opens, and a woman is wheeled in on a padded table. She is restrained well beyond movement. Pretty much any part of her that could possibly move is strapped tightly in place. She has a wild look in her eyes, and she is drooling all over the place despite the gag in her mouth. If you didn't know any better, you'd swear there was a slight lump or rise in her stomach area too.

The male wheeling the table in looks familiar. Your mind is moving a little slowly as the your state of arousal gets distracting, then it hits - of course, he's the one who won Mark's little game yesterday! This must be his reward.

Mark walks over to her and stands next to the mobile table before announcing "Pay close attention, this is how you're ALL going to end up before you're done in this place. The only exceptions will be those who fail to meet their contracts, and you don't want to know what happens to them!". He lightly sweeps a finger down the length of her body, starting just below her chin before swiftly passing along her throat, between her breasts and straight down across her stomach. He just flutters across the very top of her pussy slit before removing his finger. Her reaction is amazing. Although she can barely move, you can see her muscles going absolutely crazy and flexing with desire for more. She lets out an incredibly aroused moan of desperation. [Pleasure yourself at a *10* for a few minutes, really go to town. Start heading towards the edge if you can and continue to stay close as you read on.]

The extractor is obviously raring to go. His cock is rock hard, leaking precum and you can clearly see the veins bulging along the entire length. They are especially visible around the head. "What you're about to witness may look like she's having an orgasm at first, but she'll actually just be having ruined orgasm after ruined orgasm. I like to leave every slave with a reminder when they're let out of the system and believe me, when she wakes up in the real world after this, she'll be sore for quite some time from all those forcibly prevented orgasms!".

Mark gives the slave girls nipples a few quick flicks and she responds with more quivering and moaning. He leans down to her ear and says with a smile on his face, "Just remember dear, don't you cum". [You have 2 minutes to reach the edge or get as close as you possibly can in that time. Try to ride it while you read on. DON'T CUM.]

"Okay, I think she's ready. Have at her boy! You've got one hour". He quickly moves to the other end of the room. The extractor leaps up onto the table and pile drives straight into her pussy while furiously rubbing her clit with one hand as he supports himself over her prone body with the other. She squeals with delight through the gag as he slides in. With only a few pumps it's clear she can't restrain herself. Her face and nipples flush a bright red, her legs look as if they're going to either break the binding ropes or burst a blood vessel. Suddenly she lets out a long, continuous relieved scream through her ballgag. At the same time, a vast shower of liquid sprays out from her pussy. It seems to go on for a good 10 seconds as it fires off all over the room, you can't believe how much pressure seems to be behind the spray. The slight lump across her abdomen subsides as the liquid is forced out.

You see now why Mark moved so far away! [Wipe your precum anywhere you like on your body. Don't wipe it off during cleanup, leave it there.] A look of sanity and contentment appears on the girls face, but the extractor is still pounding away as the sticky liquid drips off him. His well muscled ass, coated with a wet sheen, continues to move up and down rapidly. It doesn't take long before she is once again squirming against her bindings as she is forced to endure the continued stimulation while her pussy is in a state of post orgasmic hypersensitivity, even though she wasn't allowed to complete her orgasm.[Stop all pleasure, HAND(S) OFF.]

Mark walks over between the table and the line of X-frames that everybody is strapped too along one side of the room. He starts to talk above the sounds of sex going on behind him. "And that's how your final contribution to the fine institution of Stable 78 will finish!". "You'll feel a huge relief when your fake vesicle empties, almost as good as a full orgasm during your first ruined one, but the remaining 59 minutes will cycle between pleasure and torture as you're pounded into one ruined orgasm after another. At the end of that time, you'll be released from the system and free to go. I like to give you a preview of what you're going to suffer through, but don't worry, it doesn't all involve these pathetic extractors. There will be plenty of toy time and behavioural correction too!".

"Now it's time to assign your numbers. You're going to be branded, but I'm in a good mood today so I've toned down the pain settings. It'll still sting, but it's not going to feel quite like the real deal". He presses a few buttons, and seconds later a bunch of extractors file in through the door each wielding a red hot branding iron. They walk up behind the crosses and you hear women scream one after the other along the line until, WHAM, the pain hits you!
[Slap one ass cheek repeatedly as hard as you can stand in one spot until it's tingling and nicely red. Take the pen, and write 24 in the middle of the red spot as large as you dare, the bigger the better. Don't wash it off on purpose, leave it there until it comes off naturally. Remember that number, it's your new identity.]

The pain dulls very quickly as your mind starts to get groggy again. You just manage to glance down and catch a glimpse of the branding iron which was used on you as the extractor walks past to exit the room. 24....

[Clean up with as little pleasurable stimulation as possible. Remember to leave the pussy juices that you wiped on yourself where they are. It's there to remind you of the near-orgasm you witnessed but aren't allowed to have.]

If anybody wishes to take a photo of their nicely branded cheek and email it with their daily report, go right ahead! If there are enough, I may even consider rating them in order of redness or size of number written (the bigger the better, small writing is trying to hide your submission to me!) and reward the owner of whichever I consider to be the "most submissive cheek" with a little extra pleasure time or attention.

That's entirely your choice though, I won't think any differently of anybody for not wanting to. Regardless of whether you do or not, I may decide to allow you the possibility of watching me enjoy my orgasm on Valentine's Day (31 days worth of buildup). Not for your pleasure, but because it'll remind you of the enjoyment you're missing out on while under my control. If I do record it and decide to share it with you, you can be sure I'll make it far more erotic than just some guy sitting there jerking off!

All I'll say is that a few red cheeks or a little bit of begging will go a long way to increasing your chances of being allowed to watch that. I will of course have to ask the Princesses permission to perform what I have in mind, but I'm hopeful she'll agree to it if it's intended purpose is to tease my little slave girls.

Anything sent to me will be STRICTLY for my eyes only, I would appreciate it if you'd extend the same courtesy should I decide to send out such a video.

Authors note: I was undergoing a month long denial period while writing this story. I decided to try and negotiate with the domme I was under at the time to allow me to create a video in "exchange" for the potential photos as I didn't want to come across as the type who demands a picture for a quick wank (I'm a switch remember, and it was a lot of fun to be submissive for a domme while being a dom for these submissives at the same time). If you want to see the final outcome of this at the risk of spoiling the story, scroll down to the final comments section now. If you don't want to spoil the story, just wait until you've finished reading/playing along.
End authors note.

Any questions, feedback or just general banter, send away.

Don't forget those daily reports, the complete ban on physical pleasure outside of story time, and most definitely no cummies!

Kind Regards,
markj is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 02-13-2010, 09:44 PM   #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 25

Day 3

Good Morning Slaves,

I'm pleased to hear so many of you are enjoying yourself so far, and that nobody has missed a report submission yet. With such good behavior maybe I'll think about shortening the period before I let you cum. On the other hand, since you've been so good at following orders this far, maybe I'll keep you denied for longer just because I know you'll do it!

Play safe.

General prep.
Just the usual. Shower, relax, meditate a little if you find it helps. Get comfortable on your bed and of course, get naked.

Get your ass raiser pillow & towel.

Personal prep.
Fetch your collar and place it within easy reach. If you don't have anything you can safely use for this purpose, you'll just have to pretend.

Get your zippers and toothpaste ready. If you were unable to construct them, simply put the clothespins on one at a time and tear them back off one at a time IF you're asked to use the zippers. Just because I want you to have them ready doesn't mean I'm going to let you enjoy their pleasure.

Authors note: More questions and some personal banter removed.
End authors note.

Day 3 - I miss my orgasm already.

Thus begins a new day of teasing & torment.

You awaken on the X-frame again. The familiar faces of the other women are all in the same position around the room, it seems nobody has failed the terms of their contract yet.
[Bind your ankles in the usual position. Slide your raising pillow under your backside.]

Mark enters the room. "Good morning sluts. Well, it is for me at least. I'm not sure I'd say the same for your predicament!" he chuckles. "Today you're going to assist us in fine tuning some of the systems more finicky functions. While you were in your training rooms on the first day watching the tutorial, you may recall seeing various arousing images accompanying the audio lessons. Those were displayed for a reason, the system measures your arousal level as each picture is displayed in an attempt to determine your personal likes and dislikes for erotica". The mere thought that the machine knows your favorite personal lusts begins to arouse you as you consider the future implications. [Play with your breasts at a *3* as you read on. Use lube if you'd like too]

"Of course, it's a lot more complicated than that. For instance, each picture is displayed for at least long enough for two lessons to be relayed over the audio in case you're aroused by the subject matter you're hearing rather than what you're seeing. That's why I'm going to be testing the fetishes from some randomly selected slaves today, just to see how well our technicians have perfected this part of the program". The thought that you might be chosen and subjected to your most secret desires gets your heart pumping and your blood boiling. You can feel your groin begin to ready itself in anticipation. [Ramp up your breast play to a *6* with one hand. Play with your pussy at a *3* with the other. Lube is allowed on either. Do this for a minute then continue to play while reading.]

He strolls casually around the room, moving in close to each woman's face and examining them as he walks down the line. He's clearly enjoying it as he takes his time to move in close, just out of touching range, and stare down every slave while he plays his hands over their bodies but never quite makes contact.

After what seems like an hour, he finally reaches the woman next to you. The apprehension is building to an incredibly frustrating level as your mind contemplates the possibilities. Will he pick you? or simply walk on to the next slave. [Play with yourself any way you like at an *8* for a few minutes with your eyes closed before reading on. Get worked up as you try to guess what's coming but stay away from the edge. Is it your turn? or will I pick somebody else today. Just because I told you to have those play items on standby doesn't guarantee you'll get to use them! That would be far too predictable. Keep stimulating when you're ready to continue reading.]

"Open your eyes bitch!", he yells in your face. You weren't even aware you'd closed them, the anticipation must be really getting to you! He's standing right in front of you, his nose almost touching yours, his eyes starting into yours. You can feel his breath on your face - it smells slightly minty. The warmth of his hands as they play up and down your body feels good; he's so close but not quite making contact. Suddenly you panic, you don't know if you should try to meet his gaze or not. Just to be on the safe side, you turn your eyes to the ground. "Pathetic", you hear him mutter as he walks on to the next female. You feel crestfallen that you weren't picked. [Stop stimulation. You don't get to play any further today. Don't you dare clean up or stop reading though, all I told you to do was stop masturbating. That also means no rubbing of any kind on any sensitive area.]

He continues along each slave in turn. As you watch his progress, you start to realize your error. Every woman he faces turns her eyes away within a few seconds, evidently, the last two women along the line have also figured out what to do by this stage. The second to last woman holds his gaze as he attempts to intimidate her, causing him to move quickly on to the final female. She does the same, and he turns his back on her shortly after.

As he strides back to the middle of the room, he begins to shout almost angrily. "That was absolutely pathetic, PATHETIC!!!". "I don't recall telling ANY of you that you had permission to look away from me at ANY stage of that little exercise".

Mark continues to pace around the room with a look of controlled anger on his face. He pushes a few buttons on his device. "Slave 53, Slave 9, get over here!" he barks as their bindings release. "You two were the only ones who passed this little test, so I'm going to give you a little reward". "Slave 24", your heart skips a beat as you remember that's you! "You failed the quickest so I'm going to give you some special training, I hope the rest of you fuck toys take note of what happens when you don't follow the most basic of all rules and ONLY DO EXACTLY AS YOU'RE TOLD" he bellows. You can't help but feel somewhat aroused at the thought of potentially getting special attention, even though you have no idea what's in store for you. [Play with only your breasts & nipples at a *2*, just get them nicely warmed up. That's right, go ahead. I know I told you that you weren't getting any further play today, but I just wanted you to feel a little disappointed before the real play started because the idea got ME excited.]

What the hell! you feel two hands clasp around your neck from behind. Before you know it, you've been fitted with some sort of collar and leash. [Put on your collar.] You don't recall seeing any extractors in the room, but one must have been waiting behind you the entire time with this collar on standby. You can't help but think you've been setup right from the start of the day.

"It's time to see if the accuracy of the simulations fetish detection system has been improved. You three, get over here and get on all fours like the dogs you are, it's time for some pup play". As he's speaking, you feel your bindings being released. [Untie your ankles.] You walk over to him and get down on all fours [Get off your bed and get down on all fours like a dog. You'll have to figure out how best to position your reading material before continuing. I don't care how ridiculous you feel doing this, you mentioned pet play as an interest, so here it comes!] The other two slaves are already in position with their collars on and chastity belts removed leaving them completely exposed. Yours remains in place. [Put some panties on, unless you happen to own a real chastity belt in which case, use that.]

"53, 9, reward one another like good pups do!". The slaves glance at one another with a bewildered look on their faces, then back at Mark, unsure exactly what he means. "Clean one anothers groins like a pair of bitches in heat!" he yells at them, before firmly slapping both of them across the ass cheek. Slave 53 takes the cue and dives straight on top of number 9 before she can react, snarling like a wild animal. She quickly gains the upper hand and forces 9 to submit before taking top spot in a 69. Mark chuckles, "I guess the system is still as accurate as ever for figuring out what turns you girls on. Just make sure you get everything nice and sloppy, and no cummies! You've got 30 minutes of playtime".

"As for you 24, you don't deserve to have any fun like that, you need some special training time". He grabs hold of your leash and drags you up by the neck. [Sit up on your knees like a begging dog, pull your collar or leash slightly as you rise.] "Now stick that chest out, it's time for your punishment to make sure you don't forget today's lesson". [Push your chest out as far as you can.]

WHACK!, he strikes you hard across one tit. WHACK!, he strikes the other one.[Try to slap your hand straight down across one nipple, catching a bit of breast on the way. Repeat this for the other one. If you're nipples aren't hard enough to feel it, just slap them as hard as you can with your palm from the front instead.] You wince at the sensation and try to back away. "Where do you think you're going?" he chides. "Just for that, I'm going to have to up the ante".

He presses a few buttons on his handheld device, then stands and waits while enjoying the view of the other two slaves going at it on the floor next to you. The sights and sounds are becoming erotically stimulating, especially being so close to the action but being denied any pressure on your pussy. [Play with your breasts at a *5* for a few minutes before continuing. Maintain the position unless it gets too uncomfortable. Sit on the floor or bed for a while to take the pressure off your knees if you have to. Don't stop the breast touching though, and be sure to resume the position before continuing.]

After a short delay, an extractor walks into the room carrying a small tub of gel and two pieces of string with clothespins dangling off them. You're pretty sure you already know what's about to happen, but that doesn't make the thought any less exhilarating. Mark plunges his hand into the gel, tugs on your collar to drag you over closer, then smears a healthy dose over each nipple. [Cover each nipple with toothpaste.] "There you go you insolent little pupslave, this should focus your attention a little". He takes hold of the zippers, but just casually swings them in one hand while looking a little bemusedly at you.

"Lets go for a walk, it's a nice day out!". He starts to march around the room, leading you around by the collar. [Walk around your room like a dog for at least 2 minutes, be sure to stop and blow on each nipple every 20 or 30 seconds. Watch out for that carpet/rug burn! If you have any doubts about your knees, wrap each one with a jumper or something nice and thick before proceeding.] Whilst he's leading you around, you notice him playing with the device again. You hear all the other women in the room shudder with arousal and begin to moan. It's fairly obvious that he's injected them all again but this time he's left you out! The jealousy kicks in as you remember the pleasure the drug brings, but there's nothing you can do about it.

Mark tosses the strings of pegs in the air and catches them as he's leading you around the X-frames, then glances down at you and notices how angry your nipples look.
He leans down and grabs your left breast then gives it a good hard lick, taking the gel off. He drops it and grabs the right one, then repeats the licking motion. [Run your tongue over your left nipple and lick off most of the toothpaste if possible, repeat this on the right one. Wipe it off with a slightly damp tissue if you either can't reach with your tongue, or really can't handle the thought of doing it. You may need a little bit of water to get the worst off, try to leave a residue though as this should help the burning sensation.]

"Excellent, I think it's time to attach zippers". He pulls on your leash and you rise up on your back legs, presenting your boobs for his inspection. [Sit up on your legs again like a begging dog and thrust your chest out.] "You seem to be learning, keep this up and I may even let you back on your cross".

He begins to clip the clothespins in place all over the front of your body, but keeps the end of the strings in his left hand while holding your leash in his right. [Clip the zippers along your front, one on the left and one on the right hand side. Put the first clip on your nipple then try to spread as many as you can around your breast before spacing the rest out along your torso if you have any left over. Don't pack them too tightly together, leave an inch or so between each one. Wait for 2 minutes minimum before continuing to read on. Just sit there and watch the clothespins start to work their magic on your skin. Really focus on it.]

BZZZZZZZZZZ!!! A buzzer goes off, Mark quickly glances up at what looks like a pair of ECG's gone crazy on the overhead monitors. "Oh right, I forgot about those two". He fiddles around in his pocket for a second, and one of the girls who was busy wrestling in the soggy 69er on the floor screams in pain briefly. Mark smiles, "That never gets old. I think you two have had enough pleasure for one day. Judging by those graphs, Slave 53 wins".[Flick a few random pegs just to make sure you can feel them. Don't hit them hard enough to dislodge them, just make sure they wobble around a little and tug at your flesh.]

Two males walk into the room and move over separate the still struggling pair on the floor. 53 is still grinding her hips on 9's face like crazy trying to get just a little extra stimulation, but 9 has curled up into a little ball with her hands covering her pussy. After a very short lived resistance from 53, both girls are strapped back to their crosses with the chastity belts firmly reinstated.[Flick some different pegs, including those on your nipples if you haven't already. Starting to feel them yet?]

Mark glances down at you and enquires, "How are those clothespins feeling?". You go to answer, then suddenly realise that's entirely the wrong thing to do!. RIPPPPP. He yanks both strings extremely hard and tears all the pegs straight off your body. [Pull the end of one string as hard and fast as you can, then repeat it for the other one. You may be able to manage it with both hands and both zippers at once, but it's probably better to try one at a time when doing it to yourself. If you're feeling particularly adventurous, stand up and tie each one to something firm like your bed end, then jerk your body away from it nice and fast so both zippers come off in full at once. Be EXTREMELY careful not to run or fall backwards into anything if you try this!]

"Wrong answer, the correct answer was complete silence. I think I have a method which will fix that right up". His hand slips into his pocket, and a cage descends from the ceiling in the corner of the room. He leads you over to it, opens the door, and orders "Get in, welcome to your new kennel".

It's got a surprisingly comfortable floor, and you suddenly feel very tired. "It must be that time already" you groggily think as your mind begins to lose focus. Before you know it, you're splayed out on the floor and engulfed in a wave of well being.

[Time to take it up a notch. If you're able to, and assuming you eat cereal at any point in the day, I want you to eat it from a bowl on the floor like a dog if possible - without slopping it all over the place of course, you'll probably want a towel under the bowl to prevent any mess. I realise that's quite unlikely and a pretty big ask, but at the very least, try to lap up a bowl of water off the floor once a day when you're thirsty instead of drinking from a glass. If you can achieve this while completely naked and wearing your collar, all the better. Do this once a day for the rest of the story. Think that's a little much? you've only got yourself to blame, this was your fetish request not mine! I just said I'd do my best to fit it into the story, it's a shame for you that I have such a hyperactive imagination at times isn't it? Enjoy.]

Don't forget those reports, along with any feedback or questions. I'm always open for discussion about pretty much anything.

Authors note: More personal stuff removed from here. I will say this particular sub proceeded to perform her doggie drinks at least once a day for the rest of the story however. Will you?
End authors note.

I've got to admit, it got me quite excited writing that one up. I think I'll have to look into that area a bit more.

Kind Regards,

P.S Oh and of course, no orgasms or sexual pleasure allowed outside of story time.
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Old 02-13-2010, 09:45 PM   #5
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 25

Day 4

Good Morning Slaves,

I forgot to include this on Day 3, but thanks to the rapid reporting times, I was able to work the reward into the story before sending it out.

Those were some very nice red cheeks on Day 2, and it was certainly tough to call. In the end I had to give it to 53 on the size of numbers used though. I hope you enjoyed your extra pleasure time!

I had to rush this one a little due to a nasty bout of writers block yesterday combined with some badly timed interruptions. It may suffer from a few more spelling & grammatical mistakes than usual but please don't let that ruin the experience.

Generic prep:

Just the usual. Shower, relax, meditate a little if you find it helps. Get comfortable on your bed and of course, get naked.

And a question for your report.
How are you enjoying the thought of life as a mere number? I'd love to hear your thoughts or feelings on the subject in today's report if you haven't already discussed it with me. Does it excite you? humiliate you? or is it simply another name for you to remember?

If you've got any suggestions for the story, or extra scenarios which you think may arouse ME based on what you've read so far, let me know. I've got plenty of ideas to write about and not enough time to really cover them all, but I still love to see what you can come up with and may put the results to use later.

Personal prep:
Fetch your collar, puppyslut, fetch!

Day 4 - Just a little touch, please!

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. Your orgasmically denied breach that is...

CLANG! OW! You spring awake at the pain. It seems you're still in the cage, and trying to stretch out as your mind came to life was not a good move. [Put on your collar and a pair of panties or chastity belt. Slap one of your forearms a few times.] The bars of the cage decided your arm was better kept inside, and left you a little red reminder of your situation.

Mark is already walking around the room, examining the other slaves restraints and randomly giving out light slaps or touches to various body parts. Not all of them are awake yet, but that soon changes as he turns his attentions to those who aren't. Once he has everybody's attention, he wanders over to his usual spot to give the morning address.

"Today is going to be an extremely frustrating day for some of you, more so than usual. You'll be reaching levels you never thought possible, while some of you will have quite a pleasurable time. Some pussy's will be crying for attention as they suffer the frustration of knowing others are getting the touching they so desire". He paces along to one end of the room before continuing. "Ultimately, you'll all be wanting more while you're forced to watch today's spectacle".

Without warning, one room of the wall starts to change colour. At first you're not sure what's going on, but after a few seconds things become clear, literally! You can see right through the wall as if it were translucent glass, and you can't believe your eyes. Mark pipes up behind you "Say hello to Stable 77". "This one is for the males, and today is draining day".[Lightly play with your breasts ONLY at a *1* as you continue to read just to get things warmed up, no nipple touching.]

The room is almost an exact replication of the one you're in. There are at least 14 males, all bound in place to crosses, all throbbing hard and dripping precum. You notice two females in the room, one is dressed in a similarly dominant fashion to Mark, the other is completely naked. You can't quite place it, but you're sure you've seen the naked one before. She is walking back and forth along the line of crosses, gently stroking her hand over each throbbing cock as she passes. Very occasionally, she stands right up against a random male and slides his cock up & down between her ass cheeks before continuing along the line, her hand performing it's light teasing brush-like touches.

"You didn't think we only handled females did you? Don't get too excited, we sure as hell don't allow inmates of the opposite sex to mix! I just want you to witness some of the pleasure you're missing out on". Mark continues to explain that while males undergo a similar system of constant teasing to drain as much precum as possible, the system maintainers have discovered that in the long run it's more efficient to fully drain the males every few weeks. Their bodies always bypass the anti-orgasm system if teased too hard for too many weeks without release. If it happens unexpectedly, it can ruin many days or even weeks of work. While it's possible to drain them with ruined orgasms or milking so that they don't experience any pleasure, it's much faster to just build and release them in one orgasm at the cost of up to a few hours precum production.

"They're back on the production line in no time anyway, and forcing you to watch their pleasure helps to make up the lost precum output through the extra juices you'll produce. It's a win for everybody involved, although you may not consider it so". As he finishes this statement, a few extractors enter the room and begin to walk around removing the chastity belt on every second female who is strapped to a cross. While they're doing this, Mark walks over to your cage.

He unties your leash from one of the bars and gives it a hard yank, forcing you up into a doggy begging position.[Get on the floor and sit up like a begging dog.] "Open", he commands. You open your mouth and he stuffs two fingers into it.[Open your mouth and insert two fingers.] "Suck them clean". You begin to suck. [Suck your fingers. Close your eyes to better imagine the situation while you suck for at least 30 seconds before reading on.]

After a while, he pulls his fingers out begins to trace around your nipples with them, but never quite touches either one. [Slide your fingers AROUND your nipples as close as you can, but don't you dare make even the slightest contact with them. Do this for a full minute.] The feeling is horribly difficult to bare and the frustration mounts rapidly. You can already feel your pussy dripping and begging for attention inside your chastity belt but the day has hardly begun. Why won't he just touch a nipple, even a small pinch would be somewhat of a relief!

"Better" he states matter-of-factly as he releases your leash and stands over you. At first you very nearly make the mistake of dropping back to all fours, but you remember he hasn't ordered you to do so yet. [Maintain the begging position for another two minutes. Gently play with your breasts but NOT your nipples.] "Much better" he says. "Looks like you'll be able to join in at least some of the pleasure today after all, maybe I'll even let you back up on your cross tomorrow. Now get comfortable while I deal with the rest of these fuck dolls". [Lay back on your bed, take care not to stimulate your groin or nipples by "accident" at any stage. Place your ass raiser pillow under your back in order to force your chest & breasts into the air. You may find this more effective if you remove the pillow from under your head, but this may make it uncomfortable to continue reading. I'll leave it up to you to figure out the best position. You may resume gentle breast only play (no nipples) at a *3* while you continue to read.]

Mark turns around and walks back to his normal spot at the centre of the room. The extractors are still standing behind the X-frames. With a swift motion of his hand, Mark orders them to free one hand on every woman. There is a bit of a catch though, the only one's who have their hand freed are those who have also had their chastity belts removed. Every single one of them goes straight for their pussy as the bindings are released simultaneously. "RESTRAIN THEM" Mark bellows. "I thought that may be the case. You've only got yourselves to blame for what happens next you selfish little sluts. It's obvious none of you even considered the plight of your neighbour, you only thought about your own pleasure!"

The gruff and muffled sounds of male pleasure and moaning catches your ear. You quickly sneak a glance through the glass wall. Things look to be getting pretty heated, there are quite literally puddles of precum on the floor under each rock hard cock, and the naked girl is standing right in front of a male with just the very tip of his throbbing fuckstick inserted between her pussy lips.[Increase your breast play to an *8*. No nipples yet! Keep this up as you read.] He can't move an inch, and she isn't moving anywhere despite not being restrained. She just stands there, staring at him and obviously flexing her groin muscles every so slightly. The look of torment on his face is unbelievable, you can only imagine how great it would feel to plunge that red hot member into your pussy and ride it to the moon right now!

Your attention snaps back to the room you're in. It seems the chastity situation has reversed somewhat. Those slaves who were released are now back in their belts, and those who were belted are now released. You notice a rather wicked twist to their predicament however. Those with belts equipped still have their "favoured" hand free from being bound, while those without are still in complete lock down and unable to move.

"Now you're going to learn about the art of giving instead of taking. I didn't order anybody to take pleasure when their hand was released, but I'm going to order you to give it while you go without as a punishment for trying to take what you're not entitled too". The X-frames have been repositioned so that every female with a free hand has another female without a chastity belt in easy reach of that hand. "The name of the game is pleasure your partner's pussy! get to it girls, and a reward for anybody who makes their victim cum while we enjoy the show Stable 77 is about to provide".

"24", "You may play with your tits as a reward for complying to my expected behaviour standards earlier. Don't break my trust by making any attempts to move beyond that area though, you're not out of the woods yet". [NOW you can touch your nipples. Continue to play with your entire chest area ONLY at any intensity you like for the remainder of the story.]

Mark explains the situation in the room next door. What you're looking at is another precum milking area, but this one is focused on males. There are hundreds of rooms like this throughout the complex, all paired off with male & female side by side like this. They can be moved around however, but this is rare and is usually only done if part of the system suffers a malfunction or requires maintenance.

He goes on to further reveal that the reason you can see two women in there should be obvious. The one dressed in a similar fashion to him is the Domme or Mistress, while the other is what's referred to as a breeder. In fact, it's the woman who couldn't hold back from orgasm on the first day! Her mind has been reprogrammed and she is now the equivalent of the male extractors who have been used so frequently to assist Mark in this room.

While it may appear that she is having a lot of fun, this is only because her sole purpose has become to extract cum from males, hence the name "breeder" despite the fact she'll never fall pregnant in here. She has to drain every last drop of cum from the male slaves with a single orgasm, and accumulate enough extractions to earn an attempt at orgasm. The machine keeps perfect track of her score, and a tally on the physical amount of cum which is extracted in the real world. We filter the resulting material for a "low grade" precum product.

Sometimes, just for a laugh, two breeders are put in direct competition with one another. Whoever can force the most orgasms wins an attempt at her own pleasure, while the loser has her entire tally reset to zero even if that means wiping out weeks of effort. Of course, the men are encouraged to resist their attentions. The first male to cum in these competitions is harshly punished. The one who can survive the longest is rewarded with a second orgasm at a time of his choosing.

There is one last detail which Mark reveals. As the breeders are effectively part of the system, they have subconscious access to it's knowledge. This means they already know which male is likely to break first and generally both attempt to attack the same target during the start of the competitions. Of course, seeing them fighting over him and being on the receiving end of the attention from two wildly aroused women who's only intention is to make him cum tends to be the downfall of whatever male they first pounce on!

"Today is just a regular cum extraction. However, I don't think that'll make it any less arousing. In fact, I think I'll make sure it's exciting for everybody despite the earlier behavior infractions". With that said, Mark pushes a few buttons on his control device and the bindings around one hand on the women without chastity belts comes free. "Those hands I've just freed are NOT for use on yourself, they're for your partners breasts. I don't want to see you stop stimulation of her chest at any time, else there will be consequences. This should make it much more difficult for you to hide whether or not you're getting close to orgasm".

You're almost glad you're in the cage and locked up, although your pussy is weeping for attention and trying to plead it's case for pleasure. [You may very lightly stroke your pussy through your panties at up to a *2*. If you're wearing a chastity belt, try to rub against it for extremely gentle stimulation.] Mark pushes a few more buttons. A chair pops up from the floor next to him with a small cage in front of it. You notice it contains a woman with her head and hands protruding from some well placed round holes on the front, while the rest of her barely has room to move.

Mark sits in the chair, unzips himself and then punches a few more buttons. The tiny prison slides up to perfectly position the caged woman's head and hands within reach of his groin. "Enjoy the show ladies, I know I will", he says as he turns his attention to the room through the glass wall.

You follow his gaze to the dominant woman's face in Stable 77. Her lips burst into motion as she starts to issue an order while looking at her naked female assistant. All the crosses in the room begin to lower backwards until they and their male cargoes are in a horizontal position. As soon as they stop moving, the young woman immediately leaps into action and jumps onto the nearest table. She quickly mounts the hapless steel hard cock which is presenting itself for her and begins to very rapidly grind her hips against the man beneath her.

It's over in a flash, the man never stood a chance against her wet pussy. A smile appears on her face. No more than 20 seconds after she started, she's off to the next male to repeat the procedure. As she continues down the line, it's obvious one of them can't contain himself. He begins to ejaculate into the air while she's riding the man on the cross next to him. The mistress yells loud enough that you can make our her muffled cry of anger through the wall, and she storms over to the unlucky soul.

She has a vicious looking whip in her hand and brings it down with full force on his legs, then chest, then repeats the cycle. You can hear the man crying for mercy but she ignores him and just keeps whipping in a rage induced frenzy. The breeder seems unaffected by this turn of events as she simply skips around the whipping to carry out her task with the remaining males.

Watching all of this is obviously too much for one of the women in the room with you. You hear an incredibly loud cry of pleasure, followed rapidly by a similarly loud one of frustration as the anti-orgasm mechanism denies her body it's tension release. Her partner continues to finger her vigorously regardless as she hasn't been ordered to stop yet. There is a rather large amount of fluid on the floor beneath her, and running all down her legs. It takes a while to register where it all came from, then you remember, she's just emptied out her vesicle!

Mark glances around to take note of which slave lost control before gently petting the head of the girl in front of him and telling her softly "Good girl". He gets up, zips up, then sends the cage and chair back through the floor with a few button taps. "EVERYBODY STOP!" he yells, "We have a loser, and she's going to suffer for you tomorrow".

He turns his attention to you, "24, you'll be back on your cross tomorrow with the other good girls, I hope for your sake that you don't forget any further rules". A quick flick of his wrist, a few motions in his pocket, and it's obvious what's about to happen. Within a few seconds, a group of extractors pour into the room and begin to lock all the slaves back in their belts. One comes over to your cage and opens the door, then drags you over to a cross and straps you into position.

His touch is strangely comforting and you feel your head begin to lull. Before you know it, you're drifting off to a dreamless sleep once again.

[You may be out of the cage, but that doesn't mean you can stop lapping up water from a bowl at least once a day young pup. I meant what I said about continuing to do that for the remainder of the story because the mental image pleases me greatly. Don't forget to use your collar and be naked while doing this when possible.]

As usual, no masturbation, self pleasuring or orgasms while you're NOT under my instruction. Don't forget those reports.

Kind Regards,
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Old 02-13-2010, 09:46 PM   #6
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Australia
Posts: 25

Day 5

Good Morning Slaves,

Authors note: I've added some links to the pictures which were attached to this email. The vibe belt pictures are under copyright, so I can only link to the originals. If they're removed by the time you read this then you'll have to make do with the following descriptions.
http://www.extremerestraints.com/ima...00acloseup.jpg - The forced orgasm belt (front view).
http://www.extremerestraints.com/ima...00bcloseup.jpg - The forced orgasm belt (rear view).
http://f.imagehost.org/0990/pussypress.jpg - The pussy-press chair. I'm not sure who created this image originally, so I'm unable to give them credit.

I'll include the original link to the vibe belt just in case the copyright holders require it: http://www.extremerestraints.com/bon...belt_2790.html

The belt was a large black leather belt (around 4-5 inches wide) which strapped around the stomach and lower back, practically covering them. It has a section which comes down the ass crack before looping back up to attach to the front. This section has a hole perfectly suited to insert a Hitachi Magic Wand into directly on the pussy. It's designed in such a way that it's possible to rig the vibe in place so it cannot be moved. The belt also has 3 large metal rings around it in order to tie the submissives hands in place.

The pussy press is a simple looking chair with a manual fruit juicer in the middle to sit your pussy on, and a juice channel running around the juicer then along the back of the chair where it drips into a glass. It doesn't exist (to my knowledge at least), but it's rather fun for the imagination.
End authors note.

This was a particularly difficult day for me to write up. I had to keep stopping from over-excitement. As you know, I'm still undergoing my own tease & denial period and therefore can't touch myself while writing these stories. In the end, I had to just stuff a bunch of tissues down the front of my underwear to try and keep the liquids from getting out of hand! I hope at least some of the frustration I felt has translated into the text and that you'll suffer at least as much as I did.

The attached pictures are as follows so that you know what I'm referring to during the story:
vibebeltfront.jpg - The forced orgasm belt (front view).
vibebeltback.jpg - The forced orgasm belt (rear view).
pussypress.jpg - The pussy-press chair. I'm not sure who created this image originally, so I'm unable to give them credit.

You're going to experiment with a little breath play today. Some of you may have experience with this and can skip on to the Generic prep. This section is really for the benefit of those who have never tried it before or may be a little worried at the prospect. I'm not talking about self strangulation, but simply holding your breath to help enhance the sensations you'll be experiencing.

First of all, safety is important! DON'T ever try to perform any breath holding instructions while standing up. Only execute them while laying flat on your back, on your bed, and in such a position that IFyou happen to pass out (which is highly unlikely) then you can't possibly fall anywhere or come to any harm.

I've never made myself pass out while trying it nor personally heard from anyone who has, although I suspect it's possible if you have an insane amount of willpower. Should you manage to black out in this manner, your body will take over, relax your muscles (preventing them from holding the air in), and resume breathing naturally at that instant. There is nothing to prevent this from happening or restrict your breathing capability as you're not doing anything silly like tying off your neck with a belt or rope. Be wary of anybody who ever asks you to attempt such a thing with nobody nearby to free you should you get in trouble.

The method is simple. Hold your breath for as long as you can, then hold it some more, and keep holding just a little bit longer! Your lungs may start to feel as if they're burning as you become more desperate for air and with any luck, you'll find your body can reach a sort of panic state. It may take a little practice, but the longer you can go and the more desperate for air you become, the greater the enhancement effect.

It may not sound very exciting by itself, but if you can reach the edge of panic while you hit the edge of orgasm, it'll have a nasty tendency to push you straight over without warning. Don't fall victim to that effect, resist it! The more desperate for air you become, the more furiously you'll masturbate which will burn more oxygen and make your need to breath even more demanding. That in turn will encourage your body to thrash around more violently as it fights for air, and you'll likely find you're pleasure yourself more vigorously even if you didn't intend too. It's a very strong feedback loop and it can be extremely testing if you're trying to hold back from entering a full blown orgasm.

I can understand people who may be reluctant to attempt the above, especially if you have had a near-drowning experience. I don't want anyone to feel as if they're being forced into it so there will be no punishment if you honestly can't handle the idea. I would very strongly recommend you give it at least a very basic try though, even if you just hold your breath for a very short time and consider easing into a longer period of oxygen denial on the next one.

As always, don't attempt anything you have even the slightest doubts about. Ultimately, you're responsible for the well being of your body.

Play safe.

Generic prep:

Read everything down to the point where the story begins first (including the personal prep area), be sure that taking your shower is the very last thing you do before you get stuck into following the story.

Get that lube on standby, along with any toys you have. Find something you can use as a collar. Don't be silly though, make sure it's an item which can be easily released. Don't use anything which has the slightest possibility of choking you.

Grab your ass raiser pillow.

We'll have a slight break from routine today, it's all about heat. If possible, warm up your play area as much as you can. If you can perform any exercise which you know will get you hot and sweaty, do this before your shower.

I then want you to take a hot shower, as hot as you can handle. Start it off warm and gradually ramp up the temperature until you can barely stand it. DON'T be silly and burn yourself, DON'T just crank the hot water on full and hop under. Let your skin heat up enough so that you can incrementally increase the water temperature far beyond what you could stand if you just hopped in straight under hot water. If you can come out of the shower sweating, that's perfect!

If you bathe rather than shower, this could be more difficult to achieve but you should still be able to draw a bath with enough heat that it's almost painful to get into at first until your skin warms up as you gradually enter. The end result should be the same, a nice hot sweaty body.

Get to your bed as quickly as possible and dive under a heavy cover/duvet. Ideally you should be almost dripping with sweat. Don't worry about the bed covers, it's normal to sweat while you sleep and it'll wash out just fine. It may feel slightly uncomfortable at first but that'll soon pass. You can always have a quick rinse off when you're done anyway, or at worst, quickly wipe yourself down with a cold wet flannel to remove the worst of the sweat. If you're in a situation where taking a second shower may seem odd to those you're living with, just take a second shower in the morning and say you had an overnight fever. I'm sure you can think of many other ways to explain it without arousing suspicion.

You may like to have a drink or two on standby, you'll probably get very thirsty today!

Personal prep:

Get your lube, but no toys for you today (homemade or otherwise).

Find the top of a manual fruit juicer if you have one. It should look similar to the raised white middle piece of the pussy-press chair in the attached image.

Day 5 - Frustratus Maximus

"Wakey wakey, rise and shine!" shouts Mark while he rapidly paces the room. Your mind snaps to attention as you awaken. To your dismay, you realise you're still strapped on the same X-frame as yesterday and locked away in chastity. [Put on a pair of panties or chastity belt if you have one. Bind your ankles to the bed end with your legs splayed open. Pretend they're bound if you don't have a suitable binding point, but be sure to keep your legs apart. Place your ass raise pillow in it's usual spot to push your clit in the air for easy access.] You also notice the glass wall is once again opaque and you can no longer hear the muffled cries of pleasure from the male slaves next door.

The room is incredibly hot. At first, you think you may be ill, as you're dripping with sweat. A brief glance around the room reveals it's not just you, all the other women are at the very least covered in a wet sheen and glistening with dampness, to just outright dripping onto small puddles of fluid. Mark seems strangely unaffected by this despite wearing his usual attire.

"We're going at it hard & fast today and I'm going to pound the hell out of your arousal. I've cranked up the heat on your real bodies to get your blood flowing and make you extra sensitive. There's a very special order for a large amount of precum and so you're going to be pushed to your limits to make sure we fill it. You'll be allowed a rest tomorrow if ALL of you can survive this session without cumming". The anticipation begins to build as your mind meanders through the potential meanings behind his statement. [Rub your pussy through the fabric of your panties at a *5* as you continue on. I hope for your sake that you chose some thin ones.]

Mark walks to the middle of the room and begins. "First things first, rewards and punishments for yesterday's activity! Slave four, you're free for the day and may pleasure yourself however you see fit as a reward for making your partner cum first. Go to the corner of the room and enjoy the show". He pushes a few buttons and a very comfortable looking recliner slides up out of the floor where your cage once was. At the same time, a massive rack pushes through one wall of the room. It's covered with a vast array of sexual toys, vibrators, whips and pretty much every device of pleasure or torture you could possibly imagine.

While four walks across to the chair, Mark strolls over to the rack and pulls a mixture of vibes & dildos from various points, gradually working up a nice pile of them in his arms. He walks back over to Slave four's chair and piles them into her lap. "Here you go dear, make the most of them, but don't you dare take it too far and orgasm. Oh, mustn't forget the lube!". He flips open a compartment on the side of the chair and a small table pops out. Underneath it is a collection of lubricants in varying bottle sizes. "Help yourself to whatever you need", he tells her as he heads back to the middle of the room.

You watch her as she wastes no time in taking up his offer. She quickly rips the bottles out from under the table and places them on top before slopping lubricant hastily all over the place. She follows this up by grabbing the nearest vibrator and ramming it home. You can't believe the volume, that thing sounds like a power drill! Her eyes roll back and her head soon follows, she's lost in the throes of pleasure within seconds. If your pussy could talk, it would be screaming the place down with frustration right now. Unfortunately for you, all it can manage is a slight whimper against the confines of it's belt.

"Slave 82, for your complete and total failure to withhold your orgasm, you only get to watch the slave who beat you as she enjoys her reward". Mark presses some buttons on his device and a pair of extractors enter the room. He waves them over to 82's cross and they begin to shift it. You quickly see where it's headed, the cruel bastard is going to have her dead in front of Four as she pleasures herself, but 82 is still completely bound and chaste!

Mark addresses 82 again once she's in position. "I hope you suffer as you carefully watch what could have been yours if only you'd made the slightest attempt to hold back from cumming. If it wasn't for the systems ruining of your orgasm, you'd have destroyed the hard work of myself and this entire room over the past few days!".

He turns back to face the X-frames, then meets your gaze. "24, I don't think you deserve the same pleasure as these other well behaved toys just yet after your minor infraction yesterday. You know the one I'm talking about". "I still need your precum production at maximum capacity however, so I'm going to allow you at least some pleasure today because it suits MY purpose".

A panel slides back on the floor a couple of metres in front of you and a chair pops up. "Say hello to the juicer, otherwise know as the pussy-press!" says Mark.

The two extractors who shifted 82's cross walk over and begin to take you down. They remove your chastity belt and begin to lubricate your pussy with their tongues, although there really wasn't much need as it's already soaked! [Stare at the juicer top if you managed to find one while you unbind your ankles so that you can take off your panties and lube up your slit. Just think of the picture if you don't have one. Continue to play with only your pussy at a *5* as you read on.]

[I bet you thought I was going to ask you to insert that juicer didn't you. I just wanted you to have a physical version of it to look at so you can really imagine how what's coming up might feel. Lay back in your original position with the pillow under your ass. You may rebind your ankles if you wish, or simply keep your legs wide open and pretend you're unable to move.]

While your attention is wrapped up with your own situation, more extractors enter the room. They walk over to the toy rack one by one as they come in, and each grab a Forced orgasm belt with a Hitachi magic wand attached in the buckles. Once they have their implements of willpower obliteration, they walk over to setup their victim. One by one, every female on the X-frames has her chastity belt replaced with the Forced orgasm belt. The magic wands are fitted into a predetermined position on each woman's clit. The system has already calculated the perfect spot for each female and fed the knowledge to every extractor as they clamp the vibes into place.

The one exception to all of this activity of course, is Slave 82. She remains chaste, bound, and begging for attention. The precum is visibly running out from the sides of her chastity belt and down the insides of her thighs by this stage.

Power plugs are clicked into the floor at the base of each cross, every vibe is given a quick test, and Mark appears very excited at the prospect of what's about to occur. The extractors partially untie each woman's hands just enough that they can reach their breasts, but no further. A metal bar is then extended off each cross and bound to the back of their hands so that they cannot move above their chest either.

As a final finishing touch, the extractors fit some sort of collar to everyone, including you. It's rather tight but also strangely comfortable, you could have sworn you felt it flex a little as it was attached though. [Put your collar on if you feel it will enhance the upcoming breath play, leave it off if you don't feel safe to have it on through what's about to happen, or simply remove it before you attempt the breath holding instructions.]

Mark hits a few controls on his device. A large mirror pops up in the corner behind Slave four who is still very intently pleasuring herself on the toys at hand. He calls over to the two women in the corner, "That's just so you can enjoy the view behind you 82, all this fun and you're not getting any touch at all. I guess you'll try harder to hold back from cumming in future".

The extractors who have you under their firm control finish polishing your groin and drag you over to the pussy-press chair. They gradually ease your legs through the front bar before forcing your pussy down on the juicer and clamping you in position. You can't believe how good it feels. Although it looked like plastic, it feels more like human flesh! While it's not in very deep, it's pressing against all the highly sensitive nerve endings around your clit and just inside your pussy entrance.

There is a slight whirring sound and the juicer starts to spin inside you causing your lips to flap against every single indent as it rotates. Holy hell that feels good! [Stimulate your pussy any way you like at a *10*. Do whatever you like to really get excited as you try to imagine the sensation. Don't get too carried away and cum, ease off if you need too. Keep playing as you read.]

Mark whispers in your ear, "You may think that feels good, but it's nothing when compared to what these girls are about to enjoy". "Spin her around!" he says loudly. The two extractors lift up your chair and spin you around to face the other women. Everybody is still covered in sweat and the heat is making it difficult to focus. You hope you're not going to have to endure too much of this because it's already becoming too much to handle at this temperature.

"Alright my little sluts, it's time for your marathon production run. Once those magic wands engage, everything will be fully automated until we have the quota of precum we need to meet this order. As you get become more aroused, the system will begin to restrict your breath by tightening the collars which have been placed around your neck. As you get closer to the edge, it will simultaneously flick the wands to full speed and choke your breath off entirely. Your body will panic, fighting for air, and this will cause you to feel the vibrations with far more intensity than you otherwise could. The second your orgasm becomes imminent, the system will immediately disable vibration and allow you to breathe again".

He continues, "Oh and one last thing, your hands are free so that you may play with your tits while the vibes force you to edge over and over again, I don't want to see those hands stop no matter how close you think you are to orgasm". Mark flashes a quick glance your way and comments, "I didn't bind your hands to that rail for the same reason, grab those breasts and get to work, but if you even think about touching your pussy, I'll lock them away". [You may now use ONE hand on your pussy and ONE hand on your breasts. Pleasure yourself as hard or soft as you like, but don't stop other than to scroll down the story/turn the page. Even then, try to keep one hand masturbating as the other does the work.]

A gentle humm fills the air as the magic wands are engaged. Moans of pleasure soon follow. It's not long before everybody in front of you is squirming around and trying to increase their contact with the vibe. While the juicer feels good, it's obviously nowhere near as pleasurable as what you're being forced to watch.

You hear a choking sound and the volume of a nearby wand suddenly jumps up a notch. Your eyes dart around the faces trying to figure out who is approaching the edge. It doesn't take long to spot her, the slaves lips have turned just slightly blue and her face is a bright red. Her sweat covered body is bucking madly against the frame and her hands are going absolutely ballistic over her breasts. Suddenly the collar around her neck goes loose, she draws breath, and her vibe switches off. She looks incredibly annoyed but that doesn't last long as her vibe starts up again. Her face regains a look of complete enjoyment as she heads off to her next edge.

Watching her gets you started on your own journey to the edge. The collar starts to restrict around your throat and it's not long before you can't draw breath at all. Your heart begins to pound harder than you ever thought possible as oxygen depletion kicks in. The blood is hammering in your ears, you can hear every single heartbeat perfectly as your body begins to panic. The juicer feels like it's going ten times as fast in your pussy and you desperately try to break your bonds. This behaviour just makes you more desperate for air and further heightens the sensations going on between your legs, you can't take it anymore, you're going to cum!

Just as the thought enters your brain, the collar suddenly lets go and the juicer stops spinning. A breath of fresh air sweeps into your lungs and you begin to relax. The deep frustration from knowing you were so close to sweet release grows as you wait for the pleasure cycle to begin again. The dissatisfied feeling doesn't last however, as the juicer begins to spin back up and the collar tightens it's grip slightly. Maybe this time you can orgasm before it stops.

This is going to be a long, hard day...

[Don't stop playing. I hope you're still nice and hot, if not outright sweating.]

[If you choose to give breath play a try: Get yourself worked up then begin to hold your breath. Try to work up to an edge as you continue to hold, if you feel an orgasm coming on, stop playing and breath again. Repeat this as many times as you like. You must play for at LEAST 20 minutes, but you have up to 90 if you so desire.]

[If you decide you can't handle the idea of breath play: You must continue to play for at LEAST 10 minutes, but you're only allowed up to 30 minutes as a maximum.]

I hope you had as much pleasure reading that story as I had in writing it. If anybody slipped up and came, please be honest that you couldn't handle it. I know there's quite a high probability of accidentally sliding over the edge when using breath restrictions. With that in mind, I'll be a lot more forgiving on the punishments than I otherwise would for anybody who failed to adequately restrain themselves.

Authors note: Removed more personal banter.
End authors note.

Don't forget to keep lapping from your bowl like a good puppy.

Kind Regards,
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